Guide to jewish living in tidewater 2015

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IN Tidewater

Supplement to Jewish News August 17, 2015

24 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader

Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater


elcome to Jewish News’ 2015 Guide to Jewish Living in Tidewater.

A resource for newcomers to Tidewater, as well as long-time residents, this year’s Guide continues to be jam-packed with information. The reason the Guide has so many pages is simple: Tidewater has an incredibly active Jewish community.

Jay Klebanoff, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2015 Jewish News. All rights reserved.

In addition to being active, it’s evolv-

Jewish Holidays 5776 Rosh HaShanah . . . . . Sept. 13–15, 2015 Yom Kippur . . . . . . . . Sept. 22–23, 2015 Sukkot. . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 27–Oct. 4, 2015 Simchat Torah . . . . . . Oct. 4–5, 2015 Hanukkah . . . . . . . . . Dec. 6–14, 2015 Tu BiSh’vat . . . . . . . . Jan. 24–25, 2016 Purim . . . . . . . . . . . . March 23–24, 2016 Passover . . . . . . . . . . April 22–29, 2016 Yom HaShoah. . . . . . . May 4–5, 2016 Yom HaZikaron & Yom HaAtzmaut. . . . May 10–12, 2016

ing, and at the same time remarkably

Lag BaOmer. . . . . . . . May 25–26, 2016

stable. And, it’s also as diverse and

Shavuot. . . . . . . . . . . June 11–12, 2016

as it is inclusive. What a combination!

Tishah B’Av . . . . . . . . Aug. 13–14, 2016

If you aren’t involved in some aspect of the Jewish community, now might be the time. If so, within these

Selichot. . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24, 2016 Source:

pages you possibly will find an organization that suits your interests, a place to worship, a place to socialize,

Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

a school for your children, a place to expand your mind, a place to improve your health or perhaps an agency that is able to assist you with a variety of personal issues…from adoption to hospice. The Jewish community offers it all and we’ve included as much as possible.

About the cover:

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While we hope you hold onto the

Upcoming Special Features Issue Date Topic


Aug. 31

Rosh Hashanah

Aug. 14

Sept. 14

Yom Kippur

Aug. 28

Oct. 5

Mazel Tov

Sept. 18

Oct. 19


Nov. 9

Oct. 2

Guide until next year’s update, an e-edition, where you can flip through the pages, is available online at We hope the Guide leads you to new and lasting connections in Jewish Tidewater.

Holiday Entertaining Oct. 23

Terri Denison Editor | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 25

Tidewater Jewish Agencies United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-965-6100,, Executive Vice President: Harry Graber The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater nurtures a vibrant, engaged, inclusive and caring Jewish community, guided by its values and its mission to strengthen and perpetuate Jewish life. As a leader and facilitator of collective action, UJFT allocates funds donated by community members during the Annual Campaign. These allocations assist Jewish agencies and organizations in Tidewater, North America, internationally, and in Israel, and are administered through this community’s partnerships with trusted local, national and global non-profits. The UJFT cares for those in need, rescues Jews in danger, enhances Jewish security and advocates for Israel. Gifts help UJFT partners provide healthcare, social services, Jewish cultural and educational programs and initiatives that improve human relations. Through a Jewish model of communal giving, UJFT touches more Jewish lives than any other organization in the world.

Annual Campaign UJFT holds an Annual Campaign fundraising effort each year because the needs of Jews locally, globally and in Israel won’t end after 2015; they are ongoing, and, in many places, increasing. UJFT’s Annual Campaign is conducted by more than 100 local volunteer Jewish leaders in partnership with a professional campaign staff. An emphasis is placed on oneon-one or small group conversations, so UJFT volunteers can listen to personal concerns and ideas, and donors are better able to understand how their gifts make a difference. The Annual Campaign runs on the UJFT’s fiscal year, July 1–June 30. A Kickoff celebration to begin the Campaign will be held on Thursday,Sept. 17, 2015 with a Kickoff event at the Sandler Family Campus. At this, and all UJFT events, there are ample opportunities to learn how participation impacts Tidewater and beyond. Other events are held throughout the year to welcome, inform and thank community donors. At the end of the Annual Campaign, the UJFT board of directors allocates funds based on recommendations by the finance committee for distribution to the local community; and by the Israel & Overseas committee for distributions to international and Israel agencies and organizations. Links to programs and services the Annual Campaign supports are at, as is a link to sign up for UJFT’s bimonthly newsletter, the Tzedakah Box. Donations to the Annual Campaign are welcome at any time, and can be made securely online at

Men’s Division Director: Alex Pomerantz, 757-965-6136, The Men’s Division is dedicated to engaging the community in the support of the Federation’s Annual Campaign. The Men’s Division is comprised of an executive committee and more than 50 volunteers who are bound together to serve the Tidewater Jewish community and to solicit funds for the Annual Campaign. These generous leaders ensure funding is available for Jewish education, health and social welfare, the fight against anti-Semitism, emergency services and crisis relief.

26 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Women’s Division Director: Amy Zelenka, 757-965-6139, The Women’s Division is the women’s fundraising arm of the UJFT Annual Campaign, providing the women of the community with opportunities for volunteerism and philanthropy. At the helm of the Women’s Division is the Women’s Cabinet, a leadership committee that meets regularly to learn what’s happening in the Jewish community at home as well as in the greater Jewish world. The Women’s Cabinet also takes the lead in volunteer fundraising for the Women’s Division of the UJFT Annual Campaign, serving as ambassadors and role models for women of all ages in the Tidewater Jewish community.

Young Adult Division (YAD) Director: Amy Weinstein. 757-965-6127, The Young Adult Division is designed to promote social, cultural, leadership development and philanthropic opportunities for young Jewish adults ages 22–45 in Tidewater. YAD’s outreach programs invite young professionals, singles and growing families to attend. YAD hosts monthly happy hours, holiday parties and outreach events including Family Shabbat dinners, Girl’s Night Out and Guy’s Night Out. Super Sunday, the community’s annual fundraising phoneathon, is led by YAD, and demonstrates the success of the area’s young leaders. The Tidewater Couples Project is for married couples to learn about UJFT’s mission, to network and to gain leadership skills. Future leaders are further nurtured through YAD’s Hineni! program and the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel.

