Jewish news camp 03 24 2014

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Summer Camp

Supplement to Jewish News, March 24, 2014 | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 15


16 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |



Dear Readers,

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.


ccording to the American Camp Association, the first

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email

organized American summer camp, the Gunnery Camp,

was founded in 1861. Today, the ACA has accredited more than 2,400 summer programs, affecting the summers of millions of participants and staff each year, including camps, counselors and campers right here in Tidewater. What is it about summer camp? What causes the attraction, and for so many, a life-long devotion? Is it the independence that kids gain at a residential camp? Is it the friendships made? Or, perhaps the skills acquired? Or, is it having structured fun without concern about a grade? Perhaps it’s a mix of all of these tangibles and intangibles that makes camp so important in the lives of campers. Today, there are many definitions of camp. Some are traditional day, or residential with rustic accommodations, while others take place in air-conditioned classrooms or on campuses. Some follow the model of general camping activities…swimming, hiking, sailing, arts and crafts…and others are more specific, focusing on a wide variety of topics such as film, writing, science or athletic training. If a child wants to attend camp, whether spending nights at home or sleeping miles away, options abound. Our lead article discusses trends in today’s camps, including lengths of sessions, specialized programs, changes in camp food, and efforts to make it all affordable. Camps that accommodate children with disabilities are becoming easier to find, too, as more and more camps recognize the need—and the benefits. Camps here in Tidewater, as well as throughout the national Jewish camping networks offer options. The information is just a few pages away.

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2014 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

Attending camp can be life changing for everyone involved, and that includes parents who gain some free time while their campers are away, if only for a few hours a day or for weeks at a time. Our Summer Camp Guide highlights some of our personal favorite camps, and provides information that can help you make summer decisions for the youngsters in your life. Now is a great time to

Upcoming Special Features QR code generated on





April 7

Mar 14

time to register as a camper, or apply for


April 21

April 4

a job as a counselor or specialist.

Health Care

May 19

May 2

Senior Living

June 16

May 30


June 30

June 13

Arts Season

We hope this Summer Camp section offers some new ideas and options for

Aug 18

Aug 1

how your family chooses camp. And, we

Rosh Hashana

Sep 8

Aug 15

hope whatever the choice, that it’s fun!

Yom Kippur

Sep 22

Sep 5

Oct 6

Sep 19

Mazel Tov

—Jewish News Staff | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 17

Jewish camp trend-spotting 10 ways a summer ritual is changing of campers attending for seven, eight or


even 10 weeks. Now it is the rare child or

Jewish camps have

NEW YORK (JTA)—Nostalgia about summer

teen who spends the full summer at camp

been redoing their

traditions notwithstanding, Jewish camps

(or at one camp), and most programs offer

menus to make them

have changed dramatically from a genera-

multiple sessions, ranging in length from just

more nutritious and

tion ago.

six days to seven weeks. “Our three-week


Camp’s value for Jewish education and

session has always sold out more quickly

friendly: adding salad

identity-building is now a major focus of

than the four-week, and our new two-week

bars, replacing “bug

communal attention. Major Jewish foun-

session has been a quick hit as well,” says


dations, federations and organizations are

Vivian Stadlin, co-director of Eden Village

offering more vege-

investing heavily in the sector.

Camp in Putnam Valley, N.Y.

tarian fare and even

by Julie Wiener

Many camps have become more intentional about incorporating Jewish learning, Shabbat and Israel into their programming. They’ve also evolved to meet families’ changing expectations and demands: offering a




planting their own Specialized programs



hether a child’s passion is sports,



the environment, outdoor adven-

ture or science and technology, there’s a

wider range of choices of all kinds (from

Jewish camp for that. An incubator under

food to activity to session length); providing

the auspices of the Foundation for Jewish

more frequent updates and communications to parents; accommodating numerous medical requirements and allergies; and placing greater emphasis on safety and security.

More affordable options


in air-conditioned dorms, and Six Points

he Foundation for Jewish Camp recent-

Science blur the boundary between “camp”

ly introduced a new program called

and “summer program,” while programs like

Camp spurred the creation of five special-

BunkConnect that enables first-time camp-

USY on Wheels and Adamah Adventures,

ty camps in 2010 (including Eden Village,

ers from middle- and lower-income families

which operate under the Foundation for

which is focused on the environment) and

to search for a variety of discounted Jewish

Jewish Camp’s umbrella, blur the boundary

another four that will open this summer.

summer camp options. While BunkConnect

between “camp” and “teen travel.”

