Jewish News | September 2, 2019

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 57 No. 22 | 2 Elul 5779 | September 2, 2019



Americans love the Jews

Holocaust Commission’s Educators’ Conference

—page 14

The more Americans know Jews, the more they like them.

Most Americans don’t know how many Jewish people live in the USA

Americans don’t know a lot about Judaism.

31 Jews know a lot about religion.

Pickleball opening Simon Family JCC September 7 and 8

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Community Campaign and Book Festival kick-off Thursday, September 26

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38 Burying Jewish books

Supplement to Jewish News September 2, 2019 | September 2, 2019 | Home | Jewish News | 15

IMPROVING HEALTH AND OUR COMMUNITIES. EVERY DAY. Sentara Healthcare is committed to making an impact in the communities we serve, providing and contributing to many free programs and initiatives in Virginia and North Carolina through charitable giving, Sentara foundations, health-supportive program giving, and volunteering in the community.





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Jewish news


Justice Department office includes link from white nationalist site in daily briefing Ron Kampeas

The term Kritarch is not commonly understood to be anti-Semitic. However, in the post in question, another term,

WASHINGTON (JTA)—The Justice Department’s Executive

Lügenpresse, or lying press, is used. “Lügenpresse” predates the

Office for Immigration Review linked to an article on a white

Nazi era, but has become closely identified with the Nazi regime,

supremacist website in a daily news briefing

which used it to deride a media it depicted

sent to immigration court employees last

as under the control of Jews.


TechMIS, the contractor that compiles

Buzzfeed News first reported on

the briefings for the Justice Department,

the move, which prompted the Justice

told the Washington Post that it had been

Department office to issue an apology.

instructed by the department to omit any

The National Association of Immigration Judges, a union, had complained to the EOIR about the post shared from VDare, which reported approvingly on plans by the Trump administration to decertify the union. The VDare post had referred to the immigration judges as “Kritarchs,” a term originally used to describe the bib-

The Department of Justice condemns Anti-Semitism in the strongest terms.

VDare links going forward. Steven Mains, the contractor CEO, told the Post it used keywords to compile the news briefings. attorney, told the Post that his research has shown that the newsletter routinely links to right-wing and far-right news sites. VDare has published anti-Semitic material in the past, including characterizations

is used on the far right as a pejorative to

of Jews as seeking mass control.

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Lisa Richmon, Staff Writer Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Amy Levy, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2019 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year

The EOIR mentioned anti-Semitism in

cial activists.

its apology.


“The post features links and content

“The daily EOIR morning news brief-

that directly attacks sitting immigration

ings are compiled by a contractor and the

judges with racial and ethnically tinged

blog post should not have been included,”

slurs and the label ‘Kritarch.’ The reference to Kritarch in a neg-

Kathryn Mattingly, a spokesman for the office, told Buzzfeed.

ative tone is deeply offensive and anti-Semitic,” Ashley Tabbador,

“The Department of Justice condemns Anti-Semitism in the

who heads the union and who was attacked in the VDare post,

strongest terms.”

said in her letter to the EOIR.

Ohef Sholom teaches Judaism through coffee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Palliative & Hospice care discussion. . . 28 Tech class for seniors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Masonic Lodge honors Holocaust survivors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Holocaust Commission’s Educators’ Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 UJFT helps with Jewish book burial. . . . 38

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Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Sept. 16 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Nov. 11 Nov. 25 Dec. 9

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Candle Lighting


Contents Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Disloyalty: an anti-Semitic accusation. . . 5 Jewish Summers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bob Liverman: A Lifetime of Giving . . . 10 Americans and Judaism. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Special Section: Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Foster kittens bring smiles to BSV residents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Nadiv makes donation to One Happy Camper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email

Matthew Hoppock, an immigration

lical period of rule by judges, but which describe judges seen as out of control judi-

Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Friday, September 6/6 Elul Light candles at 7:08 pm

“He represents something remarkable—that giving doesn’t

Friday, September 13/13 Elul Light candles at 6:58 pm

have to end. His love of community

Friday, September 20/20 Elul Light candles at 6:47 pm

has never waivered.”

Friday, September 27/27 Elul Light candles at 6:37 pm —page 11

Friday, October 4/5 Tishrei Light candles at 6:26 pm Friday, October 11/12 Tishrei Light candles at 6:16 pm | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS Hasidic children in Montreal vaccinated against measles Hundreds of children in a Hasidic community near Montreal were vaccinated against measles after five confirmed cases cropped up in recent weeks. Some 350 children in the Tosh Hasidic community were vaccinated over four days in two temporary clinics set up by the public health authority, the Canadian Jewish News reported. The free immunizations were voluntary, and offered to those whose medical records said that their immunizations were not up to date, according to the report. Prior to the opening of the temporary clinics, some 90 percent to 95 percent of the children of the Tosh community already were vaccinated, Isaac Weiss, responsible for security and public safety in the Tosh community, told the CJN. Unvaccinated children will not be permitted to enter the community’s schools in the fall, Weiss said. It is not known who brought the measles to the community, though it is believed to have been brought from someone who visited New York. They are the first cases of measles in the region since 2011. (JTA) Israel airstrike in Iraq is first in four decades Israel has carried out an airstrike on a weapons depot in Iraq that officials said was being used by Iran to move weapons to Syria, the New York Times reported. The attack, which happened in July and is believed to be the first Israeli bombing in Iraq in nearly four decades, represents an expansion of the military campaign Israel has carried out against Iranian targets in Syria, the report said. The Israeli strike was one of several recent attacks on weapons storage facilities controlled by Iraqi militias with ties to Iran. It was not clear who carried out the other attacks. Responding to the attacks, Iraq’s national security adviser, Falih al-Fayadh, said that Iraq wanted to avoid taking sides in any struggle between Iran and other countries and being “pushed into a war.” He said the government had yet to determine who was behind the attacks.

A senior Middle Eastern intelligence official said that Israel had bombed a base north of Baghdad on July 19. Two senior American officials, however, said that Israel had carried out several strikes on munitions storehouses for Iranian-backed groups in Iraq. The Israeli military declined to comment on the attacks. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, asked about them on a visit to Kiev, Ukraine on Monday, August 26, said “Iran doesn’t have immunity anywhere.” (JTA)

Photos of Brandeis students and professors posted on white nationalist website Photos of several students and professors from Brandeis University, which has Jewish roots, were posted to a white nationalist and anti-Semitic website. The photos were posted on the Vanguard News Network Forum, in a thread that mocked Jews’ for their appearance, the Associated Press reported. There are hundreds of other images posted in the thread. The incident is under investigation by Brandeis safety officials. The university said in a letter addressed to the campus community that it does not believe that there is a threat to campus safety or to the people in the photos. Brandeis University “was founded in 1948 by the American Jewish community at a time when Jews and other ethnic and racial minorities, and women, faced discrimination in higher education,” according to its website. It also says that the university “is animated by a set of values that are rooted in Jewish history and experience.” (JTA) Fliers accuse Jews of being behind 9/11 near San Francisco Anti-Semitic fliers saying that Jews and Israel were behind the 9/11 attacks appeared in Northern California about 30 miles from San Francisco. The fliers discovered last month in Novato, a city of about 52,000 in the North Bay area, were plastered on telephone poles, storefronts, and a high school campus. They said Israelis were seen dancing on the site of the collapsed

4 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

Twin Towers, that a Jewish-Israeli man made billions in insurance money and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the attacks. At the bottom of the page it says, “Wake up USA!” Police Chief Adam McGill urged citizens to “stand up to hate,” but told the Marin Independent Journal that the fliers are protected by the First Amendment and there would be no investigation. No group has claimed responsibility for them. Mayor Eric Lucan joined McGill in condemning the fliers, saying “there is no room for this type of hate speech” in Novato. They were reported seen on a downtown Novato Safeway and on the campus of San Marin High School. Nancy Appel, senior associate regional director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Central Pacific Region, said her office received multiple calls about the incident. “These are hoary old stereotypes about 9/11. It’s of a piece in the rise of anti-Semitism we’re seeing generally,” she said. (J. The Jewish News of Northern California)

John Pritzker Family endows photo collection in Israel Never-before-scene images of Golda Meir. Thousands of pictures of Israeli schoolchildren from the 1950s through the 1990s. Rare portraits and snapshots of Theodor Herzl. These are some of the more than 2 million images that will be stored and digitized at The National Library of Israel following a major financial gift from the John Pritzker Family Fund. The collection, the largest repository of photographs of Israel in the world, includes photo albums, individual photos, postcards, personal collections and archives of private photographers and photographic agencies. Hundreds of thousands of photographs have already been scanned, catalogued, digitally restored and uploaded to the National Library’s website, affording free public access. The Pritzker gift also will allow future exhibition of the collection, as well as its expansion. It will establish a state-of-theart climate-controlled repository to house

the collection in the new National Library of Israel building, now under construction adjacent to the Knesset in Jerusalem. “Our hope is that this gift enables the Library to demonstrate the richness and complexity of Israeli history to an even wider audience,” John Pritzker, the fund’s board chairman, said. A library spokesman said the gift was in the “seven figures.” He said it is library policy not to give the exact figure. (JTA)

Amazon launches operations in Israel Amazon announced the launch of operations in Israel. The company set up a website in Hebrew, which talks about its local delivery services, in order to attract vendors. Amazon also is asking overseas businesses to warehouse their inventory in Israel and make arrangements with international shippers to deliver their products through local shippers. “We are currently working with sellers in Israel to help them sell worldwide with Amazon Global Selling,” Amazon said in a statement. “Local Delivery is one aspect of Global Selling that looks to improve the opportunities for sellers in Israel to sell more effectively to customers in Israel who shop on” Amazon’s Israel operations originally was scheduled to open in June or July. (JTA) Orthodox Jewish doctor loses challenge to New Jersey assisted-suicide law A New Jersey law that permits assisted suicide went into effect after an Orthodox Jewish doctor lost in his bid to challenge the measure. The Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act was to take effect Aug. 1, but a state Superior Court judge placed a temporary hold on the law pending appeals. Dr. Yosef Glassman, a Bergen County geriatrician, had argued in his lawsuit that the measure requires him to violate his religious beliefs and profession as a doctor, either by facilitating a patient’s suicide or by referring him to another doctor who would be willing to handle the suicide. (JTA)

Torah thought

Disloyalty: The deep roots of an anti-Semitic accusation


ur American Jewish community has been much agitated in 2019 by accusations of disloyalty. These charges have come from different quarters of the political spectrum, and they carry various nuances. But what do they have in common? For this, we need to understand the deep history of this anti-Jewish trope. The permanent and salient fact of Jewish history is that we choose, in important ways, to be different from the peoples constituting the majorities of the societies with which we interact. That choice has kept us Jewish. But at the same time, that choice has, all too often, been treated as a problem by our neighbors. By the end of biblical times, our ancestors were living under the rule of a pagan empire, Persia. Persia fell to Greece, and Greece to Rome, but still, Jews were under pagan rule. Pagans often thought that Jews were anti-social, in that we venerated only one God, but with a few prominent exceptions, provided that we paid our taxes and kept the peace, Jews did not suffer religious persecution at the hands of pagans. The rise of Christianity and Islam ushered in new and harder times for Jews. Now, our ancestors were living under the rule not only of people of different religions, but of rival monotheistic faiths. Christians said we were wrong to reject Jesus. Muslims said that both the Christians and the Jews were wrong to reject Muhammad. Each of those overlords, in their own way, relegated the Jews to second-class status—not all the time, and not in every way, but being regarded as a problem in the eyes of the majority was a basic fact of medieval Jewish life. The nature of the political state changed radically in the Western world in

the 18th and 19th centuries. Starting with France and the United States, modern countries began to define themselves as associations of citizens, rather than as a collection of different corporate groups under the rule of some monarch. It was at this time that the issue of loyalty came to the fore. A generation after the French Revolution, French traditionalists— peasants from Alsace—complained to Napoleon that the Jews ought not be citizens of France. Napoleon used that complaint to secure a pledge of loyalty to French law from the representatives of French Jewry. Notice that there was no presumption that French Catholics would be disloyal, simply by virtue of their religion. But Jews did not have this presumption of loyalty. In France, the Jews had to take extraordinary steps to reassure the state that they were loyal. Only thus would they be confirmed as citizens. Napoleon extended the status of Jews as citizens to the German states he conquered. When he was defeated, in 1815, the victorious German states stripped the Jews of their citizenship. To earn it again, the Jews would have to prove themselves “worthy.” That would mean initiating a wholesale series of religious reforms, to make Judaism stand out less from the Christian norm in the various German states. That also explains why classic Reform Judaism was officially opposed to Zionism until the 1930’s. Pressured to prove themselves loyal to their various states, including the United States, Jews did not feel free to espouse the cause of an independent Jewish state. Here in Norfolk, the anti-Zionist “American Council for Judaism” remained a bastion of that mindset even after 1948. Throughout the past 75 years, American opponents of Israel have too often charged Jewish Zionists with “dual loyalty.”. This is certainly tainted with anti-Semitism. One heard no comparable charge of dual loyalty against Irish Americans, for example, when they lobbied their American representatives to espouse policies regarding the quest

for (Catholic) Irish independence from Protestant Great Britain, or when they sought for the USA to show understanding for the plight of Catholics in Northern Ireland during the time of troubles there. Jews have frequently been given an added burden of proving loyalty despite

Jewishness. As a matter of Jewish self-respect, we ought to challenge that, from whatever quarter it emanates, and however it may be dressed up in secondary rhetoric. Rabbi Michael Panitz, Temple Israel







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Personalized service since 1917. | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 5

Jewish Summers


Summer fun with a Jewish lens

each and ocean and exotic trips aren’t the only ways to experience summer fun. In fact, for many members of Tidewater’s Jewish community, that fun happens by incorporating something Jewish into a summer trip or activity. Within the following pages, we highlight a few such ‘Jewish Summers’ or ‘Jewish Moments.’

