Jewish news May 4 2015

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 53 No. 17 | 15 Iyar 5775 | May 4, 2015


l e a r I sst ival Fe

e 24 g a —P

Tidewater Together inspires with Rabbi Sharon Brous

22 HAT students “travel” to Israel

24 Frailache Klezmer Band Sunday, May 17

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Time for Women 25 Hal Sacks’ Passing in Review Thursday, May 7

Supplement to Jewish News, May 4, 2015

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Key congressional committees approve anti-BDS amendments WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Key congressional committees approved amendments to a major trade act that would require U.S. negotiators to discourage trading partners from boycotting Israel or Jewish settlements in the West Bank. The amendments, authored by Sens. Ben Cardin, D-Md., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam, R-Ill., were unanimously approved April 22 by the Senate Finance Committee and April 23 by the House Ways and Means Committee. They were attached to this year’s Trade Promotion Authority bill, which helps to shape objectives in trade pact talks between the United States and other countries. The BDS movement supports boycotts, divestment and sanctions targeting Israel. Specifying the ongoing Transatlantic and Trade and Investment Partnership talks with European nations, the amendment describes as a “principle negotiating objective” to “discourage politically motivated actions to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” and to seek the removal of existing barriers to trade with Israel. It includes in its definition of boycotts those that target “Israel or persons doing business in Israel or in Israeli-controlled territories.” Including the West Bank could complicate negotiations; the European Union and a number of European countries discourage boycotts of Israel, but also regulate

trade with settlements in the West Bank. “We may not agree with every Israeli policy, but we cannot allow our potential trading partners in the E.U. to fall prey to efforts that threaten Israel’s existence,” Cardin said in a joint statement with Roskam and Portman praising the committees for passing the amendments. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee praised passage of the amendments, which it had made a lobbying priority. “AIPAC applauds the important steps that Congress has taken this week to defend Israel against pernicious economic efforts by foreign governments that unfairly single out and boycott our ally,” it said. J Street and Americans for Peace Now decried the amendments. Each group noted its opposition to broader boycotts of Israel but said the language banning restrictions on trade with settlements was counterproductive. These efforts by AIPAC and some in Congress will not insulate Israel from pressure over settlements,” Americans for Peace Now said. “Rather, they will only put the U.S., along with Israel, further out of step with virtually the entire international community, including close allies of both the U.S. and Israel who are out of patience with Israeli governments who give lip-service to the two-state solution while forging ahead with actions on the ground that disclose a Greater Israel agenda.”


Russian bookstores remove Maus over swastika on cover Russian bookstores began removing the Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus from their shelves due to the large swastika on its cover. Concerns about raids by the authorities to remove the symbol ahead of May 9, when Russia will observe 70 years since the victory over the Nazis, reportedly led to the move on the graphic novel by Art Spiegelman. Russia enacted a law banning Nazi propaganda in December. Toy stores and antique shops have been raided for Nazi symbols. The Respublika bookstore chain confirmed to The New York Times that it had removed the book because it was concerned about the raids. Inspectors seeking “book covers with Nazi symbols, in particular drawings of the swastika, led the company to consult with lawyers about the legitimacy of selling this book in our chain,” Anastasia Maksimenko, a representative for Respublika, told the Times in an email. A spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, while confirming that Nazi and fascist symbols were unacceptable, said that “everything needs to be in moderation.” Maus, which won the Pulitzer in 1992, was first published in Russia in 2013, according to the French news agency AFP. About 10,000 copies have been sold in Russia, the publisher told AFP. (JTA)


Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2015 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Issue Date Topic Deadline May 18 Graduation May 1 June 8 Summer Fun May 21 June 22 Legal Matters June 5 July 13 Celebrate Seniors June 26 August 17 Guide to Jewish Living July 31 August 31 Rosh Hashanah August 14

candle lighting

Up Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Special Women Section . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Putin and the Jews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Preschool ‘visits’ Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . 22

“The once perpetual

Reform Jews on Armenian genocide . . 6

Israel Poster Contest winner . . . . . . . 22

Israeli water shortage

Rosh Hashanah and football . . . . . . . . 6

Gidi Grinstein for Celebrate Israel. . . 23

Jewish groups help in Nepal . . . . . . . . 7

HAT’s Science Fair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Tidewater Together 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . 8

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Global surges of anti-Semitism . . . . . 10

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Israeli answers to California’s drought . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Friday, May 8/Iyar 19 Light candles at 7:40 pm

appears to be mostly over.” —page 11

Friday, May 15/Iyar 26 Light candles at 7:46 pm Friday, May 22/Sivan 4 Light candles at 7:52 pm Friday, May 29/Sivan 11 Light candles at 7:57 pm Friday, June 5/Sivan 18 Light candles at 8:02 pm Friday, June 12/Sivan 25 Light candles at 8:05 pm | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 3

briefs WikiLeaks dump shows Sony concerned by its cameras used in Gaza bombings Sony Pictures Entertainment executives were concerned about a news report that showed one of its cameras being used to guide Israeli rockets bombing Gaza. Correspondence about the situation from last August was part of the release by WikiLeaks of more than 173,000 emails and more than 30,000 company documents. The story was first reported by the Electronic Intifada. The correspondence among Michael Lynton, the company’s CEO; Stevan Bernard, its head of corporate security; and David Diamond, executive assistant to the company chairman, included a link to an Iranian Press TV report in which the reporter held up a part of a bomb fired by Israel on Gaza during last summer’s conflict and said it contained a camera marked Sony. Sony has told Japanese media that it does not design, manufacture or sell any products intended for use in weapons, according to Electronic Intifada. The document dump also includes correspondence showing actress Natalie Portman hosting an event last year for J Street. (JTA) Pope Francis to bestow knighthood on New York rabbi Pope Francis will confer papal knighthood on Rabbi Arthur Schneier of Manhattan’s Park East Synagogue. Schneier, the founder of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation and a Holocaust survivor, is being honored for his work promoting peace and mutual understanding, according to Vatican officials. Schneier formally became a knight of Saint Sylvester at a ceremony on April 27 at the official residence of the Vatican’s representative to the United Nations, Archbishop Bernardito Auza. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York is slated to be present. Other members of the Order of Saint Sylvester include the late entertainer Bob Hope and Oskar Schnidler, the German industrialist credited with saving more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis. Pope Francis is bestowing the honor on Rabbi Arthur Schneier, who has worked unceasingly to promote peace and mutual

4 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

understanding, in the firm conviction that respect for fundamental human rights, including religious freedom, are indispensable values for all peoples of the world to enjoy peace, security and shared prosperity,” Auza said in a statement. “A Holocaust survivor, Rabbi Schneier has always held this conviction in his heart and made it a principle of life.” When the last pope, Benedict XVI, visited New York in April 2008, he visited Schneier’s synagogue, where the two exchanged gifts. Schneier was given a replica of a medieval Jewish manuscript from the Vatican library, and the pope received a seder plate, a Haggadah and a box of matzah. (JTA)

Twitter praised for adopting stricter policy on hate speech Following aggressive lobbying and legal action by Jewish and non-Jewish anti-racism groups, Twitter toughened its policy on hate speech. The new policy adopted April 21 extends Twitter’s prohibition on making threats beyond “direct, specific threats of violence against others” to include also “threats of violence against others or promot(ing) violence against others,” Twitter’s head of product management, Shreyas Doshi, said in a blog post. The previous policy “was unduly narrow and limited our ability to act on certain kinds of threatening behavior.” The Anti-Defamation League, a New York-based international watchdog on anti-Semitism and other forms of xenophobia, commended Twitter’s policy change, calling it an “important step in the realm of combating hate” on social media. “We are pleased that Twitter has recognized the need to respond to hateful content more effectively than they have in the past,” said Christopher Wolf, ADL’s civil rights chair. In 2013, the Paris Court of Appeals ruled against Twitter in a lawsuit brought the previous year by the Union of Jewish Students of France over the hashtag #UnBonJuif, which means “a good Jew” and which was used to index thousands of anti-Semitic comments that violated France’s law against hate speech. Twitter resisted pressure to ban the

phrase and refused to disclose the identities of users who wrote it, citing the need to observe freedom of speech and to allow users to exercise what the California-based website calls “counter speech.” Activists heralded the ruling as a watershed moment in the fight against hate speech online, citing what they said was growing willingness by other social media to implement censorship after the ruling. Critics of the ruling, however, maintain it constitutes a dangerous precedent for judicial and government infringement on individual users’ speech—including by tyrannical regimes. (JTA)

Three rabbis convicted in religious divorce ring Three rabbis were convicted of planning to kidnap Jewish men in order to force them to grant their wives a religious writ of divorce. The rabbis, who are Orthodox, were convicted Tuesday, April 21 in federal court in Trenton, N. J., of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. Two of the rabbis also were convicted of attempted kidnapping. The jury debated for three days following a two-month trial in the case of Rabbis Jay Goldstein, 60, and Binyamin Stimler, 39, both of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mendel Epstein, 69, of Lakewood, N. J. The conspiracy charge carries a possible life sentence. Sentencing was set for July 15. The rabbis were part of a group of men, including at least one other rabbi, who operated a ring that kidnapped husbands and used violence, including beatings and stun guns, until the they agreed to the religious divorce. Under Orthodox Jewish law, a wife cannot divorce without obtaining the writ, known as a get, from her husband. She also can not remarry in a Jewish ceremony without the get. The ring was caught in an FBI sting operation in October 2013 in which federal agents posing as a Jewish woman and her brother sought the gang’s services. The “husband” was to be assaulted at a warehouse in Edison, N. J. When the men arrived at the warehouse wearing masks and carrying rope, surgical knives and a screwdriver, they were arrested.

