Jewish News June 2, 2014

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 52 No. 17 | 5 Sivan 5774 | June 2, 2014

12 UJFT Women’s Luncheon

Allocating UJFT funds

14 Simon Family JCC Annual Meeting

19 Israel Fest 2014

—page 11

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22 JCC Golf Tournament Tuesday, June 24

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2 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

jewish news


UJFT 2014 Annual Campaign coming to a close


s of late May, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater 2014 Annual Campaign received just over $4 million in donations

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

from about 1,500 individual donors. Gifts to the UJFT enrich and touch the lives of Jews, and many others, in Tidewater, in the United States, in Israel and around the world.

There is still an opportunity to be a part of what many see as the greatest mitzvot in the Jewish religion: helping those in need

through the power of communal giving. If you have not yet made your pledge to the 2014 Annual Campaign, please consider doing so. The Campaign officially ends on June 15, and all pledges received before that date help the UJFT reach its goal, and the opportunity to surpass it—exponentially helping people and enriching lives. In the next three weeks, the Israel and Overseas Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee will be making funding recommendations to the UJFT board of directors. These recommendations, once approved, will let our affiliate agencies know how much UJFT funding they will have to deliver their important services. Clearly, scholarships must be funded, hungry Jews must be fed, Jewish education must be delivered and older adults must spend the last chapter of their lives with dignity. These people need their community and the agencies need the funding to insure our communal vision. Pledging is easy. Visit to donate online, or call 757-965-6100 to make a gift over the phone. If you’re at or near the Sandler Family Campus, you may also make a gift in person: we’re on the second floor of the Simon Family JCC, on the Campus, 5000 Corporate Woods Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Gifts by mail, to the same address, are appreciated, as well. The Federation has positively impacted a vast and infinite number of people and organizations this year—from local pre-school students to Tidewater’s revered seniors, from Philippine typhoon victims to Jews currently suffering in Ukraine. Your gifts—no matter the size—all make a difference. The leadership and staff of the UJFT thank each and every donor who has already given to the 2014 Annual Campaign. The goal is to raise $4.6-million, and while the goal is lofty, from the care, compassion and generosity demonstrated by members of this community over the Federation’s 75-year history, it is well within reach.

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2014 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

Any and all financial gifts are welcome and appreciated. Visit to find out more about the UJFT, and to make your gift today. Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising

Miles Leon President, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

June 16 Senior Living May 30 June 30 Legal June 13 July 14 June 27 August 18 Arts Season August 1 September 8 Rosh Hashana August 15 September 22 Yom Kippur August 29 October 6 Mazel Tov September 19

Harry Graber Executive Vice President, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

conte nts


candle lighting

Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Israel Fest 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Simon Family JCC meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

“I loved that Regent did not merely

Friday, June 6/Sivan 8 Light candles at 8:02 pm

Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Global anti-Semitism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

host the program, but endorsed,

Friday, June 13/Sivan 15 Light candles at 8:06 pm

Supporting Jews in Ukraine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

without reservation, a bilateral

Allocating UJFT funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

faith-based alliance with the Jewish

Friday, June 20/Sivan 22 Light candles at 8:08 pm

Women’s Division Luncheon. . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Teen moved by Israeli soldiers. . . . . . . . . . . 13

Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Cantor Wally Live. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Tips on Jewish Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Beth El news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Jewish baseball cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Toras Chaim recognizes important days. . . 16

community with respect to Israel.” —page 18

Friday, June 27/Sivan 29 Light candles at 8:09 pm Friday, July 4/Tammuz 6 Light candles at 8:08 pm Friday, July 11/Tammuz 13 Light candles at 8:07 pm | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Belgian Jewish activist says he was threatened online Belgian Jewish activist Joel Rubinfeld said he received an online death threat for speaking about the Brussels Jewish museum killings. Rubinfeld published on the website of the League Against Anti-Semitism in Belgium, or LBCA—an organization he heads—the text of what he said constituted a threat. “We absolutely need to shut Joël Rubintrickmachine’s fat mouth,” read the text, which was posted on the LBCA Facebook page. “His defamations, his grotesque generalizations make me want to commit murder.” Rubinfeld said he would file a formal police complaint about the posting, which appears to have been spurred by his many media appearances following the slaying of four Jews last month at the Jewish Museum of Belgium in central Brussels. Rubinfeld has called on Belgian authorities to take a firmer stance against minor and major incidents of anti-Semitism, referring to the French government as a role model. “This guy is a notorious extremist, pro-Zionist who is simply an ignominy for Belgium for allowing him to express himself in such a manner,” the Facebook user added. “Nonetheless, I offer my condolences to the families for this heinous act.” (JTA) Turkish synagogue restored in Izmir The Turkish city of Izmir restored a 17th-century synagogue at risk of collapse. Reconstruction of the Beit Hillel Synagogue began about a year ago. At the time, only the facade was intact; the remainder largely had been destroyed by a pair of fires. Once the reconstruction is completed, the structure will be turned into a museum, according to the Hurriyet Daily News. “Izmir is the city of tolerant people,” city authorities were quoted as saying. “This project is a result of this understanding.” (JTA) Sabra trying to establish U.S. hummus law If Sabra Dipping Co. has its way, the use of chickpeas and tahini in making hummus will become U.S. law. 4 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

The hummus manufacturer, which is co-owned by PepsiCo and the Israel-based Strauss Group, has filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration to create a standard for which dips are considered hummus. The standard Sabra is seeking would mandate that hummus be comprised primarily of chickpeas and contain no less than 5 percent tahini. The 11-page proposal asks that hummus be defined as “the semisolid food prepared from mixing cooked, dehydrated, or dried chickpeas and tahini with one or more optional ingredients,” according to a news release. Similar standards exist for condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. “As the popularity of hummus has soared in the United States over the past decade, the name has been applied to items consisting primarily of other ingredients,” Sabra chief technology officer Tulin Tuzel said in the statement. “From black beans and white beans to lentils, soybeans, and navy beans, everyone wants to call their dip ‘hummus.’ ” Sales of hummus have soared in the United States over the last decade, and Sabra controls about 60 percent of the market, according to Information Resources Inc., a Chicago-based market research firm. (JTA)

Senate confirms Stanley Fischer to Fed board Stanley Fischer was confirmed as a member of the Federal Reserve, clearing the way for the former Bank of Israel governor to become the Fed’s vice chairman. The U.S. Senate voted 68–27 in Fischer’s favor, four months after President Obama nominated the dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who helmed Israel’s central bank from 2005 to 2013. The Senate’s Democratic leadership agreed to a demand from Republicans for a separate vote on Fischer becoming vice chairman to succeed Janet Yellen, who moved to chairwoman in February after serving as the Fed’s No. 2 from 2010 to 2014. It was not clear when that vote would take place, but the vote clears Fischer, 70, to attend the next Fed meeting, in mid-June. Fischer previously held senior positions at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. (JTA)

Congress votes Gold Medal for Shimon Peres The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation to award Israeli President Shimon Peres the Congressional Gold Medal. The voice vote on Monday, May 19 came after the U.S. Senate passed similar legislation in March, also by acclamation. Peres, 90, whose term ends in July, is due to visit the United States toward the end of June and will meet with President Obama, who in 2012 awarded the Israeli leader the presidential Medal of Freedom. There likely will be no official ceremony during the visit because of the time it takes for the U.S. Mint to cast a new medal. Reps. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) and Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.) sponsored the House bill. Leading the lobbying for its passage was the Friedlander Group, a New York City-based lobbyist. Peres becomes one of nine people to win both the congressional and presidential medals, the highest U.S. civilian honors. Among the others are Natan Sharansky, the former prisoner of Zion who now leads the Jewish Agency for Israel; Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust memoirist and, like Peres, a Nobel Peace laureate; Simon Wiesenthal, the late Nazi hunter; and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the late leader of the Lubavitch movement. (JTA) Pamela Geller’s group using Husseini-Hitler meeting in D.C. ad campaign A group purporting to counter an anti-Israel ad campaign posted ads on Washington, D.C., buses featuring a photograph of Adolf Hitler meeting with Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini. The American Freedom Defense Initiative, led by the Islam critic Pamela Geller, launched its effort last month on about 20 Metro buses. The ads are headlined “Islamic Jew-hatred: It’s in the Koran” and call for a suspension of U.S. aid to Muslim countries. The caption to the photo describes “Adolf Hitler and his staunch ally, the leader of the Muslim world, Haj Amin al-Husseini” in a wartime meeting. Husseini, the grand mufti of Jersualem from 1921 to 1937 before his exile by British authorities,

propagandized on behalf of the Nazis and sought to recruit European Muslims to the Nazi cause but mostly failed. The American Freedom Defense Initiative said on its website that the ads were in response to a bus ad campaign by American Muslims for Palestine that featured a grimacing Uncle Sam waving an Israeli flag and headlined “We’re sweating April 15 so Israelis don’t have to.” April 15 is Tax Day. “Stop US aid to Israel’s Occupation!” it said. AFDI has published controversial ads in response to pro-Palestinian campaigns in other cities. Geller led efforts to prevent the building of an Islamic center several blocks away from the site of the 9/11 terrorist attack on Manhattan’s World Trade Center. She has been criticized by groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and others for her harsh comments about Islam. Husseini, who had sought an alliance with the Axis in a bid to drive Jews out of Palestine, escaped French arrest for his Nazi collaboration and slipped into obscurity until his 1974 death in Lebanon. (JTA)

Israeli hedge funds rise 33 percent in two years The value of assets managed by Israeli hedge funds has grown by one-third since 2012. According to survey data collected by the hedge fund administrator Tzur Management, Israeli hedge funds managed $2.7 billion in assets in 2014. Thirty new hedge funds were opened in 2013. The Tzur Capital Management Index of Israeli Hedge Funds also found that Israeli hedge funds performed better than the global hedge fund average in both 2012 and 2013, when Israeli hedge funds reported returns of 13 and 17 percent, respectively. The majority of the funds’ total assets are invested outside Israel. “When considering the impressive performance of Israeli hedge funds in recent years, it’s no surprise that we’re witnessing significant growth of both assets under management and the number of Israel based funds,” Tzur CEO Yitz Raab said. “This is a trend that demonstrates increasing confidence in Israeli managers and bodes well for the future.” (JTA)

