Jewish News June 24

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Chess set finds home at Sandler Campus 30

INSIDE 11 Melton Graduation

14 JCC Golf Tournament

—page 8

L e g a l M at t e r s i n t h e J e w i s h C o mm u n i t y 2 5

20 Honoring Tidewater Jewish Veterans




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2 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

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Iran’s president-elect Rohani More of the same or a bridge to the West? by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—Former national security adviser, former nuclear negotiator, a decades-old friendship with the supreme leader—Hassan Rohani is as Iranian establishment as it gets. Which is why, some Iran watchers say, he may be an invaluable asset in the quest to reduce tensions between the Islamic Republic and the United States. In his first remarks following his election to the Iranian presidency last week, Rohani sustained the moderate image that helped sweep him into office with more than 50 percent of the vote, obviating the need for a runoff against one of the other five candidates. Rohani, 64, described Iran’s parlous relationship with the United States as “an old wound which must be healed,” according to The New York Times translation of his news conference, while also defending Iran’s “inalienable rights” to enrich uranium. He intimated, however, that he was willing to make the country’s nuclear program more transparent. Skeptics were none too impressed. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Rohani did not present a change from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his predecessor who was notorious for anti-Semitic rantings, Holocaust denial and oft-repeated wish that Israel would disappear. Both men, Netanyahu says, emerged from a small pool of candidates selected by a council that answers to Iran’s supreme


leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameini. “Among those whose candidacies [Khameini] allowed was elected the candidate who was seen as less identified with the regime, who still defines the State of Israel as ‘the great Zionist Satan,’ ” Netanyahu says. The Obama administration also expressed skepticism, although unlike Netanyahu, it holds out hope that Rohani’s moderated rhetoric represented an opening. “President-elect Rohani pledged repeatedly during his campaign to restore and expand freedoms for all Iranians,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said. “In the months ahead, he has the opportunity to keep his promises to the Iranian people.” Kerry also repeated his readiness to “engage directly with the Iranian government” to meet Western demands that it make its nuclear program more transparent. Rohani was born in northern Iran to a religious family that sent him to seminary when he was 12. He went on to earn advanced law degrees at Glasgow Caledonian University and to publish two books in English on Islamic jurisprudence. Until his election he was the managing editor of two scholarly foreign affairs periodicals, in English and in Farsi. For much of his career, Rohani has been deeply embedded in Iran’s corridors of power. Ten of the 16 entries under “professional experience” in his Englishlanguage biography posted on the website of the think tank he has led since 1992, the Center for Strategic Research, detail his About the Cover: Gianni Toso Chess Set, donated to the community in memory of Sylvia Rose Jason. Photo by Laine Mednick Rutherford.

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

security establishment credentials. Rohani served two stints as national security adviser, and was Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator from 2003 to 2005. During his mid-2000s ascent under the reform-minded President Mohammad Khatami, Western diplomats speculated that Rohani was being groomed for the presidency, noting both his facility for engagement with the West and ties to the conservative establishment and the supreme leader. Rohani is fluent in English, along with several other Western languages, and has an active presence on Twitter. Western diplomats who led nuclear talks with Rohani in the mid-2000s told reporters at the time that they saw Rohani as someone coming to the table ready to forge deals. It was during Rohani’s term as chief nuclear negotiator that Iran suspended its enrichment of uranium, although talks ultimately foundered over the extent of the Iranian suspension. Rohani no longer favors such a suspension, but has suggested that he is ready to make Iran’s nuclear program more transparent as a means of lifting Iran’s isolation. “The best way to characterize Rohani is that he realizes the extent of the crisis facing the Iranian regime due to multiple reasons, but also because of the nuclear program and sanctions,” says Alireza Nader, an Iran policy analyst at the Rand Corp., a think tank with close ties to the Pentagon. “Rohani is not someone who believes Iran must sacrifice everything for resistance.”


Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Sharon Freeman, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2013 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising July 15 UJFT Annual Report June 28 August 19 Rosh Hashanah August 2 September 2 Yom Kippur August 17 September 16 Guide August 30 September 30 Mazel Tov September 13 October 14 September 27

candle lighting

Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

JCC Golf Tournament scores big. . . . . . . 14

“If we didn’t do this, we would

Friday, June 28/Tammuz 20 Light candles at 8:09 pm

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Book Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

be sitting at home complaining

Friday, July 5/Tammuz 27 Light candles at 8:08 pm

Jewish brewer crafts He’Brew beer . . . . . . 7

Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

that we didn’t have water…

Friday, July 12/Av 5 Light candles at 8:06 pm

Family donates chess set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

[now]we won’t be dependent

Israel’s abundant water supply. . . . . . . . . 10

Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Friday, July 19/Av 12 Light candles at 8:02 pm

Melton’s 11th class graduates. . . . . . . . . . 11

Honoring Jewish veterans’ graves . . . . . . 20

Strelitz Preschool and tikkun olam. . . . . 12

Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Camp JCC counselor from Israel . . . . . . 13

Community helps disabled Israelis. . . . . 22

on what the rain brings us.” —page 10

Friday, July 26/Av 19 Light candles at 7:57 pm Friday, August 2/Av 26 Light candles at 7:44 pm | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Google confirms Waze acquisition Google confirmed its acquisition of the Israeli navigation company Waze. In an announcement on the company’s official blog, Google Vice President Brian McClendon did not indicate the price Google paid to acquire Waze, though reports put the figure at $1.1 billion. McClendon said the product development team at Waze, a free downloadable navigation app with nearly 50 million subscribers, “will remain in Israel and operate separately for now.” Talks between Waze and the social networking site Facebook reportedly broke down over Waze’s insistence that the company’s managers and employees remain in their Israeli headquarters in Raanana rather than relocating to Menlo Park, Calif. McClendon said his company is “excited about the prospect of enhancing Google Maps with some of the traffic update features provided by Waze and enhancing Waze with Google’s search capabilities.” Waze CEO Noam Bardin also confirmed the purchase, writing on his company’s blog that Google co-founder Larry Page, McClendon and the Google Maps staff “are partners in our vision to serve global mapping, updated in real-time by communities and those interested in helping us develop.” (JTA) ‘Give peace a chance,’ Netanyahu tells Abbas Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas from the Knesset podium in English to “give peace a chance.” Netanyahu was called to the Knesset on June 5 for a special session to discuss the stalled peace process with the Palestinians and the Arab Peace Initiative. He was required to appear after the opposition spurred 40 lawmakers to sign a petition compelling him to be there. “Since he doesn’t speak Hebrew, and my Arabic is only so-so, I will turn to him in a language we both understand,” Netanyahu said. “I say, give peace a chance.” According to Knesset rules, lawmakers are permitted to speak only Hebrew and Arabic from the podium. Switching to Hebrew, Netanyahu said, “We’re listening to any initiative, including the Arab initiative.” Also, “We are in favor of conducting negotiations without precon-

ditions—immediately.” The Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 calls for peace with the entire Arab world in exchange for a Palestinian state on the pre1967 lines. Last month the Arab League, which sponsored the initiative, agreed to consider minor land swaps. “I’m ready to make difficult decisions in order to advance peace, but not if this in any way hurts the security of Israel’s citizens,” Netanyahu said. “But we’re not the only ones who have to take tough decisions; the Palestinians, too, have to do this.” The Israeli leader added that in the last four years, he and Abbas have spoken to each other for a total of “a few hours.” (JTA)

In Israel, Sharon Stone visits kids with AIDS Actress Sharon Stone visited the pediatric AIDS unit at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem. Stone, a longtime activist to find an AIDS cure, met privately last week with each of the sick children, as well as hospital staff, including Dan Engelhard, the head of Hadassah’s pediatric AIDS unit and pediatrics infectious diseases. “I love Israel and I love all of you,” she said. Asked by a reporter about the IsraeliPalestinian peace process, Stone said, “We can have peace now. We’re going to make mistakes, but there are always mistakes in life.” Stone was in Israel to participate in the Presidential Conference honoring Israeli President Shimon Peres’ 90th birthday. (JTA) Montreal’s Jewish mayor arrested in corruption crackdown Montreal’s mayor and a former alderman, both Jewish, were arrested as part of a crackdown on corruption. Michael Applebaum, who was appointed mayor last November, was taken into custody Monday, June 17 by agents of the anti-corruption unit, UPAC. He was charged with 14 offenses, including breach of trust, fraud, municipal corruption, conspiracy and receiving secret commissions. Also arrested was Saulie Zajdel, an ex-City Council member who ran unsuccessfully for a seat in Canada’s last federal election. Applebaum, Zajdel and a third man arrested, Jean Yves Brisson, were being held by Quebec Provincial Police.

