2022 Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater

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17 JewishLiving GUIDE TO IN TIDEWATER Supplement to Jewish News August 15, 2022

18 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide Mazel Tov! SHARE MILESTONEYOURWITH US Whether you’re walking down the aisle or gathering with family and friends to celebrate a mitzvah, our downtown Norfolk waterfront venue is the perfect place for your celebration. Our event specialists will work with you closely to transform your vision into a unforgettable celebration, incorporating stunning decor and exquisite cuisine. THEMAINNORFOLK.COM | 757.763.6262

All holidays begin at sundown. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS 5783


Rosh Hashanah September 25–27, 2022, Jewish New Year Yom Kippur Day of October 4–5, 2022, Day of Atonement Sukkot October 9–16, 2022, Feast of Tabernacles Shmini Atzeret October 16–17, 2022, Eighth Day of Assembly Simchat Torah October 17–18, 2022, Celebration of the Torah Hanukkah December 18–26, 2022, Festival of Rededication, also Festival of Lights Tu BiShvat February 5–6, 2023, New Year for Trees Purim March 6–7, 2023, Story of Esther Pesach April 5–12, 2023, Passover Days of the Omer April 6–May 25, 2023, Seven weeks from the second night of Pesach to the day before Shavuot Lag BaOmer May 8–9, 2023, 33rd day of counting the Omer Shavuot May 25–27, 2023, Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai Tish’a B’Av July 26–27, 2023, The Ninth of Av, commemorates destruction of the two Temples Tu B’Av August 1–2, 2023, Jewish holiday of love MODERN HOLIDAYS 5783 Yom HaShoah April 17–18, 2023, Holocaust Memorial Day Yom HaZikaron April 24–25, 2023, Israeli Memorial Day Yom HaAtzma’ut April 25–26, 2023, Israeli Independence Day IT Beth Sholom 36 Camp

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 19 JEWISH HOLIDAYS 5783

Arts and Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Cemeteries 39 Children and Young Families . 3, 25, 26, 30, 36-38 Community Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Congregations 27 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 26 Foundation 33 Freda A . Gordon Hospice + Palliative Care of Tidewater 38 Strelitz International Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Holiday Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Jewish Family Service 37 Jewish Professionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus . . . . 22, 25 Rehabilitation Services 36 Senior Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 37 Services and Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Simon Family JCC 22, 23, 25, 26 Social Services and Health Care . . . . . . . . . . 36 Special Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tidewater Jewish Foundation 33 United Jewish Federation of Tidewater . . . . . . 22 Young Adults 26 Youth Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

Some programs, of course, have been eliminated, but generally new ones have taken their place…a reflection of creativity and growth.Wehope that you’ll hold onto this section all year and use it as a resource for any number of reasons…to learn about specific programs, to find a phone number, website, or contact name. Or perhaps just to remind yourself what a vibrant Jewish community Tidewater offers—and how many options exist for you to volunteer, find new friends and colleagues, learn, stay fit, get assistance, and worship.Thank you for reading and for being part of Jewish Tidewater!

Editor GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER JewishNewsVa.org/JewishNews3daysbeforethecoverdate:digital.

Across the nation many communities have contracted since March 2020, yet Tidewater’s Jewish community continues to flourish. The many pages in this Annual Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater confirm that the organizations, congregations, and schools that com prise Jewish Tidewater are in fact, growing. The proof is that we’ve added pages to this year’s edition!

20 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org

Dear Readers, Aguide or directory is often an accurate barometer of how a community is faring. If the guide shrinks over the years, it stands to reason that the same is true for the community. The converse, of course, is also true.


ARTS + IDEAS Director: Hunter Thomas 757-965-6137, HThomas@UJFT.org Leon Family Gallery Exhibits at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus feature artists from around the globe and from around Tidewater Artists may depict subjects of interest to Jews and Israelis, local (Tidewater) themes, and more Jewish Book and Film Festivals

The annual Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival is a celebration of Jewish authors, books, and ideas which seeks to enrich Jewish culture by presenting themes GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER


Members of the Women’s Cabinet serve as ambassadors and role models for women of all ages in the community, taking the lead in volunteer fundraising for the Women’s Division of the UJFT Community Campaign and engaging other women in the Jewish community through events and activities throughout the year


Chieffacebook.com/JewishWomen757JewishVA.org/womens-divisionDevelopmentOfficer:Amy 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.orgZelenka UJFT’s Women’s Division is the women’s fundraising arm of the Federation’s Community Campaign, providing women in the local Jewish community with opportunities for empowerment, volunteerism, and philanthropy at all levels At the helm of the Women’s Division is the Women’s Cabinet, which meets regularly to learn what’s happening in the Tidewater Jewish community and the Jewish world They then put that knowledge to use, informing donors as they engage in conversations around philanthropic giving

UJFT holds an annual community fundraising effort each year to help meet the needs of Jews locally, globally, and in Israel More than 100 local Jewish volunteers raise funds for the Campaign in partnership with a small staff of development professionals . Campaigners strive to engage all community members in discussions about Jewish values and concerns In addition, the Federation seeks to provide opportunities to show donors how their support impacts beneficiaries at home and abroad, through events and missions  The Community Campaign runs July 1 through June 30 of each year, in sync with the UJFT Fiscal Year . Super Sunday—held in September each year—is the unofficial “kick-off” for the Campaign, bringing together dedicated volunteers eager to have meaningful conversations with community members during an energetic day of outreach, fundraising, and community-building

Betty Ann Levin, BALevin@UJFT.org


At the end of each campaign year, UJFT’s board of directors allocates funds to locally based Jewish agencies and organizations recommended by the UJFT Finance Committee In addition, funds are earmarked for UJFT’s overseas service delivery partners (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee [JDC]; Jewish Agency for Israel [JAFI]; and World ORT), based on recommendations from the UJFT Israel and Overseas committeeDonations. to the Community Campaign are welcome at any time, and can be made securely online at JewishVA org/Donation MEN’S DIVISION

ChiefJewishVA.org/mens-divisionDevelopmentOfficer:Amy Zelenka 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.org

22 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org COMMUNITY RESOURCES

Nearly 1,200 generous community members donate each year to the UJFT Community Campaign Hundreds more directly support other programs and services provided by UJFT and Simon Family JCC, including emergency campaigns and campaigns in support of arts and education  Funds from the Community Campaign are distributed to trusted Jewish agencies and institutions locally, nationally, and internationally, through a prioritization and allocation process This model of communal giving assists Jewish agencies and organizations in Tidewater, in Israel, and in Jewish communities around the globe . Emergency campaigns meet needs directly related to the crisis—both immediate and projected  UJFT cares for those in need, aids Jews in danger, enhances Jewish security, and promotes Israel

The Simon Family Jewish Community Center (JCC) on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus serves the Jewish and broader Tidewater communities— providing programs and activities for all ages—from infants to seniors . The Simon Family JCC offers a variety of health and wellness, cultural, and event-based activities and classes It is a division of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater . Everyone is welcome, regardless of faith COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN Chief Development Officer: Amy 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.orgZelenka

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, VA 23462

UJFT’s Men’s Division is dedicated to engaging the community in support of the Federation’s Community Campaign The Men’s Division is comprised of more than 40 volunteers who serve the Tidewater Jewish community by soliciting gifts of support . These volunteers help ensure funding is available for Jewish education, health, and social welfare, the fight against antisemitism, enhanced security, emergency services, and crisis relief


. Gifts of support to the UJFT Community Campaign enable UJFT to provide funding for local and overseas service delivery partners who provide healthcare, social services, Jewish cultural and educational programs, and initiatives that improve human relations As a result, UJFT, part of a network of Federations across North America under the auspices of the (national) Jewish Federations of North America, impacts Jewish lives around the world

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater nurtures a dynamic, committed, inclusive, and caring Jewish community that is guided by its values and mission to support and preserve Jewish life



These spectacular works are inspired by Jewish or Israeli history, heritage, and values— and can be appreciated by people from all backgrounds