Affinity Groups: Maimonides Society and Business & Legal Society Contact: Alex Pomerantz, 757-965-6136,,, The Maimonides Society is for Jewish healthcare professionals and the Business & Legal Society for Jewish professionals in any area or stage of a law or business career. Both groups serve to connect emerging and seasoned Jewish professionals, and to instill in them a heightened sense of engagement and commitment to the Jewish community. Committees plan events for social and professional networking, educational forums and philanthropic and service opportunities within the Jewish community, both locally and abroad.

Shalom Tidewater This program helps create and nurture an inclusive Jewish community. Shalom Tidewater serves as a resource for newcomers to the Tidewater Jewish community and “locals,” too.

Community Relations Council Director: Robin Mancoll, 757-965-6120, The Community Relations Council (CRC) educates the community on issues impacting the rights of Jews locally, in the United States, in Israel and around the world. The CRC’s mission is to establish constructive dialogue, create educational opportunities and maintain positive exchanges with public officials and government, the media, the Jewish community, as well as with other faith and ethnic communities throughout Tidewater. CRC offers numerous opportunities for engagement for the entire community throughout the year, including Date With the State (Jewish Virginia Advocacy Day) and the popular speaker series, Israel Today. To receive notification of news and programs, to become a friend of the CRC or learn more about their work, visit

The Holocaust Commission Director: Elena Barr Baum, 757-965-6129 The Holocaust Commission encourages teachers, students and the community at large to apply the lessons of history to the moral decisions they make each day. The Commission offers programs, provides resources and holds community events related to Holocaust education and remembrance. Dedicated volunteers from the community guide and foster the Holocaust Commission’s work. Among its many events and programs, the Holocaust Commission offers: the innovative What We Carry multimedia program for schools, community and military groups; a yearly community gathering for Yom Hashoah, the commemoration day of the Holocaust; the annual Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions for students, annual educators’ awards and Biennial Educators’ Conferences. The Holocaust Commission’s webpages provide trusted resources for those interested in learning more about the Holocaust, participating in or supporting its programs.

Jewish News Editor: Terri Denison, 757-965-6132 Published 22 times annually, Jewish News connects the Tidewater Jewish community with news of Jewish interest from local, national and global spheres. The Jewish News is delivered to thousands of homes in Tidewater, and can be viewed in a variety of online formats.

Jewish Family Service MAIN OFFICE 260 Grayson Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Administration 757-321-2222 Counseling and Adoption 757-459-4640 Home Health 757-489-3111 Fax 757-489-1958, Executive Director: Betty Ann Levin SATELLITE OFFICES Personal Affairs Management Program 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 300, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-938-9130 United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula 401 City Center Boulevard, Newport News, VA 23606 757-930-1422 Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc. is a fully accredited home health and social service agency that has served Tidewater since 1946. The agency has earned a national reputation of responding to community needs by the creation and expansion of programs for the elderly, children and youth, families, individuals, the developmentally disabled and the chronically mentally ill. JFS depends on the generosity of the Jewish and the larger Tidewater communities for support. Local funding sources include the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, United Way of South Hampton Roads, the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula and many generous foundations and donors.

JFS HOME HEALTH CARE Patients have the right to choose their home health care provider and can tell the hospital discharge planner or physician to use JFS. When people face surgery, serious illness and the process of recovery, physicians may prescribe skilled home health care to help patients heal and rehabilitate at home. Skilled home health care is reimbursed by Medicare as well as private insurances. The award-winning department offers a comprehensive array of services provided by highly skilled professionals: •P rofessional nursing care by Registered Nurses (RNs), including a Certified Wound Care RN • Psychiatric nursing • Physical, occupational and speech therapists • Medical social work • Home health aides • Dietitian • Wellness/Recreational Therapist The JFS skilled home health program is Medicare-certified and accredited by Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP). Under Private Duty Care, certified nursing assistants and nurse’s aides can provide services such as dressing, bathing and personal care, supervision of medication, meal preparation, ambulation assistance, range of motion exercise, private care while hospitalized, transportation and accompaniment to medical appointments, outpatient procedures and shopping, in addition to companionship and family support. For more comprehensive care, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) can provide these services: medication administration, blood pressure monitoring, catheter care, diabetes management, tube feedings and other services. | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 27



Jewish Family Service provides confidential clinical services such as individual, marital and family therapy, as well as educational and support programs for children, teens and adults experiencing stress and difficulties adjusting to life’s challenges. The Dozoretz Center for Family Healing and Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion are designed to support children and their families through the process of grief, loss and other life transitions. A full range of counseling services is offered for those dealing with divorce and separation. In collaboration with the Edmarc Hospice for Children, JFS co-sponsors age-appropriate support groups for children and teens who have lost a loved one. Each spring, during the Month of the Grieving Child, JFS showcases artwork by area children who have experienced a significant loss. Specialized substance abuse counseling for teens, adults and support for family members is also available. JFS provides educational advocacy and assessment services for children and teens experiencing school or learning-related difficulties. The JFS Parent Resource Center, including the Annabel Sacks Collection, is a lending library addressing a wide range of parenting issues.

SPECIAL NEEDS JFS offers a variety of services to Jewish children and adults with special needs and their families: • SIMCHA, a socialization and recreation group for Jewish adults with mental illness, offers cultural and recreational outings. • CHAVERIM, meets the cultural, socialization and recreational needs of the Jewish developmentally disabled. • Special Needs camp. In cooperation with the Simon Family JCC staff, special needs children are integrated into summer programs and activities, enabling them to participate with their non-disabled peers.

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Adoption Resources of Jewish Family Service is a licensed child placement agency offering services to guide families through the beginning of a family through adoption. Professional staff counsel birth parents and assist adoptive parents. Adoption Resources staff members are cognizant of Virginia law and are experienced in working with attorneys and other agencies to facilitate parental placement adoptions, domestic adoption, and international adoptions. Counseling services are offered to any family facing an unplanned pregnancy.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Financial assistance is available for Jewish families coping with unplanned financial debt and obligation. Case managers help with budgeting, financial planning and payment arrangements. This program is made possible by the generosity of the Pincus Paul Fund of the Jewish Family Service Foundation and the endowment fund of the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society, along with the support of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula. Individuals and families fund special projects, including holiday food baskets, Chanukah gifts for children, grocery certificates and clothing donations. To make donations, contact JFS. Individuals and families under 60 years of age who need assistance should call 459‑4640. Mature adults and families over the age of 60 who need assistance should call 321-2222.

