Jewish News June 10 2013

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 51 No. 16 | 3 Tammuz 5773 | June 10, 2013

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UJFT’s Biennial Meeting 30

INSIDE 6 A tour of USNS Comfort Hospital Ship

18 JFS: A Week of Healthy Living

23 —page 10 Young Leadership party

Award, dance competition and new group for congregations

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JFNA system collects $415,000, partners with Catholic Charities, to continue Oklahoma relief efforts

Really, the opposite?


he Jewish Federations of North America is partnering with Catholic Charities to manage a distribution site for relief supplies in Norman, Oklahoma for residents hit by last month’s devastating tornado. That is only part of the wider Jewish Federations relief effort that so far has raised some $415,000 in donations both to JFNA and in direct support to the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City. A mile-wide tornado tore through Moore, OK a suburb of Oklahoma City, last month, killing 24 people and wiping out many homes, businesses and institutions. Federations across the continent are enhancing the JFNA relief efforts with their own campaigns supporting the Oklahoma City Federation’s efforts. In fact, Tidewater’s Jewish community approved the contribution of funds from the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Tidewater Jewish Foundation to help the people of Moore, Oklahoma. The funds are being sent to the Oklahoma City Federation. Meanwhile, philanthropist Foster Friess has sent $250,000 through the National Christian Foundation directly to the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City, among other organizations, to help victims of the tornado. The Federation already has projects planned for some of the funds, though Edie Roodman, the Federation executive director, says an ongoing needs assessment will help determine which projects get carried out. The Federation is purchasing and dis-

contents Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Birthright gets $40 mill pledge . . . . . . . . . 5 USNS Comfort hospital ship tour . . . . . . . 6 HAT happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CRC/Tallwood High partnership. . . . . . . . 8 Israel Today speaker shares views. . . . . . . 8 UJFT installs president Miles Leon. . . . . 10 Ohef Sholom wins national award. . . . . . 12 Trip tip: Jewish Museum in Philly . . . . . 13 It’s a Wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 First Person: Carin Simon’s decision. . . . 16

tributing gift cards of between $25 and $100 to families in Moore, so they can get “the necessities to begin building back their lives,” Roodman says. The Federation also intends to partner with Oklahoma City Beautiful and the Moore Parks and Recreation Department to repair and rebuild the parks that have been destroyed. Roodman also plans for the Federation to collaborate with the Moore Public Schools Foundation Board to help build at least two playgrounds at two schools flattened by the deadly storm. Roodman added the Federation will consider helping the schools create sustainable gardens. She is also planning to ask a local organic farmer, who went last year on a Federation-led agricultural mission to Israel, to collaborate with the director of Oklahoma City Beautiful, who was on the same mission, to plant trees at the schools in Moore. “Planting trees is so significant in Jewish life,” says Roodman. “It signifies rebirth and renewal and repair, all of which we are called to do in response to this kind of destruction. It affirms life and that is central to our tradition.” To mail a donation, send it to: The JFNA Oklahoma City Tornado Relief Fund c/o The Jewish Federations of North America Wall Street Station PO Box 157 New York, NY 10268

Miles Leon is installed as UJFT president by his father, Arnold Leon. Photograph by Laine Mednick Rutherford.

Cancer facts Jews need to know . . . . . . . Older members’ group at Beth El. . . . . . . JFS Week of Healthy Living success. . . . Student art featured at exhibit. . . . . . . . . What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Young Leadership hosts party. . . . . . . . . Remembering Frank Lautenberg. . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Face to Face: Lynn Schoenbaum. . . . . . .

17 17 18 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26

jewish news


Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

oncerning the letter of Dr. Robert E. Young ( Jewish News, May 20, 2013) and his charge that the United States and Israel engage in “militarism” aimed at Iran, is it not just the very opposite? Iran, not its oppressed people but totalitarian regime, is the culprit with its reckless conduct of global terrorism and actively pursuing a nuclear capability in spite of the imposed sanctions by the international community. A nuclear Iran will existentially threaten Israel whose destruction its leaders proclaim as a top goal, while unabashedly denying the Holocaust. It will also destabilize the Middle East, the Persian Gulf states and beyond. Iran ships sophisticated weapons to Syria whose President Assad has slaughtered his own people for far too long, and both Hezbollah and Hamas, terrorist organizations, are Iran’s proxies. The military cooperation—for self-defense and not militarism—between the two democratic allies, the United States and Israel, is for the sake of the entire world. Israel depends on its qualitative military edge for its very survival, so that we all can and will celebrate Israel’s future anniversaries like the 65th one that Dr. Young is rightly proud of. Rabbi Israel Zoberman Congregation Beth Chaverim, Virginia Beach

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Sharon Freeman, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2013 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising July 15 UJFT Annual Report June 28 August 19 Rosh Hashanah August 2 September 2 Yom Kippur August 17 September 16 Guide August 30 September 30 Mazel Tov September 13 October 14 September 27


candle lighting

“Due to the stigma of a mastectomy, I was hesitant to make my story public. However, when I realized that there may be many Jewish women in our community struggling with the same decisions that I face with the BRCA gene, I realized the importance of sharing my medical journey.”

Friday, June 14/Tammuz 6 Light candles at 8:06 pm

—page 17

Friday, June 21/Tammuz 13 Light candles at 8:08 pm Friday, June 28/Tammuz 20 Light candles at 8:09 pm Friday, July 5/Tammuz 27 Light candles at 8:08 pm Friday, July 12/Av 5 Light candles at 8:06 pm Friday, July 19/Av 12 Light candles at 8:02 pm | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Councilman Garcetti is first elected Jewish mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti, a veteran city councilman, became the first elected Jewish mayor of Los Angeles. Garcetti, 42, defeated City Controller Wendy Greuel, 54 percent to 46 percent. Greuel conceded on Wednesday, May 22. “Thank you Los Angeles—the hard work begins but I am honored to lead this city for the next four years. Let’s make this a great city again,” Garcetti tweeted when his victory became apparent. Garcetti, who has been a councilman since his election in 2001, is the son of a Jewish mother and was raised Jewish. On his father’s side, he is of mixed Italian and Mexican heritage. He takes his post on July 1. A Jewish man, Bernard Cohn, served as the city’s appointed mayor in 1878, but only for a few weeks, according to the Los Angeles Times. Greuel is not Jewish but is married to a Jewish attorney, and their nine-year old son attends a Jewish day school. Both candidates are liberal Democrats; their campaigns were based more on personalities than ideological differences. Defeated in the primaries was Councilwoman Jan Perry, an AfricanAmerican and a convert to Judaism. Jewish candidates won two other citywide offices. In the race for city attorney, Mike Feuer, a Jewish community activist, handily beat incumbent Carmen Trutanich. Ron Galperin, the son of Holocaust survivors, was successful in his bid for city controller. In his campaign literature, particularly when aimed at Jewish voters, he stressed that his parents were survivors who had fought for Israel in the 1948 War of Independence. Los Angeles’ 600,000 Jews make up the second largest Jewish community in the United States. While they are just 6 percent of the city’s approximately 4 million residents, Jews represent nearly 20 percent of those who cast ballots in municipal elections, which have been marked by low voter turnout. Many Latino and Asian residents are recent immigrants and non-citizens who are ineligible to vote. (JTA)

Weiner announces run for mayor of New York City Ex-New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, who was forced out of office by a scandal, said he is running for mayor of New York City. “Look, I’ve made some big mistakes and I know I’ve let a lot of people down,” Weiner, 48, said in a two-minute video announcing his bid. “But I’ve also learned some tough lessons. I’m running for mayor because I’ve been fighting for the middle class and those struggling to make it for my entire life. And I hope I get a second chance to work for you.” The veteran Democratic lawmaker resigned from Congress in June 2011 after lying about tweeting an illicit photo of himself to a 21-year-old supporter. Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, appears in the video announcing his mayoral run, as does their young son, Jordan, who was born several months after the scandal broke. Weiner ran for mayor in 2005 but lost in the Democratic primary. He faces a crowded field, but still has millions in his political war chest from before his resignation, when he was considered a front-runner to replace Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has exhausted his allowed three terms. Weiner hired a campaign manager, according to Politico, which reported that it was unclear whether pre-scandal political allies would stand by him. (JTA) Imams visiting Poland to learn about Jews Imams from several Muslim countries and the United States visited Poland to learn more about European Jewry. Thirteen imams from Indonesia, the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim lands, along with five American imams, visited the new Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw last month. The imams, many of whom are teachers at Islamic universities, went to learn more about the history of the Jewish people, including Jewish life before the Holocaust in Europe. Representatives of the State Department, which organized the trip, and American Jewish organizations accompanied the group. The imams were scheduled to visit the museum at the former Auschwitz concen-

4 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

tration camp, and places connected to the Warsaw and Krakow ghettoes. “Auschwitz is the world’s symbol in talking about man, so beyond the boundaries of cultural and religious divisions,” the director of the Auschwitz museum, Piotr Cywinski, told JTA. “Rejecting a message from Auschwitz would be tantamount to rejection of the knowledge of man. “In this sense, everyone should understand what the experience of Auschwitz speaks of to his own culture, his own traditions, his own perception of the world.” (JTA)

Biden: ‘Jewish heritage is American heritage’ Vice President Joe Biden said at a Jewish American Heritage Month reception that American and Jewish cultures are intertwined. “The truth is that Jewish heritage, Jewish culture, Jewish values are such an essential part of who we are that it’s fair to say that Jewish heritage is American heritage,” Biden said at a reception organized by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who sponsored the 2006 legislation that launched the month. Saying “The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America,” he added that “no group has had such an outsized influence per capita.” Biden spoke of Jewish contributions to the civil rights movement as well as to advances for women and gays, and of Jewish preeminence in the fields of science and the arts. In addition to Wasserman Schultz’s reception, the White House hosted a musical, The Gefilte Fish Chronicles, for a small private audience. The White House suspended its public heritage month celebration this year because of the sequestration, across-theboard budget cuts. (JTA) Chabad center, Netanyahu respond to Oklahoma’s deadly tornado A Chabad center in Oklahoma City opened its building as a shelter for those displaced by a deadly tornado. The Chabad Community Center of Southern Oklahoma also is collecting supplies for those left homeless by the tornado that tore through the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore on Monday afternoon,

leaving at least 24 peope dead, including several children, and injuring hundreds. “While we feel the pain of others, we’re very thankful that we’re able to respondÇto use all our energy and all our resources to let the community know we’re here to help,” Rabbi Ovadia Goldman, the Southern Oklahoma Chabad’s co-director, told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a letter of condolence to President Obama in the wake of the tornado. “On behalf of the Government and people of Israel, I offer our heartfelt condolences to you and to the people of the United States on the massive tornado that struck in Oklahoma and exacted such a horrific toll in human life,” Netanyahu wrote. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this tragedy and their families at this difficult time.” (JTA)