CAMP JCC Director of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org

Camp JCC provides children with an expansive and enriching day camp experience . This dynamic program allows every child to explore their interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere The programs are designed for ages four through ninth graders CIT opportunities are offered for 10th graders Summer camp runs mid-June through early August, with “Last Blast” camp sessions offered in the weeks between the end of regular camp and the start of public schools

Camp JCC Program Manager: Sarah Cooper 757-321-2306, SCooper@simonfamilyjcc.org

Simon Family JCC and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s biggest community event of the year, Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day), offers fun for the entire family Featuring authentic Israeli food, art, jewelry, interactive exhibits, and activities, this celebratory day is open to the entire Tidewater community

Israel Fest: Celebrating Israel at 75, presented by Avraham and Karen Ashkenazi

Children’s programs include cooking and dance classes, gymnastics, soccer, self-defense, and yoga—many of which are offered year-round GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 23 that engage, educate, and inspire all people . With most events taking place in November and December each year, ongoing opportunities are available throughout the year One of the longest-running Jewish film festivals in the country, the mission of the Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg is to educate and engage Tidewater’s diverse communities, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, by presenting world-class film premieres, repertory cinema, and associated programs

BE A READER (B e AR) BeARJewishVA.org/BeARCoordinator:Robin Ford 757-321-2304, RFord@UJFT.org


Camp JCC is more than just a summer program, with year-round opportunities for youth, including “Kids Night Out” which takes place monthly, beginning in October .

The Be A Reader (BeAR) literacy program of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater was created more than 23 years ago as a community-wide effort to help at-risk, struggling readers acquire the skills and love for learning that lead to personal happiness and future success BeAR works with Title I elementary schools across the region and pairs a volunteer mentor with a student for an hour each week to read, work on spelling and vocabulary, and provide students with a sense of stability Since there is no shortage of children that require assistance, the program’s capacity is solely dependent on its number of volunteers . Volunteers are always needed to join the BeAR community to help children learn to read Whether through volunteering, giving supplies, or donating, helping to make a difference in a child’s life offers its own rewards

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The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater champions a thriving Jewish community locally, in Israel, and around the world and leverages the strength of the diverse and vibrant Jewish community to promote a just and democratic society by leading, convening, educating, and advocating




THE HOLOCAUST COMMISSION 757-965-6129, EBaum@UJFT.orgDirector:facebook.com/holcommissionHolocaustCommission.orgElenaBarrBaum



Research, laugh, remember, and browse through the Hal Sacks Jewish News Archives, an online site to access past issues of the Jewish News since 1947

SeniorJewishVA.org/KCLDirectorofJewish Innovation: Sierra Lautman 757-965-6107, SLautman@UJFT.org

SENIOR ADULT PROGRAMMING Program Coordinator: Robin Ford 757-321-2304, RFord@UJFT.org


Seniorfacebook.com/JCRCUJFTJewishVA.org/JCRCDirector,JCRC:Robin Mancoll RMancoll@UJFT.org Director: Elka Mednick EMednick@UJFT.org

The Konikoff Center for Learning engages, educates, equips, and inspires individuals to deepen their Jewish knowledge and connection

PJ LIBRARY IN TIDEWATER Children and Family Program Coordinator: Nofar Trem 757-321-2334, NTrem@UJFT.org

The Holocaust Commission encourages teachers, students, and the community to apply the lessons of history to the moral decisions they make each day . The Commission offers programs, resources, and community events related to Holocaust education and remembrance Dedicated volunteers from the community guide and foster the Holocaust Commission’s work Among its many events and programs, the Holocaust Commission offers What We Carry, a multimedia program for schools, community, and military groups; a yearly community gathering for Yom Hashoah, the commemoration day of the Holocaust; the annual Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions for students; the Ruthi Sherman Kroskin and Esther Goldman Awards for Excellence in Holocaust Education, and Biennial Educators’ Conferences .


Families with kids ages six months through eight years old with Judaism as part of their lives—affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith, or non-traditional—are welcome to sign up by visiting PJLibrary org Children from ages eight to 12 can select a new free book each month by signing up for PJ Our Way

Celebrations and fun activities with friendly company are offered for adults of all backgrounds at the Simon Family JCC With a multitude of opportunities throughout each week, the program’s mission is to encourage senior adults to participate in educational, cultural, spiritual, fitness, and social programs to increase health, wellbeing, and connection to other individuals and the Jewish community

ChildrenJewishVa.org/ShalomBabyandFamilyProgram Coordinator: Nofar Trem 757-321-2334, NTrem@UJFT.org

. Whether this is a first or fourth child, birth or adoptive, Shalom Baby wants to help parents celebrate the arrival by showering them with fun and relaxing gifts and helpful resources for Jewish babies TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

The Holocaust Commission’s website provides more information on how to participate in and support its various programs

community The

offers numerous opportunities for

and the popular series, Israel Today . JEWISH NEWS 757-965-6132,Editor:facebook.com/JewishNewsVAJewishNewsVA.orgTerriDenisonTDenison@UJFT.org Published 20 times annually, Jewish News connects



and respect for

Tidewater’s hub for experiential Jewish education and engagement at United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC, the Konikoff Center for Learning offers high-impact, innovative learning experiences that cover an array of interests and age groups, including programs, classes, workshops, and symposia

The JCRC addresses issues of vital concern based Jewish values, consensus, diversity, Jewish JCRC engagement the community Jewish Day the Tidewater Jewish community Jewish of mailboxes each month, and reaches tens of thousands through its easy-to-navigate website Electronic editions of Jewish News are available online KONIKOFF CENTER FOR LEARNING

and builds bridges within and beyond the

with news of

. Limited transportation to JCC programs and events is available through Transportation Services from Jewish Family Service

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 25 HAL SACKS JEWISH NEWS ARCHIVES 757-965-6132,Editor:JewishNewsVA.orgTerriDenisonnews@UJFT.org

Shalom Baby is an exciting gift bag delivery program made possible by a partnership between United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC and Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center and PJ Library in Tidewater


throughout the year, including Virginia



Thanks to support from the Simon Family Foundation, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, PJ Library and PJ Our Way sends free Jewish children’s books to families each month, sharing stories that can help foster conversations about important values and traditions Additionally, engaging PJ Library programming is hosted at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus and in public spaces around Tidewater with the goal of helping Jewish families connect to one another and to Jewish traditions and values



interest from local, national, and global spheres The Jewish News is delivered to thousands

Both YAD and YLC foster Jewish identity, involvement, and responsibility among young Jews in Tidewater, in order to sustain and enrich the vibrant Jewish community at home, in Israel, and around the world YAD aims to cultivate relationships, build networks, and develop highly skilled leaders to ensure the future of the Jewish community YLC seeks to engage young philanthropists and campaign advocates to educate and encourage their peers and others about the importance of Jewish community involvement and giving YAD hosts a wide variety of programs throughout the year, including monthly happy hours, holiday parties, business networking, and Shabbat dinners

SOCIETY OF JEWISH PROFESSIONALS ProgramJewishVA.org/SOPDirector:Amy 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.orgZelenka

SPORTS, RECREATION, AND AQUATICS Athletics Director: Tom Edwards 757-321-2308; TEdwards@UJFT.org A variety of aquatics, sports, recreation, athletics, and youth and adult athletic leagues such as basketball, tee ball, tennis, pickleball, and a swim team are offered at the Simon Family JCC The JCC also offers children and adult swim lessons, lap lanes for fitness swimmers, and an outdoor water park

DirectorBBYO of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org BBYO involves Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences, guiding them into leadership positions that will last a lifetime Teens meet weekly, on weekends, from September through June at the Simon Family JCC, and focus on community and social action programs with their chapters, BBG (girls) and AZA (boys) The teens attend Saucier GSaucier@UJFT.org Campus

The Young Adult Division of UJFT offers and promotes social, cultural, leadership, and philanthropic opportunities for young Jewish adults

Youngfacebook.com/YADJewishVA.org/yadLeadershipManager: Matthew Kramer-Morning 757-965-6136; MKMorning@UJFT.org