OLDER ADULTS JFS is able to help ensure that older adults live their lives with dignity and the greatest degree of independence possible. Agency professionals work closely with patients, families, health care providers and other organizations to design comprehensive care plans.

CARE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM This program assists individuals and their families in assessing the medical, personal and social service needs of the elderly, and, with the cooperation of the client and their families or legal guardians, helps design a long-term care plan. This plan allows the frail and vulnerable elderly person to remain in their own home for as long as possible. Care managers address the practical needs of daily living with older adults. Programs include kosher Meals on Wheels, volunteer friendly visitors, senior companions and transportation services.

PERSONAL AFFAIRS MANAGEMENT The Personal Affairs Management (PAM) Program at JFS safeguards the personal and financial affairs of vulnerable, incapacitated adults, 18 years of age and older, with physical, cognitive and/or mental disabilities. Guardian and/or conservator services are provided based on court order. The PAM Program has been recognized as a Model Program by the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and is approved as a Regional Public Guardian and Conservator Program by the Virginia Department for the Aging and Rehabilitative Services. On-call case management is available 24 hours a day to improve clients’ quality of life and manage personal and medical care.

COUNSELING FOR OLDER ADULTS The golden years of life are sometimes tarnished by relationship problems, adjustment to retirement, financial shifts, losses such as the death of a loved one or relocation, changing relationships with adult children, and a variety of health concerns. JFS therapists offer an opportunity to speak openly and confidentially, allowing older adults and their families to explore feelings, ideas and options. JFS therapist services are covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and by many private health insurance companies. Services can also be provided on a sliding scale fee basis to those without insurance who qualify.

COMMITMENT TO HEALTHY LIVING For the past 11 years, JFS’s Spring Into Healthy Living has provided opportunities for education, fitness and fun. Activities include the JFS Run, Roll, or Stroll (a race along the Virginia Beach boardwalk), seminars and speakers on a variety of topics to encourage healthy bodies, minds and spirits.


910 Atlantic Avenue • Virginia Beach

28 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Tidewater Jewish Foundation 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-965-6111, President and CEO: Scott Kaplan The Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) is dedicated to building and creating permanent resources to help meet the current and future needs of the Jewish community. Founded in 1984 as a single endowment fund under the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, TJF has grown to $100 million in assets, representing funds on behalf of individual donors, the Federation and just over a dozen local affiliate agencies and synagogues. TJF leads the community’s Create a Jewish Legacy initiative—to raise awareness about planned giving and endowments and to encourage bequests. This undertaking was designed to help individuals and families support the Jewish causes they care about; building a strong, vibrant community, now and in the future including developing bequests for permanent endowments. It promotes the message that everyone, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation, has the ability to make a difference for future Jewish generations. As of July 2015, the Create a Jewish Legacy initiative has secured both current gifts and legacy commitments totaling approximately $40 million of its $50 million goal. Planned giving is a powerful commitment to the future. It is the process of making a lasting charitable gift (now or after one’s lifetime) that can financially benefit both the donor and the institution receiving it. For anyone considering establishing a fund at TJF, who has a family foundation, or is beginning the estate planning process to consider their legacy, TJF can assist in accomplishing philanthropic goals. TJF works in partnership with UJFT, JCC, JFS, HAT, Beth Sholom Village and local area temples/synagogues, as well as many other charitable organizations. The Simon Family Legacy Society is TJF’s donor recognition program to honor those who have committed to providing for the future of the Jewish community. TJF supports the needs of the community through grants and donor-advised funds. Most importantly, TJF helps people help others.


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Beth Sholom Village The Berger-Goldrich Home 6401 Auburn Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-420-2512, fax 757-424-0657, Executive Vice President/CEO: David R. Abraham Since 1980, The Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village (formerly Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia), has served as the only nursing facility in Tidewater which embodies traditional Jewish values, customs and traditions. A full time religious leader, kosher food, holidays and special observances enable residents to continue to live with dignity, and as Jews. The Home is a 120-bed licensed skilled nursing facility providing multiple levels of care. The Home accepts all Medicare, as well as all payer types including private pay. The Home also accepts managed care plans for short-term rehabilitation and other approved services. Professional affiliations exist with Jewish Family Service, The Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care Center of Tidewater, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Sentara Healthcare System, Glennan Center and others. The Home is a five-star facility—the highest rating available in Virginia. Services • The Rose Frances and Bernard Glasser Health and Wellness Center serves residents and staff of The Village, as well as those in neighboring communities. • A coordinated approach to care, including physical, occupational and speech therapy in two state-of-the-art therapy gyms. One gym includes a practical kitchen for residents to relearn skills necessary for their return home. • Team of nursing personnel, therapists, social workers and an activities department with certified activity therapists. • Dentist, ophthalmologist and podiatrist. • Out-patient physical therapy department. • Kosher meals and snacks.

• Daily and Sabbath services, as well as holiday services. • The Kantor Café. Open to the public, kosher; serves breakfast, lunch and snacks. • A 40-bed Special Care Unit for residents with advanced dementia. • Beds certified for Medicare and Medicaid in private and semi-private rooms. • Excellent staff to resident ratio. • Hair salon with full-time hairdresser. • Outdoor gardens, patios and secure courtyards. • Auxiliary Gift Shop. • Auxiliary with almost 1,000 members bringing enhancements to the lives of the residents. The Berger-Goldrich Home is a recipient agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, UJC-VA Peninsula, TJF, The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, VEJA, and BSHEV Foundation.