Birthright exceeds expections for Mallory Weinstein as told by Barb Gelb Lisa Richmon


f you ever asked my husband Kenny or me if his daughter Mallory would go on a Birthright Israel program—without her family – we would have just laughed and shrugged it off. We wouldn’t even dare to dream such a thing. Mallory has Fragile X syndrome which affects her emotions and processing of messages. When set off, this complicated condition compromises a range of interactions including her ability to create a Jewish community of friends. Kenny wanted more for his only daughter and I felt deeply for them both. I’m a social worker and professional educator who worked with children with special needs. I have three children who grew up in Camp JCA Shalom in Malibu enabling me to figure out some next steps for Mal. But even with my warrior maternal instincts and professional resourcefulness, I hit a wall. My efforts could take us only so far. Our Jewish community rallied to embrace Mallory in a way that fills me with hope for days. Every person with special needs is different. The “one size fits all” solution is a myth and I’m eternally grateful to people in this community who get how special someone like Mallory really is. So many people contributed to opening our eyes to new possibilities and have partnered with us to help her live with more joy and purpose. Nothing happens overnight; this plan to send Mal to Israel took a lot longer than seven days and seven nights to create.

Let’s go back to her Bat Mitzvah at Beth El Temple, when Cantor Pilch challenged her to do the work while making her shine. Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg stepped up next with her “we’ll make it work” attitude, and with Gail Bachman, then principal of the temple’s Religious School, made a home for Mal as an Ohef Sholom Temple volunteer helper. Mal showed up for this opportunity with her signature enthusiasm and it paid off. This led to a stipend for her work, recognition for her photography, and a new sense of confidence. I contacted her next champion, Joel Charnick a camp director I was connected to through my kids. Joel made a space for her at Camp JCA Shalom Malibu where she became camp photographer. When we reached out to David Abraham, CEO at Beth Sholom Village, another piece of the Jewish puzzle fell into place with the ‘we will make it work’ spirit. She volunteers at BSV and two other senior centers, to keep her engaged and in constant interaction with people. Things continued to fall into place when I moved here from Los Angeles and began working at the Sandler Family Campus. Isolation is the biggest challenge for anyone, but especially someone like Mal. My fear of its impact on her well-being (and ours) gave me the idea to create yet another community of friends. For the past 18 months, she’s been coming to the JCC after her volunteer work, to get in good shape physically, smile at everyone, and talk to anyone she can. She’s also learned how not to disturb people

6 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

at work, so she has a short conversation and moves on. Whether it’s Ray the trainer, Darrel at the front desk, or Patty in the Federation office, these people, along with Rabbi Roz, Joel Charnick, a nd D av id Abraham, make her feel at home, help “It was so amazing to pray today at the Western Wall!!! I’ve her build on each never been to the western wall it was really special to see so success and made many people come around today and pray.” Birthright Israel a —Mallory Weinstein on Instagram reality. Then there’s Carly Glickman, outreach manager for the Federation “She was fun all the time and everyone and one of the people who encounters loved her.” Mallory daily. Her move was brilliant When we thank Rabbi Roz, Gail, Joel and game-changing. She told me about and David, they all say, “she makes us Birthright Israel for people with disbetter.” abilities, and put us in touch with her Dayenu. connections, a huge source of help during the application process. Sometimes you just have to suspend disbelief. Dayenu. Dayenu. Dayenu. If only did Kenny and I couldn’t see all the possibilipeople say: ‘we will make it work’ while ties despite being totally invested and fighting opening doors for her to contribute to on her behalf every day. This community is their communities and feel valued and a model for what can be. My hope is that included. That would have been enough. every city will be inspired to find a concierge/ If only Mallory got a chance to go to Israel facilitator (outside of the family) to help on Birthright, where she felt safe and comJewish kids with special needs get connected. pletely comfortable discovering falafel, I know that it’s really hard to provide services praying at the Western Wall, and riding that will work for each individual, but just camels with people who allowed her to think of Mallory’s transformation when our be herself. That would have been enough. Jewish community gave the word birthright The report back to us after the trip: old meaning.

Jewish Summers

Matthew Cooper: Legal work in Israel

Matthew Cooper (back right) with fellow interns on Israel’s border.

“We stood on the Golan Heights overlooking Syrian towns listening to an Israeli, who lived on the Syrian border, talk about hen Matthew Cooper joined the Syrian civil war,” Cooper says. American and Israeli attorneys to A UVa Law School student, Cooper’s sue Iran on behalf of terror victims who focus is civil litigation. “I think it would were harmed by Iran for financial supbe exciting to work port to terrorist with attorneys from organizations, he all over the globe,” he certainly stepped says. “The legal issues up his summer. grow exponentially As a legal intern more complex at the for the Israeli One of my favorite international level and non-profit Shurat aspects of the require innovative HaDin, Cooper internship was talking legal strategies.” became actively “One of my favorite engaged with an to my fellow interns aspects of the internorganization that about religious beliefs ship was talking to my uses court sysfellow interns about tems around the and thoughts on Israel. religious beliefs and world to go on thoughts on Israel. the legal offensive Several of the interns against terrorist did not know much organizations and about Israel before the their financial internship and talking to them made me supporters. appreciate the special place Israel had in Beyond the intense legal work, my life as a Jew. It is a homeland for my Cooper gained a new perspective when people, and a place where I know I will he attended Israeli Supreme court and always be accepted. Many of the conIDF military court sessions. It gave him versations we had, while stuck in a tiny an eye-opening view of the Jewish state/ conference room, will stick with me long Middle East conflict from the front lines. after I return to law school.” Plus, he toured the country’s borders. Lisa Richmon


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jewish Summers

Jared Berklee and fellow BBYO Ambassadors bond in Italy Lisa Richmon



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ulane sophomore Jared Berklee traveled to Israel for the Alumni Leadership Seminar in Israel (ALSI). He went for training as a lead counselor in BBYO’s Perlman summer program. BBYO is the core influence in Berklee’s Jewish life. “I take pride in being a part of something both my grandparents fought for, in their own respective ways,” says Berklee. “For me, being Jewish isn’t prayer. It’s culture. I know I make them proud when I embrace my Judaism openly.” Before the trip to Israel, Berklee was one of four BBYO teen representatives invited to Florence, Italy to candidly talk to Federation leaders about BBYO as an organization, and his personal connection. “They asked questions relating to BBYO on a chapter, council, regional, and international level,” says Berklee. “There might be interest on their parts in strengthening BBYO’s presence in their communities.” “We went to Italy as BBYO role models,” says Berklee. “You look at us and see what


Tom Edwards


Medicare Welcome

1004 First Colonial Road, #102 • Virginia Beach, VA 23454 8 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

four years of BBYO looks like. The four ambassadors were chosen to participate in the conference and left Italy with a special bond. “BBYO is very popular in the U.S.,” says Berklee. “I’m a Reform Jew on the East coast who has been heavily involved for four years. They wanted to hear my story.”

Simon Family JCC Maccabi delegation excels in Detroit

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Jared Berklee (top right) at the Arno River by the Ponte Vecchio—oldest bridge across the Arno River– in Florence, Italy with other BBYO representatives.

aving the best week of their lives, the members of Team Virginia Beach represented the Simon Family JCC very well at the 2019 JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest in Detroit, Michigan, August 4-9. Beyond making many new friends from around the U.S. and the world, the #TeamVB members also earned four medals for their athleticism. Tal Zach, 15, earned two medals in swimming—a silver and a bronze. Tamir Zach, 12, and Tal’s brother, earned a bronze medal in soccer. Tamir also was bestowed a Midot medal as recognition of his selfless play on his soccer team, ideally evoking the values of Rachmanus for

the Maccabi Games. Lior Lehmann, 15, and her soccer team won a silver medal. Matthew Gross, 16, helped his basketball team finish fourth. Each Maccabi participant stayed with a host Jewish family in the Detroit area, and #TeamVB thinks they had the best families. During the day, every athlete and artist was directly involved in their sport or art with games or workshops. The evenings were filled with events, parties, food, games, entertainment, and lots of friends. In 2020, Team Virginia Beach will be heading to the JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest again, in either San Diego or New York. All Jewish teens. ages 12–17, continued on page 9

jewish Summers

Evan Roesen: First step toward a bright future Lisa Richmon


s u m m e r filled with firsts for Evan Roesen meant living in an apartment in Tel Aviv, working in an early-stage startup, and contributing to a marketing plan for Israeli, A mer ic a n, and European schools. Earlier in the summer, Roesen participated in Evan Roesen at the Center for Educational Technology, Israel’s largest educational publisher. Birthright Israel Israel was one of the best experiences through the University of Maryland. That I’ve ever had,” he says. “I learned valuable adventure included exploring the city and entrepreneur skills and got to experience surrounding areas, relaxing on a Tel Aviv a real work culture. beach, and following up on recs from “Before Israel, my dream job was to friends while foraging for great food. be Chief of Staff to the President,” says Roesen topped his summer abroad Roesen. “The internship didn’t change with an internship at KidiStartUp, a that, but it did teach me that I don’t want computer programming platform for eleto be stuck at a desk in a static job. I need mentary aged kids. “The internship, as to travel, move around and talk to people.” well as living and travelling throughout




Maccabi continued from page 8

are encouraged to become a part of the 2020 delegation.


Lunch Specials

For more information, contact Tom Edwards, M.S., Simon Family JCC athletics director, at 757-321-2308 or TEdwards@ SimonFamilyJCC. org.

2 COURSES for $15 MONDAY–SATURDAY | 11:00AM–2:30PM #TeamVB represented Virginia Beach and the Simon Family JCC at the 2019 Detroit JCC Maccabi Games & ArtsFest opening ceremonies: Tamir Zach, Tal Zach, Matthew Gross and Lior Lehman.




La Promenade Shoppes | 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach 757.491.1111 | | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 9


A lifetime of giving UJFT’s most senior donor, Bob Liverman

birthday with 50 friends and family at Imperial Palace on August 1, is the oldest contributor to the United Jewish sk anyone to describe Robert G. Federation of Tidewater. “Bob” Liverman, and it’s not long A few days earlier, on a steamy July before you’ll hear the word “mensch.” day in Virginia Beach, he talked at his “He’s always doing good things for home about his ongoing commitment to the Jewish people. He’s always been a the Jewish community—and to the commensch, a wonderful human being and munity at large. Jew,” says his great-nephew Kirk Levy. Typical of his modesty, Liverman sugLiverman, who celebrated his 101st gests that others in the area likely have contributed to the UJFT over a longer time. Then, he recalls that he started giving in the early ’50s when he moved from Boston, Mass. with his wife Marcella Marks (of blessed memory) to her home town of Roanoke Rapids in North Carolina. “I’d collect money from others in the local Jewish community there and send it up here,” he says. Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer presents Bob Liverman Prior to moving, with a City proclamation. Liverman earned the rank of captain serving in the Air Corps during World War II. “I sat behind a desk in the U.S. for four years. I was very fortunate,” he says. The couple then joined Marcella’s sister, Faye, to run her eponymously named upscale women’s clothing store. “Everyone knew Fannye’s. It was famous,” says Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg, Cantor Jennifer Rueben, and Bob Liverman. Prue Salasky


10 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

Liverman, who went on regular buying trips to New York. Customers, including the wives of governors and congressmen from Virginia and North Carolina, came from hundreds of miles around to shop by appointment. The trio ran the store until 1995, when the Virginian-Pilot marked its closing with a story headlined, Fond Farewell to a Fashion Mecca. In Roanoke Rapids, Liverman immersed himself in every aspect of community life—as a Mason, a Shriner, chair of a Red Cross chapter, and as volunteer chair of the housing authority among other endeavors. But most of all, he took the lead in the rural region’s Jewish life. The town had “three or four Jewish families, three were ours and then there was another,” says Liverman. His daughter Nancy Millstein recalls that their family, her aunt Fannye and grandmother Lena Liverman all lived on the same street as the shop, a few blocks apart. The Livermans joined with half a dozen families from nearby Weldon, along with scattered families from several other rural North Carolina communities, including Jackson, Henderson, and Emporia, to form a vibrant congregation and community. “It was a great place to grow up. Everyone knew your name and who you belonged to,” says Millstein. When the dozen or so families pitched in to build a synagogue, Temple Emanu-El, dedicated as a Conservative congregation in Weldon in 1954, Liverman chaired the building committee and hired architect Charles Leavitt to transform a private home. Membership grew to around 28 households, peaking in the 1980s; then the demographics changed and when there was no one left to conduct services, it closed in the late ‘90s, not long after Bob and Marcella retired to Virginia Beach. Leonard Rogoff, who detailed the community’s growth and decline in A History of Temple Emanu-El, (2007) described Liverman as “the catalyst” in bringing the community together.

Betty Hecht and Bob Liverman.