SHALOM TIDEWATER 757-965-6136, MKMorning@UJFT.orgProgramJewishVA.org/ShalomTidewaterDirector:MatthewKramer-Morning

The JCC has an expansive Fitness Center, three indoor pools, an outdoor water park, gymnasium, pickleball courts, and more, in a state-of-the-art facility The JCC also offers dozens of free group exercise classes weekly, including Spin, Pilates, Zumba, and Yoga Members get discounts on Personal Training, as well as discounts on specialty classes and programs YOUNG ADULT DIVISION (YAD) AND YOUNG LEADERSHIP CAMPAIGN (YLC)

a variety of regional and national conventions REBA AND SAM SANDLER FAMILY CAMPUS OF THE TIDEWATER JEWISH COMMUNITY 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 Facility757-965-6100Director: Glenn

The UJFT Society of Jewish Professionals (SOP) is an affinity group within the Jewish Federation dedicated to educational, social, and philanthropic activities, and providing opportunities for its members to network, socialize, and become active through a financial commitment to the Community Campaign  SOP offers unique programs for members, including speakers, virtual missions, and panel discussions on areas of interest to members of the business community  Members also serve as role models for their colleagues, family, and friends, and provide funding for Jewish survival, welfare, and continuity SOP is an evolution of the once separate groups Maimonides and Business & Legal Societies, whose members decided to merge in light of their common Jewish and communal interests, and to enjoy the programming and benefits . All healthcare, business, legal, media, real estate, entrepreneur, and service provider professionals are invited to become members of the UJFT Society of Professionals


WELLNESS Director: Tom Purcell 757-321-2310; TPurcell@UJFT.org


The Tidewater Jewish community is a hub of activity-spanning five cities: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk Shalom Tidewater offers a wealth of resources for newcomers to the Tidewater Jewish community to help everyone find their place whether affiliated or unaffiliated, Jewish by birth, Jewish by choice, or interfaith

26 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org


YLC spearheads the community’s annual fundraising phone-a-thon, Super Sunday YLC and YAD recruit promising young members of the Jewish community for participation in their Hineni leadership development program, wherein future leaders learn about the Federation’s mission They learn together, network, develop leadership skills, and most importantly, create community Hineni fellows are invited to participate in a week-long, exclusive mission to Israel, heavily subsidized by the Tom Hofheimer Fund, and known as the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel


is home to: Jewish Family Service of Tidewater Simon Family Jewish Community Center Strelitz International Academy Tidewater Jewish Foundation United Jewish Federation of Tidewater GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER


Camp Gan Israel (“Gan Izzy”) is part of the largest worldwide network of Jewish day camps At Gan Izzy, campers’ days are filled with games, crafts, field trips, sports, swimming, and more—all with a Jewish twist! Each day of Gan Izzy also includes prayers and a Jewish lesson delivered in a childfriendly and relevant fashion

420 Spotswood

The synagogue houses the Norfolk Area Community Kollel, BINA High School for Girls, and the Norfolk Community Mikvah It is affiliated with the Orthodox Union and the National Conference of Young Israel

Rabbi Sender Haber


GAN ISRAEL Chabad House 1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 757-616-0770,Director:www.chabadoftidewater.com/ganizzy23517RashiBrashevitzkyrashibrashi@me.com



jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 27 CAMPS CAMP JCC Director of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org

The Gan Izzy experience is filled with great spirit and a love for Jewish heritage Campers have been known to wait all year long to return to Gan Izzy and start the fun all over again ISRAEL CONGREGATION Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 fax 757-627-8544

. • Adult classes • Children’s programming • Teen programming • Weekly Kiddushes GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

Camp JCC at the Simon Family JCC provides children with an expansive and enriching day camp experience This dynamic program allows every child to explore their interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere The programs are designed for ages 2 through eighth graders CIT opportunities are offered for 9th and 10thSummergraderscamp runs mid-June through early August, with “Last Blast” camp sessions offered in the weeks between the end of regular camp and Labor Day Camp JCC is more than just a summer program, with year-round opportunities for youth, including “Kids Night Out” which takes place monthly, beginning in October

B’nai Israel Congregation is an exciting, family-oriented, full-service Orthodox synagogue in the heart of a diverse and dynamic Jewish community in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk It offers daily morning and evening prayer services


bnaiisrael.org, office@bnaiisrael.org


28 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER CHABAD LUBAVITCH OF TIDEWATER/ CHABAD HOUSE 1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-616-0770, Fax RashiRabbiRychelRabbiwww.chabadoftidewater.comRabbilevi@chabadoftidewater.com757-616-0772AronMargolinMargolinLeviBrashevitzkyBrashevitzky Established in 1979, Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge, and observance of Judaism in Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach by reaching out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation, or level of observance Chabad participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom and knowledge that are inherent in Jewish life and learning Chabad of Tidewater responds to both the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish community through classes, counseling, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, and innovative programming for children and adults • CTeen and CTeen U • Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society • Jewish Learning Institute • Holiday guides • Jewish Art Calendar • Meaningful and uplifting Shabbat and Holiday services for Youth and Adults COMMODORE URIAH P. LEVY CHAPEL Corner of Maryland Ave. and Gilbert St., Naval Station Norfolk Rabbi757-559-1836Gershon Litt, gary.h.litt.ctr@navy.mil UNAFFILIATED The Commodore Levy Chapel is the oldest land-based Jewish chapel on a Naval Station in North America Established in 1942 and named for Commodore Uriah Philips Levy in 1959, the Commodore Levy Jewish Chapel celebrated 50 years of service to God and Country in 2009 Access to worship services is available to Active Duty and Reserve Military, their dependents, military retirees, and Civil Service employees Guests are allowed when accompanied by sponsors or by special permission from the Base Chaplain’s Office CONGREGATION BETH EL 422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-625-7821, bethelnorfolk.com, noelle@bethelnorfolk.com Rabbi Ron Koas Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Arthur Ruberg Executive Director: Pam Gladstone Education Director: Sharon Serbin Congregation Beth El is the oldest Conservative synagogue in Virginia with more than 170 years of inspiring its congregation to live passion-filled Jewish lives through education and deep, vibrant community connections The congregation provides educational programs for all ages, diverse religious services and ritual moments, cultural events, and participation in social action projects within the Jewish community and beyondBeth El holds weekday morning and evening services on Zoom, as well as weekly Shabbat services every Friday evening and Saturday morning See website for times . Join the congregation for services and other events in-person and on Zoom CONGREGATION BETH CHAVERIM REFORMPresident:CantorialTemple.Office@bethchaverim.comSoloist:JimHibberdChadA.Bornstein,757-477-3585 Founded in 1982, Beth Chaverim has been affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1984 . • Religious School • Services at Temple Emanuel at the beach and on Zoom • Friday Night Services take place at 7 pm


Services take

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 29 GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER HEICHAL SHLOMO SYNAGOGUE 353 Village Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23454 757-938-0625, Rabbirabbi@jewishvb.org,www.jewishvb.orginfo@jewishvb.orgMeirLessoff The synagogue offers Judaism in a joyful, genuine, and creative manner, providing engaging activities and programs for all ages in a warm and friendly atmosphere For High Holiday services, location and details will be posted on its website at the beginning of September  Reservations will be required, but there is no charge . KEHILLAT BET HAMIDRASH KEMPSVILLE SYNAGOGUE/KBHCONSERVATIVE 952 Indian Lakes Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-495-8510, kbhsynagogue.org, kbhsynagogue@gmail.com CONSERVATIVEChazzanfacebook.com/kbhsynagogueM.DavidProser Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) is a place for traditional, yet egalitarian Jews to celebrate all things Jewish in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere . KBH was established in 1978 and is centrally located in Tidewater, not far from Town Center and the Sandler Family Campus in Virginia Beach As a small congregation, members have the opportunity to play an active role in the life of the synagogue The synagogue strives to provide opportunities for prayer, learning, socializing, celebrating life cycle events, and supporting its local and greater Jewish and general community Kehillat Bet Hamidrash shares various activities with its programming partner, Temple Israel • Shabbat and Holiday services and celebrations•Weekly Shabbat Kiddush luncheon • Tikkun Olam projects • Support of, and participation in, Jewish community events Services and programs are offered in-person and via Zoom Contact the synagogue at kbhsynagogue@gmail .com for attendance protocols and/or Zoom information . OHEF TEMPLESHOLOM 530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507 757-625-4295, fax 757-625-3762 ohefsholom.org, ed@ohefsholom.org Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Cantor Jennifer Rueben Executive Director: Steve Kayer