At the same time, the Jewish camping

The idea is to attract kids who might not

is currently only available in the Northeast,

field is becoming more professionalized. The

otherwise consider a Jewish camp and to

New England and Mid-Atlantic regions of

camp director’s job is shifting from a season-

show them they can combine their pas-

the United States, the foundation hopes to

al gig to year-round career, and counselors

sion with Judaism. Increasingly, established

expand it in future years. In addition, the

are receiving more intensive training.

general-interest Jewish camps are adding

One Happy Camper Program, initiated in

specialty tracks and electives. For example,

2006, offers grants for all first-time campers

camps generally haven’t interacted much

the New Jersey Y camps offer a science

regardless of need. So far, 50,000 children

with overnight camps, nor have they

program and various sports programs, while

have received One Happy Camper grants.

received the same level of attention from

Ramah in the Poconos has run basketball

Plus, most Jewish overnight camps offer

Jewish communal leaders or philanthropists

clinics and a tennis academy.

financial aid.

as their sleep-away counterparts. That is

With all this change in the Jewish camp world, here are 10 specific trends: Shorter sessions


nce upon a time, summer camp meant the entire summer, with the majority


hile the Conservative movement’s Camp Ramah has long operated

both day and overnight camps, Jewish day

changing as this year, for the first time, leadHealthier food Serving healthy, locally sourced food is a

Broadening definition of camp


ers of Jewish day camps are being included

hile rural settings and rustic accom-

in the bi-annual Leaders Assembly of the

modations are still the norm, two

Foundation for Jewish Camp. The founda-

specialty camps—the Union for Reform

tion is finalizing plans with UJA-Federation

some specialty camps

Judaism’s Six Points Sports Academy and

of New York to establish an incubator devel-

like the new health-

Six Points Science & Technology—are locat-

oping six specialty day camps in the region.


ed on boarding school campuses, and

In addition, the Union for Reform Judaism

Camp Zeke and was a

another, the 92nd Street Y’s Passport NYC,

is opening its first day camp this summer.

component of Ramah

is in the middle of Manhattan. Passport

Meanwhile, the philanthropic group Areivim



NYC, in which participants choose among

is funding Hebrew-immersion day camps

from its beginnings

tracks in culinary arts, film, fashion, musi-

throughout the United States.

in 2010. In addition,

cal theater and music industry, and live

part of the mission of

18 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |

Day camps brought into the tent

Inclusion of children

institutions such as synagogues and day

weekend. A number of camps “got into the

with disabilities

schools. These partnerships often involve

business just trying to use the facility more,

n estimated 13 percent of children

sharing staff members under the auspices

but it wound up being a great recruiting


have some sort of disability, but only

of new programs like Ramah Service Corps

tool,” says Foundation for Jewish Camp CEO

two percent of Jewish campers do, accord-

and the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Nadiv

Jeremy Fingerman. Several camps also host

ing to research conducted last year by the

initiative. In addition, camps within easy

sessions specifically for families of children

Foundation for Jewish Camp. The Jewish

commuting distance of major metropolitan

with disabilities. While traditionally mar-

camping world wants to make the camping

areas or in temperate regions or with win-

keted to camp-age kids and their parents,

experience accessible to more children with

terized facilities are increasingly hosting a

Rabbi Mitchell Cohen, national director of

disabilities, including them at regular camps

range of family/community programs in the

the Conservative movement’s Camp Ramah

wherever possible, rather than segregating

off seasons: Eden Village, just 50 miles north

network, says several Ramah camps are con-

them at separate facilities. The foundation

of Manhattan, runs a home-school program

sidering adding sessions for Ramah alumni

is currently working to raise $31-million for

and weekend family/community programs

with younger children. “It’s a relatively inex-

a multi-pronged effort to serve more such

throughout the year, while nearby Surprise

pensive family vacation,” he notes.

children by offering relevant staff training,

Lake Camp, in Cold Spring, N.Y. runs High

revamping physical facilities to make them

Holiday services and Passover Seders. Camp

accessible, and creating vocational edu-

Ramah Darom in Georgia runs a week-long

cation and life-skills training programs at

Passover retreat.