4 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

Zajdel is charged with five corruption-related offenses and Brisson with four offenses related to the years-long investigation into corruption in and around Montreal. Applebaum, 50, won a City Council vote in November to serve as interim mayor for one year, with a promise not to run in the next municipal election. He replaced Gerald Tremblay, who resigned in a corruption scandal that linked him to graft and organized crime. Zajdel was a Montreal city councillor from 1986 to 2009. He also served as a director of the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation for more than four years. According to his LinkedIn page, he is now a municipal affairs consultant and real estate broker. Zajdel, running for the Conservative Party in Montreal, lost in his bid for a federal seat to Liberal Party lawmaker and human rights activist Irwin Cotler, who also is Jewish. According to police, Zajdel and Brisson had worked in the local electoral district of Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dâme-de-Grace, which Applebaum had represented as either a councillor or mayor since 1994. (JTA)

N.Y. yeshiva: Decision to boot students from plane ill conceived, not anti-Semitic The decision to eject the senior class of the Yeshivah of Flatbush in Brooklyn from a flight was not anti-Semitic, an internal school report found. AirTran Airways “abused its discretion” in forcing the 101 students off the early morning flight June 3 to their senior trip in Atlanta, according to the report authored by the yeshiva’s executive director, Rabbi Seth Linfield. The report was obtained by the Times of Israel. Flight attendants said the students did not stay seated and continued to use their mobile devices in advance of takeoff, despite their requests as well as from the captain. The report found that students erred by not turning off their cellphones. “At no time did the students disrespect the flight crew in words or tone—beyond not immediately complying with the directives…to turn off all electronic devices,” the report said, according to the Times of Israel. The yeshiva’s report said the airline crew

rejected offers of assistance from the seven school chaperones in controlling the students. The report opined that the story was picked up by so many news outlets because of the claim that anti-Semitism drove the decision to remove the students. It included an apology to AirTran, a subsidiary of Southwest Airlines, “to the extent that any of our students behaved in a way that was perceived by the flight crew to be disrespectful or disobedient.” The airline was praised for giving vouchers to the students to continue on to Atlanta and rebooking them. Students traveled on several flights, some taking up to 12 hours to meet up with the group. (JTA)

Paris rabbi: Israeli goose liver ban jeopardizes kosher slaughter A senior rabbi from Paris warned Israel’s agriculture minister that legislation in Israel to ban the import of goose liver could jeopardize kosher slaughter in Europe. “Imagine how it will look if Israel itself is the first to ban the import of goose liver, which was an issue raised by these animal welfare groups [opposing kosher slaughter],” Rabbi Yirmiyahu Cohen, the head of the rabbinical court in Paris, wrote in a letter he sent to Minister of Agriculture Yair Shamir. Cohen’s letter was sent on the same day that Shamir said he would remove his appeal against a bill prohibiting the trade of foie gras—a delicacy made from goose liver that is produced commercially by force-feeding ducks and geese. The practice was banned in Israel several years ago after the High Court of Justice deemed it abusive, but the import and sale of the product remain legal. “It is known that some European nations are listening to animal welfare groups’ concerns in order to proscribe shechitah,” Cohen also wrote, adding that the same groups also oppose the production of foie gras. “Proponents of this law give a weapon to our enemies.” Cohen wrote that he was familiar with the process of force feeding and the kosher slaughter of geese after witnessing the procedure during a number of visits to one of the largest facilities in Hungary. He said Hungary, one of the main sources of goose liver to Israel, has developed a method that is no longer harmful to the birds. (JTA)

Torah Thought

Covenant and community shall be for him and for his descendants after him a pact of priesthood for all time, because he took impassioned action for his God, thus making expiation for the Israelites.” As they say, that was then; this is now. In our modern context, we would not greet either a married or unmarried interfaith couple in this way! We would first recognize that the law of the land takes prehe Torah portion, Parashat cedence over religious practice should there Pinchas, refers back to a singular be a conflict, and we certainly would not act of zealousness occurring at want to be arrested for murder! Although the end of the previous para- those last sentences were written somewhat sha, that of Balak. After many Israelites “tongue in cheek,” that is in reality only had strayed away from the God of Israel because we recognize that the modern and involved themselves in religious rit- Western values of respect for individual uals of the Moabites, induced according liberty, freedom of choice for religious worship and identification, and respect for to the text by the Moabite women, a the basic and inalienable rights public impaling of the Israelite of all people with regard to “ringleaders” took place. The In the such freedoms are not only text of the Torah states that inherent in our legal and as people were weeping Western civilized constitutional codes, but in front of the Tent of world during the last ingrained in our social Meeting over the loss and consciousness as well. deaths, that an Israelite two millennia, Biblical This, unfortunately, in man openly brought precepts have become the reality of our modern over a Midianite woman world, is not the case in and apparently either ingrained into the legal, all places and cultures. went into or in front of moral, ethical and In the Western civa special chamber. The ilized world during particular transgressions, social traditions of all the last two millennia, earlier by the people at Biblical precepts have large, and secondarily by modern countries. become ingrained into the this particular couple, may or legal, moral, ethical and social may not have involved sexual traditions of all modern countransgressions—there is a great deal of scholarly debate based upon complex tries. Although this history was marred linguistic derivatives and concordance anal- by periods of outright persecution and ogy arguing either way—but what is agreed anti-Semitism, nonetheless at the present upon is that a lack of faithfulness to the time, some of the best friends and passingular worship of the God of Israel was sionate defenders of the modern state of demonstrated. Pinchas, the son of Eleazar Israel and the value of the Hebraic heritage the son of Aaron the priest, in other words, represented by the survival of the Jewish the grandson of Aaron the High Priest, took people have been those in the Christian a spear and stabbed both of them through community. In our local community then, it was the belly. In the ensuing reading then, entitled heartwarming and deeply appreciated to “Pinchas,” this act of extreme zealous- have an event such as the CUFI (Christians ness is received very favorably by God United for Israel) program held at The and handsomely rewarded. Pinchas is to Rock Church on April 23. The recognition receive God’s “pact of friendship,” and in and value of the unique covenant between continued on page 6 addition, in Num. 25:13 we read that: “It

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God and the Jewish people dating from Biblical times and valid and valued though perpetuity was emphasized by all of the Christian religious leaders present. The joint program presented, involving participation by members of both the local Jewish and Christian community, was strikingly refreshing and spiritually elevating. It serves to underline the deep bonds of solidarity we have with the Christian community both in celebration of a Biblically inspired common religious and ethical framework for life as a whole, and for the unique historic, philosophical, legal, social, strategic and international interests shared by the United States and Israel. To see and experience these interests celebrated and shared with our Christian community will remain uplifting and spiritually inspiring. In the beginning of this article, the previous Torah portion, “Balak” was referenced. You will recall that Balak’s intention as the Moabite king in appointing Bilaam the local soothsayer, was to curse Israel. In the end, despite moving from location to location, Bilaam was only able to deliver increasing levels of praise for the beauty he saw in “Israel’s tents” and peoplehood. While the world has more than one billion Muslims today, most of whom we hope to embrace values of recognition for the uniqueness and role of Jews and a Jewish state, there is a considerable faction within their world that does not. Whatever the percentage of this sub-group is, known increasingly within the Muslim

world as “fundamentalist Muslims,” or “Islamists,” they do not accept or pretend to tolerate the construct of values referenced and elucidated above. We can only pray that the equivalent of a Bilaam could arise from their midst in order that a truly wider concept of a global community could exist. This altered reality would recognize the legitimacy of both the Jewish and Christian covenantal relationships with a universal God they profess to give loyalty to. In so doing, our world would take a gigantic step towards the realization of one universally recognized necessary condition for messianic times to take place – the absence of war. On a personal level, it has been a great joy for me to have had the opportunity during the last two years to serve as interim Rabbi for Temple Emanuel in Virginia Beach, and in so doing to have the opportunity to meet so many of you in the wider Jewish community of Tidewater. You have collectively built a model Jewish community and infrastructure, in my opinion. Although my formal work in my present capacity ends at the end of July, I look forward to seeing you and remaining a part of the community until such time as I secure a Rabbinic position elsewhere. I wish to express my deep gratitude and appreciation to all of you who have shared your community with me so warmly, sincerely, and lovingly. B’Shalom, Rabbi David Barnett, Temple Emanuel

The future according to Spielberg Steven Spielberg is predicting price variances at movie theaters, where “you’re gonna have to pay $25 for the next Iron Man, you’re probably only going to have to pay $7 to see Lincoln.” Spielberg introduced his theory last week in a speech at the University of Southern California. He links it to an “implosion” in the film industry brought on by the flopping of a handful of big budget movies. The Oscar-winning director shared the stage with George Lucas, who says he believes that Hollywood will soon look more like Broadway, putting out fewer films that stay in theaters for longer periods

of time. Spielberg recalled that in 1982, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial stayed on the big screen for a year and four months. Even for a someone like Spielberg, making movies remains an uphill battle these days. Lincoln, he says, almost ended up on HBO. He had to co-own his studio, he claims, in order to get the saga into theaters. Not that Spielberg has anything against television—or video games, for that matter. He is working on the TV version for the Xbox 360 game Halo. Sounds interesting, but we’ll stick with his “Lincoln”-type material, thank you very much (especially if it costs under $10). (JTA)