The convictions came three months after Rabbi Martin Wolmark, 56, of Monsey, N. Y., pleaded guilty to conspiracy charges. He will be sentenced on May 18. (JTA)

Survey: Jews, Buddhists are biggest U.S. supporters of gay marriage Jews are overwhelmingly supportive of same-sex marriage, according to a new survey by the Public Religion Research Institute. Of the 724 Jews surveyed, 47 percent said they strongly favor allowing same-sex couples to marry legally and 30 percent said they favor it. Nine percent of respondents said they oppose gay marriage, and the same percentage said they strongly oppose it. The survey, which was released April 22, drew on 40,000 interviews among a random sample of Americans from April 2014 to early January 2015. After Buddhists, Jews were more likely than any other religious group to support gay marriage. Among the survey respondents, 84 percent of Buddhists favored gay marriage, followed by Jews and the religiously unaffiliated, 77 percent; mainline Protestants (Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Unitarians), 62 percent; and Catholics, 61 percent. Those opposed to gay marriage outnumbered supporters among Jehovah’s Witnesses, with 75 percent opposed; Mormons, 68 percent; and white evangelicals, 66 percent. Overall, support for same-sex marriage rose sharply from 2003, when Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to legalize gay marriage. Then, less than onethird of Americans supported gay marriage and 59 percent opposed. By early 2014, 53 percent supported gay marriage and 41 percent were opposed. Early 2014 survey data showed support for gay marriage highest in the Northeast, at 60 percent, and lowest in the South, 48 percent. Politically, gay marriage had support levels in 2014 of 64 percent among Democrats, 57 percent among independents and 34 percent among Republicans. The 2014 survey also showed a significant age gap, with 69 percent of millennials supporting gay marriage compared to 37 percent of those age 68 and older. (JTA)

Senior Russian rabbi: Putin ouster would endanger Jews MOSCOW (JTA)—A senior Russian rabbi warned of grave danger to Jews if Russian President Vladimir Putin is swept from power. Alexander Boroda, head of the Chabadaffiliated Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, made the warning Friday, April 24 during a talk at Moscow’s ninth annual Jewish learning event organized by Limmud FSU. “The Jews of Russia must realize the dangers inherent in the possible collapse of the Putin government, understand the rules of the game and be aware of the limitations,” Boroda said at a session, according to a translation provided by Limmud FSU. The Moscow conference, which drew 1,400 participants, took place at the stateowned Klyasma resort just outside the Russian capital. Boroda’s federation is among several Russian Jewish organizations that credit Putin for facilitating efforts to reconsolidate Russia’s Jewish community of 350,000 after decades of communist repression. Under Putin, dozens of synagogues have been renovated with government support and a massive Jewish museum was opened in Moscow with state funding. “In Russia, there is virtually unlimited

freedom of religion and the Jewish community must ensure this situation continues,” Boroda said. “The support for religious institutions is wider than in the United States and defense of Jews against manifestations of anti-Semitism is greater than in other European countries. We do not have the privilege of losing what we have achieved and the support of the government for the community.” All Russian Jews, especially those considering action against the Putin administration, Boroda said, “must understand the grave dangers that they take upon themselves and the potential consequences.” Such endorsements of Putin by Jewish leaders have exposed them to criticism by liberal Jews and Jews in Ukraine, who oppose Putin’s crackdown on civil liberties and rivals, annexation of Ukrainian land and perceived nationalism. Viktoria Mochilova, a Limmud FSU participant and social activist, dismissed Boroda’s message as one-sided and unrepresentative. While appreciative of government support for Jews, they, “similar to other Russian citizens, [desire] to improve the situation of the state and to strive to make it more democratic and honest,” she said.


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Reform Jews urge Obama to call Turkey’s massacre of Armenians ‘genocide’ (JTA)—The Union for Reform Judaism urged President Barack Obama to use the word “genocide” in describing the murder of 1.5 million Armenians. Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the Reform movement’s president, made the call in an open letter he sent to Obama on April 23 ahead of the centennial anniversary of what is widely known as the Armenian Genocide. “Failing to call the slaughter of over 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 ‘genocide,’” Jacobs wrote, “diminishes the suffering of those who were annihilated.” Despite Obama’s 2008 pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide as such, the White House has refrained from using the term, with officials citing the need to refrain from damaging relations with Turkey. In a statement April 23, Obama suggested that he personally favored the term, but stopped short of using it as an official description, although he hinted that might change. “I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view has not changed,” he said. “A full, frank, and just acknowledgement of the facts is in all our interests.” Calling the murders “the first mass atrocity of the 20th century,” Obama notably cited the findings of Raphael Lemkin, the Jewish lawyer who coined the term “genocide” and praised Pope Francis for his April 12 pronouncement, which also used the term. White House National Security Advisor

Susan Rice urged Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu “to take concrete steps to improve relations with Armenia and to facilitate an open and frank dialogue in Turkey about the atrocities of 1915,” the White House said in a statement. On April 22, the White House announced in a statement that it would send a delegation to Armenia for official commemorations of the “the Events of 1915.” Led by Treasury secretary Jacob Lew, the delegation also included U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., who said in a statement, “I will call it a genocide everywhere I go.” In his letter, Jacobs praised Obama for sending the delegation but added that the use of the term genocide followed also from Obama’s pledge, made during Holocaust Remembrance Day, to “Never forget. Never again.” Mindful of its relationship with Turkey, Israeli officials have also refrained from calling the Armenian murders a genocide. However, as its relations with Turkey deteriorated, the Knesset in 2013 commemorated the massacres and called them a genocide. Then-Knesset speaker Reuven Rivlin, who is now Israel’s president, also called it a genocide repeatedly. Israel also sent a delegation to the official commemorations in Yerevan, but officials have not repeated the controversial term— possibly out of consideration for Azerbaijan, a strategic partner for Israel that also opposes the terminology, along with Turkey.

NFL schedule: Jews won’t be happy about football’s Rosh Hashanah start date by Gabe Friedman

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(JTA)—On Rosh Hashanah, according to the liturgy, our fate is written in the Book of Life. But Jewish football fans may be spending the holiday thinking about something else: the NFL opening games they are missing. The 2015 NFL schedule was released last month and the season kickoff is on Sept. 13, which is the first night of Rosh Hashanah. The first game of the season, as it has been in recent years, is on a Thursday

(Sept. 10). But the following Sunday (Erev Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 13) kicks off the season for most of the league’s teams—all but six to be exact. New York area fans will be most disappointed as they prepare to go to synagogue—the Giants play on Sunday night at 8:30 pm. There are also two Monday night games that coincide with the first full day of Rosh Hashanah. The Philadelphia Eagles, Atlanta Falcons, Minnesota Vikings and San Francisco 49ers all play on Monday.

Israeli and Jewish groups on frontline of Nepal earthquake relief efforts by Sean Savage/


fter a devastating earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit the impoverished mountainous country of Nepal last month, killing more than 5,000 people, Israeli and Jewish humanitarian and governmental organizations assumed their traditional role on the frontline of relief efforts for a natural disaster. The 260-member Israeli government mission to Nepal includes an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) field hospital, a trained rescue team, and a security team, with the objectives of assisting the Nepalese people and evacuating Israeli citizens who are stranded in the country. Paul Hirschson, an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, says the conditions on the ground in Nepal are “very difficult. “The rescue mission is headed up by the Israeli ambassador to Nepal and the foreign ministry’s deputy director general, who quickly arrived in Kathmandu (Nepal’s capital) from Jerusalem,” Hirschson says. “At present, this includes collecting information; providing shelter (for some 200 Israelis at the Jewish state’s Nepalese embassy); securing contact with Israelis, as there remain some 100 who are unaccounted for (at press time); extracting Israelis still stranded in outlying areas; preparing for the arrival of the aid mission; arranging for the flights to land; and securing locations for the field hospitals,” adds Hirschson. “You are being sent on an important mission,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, addressing the Israeli relief team, headed by IDF Col. Yoram Laredo. “This is the true face of Israel—a country that offers aid over any distance at such moments.” Also sending rescue teams from Israel to Nepal were the humanitarian and emergency response organizations Magen David Adom (MDA), United Hatzalah, Zaka, F.I.R.S.T., IsraLife, IsraAID, and others, as well as the private insurance companies Harel and Phoenix.

An MDA spokesman says that the organization’s main goal is to “help the injured Israelis and groups of disconnected Israelis,” but that MDA has also worked at a military hospital to treat Nepalese citizens who have sustained abdominal injuries, chest injuries and broken legs and arms. The Israeli government and MDA also started evacuating surrogate-born babies and their parents to Israel. Nepal is a major destination for Israeli families seeking surrogate mothers for their children. (See article on page 18.) Israel has waived the legal and bureaucratic hurdles to their return. Hirschson says that five babies were immediately taken to Israel and that about 18 remain in Nepal (at press time), with efforts to bring them to Israel pending a medical assessment to determine if they can fly. “If any are assessed not to be able to fly, they will be looked after at the Israeli field hospital,” Hirschson says. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), which has provided relief to dozens of natural disaster zones over the last century and currently works in more than 70 countries, says it is partnering with the IDF field hospital in Kathmandu through providing equipment such as neonatal incubators. JDC says that while it provides immediate aid, it is also laying the foundation for longer-term relief efforts in Nepal. JDC’s director of communications, Michael Geller, says that reports on the ground in Nepal present a “dire situation” that has been exacerbated by Nepal’s challenging weather, difficult terrain and deep poverty. “This is the worst earthquake in 80 years for Nepal, and it is happening in a country that has other challenges it was dealing with before the earthquake like poverty. So the combination can create a very harrowing situation on the ground,” says Geller. JDC’s main goal during the emergency stage, Geller says, is to “ensure that aid is given to the people as quickly as possible.” The personnel at the IDF field

hospital, he says, have “proven that they are effectively able to get into disaster zones quickly and treat people.” In the longer-term, JDC’s mission is the “restoration of livelihood,” including setting up schools, medical care, post-traumatic support and disaster mitigation, according to Geller. “We work with local communities, municipalities and volunteer organizations in the countries where the disaster has happened to help them help themselves and ensure that when the next disaster happens, they can organize an effective response,” he says. Geller praises the American Jewish community for “coming together to support the people of Nepal,” noting the outpouring of support and inquiries about JDC’s relief operations. “I think that is one of the outstanding features of the Jewish community, its ability to come together and respond to crises and to show its dedication to Tikkun Olam,” he says. While JDC and other humanitarian groups gear up to provide both shortterm and long-term assistance, the Israeli government’s direct aid mission will last at least two to three weeks, according to the foreign ministry’s Hirschson. After that point, Israel will work on long-term relief with the international community. “Beyond that (two-to-three week) time frame, begins an entirely different phase of rehabilitation and reconstruction,” Hirschon says. “Israel will participate to the best of our abilities with the international community. The foreign ministry has had an initial internal discussion as to what contribution we will make, and a team is working on that, but for now the focus is on saving lives.” —With reporting by Alina Dain Sharon

Dear Tidewater Jewish Community Member,


n the wake of the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has already claimed more than 5,000 lives and caused widespread destruction in Kathmandu and the surrounding region, our overseas partner, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is mobilizing its emergency teams and working with local authorities, the Nepalese and Indian governments, and global partners to assess the unfolding situation and ensure survivors’ immediate needs are addressed. JDC’s critical focus is on providing medical relief and supplies in the hardest-hit areas. It’s at times like this, that our shared commitment to Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, finds its deepest expression. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Tidewater Jewish Foundation have worked through our partners to provide immediate relief and long-term assistance to victims of natural and manmade disasters around the globe, including the Philippines, Haiti, Japan and South Asia after the Indian Ocean Tsunami, and we continue to operate programs designed to rebuild infrastructure and community life in disaster-stricken regions. JDC has set up an emergency campaign to provide urgent assistance in response to this emerging disaster. Stay informed and donate to JDC’s Nepal earthquake relief efforts at or Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims of this tragedy. Sincerely

Miles Leon United Jewish Federation of Tidewater President of the board of directors

Jerry Miller Tidewater Jewish Foundation Chairman of the board of directors

Harry Graber United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Executive vice-president

Scott Kaplan Tidewater Jewish Foundation President and CEO | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 7

first person

Thoughts on 2015 Tidewater Together speaker Rabbi Sharon Brous by Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Beth El


abbi Sharon Brous was the guest teacher at the annual Tidewater Together program last month. Named one of America’s most influential rabbis by Newsweek, The Forward and The Jewish Week, she offered a prayer at President Obama’s 2012 Inauguration ceremony and delivered the invocation at last year’s White House Hanukkah party. Brous singlehandedly started the IKAR Minyan community in Los Angeles, which regularly attracts hundreds of all ages to its Shabbat services and programs. I had heard of Rabbi Brous and her extensive lists of accomplishments before her visit to Tidewater and felt a connection to her because her husband, David Light, babysat my children as a teenager in Philadelphia in the 1980s. But I had

never heard her speak in person. Truth be told, I wondered whether she was no more than the latest media rabbinic phenomenon, whose influence would come and go only to be replaced by another trendy rabbi. I made it a point to attend two of Rabbi Brous’ five presentations, Friday night at Ohef Sholom Temple and Shabbat morning at Beth El. In the end, my only regret was that I didn’t hear all five. I came in as a curious listener; I left as a Sharon Brous fan. As young as she is (Rabbi Brous is barely over 40, and as she readily admits “looks 14”), she is as inspirational speaker about Judaism as I have heard in many years. She is warm and knowledgeable, passionate and wise, and above all, devoted to preserving Judaism by giving people the tools to apply it to the challenges of 21st century living. Her educational methods are innovative and creative. At the same time, she invokes in every presentation timeless Jewish texts from Bible to Talmud to Midrash and Hasidic teachings. As she spoke, the time passed

Alicia and Marc Kraus with Rabbi Sharon Brous.

incredibly quickly without even a glance at my watch. What do I mean when I say that Rabbi

Joel Jason, Ronnie Jane and Steven Konikoff.

