Jewish News | February 3, 2020

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 58 No. 9 | 8 Shevet 5780 | February 3, 2020

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film’s BIG Saturday Night Picture of His Life Saturday, February 22

3 Take the Survey in February

—page 9 10 Virginia Festival of Jewish Film Feb. 20–Feb. 26

14 Michael Roizen: It’s possible to increase longevity

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Fomodan&ce Ro 28 YAD’s Purim Party Saturday, March 7 Supplement to Jewish News February 3, 2020 | February 3, 2020 | Food & Romance | Jewish News | 13

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Jewish in Tidewater?

Lend your voice…help write our story. #JewishTidewater A research endeavor on behalf of our Jewish community, its agencies, synagogues, schools, and Jewish News, #JewishTidewater aims to learn what YOU want Jewishly in Tidewater. Your anonymous responses will help generate ways to better serve you and the entire Jewish community.


FEBRUARY Look for link with in emails In conjunction and social media.

2 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

Why respond?

This survey offers a chance for you to tell the community what you think Jewish Tidewater should be. . . what it should offer, what you need, what you find meaningful, what you want.

Who should respond?

Anyone who is Jewish or lives in a Jewish household, and is 18 or older and lives in Tidewater is eligible to participate. And, that means all of the generations in your family.

How do I respond?

It’s easy and takes just about 15 minutes. Go to and take the online survey TODAY!

What’s the catch?

There is none. No one will know your name, unless you click the box at the end to be entered to win a Visa gift card. And even then, your name will not be connected with your responses.


Jewish news

Help enrich the community: Take the Jewish Tidewater survey Lisa Richmon


or the first time in 19 years, Tidewater’s Jewish community is embarking on a community needs assesment. The Jewish Tidewater Survey is designed to gather information to build a stronger, more dynamic Jewish community. The last survey, the 2001 Jewish Community Demographic Study, revealed where Jewish people lived, how old they were, who comprised what households (ages and number of people), and many other such details. Unlike the previous demographic survey that helped identify where people were physically, this survey adds another dimension to learn where people are on their Jewish journey, what types of services and activities they’re seeking, and how they want to be connected or contacted. The Jewish Tidewater survey will help the Jewish community understand what local Jews attend and what they don’t—and why and what services and events they want. It’s sort of ‘report card’ time. The organized community will have an opportunity to address feedback from the entire Jewish population and use the information to create strategic priorities for Jewish Tidewater in 2020 and

beyond. With candid feedback, synagogues, schools, and Jewish agencies can refresh and recharge their reach. “I believe that the survey will do a number of things for all the organizations in our area,” says Linda Samuels, Congregation Beth El president. “It will identify our population, and help us all in our programming to reach out to the different groups who might be interested in what we are offering.” Feedback will help address what Jewish Tidewater can be, what members need, and what they find meaningful. “The Jewish Community Needs Assessment will provide the 757 Jewish institutions (schools, synagogues, agencies, JCC and the Federation) with not only insights into what are the priorities and interests of individuals and families, but also information that will help us understand the make-up of our community,” says Amy Levy, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater president. “With such information, we can build upon the appropriate existing services and programs and create and innovate new programs.” The survey is for anyone in Tidewater who identifies as Jewish, or lives with someone who is Jewish, and is at least 18 years old. It takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is completely

Published 20 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

QR code generated on

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email

anonymous. “We will have an identifiable population and a good idea of our actual size. I think, from what I have seen of the actual survey questions, that it will also give us access to our respondents’ true feelings, which will also help us as we program for the future,” says Samuels. This survey provides each and every Jewish adult in the community a voice regardless of affiliation. Names are not connected to responses, even if submitted at the end to win a prize. “Tell us what you’re seeking Jewishly in 2020. If you have Jewish friends, encourage them to lend their voice, regardless of their affiliation or beliefs,” says Levy. “My hope is that everyone will take the 15 minutes required to complete this survey,” continues Levy. “Building and sustaining a strong Jewish community is not dependent upon a few. In fact, it takes a team working together.” Be heard. Voice an opinion. Take the survey at

J e w i s h T i d e wat e r . o r g Jewish Tidewater Survey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Virginia Beach Schools and Rosh Hashanah . . 5 Anti-Semitism violence on the rise. . . . . . . . . . 5 Trump’s peace plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem issues security alert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Jewish groups react to Trump’s peace plan. . . . 7 Holocaust survivors will soon be gone; Others must speak against hate . . . . . . . . . . 8 Virginia Festival of Jewish Film’s BIG Saturday Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2020 Virginia Festival of Jewish Film. . . . . . . 10 Three Jewish celebrities find roots. . . . . . . . . 12

Special section: Food & Romance. . . . . . . . . 13 JFS of Tidewater’s Chanukah Gift program . . 21 JCC Basketball dedicates season to Sofia Konikoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 JFS’ disability programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Disability awareness month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Charlie Harary spreads inspiration . . . . . . . . 24 FIDF’s 1st Biking for Soldiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Temple Israel serves on Christmas day. . . . . . 25 Volunteers feed homeless at JCOC . . . . . . . . . 26 BINA students go to Richmond. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Amy Levy, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2020 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Feb. 17 March 2 March 23 April 6 April 27 May 11

Retirement Mazel Tov Passover Camp Women Summer

Jan. 31 Feb. 14 March 6 March 20 April 10 April 24

Candle Lighting



Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Lisa Richmon, Staff Writer Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus

Friday, February 7/12 Shevet Light candles at 5:19 pm

“Second chances are infinite.

Friday, February 14/19 Shevet Light candles at 5:26 pm

Mistakes don’t kill you.

Friday, February 21/26 Shevet Light candles at 5:33 pm

Do overs are part of the plan”

Friday, February 28/3 Adar Light candles at 5:40 pm

—page 14

Friday, March 6/10 Adar Light candles at 5:47 pm Friday, March 3/17 Adar Light candles at 6:53 pm | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS Stolen Marc Chagall painting sells at auction in Israel A painting by Jewish modernist Marc Chagall sold at auction for $130,000, the lowest estimated bid suggested by the auction house. The buyer, from Tel Aviv, wishes to remain anonymous, a spokesman for the Tiroche Auction House in Herzliya told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The artwork, the size of a standard sheet of office paper, was sold on Saturday, January 25. Titled Jacob’s Ladder, the oil painting by the famed Jewish modernist was scheduled for a 1996 sale but was stolen days before that auction. It was found in 2015 in the estate of an elderly woman in Jerusalem after her death. Migdal Insurance, which paid the 1996 claim on the stolen Chagall, demanded custody of the painting and a Tel Aviv court ruled in 2015 that the painting be transferred to the insurance company. Migdal offered the work for sale through Tiroche to recoup the money it paid to the painting’s previous owner. A Chagall painting, Les Amoureux, sold at Sotheby’s in New York in 2017 for a record $28.45 million. (JTA) House approves $10 million for Holocaust education funding The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved $10 million over five years to fund Holocaust education in American schools. The vote Monday, January 27, was timed for International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz Nazi camp. The money will be administered by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which will disseminate curriculum materials, in part through a centralized website. “If we do not learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., who initiated the bipartisan bill with Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y. “I urge the Senate to act quickly on this bill.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the House speaker, spoke in support of the bill and noted her visit last week to Auschwitz. “At Auschwitz, we walked on ground

scarred by almost unspeakable evil where more than one million innocents were murdered,” she said. Hadassah and the Jewish Federations of North America led the lobbying for the measure. “It is imperative that we make every effort to push back against the hatred, bigotry, anti-Semitism and extremism fueling violent attacks,” Hadassah said in a statement. (JTA)

Kate Middleton took portraits of Holocaust survivors and their grandchildren Kate Middleton, the duchess of Kensington, has released photo portraits she took of two Holocaust survivors with their grandchildren. The photos released on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, are part of a project of the Royal Photographic Society, the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and London-based Jewish News. Kensington Palace shared three behind-the-scenes photos of the wife of Prince William, who is second in line to the British throne, with the subjects of the portraits. They will be part of an exhibition set to open later this year of 75 images of survivors and members of their families to mark 75 years since the end of the Holocaust. The subjects of the portraits are Yvonne Bernstein and Steven Frank, who both immigrated to Britain after the Holocaust. Frank, photographed with his granddaughters Maggie and Trixie, was imprisoned in the Theresienstadt camp. Bernstein, who was photographed with her granddaughter Chloe, was a hidden child in France. “I wanted to make the portraits deeply personal to Yvonne and Steven—a celebration of family and the life that they have built since they both arrived in Britain in the 1940s,” Middleton said in a statement. “The families brought items of personal significance with them which are included in the photographs. “The harrowing atrocities of the Holocaust, which were caused by the most unthinkable evil, will forever lay heavy in our hearts. Yet it is so often through the most unimaginable adversity that the

4 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

most remarkable people flourish. Despite unbelievable trauma at the start of their lives, Yvonne Bernstein and Steven Frank are two of the most life-affirming people that I have had the privilege to meet.” (JTA)

Albert Einstein on world’s smallest gold coin Switzerland’s state-owned mint has put the image of Albert Einstein on what it says is the smallest gold coin in the world. The 1/4-franc gold coin, with a diameter of 2.96mm and weighing 0.063g (or 1/500 ounce), was issued by the Swissmint last month. The coin features the famous image of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue. “Swissmint drew inspiration from Albert Einstein, not least because of his determination and patience,” Swissmint said in a statement. From 1895 to 1914, Einstein lived mainly in Switzerland, where he also completed his studies in 1900. In 1901, he was granted Swiss citizenship and in 1902 he found permanent employment as a technical expert in the Patents Office in Bern. Three years later he published what is probably the most famous formula in the world: E=mc2. The images on the coin cannot be seen with the naked eye, so the coin comes packaged with a magnifying lens and special light so they can be viewed. (JTA) Bradley Cooper to direct and star in film about Bernstein Bradley Cooper will direct, produce, and star in a Netflix film about the late Jewish composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein. The untitled film is expected to begin production early next year and will be released in theaters before the film premieres on Netflix, Deadline first reported. The movie will span more than 30 years, telling the story of the complicated relationship between Bernstein, of West Side Story fame, and his wife, Felicia Montealegre. Bernstein, who died in 1990 at 72, reportedly had affairs with men before and during his marriage. The script was co-written by Cooper with Josh Singer, who wrote the Academy Award-winning film Spotlight. Among the many co-producers are

Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg. The project initially started at Paramount, which will no longer be involved, according to reports. Cooper, who also directed and starred in the successful A Star Is Born, has been working closely with Bernstein’s three children for the past two years. The actor has always been fascinated with conducting, Deadline wrote, but the “charged and complex relationship” between Bernstein and his wife is what led him to make the film. (JTA)

Facebook will not fact check statements by Israeli politicians during election campaign Facebook is not planning to fact check statements made by Israeli politicians on the social network during upcoming national elections. After extensive discussion of the issue, Facebook determined that fact-checking politicians’ statements is tantamount to censorship, Jessica Zucker, a product policy manager, told Israeli reporters at the company’s offices in Tel Aviv, Israel’s business daily Calcalist reported. Censuring political conversation on Facebook will limit public exposure to what politicians say and reduce politicians’ responsibility for their statements, Zucker said. Zucker said that if a politician shares content that has already been determined to be false, the post will carry a warning saying the content is false and misleading. The politician will also be prevented from including that content in an ad. But Facebook will not verify original content or prevent that content from being used in posts and ads. Meanwhile, Fosco Riani, associate manager of public policy in Facebook’s EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) elections team, said that his team had not identified any foreign interference and distribution of fake news related to the current election campaign in Israel. Ahead of Israeli elections in April, Facebook removed almost 1,300 pages, groups and accounts connected to Iran that targeted Israel. No such behavior was discovered ahead of elections in September, Riani said. (JTA)

letter Dear Virginia Beach City Public School Jewish Community Families, I’m writing to share with you news that the first day of school in the 2021–2022 academic year will be September 7. This of course coincides with the first day of Rosh Hashanah, marking the Jewish New Year, the beginning of the holiest time of the year for the Jewish people. As our School Board and the community determined that we will not start school before Labor Day, we have a limited number of days in which to meet the state requirement of instructional time. However, I recognize that we have many Jewish students, educators and administrators in our division who will be forced to prioritize education or religion by deciding whether to attend the first day or two of their school year.