Heads up

Jewish brewer thriving amid craft beer boom by Lisa Alcalay Klug

NEW YORK (JTA)—With the creation of David’s Slingshot Hoppy Summer Lager, beer maker Jeremy Cowan is evoking the image of the legendary battle between David and Goliath—a match-up that’s also apt for Cowan himself. Though still a small player in the world of craft beers, Cowan is catapulting himself onto a much larger field. After years in which his company, Shmaltz Brewing, paid others to produce its He’Brew beers, Cowan is preparing to open his own brewing facility in suburban Albany, N.Y. The Clifton Park facility, which will open July 7, includes a 1,700-square-foot tasting room, custom-made brew tanks and a 120 bottle-per-minute Italian packaging line. “We’re controlling our destiny,” says Cowan, Shmaltz’s owner and founder. It’s certainly been “shofar so good” for the beer maker, who has relied on Jewish puns and assorted kitsch to move 3 million bottles in 2012 alone. Those 125,000 cases—Cowan’s largest run yet—have grossed $3.9 million, a 42 percent increase over 2011. Cowan’s libations are now sold by 4,000 retail specialty shops in more than 30 states. Cowan recognizes that members of the tribe don’t typically drink as much as other barflies. So if it’s not Jewish consumers lugging home those distinctive six packs, or throwing one back at the legions of bars where He’Brew and its sister label Coney Island Lagers are sold, just who is consuming his booze? “You don’t have to be Irish to drink Guinness. You don’t have to be Belgian to drink Chimay. And you don’t have to be Jewish to drink great Jewish beer,” Cowan says. “If the beer tastes great and the shtick is funny, then why wouldn’t anybody like it?” Though Jews carry a reputation as lightweight drinkers, Jewish brewers have a storied history in the United States. One of the earliest Jewish-owned breweries in the country, Rheingold Beer, was founded

Easy On The Eyes... And The Wallet. in 1850 by Samuel Liebmann and became quite popular. Today, beer lovers looking for Jewishinspired alternatives to He’Brew can choose from Maccabee, marketed in the United States by Israel’s Tempo Beer Industries; Lompoc Brewing’s 8 Malty Nights, a chocolate rye porter; and the microbrews of New York-based Lost Tribes, which incorporates exotic ingredients from the Middle East. But Shmaltz has embraced its Jewish side with a gusto unmatched by any of the others. Its newest addition, David’s Slingshot Hoppy Lager, joins a host of quirky labels including Funky Jewbilation, Hop Manna, Genesis Dry Hopped Session Ale, Messiah Nut Brown Ale and Rejewvenator. Cowan, a Stanford University graduate with a bachelor’s degree in English, devises the shtick, as well as the product descriptions and marketing concepts. His art director, Nat Polacheck, interprets the concepts into the company’s signature style. The new brewery is a far cry from the brand’s humble beginnings in 1996, when Cowan started selling cases from his grandmother’s Volvo a story he shares in his memoir, Craft Beer Bar Mitzvah: How It Took 13 Years, Extreme Jewish Brewing, and Circus Sideshow Freaks to Make Shmaltz Brewing Company an International Success. The company’s success owes much to

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the burgeoning appeal of the wider craft beer industry. Sales of craft brew increased to $10.2 billion in 2012, up from $8.7 billion in 2011. The ranks of small breweries are larger than they’ve been at any time since before Prohibition. “Since the 1970s, the growth has been small but linear,” says Cowan, who spearheaded the creation of the non-profit New York City Brewers Guild in 2012 and now serves as its president. “In the last four or five years, there have been more breweries opening every year than ever before.”

6/17/13 4:48 PM

According to the Brewers Association, small craft brewers produce fewer than six million barrels of beer annually. Like Shmaltz, these brewers typically take distinct, individualistic approaches to connecting with their clients. They also use both traditional and non-traditional ingredients, like the fruit juice found in He’Brew’s Origin Pomegranate Ale. With his new facility, Cowan is now brewing 50-barrel batches every two to three weeks, with an annual capacity of 20,000 barrels. | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 7

Everyone wins with new chess set at Sandler Campus article and photos by Laine Mednick Rutherford


artist, Gianni Toso, an orthodox Jew currently living in Baltimore, the chess set was commissioned by Sylvia’s son-in-law Michael Mostofsky. Pieces on the board depict Orthodox Jews and Catholic clergy. “I had seen the artist’s work when I

he advantage in the chess game currently “in play” on the second floor of the Sandler Family Campus goes to the e n t i re Tidewater Jewish community, who— no matter the game’s outcome—are already winners. C aref ul ly installed in the Kramer boardroom in mid-June, the chess set is a stunningly crafted, museum- qualit y piece of art donated to the community in memory of Sylvia Rose Jason, of blessed memory. Created by Italian master glass Handcrafted glass chess piece from set on display at Sandler Family Campus

Master glass artist Gianni Toso created Catholic and Jewish characters for commissioned chess set.

8 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

visited the glass museum in Corning, N.Y. collection entrance before it was closed for years ago, but at the time wasn’t interested, its current renovation. The first time Mostofsky saw, or even or able, to purchase any of his work,” says Mostofsky. “About 10 years later, a friend held, his commissioned Toso chess set was called me and mentioned that he knew a as he was unpacking it with Glenn Saucier, facilities director of the Campus on glass artist in Baltimore whose work June 14. The men unwrapped the I might like. I told him the only figurines, then placed them glass artist I liked had made on the accompanying chessthis incredible chess set I’d “The board, which itself was seen in Corning. My friend mounted into a custom-desaid, “That’s this guy,” and signed, weighted cabinet so I contacted Gianni and family thought that Saucier ordered to commissioned a set.” protect the artwork. After receiving the that this was something In this particular completed chess set chess set, the white from Toso six years ago, pieces are represented Mostofsky realized that that would be enjoyed by Jews, and the black displaying it anywhere in his home would be by the entire community pieces by Catholics. The Jewish king is a nearly impossible, if rabbi holding the 10 he wanted to keep it and would be a great commandments; the intact. queen is a Shabbos “We have two Malkah, holding candaughters, and a dog— way to honor Sylvia’s dlesticks. The Catholic not the best conditions king is an archbishop; for a beautiful—and fragmemory.” the queen is a prioress. An ile—glass sculpture,” he assortment of other Jewish says. and Catholic characters comThe thought of the artwork prise the other pieces. languishing unseen, though, Toso created the set using the lampnagged at Mostofsky. Together, with his wife Marcy, his father-in-law Danny working technique of glasswork, sculpting Jason, Marcy’s brother Joel Jason and his each of the 32 figurines by softening rods wife Carol, and Marcy’s sister Paula Carl of colored glass in a flame and then moldand her husband Randy, it was decided ing the glass into a variety of shapes. The delicacy of the figures is apparthat the best way to display the set was to share it with others, and to remember ent in the intricate details the artist uses in depicting the slender fingers of Sylvia while doing so. “Sylvia loved her family and her the nuns, the fringes on the end of the friends who are part of this communi- rabbis’ tallit and the curls framing their ty,” Mostofsky says. “The family thought expressive faces. that this was something that would be enjoyed by the entire community and would be a great way to honor Sylvia’s memory.” Visitors to the Chrysler Museum of Art may have seen a similar Toso chess set. Donated in part by Annie and Art Sandler and their children and Robbie and Albert Selkin, that set greeted visitors at Michael Mostofsky carefully places glass artwork on a chessboard donated the museum’s glass to the community in honor of Sylvia Rose Jason (of blessed memory).


“After about a year of training at Fitness Together I decided that I needed a break. I believed that I knew enough to work out on my own. So I ended my membership. What a big mistake! My metabolism went down. I gained weight and I was just not happy. My health matters most to me; how I age depends on how much I put into my physical well being. After about a month I went back to Fitness Together – that was over a year ago. I am now committed to making fitness a priority in my life and I certainly don’t intend on leaving any time soon.” Pam Sifen


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757-718-4061 | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 9

in israel

Water surplus in Israel? With desalination, once unthinkable is possible By Ben Sales

