Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater

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Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater supplement to Jewish News August 20, 2012


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Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater


idewater’s Jewish community stands tall among communities of its size (and some much larger), when its Jewish involvement, activities, organizations, schools, synagogues, and even newspapers are compared. From multiple places of worship, schools and camps, to chapters of nearly every national Jewish organization, there is somewhere for every Jewish person residing in Tidewater to join or participate in, to heal, to get fit, to volunteer, to help others, to learn, to pray, to celebrate, and to have a good time. For this year’s Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater, we’ve changed our format a bit with the hope that you’ll hold onto it longer. Speaking of “holding onto it,” there’s a reason a Crepe Myrtle is on the cover. The Tree of Life in the Book of Proverbs is associated with wisdom: “Wisdom is a tree of life to them.…and happy is everyone that holds her fast.” While the Guide isn’t necessarily filled with wisdom, it does have lots of facts and names and numbers of people who might hold that wisdom and information, people who are generally willing to share. Like a tree with deep roots, long and short branches, many leaves and beautiful flowers, the varied components of Tidewater’s Jewish community thrive and continue to grow. We hope you find the 2012 Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater useful and that you hold onto it until next year. TD Cover photograph by Steve Budman

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-965-6100, fax 757-965-6102 Executive Vice President: Harry Graber The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater strengthens and perpetuates Jewish life. As a leader and facilitator of collective action, UJFT develops human and financial resources to meet the evolving and vital issues of its world-wide community, partnering with local, national and global organizations. UJFT allocates the funds it raises through the annual campaign to assist Jewish agencies and organizations in Tidewater, internationally and in Israel that provide healthcare, social services and education, and aid organizations that improve human relations and provide Jewish cultural programs. UJFT cares for those in need, rescues Jews in danger, enhances Jewish security and advocates for the State of Israel. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater nurtures a vibrant, engaged, inclusive and caring Jewish community whose collective action is guided by its values. Klal Yisrael: We are one People, responsible for one another. Tzedakah: We have an obligation to share our resources with our fellow human beings. Tikkun Olam: We are to actively participate in repairing the world. Gemilut Chasadim: We have a responsibility to perform acts of loving kindness. Torah: We are committed to lifelong Jewish learning. Annual Campaign Director: Anna Goldenberg The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s annual campaign is conducted by more than 100 local volunteer Jewish leaders in partnership with a professional campaign staff. Campaign volunteers commit both their time and financial support to ensure the health and vitality of the local and global Jewish community. The annual campaign runs on the Federation’s fiscal year—July 1–June 30. The campaign officially kicks off in September with a community wide event. Closely following the campaign kickoff are events which set the pace of the

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community Cardo Cafe Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Jewish Family Service Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Jewish Community Center Tidewater Jewish Foundation United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 757 965-6100 Facility Director: Glenn Saucier When the Jewish agencies moved to the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus in 2004, a department was established to assume the operations formerly administered by each agency. Everything concerning mechanical, heating and cooling, food service including the Cardo Café, janitorial, landscaping, and security is a function of the Campus. This enables the individual agencies to concentrate on serving the Jewish community, and to reduce spending.

campaign—the men’s major gift luncheon, the Young Leadership Campaign kickoff and the women’s Lion-Chai lunch. In January, the Young Adult Division sponsors Super Sunday, a community phone-a-thon. The Federation board of directors allocates funds at the end of the annual campaign in late spring based on recommendations by the finance committee for distribution to the local community; and the Israel and Overseas Committee for distributions to international and Israel agencies and organizations. A description of the programs and services the annual campaign supports are at

Women’s Division Director: Amy Zelenka The Women’s Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is the women’s fundraising arm of the Federation’s Annual Campaign, providing the women of the community with opportunities for volunteerism and philanthropy. At the helm of the Women’s Division is the Women’s Cabinet, a leadership committee that meets regularly to learn what’s happening in the Jewish community at home as well as in the greater Jewish world. The Cabinet, which features several subcommittees, including education; outreach; and community liaison; provides members with solicitation training, leadership development and other unique opportunities for skill-building which can bring significant value to the Jewish community. Cabinet members are invited to exclusive events featuring high-level speakers as well as to informal, social gatherings. Cabinet members commit to three-year terms (some serving consecutive terms for upwards of nine to 12 years). In recent years, emphasis has been placed on the roles of the education and outreach committees with the goal to reach out to the women of the Tidewater Jewish community and assume the role of ambassadors for

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United Jewish Federation of Tidewater the Federation—inviting new people in and working with the new donors to ensure that they understand the power of their philanthropy in fulfilling “tikkun olam”— repairing the world. Young Adult Division (YAD) Director: Amy Weinstein YAD is designed to promote social, cultural, leadership development, and philanthropic opportunities for young Jewish adults ages 22 to 40 (inclusively) in Tidewater. A variety of “gateways” are available for young adults to “enter” the organized Jewish community. The Young Adult Division’s outreach programs attract wide participation from young singles to Super Sunday. growing families. The division holds monthly happy hours, holiday events and outreach events including Family Shabbat dinners. YAD develops community leaders through its leadership training programs. It leads the annual grassroots community phone-a-thon, Super Sunday. YAD’s Cabinet meets regularly and its members chair the division’s many programs and events. The Tidewater Couples Project brings together married couples to learn about the Federation’s mission and provides opportunities for social networking and leadership skill building. All streams lead to the intermediate Hineni! leadership program followed by the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel and the final leadership mentorship program, Making Leadership Meaningful. The program benefits from a wealth of resources provided by the community. YAD fundraises for UJFT’s Annual Campaign through its Young Leadership Campaign, and for related causes. Affinity Groups Community Development Specialist Carolyn Amacher The Federation sponsors two affinity groups—the Maimonides Society for healthcare doctors and the Business/Legal Society for attorneys and business people. Both groups serve to connect emerging and seasoned Jewish professionals and to instill in them a heightened sense of engagement and commitment to the Jewish community. Active affinity committees plan events that provide opportunities for social and professional networking, educational forums, and philanthropic and service opportunities within the Jewish community both locally and abroad.