The Terrace at Beth Sholom Village 1049 College Park Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-282-2384, fax 757-361-0151, Administrator: Pam Guthrie (retiring December, 2015) Administrator: Mikelle Rappaport Seniors who are no longer able to live on their own find a new lease on life at The Terrace at Beth Sholom Village. The Terrace, a Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Assisted Living Center, can accommodate 75 residents in 69 units. The Terrace provides gracious assisted living where residents can live comfortably in their own studio, one or two-bedroom apartment. Three levels of care are offered to assist residents with their activities of daily living in a secure and comfortable environment. Three kosher meals a day are served by the wait staff in the dining room, and snacks and drinks are always available in the Club Room. The activity calendar is filled with entertainment, outings, art programs and a wide variety of in-house activities, including daily exercise. A caring staff provides scheduled transportation for shopping and doctor appointments. Licensed nurses attend to residents’ regular medical needs and are available for more urgent situations. The Memory Enhancement Center allows residents with Alzheimers or dementia related illness to be as independent as possible within a safe and secure environment. This secure unit has 18 individual apartments which surround a well-lit central atrium with areas designated for dining, activities and relaxing. The secure walking path is accessible through the screened-in sun porch or the music room.

Freda H. Gordon Hospice & Palliative Care of Tidewater 260 Grayson Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-321-2242, Fax 757-321-2236 Freda Gordon, of blessed memory, spent her life quietly and humbly nurturing her family and her community. Now her legacy of caring and compassion lives on through the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater. HPCT’s vision is to exceed the expectations of patients and families in providing outstanding care, and encourage patient choice resulting in improved quality of life. The hospice team is committed to providing comfort and dignity through physical, emotional and spiritual support. The Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater has received the Gold Seal of Approval® from The Joint Commission.

30 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Simon Family Jewish Community Center 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-321-2338, fax 757-489-4427, Executive Director: Scott Katz The Simon Family Jewish Community Center serves the entire Jewish and greater Tidewater community, from infants to seniors. Everyone is welcome.

JCC MEMBERSHIP Membership Associate: Kyrus Whitehurst: 757-321-2327 JCC membership includes use of its state-of-the-art fitness center, three indoor pools, outdoor water park, free drop-in babysitting services, gymnasium, nine-hole miniature golf course, tennis courts, complimentary towel service and locker rooms equipped with steam and sauna rooms. All new members receive two free personal training sessions, including a fitness assessment and results-based exercise plan, as well as discounts on classes and cultural events.

FITNESS AND AQUATICS Wellness Director: Sharon Giannelli, 757-321-2310 The JCC offers a place to get fit and learn lifetime skills and sports with indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, cardiovascular and strength equipment and more than 60 group exercise classes weekly, including: • Spinning • BODYPUMP • Yoga • Pilates • Zumba • BODYCOMBAT • Group training • Tabata • Piloxing • Water Fitness Personal training packages and swim lessons are available year round for all ages.

Rosh Hashanah 5776 Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Eve of Rosh Hashanah • 8:00pm

Monday, September 14, 2015 Rosh Hashanah • 10:30am

Tuesday, September 22, 2015 Kol Nidre • 8:00pm

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Yom Kippur • 10:30am Youth Services & Babysitting Available

L’Shanah Tovah! Congregation Beth Chaverim

3820 Stoneshore Road, Virginia Beach 23452

SPORTS AND RECREATION Sports & Recreation Director: Tom Edwards, 757-321-2308 Membership not necessary to participate in: •Y outh, teen and adult basketball •Y outh and adult soccer •Y outh and adult tennis •Y outh and adult Pickleball •Y outh tee-ball •Y outh swim team •P unt, Pass & Kick | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 31

CULTURAL ARTS Director of Cultural Arts: Michele Goldberg, 757-321-2341 Performing Arts at the J Experience the Cutting Edge Dueling Pianos on Saturday, Oct. 24, starting at 8 pm. Check website for other Jewish-centric entertainment throughout the year, including comedies, musicians and theater productions. The Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Jewish Book Festival More than 500 titles for sale, lectures, panel discussions and special events for children are planned for November 1–15. VIRGINIA FESTIVAL OF JEWISH FILM presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg One of the nation’s longest continuous Jewish film festivals, the 23nd annual event takes place January 16–24, 2016. Art Exhibits Local artists’ exhibits are regularly rotated in the Leon Art Gallery. Stop by to see the latest installation. Children’s Cultural Art Series This series partners with local arts organizations to present family-friendly performances. Look for Virginia Opera, Todd Rosenlieb Dance and Young Adults of Virginia events. Israel Fest Israel Fest is the Simon Family JCC’s biggest outdoor community event of the year— celebrating Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. Event will be Sunday, June 5, 2016.

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32 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

ADULT PROGRAMS Adult Program Coordinator, 757-321-2304 Celebrations and fun activities, friendly company, programs, Jewish holidays, trips to area attractions, lounge with TV; Book Club; Yiddish Club; Current Events; Mah Jongg; Bunco; Rummikub; and snacks. Transportation to JCC provided by Jewish Family Service, 757-321-2222.

ADULT JEWISH EDUCATION Program Director: Alicia Cohen Kraus, 757-321-2323 Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning With its international headquarters at Hebrew University Jerusalem, The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning offers Jewish literacy through Jewish texts in an interactive, pluralistic and non-denominational environment. No exams, no quizzes and no homework. Prerequisite: commitment to learning. Classes to enhance Jewish Journeys From Jewish architecture to an Israel Advocacy, spirituality to music, the JCC has classes for every Jewish journey.

YOUNG ADULT PROGRAMMING Program Director: Alicia Cohen Kraus, 757-321-2323 Tikkun Sundays—Middle School Programming (6th–8th grade) Jewish teens make a difference in the world while socializing and watching a movie. Tikkun Sundays are October 25 and November 22. B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO) (Jewish 9th–12th grade) Executive Director: Scott Katz, 757-321-2371 BBYO involves Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences, guiding them into leadership positions that will last a lifetime. Teens meet weekly September through June at the JCC and focus on community service, as well as social action programs. Hillel at Old Dominion University ODU Hillel Director: Alicia Cohen Kraus, 757-943-9410, Hillel at Old Dominion University is the home to the Jewish community on campus with social activities, educational events and holiday celebrations on campus and in the community. Visit to learn more.

