Jewish News June 8, 2015

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 53 No. 19 | 21 Sivan 5775 | June 8, 2015

Renovations begin at Sandler Family Campus

7 Tom Hofheimer Fund gets young people to Israel

—page 17

14 Women’s Cabinet installs new officers

28 Celebrate Israel wraps up 2015 series

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2 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |


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You can help the UJFT 2015 Annual Campaign close with a flourish


he United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2015 Annual Campaign closes at the end of this month, and you can help make it one of the most successful in recent years. As of June 1, the Campaign received just over $4.5 million in donations from 1,425 individual donors. The gratitude we feel towards all of our donors, no matter if you gave $18 or $18,000 is immense. With your gifts to the UJFT, the Tidewater community enriches and touches the lives of our local Jewish population, and the greater population as well. Your donations reach far beyond Tidewater as well—feeding the hungry, caring for the elderly and disabled, and providing a Jewish education and support system throughout the United States, Israel and in many other countries around the world. We’ve still not reached the $4.7 million goal set when we kicked off the Campaign last September. We’re very close, though, and if you haven’t yet made a gift or fulfilled your pledge, there is still an opportunity to be a part of what many see as the greatest mitzvot in the Jewish religion: helping those in need through the

and appreciated. Visit to find power of communal giving. We hope you will consider being out more about the UJFT, and to make part of the great work this community your gift today. Something Karen Jaffe, our Campaign does through the Annual Campaign. The Campaign officially ends on June 30, and chair, said earlier this year may help you all pledges received before that date help understand why we continue to ask for the UJFT reach its goal, and the opportu- your help. Karen was asked: “Why does nity to surpass it—exponentially helping there have to be a Campaign every single year. Why can’t we just give once and say, people and enriching lives. Pledging is easy. Visit ‘I did my part?’” Her answer: Because the needs of the donation to donate online, or call 757965-6100 to make a gift over the phone. Jewish people don’t go away. They are If you’re at or near the Sandler Family there, every day, every year, and in many Campus, you may also make a gift in places, we’re seeing needs arise that we person: we’re on the second floor of the never could have imagined. We are one Simon Family JCC, on the Campus, 5000 family. And we care for one another. The leadership and staff of the UJFT Corporate Woods Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Gifts by mail, to the same address, sincerely thank you, as do we. are appreciated, as well. The Federation has positively impacted a vast and infinite number of people and organizations this year—from our very youngest to our most senior, from Standing Miles Leon up for Israel in a show of support to sending money to support social service programs there, as well as for Jews currently suffering in Ukraine. Your gifts—no Harry Graber matter the size—all make a difference. Any and all financial gifts are welcome


About the cover: Photograph of Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus by Steve Budman.

Up Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tom Hofheimer Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Houston floods synagogues. . . . . . . . . 8 BEAR wins award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Confirmation at Beth El. . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dana Cohen is Stein Scholarship winner . . . . . . . . 12 Temple Israel and the 10 Commandments. . . . . . . . . . 13 Women’s Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Jewish Education Night . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Temple Israel’s Shabbat unplugged . . 16

Brith Sholom on a cruise . . . . . . . . . . 16 Changes at Sandler Campus. . . . . . . . . 17 Summer Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Celebrate Israel Series at JCC. . . . . . . 28 Temple Israel’s fundraiser. . . . . . . . . . 30 Beth El’s 165th anniversary celebration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Ed Karotkin speaks to retired military. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2015 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Issue Date Topic Deadline June 22 Legal Matters June 5 July 13 Celebrate Seniors June 26 August 17 Guide to Jewish Living July 31 August 31 Rosh Hashanah August 14 September 14 Yom Kippur August 28 October 5 Mazel Tov September 18


candle lighting

“Sixty-six earth year trips around

Friday, June 12/Sivan 25 Light candles at 8:05 pm

our sun, traveling at the velocity

Friday, June 19/Sivan 25 Light candles at 8:08 pm

of about 18.5 miles per second,

Friday, June 26/Tammuz 2 Light candles at 8:09 pm

constitutes the official age of

Friday, July 3/Tammuz 16 Light candles at 8:09 pm

retirement in the United States.” —page 10

Friday, July 10/Tammuz 23 Light candles at 8:07 pm Friday, July 17/Av 1 Light candles at 8:04 pm | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Blair to resign as Mideast peace envoy in June Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, will step down this month as the special Middle East peace envoy of the Quartet group representing the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations. Blair has occupied the post since 2007, but there has been little progress in IsraeliPalestinian peacemaking. He sent a letter confirming his resignation to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon. It is not clear whether anyone will succeed Blair. News of Blair’s plans to resign first broke in March, when sources “familiar with the situation” said Blair decided his high-profile role was no longer appropriate, according to the London-based Financial Times. (JTA) Record-breaking heat hits Israel A record-breaking heat wave in Israel has sparked forest fires, caused flight delays and prompted a sharp increase in reported cases of dehydration and fainting. Temperatures reached 102 degrees in Tel Aviv, 104 in Haifa and 98 in Jerusalem on Wednesday, May 27. A forest fire broke out near the Jerusalem suburb of Beit Shemesh, requiring the involvement of at least 20 firefighting teams and four aircraft, according to Ynet. A blaze in the central Israeli town of Tel Mond destroyed homes, and a conflagration near the village of Mabuim in southern Israel forced some residents to evacuate. (JTA) Obama meets with family of slain journalist Steven Sotloff President Obama met with the parents of slain journalist Steven Sotloff several months after they criticized the White House for its handling of their son’s death. The White House announced that Obama met with Art and Shirley Sotloff last month during a trip to Miami. “The President expressed his and the First Lady’s condolences for Steven’s death,” Bernadette Meehan, National Security spokesperson, wrote in a statement. “He appreciated the chance to hear from the Sotloffs more about Steven’s work as a journalist, including his passion for bringing the stories of people who are suffering to 4 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

the rest of the world in the hope of making a positive difference, including in Syria.” After Sotloff’s death, his family criticized the White House for leaking questionable reports that Sotloff and James Foley, the first American journalist to be beheaded by ISIS, were killed on the same day. On CNN, a spokesman for the family criticized the U.S. government’s inability to put aside political “bureaucratic infighting” and rescue Sotloff. Steven Sotloff, who was Jewish and grew up in Miami, published articles from Syria, Egypt and Libya in various publications, including Time, the World Affairs Journal and Foreign Policy. He also freelanced for The Jerusalem Post. (JTA)

school if their mothers drove them there. According to the letter, the increasing numbers of mothers who drive has led to “great resentment among parents of pupils in our institutions.” The policy of not allowing students to come to school if their mothers drive came from the Belzer rebbe in Israel, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach, according to the Jewish Chronicle. Britain’s Belz community is centered in north London, where it runs a day school for boys and a second school for girls. London’s Daily Mail reported that the Belz sect is being accused by critics of “trying to turn their London community into Saudi Arabia.” (JTA)

Indian ice cream cones named for Adolf Hitler Indian ice cream lovers are putting their favorite treat in a cone named after Adolf Hitler. The boxes of Hitler ice cream cones bear the unsmiling image of the Nazi leader dressed in a military uniform. The cones are available throughout India, the Daily Mail reported. The newspaper said the name is not shocking to Indians because of the lack of Holocaust education in the country. In 2012, municipal authorities in the Indian state of Gujarat removed the sign for a men’s clothing store named Hitler. The sign—on which the letter “i” was dotted with a swastika—was removed after hundreds of complaints from both within and outside of the Jewish community. A year earlier, an Indian network premiered a daily soap opera called Hitler Didi, or Auntie Hitler, in which the lead character is a young woman known in her locality as a strict disciplinarian who takes a no-nonsense attitude with her family. (JTA)

India’s prime minister to make landmark visit to Israel Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India will visit Israel—the first by a sitting Indian head of state. The visit was announced during a news conference with Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj, India’s media reported. No dates were announced. An Indian delegation is scheduled to visit in July, after which the prime minister’s visit will be set, according to reports. “It will take place as per mutually convenient dates,” Swaraj said. Swaraj also announced that she would travel to Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan later this year. Israel and India have had full diplomatic relations since 1992. Trade between the two countries equals about $5 billion a year, with India the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment, according to the Hindustan Times. (JTA)

Hasidic sect in Britain bans women from driving The Hasidic Belz sect of Britain has barred its women from driving. A letter sent out last month by the sect’s rabbinic leaders said that allowing women to drive goes against “the traditional rules of modesty in our camp,” the Jewish Chronicle reported. The letter also said that as of August students would not be allowed to enter

Al Pacino pulls out of play over playwright’s support of Hitler American actor Al Pacino decided not to appear in a play because of the playwright’s support for Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Pacino pulled out last month from a stage adaptation of Hunger, by Norwegian author Knut Hamsun, The Telegraph reported. The play was to be produced by the Aveny-T theater in Copenhagen, Denmark. “It is correct: he jumped at the last minute because he couldn’t come to terms with Knut Hamsun’s support for the German occupation and Nazism,” Jon Stephensen,

Aveny-T’s manager, told Denmark’s BT newspaper. “We must respect that.” Hamsun was a supporter of Nazi Germany in his 70s and 80s, according to the newspaper, and supported the German occupation of Norway during World War II. After Hitler died, Hamsun wrote in an obituary that Hitler was as “a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations.” Hege Faust, the chairperson of Norway’s Hansun Society, told The Telegraph that it was “strange” that people today could not separate the “literary brilliance” of Hamsun’s early years with the politics of his old age. “Many people choose not to read Hamsun at all, or when it comes to famous people such as Al Pacino, to risk having their name connected to him,” she said. (JTA)

GWU cancels suspension of student who displayed swastika George Washington University has canceled the suspension of a student who displayed a swastika on the bulletin board of a campus dormitory. The student, a member of the predominantly Jewish fraternity Zeta Beta Tau, said he had hung the swastika in order to educate his fellow students about the symbol’s meaning of auspiciousness and good fortune, which he learned about during a trip to India. The Metropolitan Police Department and University Police Department launched and later closed a hate crimes investigation into the incident, which occurred on March 16. Three swastikas had been drawn on walls at the dormitory, called the International House, which houses members of nine fraternities and sororities, at the end of February. The suspension was recently overturned after Hindu, interfaith and Jewish groups wrote to University President Steven Knapp, to educate him about the significance of the swastika for Hindus, the Times of India reported. The symbol looks slightly different from the Nazi swastika. “The swastika is one of the most sacred symbols of Hinduism, with a 3,000-year history of peace before it was misappropriated by the Nazis,” Samir Kalra, Hindu American Foundation senior director told the Times of India. (JTA)

Torah Thought

Enough already


ew Torah readings underscore the limitations of human nature—even those of our greatest leaders—as does Parashat Beha’alotekha (Numbers 8 through 12), read last Shabbat. A literary analysis of chapter 11 especially shows us Moses in all his flawed and very real humanity. Although in the Book of Genesis we get plenty of “Avot v’Imahot Behaving Badly” (what with some florid manifestations of trickery, sex jealousy and sibling rivalry), the characters in the early family saga of the Israelites are more archetypes than people. Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Leah and Rachel for the most part each stand for a few human qualities, but are present mostly to establish the plot, God making His covenant with the nascent Israelite tribe and moving it across Canaan to Egypt, where the real action begins. Only when we get to the Book of Exodus and Moses do we begin to experience a fully rounded character. By the time Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt, he’s already had two lifetimes’ worth of experiences, and at age 80 he takes on the biggest retirement project imaginable, herding tens of thousands of folks across a desert with all their stuff while keeping track of 12 different tribes and being the mouthpiece for God as He lays down an endless stream of new regulations and warnings. And here’s the thing: he isn’t that good at it. Within weeks, his father-inlaw is giving him advice about delegating responsibility and his brother is letting the kahal dance around a golden idol while Moses is away collecting the Law. Parashat Beha’alotkha, which lies about the same distance from the end of the Torah as the account of the first weeks of Israelite freedom comes after the beginning, repeats

some of the themes introduced in Exodus. Moses gets further instructions about the Passover sacrifice; his father-in-law shows up again without intending to stay; and the Israelites are once more complaining about their rations. The manna from heaven that was introduced in Exodus 16 is described again in Numbers 11, right after the multitude starts whining again about the variety of foods they used to have in Egypt and are missing now. Moses has had it (and remember, this is early in the second year of what’s going to become a 40-year journey). He confronts (an understandably angry) God and says, “If this is what you’re going to do to me, hargeini na, kill me, please” (Numbers 11:15). It’s the cry sent up at one time or another by every classroom teacher, business owner and synagogue president: Just kill me now. This time it’s God who reminds Moses that he needs to delegate authority; He then solves the food crisis by sending the Israelites enough meat to make them sick. Does this experience turn Moses into a calm, authoritative executive? It does not. In the next Torah portion, Moses sends scouts to scope out the Promised Land, most of whom bring back such a wimped-out report that God extends the Israelites’ journey to 40 years. (That’s when I would have yelled, “Just kill me, please.”) A bit later, Moses seeks God’s help in putting down a rebellion he can’t control and, finally, loses his temper in a way that causes God to bar him from entering the Land. And you know what? It’s okay. Moses has skills. He’s an excellent negotiator in his exchanges with God (in modern terms, substitute agitated parent, dissatisfied customer, angry congregant), and he has the stamina for the long haul, reaching the eastern bank of the Jordan, with his eyes undimmed and his vigor unabated. He never loses faith in God or in the mission God sent him on. In the end, Moses is Moshe Rabbeinu, our teacher, precisely because he is so human, able to instruct us through both his strengths and his flaws. —Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill, Tidewater Chavurah