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 50 No. 4 | 17 Cheshvan 5772 | November 14, 2011

Updating Tidewater on Israel

Non-Profit Org. u.S. POStAge PAiD easton, MD Permit No. 108

The Community Relations Council Director: Robin Mancoll The public affairs arm of the organized Tidewater Jewish community, CRC represents the area synagogues and Jewish agencies on issues impacting the rights and protection of Jews as individuals and as a community. The CRC works to educate the community on Israel advocacy and public affairs issues, translating these issues into community action with the greater community, public officials, other faith and ethnic

The Holocaust Commission Director: Elena Baum The Holocaust Commission encourages teachers, students and the community at large to apply the lessons of history to the moral decisions they make each day. The commission works on many projects related to the Holocaust, including: • Speakers’ Bureau through which local Holocaust survivors share their stories with thousands of students. • “Through the Eyes of a Friend”—brings Anne Frank’s message of hope to the classroom and performance venues, in an innovative, multimedia format. • Yom Hashoah, commemoration day of the Holocaust. • Annual Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions—an educational resource to learn about the Holocaust, racism, and the dangers of prejudice. • Educator Awards for Excellence in Holocaust Education—honors teachers who have demonstrated knowledge of Holocaust history. • Educator conferences for elementary, middle and high school public and private school educators are offered biennially. • What We Carry, a program designed to supplement the Speakers’ Bureau. Includes video in combination with a collection of tangible artifacts (replicas) from the lives of four of the area’s Holocaust survivors, along with a volunteer presentation in a classroom or auditorium setting. The Holocaust Commission 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 Address Service Requested

Shalom Tidewater Community Concierge: Rebecca Bickford The Federation launched the Shalom Tidewater program in 2011 to help create and nurture an inclusive Jewish community. The role of the Community Concierge is to reach out to people who have relocated to Tidewater to welcome and encourage them to become active members of the community. The Concierge also assists current community members who wish to become more active. The Concierge works with synagogues and Jewish agencies, real estate professionals and the military to identify, welcome and help newcomers find a meaningful and enriching place in the Tidewater Jewish community.

communities and the media. The CRC is comprised of members from each Tidewater Jewish community agency and institution and has five committees: • Legislative Action: Provides education on issues and candidates on the local, state and national levels while creating relationships with officials to ensure dialogue between the Jewish community and area representatives in Richmond and Washington, D.C. • Media: Identifies issues, What We Carry articulates positions and develops communication strategies designed to advance the objectives of the Tidewater Jewish community. • Israel Education and Advocacy: Advancing community based advocacy and education on behalf of Israel. • Education: Works with schools and public institutions to sensitize them to Jewish concerns within and around the institutions. • Outreach: Interfaith and human rights issues, as well as coalitions between local Jewish and non-Jewish organizations.


INSIDE 9 Neil Lazarus on Israel

10 Women’s Luncheon: New Lions, Tikvas and Chais

15 NatIoNal FamIly CarEgIvErS aND HomE HEaltH CarE moNtH 14

Hanns Loewenbach and What We Carry

Jewish news Editor: Terri Denison Published 22 times annually, Jewish News connects the Tidewater Jewish community with news of Jewish interest from local, national and global spheres.

Jewish Family Service MAIN OFFICE 260 Grayson Road Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Administration 757-321-2222 Counseling and Adoption 757-459-4640 Home Health 757-489-3111 Fax 757-489-1958 Executive Director: Betty Ann Levin SATELLITE OFFICES Personal Affairs Management Program 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 300 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-938-9130 United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula 2700 Spring Road Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-1422 Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc. is a fully accredited social service agency that has served Tidewater since 1946. The agency has earned a national reputation of responding to community needs by the creation and expansion of programs for the elderly, children and youth, families, individuals, the developmentally disabled and the chronically mentally ill. JFS depends on the generosity of the Jewish community, as well as the larger Tidewater community for support. Primary funding sources include United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, United Way of South Hampton Roads, United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula and United Way of the Virginia Peninsula. COUNSELING FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES Jewish Family Service provides clinical services such as individual, marital, and family therapy, as well as educational and support programs to children, teens, and adults experiencing stress and difficulties adjusting to life’s challenges. JFS provides confidential and specialized counseling for adults and teens who are concerned about substance abuse. This service is for individuals and families. The Dozoretz Center for Family Healing and Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion are designed to support children and their families through the process of grief, loss and other life transitions. A full range of confidential counseling services is offered for those dealing with divorce and separation. In collaboration with the Edmarc Hospice for Children, JFS co-sponsors age-appropriate support groups for children and teens who have lost a loved one. In addition, JFS staff serve as onsite counselors for the Strelitz Early Childhood Center, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and BINA High School. JFS also provides educational advocacy and assessment services for children and teens experiencing school- or learning-related difficulties. Each spring, during the Month of the Grieving Child, JFS showcases artwork created by area children who have experienced a significant loss. The JFS Parent Resource Center, including the Annabel Sacks Collection, is a lending library addressing a wide range of parenting issues. A catalogue is available at

SPECIAL NEEDS JFS offers a variety of services to Jewish children and adults with special needs and their families: • SIMCHA, a socialization and recreation group for Jewish adults with mental illness, offers cultural and recreational outings. • CHAVERIM, meets the cultural, socialization and recreational needs of the Jewish developmentally disabled. • JFS professionals facilitate a Special Needs camp experience annually. In cooperation with JCC staff, they integrate special needs children into summer programs and activities, enabling them to participate with their non-disabled peers. ADOPTION Beginning a family is one of the most important and exciting times for a couple. Few are prepared for the disappointment of long-term infertility or pregnancy loss. Adoption Resources of Jewish Family Service is a licensed child placement agency offering services to guide families through the beginning of a family through adoption. Professional staff counsel birth parents and assist adoptive parents. Adoption Resources staff members are cognizant of Virginia law and are experienced in working with attorneys and other agencies to facilitate parental placement adoptions, somestic adoption, and international adoptions. Counseling services are offered to any family facing an unplanned pregnancy. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Financial assistance is available for Jewish families coping with unplanned financial debt and obligation. Case managers help with budgeting, financial planning and payment arrangements. This program is made possible by the generosity of the Pincus Paul Charitable Trust, the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society, along with the support of both the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. Individuals and families fund special projects, including holiday food baskets, Chanukah gifts for children, grocery certificates and clothing donations. To make donations for this program, contact JFS. Individuals and families under 60 years of age who need assistance should call 459-4640. Mature adults and families over the age of 60 who need assistance should call 321-2222. OLDER ADULTS Aging brings many challenges and JFS is there to help ensure that older adults live their lives with dignity and the greatest degree of independence possible. Agency professionals work closely with patients, families, health care providers and other community organizations to design comprehensive care plans. JFS HOME HEALTH CARE When people face serious illness and the process of recovery, skilled home health care may be prescribed. This supportive care helps patients heal and rehabilitate at home. The award-winning department offers a comprehensive array of services provided by highly skilled professionals. Home Health services include: • Professional nursing care • Psychiatric nursing • Medical social work • Home health aides • Speech, occupational and physical therapies. JFS is also the only Home Health Care service provider in Tidewater to offer treatment of lymphedema, the swelling of extremities due to surgical or other trauma to the lymphatic system, by a certified Lymphedema Therapist. 2012 | Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater | Jewish News | 5