“We had services every Friday night, 52 weeks a year, but there was no rabbi. One of the elders conducted the services,” says Liverman, who like most of those in the North Carolina congregation grew up in the Orthodox tradition. Finding the services not to his liking, he learned to chant all the Conservative melodies on his own. Liverman then stepped up as a lay leader of the congregation, a position he held for 35 years. “I’m a Leo. It’s my natural instinct to be a leader. I have some leadership qualities, I suppose.” he muses. Liverman conducted funerals, unveilings, baby namings, annual community Seders for 50 to 100 people, and even the 1993 marriage of Sam and Bobbi Kittner. A resident of Washington D.C., the then30-year-old Kittner was determined to return to his native Weldon, “Mayberry for Jews,” to celebrate his marriage. He researched and found that anyone in the Jewish faith can marry people if they recite seven prayers, so asking Liverman to officiate was “a no-brainer,” he says. It became increasingly difficult to recruit visiting rabbis to lead High Holiday services, says Liverman, so Temple Emanu-El started to work with the UAHC (now URJ), the Reform organization. He highlighted two occasions from this time. One was when their student


tidewater rabbi officiant turned out to be none other than Jackie Mason, the comedian, fresh from working his routines in the Catskills. “Ours was the only congregation he ever served for the High Holidays. Everyone said he should have been a comedian,” Liverman quips. The other was when a last-minute cancellation left Liverman to lead the congregation on Yom Kippur. “I pored through the prayer book, I’m not that great a reader, but we had a beautiful Kol Nidre service. That was my main achievement,” he recalls. In addition to his temple involvement, Liverman rose through the ranks of B’nai B’rith to become president of the Rocky Mount Lodge, and then the North Carolina state chairman. “It’s a brotherhood to support things Jewish. They have a voice and represent a lot of people,” he says. Norfolk resident Bill Kittner, Sam’s uncle, who also grew up in Weldon, counted Liverman as his mentor. “He was a leader and a goodwill ambassador for the Jewish community. He did many mitzvahs,” he says. Together, they worked on many projects, including securing the move of the stained-glass windows from Temple Emanu-El to the chapel at the Beth Sholom Home in Virginia Beach, where they led the dedication procession in 2005. After closing Fannye’s, Bob and Marcella moved to Virginia Beach, where her family had always maintained a holiday home. Marcella, “a sweetheart” and the love of his life, passed away soon after, in 1997. At the time, they were not affiliated with a congregation, but having become friends with Rabbi Larry Forman of Ohef Sholom on a mission trip to Israel, Forman readily agreed to officiate at her funeral. Liverman joined the congregation immediately thereafter and is now a 20-year OST member, a long-serving board member, and currently an honorary director. As the oldest, he has the honor of adjourning official meetings. Rabbi Roz Mandelberg notes that he’s a regular at services and “extremely beloved.” In addition to attending services, twice-weekly yoga, a personal trainer, and a Monday night card game, Liverman maintains his community involvement


Holly Puritz, MD

Bob Liverman.

through regular contributions to the Religious Education Relief Fund and the Floral Fund at OST, along with a slew of other charities. “After years of giving, some people say, ‘we’ve done our part,’ but not Uncle Bob,” says his great-niece Amy Levy, who also happens to be president of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. “He represents something remarkable—that giving doesn’t have to end. His love of community has never waivered. “And, I know he’s proud to call himself a donor to our campaign,” says Levy. In all, several arts groups and more than 40 charitable organizations benefit from Liverman’s largesse each year. He particularly favors cancer research having lost both Marcella and his second wife, Anna Lee Vaughan, to the disease. “I attribute my long life to two beautiful women. Marriage was good to me. I had two happy ones,” he says, adding that he now enjoys the company of a wonderful lady friend, Betty Hecht. “He’s accustomed to being around women—in business and at home. He’s a romantic at heart. He loves to be in love,” says daughter Betty Moritz, who lives close by. Among Moritz’ favorite activities is sharing UNC-Chapel Hill basketball games with her father. After spending four decades and his working life in North Carolina, the Boston

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University alum and avid college sports fan is a self-described Tarheel. Liverman’s particularly proud of the scholarship his grandchildren established, with contributions from family and friends, for his 90th birthday, to support the attendance of two underprivileged boys from Roanoke Rapids at the university’s annual Roy Williams Basketball Camp. In all, Liverman has five grandchildren and 11 biological great-grandchildren. “They’re all very devoted and I love them all,” he says. While none live locally, he has regular contact with his daughters

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and his younger sister, Helene Bernstein (100 on August 20), who lives in the same building and serves him dinner every night. “It has been great celebrating. Now he’s working on his 102nd. He can’t believe he’s the oldest one contributing (to the UJFT). He’s very fortunate to be well enough, to have the means and still be caring,” says daughter Nancy Millstein. “He’s very charitable. We didn’t always have a lot, but we were taught to give of ourselves in community work. He’s the patriarch in every way.” A mensch indeed! | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 11

Gifts and Pledges for the 2018–2019 school year (Formerly Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center)

$50,000 and above Anonymous Celia K. Krichman* Charitable Trust The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

Mrs. Libbie Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Klebanoff S. L. Nusbaum Realty Company Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, PC

Cmdr. and Mrs. Paul Seeman Dr. and Mrs. William Simon Mr. Lawrence Steingold Virginia Wealth Management Group



Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Miller Tidewater Jewish Foundation United Way

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Benson Brith Sholom Center of Virginia, Inc. Ms. Pam Brossman Cape Construction Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Dozoretz Dozoretz Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Drory Mr. and Mrs. Martin Einhorn Mr. and Mrs. John Finguerra Frieden Wealth Management Mr. David Friedman on behalf of Arianna and Ava Dail Gold Key Resorts Ms. Wendy Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gordon Harbor Group Management Company Hercules Fence Dr. and Mrs. Abbey Horwitz Mr. and Mrs.* Lester Horwitz Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jaffe Dr. and Mrs. David Konikoff KPMG LLP Dr. Sarah Laibstain and Dr. Matthew Tice Ledic Management Group, LLC Mr. David Leon and Dr. Lisa Finkel-Leon Mr. and Mrs. Miles Leon Ms. Joan K. London Dr. and Mrs. Noah Matilsky Rabbi and Mrs. Hakan Menda Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore National Disaster Solutions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. James Nocito Mrs. Ann Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reed Ruth’s Chris Steak House Mrs. Annabel Sacks in honor of her grandchildren

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Abrams Alan and Esther Fleder Foundation Mr. and Mrs.* Avraham Ashkenazi Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bangel Mr. and Mrs. Burt Barr Bay Disposal Inc. Ms. Beth Berman and Mr. Daniel Griff Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia Mr. and Mrs. David Brand Cape Henry Collegiate Mr. and Mrs. David Cardon Copy-Fax Equity Title Company LLC Everclear Eyes, P.C. Faggert & Frieden P.C. Ms. Janet Jenkins Jewish Family Service Jormandy LLC Miss Jennifer Josephberg Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kantor Mrs. Adel Kruger Dr. and Mrs. Robert Laibstain Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lombart Monarch Properties, Inc. Optima Health Palms Associates—Mr. and Mrs. Britt Simon Partners in Construction PAYDAY Payroll Services Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Peck Poole Brooke Plumlee PC Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rosenbach Dr. Richard Rosenblum and Ms. Gabrielle Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Segal Mr. Rand Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sifen

$10,000–$19,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jon Becker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copeland Givens Group, Inc.— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reed Mr. Daniel Gordon Mr. Mark Gordon Mr. Raymond Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kramer

$5,000–$9,999 The Armond and Rose Caplan* Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gordon Dr. Denny Jenkins and Dr. Leanelle Goldstein Mr. Howard Joffe Jones Lang LaSalle Americas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Josephberg Krug Foundation Mr. Arnold Leon The Leon Familes Mr. Steven B. Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Peter Segaloff Southern Bank Mr. and Mrs. Ron Spindel TowneBank

$2,500–$4,999 Dr. Leigh Baltuch (on behalf of Howard and Alma Laderberg* Restricted Fund and Herbert L. Weinberg* Endowment Fund) Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bangel Charles Barker Toyota Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Friedberg Mr. and Mrs. John Strelitz

12 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |


Mr. and Mrs. Scott Singor Stein Investvest Company, LLC The Givens Foundation Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management

$100–$499 Dr. Jason Alper and Dr. Jennifer Rush Ms. Valerie Alston Altmeyer Funeral Home Anonymous (2) Rabbi and Mrs. Jeffrey Arnowitz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Auerbach Major and Mrs. Donald Bailey Mrs. Clay Barr Mrs. Marlene Bass Beach Eye Care Mr. Andrew Bernstein Lt. Col. and Mrs. Charles Bernstein Dr. Robert Bernstein and Ms. Lisa Ehrich Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blumenthal B’nai Israel Congregation Ms. Fran Breit Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brooke Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Buxbaum Ms. Stephanie Calliott and Mr. Don London CB Richard Ellis Congregation Beth El Mr. Sam Crawford and Ms. Linda Maxwell Creative Images CTMI, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Rad Davenport Eastern Virginia Orthodontics—Drs. Shivar, Peluso, and Andersen Mr. Frankie Edmondson— City of Portsmouth Dr. Edwin Epstein Eric Joffe Construction Corp. Ervin Architectural Products FACTS Management Co. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fleishman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foleck Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frieden Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frieden Mr. Barry Friedman and Ms. Linda Peck Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Friedman Ms. Jasmine Gilad Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glasser Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glickman Dr. and Mrs. Norman Goldin Mr. and Mrs. Allen Goldstein Ms. Jill Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Erik Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Thor Gormley Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graber Mr. Mitchell Greenberg and Ms. Judith Shapiro Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Gross Mrs. Shirley Schulwolf Hainer Ms. Daura Hamlin Mr. Maury Handel H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Heben Ms. Zena Herod Mrs. Evelyn Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hoffman Mr. Marty Hollander and Dr. Caryn Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horwitz Mr. and Mrs. A. J. L. Huns Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Hurwitz Dr. Daniel Isaacman and Ms. Francine Kohen Mrs. Connie Jacobson Dr. and Mrs. Alan Jaffe Mrs. Irene Janow Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jason Mr. and Mrs. Eric Joffe Mr. David Kamer and Dr. Marcia Samuels Dr. and Mrs. Arnie Kaplan Dr. Ivor Kaplan and Dr. Susan Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kaplan

Mrs. Sylvia Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kass Ms. Gertrude Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kenyon Ms. Arielle Klebanoff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kline KMG Prestige, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Krell Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Laibstain Larrymore Foundation Dr. Darryl L. Lefcoe Mr. Jay Legum Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leiderman Rabbi and Mrs. Gershon Litt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Littman Mr. John Lomogda and Ms. Julie Blumenthal Dr. Bruce Longman Dr. Michael Matilsky and Dr. Merna Matilsky Ms. Cheryl McAuley and Mr. Jimmy Cox Mid-Atlantic Dermatology Center, PC— Dr. Michael Gross Mrs. Tanya Miller Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc. No Frill Bar and Grill (Spotswoods Food) Mr. Jason Ohana and Dr. Alison Ohana Mr. and Mrs. Roy Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Lorence Osmunson III Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Perlman Ms. S. Perlman Principal Financial Group Rashkind Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis Richman Mr. Mark Robbins and Ms. Nancy Bangel Ms. Jamie Rosenbach Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rosenbach The Honorable and Mrs. Michael Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rossen Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Sarfan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saunders Ms. Lynn Schoenbaum Dr. Alfred Schulwolf Dr. and Mrs. Eric Schwartzman Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Shapiro Silverman’s Furs Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Simon Siska/Aurand Landscape Architects, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Skolnik S. L. Nusbaum Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie Slone Mr. Michael Smith Ms. Bonnie Sterling Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Sternlicht Mr. and Mrs. Burle Stromberg Ms. Maureen Sullivan TechArk Solutions, LLC The HAT Fifth Grade Class of 2018–2019 The Spindel Agency Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Trub Mr. Harry L. Truslow and Ms. Kathy Manning UBS Financial Services Inc. Mr. Utomwen Udaughan W. C. Goldberg & Company, PC Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wall Harry & Miriam Weisberg* Family Restricted Fund Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Williams Mullen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zelenka

Up to $99 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Abernathy Ms. Arinola Adesuyi Mr. and Mrs. Larry Adler Mr. and Mrs. Todd Aftel Ms. Shayla Allen Mr.* and Mrs. Bernard Alper Mrs. Anne Anglen Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Alan Arnowitz Ms. Michelle Barnes and Mr. Walter Demmerle Ms. Suzanne Barr Mr. and Mrs. John Baugh Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bazar Ms. Zohar Ben Moshe Mrs. Frances Berger Ms. Tiala Blocker

Rabbi and Mrs. Levi Brashevitzky Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brenner Ms. Linda Bridges Ms. Elyssa Brinn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brooke Ms. Susan Buxbaum Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Brian Carnazza Ms. Monica Casallas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cohen Ms. Courtney Colbert Ms. Melanie Columbus Ms. Tanya Conley Mr. John Crank Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dail Dr. and Mrs. Scott Debb Mr. and Mrs. Rich DeLeo Mrs. Hilde Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dorsk Mr. Joseph Drory Mr. James Eilberg and Dr. Susan Eilberg Ms. Rachel Ellenson Ms. Catherine Elmore Dr. and Mrs. Al Finkel Dr. Eric Friedman and Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman Mr. Len Futerman and Ms. Ilene Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gamboa Mrs. Ruth Gans Mr. and Mrs. Amitai Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gladstein Mrs. Mickey Glick Mrs. Elaine Goldmeier Mr. and Mrs. Damian Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grant Dr. and Mrs. Mark Greenspan Ms. Jennifer Griffin Mr. Michael Griffin and Ms. Laurel Stairs Ms. Greta Gustavson Ms. Cristina Guzman Ms. Jameisha Harris Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hubbs Ms. Jennifer Ivy Ms. Eliza Joseph Mr. and Mrs. William Kass Ms. Maryanne Katz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerzner Ms. Michelle Kingsland Mrs. Lillian Kozak Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kraly Mrs. Clare Krell

Ms. Leeraz Kremisi Ms. Deborah Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. David B. Laibstain Ms. Jacquie Lam Mr. and Mrs. Brad Lazernick Mr. Adam Leiderman Ms. Pauline Levin Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Levitin Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Levitt Mrs. Ellie Lipkin Mr. and Mrs. Sheal Lisner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Logan Ms. Khari Lomax Mr. and Mrs. Burke Margulies Mrs. Alexandra Marlins Ms. Elsie Martin Ms. Martina Martin Ms. Marjorie Marx Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mayer Mrs. Cilda Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miles Mrs. Marlene Miller Ms. Phyllis Minsberg Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Mize Ms. Nicole Mones Ms. Deborah Moye Mr. and Mrs. Yale Nesson Network For Good Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Newman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nossen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Gary Osmundson Ms. Alicia Pahl-Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Jayme Pastoric Mr. Jonathan H. Peck Ms. Rhona E. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peck Mr. and Mrs. Michael Podsakoff Mrs. Ellie Porter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Prate Mr. and Mrs. Mark Prock Mr. and Mrs. M. David Prosner Mr. and Mrs. Ace Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rhone, Sr. Ms. Lavette Ricks Mr. and Mrs. David Rippard Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rodriguez Mrs. Eilene Rosenblum Rabbi Jeremy Ruberg Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Ricarde Samonte

Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scaliatine Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schechner Ms. Maggie Schneider Miss Isabel Seeman Mr. Guy Seiderman and Mrs. Orit Amar Seiderman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shames Mr. and Mrs. Jason Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Simon Ms. Arleen Sobel Mr. Mark Solberg Dr. and Mrs. Adam Specht Dr. Patricia Speer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Straub Mrs. Lily Stromberg Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tabakin Ms. Maureen Tamares Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tatterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turok Ms. Lori Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Waldman Ms. Beverly Ward Ms. Judith Warner Mr. and Mrs. Jay Warren Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Werby Ms. Robyn Wiggins Ms. Christina Wilkes Ms. Chrystal Willis Ms. Sylvia Wilson Ms. Becky Winstead-Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wood Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wyatt Ms. Xunyun Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Ari Zito Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zito

ENDOWMENTS Harry & Sylvia Belkov* Memorial Scholarship Fund Leon & Florence Berlin* Memorial Fund William* and Carole Bernstein EZRA Annuity Abraham and Malka Bornstein* Memorial Fund Julian Colby* Memorial Unrestricted Fund Bessie Dozoretz* Scholarship Fund Ronald Dozoretz Scholarship Fund Rosa K. Frieden* Memorial Unrestricted Fund Tavia and Freda Gordon* Scholarship Fund HAT Supporting Unrestricted Fund Hebrew Academy Scholarship Fund

The Lester & Barbara* Horwitz Restricted Fund Leola Banks Jaffe* Unrestricted Fund of HAT Carl J* & Juliet A. Katz Unrestricted Fund Barry and Reatha Kantor Scholarship Fund of HAT Alene Jo Kaufman Endowment Fund Klebanoff Family Philanthropic Fund Kramer Family JFN/PEJE Fund Celia Krichman* Unrestricted Fund Selma and Leon Leach* Restricted Scholarship Fund The Lorna Legum Rising Star Award Fund Jeff & Elayne Littman Philanthropic Fund James London* Athletic and Outdoor Program Marguerite Marx* Jewish History Collection Ada R. Michaels* Faculty Development Restricted Fund Reba and Samuel Sandler* Memorial Fund of HAT Lonny & Terri Sarfan Philanthropic Fund Segaloff Family JFN/PEJE Fund Sarah and Samuel Sonnenberg* Memorial Fund Harold and Reva Sprung* Technology Endowment Celia Stern* Fund of HAT Solomon and Sylvia Yavner* Fund The Mel Bass*, Debbie Bass Sadoff*, & Richard Bass* Memorial Restricted Fund The Teachers’ Endowment Fund The Zena Herod Endowment Fund

GIFTS IN KIND Aldo’s Ristorante Allegra/Image 360 Balance Therapeutic Massage Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bangel Boyer’s Diamonds Charles Barker Automotive— Nathan Drory Colley Pharmacy Commodore Theatre CopyFax Croc’s Cure Coffeehouse Dick’s Sporting Goods Edible Arrangements— Tammy & Anthony Rivera

Either Ore Jewelers Fellini’s Fink’s Jewelers Flo Pilates Frances Kahn Garden Gazebo Gary Allen Hair & Skin Care Golf Galaxy Golf Headquarters Zena Herod Hot House Yoga Il Giardino It’s Sugar Jake’s Place Jody G. Jody’s Gourmet Popcorn Jungle Golf Cindy Kramer Mary’s Nail-tique Shaina Ettel Menda Men’s Warehouse Monkee’s of Virginia Beach Natural Nails Nauticus No Frill Bar & Grill Norfolk Tides NYFO Ocean Breeze Waterpark Princess Anne Country Club Quality Shop Risa Rinehart/Alex Garrow Studio Ruth’s Chris Steak House Saladworks Steinhilbers Studio Bamboo The Globe The Lemon Cabana The Norfolk Admirals The Route 58 Deli The Royal Chocolate The Sandler Center The Skin Ranch & Trade Company The Skinny Dip The Spa & Laser Center Tidewater Drive Storage Center LLC Tini’s Todd Rosenlieb Dance Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Tupelo Honey United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Virginia Aquarium Virginia Stage Company Virginia Symphony Orchestra Windsor Antiques Zushi Japanese Bistro

Todah Rabah! Thank you for investing in the Global leaders of tomorrow! | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 13

Ruth’s Life Said a Lot About Her


Americans don’t know much about Judaism but love the Jews, survey says

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(JTA)—U.S. Jews know more about religion in general than their non-Jewish neighbors, a new survey shows. Americans who are not Jewish, meanwhile, don’t know a lot about Judaism. But they like Jews more than any other religious group. And they think there are more Jews in the country than there actually are. The more non-Jews know about Jews, the more they like them. The data comes out of a new survey on what Americans know about religion published Tuesday, July 23 by the Pew Research Center. The survey asked a group of diverse Americans a set of 32 questions about religion, ranging from knowledge of the Bible and Christianity to knowledge of Judaism and other religions. Ten of the questions related to Judaism in some way: four asked directly about Jewish history, practice and texts; five were about the Hebrew Bible; and one was about the size of America’s Jewish population. The survey was conducted Feb. 4-19 and included a total of nearly 11,000 respondents. The margin of error for the whole group was 1.5 percent. The margin of error for the Jewish sample was 8.6 percent. Here are three takeaways from the survey. Americans don’t know a lot about Judaism. Out of four questions on Judaism, non-Jewish Americans got a dismal score: They averaged less than one out of four correct. Besides Jews themselves, atheists did the best on the Jewish questions, averaging 1.3 correct answers. None of the questions on Judaism received a majority of correct answers: • 29 percent of respondents knew that the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) begins on Friday night. • 27 percent knew Kabbalah (Jewish

14 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

mysticism) was associated with Judaism. • 24 percent knew that Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. • 13 percent knew Maimonides was a Jewish scholar. Older Americans did better on all of these questions than the youth. Forty percent of those 65 and older, for example, knew that the Jewish Sabbath begins on Friday night, compared to 18 percent of respondents aged 18 to 29. Jews did much better on these questions than non-Jews, averaging 3.1 correct out of four. Nearly 90 percent knew that Shabbat begins on Friday night, almost 80 percent knew Kabbalah is Jewish, 82 percent knew Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and 58 percent knew that Maimonides was Jewish. Americans as a whole also didn’t know how many Jews live in the country. Fewer than one in five knew that Jews are less than 5 percent of Americans. A quarter thought Jews were more than 5 percent of Americans, and the rest of the respondents didn’t know. But Jews know a lot about religion. Jews didn’t only outscore their non-Jewish counterparts when it came to Jewish knowledge. They outscored everyone when it came to general religious knowledge, too. Besides the questions on Jewish practice, history and text, seven questions were about Christianity, nine were about the Bible, including the New Testament, nine were about “world religions,” two were about atheism and agnosticism, and two were about religion in the United States. Jews were the only religiously affiliated group to get a majority of the questions right. On average, Jews got 18.7 questions right out of 32, as opposed to a national average of 14.2. Atheists and agnostics also got a majority of questions right, but the closest religiously affiliated group was evangelical

Christians, who got an average of 15.5 correct. Jews scored highest, the survey said, “even after controlling for levels of education and other key demographic characteristics such as race, age and gender.” Jews also scored high on world religions and on knowledge of atheism and agnosticism. Ninety percent, for example, knew that atheists don’t believe in God. More than 85 percent knew that Ramadan is an Islamic holy month and that Mecca is an Islamic holy city. They were above average when it came to knowledge of the Bible (including the New Testament) and knowledge of Christianity. On the question of who saved the Jews from murder by appealing to the king (an occasion marked by the Jewish holiday of Purim), 66 percent of Jews correctly responded “Esther,” as opposed to 28 percent of Americans as a whole. The more Americans know Jews, the more they like them. As other surveys have shown, Americans tend to have warm feelings toward Jews. Asked to rate religious groups on a thermometer scale, from 1 to 100, Jews got an average rating of 63, the highest of any group. Forty-one percent rated Jews at 67 or higher, while 8 percent rated Jews 33 or lower. Atheists and Muslims scored lowest, both with an average thermometer score of 49. The more Americans knew about religion in general, and Judaism in particular, the more they liked Jews. Those who answered 25 or more questions correctly, for example, gave Jews an average rating of 70. And those who know Jews personally also rated them higher. The respondents who know Jews gave Jews an average rating of 66, versus 56 from those who do not know any Jews.

e m o H Supplement to Jewish News September 2, 2019 | September 2, 2019 | Home | Jewish News | 15

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16 | Jewish News | Home | September 2, 2019 |


Rethink the idea of retirement.

Home Dear Readers,


n some homes, art sits center stage, which is why we’ve made it the focus of this section. Elyse and David Cardon’s Virginia Beach home, for example, is all about expression—

art, fun, function, music, entertainment, and love. Their story is on page 18. Artists Jodie Frieden, Abbie Korman, Ivor Kaplan, and David Cardon fill their homes with their work, some of which is showcased on pages 20 and 21. One of Jodie Frieden’s pieces is this section’s cover. Of course, there’s more to most homes than art…security, mortgages, and recipes are all important and crucial ingredients. You’ll find articles about each within these pages. After reading this issue, perhaps you’ll be inspired to take an art class or change your password (page 22) or bake a cake (25) or improve just a portion of your living space. Or, not. Thanks for reading,

Terri Denison Editor

Saturday, Sept. 21 | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Greer Environmental Sciences Center, Virginia Wesleyan University Meet representatives from VAIS-affiliated independent schools in Hampton Roads offering infant through Grade 12 education and gain a better sense for the ones that will provide a place for your child to thrive. Featuring FREE workshops on helping your child enjoy a healthy life and investing in your child’s education. • Chesapeake Bay Academy • Christopher Academy • Friends School • Strelitz International Academy • Nansemond-Suffolk Academy

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A Bluebird on Laderberg Lane at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus enjoys the birdhouse installed just for Bluebirds.



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“Comfort & Challenge: The Key to Healthy Stress”

“How to Invest in Your Child’s Education from Independent School to College” | September 2, 2019 | Home | Jewish News | 17

Home Cardon 6: Creativity, uninterrupted Lisa Richmon

“My life is a journey of blessings. I am always growing through openminded, whole-hearted living and am grateful to have the freedom to express love without fear.” —Elyse Tapper Cardon


lyse and David Cardon’s home life is a visual reflection of their love of each other and their love of artistic freedom. They’ve created spaces in their home for both intimate and large gatherings, as well as for flow of creative expression. “I need lots of light and sacred spaces to allow, not only myself, but my entire family to surrender to the moment—to experience whatever form of expression one needs that day—be it music or song, visual art, writing, or meditation and prayer. It could be a corner of a room with twinkle lights or a special spot under a tree. If it sounds a bit whimsical, then I’ve achieved my design goal,” Elyse says. The Cardon’s unique home, affectionately nicknamed ‘Chez Cardon,’ by friends, is one of the few remaining historic houses in Virginia Beach (circa 1885), and the Cardons are only the fourth owners. When they bought this gem 12 years ago, the cozy 50’s-style kitchen had a faded black and white checkered linoleum floor, a tiny, single oven (it could not even fit a regular sized cookie sheet), and red-painted cabinetry with stainless steel counters. It was only a matter of time before the Cardons would transform the space into their dream kitchen. Taking notice time and time again, that no matter the size and space of the house, people tended to gravitate to the kitchen, making an expansion was in order. Three years later, the kitchen was gutted and nearly doubled in size. “The U-shaped banquette, surrounded by windows, with two separate tables rather than one, allows us to have flexible seating options. We’ve had up to 14 people comfortably gather at one time,” says David. The Cardons recycled the kitchen cabinets in another room and feel strongly about preserving the original elements. “Our home is a synthesis between old and new,” says David.

“My desire is to bring this house into the next century of her life, adorning her with modern art and modern efficiencies, all while being true to her classic, timeless charm,” adds Elyse. Elyse’s signature eclectic style aligns with the diverse roles she’s played so far in life. She is a wife of 20 years, a mother of four (Bella, Sylvie, Avi and Flora), a professional dancer, teacher, Pilates instructor, professional photographer, writer, entrepreneur and community activist—and who knows what’s next…. “So I guess that makes me an artist…. I love the freedom of mixing it up, creating a vibe of modern life infused with history and tradition. It shows up in my fashion choices, my home and even my mix of friends.” “I truly wake up every day and am awed at what I see in nature,” says Elyse. “Some days feel bold like neon, some serene pastel and some black, white and gray. One is not better than the other to me. My wish is for everyone to see what I see, but of course, in their own way. I feel so much gratitude when I open my eyes every morning, and I’ve learned to embrace my free-spirit to meet each new day with curiosity.” David, an attorney of 23 years, has always considered himself an artist and musician. He was a fine-arts minor in college and much of his pottery is on display at his office. “We both applaud our kids’ creativity,” says David. “Just last week, Sylvie (13) wanted to decorate some plastic storage boxes and after discussing what type of marker to use, we encouraged her to do it. We know that might not be the norm,” says Elyse. Elyse feels being Jewish and an artist just go together. “The Jewish people as a whole seem to appreciate and lean into the fact that freedom of expression and creativity is a necessity—a part of life

18 | Jewish News | Home | September 2, 2019 |

Sylvie Cardon studies in the kitchen.