CHILDREN AND FAMILY Program Director: Alicia Cohen Kraus 757-321-2323 Classes, family programs and holiday events. Children’s Classes Age 3 through elementary school Cooking, dance classes, gymnastics, yoga, Brickheadz, and more are offered. Learn more by viewing the JCC program guide at PJ Library Want a free children’s book each month? Any family with a Jewish connection—affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith or non-traditional—can sign up for PJ Library online at www.pjlibrary. org. The organization sends a free, age-appropriate Jewish book in the mail monthly for children six months to six and a half years. Bi-monthly PJ Library programs bring the books to life with other PJ kids in our community.

SUMMER CAMP, BEFORE-AND AFTER-SCHOOL CARE Children and Camp Director: Erika Eskenazi, 757-321-2342 Camp JCC Camp JCC provides children with a rich and unique day camp experience. This dynamic program allows every child to explore their own interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere. Summer camp runs mid-June through early August, with three weeks of post camp up until Labor Day. Kids Connection Before- and after-school enrichment program provides a safe, fun and educational experience for children Pre-K to 6th grade, including half-day Kindergarten and Early Discoveries. Offerings include holiday camps on days schools are closed. Open Monday–Friday, 6 am–6 pm during the school year. Transportation provided from many Virginia Beach Public Schools.

INFANT TO PRE-KINDERGARTEN CARE Director, 757-424-4327 Early Childhood is a series of starts. At Strelitz, these starts are celebrated whenever they occur and work with parents to ensure their child progresses. The initial years of life are very important and parents depend on the guidance and encouragement of experienced teachers and care providers to prepare their son or daughter for success in school and a life-long love of learning. • Full Care, Monday through Friday, 7:30 am–6 pm, six weeks and up • Half Day, 2, 3, and 5-day options, 8:45am–12pm, 16 months and up • E xtended Day Option, 8:45am–3:30pm (includes Lunch Bunch Program), 16 months and up Strelitz is located in a modern community center which boasts: • Large outdoor play area and garden • Indoor and outdoor pools • Full-size gymnasium • Auditorium • Oversized classrooms with bathrooms and sinks in each • Dedicated sleep space with individual cribs for full-care infants Strelitz also celebrates the birth of new babies with a Chai Baby Basket. Baby Ambassadors deliver the baskets to new moms in Tidewater. The baskets include Judaic toys, keepsakes and information to help families make connections with other parents.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community Cardo Cafe Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Jewish Family Service Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Jewish Community Center Tidewater Jewish Foundation United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 757 965-6100 Facility Director: Glenn Saucier When the Jewish agencies moved to the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus in 2004, a department was established to assume the operations formerly administered by each agency. Everything concerning mechanical, heating and cooling, food service including the Cardo Café, janitorial, landscaping, and security is a function of the Campus. This enables the individual agencies to concentrate on serving the Jewish community, and to reduce spending.

Camp GAN ISRAEL Chabad House, 1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 Director: Rashi Brashevitzky, 757-616-0770 Gan Israel is part of a growing worldwide network of Jewish day camps. Held at the Chabad House, campers have ample space for loads of fun both inside and outside. Along with crafts, and sports activities, Gan Israel campers do water activities and/ or swimming daily, take weekly field trips and enjoy weekly sessions at local gymnastics facilities.

Simon Family JCC Summer Camp Camp JCC provides children with a rich and unique day camp experience. This dynamic program allows every child to explore their own interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere. Summer camp runs mid-June through early August, with three weeks of post camp up until Labor Day. | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 33

Education BINA High School 425 Washington Park, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-BINA (2462), fax 757-627-2461, Menaheles: Shira Rubin Norfolk’s first and only Orthodox Jewish High School for young women, BINA opened in 2007. The BINA experience enables each student to develop her love for Hashem, His Torah and the Jewish people. In a supportive and challenging academic environment, students are given the skills to excel in both Judaic and General studies. BINA’s knowledgeable and professional faculty foster a love of learning and pride in achievement. A BINA student is taught to be proud of her heritage, concerned for her community and prepared for her future.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 757-424-4327, fax 757-420-0915, Interim Head of School: Heather Moore Admissions Director: Carin Simon Visitor tours by appointment. As Tidewater’s only Jewish Community Day School, the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Konikoff Center of Learning has served the educational needs of families for more than 60 years. What’s the secret to this continued success? The strengths of traditions, an outstanding dual curriculum and a certified and dedicated faculty who turn out confident, prepared and bright graduates year after year. Students are secure in their Jewish identity, nourished by the spirit and ethics they are infused with throughout their elementary years. They are well prepared to meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced world, evidenced by their acceptance into the best independent, IB and public school academies around. The advantages HAT students receive in the halls of this exceptional campus setting are extraordinary: A rigorous and comprehensive academic curriculum filled with language arts, science, math, social studies, Jewish studies, Hebrew language, music, art, physical education and the use of 21st Century technology. The school’s mission is to provide the highest quality Judaic and general studies education and establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning in a dynamic, supportive, and enriching Jewish environment. HAT Quick Facts • Kindergarten–5th grade • Welcoming families of all Jewish backgrounds and practices • Warm, spirited, nurturing community • Dual curriculum • Fosters critical and independent thinking • Certified teachers • On site developmental specialist • 21st century classrooms (technology including Chromebooks, ActiveBoards, and student run television news show) • Dedicated science lab, Regulation size gym, soccer field, tennis courts and indoor pool • Opportunities for exploration of the world around us through field trips, virtual learning, and community service experiences • Graduates prepared for future academic success • Need-based financial aid available • Comprehensive SECURED facility • Accredited by the VAIS • Founding member of RAVSAK, the Jewish Community Day School Network Infants through preschool programming offered through the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. (Constituent agency of the United Federation of Tidewater) 34 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding at Old Dominion University Cooper Room, BAL 2024, Batten Arts and Letters Old Dominion University 757-683-6816 Director: Farideh Goldin The Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding, an interdisciplinary academic program at Old Dominion University, fosters knowledge of Jewish history, thought, cultures and languages through education, scholarship and community outreach. The Institute offers courses in the Jewish religion and literature, the Hebrew language, the history of modern Israel and its role in shaping global Jewish identity, the cultures of the Jewish diaspora throughout the ages, and the ethical and philosophical role of Judaism in influencing other world religions and civilizations.