Ron and Alene Jo Kaufman, Miriam Ruberg and Karen Lombart.

8 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

Sunday morning at Temple Israel, Leigh and Sharon Nusbaum.

Brous was inspirational? When I am inspired I can’t wait to get up and take action, to do something, be it give Tzedakah, help another person, or even to share the teaching I just heard. It means walking away determined to do something different or better. That is why I was delighted to be asked to share my thoughts about Rabbi Brous’ presentations with readers of Jewish News. I am grateful to the Tidewater Together initiative and the Milton (Mickey) Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund for again bringing one of America’s most influential rabbinic leaders to our community. Rabbi Brous, like Rabbi Brad Artson. the previous year, shared with me how unique our community is for bringing together synagogues of different denominations and ideologies, along with other Jewish institutions, such as Beth Sholom Home and Simon Family JCC, for a weekend of Jewish learning with the “best and the brightest” of North American Jewry. If you missed Rabbi Brous’ visit, I encourage you to “google her” or go on YouTube to read or hear some of her inspirational thoughts on Jewish life today. And be sure to come next year when Tidewater Together brings in another speaker. I have no doubt that there will be more learning and inspiration in store for us all.

It takes more than a cancelled flight to stop Tidewater Together Article and photos by Laine Mednick Rutherford

At Beth Chaverim’s lunch, which truly became Tidewater Together: Ron and Alene Jo Kaufman, Mark and Brenda Kozak, and Kevin Tabakin.

The Tidewater Jewish community demonstrated its resiliency and resourcefulness during the 2nd Annual Tidewater Together, March 26–29. The four-day journey of Jewish insight, understanding and growth was supposed to begin on Thursday evening with a presentation by the weekend’s Scholarin-Residence, Rabbi Sharon Brous. Word came earlier in the day that the rabbi’s f l i g h t— or i g i n a ting in Los Angeles with a change in Philadelphia— might be delayed. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just delayed, but cancelled, meaning she couldn’t be at the Sandler Family Campus for a reception and talk hosted by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Although Brous was scheduled on an early flight the next morning to arrive in time for a lunch and discussion at Congregation Beth Chaverim, there was a problem with that flight, too. While the cancellations and rebookings created a fair amount of frustration and considerable angst for organizers and Brous, it didn’t stop the community from gathering. The UJFT staff set up a Skype call with the rabbi from her hotel on Thursday night. A group of nearly 100 people enjoyed a reception and an intriguing long-distance, visual conversation with Brous, who introduced herself and the concept of “Holy Chutzpah.” For the next day’s lunch, Skype wouldn’t work—the rabbi was in a car, driving from Philladelphia to Norfolk. Rather than cancel the lunch (there had still been a chance that she could make

it at 11 am), Beth Chaverim’s volunteers, staff and clergy welcomed all who arrived. Community members who may never have mingled, enjoyed a hearty lunch with new and established friends. “The rabbi didn’t make it, but this is truly Tidewater Together, right here in this room,” said Alene Jo Kaufman, who noted that her tablemates were from four different area synagogues—Kempsville Conservative Synagogue, Congregation Beth El, Temple Emanuel and Temple Israel. “And we’re all glad we came, and that we stayed.” Rabbi Brous’ dismay at the delay in her arrival turned to relief and then enjoyment as she was welcomed with open arms at Ohef Sholom Temple Friday night, Beth El on Saturday morning, Temple Emanuel on Saturday night and Temple Israel on Sunday morning. Her discussions were attended by about 1,000 people—many of them choosing to go to more than one. The community consensus was that Brous’ stories were fascinating, her style engaging and her knowledge of Torah and Talmud impressive. Before leaving on Sunday afternoon, Brous said that what could have been a disaster, and a failed weekend, became instead a success; memorable to her for the warmth, engagement and shared goals she witnessed—across the board—in Tidewater. The 2nd Annual Tidewater Together was made possible through generous funds provided by the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Fund. It was planned and supported by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Tidewater Synagogue Leadership Council.


Brous’ dismay

at the delay in her

Bernie and Rhonda Ehrlich

Gary Tabakin and Miles Leon.

arrival turned to relief and then enjoyment.

Bob Lehman, Kathy and Jerry Kantor.

Debi Stadlin, Rick Lombart and Sylvia Wagner. | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 9

Global surges of anti-Semitism Swastika returns to Kiev Holocaust memorial


he monument commemorating Jewish victims of the Babi Yar massacre in Kiev was desecrated for the fourth time in recent months, possibly on Adolf Hitler’s birthday. The perpetrators sprayed a swastika on the “Menorah” monument marking the slaughter of more than 33,000 Jews in 1941 by Nazi occupation forces and their collaborators, the news site reported April 23. The desecration of the monument at Babi Yar, one of the largest single killing operations of the Holocaust, may have been timed to coincide with Hitler’s April 20 birthday, according to the report by the website, affiliated with a not-for-profit that monitors anti-Semitic incidents in Ukraine. The vandalism at the Menorah monument is the fourth targeting of the site in recent months. The last anti-Semitic incident there was documented on Jan. 27,

International Holocaust Memorial Day. On that day, too, vandals daubed swastikas on the monument. In 2014, the monument was targeted three more times. criticized authorities for not doing enough to find the culprits. “The CCTV cameras behind the monument are still there,” the organization wrote in a statement, “yet police were not able even once to identify the culprits or punish them.” Ukraine, where anti-Semitic incidents are less prevalent than in some Western European states, has seen an increase in such cases in the wake of its 2013 revolution. The revolution resulted in fighting between pro-Russian separatists and government troops, as well as Ukrainian nationalists. Both sides have blamed one another for encouraging anti-Semitism. (JTA)

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10 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

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France to pour $107M into fighting anti-Semitism, racism

rench Prime Minister Manuel Valls pledged to finance a $107 million plan to fight racism and anti-Semitism. The recent increase in prejudice in France is “insufferable,” he said at a news conference last month. “Racism, anti-Semitism, hatred of Muslims, of foreigners and homophobia are growing in an insufferable manner in our country,” Valls said in Creteil, just outside Paris, after presenting his plan. Creteil was chosen because of an attack on a young couple in their home there five months ago, Radio France Internationale reported. The attackers raped the woman and said that they believed the victims had money because they were Jewish. In January, after Said and Cherif Kouachi murdered 12 people at the headquarters of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine, their accomplice Amedy Coulibaly took hostages and killed four people at a kosher supermarket, prompting the government to promise action against anti-Semitism,

racism and terror attacks. Five ministers, including Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve and Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, accompanied Valls in Creteil. The government pledged $107 million over three years to putting the 40-point plan into action. Among its principal measures are the inclusion of hate speech, previously banned in the law on the press, in penal law; the establishment of racism or anti-Semitism as an “aggravating factor” that can lead to tougher sentences for a related crime; permitting class-action suits for discrimination and the creation of a national police unit to combat hate on the Internet. The allocated funds will be spent on publicizing the aims and taking local action against prejudice. “French Jews should not be afraid of being Jewish,” said Valls. “French Muslims should not be ashamed of being Muslims.” (JTA)

Moroccan authorities stop Dieudonne’s Casablanca show


he French comedian Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, who has faced repeated charges of incitement of hatred toward Jews, was banned from performing in Morocco. Dieudonne was slated to perform on April 29 in Casablanca, but organizers had to cancel because authorities withheld their permission for the show, Le Figaro reported April 16, citing Moroccan media. The show was scheduled to take place at an event hall named after the late King Mohammed V of Morocco, who was close to his country’s Jewish community, something that may have contributed to the sensitivity of local authorities. Dieudonne has been the subject of multiple police investigations and executive bans against his shows in France for their anti-Semitic content. He has more than 10 convictions for inciting racial hate against Jews. Moroccan officials offered no explanation for withholding permission for the performance. Envoys of King Mohammed VI of

Morocco have often touted the kingdom’s expenditure of millions of dollars on restoring Jewish heritage sites as an example of its policy of religious tolerance. Dieudonne is the inventor of the quenelle, a quasi-Nazi salute that French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has called an anti-Semitic gesture of hate. He also coined the term “shoananas,” a mashup of the French word for pineapple and the Hebrew word for Holocaust, which mocks the genocide without explicitly violating French laws against such denials. Dieudonne’s current show, titled “The Impure Beast,” contains profanities connected to Ilan Halimi, a young Parisian Jewish phone salesman tortured and murdered in 2006 by a gang of kidnappers that targeted him because he was Jewish. “If I knock down a Jewish journalist, it will be a serious thing,” Dieudonne said on stage. “They will reopen the Nuremberg trials. They will even exhume Ilan Halimi. They’re going to find my DNA in his asshole.” (JTA)

Recycling toilet water and four other Israeli answers to California’s drought by Ben Sales

