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Jewish Mysticism: Tracing the History of Kabbalah, a 10-week Melton course taught by Rabbi Michael Panitz. This class will examine how centuries of societal and cultural changes shaped Jewish mysticism, including its cryptic nature and its controversies. Learners will have the opportunity to explore the rich source material itself on a rigorous, scholarly level, and to discuss the timeless mysteries of human existence and the laws of the universe. 12 pm. Presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. For more information or to register, contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107.
Tiger Within, a story featuring an unlikely friendship between a troubled teen and a Holocaust survivor, sparking larger questions of fear, forgiveness, healing, and world peace, starring Emmy Awardwinning actor, Ed Asner and Gina Wendkos (The Princess Diaries). Watch online from the comfort of your living room, as part of the 29th annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma and Howard Laderberg. Tickets: $12 per household; FREE for Full Festival Pass holders. Visit JewishVA.org/filmfestival for more information or to purchase tickets. See page 29.
Biblical Women: Emerging from the Margins through Midrash, a 10-week Melton course taught by Dr. Amy Milligan. Tracing major female figures of the Bible through classic and modern midrashic commentary, meet a dazzling line up of more than a dozen biblical heroines. Go behind the scenes to gain multiple perspectives on their lives, relationships, and choices to understand their roles in Jewish history and literature as full, well-rounded characters. 6:45 pm. Presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. For more information or to register, contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107. Children from Kindergarten through 2nd grade are invited to join the Simon Family JCC’s Israel Club. This 4-week after school class led by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Youth and Family Program Coordinator, and Israeli born citizen, Nofar Trem, will explore Israel’s unique geography, learn about (and taste) the wonderful foods of Israel, discover Israeli wildlife, and uncover some of Israel’s rich history. Featuring games, crafts, hands on exploration, and conversation, Israel Club is a great way for a child to learn more about Israel with friends. 3:45 pm. Cost for JCC Members: $50. Cost for non-members: $65. For more information, contact Nofar Trem at NTrem@UJFT.org or 747-321-2334.
Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day[s] Online. Join the Jewish Community Relations Council and leaders from across the Commonwealth to hear from Governor Glen Youngkin (invited, not yet confirmed) and other policy makers on issues important to the statewide Jewish community. Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, visit JewishVa.org/dwts or contact Elka Mednick at EMednick@ ujft.org or 757-965-6112.
Explore Israel through Minecraft. Children ages 10–14 are invited to explore and learn about fun sites in Israel through games, challenges, and exploration in Minecraft. With help from Lost Tribe Esports, participants can join remotely or in person at the Simon Family JCC to step inside the Minecraft world of Israel. $20 per child. Participants will be able to continue to access and play in these worlds after the program concludes. 4:00 pm with a 5:00 pm option to be added with enough interest. For more information or to register, contact Dave Flagler at DFlagler@UJFT.org or 757-452-3182. See page 30.
FEBRUARY 4–6 Paper Midrash, as a part of the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund of the
Congregation Beth El Foundation’s Tidewater Together series. Dynamic duo Isaac and Rabbi Shawna Brynjegard-Bialik will lead a variety of programs over the weekend including guest sermons and a gallery talk. For more information or to register, visit JewishVA.org/TidewaterTogether or contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107. See page 31.
Your Story Well Told with Corey Rosen. Actor, visual effects producer, author, and host of The Moth, Corey Rosen comes to the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). His new book, Your Story, Well Told: Creative Strategies to Develop and Perform Stories that Wow an Audience, teaches how to get past telling “the same” stories and find stories worth telling from our own lives. 7:30 pm. Presented by the Konikoff Center for Learning at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, this event is free and open to the community with pre-registration required. For more information or to register, contact Sierra Lautman at SLautman@Ujft.org or 757-965-6107. See page 32
Past and present meet upon the discovery of an old, mysterious photograph that will end up tying together Christian and Jewish students in search of the truth. A Starry Sky Above the Roman Ghetto kicks off the 29th season of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC’s Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma and Howard Laderberg. At Cinema Café Kemps River. 7:30 pm. Tickets $12, limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Visit JewishVA. org/filmfestival for more information or to purchase tickets. See page 28.
featuring the heart pumping and heartwarming film Tango Shalom, a story that tests the bonds of family and community, and the bounds of tolerance and faith, one dazzling dance step at a time. Includes a conversation with the film’s stars followed by a champagne and dessert reception. A 29th annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film event at the Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center, Virginia Wesleyan University. 7:30 pm. Tickets $25, limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Visit JewishVA.org/filmfestival for more information or to purchase tickets. See page 28.
Offering hindsight on the Zionist enterprise, Ben Gurion Epilogue presents a rare and fortuitous piece of cinematic archeology with footage compiled from six hours of conversations with Israel’s founding father. Film followed by a conversation with two-time winner of the Israeli Academy of Prize for film, producer and editor, Yael Perlov. A 29th annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film event at the Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center, Virginia Wesleyan University. In partnership with the Jewish Community Relations Council, Simon Family JCC and community partners’ 11th annual Israel Today series. 2:30 pm. Tickets $12, limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Visit JewishVA. org/filmfestival for more information or to purchase tickets. See page 28.
An immigrant couple from Russia grapples with assimilation in turn-of-the-century New York in Hester Street, the 1975 classic that helped launch the modern era of American independent cinema. 29th annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presents an evening dedicated to longtime friend of the Festival, Mal Vincent, with this screening of the film newly restored in 4k, and a conversation with Rabbi Michael Panitz. At Naro Expanded Cinema. 7:00 pm. Tickets $12, limited seating, pre-purchase strongly suggested. Visit JewishVA.org/filmfestival for more information or to purchase tickets. See page 29.
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, & Community Partners’ 11th Annual Israel Today series presents: The Four Corners of the World: A Celebration of World Wildlife Day with Roie Galitz. Take a (virtual) trip around the globe with world renowned wildlife photographer, environmental diplomat, entrepreneur, and explorer, Roie Galitz without ever leaving Tidewater. 7:30 pm. Free with pre-registration required. For more information, or to register, visit JewishVa.org/israeltoday or contact Elka Mednick at emednick@ujft. org or 757-965-6112. Send submissions for calendar to news@ujft.org. Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.