Torah Thought Shavuot—It’s about you and Torah together


his week we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot—the commemoration of the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai some 3,500 years ago. The Torah reading in synagogue will be the Ten Commandments (Exodus chapter 20), which were pronounced for the first time on this date, making it a perfectly logical reading for this holiday. We will also read Exodus 19, which describes the required preparation before God gives the Torah to the people. It tells of a threeday process of purification for the people. There are two nagging questions raised by the reading of chapter 19: First, why do we read about these days of preparation, known as the shloshet y’mai hagbalah, on the day commemorating receiving the Torah (vs. in the days leading up to the holiday)? Second, how can the Jewish people know how to purify themselves before receiving the Torah, which will be the source of guidelines, mitzvot and values? In answering these two questions, we can discover a central idea about religion in general, about bringing Torah into our lives and about the holiday of Shavuot itself. I am always disturbed when I hear about people who use religion to justify their terrible behavior. How could it be that religion, which I know to be such a powerful force for good in the world, can also be used as a rationale for evil? There are cases of this in every religion, including Judaism. I often watch in stunned disbelief as someone who was purportedly living a life dedicated to Torah values and Jewish religious practice commits some egregious crime or hateful act. How could the Torah, in the wrong hands, be so corrupted as to justify wickedness? The key to understanding this troubling, yet basic, question of religion is in

that extra reading, Exodus chapter 19. God does not want us to receive the Torah as blank slates ready to be filled with its wisdom. God expects us to purify ourselves first. This preamble to the Ten Commandments with its demands for purification hint at an even more basic connection we each have with God. We are to purify ourselves based on the guidance of our neshama, our soul, that little spark of divinity that rests inside every one of us. God speaks to us through our soul. It’s a process the secular world calls conscience. The Torah is a powerful tool for successful, meaningful, purposeful living. The preparation required of the people before revelation is a reminder that we need to come to learn Torah with our best selves. The Torah will not make us good, but when we approach it starting with our conscience, it can magnify and enhance our goodness. Unfortunately, when the guidance of our neshama is not where we start, the Torah itself can be corrupted and used as an excuse for wickedness. Maimonides, the great sage of the 12th century, called this being a “scoundrel within the letter of the law.” So how do we insure that our Torah always be used for good? It is easy to say, “Well, just listen to your conscience,” but we live in a ‘noisy’ world full of distractions. It is not always easy to hear that divine voice deep inside of us. In his Torah commentary on Leviticus 26:3 Sforno, a 16th century Italian commentator, explains a seeming redundancy in the text saying, “‘Following the laws’ means behaving in accordance with them; ‘keeping the mitzvot’ means studying carefully how to do them. Doing so fulfills God’s intention that you be ‘in God’s image, after God’s likeness.’” In other words, it is not enough to simply do the mitzvot, to simply follow the Torah; we also need to study the mitzvot, to spend time exploring their true meaning and intention. Only then will we be able to fulfill God’s purpose in giving us the Torah in the first place, to bring more holiness into the world, to behave, “In God’s image.” That explains why we read Exodus 19 on Shavuot. When we celebrate receiving the Torah on Sinai, we are reminded that only through Torah study will we insure

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that the Torah in our hands is always a gift, not only for us but also for the world. That’s why we traditionally hold a Tikkun Layl Shavuot, an all-night Torah study session, on the first evening of Shavuot. Before we reenact receiving the Torah in synagogue, we reenact the preparation for receiving the Torah the night before. It is further why Torah study is considered more important even than doing the good acts themselves—a principle known as Talmud Torah K’Neged Kulam. Without proper attention to why we are doing the

mitzvot, we run the risk of doing more damage than good in the world. As we celebrate Shavuot this year, it is a time to embrace learning as much as doing, knowing that in this way, we can help fulfill God’s promise to Abraham, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” —Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz, Congregation Beth El | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 5


A new gauge of global anti-Semitism by Abraham H. Foxman

NEW YORK (JTA)—The Anti-Defamation League’s Global 100 Index of Anti-Semitism is the broadest public opinion survey of attitudes toward Jews ever conducted. It is one of the most important efforts we have undertaken in our history as an organization. The survey was conducted in more than 100 countries and territories, and 53,100 people were interviewed, representing 4 billion adults around the world. Our basic findings were sobering: More than one-quarter of the people surveyed (26 percent) harbor anti-Semitic attitudes. The stereotypes receiving the most support worldwide were those questioning the loyalty of Jews and those asserting excessive Jewish power and influence. And, despite decades of efforts to promote Holocaust awareness, only 33 percent of those surveyed are aware of the Holocaust and

believe that it is accurately described by historians. We approach this project with a sense of pride but also humility, knowing that it provides direction rather than definitive answers. The survey will form a baseline for further consideration of anti-Semitism and Holocaust awareness. Most importantly, the survey will, we hope, begin conversations among governments, scholars, NGOs and others around the world on attitudes toward Jews, and lead to new initiatives to counteract these pernicious attitudes. In this regard, a few comments are in order. First, we recognize that polling public opinion, however important a barometer of the state of anti-Semitism in a particular country, is only one factor. Other indicators, such as how many anti-Semitic incidents there are, how secure the Jewish community feels, how anti-Semitism plays

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6 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

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out in politics, culture, entertainment and religion, are all elements in assessing the extent of anti-Semitism in a particular society. In polling anti-Semitic attitudes, this survey plays an important role in setting the stage for the broader discussion of anti-Semitism in varying societies. Second, as the organization primarily responsible for dealing with anti-Semitism, ADL frequently encounters comments suggesting we have a vested interest in finding anti-Semitism. With this global survey we do not seek to exaggerate how much anti-Semitism there is in the world; rather, we want to document empirically how things actually are. Indeed, one of the many fascinating aspects of this poll is the positive side of the story, highlighted by countries where anti-Semitic attitudes are absent or relatively minor. We see that in several Asian countries, like Laos, Vietnam and the Philippines. We see lower numbers in several West European countries such as Sweden and the Netherlands. And, in general, English-speaking countries have significantly better attitudes than the world at large toward Jews. These positive findings are important. They show how varied attitudes are and suggest the need for further investigation to determine what common factors bring people in some countries to have more positive attitudes toward Jews. Third, over the years questions have been raised about ADL’s methodology in assessing attitudes through similar polling. ADL polling is based on an index of anti-Semitism developed back in the 1960s by academics from the University of California, Berkeley. They looked at 11 classic stereotypes about Jews—statements about Jewish power and influence, Jewish loyalty and personal traits. The index we used in the Global 100 is based on these 11 stereotypes. Our analysis rests on the idea that if an individual agrees with six or more of these

stereotypes, he or she is deemed to have anti-Semitic attitudes. The strength of this methodology is its high bar: It does not rest on agreeing with any one statement. But agreeing to six or more of these age-old anti-Semitic assertions makes clear one’s biased attitude toward Jews. Moreover, these 11 statements are not random. These are stereotypes that represent the main anti-Jewish canards through the millennia. Fourth, there is the question of the relationship between attitudes toward Israel and attitudes toward Jews. It is evident that the Middle East conflict matters with regard to anti-Semitism. However, from our findings in the survey, it is not clear whether the Middle East conflict is the cause, or rather the excuse, for anti-Semitism. Either way, the high numbers of those who harbor anti-Semitic attitudes in the Middle East and North Africa are a challenge to the region—and the international community—going forward. When it comes to religious factors affecting anti-Semitic attitudes, Muslims have significantly higher anti-Semitic attitudes overall than do members of other religions. If, however, we only look at the countries outside of the Middle East and North Africa, the numbers for anti-Semitic attitudes for Muslims are still higher than those among Christians, but not significantly so. For the ADL, this survey is an important beginning. The conversations that will ensue, in governments and in civil society, will ultimately be the test of the impact of this worldwide poll. We trust it will provide a better understanding of global anti-Semitism and its global reach, and will lead to serious efforts to address this worldwide problem. —Abraham H. Foxman is national director of the Anti-Defamation League. Results of this survey were printed in the May 19 edition of Jewish News. Go to www. to read the article.

In Mideast visit, Pope Francis makes symbolic gestures to both sides by Ben Sales

JERUSALEM ( JTA)—Perhaps the most lasting image from Pope Francis’ trip to Israel and the West Bank will be the pontiff praying, eyes closed, with his head against a wall. It wasn’t the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site and a necessary stop for visiting dignitaries. It was Israel’s security fence in the West Bank city of Bethlehem. Francis, who has made tolerance a theme since becoming pope last year, aimed to bring a message of peace when he visited Israel, the West Bank and Jordan last month. But the Israeli-Palestinian conflict loomed over his visit as leaders on both sides aimed to present him with their narrative of the conflict. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas asked Francis in a speech for help in “bringing the Israeli occupation to a complete end.” Palestinian authorities then took the pope to a walled segment of Israel’s West Bank security fence, where he prayed near graffiti comparing the wall to the Warsaw Ghetto. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the pope that barriers were erected to protect civilians, and at the Israeli leader’s request, Francis made an unscheduled stop at a memorial for terror victims during an already packed itinerary. “We don’t teach our children to plant bombs,” Netanyahu said, standing alongside the pope at the memorial. “We teach them peace. But we have to build a wall against those who teach the other side.” For his part, Francis offered symbolic gestures to both sides. The pope entered the West Bank directly from Jordan rather than stopping first in Israel as previous popes had done, and he referred to the “state of Palestine” in a speech in Bethlehem. In Israel, he became the first pope to lay a wreath at the grave of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, and made the standard stops at the Western Wall and the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial. He also invited Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres to a prayer summit for peace at the Vatican next month. Both leaders accepted

the invitation despite the collapse of IsraeliPalestinian negotiations in April. “Peacemaking demands first and foremost respect for the dignity and freedom of every human person, which Jews, Christians and Muslims alike believe to be created by God and destined to eternal life,” Francis said in a speech at Peres’ official residence. “This shared conviction enables us resolutely to pursue peaceful solutions to every controversy and conflict.” The pope began his Mideast sojourn in Jordan and traveled to Bethlehem the next morning, where he gave joint speeches with Abbas and led a Mass at the Church of the Nativity, the traditional site of Jesus’ birth. On his first day in Israel, Francis spent the afternoon meeting with his Eastern Orthodox counterpart, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, and visiting the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The next day, he visited the Temple Mount and met with the Muslim grand mufti of Jerusalem. He also met with Peres and Netanyahu, Chief Rabbis Yitzhak Yosef and David Lau, and Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz. At Yad Vashem, the pope said in a speech, “A great evil has befallen us, as such that has never occurred,” and referred to the Holocaust by its Hebrew term, Shoah. “Grant us the grace to be ashamed of what men have done, to be ashamed of this massive idolatry.” Francis met with Christian leaders and visited several Christian holy sites, including the Cenacle, regarded by Christians as the site of the Last Supper and by Jews as the tomb of King David. Tensions have risen recently over reports that Israel will allow increased Christian access to the site. In advance of the pope’s visit, Israeli police arrested 26 people who planned to protest there. The pope’s trip came 50 years after the first first papal visit to Israel, by Pope Paul VI in 1964. During that trip, Paul VI did not meet with Israeli leaders and did not refer to the State of Israel in his speeches. Much has changed in the interim. Israel and the Vatican established diplomatic relations in 1994 and Pope Francis offered rich words of praise for Israel’s leaders.

“Mr. President, you know that I pray for you and I know that you are praying for me,” Francis said in his speech at Peres’ residence. “I assure you of my continued prayers for the institutions and the citizens of the State of Israel.”