Ex-Jewish Dems chief Forman tapped for anti-Semitism post Ira Forman, who led President Obama’s reelection campaign in the Jewish community, was appointed as the State Department’s envoy to combat anti-Semitism. The State Department announced the appointment the same day it released its 2012 report on religious freedom that recorded a “continued global increase in anti-Semitism.” Secretary of State John Kerry tapped Forman to replace Hannah Rosenthal, who left last year to direct the Milwaukee Jewish Federation. The envoy travels the world to press governments to address institutional and popular manifestations of anti-Semitism. Forman in his first foray as envoy will accompany a group of U.S. Muslim imams on a tour of Auschwitz—a practice initiated by Rosenthal. He then will head to the International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem at the end of this month. The longtime director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, Forman led the Obama campaign’s effort last year to push back against Republican and conservative depictions of Obama as hostile or indifferent to Israel. He was especially active in Florida. (JTA)

Adelsons double commitment to Birthright Israel for 2013 with $40 million pledge bringing family’s total giving to an historic $180 million NEW YORK, NY—The Birthright Israel Foundation announced last month a new $40 million gift from Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson that continues their commitment to fund free, 10-day educational trips for Jewish young adults between the ages of 18–26. The gift brings the Adelson’s total donations to the program to an historic $180 million, making them by far the world’s largest private donors to Birthright Israel. The donation from the Adelson Family Foundation will make it possible for thousands more young people to experience Birthright Israel in 2013. Their gift includes a new $20 million challenge grant. “Sheldon and I are committed to improving the world through cultural exchange and educational opportunity,” says Dr. Miriam Adelson, who has both Israeli and U.S. citizenship. “Exposing young Jews to Israel helps broaden their awareness and deepen their cultural identity. We are committed to the goal of all young Jewish adults having the opportunity to be inspired by their ancestral homeland.” Sheldon Adelson adds, “As a proud American, I celebrate Israel’s commitment to liberty and democratic values. By supporting Birthright Israel, Miriam and I want to give young people not only an enjoyable experience, but also knowledge of Israeli society, and the desire to live for a cause larger than themselves. At a time when misinformation about Israel abounds, Birthright Israel offers young people direct experience of the actual country, thus making the trip one of the most effective educational tools to strengthen young people’s connection with the Jewish state.” “We are so grateful to the Adelsons for their dedicated support of Birthright Israel,” says Taglit-Birthright Israel CEO Gidi Mark. “With this new gift, we plan to send in excess of 40,000 participants on trips in 2013. Our program connects young adult Jews with Israel as their birthright. Our vision—and it is shared by the Adelsons—is for Birthright Israel to become a permanent milestone in becoming a Jewish adult.” Key components of the trip are meeting and living with Israelis of the same

age, many of whom are serving in the Israel Defense Forces and securing Israel as a democracy. This is an opportunity for Birthright Israel participants to get to know Israel through its people. Together, Israelis and their peers in the Diaspora explore their views about personal, religious, and political identities and ideologies. They also discuss what it means to serve one’s country, dedicate oneself to a democratic state and to defend one’s people. According to David Fisher, president of the Foundation, “The Adelsons’ extraordinary philanthropic investment in the


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350,000 Jewish young adults have visited Israel on Birthright trips.

program is vital to building the future of our Jewish community. Since their initial support of the program in 2007, when we had 3,700 donors and raised $65.7 million, we now proudly note that we have more than 25,000 donors who support Birthright Israel, and they have contributed in excess of $500 million.” The Adelson challenge will match dollar for dollar new and increased gifts for commitments made in 2013 and for the years 2014–2015. Since 2000, Birthright has brought approximitly 350,000 Jewish young adults to Israel from more than 62 countries, from all 50 U.S. states and from all Canadian provinces and territories, as well as 65,000 Israelis through the Mifgash program, the encounter program that brings together Israelis and Birthright Israel participants. Birthright Israel is a partnership between the Government of Israel, private philanthropists and Jewish communities around the world (the Jewish Federations of North America—including the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater—the Jewish Agency for Israel and Keren Hayesod). Visit

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Lunch Specials from $4.50 Dinner Specials from $5.75 | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 5

Federation Society members get special tour of Navy hospital ship

UJFT visitors Jerry and Susan Blackman and Capt. Marty Snyder are greeted onboard by Capt. Kevin Knoop, USNS Comfort commanding officer.

article and photos by Laine Mednick Rutherford


silver lining to the United States government’s budget sequestration came to an event sponsored by the Maimonides and Business & Legal Societies of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater on Sunday, May 19. A group of 20 Jewish community members were able to take a special, guided tour of the USNS Comfort Hospital Ship, recently home ported at Norfolk Naval Station from its previous berth in Baltimore. The ship was originally scheduled to be on a Continuing Promise mission from April through August, providing humanitarian and civic assistance to Central America countries, but funding for the mission was eliminated in late March due to Congress’ failure to reach a budget agreement. The unfortunate deployment cancellation for the Comfort’s staff and crew provided an opportunity that members of the Societies had been hoping to plan for a year, but were unable to because of the Comfort’s busy schedule. The tour was arranged and scheduled by Maimonides Society member, Navy Captain Dr. Martin Snyder, a force surgeon with the U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Snyder enhanced the tour by sharing his experienc-

es as a vascular surgeon operating aboard the Comfort during the first Persian Gulf War, and immediately following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Visitors on the tour learned about the Comfort’s primary mission to provide a floating, mobile, acute surgical medical facility to the United States military, as well as to provide full hospital services to support U.S. disaster relief and humanitarian operations worldwide. “We have state-of-the-art equipment that allows us to provide Level 4-type care, similar to what you’d see at Johns Hopkins and other facilities,” explained Jon Strong, a hospital corpsman who helped lead the tour. Capt. Kevin Knoop, the Comfort’s commanding officer, was also present, explaining the advanced capabilities of the ship, as well as pointing out the special considerations necessary when operating and treating patients at sea. As they walked through the massive former supertanker—outfitted with contemporary and state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment—the civilian medical professionals were impressed with what they were witnessing. Dr. Jerome Blackman, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Virginia Beach, found the tour intriguing and enlightening. “This is 100 percent new material for me,” said Blackman. “A lot of equipment on this ship some of us have never seen before, like a plasma autoclave. It’s very interesting for me too, because I teach at the Naval Hospital and this is the first time I’ve been on board.” Patients usually arrive on the Comfort by helicopter, landing on a flight deck designed for that purpose. Once on board, they are literally hosed off if necessary, then assessed and sent for testing, surgical procedures or treatment. When fully staffed, more than 1,000 patients can be cared for on the ship. Highlights of the Comfort include 12 operating rooms, X-ray rooms and a CAT scan unit, a dental suite, optometry labs, a pharmacy, an oxygen producing plant and water distilling plants that can desalinate sea water to make it potable. The ship is 894 feet long and 106 feet wide,

6 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

and has seen patients and provided medical assistance during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, at Ground Zero after 9/11 and on two Continuing Promise missions, among other military and humanitarian efforts. To learn more about the Maimonides Society and the Business & Legal Society of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, visit, call Carolyn Amacher at 757-452-3181 or email To see more photos from this event, “Like” JewishNewsVa on Facebook.

Hospital Corpsman Jon Strong shows off the multimillion dollar, state-of-the-art operating facilities onboard the floating hospital ship.

Although beds and equipment have to be secured to prevent potential disruption while deployed, the Comfort is a fully equipped hospital with labs, ICUs, a pharmacy, radiology services and more onboard.

UJFT visitors stand on the upper deck of the USNS Comfort.

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Hebrew Academy’s first graders received their Siddurim at the annual spring Siddur presentation.

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HAT first graders receive Siddurim at annual presentation It is always so exciting to see first graders receive their Siddurim at Hebrew Academy of Tidewater’s annual spring Siddur presentation. This year was no different, with parents beaming—some with tears of joy —as their child eagerly walked across the stage to be presented with his/her Siddur. “The excitement was truly palpable,” says Rabbi Wecker, head of school. “You could see the enthusiasm in the students, as well as the love they have for their Jewish heritage and for their teacher, Shuly Einhorn. It was definitely a proud moment for everyone at HAT and others in attendance.” The children were confident, well-rehearsed and had a clear sense of pride in what they learned and in their Jewish identity.

“Our first graders were simply amazing,” says Patti Seeman, HAT parent. “I am so proud of them for achieving the first of many milestones in their pursuit of Judaic studies. ‘HATs’ off to Mrs. Einhorn for preparing our children so well for this moment, and for teaching them not only to read and write Hebrew, but also to embrace their Jewish faith and heritage.” “It was a beautiful milestone in their lives,” says Shuly Einhorn, first grade Judaic studies teacher, “and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it. While memories of this day may fade in time for some of our youngest of students, may their love of their Jewish heritage continue to blossom as they use their Siddurim for many years.”

HAT families mark Shavuot with pancakes “The Pancake Dinner More than 200 parwas a wonderful way to ents and children of bring the kids’ celebrathe Hebrew Academy tion of Shavuot outside of Tidewater Konikoff the classroom and incorCenter of Learning and porate the entire HAT Strelitz Early Childhood community,” says Randi Center gathered for Gordon, HAT presia fabulous picnic style Benson, Bonnie Brand and Joan dent-elect and chair of Pancake Dinner on Ilana Joffee serve breakfast for dinner. the dinner. “Families Monday night, May 13. of preschoolers joined Parents relaxed while their children ate, played and had fun with those of older students and even several their friends. Board volunteers and parents alumni for play, food and fun. It’s difficult prepared a delicious dinner of pancakes to beat a beautiful spring evening spent with all the toppings, scrambled eggs, with welcoming friends, chocolate chips, and fruit, with cheesecake and popsicles cheesecake and no cooking!” Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a confor dessert. Parent Jonathan Friedman, IHOP owner, made all of the pancakes and stituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. scrambled eggs.