Jews, a wide range of Jewish communal

ADVERTISEMENT: Think Jewish Summer

leaders have offered their prescriptions for

Camp is Out of Reach? Think Again.


engaging more youth. While these leaders–the newest way to find

for decades, but now virtually every

may differ on many issues, almost all have

camp experiences at introductory rates. We


ing educational programming during

Jewish overnight camp offers at least one

cited Jewish summer camp as something that

match 1st time campers with available ses-

the school year through partnerships with

family-camp session, usually a three-day

“works” and is a worthy investment. Jewish

sions at over 35 camps, at 40–80% off.




n response to last year’s much-discussed Pew Research Center survey of American

Family camp rowing numbers of camps are offer-



Journey into a mysterious place inhabited by Malayan tigers, orangutans, gibbons, otters, forest-dwelling tapirs, and much more! VaZoo_JewishNews2014_final.indd 1

all of the pro-camp buzz will likely generate

Pew-fueled camp enthusiasm

even more dollars for the field.

multiple camps. Year-round programming

camps are already popular with funders, but

VIRGINIAZOO.ORG 2/26/14 5:07 PM | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 19

Summer 2014

Traditional Day Camp

for kids 16 months – 10th Grade

June 16 – August 29 At the Simon Family JCC, kids of all ages will enjoy: • Arts, Crafts, and Music • Games & Sports • Field Trips

• Swim Lessons

• Fun in our outdoor water park

• Making new friends & memories

I loved Camp JCC’s overnights, field trips, and free swims. All the counselors were really nice and friendly too.” – Hannah, 10

20 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |

For more information, visit or call 757-321-2306.

Jewish camps welcoming more children with disabilities children



attend Jewish overnight camps.

by Julie Wiener


EW YORK (JTA)—In the late 1960s, when husband-andwife team Barbara and Herb Greenberg first decided to create a Jewish overnight summer camp program for developmentally disabled children, it was hard to find a camp willing to host it. Camp directors thought such a pro-

offered at several Ramah camps. Knopp says the foundation would like

to helping in the office to assisting in babysitting programs for the children of

The foundation recently hired a

to double the number of children with

full-time professional, Lisa Tobin, to focus

disabilities attending Jewish camps over

At the Ramah camps in California and

on special needs and is hoping to increase

the next five years and ultimately have

Wisconsin, participants are placed in jobs

significantly the numbers of children with

children with disabilities make up 10 per-

in nearby towns, giving them training and

disabilities served over the next decade.

cent of the total campers.

experience that will help them find year-

camp staff.

While the 2013 survey found more camp-

To reach that goal, the foundation

ers with disabilities attending camp than

plans to provide grants enabling more

“It’s extraordinary to watch them inter-

the foundation had anticipated, the dis-

camps to hire senior professionals with

act with their employers,” Cohen says.



expertise in special needs, while also help-

“They’re thrilled to do jobs other people

percent of children—is still considerably

ing them train their entire staffs in best

see as drudge work but that make them

underrepresented among the 75,000

practices in working with children with

feel productive.”

North American children attending Jewish




overnight camp each summer.

round jobs.

Asked about the Foundation for Jewish

“In some models, you have one expert

Camp initiative, Cohen says, “It’s fantastic

gram would make other campers and

The study also found that 93 percent

at the camp who deals with all issues

that the foundation has dived into this

staff uncomfortable, and that parents of

of parents of special-needs campers were

related to disabilities, and that’s not a


non-disabled children would see the pres-

satisfied or extremely satisfied with their

good situation,” Knopp says. “The whole

ence of disabled children as a potential

child’s Jewish camp experience, but that

staff needs to be well trained.”


most camps do a poor job of marketing

The foundation also wants to provide

are able to receive a Jewish education

and publicizing their programs for children

funding for accessibility-related capital

and feel part of the Jewish community,

with disabilities.

improvements and equipment at 15 camps

he says.

But in 1970, the director of the Conservative movement’s Camp Ramah

For many children with disabilities, camp is one of the few places where they

of New England agreed to try it, and the

“Even if you say that a nice proportion

Tikvah program http://www.campramah.

of the camps are offering opportunities

org/content/specialneeds.php was born.

for kids with disabilities, it’s a handful of

“What we’re hearing from camps and

they’d have fun and make friends. I didn’t

Now Tikvah serves 250 children in nine

kids each session,” says Abby Knopp, vice

families is that children are aging out of

realize you’d be nurturing his soul and

Ramah camps throughout North America

president of program and strategy at the

the programs that do exist, and the big

sending him back as a committed Jew.”

and offers family-camp and vocation-

Foundation for Jewish Camp. “People’s

question on the minds of a lot of camps

But the children with disabilities and

al-training programs.

hearts are in the right places, but we’re

is what to do now for them,” Knopp says.

their families are not the only beneficiaries

While Ramah was a pioneer in the field

not doing enough as a field. We know

“Other teens are moving on to leader-

of inclusion programs, Cohen says.

of inclusion—serving disabled children at

from parents that there are not enough

ship training and Israel trips, and there

“It has a sensitizing effect on people

regular camps rather than segregating


are no opportunities for their peers with

and makes an important statement about


the community you serve,” Cohen says,

and to create 10 new camp-based vocational training/life-skills programs.