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Norfolk (757) 583-4382 • Chesapeake (757) 547-7702 Virginia Beach (757) 481-4383 or (757) 821-0240 | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 5

Tom Hofheimer fund

Part IV of a Series

Tom Hofheimer loved getting young people to Israel by Hal Sacks


ur last article spoke about the Fund’s expanding its horizons and the past 10 years witness to a sea change in emphasis. An important grant was given to ORT Israel for an innovative and award-winning volunteer program to bring “sunshine to hospitalized young Jewish, Arab, Druze and Bedouin cancer patients.” The Fund participated again with Physicians for Peace in an International Pediatric Symposium between CHKD and Schneider’s Children’s Medical Center, the first and only children’s hospital in the Middle East. Turning locally again, the Hofheimer Fund was a major funder of an on campus nurse for the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and just last year sponsored Farideh Golden, chair of the Judaic Studies Program at ODU, on an academic mission to Israel for students and faculty studying Israeli literature. The Tidewater Jewish Foundation was a co-sponsor.

A shift in priorities


he second Intifada wreaked havoc with our Passport to Israel program, established by the Simon Family to incentivize families, synagogues and the Jewish community to put funds aside from the time children begin Hebrew School until their senior year in high school to pay for an organized summer trip to Israel. Parents were simply afraid to send their children to Israel. The huge success of the Birthright Israel program, which underwrites a trip to Israel for college-age students, has helped to “grow” a new generation of young adults fascinated with Israel and eager to develop the emotional ties with Israel that their grandparents’ generation embraced. Our Passport to Israel Fund in the Tidewater Jewish Foundation has recently been committed to an annual grant for the Birthright Israel program. The Young Adult Division (YAD) of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is open to young adults aged 22 to 45. Within YAD, the Federation offers an exclusive two-year “Hineni!” leadership development

2013 Young Leadership Mission: Top row: Beth Gerstein, Aaron and Melissa Kass, Becca Bickford, Tracie Guy-Decker, Nichole and David Kushner. Bottom row: Eliot and Amy Weinstein, David Guy-Decker, Joanna and Craig Schranz.

6 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

program designed to foster Jewish identity, involvement and responsibility. Graduates of the program are eligible to participate in a biennial mission to Israel known as the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel. Marcia Hofheimer and Joyce Strelitz, who have been the driving force behind all the great achievements of the Hofheimer Fund over the past 30 years, recognizing the importance of the young adults to the future of the community and to the future of the community’s commitment to Israel, have pledged a maximum of $60,000 per mission. Thus they provided $3,000 subsidies to Hineni participants in 2009, 2011 and 2013. Tommy would have approved wholeheartedly. And it is clear from the testimonials of past participants that they approve as well. (See Hineni! Participants on page 7)

Future directions


t is difficult to project too far into the future of the Tom Hofheimer Fund. Its present advisors have been wonderfully

Tom Hofheimer

open to requests from the medical community and from the Tidewater Jewish community. In time, Tommy’s children, Leigh, Stacie and Josh will become successor advisors, in partnership with community advisors. Together they will make decisions to balance the needs of the community with the intent of Tom

2011 Young Leadership Mission: Steve and Megan Zuckerman, Jason and Denise Hoffman, Rashi Brashevitzky, Wes Simon, Gary and Jessica Kell, Levi Brashevitzky, Aaron Shames, Mike Makela, Sheryl-Lynn Caroff, Eric Grossman, Melanie Stein Grossman, Rachel Shames and Amy Weinstein.

Tom Hofheimer fund


Reflection of a leader

obby Copeland “climbed the ladder of opportunity” with his friend, relative, colleague, and co-community leader, Tom Hofheimer. “We were both involved in all of the community activities,” recalls Copeland. Buddy* and Leonard Strelitz* and Marvin Simon*, leaders who were “half a generation older” took Hofheimer and Copeland to Israel on the community’s first organized mission in 1967 and taught them about leadership and the national United Jewish Appeal. “Tommy was a natural leader,” says Copeland, noting that if “he said he’d do something, he did it.” Also, it didn’t hurt that there was “hardly anybody who didn’t like him.” Copeland says that Hofheimer considered Israel to be the best and most resounding teaching ground. He believed that once people got to Israel, they would be committed to the nation’s survival. “The Tom Hofheimer Fund is a reflection of Tommy’s spirit. It will endow the opportunity for Tidewater’s young adult leaders to see the success of Israel. “With the fund, even in death, Tommy is able to continue that role.” * of blessed memory

Hineni! Participants on the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel Robin Mancoll, Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel in 2009: “Commitment is the word that I take away from this amazing Israel adventure. The places and people we saw and the people we heard speak really all had the same common theme. Commitment. Commitment to the Jewish people, commitment to the State of Israel, commitment to family, commitment to community, commitment to Jewish history and traditions and commitment to making the world a better place. While I know the word commitment often brings up thoughts of money, it will forever have a different meaning to me.” After the trip, Robin Mancoll became involved with the American Israel Public Affairs Committe (AIPAC). In 2010 she bacame UJFT’s Community Relations Council director, working to educate and advocate for Israel.

Rachel Shames, Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel in 2011: “The biggest impact of the mission came from seeing our community’s dollars at work in person. Instead of imagining vague ideas of projects and facilities our community supports, we were able to see them first hand and hear from people who were impacted

Hofheimer and their own vision of how best to invest this gift. At some point it may be necessary to augment the Fund, as a failure to grow will result in diminished buying power. We remember the past, and the spirit of the man, Tommy Hofheimer who inspired us. We honor the present, the drive and

forcefulness of Marcia, Joyce, and the many friends and associates who have made all of the above come to be. We look with great hope and expectation to the future, and to what the next generation will accomplish in his name. As the Bard and the Rabbi said 30 years ago: “Goodnight Sweet Prince.”

by our efforts. As a lay leader, I think that provides the best motivation to continuing to work on behalf of our community and for trying to bring others into fold.” After the trip, Rachel Shames became YAD vice chair and is just finishing her term as YAD Cabinet chair.

Aaron and Melissa Kass,   Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel in 2013: “Our trip to Israel with The Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission, Melissa’s fourth and Aaron’s first, was, of course, an excellent opportunity to tour Israel—the Golan, Tzfat, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, The Kinneret, The Dead Sea, Masada—six whirlwind days we will never forget. Most special, however, was the chance to see just how money raised in Tidewater can make a true difference across the globe. Meetings, pamphlets and speeches at home are essential but can only take you so far—we were blessed to see, in person, our community’s dollars being spent at an Ayalim Youth village, where select post-IDF young leaders affect change in far flung settlements, at Neve Michael, where Jewish children who are alone in the world find a loving family environment, at Pardes Katz, a starved neighborhood in Tel Aviv where many of our community’s most influential leaders have funded a dental clinic, and at JDC’s Strive Israel, where counselors help those with potential, but unfortunate circumstances, find jobs and learn to support themselves. The trip put a face on what the Federation works towards every day and we could not be prouder to be a part of this effort.” After the trip, Melissa Kass became YAD Family Program chair and will soon join the

2009 Young Leadership Mision: Front row: Allison Cooper, Carin Simon, Jennifer Rush, Filen and Shaye Arluk, Emily Nied, Anna Goldenberg and Erica Solomon. Back row: Mike Simon, Marc and Rachel Abrams, Elyse and David Cardon, Rachel Krupnick, Ilan Berkovich, Jason Alper, Joel Nied, Matt and Robin Mancoll and Jeff Cooper.

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater board. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 7

Houston floods inundate Jewish homes and two synagogues by Uriel Heilman


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8 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

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( JTA)—Two synagogues and the homes of countless Jewish residents were damaged in the floods that swept through Houston last month, inundating homes and businesses, sweeping away cars and leaving at least five people dead. Shirley (85) and Jack Alter (87), a Jewish couple, drowned in the floods when their rescue boat capsized. Houston, America’s fourth-largest city and home to more than 40,000 Daniel Ogorek and Morgan Davis rescue Rabbi Emeritus Joseph Radinsky. Jews, was paralyzed when many of the canals that run through the neighborhood sustained serious flood city (known locally as bayous) crested after damages —from 6–8 inches to 3–4 feet of torrential rains soaked the city. Some 8–12 water in every house,” he says. “This will inches of water fell in a matter of hours on keep many people out of their homes for ground already saturated by heavy rainfall months.” The outpouring of help from the comduring the previous few weeks. One of Houston’s major bayous runs munity has been remarkable, Gelman says. alongside North and South Braeswood As soon as the rain stopped, crews of Boulevard, where two major synagogues volunteers from his 350-family synagogue are located and many of Houston’s community went house to house with Jews live. Numerous residents had to canoes and rafts to rescue elderly residents be evacuated by watercraft, including a and others stranded by the waters. After rabbi emeritus from United Orthodox the waters receded, half a dozen Jewish Synagogues of Houston, one of the two high school boys showed up at Gelman’s synagogues that suffered damage. The house to help clean up and document the other damaged synagogue was the Reform losses. A Conservative synagogue nearby offered United Orthodox prayer space temple Congregation Beth Israel. Houston’s JCC also said two of its prop- (though United Orthodox says it plans to erties were flooded, including the Merfish use its own social hall until repairs are Teen Center, which will require new floor- completed), and another Orthodox synaing, and racquetball courts and a preschool gogue in town offered to do the laundry of affected community members, complete gym at the JCC’s Levit campus. “There’s water in every area of the with pickup and drop-off service. “Amid all of this destruction, which is shul—the main sanctuary, the social hall, the school wing, administrative offices. devastating, there is an incredible sense of Luckily our Torahs were higher so they unity and hope,” Gelman says. The CEO of the Jewish Federation of were not affected,” United Orthodox’s current rabbi, Barry Gelman, says. Gelman Greater Houston, Lee Wunsch, says the had to flee his home during the rains as community was still assessing the damage but that the Jewish Family Service of floodwaters rose. “Almost every house in this Houston would be the point of contact for

Election 2016 president. More than a foot of water poured into the sanctuary, and air-conditioning and electrical systems in the sub-basement were flooded. The water came in the back door, which faces the bayou, Flooded sanctuary at United Orthodox Synagogue of Houston. she says. The synagogue was community members requiring short-term able to get remediation crews to pump out housing or support until their homeowners water and dry the carpets, which should limit the damage. Pollicoff says the synainsurance kicks in. “This is definitely the worst since gogue was still working out the logistics of Tropical Storm Allison 14 years ago, but how to handle several major events schedthe protocol for dealing with it is pretty uled including a graduation ceremony at standard,” Wunsch says. “It would be nice the synagogue’s Jewish day school, a wedif it would stop raining, though. That just ding, Shabbat services and another large event. adds to the aggravation.” “The whole area surrounding the temple This was the first time that Congregation Beth Israel, which was built in the 1960s was so badly hit,” Pollicoff says. “Many and has 1,600 members, ever flooded, members lost homes and cars. It’s a terrible according to Pat Pollicoff, the synagogue’s thing for the entire community.”