Jewish Family Service of Tidewater invites the community to its

62nd Biennial Meeting Monday, June 9, 2014 6:45 PM: Cocktails in the Cardo 7:30 PM: Meeting begins Fleder Multi-Purpose Room, Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach On the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community

Please join us for the installation of Lawrence Steingold as President and the 2014-2016 Executive Committee. • Recognizing outgoing board members • Welcoming new board members • Presenting special community awards 2014-2016 Executive Committee:

• President: Lawrence Steingold • 1st Vice President/Treasurer: Jeff Cooper • 2nd Vice President: Ellen Rosenblum • Secretary: Patti Wainger • Immediate Past President: Dr. Marcia Samuels • Past President: Elena Baum • Member At Large: Beth Jaffe

R.S.V.P. to 757–321–2222. | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 7

U. of Washington students reject divestment resolution

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8 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

he student senate at the University of Washington voted overwhelmingly to reject a proposal on divestment from Israel. The vote Tuesday, May 20 of 59 against, 8 in favor and 11 abstentions followed a 3½-hour debate, according to StandWithUs, a pro-Israel campus group. The resolution was sponsored by UW students Peter Brannan and Amira Mattar. The proposed resolution at the Seattle school called on the university to divest from companies providing equipment or services used to maintain or support “the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land, including a) the demolition of Palestinian homes and the development of illegal Israeli settlements; b) the building or maintenance of the Separation wall, outposts, and segregated roads and transportation systems on occupied Palestinian territory, and c) illegal use of weaponry and surveillance technology by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilian populations.” According to Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, a student group at UW, the school has about $6 million invested in four of the companies identified in the resolution. StandWithUs hailed the resolution’s resounding defeat as a blow to the movement to use boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel, known as BDS. The group also credited the university’s Hillel with helping quash support for the resolution. “BDS was handed one of its worst defeats on any campus last night,” Robert Jacobs, director of StandWithUs Northwest, said in a statement. “This just shows how incredibly successful we can be when the community works together. Exposing BDS’s goal of eliminating Israel and violating Jewish rights to self-determination was the key focus of the night, and it was clear that this message got through to many senators.” (JTA)


Shaken by Ukraine’s turmoil, Kiev Jews form self-defense force by Cnaan Liphshiz

KIEV, Ukraine (JTA)—At an empty Chabad school near the banks of the Dnieper River here in Ukraine’s capital city, six uniformed Jews with handguns and bulletproof vests are practicing urban warfare. Leading the training last month is a brawny man who at irregular intervals barks Hebrew-language commands at the men to test their drilled responses to different scenarios, including “ma’atzor” (firearm malfunction) and “mekhabel” (terrorist). The men, who belong to Kiev’s newly formed Jewish Self-Defense Force, all have some combat skills from the Israeli or Ukrainian armies or background in martial arts, but they are clearly rusty. Living in a country that had been at peace since World War II, they hadn’t expected to have to use their skills to defend their local Jewish community. But that changed with the recent turmoil in the country. Amid the months of upheaval, there have been scattered attempts to torch synagogues, as well as assaults on Jews. Two rabbis were stabbed near Kiev’s Great Choral Synagogue, in January and in March. Such incidents led to the creation and deployment of the self-defense force around some of Kiev’s Jewish institutions ahead of the country’s May 25 elections. “We were naive, I guess. We had thought this conflict would not affect the Jewish community, but now we know we are a target,” says Tzvi Arieli, the group’s founder and trainer in techniques he mastered in the Israel Defense Forces. “Honestly, we should have formed this force months ago.” Arieli and his team are worried that their community has become a pawn in the fight that pro-Russian separatists have waged against the Ukrainian government since the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych in February. “The separatists are on a mission to portray the Ukrainians as anti-Semites, and to do that they are targeting the Jewish community,” says Gedaliah, another prominent member of the eight-man Jewish force who

requested that only his first name be used. “Failing that, they’d love to illustrate how the Ukrainian government is helpless to protect the country’s Jews and harm its legitimacy.” But that helplessness is real enough, according to Gedaliah. “The message we got from meetings with high-level officials is that however much they’d like to protect potential Jewish targets, they are overstretched, understaffed and simply not up to the task,” he says. “They basically told us to take steps to defend ourselves.” Rabbi Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine who leads the Great Choral Synagogue, gave the green light several weeks ago to the formation of the self-defense unit under Arieli’s command. The unit, its members say, has the backing of Ukrainian police. “We have a direct line to police top brass in case any of our members are detained by police,” Arieli says. The men are licensed to carry their personal handguns for self-defense purposes. They also have five bulletproof vests that Arieli, a soft-spoken former emissary to Kiev of the Bnei Akiva Zionist youth movement, obtained from donors in Israel. The team also has baseball bats to wield as clubs, but no helmets or proper first-aid kits. Arieli is working to raise additional funds on Facebook to buy gear for prospective new members. At the schoolyard, the men practice running for cover as their comrades fire imaginary shots at an abstract enemy, shouting “bam, bam, bam” while pulling the triggers of their empty firearms. They are all friends in their 20s to 40s, but there is little joking around. They go over the moves again and again, taking care to hug walls as they turn corners with their firearms extended until they secure the entire space. Staggering under the weight of the 40-pound ceramic vest, Gedaliah shakes his head and says, “This is going to take some getting used to.”

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Francine Morgan Complimentary Initial Consultation | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 9


Support Jews staying in Ukraine by Alan H. Gill and Paul Anticoni

(JTA)—At the end of Fiddler on the Roof, the classic musical celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Tevye and his family flee their village of Anatevka for a better and safer life. In reality, however, not everybody left. Today, several hundred thousand Jews still live in Ukraine, where the fictional Anatevka was likely located. And despite headlines on mass evacuations, Ukraine’s ongoing political crisis and serious concerns about anti-Semitism, they are not leaving in great numbers. Some might find that hard to fathom. Ukraine, after all, has a long history of anti-Jewish acts and attitudes, economic turmoil, and was center stage to Holocaust atrocities. Add to that dim prospects for a quick solution to the protracted challenges facing the country and increasing need among the poorest elderly and families, and a future there seems bleak. Yet two things are important to remember. First, 2014 is not 1939. Jews in Ukraine and elsewhere today have the freedom to leave places that are dangerous or unfriendly to them; they can find safe haven in Israel or other countries around the world. Additionally, Jews have developed strong voices and grassroots community groups, working with their governments and fellow citizens to valiantly challenge acts of anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Second, Jews throughout the region have deep ties to the societies in which they live. They have families and friends. They are leading politicians, artists, businessmen, journalists and contributors to Ukrainian society. They also have enthusiastically engaged in Jewish communities revived after the fall of the Soviet Union—replete with scores of Jewish community centers, synagogues, nursery schools, Jewish day schools, after-school programs and summer camps. So what are we to do in the face of this phenomenon? Primarily, we must respect the deci-

10 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

sion of Ukrainian Jews to stay at home or emigrate. Then we must do all we can to support those who choose to remain there and continue to live their lives. The global Jewish community, through a variety of philanthropic partners and institutions, has been at the forefront of these efforts. Since the outbreak of violence in Ukraine, for example, our organizations have provided the neediest Jews with emergency aid, round-the-clock care and Jewish community connection through our network of Hesed social welfare centers that reach more than 1,000 locations around Ukraine. Other groups such as the Jewish Agency have done a stellar job of providing immigration options to Israel. Ultimately the fate of the Jews of Ukraine is not an either/or proposition. Like many others in crisis zones in the world today, they will seek out what they consider to be the best opportunity or path for themselves. And right now, the choice of the vast majority of Ukrainian Jews is to stay where they were born and raised. That sentiment was voiced in the aftermath of unprecedented violence in the port city of Odessa amid rumors of a communitywide exodus. Tania Vorobyov of the city’s Beit Grand Jewish Community Center told reporters, “Reports about evacuation are baseless rumors. Jews in Odessa are worried about the violence like all other Odessans but have no special plans to leave as a community.” This may be counterintuitive to the popular imagination, a la Tevye, which says Jews must flee Eastern Europe to find happiness and success. Reality, however, often trumps our preconceptions. —Alan H. Gill is CEO of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Paul Anticoni is the CEO of World Jewish Relief in the United Kingdom. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee is a recipient of funds from United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Beyond fundraising UJFT’s Israel and Overseas allocations by Laine Mednick Rutherford


he responsibility of raising millions of dollars each year through the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Annual Campaign is an effort that is undertaken by a small core of staff members and a larger, dedicated group of community leaders and volunteers. Over a six-month, or sometimes longer, time span—after all the checks and cash donations have been deposited and credit card gifts totaled—it is time for the Federation to distribute funds to recipient agencies and organizations. The process of allocating funds is equally, if not more, challenging than meeting the Campaign’s ambitious, annual fundraising goal (this year set at $4.6 million). Members of the two UJFT committees in charge of determining who gets allocations, and how much to allocate, meet regularly from March through June to review applications, ask questions and make the sometimes difficult decisions of distribution. Led by experienced and professional community volunteers, including leaders from some of Tidewater’s largest beneficiary agencies, the committees overseeing allocations are the UJFT Israel & Overseas and UJFT Finance Committees. “We take our responsibility very seriously,” says Linda Spindel, chair of the Israel & Overseas Committee. “Before we make our recommendations, we do thorough research and make sure everything we recommend is well vetted.” Both the Israel & Overseas and Finance committees receive requests submitted via forms made available by the UJFT. They regularly review performance operations, budgets and read updates provided from organizations and constituent agencies already funded, and seek more information from new requests they receive.

Occasionally, members of the commit- ty as possible—whether that’s HAT [the tees meet with visitors who present their Hebrew Academy of Tidewater], our relirequests for funding in person, as was gious schools, or our UJFT Young Adult the case this past April, when representa- Division,” Spindel says. “One thing that struck me in the presentation tives from the American Jewish Joint about Kiryat Yam, was how Distribution Committee (JDC) their young adults have paid a special visit to the started realizing the Tidewater Jewish commuvalue of their volunnity. The group included “The allocations teerism. That speaks Arnon Mantver, director well to our Tidewater of JDC-Israel, Sandy process is so important community— that Katz, executive director they’re not just of JDC International recipients, but that Initiatives, Danny to get community input they’re using what Pins, chief finanwe give them to cial officer Africa on where our money develop their lead& Asia and Special ership.” Projects JDC-Israel, should be divided up, Arnon Mantver, Eli Bentata, JDCwho since his visit Tevet Division for and where it will have has retired as direcYoung Adults, and tor, says that because a non-JDC visitor, of funds invested by Israeli Ran Nachum, the most impact.” JDC and the Israeli govwho is the director/conernment, even a relatively ductor at Kiryat Yam Music small allocation can have Conservatory. a major impact on social polMembers of the Israel and icies, and the implementation of Overseas Committee heard updates on last year’s Annual Campaign alloca- those social policies in Israel. The funding tions to JDC programs, and discussed goes beyond talking and research, to actual new Tidewater, JDC, and Israeli partnering action. “American Jewry really benefits from a opportunities. In particular, the JDC made inquiries and overtures for Tidewater to very effective Center that creates new realpartner, or “twin,” with the seaside city of ities In Israel, but if we don’t get the core Kiryat Yam, in Israel, and to build a rela- money, we won’t be able to continue,” says tionship among citizens of that city and Mantver. “Kiryat Yam is a classical Israeli city, which can be a fertilizing ground Tidewater. “They discussed with us an unmet to new ideas, and a partnership between need in their community, and we listened Tidewater and Israel would entail and closely,” says Spindel. “We already sup- include much more equality: not only that port a World ORT program in a school in the Americans give and the Israelis take, Kiryat Yam, which helps when we consider but also that the Israelis have to give, too. “We are in a new era,” says Mantver. “We a partnership there, and we have, in the past, allocated funds for their Young Adult have to share, and we have to have a new model. And the challenge for Tidewater Center. “When looking at allocations, we would and Kiryat Yam is really to be pioneers in like to engage as much of our communi- pursuing such a model, and then maybe

