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Donors commit $21.5 million in legacy gifts
Donors commit $21.5-million to Tidewater Jewish community’s future
Thomas Mills
In September 2016, Tidewater Jewish Foundation partnered with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to launch the Life & Legacy program in Tidewater. After four successful years, 332 donors have made 571 legacy commitments worth $21.5 million in current and future gifts to support endowments in the local Jewish community.
The initial ‘start-up’ phase of this program came to a close at the end of 2020. Moving forward, Life & Legacy will remain a permanent program and partnership in Tidewater. Having established integrated endowment building infrastructure and resources throughout the community, much of the momentum of the last four years is expected to carry on into the next.
“When I reflect on what this community has accomplished over the last four years, it is clear that our community members care about the long-term health of our agencies, synagogues, and areas of service,” says Naomi Limor Sedek, Tidewater Jewish Foundation president and CEO. “We look forward to continuing our incredible community partnerships as we continue to pursue legacy gifts and commitments securing the future of Jewish Tidewater.”
The Harold Grinspoon Foundation, under the direction of philanthropist Harold Grinspoon and his daughter-in-law, Winne Sandler Grinspoon, has invested more than $200 million in Jewish causes, including multiple programs in Tidewater. The Grinspoon Foundation launched the Life & Legacy program in 2012.
Life & Legacy assists communities across the nation, through partnerships with Jewish Federations and Foundations to promote after-lifetime giving to build endowments that will sustain valued organizations and vibrant Jewish communities for the next generation and beyond. The Harold Grinspoon Foundation has leveraged a relatively nominal $18.1-million to launch Life & Legacy. The resulting return on this philanthropic investment is $1.06-billion in estimated current and future gifts spread across 63 Jewish communities. More than $118 million has already been realized.
“This effort was led by a small, but mighty group of dedicated community members. Together, they worked with hundreds of generous donors to build and secure a brighter future for our Jewish community,” says Kaitlyn Oelsner, Tidewater Jewish Foundation director of philanthropy. “When donors make a legacy gift, they are passing on their values to the next generation through a generous act of hope for the future. These acts of hope have become all the more meaningful throughout this difficult year. The Foundation offers a sincere ‘thank you’ and ‘congratulations’ to the many donors and community leaders that helped ensure this effort’s success. We could not have asked for a stronger or more inspiring program launch.”
TJF’s eight local partners for the Life & Legacy program are: Beth Sholom Village, Chabad of Tidewater, Congregation Beth El, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Ohef Sholom Temple, Strelitz International Academy, Temple Emanuel, and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC.
A complete list of donors who have thus far supported one or more organizations through the Life & Legacy program can be found at jewishva.org/life-legacy.
To make a legacy gift to support the community, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner, TJF’s director of philanthropy, at 757-965-6103 or koelsner@ujft.org.
Thank you LIFE & LEGACY team leaders! The Tidewater Jewish Foundation thanks all the LIFE & LEGACY team leaders who helped ensure a stronger, brighter Jewish future for our community and their organizations
Beth Sholom Village David Abraham, CEO Neil Friedman, Past President and Honorary Life Board Member Jay Kossman, 3rd Vice President, Board of Directors Amy Weinstein, Director of Philanthropy
Jewish Family Service Kelly Burroughs, CEO Je Cooper, Immediate Past President Sue Graves, Director of Development Ellen Rosenblum, Board President Linda Spindel, Past President & Volunteer Lawrence Steingold, Treasurer
Strelitz International Academy Heather Moore, Head of School Rachel Abrams, Board Secretary Jasmine Amitay, Member, Board of Trustees Babbi Bangel, Past Board President, LIFE & LEGACY Chair David Cardon, Board President Carly Glikman, Director of Development David Leon, Past Board President Patti Seman, Development Specials
Temple Emanuel Jason Lovitz, President Gail Gogan, O ce Manager
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater / Simon Family Jewish Community Center Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice President / CEO Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Donor Relations Manager Barb Gelb, Director of Development Amy Levy, Board President Susan Alper, Board Member
Chabad of Tidewater Rabbi Aron Margolin, Co-Director Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky, Assistant Director Larry Bublick, Committee Member Dr. Abbey Horowitz, Committee Member Karen Lowenthal, Committee Member
Congregation Beth El Betsy Karotkin, Past Board President Edward Karotkin, LIFE & LEGACY Chair Pam Gladstone, Executive Director
Ohef Sholom Temple Linda Peck, Executive Director Barbara Dudley, OST Director Karen Fine, OST Past President, LIFE & LEGACY Co-Chair Matthew Fine, Foundation President, LIFE & LEGACY Co-Chair Ted Kaufman, OST Past President, Honorary OST Director Edward Kramer, Foundation Past President and OST Past President Alyssa Muhlendorf, Foundation Director and Honorary OST Director Jonathan Muhlendorf, Foundation Director Rachael Nusbaum, LIFE & LEGACY Associate Kurt Rosenbach*, Foundation Past President and OST Past President
*of blessed memory
PROGRAM ACCOMPLISHMENTS $21.5 MILLION - Estimated current and future gifts to support endowments in Jewish Tidewater 571 New legacy commitments 332 Participating donors
$1.06 BILLION - Estimated current and future gifts spread across 63 Jewish communities