PALMACHIM, Israel (JTA)—As construction workers pass through sandy corridors between huge rectangular buildings at this desalination plant on Israel’s southern coastline, the sound of rushing water resonates from behind a concrete wall. Drawn from deep in the Mediterranean Sea, the water has flowed through pipelines reaching almost 4,000 feet off of Israel’s coast and, once in Israeli soil, buried almost 50 feet underground. Now, it rushes down a tube sending it through a series of filters and purifiers. After 90 minutes, it will be ready to run through the faucets of Tel Aviv. Set to begin operating as soon as this month, Israel Desalination Enterprises’ Sorek Desalination Plant will provide up to 26,000 cubic meters—or nearly 7 mil- rainfall. Instead of the sky, Israel’s thirst lion gallons—of potable water to Israelis may be quenched by the Mediterranean’s every hour. When it’s at full capacity, it will nearly infinite, albeit salty, water supply. Until the winter of 2011–12, water be the largest desalination plant of its kind shortages were a dire problem for Israel; in the world. “If we didn’t do this, we would be sit- the country had experienced seven straight years of drought beginting at home complaining ning in 2004. The Sea that we didn’t have water,” of Galilee (also known as says Raphael Semiat, Lake Kinneret), a major a member of the Israel freshwater source and Desalination Society barometer of sorts for and professor at Israel’s Israel’s water supply, fell Technion-Israel Institute to dangerous lows. The of Technology. “We won’t cubic meters situation got so severe be dependent on what the of water that the government ran rain brings us. This will are provided a series of commercials give a chance for the aquiby desalination featuring celebrities, their fers to fill up.” annually in Israel faces cracking from dryThe new plant and ness, begging Israelis not several others along to waste any water. Israel’s coast are part of Even as the Sea of the country’s latest tactic in its decades-long quest to provide for Galilee has returned almost to full volume the nation’s water needs. Advocates say this year, Israeli planners are looking to desalination—the removal of salt from sea- desalination as a possible permanent soluwater—could be a game-changing solution tion to the problem of drought. Some even to the challenges of Israel’s famously fickle

300 million

10 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

anticipate an event that was once unthinkable: a water surplus in Israel. Israel Desalination Enterprises opened the first desalination plant in the country in the southern coastal city of Ashkelon in 2005, following success with a similar plant in nearby Cyprus. With Sorek, the company will own three of Israel’s four plants, and 400 plants in 40 countries worldwide. The company’s U.S. subsidiary is designing a new desalination plant in San Diego, the $922 million Carlsbad Desalination Project, which will be the largest desalination plant in America. In Israel, desalination provides 300 million cubic meters of water per year— about 40 percent of the country’s total water needs. That number will jump to 450 million when Sorek opens, and will hit nearly 600 million as plants expand in 2014, providing up to 80 percent of Israel’s potable water. Like Israel’s other plants, Sorek will work through a process called Seawater Reverse Osmosis that removes salt and waste from the Mediterranean’s water. A prefiltration cleansing process clears waste out of the flow

before the water enters a series of smaller filters to remove virtually all the salt. After moving through another set of filters that remove boron, the water passes through a limestone filter that adds in minerals. Then, it enters Israel’s water pipes. Semiat says desalination is a virtually harmless process that can help address the water needs prompted by the world’s growing population and rising standard of living. “You take water from the deep sea, from a place that doesn’t bother anyone,” he says. But desalination is not without its critics. Some environmentalists question whether the process is worth its monetary and environmental costs. One cubic meter of desalinated water takes just under 4 kWh to produce—that’s the equivalent of burning 40 100-watt light bulbs for one hour to produce the equivalent of five bathtubs full of water. Freshwater doesn’t have that cost. Giora Shaham, a former planner at Israel’s Water Authority and a critic of Israel’s current desalination policy, says that factories like Sorek could be a waste because if there is adequate rainfall the desalination plants will produce more water than Israel needs at a cost that is too high. Then, surplus water may be wasted, or international bodies like the United Nations could pressure Israel to distribute it for free to unfriendly neighboring countries. Fredi Lokiec, an executive vice president at the Sorek plant, says the risks are greater without major desalination efforts. Israel is perennially short on rainfall, and depending on freshwater could further deplete Israel’s rivers. Some see a water surplus as an opportunity. Orit Skutelsky, water division manager at the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, says desalinated water could free up freshwater to refill Israel’s northern streams and raise the level of the Sea of Galilee.

Melton holds 11th graduation by Leslie Shroyer


hen this year’s 13 Melton graduates received their certificates, they joined a group of 170 proud adults in the community who have completed the first two years of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. The students, who took weekly classes at the Simon Family JCC for 60 weeks over two years, celebrated their accomplishments on June 11. The 11th Melton graduation reflected the interactive approach of the classroom with graduates taking major roles in the ceremony. Lisa Kline led the welcome and introduction, in which she explained the growth and contribution that Melton has made to the adult world of Jewish learning. Barbara Randall and Debby Fink led meaningful readings from the Melton curriculum. Graduates were congratulated and

thanked by Terri Sarfan, JCC president. Miles Leon, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater president, shared his personal ties to Melton. Leon’s mother, Telsa (of blessed memory), was very involved in Melton, and his wife Sandra, also a Melton graduate, shared many of her Melton class experiences with her family. “The Federation is happy to support this great program,” he said. Returning to a student-focused ceremony, Ellen Waranch shared her personal reflections. In a class with ages ranging from 40 to 70 with old and new friends sharing the same classroom experience, “a very special closeness developed,” she said. Classmates Abby Friedman and Arlene Owens offered a tribute to the teachers, and Sherry Lieberman and Judith Freedman presented class gifts, including a plaque indicating that the graduating class planted 100 trees in Israel in honor of their teachers. Melissa Taylor and Susan Katz taught

two texts from Torah study, which were typical of a Melton class. Howard Taylor explained and led the Kaddish D’Rabbanan (the Scholars’ Kaddish) a prayer recited after complet- Top Row: Lisa Kline, Abby Friedman, Howard Taylor, and Judy Freedman; ing the teaching of a Second Row: Melissa Taylor, Heliene Siegel, and Debby Fink; Third Row: Susan Katz, Barbara Randall, and Arlene Owens; and Jewish text. Bottom Row: Sherry Lieberman and Ellen Waranch. Missing: Harriett Eluto. Miriam Brunn Each of the 13 graduates was called to Ruberg, Florence Melton School of Adult Learning director, shared her personal receive their personal certificates, joining remarks with the graduates. “There are 10 previous classes of Melton graduates in many options for adult Jewish learning,” Tidewater. Heliene Siegel gave the closing she said. “Melton is distinguished by its prayer, after which graduates, friends and excellent curriculum…Melton does not family enjoyed a dessert reception. A new first year class is being planned set out to change lives, but it does. I have seen many examples where Melton gradu- for Tuesday mornings beginning in in ates, after understanding aspects of their October. For more information, contact Judaism better, make personal changes in Miriam Brunn Ruberg 321-2328 or their observance.”

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exceptional service, creative cuisine, and special room rates for guests, all with a warm southern charm that YOUR SENSE OF TRADITION. can INDULGE not be denied. Jewish weddings have their own unique requirements, yet share a common thread of tradition and joy that is amplified when

B’nai Mitzvahs have their own unique requirements, the hotel hosting your event understands these values, and appreciates the cultural nuances.235 East Main Street To plan your special day, please yet share a common thread of tradition andcontact: joy Norfolk Waterside Marriott knows just how to provide a flawless event on your special day. Exquisite Norfolk,ballroom, Virginiaexceptional 23510 that is amplified when the hotel hosting your event Adrielle Bazemore 757-628-6418 or service, creative cuisine,at and special room rates for guests, all with a warm southern charm that can not be denied. 757-627-4200 understands these values, and appreciates the To plan nuances. your special day, please contact Joe De La Garza at (757) 628-6479 or cultural Norfolk Waterside Marriott knows just how to provide a flawless event on your special day. Exquisite ballroom, exceptional service, creative cuisine, and special room rates for guests, all with a warm southern charm that can not be denied. | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

Strelitz Preschool students learn what it means to repair the world be sure to give them out to several local Jewish families with young children and earning the values of tikkun olam, we are sure they will all be excited to get repairing the world, the Strelitz Early these items as ‘surprise gifts’.” The project undertaken by the four-yearChildhood Center students created projects that have an impact on the olds in Gan Gimel 1 reached Israel. During the preschool’s study Sandler Family Campus, the and celebration of Israel. Tidewater community, and Gan Gimel 1’s Tel Aviv to Israel. During the Day and Tel This “home grown” Aviv During the Night approach took place right included a three dimenin the campus backyard. sional representation of Toward the end of the the Shuk ha’Carmel— year, it was preschooler the Carmel Marketplace. M.J. Lemke’s turn for his After deciding to include “Family of the Week” preitems in the market sentation in Gan Gimel 2. that parents and others Family of the Week gives would actually be able to preschoolers one of their purchase, one of the stufirst experiences at public Ben Goldberg and (parent) Ashley Lemke water the plants. dents wanted to know speaking as they stand in front of the class and talk about their fam- what they would do with the money. ily. M.J.’s family owns a local landscape A classroom discussion ensued and they business so they taught the students how decided to collect the money and give it to “work the ground.” They prepared a to tzedakah. Remembering their tzedakah patch for a garden near the picnic area and project earlier in the year, which raised bordered it with stones. The children used funds for the “babies at CHKD,” they decidtheir creative talents to paint the stones in ed to send this money to “the babies” again, bright colors so the area can’t be missed. but this time to the babies in Israel. They M.J.’s family then helped the children plant decided to send the funds to Neve Michael two apple trees, some blueberry bushes Children’s Village, a multidisciplinary chiland strawberries, too. Plus, students in dren’s home in Israel with a long link to another class bought a fig tree to add to the Tidewater Jewish community. Other the garden. The garden’s beauty enhances students throughout the Strelitz preschool the campus and the students now excitedly were so excited when they heard that the money was going to children in Israel, that wait to taste and share its bounty. The Gan Bet 1 class developed a mean- many supported the cause by either puringful way to celebrate birthdays and help chasing items from the shuk or by donating others. In lieu of extravagant classroom their class tzedakah money to the project. parties, the students bake and decorate More than $200 was raised. From helping children in Israel to literbirthday cakes for each other. Their families then make donations to the classroom ally planting seeds for the future, Strelitz tzedakah collection in their honor. At the Early Childhood Center students are learnend of the year, using the funds in the ing the values of tikkun olam, repairing tzedakah collection, the students shop and healing the world, as a foundation for for specific items, which are then given to lifelong learning. For more information about the Strelitz Jewish Family Service for families in need. In her note to the Gan Bet students, Debra Early Childhood Center preschool, or to Mayer, director of clinical and adoption schedule a personal tour, contact Carin services at JFS said, “We greatly appreciate Simon, admissions director, csimon@ the wonderful collection of new children’s or 424-4327. Strelitz Early Childhood Center is a conclothing, puzzles, books, backpacks, crayons, and toys that you bought for us from stituent agency of United Jewish Federation of your weekly tzedakah collections. We will Tidewater. by Alene Kaufman