Norfolk Area Community Kollel 420 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-559-1836,, Executive Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt Rabbi Baruch Danziger, Rosh Kollel Rabbi Moshe Rubinowitz Rabbi Velvel Cook Norfolk Area Community Kollel offers Jewish classes and programming regardless of affiliation or practice. Their philosophy is Torah based and centers on gaining spirituality through personal growth. The Norfolk Kollel offers programs at college campuses and high schools, as well as lunch and learn programs, and can “tailor-make” a Jewish education program for specific needs.

STRELITZ EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, Executive Director: Lorna Orleans, 757-321-2307 Assistant Director: Becky Feld, 757-321-2332 Admissions Director: Carin Simon, 757-424-4327 The mission of Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center is to establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning, social interaction and ethical principles in a dynamic, supportive and enriching Jewish environment. Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center is “Right From the Start,” understanding the importance of the initial years of life and how much parents depend on the guidance and encouragement of experienced teachers and care providers to prepare children for success in school and life. The infant care program offers a stimulating and developmentally-appropriate curriculum that focuses on sensory stimulation, exploration, stories, songs, finger play and floor time and helps children achieve a secure sense of identity. Pre-school age youngsters learn age-appropriate art, songs, games, creative movement and stories. In addition, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual growth are addressed, as well as skills for math, science and reading that prepare children for the leading kindergarten and elementary school programs in the area. Children of all faiths, ages six weeks to four years, get a great “start” at the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center, which is accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools (VAIS).

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• Large classrooms with bathrooms, sinks and technology for ongoing parent/teacher communication • Indoor and outdoor play areas for motor development • Music, library and physical education • Aquatics (ages three and four) • Cooking center • Extended day and full-care options • Diaper changing for infants • The area’s most comprehensive building security

Talmudical Academy Yeshivas Aish Kodesh 612 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507 757-623-6070, fax 757-623-6074, Rabbi Shaul Lefkovitz and Rabbi Avrohom Weinreb—Judaic principals Dr. Brian Brennan, Ph.D—General Studies principal Administrative director: Debbie Wilson Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is geared toward the student striving for excellence in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. The school aims to facilitate the spiritual, personal and academic growth of talmidim, with an eye toward producing well-rounded bnei Torah. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh meets these goals with a full, balanced schedule. The curriculum features Gemara shiurim in both iyun and bekius, as well as regular classes in Chumash, Navi, Halacha, and Tefillah. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh offers a general studies program taught by state-certified instructors. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh’s facilities feature a Beis Medrash, state-of-the-art classrooms, a well-stocked library and a recreation/work-out room. The students can participate in varsity and junior varsity basketball, as well as intermural football and judo. The students have regular opportunities to participate in pick-up basketball games, swimming, ice skating and other activities. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh views experiential learning as an integral part of the Yeshiva’s approach. Visiting and interacting with Gedolei Yisrael, an energetic Oneg Shabbos, a heartfelt kumzitz—ways in which the special ruach and warmth that characterizes Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is extended.

TORAS CHAIM 3110 Sterling Point Drive, Portsmouth, VA 23703 757-686-2480, Principal/menahel: Rabbi Mordechai Loiterman Toras Chaim is an Orthodox Jewish Day School committed to providing quality Judaic and general studies education in a Torah environment. The school day is divided into two curricula. First, it offers an academic program of high rigor with a superior set of learning objectives which is accredited by Advanc-Ed, formerly the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Second, it offers a religious curriculum that teaches original texts and traditions that ground the students in a sense of their Jewish heritage and traditions founded on national standards created by Torah Umesorah, the national Jewish day school organization. The staff of Toras Chaim is comprised of committed educators. Religious instruction is taught by religious leaders who live the traditions and values they teach. Secular academics are taught by certified teachers who are exceptional in their fields and who convey both the content and the flavor of their studies. The school year at Toras Chaim also contains many exciting and fun activities to enrich the students’ experience. Students celebrate Jewish holidays, participate in league sports, spelling bees, geography bees, and writing contests that help them be the best that they can in whichever area is their strength.

United Hebrew School 757-489-4550 Principal: Becky Roberts Students from Congregation Beth El, Kempsville Conservative Synagogue and Temple Israel meet Wednesdays at 4 pm at the Sandler Family Campus and on Sundays at their synagogues for Hebrew instruction. 36 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Services and Organizations ROUTE


America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Southern States Area Director: Kate Samuels, 770-541-7610 AIPAC is a 100,000-member grassroots movement of activists committed to ensuring Israel’s security and protecting American interests in the Middle East and around the world. For information on Tidewater’s chapter, call Kate Samuels.

What’s going on at the 58 Deli?

B’NAI B’RITH OF TIDEWATER Arnold Gamsey Lodge #1195 Officer: Steve Legum, 757-627-6225 Founded in 1843, B’nai B’rith is dedicated to building a strong sense of Jewish identity and unity within the Jewish community.


BRITH SHOLOM CENTER Gail Gogan, secretary, 461-1150 Brith Sholom Center of Virginia was established as a benevolent, charitable and nonpolitical organization to foster and perpetuate the spirit, ideals and traditions of Judaism. With about 150 members, men and women of all ages, activities include dances, trips, entertainment and cultural events. Philanthropic endeavors support Jewish education, community organizations that provide services and international groups that assist needy causes. Brith Sholom meetings take place on the first Sunday of the month at Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia.

HADASSAH NorfolkVirginia Beach Chapter Contact: De Anne Lindsey, 757-418-4336 In New York in 1912, the first group of Hadassah was chartered after its founder, Henrietta Szold returned from Jerusalem. The second chapter of Hadassah was chartered in Norfolk, Va. Today, Hadassah is the world’s largest women’s Zionist organization. The original purpose of the organization was to bring modern health care to Palestine. Today, the Hadassah Medical Organization is internationally recognized as a leading authority in healing, teaching and research. Hadassah is the largest organizational contributor to Jewish National Fund. Hadassah’s Norfolk-Virginia Beach chapter serves all of Tidewater.