Tikvah parents, he says, frequently tell him, “I sent my child to your camp so

them at separate facilities—today more

The foundation is working to raise

than 50 Jewish overnight camps, including

$31-million to implement a multi-pronged

Rabbi Mitchell Cohen, director of the

noting that tutoring a Tikvah girl for

all Ramah and Union for Reform Judaism

initiative focusing on staffing and training;

National Ramah Commission, whose

her bat mitzvah inspired his daughter to

camps, accommodate some children with

making more facilities physically acces-

Tikvah program has vocational train-

pursue a career in special education.

disabilities, mostly serving kids with cogni-

sible and supporting the development

ing programs at several camps, says

“Once you’ve run a program like this,

tive impairments and autism.

of more camp-based vocational educa-

participants perform a variety of camp

you realize you don’t have an alterna-

A Foundation for Jewish Camp study

tion and life-skills training programs for

jobs depending on their abilities, rang-

tive,” he says. “You must. It’s just a

last year found that approximately 2,500

young adults with disabilities, such as one

ing from setting tables in the dining hall

responsibility.” | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 21

su mmer art ca mp

at the Hermitage Visual Arts Studio The Hermitage is the perfect place to introduce your child to the world of art!

summer camp guide

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Camp Air y & Camp Louise


amps Airy & Camp Louise provide overnight camping experiences for children entering second through 12th grade. Activities are designed to match camper interests while providing an environment rich in Jewish traditions and values. Camp Louise, located in the picturesque Catoctin Mountains of Western Maryland, has provided an extensive selection of programs for the last 90 years. Girls enjoy cooking, arts and crafts and a huge variety of sports including swimming, lacrosse, basketball, dance and performing arts. Established in 1924 in Thurmont in Frederick County, Camp Airy enables boys to participate in a variety of activities including athletics, swimming, camping and photography. Campers at both camps enjoy weekly Shabbat services, a full outdoor adventure and nature program and joint social programming. 410-466-9010.

22 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |

summer camp guide

Summer Safari Camp at the Virginia Zoo


pend your summer at the wildest place in town! The Virginia Zoo’s Summer Safari Camps include up-close animal encounters, crafts, games and visits to the Zoo’s exhibits. Weekly sessions begin June 23 and continue through Aug. 22. For details, call (757) 441‑2374 x 229 or visit

The Her mitage


he Hermitage Visual Arts Studio is the perfect place to introduce children to the world of art. Spring and Summer Art Camps provide a unique experience by incorporating art projects, outdoor activities and nature walks, museum tours, guest instructors, and games.

Camp JCC


or ages 16 months through 10th grade, Camp JCC is a day camp that offers music, arts, water play and swim in the Simon Family JCC’s outdoor pool and water park, all kinds of outdoor fun and games on its spacious campus. Older campers will have a weekly overnight, and field trips to area attractions. Located in Virginia Beach, weekly sessions are available June 16–Aug 29; 8:30 am–3:30 pm with full day care available and half day camp options for K and under. Go to or call 321-2342.


under the



2014 SUMMER PROGRAMS JUNE 16 - AUGUST 1 Join us for an exciting Summer under the Oak! With a variety of camps designed to sharpen academic skills, inspire artists and performers, and energize young athletes, Norfolk Collegiate’s summer programs offer something for everyone, ages five and up. For information, call 757.626.1820 or visit | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 23


summer camp guide

Norfolk Collegiate


oin Norfolk Collegiate for a Summer Under the Oak! Explore newly developed centers, categorized by academic advancement, athletics, enrichment, experiential learning and lifelong learning. There’s something for everyone in your family from adults to children, ages 4 and up. Seven weekly sessions: June 16–August 1. 757-626-1820.



Increase your child’s reading, writing and math skills this summer at Chesapeake Bay Academy. ~ Half & Full Day Options ~ 3 & 6 Week Programs ~ Mornings include instruction in Reading, Math & Science ~ Afternoons provide fun time for PE, Art & Technology ~ Open to kids entering Kindergarten to 7th Grade

Call 757.497.6200 or visit to register and for more information. 821 Baker Road l Virginia Beach, VA 23462

Camp JCC is a wonde rf ul place to wor k! SUMMER 2014 Camp JCC: June 16 - August 8 • Post Camp: August 11 - 29


Counselors (Must be 21years old; minimum requirement) • Specialists (Activities: Sports, Music, etc.) • Special Needs Assistants