Hosts of a Bat Mitzvah brunch in the Cardons’ kitchen: Jan Konikoff, Stacie Caplan, Rachel Abrams, Elyse Tapper Cardon, Alicia Friedman, and Ashley Zittrain.

corresponding to Jewish values.” She often journals about our divine creativity. “I believe everyone is a creative soul. One does not need an easel to be creative. I hear so many say they don’t have a creative bone in their body. Many people have a stigma around that word. Every time I hear this, I know that they are likely uncomfortable connecting to their higher self. I try to point out all the

ways they are creative already.” Love struck Elyse and David more than 20 years ago when Elyse was in Virginia Beach for a temporary visit. It was a time when her father F. Bruce Tapper’s (of blessed memory) sudden death was still very raw. David, a then young attorney, stopped to say hello to Elyse’s mother Susan Tapper, the long-time librarian at Hebrew

Home Academy of Tidewater on Thompkins Lane. He was attending a meeting at HAT as co-chair of UJFT’s Super Sunday Campaign. David and Elyse are both HAT alum, one year apart. Wanting to reconnect with his old schoolmate Elyse, David asked Susan for Elyse’s number. Initially, Susan deflected his request, following strict orders from her single daughter NOT to give her phone number to anyone, ‘because of all the yentas in town trying to hook up a single female in her 20s with any single Jewish male that stepped foot in Hampton Roads.’ David persisted. Motion granted. “I heard his voice on the phone saying who he was and inquiring how I was doing,” says Elyse. “I can honestly say, he had me at a “hello!”” It wasn’t long before they went on their first date, and the rest is history. In addition to current creative pursuits in the dance community, Elyse volunteers on the Holocaust Commission, serves on the board of the Benjamin Goldberg Foundation and is chair of the Hampton Roads Advisory Council for the Richmond Ballet/State Ballet of Virginia. David has his own law practice, Cardon Law, and serves on the board of Strelitz


International Academy as president-elect. He also sings in the Beth El Congregation choir and plays guitar at Beth El’s Shabbat unplugged. The Cardons were among the four founding members of Tidewater Couples Project. Nathan Segal, now married to Elyse’s mother Susan Tapper Segal, says, “Elyse embraces the best of new trends and incorporates them effortlessly with traditional items passed through the family.” Take the monogramed glassware passed down from her grandmother. “They are from my father’s mother, Nana Jane.” Elyse explains. “I absolutely love using them for wine, water—every day and fancy. I was in fourth grade when she passed.” Elyse commissioned local artist and designer Cindy Pennybacker to co-create Elyse’s blessing for their home. “I love Cindy’s ‘let’s see what today brings’ attitude when she approaches a project. That’s why I knew we could collaborate on this piece of meaningful art.” Down the road, Elyse has a vision for a separate studio, but as of now, it is just a dream. What does her dream look like? “We will have a place to try anything,” Elyse says. “Nothing will be too messy, or too loud or off limits. David can play guitar whenever he wants. I can garden, paint or write…maybe we will even build a kiln and get back into pottery.”

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Art at home


or some people, art is décor—either purchased at an art show or gallery or chosen by an interior designer. For others, though, art is personal because it is their own creation. Jewish News spoke with several area artists to learn a little about their work, which isn’t for sale, by the way.

Abbie Korman

Jodie Frieden


odie Frieden, sculptor, a Norfolk native and Virginia Beach resident, is married to Jack and has two daughters.


hotographer Abbie Korman is a Norfolk native and resident of Virginia Beach. She is married to Rob and has two sons.

My favorite photograph is the abandoned house. I’m intrigued by the Japanese philosophy of Wabi Sabi…that everything is impermanent, imperfect, and incomplete …and I enjoy reflecting it in the photos I make. I don’t know if it’s anything that is special about my process, but when I see something that draws me in like this house I spend some time getting a sense of the whole environment before I pick up my camera. Most of the time the print is not the final product anymore. I discovered the photo transfer process (left) about six years ago and now transfer images onto other surfaces…tile, wood, fabric, and watercolor paper. It’s all done by hand, not computer. Sometimes, I enhance images with paint, pencils and pastels.

20 | Jewish News | Home | September 2, 2019 |

As illogical as it seems, when I am sculpting I move into another dimension of time and space. It is the medium of clay that grounds me. I love all the feelings that sculpting allows me to experience—the energy and excitement of being inspired, the intensity, as well as the tranquility of creating, and the satisfaction and even the sadness from a work’s completion. My sculptures speak to me and for me, emerging with a passion from my most authentic self. I’ve been a perpetual student at MOCA for 25 years.

Home Ivor Kaplan

David Cardon



This is how I relax. I love trying to change 2D to 3D in any medium that is not limited by need for blood supply (as is a requirement in plastic surgery). Most of my work is Plastikos (from Greek word moldable or malleable, which reshapes flesh and is the basis for plastic surgery.) Portraits were painted several years ago; one is my younger sister, the other is my Dad. I try to paint using strong light and shade “chiaroscuro.”

I love to create a piece of pottery and then use a carving tool to really add character and design. I don’t always have a clear idea when I start a piece where it will end up. The piece with the crystal on top started off as a hand reaching out of the ground on a forearm. As I built it up, I changed my mind and made it more of an abstract standing figure with a neck and a relaxed posture.

native of South Africa, long-time resident of Norfolk, and a plastic surgeon, Ivor Kaplan is married to Susan and has three sons. His art takes myriad shapes in various mediums.

avid Cardon, a Tidewater native, lives in Virgina Beach with his wife Elyse and four chuldren. (see page 18). | September 2, 2019 | Home | Jewish News | 21

Home 10 cyber security smart home tips from Ben-Gurion University


rom laptop computers to off-the-shelf devices, the cyber vulnerabilities keep multiplying as homes and offices incorporate more internet-connected devices. According to cyber researchers at BenGurion University of the Negev, it’s always an excellent time to make a few simple changes that will result in a far greater level of safety and security. “There’s a wide range of steps consumers can easily take, though some require a bit more focus or technical prowess,” says Dr. Yossi Oren, a senior lecturer in BGU’s Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering and head of the Implementation Security and Side-Channel Attacks Lab at Cyber@BGU. “In previous research we found that internet-connected devices such as baby monitors, home security cameras, doorbells, and thermostats were easily hacked by our researchers. Password protection and updated devices

are just as important in a smart home as they are on a computer or mobile phone.

BGU’s Tips for Product Security With the goal of making consumers smarter about smart homes, BGU researchers offer a number of tips to keep families and their IoT devices more secure: 1. Never use the same password on multiple websites or online services. Both Apple and Google offer free password managers that can take care of your passwords for you, and even automatically suggest strong passwords that are hard to crack. 2. Turn on “two-factor authentication” to prevent hackers who’ve stolen your password from logging into your Facebook or Google account. Two-factor authentication sends a text message with a login code to your phone to verify it’s you. 3. On the heels of the recent Facebook hack, in addition to changing your

password, use the Facebook settings screen to review the list of apps and websites which you granted access to your data. Remove any apps or websites you don’t recognize and trust. 4. Don’t fall prey to clever phishing scams that ask for payment and indicate they have an old password that you recognize. It was likely bought on the illegal “dark web.” 5. Do cover your computer camera with tape or use a specially made camera cover to prevent prying eyes. 6. Buy IoT devices (cameras, baby monitors, etc.) only from reputable manufacturers and vendors. Change the admin password as soon as you can connect it. Annually check for security updates which you download. 7. Avoid used IoT devices like routers or cameras. They could already have malware installed.

8. Call your internet service provider and request an updated router. Many are years old and don’t have the latest security updates. Change the WiFi password on your home router. 9. Automatically back up your data— pictures, contacts, and documents. If a computer is compromised, it may be easier to just reformat it than to find the malware, and it will allow your devices to function better. 10. Evaluate your family’s cyber health. While you yourself may be relatively cyber safe, make sure others in your family, like an elderly parent or teenager, are taking similar precautions. “In only an hour or two, most of these steps can be accomplished, saving you significant headaches, serious theft and the loss of privacy or priceless data,” Dr. Oren says.


Domes Annual Music Matters Event October 10, 2019 | 6-10pm Great friends, great music, great food, great fun! Demonstrations of incredible audio gear by the manufacturers’ representatives. Drawings for FREE prizes.

724 First Colonial Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23451 • Open Mon. – Sat. | 10:00am – 6:00pm 22 | Jewish News | Home | September 2, 2019 |

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Home Ready to act? VHDA offers $8K Homeownership Grant for educators and first responders Shikma Rubin


ducators and first responders who want to buy a house in 2019 and would also like to save $8,000 in the process, might consider contacting the Virginia Housing Shikma Rubin Development Authority (VHDA) about an opportunity. As of May 2019, the VHDA, a not-forprofit organization that helps Virginians attain quality affordable housing, announced a new grant program on a first-come, first-served basis. Through a partnership with the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) of Atlanta called the Community Heroes Grant Initiative, VHDA plans to distribute 125 individual grants of $8,000 each for a grand total of $1,000,000. These grants will be available to eligible community heroes throughout the Commonwealth who make more money than the guidelines set forth in most down payment assistance programs. Only first-time homebuyers qualify for the grant. That means the purchaser cannot have owned and occupied a primary residence in the last three years. Buyers must also be a public school educator or first responder as defined in the descriptions below. Educator: An employee of an accredited or state-recognized or public school; a certified teacher or administrator in an education public school; or an employee of a post-secondary level public educational institution; or has retired as one of the above as may be determined by VHDA at their sole discretion. First Responder: An employee of a law enforcement agency or the fire department administered by a federal, state, or local government, or sworn law enforcement officer responsible for crime prevention

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and detection, or criminal incarceration; or a sworn member of a fire department involved in fire suppression or prevention, emergency medical response, hazardous materials incident response, or management/response to terrorism; or any other first responder, such as an emergency medical technician or National Guard or Reservist; or has retired as one of the above as may be determined by VHDA at their sole discretion. For the $8,000 grant, buyers must meet minimum and maximum household income limits. For example, a household of two in Hampton Roads needs to make $54,201–$81,300 annually. The income limits are based on household size and vary depending on the location of the property being purchased. In addition, buyers are required to work with a mortgage company that is part of the FHLBank Atlanta member network and is also approved to offer VHDA loan programs. The grant is only applicable for FHA and Fannie Mae conventional loans through VHDA. The borrower must have one percent of the sales price into the transaction from their own funds (or other allowable sources). The grant cannot be combined with other VHDA grants, but in some cases may be combined with other grants. Finally, the Community Heroes grant is considered a gift and not a lien against the property. That means there’s no requirement to repay the money. VHDA offers a variety of ways to save money on the purchase of a home. As for the $8,000 Community Heroes grant program, remember it’s on a first-come, first-served basis. For a list of participating lenders, contact VHDA. Shikma Rubin is a loan officer at Tidewater Home Funding in Chesapeake (NMLS #1114873). She enjoys the chance to lead workshops and webinars on how to buy a home in 2019. She may be reached at srubin@ or 757-490-4726.

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Are you a Jewish teen who wants to go to Israel?

Israeli Couscous Pilaf: A toasty, fragrant and fresh side dish This recipe originally appeared on The Nosher Lynda Balslev


sraeli couscous, known in Israel as ptitim, which means “flakes” in Hebrew, is a pearl-shaped, pasta-like product with a delicious toasted wheat flavor. It was invented in Israel’s early years as an inexpensive starch that was more affordable than pricey rice. Nowadays it’s a nostalgic comfort food in the Israeli kitchen, but has also grown in popularity abroad and among chefs in the past 30 years. It’s easily found in the U.S., where it’s marketed as Israeli or pearl couscous.

Ingredients 1¼ cups chicken stock ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom pinch of ground cinnamon generous pinch saffron threads 1 tablespoon olive oil

In this recipe, I’ve paired Israeli couscous with warm spices, fresh mint, currants and toasted pine

nuts for a textural, flavorsome dish. It’s an easily adaptable side that’s suited to any occasion. Make sure to check out the surprising history of Israeli couscous.

¼ cup finely chopped yellow onion 1 cup Israeli couscous 2 tablespoons pine nuts, toasted 2 tablespoons currants 2 tablespoons finely chopped mint

Directions 1. Combine the stock, salt, cardamom, cinnamon and saffron in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat.

Apply at from October 1 – November 15. Tidewater Jewish Foundation can help fund the trip through the Simon Family Passport to Israel Fund! - Grants are available for students age 13 to 18, traveling to Israel on an organized and staffed peer trip. - Trips will be funded up to 50% of the eligible expenses.

For more information, contact Ann Swindell | (757) 965-6106

24 | Jewish News | Home | September 2, 2019 |

2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté until softened without coloring, about 2 minutes. Add the couscous and cook, stirring, until lightly toasted, about 1 minute. 3. Carefully add the stock to the pan and stir to combine. Cover the pan and simmer over medium-low heat until the liquid has been absorbed and the couscous is tender, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, remove the lid and fluff the couscous with a fork. Lay a clean dish towel over the pan, without touching the couscous, and place the lid over the towel. Let stand for 5 minutes to allow the towel to absorb the steam. 4. Stir in the pine nuts, currants and mint. Serve warm or at room temperature. Serves 3–4 as a side.


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Guests stopping by for coffee? Serve this classic marble pound cake recipe. This recipe originally appeared on The Nosher. Leanne Shor


wo defining characteristics of Israeli culture are hospitality and spontaneity. Put those together and you end up with a lot of guests that just pop by for coffee and cake. As a host, you’d typically offer tea or coffee along with some kind of cake or cookie, either homemade or store-bought. Growing up in Israel, marble pound cake (often store-bought) was a staple in almost every household for just those occasions. The cake usually sat out on the kitchen counter, as family members would casually slice away over the course

of a few days. Traditional pound cake originates from England, but the sweet, dense loaf also has very strong roots in Jewish and Israeli culture. Not so strange, the term for “loaf pan” in Hebrew is actually “English Cake” pan. In many homes, a simple loaf pound cake is prepared on Thursday night or Friday morning to nosh on after the Friday night meal. Any remnants of the cake are usually eaten as a sweet treat after a Shabbat lunch, when friends often

Ingredients 21⁄3 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1¼ teaspoon kosher salt 1½ cups sugar 3 large eggs, plus one egg yolk 2 ⁄3 cup whole milk ¾ cup grapeseed, avocado or vegetable oil 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract ½ teaspoon almond extract 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon instant coffee

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stop by for coffee. A good pound cake recipe can be passed on for generations and is something to really cherish. This recipe calls for milk for its richness and flavor, so the cake is dairy. If you’d like to make it nondairy, simply substitute soy or almond milk.

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Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan with parchment paper and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.