Karen Joyner

I understand that choosing between religious observance and attending the first day of school is not an easy one. I would therefore like to remind the community that religious holidays are excused absences for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. We strive to meet the religious and spiritual needs of our students whenever possible, and we will continue to work with staff, parents and community leaders to acknowledge and respect all holidays that impact our families. Please feel free to reach out to me at Thank you, Aaron C. Spence, Ed.D. Superintendent Virginia Beach City Public Schools

Anti-Semitic violence is on the rise in America— but anti-Semitic attitudes are not, according to ADL poll


espite a rise in anti-Semitic violence in recent years, the proportion of Americans holding “intensely” anti-Semitic views remains small, according to a new poll. The poll, conducted by the AntiDefamation League and published Wednesday, January 29, asked 11 questions of U.S. adults regarding traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes, using a protocol the organization developed more than 50 years ago. While 61 percent of respondents said they agreed with one or more of the stereotypes, only 11 percent said they believed in a majority of them. That number is consistent with the ADL’s surveys over the past 25 years. “Our research finds that this uptick [in anti-Semitic violence] is being caused not by a change in attitudes among most Americans,” said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt in a statement.

“Rather, more of the millions of Americans holding anti-Semitic views are feeling emboldened to act on their hate.” The poll found that many Americans do believe in certain longstanding anti-Jewish stereotypes, even though few subscribed to most of the beliefs: • 31% of American adults believe Jewish employers go out of their way to hire other Jews. • 27% believe the Jews killed Jesus. • 24% believe American Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the United States. • 19% believe “Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust.” The survey also found that large majorities of Americans have positive feelings toward Jews, and that a majority is very or somewhat concerned about violence against Jews. • 69% said they feel warm toward

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Jews, while only 5% said they felt cold. • 66% say “Jews have contributed much to the cultural life of America.” • 79% say “Jews place a strong emphasis on the importance of family life.” And the survey found that small percentages of Americans hold anti-Israel views: • 8% of Americans support a boycott of Israel. • 7% believe American Jews are responsible for Israel’s actions. • 14% of Americans say Israel’s

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government “sometimes behaves as badly as the Nazis.” • 16% say Israel’s human rights record is worse than most other countries’. The survey interviewed 800 U.S. adults in October 2019, with a margin of error of 3.5%. A 2019 ADL poll of 9,000 Europeans found that a quarter subscribed to most of the stereotypes—and that anti-Semitic attitudes are on the rise in several countries. (JTA) | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 5

Bill’s Legacy Lives Forever

Peace plan

Under Trump’s peace plan, Israel will ‘apply its laws’ to the Jordan Valley and parts of the West Bank

Norfolk business owner Bill Goldback valued good health and great arts performances.


Before he died in 2007, Bill arranged for a Hampton Roads Community Foundation bequest to provide grants for performing arts and medicine in Hampton Roads. Goldback grants are helping Chesapeake Care, Hampton Roads Community Health Center, Todd Rosenlieb Dance and Young Audiences of Virginia do excellent work. Thanks to Bill’s generosity he will forever help people in his home region. Connect your passions to the future by ordering a free bequest guide. Learn how easy it is to leave a gift for charity.

s part of President Donald Trump’s proposed plan for Middle East peace unveiled Tuesday, January 28, Israel says it will “apply its laws” to the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements in the West Bank. At a news conference with Trump at the White House discussing the broad outlines of the plan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel will otherwise “maintain the status quo” territorially for at least four years. Application of Israeli law to parts of the West Bank would signal a major change to the territory and the contours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel has controlled the West Bank since capturing it in the 1967 Six-Day War and has established settlements there. But according to Israeli law, no part of the West Bank has ever been treated equivalently to the rest of the country. “On this day, you became the first world leader to recognize Israeli sovereignty over areas of Judea and Samaria,” Netanyahu said to Trump. “And on this day, you too have charted a brilliant future.” Speaking first, Trump said that under

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his plan, Jerusalem will “remain Israel’s undivided capital” but a Palestinian capital will be located in East Jerusalem. Benny Gantz, the former general who in March will compete against Netanyahu for a third time in less than a year to become prime minister, met with Trump the previous day. Trump said that Gantz pledged his full support for the peace plan. Trump aimed to frame the plan as a deal that would equally benefit both Israelis and Palestinians—for Israelis, the codified territory recognition would bring increased security, and for Palestinians, the establishment of a state would bring prosperity, “dignity” and self-sufficiency. “It is only reasonable that I have to do a lot for the Palestinians or it just wouldn’t be fair,” Trump said. The president said a copy of the plan was sent to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. It contains detailed maps of its proposed state outlines—a feature not included in past diplomatic frameworks for negotiations. The Palestinian state would include the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank.

In a call with reporters following the address, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman highlighted some key points of the plan, which he said presented “a realistic two-state solution.” Friedman said the plan would also give Israel “the overriding security responsibility and control over entire territory from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.” He said Palestinians would have four years to accept the plan, meaning that Israel must keep “open” the territories that the plan allocates to the Palestinian state. The ambassador said the plan includes a high-speed rail connection between Gaza and the West Bank. The plan also would require “a complete dismantling” of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are widely seen as terrorist groups. Friedman said the Palestinian Authority “or a similar authority that would be acceptable to Israel” would gain control over Gaza, which is currently ruled by Hamas. The Palestinian leadership would be required to end incitement toward Israelis in textbooks, as well as stop the practice of paying terrorists and their families.

US Embassy in Jerusalem issues Israel security alert JERUSALEM ( JTA)—Moments after President Donald Trump announced his Israeli-Palestinian peace plan in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem released a security alert that warned against traveling to some areas of Jerusalem. The alert referenced “widespread calls for demonstrations in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza,” and warned against personal travel to “the areas of Jerusalem’s Old City surrounding the Damascus Gate, Herod’s Gate, Lion’s Gate, and Chain Gate,

6 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount, and in the West Bank, to include but not limited to Bethlehem, Jericho, Qumran, Wadi Qelt, Al Auju, St. Geroniumus/Khogla Monastery, St. George Monastery, Nabi Musa, the Inn of the Good Samaritan, and the parts of the Dead Sea that lie within the West Bank.” The warning added that Americans should avoid areas where crowds have gathered and where there is increased police and/or military presence. “We recommend that U.S. citizens

take into consideration these restrictions and the additional guidance contained in the Department of State’s travel advisory for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza when making decisions regarding their travel,” the statement said. Palestinian violence against settlers and soldiers in the West Bank has traditionally increased with the announcement of peace plans and other such guidelines.

Peace plan

Here’s how Jewish groups are reacting to the Trump peace plan


eactions to President Donald Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian peace plan took a predictable path, with Jewish groups on the right praising the much-anticipated proposal and those on the left criticizing it. The proposal, which Trump presented at a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would give Israel the Jordan Valley and parts of the West Bank while freezing for four years the areas that the U.S. proposes as part of a future Palestinian state. A Palestinian state would compromise Gaza and the majority of the West Bank, which would be connected via high-speed rail, and have East Jerusalem as its capital. The White House released a 180-page document that elaborated on the details of the plan. Here’s what Jewish groups have to say about the proposal. THOSE WHO ARE HOPEFUL ABOUT THE PLAN: • The Republican Jewish Coalition endorsed the plan. Executive Director Matt Brooks said “[t]he President and his team have put together a bold and nuanced proposal that is deeply rooted in America’s core values of liberty, opportunity, and hope for the future.” • The American Israel Public Affairs Committee said it “appreciate[s] the efforts of President Trump and his administration to work in consultation with the leaders of the two major Israeli political parties to set forth ideas to resolve the conflict in a way that recognizes our ally’s critical security needs.” AIPAC urged the “Palestinians to rejoin Israelis at the negotiating table.” • StandWithUs CEO Roz Rothstein said the group “hope[s] this will be a step towards a better future for both peoples”

and that “it is ultimately up to Israeli and Palestinian leaders to resolve their conflict through direct negotiations.” THOSE WHO DISLIKE THE PLAN: • Halie Soifer, executive director of Jewish Democratic Council of America, said the plan “is a green light for Israeli annexation of the West Bank, an intentional undermining of a viable two-state solution and another example of Trump using Israel to further his domestic political agenda.” • J Street described it as “the logical culmination of repeated bad-faith steps this administration has taken to validate the agenda of the Israeli right, prevent the achievement of a viable, negotiated two-state solution and ensure that Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank becomes permanent.” • The Israel-based group Peace Now said “[t]he insistence of a small and extreme minority to cling to every piece of land is dragging our country to perpetuate this protracted conflict to the point that it is critically threatening Israel’s character as a Jewish and democratic state.” • Daniel Sokatch, CEO of the New Israel Fund, said the proposal “threatens to make the occupation permanent” and “is not the vision of Israel’s founders.” • IfNotNow co-founder Emily Mayer slammed the plan as “totally and utterly bankrupt,” saying it “reveals the shameful way that our government has catered to the Israeli right—at the cost of Palestinian freedom—for our entire lives.” • Rabbi Alissa Wise, the acting co-executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, called it “an apartheid plan” and “a distraction ploy by two warmongers who are prioritizing their personal election campaigns over any semblance of statecraft.”

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IS MY LEGACY WHAT DO YOU CHERISH MOST ABOUT JEWISH LIFE? THE SENSE OF BELONGING YOU FEEL AT SYNAGOGUE? THE JOY OF JEWISH LEARNING? THE CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY? THE WARMTH OF THE HOLIDAYS? WORKING TOGETHER TO REPAIR THE WORLD? Our parents and grandparents were inspired to leave a strong Jewish community for those who came after them. Continue that tradition and define your Jewish legacy with a gift that will ensure what you value is sustained and enriched for generations to come. L’dor va dor.

WHAT’S YOUR LEGACY? For more information, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner | 757-965-6103 | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 7

first person Holocaust survivors will soon be gone. Now it’s up to us to speak out against hate. Ronald S. Lauder

NEW YORK (JTA)—It is a fact well-documented and well worth repeating: Within 25 years, it is likely that no survivors of the Holocaust will be alive. As a Jew, I am frightened by how the world looks in 2020. The rise of anti-Semitism we are experiencing today, both in the United States and elsewhere, feels eerily like 1933 Europe. The Interior Ministry in Germany reported last year that anti-Semitic incidents in that country rose almost 20 percent between 2017 and 2018, reaching 1,799 politically motivated crimes with a presumed anti-Semitic motive in 2018, the most recent data available. Yet Germany is failing to provide police protections to synagogues. On Yom Kippur last year, a white supremacist would have killed far more than the two innocent victims he did had

Roman Yossel Remis not bravely protected his fellow congregants in Halle. When I visited that German town mere weeks after the attack, I was shocked that a historic Jewish house of prayer, which had survived even the Nazis, was abandoned to its own fate, left to face the hate alone, unguarded and defenseless. In the first half of 2019, there were nearly 800 anti-Semitic incidents in the United States alone—including the attack on a synagogue in Poway, California, that left one woman dead—and the year ended on a similarly distressing note. As Jews around the world celebrated Hanukkah in December, a small group of worshippers in Monsey, New York, were attacked by a machete-wielding zealot while convening at a rabbi’s home for a holiday party. Earlier in the month, three innocent people were shot to death in a Jersey City kosher supermarket by the same two shooters who killed a police officer nearby.