Summer Fun at d’Art


alling all children 6 and 14 years old who want to have fun this summer

getting messy and creative. Come spend a week at d’ART summer

Camp JCC provides children with a rich and unique day camp

camp and work with our

experience. A dynamic program allows every child to explore their own interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere. Engaging and supportive staff encourages campers to have fun, develop skills, and form meaningful relationships. All staff members are hired for their ability to facilitate memorable experiences for our campers. All camp personnel have a background check and participate in an extensive orientation program.

professional artists learning

Don’t wait! Applications accepted TODAY! Applications available at: For more information, contact: Erika Eskanazi, Children, Family and Camp Assistant Director Taffy Hunter, Human Resource Director Submit completed application to:

Simon Family JCC

Attention: Human Resources 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

24 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |

(757) 321-2342 (757) 965-6117

to paint, draw, build animals or buildings, and work with clay, paper mache, beads and fabric. for more information.

Chesapeake Bay Academy


hesapeake Bay Academy educates students through academic programs individualized to address their learning differences, empowering them with the skills and

confidence necessary for success in higher education, careers, and life. 757-497-6200. 821 Baker Road, Virginia Beach, Va.

New Reform camp combining science and Judaism by Julie Wiener

NEW YORK (JTA)—At most Union for Reform Judaism overnight camps and youth programs, girls account for at least half, if not more, of the campers. Outside the Orthodox community, Jewish institutions often struggle to attract and retain boys. But finding boys is not a problem for URJ’s Six Points Sci-Tech Academy, one of four new Jewish specialty camps opening this summer. (The others are a business and entrepreneurial camp, a nutrition and fitness camp, and a sports camp.) Instead, the biggest challenge facing the camp in Byfield, Mass., is recruiting girls: Of the 70 campers registered so far, fewer than 20 are female. “One of the things I’ve been shouting from the rooftops is that this is a program

say, ‘I’m a scientist, so I don’t believe in God.’ But you can have both. Judaism can inform our decisions as discoverers and explorers. We can use robotics in a discussion about repairing the world because robotics is being used a lot in medicine and in creating prostheses.” Despite the science focus and the academic setting—the kids live in dorms rather than cabins—Kellner says Sci-Tech is more camp than summer school. “When the kids get up in the morning, they’re going to have morning singing,” he says. “There will be traditions in the dining hall, athletic programs, evening programs, campfires, special days and trips. It will have a camp feel, and certainly we’ll celebrate Shabbat with dinner, song and dancing.” In contrast, he says, “with many academic programs you get a course from one thing to the

Tech’s director.

next, it’s more fron-

At Sci-Tech, located on the campus of the Governor’s Academy boarding school, participants choose from four tracks: robotics and engi-



digital media production. The camp is open to kids entering fifth through ninth grades. It is believed to be the first Jewish summer camp focusing on science, so kids “don’t have to choose between science and a Jewish program,” Kellner says. “My passion lies in making sure that when the kids are at camp that they can learn that science and Judaism are not exclusive of one another,” he says. “You hear a lot of people

Kids 6 to 12 • 9am-4pm Weekly ALL SUMMER

Kayaking • Fishing • Crabbing

tal-classroom style. This project-based

learning.” has served as


assistant direc-


Kellner, who

neering, video game design, environmental science and


catalog and then go

for girls, too,” says Greg Kellner, Sci-

Outdoor FUN for KIDS

tor of URJ Camp Eisner and senior assistant


tor of URJ Crane Lake Camp, both in Massachusetts, emphasizes that Sci-Tech is not just for science



that beginners are welcome. “We encourage





explore,” he says.

Hurrah Players Theatre Camp A fun, hands - on opportunity to learn all elements of Performing Arts! Workshop instruction in Musical Theatre, Voice, Tap, Stage Make– up and more. All campers perform in a One Act Play! Choose a session!

June 16 - 27 * July 7 - 18 July 21 - August 1 August 4 - 15 * Session is held at Norfolk Collegiate. All other sessions are at The Hurrah Players.

757-627-5437 | Camp | March 24, 2014 | Jewish News | 25




HAMPTON ROADS’ FINEST SUMMER PROGRAMS Whether you are looking for artistic enrichment, athletic instruction,academic enhancement or just a lot of fun, SUMMER AT THE CAPE is for you!

• Specialty Camps, Academic Courses and Dolphin Athletic Camps • Ages 3 – 17 • 10:1 student-to-program leader ratio • June 2 through August 8, half or full day programs • Drop off as early as 7:30 AM , pick up as late as 5:30 PM • Purchase 4, 6, 8 or 10-week packages and save! For more information, please visit or contact Mr. Tim Hummel, Director of Auxiliary Programs: (757) 963-8241 or 1320 Mill Dam Road | Virginia Beach, VA 23454

26 | Jewish News | March 24, 2014 | Camp |

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