Jewish Family Service Certified Nursing Assistants help people manage their personal care and household needs while recuperating or coping with a chronic illness. CNAs can provide services such as dressing, bathing and personal care, supervision of medication, meal preparation, ambulation assistance, range of motion exercise, private care while hospitalized, transportation and accompaniment to medical appointments, outpatient procedures and shopping, in addition to companionship and family support. When people need more comprehensive care, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) can provide services such as: • Medication administration • Blood pressure monitoring • Catheter care • Ongoing diabetes management • Tube feedings • Other disease management services upon request. The JFS Home Health program is accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP). CARE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM This program assists individuals and their families in assessing the medical, personal and social service needs of the elderly, and, with the cooperation of the client and their families or legal guardians, helps design a long-term care plan. This plan allows the frail and vulnerable elderly person to remain in their own home, while maintaining some level of independence for as long as possible. Care managers address the many practical needs of daily living with older adults. Programs include the kosher Meals on Wheels program, volunteer friendly visitors, senior companions, and agency transportation services. The Embrace program, currently funded by the Celia K. Krichman Charitable Trust, reaches out to older adults who can anticipate needing help in the future. This provides a link to JFS programs and community services for people who recognize that while they might not need help now, they want to know where to find help when a more acute situation arises. PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGEMENT The Personal Affairs Management (PAM) Program at JFS safeguards the personal and financial affairs of vulnerable adults, 18 years of age and older, with physical, cognitive and/or mental disabilities. The PAM Program has been recognized as a Model Program by the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and is approved as a Public Guardian by the Virginia Department for the Aging. The PAM staff work with clients and the judicial systems to provide multiple levels of service as guardian, conservator, and/or power of attorney. On-call case management is available 24 hours a day to improve clients’ quality of life and manage personal and medical care for those who need it. PAM services also include management of financial services for clients. The multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients’ comprehensive needs are met. COUNSELING FOR OLDER ADULTS The golden years of life are sometimes tarnished by relationship problems, adjustment to retirement, financial shifts, losses such as the death of a loved one or relocation, changing relationships with adult children, and a variety of health concerns. JFS therapists offer an opportunity to speak openly and confidentially, allowing older adults and their families to explore feelings, ideas and options. JFS therapist services are covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and by many private health insurance companies. Services can also be provided on a sliding scale fee basis to those without insurance who qualify. WEEK OF HEALTHY LIVING Each spring, JFS’s Week of Healthy Living,provides individuals of all ages with an opportunity for education, fitness and fun. Activities include the JFS Run, Roll, or Stroll (a race along the Virginia Beach boardwalk), seminars and speakers on a variety of topics to encourage healthy bodies, minds and spirits. 6 | Jewish News | Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater | 2012

JFS Run, Roll, or Stroll

Tidewater Jewish Foundation 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-965-6111 President and CEO: Philip S. Rovner The Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) is dedicated to the creation of permanent resources to help meet the challenges and needs of the Jewish community for present and future generations. Founded in 1984 as a single endowment fund under the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, TJF has grown to approximately $90 million in assets. TJF is leading the community’s Create a Jewish Legacy initiative—to raise awareness about planned giving and endowments and encourage bequests. This undertaking is designed to help individuals and families support the Jewish causes they care about; building a strong, vibrant community, now and in the future including bequests for permanent endowments. It promotes the message that everyone, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, has the ability to make a difference for future Jewish generations. In its first year, the Create a Jewish Legacy initiative has raised just under 50 percent of its two-year goal of $50 million. These planned gifts and endowments will provide a stronger future for Jewish organizations. TJF encourages all to become engaged in considering this exciting and important initiative. Planned giving is a powerful commitment to the future. It is the process of making a lasting charitable gift (now or after one’s lifetime) that can financially benefit both the donor and the institution receiving it. Whether the gift is used to secure the future of Jewish organizations, provide for the needs of the Jewish poor, assist the elderly, rescue Jews in need around the world, or to fight anti-Semitism—no matter where or when in the future—donors are there to help. Whether an individual already has a fund at TJF, is thinking about establishing one, has a family foundation, or is just beginning the estate planning process, TJF can assist in accomplishing philanthropic goals. This can be done effectively through strategic collaborations with UJFT, family foundations, area agencies, temples/synagogues and other charitable organizations. The Simon Family Legacy Society is TJF’s donor recognition program to honor those who have committed to providing for the future of the Jewish community. The Society welcomes donors who have either pledged to leave a bequest, other planned gift or already maintains a restricted or unrestricted gift for Jewish causes at TJF. Within the Society, donors are placed in one of five levels of honor based on the combined total of qualifying gifts. TJF supports the needs of the community through grants and donor-advised funds. It helps secure a vibrant future with thoughtful estate planning and securing bequests, ensuring that future generations will have strong programs and solid institutions with permanent endowments. Most importantly, TJF helps people help others.

Beth Sholom Village The Berger-Goldrich Home 6401 Auburn Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-420-2512, fax 757-424-0657 Executive Vice President/CEO, David R. Abraham

The Terrace 1049 College Park Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-282-2384, fax 757-361-0151 Administrator: Pam Guthrie

Since 1980, The Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village (formerly Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia), has served as the only nursing facility in Tidewater, which embodies traditional Jewish values, customs and traditions. A full time religious leader, kosher food, holidays and special observances enable residents to continue to live with dignity, and as Jews. The Home is a 120-bed licensed skilled nursing facility providing multiple levels of care tailored to the individual. The Home accepts Medicare and Medicaid payments from those who qualify, as well as private pay. The Home also accepts managed care plans for short-term rehabilitation and other approved services. Professional affiliBSV and JFS Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care Center. ations exist with Jewish Family Service, The Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care Center of Tidewater, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Sentara Healthcare System, Glennan Center and others. The Home is a five-star facility—the highest rating available in Virginia.

Seniors who are no longer able to live on their own find a new lease on life at The Terrace at Beth Sholom Village. The Terrace, a Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Assisted Living Center, can accommodate 75 residents in 69 units. The Terrace provides gracious assisted living where residents can live comfortably in their own studio, one or two-bedroom apartment. Three levels of care are offered to assist residents with their activities of daily living in a secure and comfortable environment. Three kosher meals a day are served by the wait staff in the dining room, and snacks and drinks are always available in the Club Room. The activity calendar is filled with entertainment, outings, art programs and a wide variety of in-house activities, including daily exercise. A caring staff provides scheduled transportation for shopping and doctor appointments. Licensed nurses attend to residents’ regular medical needs and are available for more urgent situations. The Memory Enhancement Center allows residents with Alzheimers or dementia related illness to be as independent as possible within a safe and secure environment. This secure unit has 18 individual apartments which surround a well-lit central atrium with areas designated for dining, activities and relaxing. The secure walking path is accessible through the screened-in sun porch or the music room. A limited number of partial scholarships are available.