Religious School Director: Alyson Morrissey Music Director: Charles Woodward Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Lawrence A. Forman in 1844, Ohef Sholom Temple is the largest congregation Tidewater Shabbat place Friday at 6:30 pm

in person and via Facebook Live and Saturday at 10:30 am via Facebook Live Ohef Sholom Temple is committed to welcoming all who are in search of a spiritual home, including interfaith families, LGBTQ+, singles, and empty nesters A Union for Reform Judaism congregation, Ohef Sholom offers innovative worship and deep Torah learning, fosters meaningful relationships, and Tikkun Olam (bettering our world through social action) The congregation also has an extensive children’s and adult library, Holocaust collection, and Archives • Religious School for preschool through grade 10 • Programming for infants and toddlers, children, teens, families, and adults • Intro to Judaism and Adult Hebrew Courses • Diverse Adult Education opportunities • Torah Study • Dynamic, Musical Worship Services • Social Justice and Social Action initiatives • Extensive Library and Archives • Judaica Shop • Youth Group (NFTY partnership) • Men’s Club • Sisterhood 10% comfortleatheramericanoffsleepers August 12 - September 12. See store for details. Largest local selection of contemporary furniture 301 West 21st Street, Norfolk | 757.623.3100 | decorumfurniture.com

and oldest Reform

PATRICIA SARAH ASHKENAZI RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Education Director: Sharon Serbin, Email: sharon@bethelnorfolk.com

Congregation Beth El’s Patricia Sarah Ashkenazi Religious School (PSARS) offers a rich and vibrant Jewish education for children, fostering a love of Judaism by teaching values that are relevant to daily life . Religious School is for children from three years of age through seventh grade Under the leadership of new director Sharon Serbin, this year’s program promises to be deeply experiential and hands-on with a curriculum that will make Judaism fun, memorable, and meaningful All students will meet on Sunday mornings, 9 am–12 pm at Congregation Beth El . In addition, students in grades three through six will meet at the Sandler Family Campus on Wednesday afternoons with their Beth El family and friends  Students will meet at 5:30 pm with a “transition period” that will include activities and snacks, followed by Hebrew study, dinner, and dismissal at 7:30 pm  This collective Hebrew program on Wednesdays will replace the individual tutoring of the past few years The Community Midrashah invites teens 8th through 12th grade to deal with real world questions of Judaism during weekly sessions

All of Congregation Beth El’s Religious School programs are open to the entire Jewish community and teach how to grow up as young Americans Jews TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

30 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org TEMPLE EMANUEL 424 25th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 www.tevb.org,757-428-2591 office@tevb.org Office Manager: Gail Gogan Rabbi: Ari CONSERVATIVEOliszewski Temple Emanuel is a thriving oceanfront Jewish community located in Virginia Beach It is intimate, accepting, and open to all . Temple Emanuel embraces the many ways to express Jewishness and spirituality, welcoming people of all family situations, ethnicities, and sexual orientations Located at the beach, the congregation offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere with creative worship services, as well as cultural programming for all Religious School is free to synagogue members . Learn more about Temple Emanuel at www tevb org/about TEMPLE ISRAEL 7255 Granby St., Norfolk, VA 23505 757-489-4550, fax CONSERVATIVE/MASORTIExecutiveRabbitempleisraelva.org,757-489-3425TempleIsraelVA1954@gmail.comMichaelPanitzDirector:NancyTucker Temple Israel is a vibrant, egalitarian, full-service synagogue that has served the local Jewish community for more than 67 years by meeting the spiritual, educational, life cycle, and social needs of its diverse membership Through the fulfillment of mitzvot, it provides opportunities for meaningful Jewish living for its members Temple Israel maintains a full schedule of joint programs with the Kempsville Conservative Synagogue . Adult education is one of the hallmarks of Temple Israel, including ongoing studies on a variety of topics, as well as adult bar and bat mitzvah classes Temple Israel enthusiastically embraces tikkun olam (repairing the world) and values every individual’s unique participation . With a perspective embracing both tradition and the challenges of today’s world, Temple Israel welcomes innovative ideas and new voices into its family . The congregation is moving forward with an ambitious program of making its facilities more fully accessible . • Daily services are on Zoom; Shabbat and holiday worship services are in-person • Adult Clubs and Classes • Library • Gift Shop TEMPLE LEV TIKVAH (HEART OF HOPE) 1593 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach 757-617-0334 or 757-937-8393 REFORMRabbijzobe@aol.comIsraelZoberman The newest Jewish congregation in Hampton Roads meets in The Church of the Holy Apostles in Virginia Beach . The church is the world’s only Episcopal and Roman Catholic congregation Now, it is the only place in the world where Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, and Jews meet under one roof . Rabbi Dr Israel Zoberman is the founder and spiritual leader TIDEWATER CHAVURAH tidewaterchavurah1@gmail.comContact:Rabbitidewaterchavurah.orgCantorEllenJaffe-GillCarol or 757-499-3660 REFORM TRADITION Tidewater Chavurah is a “synagogue without walls” involved in Jewish fellowship that meets and prays in the Virginia Beach/Hampton Roads area Founded in 1998, Tidewater Chavurah welcomes singles, couples, and families in interfaith marriages, people of all ethnicities, gender identities, and sexual orientations while remaining a small, vibrant, and friendly group . The Hebrew word chavurah means ‘fellowship .’ Tidewater Chavurah holds monthly Second Friday Shabbat and High Holiday services using prayer books of the Reform movement . Rabbi Jaffe-Gill also leads holiday celebrations and facilitates Jewish-themed learning experiences EDUCATION BINA MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL 425 Washington Park, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-BINA (2462), fax Menaheles:binahighschool.com, aharpaz@binahighschool.com757-627-2461AvivaHarpaz

Norfolk’s first and only Orthodox Jewish Middle and High School for young women, BINA opened in 2007 The BINA experience enables each student to develop her love for Hashem, His Torah and the Jewish people



. In a supportive and challenging academic environment, students are given the skills to excel in both Judaic and General studies BINA’s knowledgeable and professional faculty foster a love of learning and pride in achievement A BINA student is taught to be proud of her heritage, concerned for her community, and prepared for her future


jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 31 GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER STRELITZ INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY International Baccalaureate® World School

Starting with the infant care program, Strelitz offers parents a nurturing and safe place to ensure the growth and development for their baby The infant curriculum focuses on sensory activities and exploration, stories, songs, and floor time . As an International Baccalaureate® World School, the Early Years students are seen as inquirers of the world around them . Students experience the joy of learning through hands-on activities and nurturing teachers SIA students learn math and literacy skills and experience Jewish holidays and global learning through books, arts and crafts, songs, games, and creative play Students also enjoy enrichment classes such as swimming, PE, music and library time .

Primary Years (K–5) students are recognized for their strengths and benefit from small classes and individualized instruction when needed Students thrive in a setting of a caring community of learners . The SIA curriculum includes Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Jewish Culture, Hebrew, Music, Violin, Art, P E , and more . Through its inquiry-led, transdisciplinary framework, the International Baccalaureate® Primary Years Program challenges students to think for themselves and take agency in their learning as they explore local and global issues and opportunities in real-life Graduatescontextsareready to meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced world, as evidenced by their acceptance and seamless transitions into the top independent schools, International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, and high school academies

The Strelitz International Academy is the community’s progressive Jewish Day School welcoming students ages six weeks through grade 5 SIA is the only International Baccalaureate® World School for the Primary Years Program in the area SIA students are guided by four core Jewish values: Kehillah (community), Kavod (honor), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and Torah v’Lishman (love of learning) .