HEBREW LADIES CHARITY SOCIETY Representative: Frances Levy Birshstein, 757-572-3817 Hebrew Ladies Charity Society of Tidewater supports Jewish Family Service’s food and financial assistance programs.

Jewish Museum and Cultural Center 607 Effingham St., Portsmouth, VA 23704 757-391-9266, Administrator: Barbara Rossen The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center is housed in the beautifully restored Chevra T’helim Synagogue, the interior of which is a rare surviving example of Eastern European Jewish Orthodoxy. The Center offers monthly programming, an annual lecture series, a summer music series, as well as school programs, adult programs and tours.

JEWISH WAR VETERANS of the United States of America Old Dominion Post #158 Adam Goldberg, Post Commander, 831-917-3996








Celebrating 100 Years! A Jewish social/philanthropic club for men and women meeting at the Beth Sholom Village in Hampton Roads. For membership information call Gail at 757-461-1150 Joe Goldberg at 757-467-0688 or email | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 37

The oldest active veterans organization in America, Jewish War Veterans brings together men and women with joint ties of a common heritage as Jews and a common experience as active duty or past members of the U.S. Armed Forces.


National Council of Jewish Women


Established nationally in 1893 and locally in 1905, NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s organization in the U.S. The group’s educational and legislative efforts have helped bring about action in areas of concern to women and children. The Endowment Fund, which provides scholarships and contributions, functions as the Tidewater Council of Jewish Women under Jewish Family Service Foundation Philanthropic Fund Agreement. Donations may be made to the TCJW Fund through JFS, 260 Grayson Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

Norfolk Area Community Mikvah 757-627-7358 The Mikvah serves the entire Jewish community. Call for information or to schedule an appointment.

ORT AMERICA Abbie Laderberg, 757-497-7238 ORT America supports vocational and technical training for Jews around the world. More than 300,000 students are enrolled in the ORT network of schools and training programs which include comprehensive and vocational high schools, colleges, apprenticeship programs and teacher training institutes.

3820 Stoneshore Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757-463-3226, Fax 757-463-1134 REFORM, Rabbi Israel Zoberman Administrator: Michelle R. Anderson Founded in 1982, Beth Chaverim has been affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1984. In 2006, the Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Sanctuary and new religious school wing opened. • Religious School • Library • Adult clubs and classes • Gift Shop • Teen programming

B’NAI ISRAEL CONGREGATION 420 Spotswood Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-627-7358, fax 757-627-8544, ORTHODOX, Rabbi Sender Haber B’nai Israel Congregation is an exciting, family-oriented full-service Orthodox synagogue in the heart of a diverse and dynamic Jewish community in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk. It offers daily morning and evening prayer services. The synagogue houses the Norfolk Area Community Kollel, BINA High School for Girls and the Norfolk Community Mikvah. It is affiliated with the Orthodox Union and the National Conference of Young Israel. • Adult classes • Children’s programming • Teen programming


L’Shana Tova Best wishes for a happy and healthy year with shalom. BRESS PAWN & JEWELRY 721 Granby Street Downtown Norfolk Free Parking 757 625 4228

38 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517 757-616-0770, Fax 757-616-0772, Rabbi Aron Margolin, Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky Rychel Margolin, Rashi Brashevitzky Established in 1979, Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge and observance of Judaism in Tidewater by reaching out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation or level of observance. Chabad participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom and knowledge that is inherent in Jewish life and learning. Chabad of Tidewater responds to both the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish community through classes, counseling, Shabbat and holiday celebrations and innovative programming for children. • Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society • Jewish Learning Institute • Shabbat Youth services • Jewish Art Calendar

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THE COMMODORE URIAH P. LEVY CHAPEL 757-444-7361 Cantor: Aaron Sachnoff One of the few designated Jewish chapels in the U.S. Navy, the Commodore Levy Chapel serves Jewish military personnel including reservists and retirees. It is the focal point of a growing Jewish life within the military community. This historic chapel is named after Commodore Uriah Levy who was one of only two Jewish men ever to move up the ranks, from enlisted to Commodore status. Shabbat Services take place Friday evenings at 7:30 pm. For information about upcoming events, High Holiday services and Festival worship, call the Naval Station Chaplains Office Mon.–Fri. 8 am–3:30 pm. Facebook: Commodore Uriah P. Levy Chapel, Naval Station Norfolk, Va. Access to the Naval Station with proper ID, Military escort or by special permission of the Senior Chaplain.

CONGREGATION BETH EL 422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 757-625-7821, fax 757-627-4905, CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi Jeffrey M. Arnowitz Cantor Wendi Fried Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, Rabbi Emeritus Education Director: Sharon Wasserberg Executive Director: Pamela Gladstone As the oldest Conservative synagogue in Virginia, Beth El has been translating Jewish practice into purposeful living for more than 160 years. Beth El provides a full educational program for all ages, diverse religious services and ritual moments, cultural events and participation in social action projects within the Jewish community and beyond. Beth El holds daily morning and evening services, as well as weekly Shabbat morning worship services. • Religious School • Adult clubs and classes • Teen programming

KEMPSVILLE CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE Kehillat Bet Hamidrash 952 Indian Lakes Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-495-8510, CONSERVATIVE, Chazzan M. David Proser Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) is a place for traditional, yet egalitarian Jews to celebrate all things Jewish in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. Services take place on Shabbat (Friday evening and Saturday morning) and holidays. Members may participate in all facets of synagogue life—spiritual, educational and social. Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) continues to share activities with its programming partner, Temple Israel; both are member congregations of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. KBH was established in 1978 and is centrally located in Tidewater, not far from Town Center and the Sandler Family Campus. • Religious School • Adult clubs and classes • Youth programs

Ohef Sholom Temple 530 Raleigh Ave., Norfolk, VA 23507 757-625-4295, fax 757-625-3762, REFORM, Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin Rabbi Arthur Z. Steinberg, Rabbi Emeritus Administrator: Gail W. Bachman Director of Congregational Life: Linda Peck