This bloodshed comes in addition to the seemingly unending stream of verbal and physical assaults launched at Jews in Orthodox neighborhoods. And the year before saw the worst attack on Jews in the history of the country, when a gunman killed 11 people during Shabbat morning services at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. The rate of increase of anti-Semitic crimes in the United States and abroad should frighten every citizen, everywhere, whether they live in a community with a large Jewish population or not. We all have a responsibility to sound the alarm in order to prevent further violence and vitriol because left unchecked, we know all too well the horrors that threaten. We must prevent history from repeating itself. As last month’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day admonishes, together we must remind ourselves and others why 6 million Jews were murdered by the

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8 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

Nazis: Because they were Jewish. The survivors of the Holocaust who so courageously share their stories have taken it upon themselves to relive the horrors they experienced so no one else has to. But with the number of living survivors rapidly dwindling, it is more imperative than ever that every person of conscience does their part to educate others on what can come if hatred and evil are left to fester unchecked. The atrocities of the Holocaust must not be forgotten, and the best way to ensure that is through organized, formal and ubiquitous Holocaust education. I’m grateful to global leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who just last month, while visiting Auschwitz for the first time as the leader of her country, publicly declared her own personal commitment as well as Germany’s to increasing Holocaust education there. And there is still so much more to do. We must encourage leaders around the world to stand up to a horrifying new wave of hatred. To curb the rise in anti-Semitism and bigotry, we need action, not words. For the fourth year, the World Jewish Congress led the #WeRemember campaign, bringing people together on social media to ignite a conversation about the critical need for Holocaust education. The project is simple, yet extremely impactful, and anyone can take part. It asked people to take a photo of themselves—or in a group—holding a sign that says “We Remember,” and then to post it to their favorite social media platforms using the hashtag #WeRemember. The campaign culminated at the official commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on January 27. I implore you to join us in stating emphatically that together, “We Remember.” When the world was silent, millions of innocent people were systematically murdered in cold blood. Let us join forces and raise our voices to ensure the atrocities of the Holocaust will never be repeated. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

what’s happening

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film’s BIG Saturday Night with Israel Today’s Israeli photographer Amos Nachoum Saturday, February 22, 8 pm, Sandler Center for the Performing Arts Tickets $35 or under 21, FREE with RSVP (required) The Big Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and Champagne Reception is in memory of Patricia Ashkenazi


he BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and Champagne Reception features a screening of the award-winning documentary, Picture of His Life, followed by a discussion with director Dani Menkin and environmental-activist and world-renowned wild-life photographer Amos Nachoum. It concludes with a champagne reception. The annual Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi and Alma & Howard Laderberg Virginia Festival of Jewish Film will celebrate its 27th year with a fantastic lineup of films. (See page 10 for complete schedule.) As in years past, the BIG Saturday Night

event focuses on an Israeli story. This year, the feature film is about one of the greatest underwater photographers of all time, Amos Nachoum. The film, Picture of His Life, which has won numerous awards, will

have viewers on the edge of their seats and spellbound by the expansive beauty of the photography. The film follows Nachoum’s journey as he contemplates the series of unspoken events that drove him to the end of the world in search of fulfilling his goal of being only one of a handful of people in the world who have swam with, and photographed, polar bears. In fact, only five people have done so in history. The still photographs that Nachoum captured during filming are magnificent and a selection of these photos will be on view in the Leon Family Gallery February 14 through March. This exhibit gives Tidewater a rare opportunity to see

Virginia festivalofjewish film

Nachoum’s work up-close, and to appreciate the extent to which he will go to photograph some of the largest animals on the planet. An internationally-awarded marine and wildlife photographer, dedicated conservationist, and champion of the Earth’s last remaining wild places and species, Nachoum has led numerous National Geographic expeditions. His work, including his underwater photography and films, has been seen in more than 500 publications and on TV. Nachoum is the founder and president of Big Animals Global Expeditions, taking small groups of four to six clients to observe, photograph, and responsibly interact with whales, polar bears, sharks, dolphins, and more. He believes that interaction, understanding, and respect for the fragile environment is the secret to preservation. The evening is presented in partnership with Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and community partner’s ninth annual Israel Today series. To see a full list of partners and additional visiting experts as part of Israel Today, visit or contact Megan Zuckerman, CRC director at To purchase tickets or learn more about the 27th annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, or for the full lineup of films, visit or contact Patty Shelanski, Arts + Ideas manager, at | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 9

Virginia festivalofjewish film T

he 27th Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film is one of the longest-running Jewish film festivals in the nation. A dedicated screening committee, led by Mark Robbins and William Laderberg, selected films meant to engage diverse Tidewater audiences—Jewish and non-Jewish alike—with a variety of topics and film genres.

Love in Suspenders

Picture of His Life

Thursday, February 20, 7:15 pm Cinema Café Kemps River 1220 Fordham Drive, Virginia Beach

The Big Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish film and Champagne Reception in memory of Patricia Ashkenazi

Tickets: $10 Limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Director Jorge Weller | 102 min Israel | 2019 Hebrew with English Subtitles | Not Rated


n encounter between two people with such different personalities can only lead to disaster…but love has its own rules. When absentminded 64-year-old widow Tami accidentally hits 70-year-old widower Beno with her car, the last thing on her mind is love and romance. Trying to ensure Beno will not sue her, she invites him over to her apartment. Against her wishes, and although she finds it hard to move on following her husband’s death, Tami starts falling for Beno, who is head over heels in love with her. But will their budding relationship survive the scrutiny of their children? A charming romantic comedy for the young and young at heart.

10 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

Saturday, February 22, 8 pm Sandler Center for the Performing Arts 201 Market Street, Virginia Beach Tickets $35, under 21 FREE with RSVP (required) Followed by a conversation with director Dani Menkin and award-winning photographer Amos Nachoum Directors Dani Menkin and Yonatan Mir | 72 min Israel, USA, Canada | 2019 English, Hebrew, Inuktitut | Not Rated


evered as one of the greatest underwater photographers of all time, Amos Nachoum has always been fascinated by the most fearsome creatures on Earth. He has developed a unique approach that puts him face to face with his subjects, without any protection. Nachoum swam with crocodiles and killer whales, with anacondas and with great white sharks, but one major predator always eluded him, the polar bear. After four decades in the wilderness, Amos is determined to give it one last shot. As the journey unfolds, Nachoum contemplates the series of unspoken events that drove him to the end of the world. It has been a long and painful journey, after serving in an Elite Commando unit and witnessing the horrors of war, but where others find fear, Nachoum finds redemption. Amos Nachoum’s work will be on exhibit in the Leon Family Gallery at the Simon Family JCC February 14 through March. As part of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and community partners’ 9th annual Israel Today series.

Restoring Tomorrow

The Frisco Kid

Sunday, February 23, 2 pm Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center Virginia Wesleyan University 5817 Wesleyan Drive, Virginia Beach

Mal Vincent’s pick Monday, February 24, 7:15 pm Naro Expanded Cinema 1507 Colley Avenue, Norfolk

Tickets: $10 Limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested.

Tickets $10

Followed by a conversation with local screenwriter Marc Moss and director Aaron Wolf Director Aaron Wolf | 82 mins USA | 2017 English | Not Rated


eligious i n s t i tutions are losing young members and closing their doors at an alarming rate. Restoring To m o r r o w, a universal story of hope, shows there is another way. Restoring Tomorrow tells the tale of a national treasure, the opulent Wilshire Boulevard Temple, the oldest Jewish congregation in Los Angeles, built in 1929 by the legendary movie moguls and showbiz congregants of the time. With its towering 10-story-high dome, it ranks with the Chinese theater and Griffith Planetarium as one of the great L.A. landmarks, but by the 21st century, it had fallen into such disrepair that the structure was on the verge of collapse. Amid a Jewish exodus from East L.A., the rabbi undertakes an epic $150-million renovation, seeking not only to restore the building’s physical majesty, but to create a center for Jewish life and social services for an ethnically diverse neighborhood. The seemingly impossible fundraising campaign and painstaking renovation are documented by L.A.-based filmmaker Aaron Wolf, who, like so many of his generation, had become disaffected from his congregation. In chronicling the Temple’s restoration, Wolf finds himself restored as he reconnects to his synagogue and his community. Restoring Tomorrow ultimately demonstrates how, when any community puts its mind to it, people can come together, no matter what culture or religion. As part of Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund of Congregation Beth El’s Foundations’s annual Tidewater Together series.

Film Festival Ticket Pricing Full Festival Pass: $70 The BIG Saturday Night Film & Celebration: $35 and Under 21, FREE Individual Film Tickets for All Other Films: $10 Special group pricing available, contact Patty Shelanski at Kids Night Out Babysitting at the Simon Family JCC open for JCC members for the BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and Champagne Reception. (Registration required at the JCC Front Desk, limited availability.)

For tickets or more information: 757-965-6137 or

Director Robert Aldrich | 122 min USA | 1979 English | PG


n one of Hollywood’s most unusual pairings, Gene Wilder and Harrison Ford co-star as a Polish rabbi and a gun slinging outlaw traveling the Wild West, in The Frisco Kid, an offbeat buddy adventure and Western comedy. Young, inexperienced Rabbi Belinski (Wilder) is dispatched in the mid1800s to transport a Torah to a new San Francisco synagogue and become its first rabbi. Alone on the frontier, the clueless immigrant is conned, robbed, and threatened, until a bank robber with a heart of gold (Ford, in a role meant for John Wayne) takes pity on the poor schlemiel. Initially dismissed by critics, this bighearted folktale is now considered an essential Jewish movie for its delicate blend of ethnic humor, religious sensitivity, and winning performances. Sporting a wild beard, weird accent, and twinkle in his eyes, Wilder evokes his own unique brand of lovable naiveté and fish-out-of-water slapstick.

Those Who Remained Wednesday, February 26, 7:15 pm Beach Cinema Ale House 941 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach Tickets: $10 Limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Director Barnabás Tóth | 83 mins UK | 2016 Hungarian with English subtitles | Not Rated


ased on the 2004 novel by Zsuzsa F. Varkonyi, Those Who Remained explores the relationship of two survivors trying to live their lives in Hungary after the Holocaust. Dr. Aládar “Aldó” Körner meets 16-year old Klára during a medical exam, but she immediately latches onto him. The rest of the film navigates their delicate bond and explores how people navigate a dark world and choppy waters through the stability and equilibrium of others. Those Who Remained has garnered international praise, having been nominated and entered into the Oscars’ International Feature Film Category. In partnership with the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Holocaust Commission. | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 11


Jeff Goldblum, Terry Gross and Marc Maron get emotional tracing their Jewish heritage on Finding Your Roots Gabe Friedman


recent episode of PBS’ celebrity genealogy show, Finding Your Roots was a lesson in Jewish history. Titled Beyond the Pale—a reference to the Pale of Settlement, the region of what was then Imperial Russia where many Ashkenazi Jews have roots—the episode that aired last month explored the family trees of actor Jeff Goldblum, NPR host Terry Gross and comedian Marc Maron. As host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explained, each of them has “deep Jewish roots,” but they all knew next to nothing about their ancestors. Here’s a quick breakdown of their individual Jewish histories.

