Arts and Culture
Aviva Pembroke.
Beth Sholom Village
Children and Young Families.
Community Resources
Holiday Calendar
Jewish Family Service
Jewish Professionals
Senior Adults
Services and Organizations
Simon Family JCC.
Social Services and Health Care
Special Needs
Strelitz International Academy
Tidewater Jewish Foundation
25-26, 39
.26, 42
.26, 27, 28
.24, 28
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater . 24
Young Adults .
Youth Groups
About the cover of the Guide: Photograph by Steve Budman of the Cardo at the Sandler Family Campus.
Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year
October 2 - 4, 2024
Yom Kippur
Day of Atonement
October 11 - 12, 2024
Feast of Tabernacles
October 16 - 23, 2024
Shmini Atzeret
Eighth Day of Assembly
October 23 - 24, 2024
Simchat Torah
Celebration of the Torah
October 24 - 25, 2024
Festival of Rededication, also Festival of Lights
December 25, 2024 - January 2, 2025
Tu BiShvat
New Year for Trees
February 12 – 13, 2025
Story of Esther March 13 – 14, 2025
April 12– 20, 2025
Days of the Omer
Seven weeks from the second night of Pesach to the day before Shavuot
April 13 – June 1, 2025
Lag BaOmer
33rd day of counting the Omer
May 25 - 26, 2025
Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai
June 1–3, 2025
Tish’a B’Av
The Ninth of Av, commemorates destruction of the two Temples
August 2 – 3, 2025
Tu B’Av
Jewish holiday of love
August 8 – 9, 2025
Yom HaShoah
Holocaust Memorial Day
April 23 - 24, 2025
Yom HaZikaron
Israeli Memorial Day
April 29 – 30, 2025
Yom HaAtzma’ut
Israeli Independence Day
April 30 – May 1, 2025

Cape Henry prepares students for the future through professional opportunities in STEAM fields and ultramodern classroom technology, including a 3D Anatomage Table and professional engineering equipment and software.

The new Clarke+Ervin Center for Innovation and Performing Arts and Kramer Family Theater provides space for creative collaboration as students explore design thinking and the interconnected worlds of science, technology, engineering, arts and math.

A global perspective is embedded into classrooms from PK-12. Cape Henry provides exciting opportunities for students through academic study, cultural immersion and service learning around the world, including opportunities for international study.
Cape Henry students gain confidence and courage through self-expression and collaboration during the artistic process. New, professional performing arts spaces include a dance studio, orchestra room and the 450-seat Kramer Family Theater. // ESSENTIAL ARTS

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462 Executive vice president/CEO: Betty Ann Levin, BALevin@ujft.org
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 757-965-6100 federation.JewishVA.org facebook.com/UJFTidewater vimeo.com/UJFT Instagram/UJFTidewater
Simon Family JCC
SimonFamilyJCC.org facebook.com/SimonFamilyJ Instagram/SimonFamilyJ
The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (UJFT) fosters a vibrant, committed, inclusive, and caring Jewish community guided by its mission and values to support and preserve Jewish life.
Each year, nearly 1,200 generous community members contribute to the UJFT Community Campaign. Additionally, hundreds more support various UJFT and Simon Family JCC programs and services, including emergency campaigns, community security, and the plethora of programming provided to the community.
Funds from the Community Campaign are allocated to trusted Jewish agencies and organizations at the local, national, and international levels through a prioritization and allocation process. This communal giving model supports Jewish agencies and organizations in Tidewater, Israel, and Jewish communities worldwide. Emergency campaigns address specific crises, both immediate and anticipated.
UJFT provides for those in need, helps Jews in danger, enhances Jewish life, improves security, combats antisemitism, promotes Israel, and builds Jewish life for future generations. Contributions to the UJFT Community Campaign fund local and international service partners who offer healthcare, social services, Jewish cultural and educational programs, and initiatives that enhance human relations. Consequently, UJFT, one of 146 Jewish Federations around North America, has a global impact on Jewish lives.
The Simon Family Jewish Community Center (JCC) serves both the Jewish and broader Tidewater communities. It offers a wide range of programs and activities for all ages – from infants to seniors – including extensive health and wellness options that feature a state-of-the-art gym, three pools, 40+ group fitness classes, and personal training. Additionally, the center offers a variety of sports and recreation, cultural arts, educational, and social activities.
Membership and day passes are open to everyone, regardless of faith. The Simon Family JCC is open and welcoming to all in the community.
Chief Development Officer: Amy Zelenka 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.org
UJFT runs a highly organized community fundraising campaign each year to help meet the needs of Jews locally and in Jewish communities around the world.
More than 100 local Jewish volunteers help raise funds for the Campaign in partnership with a small staff of development professionals.
Campaigners strive to engage all community members in discussions about Jewish values and concerns. In addition, the Federation seeks to provide opportunities to show donors how their support impacts beneficiaries at home and abroad, through local events, programs, and displays, and through Federation missions to Israel and elsewhere abroad. The Community Campaign runs July 1 through December 31 each year.
Super Sunday — held each September — is a community Phone-a-Thon designed to “kick-off” campaign season and bring together volunteer callers eager to engage in meaningful “Jewish conversations” with community members during a half-day of outreach, fundraising, and community-building.
At the end of each campaign year, UJFT’s board of directors reviews and approves the allocation of funds raised during the campaign to local Jewish agencies and organizations, pursuant to the recommendations of the UJFT Finance Committee. Additional funds are earmarked for distribution to UJFT’s overseas service delivery partners – the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC); the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI); and World ORT. The allocation of overseas funds is based on recommendations from the UJFT Israel and Overseas committee.
Because of its infrastructure and experience with fundraising, UJFT has, over the years, also run a variety of EMERGENCY campaigns, the most recent of which have addressed COVID-19 needs in the community; funding the special needs of Jewish communities in war-torn Ukraine; and this year’s Israel Emergency Fund, which was rolled out on October 8 to help those in Israel impacted by the horrific events of October 7.
Donations to the UJFT Community Campaign are welcome at any time and can be made by cash, check, securities, distributions from donor advised funds, or online at JewishVA.org/Donation. An increasing number of donors have opted in recent years to gift their mandatory retirement distributions to the Federation as well, to help offset income taxes.
Chief Development Officer: Amy Zelenka 757-965-6139, AZelenka@UJFT.org JewishVA.org/mens-division
UJFT’s Men’s Division is dedicated to engaging the community in support of the Federation’s Community Campaign. The Men’s Division is comprised of more than 40 volunteers who serve the Tidewater Jewish community by soliciting gifts of support. These volunteers help ensure funding is available for Jewish education, health, and social welfare, the fight against antisemitism, enhanced security, emergency services, and crisis relief.
The newest addition to the Men’s Division takes place this year with the inclusion of the NADIV young men’s group (formerly Giving Circle). These men will support the efforts of the Community Campaign, while continuing to build community through programs and events that grow their constituency – ultimately benefitting the entire Jewish community.
Community Development Director: Linda Ausch 757-965-6105, Lausch@ujft.org JewishVA.org/womens-division facebook.com/JewishWomen757
UJFT’s Women’s Division is the women’s fundraising arm of the Federation’s Community Campaign, providing local Jewish women with opportunities for empowerment, volunteerism, and philanthropy at all levels. At the helm of the Women’s Division is the Women’s Philanthropy Group (formerly Women’s Cabinet), which meets regularly throughout the year to learn what’s happening in Tidewater’s Jewish community and around the Jewish world. They then put that knowledge to use, informing donors
as they engage in conversations around philanthropic giving. Members of the Women’s Philanthropy serve as ambassadors and role models for women of all ages, taking the lead in volunteer fundraising for the Women’s Division of the UJFT Community Campaign and engaging other women in the Jewish community through events and activities.
Community Development Manager: Heather Nevins
757-452-6925, HNevins@ujft.org federation.jewishva.org/ sponsorship-opportunities
UJFT’s professional fundraising staff now supports the work of the Simon Family JCC Programs Department by helping to raise the funds needed to ensure top-notch programming throughout the year. This “programmatic fundraising” includes sources such as grants, corporate and individual sponsorships, and the direct solicitation of donors for JCC programs such as Patron of the Arts, the Konikoff Center of Learning, seniors programming, and countless others. For new programs, the chances are good that a grant or sponsorship has been received to enable it to take flight. Many prospects for these fundraising efforts reside outside the Jewish community, and it is UJFT’s goal to continue growing these partnerships with the broader Hampton Roads commercial and granting community.
Director: Hunter Thomas 757-965-6137, HThomas@UJFT.org
Leon Family Gallery
Exhibits at the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus feature artists from Tidewater and around the globe. Artists may be Jewish, Israeli, or depict subjects of interest to the Jewish people, Tidewater themes, and more. Exhibits rotate every other month. Check the website for special events including openings, receptions, and conversations with artists.