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12 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

6/4/13 9:32 AM


ot even in Virginia 24 hours, Camp JCC’s Shlicha says she admires how green Tidewater is and looks forward to exploring and meeting many new people. Noga Wigelman, from Even-Yehuda, Israel, can’t wait to share her country’s culture with campers, staff and everyone else she meets this summer. An emissary from Israel placed by the Jewish Agency for Israel, a United Jewish Federation of Tidewater partner agency, a Shlicha is charged with building connections between Israel and communities worldwide, promoting travel to Israel, providing educational programming and serving as an expert resource on Israeli history and culture. Like all young Israelis, Wigelman served in the army. From 2009 through 2011, she operated a medical war room just outside of the Gaza strip. “Although my army experience was very rewarding, I am at heart someone who likes to be busy, so sitting at a computer all day is less my thing than say, teaching kids about my country through dance and activities,” she says. Through the Jewish Agency, Wigelman became one of two Shlichim who traveled to Albuquerque in the summer of 2011 where she was the dance instructor. “It was a wonderful experience in a small community where everyone knows each other,” she

says. Returning to Israel, she worked several jobs near home, including at a designer shop. Recently she traveled to Germany and England, staying and traveling with friends. Contemplating Noga Wigelman. a return to studies in October, she wanted to return to the U.S. The Jewish Agency told her that Camp JCC wanted a Shlicha this summer, so she would have to travel alone. “I was fine with that because I’ve done so much traveling and because Virginia Beach is so different geographically and physically from Albuquerque.” Wigelman will live with a number of host families for several weeks at a time during her 10-week stay.* At Camp JCC, she will teach campers about Israeli culture, from dance to geography to games, cooking, language and more. “People generalize about cultures and countries based on what the media tells them,” she says. “I want people I meet to get to know me, and find out for themselves what I’m like and what my country is all about.” *If interested in housing Noga Wigelman this summer, contact Scott Katz at 321-2317 or


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Pictured (L to R): Lindsay Eure and Gabriela Gomez

by Leslie Shroyer



Israeli counselor hopes to connect with JCC campers, staff, and community

Hampton Roads Central Virginia



Sting doing Auschwitz Sting will play Poland for the first time at The Life Festival in Oswiecim, the city that was home to the Auschwitz concentration camp. The British rock icon will be performing June 29 with a five-piece band as part of his “Back to Bass” tour. Festival creator Darek Maciborek, an Oswiecim-born journalist, is seeking to spread messages of peace and tolerance in his hometown. Sting is choosing to make his Poland debut here most likely because of the peaceful philosophy of the event and his involvement with human

rights organizations, specifically Amnesty International, participating in the festival. According to Haaretz, festival organizers had no response when questioned about holding a concert in a space with such a controversial and violent history. The Red Hot Chili Peppers also were scheduled to perform but reportedly have dropped out. The Life Festival, in its third year, has featured performances by James Blunt and Peter Gabriel. (JTA)

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Lunch Specials from $4.50 Dinner Specials from $5.75 | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 13

JCC Annual Presidents’ Cup Golf Tournament

Hole in One by Leslie Shroyer photos by Andrew Cook


he Simon Family JCC’s Third Annual Presidents’ Cup Golf Tournament was an enormous success despite the inclement weather. Close to 100 golfers braved the elements to show their support of the JCC and its mission. The 2013 tournament surpassed all expectations, both in fundraising and participation. Thanks to the hard work of the solicitors and the generosity of the community sponsors, more than $65,000 was raised. The day’s success was largely due to the dedicated volunteers and JCC staff. Congratulations to the winning team sponsored by Portfolio Recovery Associates: Lud Presto, Mike Petit, and Dave Mellott. A special thanks to Charles Barker Automotive for providing the “Hole in One” Mercedes and to PayDay PayRoll Services for running the Vegas hole and donating 100% of the proceeds back to the JCC. Alex Pomerantz, Rebecca Bickford, and Kathy Higgins planned and executed the tournament. Pomerantz, Golf Tournament chairman, managed the solicitors and overall organization including raffle prizes, player participation, and sponsor recognition. Bickford, as JCC Development associate and tournament co-chair, was responsible for logistics, from raffle prizes to player organization, day-of execution, and sponsor

recognition. Higgins recruited and managed all tournament volunteers and assisted in planning and day-of logistics. The JCC has always been fortunate to have the strong leadership of visionary presidents who have given countless hours of their time to guide the center’s successful development. The Annual Simon Family JCC Presidents’ Cup honors their commitment and dedication to the JCC mission. The Simon Family JCC is a center for the entire community, providing a family-friendly environment promoting the health of mind, body and soul. An organization guided by Jewish values, and welcoming to all members of the community, regardless of age, faith or background, the JCC provides programs and services for children such as a before and after school program, infant and toddler care, summer day camp, special needs summer day camp, teen programming and more. The Simon Family JCC Presidents’ Cup Golf Tournament raises funds to offer scholarships and to support the needs of these programs. Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

John Schaffer, Todd West, Gary Alcaraz, and Hunter Fisher.

14 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

Tournament winners Dave Mellott, Mike Petit and Lud Presto.

Shelly Slone, Sherri Slone, Terri Sarfan, and Laura Gross.

Nathan Strelitz, Ben Gross, Bryan Mesh, and Jacob Strelitz.

Gary Briggs, Bob Miller, and Dan Cronin.

Steve Stein, Ben Leon, Wes Bourdon, and Miles Leon.

Tournament Sponsors and supporters Major Sponsor Club One

TCC president Edna Baehre-Kolovani and Tom Lee.

John Strelitz and Sandra Porter-Leon.

Host Sponsor Goodman Gable Gould/ Adjusters International LoanCare Servicing Miller IMG Palms Associates Patricia and Avraham Ashkenazi/IAT International Portfolio Recovery Associates S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. The Alcaraz Mercadante West Investment Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Beverage Cart Sponsors KAML Abstracting Title Examination Samuel I. White, P.C. Virginia Eye Consultants Eagle Altmeyer Funeral Homes Rashkind Family Foundation

Ellie Lipkin and Scott Katz.

Jason Hoffman and David Gilbert.

Norman Sher, Joel Jason and Andy Dobrinsky.

Birdie Beth Sholom Village C B Richard Ellis Building Services Davenport Lefcoe— Air Station Storage Debbie & Don Keeling Eric Joffe Construction Fay & Charles Silverman Harbor Group Mgmt. Co. and Harbor Group Intl. Jay Berkowitz Jeremy Krupnick— Tidewater Home Funding Joyce Strelitz KPMG LLP Lisa & James Cohen Lynn & Hugh Cohen Michael E. Barney, Inc. Mid-Atlantic Dermatology PayDay Payroll Services Pediatric Affiliates Price’s Transmission Summit Group of Virginia The OBMS Partners — Merrill Lynch The Strelitz Family TowneBank Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer

Hole Beach Eye Care Beck Roofing Corporation BEI Window Coverings & Interiors Beskin & Associates Insurance Beth & Nathan Jaffe Business Interiors and Moving Services Calliott, Demeter & Harrell Investment & Wealth Advisors Checkered Flag Cho Foot & Ankle Specialists —Drs. Carrie & David Cho Eileen, Stewart, Andrew, Steven & Laura Kahn Fulton Bank Gilbert Eye Care Hercules Fence Company Howard Roesen Kalfus & Nachman, P.C. Linda Spindel No Frill Grill Norfolk Wire Phyllis & David Lannik S.L. Nusbaum Insurance Agency Inc. Scott N. Alperin, P.C.— Alperin Law Shelby Strickland Tidewater Bariatrics Traci Corcoran UBS Financial Services— Joel Jason Supporters Babbi & Brad Bangel Elyse & David Cardon Lois & Bernard Einhorn Beach Chemical & Paper Company BITE Restaurant & Catering In-Kind Supporters 2 Girls with Gifts Aldo’s Ristorante, Inc. Atlantic Kicking Academy BestWay Rent-To-Own Bide-A-Wee Golf Course Charles Barker Automotive Corcoran Moravek Consulting Cross-Fit Oceana Cypress Point Country Club Enchanted Forest Nursery