Chuck Todd to moderate presidential candidates’ forum at Reform biennial WASHINGTON ( JTA)—The Union for Reform Judaism will host a forum for presidential candidates at its biennial moderated by Meet the Press host Chuck Todd. Todd will interview candidates one on one at the Nov. 7 event in Orlando, Florida, URJ said in a release. The candidates will also respond to questions from the 5,000

delegates and the movement’s leadership. Participating candidates will be announced closer to the event. A presidential forum at an event organized by a Jewish religious stream is unusual. The party’s Jewish affiliates typically organize such forums.

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Don’t hibernate— Be a BEAR Mentor by Sherri Wisoff


ixty-six earth year trips around our sun, travelling at the velocity of about 18.5 miles per second, constitutes the official age of retirement in the United States. By this time, most people are quite aware of the toll such a journey has on one’s body. It can be a blessing to be reminded that one’s life cycle is fleeting. There is important work to be done. Shrugging off the aches and pains associated with their seasoned planetary travel, local concerned citizens—many retired educators—all volunteers for the Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family JCC’s BEAR (BE A Reader) Program, for the last 15 years, have made their way to local elementary schools in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Chesapeake to help children read—one child at a time. According to the Nation’s Report Card, published by the National Center for Educational Statistics to inform the public

about academic achievement of elementary and secondary students in the U.S. in mathematics and reading, 34% of the nation’s public school students performed at or above proficient in reading on 2013 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) test at both fourth and eighth grade. The data in this report provides a breakdown according to each state/jurisdiction, each gender and each ethnic and socio-economic group. The statistics of the 2013 trend analysis for race/ethnic groups are staggering: Asian/Pacific Islander students hold the lead with 52% reading at or above proficient at fourth and eighth grade, White students, 46%, Hispanic students, 21%, Black students, 17% and American Indian/ Alaska Native students, 17%. Virginia ranked higher than the national average overall at 43% performing at or above proficient in reading, but only in fourth grade. By eighth grade, the children had slipped closer in line with the national average with only a slight lead at 36%. The overall

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10 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Back row: Dr. Aaron Spence, Superintendent of VBCPS, Arlene Owens, Vicki Corneille, Catrina Manigo, principal of Newtown ES, Gloria Coston, principal of Diamond Springs ES, Susan Katz, Edna Yates and Celia Friedman. Front row: Catherine Schaefer, AP Diamond Springs, Rita Frank, Hattie Williams and Doris Brownley.

national statistics are sobering: 66% of U.S. public school students are reading below proficient—not at grade level—by the time they are ready for high school. Among students from low-income backgrounds, this percentage falls closer to 80%. The Simon Family JCC BEAR Program was formed 15 years ago by Betsy Karotkin, Gail Flax, Ronnie Jane Konikoff and Frances Birshtein to help students in first through third grades acquire the reading skills to lead successful academic and productive lives. This year, 16 volunteers of the BEAR Program at Newtown Elementary received recognition from the VBCPS for their 14 years of dedicated service to the Bayside Tri-Campus and their community. By reading with second graders once a week, enhancing their reading skills and acting as important mentors, these Newtown volunteers honored the JCC’s BEAR Program and received a VBCPS Model Partnership Award on the program’s behalf. The ceremony was held at Kellam High School on April 30, with hundreds in attendance. Dr. Aaron Spence, VBCPS Superintendent the presented the awards. Established in 2000-2001, by the VBCPS Partnership Advisory Link (PAL) this award annually acknowledges meaningful community involvement and other organizational partnerships within the VBCPS school districts. This year, 14 Model Partnerships were chosen out of 86 nominations. Vicki Corneille, a 12-year BEAR volunteer and Newtown’s Monday Team Captain says, “It is important to help children learn to enjoy reading. Seeing the joy on their

faces when they are given books for their own personal library—is priceless!” Rita Frank, a retired professor of Wesleyan College and Newtown BEAR volunteer describes her experience with her student, “He didn’t have a lot of confidence about his reading, he told me in the very first session that he really wanted to read a chapter book and just last week he completed his first chapter book. It was just a most amazing feeling—he sees himself as a reader!” A BEAR mentorship can offer the children, identified by their reading specialist or teachers as reading below grade level, the extra support they need. “The partnership is mutually beneficial,” explains Celia Friedman, Newtown’s co-captain. “It is very rewarding. When you leave, it is with a satisfaction about what you did for that child that day.” This year, out of the hundreds of thousands of students attending K-12 grades, only 70 elementary students were greeted by a Simon Family JCC BEAR mentor. Gail Flax, a dedicated educator and 15-year BEAR volunteer for Birdneck Elementary School says, “We need more people who care and who will support the BEAR Program. It is not acceptable that so many children in this country are living at poverty levels, many without stable home environments that can support learning. These kids deserve a chance.” For more information about becoming a sponsor for the BEAR Program contact Evan Levitt at 757-321-2337. To be a BEAR mentor next school year, call 757-321-2304.

Congregation Beth El 10th Confirmands explore Jewish identity by Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz


n Saturday, May 16, Jaden Baum, Hannah Foleck, Olivia Kamer, Maya Lipton and Matthew Specht celebrated their Confirmation at Beth El with their teachers Leon Covitz and Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz. The 10th graders led nearly every part of the service and read almost all of the Torah portion (their parents helped with a couple of the readings). At the centerpiece of the ceremony and the Confirmation experience were the powerful and insightful essays the students wrote about their Jewish identities and futures. Jewish identity is the focus of the Confirmation experience at Beth El. Over the course of three trimesters, the students explore as many different aspects of Jewishness as possible. There are lessons about Torah study and learning as an

expression of Jewish identity, as well as about Jewish practice and worship. There is also a “Gemilut Hasadim” or “Acts of Loving Kindness” component expressed through volunteering opportunities such as working at Beth El’s NEST Homeless Shelter and visiting Lifenet Health in Virginia Beach to explore the topic of organ donation. The class discussed ways of connecting with Israel and viewed the movie, Under the Helmet, and discussed how the Shoah might fit into their Jewish identity and how to express their connection to Judaism. The results were obvious in the “Jewish Identity Statement” essays the students produced. Each student focused on a different aspect of Jewish identity, not by design, but because every Jewish person connects with his or her Jewish self in a different way. For example, Olivia Kamer wrote, “Serving the homeless at NEST and

visiting LifeNet let me get back into the swing of community service. Helping those who need it and observing people working to save lives made me appreciate Jewish morals. These opportunities shaped my Jewish identity and helped me develop as both a Jew and an overall person.” Maya Lipton focused on how her Judaism interacts with her secular life, “Another thing that makes me feel Jewish is being one of the only Jewish people at my school. At HAT it was completely different because the whole school was Jewish kids. At my school now a lot of people ask me if I’m Jewish…People asking me about being Jewish makes it apparent to me that I am not like everybody else. Being Jewish makes me different, but it is a difference that makes me feel proud.” The other students’ topics included Israel and the media, having Jewish friends,

Leon Covitz, Jaden Baum,Olivia Kamer, Matthew Specht, Maya Lipton, Hannah Foleck and Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz.

family Friday night dinners and honoring survivors of the Shoah by telling their stories when they no longer can. It was clear the students were greatly affected by the Confirmation experience. As Maya Lipton says, “It was one of the most life changing experiences I’ve had.”

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Dana Cohen receives 2015–2016 Stein Family College Scholarship of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation


busy senior at Kempsville High School, if Dana Cohen is not tutoring second graders at an elementary school as part of her involvement with National Honor Society, she might be found in the yearbook office at school where she’s worked since her sophomore year. Or perhaps she’s working with the Student Council Association. If she’s not at school, Dana might be found on the Sandler Family Campus participating in a Jewish teen leadership event, or working with BBYO. Or sprucing up the knitting closet. As her senior year comes to an end and final exams are being completed, Dana is looking forward to a little relaxation before she heads off to Virginia Tech in the fall, where her sister already attends. “My friends and family are very important to me,” Dana says. “I know the next four years are going to be very busy and challenging for me, so I want to take the summer and enjoy some free time before

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the fall semester begins. But, that’s not all I’ll be doing. I’ll be earning some money babysitting and pet sitting.” Dana plans to major in business marketing. “I participated in a local focus group and was really intrigued by what I learned, and it changed what I was thinking about my major,” she says. “Tech offers a great business program.” The Stein Family College Scholarship was established in 2009 in memory of Arlene Stein, who was never able to complete college because of financial hardship. Jerry Stein, her beloved husband, passed away in late 2014. The Tidewater Jewish Foundation works closely with the Stein siblings in administering this generous scholarship to a deserving Hampton Roads teen. Prior recipients of the scholarship include Morgan Conley (Brandeis University ’13), Eric Smith (University of Virginia ’14), Marissa Arager (George Mason University ’15), Avi Malkin (College of William and

Dana Cohen.

Mary ’16), Dinar Yusufov (James Madison University ’17) and Amanda Gladstone (Virginia Tech ’18). For more information, contact Shelby Tudor at 757-965-6105 or


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it’s a wrap The giving of the Ten Commandments on the Silver Screen by Elie Bar Adon


his year at Temple Israel, congregants were treated to a new twist on the old custom of the “Tikkun Leil Shavuot.” In the Bible, the holiday of Shavuot was known as one of the harvest festivals. But it received a new name when the rabbis emerged as the teachers of the people Israel: Z’man Matan Toratenu, “The Time of the giving of our Torah.” For that reason, Jews celebrate Shavuot by having study sessions. In Israel, this usually takes place on the night of Shavuot, but in the Diaspora, where the holiday extends for two days, the session is on the first of the two nights of Shavuot. Most synagogues host these study sessions. Some actually have all-night marathons. The subject matter of these sessions is Torah study. Over the past century, a new way of retelling the stories of the Torah has become popular: the motion picture. Many movies have been devoted to the giving of the Ten

Commandments, including the famous one by Cecil B. DeMille, where Yul Brynner says to Charleton Heston, “Moses, Moses, Moses!” But the Grand-daddy of them all is a silent film, The Ten Commandments, also by DeMille, made in 1923. At Temple Israel, the 1923 silent film was the “text” for the study session. Joe Wetherbee, a Tidewater church musician and professional pianist, joined Rabbi Michael Panitz as co-teacher. Congregants watched the film, and after each scene, they pondered: what was biblical in the story they just saw? What came from the rabbis’ embellishments on the stories? What was sheer “Hollywood?” What was Christian rather than Jewish? How did the music help the audience follow the story, in a genre that had no spoken dialogue? The result was a new appreciation for the central story of the Jewish religion… how the Jewish people came to be one nation, under God.

Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center

Three-year-old students Zachary Cohen and Caleb Bailey participate in a preschool obstacle course during P.E. time at the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 13

Women’s Cabinet celebrates success at Annual Lunch

Executive and Cabinet Members installed at Luncheon The following women have assumed chairmanships for the sub-committees, which make up the 2016–2018 UJFT Women’s Cabinet Executive Committee. Stephanie Calliott. . . . . Women’s Cabinet Chair Janet Mercadante. Women’s Cabinet Vice Chair Amy Lefcoe. . . . . Community Connections Chair Barbara Dudley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Education Chair Alicia London Friedman . . . . . . . Outreach Chair Laura Gross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leadership Chair Charlene Cohen. . . . . . . . . . . At Large Member Kim Fink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At Large Member Mona Flax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At Large Member “Each of you will play a very special role in guiding the Women’s Cabinet over the next two years. You have agreed to be our leaders, and I’m confident that your individual and collective knowledge, skills, and capabilities will insure that our UJFT Women’s Cabinet continues to be a vital and integral part of the Tidewater Jewish community. I declare these subcommittee chairs duly installed. —Jodi Klebanoff, immediate past chair The following women are serving a three-year term on the UJFT Women’s Cabinet. Charlene Cohen Leora Drory Barbara Dudley Kim Fink Jodi Klebanoff Sofia Konikoff Cindy Kramer Ina Levy Stacie Moss Marcy Mostofsky Linda Fox Jarvis

by Amy Zelenka, UJFT women’s campaign director


he United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Women’s Cabinet thanked outgoing members and welcomed those coming in to serve a three-year term during the Annual Spring Lunch on May 12 at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art. Jodi Klebanoff, outgoing chair, welcomed all to the event, thanking the members of her executive committee as well as the Cabinet for their support during her chairmanship and for allowing her the opportunity to serve at the helm of an organization whose mission is so dear to her. Following a short summary of campaign updates, returning Women’s Cabinet Education Committee Chair Barbara Dudley delivered the D’Var Torah. In recounting the parsha, Dudley pointed out that we are now in the period of time known as the “Counting of the Omer”—a time of self-reflection and spiritual renewal. Parshiot

Amy Lefcoe, Barbara Dudley and Anne Kramer.