Whether you’re walking down the aisle or gathering with family and friends to celebrate a mitzvah, our downtown Norfolk waterfront venue is the perfect place for your celebration. Our event specialists will work with you closely to transform your vision into a unforgettable celebration, incorporating stunning decor and exquisite cuisine.
Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival
The annual Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival is a celebration of Jewish authors, books, and ideas which seeks to enrich Jewish culture by presenting themes that engage, educate, and inspire all people. Events typically take place annually in November with additional opportunities for engagement throughout the year.
Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, Presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg
Screened at various locations throughout Tidewater, the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg, offers a range of cinema experiences, from compelling documentaries to poignant comedies that engage and spark conversations. As one of the longest-running Jewish film festivals in the country, the Festival engages diverse Tidewater communities, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, by presenting world-class films inspired by Jewish or Israeli stories, history, heritage, and values— and can be appreciated by people from all backgrounds.
Yom Ha’Atzmaut: Celebrating Israel’s Independence
Simon Family JCC and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater offer something for everyone each year for Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. These programs are open to the entire Tidewater community and celebrate Israel through education, authentic food, activities, and experiences.

BeAR Coordinator: Robin Ford 757-321-2304, RFord@UJFT.org
The Be A Reader (BeAR) literacy program of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater was created 25 years ago as a community-wide effort to help at-risk, struggling readers acquire the skills and love for learning that lead to personal happiness and future success.
BeAR works with Title I elementary schools across the region and pairs a volunteer mentor with a student for an hour each week to read, work on spelling and vocabulary, and provide students with a sense of stability.
Since there is no shortage of children that require assistance, the program’s capacity is solely dependent on its number of volunteers. Volunteers are always needed to join the BeAR community to help children learn to read. Whether through volunteering, giving supplies, or donating, helping to make a difference in a child’s life offers its own rewards.
Director of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org
Main number: 757-321-2306
Camp JCC provides children with an expansive and enriching day camp experience. This dynamic program allows every child to explore their interests, try new activities, and build community with new and old friends within a safe camp atmosphere.

Camp JCC Summer Camp, for rising kindergarteners through eighth graders, runs mid-June through early August. “Last Blast,” for rising kindergartners through fifth grade, are camp style weeks offered between the end of regular camp and the start of public schools. CIT opportunities are offered for ninth and 10th graders during the summer camp season.
Camp JCC Program Manager: Sarah Cooper 757-321-2306, SCooper@UJFT.org
Children’s programs include soccer, Israel Club, yoga classes, and more. School Days Out care is offered for children, kindergarten through fifth grade.
Kids Night Out takes place 6 – 10 pm on the third Saturday of every month, November to May, for children ages 4 to 12 years.
Editor: Terri Denison
757-965-6132, news@UJFT.org JewishNewsVA.org
Research, laugh, remember, and browse through the Hal Sacks Jewish News Archives, an online site to access past issues of the Jewish News since 1947.
Director: Elka Mednick
757-965-6112, EMednick@UJFT.org HolocaustCommission.org facebook.com/holcommission
The Holocaust Commission works to contemporize the lessons of the Holocaust so the young and old may understand its magnitude and move through the world in a manner that affirms humanity. The Commission offers programs, resources, and community events related to Holocaust education and remembrance. Dedicated volunteers from the community guide the Holocaust Commission’s work.
Among its many events and projects, the Holocaust Commission holds the annual Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competition for students; a yearly community gathering for Yom Hashoah, the commemoration day of the Holocaust; the Ruthi Sherman Kroskin and Esther Goldman Awards for Excellence in Holocaust Education; and Biennial Educators’ Conferences.
The Holocaust Commission’s podcast, Stars Among Us, is produced in partnership with WHRO public media. To Life: The Past is Present Holocaust Stories of Hampton Roads Survivors, Liberators, and Rescuers, which is available for purchase, chronicles the lives of survivors before, during, and after the Holocaust. Companion lesson plans are available upon request for classroom work related to Stars Among Us and To Life: The Past is Present
The Holocaust Commission’s website provides information on how to participate in and support its various programs.
Senior Director, JCRC: Robin Mancoll
757-965-6120, RMancoll@UJFT.org JewishVA.org/JCRC facebook.com/JCRCUJFT
The Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater champions a thriving Jewish community locally, in Israel, and around the world and leverages the strength of the diverse and vibrant Jewish community to promote a just and democratic society by leading, convening, educating, and advocating.
The JCRC addresses issues of vital concern based on Jewish values, consensus, and respect for diversity, and builds bridges within and beyond the Jewish community.
Editor: Terri Denison 757-965-6132, TDenison@ujft.org JewishNewsVA.org facebook.com/JewishNewsVA
Published 18 times annually, Jewish News connects Tidewater’s Jewish community with news of Jewish interest from local, national, and global spheres.
Jewish News is delivered to thousands of mailboxes each month and reaches tens of thousands through its easy-to-navigate website. Electronic editions of Jewish News are available online.
Senior Director of Jewish Innovation: Sierra Lautman 757-965-6107, SLautman@UJFT.org JewishVA.org/KCL
Tidewater’s hub for experiential Jewish education and engagement at United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC, the Konikoff Center for Learning offers high-impact, innovative learning experiences that cover an array of interests and age groups, including programs, classes, workshops, and symposia.
The Konikoff Center for Learning engages, educates, equips, and inspires individuals to deepen their Jewish knowledge and connection.
Camp JCC Program Manager: Sarah Cooper 757-321-2306, SCooper@UJFT.org
Thanks to support from the Simon Family Foundation, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, and United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, PJ Library and PJ Our Way sends free Jewish children’s books to families each month, sharing stories that can help foster conversations about important values and traditions.
Engaging PJ Library programming takes place at the Sandler Family Campus and in public spaces around Tidewater with the goal of helping Jewish families connect to one another and to Jewish traditions and values.
Families with kids ages six months through eight years old with Judaism as part of their lives—affiliated, unaffiliated, interfaith, or non-traditional—are welcome to sign up by visiting PJLibrary.org.
Children from ages nine to 12 can select a new free book each month by signing up for PJ Our Way.
Seniors Program Coordinator: Mia Klein 757-452-3184, MKlein@UJFT.org
Celebrations and fun activities with friendly company are offered for adults of all backgrounds at the Simon Family JCC. With a multitude of opportunities throughout each week, the program’s mission is to encourage senior adults to participate in educational, cultural, spiritual, fitness, and social programs to increase health, wellbeing, and connection to other individuals and the Jewish community.