TEL AVIV (JTA)—For help facing its worst drought in centuries, California should look to a country that beat its own chronic water shortage: Israel. Until a few years ago, Israel’s wells seemed like they were always running dry. TV commercials urged Israelis to conserve water. Newspapers tracked the rise and fall of Lake Kinneret, Israel’s biggest freshwater source. Religious Israelis gathered to pray for rainfall at the Western Wall during prolonged dry spells. However, the once perpetual Israeli water shortage appears to be mostly over. California’s water supply, meanwhile, is at record lows, prompting restrictions on household use and leading farmers to deplete the state’s groundwater reserves. From water recycling to taking the salt out of the plentiful seawater, here are five ways that Californians can benefit from Israel’s know-how. 1. Israeli cities recycle three-quarters of their water. Israeli farms don’t just use less water than their American counterparts, much of their water is reused. Three-quarters of the water that runs through sinks, showers, washing machines and even toilets in Israeli cities is recycled, treated and sent to crops across the country through specially marked purple tubes. According to the Pacific Institute, which conducts environmental research, California recycles only 13 percent of its municipal wastewater. Israel also encourages recycling by giving reused water to farmers tax-free. “If you take water from the city you don’t pay a tax, but if you have a well and you take that water you pay a lot of money for every cubic meter,” says Giora Shaham, a former long-term planner at Israel’s Water Authority. “If you’re a farmer in Rehovot and you have water that doesn’t cost money, you’ll take that water.” 2. Israel gets much of its water from the Mediterranean Sea. Israelis now have a much bigger water source

than Lake Kinneret: the Mediterranean Sea. Four plants on Israel’s coast draw water from the sea, take out the salt, purify the water and send it to the country’s pipes—a process called desalination. The biggest of the four plants, opened in 2013, can provide nearly 7 million gallons of potable water to Israelis every hour. When a fifth opens as soon as this year near the Israeli port city of Ashdod, 75 percent of Israel’s municipal and industrial water will be desalinated, making Israelis far less reliant on the country’s fickle rainfall. Desalination costs money, uses energy and concerns environmental activists who want to protect California’s coast and the Pacific Ocean. One cubic meter of desalinated water takes just under 4 kilowatt-hours to produce. That’s the equivalent of burning 40 100-watt light bulbs for one hour to produce the equivalent of five bathtubs full of water. But despite the costs, San Diego County is investing in desalination. IDE Technologies, which operates three of Israel’s four plants, is building another near San Diego, slated to open as soon as November. Once operational, it will provide the San Diego Water Authority, which serves the San Diego area, with 50 million gallons of water per day. “It’s a carbon footprint, but the technology is advanced enough that the cost of the process is lower than it used to be,” says Fredi Lokiec, IDE’s former executive vice president of special projects. “The environmental damage done because of a lack of ability to provide water to residents and agriculture because of the drought, because of overdrawing of groundwater, also has a price.” 3. Israelis irrigate through pinpricks in hoses, not by flooding. No innovation has been more important for Israel’s desert farms than drip irrigation. Most of the world’s farmers water their crops by flooding their fields with sprinklers or hoses, often wasting water as they go. With drip irrigation, a process continued on page 12

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continued from page 11

pioneered in Israel 50 years ago, water seeps directly into the ground through tiny pinpricks in hoses, avoiding water loss through evaporation. Four-fifths of all water used in California goes to agriculture, and California’s farmers have been draining the state’s groundwater as rain has stopped falling. But as of 2010, less than 40 percent of California’s farms used drip irrigation, according to the Sacramento Bee. Netafim, a leading Israeli drip-irrigation company, says the practice cuts water use by up to half. Netafim spokeswoman Helene Gordon says that 90 percent of Israeli farms use drip irrigation. “It can’t be that there’s such a huge water shortage, and they’re talking about a shortage of drinking water, and on the other hand they pour huge amounts of water into the ocean that could be used for agriculture,” says Avraham Israeli, president of the Israel Water Association, which

advises Israeli water companies on technology development. 4. Israel’s government owns all of the country’s water. Israel treats water as a scarce national resource. The government controls the country’s entire water supply, charging citizens, factories and farmers for water use. Residents pay about one cent per gallon, while farmers pay about a quarter of that. In California, though, many farms drill from private wells on their property, drawing groundwater as rain has thinned. Some have even begun selling water to the state. State regulations to limit groundwater use, signed last year, won’t be formulated until 2020. “Technology is not good enough,” says Eilon Adar, director of Ben-Gurion University’s Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research. “You have to change some of the regulation. You have to impose more limitations on water. California’s local con-

sumers have to give up some of their rights.” Adar and Israeli, however, both note that adopting Israeli-style regulations in California would be near impossible, as some of California’s water rights holdings are more than a century old. But government ownership doesn’t solve problems for all of the region’s residents. The Israeli human rights monitor NGO B’Tselem, says the West Bank suffers from a water shortage due to unequal allocation of the state’s water. According to B’Tselem, Israelis receive more than twice the amount of water per capita as Palestinians in the West Bank. 5. Water conservation is drilled into Israeli culture. When an ad appeared on Israeli TV in 2008 showing a woman whose body crumbled to dust because of that year’s water shortage, a parody Facebook group suggested skin lotion. But the ad was just the

LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT Lion of Judah is a Federation division for women who give a $5,000 or more gift to the Annual Campaign. Many Lion of Judah donors have made plans to endow their gifts to ensure they will be made in perpetuity. This is a powerful statement of commitment to tzedakah, providing a legacy for our Jewish community for generations.

For more information on creating your own Jewish legacy, please contact: Scott Kaplan President and CEO 7 5 7 - 9 6 5 - 6 111 w w w. J e w i s h VA . o r g 12 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

latest iteration of an Israeli ethos to save water wherever possible. Kids are taught to turn off faucets and limit shower time. Israelis celebrate rain— at least at first—rather than lamenting it. Lake Kinneret’s daily surface level shows up alongside weather reports in the paper. In 2008, at the height of a decade-long drought, Avraham Israeli, the Israel Water Association president, dried out his lawn and replaced it with a porch to save water. Israelis’ close attention to rainfall and drought comes from an education and culture that teaches them the importance of every drop in an arid region. With no end in sight for California’s drought, Adar says Californians would do well to adopt a similar attitude. “You take an eight-year-old boy, you pump into their head that they have to save water as a scarce national resource,” he says. “In 10 years’ time, they’re 18 years old and they get it. It’s in their blood.”

“Our gift to ensure a vibrant Jewish future for Tidewater ref lects our love for this Jewish community and our love for Judaism. And, of course, our love for our children and grandchildren.” -Betsy Karotkin

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Time for Women

Supplement to Jewish News, May 4, 2015

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Time for Women Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Dear Readers,


ince Mother’s Day is celebrated in May, this month always feels like an appropriate time to focus on women.

While being a mom is without a doubt one of the most rewarding, loving, exhilarating and important roles a woman can undertake, it’s not the only one. Just ask Lisa Bertini, a mother of two wonderful daughters, who also is a respected and very

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader

busy attorney. She writes about balancing the two roles on page 15. Women’s health and wellbeing often takes a back seat to caring for everyone else. That’s why the article explaining how a fitness and wellness regimen can actually empower women, is critical for all to read. And, according to the piece on Joan Lunden’s visit to Tidewater, Lunden agrees.

Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2015 Jewish News. All rights reserved.

Lunden spoke at Norfolk Academy as part of Jewish Family Service’s Spring into Healthy Living program last month. Check out the article and photographs on page 19.

Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

Israel, as always, was one of the first to arrive to aid victims of the disaster in Nepal. But did you know that Israeli couples regularly have surrogate pregnancies

Cover: SHABBAT artwork by Flora Rosefsky QR code generated on

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in Nepal? This timely article is interesting on so many levels. For Mother’s Day, check out the options our advertisers offer for gifts and dining, as well as for health and wellbeing. Jewish News wishes all women—moms, aunts, grandmothers and special friends—

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Time for Women First Person

A Mother’s Day reflection on choices by Lisa Bertini


hen I was a little girl until well into college, I didn’t dream of weddings, having children or a house with a white picket fence. I wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer and live in Chicago and defend big time scoundrels. That was my fairytale. It was a bit film noir, romantic in its own right and naturally included stilettos and well-tailored suits, but no baby strollers. Ever. I distinctly remember pajama parties where I lovingly cuddled with posters of Sylvester Stallone from Rocky and listened to my friends go on about what they would name their babies, while inwardly thinking this is not at all interesting. Let’s talk about the best law school I can get into because I need that for my fantasy. Now, at 54, with my younger daughter about to fly the coop and the older one somewhere in Madrid, I look back and wonder at my choices. Were being a lawyer first and a mother tied for that same spot the way I would do this again if I got one free redo? Or might I just have taken some years off to be a proper mother to those I adore? I have had so many joys. I have had so many passions. While some of those

have involved my wonderful family, the others belong to my career. I chose a path that at once called me and intellectually challenged me. I will never forget having Zoe; nor will I ever forget winning my first federal discrimination case. The elation was superb both times. I will put my girls second to my work if my client needs me more. Period. Often, if there were a parents’ meeting either Jack or I went. Both attending was too difficult. Soccer? Home games only. Tennis matches? Will she play? Awards day? Will she win? Though my goal was to be everywhere all the time, I couldn’t be. But they would learn that moms can’t time travel. They would get that moms have really good reasons for missing things like a client who suddenly and illegally lost a job after 27 years. They would understand that moms sometimes just end up at the wrong venue because it was calendared incorrectly. When Zoe was around three, she was playing with another little girl and the girl mused as she carried her shimmery cape, “I am off to the ball to meet my Prince” to which Zoe responded, picking up my beat-up briefcase, “I am off to a deposition.” Of course, she had no idea what that meant and neither did her friend, as both were


a mom

who works

outside the

home has made me realize who I am inside the

home. Knowing who I am has helped me

realize what I am not.

Lucy and Zoe Sigel.

play acting. It made me so happy inside. Why? I didn’t want my daughter’s dreams to be about someone else. I wanted her happiness to be about what she would do with her own life and in her own damn palace. I lived and breathed my job. I would do my closing for the girls or make them predict who deserved to win based on different fact scenarios. The girls picked up on my restlessness quickly. They never dragged me back in the house as I left for work nor cried about going to school. They knew we all had jobs. They had to go to school, learn a ton and then come home. Likewise, I had to go to work, learn a ton and then come home. At night, we would do our homework all together. Literally. It is kind of hard for kids to complain about how much homework they have when mom is sitting next to them toiling on a brief. Being a mom who works outside the home has made me realize who I am inside the home. Knowing who I am has helped me realize what I am not. So there is little play acting. I am not too warm and fuzzy. We choose to be real. It is more efficient

that way. I let Lucy know when I caught her in a lie as a child that she was on a slippery slope straight to prison someday. It may have been a bit heavy handed but I figured it would make my point. Now she just lies really cleverly or not at all. I am not sure. I explained to Zoe that you always have your own money and drive yourself to your first date just in case. Again, a bit unromantic, but honest. When you spend every day trying to successfully run your own business you are bound to come up short. You get disappointed and frustrated and pissed off. You share that when you come home and you end up teaching your kids something quite fabulous: That in the end, you do it all again tomorrow until you get it right. There is no fairy princess, and Prince Charming is probably more interested in the head huntsman than you. So study hard, have your own personal dream where you save the world, and get up and do it, every day. At night I treasure mentally tucking in the two most precious byproducts of being a woman, Zoe and Lucy, and realize that while I can’t have it all, there is no fun in a free redo. I’d muck it all up again anyway. | Women | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 15


Time for Women

Three reasons a fitness and wellness regimen can empower women Gershwin’s is a slightly sophisticated eatery located in the fashionable downtown Theatre District. Four Star food at Two Star prices with arguably the finest cocktails in Tidewater. Supporting local performing artists nightly.