Director of Family Learning: Chris Kraus Music Director: Charles Woodward Rabbi Lawrence A. Forman, Rabbi Emeritus Founded in 1844, Ohef Sholom Temple is the largest and oldest Reform congregation in Tidewater. Services take place Friday nights at 6:30 pm and Saturday mornings at 10:30 am. Ohef Sholom Temple is committed to welcoming interfaith couples, empty nesters, singles and seekers. • Religious School from ages 3 through 10th grade • Extensive family programming, adult study and teen programming • Library • Gift shop • Archives

TEMPLE EMANUEL 424 25th St., Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-428-2591, CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi Marc Kraus Office manager: Gail Gogan Temple Emanuel is a thriving oceanfront Jewish community located in Virginia Beach. It is intimate, accepting and open to all. Located just four blocks from the beach, it offers innovative worship services, a cutting-edge religious school (k-9), as well as other educational and cultural programming for all ages. Videos are available on the congregation’s website:

TEMPLE Israel 7255 Granby St., Norfolk, VA 23505 757-489-4550, fax 757-489-3425, CONSERVATIVE, Rabbi Michael Panitz Administrator: Nancy Tucker Temple Israel is a vibrant, egalitarian, full-service synagogue continuing to meet the spiritual, educational, life cycle and social needs of its diverse membership. Through fulfillment of mitzvot, it provides opportunities for meaningful living for members. Temple Israel’s focus on tikkun olam and valuing each individual for who they are enables the congregation to welcome new ideas and new voices into its family and to continue to innovate while still respecting tradition. • Religious School • Adult Clubs and Classes • Library • Gift Shop • Teen programming

TIDEWATER CHAVURAH 757-499-4660 or 757-468-2675 REFORM/RECONSTRUCTIONIST Rabbi Cantor Ellen Jaffe-Gill Contact: Carol or Reesa Tidewater Chavurah is a “synagogue without walls” involved in Jewish fellowship. Formed in 1996, Tidewater Chavurah has been an alternative to the formality of religious institutions since its inception. Tidewater Chavurah welcomes new members who are not involved with established synagogues, while remaining a small, vibrant and friendly group. The Hebrew term chavurah means “fellowship” and generally denotes a group of like-minded people who interact within a Jewish context. Monthly Shabbat and High Holiday services, use prayer books of the Reform movement. Rabbi Jaffe-Gill also leads holiday celebrations and facilitates Jewish themed learning experiences for the Chavurah. | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 39

Youth Groups

Jewish Cemeteries


B’nai Israel Cemetery

(Grades 9–12) Executive Director: Scott Katz, 757-321-2371 BBYO is one of the world’s leading Jewish movements, connecting teens of all backgrounds to become inspired to live Jewish lives while making a difference in the world through AZA and BBG. Recognized as the preeminent leadership training and character development program for teens, BBYO’s umbrella of innovative experiences—service and action, college and career prep and travel—and technologies provide a robust and effective way of delivering meaningful Jewish contents. In Tidewater, BBYO meets Sundays at the Simon Family JCC. There are two BBG and two AZA chapters.

North-American Federation of Temple Youth Mid-Atlantic Region—NFTY-MAR REFORM, Reform Jewish teens from North Carolina, eastern West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware and far-eastern Tennessee comprise NFTY-MAR. Members come together for learning, fun, worship, community service and fellowship to help young Jewish adults build and strengthen lifetime ties with each other and Reform Judaism.

Congregation Beth Chaverim 757-463-3226 Beth Chaverim Youth Group (BCTY) participates in NFTY-MAR events. For students in grades 9–12.

Ohef Sholom Temple Youth 757-625-4295 Advisors: Amy and Eliot Weinstein Ohef Sholom Temple’s Youth Group (OSTY) is for students in grades 8–12. JOSTY, the Junior Ohef Sholom Temple Youth group, is for 6th and 7th graders. Members participate in community service, regional and national conventions, religious and other “just-for-fun” events.

United Synagogue Youth (USY) CONSERVATIVE Congregation Beth El, Temple Israel, Temple Emanuel and Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (KBH) co-sponsor two youth programs: Kadimah for students in grades 6–8 (which includes Machar for grades 4 and 5), and USY for students in grades 9–12. Both groups promote synagogue identification, foster friendships and make Judaism an integral part of life. Activities are recreational, social and religious, and are tied into the philosophies of the Conservative Jewish Movement. Contact a local Conservative synagogue for details.

40 | Jewish News | August 17, 2015 | Guide to Jewish Living |

Cromwell Road Norfolk, Va.

Forest Lawn Cemetery Granby Street Norfolk, Va. 757-441-1752

Gomley Chesed Cemetery Shell Road near Frederick Blvd. and George Washington Highway Portsmouth, Va. 757-484-1019

Hebrew Cemetery Princess Anne Road and Tidewater Drive Norfolk, Va. (757) 441-2576

Mikro Kodesh Chesapeake, Va. 757-965-6100

Princess Anne Memorial Park 1110 North Great Neck Road Virginia Beach, Va. 757-481-1097

Rosewood Memorial Park Cemetery 631 N. Witchduck Road Virginia Beach, Va. 757-497-8925

Woodlawn Memorial Gardens 6309 E. Virginia Beach Blvd. Norfolk, Va. 757-461-4054

Workmen’s Circle Chesapeake, Va. 757-965-6100

Southside Chapel 5792 Greenwich Rd. Virginia Beach 757 422-4000

Family owned and operated since 1917 Maestas Chapel 1801 Baltic Ave. Virginia Beach 757 428-1112

Chesapeake Chapel 929 S. Battlefield Blvd. Chesapeake 757 482-3311

Chris Sisler, Vice President, Member of Ohef Sholom Temple, Board member of the Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village, James E. Altmeyer, Jr., President, James E. Altmeyer, Sr., Owner

• Affordable services to fit any budget • Advance funeral planning • Professional, experienced, caring staff • Flexible burial options • Flexible payment options • Financing available

Denbigh Chapel 12893 Jefferson Ave. Newport News 757 874-4200

Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevra Kadisha

Riverside Chapel 7415 River Road Newport News 757 245-1525 | Guide to Jewish Living | August 17, 2015 | Jewish News | 41





H EBREW A CADEMY OF T IDEWATER Konikoff Center of Learning



5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach,VA 23462


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