Whether it’s joining Seniors Club, a weekly card game, or a book club, there’s something for everyone.
Israel Engagement Manager: Nofar Trem 757-321-2334, NTrem@UJFT.org JewishVa.org/ShalomBaby
Shalom Baby is a gift bag delivery program made possible by a partnership between United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC, Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center, and PJ Library in Tidewater. Whether a first or fourth child, birth or adoptive, Shalom Baby wants to help parents celebrate the arrival by showering them with fun and relaxing gifts and helpful resources for Jewish babies.
Director, Young Adult Division: Elana McGovern 757-965-6136, EMcGovern@UJFT.org
Development Director – Women’s Campaign: Linda Ausch 757-965-6105, Lausch@ujft.org JewishVA.org/Welcome
The Tidewater Jewish community is a hub of activity, spanning five cities: Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Suffolk. Shalom Tidewater offers a wealth of resources for newcomers to Jewish Tidewater to help everyone find their place – affiliated or unaffiliated, Jewish by birth, Jewish by choice, or interfaith.
For newcomers under 45, UJFT’s YAD Director, Elana McGovern will offer a Shalom Tidewater basket, which includes a variety of informational pamphlets, brochures, a day-pass to the JCC and even a few special treats (especially if meeting near Shabbat!). McGovern can explain all about the activities and events taking place which are geared toward the Young Adult community.
For those arriving in town over the age of 45, UJFT’s Development Director, Linda Ausch, will call to offer a Shalom Tidewater basket. She can explain about the classes, programs, and other social opportunities taking place in the community which would appeal to those whose demographic sets them outside the Young Adult community.
Program Directors:
Elana McGovern 757-965-6136, EMcGovern@UJFT.org Linda Ausch 757-965-6105, Lausch@UJFT.org JewishVA.org/S O P
The UJFT Society of Jewish Professionals (SOP) is an affinity group dedicated to educational, social, and philanthropic activities, and providing opportunities for its members to network, socialize, and engage with one another and the community.
Through a series of unique program offerings, the Society of Professionals introduces its members to local and visiting authors, speakers, and thought leaders – subject matter experts in their fields – offering exclusive out-of-the box educational opportunities including balancing personal retirement portfolios; wine tastings and pairings; panel discussions on what’s happening in Hampton Roads and how it can impact individuals and their business; medical ethics; and even a virtual mission to Israel.
Through their $1,000+ campaign gifts, SOP members also serve as role models to their peers, as they help build and strengthen local and global Jewish communities. All SOP programs are free to members. Some SOP programs may be open to non-members, with a fee to attend.
SOP combines the once-separate Maimonides (medical professionals) and Business & Legal Societies, and includes other professionals as well, who share common Jewish and communal interests and enjoy the Society’s programming and benefits.
Athletics Director: Tom Edwards 757-321-2308, TEdwards@SimonFamilyJCC.org
A variety of aquatics, sports, recreation, athletics, and youth and adult athletic leagues and events such as basketball, tee ball, tennis, pickleball, fishing, and a swim team are offered at the Simon Family JCC. The JCC also offers children and adult swim lessons, lap lanes for fitness swimmers, and an outdoor water park. Local Jewish teens (ages 13-16) have the opportunity to join the Team Virginia Beach delegation to the JCC Maccabi Games, which travels to compete in an international sports festival each summer.
Director: Tom Purcell
757-321-2310, TPurcell@UJFT.org
The JCC features an expansive fitness center, three indoor pools, an outdoor water park, a gymnasium, pickleball courts, and more, all within a state-of-the-art facility. It also offers dozens of free group fitness classes including Spin, Pilates, Zumba, and Yoga. Members enjoy discounts on personal training, specialty classes, and various programs.
Director, Young Leadership Division: Elana McGovern 757-965-6136, EMcGovern@ujft.org JewishVA.org/yad facebook.com/YAD
The Young Adult Division offers and promotes a variety of social, cultural, leadership development, and philanthropic opportunities for young Jewish adults in the community.
Both YAD and YLC foster Jewish identity, involvement, and responsibility among young Jewish adults (ages 25 – 45), through programs designed to strengthen and enrich Jewish community at home, in Israel, and around the world. YAD aims to cultivate relationships, build networks, and develop highly skilled leaders to ensure the next generation of Jewish community leaders. YLC seeks to engage young philanthropists and campaign advocates to educate and encourage their peers and others about the importance of Jewish community involvement and giving.
YAD hosts a wide variety of programs throughout the year including regular happy hours, holiday parties, business networking, and Shabbat dinners. The newest program is YAD’s Pop-Up Shabbat dinner program hosted for and by members of the YAD community. Made possible by a generous grant from the Richard S. Glasser Foundation, Pop-Up Shabbats bring together young singles, couples, and even families to share in the joys of Shabbat and to strengthen the bonds of community.
YLC and YAD seek to recruit promising young members of the Jewish community for participation in their flagship Hineni Leadership Development program. Hineni does not take place every year, but rather only when a cohort is recruited. Hineni participants come together regularly over the course of two years to learn, network, develop leadership skills, and most importantly, create community. Hineni “grads” are eligible to travel together in a week-long, exclusive mission to Israel, heavily subsidized by the Tom Hofheimer Fund, and known as the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel.
YLC and YAD are great ways for those new to the community to meet other young Jews. They are also great points of entry for those seeking a deeper relationship with the Jewish community, which might include volunteerism, leadership, and philanthropy.
Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus
5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462 757-965-6111
President and CEO: Naomi Limor Sedek
At Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF), the belief is that from birth to bar or bat mitzvah and beyond, everyone has the power to create a meaningful legacy, regardless of their stage in life. TJF’s mission is to inspire and guide individuals in their philanthropic journey, ensuring their contributions have a lasting impact on Jewish life in Tidewater and beyond.
TJF began as a single endowment fund when founded in 1984 and has continued to grow, such that its consolidated assets today are more than $140 million, held in more than 700 active funds. With a mission of honoring the values of tzedakah (giving) and tikkun olam (healing the world), TJF has distributed close to a quarter of a billion dollars in charitable grants to the local community and beyond over the past three decades. TJF partners with individual donors, the Federation, local affiliate agencies, and synagogues to implement tax-advantaged giving strategies that benefit current and future generations.
One of TJF's cornerstone initiatives is the LIFE & LEGACY program. Of the more than $65 million in open future planned gifts that TJF is currently tracking, $21 million in future endowment commitments were secured because of the LIFE & LEGACY program. Relaunched in July 2024, The LIFE & LEGACY PLUS program has transformed the philanthropic culture in the community by demonstrating that everyone—regardless of age, wealth, or affiliation—can make a significant financial impact. LIFE & LEGACY PLUS, in partnership with local synagogues and Jewish agencies and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, provides ongoing training and support to ensure the continued