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16 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 | Women |


rom an early age, women have foisted on them images of the “ideal” female body. Self-esteem can plummet when they fail to measure up. But celebrity trainer Holly Perkins says it is time that women stop buying into those societal pressures. “There’s this perception that all women need to look like perfect runway models,” says Perkins, a leading national weight-loss expert. “They can feel the anxiety building when they are trying to meet someone else’s expectations. That’s when the effort to lose weight or get fit can add to the stresses of life instead of relieving them.” Certainly, women should want to improve their health, get fit and look gorgeous all at the same time, says Perkins, who recently released a home-exercise system designed specifically for women called baladea (www., with regimens she developed to fuse fitness and wellness exercises. But getting in shape needs to be something women want for themselves, and not an effort to mimic some airbrushed image on a magazine cover, she says. Perkins realized several years ago that her clients met their weight-loss goals faster when she created programs that addressed both their fitness and wellness needs at the same time. They also felt happier about themselves. So she incorporated yoga and other stress-relieving and relaxation techniques into the baladea program. Perkins offers three reasons why the

right fitness and wellness regimen can empower women and emancipate them from society’s image pressures: • Because looking good makes one feel good. That’s especially true when women are trying to look good to please themself and not others, Perkins says. “There’s this sense of empowerment when you exercise, eat a healthier diet and lose weight because it’s what you want and not because of peer pressure or societal pressures,” she says. “Self-esteem rises when you improve your image on your terms,” she says, and as a result “looking gorgeous never felt better.” • Because science says so. Research shows that stress can keep people from losing weight and might even cause added pounds. Even with eating well and exercising, an excessive amount of stress can counteract the efforts. That’s why meshing fitness and wellness works so well, Perkins says. “Stress reduction and relaxation can significantly improve weight loss,” she says. “That allows you to look and feel your absolute best.” • Because while improving your look, you also become healthier. People feel amazing not just because of elevated self-esteem, but because their body really is functioning better because of the diet and exercise, Perkins says. Energy levels will rise and “you will feel ready for anything,” she says. “You can look awesome and you can feel happy at the same time,” Perkins says. “It’s all about letting your true self shine.”

There’s this sense of empowerment when you exercise, eat a healthier diet and lose weight because it’s what you want and not because of peer pressure or societal pressures.

Time for Women

Why last month’s Women of the Wall drama was a big deal — and why it wasn’t by Ben Sales

TEL AVIV (JTA)—A man was trampled. A raucous protest broke out, restrained only by police. The Western Wall’s mechitza—a partition between men and women considered sacrosanct—was breached by those who ostensibly care about it most. The brouhaha that erupted last month at Women of the Wall’s monthly service brought back memories of the violence the group suffered in 2013. Month after month, crowds of haredi Orthodox Jews packed the plaza to block out the women’s section, with a small minority hurling stones, eggs, coffee, water and Nazi-themed epithets at the women’s prayer group. A second women’s group formed to galvanize opposition to Women of the Wall. Now the brawls are back. This time,

violence broke out after male supporters of Women of the Wall passed a full-size Torah scroll into the women’s section of the Kotel, allowing the group to read from it for the first time ever. Haredi Orthodox men knocked down and trampled the man who passed the scroll, and broke through the mechitza in a failed attempt to stop the women from reading Torah. For Women of the Wall, this is a double victory: Not only did they read from a proper Torah, they also drew renewed attention to Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz’s 2010 ban on Torah scrolls in the women’s section. While the Wall boasts more than 100 Torah scrolls, they’re all on the men’s side, preventing women from using them and making a full women’s holiday service next to impossible. If this incident creates

enough pressure to remove Rabinowitz’s ban, it will be a win for Women of the Wall. But really, Women of the Wall won its war two years ago. For decades, the group’s prayer was prohibited, its activists were detained and arrested, and their cause became a rallying cry for liberal Judaism— especially in the United States. But that ended in April 2013 when a Jerusalem district court judge ruled that their services were, in fact, legal. Overnight, the police switched from the praying women’s arresters to their protectors, surrounding them with a cordon. The mass protests that followed the court ruling—while dangerous and disturbing— were just trying to forestall the inevitable. And as those protests faded away, Women of the Wall’s issue faded from the public agenda. The group’s challenge,

as Chairwoman Anat Hoffman told JTA after the ruling, became “taking yes for an answer.” Since then, the group’s calls to remove the Torah ban haven’t gotten as much attention—even as the women succeeded in reading from a miniature, but still kosher, Torah scroll they smuggled in. Last month’s incident shows that women still don’t have equal rights at the Wall and that Women of the Wall’s supporters face physical harm. It also put the group back in the public eye. But no matter what happens next, Women of the Wall will still be able to conduct a worship service each month at the Western Wall— the goal the group pursued for decades and achieved two years ago.

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KEMPSVILLE 880 Kempsville Road, Suite 2200 • CHESAPEAKE 300 Medical Parkway, Suite 308 • NORFOLK 250 West Brambleton Avenue, Suite 202 | Women | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 17

Time for Women

Why Israeli couples have surrogate pregnancies in Nepal by Ben Sales

TEL AVIV (JTA)—While Israel mobilizes to aid victims of Nepal’s earthquake and locate missing citizens, the Jewish state is paying special attention to the safety of 26 Israeli babies born of surrogate mothers in Nepal. Hundreds of Israeli couples choose surrogate pregnancy—where a couple’s embryo is implanted in another woman, who carries the pregnancy to term. Here’s why Israelis opt for surrogate pregnancies, and why so many choose surrogate mothers in places like Nepal. Why do Israelis choose surrogacy? Doesn’t Israel have pro-natal policies? Israel encourages couples to have children in a variety of ways. Aside from maternity leave policies that are far more generous than in the United States, the state heavily

subsidizes in-vitro fertilization for women who experience difficulty conceiving naturally and preimplantation genetic diagnosis for those who qualify. Since 1996, surrogacy also has been legal in Israel. Israelis typically choose surrogacy because they cannot carry a baby themselves—either because pregnancy would pose a significant health risk to the mother or if the couple cannot carry a fetus (for example, in the case of male same-sex couples). “People don’t choose this saying ‘How fun, I won’t have to be pregnant,’” says Mina Ulzary, co-founder of the Center for Surrogacy-Israel. “They choose it after difficult vacillations, both emotional and medical.” How does surrogacy work in Israel? Heterosexual Israeli parents who choose surrogate pregnancy either can find an

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Israeli woman to act as a surrogate or a the more popular countries. Surrogacy in woman from overseas. Although a bill to Israel costs approximately $64,000; surallow same-sex couples to have surrogate rogacy abroad can cost as low as $33,000. Most surrogacy pregnancies in i mpl a nt at ion s Israel passed succeed in an initial vote bringing the in the Knesset babies to term. last year, it has When they yet to become is the approximate cost of surrogacy don’t, couples law. For now, in Israel do not pay the same-sex Israeli full fee. couples must go Merav Levy, abroad for surdirector of rogacy and are Israeli Surrogate allowed to bring Motherhood, the child back to which encourIsrael. About 270 Israelis choose to have sur- ages surrogacy within Israel, says the Israeli rogate pregnancies every year, according to process is safer and more convenient for a Ulzary. Approximately two-thirds of them couple than traveling to a place like India choose foreign surrogates because the pro- to retrieve their baby. To bring a baby to cess is cheaper and surrogate mothers are Israel from abroad, a mother and father easier to find. Georgia and India are among must prove their DNA matches the baby’s and endure a bureaucratic process that can keep them from returning home for up to three weeks after the birth. From



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18 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 | Women |


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Why do some Israelis choose surrogacy in Nepal? Though the quality of health care in Nepal is seen as second rate, at best, Nepali surrogacy has become a popular choice for Israeli same-sex couples who are barred by local laws from surrogacy in countries with better medical care like India, Georgia and Thailand, Ulzary says. Israeli couples began having surrogate pregnancies in Nepal in 2012, according to Ulzary, who estimates that some 100 couples find surrogate mothers there every year. What does Jewish law say about surrogacy? Halachah, or Jewish law, allows surrogacy, and a rabbi is part of the Israeli Health Ministry committee that approves women for surrogate pregnancies. Babies born of surrogacy abroad must undergo a brief conversion process upon arriving in Israel, including immersion in a mikvah, according to Ulzary.

Time for Women

Joan Lunden shares her journey by Amy Cobb, JFS marketing and fundraising assistant


e enthusiastic. Always give the best you’ve got. Self-advocate. Those are just a few of the pieces of advice that Joan Lunden gave the audience of the packed Johnson Theater at Norfolk Academy on Sunday, April 26. Lunden, the former host of ABC’s Good Morning America, shared her journey during Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s Spring Into Healthy Living program. Lunden was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer in June 2014 and has been a passionate advocate for breast cancer screening and awareness ever since. She urged the audience of mostly women to take charge of their health and to not feel guilty for taking care of themselves. The hour-long presentation was filled with stories of Lunden’s humble beginnings in television, with anecdotes of the people she’s met along the way, and with tips for everyone on how to live their best life. Her inspirational presentation received a standing ovation. During the event at Norfolk Academy, the audience also heard from Dr. Judith Salerno, president and chief executive officer of Susan G. Komen, who presented local, state and national statistics on breast cancer. Look for more about Jewish Family Services’ Spring into Healthy Living in the next issue of Jewish News. Jewish Family Service is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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Joan Lunden with women from Susan G. Komen.

Your Table is Waiting! | Women | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 19

Time for Women

Seven ways to celebrate a meaningful Shavuot by Maayan Jaffe/


t sundown on Saturday, May 23, Jews around the world will start the two-day holiday (which lasts only one day in Israel) of Shavuot. Also known as the Festival of Weeks because it marks the completion of the counting of the Omer period—which is 49 days long, or seven weeks of seven days—Shavuot is one of the Jewish calendar’s shalosh regalim pilgrimage holidays. Unlike the other two pilgrimage festivals—Passover, which is marked through the retelling of the Exodus story at the seder, and Sukkot, which is celebrated by building a hut or sukkah outside one’s home—there is no definitive ritual associated with Shavuot in the text of the Torah. As such, many Jews struggle to connect with the holiday, which has another name: “Chag HaKatsir,” meaning the Harvest Festival. But despite its undefined nature, Shavuot “is a gift of a holiday,” says Roberta Miller, a teacher at Chicago Land Jewish Day School in Chicago. “It’s when we got the Ten Commandments, God’s greatest present to the Jewish people.” In that spirit, here are seven ways to infuse some meaning and minhag (tradition) into your Shavuot this year: 1. Food It is traditional on Shavuot to eat dairy foods. Rabbi Robyn Frisch, director of InterfaithFamily/Philadelphia, says some believe this is because the scripture compares Torah to “honey and milk… under your tongue” (Song of Songs 4:11). Another explanation is that when the Israelites received the Torah for the first time, they learned the kosher dietary laws and didn’t immediately have time to prepare kosher meat, so they ate dairy instead. Baking and consuming dairy foods can differentiate Shavuot from other holidays, says Miller. “We all have very strong memories associated with scent. If I smell a honey

cake, I think of my grandmother and Rosh Hashanah. The smell of cheesecake generates a connection to Shavuot for my kids,” she says. Miller also suggests ice cream cake. In her family, Shavuot marks the first ice cream cake of the season, building anticipation for the holiday. Just as no one in her house is allowed to eat matzah until the seder, she says, no one gets ice cream cake until the first night of Shavuot. 2. Games For families with young children, games are a great way to educate about the messages of Shavuot. Miller suggests counting games. “You can count up to 49 of anything: 49 ways Mommy loves you, 49 things you are grateful for,” she says. For slightly older children, Miller offers a Jewish commandments version of Pictionary®, in which before the holiday children draw their favorite commandment or commandments on a notecard. The cards are mixed up and put into a box or bag. Then members draw picture cards, and someone acts out each commandment while participants guess which commandment it is and why it is important. 3. Guests On the second day of Shavuot, we read the Book of Ruth, the story of the first Jew by choice. Frisch explains that it is also a story of welcoming the stranger and inclusivity. Shavuot is the perfect holiday for inviting new friends over for a meal, or for opening one’s home to people who are interested in learning more about Jewish traditions. 4. Jewish learning Taking part in a tikkun leil Shavuot—a night of Jewish learning—is another Shavuot custom. Many traditional Jews stay up all night on the first night of the holiday to study Torah. Today, many non-observant Jews aren’t affiliated with a particular synagogue, so Frisch suggests hosting a communal night of