Denise and Jason Hoffman, Corporate Sponsor, Megan Zuckerman, Ashley Zittrain, Elyse Cardon, Rachel Abrams and Jennifer Adut.

14 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Behar/Bechukotie reminds that “the earth does not belong to us but to God. We are merely stewards, and our actions on earth illustrate how we care for our world, for each other, and for ourselves. Dudley asked the Cabinet members to use these final days of the Omer to look within themselves and rededicate themselves to bringing their inspired hearts and voices to the community when asking for gifts of support for the Jewish community at home and abroad. Klebanoff then discharged the members of the outgoing Women’s Cabinet executive committee—many who are returning to serve in other areas of women’s leadership —and installed the new executive committee, including incoming chair Stephanie Adler Calliott. The members of the Women’s Cabinet whose terms of service were complete were discharged and many of the same women were reinstalled, opting to serve an additional three-year term. Special attention was given to the newest Women’s Cabinet member, Linda Fox-Jarvis. Amy Levy, former Cabinet chair, presented Klebanoff with a small gift of appreciation for her term of service, thanking her for inspiring all involved in the business of community-building and fundraising with her energy and passion. The Women’s Cabinet’s vision for the next two years was reviewed, which will focus on meeting the challenges of the Jewish community by deepening relationships with current supporters and

bringing in new ones. “Ten years after the Federation’s move from Norfolk to Virginia Beach, there is a terrific opportunity—to assess ourselves and evaluate what’s worked well, what’s changed, and what must we now do to ensure the future of our agencies and programs here in the Tidewater Jewish community. It’s an exciting time to be involved in leadership. The next two years will offer all of us a chance to help write the next chapter of our collective Jewish story.” Michal Barkai, the guest speaker, shared her story with the group. Barkai grew up in an affluent Tel Aviv suburb surrounded by family, friends and teachers who encouraged her to reach for the stars. She graduated high school believing with her whole heart that nothing was beyond her reach. As an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, Barkai encountered a very “different Israel.” She met young women from all over the country…and quickly saw that many of them did not have the same supportive community that she’d had. Many faced a variety of challenges, not the least of which was self-confidence. Barkai’s innate sense of justice (which eventually led her to Law School and beyond) rebelled at the notion that these young women— equally bright and just as talented as she —did not have the same shot at success that she had. Years later, on revisiting that notion, Barkai decided to take matters into her own hands. And with the audacity that rests within one who truly believes with

Jodi Klebanoff, Laura Miller, Amy Levy, Karen Jaffe, Michal Barkai and Dima Shimelfarb, JAFI associate director, Bonnie Brand and Charlene Cohen.

her whole heart that nothing is beyond her reach, she decided that she would find a way to level the playing field for young Israeli women who come from less advantaged backgrounds. Barkai created the Alma Derech-Eretz Mechina—a program that brings women from across Israel to a six-month course of preparatory study— which prepares them for success in the IDF. With nothing but an idea and her grit and determination, Barkai went around the country (and eventually the Jewish world) seeking support and funding for her idea. She is currently recruiting for her third cohort and in the process of opening another branch of the Mechina. The stories that Barkai shared included anecdotes about her family and her recent wedding (“her girls” from the Mechina walked her to the chuppah). It was clear to all in the room that Barkai is extremely proud of the young women in her Mechina —proud of all that they have had to overcome to in order to succeed; proud of the fact that they now want to succeed, whereas before many were perfectly satisfied not living up to their potential; and proud of how well they are doing in their roles in the IDF. “This success,” she says, “will allow them to answer with pride at any job interview, the question of where they served

New Women’s Milestone Givers As of Friday, May 8, the women’s division had raised $1,233,470 from 562 individual donors, representing a 7.6% increase in giving from the same group of women in the 2014 campaign. Over the last two campaign years, the Tidewater community has welcomed: 1 new Emerald Lion ($25,000+) 1 new Sapphire Lion ($18,000+) 5 new Ruby Lions ($10,000+) 15 new Lions ($5,000+) 8 new Tikvas ($3,600+) 18 new Chais ($1,800+) And 17 new Golda Givers ($1,000+) The Golda Meier level is the UJFT Women’s Division’s newest level of milestone giving. It honors women giving at the $1,000+ level of giving. For information on how to get involved in Federation giving or to learn more about the different levels of leadership giving in the Women’s Campaign, contact Amy Zelenka, Women’s Campaign director, at azelenka@ or call 757-965-6139.

Beth Jaffe and Lisa Stein Delevie.

Cindy Kramer, Sharon Goldner, Leora Drory, Robin Mancoll, Janet Mercadante, Carin Simon and Leslie Siegel.

Shelly Simon and Deb Segaloff.

Lynn Sher Cohen, Betty Berklee, Amy Levy and Sandy Sher.

when they were in the IDF. They will not have to answer that they sold candy in the Canteen; or typed letters for officers; or drove delivery trucks. They can now say that they were instructors, social workers and even in some cases, Commanders. This,” she emphasizes, “is what will ensure that these young women are successful in life…and not just in the IDF.”

The Alma Derech-Eretz Mechina is supported almost entirely by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI). Significant funds raised each year through UJFT’s annual campaign are allocated to the Jewish Agency to support programs like this. The women who attended the Annual Spring Lunch will surely agree that to meet Michal Barkai and to learn how she is changing the

future of Israel one young woman at a time, is an indication that the campaign dollars are dollars well-spent. The luncheon ended with special thanks to the luncheon sponsor, the WestHoffman Investment Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, and a shout-out to attendees Jason and Denise Hoffman. Barkai and all of the women in the room were also thanked for the work they do on behalf of the Jewish community and the greater Jewish world. Photos by Laine M. Rutherford

Marcia Hofheimer, Ilana Benson, Stacie Moss, Michal Barkai, Charlene Cohen, Ina Levy and Mona Flax. Joan Joffe, Sara Jo Rubin and Ilana Benson. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 15

it’s a wrap Jewish Education Night celebrates teachers and Jewish learning in Tidewater


he emphasis placed on Jewish learning in Tidewater was evident both in the number of people honored and the representation of many facets of the community at Jewish Education Night on May 19. Professional, volunteer and youth educators were honored at the annual event, presented by the Simon Family Jewish Community Center, sponsored by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, and underwritten by the Lee A. and Helen G. Gifford Jewish Education Council Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. Annabel Sacks, chair of the Jewish Education Council, began the program, noting in her welcoming address, “We are clearly a community dedicated to the importance of Jewish education and are indebted to all our educators.” Awards were given to teachers, administrators, assistants and staff of day schools, synagogue religious schools and synagogue Sunday schools. Highlights of the evening included special awards presented to two Jewish educators for the length of their service to the community. One was to Galina Lifshitz for 17 years as an aide in the kindergarten at Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and the other to Rychel Margolin for her 35 years of teaching at Hebrew Academy. Approximately 60 young people were awarded Youth Awards in recognition of their work as aides, tutors and teachers in various classrooms in the community. Approximately 80 principals and teachers received Continuing Education certificates in recognition of their continued dedication to personal Jewish learning beyond what they do in their classrooms. Joan London presented a special gift to each school: a copy of a curriculum written by Kitty Wolf based on the video Joan London created, Across Oceans and Generations—A Jewish History of Tidewater. Wolf also created a video montage of pictures from each area school in the

Miriam Brunn Ruberg applauds as Jill Mitcham receives the award as Jewish Educator of the Year by Zohar Ben Moshe, last year’s winner.

community, highlighting the children in their learning environments. “The most anticipated moment of the event is the announcement of the Jewish Educator of the Year, which is intended as a surprise,” says Miriam Brunn Ruberg, director of Jewish Life and Learning at the JCC. The 2015 Educator of the Year honoree is Jill Mitcham who has been a teacher, a principal and even served as president of Congregation Beth Chaverim. It was clear that Mitcham was surprised and expressed her appreciation for the award. Perhaps the biggest surprise of the evening was the gift of a beautiful tzedakah box and illustrated Prayer for a Teacher presented to Miriam Brunn Ruberg in honor of her upcoming retirement. This gift was coordinated by Becky WinsteadRoberts on behalf of all the local schools and synagogues. Other participants in the program included Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin, Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, Miles Leon, president UJFT, Marty Einhorn, president of the Simon Family JCC, Sharon Wasserberg, Zohar Ben Moshe and Rabbi Marc Kraus.

Temple Israel’s “Shabbat Unplugged”


he weather was wonderful, the pool was open and the gentle breezes in the evening hugged the group as lightly as they davened. Temple Israel’s Shabbaton in May brought the congregation together for meals, for conversation, for reconnection with the outdoors and for study and prayer. Children climbed trees, learned chess, swam and joined in worship under the stars. Shabbat was welcomed after sharing a traditional dinner adapted for camping. Not everyone could stay for the entire Shabbaton, including some who returned to the synagogue on Saturday morning to help lead the customary service. Saturday was relaxed and relaxing as congregants freed themselves from normal routines and let the changing light remind when to pray and when to nosh. Rabbi Michael Panitz chanted Torah for minchah as twilight drew near and as the stars appeared, it was time for Havdalah. The bonfire blazed for the cookout dinner, with s’mores executed by the junior congregation. With Larry Myer’s telescope, Jupiter’s moons could be seen—a fitting conclusion

Andy Rabiner at the grill.

to a full day appreciating the wonder of Creation. After clean up and a quick breakfast on Sunday, the group departed to help with Israel Fest. Ideas for next year’s Shabbaton include a cholent contest.

Brith Sholom cruises to Bahamas

Fifty-three members of Brith Sholom took a cruise in May on the Carnival’s Splender, which sailed from Norfolk to the Bahamas. Members enjoyed visits to Freeport and Nassau, as well as various activities on board while at sea. The cruise line offered their ‘’Board Room” for Friday night Shabbat services, which were conducted by Ben Schloss and enjoyed by all.

16 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Coming together

Year long renovation begins at Sandler Family Campus to promote more agency collaboration | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 17

Sandler Family campus evolves

Agencies are “Coming Together” to create new opportunities for cooperation and cost savings on Sandler Family Campus

What is changing at the Sandler Family Campus •

JFS will sell its building on Grayson Road and relocate into available space on the main campus, adjacent to its Personal Affairs Management offices, which relocated there in 2013. To protect the confidentiality of counseling clients, there will be a new private entrance and additional parking spaces added at the far end of the education wing.

The Simon Family JCC will move its before and after school program into the current first floor cafeteria. HAT children will have lunch in the multi-purpose room.

The infant/toddler and Pre-K programs are merging to become the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center.