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Before he died in 2007, Bill arranged for a bequest to the Hampton Roads Community Foundation to provide grants for arts and medicine in Hampton Roads. Goldback grants have helped expand Eastern Virginia Medical School and support 33 area music and arts groups. Thanks to Bill’s generosity he will forever bring music and health to his home region. Connect your passions to the future by ordering a free bequest guide. Learn how easy it is to leave a gift for charity. Call 757-622-7951 or visit (757) 622-7951 | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 7

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CRC and Tallwood High School celebrate thriving partnership by Laine Mednick Rutherford


obin Mancoll would prefer to stay behind the scenes—envisioning new programming, scheduling speakers and building ever-expanding partnerships in the community—than stand in the spotlight of praise. On May 23, the director of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater had no choice but to step onto the stage of the Tallwood High School in Virginia Beach. “We are so glad to be able to recognize Robin Mancoll and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater for the exceptional partner they have become with our school,” said Rebecca Windish as Mancoll stood beside her. A social studies teacher at the school and the Partners-in-Education coordinator, Windish presented Mancoll with a framed certificate, expressing the school’s gratitude for the continuing and growing relationship between the school and the CRC. Rebecca Gurley, director of the Global Studies & World Languages Academy at Tallwood, said the support the CRC has given to the school, in a variety of ways over the past several years, provides exceptional learning and enrichment opportunities for Academy students. Gurley noted the diverse speakers the CRC brought to Tallwood this school year, including Amos Guiora, Neil Lazarus and David Makovsky, as well as support for the school’s participation in the America-Israel Friendship League’s student exchange program, and the help the CRC provided in starting a Hebrew club at Tallwood. On behalf of the CRC and the Federation, Mancoll graciously accepted the praise and the gift. “It is very exciting to have a community partner like Tallwood and its Global Studies & World Language Academy that is receptive and eager to work with us,” says Mancoll. “They give us a platform to

David Makovsky speaks to a standing room only audience of 300 at the Israel Today Forum.

Rebecca Gurley, director of Global Studies & World Languages Academy at Tallwood High School, Robin Mancoll, CRC director, Rebecca Windish, Tallwood High teacher and Partners in Education coordinator.

share information and education about Israel and Jewish issues, and we bring them speakers they normally wouldn’t have access to—the kids are so into it!” For most of the speakers the CRC brings, students voluntarily stay after school to attend the discussions. When given time to ask questions, the students demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the information that was presented, and show a high level of historical and geopolitical awareness. “This broadened my view so much,” said 10th grade Academy student Eddie Lin, following David Makovsky’s appearance on May 23. “The information we got was definitely different from what we hear in the media—it brought what’s true to the debate, gave us substance in a less stylistic way and was presented in a more informative way. This was very interesting.” Mancoll says Tallwood students are enthusiastic about learning, and they give back as well; a group volunteered this year at the community’s Israel Festival in April. “When you see how much the kids get from speakers like Neil or David, it makes the CRC’s efforts at outreach and interaction so worthwhile,” Mancoll says. “I feel proud to live in a community that has a program like this Academy. We’re already looking forward to next year.”

8 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

Middle East expert shares insights and analysis at Israel Today Forum article and photographs by Laine Mednick Rutherford


avid Makovsky uses sports metaphors when he speaks to audiences. Some football, but mostly baseball. When it comes to uprisings, tensions, conflicts, and wars in the Middle East, Makovsky, an expert in that region of the world, says we’re only in the first, or at best, the second inning of that metaphorical game. “This could go 11 innings, or may even be a double header,” says Makovsky. “There’s no end in sight. “These are the most tumultuous times in the Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1917. We should be very aware of the historic moment we’re living in. And while I believe change will come, it is a long-term process that’s very hard, and we don’t know if it’s 20 years, 40 years, 50 years, that it will take for all of this to unfold.” Makovsky visited the area on May 23 as the featured speaker in the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Israel Today Forum, in a program that was free and open to the community at the Simon Family Jewish Community Center. This second annual Forum was a partnership

effort between the CRC and all local synagogues, Jewish agencies and organizations and many individuals and businesses. An in-demand speaker, best-selling author and media commentator, Makovsky is the Washington Institute for Near East Policy’s Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and director of their Project on the Middle East Peace Process. While in Tidewater, Makovsky also spoke to world military leaders at NATO’s Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, with the editorial board of The Virginian-Pilot, and to students, teachers, Virginia Beach City Schools administrative staff and school board member Beverly Anderson at Tallwood High School’s Global Studies and World Language Academy. “In one day, about 500 people in Hampton Roads heard David speak about conflicts in the Middle East, his expert analysis of the many troubling situations there, and his confidence in Israel’s survival,” says Miriam Seeherman, outgoing chair of the CRC. “We are very fortunate that we had someone not only of his caliber, but with his experience, come and share information with us, and help us understand events that are happening right now in the Middle East.” Makovsky flew directly to Tidewater

from a Department of Defense funded warns, “The moderates will then have to National Defense University conference in follow through.” Iran, too, Makovsky says, is another Jordan and a visit to Israel. He brought with him an up-to-the-minute assessment and difficult issue. The threat of the country analysis of the current situations in Syria, having nuclear weaponry is ever present, and that country continues to send weapJordan, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon and Iran. In Syria, Makovsky says, the two-year- ons to Syria and Lebanon that can cause serious loss of life and property in Israel. old civil war has created a humanitarian As for the prospect of a twotragedy that shows no signs of state solution with Israel and abating. The concern there, he Despite Palestine? Doubtful right now, says, is that the region won’t says Makovsky. Instead of just fall apart, but that the all of its enemies making that the goal, he country will disintegrate. and its wars, this says Israel should focus It concerns Israel greatly, is a country that more modestly on borders, he says, if the country security and practical shatters like a glass that’s has built a thriving issues. fallen on the ground. democracy. So it is “If we focus on those Israel is staying out important that while we things, we can take the of the fight, though, says ball 70 yards. So we Makovsky, believing from talk about discerning don’t score at 99 yards, past experiences that it the dangers, we don’t but we’re within field goal cannot social engineer lose sight of seizing range. And that’s the best another country. However, we can hope for.” he notes, they are helping opportunities. While the challenges are in one area—and that’s health great, Makovsky told his audicare. ences, it is important to remember “Israel is allowing its hospitals to be used,” he says. “They’re not even making it the amazing opportunities in Israel and the be known publicly, but anyone who is sick or achievements of the Israeli people. “Despite all of its enemies and its wars, injured can come, and they will be treated.” Egypt, Makovsky says, is also problem- this is a country that has built a thriving atic. Israel hopes the peace treaty it has democracy. So it is important that while with the country stays in place, but with we talk about discerning the dangers, we the Muslim Brotherhood in leadership, don’t lose sight of seizing opportunities and making sure that we have a balance, there is a degree of uncertainty. “Here’s the hope—the best case scenar- equilibrium, between the opportunities io there is that the more radical elements in and the threats.” Makovsky concluded his presentation Egypt will have so overplayed their hand that they’ll no longer be seen as leaders. at the JCC by adamantly stating his admiThey can’t feed their people, they have no ration for Israel, and assurances that she vision for the country. So radicalism will will survive. “People ask me how can I sleep at night be discredited and the country will have to choose a more moderate view.” But, he when I know so much,” Makovsky says. “I

Michael Blachman, Aaron Peck, Philip Rovner and Ron Spindel.

The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater would like to thank community sponsors for their support in the second annual Israel Today Forum focusing on Morality, Diplomacy and Leadership in Israel today.

Judy Rubin and Dorothy Zimmerman.

Hal Sacks, Arnold Leon and Ron Kramer.

like to think of it this way: I’m a long-term optimist. Whenever we think we’re challenged by all of these fanatical people who want to kill themselves and take Israelis with them, I keep thinking of the resilience of the people of Israeli. That Israel’s will to live is greater than its enemies’ will to die. “And so,” he adds emphatically,” in the most literal sense, Am Yisrael Chai, the Jewish people live.” To find out more about the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, to see upcoming programs and a library of resources, visit For more photos from this event, “Like” JewishNewsVa on Facebook. See a video of David Makovsky’s presentation at UJFTidewater on youtube.

B’nai Israel Congregation Beth Sholom Village Chabad of Tidewater Congregation Beth Chaverim Congregation Beth El Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Jewish Family Service Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Norfolk-Virginia Beach Chapter of Hadassah Norfolk-Virginia Beach Chapter of ORT America ODU- Hillel Ohef Sholom Temple Simon Family Foundation Simon Family JCC Temple Emanuel Temple Israel Tidewater Jewish Foundation UJFT Business and Legal Society UJFT Holocaust Commission UJFT Maimonides Society UJFT Men’s Campaign UJFT Women’s Cabinet UJFT YAD Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi Ann & Bobby Copeland Family Lois & Barry Einhorn Nataly & Seth Fleishman Lori & Michael Glasser Bootsie & Morton Goldmeier Sheila & Bob Josephberg Kathy & Jerry Kantor Arnold Leon Rose & Kurt Rosenbach Art Sandler Steve Sandler Miriam Seeherman Linda & Ron Spindel IAT International Rubin Communications Group Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. WealthQuest Financial Services, LLC

Jerry Kantor, Alan and Susan Nordlinger and Karen Lombart. | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 9