Old Dominion University 2024 Batten Arts and Letters, Norfolk, VA 23529 757-683-6816, odu.edu/al/institutes/ijiu, amilliga@odu.edu Director:facebook.com/IJIUatODUAmyMilligan,PhD The Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding (IJIU) is an interdisciplinary academic program at Old Dominion University dedicated to creating strong, inclusive learning experiences that deepen understanding of Jewish thought, history, and culture . IJIU sponsors research, academic programs, engagement activities, and collaboration with community partners to promote diverse Jewish perspectives about significant local and global issues, address antisemitic acts and other forms of hatred, and encourage dialogue between people of all faiths and beliefs Williams admits students of any race, color, religion, or ethnic background. For more information, please www.thewilliamsschool.org/admissionsvisit Join Us for a Fall Admissions Event Fall Open House "Williams ThursdayWeeklySaturday,Wednesdays"October15CampusToursTuesdayAfternoonsandFridayMorningsWednesday,September21Wednesday,October26


Director of Admissions: Carin Simon, csimon@strelitzacademy.org

Facebook: Strelitz International Academy

Early Years and Primary Years Programs, Infants–Grade 5 Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Head of School: Heather Moore, hmoore@strelitzacademy.org

Instagram: strelitzinternationalacademy

5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-424-4327, strelitzinternationalacademy.org

Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Boruch Danziger Executive Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt Rabbi Yehuda Brickman

WILLIAM AND MARY HILLEL Shenkman Jewish Center PO Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187

Principal: Mrs. Andie Pollock


Torah . Yeshivas Aish Kodesh meets these goals with a full, balanced schedule The curriculum features Gemara shiurim in both Iyun and Bekius, as well as regular classes in Chumash, Navi, Halacha, and Tefillah Yeshivas Aish Kodesh offers a general studies program taught by state-certified instructors . Yeshivas Aish Kodesh’s facilities feature a Beis Medrash, stateof-the-art classrooms, a well-stocked library, and a recreation/ workout room . The students can participate in varsity and junior varsity basketball, as well as intramural football The students have regular opportunities to participate in pick-up basketball games, swimming, ice skating, and other activities Yeshivas Aish Kodesh views experiential learning as an integral part of the Yeshiva’s approach Visiting and interacting with Gedolei Yisrael, an energetic Oneg Shabbos, a heartfelt kumzitz—ways in which the special ruach and warmth that characterizes Yeshivas Aish Kodesh are extended

Bill Goldback’s legacy lives on through the arts. Bill, who died in 2007, left a donation in his will for the performing arts in Hampton Roads. The William A. Goldback Fund continues to support arts groups and other causes in our community.


HILLEL AT OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY 757-559-1836, rabbilitt@oduhillel.org

The school’s academic program guides students toward learning how to ask the right questions, think analytically, and apply their knowledge to life

. Students not only learn the subjects, they live their subjects Whether celebrating a Jewish holiday or building an ecosystem, at Toras Chaim, learning comes alive Contact the school to learn why “Toras Chaim is the School with a Smile!”

NORFOLK AREA COMMUNITY KOLLEL 420 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-655-1836, nack@norfolkkollel.com, norfolkkollel.com

32 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org

TALMUDICAL ACADEMY Yeshivas Aish Kodesh 612 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507

Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is geared toward the student striving for excellence in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies The school aims to facilitate the spiritual, personal, and academic growth of talmidim, with an eye toward producing well-rounded bnei


Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt, rabbilitt@wmhillel.org 757-559-1836 William and Mary Hillel is open to all Jewish students and is the Jewish organization at William and Mary Hillel offers social, religious, cultural, and Israel-related events led by student leadership and professional staff

G. Lazar

. The Shenkman Jewish Center is the new home for W&M Hillel offering kosher meals, programs, and services

Others Find out how you can leave your mark. Visit LeaveABequest.org

. Their philosophy is Torah-based and centers on gaining spirituality through personal growth through rich Torah heritage The Norfolk Kollel offers programs at college campuses and high schools, as well as lunch and learn programs and “one-on-one” study sessions The Kollel can “tailor-make” a Jewish education program for specific needs . The motto of the Kollel is “Inspiration Through Education ”


TORAS CHAIM OF VIRGINIA 3110 Sterling Point Drive, Portsmouth, VA 23703

Rabbi Binyomin Greenbaum Rabbi Yakov Berkowitz Rabbi Yedidya Koven Norfolk Area Community Kollel offers Jewish classes and programming regardless of affiliation or practice

Toras Chaim provides Judaic and General Studies education for Tidewater’s Jewish children through eighth grade . The school’s Early Childhood Center maintains a developmentally appropriate environment, which fosters individuality, creativity, respect for others, and a love for Hashem Toras Chaim is dedicated to the belief that Jewish children and their families can join together to create a nurturing environment that fosters a love for Hashem, His Torah, and Jewish heritage This school is firmly committed to help each child achieve academic excellence, enthusiasm for learning, and the reinforcement of their Middos . Toras Chaim attempts to balance academics, emotional development, and social skills

Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt Hillel is the home to the Jewish student community with social activities, educational events, and holiday celebrations on and off campus .

. SERVICES ORGANIZATIONSAND AMERICAN ISRAEL PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (AIPAC) AIPAC Southeast Regional Director: Alisha Tischler 786-390-4416, atischler@aipac.org The mission of AIPAC—the American Israel Public Affairs Committee—is to strengthen and expand the U S -Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel The national organization engages with and educates decision-makers Southside Chapel • 5033 Rouse Drive Virginia Beach • 757 422-4000 Riverside Chapel • 7415 River Road Newport News • 757 245-1525 Denbigh Chapel • 12893 Jefferson Ave. Newport News • 757 874-4200 Maestas Chapel • 1801 Baltic Ave. Virginia Beach • 757 428-1112 Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha Chris Sisler, Vice President, Member of Ohef Sholom Temple, Board member of the Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village, James E. Altmeyer, Jr., President, James E. Altmeyer, Sr., Owner Chesapeake Chapel • 929 S. Battlefield Blvd. Chesapeake • 757 482-3311 Advance funeral planning Flexible payment plans Financing available Making your arrangements in advance is one of the best ways to show your loved ones that you care about them. Our Family Service Counselors have the training and experience that will help you in the process. Our services include a free funeral cost estimate, and we offer many options for financing. Visit our web site for a three-step Pre-Arrangement Guide or contact the Altmeyer Pre-Arrangement Center directly at 757 422-4000 Family owned and operated since 1917 www . altmeyerfuneralandcremation . com GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 33 FOUNDATION TIDEWATER JEWISH FOUNDATION TIDEWATER JEWISH FOUNDATION Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, VA 23462, 757-965-6111

TJF leads the community’s planned giving efforts and brought the LIFE & LEGACY program to Tidewater Through LIFE & LEGACY, TJF has helped secure the future of the Tidewater Jewish community with an estimated $21 million in future endowed commitments TJF, through LIFE & LEGACY, transformed the philanthropic culture in the Tidewater community to support the principle that everyone, regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation, can make an enduring financial impact for future generations

Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) serves the entire Tidewater Jewish community by securing endowments to ensure its future Serving as Jewish philanthropic advisors, Tidewater Jewish Foundation helps connect philanthropists with needs TJF helps those leaving legacy gifts maximize their impact in the areas of service they care about the most TJF houses endowments to support synagogue life, summer camp experiences, the gift of building relationships with Israel, and Jewish educational opportunities

Founded in 1984, TJF has distributed more than $200 million in grants to Jewish and secular charitable organizations Originally founded as a single endowment fund, TJF has grown to more than $125 million in assets, representing nearly 1,000 active charitable funds managed on behalf of individual donor advisors, the Federation, and more than a dozen local affiliate agencies and synagogues . TJF works closely with donors and their professional advisors to implement tax-advantaged charitable giving strategies that often involve multi-generational philanthropy .