Services • The Rose Frances and Bernard Glasser Health and Wellness Center serves residents and staff of The Village, as well as those in neighboring communities. Staffed by Dau Le, MD, a physician assistant, nurse practitioner and LPN. • A coordinated approach to care, including physical, occupational and speech therapy in two state-of-the-art therapy gyms. One gym includes a practical kitchen for residents to relearn skills necessary for their return home. • Team of nursing personnel, therapists, social workers, and an activities department with certified activity therapists. • Dentist, ophthalmologist, and podiatrist. • Out-patient physical therapy department. • Variety of programs and activities. • Kosher meals and snacks. • Daily and Sabbath services, as well as holiday services. • The Kantor Café. Open to the public, kosher; serves breakfast, lunch and snacks. • Dedicated and caring staff. • A 40-bed Special Care Unit for residents with advanced dementia. • Beds certified for Medicare and Medicaid in private and semi-private rooms. • Excellent staff to resident ratio. • Hair salon with full-time hairdresser. • Outdoor gardens, patios and secure courtyards. • Auxiliary Gift Shop. • Auxiliary with almost 1,000 members bringing enhancements to the lives of the residents. The Berger-Goldrich Home is a recipient agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, UJC-VA Peninsula, TJF, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, VEJA, and BSHEV Foundation.

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Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Jewish Community Center 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-321-2338, fax 757-489-4427 Interim Center Director: Alex Pomerantz The Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Jewish Community Center is committed to serving the entire Jewish community, from infants to seniors. It is the community’s “living room,” and everyone is welcome, regardless of where they might find themselves on their Jewish path. Within its walls are toddlers learning Jewish culture or how to swim, seniors planning field trips or participating in Jewish book fair discussions, teens making life-long friends by attending socials or participating in Jewishly inspired social action projects, and adults exercising their bodies and minds with adult Jewish education and cultural events. JCC MEMBERSHIP Membership director: Terry Corrigan, 757-321-2327 From discounts on Jewish classes and cultural events to the state-of-the-art fitness equipment to the gymnasium to the free babysitting services to the complimentary towel service and locker rooms equipped with steam and sauna rooms, JCC membership has its perks. All new members receive a free fitness assessment and three free personal training sessions when they join. FITNESS AND AQUATICS Fitness and Wellness Coordinator: Starr Kimmer Gargiullo 757-321-2322 One of the largest and most varied facilities in the area with a full time professional and certified staff, the JCC offers a place to get fit and learn lifetime skills and sports. Indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, cardiovascular and strength equipment, unlimited group exercise classes including group cycling, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, and Silver Sneakers classes. SPORTS AND LEAGUES Coordinator: Tom Edwards, 757-321-2308 Youth, teen and adult basketball, youth and adult soccer, an adult flag football tournament, adult volleyball, youth field hockey, and much more. Membership is not required to participate. CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAMMING Director of Cultural Arts: Aimee Koller, 757-321-2304

Performing Arts at the J presented by Leah Wohl* Brings comedy, music, and theater to the JCC. This year: comedian Dan Ahdoot, The Simpsons’ writer Mike Reiss and baritone David Krohn. ART SHOWS Local artists exhibit work in the Leon Gallery. Upcoming exhibits include a photo retrospective of Ethiopian Jews, photographer David Guy-Decker, artist Mike Kantor, and the Jewish Family Service’s Annual Grieving Children’s Art Show. SENIOR ADULT PROGRAMS Coordinator: Sherry Lieberman, 757-321-2309 Celebrations and fun activities, friendly company, interesting programs and snacks. Programs include Jewish holidays, trips to area attractions, and so much more. Many activities include transportation to and from the JCC. ADULT JEWISH EDUCATION Director of Jewish Life and Learning: Miriam Brunn Ruberg 757-321-2328 FLORENCE MELTON ADULT MINI-SCHOOL The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School, with its international headquarters at Hebrew University Jerusalem, is at the forefront of adult Jewish learning. The MiniSchool offers adults the opportunity to attain a level of Jewish literacy through the study of Jewish texts in an interactive, pluralistic and non-denominational environment. No exams, no quizzes, and no homework. The only prerequisite is a commitment to learn. CLASSES TO ENHANCE JEWISH JOURNEYS From Jewish architecture to Singing with Cantor Wally of Ohef Sholom Temple, the JCC has classes for every Jewish journey. BBYO /Panim Ellie Bernstein, 757-321-2324 BBYO is one of the most dynamic, innovative Jewish youth organizations for ninth–12th graders in the world. See page 14. TEEN DEPARTMENT Providing Jewish youth, sixth–12th grade, an opportunity to become connected Jewishly and socially.

VIRGINIA FESTIVAL OF JEWISH FILM presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg Celebrating its 20th season, this is one of the longest continuous Jewish film festivals in the country and runs in late January each year. THE LEE AND BERNARD JAFFE* FAMILY JEWISH BOOK FESTIVAL With more than 500 titles for sale, lectures, panel discussions, and special events for children, the Book Festival is a must-see.

Hillel, Old Dominion University A student driven organization on the campus of Old Dominion University. Go to Kids Connection Director: Ashley Gregory, 757-321-2342 This Before and After School Enrichment program provides a safe, fun, and educational before and after school experience for children pre-K–sixth grade. It also helps working parents and guardians in the community, so it provides care for half-day kindergarteners (both am and pm), full day kindergarteners, and Early Discoveries. Holiday camps on days public schools are closed are offered. Transportation to and from many Virginia Beach Public Schools is included. See for a list of schools served. Open from 6:30 am–6 pm Monday–Friday during the school year.

*of blessed memory

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Education BINA High School 425 Washington Park Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-BINA (2462), fax 757-627-2461 Menaheles: Aviva Harpaz General Studies Principal: Tomika Latta Norfolk’s first and only Orthodox Jewish High School for young women, BINA opened in 2007. The BINA experience aims to enable each student to develop her love for Hashem, His Torah, and the Jewish people, and to imbue her with Derech Eretz that guides her actions, speech, and way of dress. The Judaic studies program is primarily skill-based. The secular studies program provides the tools for students to continue education at any institution of higher learning of her choice. Hands-on experiments and field trips create excitement and highlight the relevance of the girls’ studies. Academic areas are complimented with physical education, art and music lessons. Located in a secured wing at B’nai Israel Congregation, the school has a state-ofthe-art Macintosh computer lab, a student lounge, and access to a kosher kitchen. Boarding is available in local homes.