Gary Allen Gilbert Eyecare Gladstone & Salerno, DDS Gordon Biersch Hoffman Beverage Il Giardino Ristorante Jody’s Popcorn Keepsake Jewelers Long Jewelers Mannino’s Italian Bistro Mark Gonsenhauser Rug and Carpet Store Nauticus Outback Steakhouse Owl’s Creek Golf Course Pep Boys Auto Riverfront Golf Course Sandler Family Campus/ Catering Simon Family JCC Spa and Laser Center The Princess Anne Country Club The Sterling Seahorse LLC UBS—Pat Civitavitch United States Sales—Nick Cohen and Louis Snyder Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Virginia Beach National Golf Club Wayne Mitnick’s TV Repair Service Whole Foods Market Y-Not Pizza Volunteers Patricia Ashkenazi Ellie Bernstein Andrew Cook Tom Edwards Amanda Fortes Michele Goldberg Shannon Kadrija Scott Katz Rubin Kravitz David Leon Sandra Porter Leon Janet Mercadante Larry Mestel Helen Pomerantz Terri Sarfan Howard Schwartz Gloria Siegel Heather Sunderlin Kyrus Whitehurst | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 15

Interested in furthering your Jewish Knowledge? A new class of the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School is being formed this October on Tuesday mornings!

For more information and to register contact Miriam Brunn Ruberg at 321-2328 or email her at

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Is This a Great Game, or What? Tim Kurkjian St. Martin’s Press, 2007 255 pages, $24.95 ISBN-10:0-312-36223-4

One Last Strike Tony La Russa (with Rick Hummel) Harper Collins, 2012 420 pages, $27.99 ISBN 978-0-06-220738-8 By sheer coincidence, Tony La Russa, veteran of 33 seasons managing in Major League Baseball, inscribed my copy of his book “To Hal—Go Yankees, But if they’re out— thanks for rooting for the 2011 Cards.” If ever there was a prelude to the Yankees 2014 season it was the world champion St. Louis Cardinals in 2011, which opened their season with devastating injuries and pitching struggles. This book is more than just about one season. It is the distillation of Tony La Russa’s thinking about the game, at once passionate and insightful. La Russa has three World Series wins, six league championships, and five Manager of the Year Awards. American Jews & America’s Game Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball Larry Ruttman, Foreword by Bud Selig University of Nebraska Press, 2013 510 pages, $34.95 ISBN 978-0-8032-6475-5

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16 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

Briefly Noted: Summer Reading Especially for Baseball Fans

ESPN’s Tim Kurkjian autographed his book: “Hal, to a great Jewish Commander, and a lifelong Hal Sacks Yankee fan.” For that alone one is compelled to recommend it, albeit its publication date was six years ago. But Tim has spent more than a quarter-century covering almost 3,000 Major League Baseball games and interviewing hundreds of players, coaches, managers and executives. As George Will, conservative pundit, has said, “Baseball is the background music in my life.” Kirkjian’s book demonstrates that “once baseball grabs you it never lets go; it is so seductive.”

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book reviews

7/6/11 11:54 AM

Numerous books about Jews in sports have appeared over the years, but most baseball fans don’t know how far the Jewish presence extends beyond a few famous players such as Greenberg, Koufax, Youkilis, Braun and Kinsler. From baseball commissioner Bud Selig at the top, to labor leaders Marvin Miller and Don Fehr, owners Jerry Reinsdorf and Stuart Sternberg and to baseball officials and sportswriters, Jews have been passionate fans of the game since their immigrant days and subsequent generations are deeply woven into the fabric of baseball. In American Jews & America’s Game, Larry Ruttman has assembled an edifying and entertaining work, enriched by dozens of in-depth interviews, organized by decades. A comprehensive bibliography is included, not merely of works by such iconic writers as Roger Angell and George Will, but philosophers and novelists including Joseph Telushkin, Bernard Malamud, and Philip Roth. Mickey and Willie Mantle and Mays, the Parallel Lives of Baseball’s Golden Age Allen Barra Crown Archetype, 2013 479 pages, $27.00 ISBN 978-0-307716484 Finally, just published, is Mickey and Willie, Allen Barra’s encomium to two Hall of Fame players who were contemporaries with comparable careers and very dissimilar life styles. Both men were multiple Most Valuable Player award winners and, arguably, are both among the five greatest center fielders in baseball history. Mickey Mantle, his career shortened by arthritis and his life shortened by alcohol, batted .298 over 18 years while blasting 536 home runs. Willie Mays, practically a teetotaler, played 22 years, batting .302, with 660 homers. —Hal Sacks is a retired Jewish communal worker who has reviewed books for Jewish News for more than 30 years.

what’s happening YAD at Tides Sunday, July 14—Tailgating Party: 4 pm; Tides Game: 6:05 pm


oin the Young Adult Division (YAD) of the UJFT for an exciting afternoon at the ballpark! For the second year in a row, YAD is throwing a tailgating party and then heading to see the Tides take on the Charlotte Kings. $10/adult—Half of the proceeds will benefit the JFNA Oklahoma City Tornado

Relief Fund. Price includes light meal, drinks and Tides ticket in the YAD section (must attend Tailgate Party to receive Tides game ticket). Tickets can be purchased by visiting UJFT’s YAD events are for young Jewish professionals, ages 22-45 in the Tidewater Jewish community.

11th Biennial Educators’ Conference, “Why Care? Human Rights: Past, Present & Future” August 5–6


ducators throughout Tidewater are grasping the idea that Holocaust education can be an essential part of any classroom, and they’re increasingly turning to the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater for its reputation as a provider of top-shelf Holocaust educational offerings. Regular Holocaust resources include the What We Carry documentary and presentation, Through the Eyes of a Friend performances, and the Elie Wiesel Writing & Visual Arts Competitions. A less regular offering is the Holocaust Commission’s Educators’ Conference, which only occurs every two years. Fortunately, for those who want to expand their understanding of the Holocaust and share lessons learned with students, 2013 is a scheduled year for the biennial conference. The conference provides educators with tools, strategies and techniques for promoting respect, empathy, and accountability in their classrooms, and uses the study of the Holocaust to provide a platform for the teaching of tolerance. Underwriting by generous donors has allowed the Holocaust Commission to offer the conference at an affordable cost to educators. Registration before July 1 is $75 for the two-day conference; after July 1 the cost is $100.

Features of the conference on Aug. 5 include keynote speakers Jud Newborn and Linda Hurwitz, lunch, breakout sessions, and a special presentation of the Holocaust Commission’s What We Carry program at the Tidewater Community College—Norfolk Student Center. On Aug. 6, conference attendees will travel to the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond where, along with a tour, they’ll attend a screening of the award-winning documentary Misa’s Fugue and speak with the film’s producer. While the conference is designed for educators, administrators, and those who work closely with students, those who want to further their understanding of the Holocaust may also attend. Space is limited, however, so early registration is recommended. Registration includes all materials, meals, transportation, museum admission, classroom resources, and parking (available in the MacArthur Mall lot on Monday). Continuing education hours will be awarded to attendees. Conference hours are 7:45 am–3 pm on Aug. 5 and 7:45 am–5 pm on Aug. 6. Call 757-321-2323, email info@ or visit www. for more information and to register online. | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 17



Achievement Vergie McCall on being named Beth Sholom Village Volunteer of the year. A dedicated volunteer at BSV for nine years, she leads two Torah study classes a month and has created a newly Vergie McCall introduced program to BSV titled Women of the Torah. This new program will help reunite women to the sisterhood of Judaism. The prevailing idea behind Women of the Torah is that, in spite of living in a facility, residents still need to feel part of the community, just as they did during their earlier days. Sisterhood is important and is now alive and well at BSV. Since 2004, McCall has logged 5,368 hours volunteering. If a mile is 5280 feet, she has gone the extra mile for BSV residents and staff. Dr. Lawrence Levin, chief of cardiology at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, was recently honored in the New York Times Sunday edition. He was chosen one of the city’s “Super Doctors.” Levin is in private practice and is affiliated with New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. He is the husband of Dr. Marianne Sharko Levin and the father of Justin, Bailey and Samantha. They reside in Irvington, N. Y. Levin is the son of Pauline and the late Gilbert Levin of Norfolk, Va.

Birthday Virginia Mann on her 100th birthday on May 31, 2013. She is the proud mother of Susan Levine and Robin Grandle. A party was held at Beth Sholom Village in the birthday girl’s honor.