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success of the community’s philanthropic endeavors.
TJF also facilitates various other programs designed to engage donors at every stage of life, including youth philanthropy, educational scholarships, cultural and immersion experiences, and religious-based programming. These initiatives enable donors to grow their giving meaningfully, reflecting their values and passions.
TJF is deeply committed to working with donors and their advisors to craft personalized philanthropic strategies that align with their overall estate plans. Their expertise in charitable giving, combined with a deep understanding of the needs of the Jewish community, ensures that all fees are reinvested back into the community.
Through donor-advised funds, fund matching for charitable life insurance, charitable bequests, charitable trusts, reserved life estates, and charitable IRA distributions and designations, TJF offers a range of services to help donors achieve their philanthropic goals.
TJF invites everyone to join their mission to build a vibrant and enduring Jewish community. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact one of TJF's philanthropic advisors to discover how to create a legacy today that will benefit and secure a strong Jewish tomorrow. Together, they can make a difference.

420 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517
Rabbi Shlomo Eisenberg
B’nai Israel Congregation is an exciting, family-oriented, full-service Orthodox synagogue in the heart of a diverse and dynamic Jewish community in the Ghent neighborhood of Norfolk. It offers daily morning and evening prayer services.
The synagogue houses the Norfolk Area Community Kollel, BINA High School for Girls, and the Norfolk Community Mikvah. It is affiliated with the Orthodox Union and the National Conference of Young Israel.
• Adult classes
• Children’s programming
• Teen programming
• Weekly Kiddushes
1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517
757-616-0770, fax 757-616-0772
Rabbilevi@chabadoftidewater.com chabadoftidewater.com
Rabbi Aron and Rychel Margolin
Rabbi Levi and Rashi Brashevitzky
Established in 1979 under the direct guidance of The Lubavitch’s Rebbe, Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater is dedicated to increasing the awareness, knowledge, and observance of Judaism in Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach by reaching out to all Jews, regardless of age, affiliation, or level of observance. Chabad participants experience the joy and celebration, the intimacy and compassion, the wisdom and knowledge that are inherent in Jewish life and learning. Chabad of Tidewater responds to both the material and spiritual needs of the Jewish community through classes, counseling, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, and innovative programming for children and adults.
• CTeen and CTeen U
• Women’s Rosh Chodesh Society
• JLI - Jewish Learning Institute
• Holiday guides
• Jewish Art Calendar
• Meaningful and uplifting Shabbat and Holiday services for youth and adults
• Holiday programming for adults, youth and families
Corner of Maryland Avenue and Gilbert Street, Naval Station Norfolk, Va. 23511
The Commodore Levy Chapel is the oldest land-based Jewish chapel on a Naval Station in North America. Established in 1942 and named for Commodore Uriah Philips Levy in 1959, the Commodore Levy Jewish Chapel celebrated 65 years of service to God and Country in 2024.
Access to worship services is available to Active Duty and Reserve Military, their dependents, military retirees, and Civil Service employees. Guests are allowed when accompanied by sponsors or by special permission from the Base Chaplain’s Office.
Cantorial Soloist: Jim Hibberd
President: Debbie Hibberd
Founded in 1982, Beth Chaverim has been affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1984.
• Religious School • Services at Temple Emanuel and on Zoom
• Friday Night Services take place at 7 pm
422 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517
Rabbi David Bockman
Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Arthur Ruberg
Executive Director: Lynette Andrews
Education Director: Sharon Serbin
The heart and soul of Congregation Beth El is its loving and welcoming congregation. The congregation boasts a diversified mix of members: families that reach back generations, recent additions to the area, and active-duty military and Veterans from all services. The congregation welcomes and encourages diversity and members of all ages, backgrounds, and interests.
Beth El values both tradition and change. The congregation provides dynamic and fun educational programs for all ages, religious and cultural events, and participation in social action projects within the Jewish community and beyond. Beth El holds weekly morning and evening services on Zoom, as well as weekly Shabbat services every Friday evening and Saturday morning. Everyone is welcome to join the congregation for services and other events in person, on Zoom, or livestream.
3400 Holly Road, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451
info@jewishvb.org www.jewishvb.org
Rabbi Meir Lessoff
The synagogue offers Judaism in a joyful, genuine, and creative manner, providing engaging activities and programs for all ages in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
For High Holiday services, the holidays will take place at the Oceanfront. Location and details will be posted on the website at the beginning of September. Reservations will be required, but there is no charge.
952 Indian Lakes Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Va. 23464 757-495-8510
kbhsynagogue@gmail.com kbhsynagogue.org www.kbhsynagogue.org/facebook.com/kbhsynagogue
Cantor David Proser
Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) is a place for traditional, yet egalitarian Jews to celebrate all things Jewish in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
KBH was established in 1978 and is centrally located in Tidewater, not far from Town Center and the Sandler Family Campus. As a small congregation, members have the opportunity to play an active role in the life of the synagogue. The synagogue strives to provide opportunities for prayer, learning, socializing, celebrating life cycle events, and supporting its local and greater Jewish and general community. Kehillat Bet Hamidrash continues to enjoy its long-standing relationship with Temple Israel as a programming partner and looks forward to expanding participation in the area’s Masorti Congregations' collaborative events.
Contact the synagogue at kbhsynagogue@gmail.com for Zoom information.
• Shabbat and Holiday services and celebrations
• Weekly Shabbat Kiddush luncheon
• Tikkun Olam projects
• Affiliated with USCJ - United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
• Support of, and participation in, Jewish community events
• Services and programs are offered in-person and via Zoom.
530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23507
757-625-4295, 757-625-3762
Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg
Cantor Jennifer Rueben
Executive Director: Jennifer Levin-Tavares
Religious School Director: Alyson Morrissey
Music Director: Charles Woodward
Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Lawrence A. Forman
Founded in 1844, Ohef Sholom Temple is the largest and oldest Reform congregation in Tidewater. Shabbat Services take place Friday at 6:30 pm in-person and via Facebook Live and Saturday at 10:30 am via Facebook Live.
Ohef Sholom Temple is committed to welcoming all who are in search of a spiritual home – longtime members, interfaith families, singles, LGBTQ+, and empty nesters. A Union for Reform Judaism congregation, Ohef Sholom offers innovative worship and deep Torah learning, fosters meaningful relationships, and Tikkun Olam (bettering the world through social action). The congregation also has an extensive children’s and adult library, Holocaust collection, and Archives.
• Religious School for preschool through grade 10
• Programming for infants and toddlers, children, teens, families, and adults
• Intro to Judaism and adult Hebrew courses
• Diverse adult education opportunities
• Torah Study
• Dynamic, musical worship services
• Social Justice and Social Action initiatives
• Extensive library and archives
• Judaica Shop
• Youth Group (NFTY partnership)
• Men’s Club
• Sisterhood
424 25th Street, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451
office@tevb.org www.tevb.org
Rabbi: Ari Oliszewski
Rabbi email: rabbiari@tevb.org
Office Manager: Gail Gogan
Temple Emanuel is a thriving oceanfront Jewish community. It is intimate, accepting, and open to all. Temple Emanuel embraces the many ways to express Jewishness and spirituality, welcoming people of all family situations, ethnicities, and sexual orientations. Located at the beach, the congregation offers a relaxed, informal atmosphere with creative worship services, as well as cultural programming for all. Religious School is free to synagogue members.
Welcome Seniors!

7255 Granby Street, Norfolk, Va. 23505
Rabbi: Dr. Michael Panitz
Executive Director: Nancy Tucker
President: Norman Soroko
Temple Israel is a vibrant, egalitarian, full-service synagogue that has served the local Jewish community for 70 years by meeting the spiritual, educational, life cycle, and social needs of its diverse membership.
Through the fulfillment of mitzvot, it provides opportunities for meaningful Jewish living for its members. Temple Israel maintains a full schedule of joint programs with Kempsville Conservative Synagogue. Adult education is one of the hallmarks of Temple Israel, including ongoing studies on a variety of topics, as well as adult bar and bat mitzvah classes. Temple Israel enthusiastically embraces tikkun olam (repairing the world) and values every individual’s unique participation. With a perspective embracing both tradition and the challenges of today’s world, Temple Israel welcomes innovative ideas and new voices into its family. The congregation is moving forward with an ambitious program of making its facilities more fully accessible.
• Daily services are on Zoom; Shabbat and holiday worship services are in-person and live-streamed on YouTube
• Adult clubs and classes
• Library
• Gift Shop
1593 Lynnhaven Parkway, Virginia Beach, Va. 23453 757-617-0334, 757-937-8393
Rabbi Israel Zoberman
President: David Yasemsky
The newest Jewish congregation in Hampton Roads meets in The Church of the Holy Apostles in Virginia Beach. The church is the world’s only Episcopal and Roman Catholic congregation. Now, it is the only place in the world where Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, and Jews meet under one roof. Rabbi Dr. Israel Zoberman is the founder and spiritual leader.
425 Washington Park, Norfolk, Va. 23517
757-627-BINA (2462)
Fax 757-627-2461 binahighschool.com
Menaheles: Aviva Harpaz aharpaz@binahighschool.com
Norfolk’s first and only Orthodox Jewish Middle and High School for young women, BINA opened in 2007. The BINA experience enables each student to develop her love for Hashem, His Torah and the Jewish people. In a supportive and challenging academic environment, students are given the skills to excel in both Judaic and General studies.
BINA’s knowledgeable and professional faculty foster a love of learning and pride in achievement. A BINA student is taught to be proud of her heritage, concerned for her community, and prepared for her future.
Early Years and Primary Years Programs, Infants–Grade 5
Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus
5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462 757-424-4327
strelitzinternationalacademy.org facebook.com/strelitzacademy @strelitzinternationalacademyInternational Baccalaureate® World School Head of School: Heather Moore hmoore@strelitzacademy.org
Admissions Manager: Ally St. Pierre astpierre@strelitzacademy.org
Strelitz International Academy is the community’s progressive Jewish Day School welcoming students ages six weeks through grade 5.
SIA is the only International Baccalaureate® World School for the Primary Years Program in the area.
SIA students are guided by four core Jewish values: Kehillah (community), Kavod (honor), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and Torah v’Lishman (love of learning). Starting with the infant care program, Strelitz offers parents a nurturing and safe place to ensure the growth and development for their baby. The infant curriculum focuses on sensory activities and exploration, stories, songs, and floor time.
As an International Baccalaureate® World School, the Early Years students are seen as inquirers of the world around them. Students experience the joy of learning through hands-on activities and nurturing teachers. SIA students learn math and literacy skills and experience Jewish holidays and global learning through books, arts and crafts, songs, games, and creative play. Students also enjoy enrichment classes such as swimming, PE, music, and library time.
Primary Years (K–5) students are recognized for their strengths and benefit from small classes and individualized instruction when needed. Students thrive in a setting of a caring community of learners. The SIA curriculum includes Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Jewish Culture, Hebrew, Music, Violin,
Art, P.E., and more. Through its inquiry-led, transdisciplinary framework, the International Baccalaureate® Primary Years Program challenges students to think for themselves and take agency in their learning as they explore local and global issues and opportunities in real-life contexts.
Graduates are ready to meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced world, as evidenced by their acceptance and seamless transitions into the top independent schools, International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, and high school academies.