20 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 | Women |

An illustration of the Shavuot holiday. Moritz Daniel Oppenheim­, Google Art Project via Wikimedia Commons.

learning (not affiliated with any particular religious sect or institution) to draw a diverse mix of Jewish learners. “Jewish learning is being reclaimed,” Frisch says. For people who live in smaller communities without a formal Shavuot learning event, Frisch says there are multiple online sources that can be used to organize a grassroots evening of learning at an individual’s home. “Jewish learning doesn’t have to be Biblical texts. … Torah is more than the Five Books of Moses. It could be liberal values or social justice or just a discussion about Jewish identity or Jewish laws,” Frisch says. 5. King David birthday party Tradition has it that King David, Ruth’s (as in the Book of Ruth) great-grandson, was born and died on Shavuot. Miller suggests holding a King David birthday party with decorations, cake, ice cream and gifts. “Use it as a learning tool,” she says, noting how the party can springboard into a historical discussion. “What would you write on a card to [King David]? What do you want to ask him? What would he want for a present? What would he put in the goody bag that he gives to each of us?”

6. Nature On Shavuot, it is customary to decorate homes and synagogues with flowers and plants. Ruthie Kaplan, who lives in the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem and is a former Hebrew school teacher, says that this tradition of being surrounded with the lushness of the natural world could “add a lot of beauty to the day.” Shavuot comes in the late spring or early summer, when the weather is perfect and the flowers are blossoming. Kaplan says that is “the perfect time” to connect with nature and appreciate the “beauty of the world that God created for us.” 7. Setting goals/reflections Kaplan says that a deeper reading of the Book of Ruth can transform Shavuot from another Jewish holiday into an opportunity to set goals and resolutions. Ruth, she says, believed in something (Judaism) and followed through on her belief. “That story of Ruth excites me and really comes to life on Shavuot,” says Kaplan. “Ruth is open to the truth and therefore she sees it and she is willing to be honest with herself. For anyone searching and struggling, Ruth is a good role model for life.”

Book Review Don’t pass on this one Passing in Review 30 Years of Literary Criticism and Articles from Jewish News of Southeastern Virginia Hal Sacks Edited by Terri Denison Parke Press, 2015 248 pages, ISBN 978-0-9883969-6-8


al Sacks knows a lot—about a lot of things. This local treasure of a community member is whipsmart, well traveled, multi-talented and as experienced in a boardroom as he is in a kitchen. When you meet Sacks in person, however, you don’t get the impression of a high-falutin’ know-it-all. You get a dose of folksy charm, a splash of wit, a sprinkle of news or something he thinks you may find interesting—and, if you’re lucky, a story. Or two, or three. Fortunately for readers of Sacks’ new book, and for those who have read his articles, essays and reviews—of all kinds— over the past 30 years in the Jewish News, Sacks the writer is virtually the same as Sacks the man. In Passing in Review: 30 Years of Literary Criticism and Articles from Jewish News of Southeastern Virginia, editor Terri Denison has pulled together an array of Sacks gems culled from the Jewish News archives, Renewal magazine, and more current News issues. Sacks is the Book Review editor for the 22-issue-a-year Jewish community newspaper. In addition to book reviews, he has written on a range of topics, from his trips overseas to restaurant reviews, from baseball to bok choy. More than 125 diverse discourses are separated into nine categories that run a gamut of genres, such as Biographies, For Cooks, History Matters and This and That. Dates of publication in the Jewish News are provided at the end of each entry, where updates—when relevant—are also added. Without sounding academic or professorial, Sacks describes people or places he’s visited, inserts quotes and synopses of books, and has the ability to matter-of-fact-


ly slip in facts to make a reader think, “I didn’t know that. Hmm, sounds interesting. Think I may want to read this book-go visit this place-find out more.” You may have to have a dictionary nearby for some of the vocabulary—anegyric, impecunious, eponymous—Sacks does have a master’s degree in American Literature from Columbia University, or you can just move on to the next paragraph where you’re likely to find words like hanky panky, scrumptious, or mind-numbing. Written mostly for a Jewish audience, many of the pieces include Hebrew or Yiddish words. You don’t have to know about Israeli politics, or history, or cooking, or bestsellers or the Tidewater Jewish community’s foundations to relish the writing in this book. Some of the reviews in this book of reviews include mentions of other reviews—(a touch of wordplay that this reviewer thinks would make Sacks chuckle with delight). Almost all of the pieces contain some personal insight or aside, which boost Sacks’ credibility and add to the readability of his writing. This is Sacks’ second book. His first, Hal’s Navy (2013, Parke Press) was an equally well-written, humorous and memorable recounting of Sacks’ 22-year Naval career that spanned the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. In one of his book reviews, Sacks writes: Our reviewer has had this first novel by Eliezer Sobel on the desk for a couple of months and when the author emailed Jewish News recently with a gentle nudge, like, “Nu? When are you going to read it already?” we duly noted that it had taken him 20 years to write it, so what was the rush? Our suggestion? Rush out and buy this digestible and informative collection. Don’t pass on Passing in Review. Join the community for a book launch party and reception, featuring Hal Sacks, the man! See page 25. —Laine Mednick Rutherford is marketing and communications manager for United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.


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it’s a wrap The Strelitz Early Childhood Center visits Israel

Israel Poster Contest

And the winner is…. Mushky Brashevitzky

by Lorna Orleans, director of Strelitz Early Childhood Center


Four-year-old students Breckin Lemke and Nyla Muhlendorf show off their passports.


ach spring, the Strelitz Early Childhood Center students take a trip to Israel. Well, they sort of take a trip. They pack their bags, get on a plane, have their passport stamped and travel all over the country in one morning. Of course, the “trip” is pretend, but the excitement and learning the students experience are very real. The Israel unit is full of sensory experiences that reach students academically and emotionally. Each class prepares for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s independence day, by studying a different area of Israel. Children work on map awareness and become familiar with the shape of the land and its regions such as the Negev Desert, major cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and the Kibbutzim of the northern areas. Each class from Gan Alef (two-year-olds) to Gan Gimel (four-year-olds) create bulletin boards that represent places or sites in Israel. They listen to songs such as Craig Taubman’s Big Trip about planning a trip to Israel and stories, such as Sammy Spider’s First Trip to Israel. The culmination is the pretend trip. This year it took place in the Strelitz Early Childhood wing on Thursday, April 23. As the students carried passports they created in class, they visited the Kotel (Western Wall) and put prayers in the cracks of the wall. They saw camels traversing the Negev and visited the beach and the aqueduct of Caesarea. The class in charge of the station for the Ramat Gan Zoo in Tel Aviv, played with puppets to represent animals they would see there. Another class represented the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth, and pretended to float in the buoyant waters. Students sat in anti-gravity chairs to experience what it would be like to be unsinkable. The port of Haifa and the Marine Observatory Park of Eilat were also represented and students discussed the various colors and shapes of fish swimming in the aquarium. Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

22 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

ased on one of 12 facts, Mushky Brashevitzky’s design secured the most votes from the global, online voting community to win the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s third annual Israel Poster contest. Mushky chose the fact, ‘Israeli cows produce more milk per cow than almost any country in the world.’ The CRC invited Tidewater Mushky Brashevitzky and Rabbi Loiterman. students in first through 12th grade to participate in their third annual Israel Poster Contest by illustrating one of 12 “cool facts” about Israel in a hand-made poster. More than 150 posters were displayed in the Simon Family JCC Cardo at the Sandler Family Campus in March where the community was able to vote in person. The 10 with the most votes were selected as finalists and were put online for the global community to vote for their favorite. Offering local students a chance to advocate for Israel by sharing these facts around the world, this contest also provides a way for people across the globe to participate in Israel advocacy. Mushky Brashevitzky is a sixth grade student at Toras Chaim in Portsmouth, and an alumni of the Strelitz Early Childhood Center and Hebrew Academy of Tidewater. Her original artwork will be framed and permanently displayed at the Sandler Family Campus, along with past winners. It will be distributed at the community Israel Festival on Sunday, May 17. When asked about his decision to have students at Toras Chaim create posters for the CRC’s annual contest, Rabbi Mordechai Loiterman, principal, says, “I was interested in the students participating in a project as part of the whole community. When we talk about Israel and the Jewish people, being part of a larger group really drives that lesson home. “I think that it creates a deep sense of pride for the children to draw about how much Israel does. I don’t think that the students considered themselves likely to win, or that others would see their work. Now that they have had their vision seen by others, it can be empowering to them for the future.” When asked what she learned from participating in the contest, Mushky says, “That Israeli cows produce more milk, and that you should try your hardest even if you think you can’t win.” Mushky and all of Tidewater’s local artists deserve congratulations for producing great work and for spreading the “cool facts” about Israel.

it’s a wrap Celebrate Israel speaker Gidi Grinstein stirs audiences


idi Grinstein enlightened and inspired those who heard him speak at one of three presentations on Monday, April 20: a luncheon for Hebrew speakers, a reception at the Simon Family JCC for community leaders and Celebrate Israel sponsors, and a community-wide event at the Sandler Family Campus. Presenting sponsors Charles Barker Automotive and Bonnie and David Brand supported this event in the Simon Family JCC’s Celebrate Israel series. Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. David and Bonnie Brand, Gidi Grinstein and Marty Einhorn.