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2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. 3. In a medium-sized bowl, combine the eggs, milk, vanilla extract, almond extract, and oil. Whisk to thoroughly combine until becomes light in color, about 2 minutes. 4. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, and pour the egg and milk mixture into the well. Whisk until thoroughly combined, about 1 or 2 minutes. 5. Pour half of the batter into the prepared loaf pan. Add the unsweetened cocoa powder and instant coffee to the remaining batter. 6. Whisk to fully incorporate the cocoa powder, removing any lumps. 7. Gently pour the chocolate batter over the vanilla batter, and use a skewer or knife to create a marble pattern. Don’t overdo it. You still want to see distinct colors. 8. Bake for 50–55 minutes, until a toothpick comes out with moist crumbs. 9. Allow the cake to cool completely in the pan before removing.

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Foster kittens bring smiles to Beth Sholom Village residents


aces light up when Gabrielle Exum, art therapist, walks around Beth Sholom Village carrying foster kittens. As part of her work, she began fostering the kitties, not just to help them find permanent homes, but also to engage with residents looking for something to love. Exum, who started the program earlier this year, brings the kittens in once or twice a week to both the long-term care facility and to the Terrace. “In a given day, the kittens can be exposed to over 60 people, which helps the animals socialize and improves their dispositions,” she says. “I have fostered over 15 kittens so far.” These adoptable kittens are sometimes transferred to Jean Rutherford.

the Norfolk SPCA from other overwhelmed shelters or organizations such as PETA. The kittens are with Exum for two weeks or more at a time. And, some Beth Sholom staff have adopted some of the kittens through the Gabrielle Exum, art therapist, and Elizabeth Currence, BSV resident. Norfolk SPCA. “I grew up on a farm and always had cats,” says resident Elizabeth Currence. “I never had pets growing up,” says resident Jean Rutherford. And, Helen Pichardo says she’s happy to cat sit for Exum whenever needed. For more information on adoption, contact the Norfolk SPCA at 757622-3319 or Gabrielle Exum at or call 757-456-5212.

Nadiv completes third year with a donation to One Happy Camper Advisors served as inaugural sponsors of the fundraiser. Nadiv also continues to serve as a place for YAD-age men to network personally and p r o f e s s i o n a l l y. The group meets monthly and hears from a variety of speakers. In August, for Back row: Rabbi Baruch Danziger, Eitan Altshuler, Rabbi Yonatan Warren, Igor Vaserfirer, and David Calliott. Front Row: Michael Nusbaum, Matt Kantro, Michael Mahgerefteh, Randy Parrish, Danny Rubin, Jeremy Krupnick, example, Charlie Jesse Gordon, Andrew Kramer, and Michael Richlen. Braden, director of market development for the Norfolk program implemented by Tidewater Danny Rubin Airport Authority, spoke about the airJewish Foundation. The money will help port’s future. In September, Jody Wagner, a child attend Jewish summer camp. he young men’s giving circle through founder of Jody’s Popcorn, will be the To raise the funds, Nadiv launched an UJFT’s Young Adult Division, Nadiv, guest speaker. innovative fundraiser called the March finished its third year of existence with Madness Bracket Challenge. In all, 103 banner fundraising. For more information on Nadiv, email people participated, generating the $1,500. Members of the group—Jewish men Jasmine Amitay, Young Leadership Campaign S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. and Calliott, in their 20s, 30s and 40s—donated Manager at Demeter and Harrell Investment & Wealth $1,500 to One Happy Camper, a


Sponsored by Kaufman & Canoles and Associates in Dermatology September 13-15, Newport News, Norfolk, Virginia Beach JoAnn Falletta, conductor Alexander Gavrylyuk, piano Virginia Symphony Orchestra Chorus Robert Shoup, Chorusmaster Tchaikovsky: Francesca da Rimini Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe Suites 1 and 2

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Norfolk Classics Series Sponsor Norfolk POPS Series Sponsor | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 27


Teaching Judaism through coffee at Ohef Sholom Cantor Jennifer Reuben

T T.C.C. Roper Performing Arts Center / The Suffolk Center for the Cultural Arts

October 11-13 & 19, 2019

T.C.C. Roper Performing Arts Center

December 13-15, 2019

The Hugh R. Copeland Center

February 14-16, 2020

New Disneyy Musical! a l!

The Sandler Center for the Performing Arts/ The Suffolk Center for the Cultural Arts

he values of Judaism are, in a word, valuable. There is so much within Jewish teachings that can inform how we act in the world, from relationships within families and friends to how we conduct business to politics. We pass on these values not just for the sake of tradition, but because they teach us how to be effective in our lives. Studies have long shown that the best learning comes through doing. It is in this spirit that Ohef Sholom Temple is launching a new Jewish Entrepreneurs Initiative for eighth and ninth grade students. This innovative new curriculum will have students designing, marketing, and running their own coffee shop business at Ohef Sholom Temple on Sunday mornings. In partnership with Jewish entrepreneurs and business leaders from the community, children will learn to run a business through a Jewish lens. Through the study of Jewish text and hands-on learning activities, students will explore concepts including tzedakah, food ethics, welcoming the stranger, business and money ethics, leadership,

Get your tickets today! 757-627-5437

Enrollment is now open for Ohef Sholom Temple’s Religious School. Programming is offered for children from birth through high school. Under the leadership of OST’s new Education Director, Reform Jewish educator Kitty Wolf, Ohef Sholom strives to create a lifelong love of Jewish learning for all children and families. Religious School begins on Sunday, September 8, including Wiggles and Giggles, the temple’s free monthly baby and toddler program, which is open to the entire community. For more information, visit or email

Palliative & Hospice Care: Debunking the myths


July 17-19 & 24-26, 2020

their Jewish values will lead them to success in all they do. This is a unique opportunity for the entire community to delve into Jewish experiential learning and intergenerational relationships. The Jewish Entrepreneurs Initiative is designed to empower students to lean into their values to create not just a business, but a space of Jewish connection that is open to all. Students will connect with community

leaders through mentorship. They will develop partnerships with many of OST’s committees and interest groups, seeing varying models of what it looks like to be an engaged Jewish adult. They will create a space for adults to come together to connect over coffee, allowing them to build relationships with each other and with students. The curriculum also includes opportunities for these students to teach and interact with younger children, serving as role models. Once the shop opens (slated for January 2020), come enjoy a cup of coffee with the students.

it’s a Wrap

March 13-15 & 21, 2020

The Hugh R. Copeland Center

gratitude, and the history and future of Jewish entrepreneurs. They will use these concepts to build and grow their business, learning many practical skills along the way. In collaboration with Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, students will learn about community needs and donate their profits to the causes of their choice. The goal is that they take this learning out into the world, growing into confident adults with a deep understanding of how living

haplain Jim Thompson and Kirsten Van Auken, RN clinical liaison, both of Freda H. Gordon Hospice & Palliative Care, led a discussion with a full house of 50 JCC Seniors Club members and guests on August 21. Speaking about the changing roles that these two services play in patient care today, they clarified misinformation. For example, palliative care is for pain management and comfort, not specifically for terminal patients. One of the most valuable pieces of information they shared

28 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

was the need for family and patients to demand hospice and/or palliative care, especially in hospital settings where it often is not offered, though available. The cost of services, according to Chaplain Thompson and Van Auken, are generally covered by health insurers, including Medicare. For information about JCC Seniors Club membership and future senior programming, contact Leigh Casson at 755-321-2304 or

Chaplain Jim Thompson and Kirsten Van Auken, RN.

it’s a Wrap Tech class for seniors

E T I N IG . 0 2 0 2

r future. ou on si vi en d an y or st r ou te ri Together we w

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater invites you to join us as we

Mary Thomas, Ron Kaufman, Gloria Siegel, and Margo Murphy.


hree eager students joined Ron Kaufman at the Simon Family JCC for three consecutive Tuesday afternoon sessions to enhance their use of personal technology. Participants brought phones, laptops, tablets, and lots of questions. Just attending the sessions inspired Gloria Siegel,

Mary Thomas, and Margo Murphy to work on tech projects at home, such as creating a personal financial spreadsheet. Among the classes’ topics, Kaufman taught about personal security, applications, and product specs. Future workshops are planned.

SPARK our 2020 Community Campaign and

the Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival with special guest Alfred Moses, author of Bucharest Diary: Romania’s Journey from Darkness to Light

Masonic Lodge in Norfolk honors Holocaust survivors and the work of the Holocaust Commission


fter being inspired when their lodge observed a D-Day commemoration in June, Bob McBride contacted the Holocaust Commission with an offer: he wanted to bring attention to Holocaust survivors the D-Day soldiers fought to free, and honor them and their families. After much planning, a community event on August 14 at the Masonic Temple on Granby Street in Norfolk met everyone’s expectations and more. McBride brought many of his lodge members out to hear from survivor Mike Ashe, whose wife Marilyn is a member of the Holocaust Commission. Ashe shared with a public group for the first time the story of how his family was hidden and thus saved by righteous gentiles in a small town in

France, when, after being denounced, they fled their home in Paris when he was an infant. Mike and Marilyn and 20 members of their family were there to mark the moment he shared the story of his protectors, and his own efforts to have them recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem, which occurred in 2018. Approximately 85 people enjoyed the dinner provided by the Masons and their fine hospitality. Three of the Holocaust Commission’s What We Carry suitcases were displayed to educate the attendees about the program. Rabbi Michael Panitz of Temple Israel gave a poignant D’var Torah and closed the evening, reminding of the need to be righteous towards one another.

Thursday, September 26, 7:30 pm RSVP Patty Malone, at 757-965-6115 or

American-Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s Romania exhibit opens in Leon Family Gallery



Elena Baum | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 29

it’s a Wrap

Holocaust Commission’s Conference offers educators guidance in teaching difficult history Esther Diskin

Is the suffering of others our own? How do we make emotions explicit and use them positively to teach? Why is it so difficult to accept certain facts? How can history be controversial?


hese were just a few of an abundance of framing questions that educators considered—and truly wrestled with— during the 14th Biennial Educators’ Conference organized by the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. The title of the conference, Teaching Difficult History: How Our Past Informs Our Present, captured the serious and daring nature of the lectures and interactive workshops. Approximately 70 educators attended the two-day conference, which included an artistic performance, a full day of presentations on the campus of Norfolk Academy, and a trip to the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond. “With everything going on in our world today, the Commission really wanted to give educators new tools to make classroom discussions about highly charged topics easier. We want teachers in the classroom who can lead students through challenging material, and not shy away from it,” says Elena Baum, Commission director. This year’s conference opened on Tuesday, July 30, with an Evening with

Scene from I Flutter My Wings, But I Can’t Get Away.

the Arts, featuring an original, seven-part dance about the Holocaust, created by Elbert Watson, dance master at Norfolk Academy, and a former principal dancer with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. The piece, I Flutter My Wings, But I Can’t Get Away performed by the Elbert Watson Dance Company, kept the audience riveted with its gut-wrenching depictions of Nazi horror. The arts evening opened with keynote remarks by Elizabeth Lodal, a member of the Virginia State Board of Education and former principal of several public schools in northern Virginia. “Antisemitism and racism are two sides of the same coin of bigotry,” she noted. “We are all created in Elbert Watson Dance Company interacts with the audience. God’s image and worthy of being he unpacked the ways that historical treated with respect.” events are impacted by interpretation. In Sponsored by Bank of America, the some cases, textbooks provide “sanitized” conference opened with a speech by histories that reinforce national themes, Christonya Brown, coordinator of hiswhile ignoring the actual historical record tory and social science for the Virginia and academic research. Department of Education. Her speech He engaged teachers in small group was followed by a presentation from discussions about sites of memory involvMaia Sheppard, a professor at George ing the Civil War, such as monuments to Washington University, who spoke about Confederate generals. “What is truly an the impact of students’ emotions in a classopen question and what is closed on this room environment. She offered insights controversy?” he asked. “How might you about creating a purposeful, relational, frame inquiry for your students around and responsive classroom community. this controversy?” Monuments and sites memorializing The conference also offered workshops the Confederacy about using literature to teach the history were the focus of of the Holocaust. Stoddard gave a second a presentation by presentation about the use of films, and Jeremy Stoddard, Jeff Eargle, assistant clinical professor associate professor in Secondary Humanities Education at at the University the University of South Carolina, spoke of Wisconsin about the power of graphic novels to teach -Madison. He challenging historical topics in a way that opened with a engages students at an emotional level, so complex question: the learning resonates. What makes an The educators took a bus to Richmond historical issue or for the conference’s final day, where they event controvertoured the Virginia Holocaust Museum and sial? In his lecture,

30 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

heard a lecture by Charles Sydnor, former executive director of the museum and currently the museum’s senior historian. As teachers received professional education hours for the conference, there was not a moment wasted. On the bus ride, they viewed several films about Father Patrick Desbois and his organization, Yahad in Unum. (Father Desbois spoke to the community in January 2019 at the Sandler Center.) This prepared them to tour Yahad in Unum’s traveling exhibit at the VHM about the Holocaust by Bullets. Teachers also viewed a What We Carry film while traveling I-64, and learned about that program of the Holocaust Commission available to them and their students. In addition to the traveling exhibit, once at the museum the participants heard a fact-filled talk from VHM Senior Historian, Dr. Charles Sydnor, and had a tour of the permanent exhibit. Many came home and began working on field trip requests to take their students to the museum in the coming year. Conference co-chairs were Gail Flax, Lisa Cohn, and Wendy Juren Aurebach.