Jeff Goldblum On Goldblum’s mother’s side, his great grandfather Abraham Temeles left his hometown of Zloczow, a town in the Austrio-Hungarian empire, in the early 1900s because of the rampant anti-Semitism. Historians on Gates’ team believe that like many Jewish migrants at the time, he likely traveled 1,000 miles across Europe by train to the Dutch port of Rotterdam, where he boarded a ship for Halifax, Novia Scotia. The trip wasn’t easy. Temeles, who was 50 at the time, likely stayed in steerage for several days during the journey. He traveled on the SS Vulturno, which sunk two years later, killing over 100 Jewish migrants. “It’s just a random piece of luck that I’m here at all I guess,” Goldblum said.

Stein Family College Scholarship for Tidewater Jewish students

Apply by March 15, 2020

The Stein Family College Scholarship is dedicated in loving memory of Arlene Shea Stein who was unable to finish college due to financial hardship.

This annual scholarship of up to $10,000 per year is awarded to area Jewish students entering college. Applicants are evaluated on financial need, Jewish/community engagement, and academic potential. For more information and to apply, visit

12 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

On his father’s side, great-great-grandfather Zelik Povartzik left his hometown of Starobin, Russia, in 1911, just a year before it was overcome by anti-Semitic violence. In 1941, when the Nazis invaded Russia, they killed most of the remaining Jews in Starobin, wiping a large chunk of Goldblum’s family out of the historical record. The only descendant Gates’ team could track down was a second cousin once removed who died fighting for the Soviet army against the Nazis. “It’s moving, it’s very moving,” Goldblum said as he held back tears at the end of the episode.

Terry Gross All Terry Gross knew about her grandparents’ Jewish history was that they all hailed from what they called the “old country.” When she and her parents once visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., her father teared up seeing part of a fence from a Jewish cemetery in Tarnow, Poland. As Gates’ researcher discovered, both of her paternal grandparents were born there in the 1880s and immigrated to the U.S. in early 1900s. Each had family that chose to stay, despite the rising anti-Semitism around them. When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, Tarnow’s Jewish population of about 25,000 quickly found itself cloistered in a ghetto. In 1942, Nazis began slaughtering them—a firsthand account said that the Nazis knocked children’s heads against cobblestones and bayoneted adults, killing 7,000 people in days. Most of Gross’ relatives from Tarnow disappeared from the record at that point—except for one survivor named Nathan Zeller, who only lived a few more years until his death at the Flossenburg concentration camp in Bavaria. “It’s made everything I know about the Holocaust very specific and concrete,” she said. “I always ask myself if it was time to flee, would I know, would I have the

courage to leave?”

Marc Maron Maron spent most of his segment expressing shock at the details revealed about his family, such as the fact that his maternal grandmother spent 13 days in steerage on a ship to migrate to the United States before World War I. “I don’t know how they did it … just the idea that you’re gonna leave your country, you’re gonna pack up, everybody’s gonna go…and get on a boat? Are you kidding?” he said at one point. “A boat? I can’t be on a boat for an hour without getting sick.” Maron’s maternal great-great-grandfather worked in a petroleum factory in Drohobycz, in what was then part of the newly formed republic of Poland. In 1914, at the outset of World War I, Russia invaded the Galicia region of which Drohobycz was a part of. Russian soldiers beat, raped and killed many of its Jews. Gates traced Maron’s father’s side back to a great-great-grandfather named Morris Mostowitz, who owned a chain of grocery stores in the Charleston area in the late 19th century. Mostowitz had moved there with a wave of other Jews looking to fill needs for merchants and tradesmen in the wake of the Civil War. But Morris was no saint—he was involved in at least a dozen crimes, including horse theft and illegal liquor sales, and wound up getting sued by his son Barney over a loan he never paid back. Maron comically found some similarities in personality between himself and Morris, before ending his segment on a self-reflective note. “It does resonate, the fact that no matter how religious you are or what makes you a Jew in your particular life, the fact that you are defined on some level in a very real way by the reality of anti-Semitism…there’s something about that awareness that is still and currently tremendously important,” he said. (JTA)

& d o o F mance Ro Supplement to Jewish News February 3, 2020 | February 3, 2020 | Food & Romance | Jewish News | 13

Food & Romance

Rekindle your relationship with food. Reboot your family history. Lisa Richmon photographs by Mark Robbins


illing a room with more than 250 people, Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Wellness Officer, plant-based nutrition advocate, and author of What to Eat When, Dr. Michael Roizen came with a few surprises and a healthy dose of scientific data

Tom Purcell, MIchael Roizen, Sandra Porter Leon.

to back them up. A pre-event warmup included a box lunch, group stretch, and a Q + A led by Tom Purcell, Simon Family JCC fitness director and Sandra Porter Leon, former JCC president. Porter Leon, a registered dietitian-nutritionist, and professor of nutrition at TCC, introduced Roizen, author of four #1 New York Times bestsellers and nine overall bestsellers. Roizen spoke at the Sandler Family Campus on January 16, as part of the 2020 Lee and Bernard Jaffe Jewish Book Festival. The doctor’s message for everyone is simple: Eat when the sun is out. Upon his

arrival, Roizen sprinted on stage and got right to the science behind increased longevity and decreased disability. While there is no medicine to treat dementia, he listed the nutritional, exercise, and stress management tools to keep your brain young and your heart strong. (Hint: Crossword puzzles will not do the trick, but speed-in-processing video games might.) Stress management, even something as simple as misting your pillow or yoga mat with lavender, or 15 minutes of online-guided meditation, could go right to your head. “I was surprised by the science on stress. I had no idea it played that large of a role in health,” says Lee Belote. “It always seemed like common sense, but I didn’t realize there was so much science to back it up. I did find the timing data interesting. I may try that, but I’m more of a grazer.” “It confirmed that I already eat very similar to the plan Dr, Roizen suggested,” says Purcell, a lifetime fitness professional. “I’m a BIG breakfast eater, moderate lunch, and small dinner. Small snack at night. He also confirmed areas of improvement for my clients who are not eating breakfast and their largest meal is at night. They snack on processed foods.” More good news. Second chances are infinite. Roizen likes to quote Dr. Michael Crupain, preventive

Michael Roizen.

Sandra Porter Leon.

medicine specialist and co-author of What to Eat When. “The sun rises every day.” In other words, mistakes don’t kill you. Do overs are part of the plan.

Dr. Michael Roizen’s Top Takeaways 1. You have the power (and responsibility) to change your family history. 2. Stress management is most essential to improving quality and quantity of life. 3. Your relationship with food will touch your heart. 4. E at foods that love you back. For example, salmon and ocean trout, and the most effective antioxidants such as coffee and blueberries. • Foods that don’t love you back are simple sugars, and saturated fat in red meat, chicken egg yolks, and high-fat dairy. 5. S mell the roses. Join the olfactory revolution. 6. T here is no medicine for dementia. Keep your brain young with stress reduction, friends and purpose, daily exercise (10,000 steps daily), and mindful eating. 7. T o control weight, take advantage of your body’s natural circadian rhythm, eat when the sun is out. Time restricted eating—eating small meals for 8 hours and refraining for 16. 8. S leep at least 7–8 hours every night. Nap to relieve stress. 9. Avoid toxins in tobacco and alcohol or making direct contact with BPA found on most receipts.

The crowd gets ready to hear Dr. Michael Roizen.

14 | Jewish News | Food & Romance | February 3, 2020 |

Food & Romance




Michael Roizen with his book.

Roizen’s presentation was engaging and funny,” says Purcell. “I’m hoping he’ll return when his cookbook comes out. I’m grateful we have a team putting this level of programming out there partly because it makes us stand out Shaye Arluk, Lee Belote, Allan Frost, Eric Hodies, Helen Frost, and Leslie Siegel. from other wellness facilities. We’re in our own league.” For years, Porter-Leon has used Roizen’s “Owner’s Manual” books as a teaching tool in her nutrition classes at TCC. “What I love about What to Eat When are the tasty morsels that Dr. Roizen dishes out, a wellness buffet steeped in scientific data Sue Ellen Teach, John and Ellen Harris, and Pearl Taylor. that helps us live a healthier life,” she says. “From antioxidants to zinc, the makes it easy for anyone to understand doctor administers practical advice that what and when to eat.”


Lunch Specials 2 COURSES for $15 MONDAY–SATURDAY | 11:00AM–2:30PM L A



La Promenade Shoppes | 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach 757.491.1111 | | February 3, 2020 | Food & Romance | Jewish News | 15

Food & Romance

Terrapin 2.0: Farm-fueled, color-blazed, and fired up Lisa Richmon





f you ask chef Amy Brandt what makes Terrapin in Virginia Beach the area’s marriage proposal mecca, she’ll propose two main ingredients. “There’s only one restaurant in the area with the intimacy of Terrapin and 100% integrity in everything they do,” says the former Lucky Star chef/co-owner and farm-to-table trailblazer. “Every facet of Terrapin, from the service to the consistency, makes you feel so comfortable when you’re there. Like family.” Chef co-owner Rodney Einhorn confesses to anxiety-stirring perfectionism. “What most people don’t know about me is I’m a nervous wreck,” he says. “I’m very shy. I have anxiety about cooking for people. Not everyone is going to love what you do and I’m ok with that, but people are quick to cut you down. It took me a long time to deal with that. I used to do a ton of events. Not anymore. Most people wouldn’t peg me as shy, but I’d rather be out in the woods with my dog!” Einhorn was born and raised in Tidewater, the only son of Gerald and Dianne Einhorn. His paternal grandfather,

Define your legacy with an endowed gift to the Jewish community so future generations have the opportunity to embrace our shared heritage and the values you hold dear. L’dor va dor.

WHAT’S YOUR LEGACY? For more information, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner | 757-965-6103 Einhorn’s Grateful Dead tickets.

16 | Jewish News | Food & Romance | February 3, 2020 |

William “Willie” Einhorn, was one of the founders of Hebrew Academy of Tidewater (now Strelitz International Academy). “We went to Ohef Sholom on Friday nights and always had wonderful holiday dinners,” says Einhorn. Terrapin is Einhorn’s first ‘baby.’ Its namesake dates back to the 1990s when he worked for Greenpeace and became a Deadhead. It’s not every day that a Jerry Garcia-inspired restaurant, conceived by a lanky Jewish chef from Virginia Beach, is honored with James Beard AAA four-diamond distinction. Last year, Einhorn and GM/co-owner Brian Williams fulfilled their vision to make Terrapin more fun and less fancy, completing the first rebranding and major cosmetic makeover since 2006. “Instead of coming to dine, people come just for a meal,” says Einhorn. “We got tired of the white tablecloths, the dark décor, and the high prices.” The new vibe, with way more Grateful Dead music, morphed Terrapin from formal to fun; dark to light; serious to simple, and pricy to palatable. Visual references to the restaurant’s origin story spring to life on the walls in the form