HAT students participate in Annual Science Fair tary school-aged students. “The fourth and fifth graders deserve a lot of credit,” says Becker, who is frequently involved in evaluating scientific presentations at the college and post-graduate levels. “Likewise, HAT and its faculty deserve praise for inspiring the students to do such outstanding work.” The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, as Becker’s daughter, Ilana, won in a second place tie for her project. During the Science Fair, NASA scientists and contest judges, Dr. Chris Wohl and Dr. Yi Lin, interviewed each student, reviewed and deliberated on the displays. They judged on creativity, scientific merit, data collection, analysis, presentation and linear thinking. They also inspected and evaluated a variety of extraordinary bridge models created by HAT third graders. The awards ceremony took placde the following day. All are commended for their creativity and hard work. HAT Science Fair Winners. First place, Evan Nied (How Does Carbon Dioxide Affect Plant Growth); Second place tie: Bella Cardon (Floating Eggs) and Ilana Becker (not pictured) (The Temperature Danger Zone and Your Food), Third Place, Abby Seeman (The Effects of Catapult Tension on Projectile Distance); Honorable Mention: Cooper Poorman (Craters and Meteorite Size); People’s Choice: Abbie Friedman (Musical Math)


by Dee Dee Becker

iving in a wonderful world of science with so many unanswered questions, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater fourth and fifth grade students intended to answer some of those questions at this year’s Annual Science Fair. Students wowed NASA judges, parents and guests with the results of their research, which was the culmination of several months of exploration using the scientific method of study and the process of theorizing how and why things work. Topics ranged from the effects of carbon dioxide on plant growth to the effects of catapult tension on projectile distance and more. Students honed their skills in writing and public speaking by developing written reports and presenting their findings. Science teacher Tanya Conley plans the program and mentors her students. Dr. Steven Becker, HAT parent and professor in ODU’s College of Health Sciences and at EVMS, says “The Science Fair was very impressive. Many of the posters were remarkably well done, particularly when one considers that they were created by elemen-

Hebrew Academy Science Fair 2015 winners 1st place: Evan Nied (How Does Carbon Dioxide Affect Plant Growth) 2nd place (tie): Bella Cardon (Floating Eggs) and Ilana Becker (The Temperature Danger Zone and Your Food) 3rd place: Abby Seeman (The Effects of Catapult Tension on Projectile Distance) Honorable mention: Cooper Poorman (Craters and Meteorite Size) People’s Choice award: Abbie Friedman (Musical Math) Third Grade Bridge Awards First place: Kaylah Walker and Talia Chapel for their drawbridge Second place: Katie Auerbach and Skyel Nidam for their cablestayed bridge Third place: Izzy Seeman and Isabella Leon for their beam bridge Honorable mentions: Jack Jenkins and Jacob Waters for their suspension bridge Rebecca Auerbach and Nava Kempner for their arch bridge Leila Abrams and Sylvie Cardon for their drawbridge Sam Stromberg and Jonah Zuckerman for their arch bridge Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 23

what’s happening David Broza performs for Celebrate Israel Thursday, May 21, 7 pm Sandler Center for the Performing Arts

David Broza.


sraeli superstar David Broza is considered one of the most dynamic and vibrant performers in the singer/songwriter world. Broza will perform live at Virginia Beach’s Sandler Center for the Performing Arts as the last event in the JCC’s Celebrate Israel series, presented by Charles Barker Automotive. Tickets for this final Celebrate Israel event are on sale both at the JCC front desk, 321-2338, and the Sandler Center and are $25, $40 and $55. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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Israel Fest at the Simon Family JCC a Celebrate Israel event Sunday, May 17, 11 am–5 pm


he biggest outdoor community event of the year, Israel Fest promises to be a day of fun for the entire family. Israeli cuisine, the return of the Israeli band Hataklitim, the Bar Kocva Israeli Art Expo, and so much more will assure that the Simon Family JCC is moving and grooving with all things Israeli at this annual festival celebrating Yom Ha’Aztmaut. An additional reason to celebrate on May 17 is that this also happens to be Yom Yerushalayim, the Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. The JCC’s Israel Fests are known for delicious food, and this year suggests scrumptious edibles once more. Eleven food vendors will sell Israeli and Jewish cuisine, as well as fruit smoothies, cotton candy, hot dogs and fries. As last year, all area synagogues and Beth Sholom Village will be vendors. Among the many exciting entrees are traditional Israeli bourekas (stuffed savory pastries), stuffed grape leaves, falafel, hummus and poached salmon. Returning from last year’s festival is Hataklitim, a band that covers pop hits in Israel and often plays in Tel Aviv and other cities in the “center” of the country. Singing only in Hebrew, the band delivers fun, upbeat and light music that “makes you want to jump up and down,” says band member Yaron Halfon. Hataklitim plays Israeli hits from the ’80s and ’90s including covers of Mashina, Tislam, Benzin, Gidi Gov, Shalom Hanoch, Monica Sex, Fortis & Saharov and Arik Einstein. A variety of four-legged friends will also participate in Israel Fest. Both the very fun and famous camel rides and the petting zoo with miniature farm animals, are returning. Other activities include inflatables, monkey motion ride, face painting, arts and crafts, caricatures, balloon animals and a new “Ask the Rabbi” booth. Local vendors in the “shuk” will sell jewelry, art and other wares. New this year is the Bar Kocva Israeli Art Expo, featuring the work of 45 Israeli artists and more than 2,000 pieces of handcrafted fine art, Judaica, ceramics, wood, sculpture, glass

24 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 |

and jewelry. “Think ahead to the gifts you’ll need for holidays,” says the artist Bar Kocva Moshe, artist and owner of the traveling expo. “This is a wonderful opportunity to buy outstanding items found in galleries and fine stores internationally.” Israel Fest is the third of four events in the Simon Family JCC’s Celebrate Israel Series, presented by Charles Barker Automotive. Tickets for the closing event, David Broza Live at the Sandler Center on Thursday, May 23, will be available for sale at the festival.

A special invitation for non-Jewish friends for Israel Fest by Danielle Leibovici


o you have a colleague, friend or family-member that seems curious about Judaism? Do they have some burning questions they would love to hear answered? For example, “What’s so wrong with cheeseburgers? Do the Jewish people believe in heaven and hell? What’s up with the curls and black hats?” Consider inviting these folks to the ASK THE RABBI table during the Simon Family JCC’s annual Israel Fest where many esteemed local rabbis will be available to answer any and all inquiring questions about Judaism, its people, history and practice. Now more than ever, it is important

to break down stereotypes and increase tolerance and appreciation for one another. Israel Fest is a wonderful opportunity to extend an invitation to the greater Tidewater community to come together with no agenda except for human connection and spirit. Hopefully, many individuals from all different faiths and backgrounds will make their way to the Sandler Family Campus and enjoy a free, fun-filled day with their families. For example, Strelitz Early Childhood Center mom, Carolie Brekke, who is also a graphic designer, created an Ask The Rabbi flyer. She says she plans to share this event with her church. Spread the word. Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

what’s happening YOUR COMMUNITY THEATRE SINCE 1926

Tidewater Jewish Journeys walks to Israel

From Temple to Brill Building: Jews and the Beat Era

May 18 – June 14


idewater Jewish Journeys, the local organization that was created to support Tidewater’s involvement with the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project’s trips to Israel and beyond, is embarking on its first major fundraiser, JWRP WALKS 2015. Anyone can participate by going to and register as a walker for Tidewater Jewish Journeys. Steps are tracked for this time period by syncing a fit bit or “moves” app to the website. The goal is to walk 100 miles by June 14, about 10,000 steps a day. The next step is to get sponsors. It’s the best of both worlds—raising money for the community and getting in shape at the same time. National prizes are awarded over the four weeks to participants who reach great heights in walking and fundraising. Free trips to Israel are just some of the prizes. Consider being a part of this exciting and fun event. Contact Shari Berman at or Amy Lefcoe at for further information.


Saturday, May 23, 8 pm

idewater Chavurah invites the community for Tikkun Leil Shavuot at the home of Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill. Rabbi Jaffe-Gill will present a two-part study session, focusing first on a comparative reading of the Kaddish prayer and excerpts from Allen Ginsberg’s 1959 poem Kaddish, followed by a survey of the Jewish songwriters who dominated rock ’n’ roll during the 1950s and early 1960s, including Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann and Neil Sedaka. Dairy refreshments will be served. Jaffe-Gill’s address is 4661 Priscilla Lane in Virginia Beach. For information, email or call 468-2675.

Fri/Sat 8 PM and Sun 2:30 PM

Coming in Season

Book by Larry L. King and Peter Masterson Music and Lyrics by Carol Hall

Sunday, May 31, 1–4 pm Simon Family JCC

Thursday, May 7, 6:30 pm, Sandler Family Campus


September 4 - 27, 2015

hat do Ultimate Frisbee, soccer, cornhole and kickball have in common? They will all be featured at a new YAD event. The YAD Men’s Ultimate Sporting Event at the Simon Family JCC is seeking participants for a fun day of friendly competition, and when it gets hot, a cold beverage and good food. If interested in this exciting sports day with the guys, RSVP at YADMensEvent.


Hal Sacks


The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

YAD Men’s Ultimate Sporting Event

Passing in Review, a new book by Hal Sacks Reception and presentation ong-time Book Review Editor for Jewish News, Hal Sacks will discuss his latest book, Passing in Review. The collection of reviews and essays spans more than 30 years of Sacks’ contributions to the newspaper. After the presentation, Sacks will be available to sign books. For more information, contact Shelby Tudor at 757-965-6105.

May 22 - June 14, 2015

The History Boys

by Alan Bennett

October 30 November 22, 2015

The Women by Clare Boothe Luce

January 8 - 31, 2016

The Cripple of Inishmaan

The Frailache Klezmer Band

by Martin McDonagh

Sunday, May 17, 2 pm

March 11 – April 3, 2016

he Frailache Klezmer Band will perform at Beth Sholom Village under the direction of Marilyn Bass Buxbaum. The reunion concert is dedicated to the late Mel Bass, who performed with the band for many years. The band features clarinet, trumpet, trombone, flute, percussion, piano and a vocalist. The program will include traditional Eastern European melodies, songs of the Yiddish Theater, as well as modern Israeli tunes. Residents of The Home, their families and the entire community are invited to attend.

Book by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice; Music and Lyrics by Andrew Lippa; Based on Characters Created by Charles Addams


The Addams Family

May 20 – June 12, 2016 Subscriptions on Sale Now

The Frailache Klezmer Band

801 Claremont Ave 757.627.8551 * Norfolk, VA 23507 | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 25



Live in concert ST


at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts

TICKETS: $25 · $40 · $55 Now available for purchase at the Simon Family JCC


The Families of Steven B. Sandler

and Art & Annie Sandler


Through May 8, Friday Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s 11th Annual Grieving Children’s Art Show on display in the Leon Family Art Gallery at the Simon Family JCC.

May 17, Sunday The Simon Family JCC’s annual Israel Fest, presented by Charles Barker Automotive. Taste, explore and discover at the JCC’s biggest party of the year. 11 am–5 pm. For information visit See page 24.

May 18, Monday–June 12, Friday Don Hurwitz–Photography. “Postcards from Southeast Asia” on display in the Leon Family Art Gallery at the Simon Family JCC.

MAY 20, WEDNESDAY The J.C.C. Senior Club guest speaker will be John W. Hallman, Virginia Beach Fire Department. Responsible for the “Operation Smoke Detector” program as well as the Older Adult Program, he will give a presentation on fire safety. Board meeting at 10:30 am, lunch at 12 noon, General Meeting at 12:45 pm. For information, call 757-497-0229.

May 21, Thursday David Broza live in Concert at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts. This final performance of the JCC’s Celebrate Israel series, presented by Charles Barker Automotive, begins at 7 pm. Tickets: $25, $40 and $55, available at the Sandler Center or call the JCC at 321-2338. May 31, Sunday Camp JCC Dive-in Open House. An afternoon of fun and frolicking at the Simon Family JCC pool and fields. Wacky water games, a slip ’n’ slide, and GAGA tournament with prizes. Play as a team or as an individual. 1–4 pm. Games start at 2 pm. Enjoy a special discount when registering for one or all eight weeks of Camp JCC on this date. Email or call 321-2306 for more information.

Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline President

June 1, Monday Fifth annual Simon Family JCC Presidents’ Cup Golf Tournament at Heron Ridge Golf Club. Noon shotgun start. Proceeds benefit children’s programming at the Simon family JCC. For sponsorship opportunities and to register, call 321-2337 or visit

Andy Kline CEO

Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

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Backstreet boys, dionne warwick, lauryn hill and others To rock tel aviv this summer


hings are heating up in Tel Aviv and it’s not just the weather—The Backstreet Boys, One Republic, Lauryn Hill, Dionne Warwick, Art Garfunkel and others will all be playing concerts in and around the city in May and June to the delight of pop and rock fans. In May, Lauryn Hill will perform in Rishon leZion on May 7; The Backstreet Boys will play three concerts at the Ra’anana Amphitheater on May 19, 20 and 21; and Dionne Warwick will perform at the Nokia Arena on May 19. One Republic will perform for the first time in Israel on May 28 at Hayarkon Park, and singer Ryan Tedder was quoted in the Israel media as

saying, “We wanted to perform in Israel and visit it since we established the band. This performance will be the realization of the wish of a lifetime. We can’t wait.” The lineup for June includes Suzanne Vega, who will perform two concerts with 5113 Crystal the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at the 5113 Point Drive Drive 5113Crystal Crystal Point Point Drive $539,900 Mann Auditorium on June 9 and 10; Art $539,900 $539,900 5113 Crystal Point Drive 5113 Crystal Drive 5113 Point Drive 5113Crystal Crystal Point Point Drive Garfunkel, from the legendary duo Simon $539,900 $525,000 $539,900 $539,900 Beautiful, spacious 3 bedroom condo with and Garfunkel, who will return to Israel to Crystal 5113 Point Drive

Lesner Pointe • $395,000

play at the Bloomfield Stadium on June 10; Damian Marley, son of reggae legend Bob Marley, who will perform in Rishon leZion on June 24; and Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits, who will perform at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds Hall on June 27.

5113 Crystal 5113 5113Crystal Crystal Po Po 5113 Crystal Po

lovely views of the Chesapeake Bay. Enjoy $525,000 the gated Lesner Pointe community. Relax by the pool or on the beach. Plentiful storage and comfortable living.

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1321 Laskin Road • Virginia Beach | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 27

obituaries Jerome S. Gross, MD Virginia Beach—Dr. Jerome Stanley Gross was born on May 21, 1924 in Norfolk, Va. to Anna Ruth and Michael Gross and passed away on April 21, 2015 at the age of 90. He graduated from Maury High School, George Washington University, and the Medical College of Virginia. He practiced family medicine in South Norfolk for 32 years. Jerome served our country valiantly in World War II and received a Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his bravery as a Combat Medic in the 17th Airborne when he was wounded at the Battle of the Bulge. He was predeceased by his first wife, Pearl Kline Gross; Dr. Irving G. Tavss, Jeanne Tavss Reznick and Marvin Adler. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Tavss Bender Gross, and their six children: Roslyn Bender Lifland (Steve), Michael Gross (Karen), Audrey Bender Winston (Colin), Rochelle Gross, Sarah Bender Ladwig (Michael) and Valorie Gross Donato; and grandchildren: Ira Lifland, Sammy Gross, Shira, Reuben and Eli Winston, Dylan and Zoe Ladwig, and extended family and friends. A graveside service was held by Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Donations to Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, 260 Grayson Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462. H.D. Oliver. Riva I. Gitelman Norfolk—Riva I. Gitelman, 93, passed away on April 26, 2015. She was born on Dec 29, 1921 in the Soviet Union. A graveside service was held in Forest

Lawn Cemetery, Norfolk. Condolences may be offered to the family at LEONARD KAPLAN Greensboro, N.C.—Leonard Jerome Kaplan, age 86, died peacefully on April 12, 2015. He is lovingly survived by his wife of 50 years, Tobee Kaplan, his children Lyn Chasen and husband Barry Chasen, Randall Kaplan and wife Kathy Manning, Scott Kaplan and wife Maeve Kaplan, grandchildren Brandon Chasen and wife Catherine, Blake and Ben Chasen, Elizabeth, Robert and Jennifer Kaplan, Sara Kaplan Stricker and husband Elon Stricker, Sophia, Aubrey and Henry Kaplan, and great-grandson Brandon Chasen, Jr. He was predeceased by his beloved daughter Lori Kaplan. Mr. Kaplan grew up in High Point, N.C., the son of the late Sara and Harry Kaplan and the brother of the late Dr. Arthur Kaplan. Forced to leave UNC to take over his father’s janitorial supply company when his father became ill, he graduated from High Point University while running his family business. He served in the U.S Army during the Korean War, then returned to the business and used his determination, creativity, and hard work to build Kay Chemical Company into a worldwide supplier of cleaning chemicals to the giants of the fast food industry. Mr. Kaplan’s life was guided by his desire to make the world a better place, and he had a lasting impact through his significant philanthropic efforts. With the creation of the TOLEO Foundation, he and

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his wife Tobee pursued a deep commitment to philanthropy in education, women and children’s issues, homelessness, hunger, healthcare and human services, the arts, civil rights, and quality of life for the greater community in general and the Jewish community in particular. Mr. Kaplan was a driving force in projects ranging from the creation of the Moses Cone Cardiac Unit, the founding of Camp Ramah Darom, and the School of Public Administration for Leadership at High Point University. He helped found pivotal agencies such as Jewish Family Services and the Jewish Foundation of Greensboro, and helped build new facilities for the Greensboro Jewish Federation, The Women’s Resource Center, Habitat for Humanity, B’nai Shalom Day School, Greensboro Day School, Beth David Synagogue, Temple Emanuel, and UNC Hillel. He was a major supporter of United Way and Urban Ministries, and he funded food programs in needy areas in Eastern Europe and Israel. A visionary thinker, Mr. Kaplan created two international organizations to address global needs. Among his many awards, Mr. Kaplan received an honorary doctorate from the Jewish Theological Seminary, Greensboro Chamber of Commerce’s Thomas Z. Osborne Citizen of the Year Award, Greensboro Jewish Federation’s Benjamin Cone, Sr. Leadership Award, and the 2014 NCCJ Citation Award. A funeral took place at Beth David Synagogue. Elinore B. Kavit Pittsboro, N.C. Elinore B. Kavit, 87, formerly

of Richmond, Va., passed away April 9, 2015. She is survived by her sons, Mark Kavit and wife, Tina, of Charlottesville, Va., Eric Kavit and his wife, Kelly, of Pittsboro, N.C., and Dr. Gary Kavit and his wife, Judie, of Yorktown, Va.; grandchildren, Brooke, Jason, Caroline and Ben; brother, Norman Blumenson; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband of 62 years, Dr. Arthur Y. Kavit. Elinore and Art moved to Richmond in 1950. Together they established Lakeside Animal Hospital, and subsequently operated Fin and Feather Pet Center and Patterson Avenue Veterinary Hospital. She became a licensed real estate agent, helping many young families become established. She was a member of Hadassah and Temple Beth-El sisterhood and a strong supporter of Jewish community. She was instrumental in founding The Women’s Bank of Richmond and supported various causes, including the preservation of wetlands at the Chickahominy River and was active with Special Olympics. Elinore was the foundation of a very large extended Jewish family that loved her as much as she loved them. A funeral service was held at Bliley’s Central, followed by interment in B’Nai Shalom at Greenwood Memorial Gardens. Memorial contributions to Jewish Family Services in Richmond or Newport News. Sylvia S. Neff Norfolk—Sylvia Schoenfeld Neff, 100, died Tuesday, April 21, 2015. She was a native of New York, N. Y. and was the youngest child of the late Moses

The family of David B. Kruger wishes to express our heartfelt gratitude to each member of the community for the kindness, thoughtful notes and generous remembrances of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. At this most difficult time, it is a great comfort to be a part of such a caring community of friends. Adel, Sara and Evan Kruger

obituaries and Rose Schreier Schoenfeld. She was preceded in death by her husband Jack Neff and her six siblings. Mrs. Neff began her career at 17 years old as a dancer with the Harritt Hoctor Dance Troup and traveled the country with them for three years. She served as the office manager for B’nai Israel Congregation for 26 years. She was active in local Dinner Theatre productions. She was a member of Temple Israel. Survivors include her loving children; Margery N. Schechner and her husband, Dr. Stephen Schechner of Virginia Beach and Richard T. Neff and his wife, Carole of New Orleans, La. She is also survived by her grandchildren: Jason (Danielle), Adam (Jessica), David (Joanna), Deborah (Adam), Alex and Hilary (Shawn) and seven great grandchildren: Jamie, Mia, Sophia, Benjamin, Alexander, Daniel and Lilah. Graveside funeral services were held in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Rabbi Michael

Panitz and Cantor David Proser officiated. Memorial donations to Jewish Family Service, Temple Israel or Kempsville Conservative Synagogue. H.D. Oliver. Arlene Stiles Richmond, Va—Arlene Geline Stiles, formerly of Virginia Beach, Va., died peacefully April 17, 2015, in Richmond. She was born February 21, 1933 in Raleigh, N.C. to Hana Geline Shor and Julius Geline. Arlene moved to Richmond in her late teens, worked as a dental assistant and then x-ray technician at the Medical College of Virginia. She met her husband, Donald, on a blind date and they were happily married for 42 years, until his passing in 1996. After moving to Norfolk, Arlene worked side by side with Donald at his Pembroke Mall optometric practice, where she was the office manager for many years. Upon retirement, they moved to Virginia Beach.

She loved being near the water. Arlene enjoyed gardening and reading and was an active member of Hadassah, the Women Investors of Tidewater (W.I.T.) Stock Club and Temple Israel in Norfolk. She was predeceased by her sister, Marilyn Dere (Emil) of Jerusalem, Israel. Survivors include her loving children, Julie Goodman (Michael) of Richmond, Susan Stiles (fiancee, Robert Drummer) of Washington, D.C., Alison Mazie of Randolph, N.J.; and brother, Ron Geline of Boynton Beach, Fla.; nieces and nephews, Judy Spanglet, Moshe Dere, Josh Geline and Joan Knorpp. Arlene was also the adoring grandmother of Daniel, Laura and Samantha Goodman and Aaron and Graham Mazie. Funeral services and interment were held at Beth-El Cemetery Chapel at Forest Lawn in Richmond. Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association, 4600 Cox Rd., Suite 130, Glen Allen, Va. 23060 or Hadassah at

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Celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israel’s Independence Day with the biggest party of the year...

T he S

y JCC’s imon Famil

• 11AM–5PM 7 1 Y A AY, M D N Featuring traditional Israeli cuisine! SU

Taste • Explore • Discover

FREE Admission* &

Visit Israel without leaving Hampton Roads.

Open to the Public

*Food & rides require ticket purchase. purchase

For more information, visit or call 757-321-2338. 30 | Jewish News | May 4, 2015 | | May 4, 2015 | Jewish News | 31

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10/21/14 2:35 PM

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