June 25, Tuesday Olympic Day at the JCC 9:30 am -12 noon. Bring your children or grandchildren for a morning of Olympic inspired sports at the Simon Family JCC, from swimming to soccer to track and field, and more. Free. or 321-2308. JULY 7, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will have an indoor picnic at the Beth Sholom Home at 12 noon. $6.50 per person for members and grandchildren. After lunch, the group will play Bingo with cash prizes. For further information, call Dale at 461-1150.

Virginia Mann

Wedding Stacey Neuman and David Aikman on their wedding, which took place May 19, 2013 at the Cavalier Yacht and Golf Club. Stacey and David will reside in Charlottesville, Va. Stacey is the daughter of Terry and Bob Neuman of Maitland, Fla. David is the son of Marlene and Duane Aikman of Virginia Beach, Va.

Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.

DESIGNS BY DESIGNS FRANCINE BY Residential and FRANCINE Commercial Interiors Residential and Commercial Interiors “The Best in

Interior Design” “The Best in Interior Design” 18 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |



JULY 17, WEDNESDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting at 10:30 am, Lunch at 12 pm. General meeting follows. Kerry Dougherty, columnist for The Virginian-Pilot is the guest speaker. August 11, Sunday Community Relations Council presents Bringing Israel Home. An event in partnership with The David Project by and for Tidewater Jewish college students at the Sandler Family Campus at 5 pm. For more information or to make sure a college student you know receives an invitation, contact Robin Mancoll, director of the CRC at or 965-6120. Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Bringing Israel Home — Sunday, August 11, 5 pm


alling all rising college freshmen, currently enrolled college students, recent graduates and Birthright alumni. Your peers who are planning an upcoming event want to see you in August! The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is hosting the student-planned, student-run event, Bringing Israel Home 2012 attendees from universities across formerly known as Sababa Sunday. the U.S.A. caught up with old friends and made some new friends. The evening of socializing, informaDuring a portion of Bringing Israel tion sharing and networking will be held Home, David Project representatives Kelly on the Sandler Family Campus. The program does many things, Krinsky and Alex Mishkin will initiate says CRC director Robin Mancoll—who an interactive discussion about the power entrusts the details to her highly moti- of narrative, establishing relationships, vated committee of Jewish students and expressing shared values, how best to recent graduates. Beyond getting together articulate a personal connection to Israel with old and new friends, Mancoll says and ways to become an effective advocate. This year, parents are invited to part it essentially shares the why and how of Israel advocacy: why speaking up for Israel of the event. From 7 until 8 pm, they are is important, and how to effectively accom- welcome to attend a program with two state university Hillel executive directors: Rabbi plish that goal. Guest speakers this year are from the Jake Rubin from the University of Virginia David Project, a national organization estab- and Sue Kurtz from Virginia Tech. The event is free and includes dinner. To lishing a presence on college campuses with a goal of positively shaping opinion on Israel forward information to a student, contact by educating, training, and empowering, or call 757‑965‑6120. student leaders to be her advocates.

Who Knew? Refaeli hosting Israeli ‘X Factor’ Israeli viewers love their reality TV: The country’s highest-rated shows are Survivor, Big Brother, Master Chef and The Voice. Facing tough competition, new contenders need to bring their A game—and The X-Factor did just that by signing Bar Refaeli as host. The Israeli supermodel will earn about $227,000 for looking good and talking to the competitors showing off their talent to the judges—famous musicians in Israel, none of whom are being paid as much as Refaeli, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Promotion ads for the new show are running in Israel featuring the show’s creator, Simon Cowell. (JTA)

Braff intros Woody to crowdsourcing Indie film directors during interviews inevitably bring up something they have learned from Woody Allen. So it was refreshing to hear from Vulture that the young Jewish filmmaker Zach Braff taught his veteran counterpart a thing or two about how the kids are raising money these days to fund their projects. Braff happens to be an expert on the subject, having raised nearly $3 million on Kickstarter for Wish I Was Here, his follow up to Garden State. Braff was in a meeting with Allen discussing a future project the same day the Wish I Was Here campaign launched, Braff said on Sirius XM’s Unmasked with Ron Bennington, and explained the concept of crowdsourcing to a curious Allen. “A couple of days ago, his assistant emailed me about something, and I said to her, ‘PS: I’ll always remember that I’m the one that explained crowd-funding to Woody Allen,’“ says Braff, who worked with Allen previously on Manhattan Murder Mystery. “She wrote back, ‘PS: You explained it too well. He won’t stop talking about it.’” (JTA)

Billy Crystal back on TV

10-year-old son will eventually be bar mitzvahed at the LGBT synagogue we go to now,” said Nixon, who has two children from a previous relationship with Danny Mozes and one with wife Christine Marinoni. So when Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, her friend and the leader of a progressive Brooklyn synagogue, approached the Emmy- and Tony-winning actress about hosting a party for T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, she didn’t hesitate to say yes. “It’s an amazing organization,” Nixon says of T’ruah, a group of interdenominational rabbis who advocate for human rights. “Too often we think of religiosity as being the territory of the right wing. We in the left wing are spiritual, too, and we shouldn’t cede that territory.” The bash in honor of the organization’s 10th anniversary will also feature a performance by Y-Love, the African-American Orthodox Jewish gay rapper.(JTA)

Celebs celebrating Peres President Bill Clinton, Barbra Streisand, Sharon Stone, Robert De Niro -- the big-time celebs were at the extravaganza in Israel celebrating President Shimon Peres’ 90th birthday. Streisand arrived in Israel late last week in preparation for the Peres party and also to perform in two sold-out concerts in Tel Aviv. In the meantime, Babs accepted an honorary degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem before a packed auditorium at the Mount Scopus campus. Streisand’s speech included references to her acting career and connection to Judaism, as well as a visit to Israel 30 years ago when she dedicated the Emanual Streisand Building for Jewish Studies in honor of her father. “I wish the world could be more like the Hebrew University, where women and men, Jews and Arabs, Muslims and Christians all sit together in classrooms and cafeterias,” the new doctor said. (JTA)

Looks like FX is going to be injecting some humor into its lineup. Billy Crystal will star in the network’s new half-hour series, The Comedians, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The veteran Jewish comedian will play a veteran (Jewish?) comedian forced to work with a younger, edgier comedian on a late-night comedy sketch show. As if Crystal alone weren’t enough to give us faith the show will be funny, The Comedians has some other comedic heavyweights behind it. Producing and writing the series are Larry Charles of Seinfeld fame and Ben Wexler from Community and Arrested Development. Crystal was a regular on Saturday Night Live for a season and on the ABC series Soap. The Comedians is scheduled to air this summer. (JTA)

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Cynthia Nixon’s true to T’ruah

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Cynthia Nixon may not be Jewish, but the Sex and the City star says that her kids are and she’s very connected to the Jewish community. “My daughter was bat mitzvahed at B’nai Jeshurun on the Upper West Side, and my

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965-6135 | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 19

Honoring the graves of Tidewater Jewish veterans on Memorial Day by Adam Goldberg


he flags flutter again from the gravestones of Jewish veterans of Tidewater because a team of patriots and veterans met at local Jewish cemeteries to honor these heroes.

“We should have the veterans of our community in our mind all year round,” says Jim Eilberg, a Navy veteran who revived the tradition of placing flags at the graves of the Jewish veterans each Memorial Day. “Years ago Sonny Werth (an Army veteran of the Korean War) started 1st Class Transportation to the

CUFI Night To Honor Israel in Washington DC Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Day trip with tour guide (driving tour)


Parking will be available at departure location of

Rock Church, 640 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach VA



1st Class Transportation to the

CUFI Night To Honor Israel in Washington DC Tuesday, July 23, 2013 Day trip with tour guide (driving tour)


Parking will be available at departure location of

Rock Church, 640 Kempsville Road, Virginia Beach VA

Contact for more information

this project,” he explains. When he placed a mount and flag on Werth’s newly placed VA headstone at Forest Lawn Cemetery, Eilberg said, “He would be proud to see that we have continued his work.” Zipporah Goldberg placing flags at the graves Across town at the of Jewish Veterans at the B’nai Israel Cemetery. B’nai Israel Cemetery, Rabbi Sender Haber walked through the here is just incredible,” says Ruth Cohen, a tightly packed headstones looking for the native of Norfolk and another volunteer. While it is wonderful that Americans markers of the veterans interred there. “My grandfather was a Merchant Marine during get together every Memorial Day for BBQ’s World War II,” he says. “He would never go and good company, it is always important anywhere unless he knew where the local to remember the true meaning of this day: Jewish War Veterans Post was located. It To celebrate the blessed memory of those was always important for my family to who have gone before and have made the ultimate sacrifice. In Tidewater, their memhonor the military of our country.” One marker tells of one the Navy’s first ory will never be forgotten. active duty female enlisted, a Yeomanettes who served in World War I. “The history



Raising funds for flags Continuing Sonny Werth’s work, the local JWV is fundraising for flags. For a $25 donation, the Norfolk Jewish War Veterans Post 158 will maintain

Contact for more information

a United States flag at the grave of a Jewish veteran in Tidewater. The Post will attach a flag holder and a 12 x 18 inch flag to the grave marker of the veteran and ensure every Memorial Day that the flag is in good repair and still attached. Mail donation,

This is who I am. Smooth silver, shiny gold, simple wood. Whatever they’re made of, when we hang them on our doorposts, they all say the same thing. There are as many ways to leave a Jewish legacy as there are beautiful mezuzot, and as many reasons to make it a priority. When you leave a legacy, this simple act speaks volumes about your passion and commitment, telling your children and grandchildren what you cherish, and touching the lives of generations.