Other TJF programs include the B’nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program, Feldman Family Medical & Health Professions Student Scholarship, One Happy Camper Program, Simon Family Passport to Israel, and Stein Family Scholarship

The LIFE & LEGACY program is a continued partnership with local synagogues and Jewish agencies and is funded by TJF with ongoing training support provided by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation .

Additional TJF services include offering and managing donor-advised funds, fund matching for charitable life insurance, charitable bequests, charitable trusts, reserved life estates, and charitable IRA distributions and designations

Presidentfoundation.jewishva.organdCEO:Naomi Limor Sedek Vice President and CFO: Randy Parrish

Anyone can be a philanthropist Contact one of TJF’s philanthropic advisors to learn how to bring legacy dreams to reality

TJF has strong relationships with area congregations, agencies, and organizations TJF continues to secure legacy gifts in partnership with its affiliated organizations through LIFE & LEGACY and the Jewish Future Pledge, where community members are committing at least 50% of their charitable dollars in their estate to Jewish causes or to support the state of Israel

Regional Office Director: Alan Ronkin 202-785-5475; washington@ajc.org; AJC.org Twitter.com/AJCGlobalFacebook.com/AJCGlobal


. With more than 300,000 members, associates, and supporters across the country, Hadassah brings Jewish women together to affect change and advocate on critical issues such as medical GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER

While IDF soldiers are on the frontlines, FIDF strengthens their wellbeing by responding to their most urgent needs Follow FIDF via email and social media to remain in close contact with FIDF and bolster Israel’s courageous soldiers

Brith Sholom Center of Virginia Inc is a nonpolitical organization which aims to foster and perpetuate the spirit, ideals, and traditions of Judaism Membership is currently 250Applications for men and women 21 years and above are available for new membership Activities include dinners, dances, trips, entertainment, and cultural events . Its philanthropic endeavor is to support Jewish education and community organizations that provide services, plus international groups that assist needy causes Brith Sholom meetings currently take place on the first Sunday of each month (except July and August) at 11 am at a temporary location at the Norfolk Masonic Temple, 7001 Granby Street When restrictions are lifted, meetings will resume at Beth Sholom Village in Virginia Beach


Executive Director: Jennifer Scher 410-753-3088, Jennifer.scher@fidf.org, FIDF.org

. It is a non-political, non-military organization that provides for the well-being of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), veterans, and family members FIDF is committed to providing these soldiers with love, support, and care to ease the burden they carry on behalf of the Jewish community worldwide . IDF soldiers risk their lives day and night to maintain Israel’s security Transform a life LONE SOLDIER SUPPORT—Bring them a feeling of warmth and community through housing, Shabbat meals, flights home, a 24/7 call center, and more DIGNITY—Provide financial relief to IDF soldiers whose families are in economic difficulty, gifting them with peace of mind so they can fully dedicate themselves to defending EDUCATIONIsrael—Give at-risk teens a second chance through Project Overcome; soldiers without 12 years of education or their high school diploma through Formal Education; or scholarships for higher education through IMPACT!

American Jewish Committee’s Washington regional office serves as the local gateway to AJC’s global Jewish advocacy network AJC re-imagines what’s possible for the Jewish people, for Israel, and for the world Through advocacy, education, and diplomacy, AJC Washington builds bridges to fight antisemitism, support Israel’s place in the world, and eradicate extremism and radicalism AJC believes in American global leadership and promotes human rights and democratic values around the world B’RITH OF TIDEWATER Arnold Gamsey Lodge President:https://www.bnaibrith.org#1195WayneMartin,757-855-0227

34 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org about the bonds that unite the two countries, and how it is in America’s best interest to strengthen those bonds and help ensure that the Jewish state remains safe, strong, and secureAIPAC’s. mission is to encourage and persuade the U S government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring, and mutually beneficial relationship with its ally, Israel For more than 60 years, AIPAC has worked to make a difference, building a better tomorrow for the United States and Israel ADL (ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE) Regional Director, ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Office: Meredith R. Weisel 202-261-4610, mweisel@adl.org, adl.org

Secretary: LeeAnne Mallory, 757-461-1150, Brith.sholom1@gmail.com


ADL is a leading anti-hate organization Founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry, its timeless mission is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of hate with the same vigor and passion ADL is the first call when acts of antisemitism occur . A global leader in exposing extremism, delivering anti-bias education and fighting hate online, ADL’s ultimate goal is a world in which no group or individual suffers from bias, discrimination, or hate . ADL has emerged as one of the most formidable anti-hate organizations because of its ironclad commitment to protecting the rights of all people regardless of their race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or level of ability Since its inception, ADL has believed that America only would be safe for its Jewish people if it was safe for all its people—and that when it was truly safe for all its people, it also would be safe for its Jewish community ADL’s work has expanded to address antisemitism across the globe . ADL works to protect all marginalized groups from the devastating impacts of extremism, reduce bias in individuals through education, and create an environment of laws and norms where all groups are treated fairly and hate has no home Recognized as one of ADL’s most innovative and effective offices, the ADL Washington, D .C regional office serves the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia, carrying out the mandate “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people…and to secure justice and fair treatment to all ”




Virginia Chapter President: Joel Nied If ‘Virginia is for lovers’, Friends of the IDF seeks to make ‘Virginia is for ISRAEL lovers!’ FIDF is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation, established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors

HADASSAH Hadassahhadassah.orgSouthern Seaboard Region President: Sharon Goretsky, 757-535-9633 sgoretsky@hadassah.org In New York in 1912, the first group of Hadassah was chartered after its founder, Henrietta Szold, returned from Jerusalem The second chapter of Hadassah was chartered in Norfolk, Va . One hundred and ten years later, Hadassah’s Norfolk-Virginia Beach chapter is re-energized and excited to serve all of Tidewater Hadassah is the largest Jewish women’s organization in the United States

Founded in 1843, B’nai B’rith is dedicated to building a strong sense of Jewish identity and unity within the Jewish community

.com . GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER Temple Israel is an egalitarian, multicultural and multigenerational Conservative synagogue. We offer in person Shabbat service each week, and daily minyan services on Zoom. We have in person and virtual programs throughout the month, and you can participate in our “Mitzvah of the Month” helping organizations in need. We are proud of our military families and offer affordable and flexible membership options for those who serve our country. Give us a call for more information. Dr.

Representatives: Linda Samuels, 757-573-8788, linsam1@cox.net

recently completed an


The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center is housed in the beautifully restored Chevra T’helim Synagogue, the interior of which is a rare surviving example of Eastern European Jewish Orthodoxy The Center offers lectures, exhibits, a summer music series, as well as school programs, adult programs, and tours .

4550 www.templeisraelva.org


President: David Proser, kbhcantor@gmail.com

Email: Administrator:757-391-9266,jmccvportsmouth@gmail.comwww.jewishmuseumportsmouth.orgBarbaraRossen


Dorothy Spitalney, 757-639-2950 Hebrew Ladies Charity Society of Tidewater supports Jewish Family Service’s food and financial assistance programs MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER 607 Effingham St. Portsmouth, VA 23704

JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Adam Goldberg, Post Commander, 831-917-3996


Established nationally in 1893 and locally in 1905, NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s organization in the U .S The group’s educational and legislative efforts have helped bring about action in areas of concern to women and children The local Endowment Fund functions as the Tidewater Council of Jewish Women under Jewish Family Service Foundation Philanthropic Fund Agreement Donations may be made to the TCJW Fund through JFS, 5000 Corporate Woods Dr ., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 .

The Board was originally organized as the Board of Rabbis About 20 years ago, it expanded its membership to include cantors The Board provides an opportunity for local Jewish clergy to meet on a regular basis and to address, discuss, and answer the challenges facing the Jewish community of Tidewater LADIES CHARITY SOCIETY

JWV Post 158 works to instill the tenets of the National HQ’s mission within the local community by imparting true allegiance to the U S A . and love of country and flag, combating bigotry and darkness wherever originating and defending whomever it targets, preserving the spirit of comradeship to fellow veterans and their families, honoring the memory and shielding from neglect the graves of the community’s heroic dead, and most importantly to preserve the memories and records of those men and women of the Jewish faith who “did us proud by bearing the brunt of battle in the patriotic service of our great country .”