• Construction begins this summer and will continue in stages, ending with JFS’ move next spring.

do early childhood very well,” says Lorna Orleans, the Stretliz director. “Now we can manage and promote it better, creatApproximate number ing more parent-teacher of months interaction and a stronger of renovation administrative structure.” and relocation Moving forward, the to take place at JCC, JFS, UJFT, Strelitz Sandler Family Campus, Early Childhood and HAT starting now. will provide services to their members, students, clients and others in space that better fits their needs and budgets. “The leaders came up with a wonderful “It is our Federation’s responsibility to be good stewards plan and have followed due process. They haven’t missed a step.” says Art Sandler. of the community’s resources. Better utilization of our “It has not been an easy process,” says Miles Leon, outgoing president of the UJFT, Campus space enables us to be more efficient with our “and I have to credit the lay and profesfunds. We are fortunate to have agencies willing to work sional leadership who buckled down and together to accomplish this goal.” made difficult choices and in some cases —Miles Leon, UJFT president (2013–15) sacrifices for the betterment of the community. We owe our best efforts to those main Campus, where its Personal Affairs weeks and move from cribs to classrooms generous people who brought the Campus Management or PAM program is already to age five in one program, then stay in the into being in 2004 and to those who will headquartered, and selling its existing same building and advance into kinder- keep it operating smartly, securely and probuilding. “The community expected us to garten and elementary school at HAT. “We ductively into the foreseeable future.” examine closely at what we did in 2004 and now with the benefit of 11 years of experience, to determine what we could do better going forward,” says Jay Klebanoff, UJFT president a former JFS president and HAT parent. “The programming and infrastructure modifications will enable us to make best use of the dollars our donors entrust to us.” Another major transformation coming for the Campus’ second decade involves a streamlining of governance and marketing of the Jewish community’s two well-regarded early childhood initiatives. One, called Beginnings for infants and toddlers, ages six weeks to two years, is managed by the Simon Family JCC. HAT has generally “It was a dream come true,” recalls Bobby Copeland, who chaired the “Simcha” campaign that coordinated the planning and fund raising effort. “We finally had most of our key agencies in the same zip code.” The community constructed the Campus based on current and anticipated needs. A decade later, leadership has taken a second look at what they created and is making adjustments. “We did not want to reduce services,” says Copeland, “and we won’t, but we had to right-size spaces and reduce rent and other costs to some of our organizations.” The biggest change will be moving all of Jewish Family Service onto the

18 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

overseen the two- to fouryear-olds program. “To have a consistent curriculum through those critical growth years and an easier enrollment, pricing and transition structure for parents and children, we had to turn these two high quality programs into one,” says Klebanoff. The result is the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. Now children can start at six


photo by Steve Budman


t was 2004, and the Tidewater Jewish Community celebrated. Years of research, planning, fund raising and construction culminated in the opening of the Sandler Family Campus on 20 acres at the end of Corporate Woods Drive in Virginia Beach, just off the I-264 Witchduck Road exit. In two wings of a two-story structure, the community brought the classrooms, offices, meeting spaces and recreational facilities of the Jewish Community Center, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Jewish Foundation and Strelitz Early Childhood Center into one central place. They even installed the Cardo Café, making the Campus a hot lunch spot as well. Around the corner on Grayson Road, a second structure housed the Jewish Family Service.

Sandler Family campus evolves

JFS move to main Campus will save money, unite staff and increase inter-agency collaboration


n the 11 years since Jewish Family Service of Tidewater relocated from Newport Avenue in Norfolk to Grayson Road in Virginia Beach, growth has been constant. “We are fortunate to have a great reputation in both the Jewish and broader communities, but we also have recognized where the opportunities are in the social and healthcare areas and aggressively pursued them,” says Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director. The JFS Personal Affairs Management (or PAM) is a perfect example. In the past decade, that guardianship program, the first of its kind in Virginia, grew from about 160 to more than 600 clients, prompting relocation from College Park into available space on the Sandler Family Campus. “It’s worked out well for us and for the Campus,” says Levin. “Besides creating a more efficient work environment which maximizes communication, the PAM staff often has lunch at the Cardo Café and many have joined the Simon Family JCC.” Now Levin and the rest of her employees are about to join their PAM colleagues. Older adult, clinical, adoption and administrative services, plus home health and two food closets are coming over to Corporate Woods Drive. “JFS will actually be using less square footage than we do in our current building on Grayson Road, but more efficiently, to

JFS on the Move • JFS will sacrifice square footage in the move, but will save on rent and gain in more efficient use of space.

• To protect confidentiality and privacy, there will be a new shaded and exclusive entrance along with parking spaces constructed for counseling, adoption and financial assistance clients.

JFS does not anticipate moving into the new space prior to April 2016. All clients will be notified well in advance.

on a number of programs, create better workspace as including a recent trainwe did with PAM,” says ing program the JCC Lawrence Steingold, JFS conducted for our 11th president. Annual Run, Roll or Both Steingold and Clients in Stroll,” she says. Levin are optimistic the JFS’ Personal Affairs JFS is proud of another change will be positive. Management program, association that is well “Our space utilization can a 400% increase underway. Starting in always be more efficient in a decade. 2012, the agency comso the move gives us an bined forces with Beth opportunity to do just Sholom Village to create that,” says Levin. “The fact the Freda H. Gordon is, even though we have Hospice and Palliative significantly more clients in our very successful home health care Care of Tidewater, a separate organizaprogram than we had in 2005, much of that tion that draws on the strengths of both clinical work takes place out in the commu- agencies and will also be moving onto the nity.” To accommodate the employees who Campus. “It’s been a wonderful alliance,”


“Jewish Family Service is a premier organization, a great part of the Federation family, and it will be an asset to have them on the campus. The entire reconfiguration is being done in an intelligent manner, with the idea pursued in a superb fashion. It shows that people are thinking all of the time how to make the campus better, more vibrant and more fiscally sound.” —Art Sandler will be coming over, the Campus will be turning some recreational and under-utilized areas into 99 new parking spaces. There will also be an elevator installed and two new entrances constructed at that end of the Campus, including a one to protect the privacy of clinical and financial assistance clients. “The maximization of privacy and confidentiality of our clients are first and foremost in our minds and we have taken all necessary steps to ensure that such occurs,” continues Levin. Levin expects more collaboration with other agencies as a result of the relocation. “We already provide in-school counseling services for HAT Konikoff Center for Learning and Strelitz Early Childhood Center and have partnered with the JCC

Lawrence Steingold, JFS president and Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director.

notes Steingold, “that combined our expertise in home health with theirs in long-term care. The hospice has since developed a solid and quality reputation of its own.” Steingold says JFS has depended on the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater for seed funding for many of its new initiatives, then watched them grow, benefiting both Jewish and non-Jewish families. “Moving while we’re continuing to expand programming to meet community needs is a challenge,” says Levin, “but we are embracing the change and the opportunities it presents. In the end, I think we’ll be a stronger overall community, and JFS is willing to do its part to make that a reality.”

JFS Run, Roll or Stroll. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 19

Sandler Family campus evolves

New Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center is a seamless option for children six weeks to five years


f there were ever two programs destined to unite, they are Beginnings for babies and toddlers, which began in 2013 as a Mother’s Day Out initiative, and the Strelitz Preschool for children ages two to five. They share the same floor at the Sandler Family Campus and the same families in many cases, with the older child in Strelitz and the younger in Beginnings. And the two directors are very experienced former teachers who are devoted to the care and teaching of little boys and girls in a Jewish-oriented setting, employing modern techniques that focus on socialization, collaboration, emotional and academic growth.

The New Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center • Beginnings (infants and toddlers) and Preschool (ages 2-5) will be combined into the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. • Half day and full day options are available for toddlers through Pre-K.

• There will now be a single re-enrollment application.

All children will be taught using a developmentally appropriate curriculum that focuses on social, emotional and academic success.

• Strelitz

families will enjoy a discount on Simon Family JCC membership, and there are special savings, as well for full care families who have their children in JCC summer camp.

Rates for both half and full day programs have come down and are competitive with other preschools in the area. Call 757-424-4327 for details.

“Leadership decided that it made sense to have a seamless transition, not just for the children, but also for the parents,” says Lorna Orleans, who directs the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center, the new umbrella name for what is now one of the region’s only programs that accepts children as early as six weeks of age and then guides and nurtures them right up until kindergarten, when they can graduate upstairs to the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater or any other kindergarten in the area. “Starting this fall, there will be one application to complete, one set of teachers and one coordinated curriculum,” says Becky Feld, who formally ran Beginnings, but is now Strelitz assistant director.

to start” because that’s what a quality early childhood education center should be. “This is where children start to separate from their parents, start to play together and acquire readiness skills in all areas of learning,” says Orleans. “Beyond opportunities for social growth, Strelitz offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum that includes language arts, math, science and social studies.” Youngest learners in the infant and toddler program are introduced to a curriculum designed to build emergent literacy through carefully planned literature experiences that are expanded upon through ages two and three. The Pre-K curriculum focuses on phonemic awareness and writing experiences that lay

Half day and full day options are available at Strelitz. “We know many moms and dads have to work long days,” says Becky Feld, who stays in constant contact with parents, easing their stress when the youngster cries and celebrating each stage of maturation. “We’re here to help.” the foundation for readIt has always been an ing and writing success in easy transition for those kindergarten. children who began in There are half day and Beginnings. “They move Application parents full day options at Strelitz. right into the two-year-old need to complete “We know many moms preschool program being to enroll and and dads have to work already familiar with the keep their child long days,” says Feld, who space and knowing the in the Strelitz stays in constant contact faces and voices of the Early Childhood with parents, easing their staff and even the friendly Education from stress when the youngster guard,” says Feld, “but we age six weeks cries and celebrating each were confusing the moms to five years. stage of maturation. “We’re and dads by making them here to help.” Shabbat singreapply when their child a-longs and other activities turned two. Now they expose children to Jewish will understand better culture and traditions, that we are a single school and because Strelitz is housed alongside under one umbrella.” And it’s a single school that as the new the Simon Family Jewish Community Strelitz tagline proclaims, is a “great place Center (which Strelitz families can join at

20 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |


Lorna Orleans, director of SECEC and Becky Field, assistant director.

a discount), there are many opportunities for adults to form their own relationships. “Moms can work out while their children are in a crib or a classroom and have lunch in the Cardo,” says Feld. “Relationships form in the building that are positive and often long-lasting for the entire family.” So what were once two programs is now one, the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center. “Enroll them at six weeks or later and just for a morning or the whole day,” says Feld. “We have the experienced staff, modern facility, consistent security and now single governance and educational philosophy to give children an excellent start on life.”

Sandler Family campus evolves

Thanks to HAT, my children are today ahead of their peers


andi Gordon grew up with a “light” Jewish background. It wasn’t until her children Ellie, Evan and Marah enrolled in the Strelitz Pre-School and then continued through Hebrew Academy of Tidewater (K-5) that she fully understood the value of a community day school education. Now as president of HAT, she wants to make sure the next generation of parents and children has the same experience.

general studies disciplines in appropriate curriculum gave them the solid foundation necessary for a high level of academic achievement. Marah graduates from HAT this year and I am confident, as is she, that she will be well prepared to compete with any child when she enters middle school in the fall.


Q — How did HAT enhance your children’s Jewish identity? Percentile of A — It made them so HAT students much more aware of Q — Ellie (16) and Evan qualifying for their faith and customs (15) are now at Norfolk Johns Hopkins and proud to be Jews. But Academy and Cape Center for frankly it’s what it did Henry respectively. How Talented Youth for Steven and me that are they doing? program has been really remarkA — They are truly ahead able. I remember when of their peers, and I attriEllie came home and told bute it to both the general us about the Sukkah hop, and Judaic program at HAT. Dissecting Jewish texts, laws and how several families were going from house history and the merging of Judaic and to house to see each other’s Sukkot. She begged us to build one, so we went to Home Depot and got the PVC pipe and tarp About HAT so we could be on the tour. Now we build a The Hebrew Academy of Tidewater • sukkah every year. I have a greater love and is a fully accredited K-5 school through understanding of my place in the Jewish the Virginia Association of Independent community because of HAT, and we have Schools. three mensches as a result too.

HAT is housed within the state-ofthe-art Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus that includes a modern science lab, technology center, full size gym and pool.

The HAT curriculum is imbued with values and ethics creating an enriching Jewish environment for students and families.

In grades three through five, 61% of HAT students qualify for the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth program, with 43% scoring above the 95th percentile in all categories.

Q — How do you think being on the campus has helped HAT? A — It has immensely broadened the children’s experiences. It’s great for the kids to go through the Cardo and observe senior citizens chatting, moms walking with strollers, going to work out or attending committee meetings and even cultural events like the JCC Book Fair. They are more connected to the Jewish community as a result. Also being in a new building, with excellent play spaces and modern technology like smart boards and high speed internet, has enhanced instruction.