other communities will follow.” Whether or not the Federation will allocate additional funds to Kiryat Yam in the coming year will be announced soon, after the Israel & Overseas committee makes its recommendations to the board of directors at its June meeting. The Finance committee, too, will make its recommendations during that session, and will advise the board about continuing, increasing or decreasing allocations to local organizations such as Jewish Family Service of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC, Virginia organizations such as the Hillel at George Mason University (newly funded in 2013), and national organizations such as BBYO. Miles Leon, UJFT president, says the value of the committees and their work is crucial to the Federation’s mission of improving Jewish lives in Tidewater and around the world. “The allocations process is so important to get community input on where our money should be divided up, and where it will have the most impact,” says Leon. “The committee members put in a lot of thought, a lot of hours, and their recommendations are not done haphazardly.” Once approved by the board, the UJFT begins the process of distributing funds. Two months later, in September, the process begins again, when fundraising for the 2015 Annual Campaign kicks off. •

For a full list of last year’s allocations, visit Look for updates to the allocations list in the 2014 UJFT Annual Report, which will appear in the August 18 edition of the Jewish News. To hear more about how Tidewater’s funds have helped and can help JDC initiatives in Israel from Arnon Mantver, and ways your gifts make a difference, visit | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 11

Beauty and benevolence abound at Women’s Division Spring Luncheon

Ina Levy, Marcia Hofheimer, Ann Copeland and Marcia Moss.

by Laine Mednick Rutherford, photos and story


he beauty, subtlety, elegance and graciousness of the Jewish women gathered in the sun-lit room at the Museum of Contemporary Art on May 20 outshone the stunning Dale Chihuly glass chandelier that hung from the ceiling of the gallery. More than 70 attended the annual Spring Luncheon of the Women’s Cabinet of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. The luncheon is held to thank Cabinet members who help solicit gifts for the UJFT’s Annual Campaign, and this year was also an outreach event for Jewish women in the community who were invited to find out more about the Women’s Cabinet. Jodi Klebanoff, chair of the Women’s Cabinet, welcomed the guests and expressed how thrilled she was to see so many of them. Susan Hirschbiel followed Klebanoff with the D’var Torah, discussing the Torah portion that deals with the census, and one of her favorite principles of Judaism—the responsibility of the individual to repair the world, and the common identity shared by Jews.

“We come together here at Women’s Cabinet. We share a love of Judaism, a love of community, a love of being together and participating,” Hirschbiel said. “But we all count. And because we understand that every person deserves and needs to count as well, we have made it our divine mission to continue to live by Tikkun Olam and repair the world, one person at a time.” Following a Campaign update, Women’s Cabinet executive committee member Alicia Friedman introduced guest speaker Sally Oren. Originally from San Francisco, Oren moved to Israel 30 years ago, where she taught dance and began a life filled with educational, social and philanthropic responsibilities. In 2009, Oren became known as “Madame Ambassador,” taking on a host of duties as the wife of Michael Oren, Israel’s then Ambassador to the United States. In addition to hosting many high level events at the Ambassador’s residence, Oren represented Israel at major receptions at other foreign embassies and at the White House. With an unassuming and friendly delivery, Oren proved herself to be a captivating storyteller who left guests laughing at times,

12 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

“We’ve lived through bombings, and completely, silently spellbound at others. Her topics ranged from hosting themed through wars, through SCUD missiles, Embassy receptions to demonstrate Israel’s and yet, Israel is the most exciting and diverse population, to personal health cri- fulfilling facet in a life that has been, not ses, to her sister’s death in a Jerusalem bus exactly uninteresting,” Oren said. “Israel bombing, to playing Frisbee with Jerry remains my home, my responsibility, and my birthright.” Garcia of the Grateful Dead. Oren concluded her presentation by “I came from a Zionist family, and, early on, I fell in love with Israeli music thanking the women present, noting that and Israeli dance,” Oren said. “Growing up because of their generosity, Israel has not in San Francisco in the 1960s, one of our only survived, but has thrived. Klebanoff provided an update on the family’s very good friends was Bill Graham, who—when American music was being generosity of women’s gifts to the 2014 transformed by people like Janis Joplin, Jimi Annual Campaign, noting that volunteers, Hendricks, the Doors—discovered many to date, had helped raise $1.28 million of them. Every week, my sisters and I went from 594 individual donors, and had to listen to the music, and dance, and just initiated more than 100 face-to-face congroove. The musicians that the rest of the versations with donors over the previous world saw as stars, were just people to hang out with.” Many in the audience were amazed to hear that Oren served milk and cookies to the Jefferson Airplane after the first Human Be-In, and that the band also wrote two songs about her. Israel, Oren says, has filled her life Susan Becker, Mona Flax, Charlene Cohen and Jeri Jo Halprin. with joy, but with challenges and tragedies as well. She and her husband have three children, all who have served in the IDF (her oldest son was shot while arresting a Hamas fighter and her daughter served during the Second Lebanon War), and she still mourns the Ashley Zittrain, Elyse Cardon, Alicia Friedman, Megan Zuckerman, death of her sister. Rachel Abrams and Shikma Rubin.

nine months. Klebanoff recognized new milestone givers in the women’s division, including: 10 new Lions of Judah (women giving $5,000+ to the annual campaign), four new Tikvas (women giving $3,600+), and 14 new Chai Society donors (women giving $1,800+). She thanked the women whose terms of service were complete and who were rotating off of the Cabinet: Susan Alper, Roz August and Connie Jacobson, and welcomed new members: Jennifer Adut, Lynn Sher Cohen, Anne Kramer and Joanna Schranz. Additionally, Klebanoff noted that the georgous floral arrangements adorning the tables were donated by Black Iris Floral Events in Virginia Beach. In her closing remarks, Klebanoff summarized: “Sometimes we forget how important it is, this work we do year in and year out. Today I want to remind you that it’s more than important. It’s vital. The work we do today impacts the lives that our children will have tomorrow and their children beyond that, and not just here in Virginia Beach and Norfolk—in Israel,

where far too many live below the poverty line (including children), in Budapest and Prague and Krakow and Havana—where Jewish communities struggle daily to meet the needs of their members and to promote Jewish continuity in places where not too long ago it seemed vanquished.

“The infrastructures we maintain through our Federation ensure that Jews in need have a place to turn—a source for assistance if and when they require it.” To find out more about the Women’s Cabinet of the UJFT, and how to become involved, visit, or call 757-965-6139. Martha Glasser and Cindy Kramer.

Rebecca Dreyfus and Shelly Simon. Renee Strelitz, Jodi Klebanoff, Guest Speaker Sally Oren, Shari Friedman and Deb Segaloff.

Susan Hirschbiel and Karen Jaffe. Harriet White and her daughter Phyllis White.

Marcia Samuels, Betty Ann Levin and Lynn Sher Cohen.

Ilana Benson, Joan Joffe and Wendy Konikoff.

Susan Alper, Annabel Sacks, Mimi Karesh and Dolores Bartel.

Paula Blachman and Sandy Sher. | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 13

Simon Family JCC holds Annual Meeting by Leslie Shroyer


ommunity leaders, members and staff gathered for the 61st Annual Meeting of the Simon Family JCC on Monday, May 19. The meeting recognized Terri Sarfan for her successful two-year term as president,

Simon Family JCC Board 2014–2016 President: Marty Einhorn President Elect: David Leon Vice-President of Finance: Lawrence Fleder Vice President of Governance: Sandra Porter Leon Vice-President of Development: Lynn Cohen Vice-President of Membership: Howard Roesen Vice-President at Large: Rebecca Tall Corresponding Secretary: Britt Simon Past-President: Terri Sarfan Andrew Fink Robert Friedman Anna Goldenberg Helene Grablowsky* Denise Hoffman* Anne Kramer Cindy Krell Amy Levy* Marc Moss Tehilla Mostofsky Andrew Nusbaum Stephanie Peck Shana Prohofsky Howard Roesen Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin Neal Schulwolf Norman Sher Ralph Soussan Linda Spindel Lawrence Steingold Paul Terkeltaub Dorothy Zimmerman Jill Wainger *new member

welcomed Marty Einhorn as incoming president, and bestowed awards on several groups and lay leaders. After a welcome by Sarfan, Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg delivered the D’Var Torah, touching on her personal relationship with Einhorn, someone the JCC will soon agree is a “committed community partner, consummate leader and a mensch.” As outgoing president, Sarfan gave her state of the Center address, reviewing the activities and programs of all JCC departments, the successes and lessons of the past two years. Along with Scott Katz, JCC Center director, who followed Sarfan, the two reviewed the challenges of the past two years, highlighting successes such as Beginnings Infant and Toddler Center (which is at capacity), an overall increase in membership over the past two years, an increase in camper enrollment, the success of the Kids Connection Before and After School Enrichment program, an expanded swim and aquatics program including the Swordfish Summer Swim Team and swim lessons that bring in new families monthly. Sarfan praised the JCC’s newest program, Celebrate Israel, a series of programs developed to salute Israel. “Celebrate Israel allowed us to partner with the CRC, the Virginia Arts Festival and CBN,” she said. “These partnerships enabled us to bring Tidewater the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, several renown speakers and films on Israel, Israel Fest and The Iron Dome.” Katz mentioned the success of the PJ Library program, which has 137 participants, introducing area Jewish children to Jewish story books. He added that the JCC has succeeded in engaging area teens, with a BBYO program having as many participants as that of larger communities. Cultural arts programs have been a success, from the recent Israel Fest to the children’s cultural arts series. New and successful adult education classes from lunch and learns to a well attended series on Israel have also been well received. Katz set a goal of 100 new net members per year,

14 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

which is possible with improved staff training and c ro s s -m a rk et i ng, and an additional $30,000 in fundraising for next year with the help of Evan Levitt, development director. Katz thanked Harry Graber, executive vice president of the UJFT, for his insight, knowledge and wisdom, and Terri Sarfan, “who led by example, not taking no for an Scott Katz with Marcy and Paul Terkeltaub. answer.” Seven awards were presented. The Simon Family JCC Ruach award was presented by Katz to Paul and Marcy Terkeltaub, who worked with the cultural arts department serving as chairs for this year’s Israel Fest. The award is given to members of the board and/or community who serve as role models for others based on their passion and dedication to the JCC. The David and Sylvia Krug Award for Outstanding Service to the JCC was given to Lynn Cohen by Terri Sarfan. “Her unselfish and can-do attitude has motivated the entire board to step up and make a difference,” said past recipient Gloria Siegel. Cohen chaired the book festival for years, Harry Graber and Terri Sarfan. and recently led JCC development efforts. Harry Graber, executive director of the rating period of change and growth. Harry’s UJFT, received the JCC Center Service brain-child was our infant care center, Award, presented in recognition of those which is now thriving. Under his guidance, engaged in Jewish communal efforts who the JCC began its Kids Connection Before exemplify the highest ideals of dedication and After School Enrichment Program and concern for JCC members, volunteers serving the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and colleagues. “Already the executive vice and area public schools. Harry also made president of the UJFT, Harry stepped for- it possible for us to reestablish our annual ward nearly a decade ago to assume the Israel Fest at the Sandler Family Campus, executive director position of the JCC,” said and he has helped the JCC fundraise to Sarfan, who presented this award. “During become a more independent entity in the this time, he guided us through an invigo- community.”