UJFT convenes Biennial Meeting Miles Leon installed as president

by Tracie Guy Decker photographs by Laine Mednick Rutherford


n Monday, June 3, 2013, Alvin Wall called to order a meeting of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (UJFT) for the last time as

its president. That evening on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus, the UJFT’s biennial meeting saw the installation of a new president, acknowledged outgoing committee chairs for their service, honored new, renewing, continuing and “retiring” board members and bestowed community awards. Approximately 130 members of the community attended. Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz of Congregation Beth El began the evening with a d’var torah which was full of humor and insight—a combination that proved to be a theme for the evening. Wall delivered remarks in which he reviewed the past two years. He told the crowd “I’ve been honored to get to work with a lot of people and to see first-hand how passionate they are about what they do. It’s that passion that makes our community extraordinary. It’s what makes us more than the sum of our parts.” Ron Kramer praised Wall’s tenure as president and presented him with an award in recognition of his service, all while teasing him about his golf game—another theme of the evening. Arnold Leon installed his son, Miles Leon, as the UJFT president with an introduction that remembered an older generation of leaders in this community. The younger Leon accepted the presidency and several hugs from his father. He will serve in that role until 2015. As his first act as president, Leon addressed the community, stating “We have a lot of things other communities just don’t have.” He joked that his predecessor told him he needed to articulate a vision

for the future and flashed the crowd a thick Rosenbach—and the crowd—that Buddy manuscript labeled “Our Vision,” closing Strelitz would have been delighted with the with a promise to tackle the hard work choice of Rosenbach for the award, noting ahead together with his board and the rest the parrallels between the two men, and suggesting that “Buddy is smiling down of the community. Leon then took the time to recognize on us now.” Rosenbach accepted the award the service of Alicia London Friedman, out- before a standing ovation. Joyce Strelitz presented the Leonard R. going chair of the Holocaust Commission, Laura Geringer Gross, outgoing chair of Strelitz Young Leadership Award to Marc the Women’s Campaign, Jay Klebanoff, the Abrams, who serves as the UJFT Young 2010–2012 General Campaign chair and Leadership Campaign chair, and Jason Miriam Seeherman, the outgoing chair of Hoffman, who is completing a stint as chair of the UJFT Young Adult Division Cabinet. the Community Relations Council. On behalf of the community, Annie Lonny Sarfan, chair of the UJFT nominating committee, presented the com- Sandler thanked Karen Lombart for the mittee’s recommendations for new and work she’s done in the pages of the Jewish continuing board members. Of the slate of News through her “Face-to-Face” column new members, Sarfan stated “Tonight we (see page 26 for the latest installment), prepresent a slate of officers well-suited to lead senting her with an award of recognition, and assuring her “just because you receive our community forward into the future.” Harry Graber, executive vice president this award tonight, doesn’t mean you have of the UJFT, presented a state-of-the-com- to stop writing ‘Face-to-Face.’ If you continmunity briefing in which, in addition to ue writing, we will continue reading.” The evening ended with the Jewish teasing Wall about his golf game, remarked, “I don’t know of any Federation executive News’ own Terri Denison receiving the in the country who continues to perform Jewish Communal Professional Award his duties in partnership with as many from Graber to another standing ovation from the crowd. remarkable lay leaders as I do.” Some of those leaders were honored that night with awards from the Federation for their service. Bobby Copeland presented the Joseph H. “Buddy” Strelitz Community Service Award to Kurt Rosenbach, speaking extemporaneously and from the heart about Rosenbach’s long and storied involvement in the Jewish community. Miles, Sandra, Ben, Erin and Arnold Leon and Ellie Porter. Copeland assured

10 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

Miles Leon and Jay Klebanoff.

Alvin Wall and Ron Kramer.

Miles Leon and Laura Gross

Bobby Copeland, Kurt Rosenbach and Tracie Guy-Decker.

Marc Abrams, Joyce Strelitz and Jason Hoffman.

Annie Sandler and Karen Lombart.

Alene Kaufman, Deb Segaloff and Lisa Rosenbach.

Miles Leon and Alicia Friedman.

Harry Graber and Terri Denison Budman. Connie and Marc Jacobson.

Miles Leon and Miriam Seeherman.

Art Sandler and Betty Ann Levin.

For more photos from this event, “Like� JewishNewsVa on Facebook. | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

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hef Sholom Temple’s programming for Interfaith families won the Union of Reform Judaism’s prestigious Belin Award Honorable Mention, which according to the grant letter, is “given to recognize exceptional programs from around North America that demonstrate a significant level of creativity, originality and replicability.” With assistance from various congregants and a newly revived Outreach Committee, Ohef Sholom developed “The Year of Outreach” aimed at engaging its young Interfaith couples by offering a series of programs—cultural, spiritual, educational and social. The goal of this program is to bring together members in Interfaith marriages and relationships to create a community and to get them involved in Jewish education.

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The “Year of Outreach” consisted of the following programs: Traditional Jewish Cooking December Dilemma: A Forum for Discussion & Understanding Cocktails with the Rabbi: A Personal Forum for Questioning & Connecting Passover How-to Workshop Lag B’omer Beach Bonfire Party Celebrate Shabbat: Learn about Traditional Shabbat Rituals Traditional Jewish Cooking took place in the kitchen at Ohef Sholom when a local chef taught how to make brisket, chicken soup with matzah balls, a traditional sweet kugel, and rugelach. All participants went home with samples and recipes.

Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline Vice President

Andy Kline President

December Dilemma, presented by Rabbi Arthur Steinberg offered Interfaith couples the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings about the holiday challenges and facilitate a discussion to assist with decision making. Cocktails with the Rabbi, hosted at a congregant’s home, allowed participants to meet other families in Interfaith marriages as well as to discuss issues and solutions that challenge Interfaith families. A Passover How-to workshop offered an opportunity to learn how to conduct a meaningful seder, how to engage the children, and how to prepare delicious Passover foods. Each participant left with a family-friendly haggadah and handouts. Lag B’omer Bonfire Party was a family-oriented afternoon for families to socialize and learn about the holiday of Lag B’omer. Hosted by the Schachet-Briskin family, this program brought 58 adults and children.

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12 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

7/6/11 11:54 AM

Celebrate Shabbat, involves a mock Shabbat dinner on a Thursday night including the various rituals of a Friday night. All participants left with a Celebrate Shabbat toolkit, outlining the prayers and rituals in English, Hebrew and transliteration. This “Year of Outreach” program also won a Congregational Interfaith Mini-Grant from The Men of Reform Judaism.

JWV maintains U.S. flags for Jewish veterans’ graves Continuing Sunny Werth’s work, the local Jewish War Veterans Post will conduct a fundraising program. For a $25 donation, the Norfolk JWV Post 158 will maintain a United States Flag at the grave of a Jewish Veteran in Tidewater. The Post will attach a flag holder and a 12 x 18 inch flag to the grave marker of the veteran and ensure every Memorial Day that the flag is in good repair and still attached. Mail donation, name and details of the veteran and the cemetery interred at to: Jewish War Veterans Post 158 420 Spotswood Ave Norfolk, VA, 23517

tips on jewish trips

National Museum of American Jewish History launches Pay-What-You-Wish Wednesday nights


very Wednesday through August 28, admission to the National Museum of American Jewish History is free, 5–8 pm. Donations of any size are welcome. The entire museum, including the core exhibition and special exhibitions The Snowy Day and the Art of Ezra Jack Keats (opening July 19), and Hemmed Up: Stories through Textiles (July 9 through August 25) will be open. In addition, on each of these evenings at 6:30 pm, themed tours on topics such as Creativity, Art, and Design; Jews and the Law; Women in American Jewish History; and American Jewish Writers will be offered.

“We’re thrilled to be making the Museum even more welcoming, inviting, and accessible to visitors of all ages and backgrounds and look forward to welcoming many new friends this summer,” says Ivy Barsky, CEO and Gwen Goodman director. The Museum Store and Pomegranates Café will also be open through the extended hours and will serve complimentary wine and light hors d’oeuvres. The National Museum of American Jewish History is located on historic Independence Mall in Philadelphia. It brings to life the 350-year history of Jews in America. Go to for more information.

For more details, contact Adam Goldberg at (831) 917-3996 or e-mail at JWV.

(L-R) Nicholas A. Midis, MD, FAAOS • Kevin F. Bonner, MD, FAAOS • Louis C. Jordan, MD, FAAOS Jack L. Siegel, MD, FAAOS • James E. Dowd, MD, FAAOS • Samuel P. Robinson, MD, FAAOS

THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR OPTIMAL OUTCOMES. 5 7 1 6 Cle ve l a n d St re e t, S u i te 2 00 • Virginia B each, Virginia 2 3 4 6 2 • ( 7 5 7 ) 4 9 0- 4802 • w w w.j ordan - youn gin | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 13

It’s a wrap

Temple Israel’s eight competing dance couples and their teacher: Tammi and Dale Wohlers; Lyna Raschdorf and Mark Nachman; William Wade and Milcah Wade; dance teacher William Neill; Harry and Sue Cohen; Phil and Mary Ann Walzer; Darva and Larry Gruber; Bev and Cantor Larry Tiger (contest winners); and Kathryn Morton and Steve Legum.

Temple Israel dances with the stars


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14 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

They came. They danced. They enjoyed. Nearly 180 people attended Temple Israel’s Dancing with the Temple Stars fundraiser on Sunday, May 19. To tunes such as String of Pearls and Lady in Red, eight couples showed off their fancy footwork in four dances—rumba, waltz, foxtrot and swing. The winning dancers were Beverlee and Cantor Larry Tiger, Sue and Harry Cohen, and Darva and Larry Gruber. The other competing couples were Kathryn Morton and Steve Legum, Lyna Raschdorf and Mark Nachman, Milcah Wade and William Wade, Mary Ann and Phil Walzer, and Tammi and Dale The dapper Larry Gruber twirls his agile Wohlers. wife Darva on their way to a prize. Music was provided by the Hotel Paradise Roof Garden Orchestra, led by Lynn Summerall and accompanied by jazz singer Becky Livas. One of the orchestra’s members, William Neill, also served as dance instructor for the couples. After the exhibition, the floor was opened to all dancers. The evening, produced by vice president of fundraising Susan Eilberg, offered a mélange of dance and musical genres. Reuven and Judy Rohn offered lessons in Israeli folk dancing. Mark Solberg and Nadine WhiteShook led the dancers in a disco and rock segment. And Jason, Jeffrey and Gizella Wade presented a hiphop exhibition, with graceful bends and contortions that would have made Michael Jackson proud. Raphael and Dinah Halioua took to the The evening also featured a sumptuous dinner, floor dancing to the romantic strains of cooked under the direction of Cheryl Dronzek, high- the Hotel Paradise Rooftop Orchestra. lighted by maple-glazed salmon and edamame/ sweet potato cutlets, with herbs from the gardens of temple members. Other stars included emcee Jody Mazur and “cigarette girl” Doris Friedman, who circulated throughout the auditorium in her period outfit selling dance ballots. Photos courtesy of Stephen Jay Photography.