• Family owned and operated since 1917
• Affordable services to fit any budget
• Advance funeral planning
• Professional, experienced, caring staff
• Flexible burial options
• Flexible payment options
Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha

Chris Sisler, Vice President, Member of Ohef Sholom Temple, Board member of the Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village, James E. Altmeyer, Jr., President, James E. Altmeyer, Sr., Owner
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh 612 Colonial Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23507 757-623-6070 dwilson@yeshivasaishkodesh.com www.yeshivasaishkodesh.com
Executive Director: Rabbi Shmuel Katz
Judaic Principals: Rabbi Ezra Stettin and Rabbi Avrohom Weinreb
General Studies Principal: David Rowzie
Administrative Director: Debbie Wilson
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh is geared toward the student striving for excellence in Limudei Kodesh and General Studies. The school aims to facilitate the spiritual, personal, and academic growth of talmidim, with an eye toward producing wellrounded bnei Torah. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh meets these goals with a full, balanced schedule. The curriculum features Gemara shiurim in both Iyun and Bekius, as well as regular classes in Chumash, Navi, Halacha, and Tefillah. Yeshivas Aish Kodesh offers a General Studies program taught by state-certified instructors.
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh’s facilities feature a Beis Medrash, state-of-the-art classrooms, a well-stocked library, and a recreation/workout room. The students can participate in varsity and junior varsity basketball, as well as intramural football. The students have regular opportunities to participate in pick-up basketball games, swimming, ice skating, and other activities.
Yeshivas Aish Kodesh views experiential learning as an integral part of the Yeshiva’s approach. Visiting and interacting with Gedolei Yisrael, an energetic Oneg Shabbos, and a heartfelt kumzitz—are ways in which the special ruach and warmth that characterizes Yeshivas Aish Kodesh are extended.
3110 Sterling Point Drive, Portsmouth, Va. 23703
Menehel: Rabbi Aryeh Kravetz
General Studies Principal: Andie Pollock
Toras Chaim provides a high-level Judaic and General Studies education ranging from Early Childhood through 8th grade, fostering a strong Jewish identity and an enduring commitment to the Torah and its values.
Toras Chaim is dedicated to the belief that Jewish children and their families can partner together to create a nurturing environment which builds the foundations of a lasting, proud and active Jewish identity for every child. From the very beginning, the school’s Early Childhood Center maintains a developmentally appropriate and loving environment which fosters individuality, creativity, respect for others, and a love for Torah. As students grow, they learn how to ask deep questions, think analytically, and apply their knowledge to life. Under the leadership of its dedicated teachers and administration, Toras Chaim strives to maintain a balanced dual curriculum which challenges students to reach their full potential and to take pride in their accomplishments.
With a commitment to every child and an emphasis on academic excellence, enthusiasm for learning, and positive character traits, Toras Chaim graduates emerge proud of their Jewish identity and with a love for learning which propels them forward to continue their education.
One Avenue of the Arts, Newport News, Va. 23606
Christopher Newport University is dedicated to building a vibrant program in Jewish Studies. Dr. Vered Sakal, an internationally renowned scholar of Jewish Studies, is leading the effort as the Bertram and Gladys Aaron Endowed Professor of Jewish Studies. Sakal is passionate about teaching and bringing Jewish Studies to life in the classroom. Her interdisciplinary approach fosters students’ ability to connect to the material and makes her classes engaging and vibrant.
Sakal, who grew up in Israel and is an ordained rabbi, also plans to cultivate strong ties with Virginia’s Jewish community.
Christopher Newport is a public university that champions small class sizes, dynamic faculty, and a tight-knit community focused on ensuring students are prepared to lead lives of significance.
Under the direction of the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula
Rabbinic Advisor: Rabbi Gershon Litt
Christopher Newport University Hillel is open to all Jewish students and is the Jewish organization at Christopher Newport University. Hillel offers social, religious, cultural, and Israel-related events led by student leadership and professional staff.
2024 Batten Arts and Letters, Norfolk, Va. 23529
757-683-6816 www.odu.edu/jewish-studies www.facebook.com/ODUJewishStudies www.instagram.com/ODUJewishStudies
Director: Amy Milligan, PhD
The Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding (IJIU) is an interdisciplinary academic program at Old Dominion University dedicated to creating strong, inclusive learning experiences that deepen understanding of Jewish thought, history, and culture. IJIU sponsors research, academic programs, engagement activities, and collaboration with community partners to promote diverse Jewish perspectives about significant local and global issues, address antisemitic acts and other forms of hatred, and encourage dialogue between people of all faiths and beliefs.
Rabbinic Advisor: Rabbi Gershon Litt
Hillel is the home to the Jewish student community with social activities, educational events, and holiday celebrations on and off campus.
5817 Wesleyan Drive, Virginia Beach, Va. 23455
Eric Michael Mazur, PhD, Gloria & David Furman Professor of Judaic Studies, Religion, Law, & Politics Fellow, Robert Nusbaum Center (formerly the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom)
The Jewish studies minor at Virginia Wesleyan University provides students with the opportunity to enhance their chosen major with a course of study that includes traditional classes, independent study, and internships. Directed by Eric Mazur, Gloria & David Furman Professor of Judaic Studies, students enrolled in the minor enjoy the flexibility to develop their own course of study in a supportive intellectual environment.
Virginia Wesleyan University—a small liberal arts university on a 300-acre campus that is just minutes from the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay—inspires students to build meaningful lives through
422 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517 sharonj@bethelnorfolk.com
Director of Education: Sharon J. Serbin
Congregation Beth El’s PSARA meets on Sundays, 9 am-12 pm at Congregation Beth El. The student body consists of classes from PreKindergarten/Kindergarten through 7th grade. The curriculum includes Judaica, Hebrew, Brachot, Israel studies, and Mitzvot. Arts and crafts, holiday programs, creative drama, music, and more provide a well-rounded education. New this year is a hands-on exploration of Jewish people and cultures around the world. Students will learn about similarities and unique differences of Jewish life in various countries. Activities include cooking Jewish food and creating art from those countries, learning how holidays and Shabbat are celebrated, and other cultural Jewish folklore. PSARS focuses on ‘experiencing’ education. Teachers make learning come alive in fun and engaging lessons. The school’s mission is to educate, nurture, guide, and encourage students to embrace the joy in Judaism. Open to all students regardless of synagogue affiliation or not affiliated at all.