Sarfan acknowledged that Graber will be returning full-time to overseeing the UJFT in July, still helping the JCC as well as all the agencies. Scott Katz, JCC Center director, will then become its executive director. The Thomas L. Hofheimer Humanitarian Award was given to Barry and Lois Einhorn by Marcia Hofheimer. The Einhorns received the award for their involvement and many achievements in the community. The Einhorns, who have served on the JCC board (Barry as president), have also worked tirelessly as lay leaders on many committees. “There aren’t two other people I can think of who deserve this award more than the Einhorns,” said past president Sandra Porter Leon. “They give so much time and energy to bettering the community at large as well as to the JCC.” The Joseph “Buddy” Strelitz Commmunity Service Award was presented by John Strelitz to Beth Sholom Village for their contribution to the community. It is named for Joseph “Buddy” Strelitz, whose devotion to his people touched many lives on many levels. Rebecca Schwartzman received the Center Youth Award from Shana Prohofsky. “Becca is very pro-Israel and so passionate,” said Ellie Bernstein, BBYO City director. “For a 17-year-old girl to have such a grasp of what it is to be Jewish and a love for Israel so deep is rare among most kids her age.” The Mary and Avalon S. Krukin Award for Senior Adults was presented to Marilyn Moranha for the time and energy she devotes to the Seniors at the JCC. She has been president of the Seniors club for several years and is very active in the current events and mahjong clubs. She is a committed recruiter, bringing new members to meetings and new people through the doors of the JCC. The Community Relations Council of the UJFT received the Jewish Programming Award from Scott Katz, for providing outstanding services and programs that enrich the lives of others. Under the leadership of Robin Mancoll, the CRC, a shining star in its own right, has been an invaluable partner with the JCC for its book and film festivals as well as the Celebrate Israel series at the JCC this spring, including the Iron Dome and Israel Fest events.

John Strelitz and Ellyn Saren, Beth Sholom Village board chair.

Hugh Cohen, Lynn Sher Cohen, Sadie Cohen, Sandy Sher, and Normie Sher.

The last segment of the meeting included a presentation to outgoing president Terri Sarfan by Scott Katz, the installation of the board of directors by David Leon, and the installation of Marty Einhorn as president by his father, Barry Einhorn, a past president. Marty Einhorn said he is deeply honored to become the next president of the Simon Family JCC and will strive to make it the place to be in Hampton Roads over the next two Susan, Becca and years. “During my ten- Eric Schwartzman. ure as your president, I hope to continue to establish the Simon Family JCC as the gateway to Jewish life in Hampton Roads by working in partnership with all of our fellow Jewish agencies and synagogues to provide high quality and relevant programming to our members, all the while providing programming and services to our friends in the neighboring communities surrounding the Sandler Family Campus.” The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Robin Mancoll and Scott Katz.

Jay, Lois, Barry, Marty, Susan and Will Einhorn. | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 15

it’s a wrap A shift of outlook is all it took

Nobody knows about me And the Israeli

by Noni Stevens, senior, Green Run High School



Rockets flying Children dying For what we call peace It is a shame and a disgrace before God That Hamas Has enough hate To try to destroy one of the Great...test Places in the world Yet we take for granted the comfortable lives we live Being too selfish to give The only thing the people of Israel Ask for, which is just a little bit of peace Been on my knees praying for so long my knees have slowly but surely began to bleed God please answer me And God responds…why do you weep Where is your faith in Thee —Noni Stevens

he moment that shifted my outlook on Israel was when I had the honor to attend a presentation by StandWithUs. Hen and Shay, who toured the United States as part of “Israeli Soldiers Stories,” spoke at my school. Their testimonies touched my heart in a way I never knew was possible. Often, when someone is raised with a shield that only allows seeing certain things, it gives an Noni Stevens (third from the right) joined by Green Run Principal Todd Tarkenton, inaccurate interpretation of the truth. Israeli soldiers Hen and Shay and other Green Run students after the presentation. StandWithUs’ “Israeli Soldiers Stories” features reserve duty students who speak about their they fell. They could only hide and for the first time, backgrounds, interests and life in Israel. They recount two rockets fell in the heart of Israel. As each young man spoke, my heart began to weep. their personal experiences of serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), upholding the strict moral code It wept not only because of the horrid trials they faced, while facing an enemy that hides behind its civilians. but I wept for myself. I realized that before the presenThese stories are rarely, if ever, heard in the media. tation I was ignorant to their truth, and I had no clue The testimonies Shay and Hen shared were the truth. that the lives of the soldiers and so many others are at Hen served in COGAT (Coordination of stake everyday. Walking down the street with fear of Government Activities in the Territories), which aids losing my life is nothing I have personally experienced, Palestinian civilians. He was an intermediary between so just the thought of it makes me tremble. The more the IDF, the Palestinian Authority, the UN and other I learned, the more I began to respect them and the NGO’s in the West Bank. Shay served as captain, bat- courage of these young men. I sat in awe unable to tery command and tells of a warm day drinking coffee speak, only with the capabilities to think and write. I in Tel Aviv with friends when suddenly, the siren was compelled to put my thoughts on give blared. Panic ensued because it meant rockets were myself a voice. heading towards them and they had seconds before

Beth El Men’s Club


ongregation Beth El Men’s Club celebrated its annual Men’s Club Shabbat on Saturday, May 3. Norman David Soroko and Brad Lazernick, chaired the services. Members of the Men’s Club took part in all aspects of the services. The D’var Torah for the Torah and Haftorah portions were presented by Howard Horwitz and Gary Kell respectively. Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, rabbi emeritus, read the Haftorah, Emor. During the services, Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz de-installed the past officers and board of directors, including Norman

David Soroko, who stepped down as president after completing a total of 14 years as club president. The new officers and board members were installed with Craig Schranz serving as the new president, who has many new ideas about pushing the club into a new era of programming and membership, both within the congregation and the community. Following the services, the congregation was invited to a special Kiddush luncheon in Meyers Hall.

16 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

Beth El Collaborative goes bowling by Jason Rosenberg


ome folks count days during the Omer, but the young adults from Beth El prefer to count pins. Each month, The Collaborative (Congregation Beth El’s group for young professionals), holds an event or two outside of the synagogue. On Tuesday, May 13, the Beth El Collaborative met at AMF Bowling for a night of Bowling Collaboratively. Facing the dangers of carpal tunnel and repetitive strain injury, the brave band from Beth El bowled in style. “It started looking dicey when the balls stopped returning,” says David Jancewicz. “At one point, there were 14 balls stuck at the end of the lane. I thought we were going to have to abandon the game with one frame

Ryan Rose, Jennie Hurwitz, Adam Tabakin, Jonathan Rose, and David Jancewicz.

left. Finally, someone alerted the nice woman at the desk and the problem was corrected.” The Collaborative is planning a Havdallah swim party in June. For more information on Collaborative programming, check out the Beth El Collaborative facebook page.

it’s a wrap Tidewater Jewish rock star wows crowd



Cantor Wally.



hef Sholom hosted “Cantor Wally Live!” an outdoor celebration of Jewish music last month. A picture perfect day, families with young children gathered outside to hear Cantor Wally play original and classical Jewish tunes on the steps of Ohef Sholom’s sanctuary overlooking the park at Stockley Gardens. An award-winning, international recording artist who writes his own songs and performs throughout the United States and Israel, Cantor Wally strummed his guitar while singing in English and Hebrew. The audience enthusiastically sang along and participated in his concert. Kids of all ages were entertained with fun, supervised activities in the park that included a bounce house and a scavenger hunt. Faces were painted with unique designs and families had a great time posing with boas, hats, wigs and glasses at the photo booth. Children decorated tambourines to play along with Cantor Wally and put fragrant spices into packets at arts and crafts tables to use for Havdallah. The sidewalks were decorated with youthful artistic creations drawn of chalk, while loads of bubbles lingered in the air. And everyone—adults and kids alike—lined up when the snow cone truck came.

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The afternoon ended with a moving Havdallah service led by Cantor Wally and Rabbi Roz, assisted by children in the audience. Ohef Sholom Temple is the area’s largest reform temple with programming for babies, toddlers, school-age children, and for families with young children to build community within the temple. For more information, call 625-4295 or email linda@ David Adam Beloff Photography


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Kayaking • Fishing • Crabbing 721-9668 20 YEARS | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 17

it’s a wrap Successful Iron Dome program wraps up JCC’s Celebrate Israel series by Laine Mednick Rutherford


presentation describing the engineering mechanics behind the Iron Dome anti-missile system used by Israel to protect its citizens could have been overly complicated or less than entertaining. In a program about the subject, held at Regent University Theatre on Sunday, May 18, learning about the Iron Dome was anything but confusing or dull. In the skilled hands of Lt. Col. Gideon Weiss, a veteran of the Israel Defense Forces and a vice-president of Rafael, USA, the company that makes the Iron Dome, an audience of more than 450 benefitted from a diversely emotional and well-designed multimedia production. “I expected the program to be informative, but it was so much more than that, because Gideon told us about the Iron Dome through his humor and his own story—he made it personal,” says Melissa Eichelbaum, a college student who attended the event. “I learned some fascinating things about the Iron Dome—that the engineers examined how everyday toys worked to use as a model for parts of the system, and how they found out that the $400 hinges they originally were using were the same as those you could get for much, much cheaper. I also learned how the money that America is investing in this system comes back to the United States, benefitting us as well as Israel.”

Gideon Weiss’ visit and presentation was the final event in the Simon Family JCC’s Celebrate Israel Series, presented by Charles Barker Automotive, and was organized in partnership with the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. In addition to Weiss’ appearance, the audience—comprised of a cross-section of the Jewish and Christian communities— was also treated to a brief screening of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s Made in Israel series. Gordon Robertson, CEO of CBN global and producer of the five-part series, introduced the segment about technology, and reiterated his commitment to promoting and supporting Israel. The series has been nominated for several Daytime Emmy Awards, which will be announced later this month. Audience members received a DVD of Made in Israel, complements of Robertson. Bob Lehman was so impressed with the evening’s program that he immediately sent an email to CRC director Robin Mancoll, in which he wrote: “Yasher Koach on such an outstanding program…I loved that Regent did not merely host the program, but endorsed, without reservation, a bilateral faith-based alliance with the Jewish community with respect to Israel. It was heartwarming. Everyone left proud of Israel, and the fact that Gideon is so involved in this project.”