Food & Romance of a multi-hued soundwave of ‘the Dead’s’ song Terrapin Station, Jerry Garcia’s psychedelic handprint (sans a middle finger) and Einhorn’s Grateful Dead concert ticket stubs. A remastered menu was designed for sharable, family-style meals fueled by new kitchen toys such as the Josper charcoal/ grill/oven, and the pasta extruder, prodding the jump from two handmade pastas to six or more. Josper-blessed dishes, with taste you can’t miss, such as whole chickens, grass-fed burgers, and crispy duck, are the result of Chef de Cuisine Patrick Dunn’s Josper awakening. Many Terrapin originals such as bouillabaisse and truffle mac-n-cheese survived the rebrand. Foraging forward, farm meets fantasy in deserts and pastries by pastry chefs, each of whom has been an unstoppable match for Einhorn’s originality and mastery. The Terrapin family expanded in September 2019 when Rodney and Amanda Einhorn welcomed first child Ella Hope. Before Amanda returned to work from maternity leave, the firsttime parents enrolled their daughter at Strelitz International Academy’s preschool because of their “implicit trust” in SIA. “We absolutely love Strelitz,” says Einhorn. “Every single person at Strelitz is wonderful.” Swaddled in juxtapositions, Terrapin 2.0, makes the point that special occasions and no occasion can co-exist. Ditto for obsessively sourced, and impossibly simple and sharable. The Terrapin package is a rare combination of elements. “You

Jerry Garcia’s psychedelic handprint.

can enjoy a thoughtfully sourced meal without having to wear your finest duds,” says Brandt. Einhorn says, “People tell me, ‘I come here for special occasions. I can’t come in a T-shirt.’ I say, ‘yes you can.’ Second to Einhorn’s passion for the Grateful Dead is his relationship with local farmers. That indoctrination took place working in New York and Aspen, before returning to Virginia Beach where he’s been hailed as a farm-to-table early adopter. Einhorn calls it “thoughtful sourcing.” What it means is, “who am I buying from? How do they do business? I have to buy from people I trust and care about.” This loops back to the implicit trust he has in SIA. Relinquishing control is not easy for a new parent, or a perfectionist creative force. I’m trying not to ruin what they {the farmers} did. My goal is to keep it simple.” Conscious coupling meets culinary wizardry “Everything I do here is based on love. Love of food. Love of commitment. Love of sourcing and love for my local farmers,” says Einhorn. Einhorn tossed all those elements together into the most popular (and romantic) salad in Terrapin history. “My wife loves beets. I hate them,” he says. “I just met John Cromwell and we hit it off.” So, Einhorn did what any husband would do. He asked the farmer to grow the baby beets his wife loved so he could compose a beet salad just for her. “It was the first time a chef approached John to grow something for a restaurant,” says Einhorn. Whenever people ask Einhorn for the ‘garden of love salad’ recipe, he gladly shares it. “I never hold anything to myself,” says Einhorn. “Almost everything that comes through here is something Patrick and I have fallen in love with and need to share. Giving and sharing like that comes from my mother. And, my grandmother.” Terrapin has been the go-to for countless marriage proposals and anniversary dinners. “One couple came back and let us do their wedding here,” says Einhorn, “Chuppah and all.” “Those peace and love vibes just keep flowing making it the spot to make a memory,” says Brandt.

Amanda, Ella, and Rodney Einhorn. | February 3, 2020 | Food & Romance | Jewish News | 17

Food & Romance

Kitchen Barn: Still crazy busy after all these years Lisa Richmon


alk into Kitchen Barn in Virginia Beach, home to 100,000 kitchen gadgets and five full lines of cookware, and you’ll be greeted by a warm and friendly face with a head full of knowledge. The broad smile might belong to Annmarie King whose thick salt and pepper hair is held back in a ponytail, or chef and storyteller Matt Starcher, ‘Mattdad,’ also with long thick hair, pulled back in a bun. You might hear their voices before seeing their faces. King and Starcher know something useful and nuanced about every single product at ‘the barn.’ Joel Feldman opened Kitchen Barn in 1975 in Virginia Beach to meet the cooking needs of everyone on the cooking spectrum, from kitchen novice to culinary

black belt. King and Starcher feel as if they’ve learned from the best. “Joel is brilliant,” says King. “He hires the right people.” “Joel’s a retail genius,” says Starcher, Kitchen Barn’s chef and general manager. “To keep a retail business going strong for 45 years, you either provide exceptional service or you establish yourself as the bottom-line price guy and price matcher.” Feldman is unapologetically not that guy. Instead, he has succeeded making Kitchen Barn an indispensable resource to anyone in the kitchen—residential or commercial. Not a light touch or pushover, Feldman’s high standards for his staff are more than urban myth. Annmarie King has been a bubbly and popular Kitchen Barn fixture since

Some simple favorites at Kitchen Barn: Brown Sugar Bear, Next Trend Garlic Twister, and Kuhn Rikon vegetable peeler.

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18 | Jewish News | Food & Romance | February 3, 2020 |

Food & Romance Feldman hired her 13 years ago at the former, smaller store in Hilltop West Shopping Center. If King can’t tell a customer how to use a product, and why they will love it, it’s not barn-ready. Training the staff to meet Feldman’s standards and achieve her level of knowledge takes time. “We have to know a lot about a lot of things. ‘Why does this measuring cup have rivets?’ ‘Why is this $5 more?’ ‘Why won’t this one rust and this one will?’ ‘Why is this measuring cup the one and only you’ll ever use again?’ Our customers trust us. We have zero tolerance for BS,” says King. If you don’t know, you better ask.” Martha Glasser, a home cook and baker, knows Joel Feldman’s track record for getting it right. Glasser has been a Kitchen Barn customer since 1980. Her connection dates back to taking classes by cooking icons Janie Jacobson and Rachel Sancilio. “Joel stands behind every product,” says Glasser. “His knowledgeable staff, Annmarie, Linda, and his sister Sherry, are so amazing. It’s truly a local business and his dedication is a treasure for the entire region.” Change happens. Everyone cooks. “Parents bring their kids in to cook now,” says Starcher, a culinary school grad and cooking instructor. “We have chefs, dads, and kids of all ages. They grew up with Food Network, Instagram, and YouTube. Kids can cook.” Starcher will make customers fall in love with red meat in a cast iron skillet or tell a story about his high school bride and their four kids. He’ll take packages to a customer’s car, hoping to squeeze in a little more bonding time. “When you think of cooking, I want you to think of me,” he says. Like a sponge, he’s trying to absorb everything he can from an oldschool business wiz, whose instincts for success and longevity he compares to Sam Walton. King also gives her boss huge props for keeping the barn doors open for 45 years. “He doesn’t connect with everyone, but when he does, it’s a lifelong connection,” says King. In no small part because of

Annmarie King’s Top 5 Kitchen Products 1. Brown Sugar Bear—keeps out moisture (and clumps). 2. Oxo Measuring Cup—no hands needed, can read overhead. 3. Next Trend Garlic Twister—chops garlic and ginger to nuts. 4. L ilypad Sealed Cover—forms an air-tight seal. 5. S wiftStrip Microplane—pulls herbs right off the stem.

Matt Starcher’s Top 5 Kitchen Products 1. Kuhn Rikon Vegetable peeler— life changer, thanks to chef Todd Jurich. 2. Handmade cherry artisanal spatula—made in Floyd, Virginia. 3. Santuko knife—wedding gift and go to knife for 25 years. 4. B reville Immersion Blender— multi-use, can be used in a hot pot of soup or for mixing/ chopping. 5. L odge Cast Iron—rinse and ready, lasts a lifetime.

Feldman, they have unique team synergy in a warm environment filled with friendly people who love to cook—and share that passion with customers. “People know they can come in and ask a question, or talk about cooking— and we don’t expect anything in return. The trick to knowing what people want is to “shut up every now and then and just listen.” Feldman’s secret to longevity: “45 years of loving on my customers.”

2965 Virginia Beach Blvd 757-498-1186 | February 3, 2020 | Food & Romance | Jewish News | 19

Food & Romance

BurgerIM opens in Norfolk

James Whittaker, Bill Carter, Teddy and Malinda Smith, owners of BurgerIM on West 25th Street in Norfolk at the restaurant’s opening with Mayor Kenny Alexander, Congresswoman Elaine Luria, and Councilwoman Andria McClellan.


he Israeli burger chain, BurgerIM recently opened two locations in Norfolk, one just outside the Norfolk Premium Outlet mall and one on West 25th St. Burgerim, by the way, is the plural of burger in Hebrew. Started in Tel Aviv, the chain is expanding throughout the U.S. with several opening in Tidewater. Not just a burger place, in addition to its classic mini-burgers, the restaurant’s menu includes such offerings as falafel, Greek lamb, Spanish beef, salmon, and chicken sandwiches. Myriad toppings,

Congresswoman Elaine Luria with Teddy and Malinda Smith.

20 | Jewish News | Food & Romance | February 3, 2020 |

fries, onion rings, chicken wings, and milkshakes comprise the seemingly limited list of options on the menu. Teddy Smith, the owner of the West 25th Street location, is a Navy Veteran who served with Elaine Luria, prior to both of their retirements. Smith served for 25 years; his wife, Malinda Smith, is also a Navy Veteran. “My family has been in the food industry for about 50 years,” says Smith. His uncle and father started the successful Henry’s Soul Food Café in Washington, D.C. And, during high school, he did a stint at McDonald’s. “After I retired in 2017, I saw something about BurgerIM on Facebook, looked into it, and then travelled with Malinda to California and then to Northern Virginia to try the food. We were satisfied with the product and then, bought into the franchise,” says Smith. Smith recalls that one day he and Luria were talking about what they hoped to do after retirement. She was considering politics, and he thought about opening a restaurant. It appears they both achieved their goals.

Jewish Family Service

JCC Youth Basketball League tribute Sofia Ruiz Konikoff

Generous donors help Jewish Family Service assist 229 locals during Hanukkah

The boardroom at Jewish Family Service was filled with gifts in December.

Debbie Mayer, LCSW


ow in its 27th year, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s Chanukah Gift program annually helps local Jewish families in financial need with gifts and gift cards for those with children and teens, and with VISA gift cards for those without children. The community response this year was the most successful since the program began. JFS received donations from individuals, families, groups, companies, organizations, congregations, and schools. Boxes were filled with new clothing, winter coats, boots, shoes, books, games, toys, craft kits, art supplies, school supplies, Judaic decorations, and Hanukkah wrapping paper and decorations. Students, parents, and teachers from Strelitz International Academy comprised the program’s largest annual group participant—donating hundreds of gifts. Gifts, gift cards, and/or cash donations also came from many area religious schools, temples, and congregations. This year, a total of 229 local Jewish people (71 children and teens with

Lisa Richmon


or decades, the Simon Family JCC Youth Basketball League has mixed sportsmanship and athletic skill building with fun and friendship. The league is open to children of all faiths from kindergarten to 5th grade. The 2020 JCC Youth Basketball League season is dedicated to the life and memory of Sofia Ruiz Konikoff, a coach, mom, and basketball enthusiast. Konikoff hadn’t coached in years, but the mark she made on the league is unforgettable. This tribute is the first time anyone has been honored in this way. “Sofia would be so honored and proud and somewhat embarrassed. She was a competitor who loved the game and loved helping the kids enjoy the game. She never wanted the kids to leave anything

on the floor and know they did their best,” says husband of 24½ years, David Konikoff. “That’s all she wanted, but she taught them how to win, which is also very special.” “Sofia Konikoff had a life-long passion for basketball which she shared with her children and the JCC Youth Basketball League. She cared about the whole league, not just her children,” says Tom Edwards, M.S., Simon Family JCC athletics director. Edwards created the ‘SK’ logo that appears on the league schedule and jerseys.

specific wish lists) benefited from the program. Throughout 2020, these same families will continue to benefit from the Hanukkah donations, as JFS provides gift cards and financial assistance toward rent/mortgage, medication, food, gas, clothing, and school supplies. How to help local Jewish families in need year-round: • Donate food, gas, and grocery store gift cards, or cash • Support JFS special needs group activities • Donate grocery bags; toiletries, cosmetics, bath and body products; Judaic/Jewish items; school supplies; baby supplies; paper goods; and cleaning/household supplies • Use Baskets of Hope centerpieces at events • Volunteer All donations to Jewish Family Service are tax deductible. For more information about any of these programs, contact Maryann Kettyle, JFS Special Needs Case Manager, at 757-4594640 or | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 21

Jewish Disability Awareness, Accepance & Inclusion MOnth

Disability with dignity

Jewish Family Service’s disability programs take place all year

Lisa Richmon


rograms focusing on including and enriching the lives of those with various forms of disabilities or special needs are a big part of Jewish Family Service’s work. For more than 25 years, for example, Jewish Family Service has collaborated with the Jewish Community Center to provide inclusion programming for children with special needs. Through a grant from the Network of Jewish Human Services Agency’s (NJHSA) Legacy Heritage Fund, and matching donor funds, Yachad, an inclusive summer day camp program available to all children in Tidewater, has expanded. “JFS’s goal with these additional funds was to expand this summer camp program to include additional children,” says Michelle Fenley, JFS clinician and inclusion specialist. “In partnership with the JCC, JFS has been developing and creating environmental conditions and staff training that supports children with differing needs,” she says. Inclusion support staff promote accessibility of all activities and program resources, while also providing emotional and behavioral support and increased self-regulation skills. For Jewish adults with disabilities, JFS also provides services through the Chaverim and Simcha groups which meet twice each month and provide socialization, skill building, and recreational activities. These Jewish adults have physical, intellectual, or mental health disabilities. “In the past, these members of our community have been excluded,” says Michelle Walter, a JFS clinician. “We endeavor to offer them opportunities for engagement and exposure to a full range of Jewish life.”