Sandler Family Campus
5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462
Hebrew School meets on Wednesdays, 5:10 - 6:50 pm at the Sandler Family Campus. Classes are for third - sixth graders. The focus is on various aspects of Hebrew, including but not limited to reading, writing, root words, brachot, and conversational modern Hebrew. The curriculum includes fun and engaging methods such as arts and crafts, rhythms and drumming, and educational games. Students develop a strong foundation of Hebrew and learn how it connects to Jewish culture.
Open to all students regardless of synagogue affiliation or not affiliated at all.
Congregation Beth El
422 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517
Open to 8th-12th graders, Bogrim meets once a month on Sundays at Beth El. The Bogrim Program’s focus is leadership, knowledge, action, and advocacy. The Bogrim Program helps teens grow as Jewish young adults through discussions, social actions, mitzvot (good deeds), and middot (values) while using creative drama, role playing, artistic expressions, and going into the community to do mitzvot to round out the curriculum. Experts in various fields will be guest speakers, in person or virtually. Students explore who they are individually as a young Jewish adult, who they are in the community, and what their responsibilities are in the world. Fieldtrips engage in various mitzvot and fun activities which support the focus of the month.
Open to all students regardless of synagogue affiliation or not affiliated at all.
509 Raleigh Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23507
Director of Lifelong Learning: Alyson Morrissey
At Ohef Sholom Temple Religious School, students go beyond learning Hebrew, about Jewish holidays, and preparing for their b’nai mitzvah. They are taught to embrace their Jewish heritage, take pride in their culture, and contribute to building a strong community. Ohef Sholom’s commitment is to cultivate individuals who embody lifelong Jewish values, firmly rooted in Torah and Jewish teachings, while maintaining strong connections to Israel, Jewish history, culture, language, and traditions.
Meeting on most Sundays, September through May from 9:30 am to noon, the school provides a dynamic Jewish educational program for students spanning Pre-K through 9th grade. OST caters to diverse learners. In Hebrew education on Sundays, students are grouped by proficiency level rather than grade. These classes are supplemented with personalized one-on-one Zoom sessions for each student in grades 4 through 7.
On Sundays, the youngest students engage in hands-on learning experiences involving art, music, Hebrew through Movement, and weekly T’filah (prayer service). Meanwhile, teenagers explore elective courses such as cooking, history, Israel studies, and the arts. The school is fortunate to have dedicated and innovative educators who bring their enthusiasm for Jewish education to life.
A comprehensive special education program led by licensed special education professionals is offered to ensure every student’s needs are addressed. This includes crafting Jewish Individualized Education Plans for nearly a dozen students, tailored
to meet each child’s specific needs. Plus, access is offered to a sensory room for students who may benefit from a quiet break when feeling overwhelmed, which has proven particularly beneficial in managing overstimulation situations.
Throughout the year, OST Religious School hosts family programs centered around the holidays, fostering community and family engagement in educational endeavors. OST’s dedication extends beyond academic education to nurturing their spiritual and cultural growth within a supportive community environment.
The first day of Religious School is September 8. Interested individuals and families are invited to learn more about the synagogue and the School at an Open House on Sept. 8. An opportunity to try the school program for a year before becoming members of the synagogue is offered.
424 25th Street, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451
davis.sarahlynne@gmail.com @templemanuelvirginiabeach
Director of Education: Sarah Davis, EdD
Temple Emanuel’s Religious School meets on Sundays, 9:30 am - 12 pm, September through April.
The student body consists of classes from Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten through post B'nei Mitzvah. The curriculum includes reading and writing Hebrew, learning Judaic history, developing a strong connection to Israel and Jewish holidays, and discovering Jewish creative arts. Jewish Creative Arts, a part of class each week, includes cooking, arts and crafts and Israeli Dance. The school also has five holidaythemed events throughout the year. Through interactive lessons, meaningful rituals, and hands-on experiences, the school aims to instill a strong sense of Jewish identity, values, and community in students. It is committed to empowering students to become compassionate leaders, critical thinkers, and active participants in shaping a better world guided by Jewish principles.
Third graders and up have individual, online Hebrew class once a week, which is differentiated, individualized, and focuses on reading, writing, and brachot.
Post B'Nei Mitzvah students meet every other Sunday at Temple Emanuel to engage in stimulating, teacher-led discussions on Jewish morals and ethics. Teenagers have opportunities for open minded discussion in a safe and welcoming space.
Follow the school on Instagram @templemanuelvirginiabeach or on Facebook to see bios of the faculty.
teck.jarted@gmail.com jarted.org
Myrna Teck, PhD, president Jewish Art Education is dedicated to bringing the best of Jewish art to the Jewish world. JAE continues to explore innovative uses of media to tell the story of Jewish civilization to a wider audience, which includes senior living communities, houses of worship, community centers, and other organizations which provide programs for lifelong learners. Using Zoom, JAE provides programs throughout the United States and Canada.
Contact JAE for information on how to host a JAE program.
420 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23517
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Boruch Danziger
Executive Director: Rabbi Gershon Litt
Rabbi Yehuda Brickman
Rabbi Yakov Berkowitz
Rabbi Eliyahu Klein
Rabbi Avi Farkas
Rabbi Reuven Rothenberg
Rabbi Yehuda Rabi
Rabbi Meir Lasson
Norfolk Area Community Kollel offers Jewish classes and programming regardless of affiliation or practice. Their philosophy is Torah-based and centers on gaining spi rituality through personal growth and rich Torah heritage. The Norfolk Kollel offers programs at college campuses and high schools, as well as lunch and learn programs and one-on-one study sessions. The Kollel can tailor-make a Jewish education pro gram for specific needs. Kollel’s motto is “Inspiration Through Education.”

Please join Temple Israel for the 2019/5780 holidays!
Please join Temple Israelforthe 2019/5780 holidays!
Please join Temple Israel for the 2024/5785 holidays! Celebrate the fullness of Jewish worship with us as together we find spiritual meaning in the words of our sages. You will find a hearty greeting from a warm congregation that embraces both the timeless and the innovative. Come join us and let us welcome you home.
Celebrate the fullness ofJewish worship with us as togetherwe find spiritual meaning in the words of our sages. Youwill finda heartygreetingfroma warm congregationthatembracesboththetimelessandtheinnovative. Come join us and let us welcome you home.
Celebrate the fullness ofJewish worship with us as togetherwe find spiritual meaning in the words of our sages. Youwill finda heartygreetingfroma warm congregationthatembracesboththetimelessandtheinnovative. Come join us and let us welcome you home.


Accountant Melvin R Green
endowed a scholarship at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation His goal? To give future students opportunities he never had Today, years after his passing, Green’s gift continues to support students
786-390-4416, atischler@aipac.org
AIPAC Southeast Regional Director: Alisha Tischler
The mission of AIPAC—the American Israel Public Affairs Committee—is to strengthen and expand the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel. The national organization engages with and educates about the bonds that unite the two countries, and how it is in America’s best interest to strengthen those bonds and help ensure that the Jewish state remains safe, strong, and secure.
AIPAC’s mission is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring, and mutually beneficial relationship with its ally, Israel. For more than 60 years, AIPAC has worked to make a difference, building a better tomorrow for the United States and Israel.
202-785-5475, washington@ajc.org AJC.org
Facebook.com /AJCGlobal Twitter.com/AJCGlobal
Regional Office Director: Alan Ronkin
American Jewish Committee’s Washington regional office serves as the local gateway to AJC’s global Jewish advocacy network. It works to shape a brighter future by taking on the toughest challenges and pursuing the most transformative opportunities.
Through the organization’s unparalleled global network of offices, institutes, and international partnerships, AJC engages with leaders at the highest levels of government and civil society to counter antisemitism, open new doors for Israel, and advance democratic values.
Wherever the Jewish people need AJC, it is there, driving meaningful change today and for future generations.
occur. A global leader in exposing extremism, delivering antibias education, and fighting hate online, ADL’s ultimate goal is a world in which no group or individual suffers from bias, discrimination, or hate.
ADL has emerged as one of the most formidable anti-hate organizations because of its ironclad commitment to protecting the rights of all people regardless of their race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or level of ability. Since its inception, ADL has believed that America only would be safe for its Jewish people if it was safe for all its people—and that when it was truly safe for all its people, it also would be safe for its Jewish community.
ADL’s work has expanded to address antisemitism across the globe. ADL works to protect all marginalized groups from the devastating impacts of extremism, reduce bias in individuals through education and create an environment of laws and norms where all groups are treated fairly, and hate has no home.
Recognized as one of ADL’s most innovative and effective offices, the ADL Washington, D.C. regional office serves the District of Columbia, Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia, carrying out the mandate “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people...and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.”
757-461-1150, brith.sholom1@gmail.com
Secretary: LeeAnne Mallory
Brith Sholom Center of Virginia, Inc. is a nonpolitical organization which aims to foster and perpetuate the spirit, ideals, and traditions of Judaism. Membership is currently 250.
Men and women, 21 years and above, are eligible for membership. Activities include dinners, dances, trips, entertainment, and cultural events. Its philanthropic endeavor is to support Jewish education and community organizations that provide services, plus international groups that assist needy causes.
Brith Sholom meetings currently take place on the first Sunday of each month (except July and August) at 11 am at the Sandler Family Campus in Virginia Beach.
Your gift can live forever, too Visit leaveabequest.org to learn more