Greetings and introductions at the event were made by Terri Sarfan, outgoing JCC president, and David Brand, a former UJFT president. Gordon Robertson hosted a private reception before the program, which was attended by more than 125 people. Many audience members stayed after the David Brand and CBN COO Michael Little. presentation to discuss what they had heard and learned, and to enjoy a kosher dessert reception sponsored by the CRC. Photography by Mark Robbins

Bonnie Brand, Dorit Weiss and Lt. Col. Gideon Weiss.

Michael Blachman and Bill Nusbaum.

Lawrence Steingold, Carol Peck and Aaron Peck.

Charlene Cohen, Eric Joffe, Joan Joffe, Bob Josephberg, JeriJo Halprin and Bill Halprin.

18 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

Eileen and Stewart Kahn.

Susan Nordlinger, Bob Josephberg and Joel Jason.

it’s a wrap Israel Fest 2014: Amazing Crowds, Amazing Day by Leslie Shroyer


he Simon Family JCC’s Annual Israel Fest, presented by Charles Barker Automotive, was the biggest to date, with about 1,800 people enjoying the many activities on Sunday, May 18. This was the most extensive, expansive and enthralling Israel Fest at the JCC, featuring live presentations, festival activities, and of course food, food, food. On the main stage, the Israeli band, Hataklitim, made its first appearance in the U.S. Israeli folk dancing, a Hebrew Academy of Tidewater student singing performance, and the Frailiche Klezmer Band also performed. AIPAC presented their Innovation Showcase film, featuring great products and ideas that Israel has shared with the world. Puzzle Israel, a company that offers a varied portfolio of adventure tours and specialized itineraries for many types of audiences, had tasty food samples. Throughout the day, festival goers could also take part in camel rides, an archaeological dig, the Ben Yehuda Street Marketplace shopping area, sample beer and Israeli wine, and see Israel Matters from Stand with Us, a 64-foot, multi-panel display with facts about Israel, presented by the Community Relations Council of the UJFT. Children enjoyed playing Gaga (Israeli dodge ball) in the pit, jumping on inflatables, the monkeys in motion ride, a petting zoo, a strolling magician, a balloon artist, fun color hair spray, temporary tattoos, and

Dancing to Hataklitim’s music.

Victor Marcos caricatures. The food, which was a tremendous array of Israeli and Jewish dishes from the kosher kitchens of every area temple and Beth Sholom Village, was a treat. Food sales raised money for each of the groups that participated in the food extravaganza. “Both Paul and I want to say ‘thank you’ to everyone who came, supported and worked at Israel Fest,” says Marcy Terkeltaub, who co-chaired Israel Fest with her husband, Paul. “Everything was perfect and we couldn’t have asked for anything better. The weather was fantastic and the food from the various synagogues and organizations was excellent. Even though there was so much going on in the community, the turnout exceeded all of our expectations!” “This event, the culmination of our cultural arts season, ended on an uplifting note,” says Michele Goldberg, director of Cultural Arts. “The participation was beyond all expectation, with incredible collaboration at all ends: from the community organizations to the staff to the volunteers; thank you to all!” Scott Katz, Center director adds, “Israel Fest was truly a community event with every synagogue participating, as well as most community agencies. It felt great to walk outside from the Cardo and witness all of the activity that was happening and the number of people enjoying the day together. I can’t wait until next year.” Photos by Mark Robbins The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Tents at the Sandler Family Campus.

Feeding the goats.

Molly and Hannah Mancoll. | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 19

June 14, 2014

Ohef Sholom Temple 530 Raleigh Ave., Norfolk

it’s a wrap

Kaufman Hall

7:00 pm

Ohef Sholom Temple’s Totally Awesome

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Toras Chaim celebrates the continuity of Jewish heritage with two notable days


om Hazikaron and Yom Haatzmaut are important days for the students at Toras Chaim. Yom Hazikaron, or Israel Remembrance Day, is the day in Israel on which the country remembers the fallen soldiers who protected the nation. In Israel, the day is marked by memorial services and a siren, which sounds throughout the country. At Toras Chaim, students learned about the sacrifices made and a siren was sounded throughout the school. Students stopped what they were doing and stood at attention in solidarity with those in Israel. On Yom Haatzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, Toras Chaim students learned about Israel in their Judaic classes, and participated in a school-wide assembly.

Around the campus, students symbolically planted sunflower seeds from Israel provided by the Afikim Foundation. At the assembly explaining the project, Rabbi Mordechai Loiterman, principal, explained the symbolism behind the project, he noted that aside from garinim (sunflower seeds) being a treat enjoyed by Israelis, sunflowers grow rapidly and tall, just like the State of Israel, that has achieved so many modern discoveries and advancements in the nation’s short history. Also, due to phototropism, sunflowers grow facing east. When Jews pray each day, tradition suggests facing east towards Israel. Thanks to the efforts of the pioneers who planted the seeds of the modern state, Israel is now a beautiful blossoming country.

For More Information: 757-625-4295 or

Beth El waters JFS’ race

Beth Sholom Village Cordially invites you to the Annual 2014 Meeting June 18, 2014

❧ The Berger-Goldrich Home 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23464

❧ Beth Sholom Village will be welcoming in new board members Light Hors D’oeuvres and Beverages — 6:15 pm Meeting — 7:00 pm

❧ Kindly RSVP to 757-420-2512 ext. 202

20 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |


ongregation Beth El’s intrepid team of Mitzvah Corps volunteers again managed the water stations for Jewish Family Service’s Run, Roll or Stroll race at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. The 10th Annual event took place on Sunday, May 4, with Beth El volunteers on the boardwalk bright and early to fill countless cups at two stations along the route, preparing to slake the thirsts of several hundred race participants. Mitzvah Corps provides community service and social action volunteer opportunities for members of Beth El’s

Collaborative and Growing Together clubs, which serve as outlets for young professionals and families with little ones to gather socially within a Jewish context. This was Mitzvah Corps’ third year piloting the water stations, and Beth El earned the Team Award for providing more volunteers than any other participating synagogue. The volunteers were: Juliet Boone, Leah Flax, Nataly and Seth Fleishman, Lindsey Horowitz-Mann, Jennie Hurwitz, Margo Jacobson, Anna Lea and David Jancewicz, Jason Luree, Dmitry and Olga Mavritskiy, Fred Rose, and Jason and Leah Rosenberg. The synagogue’s youngest volunteers: Shira Fleishman, age 7, Matan Fleishman, age 5, and Stella Jancewicz, age 7, were also great helpers. Yahli and Aviv Fleishman, age 5 months, and Lev Jancewicz, age 2, also attended, but it was pretty tough getting any work out of them. For more information on Mitzvah Corps, Collaborative, or Growing Together, visit https://

what’s happening Second Saturday is a big hit at Temple Israel One hour monthly service and program is engaging and topical


emple Israel is giving its members a choice on the second Saturday of each month. Arrive at 9:15 am for a traditional service in the sanctuary or go downstairs at 11 am to the more intimate Sandler Hall for an engaging program like no other perhaps in the country. After a brief Torah service, new synagogue president Joel Rubin leads a room full of eager congregants in interactive discussions on topics that generate heartfelt reflection and genuine learning. For the first Second Saturday in February, it was “My Best Jewish Day.” Attendees described emotional experiences in Israel, singing with residents at Beth Sholom, standing under the chupah at their children’s weddings, davening on a Navy ship at sea and more. Number two in March had congregants sharing their favorite Seder traditions and showing off personal holiday heirlooms. April’s focused on the movie Noah and whether the film strayed too far from the biblical version or was actually a plausible telling of the flood story. And then there was May’s Shabbat Sheini, a powerfully moving morning of testimony from several of Temple Israel’s highly committed Jews by Choice. “The courage and dedication of these individuals to take on the task of conversion and then to embrace their new faith as they have was so

moving for those of us born into the faith,” says Rubin. “I think we all left with a better appreciation for our own Judaism after hearing them talk about what is so great to them about being Jewish and members of our very welcoming synagogue.” For Rabbi Michael Panitz, who is a strong proponent of the hour-long program, Temple Israel is the perfect laboratory for change in Sabbath observance. “We are not afraid of trying new things,” he says. “The goal for me is to give our congregants options, and Second Saturday has become a very appealing one. Yes it is shorter, but it also gives our members an opportunity to be part of a conversation while gaining a better appreciation for each other. To build a worshiping community, you have to build community, and this is a perfect tool, in the right setting—the synagogue, and at the right time—Shabbat.” The title for the June 14 program is “Be Better than Isaac.” On the day before Father’s Day, Temple Israel member and therapist Marc Rabinowitz will challenge the crowd to reflect on their own experiences as fathers and sons and how to become better Jewish dads than even our famous forefathers. “I really look forward to Second Saturday,” says TI’s Kirk Levy. “It fits my schedule, but I also love how casual and uplifting it is. Amy and I try to catch every one.”

The Deloreans are coming! Saturday, June 14, 7 pm, Ohef Sholom Temple “Go back to the ’80s” at Ohef Sholom Temple’s annual casino-style event, which will feature the ‘80s tribute band, The Deloreans. It’s been said, “when you go to a Deloreans show, you feel like you’re actually back in the ’80s.” The evening includes an open bar, heavy hors d’oeuvres, dinner and lots of dancing. There will be a costume contest, “so totally” come dressed to impress in radical ’80s attire. Those who enjoy games of chance can try their luck at blackjack or craps, Texas Hold’em, roulette and wheel of fortune. The silent auction will include fine jewelry, artwork, wool rugs, a lawn mower, a Stihl trimmer, a fire pit and gift certificates for restaurants, manicures, pedicures, massages, theatre, opera, and golf. The live auction will feature items such as a week at the beach in Maryland or in the mountains of Virginia. One lucky person will go home with a brand new 2014 Chevrolet Spark, valued at more than $14,000. Only 390 raffle tickets will be sold at $100 a piece. Call the temple office to buy a ticket. Tickets for the event are $95 and can be purchased by calling the Temple at 625-4295 or visiting

Kid’s programming at B’nai Israel


hat is there to do at Shul?Children are not always ready for the grownup services, primarily because they are not as meaningful as they might be to an adult and it is hard to sit still without fidgeting. Over the past few months, B’nai Israel has completely overhauled its Shabbos morning children’s program. Dubbed “Bisli,” the name of a popular Israeli snack, it is also an acronym for “Bnai Israel Shabbos Learning Institute.” Catering to children in Pre-K through third grade, Bisli is run by Shira Baila Seldes and her handpicked middle school and high school assistants. Housed in the Fred L. Aron Educational wing, the students arrive at 10 am for their own age-appropriate services followed by a review of the

weekly portion, a snack, a game, and a learning activity. With a new activity every 15 minutes, students find the program both engaging and compelling. They use their time in a fun and productive way and their parents are given the opportunity to attend the services in the main sanctuary. At the end of the program a raffle is held, prizes are distributed, and the students join their parents as they lead the Adon Olam and final parts of the service. There is no charge for Bisli and the program is open to all Jewish youth. Professional childcare is also available for younger children. For more information, drop by or contact the B’nai Israel office at 757-627-7358 or

Rachelle Friedman promotes new book


Tuesday, June 3, 7 pm, Barnes & Noble, Virginia Beach

ust weeks prior to her wedding, Rachelle Friedman was playfully pushed into the pool at her bachelorette party. At that moment, her life changed forever. Friedman will speak about her new book, The Promise: A tragic Accident, a Paralyzed Bride, and the Power of Loyalty and Friendship at Barnes & Noble. Her book has been discussed on NBC’s Today Show and HLN in recent weeks, and soon on Katie Couric and the Oprah Network.