The Gordon family.

“I have a greater love and understanding of my place in the Jewish community because of HAT, and we have three mensches as a result too.” —Randi Gordon, HAT president Q — Moving forward, what’s the future for HAT? A — Education at any level is always changing and challenging. But HAT is committed to providing children with a Jewish education that is appropriate, egalitarian and meaningful regardless of synagogue affiliation, as well as a general studies curriculum that prepares them for their next

school experience. We fully understand how critical grades kindergarten through five are, and anyone who has taken advantage of the Hebrew Academy experience can tell you that it equips children with what they need to be committed Jews and high achievers at every level of Jewish or secular education they pursue in life. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 21

Sandler Family campus evolves

JCC’s focus will always be on families first


offer,” says Scott Katz, last weight lifters long after the sun goes hroughout its long executive director, who down,” notes Einhorn. “What we hope history, the Jewish has worked in five JCC’s everyone sees, when they’re in the building, Community over the past 25 years. “We is everything we have, from the full sized Center has been among have a strong brand and gym, to the two pools, the tennis/pickle ball the most consequenNumber of hours are centrally located. That courts and the playgrounds to the meeting tial agencies in the area, JCC is open doesn’t mean we don’t rooms and class spaces. There is something mainly because its sereach weekday have challenges, espe- for everyone, whatever your age.” vices touch every aspect to accommodate For seniors for instance, the JCC has cially in Virginia Beach.” of Jewish lives, from recbefore school program, Competing with taxpayer become a haven over the past decade. reation to education, from fitness center clients, subsidized rec centers and “There are monthly lunches, a Yiddish youth to seniors, from culclasses and stand-alone fitness facili- club, book club, current events club, mah ture to camp. It’s still that community activities ties forces Katz and Marty jong games and our Silver Sneaker exercise way today. Einhorn, JCC president, classes,” says Katz. “We are making use of And it’s not just Jews along with their staff and every available space.” who look to what is now To accommodate JFS’s move and the called the Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family board members, to conceive of new ways to JCC as a place to swim a lap or an exercise bike to ride. Non-Jews in and around “No one can compete with what we offer. We have a strong Kempsville or ones traveling along I-264 brand and are centrally located.” to work or school choose the JCC, finding —Scott Katz, JCC executive director inside and outside its walls an unmatched set of activities that enhance their physical, engage their target audiences, like adding merging of the early childhood education mental and spiritual states. And whether it’s youth basketball or Body Pump and Body Combat to a widening program, which the JCC mothered, Kids Connection is taking over the cafeteria off Israel Fest, swimming lessons or yoga list of group exercise programs. Open from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm most the downstairs lobby while sharing more classes, birthday parties or film festivals, before school programs or Melton Jewish weekdays, the JCC is the agency that room elsewhere. “We feel like we link with study, it is the family that is foremost in the rarely sleeps. “Children arrive early for our all the other agencies in the building, from before school enrichment program, Kids the Federation to the Hebrew Academy,” minds of its leaders. “No one can compete with what we Connection, and we say good night to our says Einhorn. “Until now you had to be a


Israel Fest.

22 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

JCC pool.

The Simon Family JCC • Membership rates, hours and services are not changing as a result of the infrastructure modifications. • The outdoor pool will feature Sunday Fundays throughout the summer along with Wednesday night family barbecues on June 24, July 22 and August 19. • Les Mills Body Combat classes begin this month. • Go to for all details.

JCC member to attend the Strelitz program. That is ending, but we are providing a discount to Strelitz families because it is so important that they have the full Campus experience.” Katz hopes the next 10 years will see more Jewish families take advantage of the JCC because it has so much to offer at such an affordable price and is constantly adapting to the needs and demands of its many audiences. “The JCC,” he says, ”will always be the tie that binds the entire Jewish community.”

Sandler Family campus evolves

Glenn Saucier is well prepared to implement the Campus renovations


e wasn’t in the picture in 2004 when the Sandler Family Campus opened, but it’s fallen to Glenn Saucier, the facility’s director since 2007, to not just oversee the elaborate reconfiguring of the space, but the construction itself. “I’m acting as the general contractor too, which will add to the significant savings that the community is seeking,” says Saucier. As facilities manager of the Sandler Family Campus, Saucier will repeat the role he played just three years ago when he managed the reconstruction of existing space for the relocation of the JFS PAM program. He will hire and monitor the subcontractors throughout the nearly year-long building process that is soon to be underway. “It all started with the community decision to bring Jewish Family Service onto the main campus,” says Saucier, whose office desk and floor are covered with multiple site plans, provided by architects Tymoff+Moss in Norfolk. “Even though JFS has about 13,000 feet of office space in their current building, we determined along with Betty Ann Levin and her staff, that 9,000 would be adequate to meet their needs and even have room for some expansion.” Saucier’s goal is to make the most efficient use of all areas on the Campus, while still meeting the missions of the agencies. “Everyone’s been involved because

Glenn Saucier examines plans in his office.

executive vice-president. “It is a tribute to his abilities that many of these services, which were once contracted with New parking spaces outside vendors, are now to be added all performed in-house to far end at great savings to the of education wing community.” to enhance privacy Crews are already access for JFS clients. preparing to move doors and walls to accommodate HAT Konikoff Center for Learning and the Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center, which “Our agencies are working together better than ever today, must have their spaces ready by the time and that frankly has allowed us to go through this process school reopens in late summer. All this will occur while the Simon Family JCC Camp in the most expeditious manner possible.” will go on as normal with only minor alter—Bobby Copeland, chairman of Campaign ations. The entire redevelopment should to build the Sandler Campus in 2005 be done by next April, when JFS and the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative privacy for JFS clients. Workmen will install when the Sandler Family Campus position Care staffs relocate from Grayson Road. “We believe the proceeds from the sale a new elevator for JFS, as well as two food came along. “This is a great job because of pantries and dozens of new walls, electric a wonderful staff and the lay and profes- of that still very new building, coupled outlets, cabinets, doors and other furnish- sional people with whom I work who care with other savings we realize, will more ings. “Everyone has had to be very open so deeply for the organizations they serve,” than pay for the construction,” says Bobby Copeland, who was instrumental in the minded and willing to give a little to help says Saucier. “Glenn is a consummate professional design and construction of the Campus a the entire community,” says Miles Leon, outgoing president of the United Jewish who is extremely talented in a wide range of decade ago and is fully supportive of the areas and whose primary responsibilities at work today’s leadership is doing to make Federation of Tidewater, “and they have.” Glenn Saucier’s ability to supervise the the Sandler Family Campus include ongo- more efficient use of all space. “Our agenprocess personally ing maintenance, security, landscaping, cies are working together better than ever comes from years food service and housekeeping,” says Harry today,” says Copeland, “and that frankly of experience in Graber, UJFT and Sandler Family Campus, has allowed us to go through this process in the most expeditious manner possible. The synergies that co-location has produced are numerous and will only grow over time. Ten years from now, we may adjust again, but for now, I think the plan we have is solid.” Putting that plan into action is Saucier’s mission, and for the next 10 months or so, he will be here, there and everywhere on Corporate Woods Drive, ensuring that the next generation for the Sandler Family Campus will be even better than its first. everyone’s being impacted in some way,” says Saucier, who has had to become the ultimate diplomat among a host of Campus clients, listening to the concerns of everyone from teachers to caseworkers to executives, and then consulting with the architects and lay leadership to refine the space allocations accordingly. Noticeable refinements will be the addition of an attractive new entrance at the far end of the north wing, shaded fencing and the renovation of two of six tennis courts on the property and some other under-utilized parcels into 99 parking places, all to protect

facility management, starting at Water Country USA outside Williamsburg, where at age 26, he was in charge of operations. Saucier was on the ground floor of the creation of a Disney theme park in Indonesia, held positions in Chile and Orlando and was managing a health and fitness center for Sentara in his native Hampton


Renovation plans for the Campus. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 23


2015 BIENNIAL MEETING of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

Tuesday, June 16 • 6:00pm Sandler Family Campus | 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach

Nomination & Election of New UJFT President

Jay Klebanoff

Recognition of Outgoing UJFT President

Miles Leon

Also Recognizing Anne Diamonstein Fleder

Outgoing Chair, Holocaust Commission of the UJFT, 2013–2015

Amy Levy

Outgoing Chair, General Campaign, 2012–2014

Linda Spindel

Outgoing Chair, Israel & Overseas Committee, 2013–2015

Honoring Community Award Recipients Rachel Shames

Dolores and Alan Bartel

Dorothy Salomonsky

Leonard R. Strelitz Young Leadership Award Joseph H. Strelitz Community Service Award Jewish Communal Professional Award

Kosher Hors d’Oeuvres | Cocktail Reception | Free & Open to the Community RSVP Today! Email or call 757-965-6124.

Special Presentation

Coming Together: An update about forthcoming changes at the Sandler Family Campus

24 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Summer Fun

Still time to register and reserve There are at least three “Starts to Summer.”


irst, is Memorial Day when most pools officially open, Pungo has its Strawberry Festival and, in the ‘olden days’ white was appropriate to wear again. That start was a couple of weeks ago. The second takes place with the last ring of the school bell for the academic year. That start is sort of a mixed bag, as it has taken place for some, but not for all. Then, finally, there’s the calendar that says in 2015, that summer begins with the solstice on June 21 at 12:38 pm. Without a doubt, that start is still to come. So, it makes sense that there’s still time to make summer plans!



any camps are still accepting applications and reservations, and that includes overnight as well as day camp options. And, since so many interesting and interest-specific camps are available to choose from, there’s bound to be one to suit every child…as a camper or a counselor. With smart phones and the Internet, and what seems like a trillion travel aps, it’s easier than ever to pack your car and do a little exploring and relaxing. From museums in Washington, D.C., Philadelphia and New York City, to the mountains of Virginia and the lakes of North Carolina, there’s so much to see and do within an easy six- to seven-hour (or much less!) drive. Just be sure to have your EZ pass! Don’t feel like leaving town? Tidewater is a major tourist destination and is filled with opportunities for locals. The Boardwalk Art Show, for example, is celebrating its 60th year. Two artists from Israel are among the more than 300 that will exhibit. (See page 32) In Portsmouth, the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center presents its Wonderful Wednesday Music Series. As always, their lineup is varied and will surely sound terrific. Go to for details. A performance by TZOFIM Friendship Caravan, the Israeli Scouts who sing and dance, takes place on Sunday, June 28 at the Simon Family JCC. The list goes on and on and a lot is free (such as the Israeli Scouts performance). So, for those who haven’t yet done so, schedule a few minutes and start registering and making reservations. For those who have already made plans, and for those about to, here’s to a fun, healthy, enjoyable and relaxing summer!