Regional Office: ADL Washington, D.C. 202-261-4610, mweisel@adl.org adl.org
Regional Director: Meredith R. Weisel
ADL is a leading anti-hate organization. Founded in 1913 in response to an escalating climate of antisemitism and bigotry, its timeless mission is to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all. Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of hate with the same vigor and passion. ADL is the first call when acts of antisemitism
President: Cantor David Proser
The Board was originally organized as the Board of Rabbis. About 20 years ago, it expanded its membership to include cantors. The Board provides an opportunity for local Jewish clergy to meet on a regular basis to address, discuss, and answer the challenges facing the Jewish community of Tidewater, as well as plan events for continuing professional development. The Board also provides a clergy presence and leadership whenever necessary.
(MidAtlantic Region) www.fidf.org
Vice President, MidAtlantic Region: Jennifer Scher, jennifer.scher@fidf.org
Sr. Associate Director, MidAtlantic Region: Ronit Greenstein, ronit.greenstein@ fidf.org
Virginia Chapter Development Associate, Alex Haskel, alex.Haskel@fidf.org
Virginia Chapter President: Joel Nied
If ‘Virginia is for lovers,’ Friends of the IDF (FIDF) seeks to make ‘Virginia is for ISRAEL lovers!’ FIDF is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation, established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors. It is a non-political, non-military organization that provides for the well-being of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), veterans, and family members.
IDF soldiers risk their lives to maintain Israel’s security, and FIDF is committed to providing these soldiers with love, support, and care to help ease the burden they carry on behalf of the Jewish community worldwide. FIDF provides life-changing assistance to IDF soldiers, veterans, and their families in a variety of categories:
• Financial support, education
• Lone soldier support
• Wounded soldiers, mental health, and bereaved family support
• Spiritual and heritage programs
• Construction projects.
Follow FIDF via email and social media to remain in close contact with FIDF and bolster Israel’s courageous soldiers.
757-535- 9633, sgoretsky@hadassah.org hadassah.org
Hadassah Southern Seaboard Region President: Sharon Goretsky
In New York in 1912, the first group of Hadassah was chartered after its founder, Henrietta Szold, returned from Jerusalem. The second chapter of Hadassah was chartered in Norfolk, Va. Now, 112 years later, Hadassah’s Norfolk-Virginia Beach chapter is reenergizing and excited to serve all of Tidewater.
Hadassah is the largest Jewish women’s organization in the United States. With almost 300,000 members, associates, and supporters across the country, Hadassah brings Jewish women together to affect change and advocate on critical issues such as medical care and research, women’s empowerment, domestic advocacy in the United States, and the security of Israel.
Through the Hadassah Medical Organization’s (HMO) two hospitals, the worldrenowned trauma center, and the leading research facility in Jerusalem, Hadassah supports the delivery of exemplary patient care to more than one million people every year. HMO serves without regard to race, religion, or nationality and earned a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination in 2005 for building “bridges to peace” through equality in medical treatment.
The Hebrew Ladies Charity Society (HLCS) was established in 1902 by nine local Jewish Women who banded together to help address the unmet needs of the community. In 1925, the Ladies Hebrew Charity Society and the Council of Jewish Women merged to avoid duplicating efforts. In 1946, they established the Jewish Family Welfare Bureau, which was renamed and incorporated in 1948 as Jewish Family Service of Tidewater (JFS). The HLCS representatives continue to hold one vote on the JFS board of directors.
JFS honors and remembers the ladies who helped settle Tidewater and has a fund established to provide food and financial assistance to local Jewish people in need.
Contributions in honor of the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society can be made to jfshamptonroads.org.
607 Effingham Street, Portsmouth, Va. 23704 757-391-9266, jmccportsmouth@gmail.com jewishmuseumportsmouth.org Board President: Karen Plotnick 757-642-5753, benben158@verizon.net
The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center is housed in the beautifully restored Chevra T’helim Synagogue, the interior of which is a rare surviving example of Eastern European Jewish Orthodoxy. The Center offers lectures, exhibits, a summer music series, as well as school programs, adult programs, and tours.

JWV Post 158
831-917-3996, jwv.post158.se.virginia@gmail.com facebook.com/JWVPost158VA/
Join at: jwv.org/membership/explore-membership
Post Commander: Adam Goldberg
The oldest active veteran’s organization in America, chartered in 1896 by an act of Congress, the Jewish War Veterans brings together citizens of the U.S.A. with joint ties of a common Jewish heritage and the experience of serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is the organization’s goal to apply experiences in the military as civilians to “be of greater service to our country, our community, and above all to our fellow veterans.”
JWV Post 158 works to instill the tenets of the National HQ’s mission within the local community by imparting true allegiance to the U.S.A. and love of country and flag, combating bigotry and darkness wherever originating and defending whomever it targets, preserving the spirit of comradeship to fellow veterans and their families, honoring the memory and shielding from neglect the graves of the community’s heroic dead, and most importantly preserving memories and records of those men and women of the Jewish faith who “did us proud by bearing the brunt of battle in the patriotic service of our great country.”
417 Washington Park, Norfolk, Va. 23517
Mailing address: 420 Spotswood Ave., Norfolk, Va. 23517
mikvahnorfolk@gmail.com (for calendar and appointments)
Mikvah Director: Leah Rivka Griffin
Three mikvahs are located adjacent to B’nai Israel Congregation.
Mikvah Taharas Chaya (left side entrance), inaugurated in 2022, is exclusively used by women observing Family Purity laws. It is also used by new brides to immerse before their wedding day.
The Norfolk community mikvah conversion (right side entrance) is designated for men’s immersions.
An outdoor mikvah is used for immersing new vessels (keilim).
Established nationally in 1893 and locally in 1905, NCJW is the oldest Jewish women’s organization in the U.S. The group’s educational and legislative efforts have helped bring about action in areas of concern to women and children. The local Endowment Fund functions as the Tidewater Council of Jewish Women under Jewish Family Service Foundation Philanthropic Fund Agreement. Donations may be made to the TCJW Fund through JFS, 5000 Corporate Woods Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