It’s a wrap


Honoring heroes at Temple Israel opportunity to organize the event, we felt that while this would be a place for us as a family to commemorate and remember our loved ones, we can also bring a piece of Israel to our community,” Mor says. Mor notes that Yom Hazikaron, Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) all fall within a short period. “On Yom Hashoah and Yom Hazikaron, we are commanded to remember; on Yom Haatzmaut, to celebrate. It reshapes and redefines Israel as a family that mourns together, and through the memory of the price we have paid to be free Jews, it redefines the meaning of Israel.” Other members of Temple Israel who organized the event included Mor’s wife, Anat Mor, Lyna Raschdorf and Mark Solberg. Donations were also collected for the IDF Widows and Orphans Organization. The evening ended with an Israeli-style falafel dinner.

Music professor performs at Beth Sholom

Temple Emanuel at BSV Temple Emanuel spent the last day of religious school at Beth Sholom Terrace playing bingo with the residents. It was a highlight of the year for all.

Brian Nedvin, assistant professor of music at Old Dominion University, presented a lecture and concert about the Holocaust on Sunday, April 28 for Beth Sholom residents. Nedvin played guitar and sang Brian Nedvin songs written by survivors of the Holocaust such as Mordechai Gebirtig, a poet and songwriter. Nedvin sings in English, German and Yiddish. This was a very moving event for all who attended, made even more special by Nedvin’s wonderful voice.

e h t n o ow h s e c n da d n in. a s n g o n c o s s i a W r e p i I I h s W e l t A W of the Bat fantail

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Pictured (L to R): Lindsay Eure and Gabriela Gomez

Celebrating the lives and sacrifice of those who founded and who have protected Israel, Temple Israel hosted a stirring tribute on Yom Hazikaron. Jews and Christian Zionists from across Hampton Roads gathered to pay honor to the fallen members of the Israel Defense Forces—and Israeli victims of terrorism— through prayer, song and video. Clergy and lay people from numerous synagogues offered prayers and songs in Hebrew and English, including The Palmach Song, Naomi Shemer’s Lu Yehi (May It Be) and Yosi Gamzo’s Hakotel, about the Western Wall and its “stones with a human heart.” Col. Amnon Meir, a member of the IDF who serves as a liason to Fort Eustis, also spoke. One of the organizers, Temple Israel member Eitan Mor, was 13 when he lost his uncle during the Yom Kippur War. Every Yom Hazikaron, his family visited the military cemetery where his uncle was buried. “When Rabbi Panitz offered us the



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by Carin Simon

’ve never considered myself a trendsetter, but after reading about Angelina Jolie’s bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, that’s exactly how I felt. I could have written her story. On Dec. 19, 2011, I made the same difficult decision as Angelina and underwent a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. Breast cancer runs in my family, on my father’s side. My decision to test for the gene came after my paternal aunt, a breast cancer survivor, previously diagnosed at age 43, told my father about the newly discovered BRCA genetic mutation. Their mother (my grandmother) had tragically lost her battle to breast cancer at age 49 after fighting the disease for four years. My dad was 14 years old at the time. In 2003, I tested positive for the BRCA1 gene. I remember sitting in the office of the genetics counselor with my husband, Mike, by my side. The counselor explained what it means to have the BRCA genetic mutation. Most important to know is that those with the BRCA1 genetic mutation have an 85%–90% chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer and 50% chance of getting ovarian cancer in their lifetime. All I could think about is the terrifying fact that I have the same gene as my grandmother and aunt. If left alone, I knew I would eventually get breast cancer! Based on my family history, I knew that I would eventually have to have a mastectomy, but I couldn’t face it at the time, so I chose close surveillance. I saw my breast surgeon regularly and had annual mammograms and MRI’s. As I approached my mid 30s, I became more

16 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 | JN_Due5-24_Run6-10_GenericSeason_SummerCamps.indd 5/2/13 1 9:17 AM

Carin and Mike Simon with their sons Nate and Ari.

anxious. I knew I was getting closer to having to face surgery or breast cancer, and I am not sure which I feared more. In 2010, when my cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 41, I knew I was next. I went for my regular screenings, but didn’t know how to take the next step. Thankfully my breast surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Reed, put me in touch with the local FORCE coordinator, Michelle Braun. FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered) is a national organization founded for those who are fighting breast and hereditary cancer and those with the genetic mutation who seek support. FORCE is an amazing resource and includes a network of support groups, conferences, message boards, and more, all of which

helped me to make an informed decision to have surgery. When I started doing research, I was amazed at the advancement in mastectomy and reconstruction options. I learned that having a prophylactic mastectomy meant options like skin and nipple sparing and very real looking reconstruction techniques. The research helped me to feel empowered by my decision to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction using tissue from my hips. The moment I came out of surgery, I knew I had made the right decision. The most difficult part was the anticipation of the surgery. After surgery, the relief of having it behind me made the recovery very manageable. Experts estimate that less than 10% of the almost 1 million people in the United

States with a BRCA mutation are aware of their high-risk status. We know that risk assessment and intervention can improve survival for high-risk individuals. But people cannot take action if they are unaware of their risk. Due to the stigma of a mastectomy, I was hesitant to make my story public. However, when I realized that there may be many Jewish women in our community struggling with the same decisions that I faced with the BRCA gene, I realized the importance of sharing my medical journey. I also want to raise awareness of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) and increase access to the tools, information, and access to health care experts. The BRCA mutation is more prevalent among Ashkenazi Jews than any other population. About 1 in 40 people of Jewish decent have a BRCA mutation. Every high-risk person should have the education, support, and resources they need to make informed decisions about their risk. I am so thankful to Angelina Jolie for writing about her decision. It is an amazing step for the awareness of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and will hopefully help others to take the necessary steps to cancer prevention or early detection. You don’t have to have Angelina’s resources to take the steps that she did. Many insurance companies cover genetic testing when appropriate. If a BRCA mutation is found, surgery or closer surveillance options can also be covered depending on one’s insurance and plan. I truly believe knowledge is power and fear can be blinding. Taking the steps I have to protect my health for myself and for my family has been incredibly empowering. For more information on FORCE or to attend a local support meeting go to: www.

Thirteen things the Jewish community needs to know about hereditary breast and ovarian cancer

Group forms at Beth El for “mature members”

From document FORCE’s website: http://www. communit y/documents/ July13ThingsJewishCommunity.pdf


RCA mutations have been found in people of every ethnicity. But people of Eastern European Jewish ancestry have the highest known incidence of BRCA mutations and hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. • About 1 in 40 people of Jewish descent have a BRCA mutation, about 10-fold higher than other populations. • Women with a BRCA mutation have up to an 85% lifetime risk for breast cancer and a 50% lifetime risk for ovarian cancer. • About 40% of Jewish women with ovarian/fallopian tube cancer and 20% who have premenopausal breast cancer have a BRCA mutation. • BRCA mutations are associated with other cancers, including breast, ovarian, fallopian tube, primary peritoneal, pancreatic, melanoma, prostate and male breast cancer. • Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting a BRCA mutation. • BRCA mutations can be passed down equally from fathers or mothers to sons or daughters. • Men with BRCA mutations should discuss the benefits, limitations and risk of prostate screening with their doctor beginning at age 40. Preliminary research suggests that prostate cancer in men with a BRCA mutation may be more aggressive than prostate cancer in men who do not have a BRCA mutation. Men with BRCA mutations are at risk for melanoma, male breast and pancreatic cancer as well. • People who test positive for a BRCA mutation have options to lower their risk for cancer or detect it at an earlier, more treatable stage. • The majority of BRCA mutations in Jewish people occur in one of three sites along these genes. Genetic testing usually begins with a “Multisite 3” panel, which looks for these common mutations and is less expensive than full BRCA testing. • In couples where both the man and woman have a BRCA2 mutation, it is possible for children to inherit a rate and deadly disease known as Fanconi Anemia. This is more common in people of Jewish descent. Couples concerned about this possibility should consult with a genetics expert. •Genetic testing for BRCA is done on a blood sample or cheek swab. The test itself is simple, but it is not always straightforward. Consulting with a genetic counselor is the best way to assure the correct test is ordered, results are properly interpreted and a course of action is discussed. • The majority of people with a BRCA mutation or a family history of cancer that puts them at greater risk, are unaware of their increased risk for hereditary cancer. Awareness is critical to saving lives.

Hilde Deutch, Charlene Cohen, Marian Tikatch, Barbara and Beril Abraham, Dorothy Zimmerman, Marilyn Ashe and Ed Karotkin.


ongregation Beth El established a new and exciting group, HAZAK, for congregants who are 65 years old and over. HAZAK is a network of approximately 130 groups affiliated with conservative synagogues throughout the country. A Hebrew acronym, HAZAK represents wisdom, maturity and future/looking ahead. A social entity, it will include educational and cultural activities, holiday and Shabbat celebrations, day trips and perhaps overnights too, as well as other outings for active seniors. Some long-standing HAZAK affiliates have adult summer camp retreats and organize travel to Israel, all of which could be part of the future for the new Beth El HAZAK affiliate, too. Beth El’s HAZAK kick-off event was planned by the members of the HAZAK committee including Dorothy Zimmerman, chair, Barbara and Beril Abraham, Marilyn Ashe, Charlene Cohen, Hilde Deutsch, Louis Friedman, Evelyn and Alan Hirsch, Jerry Kantor, Irwin Kroskin, Sara Trub, Marian Tikatch, and Sam Werbel. The event took place on May 5, at the home of Betsy and Ed Karotkin. The committee anticipated that 35 people would be interested, but instead, to the committee’s delight, more than 80 signed up and

almost all attended. The Karotkins took it all in stride in spite of the cool and very windy day, which resulted in an indoor event rather than the backyard, water-side afternoon that was planned. There couldn’t have been a better host and hostess. After presentations by Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Dorothy Zimmerman, wine and refreshments were served. Everyone had a great time, lots of laughter, lots of interaction and a respectable amount of wine and food were consumed. A survey form gave everyone a chance to express their views on frequency and times of meetings, types of events preferred, etc. The next HAZAK activity will be held on July 27 at 11 am at the Arthur and Phyllis Kaplan Orchid Conservatory on the ODU campus. After a tour of the facility led by the director and instructions on how to care for orchids, the group will have lunch at TASTE, the nearby restaurant on Hampton Boulevard. In August, a visit to Chevra T’helim Jewish Museum and Cultural Center in Portsmouth is planned. Beth El HAZAK is on its way to becoming a noteworthy addition to Beth El’s congregational life and appears to be filling a void in the lives of its mature members. | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 17

Jewish Family Service wraps up successful Week of Healthy Living

Event emcee Don London congratulates young medal winners.