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757-627-5437 | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 25

Summer Fun — Tips on Jewish Trips

Richard Avedon: Family Affairs on view at National Museum of American Jewish History Exhibition features more than 70 portraits by the famed photographer

Allen Ginsberg’s Family, Paterson, New Jersey, May 3, 1970. ©The Richard Avedon Foundation. From the Collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Gift of the American Contemporary Art Foundation, Leonard A. Lauder, President, to American Friends of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.


ocated in Philadelphia, just a five-hour exhibition presents a compelling collective drive from Virginia Beach, the National historical portrait of American cultural and Museum of American Jewish History political life during the late 1960s and (NMAJH) is the only U.S. venue to feature 1970s.  Richard Avedon was born to a Jewish Richard Avedon: Family Affairs, from the collection of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The family (his father was a Russian-born

summer camp

SUMMER CAMPS NEW! Sports Camp NEW! Volleyball Camp NEW! Basketball Camp NEW! Makerspace/Innovation Lab Workshop Summer Learning - your summer “brain drain” solution We have something for everyone. Learn more and register online today! ∙ 757.497.6200 26 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

immigrant and his mother from New York) in 1923. Working until his death in 2004, he shaped America’s image of beauty, celebrity and politics for over a half century. Famous at an early age, he was well known for challenging conventions and exploring the boundaries between high art and social commentary. Family Affairs features two monumental projects by Avedon, both illustrating his highly innovative approach to portrait photography. The first is a set of four group portraits, including a massive mural of the iconic beat poet Allen Ginsberg and his family and three additional portraits shown at a smaller scale Andy Warhol and Members of the Factory, The Chicago Seven, and The Mission Council. The second is a series of 69 portraits entitled “The Family” that Avedon created after being commissioned by Rolling Stone to cover the 1976 presidential election. Foregoing traditional photojournalism for the assignment, Avedon used his Deardorff 8 x 10” camera to create arresting black and white portraits of each of his subjects. Avedon created a visual essay on the nature of American politics at the moment when it was most conspicuous. Though his “family members” have no biological ties (with the exception of Ted and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy), they are alike in that they all hold positions of power and influence. “The Family” includes the ’76 presidential candidates (Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford); A.M. Rosenthal, managing editor of the New York Times, famous for publishing the Pentagon Papers; and W. Mark Felt, later revealed to be “Deep Throat.” Avedon’s subjects also included others at the epicenter of the events and movements of the time (and some who still are today)—including governors, senators, congressmen/women, and a wide swath of varied government officials (Bella Abzug, Jerry Brown, George H.W. Bush, Barbara Jordan, Edward Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Daniel Moynihan, and Donald Rumsfeld, to name a few), media moguls and journalists (Katharine Graham, I.F. Stone), labor leaders/activists (Cesar Chavez, Ralph Nader, A Philip Randolph), philanthropists (Walter Annenberg), and many more.

“We are thrilled to be showing Richard Avedon: Family Affairs at NMAJH,” says Dr. Josh Perelman, chief curator and director of exhibitions and collections at NMAJH. “Family Affairs documents a time of extraordinary political and social change in American history by one of the most significant photographers working in the second half of the 20th century. ‘The Family’ component of the exhibition, given its focus on political power in the days leading up to the 1976 election, seems particularly well-suited for exhibition in Philadelphia, the country’s epicenter for the bicentennial celebrations. And as the country prepares for a presidential election in 2016, the portraits evoke comparisons between the nature of political leadership then and now.” To allow visitors to see “The Family” as it was originally published, NMAJH will provide multiple original copies of the Rolling Stone issue for visitors to flip through, as well as an electronic version via touchscreen. Located on historic Independence Mall in Philadelphia at 101 South Independence Mall East at the corner of Fifth and Market Streets, NMAJH brings to life the 360-year history of Jews in America. For hours and tickets, visit or call 215.923.3811.

Bella Abzug, U.S. Congresswoman from New York, New York, June 19, 1976. Photograph by Richard Avedon. © The Richard Avedon Foundation. From the Collection of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. Joint gift of Gagosian Gallery and the American Contemporary Art Foundation, Leonard A. Lauder, President, to American Friends of the Israel Museum.

Summer Fun

Roast Chicken with Spicy Honey BBQ Sauce by Shannon Sarna

(The Nosher via JTA) — Summer is almost here; I can feel it. Every time we get a warmer day, the women of New York City are giddy with sandal wearing and summertime accessories. The flowers are blooming, the farmer’s markets have returned and the season of grilling is almost upon us. Growing up, barbecue sauce-slathered chicken was a staple, probably only because covering chicken in a sticky, sweet sauce was a surefire way to get the kids to eat it. But at some point I fell out of love with “BBQ chicken.” That is until I started making my own sauce. I have had some great bottled barbecue sauce, and I know some people swear by their go-to brand. But for me, making it from scratch makes all the difference between good chicken and chicken that people can’t stop talking about. This spicy honey sauce is really quick to whip up and is inspired by this recipe from Taste of Home, one of my go-to places for tried-and-true home-cooked dishes. I kept in the coffee, which really adds just a subtle flavor and balances out the sweetness of the honey and ketchup. This chicken is perfect for Shabbat and also for a summer barbecue. I promise, your guests will not stop talking about it.

Roast Chicken With Spicy Honey Bbq Sauce Yield: 1 whole chicken Note: if you don’t have an upright chicken roaster, I recommend investing in one like this. They are really cheap (less than $10) and make such a difference making a super moist chicken with crispy skin. Ingredients For the chicken 1 whole chicken ¼ cup orange juice 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 garlic cloves, smashed Salt and pepper For the BBQ sauce 2 tablespoons olive oil ½ medium onion, finely diced

3 garlic cloves, minced 1 cup ketchup ½ cup apple cider vinegar ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons honey ¼ cup soy sauce ¼ cup strong brewed coffee or espresso Generous pinch red pepper flakes   or 1–2 small dried chilies Salt and pepper to taste

Directions For the sauce: In a medium bowl mix together orange juice, olive oil, garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Place chicken in a large Ziploc bag and pour marinade over chicken. Allow to marinate for at least 1 hour in the fridge or up to 3 hours. In a medium saucepan, saute onions until soft and translucent. Add garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in ketchup, vinegar, honey, soy sauce, coffee and red pepper flakes (or the chilies). Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to low-medium. Simmer for 35–45 minutes, stirring occasionally. For the chicken: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Roast chicken upright using an upright roaster for 50–60 minutes or until meat thermometer reads 160 degrees when inserted. About halfway through roasting, brush some of the BBQ sauce all over the chicken and place back into the oven until cooking time is complete. Allow the chicken to rest long enough to cut into quarters. Drizzle additional BBQ sauce on top and serve. —Shannon Sarna is editor of The Nosher.



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Sunday 12-4

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518 Laskin Road Virginia Beach, VA | 23451 | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 27

it’s a wrap Israel Fest and the 2nd Annual Celebrate Israel Series at the Simon Family JCC


he 2015 Israel Fest at the Simon Family JCC brought the community together to share in a day of celebration for all things Israeli. From the food and beer, to the activities, band, art and camel rides, the crowd of nearly 1,700 enjoyed a weather-friendly day of varied festivities on the Sandler Family Campus. Charles Barker Automotive, the major sponsor, supported not only Israel Fest, but all of the JCC’s 2nd Annual Celebrate Israeli series events, of which Israel Fest was the third. This tremendous yearly undertaking requires hours of staff time and depends on dozens of volunteers and the generous support of community donors. The Celebrate Israel Series began with Gidi Grinstein, who spoke at the JCC on Monday, April 20. National Geographic’s Jerusalem documentary on the Giant Screen Theater at the Virginia Beach Aquarium was the second event on Thursday, April 23. International musician and Israeli song writer David Broza was the final JCC Celebrate Israel Series event. This acclaimed artist performed live at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday, May 21. As Marty Einhorn, president of the Simon Family JCC, introduced David Broza, he said, “The JCC’s Celebrate Israel Series would not be possible

without the major support of our lead sponsors, Charles Barker Automotive, the Families of Steven B. Sandler and Art and Annie Sandler, LoanCare (a ServiceLink Company), Ann and Bobby Copeland, ZIM Integrated Shipping Services, and Patricia and Avraham Ashkenazi.” Einhorn also extended thanks to the additional supporters listed below, as well as the community on behalf of the JCC’s board of directors, members and professional staff.

Bronze Sponsors Beth Sholom Village Bonnie and David Brand Helen G. Gifford* Foundation Harbor Group International Cindy and Ron Kramer Palms Associates S.L. Nusbaum Realty, Co. Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C.

David Broza.

Israeli dancing led by Judith Rohn and Mike Levinsky.

28 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Shuk Tent.

Israeli Band—Hataklitim

Supporting Sponsors Co mmunity Relations Council of the UJFT Nataly and Seth Fleishman The Frieden Agency Marcia Hofheimer The Klebanoff Family No Frill Bar and Grill Terri and Lonny Sarfan *of blessed memory

it’s a wrap In partnership with the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma* & Howard Laderberg *of blessed memory

PRESENT Gidi Grinstein with local Israelis.

David and Bonnie Brand, Gidi Grinstein and Marty Einhorn

Grinstein meets with local Israelis, stresses community engagement by Shikma Rubin


n April 20, the local Israeli community heard from noted author and speaker Gidi Grinstein, who leads the Reut Institute, a think tank, in Tel Aviv. Grinstein was visiting the region as part of the Simon Family JCC’s Celebrate Israel Series presented by Charles Barker Automotive. He spoke later that evening at the JCC. Grinstein spoke to the group in Virginia Beach over lunch and addressed the need for Israelis to embrace the American Jewish community. He believes as Israelis raise families in America, the best chance for their children to have connection to Israel is through engagement with the greater Jewish community in the United States. Grinstein also spoke about the need for Jewish agencies to reach out and welcome Israelis into the fold. That’s why the Simon Family JCC plans to organize events specifically for Hebrew speakers (lectures, authors and musicians). The Tidewater community has hosted popular Israeli musician David Broza and the Israeli Scouts Caravan (the Scouts will return again this summer). To keep track of all the activity, there’s now a Facebook group called “Israelis in Hampton Roads,” which connects Israelis to each other and the larger Jewish community. In the group, people share advice and upcoming events, as well as make plans to get together. The founder, Naty Katz-Horev, created

the Facebook page to strengthen the entire Jewish community. “It is important for the Israeli community to have a place to talk about events here in Hampton Roads and create a place to make us feel at home,” she says.

To learn more about Hebrewspeaking programs in the community, contact Evan Levitt, Simon Family JCC development director, at or 757-321-2337.

You're Cordially Invited

to a brunch honoring the retirement of Miriam Brunn Ruberg Director of Jewish Life and Learning, Simon Family JCC Sunday, June 14, 2015 • 11 am

The Fleder Multipurpose Room Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive • Virginia Beach Dairy Brunch

RSVP by Tuesday, June 9, 2015 or 757-321-2326

In honor of Miriam's 27 years of devotion to the Simon Family JCC and the Tidewater Jewish community, contributions may be made to the Miriam Brunn Ruberg Adult Jewish Education Fund. This fund helps the JCC to continue providing the many programs which have flourished thanks to Miriam's dedication. Please make checks payable to Simon Family JCC, Memo: Miriam Ruberg Fund or contact Evan Levitt at 757-321-2337

Sun., June 14th

4:00 & 6:30pm at Route 58 Deli Deli Man is a documentary film produced and directed by Erik Greenberg Anjou. Ziggy Gruber, a third generation delicatessen man and owner of the world renowned deli, Kenny and Ziggy’s in Houston, Texas is the central figure in this film. The story of the American deli is the story of the Jews – their immigration, migration, upward mobility and western assimilation. The story of the deli isn’t Ziggy’s alone. It’s the history, anecdotes and humor that once made the local deli the virtual epicenter not only of food, but of family, laughter and community!

Tickets $10 Advanced ticket purchase required for admittance. Call 757-321-2338, stop by the JCC Customer Service Desk, or purchase at Route 58 Deli. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 29

it’s a wrap Temple Israel Spring Fundraiser was a swinging sellout


ewish Americans have made their marks in many fields. Entertainment is certainly among them. To celebrate the accomplishments of Jewish composers George Gershwin, Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Stan Getz, Herb Alpert and Neil Diamond, Temple Israel Sara Jo and Joel Rubin chaired the spring fundraiser at Temple Israel. presented “Let’s Shwing: Jews, Jazz and Jive” on Sunday, April 19. Conceived and co-produced by outgoing synagogue president Joel Rubin and his wife, Sara Jo Rubin, Temple Israel vice president, with the assistance of a volunteer committee, the evening featured wine, hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction on the Eisenberg Atrium, and then a plated dinner prepared by TCC culinary chef Deanna Freridge and her students, followed by a lively and creative musical program, all in Brody Auditorium. Rubin and WHRV FM jazz maven Jae Sinnett delivered brief backgrounds of the Jewish and musical pasts of the six renowned artists, then the area’s premier Lorna and Steve Legum danced to the sounds of swing band, Glen Boswick and the Sound Glen Boswick and Sound of Swing Orchestra. of Swing Orchestra, played selections “I was thrilled with how it all turned those noted writers and performers made famous. Legendary Norfolk tap dancer out,” says Sara Jo Rubin, who managed the and singer, 88-year-old David Kennedy, meal as well as solicited sponsors and overwowed the sellout crowd of more than 200 saw ticket sales. “We made our goal and during one of the numbers, It Had to Be You. received many compliments afterwards.” Soloist Jimmy Crank closed out the formal Rubin credits the TCC students, florist part of the night, leading a sing-along of Leslie Hartig and Chesapeake Bay Catering for adding to the ambience. Diamond’s Sweet Caroline. Just before the music played, the Temple Two couples from local group Swing Virginia danced during some of the high- family honored Leslie Bradner, who is lighted numbers, and then were on the returning to her hometown in Charlotte floor for the last hour of the event when County, Va. after 16 years as synagogue Boswick’s band played a host of favorites director. Her longtime assistant, Nancy from the 40s and 50s while the guests Tucker, has succeeded her. “I think we filled the dance floor. “It was one of the found a good format for a program,” says best events we have ever had,” says Richard Joel Rubin, “and we’ll build on it for next Saunders, past president. “A lot of spirit year. We like to have a good time at Temple with great food, history and choreography.” Israel, and we certainly did on April 19.”