HAT graduation class 2012.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-424-4327, fax 757-420-0915 Head of school: Rabbi Mordechai Wecker Admissions director: Carin Simon Since 1955, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater has served as the region’s only Jewish Community Day School, welcoming families of all Jewish backgrounds and practices. The school’s mission is to provide the highest quality Judaic and general studies education and establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning in a dynamic, supportive, and enriching Jewish environment. The strength of the program is built upon a rigorous and comprehensive academic curriculum of science, math, social studies, Jewish studies, Hebrew language, music, art, physical education, and the use of advanced technology. An outstanding faculty infuse students with a spirit of respect, tolerance, inclusiveness, and ethics that extend from within and beyond the classroom. Immersion in the school’s dual curriculum prepares students for the rigors of academic programs at other fine schools while instilling a strong foundation and understanding of who they are as Jews. They see themselves not just as Americans, but as Jewish Americans who understand their heritage and feel a strong connection to Israel and to Jews around the world. Graduates make confident transitions into the best independent schools, IB academies, honors programs, and Judaic schools of higher learning. From there, they are accepted into the most well-respected colleges and universities including Brandeis, Princeton, University of Virginia, Duke, and many more.

Kindergarten–fifth grade • Welcoming children of all Jewish affiliations (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and interfaith marriage) • Centrally located • Facility boasts a regulation size gym, soccer field, tennis courts and indoor pool • Faculty includes general studies teachers, Judaic studies/Hebrew language teachers and multiple resource teachers • Teachers know strengths and needs of all students within a warm and caring atmosphere • Extra help and enrichment available • Clubs and intramurals • Need-based financial aid available • All teachers certified by the Virginia Department of Education or meet other professional accreditation standards • Full membership in and accreditation by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS) and National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) • Founding member of RAVSAK, the Jewish Community Day School Network • Constituent agency of the United Federation of Tidewater Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding at Old Dominion University Director: Farideh Goldin, 757-683-6816 College of Arts and Letters Cooper Room, Batten Arts and Letters Building Old Dominion University!/IJIUatODU The Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding at Old Dominion University offers programs and events to promote the understanding of Judaism and interfaith relations in the global environment. A variety of college-level courses serve ODU students as well as interested community members. The Institute actively partners with cultural organizations throughout the area to bring Jewish and Interfaith programming to Tidewater. Norfolk Area Community Kollel 168 Business Park Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-623-TORA(H) (8672), fax 757-627-8544 Executive Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt Norfolk Area Community Kollel offers Jewish classes and programming to the Jews of Tidewater regardless of affiliation or practice. Their philosophy is Torah based and centers on gaining spirituality through personal growth. The Norfolk Kollel offers programs at college campuses and high schools, as well as lunch and learn programs, and can “tailor-make” a Jewish education program for specific needs.

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Education STRELITZ EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER An educational partnership of the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and The Simon Family Jewish Community Center 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Director, Preschool: Alene Jo Kaufman, 757-321-2307 Admissions Director: Carin Simon, 757-424-4327 The Strelitz Early Childhood Center’s mission is to provide the highest quality Judaic and general studies education and to establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning in a dynamic, supportive, and enriching Jewish environment. The Center is comprised of two sections—preschool and Beginnings. Preschool The Strelitz Early Childhood Center revels in the curiosity and potential of youth as they discover a new world each day. One visit to the preschool says it all. From Infant care. classrooms and activity centers to individual programs, visitors find an exhilarating environment infused with Jewish culture and a commitment to lifelong learning. The child-centered program makes liberal use of graphic arts and group work under the direction of teachers who love, nurture, support, and challenge little ones to new heights. The school educates the whole child by providing a good balance between academic and social development, helping children grow physically, socially, emotionally and educationally. Thematic learning units from the Jewish and secular worlds provide options for intellectual curiosity and develop emerging readiness skills, preparing students for kindergarten programs. Preschool Fast Facts • Welcoming children of all faiths, ages two to four years • Nurturing, developmentally appropriate curriculum • L arge classrooms, with bathrooms and sinks • Indoor and outdoor play areas for motor development • Music, library, and physical education for all students • Aquatics (ages three and four) • Children’s cooking center • Classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology for student education and parent communication • Extended Day and Full Care options • Still in diapers? Not a problem. • Peanut free • Accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS) • All students must be of age for each program by Sept. 30 The Strelitz Early Childhood Center celebrates the birth of new babies with a Chai Baby Basket. Baby Ambassadors deliver the baskets to new moms in Tidewater. The baskets include Judaic toys, keepsakes, and information help families make connections with other parents. The PJ Library is a national program available in more than 100 communities across the United States and Canada and is implemented locally through the Simon Family JCC. The program in Tidewater sends free Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis to children from age six months to eight years. Membership in the JCC is required for enrollment in the Strelitz Early Childhood Center. Stretlitz Early Childhood Center.

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Beginnings: Infant and Toddler Care Director, Beginnings: Becky Feld, 757-321-2332 The Simon Family JCC’s Beginnings program provides multiple options for childcare and socialization, including infant and toddler full care, mothers’ mornings out, and a variety of enrichment classes including music, playgroups, tumbling classes, and more for parents and children from birth to 32 months. Full Day childcare for children age six weeks and older is offered 7:30 am–6 pm. Talmudical Academy Yeshivas Aish Kodesh 612 Colonial Ave. Norfolk, VA 23507 757-623-6070, fax 757-623-6074 Rabbi Yosef Lowenbraun, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is geared toward the student striving for excellence in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. The school aims to facilitate the spiritual, personal and academic growth of talmidim, with an eye toward producing well-rounded bnei Torah imbued with the mesorah that has defined Klal Yisrael since Jews stood together at the foot of Har Sinai. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh meets these goals with a full, balanced schedule. The curriculum features Gemara shiurim in both iyun and bekius, as well as regular classes in Chumash, Navi, Halacha, and Tefillah. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh offers a general studies program taught by state-certified instructors. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh’s facilities feature a Beis Medrash, state-of-the-art classrooms, a well-stocked library and recreation room. Regular opportunities to access basketball and tennis courts, swimming pools and other activities. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh views experiential learning as an integral part of the Yeshiva’s approach. Visiting and interacting with Gedolei Yisrael, an energetic Oneg Shabbos, a heartfelt kumzitz—ways in which the special ruach and warmth that characterizes Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is extended. TORAS CHAIM Gomley Chesed Building 3110 Sterling Point Drive Portsmouth, VA 23703 757-686-2480 Principal/menahel: Rabbi Mordechai Loiterman Toras Chaim is an Orthodox Jewish Day School committed to providing quality Judaic and general studies education in a Torah environment. The school day is divided into two curricula. First, it offers an academic program comparable in its scope and objectives to other high quality private school programs accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Second, it offers a religious curriculum that teaches original texts and traditions that ground the students in a sense of their Jewish heritage and traditions. The staff of Toras Chaim is comprised of committed educators. Religious instruction is taught by religious leaders who live the traditions and values they teach. Secular academics are taught by teachers who are exceptional in their fields and who convey both the content and the flavor of their studies. The school year at Toras Chaim also contains many exciting and fun activities to enrich the students’ experience. Students celebrate Jewish holidays, participate in league sports, spelling bees, geography bees, and writing contests that help them be the best that they can in whichever area is their strength. United Hebrew School 757-489-4550 Principal: Becky Roberts Students from Congregation Beth El, Kempsville Conservative Synagogue, Temple Emanuel and Temple Israel meet Wednesdays at 4 pm at the Sandler Family Campus and on Sundays at their synagogues for Hebrew instruction.