These groups are often the only connection people with special needs have to their Jewish community, though the agency plans to build more partnerships for inclusion. “A couple of years ago, we were invited to Temple Emanuel for Simcha Torah,” says Maryann Kettyle, JFS Special Needs Case Manager. “This was the first time one of our clients was ever allowed to even touch the Torah. She is 65 years old.” “I was recently asked,” says Kelly Burroughs, JFS CEO, “what my favorite program is at JFS. I couldn’t really answer. It isn’t about the programs, it is about the people.” Burroughs relates a story of the Simcha and Chaverim group who completed their mitzvah project during Hanukkah for children and families who receive assistance during the holiday. “The group was creating goodie bags for the children,” she says. “Each of them was so intent on making sure that the children would have a special gift. This is their mitzvah project—a chance for them to not only be the ‘recipients of services,’ but to be ‘givers’ as well. It was very special, and has a ripple effect.” For more information on these programs at Jewish Family Service, contact Maryann Kettyle, JFS Special Needs Case Manager, at 757-459-4640.

22 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

n order to best serve a community’s diverse needs, accountability and awareness co-exist with Kavod, the Hebrew term that translates to concepts of dignity, honor and respect. February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month. The community’s commitment to recognize and meet the emotional, functional and physical needs of people with all kinds of disabilities is an ongoing challenge, but initiating and fulfilling steps to meet them is the source of hope and change. Kavod often expands beyond the game-changing act of building a ramp for a wheelchair or providing hearing devices for those who are hard of hearing. Kavod is actually felt when a synagogue sees people with disabilities as an integral part of their congregation. “A number of our congregants have disabilities. They are often asked to participate in Shabbat services by opening or closing the ark, given an Aliyah, or playing the guitar,” says Nancy Tucker, Temple Israel’s executive director. “We have a portable ramp for wheelchairs so that members in wheelchairs who get an Aliyah, can go to the bimah. We also have a wheelchair lift that takes people to all four levels of the synagogue.” “At Temple Emanuel we have wide doors to accommodate wheelchairs and one bathroom in the sanctuary that accommodates wheelchairs. We also have a ramp leading to the entry doors,” says Steve Warsoff, the synagogue’s president. Other than the bima, there are no other steps in our buildings, so individuals can navigate without barriers.” “Disabilities” are a wide spectrum that include ‘invisible disabilities’ such as reading processing disorders, to more significant/profound disabilities such as cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome. “The misconception often is that all people with a disability need the same things,” says Kelly Burroughs, CEO, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. “We all have unique and individualized needs, and

there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.” How does a blind person see colors? How do we know what people look like? “Ohef Sholom Temple is excited to welcome Dr. Arielle Silverman as a guest speaker for Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month to answer questions such as these for our students, parents, congregants, staff, and board,” says Linda Peck, Ohef Sholom’s executive director. Blind since birth, Dr. Silverman is an activist with disabilities and a social scientist who is passionate about improving public understandings of disability.

The misconception often is that all people with a disability need the same things. We all have unique and individualized needs, and there is not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

“Dr. Silverman will teach us about disability wisdom. Sociologist Irving Goffman described ‘wise’ people as those who treat people with differences in the same way they would treat “ordinary” people without differences,” says Peck. (For more information, see page 23) For decades, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater has been stepping up for adults and children with a spectrum of disabilities by honoring their right to participate more fully in activities inside and outside the synagogue. Help in the form of transportation, supervision, support, and companionship opens doors that would otherwise be closed. “We want to remove barriers so a

Jewish Disability Awareness, Accepance & Inclusion MOnth camper with autism, for example, can enjoy the bunk experience,” says Michelle Walter, coordinator of JFS Special Needs Services. “We partner with the JCC to give campers what they need to do mainstream activities. Sometimes it just takes a little extra help navigating, socializing or communicating.” The JFS Socialization Group is an opportunity for people with a range of developmental disabilities—from autism, chronic mental illness or intellectual disabilities, and Down Syndrome, to go to temple as a group and participate in programs. “All synagogues are making an effort to ensure their facilities are more accommodating and inclusive,” says Walter. “People with disabilities want to be treated wisely—to be respected as full human beings, to be included in the full range of human pursuits and to be empowered to make their own life choices,” says Dr. Silverman.

Dr. Arielle Silverman: Treating all with respect Sunday, February 23, 11 am Ohef Sholom Temple, free with RSVP


answer the question, ncluding someone who looks, sounds, or how is it possible to acts “different,” may be uncomfortable be kinder and more for some, and even impossible for others respectful to people when they don’t know how to accommowith disabilities? date those with differences. For more than 10 years, Silverman has In honor of Jewish Disability, conducted research related Awareness, Acceptance and to the disability experience, Inclusion Month, an interworked to promote a fuller active session to learn some understanding of those with basic principles to keep in disabilities, and facilitated mind when including people training activities designed with disabilities in all comto improve public attitudes munities and situations, will toward people with distake place at Ohef Sholom abilities. Blind since birth, Temple. Featured speaker, Dr. Silverman leads a mentoring Arielle Silverman, will help Dr. Arielle Silverman

Let Me Be Great Children’s Yoga

Get SO Fit

program for blind and low-vision youth in Virginia. Silverman holds a PhD in social psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The program is sponsored by Ohef Sholom Temple’s membership committee. Brunch will be provided. RSVP to or call 757-625-4295.

Fitness Fun

Special Olympics

with Dorin

Special Classes for Children with Special Needs


Fridays at 4:45 PM

Schedule is seasonal

Sundays at 3 PM

Providing a safe, non-judgmental place for children of all abilities to have an opportunity to achieve their definition of greatness daily through yoga activities. Children learn to practice mindfulness, strength, and flexibility. Instructor Tiffani Gallop and her team of qualified professionals teach techniques that can assist with becoming physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

An inclusive fitness program, Get SO Fit combines group exercise with individual workouts and a focus on healthy food choices. The Get SO Fit approach involves three areas of focus: mindset, nutrition, and workout consistency. Instructor Wade Crawford is committed to assisting athletes of all abiliities through education and exercise.

This is not a boxing class to learn how to fight; it’s an easygoing workout using your body to move and stay in shape. Coach Dorin Spivey has the passion to work with kids of all abilities. He takes his knowledge from his many years in professional boxing and makes working out with him fun and age-appropriate. Parents and guardians are more than welcome to join in.

Classes are FREE for members; $4 drop-in free for potential members.

Learn more at | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 23

It’s a Wrap First person

Charlie Harary: Mentor, parent, friend itting in my car at Norfolk International Airport on Wednesday, January 8, I was a little apprehensive. After months of preparation, I was about to meet the legendary Charlie Harary and drive him to the Simon Family JCC. Harary was visiting Tidewater as part of the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-inResidence Fund of Congregation Beth El Foundation’s Tidewater Together series. Harary’s resume includes: CEO, investor, consultant, entrepreneur, best-selling author. In the weeks leading up to his visit, I watched video clips of him sharing bits of wisdom on everything from Judaic teachings to turning dreams into reality. I found much of his advice practical and relevant to my own life. In fact, that morning, before leaving, I used some of Harary’s advice about connecting with children while advancing in one’s career. I told my children “a very important man is coming to my work to speak to a lot of people. I am supposed to spend all day at work, but I told them ‘No! I must be home to see my kids’. So I will be home for an hour after school to have some special time with you.” While I would have come home for that hour anyway, following Harary’s advice to point it out to my kids helped them feel seen and valued. My kids said goodbye with a hug and a kiss and

not a single tear. Harary’s first event at the Sandler Family Campus was a lunch with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Women’s Cabinet. After Amy Lefcoe introduced Harary, she asked him to share inspiration he uses while raising funds for causes he cares about. He began by sharing a story about how, in 1948, on the eve of Israel’s declaration of independence, Golda Meir traveled to the United States to raise $25-milliion for the State of Israel. She spoke so eloquently and compellingly, that in that one speech, in front of that one crowd, she inspired others to raise $50-million, double her goal. “The Jewish People don’t raise money,” says Harary, “they raise dreams.” That evening, after spending an hour with my kids, my six-year-old daughter thanked me for coming home, and asked me to say “hi to Charlie” for her. Back at the Simon Family JCC, Harary was slated to meet with UJFT’s Society of Professionals. After Raizy Cook’s introduction, Harary encouraged attendees to discover their own greatness by stretching out of their comfort zones and risk-taking on big challenges. “Ability does not lead you to take responsibility. Responsibility leads to ability.” He asserted that by taking responsibility for big things, just like Gold Meir raising money for the Israeli armed forces at a critical time in history, people

discover and develop new abilities that they never thought possible. Later, 200 people heard from Harary about his new book, Unlocking Greatness, hoping to discover how to unlock their own greatness and help others to do the same. Beginning every speech with a story, Harary talked about a man whose company was about to fail when he meets the famed Warren Buffet, who writes him a $1-million investment check. Due to events that follow, the man never cashes that check, but still ends up turning his company around. “How?” Harary asked the audience. “Because, someone looked at that man and said ‘I see you. You are important.’” Sometimes, all it takes for someone to become successful is someone’s belief that they are capable, important, seen. Each person is capable of giving that gift to others, and to ourselves, he suggested. By the time I drove Harary to the airport on Thursday afternoon, I had heard him at three community events and enjoyed personal conversations about our children, families, careers, and paths into Judaism. In 24 hours, I made real, tangible changes in my life because of what I learned. When we said goodbye, I thought back to how I felt standing in that same place the day before. While Harary’s list of accomplishments and professions was impressive, it was no longer

Kevin Lefcoe.

Amy and Jeff Brooke.

Charlie Harary, Robert and Darcy Bloch.

Sierra Lautman


24 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

Charlie Harary.

intimidating. It was inspiring. Of all the roles I had listed leading up to his visit, I realized that I had missed perhaps the most important three: mentor, parent, and friend. Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund’s Tidewater Together is a collaboration between the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and area synagogues. To learn more about Tidewater Together, including upcoming events, visit JewishVA. org/TidewaterTogether, or contact Sierra Lautman, director of Jewish Innovation, at 757-965-6107 or

Kevin Lefcoe and Charlie Harary.