THE NORFOLK MIKVAH 425 Washington Park (right side entrance) Norfolk, 757-627-7358 The Mikvah serves the entire Jewish community The Mikvah exciting renovation Tidewater community

Call to schedule an appointment for a conversion .

jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 35 care and research, women’s empowerment, domestic advocacy in the United States, and the security of Israel Through the Hadassah Medical Organization’s (HMO) two hospitals, the worldrenowned trauma center, and the leading research facility in Jerusalem, Hadassah supports the delivery of exemplary patient care to more than one million people every year HMO serves without regard to race, religion, or nationality and earned a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination in 2005 for building “bridges to peace” through equality in medical treatment HAMPTON ROADS BOARD OF RABBIS AND CANTORS


The oldest active veterans organization in America, chartered in 1896 by an act of Congress, the Jewish War Veterans brings together citizens of the U S A with joint ties of a common Jewish heritage and the experience of serving in the U S Armed Forces It is the organization’s goal to apply experiences in the military as civilians to “be of greater service to our country, our community, and above all to our fellow veterans .”

to better serve the

MIKVAH TAHARAS CHAYA 425 Washington Park (left side entrance) Norfolk This new mikvah mikvahnorfolk@gmail Michael E. Panitz, Rabbi Nancy J. Tucker, Executive Director Tammy Conklin, Executive Assistant 7255 Granby Street Norfolk, VA 23505 757 489

is exclusively used by women observing Family Purity laws  To make an appointment, email


Care & Rehabilitation Center completed a major renovation in 2020 All resident and patient rooms now have a walk-in shower and an upgraded bathroom The rehabilitation gyms have been expanded and upgraded, and the common and multipurpose areas have new and modern décorThe. Berger-Goldrich Health Care and Rehabilitation Center offers:•A coordinated approach to care, including physical, occupational, and speech therapy in two state-of-the-art therapy gyms One gym includes a practical kitchen for residents to relearn the skills necessary for their return home • Team of nursing personnel, therapists, social workers, and an activities department • Dentist, ophthalmologist, and podiatrist care on site • Out-patient physical therapy department • Kosher meals and snacks daily, and Sabbath and holiday services•The Kantor Café, which is open to the public . • Special Care Unit for residents with advanced dementia • Beds certified for Medicare and Medicaid in private and semi-private rooms • Excellent staff-to-resident ratio • Hair salon with a full-time hairdresser . • Outdoor gardens, patios, and secure courtyards • Auxiliary Gift Shop . The Berger-Goldrich Health Care & Rehabilitation Center is a recipient agency of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and BSHEV Foundation THE TERRACE AT BETH SHOLOM VILLAGE 1049 College Park Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-282-2384, fax 757-361-0151 Visit vaopera.org or call 866.673.7282 for more information 2022 - 2023 Season YOUR TICKET TO UNFORGETTABLEANNIGHTOUT!


BETH SHOLOM VILLAGE Skilled Nursing, Rehabilitation, Long Term Care, Memory Care & Assisted Living President and Chief Executive Officer: David R. Abraham 757-420-2512, bethsholomvillage.com

ORT America supports vocational and technical training for Jews around the world More than 300,000 students are enrolled in the ORT network of schools and training programs, which include comprehensive and vocational high schools, colleges, apprenticeship programs, and teacher training institutes Like Tidewater ORT on Facebook

Recognizing that its population of residents with cognitive impairment requires and deserves special consideration, BSV implemeneted training from the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners LLC, made possible by The Sephardic Foundation on Aging BSV feels it is imperative to ensure that all of its direct care staff are adequately trained and educated in dementia-related caregiving Direct care staff include all nursing staff: RNs, LPNs, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs), and Medical Aides In addition, direct care staff includes all members of the Rehabilitation Department—physical, occupational, and speech therapists—as well as social workers and all members of its Recreation Therapy department Professional affiliations exist with Jewish Family Service of Tidewater and ECPI University


GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER ORT AMERICA Abbie Laderberg, Facebook.com/Tidewater757-497-7238ORT

For more than 40 years, Beth Sholom Village (BSV) has served as the only senior community in Hampton Roads that embodies traditional Jewish values, customs, and traditions BSV is a community that observes all major Jewish holidays and traditions and proudly serves residents and patients of all faiths BSV believes in offering the best care possible to all residents

In 2022, Beth Sholom Village welcomed Nir Horev, MD, as medical director His medical team includes Marilyn Kellan, MD, Sharon Goretsky, NP, and Christina Holloway, NP Beth Sholom Village is proud to partner with Senior Services of Southeast Virginia to provide meals through the Meals on Wheels Program . BSV prepares and delivers more than 2,000 meals each week to the community Beth Sholom Village is proud to continue its legacy of caring for its seniors, creating a community that focuses on enhancing the quality of life, and caring for the body, mind, and soul

. In 2024, Aviva Pembroke, a premier senior living community in partnership with Pembroke Realty Group, will open its doors in the heart of Town Center, Virginia Beach Aviva Pembroke will be a transformative community redefining senior living in Virginia Beach, offering one bedroom, one bedroom with den, and two and three bedroom units with amenities such as covered parking, swimming pool, and pickleball courts In addition, Aviva Pembroke will include assisted living apartments and memory support units for a complete continuum of care REHABILITATIONHEALTHBERGER-GOLDRICHCARE&CENTER Auburn Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-420-2512, fax 757-424-0657

. The

Administrator: David R. Abraham Berger-Goldrich Health Care & Rehabilitation Center is a skilled nursing and rehabilitation Center with a memory care unit Berger-Goldrich Health



The Memory Enhancement Unit allows residents with Alzheimer’s or dementiarelated illnesses to be as independent as possible within a safe and secure environment This secure unit has 18 individual apartments, which surround a well-lit central atrium with areas designated for dining, activities, and relaxing


Administrator:bethsholomvillage.comAllisonWhiteman, LALA Seniors who are no longer able to live on their own find a new lease on life at The Terrace at Beth Sholom Village The Terrace, a Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Assisted Living Center, can accommodate 85 residents in 69 units . The Terrace provides gracious assisted living where residents can live comfortably in their own studio, one-, or twobedroom apartment

Chief Executive Officer: Kelly jfshamptonroads.orgFaxEmbraceGuardianPersonalCounselingAdministration:Burroughs757-321-2222Services:757-459-4640AffairsManagement/Program:757-938-9130HomeCare:757-489-3111;757-489-1958

The Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion at JFS offers an engaging playtherapy room, which provides a comforting place for children and teens to learn to cope with life Therapistsissuesare highly trained, master’s level, Licensed Clinical Social Workers LIVING IN TIDEWATER

. Four levels of care are offered to assist residents with their activities of daily living in a secure and comfortable environment Three kosher meals are served daily by the wait staff in the dining room, and snacks and drinks are always available in the Club Room

JFS depends on the generosity of the Jewish and the broader Tidewater communities for support Local funding sources include United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, United Way of South Hampton Roads, and many generous foundations and donors


. Programs include kosher Meals on Wheels, friendly volunteer visitors, senior companions, and transportation services

This program assists individuals and their families in assessing the medical, personal, and social service needs of older adults By partnering together with the client and their families or legal guardians, JFS helps design long-term care plans that allow elderly people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible Care managers address the practical needs of daily living with older adults

The activity calendar is filled with entertainment, outings, art programs, and a wide variety of in-house activities, including daily exercise The caring staff provides scheduled transportation for shopping and doctor appointments Licensed nurses attend to residents’ regular medical needs and are available for more urgent situations



COUNSELING FOR ALL AGES Life is full of transition and change JFS recognizes that sometimes individuals and families need support and help to navigate these changes JFS provides individual, couple, family, and group counseling services to people of all ages, regardless of affiliation

The Hebrew Ladies Charity Society began this work in 1865, which continued through the 1900’s until Jewish Family Service was established in 1946 and incorporated as Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc , in The1969agency has earned a national reputation of responding to community needs by the creation and expansion of programs for children, youth, families, older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, and persons who experience chronic mental illness .