Now Enrolling!

what’s happening Pickleball Grand Opening at the Simon Family JCC Saturday, September 7, 9 am–4 pm & Sunday, September 8, 11 am–6 pm, free


ickleball, the fastest growing recreation sport for all ages, is now available for play at the Simon Family JCC. During the two days of the Pickleball Grand Opening, the Virginia 757 Pickleball Association will offer Beginner and Intermediate level Pickleball Clinics, Skills and Drills, Pickleball Mixers, Open Play, door prize drawings, and snacks. Pickleball is free to Simon Family JCC members, after joining Virginia 757 Pickleball Association for a $20 annual fee. Rain Date: September 14 & 15. For more information about Virginia 757 Pickleball Association, visit Virginia757Pickleball/. For more information about the Simon Family JCC and Pickleball, go to

Introduction to Judaism at Ohef Sholom Begins Saturday, September 14, 9 am Kathryn Morton


hat is Judaism? is the name of Ohef Sholom’s course introducing Jewish ideas. The class is open to anyone interested in learning more about the distinctively Jewish way of thinking and relating to life. In recent years, the 10-session course, which meets twice a month, has attracted would-be converts, people simply curious to know more about the foundational faith of Western Civilization, and some born Jews who stopped learning in childhood and wonder what they might have missed. The course is not about how to light candles or bake challah. It begins with The Beginning and considers the meaning of life. It goes on to introduce the language of Jewish thinking and the foundational texts of Jewish history and philosophy. Included are practical things about how the prayer book is organized, and a mention that the Christian “Old Testament” includes all the same books as the Hebrew Bible, but uses them in a different sequence to come away with a different world view. The classes try to unpack what may

be confusing about holidays because they had an agricultural origin—evident in their dependence on the moon’s schedule—and then they got an overlay of Biblical historical meanings on top of which, during the diaspora, they picked up local recipes and games. So, at the end of the barley harvest and the weaning of lambs, Jews celebrate getting Torah at Sinai, and eat dairy foods in European recipes–each element having been added on in successive millenia. The class explores what distinguished different groupings: the 12 tribes of Biblical times, then Sadducees, Pharisees, and Essenes of Temple times, followed by the diaspora cultures of Sephardic, Ashkenazic, and Mizrachi Jews and finally, today’s varied Jewish religious movements. There are sessions on a lifetime sequence of celebrations, and on the history and concept of Tzedakah. For those raised in authoritarian faiths, the big moment usually comes in the first session when they learn that Jews encourage, expect, and honor questioning. Often the class will stop, while members try to be sure they understand. From then on, questions keep the class very lively.

Strelitz International Academy The area’s ONLY International Baccalaureate® Candidate School for primary and early years NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for infants & toddlers in January 2020 CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR TOUR TODAY!


Shaping great minds, caring hearts, and confident leaders for 65 years 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 31

what’s happening Nobody Wants Us: SS Quanza film screening Sunday, October 6, Ohef Sholom Temple, 10:30 am Alice Titus


n Ohef Sholom Temple Men’s Club Carpool Cafe will be the occasion for a showing of an important and fascinating documentary film that recounts the story of more than 80 Jewish refugees who were detained in Norfolk during the Holocaust. Several Ohef Sholom congregants played a role in helping the The SS Quanza docked in Norfolk in 1940. refugees, and one of them, Elise Margolius, is featured in the for Jewish organizations, politicians, and film. It’s a compelling story and a relevant First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to convince one at a time in America’s history in which immigration authorities to reverse their the nation is again divided over immigraearlier stance and allow the passengers tion policy. to be granted political refugee status. It was September 11, 1940, when the Congregants from several local Jewish Portuguese ship SS Quanza entered Norfolk families, including, but not limited to the harbor, carrying more than 80 Jews fleeing Margolius family, as well as the Gerst, Nazi-occupied Europe. Refused entry to Kaufman, Nusbaum, and Rosenberg famiMexico, their original intended port, the lies had been providing food and comfort passengers feared they would suffer the for the passengers, and now, they and same fate as that of the Jewish refugees other Jewish families in the area opened on the SS St. Louis, who had been refused their homes as temporary shelter for them. sanctuary in the U.S. the previous year. Their one remaining hope was that The documentary was produced and something could be done while the ship directed by Washington, D.C., filmmaker was docked in Norfolk for refueling. A Laura Seltzer-Duny. delaying action in the form of a lawsuit The OST Archives provided some of the filed by two Jewish maritime attorneys source material for the making of the film from Newport News provided the time and is sponsoring the program. Men’s Club

Visit us on the web

is providing the food. There is no charge for the event, but donations are welcome, with proceeds to go towards the film company’s efforts to create educational materials to accompany the film and make it more accessible to schools around the country. RSVP to

to ensure ample seating (and food). A question and answer period will follow the screening. For more information, call 757-625-4295.

Tidewater Chavurah’s Second Friday Shabbat Service Friday, September 13, Home of Hal and Elaine, Virginia Beach


“congregation without walls,” events are held in members’ homes or at other locations. Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill will lead the service, with prayers and joyful songs. An Oneg follows. Tidewater Chavurah looks forward to welcoming new faces at events.

For event information and location address, email or or call 499-3660 or 468-2675. Check out or Tidewater Chavurah Facebook page for upcoming events.

32 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

what’s happening Klezmer Conservatory Band to perform at Old Dominion University

New Karate and Self Defense classes at the Simon Family JCC

Monday, September 23, 7:30 pm, ODU’s University Theater


leading voice in klezmer music and Yiddish song for more than 30 years, the Klezmer Conservatory Band (KCB) will appear in concert at Old Dominion University. KCB’s repertoire ranges from Yiddish standards to dance medleys, and its musicians have served as important ambassadors promoting the widespread appeal of Jewish music, appearing at dozens of international music festivals in major venues across the U.S., Europe, and Australia and on 10 international broadcasts of A Prairie Home Companion. Itzhak Perlman has featured the KCB since the late 1990s in his CD, video, and touring project, In the Fiddler’s House. In 2012 the band accompanied Perlman as

Tuesdays and Thursdays Self-defense: 5:30–6:15 pm Karate: 6:15–7 pm free for JCC members


an integral part of his cantorial/Hassidic/ klezmer/Yiddish folk music project, Eternal Echoes, and received rave reviews for their

Instant Klezmer workshop Tuesday, September 24, 12:30 pm, ODU’s Chandler Recital Hall


lezmer Conservatory Band’s founder and artistic director, Hankus Netsky, will offer a free workshop with attendees encouraged to bring a musical instrument and participate. Netsky has received the Yosl Mlotek Award and a Forward Fifty award for his role in the resurgence of traditional Eastern European Jewish ethnic musical culture, along with a New England Conservatory Outstanding Alumni award, and the school’s Louis Krasner and Lawrence Lesser awards for Excellence in Teaching. Chandler Recital Hall is located at 1339 West 49th Street in the F. Ludwig Diehn Center for the Performing Arts, with parking in Garage E at the corner of 49th Street and Bluestone Avenue.

recent Sony CD release and live concert performances. KCB is presented as part of ODU’s F. Ludwig Diehn Concert Series, which is funded by an endowment established at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation and made possible by a generous gift from F. Ludwig Diehn. Additional support for the band’s appearance comes from the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding at ODU. Tickets are now available online at University Theatre is located at 4600 Hampton Boulevard, with free parking for the concert in Garage D at 1070 West 45th Street.

Golf Tournament for Strelitz International Academy Tuesday, September 17, 12 pm, Bayville Golf Club, Virginia Beach


ee off with the 31st Annual Bob Josephberg Classic Golf Tournament, presented by Strelitz International Academy (formerly Hebrew Academy of Tidewater), for a good cause and a good time. Golfer registration includes green fees, continental breakfast, on-course kosher lunch, snacks and beverages, and a

post-play awards reception with an all-youcan-eat kosher buffet. New sponsorships are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar matching gift to the school through the generosity of Tavia and Freda Gordon Philanthropic Foundation. All proceeds benefit the Strelitz International Academy.

Registration deadline is September 6.

ersonal safety has never been more relevant, and the Simon Family JCC membership package has never been more responsive to members’ lifestyle and wellness needs. And, starting this month, a new self-defense program complements the increasingly robust membership options. Combining elements of an elevated fitness club and a cultural community resource, the JCC partnered with tenth-degree black belt instructor Ron Smith. Smith brings 56 years of traditional karate training and Jiu-Jitsu teachings. After enlisting in the Air Force and being stationed in Okinawa, Smith was introduced to the Go Ju Style which he continued to practice along with Joy Jitsu and other Okinawan styles, upon returning to the States and joining the police force in Burbank California. An experienced and fluent instructor, and lifelong student, Smith attends advanced training with fellow karate traditionalists and tenth-degree black belts around the country. Smith teaches the individual; his anti-bullying core message is appropriate for military, ex-military and police, as well as citizens of all ages and activity levels. Program benefits include: • Combat stranger danger and increase personal safety, and • A traditional karate program that takes your body where it is now and builds on it without stress or strain. Classes are free for JFit members and open to all ages. For more information, go to

To play or donate a sponsorship, register at /golf,or contact Patti Seeman at 757-424-4327. | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 33

what’s happening

Thursday, September 19, 9:30–11am Sandler Family Campus


or 20 years, Be A Reader (BEAR) mentors have made a meaningful difference in the lives of children by sharing just one hour a week of their time during the school year. BEAR partners with Title 1 schools throughout Hampton Roads to give at-risk students, in first through third grades, the gift of improved reading skills, a love for learning, and hope for a better future. Students are recommended to the BEAR program by their teachers and/ or reading specialists as needing supplemental help or individual attention from a caring adult. BEAR students are typically neglected in their home environment, maybe because the mother works three jobs or the parents are deployed or even incarcerated. These children are most likely not read to by anyone at home or don’t have food to eat on the weekend, relying on free and reduced breakfasts or lunches at school. Some students are homeless or transient with no family support at all. This program allows hundreds of students, for an hour a week, to leave stressed lives behind and see the world with their imaginations, through words and pictures. The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is hosting the 2019 BEAR Opening. All past, present, and future BEAR mentors (and their friends) are welcome and invited to attend. Kathy Verhappen, principal of Granby Elementary, a BEAR school, will speak about the importance of literacy and the positive impact one-on-one time with a caring adult has on the life of a child. BEAR mentors will receive a BEAR



Be A Reader celebrates 20 years at 2019 BEAR Opening

Help ‘Spark’ UJFT’s 2020 Community Campaign backpack filled with school supplies, books, and helpful tools for creating the best experience for their BEAR student. BEAR also provides students with five books throughout the school year, educational holiday and end-of-year gifts, healthy snacks, and the commitment of a compassionate mentor. Consider joining BEAR in helping these children—the more BEAR volunteers, the more children can be helped. Be a part of this life-changing group of volunteers and fulfill the mitzvah of tikkun olam—repairing the world, one child at a time. It’s even possible to “Share BEAR” and divide the time with a friend. Volunteers say they gain as much as they give. Gail Flax, one of the creators of and the chair of BEAR, says, “Both the mentors and kids look forward to BEAR each week and we always have a student to match to a volunteer.” For more information or questions regarding BEAR or to RSVP, contact Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, BEAR’s director at rcohen@ or 757-321-2341.

Thursday, September 26, 7:30 pm Sandler Family Campus


he United Jewish Federation of Tidewater invites the community to help launch the Community 2020 Vision Campaign.

Alfred Moses, author of Bucharest Diary: Romania’s Journey from Darkness to Light is the evening’s featured guest speaker. Moses is a former U.S. Ambassador to Romania and served as Lead Counsel to President Jimmy Carter. Moses’ appearance is in conjunction with The Lee & Bernard Jaffee Family Jewish Book Festival and Jewish Book Council. In



the Joint

Distribution Committee’s Romania Exhibit in the Leon Family Gallery opens that evening. RSVP to Patty Malone, at



If you have ever been a BEAR Mentor, please contact Ronnie Jacobs Cohen at or 757-635-3703.

Alfred Moses

34 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |


Who Knew? Israeli judoka makes history with gold medal at World Championships JERUSALEM (JTA)—Sagi Muki of Israel won the gold medal at the 2019 World Judo Championships, becoming the first male in his country to accomplish the feat. Muki defeated Belgium’s Matthias Casse in the finals of the under-81 kilogram (179 pounds) category on Wednesday, August 28. The tournament was held at the Nippon Budokan, which will be a venue for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. In the quarterfinals, Mohamed Abdelaai of Egypt refused to shake Muki’s hand at the end of the match, which is considered a sign of disrespect. Other Arab opponents have acted similarly after losing to Israelis, including Egyptian and United Arab Emirates judokas. Muki, 27, of Netanya, joins Yarden Jarbi as Israelis taking gold at the World Judo Championships. Jarbi won in Rio de Janeiro in 2013 in the women’s under-63 kilogram (139 pounds) category. Muki also won at the 2015 and 2018 European Championships. He was expected to medal at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio but was hampered by injury and lost in the semifinals.

Woody Allen’s latest film doesn’t have a US release Woody Allen’s latest film is set to open at a French film festival, but it currently does not have a U.S. release scheduled. Allen’s A Rainy Day in New York, which features Timothée Chalamet and Elle Fanning, was first planned to be produced and released by Amazon Studios. But Amazon nixed its $68 million four-film deal with Allen last year allegedly over sexual abuse allegations against the Jewish filmmaker. A Rainy Day in New York will play at the Deauville American Film Festival next month, its production company tweeted. The film premiered in Poland in July. In February, Allen filed a lawsuit against Amazon for backing out of the deal, claiming it was based on what he called “a 25-year-old, baseless allegation.” In 1992, Allen’s daughter Dylan Farrow accused him of sexual abuse, claims that he has denied. The allegations resurfaced last year as the #MeToo movement gained steam. The festival’s artistic director defended playing Allen’s film, which features actors Timothée Chalamet and Elle Fanning. “I consider myself a feminist, and I understand #MeToo but Woody Allen had been cleared by the American justice in two different states and I trust the American justice system,” Bruno Barde told Variety. Chalamet, along with various other actors who had worked with Allen, has said he would donate his salary from the film to charity organizations—including Time’s Up, which was founded by Hollywood celebrities to address sexual assault in the industry. (JTA)

Miss Universe pageant could be coming to Israel JERUSALEM (JTA)—Miss Universe could be crowned in Israel as early as this December, an Israeli daily is reporting. Representatives of the Miss Universe Organization have met with Israeli producers in New York and have secretly visited Israel, Israel Hayom reported last month. The interest comes on the heels of the success of Eurovision in Tel Aviv this year. Hosting Miss Universe would be more complicated than Eurovision—all 41 of the participating Eurovision countries had diplomatic relations with Israel. More than 100 countries participate in Miss Universe, including several mostly Arab countries that do not have diplomatic relations with Israel. Their participation in a pageant in Israel would require special visas and security approvals. In addition, approval of such an event would have to wait until after national elections, when government ministries can be involved in the planning process and a budget can be approved. Nearly 600 million people watched the last Miss Universe pageant. By comparison, Eurovision in Tel Aviv had about 200 million viewers.

