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Chabad House, 1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 ganizzy.org Director: Rashi Brashevitzky, 757-616-0770, rashibrashi@me.com

Camp Gan Israel, “Gan Izzy” is part of the largest worldwide network of Jewish day camps . At Gan Izzy, campers’ days are filled with games, crafts, field trips, sports, swimming and more—all with a Jewish twist! Each day of Gan Izzy also includes prayers and a Jewish lesson delivered in a child friendly and relevant fashion . The Gan Izzy experience is filled with great spirit and a love for Jewish heritage—campers have been known to wait all year long to return to Gan Izzy and start the fun all over again!



420 Spotswood Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-7358, fax 757-627-8544 bnaiisrael.org, office@bnaiisrael.org Rabbi Sender Haber ORTHODOX

B’nai Israel Congregation is an exciting, family-oriented, full-service Orthodox synagogue in the heart of a diverse and dynamic Jewish community in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk . It offers daily morning and evening prayer services . The synagogue houses the Norfolk Area Community Kollel, BINA High School for Girls, and the Norfolk Community Mikvah . It is affiliated with the Orthodox Union and the National Conference of Young Israel . • Adult classes • Children’s programming • Teen programming • Weekly Kiddushes


1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-616-0770, Fax 757-616-0772 Rabbilevi@chabadoftidewater.com www.chabadoftidewater.com Rabbi Aron Margolin, Rychel Margolin, Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky, Rashi Brashevitzky

Established in 1979, Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge, and observance of Judaism in Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach, by reaching out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation, or level of observance .

Chabad participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom, and knowledge that is inherent in Jewish life and learning .

Chabad of Tidewater responds to both the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish community through classes, counseling, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, and innovative programming for children and adults . • CTeen and CTeen U • Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society • Jewish Learning Institute • Holiday guides • Meaningful and uplifting Shabbat and Holiday services for Youth and Adults • Jewish Art Calendar


Located at the Oceanfront 407-668-7875 www.jewishvabeach.org, Rabbi@jewishvabeach.org Rabbi Meir Lessof

Chabad Virginia Beach offers Judaism in a joyful, genuine, and creative manner, providing engaging activities and programs for all ages in a warm and friendly atmosphere .


Corner of Maryland Ave. and Gilbert St., Naval Station Norfolk 757-559-1836 Rabbi Gershon Litt gary.h.litt.ctr@navy.mil UNAFFILIATED

The Commodore Levy Chapel is the oldest land based Jewish Chapel on a Naval Station in North America . Established in 1942 and named for Commodore Uriah Philips Levy in 1959, the Commodore Levy Jewish Chapel celebrated 50 years of service to God and Country in 2009 . Access to worship services is available to Active Duty and Reserve Military, their dependents, military retirees, and Civil Service employees . Guests are allowed when accompanied by sponsors or by special permission from the Base Chaplain’s Office .


422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-625-7821 bethelnorfolk.com noelle@bethelnorfolk.com Rabbi Ron Koas Cantor Wendi Fried Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Arthur Ruberg Head of School: Dr. Eran Livni Executive Director: Pam Gladstone

Congregation Beth El is the oldest Conservative synagogue in Virginia with more than 170 years of inspiring its congregation to live passion-filled Jewish lives through education and deep, vibrant community connections .

The congregation provides a full educational program for all ages, diverse religious services and ritual moments, cultural events, and participation in social action projects within the Jewish community and beyond . Beth El holds daily morning and evening services, as well as weekly Shabbat services every Friday evening and Saturday morning . See website for times .

Join the congregation for services and other events in-person and on Zoom . Email the office with any questions .



Temple.Office@bethchaverim.com Jim Hibberd, Cantorial Soloist Chad A. Bornstein, President, 757-477-3585 REFORM

Founded in 1982, Beth Chaverim has been affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1984 . • Religious School • Services at Temple Emanuel at the beach and on Zoom • 7 pm Friday Night Services


952 Indian Lakes Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-495-8510 kbhsynagogue.org, kbhsynagogue@gmail.com facebook.com/kbhsynagogue Chazzan M. David Proser CONSERVATIVE

Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) is a place for traditional, yet egalitarian, Jews to celebrate all things Jewish in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere .

KBH was established in 1978 and is centrally located in Tidewater, not far from Town Center and the Sandler Family Campus in Virginia Beach . As a small congregation, members have the opportunity to play an active role in the life of the synagogue .

The synagogue strives to provide opportunities for prayer, learning, socializing, celebrating life-cycle events, and supporting its local and greater Jewish and general community .

Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) shares various activities with its programming partner, Temple Israel . • Shabbat and Holiday services • Adult clubs and classes • Shabbat experience for young families • Shared Religious School and Youth Programs

Services and programs are offered in-person and via Zoom . Cntact the synagogue at kbhsynagogue @gmail .com for attendance protocols and/or Zoom information .


530 Raleigh Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507 757-625-4295, fax 757-625-3762 ohefsholom.org, ed@ohefsholom.org Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Cantor Jennifer Rueben Interim Executive Director: Steve Kayer Religious School Director: Kitty Wolf Music Director: Charles Woodward Lawrence A. Forman, Rabbi Emeritus REFORM

Founded in 1844, Ohef Sholom Temple is the largest and oldest Reform congregation in Tidewater . Services take place Friday nights at 6:30 pm and Saturday mornings at 10:30 am .

Ohef Sholom Temple is committed to welcoming all who are in search of a spiritual home, including interfaith families, LGBTQ, singles, and empty-nesters . A Union for Reform Judaism congregation, Ohef Sholom offers innovative worship, deep Torah learning, fosters meaningful relationships, and tikkun olam (bettering our world through social action) . The congregation also has an extensive library . • Religious school for preschool through grade 10 • Programming for babies and toddlers, children, teens, and families • Intro to Judaism classes • Diverse adult study opportunities • Torah Study • Dynamic, musical worship • Social justice and social action initiatives • Library • Gift shop • Archives • Youth Groups • Men’s Club • Sisterhood


424 25th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-428-2591 www.tevb.org, office@tevb.org Office manager: Gail Gogan CONSERVATIVE

Temple Emanuel is a thriving oceanfront Jewish community located in Virginia Beach . It is intimate, accepting, and open to all . Temple Emanuel embraces the many ways to express Jewishness and spirituality, welcoming people of all family situations, ethnicities, and sexual orientations . Located at the beach, it offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere with creative worship services, as well as cultural programming for all .

Religious School is cutting edge .

Learn more about Temple Emanuel at www .tevb .org/about .


7255 Granby St., Norfolk, VA 23505 757-489-4550, fax 757-489-3425 templeisraelva.org, TempleIsraelVA1954@gmail.com Rabbi Michael Panitz Executive Director: Nancy Tucker CONSERVATIVE/MASORTI

Temple Israel is a vibrant, egalitarian, full-service synagogue that has served the local Jewish community for more than 67 years by meeting the spiritual, educational, life cycle, and social needs of its diverse membership . Through the fulfillment of mitzvot, it provides opportunities for meaningful Jewish living for its members .

Temple Israel maintains a full schedule of joint programs with the Kempsville Conservative Synagogue and is a stakeholder with KBH and Congregation Beth El in the Patricia Sarah Ashkenazi Religious School and high-school level Midrashah, providing for the Jewish educational and social needs of children and teens . Adult education is one of the hallmarks of Temple Israel, including ongoing studies on a variety of topics, as well as adult bar and bat mitzvah classes .

Temple Israel enthusiastically embraces tikkun olam (repairing the world) and values every individual’s unique participation . With a perspective embracing both tradition and the challenges of today’s world, Temple Israel welcomes innovative ideas and new voices into its family . The congregation is moving forward with an ambitious program of making its facilities more fully accessible . • Daily, Shabbat, and holiday worship services • Adult Clubs and Classes • Library • Gift Shop

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