. JFS offers grief counseling through the Dozoretz Center for Family Healing, a community resource center established to help people of all ages cope with the death of a loved one, family illness, relocation, divorce, separation, or remarriage


JEWISH FAMILY SERVICE OF TIDEWATER Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suites 300 and 400, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc is a social service agency providing a continuum of solutions to those in need throughout Tidewater, regardless of religion or financial status

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JFS offers a variety of services to support persons with special or differing needs, and is grateful for funding for these services from United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, United Way of South Hampton Roads, and private donors who care about the social and emotional inclusion of persons with special needs . JFS offers these services for persons with special needs:

FOOD AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE In Virginia, more than 170,000 families live below the poverty level . Many of these families are unable to obtain nutritious food To combat this growing problem, JFS partners with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia to operate a Community Food Pantry Individuals and families, regardless of affiliation, can receive food assistance once a month The Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings and by appointment Hunger happens in Jewish households, too For Jewish individuals in need of kosher food, JFS operates its Milk and Honey Food Program, and is open by calling ahead Financial assistance is available for Jewish families coping with unplanned financial debt and obligation Case managers help with budgeting, financial planning, and payment arrangements

38 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org (LCSWs), many of whom hold special training in grief, child/teen issues, family stress, andJFSgerontologycounseling services are covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and by many private health insurance companies Services may be provided on a sliding scale fee basis to those without insurance who qualify .

BBYO involves Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences, guiding them into leadership positions that will last a lifetime Teens meet weekly, on weekends, from September through June at the Simon Family JCC, and focus on community service and social action programs with their chapters, BBG (girls) and AZA (boys) The teens attend a variety of regional and national conventions


• CHAVERIM: Cultural, social, and recreational opportunities are provided for Jewish individuals with developmental disabilities


Embrace Home Care offers certified nursing assistants and nurse’s aides to provide services such as dressing, bathing, and personal, private care while hospitalized; transportation and accompaniment to medical appointments; and meal preparation, shopping, companionship, and family support For more comprehensive care, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) can provide medication administration, blood pressure monitoring, catheter care, diabetes management, tube feedings, and other services


OHEF SHOLOM TEMPLE YOUTH (OSTY) OSTY757-625-4295Advisors: Robyn and Paul Weiner ostyadvisors@gmail.com


. Families or organizations interested in a food drive or to bring food or other household supplies to support the pantry, should contact JFS . Restocking of shelves is always needed and assistance is always appreciated

The Personal Affairs Management (PAM) Program at JFS safeguards the personal and financial affairs of vulnerable, incapacitated adults with physical, cognitive, and/or mental disabilities . Guardian and/or conservator services are provided based on court orderThe PAM Program has been recognized as a Model Program by the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and is approved as a Regional Public Guardian and Conservator Program by the Virginia Department for the Aging and Rehabilitative Services On-call case management is available 24 hours a day to improve clients’ quality of life and manage personal and medical care

• SPECIAL NEEDS CAMP: In cooperation with the Simon Family JCC, children with special needs are integrated into summer programs and activities, enabling them to participate with their non-disabled peers GROUPS

• SIMCHA: This socialization and recreation group for Jewish adults with mental illness, offers cultural and recreational outings




NFTY: THE REFORM JEWISH YOUTH MOVEMENT Mid-Atlantic Region—NFTY-MAR REFORM, nfty.org/mar, nftymar@urj.org Jewish teens from North Carolina, eastern West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, and far-eastern Tennessee comprise NFTY-MAR Members come together for learning, fun, worship, community service, and fellowship to help young Jewish adults build and strengthen lifetime ties with each other and Reform Judaism

BBYO Director of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org

Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group (OSTY) is for students in grades 8–12 JOSTY, Junior Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group, is for 6th and 7th graders participate in community service, regional and national conventions, religious, and other “just-for-fun” events Members also develop leadership skills, build community with each other, and create lifelong memories OSTY is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism’s NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), the Reform Jewish Youth Movement TO LIVING IN

. This program is made possible by the generosity of the Pincus Paul Fund of the Jewish Family Service Foundation and the endowment fund of Hebrew Ladies Charity Society, along with the support of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

Individuals and families fund special projects, including holiday food baskets, Hanukkah gifts for children, grocery certificates, and assistance with utilities and rent JFS receives food from many generous donors throughout the community



jewishnewsva.org | August 15, 2022 | Guide | JEWISH NEWS | 39 GUIDE TO JEWISH LIVING IN TIDEWATER CEMETERIES B’NAI ISRAEL CEMETERY 2710 Cromwell Road Norfolk, office@bnaiisraelVa org, 757-627-7358 FOREST LAWN CEMETERY 8100 Granby Street Norfolk, Va 757-441-1752. GOMLEY CHESED CEMETERY Shell Road near Frederick Blvd . and George Washington Highway Portsmouth, 757-965-6130Va HEBREW CEMETERY Princess Anne Road and Tidewater Drive Norfolk, Va 757 441-2576 MIKRO KODESH 2295-2355 Berkley Ave Chesapeake, 757-965-6100Va PRINCESS ANNE MEMORIAL PARK 1110 North Great Neck Road Virginia Beach, Va 757-481-1097 ROSEWOOD MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY 631 N Witchduck Road Virginia Beach, Va . 757-497-8925 WOODLAWN MEMORIAL GARDENS 6329 E Virginia Beach Blvd Norfolk, 757-461-4054Va WORKMEN’S CIRCLE Railroad 757-965-6100Chesapeake,AvenueVa Join us at NOON immediately preceding Super Sunday for the OFFICIAL DEDICATION OF THE MARTY EINHORN PAVILION Bring the kids to SUNDAY FUNDAY from 1 – 4 PM For more information contact Matthew Kramer-Morning at MKMorning@UJFT.org or (757) 965-6136 SUPER SUNDAY Save the Date! • Kick-off a year-long celebration of Israel@75! Join us in making calls to our fellow community members! Jewishva.org/supersunday SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM

1 small red cabbage, shredded ½ cup mayonnaise ½ cup lemon juice 1 tsp kosher salt • Combine together, and let it sit for 1 hour. Serve.

Does it annoy you when you look for a recipe online; and you have to scroll through a research paper to find the recipe?

• Add tomatoes, cover with lid, reduce heat to med-low, cook for 15 minutes


• Combine, onion, olive oil, and garlic in a cooking pot

TAHINA SAUCE ¼ cup water ¼ cup lemon juice ½ cup tahini paste 1 tsp kosher salt


• Combine, and whisk until it gets very thick (like mayonnaise)

MATBUCHA ¼ White onion, chopped/diced ½ cup olive oil 6 garlic cloves, whole ½ lb cherry tomatoes, halved ½ tsp kosher salt (Optional) ½ tsp of any/all spices: coriander, cumin, spicy/sweet/smoked paprika

• Add salt and spices

40 | JEWISH NEWS | Guide | August 15, 2022 | jewishnewsva.org

Yea, me too. So, let’s just make some food.

• Reduce heat to low, remove lid, cook 15 minutes

ONION AND SUMAC SALAD 1 red onion, sliced ¼ cup olive oil 3 tbsp sumac ½ tsp kosher salt

• Remove lid, cook additional 15 minutes

• Combine together, and let it sit for 1 hour. Serve.

B’Tayavon is equivalent to French’s Bon Appetit. In Jewish News, B’Tayavon is where locals share favorite recipes. This issue features Philip Sifen’s favorites.

Philip Sifen Onion and Sumac, top left; Red Cabbage Salad, top right; Tahina Sauce, bottom left; Matbucha, bottom right. Also shown: Homemade Fried Pita Chips with Za’atar Spice

• Cook on medium heat until onions soften (3–5 minutes)



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