Holocaust Commission Student Art Exhibition Through June 7, 8 am–10 pm, Old Dominion University Virginia Beach by Laine Mednick Rutherford


he Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s annual student art exhibit is currently on display in the Atrium of the Virginia Beach Higher Education Center, 1881 University Dr., off of Princess Anne Rd. More than 60 winning and selected entries in the Commission’s 2014 Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Competition for Students can be viewed from, weekdays, and limited weekend hours. The exhibit is free and open to the public. An opening reception was held on May 20. Students were honored and recognized for their artistic contributions to the mission of Holocaust education. About

125 artists, friends, families, Commission members and ODU students attended the reception. All winning entries in the Holocaust Commission’s 2014 Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions for Students can be found online at www. | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 21

Young Adult Division ( YAD) Associate Young Adult Division (YAD) Associate United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (UJFT) The UJFT seeks an ambitious, energetic candidate for the position of Young Adult Division Associate, to support the development of a best-in-class Young Adult Division (22-45 year old) program; to actively engage this population in Jewish life and offer multiple entry points for involving them in Federation and the greater Tidewater Jewish community. Primary responsibility will be outreach and

calendar through June 6 Annual Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Competition for Students selections in exhibit. ODU Virginia Beach. June 3, Tuesday Rachelle Friedman will speak about her new book, The Promise: A tragic Accident, a Paralyzed Bride, and the Power of Loyalty and Friendship at Barnes & Noble. 7 pm. See page 21. June 14, Saturday Ohef Sholom Temple’s annual casino-style event, 7 pm. Tickets for the event are $95 and can be purchased by calling the Temple at 625-4295 or visiting See page 21.

volunteer engagement, event planning, campaign operations and administrative tasks. Successful candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree; preferred degree in business, marketing, office administrative operations & logistics or related field; ideally, 1-3 years of work experience; an equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Submit resume with salary requirement to:

June 18, Wednesday The art of Lorraine Fink on exhibit in the Leon Family Art Gallery at the Simon Family JCC closes. 757-321-2338. JUNE 24, TUESDAY 4th Annual Simon Family JCC Presidents’ Cup Golf Tournament at Heron Ridge Golf Tournament. Captain’s Choice with multiple flights. Individual player, $180; Foursome, $720. Registration deadline is Friday, June 6. For sponsorship opportunities and to sign up, call 321-2337. For more information, visit Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.



OF M ARKETING AND C OMMUNIC ATION The Director of Marketing and Communication develops and ensures the successful implementation of agency branding, marketing, advertising, promotion and communication strategies to support the vision, mission and goals of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC. Candidate should have proven leadership skills in directing and/or coordinating progressive marketing policies and programs. This position requires hands on experience in the coordination and use of all creative, visual, graphic and written materials required to meet objectives of marketing and communications to reach target audiences and oversee all public relations, advertising and promotional staff, agencies and activities. Education/Experience:

Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline Vice President

Andy Kline President


Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, communications or related field from an accredited college or university; plus a minimum of 7 years of progressive experience including overseeing marketing collateral creation, creative production, writing, and project management OR Master's degree with 5 years of related experience.

Knowledge and Skills:

Ability to manage/supervise employees and workflow; Prioritize responsibilities; Experience with linking marketing efforts to outcomes and establishing metrics for accountability and evaluative purposes; Web site design and content management; Social media and new technologies; Extensive use of computer, proofreading; Teambuilding and collaboration skills; Knowledge of web-based marketing strategies and strong contacts with local media; Willingness to work evenings, weekends and holidays as required; Knowledge of or experience supporting fundraising preferred; Strong knowledge of Jewish heritage, values, traditions and culture.

For a full job description, visit the employment section: Submit resumes to:

Payroll, Taxes and W-2s • Web Based Time and Attendance NCS Background Checks • Employee Loans • Pay As You Go Workers Comp Insurance HR Answerlink H.R. Legal Resources • Employee Self Service Online Cobra Administration • VISA Debit Payday Cards Call us today to see how we can help, 757-523-0605 or visit us at

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22 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

7/6/11 11:54 AM

Mazel Tov to


Achievement Rabbi Israel Zoberman who will offer the prayer at the House of Representatives on the occasion of his 40th anniversary in the rabbinate on Wednesday, June 25 at noon. It will be carried live on C-SPAN. Rabbi Zoberman will be the guest of Congressman Scott Rigell.

Birthday Hattie Hechtkopf, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday at a party hosted by her children, Michael and Judy Hechtkopf and Paul and Marilyn Hechtkopf. In the photograph, Hattie is surrounded by granddaughters Jenny Hechtkopf (left) and Allison Hechtkopf Whiteman (right) with new granddaughter-in-law, Kasey Ashcraft Hechtkopf (center). Hattie received Presidential Greetings from President and Mrs. Obama, along with a special note from Willard Scott of the Today Show.

Graduation Avi Mednick on his graduation from James Madison University, with a bachelors of arts degree in history. He is the son of Sara Kruger and Saul Mednick. Grandparents are Dr. David and Adel Kruger, Dr. Robert and Miriam Seeherman, and Maurice Mednick (of blessed Memory). Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.




TUESDAY, JUNE 24TH Noon Shotgun Start

who knew? Argentine version of Israeli drama In Treatment wins best miniseries BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (JTA)—The Argentine version of the Israeli television series In Treatment was named best miniseries for the second straight year. En Terapia, about the life of a psychologist, won the Martin Fierro Award—Argentina’s version of the Emmys—on Tuesday, May 20. The show’s star, Diego Peretti, himself a psychiatrist, also won for best actor. The Argentine version is produced in Buenos Aires by an Argentine-Israeli, Yair Dori. Hagai Levy created the original show, which has been adapted in several countries, including the United States. Other Jewish winners of Martin Fierro Awards included producer and actor Adrian Suar; Diego Korol, creator of the comedy Sin Codificar, or Danger: No Coding; and Romina Manguel, a radio journalist.

HERON RIDGE GOLF CLUB 2973 Heron Ridge Drive | Virginia Beach

We appreciate all of our sponsors. Proceeds benefit children’s programming at the Simon Family JCC For more information, sponsorship opportunities,

and to play, contact Evan Levitt at 757-321-2337 or or visit | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 23

Book Review Searching for balance My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel Ari Shavit Spiegel & Grau, 2013 445 pages, $28.00 ISBN: 9780385521703 eBook ISBN: 9880812984644


inner of the newly established Natan Book Award, Ari Shavit’s My Promised Land is the most recommended book about Israel since Yehuda Hal Sacks Avner’s brilliant The Prime Ministers. Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Israel, and a highly decorated hero, avers that “not since Amos Elon’s The Israelis, Amos Oz’s In the Land of Israel, and Thomas Friedman’s From Beirut to Jerusalem has there been such a powerful and comprehensive book written about the Jewish State and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Effusive encomiums from such significant voices as Daniel Gordis, Jeffrey Goldberg, Franklin Foer, Rick Jacobs, Daphne Merkin, Abraham Foxman and Jon Meacham have attested to the perception, power, poignancy and passion of My Promised Land. Without question, this book will be a best seller; it should, indeed, be read, but with some caution. The New Yorker magazine chose to publish (October 21, 2013) an excerpt from the book—the chapter on the Israeli 1948 occupation and massacre of non-combatant Palestinians in Lydda. Despite Shavit’s loving defense of the pioneer Zionist movement, Israel-bashers will revel in his baring of warts to which the average reader may not have been previously exposed. In truth, anyone striving for peace in the Middle East must acknowledge the tragedy of Lydda and comprehend its implications. As Benny Morris points out in his well-researched book, 1948 (reviewed in the Jewish News, June 2008), Haganah intelligence had scoped out the likely direction from which the Arabs would attack and felt compelled to remove Arab villages in their path that might cooperate with the invading armies.

obituaries This reviewer must admit to a kind of love-hate reaction to My Promised Land. Shavit couples what he terms Israeli denial of the Palestinian disaster with Israeli denial in the 1950’s of the Holocaust. “A dozen years after the catastrophe [the Holocaust] has no place in local media and art. “The survivors are expected not to tell their stories.” In point of fact, as reparations were being organized in the 1950’s, West Germany was seen as the principal broker with the Holocaust. In western democracies the Holocaust, per se, was barely discussed, even within the powerful Jewish communities of North America. The publication in English of Elie Wiesel’s Night didn’t appear until 1960; Primo Levi’s first book, If This is a Man, written in 1946 was first published in English in 1959 and he didn’t begin writing his second book, The Truce, until 1961. Holocaust survivors in America were neither questioned nor cosseted in the 1950’s. Shavit is correct in summarizing Israel’s dilemma in two words: Occupation and Intimidation. His interviews with dissident Israelis such as Yossi Sarid are chilling. Who can really deny that “Occupation is the father of all sins? Occupation is the mother of atrocity. When we occupied the West Bank and Gaza we opened a door, and evil winds swept through it. All the depravity you see in today’s Israel is a result of the occupation. The brutality. The deceit. The decay. Even now the army is rotting because it is being forced to be an occupying army.” Ze’ev Sternhell, a professor and a leading intellectual of the Israeli peace movement believes that although “Israel is my life... I see Israel fading away. I see a terminal illness consuming the nation I love.” On the other hand, Israel is under constant intimidation by Palestinian leadership that professes never, under any circumstances, to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Your reviewer has himself questioned Palestinians. When asked if they would be satisfied with the return of the West Bank they asked this question: “When will you return Petah Tikva?” One must ultimately even agree with the thuggish Prime Minister, Bibi Natanyahu, when he asserts that there is no peace partner to talk to.