GAN ISRAEL Chabad House 1920 Colley Ave. Norfolk, VA 23517 Director: Rashi Brashevitzky, 757-616-0770 Gan Israel is part of a fast growing worldwide network of Jewish day camps. Held at the Chabad House, campers have ample space for loads of fun both inside and outside. Along with crafts, and sports activities, Gan Israel campers take weekly field trips and enjoy weekly sessions at local gymnastics facilities. Gan Israel is the camp where fun and Judaism go hand in hand. Campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in their Jewish heritage and a love for Israel. Weekly Judaic themes are taught through exciting activities, stories, songs, games and contests. Simon Family JCC SUMMER CAMP Camp director: Lisa Chacon, 757-321-2306 The Simon Family JCC summer camp provides children with challenging, educational and fun summer camp experiences guided by Jewish values. Camps for children ages 16 months through counselors-in-training (10th grade) offer the opportunity for personal growth, increased self-esteem, and friendship building. Campers choose any or all of the eight weeks of camp to attend. There is also an option for kindergarten through fifth grade to extend the summer an extra three weeks with Kids’ Connection Plus, the JCC’s Before and After School Program. Children with special needs are welcome, with highly trained staff available to act as their “shadows” providing one-on-one assistance.

Synagogues B’NAI ISRAEL CONGREGATION 420 Spotswood Ave. Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-7358, fax 757-627-8544 ORTHODOX, Rabbi Sender Haber B’nai Israel Congregation is an exciting, family-oriented full-service Orthodox synagogue in the heart of a diverse and dynamic Jewish community Hampton Roads in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk. With a Board of Rabbis membership that includes Jews of all levels of and Cantors observance, it is proud to call itself “the Orthodox President: Synagogue for all Jews in Tidewater.” Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg The synagogue features a large Partners in 757-625-4295 Torah program of one-on-one study, as well Comprised of area rabbis as weekly and monthly lectures, an intensive and cantors, the board Saturday and Sunday morning program for chilmeets regularly to discuss dren, Saturday afternoon programs for all ages, issues of concern to the life cycle and family education, adult and youth Jewish community. enrichment programs, and monthly social and holiday programming. The synagogue houses the Norfolk Area Community Kollel, BINA High School for Girls, and the Norfolk Community Mikvah. B’nai Israel Congregation is affiliated with the Orthodox Union as well as the National Conference of Young Israel. BETH CHAVERIM 3820 Stoneshore Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3226, Fax 757-463-1134 REFORM, Rabbi Israel Zoberman Founded in 1982, Beth Chaverim has been affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1984. In 2006, the Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Sanctuary and new religious school wing opened. Beth Chaverim has a diverse membership with singles, young couples, families and seniors. The synagogue has a library, gift shop, choir and religious school. The school offers programming and education for preschoolers through Confirmation. Family Shabbat and Tot Shabbat services, adult education, Torah study, discussion groups, a social action committee and holiday workshops are active. The synagogue sponsors a youth group, a young adult group, social activities and an active Sisterhood and Men’s Club. Beth Chaverim is involved in the community, working with the Volunteers of America, feeding and housing the homeless and serving as the meeting site for a Boy Scout troop and the Edmarc Hospice for THE COMMODORE URIAH P. LEVY CHAPEL 757-444-7361 Cantor: Aaron Sachnoff One of the few designated Jewish chapels in the U.S. Navy, the Commodore Levy Chapel serves Jewish military personnel including reservists and retirees. It is the focal point of a growing Jewish life within the military community. This historic chapel is named after Commodore Uriah Levy who was one of only two men ever to move up the ranks, from enlisted to Commodore status. Children/Jewish Family Service “Peace by Piece” program.

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Synagogues CHABAD LUBAVITCH OF TIDEWATER/ CHABAD HOUSE 1920 Colley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-616-0770, Fax 757-616-0772 Rabbi Aaron Margolin, Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky Rychel Margolin,.Rashi Brashevitzky Established in 1979, Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge and observance of Judaism in Tidewater by reaching out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation or level of observance. Chabad has stimulated Jewish activity in areas often overlooked. It offers Jewish education for all ages and the opportunity to experience first-hand the vitality and relevance of Torah-true Judaism as it is lived today. Participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom and knowledge that is inherent in Jewish life and learning. Chabad of Tidewater responds to both the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish community through classes, counseling, holiday celebrations, and innovative programming for children. CONGREGATION BETH EL 422 Shirley Ave. Norfolk, VA 23517 757-625-7821, fax 757-627-4905 CONSERVATIVE, Jeffrey M. Arnowitz, Rabbi Gordon Piltch, Cantor Arthur Ruberg, Rabbi Emeritus Director of Community Learning: Sharon Wasserberg Executive Director: Pamela Gladstone Dedicated to sharing Judaism to make life more meaningful, Congregation Beth El enjoys a rich tradition of touching lives. As the oldest Conservative synagogue in Virginia, Beth El has been translating Jewish practice into purposeful living for more than 160 years. Beth El provides a full educational program for all ages, diverse religious services and ritual moments, cultural events and participation in social action projects within the Jewish community and beyond. The religious program includes daily morning and evening services. Weekly Shabbat morning worship services are both traditional and participatory, and are followed by a kiddush luncheon prepared in Beth El’s supervised kosher kitchen. Babysitting is provided every Saturday morning. Youth services for a variety of age groups meet every other week. The Beth El Religious School is for children from pre-kindergarten through Confirmation in the 10th grade. Students also attend the United Hebrew School or HAT at appropriate grades. Formal education is complemented by Shabbat dinners and family education programs, youth groups associated with the United Synagogue (Kadima and USY), and the Youth Torah Readers program for post- Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. A wide array of programming includes adult activities such as educational Lunch and Learns, Torah on Tap, basic Hebrew courses, Torah study, synagogue skills classes and family workshop sessions on how to celebrate Shabbat and Jewish holidays. Programs for families and young professionals are an integral part of the congregation. An aggressive social action agenda includes feeding and housing homeless in the community. Beth El’s Sisterhood and Men’s Club have a history of providing a framework for members to take an active role in this evolving historic congregation.