(formerly Hebrew Academy of Tidewater)



Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Bayville Golf Club 4137 First Court Road, Virginia Beach 10:30 am: Registration opens 12:00 pm: Tee-off Golfer registration includes: • Greens fees • Continental breakfast at check-in • On-course kosher lunch, snacks & beverages • After play awards reception with an all-you-can-eat kosher buffet FOR MORE INFO OR SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES,


All proceeds benefit the Strelitz International Academy REGISTER BY


for J


fit m







Self-Defense and Karate Classes Tuesdays & Thursdays beginning Tuesday, September 3 5:30 – 6:15 pm: Self-Defense 6:15 – 7:00 pm: Karate

Simon Family JCC • 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Va. Beach • | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 35

Obituaries Evelyn Werth Evans Virginia Beach—Evelyn Werth Evans, 93, died August 9, 2019. Evelyn was born in Norfolk to the late Benjamin Werth and Jennie Soroko Werth Furman. Left to cherish her memory are her children, Mark Evans and his wife, Vickie, Nancy Evans and her husband, Warren Stewart, and Rod Evans; brother, Morris “Buddy” Werth; grandchildren, Heather Evans and Lisa Phillips; great-grandchildren, Keller, Ayden, and Amiee; niece, Gillian Werth; and a host of other family and friends. Services were private. The children would like to thank the staff at Beth Sholom for the loving and compassionate care they provided their mother. Memorial donations may be made to Beth Sholom. Express condolences to the family at www. Maynard (Mark) R. Furst Virginia Beach—Maynard (Mark) R. Furst, 81, passed away July 27, 2019 at home surrounded by his loving family. A native of Chicago, he was the son of the late Harry and Freda Furst. Mr. Furst was a member of Kempsville Conservative Synagogue and was a retired shipping supervisor with Western Branch Diesel. He also served in the Navy for eight years. He is survived by his wife of 52½ years Libby; his daughter Felicia Furst; son Richard Furst; daughter-in-law Andrea; and granddaughter Melia. He is also survived by numerous other extended family and dear friends.

Funeral services were held in the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. with Cantor David Proser officiating. Memorial donations to Kempsville Conservative Synagogue or The American Lung Association. Online condolences may be offered to the family at Norma Abramson Herzberg Norfolk—Norma Abramson Herzberg, passed away Wednesday, August 7, 2019 at the age of 98, after a long and happy life. Norma passed away quietly, in her sleep, without suffering. Norma’s life spanned nearly 10 decades. From the roaring 20’s to the great depression, through WWII and into the modern world as we know it today. Norma saw it all, lived it all, and most importantly, thrived through it all. Norma was the beloved daughter of Abraham and Leah Abramson and sister to Freddie Abramson and Helene Klavans. Norma married the late Charles Ernest Herzberg and raised two loving children, Caren Tronfeld and Richard Herzberg. Norma was the oldest of three children. Her parents were ahead of their time, as both parents worked to support the family and being the oldest, Norma assumed the role of mother to her younger siblings. This early in life role of caregiver accounts for Norma’s highly developed love of nurturing. Norma’s primary concern in life was the wellbeing of her family. Those who were lucky enough to be part of Norma’s extended family never doubted that they were loved (or would be well fed). Norma lived her life to the fullest. In addition to her love of family, Norma loved flowers,

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36 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

fashion, books and the phone. In her later years, the phone was her connection to the world. Norma’s daily check-ins will be greatly missed. Due to the length of her life, thriving to the age of 98, Norma is survived by a wonderfully large number of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. To honor Norma’s life, a graveside funeral service will be held 12 noon Friday, September 9 at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk. Dorothy Mollen Kahn Virginia Beach—Dorothy Mollen Kahn passed away peacefully early August 12, 2019. She was born in Richmond, Va., on November 28, 1925 to Harry H. Mollen and Annie V. Mollen, and graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School. She married Dr. Howard Kahn, OD, on July 14, 1946, and they were inseparable until his death in 2005. She was very supportive of his career, not only typing his correspondence and helping to organize his demanding lecture schedule, but also working with the Women’s Auxiliary to the Virginia Optometric Association, serving for a time as president of the organization. They were avid travelers, visiting almost every country at least once, often for work, but also for fun. She was the consummate hostess, always entertaining family and friends with her fine cooking and the excellent presentation. She loved knitting, reading, Mah-Jongg, and crossword puzzles. Her extensive knowledge and worldliness went way beyond what she learned in school. She leaves behind twins Nancy Eberhardt, of Richmond, and Norman Kahn, OD, (Linda) of Elon, Va., and many loving relatives and friends throughout the country. The family would like to thank the wonderful people at Jewish Family Service, Beth Sholom Village, Visiting Angels, and Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater, who helped make her twilight years more valuable. Their kindness is truly appreciated. A graveside service was held at King David Gardens at Woodlawn Memorial in Norfolk. The family requests donations to the Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad, which she and Howard both worked hard

to establish and support after they moved to Virginia Beach in 1953. Jo Anne Klein Virginia Beach—Jo Anne R. Klein, 72, passed away peacefully on Friday, August 23, 2019. She was retired after 10 years as a sales representative for Remedy Staffing in Virginia Beach. Born in Nashville, Tenn., she was the daughter of the late Sidney J. Rosen and Muriel Helen Dorn Rosen. Mrs. Klein was a longtime member of Ohef Sholom Temple and their Sisterhood, was a group advisor for the Temple Youth Group (OSTY), the Auxiliary of Beth Sholom, and was a volunteer for the Beth Sholom Gift Shop. Left to cherish her memory is her beloved husband of 51 years, Kenneth Martin Klein; two daughters, Andrea K. Levy (Sam) and Laura Beth Summerfield (Danny) all of Atlanta, Ga.; and five grandchildren, Sydney Jordan, Jake, Molly, and Marin. A funeral service was conducted at Ohef Sholom Temple with Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg and Cantor Jennifer Rueben officiating. Interment took place in Arlington Cemetery in Sandy Springs, Ga. Memorial contributions may be sent to Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group (OSTY), 530 Raleigh Ave., Norfolk 23507. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be sent to the family through Albert L. Rosenfeld Virginia Beach—Albert Leonard Rosenfeld, a sweet, funny, and kind gentleman, 90, passed away on August 8, 2019, in Virginia Beach. He was born in Brooklyn, New York to Max and Shirley Rosenfeld. He was a graduate of Newport News High School and the College of William and Mary, a track star at both schools. Albert loved his family, computers, games of all types, performing magic tricks, photography, traveling, and the beach. He was an avid artist in pastel chalk and a great story teller. Known as “Mr. A”, the owner of Antell’s women’s clothing store, he was very well known in the Downtown Norfolk business community. Besides his parents, he is predeceased by his first wife, Joyce Aks; daughter, Susan Crockin; and twin brother, Franklin. Left

Obituaries to cherish his memory is his wife, Maxine Tate; son, Dr. Stephen (Conrad); stepchildren, Shelley (Geoff), Eric (Wendy); two grandchildren, Ilana and Lara; step-grandchildren, Bailie, Auguste, Donovan, Olivia, and Bradon; five great-grandchildren, and many family members and friends. A graveside service took place at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk. Donations to the charity of your choice in Albert’s memory. Ruth Ann Schoenbaum Norfolk—Ruth Ann Silverman Schoenbaum, passed away on Sunday, August 25, 2019. Born in 1926 to Bernice and Samuel (Nubby) Silverman, Ruth Ann lived in Norfolk until her marriage to Leon Schoenbaum in 1946. She met Leon during WWII when he was living next door to her family while serving in the United States Navy. She graduated from Maury High School and went on to attend Ohio State, where Leon had also attended. In 1949 they moved to Newport News, where they raised three children, and started Shoney’s Drive-In. Ruth Ann was a tireless volunteer throughout her life for many charities and community organizations including Riverside Hospital Pink Ladies, the American Cancer Society, and the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. Her favorite “Job” was the Christmas Eve overnight shift in the Mary Immaculate Hospital nursery. She enjoyed sitting with the newborns so that nursery staff could spend the holiday with their families. Having moved to Kingsmill early in its development, she was a very involved member of the Women’s Golf Club as well as the annual Anheuser-Busch Golf Classic. Ruth Ann was dedicated to serving the organizations she supported and accepted all of her responsibilities with deep commitment and devotion. Ruth Ann and Leon moved to Harbor’s Edge in 2008. After his passing in 2010 she continued to live there with her beloved and mutually devoted dog, Josie. Ruth Ann was predeceased by her son Ray in 1968. She is survived by her daughters, Lynn Schoenbaum of Norfolk and Bernice (Bunny) Schoenbaum of New York; granddaughter, Rachel Schoenbaum of Los Angeles; brother, Louis Silverman (Bobbi

Sue) of Kingsmill; nephew, Jason Silverman (Natalie) of Kingsmill; and her extremely cherished niece, Risa Silverman of Virginia Beach. She is also survived by many deeply loved nieces, nephews, cousins, in-laws, and friends. Burial was private. Shirley (Rosenberg) Weiner Wilmington, Del.—It is with great sadness, the family of Shirley Weiner (nee Rosenberg) announces her passing on Friday, August 23, 2019, at the age of 84. Shirley is lovingly remembered by her children, Karen Duncan and David (Stephanie); grandsons, Brinton Duncan and Joshua Duncan (Nicole); great-granddaughter, Ravi; and her closest life-long friends, Ted Bonk and Jerry Taylor. Shirley will also be eternally remembered by her nieces and nephews, Alan Goldstein (Jackie), Ronnie Cohen (Joe), and Gail Goldstein; sister-in-law, Miriam Weiner; and her numerous extended family members. She was preceded in death by

her son, Mitchell; parents, Esther and Morris Rosenberg; sister and brother-inlaw, Myrtle and Paul Goldstein; former husband, Arthur Weiner; parents-in-law, Esther and Meyer Weiner; and brother-inlaw, Harvey Weiner. In 1966, Shirley and Art Weiner founded Weight Watchers of Delmarva which ultimately grew to more than 300 locations in Delaware, the Eastern Shore of Maryland,

parts of Virginia and North Carolina. Funeral services were held at Schoenberg Memorial Chapel, 519 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, Del. Memorial donations in Shirley’s memory to Youth Empowerment Alliance, Inc., 801 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, Fla. 33701; Greyhound Pets, Inc., P. O. Box 891, Woodinville, Wash., 98072; or Delaware Humane Association, 701 A Street, Wilmington, Del. 19801.

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Burying Jewish books: UJFT makes it possible

M E ET TH E SCHRANZS Craig, a Navy veteran, and his wife Joanna are strong believers in tzedekah and volunteerism. They support many organizations including several synagogues, Jewish War Veterans, and the Food Bank. For them, it’s important to share these philanthropic experiences with their three children and pass on these cherished values. Together with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF), a team they know and trust, Craig and Joanna established a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), ensuring that their tradition of tzedakah lives on for generations.

Rabbi Michael Panitz and members of Temple Israel at Mikro Kodesh Cemetery.

Fund include: maintenance and upkeep to ensure that the cemeteries do not become overgrown or forgotten; annual book n Sunday, August 18, United Jewish burial, and the ability of Jewish Family Federation of Tidewater took the first Service to provide graves and headstones step in creating a coordinated commuto indigent families. nity book burial. This came in response Books that were buried in August came to Rabbi Michael Panitz, who contacted from Temple Israel and Strelitz International UJFT with a need to bury Temple Israel’s Academy. In addition to burying four boxes unused Holy books. of unused Holy books, The act of buryUJFT coordinated with ing Holy books (not Temple Israel, who simply books written Our hope is to build donated $900 to the by Jewish authors) is the Cemetery Fund Cemetery Fund, to cover a ritual designed to the cost to dig the grave honor the books and and make this an and bury the books. prevent further degThe grave is large radation. Performing annual event. enough to accoma proper burial in a modate a significant cemetery is the ultiamount of books from mate sign of respect for area synagogues and schools. “Our hope books that are no longer useful. is to build the Cemetery Fund and make UJFT is now exploring potential interthis an annual event,” says Glenn Saucier, est in starting a community-wide book Sandler Family Campus director of burial and is seeking donations to the operations. Cemetery Fund for future needs. Increasing the Cemetery Fund will enable UJFT to respond to future commuFor more information, contact Benita Watts nity needs. Benefits of a viable Cemetery at Lisa Richmon


YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. LET TJF SHOW YOU HOW. For more information, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner, Director of Philanthropy | 757-965-6111

Let us help you get started by adding $2,500 in matching funds, when you open a DAF with $7,500 - giving you more money to support the causes you care about most.

38 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |


2020VISION Together we grow and sustain our community.

Together we write our story and achieve our 2020 Vision of living our Jewish values, incorporating inclusiveness into all of our endeavors, deepening identity, and assuring security—in Tidewater and abroad. Join us today for our future.


We ensure a strong and vibrant Jewish communit y for our children and future ge nerations.


We are comm itted to Jewish education and inn ovation, from our day schools to our religious schools to our programming–it is woven into the fabric of our communit y.


We honor our fathers and mothers for building our Jewish communit y and work to pr ovide qualit y golde n ye ars.


We as sist our vulnerable neighbors thr ough acts of loving kindne ss–loc all y and globall y.


We’re creating adv ocates for Israel and the Jewish people to address the challenges of today and those in the future.


We are comm itted to pr oviding resources to enhance securit y thr oughout our Jewish communit y.

To make a gift or to volunteer, contact Patty Malone at 757-965-6115 or | September 2, 2019 | Jewish News | 39


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40 | Jewish News | September 2, 2019 |

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