24 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

Shavit has remarkably been able to open doors to spellbinding interviews with Palestinian refugees, Israeli military leaders (past and present), intellectuals and politicians. His travels to meet these subjects are augmented with little known historical background, and the reader is not spared his judgment of those events. One is reminded of Martin Fletcher’s excellent 2010 Walking Israel. Not quite as over-wrought, nor as over-written as My Promised Land, Fletcher’s book records his attempt to cover most of the country on foot, searching for the soul of Israel. “The farther your move from the center of power,” Fletcher concludes, “and the closer you get to the real people, the less their stories fit the political platitudes.” Unfortunately, Shavit succumbs from time to time to a kind of literary excess. For example: When introducing the story of the fabulous success of the Strauss family who created a billion dollar empire from a humble barn with a few milk cows, we are told, “Israel is a bitter land; dairy desserts are sweet and soothing.” And noting that the Strauss family emigrated from Ulm, which is also Albert Einstein’s home town, he adds, “…Einstein’s and Strauss’s German-Jewish Diaspora was doomed.” What is he getting at? In describing the 11 demonstrations in Tel Aviv in 2011 which ultimately drew crowds of 480,000, an astounding six percent of Israel’s population, Shavit refers to the civic protest as the “2011 revolt.” No doubt Shavit is correct when he states that “we Israelis face a Herculean mission.” The problem of Occupation in the face of daunting Intimidation must be solved. Perhaps they will have to “redefine a nation and divide a land and come up with a new Jewish Israeli narrative.” But will they have to “restore a rundown state and unify a shredded society and groom a trustworthy civilian leadership?” My Promised Land will reward the reader with perception, power, poignancy, and passion. It is up to the reader to find the necessary balance. —Hal Sacks is a retired Jewish communal worker who has reviewed books for Jewish News for more than 30 years.

Ruth B. Posner Virginia Beach—Ruth Brown Posner, 84, died on Sunday, May 25, 2014. She was born in Oak Park, Ill. and was the daughter of the late Rose Meyer and Robert Brown, and the widow of Nelson S. Posner. She had retired as a medical technologist in the Hematology department of DePaul Hospital. Ruth was in charge of the hematology students that were involved with Old Dominion University. She was registered with the National Medical Technologist Association. Ruth was a faithful member of Olef Sholom Temple. She is survived by a daughter, Linda P. Nichols and her husband, Donnie of Chesapeake; a son, Matthew S. Posner and his wife, Karen of Cary, N.C.; two sisters, Harriet B. Schwartz and her husband, Harry of Baltimore, Md. and Naomi B. Gottlieb and her husband, Arnold of Delray, Fla.; and three grandchildren, Tyler and Phillip Nichols and Wyatt Posner. She was predeceased by her brother, Howard Brown. A graveside funeral service was conducted in Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg officiating. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made at Lillian Rosenstein Pugach Virginia Beach—Lillian Rosenstein Pugach passed away May 23, 2014, at her home in Virginia Beach at age 96. Mrs. Pugach was born in Leicester, Mass. and lived in Englewood, N.J., for most of her adult life. She was a longtime member of Temple Emanuel in Englewood, N.J., a volunteer teacher with the first Headstart program there and the secretary of Hadassah. She moved to Virginia Beach in 2001. She was a devoted member of Temple Emanuel in Virginia Beach and Brith Sholom. She is survived by her three children, Dianne Zeskind and her husband Dale of Wayland, Mass., Marleen Pugach and her husband William Rickards of Culver City, Calif., and Neil Pugach and his wife Monica Deitell of Virginia Beach; grandchildren Julie Zeskind and her husband Thomer Gil, Ben Zeskind and his wife Lisa Zeskind, Lev Rickards and his wife Negin Toosi, Anna Rickards, and Joseph Pugach.

obituaries She is also survived by her beloved four great-grandchildren: Simon Gil, Hannah Gil, Noah Gil, and Taraz Rickards, as well as her loving nieces and nephews, her sister, Marcia Hart, her brother-in-law Harvey Janowitz and numerous dear friends. She was preceded in death by her parents, Alice and Max Rosenstein, her brother, Sidney Rosenstein, and her husband, Paul Pugach, to whom she was married for 67 years. Her strength of character, sense of humor and generosity of spirit touched everyone she knew, and she brought sunshine into their lives. Her memory will be cherished by her family, her Temple Emanuel family and her large, longstanding, loving group of friends. A funeral was held at Temple Emanuel by Rabbi Marc Kraus. Interment followed

in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk. Memorial donations may be made to Hadassah or to Temple Emanuel in Virginia Beach. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Condolences may be made at

Arthur Gelb, New York Times editor and critic Arthur Gelb, a former arts critic and managing editor for The New York Times, has died. Gelb, who worked at the newspaper for 45 years, died Tuesday, May 20 in his native Manhattan following a stroke. He was 90. The Times in its obituary the day after Gelb’s passing said he was an incisive arts critic who covered a wide range of theater productions. Later, as an editor, he pursued investigative stories and expanded the newspaper’s science, sports, dining, home

and magazine sections. He had started at the Times as a copy boy. The son of Jewish immigrants from Czechoslovakia and Ukraine, Gelb worked at the Times from 1944 until his retirement at 1989. Following his Times tenure, he and his wife, Barbara, wrote two books on playwright Eugene O’Neill. In 1970, Gelb broke a story exposing widespread police corruption in New York City. He also pointed reporters to stories ranging from exposing the Jewish heritage of a leading American Nazi to Queens taxi drivers paying off inspectors. The obituary cited Gelb as a mentor to several current or recent prominent Times writers. It said that “by sheer force of personality he was a dominant figure at The New York Times for decades.” (JTA)

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• Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevra Kadisha | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 25

Tips on Jewish TriPS National Museum of American Jewish History celebrates Father’s Day with Chasing Dreams extravaganza Sunday, June 15, 10 am–8:30 pm, Independence Mall, Philadelphia


n celebration of its groundbreaking exhibition, Chasing Dreams: Baseball and Becoming American, the National Museum of American Jewish History will host a Chasing Dreams Mall Extravaganza on Philadelphia’s Historic Independence Mall. This free, all day, family-friendly event includes free admission to the exhibition and an array of activities for the entire family, perfect for Father’s Day. The Museum and Chasing Dreams will be open free all day. A self-guided family tour will be available, and families can share their favorite baseball memories in the Museum’s It’s Your Story recording booths. The outdoor festivities begin at 2 pm and include:

• The opportunity to take pictures with former MLB players, including former Philadelphia Phillie Thomas Greene, who was part of the 1993 National League Championship and World Series team.

ball-loving kids in need around the world.

• Live music from Philadelphia Funk Authority, Alex & the Kaleidoscope Band, and the DJ-led dance party sensation, Baby Loves Disco.

• KYW’s Kidcast booth—Kids can take a shot at broadcasting the events of the day.

• A speed pitch challenge, t-ball challenge, virtual baseball and other baseball-themed carnival games, arts and crafts, photo booth, and face painting along with some of Philly’s favorite food trucks. • Pitch In for Baseball—This non-profit organization will collect new or gently-used baseball equipment to donate to base-

• Chasing Dreams mini-beach balls to the first 200 fans that go to the outdoor information booth.

• An outdoor screening of Field of Dreams celebrating the film’s 25th anniversary begins at 9 pm. For more information, visit chasingd re a m s.n m /e x t r avaga n z a. Additional information will be posted here as it becomes available, along with Pitch In for Baseball donation requirements, concession information, and important Independence Mall regulations and


under the

reminders. Chasing Dreams: Baseball and Becoming American is the first large-scale exhibition to focus on the role baseball has played in the lives of immigrant and minority communities as they sought to understand and express—or challenge—American culture and ideals. The exhibition includes 130 rarely seen objects, including uniforms from Sandy Koufax, Jackie Robinson, and Ichiro Suzuki; the original sheet music for Take Me Out to the Ballgame; fan memorabilia; and much more. The National Museum of American Jewish History is located at 101 South Independence Mall East at the corner of Fifth and Market Streets in Philadelphia. For more information, visit or call 215-923-3811.



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26 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

Jewish Major League baseball cards feature current and classic players


he seventh edition of Jewish Major Leaguer Baseball Cards—a 50-card set largely focused on events in baseball involving Jewish players over the last four years is now available. The 2010 edition, the fifth update, was thought to be the last. But popular demand, contributions and encouragement from supporters, and a whole new crop of players along with World Baseball Classic participation has led to a new, 2014 edition. “We are the first candidate for 2014 Comeback of the Year,” says Martin Abramowitz, who has produced all of the sets since conceiving the original idea in his Newton, Mass. home, where he collected the old Topps, Bowman, Goudy, Play Ball, Fleer and other vintage cards of Jewish players. Before Brad Ausmus became manager of the Detroit Tigers, before Kevin Youkilis became the first Jewish Yankee in 36 years, before Israel competed in the World Baseball Classic Qualifier, before you could find a dozen or more Jewish players in each Major League season, before there was a professional league in Israel, before the president of the Baseball Hall of Fame joined the Commissioner of Baseball and the head of the Players Union as “members of the tribe,” before there were Cooperstown symposiums, oral histories, documentary films and books - there was the historic 2003 release of Jewish Major

Leaguer Baseball Cards. And that release, which quickly sold out and became a standard bar-mitzvah, Father’s Day and Chanukah gift, created a national dialogue, and seemed to set in motion a series of events that are now part of baseball’s cultural experience. The new 50-card set has updated team information for the likes of active players Youkilis (now in Japan), Ian Kinsler, Danny Valencia, Scott Feldman, Sam Fuld, Jason Marquis, Ryan Braun, Ike Davis, Ryan Lavarnway, Kevin Pillar, Ryan Kalish, Josh Zeid, Josh Satin, and Nate Freiman; cards providing an all-time roster; career leaders; Jewish managers (Lipman Pike, Lou Boudreau, Lefty Phillips and Norm Sherry join Ausmus in this small club); “in memoriam” cards for Joe Ginsberg, Marv Rotblatt and Al Federoff; and Jewish pitcher-catcher combinations including the Red Sox Breslow and Lavarnway. There is also a Jewish link to the Negro Leagues in the person of Max Rosner. There are also cards featuring artifacts from Chasing Dreams, the major exhibition at Philadelphia’s National Museum of American Jewish History, with items on loan from the American Jewish Historical Society. The two institutions jointly sponsor this edition, which presents recognition of the importance of baseball in the history of Jewish American life. “Baseball is an important part of the

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history of the American Jewish experience,” says Rachel Lithgow, executive director of the American Jewish Historical Society. “We’re proud both to have sponsored the first edition and to be co-sponsoring this one with the National Museum of American Jewish History. “ The cards are licensed by Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association.

Cards are $36 for one set plus $5 shipping, available by credit card via Paypal at, or by check sent to JML Inc., 104 Greenlawn Avenue, Newton, MA 02459. Two sets are $50 (plus $5 shipping), three sets $75 plus $5, four sets $92 plus $8, five sets $115 plus $10, and six sets $140 plus $10. Visit www. for additional information.

SAVE THE DATE Monday, August 18, 2014 11:30 - 5 pm


Annual Mah Jongg Tournament New this year: Preferred luncheon seating Invitations will be mailed in early June

For additional information, call Bryan Mesh or Claire Roth at 420-2512 | June 2, 2014 | Jewish News | 27

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28 | Jewish News | June 2, 2014 |

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