3 minute read
The Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presents Hester Street, a new 4K restoration in honor of the film’s 40th anniversary. This evening is dedicated to longtime friend of the festival, Mal Vincent and includes a conversation with Rabbi Michael Panitz. Naro Expanded Cinema. Hester Street tells the story of one woman’s journey towards assimilation, reconstructing the bygone haven for Jewish immigrants at the crossroads of tradition and modernity. 7 pm. For more information or for tickets visit JewishVA.org/FilmFest or contact Hunter Thomas at HThomas@UJFT. org or 757-965-6137.
Society of Professionals (SOP) exclusive event with Roie Galitz, world-renowned wildlife photographer and motivational speaker. Galitz will speak on Achieving the Unachievable, The Power of Networking. Free with RSVP requested. 6:00–7:15 pm. Cocktails and snacks. For more information on this or any of the upcoming SOP exclusive events or to RSVP, contact Ronnie Jacobs Cohen at rcohen@ujft.org or 757-321-2341. The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, & Community Partners’ 11th Annual Israel Today series presents: The Four Corners of the World: A Celebration of World Wildlife Day with Roie Galitz. Take a (virtual) trip around the globe with world renowned wildlife photographer, environmental diplomat, entrepreneur, and explorer, Roie Galitz without ever leaving Tidewater. 7:30 pm. Free with pre-registration required. For more information, or to register, visit JewishVa.org/israeltoday or contact Elka Mednick at emednick@ujft.org or 757-965-6112. See page 23.
How Magicians Think. There’s a saying: the door to magic is closed, but it’s not locked. Professional magician and bestselling author How Magicians Think, Joshua Jay, will be at the Simon Family JCC to open the door, revealing the artistry, history, and fascinating traditions of a subject long shrouded in mystery. 7:30 pm. Free. Presented by the Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival. For more information or to register, visit JewishVA.org/BookFest or contact Hunter Thomas at HThomas@UJFT.org
The Art of Modigliani. The Konikoff Center for Learning, in partnership with Jewish Art Education presents this program which explores the remarkable life and artworks of Modigliani, an Italian-Sephardic Jewish artist whose brief life left a legacy of intellectual bravado, brilliant art, and a mysterious death. Free and open to the community, includes lunch. 12 pm. Offered both online and in-person at Sandler Family Campus. Pre-registration required. For more information or to register, contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107.
Operation Hamantaschen & Sunday Fun Day. Join PJ Library in Tidewater and Camp JCC for a fun afternoon at the Sandler Family Campus featuring Purim tunes, games, and activities, which includes Operation Hamantaschen. Make hamantaschen with friends and family, some to take home, and some to share with Jewish military families. 1 pm. To register for Sunday Fun Day and to reserve a time for Operation Hamantaschen, go to JewishVA.org/PJLibrary or contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org or 757-321-2334.
MARCH 19, SATURDAY Kids Night Out. Children aged 4–12 with family memberships are welcome to join the fun at the Simon Family JCC for a night of swimming, gym games, snacks, and a movie. 6 pm. $20 per child, $15 for each additional sibling (max $50/family). Register by visiting or calling the Simon Family JCC front desk at 757-321-2338. For questions, contact Sarah Cooper at scooper@ujft.org.
Jewish Women Artists. The Konikoff Center for Learning, in partnership with Jewish Art Education presents this program which examines the various art forms created by female painters, sculptors, printmakers, and photographers. Their art reflects their unique life experiences and reflects the culture and times in which they lived. Free and open to the community. Includes lunch. 12 pm. Offered online and in-person at the Sandler Family Campus Pre-registration required. For more information or to register, contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107.
Send submissions for calendar to news@ujft.org. Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.
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