The Jewish Future. Make it Real. To learn more about making a legacy gift to support the Tidewater community, contact Philip S. Rovner with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation at (757) 965-6111, 20 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

name, details of service (if known) and where the veteran is interred to: Jewish War Veterans Post 158 420 Spotswood Ave Norfolk, VA, 23517 For more details, contact Adam Goldberg at (831) 917-3996 or e-mail at JWV.

obituaries Stanley Weigen Virginia Beach—Stanley Weigen passed away on Monday, June 10, 2013 in Paris, France while on vacation with his beloved wife, Frances Birshtein Weigen. He was the adoring father and father-inlaw of Maureen Weigen-Liebovitz, Janet and Norman Shiner. He was the son of the late Sara and Joseph Weigenberg. He was the dear brother-in-law of Renate and brother of the late Elmer Weigen. He was the devoted grandfather “Grampy” of Michael, David, Jacqueline, Lesley, Audrey and Jennifer. He was the dear friend of Frances’ children, Jeffrey and Anne Levy, Michael and Gina Levy, Dr. Stephen Levy, Douglas and Dara Levy, Susan and Jon Brown. And, he was the loving grandfather to Olivia, Dylan, Chloe, Molly and Daniel Levy. A memorial service was held at Congregation Beth El. Donations may be made to Beth Sholom Village or a charity of the donor’s choice.

Kaniuk died Saturday, June 8 after fighting cancer for many years. He was 83. Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Kaniuk wrote 17 novels, including Himmo, King of Jerusalem (1965); Adam Resurrected (1968); Rockinghorse (1974); The Last Jew (1982); and his most recent, 1948, for which he was awarded the Sapir Prize for Literature in 2011. He also won the Brenner Prize for literature, the Bialik Prize and the President’s Prize, as well as being named an officer in France’s Order of Arts and Letters. Kaniuk was wounded while fighting in Israel’s War of Independence. In 2011, Kaniuk successfully fought to have the designation Jewish removed from his Israeli identification card. He was permitted to identify himself as “without religion,” the same as his Christian-American wife and son.

Jacob Jack Weintraub Sarasota, Fla.—Jack Weintraub, 91, of died May 28, 2013. Born in Brooklyn, Jack kept moving south from New Jersey to Portsmouth, Va. to Columbia, S.C. and to Sarasota Fla. In Florida for 30+ years, he continued a career as a Jewish Federation volunteer, and as a founder and executive director of the Jewish Housing Council, which built Kobernick House and Anchin Pavilion. He was an optimist, pragmatist, political junkie, bridge enthusiast, self-taught pianist, and romantic. These are just a few of his many attributes. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Frances, son, Joel Weintraub (Sally), daughter, Marion Leff (Stan), daughter, Judy Fox (Eric) and four grandchildren. Donations may be made to the Sarasota Manatee Jewish Housing Council or Tidewell Hospice.

Evelyn Kozak, the world’s oldest Jewish person, died in New York at the age of 113. Kozak, who was also the world’s seventh oldest person, died last week, a day after having a heart attack. She would have been 114 in August. She was born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City in 1899, one of nine children in a family that had left Russia in the 1880s to escape the anti-Semitic pogroms. Kozak was Sabbath observant and kept kosher. A widow since 1957, Kozak outlived two husbands. She had five children, 10 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild, according to The Associated Press. (JTA)

Yoram Kaniuk, Israeli author and journalist JERUSALEM (JTA)—Yoram Kaniuk, an acclaimed author and journalist who had the designation Jewish removed from his Israeli identification card, has died.

Koch died on Feb. 1 at 88. He supervised the engraving of his tombstone except for the dates of birth and death. The stone includes the last words of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, murdered by Islamist terrorists in Pakistan in 2002: “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish.” Flynn told The New York Times he would fix the error within three weeks. (JTA)

Evelyn Kozak, world’s oldest Jewish person

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Chris Sisler, Vice President Member of Ohef Sholom Temple Board member of the Berger-Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village

Engraver etches wrong birth year on Ed Koch stone A tombstone engraver made Ed Koch nearly two decades younger after carving the wrong birth year into the New York City mayor’s granite slab. Tommy Flynn of Flynn Funeral & Cremation Memorial Centers Inc. transposed two numbers in Koch’s birth year, making him born in 1942 rather than 1924, The New York Times reported.

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

Tidewater is instrumental in improving life for disabled Israelis by Laine Mednick Rutherford


t a luncheon in Virginia Beach last month, visiting Israeli Avital Sandler-Loeff described how difficult it can be to live with a physical disability in Israel. “Think about Jerusalem,” Sandler-Loeff says. “Now try to imagine yourself in a wheelchair going in the old city and in the villages and in the north end.” With its network of stairs and uneven stone alleys and roads, navigating in the city—and much of Israel—is out of reach for many with limited mobility. Those with other physical or mental disabilities face many hurtles as well, says Sandler-Loeff, of Israel Unlimited, an organization that is a partnership of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Israeli Government and the Ruderman Family Foundation. Israel Unlimited was initiated by JDCIsrael’s Division for Disabilities and Rehabilitation with a goal of developing community-based support systems for adults with disabilities.

An important component of Israel Unlimited’s work is the establishment of JDC Centers for Independent Living throughout Israel. CILs are community-based centers run by the disabled for the disabled, providing clients with information, peer counseling, and professional training, and enabling people with disabilities to live as part of the general community. Raising public awareness toward the disabled is also a goal of the CILs. In 2011, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater played a vital part in opening the Tel Aviv CIL. Speaking to members of the Women’s Cabinet Spring Luncheon, Sandler-Loeff personally thanked Laura Miller, an involved UJFT lay leader and current JDC board member, as well as the generosity of the Tidewater community who, through their gifts to the Annual Campaign, ensured the establishment of the Tel Aviv Center. This CIL, Sandler-Loeff says, has made Tel Aviv and Jaffa a better place to live for those with disabilities. A report the JDC prepared for the UJFT highlights some of the achievements made at the Tel Aviv CIL in 2012. More

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22 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

Avital Sandler-Loeff, director of Israel Unlimited—a strategic partnership of the JDC, the Government of Israel and the Ruderman Family Foundation, with JDC and UJFT board member Laura Miller.

than 200 people with a wide range of disabilities received services throughout the year, and countless others were impacted by the CILs awareness-raising activities, according to the report. Bank workshops were held to help teach money management and personal budgeting skills. A course in beginner sign language was launched for clients to elevate their communication abilities. CIL members entered a professional radio training course, held social events, started a social media presence and helped produce the “Day of Accessibility” sponsored by the Student Association at the University of Tel Aviv. While the Tel Aviv CIL continues to grow and expand its programming and client base, Sandler-Loeff notes that with about one million disabled Israelis, much work remains in that city and throughout the rest of the country. “[Israel] is still a very inaccessible society—I’m not too proud to admit it’s also not a very welcoming society [for the disabled],” she says. “There is a lot that should be done in this direction and we’re trying hard. The optimistic side is that we call it ‘The Decade of the Disabled,’ like there are an inspiring group of people with disabilities who are saying, ‘We want a new generation of services for a new generation of people with disabilities.’” Over her 18 year career working with the JDC and people with disabilities,

Sandler-Loeff says she has learned some important lessons. First and foremost, she says, people with disabilities are people with abilities. Secondly, Israelis need to say YIMFY, not NIMBY—“yes in my front yard” rather than “not in my back yard.” Third, in the past, the disabled in Israel were a hidden and silent minority, and they should be seen as part of the community, not tucked away in a nursing home or isolated. Sandler-Loeff says her organization consistently finds people in their 20s living in nursing homes for the elderly because there are not good services in their community that support independent living. Finally, she says, the goal of Israel United and the JDC’s CILs is to empower individuals with disabilities to say, “We’re here, we know what is best for us and we will make [changes] happen. This is what we do in the CIL in Tel Aviv.” Through the generosity of donors to the UJFT Annual Campaign, our community is able to support the work of agencies like the JDC, whose mission in Israel is to represent the UJFT and North America’s Jewish Federations in helping Israeli society enhance its own capacity to meet the needs of its weakest and least fortunate members. To see Avital Sandler-Loeff’s remarks from the Women’s Cabinet Spring luncheon, visit

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A Jewish Camping Tradition for 2nd – 12th graders. | June 24, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

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Charles Barker Automotive Delivering Great Car Buying And Service Experiences Everyday! 24 | Jewish News | June 24, 2013 |

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