Eager runners get off to a fast start.

by Amy Cobb


Ken, Makayda and Mara Bates.

18 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

ewish Family Service of Tidewater kicked off the 9th Annual Week of Healthy Living with a Race Expo on May 3, followed by the 9th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll on Sunday, May 5. With a record 625 participants, this year’s race—which included an 8K run, 5K run/walk and 1-mile run/walk was a huge success. “We were so pleased with the participation in this year’s race,” says Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director. “We thank our sponsors, our volunteers and everyone who came out to make this year’s event such a success.” The Week of Healthy Living continued with a program on brain health on Tuesday, May 7 presented by Robert M. Palmer, MD, MPH, director of the Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontolgoy, Eastern Virginia Medical School. Dr. Palmer dispelled common myths about the brain and gave practical tips for keeping the brain healthy. The following evening, Wednesday, May 8, JFS hosted a major donor reception preceding its program on Jewish genetic diseases. The program was presented by Faye L. Shapiro, MS, CGC, from the Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia and Steven Warsof, MD, professor, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of OB-GYN, Eastern Virginia Medical School. Shapiro and Warsof

Lisa Brown and Jackie Farkas of Team Oy Vey

discussed the 19 preventable Jewish genetic diseases and what’s involved in a genetic screening. At this program, JFS announced the date for its community genetic screening—Sunday, Dec. 15. The Week of Healthy Living concluded on Thursday, May 9 with a community blood drive, free blood pressure checks, and free balance screenings by JFS nurses and physical therapists. Jewish Family Service is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Race photographs by Laine Mednick Rutherford; reception photographs by Justin Hankins Photography

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater students, families and friends. Team Tiger gathers before the 1-mile run/walk.

Jody Wagner and Richard Glasser.

Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director with Faye Shapiro of The Victor Center and Dr. Marcia Samuels, JFS board president.

Jennifer Adut, JFS; Commander Hal Sacks and Meril Amdursky.

Annabel Sacks, Bootsie and Morton Goldmeier, Dolores Bartel and Karen Jaffe.

Faye Shapiro, MS, CGC, The Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, and Steven Warsof, MD, EVMS. | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 19

Student art featured at Holocaust Commission exhibition by Laine Mednick Rutherford Photos by Laine Mednick Rutherford


abrina Furlough chose to enter a painting rather than a work of prose or poetry in this year’s Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions. Yet, when asked to supply an artist’s statement with her piece, the Lynnhaven Middle School student welcomed the opportunity to write about her concept. Her statement reads: My painting explains how even though the world seems happy and all the bad times are gone, darkness is always creeping. The horrible and sad moments are not gone, but they are always in the shadows. Countries might seem united, but they are always separated by war and heartache. “I liked that we had to do a summary, because there’s a lot to this painting,” says Sabrina. “I tried not to do something too simple—I wanted to do something in depth that you had to think about when you looked at it, and I liked being able to explain that.” Sabrina, along with dozens of other student artists, their families, friends, teachers, and community supporters, attended the opening reception on May 5 for the 2013 Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Competition Winners and Judges’ Choice exhibit. On display through May 31 in the Virginia Beach Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library’s Art Gallery and main library, the exhibit showcased 54 adjudicated student pieces. The Holocaust Commission received a record number of entries in the TowneBank-sponsored art competition this year—nearly 500 drawings, sketches, paintings, photographs, sculptures, textiles, videos and other multimedia creations. “We saw a great balance this year between the submissions of artwork that dealt with historical issues that the Holocaust presents, and artwork in which students applied the lessons they learned from their Holocaust studies to moral decisions and actions and events in their

everyday lives,” says Elena Barr Baum, director of the Holocaust Commission. The exhibition’s pieces include the creations of students in middle and high schools, of all religious affiliations, ethnicities, and socioeconomic classes. The artwork reflects student responses to lessons they learned when studying the Holocaust, and their emotional and artistic interpretation of those lessons. Prize winners were chosen by a panel of area artists, with the identity of the student artists hidden from the judges so any bias, preference, or possible familiarity with the entrant was removed. Norview High School art teacher Jennifer McDuffie had two student winners in this year’s competition, and came to support them and the Holocaust Commission’s efforts at the opening reception. “I think this is a great forum for this exhibit, because a lot of people are going to see it, and it’s very eye catching,” she says. “This project is way more than making artwork. It’s about having a message, too,” she emphasizes. “Whenever you can have young people look at what’s going on in the world and look at what’s important to them, it’s a win-win situation. The themes that you see here are intense: outer beauty and inner feelings, domestic violence, homelessness, the gang war in El Salvador. All are relevant today, but the artists are using the lessons of the Holocaust to find a means of expression.” McDuffie believes the competition provides students—and herself—with ideas and knowledge that continue to affect their lives, and causes them to look at the world in a more thoughtful way. “The lessons of the Holocaust don’t just end here,” she says. “This competition and its ideas give me a forum to use art as social commentary, for my students and for other teachers that I speak with, too. When I attended the National Art Education Association conference in New York, I talked about having my students enter this competition every year and how they connect with it—so the Holocaust Commission is helping me teach other teachers, all over the country, how to connect the lessons to their students, too.”

20 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

Sabrina Furlough, Lynnhaven Middle School, winning artist of World of Despair.

Tia Tyson, Norview High School, winning artist of Standards of Beauty.

One of the entries in this year’s art competition was from a student in California whose teacher had found the competition listed on the internet. Baum says she received a call from the girl’s mother who said her daughter was entering, and wanted to know how best to submit a piece. “We’ve had writing entries from out of the area, but I never expected an out of town art entry,” Baum says. “And she turned out to be one of the winners!” Baum says as the Holocaust Commission has evolved technologically, it put the Elie Wiesel competition guidelines and information packet online—intended to benefit local middle and high school teachers. In the past two years, though, others have found the information and the contests received out of town entries. Last year, a school in Midlothian, Va. participated. This year, 23 entries were submitted to the writing competition from a high school in Ohio. One was a winner and one was a finalist. “This interest from areas far beyond Tidewater give us affirmation that what we do is recognized for the quality we’ve always known it to be—by people who don’t know us at all. That makes us even more committed to our work, and helps further the goals of the Holocaust Commission.” More than 1,650 total entries were received in the 2013 Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions—a record number. Winning entries in the writing and arts categories can be viewed at www. For more information about the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, visit www.holocaustcommission. org. To see more photos from the art reception, “Like” JewishNewsVa on Facebook.

James Lewis, Lynnhaven Middle School, winning artist of Today We Are One.

what’s happening Holocaust Commission invites all educators to attend conference • Monday, August 5–Tuesday, August 6


he Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater will present the 11th Biennial Educators’ Conference, Why Care? Human Rights: Past, Present & Future, in August. The highly praised conference provides educators with tools, strategies and techniques to use for promoting respect, empathy, and accountability in their classrooms. Studying the lessons of the Holocaust provides educators with a platform for the teaching of tolerance, justice and moral courage. This year’s two-day conference includes an “in-school” segment on Monday, Aug. 5, at the Tidewater Community College Student Center in Norfolk, and a “field trip” on Tuesday, Aug. 6, to the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond. Keynote speakers on Monday will be Jud Newborn, the founding historian for New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage,

and Linda Hurwitz, child of survivors and 17-year veteran of the Holocaust Center of the United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, and 10-year veteran of the Solomon Schechter Middle School in Pittsburgh. The day’s schedule includes the speakers, breakout sessions, and a special presentation of the Holocaust Commission’s What We Carry program. Meals, educational materials, and professional educational credits are provided as well. Complimentary parking will be available in the McArthur Center North Garage, or a Tide station is one block away. Tuesday’s group trip to the Virginia Holocaust Museum includes the presentation of an award-winning film and a conversation with its producer about how to incorporate the movie into classroom curriculum. Bus transportation, museum admission and meals are included. While the conference is designed for

educators, school administrators, social workers, counselors, and education majors, members of the community who want to increase their own Holocaust education are also invited to register. Space is limited; early registration is recommended.

Registration before July 1 is $75; after July 1 it is $100. Call 757-321-2323, email or visit for more information, to download a brochure, and to register.

Interested in housing an Israeli counselor this summer? The Simon Family JCC needs host families for its schlicha from Israel. Enjoy some Israeli culture at home while demonstrating a bit of southern hospitality! Host family weeks are two-week segments, beginning June 10. If you are able to house this counselor, please contact Scott Katz at 321-2317 or skatz@simonfamilyj.Org

Save The Date! Monday, July 29th The annual Janet Gordon Mah Jongg Tournament & Luncheon Beth Sholom Village Your check is your reservation! Couvert $60.00 Mail checks Claire Roth 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464 757-961-3024 Seats Go Quickly!! | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 21



Achievement Seth Mednick, on his graduation from Norfolk Academy. He is the son of Sara Kruger and Saul Mednick. Grandparents are Dr. David and Adel Kruger, Dr. Robert and Miriam Seeherman, and Maurice Mednick (of blessed Memory). Seth plans to attend RandolphMacon College.

JUNE 19, WEDNESDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC, board meeting at 10:30 am. Lunch at 11:30 am. followed by a short business meeting and then an arts and crafts project with equipment and guidance by Color Me Mine. $12. For further information, call Marilyn Moranha at 426-7423. Send check for $12 payable to the JCC Seniors Club to Anne Pylate at 4823 Poolside Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

Elka Mednick on her graduation from Randolph-Macon College. She is the son of Sara Kruger and Saul Mednick. Grandparents are Dr. David and Adel Kruger, Dr. Robert and Miriam Seeherman, and Maurice Mednick (of blessed Memory).

June 23, Sunday Israeli Scouts Caravan performs at the Simon Family JCC. Hear Israeli singing and dancing performed by 10 talented 17-year-olds who travel all over the U.S.A. performing. Show begins at 6:30 pm at the JCC. Free. Call 321-2338 for more information, or visit

Dr. William (Billy) Schoenfeld, on completing his fellowship in Anesthesia-Critical Care at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston. He now works at MGH as an anesthesiologist/critical care ICU physician. He is the son of Brian and Renee Schoenfeld of Virginia Beach.