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GOMLEY CHESED SYNAGOGUE 3110 Sterling Point Dr. Portsmouth, VA 23703 757-484-1019, fax 757-484-5263 CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi David Goldstein Administrative Director: Cookie Brady Gomley Chesed was founded in 1886. It serves the Conservative Jewish communities of Portsmouth, Suffolk and Chesapeake. Gomley Chesed offers a monthly Shabbos dinner cooked by the Rabbi and Sisterhood, a weekly Sunday morning breakfast, Torah study, and adult education programs. Everyone is welcome to participate in the educational programs, free of charge. The first year of membership is free to unaffiliated Jewish individuals. Minyans are held on Tuesday evening and Thursday morning. Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday morning services are also offered. Gomley Chesed owns a cemetery for the community’s benefit. KEMPSVILLE CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) 952 Indian Lakes Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-495-8510 CONSERVATIVE, Chazzan M. David Proser Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) is a place for traditional, yet egalitarian Conservative Jews to come together to celebrate all things Jewish in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Shabbat services are held on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Holiday services and celebrations are an important part of the synagogue’s core. The membership takes an active role in both worship services and running the synagogue. A programming partnership between KBH and Temple Israel creates meaningful shared learning opportunities, programs, and prayer. As an affiliate of the Seaboard Region of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the synagogue participates in both local and regional programming with other area member synagogues. Locally, these include USY, United Hebrew School, and joint Selichot services. The synagogue runs an onsite non-sectarian child care center, the Children’s Center of Kempsville for preschool children ages two to five. It is open to the general community. Ohef Sholom Temple 530 Raleigh Ave. Norfolk, VA 23507 757-625-4295, fax 757-625-3762 REFORM, Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin Administrator: Gail Bachman Director of Congregational Life: Linda Peck Religious School Director: Deborah Haring Religious School Educator: Kitty Wolf Music Director: Charles Woodward Rabbi Lawrence A. Forman, Rabbi Emeritus Ohef Sholom Rabbi Arthur Z. Steinberg, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Sinai Founded in 1844, Ohef Sholom Temple is the largest and oldest Reform congregation in Tidewater. Services take place Friday nights and Saturday mornings. A Torah Study group meets Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings. The Sisterhood (Women of Reform Judaism) sponsors outings, the annual

Synagogues Chanukah Dinner, Book Club and Dinner, Women’s Seder, Sisterhood Shabbaton, and manages the Judaica Shop, offering the area’s finest collection of Judaica. The Men’s Club sponsors monthly Car Pool Cafés with brunch and guest speakers, monthly Shabbat dinners, the Sidney A. Snyder Golf Tournament, as well as an annual outing to the Tides game. Religious education at Ohef Sholom begins with Nursery School (three-year-olds) through Confirmation, regular Kids and Kiddush programs and Ohef Sholom Temple and Temple Sinai merger ceremony. training for B’nai Mitzvah. The Temple operates its own Hebrew School. Activities for teenagers are through OSTY, the Temple’s youth group and national and regional organizations. (see page 14) Adult learning opportunities are through programs including Scholars-inResidence, Lunch and Learns, workshops, adult B’nai Mitzvah classes, Introduction to Judaism, and more. The adult education committee sponsors a variety of speakers along with Torah Study and Mussar classes. An active caring committee spends much effort on social action activities with an annual Mitzvah Day and monthly Soup Kitchen. The Temple’s Archives houses a vast collection of artifacts, which recount the history of Norfolk’s Jewish community. Archives are available for research by appointment and online. The Ohef Sholom Temple Library is recognized as the area’s most complete Judaic library in Tidewater with more than 5,000 volumes. The recent merger with Temple Sinai integrated Sinai’s extensive Holocaust collection into the library. Young Adult Community (YAC) creates an open, welcoming and fun atmosphere for young adults (25ish-45ish) with a variety of social and networking opportunities, while Prime Time offers social activities for the 45- to 65-year-old age group and Mavens & Mensches plans social and educational programs for seniors. Ohef Sholom Temple is committed to welcoming interfaith couples. TEMPLE EMANUEL 424 25th St. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-428-2591, fax: 757-428-3797 CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi David Barnett Office manager: Gail Gogan Religious School Director/Youth Director: Beth Weiner Gross Temple Emanuel is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ). Its mission is to make Judaism meaningful and joyful in a holy and inclusive manner, integrating tradition with the best of modernity. Education for adults and children is among the highest priorities of the synagogue. Classes are offered to learn to read Hebrew, Bible study, Jewish prayer, etc. Teens participate in area-wide USY programs. See page 14. The synagogue seeks to implement the following teaching from the Talmud: the synagogue rests on three pillars—(1) becoming a knowledgeable Jew through the study of Torah, (2) meaningful and joyful prayer, and (3) bringing peace and healing to the world. The synagogue offers a variety of programs in each area. Programming is designed to meet the needs of members both young and old. For the Rabbi Philip Pincus Forum, a scholar in residence is engaged for the weekend for both the learning and the enjoyment of the congregation and community.

TEMPLE ISRAEL 7255 Granby St. Norfolk, VA 23505 757-489-4550, fax 757-489-3425 TempleIsraelVA CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi Michael Panitz Education Director: Kathryn Morton Temple Israel is an egalitarian, multi-racial, full-service synagogue with morning and evening minyan, traditional worship on Shabbat and on all festival days and a Junior Congregation on Shabbat mornings twice monthly for children. An active Sisterhood runs the Temple’s gift shop and provides ongoing social and educational programs. Men’s Club activities include building sukkahs throughout the community, hosting cookouts, speaker breakfasts and outreach programs. The Temple library includes hundreds of reference works and 3,000 books. Frequently changing displays from The Solberg Collection of scores of ancient Near Eastern artifacts is provided by a congregant. The congregation has both women’s and men’s chevrah kaddishah groups. A Russian Culture Center, created in conjunction with Jewish Family Service, provides Russian TV, internet hookup, and a library of Russian books and videos for New Americans. Education is a primary focus for Rabbi Panitz. He regularly teaches seventh grade and older in the religious school, as well as weekly adult courses in Bible, Midrash, and basic Judaism; monthly evening classes on various subjects; monthly mid-day lectures for the Sisterhood; an August mini-mester; and a winter lecture series at KBH. Sunday’s religious school is for children ages three through high school. Children from KBH and Tidewater Chavurah also attend. Hebrew classes are through the United Hebrew School. Temple Israel is a singing congregation of warm, involved people welcoming newcomers of all faiths and races who seek to learn more about Judaism and to join in worship, celebrations and good works. Temple Israel Religious School.