It’s a Wrap FIDF’s Virginia Chapter holds inaugural Biking for Soldiers Devorah Ben-David Elstein


n a crisp autumn morning, on Sunday, October 27, 15 volunteers began cheering as a caravan of cars— with bike racks on the back—headed for Chickahominy Riverfront Park in Williamsburg. Bikers, of all ages and physical abilities, came out to demonstrate their support of the Friends of Israel Defense Force’s Virginia Chapter inaugural Biking for Soldiers. “The riders and volunteers came to support the brave men and women, who risk their lives each day to protect and safeguard the State of Israel,” says Alex Pomerantz, FIDF’s director of Virginia, Mid-Atlantic Region. Marcy Mostofsky credits Pomerantz for persuading her to sign-on for Biking for Soldiers, despite some reservations. “I hadn’t gotten myself on a bicycle in a couple of years.” Mostofsky says. “But my friend Shira Itzhak, who does a whole lot of bike races as a triathlon, helped me do 16 miles!” Mostofsky has a 24-year-old daughter,

Ilana Peck and Yarden West, Lone Soliders from Virginia met in Israel and have been dating for two years.

llana Peck, who finished her two-year stint in the Israeli Army in December. Peck, and her boyfriend, Yarden West, were Lone Soldiers in Israel. West received FIDF help through a very rough period of his life. “On FIDF trips, donors get to meet all types of soldiers who come to Israel from many countries in the world,” says Peck. “And, every soldier has a different story why they went to serve in Israel.” Hanukkah presents are among the many ways FIDF helps soldiers in need. “Before the holidays, FIDF gives the soldiers 500 shekels ($144) to make their life as easy as possible.” When it comes to the topic of charitable giving (or not giving), Peck has an interesting perspective. “What goes around comes back around in that, if you’re lucky enough to have enough, then why not give to others that don’t?” An FIDF contributor, Brad Bangel has taken multiple missions to Israel. He attended FIDF’s Inaugural Virginia Gala in 2018 and, in 2019, signed-up for Biking for Soldiers. Bangel began riding 20–25 miles in May with his regular biking crowd: Nathan Segal, Mark Levin, Harry Laderberg, and Paul Terkeltaub. Bangel and friends completed the 30-mile ride in under three hours, factoring in the half-way stop at the Charles City Courthouse Grille. “Riding back in the car from Williamsburg, we all agreed that the event was well organized,” says Bangel. “We look forward to doing Biking for Soldiers next year. It’s for a good cause!” Norman Goldin was born into a Zionist family. “I feel there can be no greater mitzvah than supporting the people who are putting their lives on the line for Israel,” says Goldin. Supporting the Biking for Soldiers event appealed to Goldin for multiple reasons: FIDF has an impressive Four-Star rating for charities and FIDF’s partnership

Temple Israel’s Christmas Day tradition Bobbie Fisher


Joel Nied, vice president/president elect of FDIF’s Virginia Chapter, Bob Newman, Jeff Hill, USO regional vice president, Ari Dallas, executive Director FIDF, Mid-Atlantic Region.

nce again in 2019, a group of Temple Israelites gathered on December 25 to prepare a holiday meal and serve members of the community whose lives and circumstances have led them to the Haven House shelter in the Ocean View section of Norfolk. For these individuals and families, there was no house with a fireplace for Santa to climb down, no tree, and no toys to put underneath. There was no larder in which to keep food, no oven in which to cook it, and no table on which to serve it. But on Christmas Day 2019, there was a home-cooked meal, prepared and served by many hands: turkey and dressing, sweet potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, with plenty of hot rolls and butter. Sixteen adults and nine children enjoyed the repast, followed by an assortment of cookies, brownies, and candies. It’s long been a Temple Israel custom to perform this mitzvah, and plans are already in place to provide a holiday meal at Haven House in 2020. Barry and Lois Einhorn said it best in a poem they wrote to their fellow volunteers: Last year, we said ‘let’s do this again.’ That seems to be our annual refrain. Cheers to you, our super generous crew, We all made Christmas happy for Haven House too! Wouldn’t it be great if we weren’t needed. In the meantime, sure glad we succeeded. So stay well and have much good cheer, Let’s hope we are all together next year!

Alan Dworetzky, Adi Deutsch, Capt. (Ret) Vince Martinez USN.

with Wounded Warrior and American Wounded Veterans. In the mix there is Goldin’s hope that events as exhilarating as Biking for Soldiers will appeal to young people. “The most important way to support Israel is to insure its physical survival,” says Goldin. “FIDF is a particular love of mine.”

Visit us on the web | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 25

It’s a Wrap Matzo Ball Soup for the soul at JCOC

BINA High School goes to Richmond

Betsy Blank and Kat Sinclair Fenter


n December 26, the fifth night of Hanukkah, more than 20 volunteers from Tidewater Chavurah and Congregation Beth Chaverim banded together to provide a delicious nosh for the homeless in Virginia Beach. Each night, 50–60 homeless adults rely on the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center staff and passionate volunteers to provide dinner at the JCOC in Virginia Beach. Many groups take on this same project throughout the year. In the congregations’ zeal to serve a comforting, warm, homecooked meal, the first course served was Matzo Ball Soup. It was a hit, with people asking for second servings. Vegetarian Sloppy Joes were offered in addition to the usual beef version. Add some pasta salad, potato salad, coleslaw, and a variety of desserts

Volunteers at JCOC.

and no one walked away hungry. Warm hats, gloves, scarves, and blankets were distributed, as well as bag lunches including tuna salad kits, chips, cookies, and bottled water. The planning team included Sheryl Luebke, Debbie Kleeger, Kat Sinclair Fenter. Both congregations look forward to the opportunity to prepare and serve dinner at the JCOC again.

B’nai Israel Sisterhood bakes babka Chamie Haber


ollowing on the success of the annual Challah bake co-sponsored by B’nai Israel and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, B’nai Israel Sisterhood hosted its first Community Babka Bake on January 9. Seventy-five women from every segment of the Jewish Community schmoozed, laughed, had fun, and learned a new skill. The atmosphere in the room was festive as the women gathered at their tables and surveyed all the different ingredients that they would use to make their babkas. Michal Stein gave directions and the Sisterhood board helped guests follow the recipe. The women mixed and kneaded and spread and rolled and each went home with a chocolate lava babka and a cinnamon babka to share with their families (or eat all on their own!) While the dough rose, Susan Loiterman shared some of the history and significance of this delicious treat. “The tremendous success of this

Debra Aleck.

March Peck, Cyndi Tessler, and Linda Peck.

evening shows that food, in this case sweet and decadent babka, is an ingredient that can bring people together,” says Amy Levy, UJFT president.

26 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

BINA students with Senator Bill DeSteph of Virginia Beach in the Capitol.


ow do you decide?” That was the question BINA High School students had for their government representatives when they visited Richmond last month to tour the Capitol, meet with representatives, and learn more about the democratic process. The students arrived on a busy day and were treated to interactions with lobbyists and protesters, addressing a range of issues from the Second Amendment to Climate Change to Equal Rights. They wondered how the legislators went about choosing and researching issues, if they ever argued with lobbyists, and how they decided which constituents to represent. Impressed by the students’ grasp of the issues and their poignant questions, “This must be an amazing school!” was the constant refrain. The tour guide at the Capitol was so taken by the young BINA women that he pledged to reciprocate by traveling to Norfolk to tour the school. The meetings focused on female legislators, including Tidewater Delegate Emily Brewer, the youngest Republican in the House, and State Senator Jen Kiggans, who had assumed office just two days

earlier. Trip chaperones included Connie and Bruce Meyer and Kevin Lefcoe. As veterans to community and political activism, they guided the students through the day and pointed out opportunities for future progress. “We wish we were doing more,” one legislator said when asked about how anti-Semitism was being addressed. The students felt heard, but realized there was more work to be done. Another item important to the group was EISTC, a tax credit program that accounts for a large portion of the budget in local Jewish schools without removing any funds from Public Schools. An upcoming vote on this bill had the students concerned and interested. In addition to a rare chance to tour the floor of the House, the students learned to appreciate Virginia’s role as a forerunner and inspiration to the government in Washington. They also watched the legislature in session and received a ‘shout out’ from the floor welcoming the students and explaining the mission statement of their small school.

what’s happening Renegade Women in Film and TV author reveals the grit and granite that belies beautiful voices, pretty faces, masterful costumes, and stunning victories

JCC Maccabi Kick-Off Party Tuesday, February 11, 5:30–6:30 pm Simon Family JCC, FREE

Thursday, February 6, 12 pm, Sandler Family Campus Leon Family Gallery tour includes lunch, free with RSVP at Lisa Richmon


urious about what Funny Girl, Smart Girls at the Party, and Wonder Woman have in common? Ever wonder who Anna May Wong is, and what she did that Betty Davis, Salma Hayek, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbra Streisand, and Shonda Rhimes also do? Elizabeth Weitzman is the one to ask. She’s the former senior film critic at the New York Daily News, who was also named one of New York’s Top Film Critics by The Hollywood Reporter. Weitzman’s cast of gritty groundbreakers rocked the entertainment industry in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Their bold moves, against all odds, inspired her to collaborate with illustrator Austen Claire Clements on the book, Renegade Women in Film and TV. When she visits Tidewater, Weitzman will lead a discussion and gallery tour of illustrations from Renegade Women in the Simon Family JCC’s Leon Family Gallery, and share her fascination with fascinating women. A seasoned film critic and champion storyteller, Weitzman will also reveal what she learned from these women, including the burden and breakthroughs they experienced and overcame. Business professionals, business

creatives, and anyone interested in the ‘why’ behind famous and unknown entertainment industry icons, will want to hear the stories she’s ready to tell. Every “Renegade Woman” in her book of illustrations and riveting reads, was a first. They created or produced groundbreaking and relevant content, addressed prejudice and abuses, and reflected cultural diversity. Such collective girl-grit radically changed modern entertainment, not just on the big screen. For example, there’s Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls on YouTube. Before Netflix and You Tube, Barbara Walters’s crafty moves outside the studio got her a seat in a network anchor chair. Leslie Visser was the first female NFL sports analyst and Super Bowl, Final Four, World Series network reporter. Superman’s kryptonite has competition from Patty Jenkins, who created Wonder Woman as a universal character who can be all things at once: badass, smart, vulnerable, and funny. Find out what keeps Renegade Women up at night—and what they all possess regardless of family background, skin color,


et ready for the JCC Maccabi Games with a Maccabi Kick-Off party. Get information and questions answered about joining Team Virginia Beach in New York City, August 9-14. Event includes pizza and drinks. A $100 Maccabi registration discount voucher will be given to all who attend. RSVP to Tom Edwards by February 7 at 757-321 2469 or

Elizabeth Weitzman

sexual orientation, and birth year when Elizabeth Weitzman visits Tidewater. RSVP required to jewishva. org/bookfest. Contact Patty Shelanski, Arts + Ideas manager, at with questions or for more information. Elizabeth Weitzman’s visit is part of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival, held in coordination with the Jewish Book Council.