ksilverboard@ortamerica.org ortamerica.org
Southeast Region/Atlanta Director: Kenny Silverboard
ORT America supports educational opportunities for more than 200,000 Jewish students, teachers, and families in 39 countries, including 18,000 plus students in Israel. Students are enrolled in the ORT network of schools and training programs, which include comprehensive and vocational high schools, colleges, apprenticeship programs, and teacher training institutes.
373 Constitution Avenue, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462
Executive Director: Allison Hechtkopf
Aviva Pembroke will be a new state-of-the-art senior living community, boasting an impressive array of luxurious amenities in an ideal location in the heart of Virginia Beach. Created in partnership between Beth Sholom Village and Pembroke Square Associates, it will be a central part of the new vision for the reimagined Pembroke Mall, now known as Pembroke Square.
Aviva Pembroke will offer a high-end, affordable luxury lifestyle with a variety of floor plans for residents. Apartments include a 1-bedroom 1-bath, 1-bedroom 1-bath with den, 2-bedroom 2-bath, and a 3-bedroom 2-bath. All apartments within Aviva Pembroke will feature an outside terrace, walk-in closets, and top-of-the-line appliances. With 121 independent living apartments, 20 assisted living apartments, and 12 memory support units, BSV and Pembroke Square Associates are building what the community has been waiting for.
This dynamic community will include various spaces for entertaining and amenities such as a rooftop bar, indoor pool, fitness room, Wi-Fi throughout, and more. Residents will enjoy a pet-friendly environment, beautician services, health and wellness classes, chef-prepared meals with flexible dining options, as well as professional housekeeping services. When completed, the Aviva Pembroke project will be a major step toward Beth Sholom Village’s goal of creating a new kind of continuing care retirement neighborhood, one that fosters active lifestyles and community relationships.
Located in Town Center, residents will have access to all the best dining, shopping, and entertainment Virginia Beach has to offer. Aviva Pembroke is expected to open this October.
President and CEO: David Abraham
For more than 40 years, Beth Sholom Village (BSV) has been the cornerstone of senior healthcare and residential living in Tidewater, embodying traditional Jewish values, customs, and traditions. As the only senior community in the area to observe all major Jewish holidays and traditions, BSV has proudly served residents and patients of all faiths, previously offering skilled nursing care, rehabilitation, and assisted living services.
In response to the evolving needs of today’s senior population and to better serve the Jewish seniors of Tidewater for years to come, BSV has embarked on a strategic redesign to become BSV 2.0, with a mission of delivering more care to more seniors over more years. This transformation focuses on person-centered services, partnerships, strategic communication and philanthropy, community engagement, being a community resource, and embracing technology and innovation.
As part of our commitment to doing it differently, BSV is actively building a vibrant community for future residents and deposit holders through book clubs, seminars, wellness programs, and more. In October of this year, it will open Aviva Pembroke, a premier senior living community created in partnership with Pembroke Realty Group, in the heart of Town Center in Virginia Beach.
BSV is transitioning towards the next generation of healthcare and senior communities in Hampton Roads, ensuring it can provide care and comfort for all who need
it for the next 40 years and beyond. BSV will continue to be the leading resource for Jewish seniors, offering a helping hand, connections to care management, and a place to call home for the best of retirement.
Stay tuned for announcements about new projects during this exciting period of transition. Beth Sholom Village is committed to enhancing the quality of life and caring for the body, mind, and soul of seniors.
Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus
5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suites 300 and 400, Virginia Beach, Va. 23462
Administration: 757-321-2222
Counseling Services, Food, and Financial Assistance: 757-459-4640
Personal Affairs Management/Guardian & Conservator Program: 757-938-9130
Embrace Care Management: 757-489-3111
Chief Executive Officer: Kelly Burroughs
Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc. is a social service agency providing a continuum of solutions to those in need throughout Tidewater, regardless of religion or financial status. The Hebrew Ladies Charity Society began this work in 1865, which continued through the 1900’s until Jewish Family Service was established in 1946 and incorporated as Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc., in 1969.
The agency has earned a national reputation for responding to community needs by the creation and expansion of programs for children, youth, families, older adults, persons with developmental disabilities, and persons who experience chronic mental illness.
JFS depends on the generosity of the Jewish and the broader Tidewater communities for support. Local funding sources include United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, United Way of South Hampton Roads, and many generous foundations and donors.
This program assists individuals and their families in assessing the medical, personal, and social service needs of older adults. By partnering with the client and their families or legal guardians, JFS helps design long-term care plans that allow elderly people to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. Care managers address the practical needs of daily living with older adults. Programs include kosher home delivered meals, friendly volunteer visitors, and transportation to medical appointments.
JFS provides individual, couple, family, and group counseling services to people of all ages, regardless of affiliation. JFS offers grief counseling through the Dozoretz Center for Family Healing, a community resource center established to help people of all ages cope with the death of a loved one, family illness, relocation, divorce, separation, or remarriage.
The Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion at JFS offers an engaging play therapy room, which provides a comforting place for children and teens to learn to cope with life issues. Therapists are highly trained, master’s level, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs), with many holding special training in grief, child/teen issues, family stress, and gerontology.
JFS counseling services are covered by Medicare and Medicaid, and by many private health insurance companies. Services may be provided on a sliding scale fee basis to those without insurance who qualify.
In Virginia, more than 170,000 families live below the poverty level. Many of these families are unable to obtain nutritious food. To combat this growing problem, JFS partners with the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia to operate a Community Food Pantry. Individuals and families, regardless of affiliation, can receive food assistance once a month. The Pantry is open on Tuesday mornings and by appointment. Hunger happens in Jewish households, too. For Jewish individuals in need of kosher food, JFS operates its Milk and Honey Food Program and is open by calling ahead.
Financial assistance is available for Jewish families coping with unplanned financial debt and obligation. Case managers help with budgeting, financial planning, and payment arrangements. This program is made possible by the generosity of the Pincus Paul Fund of the Jewish Family Service Foundation and the endowment fund of Hebrew Ladies Charity Society, along with the support of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and generous donor contributions.
Individuals and families fund special projects, including holiday food baskets, Hanukkah gifts for children, grocery certificates, and assistance with utilities and rent. JFS receives food from many generous donors throughout the community.
Families or organizations interested in a food drive or bringing food or other household supplies to support the pantry, should contact JFS. Restocking of shelves is always needed and assistance with shopping is always appreciated.
The Personal Affairs Management (PAM) Program at JFS safeguards the personal and financial affairs of vulnerable, incapacitated adults with physical, cognitive, and/or mental disabilities. Guardian and/or conservator services are provided based on court order. The PAM Program has been recognized as a Model Program by the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging and is approved as a Regional Public Guardian and Conservator Program by the Virginia Department for the Aging and Rehabilitative Services. On-call case management is available 24 hours a day to improve clients’ quality of life and manage personal and medical care.
JFS offers a variety of services to support persons with special or differing needs and is grateful for funding for these services from United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, United Way of South Hampton Roads, and private donors who care about the social and emotional inclusion of persons with special needs.
Sandler Family Campus 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach. Va. 23462 www.simonfamilyjcc.org
Director of Camp and Teen Engagement: Dave Flagler 757-452-3182, DFlagler@UJFT.org
Camp JCC at the Simon Family JCC provides children with an expansive and enriching day camp experience. This dynamic program allows every child to explore their interests and try new activities within a safe camp atmosphere.
The programs are designed for children entering kindergarten through eighth grade. CIT opportunities are offered for ninth and 10th graders. Summer camp runs mid-June through early August, with “Last Blast” camp sessions offered in the weeks between the end of regular camp and the start of the public-school year.
Camp JCC is more than just a summer program, offering Winter Break Camp and Spring Break Camp, “School Days Out” care, and other year-round opportunities for youth, including “Kids Night Out” which takes place monthly, beginning in October.
1920 Colley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23517 www.ganizzy.org
Director: Rashi Brashevitzky 757-616-0770, rashibrashi@me.com
Camp Gan Israel (“Gan Izzy”) is part of the largest worldwide network of Jewish day camps.
At Gan Izzy, campers’ days are filled with games, crafts, field trips, sports, swimming, and more—all with a Jewish twist! Each day of Gan Izzy also includes prayers and a Jewish lesson delivered in a child friendly and relevant fashion. The Gan Izzy experience is filled with great spirit and a love for Jewish heritage. Campers have been known to wait all year long to return to Gan Izzy and start the fun all over again.
Directors of Camp: Danny Mishkin and Lynn Lancaster 516-499-5349, info@sabababeachaway.org
Sababa Beachaway is a co-ed residential summer camp for rising fifth through 12th graders, located in Virginia Beach.
Sababa immerses campers in the magic and majesty of the beach, adds the right amount of spiritual practice, and provides a fun, non-competitive yet challenging camp experience.
The camp’s two-week sessions invite campers to escape the grind in order to ride the wave, catch the wind, explore the sea, and capture the moment. Whether on a surfboard, in a sailboat, or under the sea, Sababa campers learn exhilarating new skills, build lifelong relationships, grow a stronger sense of self, and stoke an innate spiritual flame.
Lauren Revenson
BBYO involves Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences, guiding them into leadership positions that will last a lifetime. Teens meet weekly on weekends, September through June, at the Simon Family JCC. They focus on community service and social action programs with their chapters, BBG (girls) and AZA (boys). The teens attend a variety of regional and national conventions.
Mid-Atlantic Region—NFTY-MAR REFORM nfty.org/mar, nftymar@urj.org
Reform Jewish teens from North Carolina, eastern West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Washington, D.C., and far-eastern Tennessee comprise NFTY-MAR. Members come together for learning, fun, worship, community service, and fellowship to help Jewish teens build and strengthen lifetime ties with each other and Reform Judaism.
Ohef Sholom Temple 530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 23507 757-625-4295, osty@ohefsholom.org
OSTY Advisors: Robyn and Paul Weiner
Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group (OSTY) is for students in grades 9 – 12 whose families are members of Ohef Sholom Temple. JOSTY (Junior Ohef Sholom Temple Youth Group), is for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders whose families are OST members.
Members participate in community service, regional and national conventions, religious, and other “just-for-fun” events. Members also develop leadership skills, build community with each other, and create lifelong memories. OSTY is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism’s NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), the Reform Jewish Youth Movement.
2710 Cromwell Road, Norfolk, Va. 757-627-7358 office@bnaiisrael.org
8100 Granby Street, Norfolk, Va.
Shell Road near Frederick Blvd. and George Washington Highway Portsmouth, Va.
Princess Anne Road and Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, Va.
2295-2355 Berkley Avenue, Chesapeake, Va.
1110 North Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, Va.
631 N. Witchduck Road, Virginia Beach, Va.
6329 E. Virginia Beach Boulevard, Norfolk, Va.
Railroad Avenue, Chesapeake, Va.