JULY 7, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will have an indoor picnic at the Beth Sholom Home at 12 noon. $6.50 per person for members and grandchildren. After lunch, the group will play Bingo with cash prizes. For further information, call Dale at 461-1150.

Dr. Sharon Weinstein who has several paintings in exhibits: Sweet Grapes, at the Botanical Gardens; a watercolor based on one of her poems at the Out of Print show at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Virginia Beach; two paintings for the Beaches, Beacons, Boats show at The Artists Gallery in Virginia Beach; and four paintings in the Senior ArtFest at the Primplus center in Norfolk. She also read two award-winning poems at the Poetry Society of Virginia’s annual meeting in Richmond.

August 11, Sunday Community Relations Council presents Bringing Israel Home. An event in partnership with The David Project by and for Tidewater Jewish college students at the Sandler Family Campus at 5 pm. More details to follow. For more information or to make sure a college student you know receives an invitation, contact Robin Mancoll, director of the CRC at RMancoll@ujft. org or 965-6120.

Danial Watts, son of Benita and Joe Watts, for having his artwork chosen by Virginia Beach’s public utilities department to be featured in the 2014 Water Awareness Calendar. Thirteen pieces were selected out of 800 entries. An awards ceremony in City Council chambers took place last month. In addition to having his art included in the calendar, Danial received a $50 U.S. Savings Bond. He attends Hebrew Academy of Tidewater.

Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.


Danial Watts and Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms.

Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.



Applications now being accepted for scholarships at ODU’s Institute for Jewish Studies

cholarships are available through Old Dominion University’s Institute for Jewish Studies & Interfaith Understanding (IJIU) for academic year 2013-2014. IJIU scholarships include the Oscar Brandeis Birshtein and Frances Levy Birshtein Scholarship and the Schwetz Scholarship of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. Annual awards are made on a competitive basis to registered ODU students who take courses in the Jewish

22 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

Studies Minor or who participate in Hillel. An applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher. The application procedure requires a completed IJIU scholarship application form, a copy of the student’s resume and an essay of 500 words or less concerning the applicant’s goals for study and current engagement in Jewish Studies or Hillel. Forms and supporting

documents should be sent by email to Farideh Goldin, director of IJIU, at Additional information and application forms are available on the IJIU website at or by contacting Kelly Duggins at Applications must be completed by Oct. 15, 2013. Recipients will be notified of the IJIU Scholarship Committee’s decision by Nov. 15, 2013.

UJFT Young Leadership Campaign hosts donor appreciation party by Tracie Guy Decker


Event Co-chair Jennifer Groves, sheltering the Havdalah candle.

Ann Swanson and Eric Shapiro.

he evening of Saturday, June 1, approximately 75 donors to the Young Leadership Campaign (YLC), gathered at Bayville Golf Club for a special donor recognition event. Guests arrived at the idyllic setting to find cornhole games in progress. As the sun set on the bay, guests gathered around the cornhole boards, mingled and laughed over wine and orange crush cocktails. After sunset, Marc Abrams, the outEvent Committee: Jennifer Groves (co-chair), Jason Rosenberg, Jennie Hurwitz, Fred Rose, going chair of the YLC gathered the Rebecca Bickford (co-chair), and Amy Weinstein, Young Adult Division director (not pictured: Andrew Nusbaum). assembled for brief remarks, in which he thanked donors for their generosity and reported that the campaign has more than tripled its size in funds raised since the campaign was launched four years ago. Jason Rosenberg then led the group in a Havdalah service with a painterly Deena Gilbert and Denise Hoffman. sunset over the bay Mike Simon, Jody Balaban, and Marc Abrams. as a backdrop. The YLC donors were joined by other people who were invited to this event have that commitment,” says Amy Weinstein, leaders of the community for cocktails and proven that they care about our community Young Adult Division director. hors d’oeuvres. “Ultimately, there are a lot and the world. This event was one small of young Jewish people in Tidewater. The way of recognizing and thanking them for

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spanakopita | Tzatziki | falafel | baklava | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

In Senate, Lautenberg maintained commitment to the Jewish community by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—In 1982, Frank Lautenberg was running for New Jersey’s U.S. Senate spot at a time when Democrats were down on their political fortunes. The Jewish community knew and liked Lautenberg, a data processing magnate who died Monday, June 3 at 89 after serving more than 30 years in Washington. Lautenberg had been chairman of the United Jewish Appeal and turned the charity around during a parlous economy. But Jacob Toporek, who managed Lautenberg’s Jewish campaign that year, recalls that New Jersey Jews were skeptical of Lautenberg’s chances: How likely was this political neophyte to win when the Republicans were on the rise both in the state and nationally? “We ran an ad in Jewish papers with a picture of him with Golda Meir, with a simple caption: ‘Commitment then, commitment now,’’ says Toporek, who now directs the New Jersey State Association of Jewish Federations. The pitch worked, and the Jewish vote

helped vault Lautenberg to 30 years in the Senate, where he made good on the implicit promise in the ad, becoming a history-making champion of Soviet Jewry. “When he became involved in electoral Jewish politics, he didn’t forget his Jewish involvement,” says Mark Levin, the director of NCSJ, formerly the National Council of Soviet Jewry. “He became one of the leading advocates for Jews in the Soviet Union. Lautenberg died of viral pneumonia, his office said in a statement that outlined an array of far-reaching legislation in which he had a hand. It included laws that kept convicted domestic abusers from owning guns, banned smoking on planes and made 21 the minimum drinking age. Those who were closest to Lautenberg said the law that had the most meaning for him was the one that bears his name. The Lautenberg Amendment, passed in October 1989, facilitated the emigration of Soviet Jews by relaxing the stringent standards for refugee status, granting immigrant status to those who could show religious persecution in their native lands. At a tribute in New York to Lautenberg

A Rich Inheritance

last month hosted by Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, Lautenberg’s wife, Bonnie, called the amendment his “proudest achievement.” She accepted the award because the senator was too ill to attend. The law “fundamentally changed the face of the American Jewish community,” Levin says, noting that it resulted in the emigration of hundreds of thousands of former Soviet Jews to these shores. An amendment authored by Lautenberg to the immigration overhaul now under consideration in Congress would allow the president to fund the Lautenberg provisions without congressional approval. The amendment was part of a package approved last month by the Judiciary Committee, and the odds are that the full bill will pass. Lautenberg grew up in Paterson, N.J., the son of poor Jewish immigrants from Poland and Russia. He liked to say his parents “could not pass on valuables, but left me a legacy of values.” He served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps in World War II and then earned a degree in economics at Columbia University through the G.I. Bill. The role

Our community keeps reinventing itself, finding new ways to engage young people and adults, families and singles, in the rich fabric of Jewish life. But some things never change. Like the way each generation plans and builds for the next, making sure the foundations of Jewish life are strong and can respond to evolving needs.

What will your legacy be?

Thank you to our Create a Jewish Legacy partners:

To learn more about making a legacy gift to support the Tidewater community, contact Philip S. Rovner with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation at (757) 965-6111, 24 | Jewish News | June 10, 2013 |

of government in giving a poor kid from Paterson a shot at an Ivy League education undergirded Lautenberg’s subsequent commitment to social justice. He started Automatic Data Processing and built it into the largest data processing firm in the world by 1974, when he became chairman of the UJA. Within a year, Lautenberg increased its charitable intake to the second-highest level in its history. His Senate career was marked both by unflinching liberalism and his reputation for integrity. Lautenberg retired in 2001, but in a replay of his 1982 election, the state party called on him to run in 2002 after the scandal-plagued Robert Torricelli resigned. Lautenberg won handily. His liberalism was rooted in his hardscrabble youth overshadowed by the death of his father from cancer when he was a boy, according to lifelong friend Stephen Greenberg, now chairman of NCSJ. “Paterson was the silk center of the world at the time,” Greenberg says. “You had this massive number of Jews from Russia and Poland in that whole area. His father worked in the silk mills, and Frank believed that was the predominant source of his cancer.” Lautenberg became the Senate’s leading advocate of public safety, writing laws that improved standards for clean coastal waters and tripled liability for oil spills. In 1968 he founded the Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He launched crusades for safer conduct on the roads, rails and in the air. During his short absence from the Senate in 2001– 02, the Secaucus Junction train station was named for him. He also was a lead champion of women’s rights, advancing laws mandating sex education and keeping pharmacists from invoking religious beliefs in order to deny service to women seeking birth control medications. Lautenberg was in Israel on Sept. 11, 2001. In 2011, he initiated a non-binding Senate resolution that recommended marking Sept. 11 with a moment of silence; it passed unanimously. Lautenberg gave prodigiously to Israel and was its champion in the Senate. But he also was outspoken in criticizing the state when he thought it erred, says Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Reform continued on page 25

obituaries Evelyn H. Glass VIRGINIA BEACH- Evelyn H. Glass, 97, passed away May 24, 2013. Altmeyer Funeral Home. Annie Cohen Koenig Norfolk—Annie Cohen Koenig, 91, passed away May 26, 2013, in Norfolk. Born in New York, she was the daughter of Isaac and Rachel Cohen. Annie was a member of Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Synagogue (KBH). She was preceded in death by her husband, Irving Koenig; her daughter, Laura Daniels; and her five siblings. Left to cherish her memory is her son, Robert S. Koenig and his wife Lee Ellen; two grandchildren, Aaron and Abbey; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held at Woodlawn Memorial Gardens with Cantor David Proser officiating. Altmeyer Funeral Home. Condolences may be offered to the family at Memorial donations to a charity of the donor’s choice. Norman J. Kozak Virginia Beach—Norman Jacob Kozak, 87, an educator, World War II veteran and concentration camp liberator, died June 2, 2013, at Beth Sholom Village. Mr. Kozak was born in Norfolk to the late George and Helen Kozak, later graduating Suffolk High School, and then raising his family in Portsmouth before retiring to Western Branch in Chesapeake. He is survived by his wife, Lillian T. Kozak of Chesapeake; his children, Alan Kurzer of Norfolk, Larry Kurzer (currently) of South Korea, Mark Kozak (Brenda) of Chesapeake, George Kozak (Angela) of Bala Cynwyd, Pa., and Ben Kozak of Chesapeake; sister-in-law, Eunice F. Kozak; and his grandchildren, Rachel and Sam. Over the course of 45 years, Norman and Lillian successfully united two families after the death of Norman’s first wife, Flora Steinberg.