Passover Passover Coming March 23

To advertise call 757.965.6100 or email | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 27

what’s happening Building Paths of Peace

WANTED! Purim Partiers

Tuesday, March 24, 7:30 pm Kehillat Bet Hamidrash, free

Saturday, March 7, 8 pm Andie Eichelbaum


arnie Fienberg has been on a long journey from victim to activist. Since her mother-in-law, Joyce Fienberg, was murdered at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, she has switched careers from business consulting for the Federal government, including for the Department of Homeland Security for 15 years, to focusing on social action—fighting hate and anti-Semitism at the grassroots level. Her first project, along with partner Lauren Kline, is “2 for Seder,” encouraging Jews across the U. S. and Canada to actively invite at least two people of other faiths to their first Seder—fighting hate through firsthand experiences about Judaism. Fienberg empowers audiences to put positive language into the national dialogue by engaging with neighbors and building bridges of support—for the good

times and the bad. This event is in Marnie Fienberg partnership with The Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar in-Residence Fund of the Congregation Beth El Foundation’s Tidewater Together series and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Community Relations Council. RSVP (Required) at tidewatertogether. The Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-inResidence Fund of the Congregation Beth El Foundation’s Tidewater Together is a collaboration of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and area synagogues To learn more about Tidewater Together, visit, or contact Sierra Lautman, , at 757-965-6107 or


Are you a Jewish teen who wants to go to Israel?


ozy on over to the Simon Family JCC for the Young Adult Division (YAD) of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater‘s Purim in the Wild West party presented by Tidewater Home Funding. Haman got you feeling down? Saddle on up for a night filled with ole’ fashioned fun. This year, YAD is going straight to the Wild, Wild West. The committee has been working tirelessly to create the best hoedown throw down Tidewater has ever seen. That’s right! YAD wants all young adults, ages 21–45 (and older, if you dare…) to strap on those boots and ride over for a night of wild games, finger-lickin food, an open bar, signature drinks, rootin-tootin music, photo booths, and much more. In classic Purim tradition, the party will feature a legendary costume contest. Costume ideas include a sheriff’s badge, cowboy/girl boots, prairie dress, or bandana. Get creative! Tidewater Home Funding, Hamilton Realty, and Cowboy Neil’s Cantina are the sponsors that are making this party possible. After March 1, ticket prices increase, so hurry and purchase a $30 ticket today at Also, don’t forget to like YAD on Facebook for updates and potential deals on ticket prices at

Lunch and Learn: Elevating Relationships Tuesday, February 18, noon Sandler Family Campus, Free with RSVP

Apply at through March 15 Tidewater Jewish Foundation can help fund the trip through the Simon Family Passport to Israel Fund! - Grants are available for students age 13 to 18, traveling to Israel on an organized and staffed peer trip. - Trips will be funded up to 50% of the eligible expenses.

28 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

For more information, contact Ann Swindell | (757) 965-6106


abbi Baruch Danziger of the Norfolk Kollel and Barb Gelb of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, will conduct a Lunch and Learn exploring ancient and contemporary wisdom on elevating relationships. The beautiful ways in which mikvah adds holiness to marriage, as well as additional rituals and practices that can make

relationships more sacred, will be discussed. A complimentary kosher, dairy lunch will be served. In order to provide enough lunch, RSVP is required. For more information and to RSVP, contact Sierra Lautman, UJFT director of Jewish Innovation at


UJFT' S Young Adult Division invites you to

FEBRUARY 5, WEDNESDAY Date with the State. The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater travels to Richmond for the annual Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day. 7 am–4 pm. $36 includes kosher lunch and helps defray the cost of transportation. RSVP (REQUIRED) at jewishva. org/crcdatewiththestate. For more information, contact Megan Zuckerman, CRC director, at or 757-965-6112. FEBRUARY 6, THURSDAY Celebrate the accomplishments of 50 extraordinary women throughout the history of entertainment with Elizabeth Weitzman, author of Renegade Women in Film & TV through a gallery tour and discussion. Lunch provided. 12 pm. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. FREE with RSVP (required). For more information or to RSVP visit See page 27. February 14, Friday Tidewater Chavurah’s Second Friday Shabbat Service. Home of Hal and Elaine in Virginia Beach’s Great Neck Meadows area. A “congregation without walls,” events are held in members’ homes or at other locations. Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill leads the service and an Oneg follows. For event information and location address, email or call 499-3660. Check out or Tidewater Chavurah Facebook page for upcoming events. FEBRUARY 20, THURSDAY Love in Suspenders tracks two people in an unlikely relationship, from their first encounter, until they unite at the altar. 27th Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi and Alma & Howard Laderberg. Tickets, $10. Limited seating, pre-purchase suggested. 7:15 pm, Cinema Café Kemps River. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit jewishva. org/filmfestival. See page 10. FEBRUARY 22, SATURDAY THE BIG SATURDAY NIGHT celebration of Jewish Film and Champagne Reception. Picture of His Life, with special guests Amos Nachoum, one of the greatest underwater photographers of all time, and Dani Menkin, director. Tickets: $35, under 21: FREE. 7:15 pm, Sandler Center for the Performing Arts. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit See page 9.

Saturday, March 7 at 8 pm Sandler Family Campus

Saddle up your party horse and ride on over to the Wild West! Wild games • finger lickin ' food open bar • music


FEBRUARY 23, SUNDAY 27th Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presents Restoring Tomorrow. 2 pm, Susan B. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center at Virginia Wesleyan University. Tickets, $10. Limited seating. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit See page 11.

$30 before March 1 $35 on or before March $50 at the door

FEBRUARY 24, MONDAY The Frisco Kid, Naro Expanded Cinema. Tickets, $10. Limited seating available. 7:15 pm. Famed Virginian-Pilot film critic Mal Vincent’s pick. Pre-purchase strongly suggested. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit See page 11.

Get tickets at

FEBRUARY 26, WEDNESDAY Those Who Remained explores the relationship of two survivors trying to live their lives in Hungary after the Holocaust. 27th Virginia Festival of Jewish Film in partnership with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Holocaust Commission. Tickets, $10. Limited seating available. 7:15 pm. Beach Cinema Ale House. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit jewishva. org/filmfestival. See page 11. March 7, Saturday Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) Kempsville Conservative Synagogue’s Gala Art Auction. Preview: 6:45 pm; Auction: 7:45 pm. Door prizes, raffles, hors D’oeuvres, wine, coffee, and dessert. $7.50 per person. For tickets or information, call 757-287-3887 or email kbhsynagogue@ KBH is located at 952 Indian Lakes Blvd. in Virginia Beach. MARCH 19, THURSDAY Join Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and Mark Oppenheimer, authors of The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia, with special guest Alana Newhouse, editor-in-chief Tablet magazine and author of The 100 Most Jewish Foods: A Highly Delectable List for a live taping of Tablet magazine’s leading international podcast Unorthodox , with discussions about Jewish news, politics, and so much more. Zeiders American Dream Theater, 7:30 pm. $18 Admission/$50 Admission and both books. Special bundle of admission and both signed books ends March 12. Presented by the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund of Congregation Beth El’s Tidewater Together series and Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival. For more information or to RSVP (required), visit Send submissions for calendar to Be Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.








6–party Presenting sponsor

Shikma Rubin

Reserve now March 2

To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email | February 3, 2020 | Jewish News | 29

Obituaries Ann Siegel Goodman Virginia Beach—Ann Siegel Goodman, 96, of Virginia Beach, passed away January 17, 2020 surrounded by her family. She was born to Emma and Herman Kravitz in Haddonfield, N.J. and grew up with two loving sisters, Shirley and Doris. She was married to Arthur Siegel for 39 fabulous years until his passing and then happily married to Martin Goodman for 18 years. In Norfolk, Ann and Arthur raised five devoted sons, Ron, Larry, Brian, Fred, and Gary who thrived under Ann’s strong family and education centered values. Family was always the most important thing in the world to Ann and her house was always filled with love and laughter. With Ann’s love of family instilled in her sons, the family grew and surrounded her with wonderful daughters-in-laws, 16 grandchildren, and 22 great-grandchildren, who all had a special place in Ann’s heart. She will be loved and missed by all. A funeral service was held at H.D. Oliver Funeral Home, followed by a graveside service at Forest Lawn. Donations in Ann’s memory can be made to Beth Sholom Village.

Dr. Speer was born in Chaumont, France, which probably accounted for her lifelong “Joie de Vivre.” Dr. Speer grew up in Knoxville, where she graduated from West High School in 1973. She remained in her home state to attend ETSU where she obtained her dental hygiene degree. After working as a dental hygienist for five years, she attended the University of Tennessee Health Science College: College of Dentistry in Memphis, where she had the honor and privilege to serve as class president her senior year. After graduating from UTHSC in 1984 with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, Dr. Speer went on to complete her advanced Periodontal degree at the University of Virginia Dental School in Richmond, Va. in 1986. Dr. Speer belonged to the American Dental Association and the Virginia Dental Association. She was honored to serve one term as president of the Virginia Board of Dentistry. While at the University of Virginia,

Dr. Patricia Lee Speer Knoxville, Tenn.—Dr. Patricia Lee Speer, age 64, passed away on December 11, 2019. She was preceded in death by her father, Mr. Harold G. Speer and former spouse, Dr. Richard Bass. Dr. Speer is survived by her sons, Philip A. Bass (Stephanie) and Benjamin J. Bass of Norfolk, Va.; her mother, Ruby Speer of Knoxville, Tenn.; her sister, Mrs. Becky Makla (John) of Pensacola; her brothers, Dr. Harold Speer, Jr. (Grace) of Nashville, Tenn. and Keith Speer of Knoxville; her sister, Jane Flaspohler (John) of Winston, Ga. and Dr. Speer’s former spouse, Dr. Mark Bierner of Austin, Texas.

Dr. Speer met and married Dr. Richard Bass, who was also a University of Virginia dental graduate. She and her husband established separate, successful dental practices in their adopted hometown of Virginia Beach. Dr. Speer spent the last 10 years of her life in a loving relationship with Craig Coker. She was a devoted member

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30 | Jewish News | February 3, 2020 |

of Congregation Beth El synagogue and will be dearly missed by her many lifelong friends and loving family. A Memorial Service is planned for Saturday, February 8, 2020 at Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. Donations may be sent to Multiple Sclerosis Association of America or to save-patti039s-house.

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MSRP FROM $37,800 * The New Land Rover Discovery Sport is more versatile and capable than ever before, with available seating for seven, along with greater storage and cargo capacity. To stay connected, there’s everything from a 4G Wi-Fi Hotspot†to available wireless charging.‥ Full LED headlights provide greater visibility, and so do the available ClearSight Ground View and ClearSight Rear View Mirror§ systems.II Test drive the 2020 Discovery Sport at Land Rover Virginia Beach today.


32 | Jewish News |

Vehicle shown: 2020 Discovery Sport HSE R-Dynamic with optional equipment. †The Wi-Fi Hotspot is intended for passenger use only. InControl features may require an additional subscription with separate terms and conditions. ‥Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control. Do not use Land Rover InControlÂŽ features, or operate, adjust or view the navigation or multimedia systems under conditions that will affect your safety or the safety of ‥Dri others. Only use mobile phones, and other devices, even with voice commands, when it is safe to do so. §Customers who wear varifocal or bifocal lenses may have issues adjusting to the mirror’s digital mode. The normal mirror mode, however, can be used at any time. IIThese features are not a substitute for driving safely with due care and attention and will not function under all circumstances, speeds, weather and road conditions, etc. Driver should not assume that these features will correct errors of judgment in driving. Please consult the owner’s manual or your local authorized Land Rover Retailer for more details. *Price shown is Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price for the 2020 Discovery3, Sport. Supplies are limited. Excludes $699 destination/handling charge, tax, title, license, and retailer fees, all due at signing, and optional equipment. Retailer price, terms and vehicle availability may vary. Visit Land Rover February 2020 | Virginia Beach at LANDROVERVIRGINIABEACH.COM for qualifications and complete details. Š 2019 Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC

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