TIDEWATER CHAVURAH 757-496-0745 Contact: Elaine Levenson The Tidewater Chavurah is a small, friendly Jewish worship and social group that was formed in 1998 to seek an alternative environment for the practice of Jewish traditions. Tidewater Chavurah worships in the Reform and Reconstructionist traditions. The group’s mission is to worship together, learn about Judaism (religion and heritage), share Jewish social events to cultivate a love and understanding of being a Jew. Social activities include monthly Pot Luck dinners organized around a Jewish theme, doing charitable acts as part of the “Mitzvah of the Month,” and joining with friends to share life cycle events and High Holiday observances.

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Services and Organizations America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) AIPAC is a 100,000-member grassroots movement of activists committed to ensuring Israel’s security and protecting American interests in the Middle East and around the world. For information on Tidewater’s chapter, call Kate Samuels, Southern States area director, 770-541-7610. B’NAI B’RITH OF TIDEWATER Arnold Gamsey Lodge #1195 Stephen Markman, president 757-490-0048 Founded in 1843, B’nai B’rith is dedicated to building a strong sense of Jewish identity and unity within the Jewish community. BRITH SHOLOM CENTER 1132 Pickett Road, Norfolk, VA 23502 757-461-1150 Brith Sholom Center of Virginia was established as a benevolent, charitable and non-political organization to foster and perpetuate the spirit, ideals and traditions of Judaism. With more than 250 members, men and women of all ages, activities include dances, trips, entertainment and cultural events. Philanthropic endeavors support Jewish education, community organizations that provide services and international groups that assist needy causes. The Center is available for rent for events. HADASSAH Norfolk-Virginia Beach Chapters Co-president: De Anne Lindsey, 757-418-4336 Vice-president: Jamie Zelig, 757-431-2962 In New York in 1912, the first group of Hadassah was chartered after its founder, Henrietta Szold, returned from Jerusalem. The second chapter of Hadassah was chartered in Norfolk, Va. Today, Hadassah is the largest women’s Zionist organization in the world. The original purpose of the organization was to bring modern health care to Palestine. Today, the Hadassah Medical Organization is internationally recognized as a leading authority in healing, teaching, and research. Hadassah is the largest organizational contributor to Jewish National Fund. Hadassah has chapters in Norfolk-Virginia Beach, Newport News, Portsmouth and a Young Women’s Chapter. HEBREW LADIES CHARITY SOCIETY President: Frances Levy Birshtein Home 757-226-0037, cell 757-572-3817 Celebrating its 110th anniversary in 2012, Hebrew Ladies is comprised of women concerned with tzedakah (charity) based on the Jewish concept of responsibility to fellow human beings. Members work to support local people in need to help an individual or family survive with pride and dignity, until he or she can be self-supportive. Most referrals to this group come from Jewish Family Service. Confidentiality is always maintained. The group meets once a year. All Jewish women are invited to join. Jewish Museum and Cultural Center 607 Effingham St., Portsmouth, VA 23704 757-391-9266 Administrator: Barbara Rossen The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center is housed in the beautifully restored Chevra T’helim Synagogue, the interior of which is a rare surviving example of Eastern European Jewish Orthodoxy. The Center now offers monthly programming, an annual lecture series, a summer music series, as well as school programs, adult programs, and tours. JEWISH WAR VETERANS of the United States of America Old Dominion Post #158 The oldest active veterans organization in America, Jewish War Veterans brings 14 | Jewish News | Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater | 2012

together men and women with joint ties of a common heritage as Jews and a common experience as active duty or past members of the U. S. Armed Forces. National Council of Jewish Women Established nationally in 1893 and locally in 1905, NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s organization in the U. S. The group’s educational and legislative efforts have helped bring about action in area of concern to women and children. The Endowment Fund, which provides scholarships and contributions, functions as the Tidewater Council of Jewish Women under Jewish Family Service Foundation Philanthropic Fund Agreement. Donations may be made to the TCJW Fund through JFS, 260 Grayson Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Norfolk Area Community Mikvah The Mikvah serves the entire Jewish community. For information or to schedule an appointment, call 627-7358. ORT AMERICA Abbie Laderberg, 757-497-7238 ORT America supports vocational and technical training for Jews around the world. More than 300,000 students are enrolled in the ORT network of schools and training programs which include comprehensive and vocational high schools, colleges, apprenticeship programs and teacher training institutes.

Youth Groups B’NAI B’RITH YOUTH ORGANIZATION, BBG/AZA (Grades 9–12) 757-321-2324 City Director: Ellie Bernstein BBYO is one of the world’s leading Jewish movements, connecting teens of all backgrounds to become inspired to live Jewish lives while making a difference in the world through AZA and BBG. Recognized as the preeminent leadership training and character development program for teens, BBYO’s umbrella of innovative experiences—service and action, college and career prep and travel—and technologies provide a robust and effective way of delivering meaningful Jewish contents. Tidewater BBYO meets Sundays at the Simon Family JCC. In Tidewater, there are two BBG chapters and two AZA chapters. North-American Federation of Temple Youth, Mid-Atlantic Region—NFTY-MAR Reform Congregation Beth Chaverim, 757-463-3226 Beth Chaverim Youth Group (BCTY) participates in Kallahs in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. Ninth through 12th graders. Ohef Sholom Temple, 757-625-4295 Advisors: Amy and Eliot Weinstein Ohef Sholom Temple’s Youth Group (OSTY) is for eighth through 12th graders. JOSTY, the Junior Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group is for sixth and seventh graders. They are active groups participating in community service, regional and national conventions, religious and other “just for fun” events. United Synagogue Youth (USY) CONSERVATIVE Advisor: Geoff Gross, 757-339-4862 Congregation Beth El, Temple Israel, Temple Emanuel and Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (KBH) co-sponsor two youth programs: Kadimah for students in grades six through eight, and includes Machar for grades four and five, and USY for students in grades nine through 12. Both groups promote synagogue identification, foster friendships and make Judaism an integral part of life. Activities are recreational, social and religious, and are tied into the philosophies of the Conservative Jewish Movement. Contact a local Conservative synagogue for details.



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