continued from page 24

movement’s Religious Action Center. Despite his firebrand reputation, Lautenberg was avuncular in person. Jewish staffers on Capitol Hill called him “zayde,” Yiddish for “grandfather,” recalls

Mr. Kozak was an Army medic who served in France and Germany, arriving just after the D-Day invasion. Among his duties, Mr. Kozak assisted in the liberation of Dachau concentration camp. Later in life, he served as a witness/educator for the local UJF Holocaust Commission. Mr. Kozak was a graduate of the College of William & Mary and earned a master’s from Old Dominion University. A teacher of distributive education for 26 years at Chesapeake’s Deep Creek High, he also assisted in coaching sports at the school and was a scoreboard operator for football and basketball. He taught night classes in marketing at ODU. After retiring from teaching, Mr. Kozak worked as an assistant manager at Chapman’s Jewelers. Mr. Kozak was an active member of Gomley Chesed Synagogue and was a Blue Yarmulke Man of the Year for its Men’s Club. He spent many years teaching in the religious school and supervising Junior Congregation. A Life Master in bridge, Mr. Kozak was an avid participant in multiple sports. Tennis became his devotion, and he was a longtime supporter of racially integrated tennis in the city. The family thanks the caring administration and staff of Beth Sholom Home for its support over the past four years. Memorial contributions may be made to Beth Sholom Home, Jewish Family Service or Gomley Chesed Synagogue. Graveside services, conducted by Rabbi David Goldstein, were held at Gomley Chesed Cemetery. Sturtevant Funeral Home. Robin Leigh Legum Siegel Virginia Beach—Robin Leigh Siegel, 58, passed away on Friday, May 31, 2013 at home. She is a graduate of Granby High School, attended Syracuse University, and graduated from Old Dominion University in 1977 with a BA in mathematics. She is survived by her husband, Dr.

Rabbi Levi Shemtov, director of American Friends of Lubavitch. Lautenberg was a regular at holiday events, and if he noted Jewish officials in the halls, he would stop and chat. “He felt connected,” Shemtov says.

Gary Siegel; her children, Austin and Aimee, Corey, and Marni; her grandchildren, Asher, Shayna, and Binyamin; her parents, Charles and Betty Lou Legum; and her brother, Jason and Gerri Legum. The funeral was held at Temple Emanuel Synagogue, Virginia Beach. The service was officiated by Rabbi David Barnett with burial following at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Women’s League of Temple Emanuel Synagogue or a charity of choice. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made to the family at Maxine R. Spivak Virginia Beach—84, passed away on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. A service took place at Altmeyer Funeral Home, Southside Chapel, with Rabbi Israel Zoberman officiating, followed by interment at Albert G. Horton Memorial Veteran Cemetery in Suffolk, Va. Condolences may be offered to the family at

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | June 10, 2013 | Jewish News | 25

face to face

Lynn Schoenbaum’s ever expanding family Original, created, communal and global

by Karen Lombart


ith a youthful spirit and the ability to find joy in life’s smallest pleasures, Lynn Schoenbaum embraces her early sixties with enthusiasm and a willingness to seek new adventures. When most people are choosing to retire from their volunteerism, Schoenbaum has discovered that her deepening involvement in the Jewish community has expanded her world beyond what she could have ever imagined. Serving on the Israel and Overseas Committee of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater has been extremely enlightening for Schoenbaum. Although a donor for years, she never felt knowledgeable enough to serve on committees. “It is so ‘out of the box’ for me to be doing this,” she admits. “Now that I have decided to get involved, I have found that it is fascinating to hear the reports of the recipient agencies, the requests for new funding and the committee’s extensive allocation’s process. It makes me proud to belong to a community that works to help others.” Schoenbaum was raised watching her parents take great pride in supporting local agencies. Her father, of blessed memory, used to say, “You give where you live.” Serving as chair of the Newport News UJC campaign during the Six Day War, he went to Israel to discover the role that Tidewater could play in the conflict’s aftermath. “My father worked 24/7,” Schoenbaum explains. He was a quiet man with strong convictions who loved the restaurant business. Leon Schoenbaum had a chain of Shoney’s restaurants from Williamsburg to Chesapeake. Definitely ‘color blind,’ he was one of the first in Tidewater to open his doors to African Americans. Born in Petersburg, Va., he was the youngest of four sons and grew up in Huntington, West Virginia. His immigrant father owned a bowling and billards hall. When the family moved from Poland to Germany, their last name was too hard to pronounce, so it became “Schoenbaum,” meaning “beautiful tree,” describing the one in their front yard. “My parents met when my father was in the Navy. Dad was living next door to my mother’s family, on Princess Anne

Rd. in Norfolk.” Every morning, my grandfather would go to minyan until he passed away at 89 years old. Samuel “Nubby” Silverman’s family was one of the first at Temple Emanuel. “He was the nicest man. Ask anyone that knew him…they will tell you!” she says. Raised in Hilton Village in Newport News, Schoenbaum was one of three siblings and the first granddaughter on both sides of the family. As members of Newport News’ JCC, her parents sent her to Kadima’s summer program. She reminisces, “I still have a prize that I won for a dance contest —a 45 record of I Got You, Babe. Members of Rodef Sholom, Schoenbaum’s mom, Ruth Ann, served in the Sisterhood. Schoenbaum remembers her family starting to light Shabbat candles and having Friday night dinners when her older brother, Ray, of blessed memory, was preparing for his Bar Mitzvah. She continued her studies after Hebrew School and Sunday school to be confirmed. Off to Washington D.C. to study education at Marjorie Webster, it wasn’t long before Schoenbaum realized she wanted to make a change in her career choice. In 1974, she moved to Atlanta and worked as a dental receptionist and assistant. After three years, she returned to Virginia Beach to live at the oceanfront. At 25 years old, employed by Shoney’s, Schoenbaum began to explore many facets of the restaurant business. For 10 years, she transitioned from dishwasher to waitress to trainer to office administrator. Intrigued by creativity, she left to pursue her dream of owning a gift shop in Norfolk. Decorating the shelves of the Paisley Hippo with family photographs, many Jewish customers recognized her relatives, starting conversations that led to life-long friendships. Schoenbaum joined ORT and met many more people. She laughs, “Didn’t everyone do ORT?” While she continued to run her retail store, she also managed Norfolk’s ACT II Shop. Schoenbaum gave birth to her daughter, Rachel, on June 12, 1989. She decided that she would give her child a Jewish upbringing. “I wanted her to feel comfortable walking into any Jewish community, anywhere in the world and feel as if she was part of a larger ‘family.’ “Honestly,”

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Schoenbaum teases, “Have you ever met a Jewish stranger?” When Rachel was two years old she was a student at the JCC’s Shalom Children’s Center preschool and continued afterwards to study at HAT. “I was thrilled when Rachel recited the Shema at bedtime. We had a sukkah for years at her insistence. When she got older, I sent her to Beth El’s Hebrew and Sunday Schools and for two years, she participated in the JCC Maccabi games.” As a HAT parent, Schoenbaum witnessed her friends’ involvement in the Jewish community. “It was amazing to watch the hours that they spent unselfishly giving to communal work. I found it inspiring,” she admits. In the late 1980’s, Nancy Kantor from Congregation Beth El asked her to help with the arrival of the Russian immigrants. Schoenbaum set up apartments and assisted with school enrollments. In 2001, she took a position on the board of Jewish Family Service. Presented with a creative opportunity by Harry Graber and Jay Klebanoff, Schoenbaum went to Baltimore to investigate a food basket program. For five years, under the guidance of Sue Graves, Schoenbaum helped tie bows, assemble baskets and deliver them to tables where they became centerpieces for celebrations. She says she worked with many wonderful volunteers. When naming opportunities were available for the new JFS building, Schoenbaum dedicated the basket room in “Celebration of the life of Ray Schoenbaum and Samuel “Nubby” Silverman.” In 2003, she received the Max Japha award for volunteer service. On Oct. 6, 2001, Rachel celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at Temple Emanuel, reading the Haftorah that Schoenbaum’s brother, Ray, her namesake, had read. Instead of gifts, Rachel asked that donations be given to an endowment fund at JFS to fund children’s programming. Having seen her great Aunt Betty’s UJFT gold Lion pin, Rachel was sure that she too had earned the “Tiger.” In 2006, Terri Sarfan organized a group tour to Israel for her friends and their families. It was Schoenbaum’s first visit. “My greatest ‘ah-hah’ moment came when I walked into the Kotel courtyard with

Rachel and Lynn Schoenbaum.

my daughter and saw the observant men rushing to pray before Shabbat. We heard a magnificent women’s choir while standing there and I thought to myself, ‘I am so lucky to be Jewish.’” Schoenbaum’s subsequent trips have varied: In 2007, she went to Israel with the UJFT Women’s Campaign. In 2010, she joined a coed Mission, March of the Living, traveling from Poland to Israel. And, in October, 2012, she and Rachel participated in a four-day ‘eye opening’ UJFT Women’s Mission to Cuba where they experienced JDC’s hand in global renewal. Inspired by the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, she has joined its Ambassador Club to learn even more. With her increasing familiarity, Schoenbaum will be in a position to share her stories as a newly appointed member to the Women’s Cabinet of UJFT. When she looks back over all her years, Schoenbaum knows that her life has been shaped by her years of motherhood. She has seen her friends change jobs, change residences and change activities, yet the one constant that remains is their shared parenting journey, allowing them to watch together their children mature from infancy to adulthood. “I count my blessings every day,” she says. “I have the most amazing friends because I decided to raise Rachel within the Jewish community. We have always been included in their Shabbat dinners, holiday festivities and life milestones. When my father passed away, our friends and community were there to comfort us.” When Rachel was born, Lynn Schoenbaum’s world transformed. Over these past 23 years, whether a resident of Norfolk or Virginia Beach, her legacy of giving has continued to be “right where she lives”—in the Jewish community.

Charlie Church Jill Grossman Church Owners 1261 West 42nd Street, Norfolk, VA 23508 757.489.8610 •

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