30 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

Beth El’s 165th anniversary celebration includes film debut

Rabbi Jeff Arnowitz.


n audience of some 500 was wowed by a stirring, emotional and memorable 165th anniversary program on Sunday, May 3 at Congregation Beth El. Highlighted by producer Tom Lee’s 45-minute film of historic photos, video clips and personal interviews, the program also included the beautiful voices of teenagers Mia Mazur and Clara Zimm, accompanied by the musical instrumentation of Howard Horwitz, Alan Bartel and Lane Dare. The film, titled Beth El Norfolk 1850–2015: What We Built, also featured a narrated history by Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz, and was bookended by the haunting shofar of Alan Wagner. A reception and silent auction of beautiful handmade and hand-blown kiddush cups capped the two-hour evening, which was sponsored by Kay Kesser and Ronald Zedd, in memory of their parents, Maxwell and Burnette Zedd. “We are fortunate to live in such a caring community that works together as one,” says Mickey Held, who chaired the 10-person committee that worked 10 weeks on the program. “It was wonderful to receive so much support and to share an exciting ride from past to present.” To purchase a copy of the film or a kiddush cup, call Congregation Beth El at 757-625‑7821 or email

first person

Ed Karotkin wows retired U.S. Military officers by Robin Mancoll, UJFT CRC Director


hen a former Naval officer called and asked for a speaker on a topic of interest to former U.S. Military officers, I knew I wanted the very best. Having just heard a presentation by Dr. Edward Karotkin to the 400 Club on his recent work at Zvi Medical Center of Bar Elon University in Tsfat, and the humanitarian aid the Israelis are giving to the Syrians engaged in civil war just miles away from

About HRCMOAA The Hampton Roads Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (HRCMOAA) is organized under the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and is open to active and retired duty officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Public Health Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National MOAA (http:// represents more than 370,000 members nationwide with a goal of being the professional association of choice for all military officers and their families. HRCMOAA is an award winning chapter having been recognized as a five star chapter of MOAA since 2004 with an active membership of close to 500 people. To learn more about the organization or to join, visit


Joyce Graber, LCSW

that hospital, I knew the right person who would engage the members of the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (HRCMOAA), as well as educate on the great work Israel is doing in the world and the bridges to peace that they offer during times of need. On Friday, April 17, I arrived at the Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center to meet the leadership of the HRCMOAA HRCMOAA President, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret) presents and support Karotkin and Dr. Ed Karotkin with a Jefferson cup as a token of the chapter’s appreciation for his presentation. his efforts, only to find him engrossed in conversation with a aid missions to Romania, Cuba, Israel and HRCMOAA application in hand. Karotkin more, the audience was so attentive that the retired as a Major in the Medical Corps room was practically silent. Following Karotkin’s remarks, of the United States Army before landing in Norfolk at the Children’s Hospital of HRCMOAA president, CDR Bert Ortiz, The Kings Daughters, where he currently USN (Ret) said, “I believe our membership serves as medical director of the Neonatal- gained an appreciation and respect for the Perinatal Outreach Center of Virginia and dedication and efforts of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and North Carolina. Karotkin wowed more than 50 retired Physicians for Peace’s worldwide missions.” Enthralled by Karotkin’s stories of aid U.S. Military Officers and their spouses with his presentation, “Medicine as a Bridge and education to locals, as well as a funny to Peace.” While speaking about the role of anecdote or two, the retired officers and the work of the United Jewish Federation their spouses left understanding that the of Tidewater’s constituent agency, the Jewish community sees tikkun olam (repairAmerican Jewish Joint Distribution ing the world) as a global commitment, for Committee, as well as his work as past not just taking care of our own global Jewish chair of the locally run global organization, community, but every walk of life, and the Physicians for Peace, during humanitarian possibility of a true bridge to peace.

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757-467-9500 700 19th Street | Suite 101 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 31

what’s happening The Boardwalk Art Show celebrates 60 years Thursday, June 18–Sunday, June 21 19th–33rd Streets on Virginia Beach’s boardwalk



The Jewish legacy you create ensures our traditions and culture will live on for generations.

ixty years ago, the Boardwalk Art Show started a Virginia Beach summer tradition and founded an arts organization which evolved into what is now the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). The four-day festival, which is older than the city itself, is produced by MOCA. The Boardwalk Art Show also by Yoram Gal serves as the museum’s largest fundraiser, providing critical exhibition and educational programming support. What began as a group of local artists who organized to raise money for a by Mira Raman fellow artist who suffered a stroke, is now one of the largest summer economic drivers for Virginia Beach. The first Boardwalk Art Show Best in Show winner, Leonette Adler, met her husband Beryl Adler, at the show. A New York City native, she moved to Leonette Adler in 1955. Norfolk in 1955 and now

lives in Virginia Beach. Adler continued working with the show as a member of the artist jury panel and as part of the Standards Committee. She has exhibited throughout the country with her work currently represented in multiple galleries, as well as in corporate and private collections. This year’s show will feature two Israeli artists. Contemporary painter Yoram Gal and mixed media artist Mira Raman. Yoram recently wrote, “My son and I are flying from Israel to Denver, CO…after two flights, 24 hours total, we shall drive east, 1,800 miles to do Boardwalk…This is how much I love and invest in your show.” For more details and to purchase tickets to experience the show in style at the Boardwalk Beach Club visit

UJFT 2015 Biennial Meeting honors community leaders Tuesday, June 16, 6 pm

T Create a

For more information on creating your own Jewish legacy, please contact: Scott Kaplan President and CEO 7 5 7 - 9 6 5 - 6 111 w w w. J e w i s h VA . o r g

32 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

he community is invited, and encouraged to attend the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2015 Biennial Meeting. This free event will take place at the Sandler Family Campus. Leadership of the UJFT will pass from current president Miles Leon to incoming nominee, Jay Klebanoff. Leon will be recognized for his inspirational and effective guidance of the Federation over the past two years. Six other exceptional community leaders, committee members and professional staff will be recognized and given top UJFT awards at the Biennial. Anne Fleder, Amy Levy and Linda Spindel will be honored for chairing the Holocaust

Commission, General Campaign, and Israel and Overseas committee, respectively. Rachel Shames will receive of the Leonard R. Strelitz Young Leadership Award, Dolores and Alan Bartel will receive the Joseph H. Strelitz Memorial Award for Distinguished Community Service, and Dorothy Salomonsky will be presented with the Tidewater Jewish Community’s Professional Service Award. The evening will also feature a Coming Together update, informing those present of changes at the Sandler Family Campus. All are invited to stay for the Biennial reception, with kosher hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. RSVP by email to, or call 757-965-6124.

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verything we experience is part of a kaleidoscope of layers; each instant a unique moment that builds on what came before and contributes to the dialogue of our existence. I hope to draw viewers into the vast possibilities of color and form, beyond a passing glance, and into the depth of layers each painting holds. —Kevin Moss

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Tidewater Chavurah to hold Friday Night Service June 26, 7 pm


he Tidewater Chavurah is holding a Shabbat service, led by Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill at the home of Hal and Elaine in the Great Neck Meadows area of Virginia Beach. An Oneg will follow the service. A congregation without walls, events are held in members’ homes or at other locations. Everyone is invited. For more information and location address, email or call 468-2675.

Israeli Scouts perform Sunday, June 28, 6:30 pm, Simon Family JCC


xperience Israel with the Tzofim Friendship Caravan, a delegation of Israeli teens who tour the United States and proudly represent their homeland through song, dance and humor. Free and family friendly. Call 321-2338 for more information.

Deli Man Sunday, June 14, 4 & 6:30 pm, Route 58 Deli

Traditional Day Camp for Kids 16 Months - 10th Grade


he Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg, together with Route 58 Deli, present Deli Man, a documentary film produced and directed by Erik Greenberg Anjou. Ziggy Gruber, a third generation delicatessen man and owner of the world renowned deli, Kenny and Ziggy’s in Houston, Texas is the central figure in this film. The story of the American deli is the story of the Jews—their immigration, migration, upward mobility and Western assimilation. It’s the history, anecdotes and humor that once made the local deli the virtual epicenter not only of food, but of family, laughter and community. Tickets are $10. Advanced ticket purchase is required for admittance. Call 321-2338, stop

June 22 – Au G ust 14

Post Camp: Au G ust 17– September 4 Arts & Crafts • Music • Field Trips Swim Lessons • Fun in our outdoor water park Gardening • Fishing • Games & Sports by the JCC Customer Service Desk, or purchase at Route 58 Deli, 4000 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach. *of blessed memory

For more information visit or call 757-321-2306. Download a brochure to see what’s in store for you at Camp JCC. | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 33

Sunday, June 28th • 6:30PM at the JCC

TZOFIM Experience Israel with the

calendar June 14, Sunday Brith Sholom will have a dinner at Teppanyaki Chinese Buffet in Southern Shopping Center, Norfolk. 5:30 pm. Billy and Cindi Mitchell return for another great performance. $7.50 for members and $15 for guests. Reservations and payment must be received by Tuesday, June 9. Brith Sholom has guaranteed 90 people to get the entire room with no competing groups, so make reservations early. Call Gail at 757-461-1150.


The JCC’s Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg, together with Route 58 Deli, present the movie Deli Man. $10. At Route 58 Deli. 321-2338. See page 33

a delegation of teens in the Israel Scouts who tour the United States and proudly represent their homeland through song, dance, and humor.

June 15, Monday—August 15, Saturday Kevin Moss-Paintings. “ka·lei·do·scope” a series of original works exploring the vast possibilities of color and form on display in the Leon Family Art Gallery at the Simon Family JCC.

JUNE 17, WEDNESDAY The J.C.C. Seniors Club entertainers will be ‘Dana and Dad.’ Dad is Sid Sward, who plays the accordion and sings. Dana is his daughter, who sings along with Sid. Dana sang in the Annie production at the Tidewater DinnerTheatre years ago. Board meeting at 10:30 am, Lunch at 12 noon. General Meeting at 12:45 pm. For further information, call 757-497-0229. Violinist Pavel Ilyashov at Jewish Museum and Cultural Center. 7:30 pm. For information and ticket prices, call 391-8266 or visit JMCC is located at 607 Effingham St. in Portsmouth.

Free & family friendly. Call 757-321-2338 for more information. June 28, Sunday Israeli Scouts perform at the Simon Family JCC. Experience Israel with the Tzofim Friendship Caravan, a delegation of Israeli teens who tour the United States and represent their homeland through song, dance and humor. Free and family friendly. 6:30 pm. Call 321-2338.

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July 1, Wednesday Virginia Chorale at Jewish Museum and Cultural Center. 7:30 pm. For information and ticket prices, call 391-8266 or visit JMCC is located at 607 Effingham St. in Portsmouth.

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Andy Kline CEO

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Mazel Tov to Annie Sandler named an Influential Women of Virginia

Annie Sandler.


irginia Lawyers Media, publishers of Virginia Lawyers Weekly and the Virginia Medical Law Report, named Annie Sandler a member of the Class of 2015 of “Influential Women of Virginia.” The awards program took place on Thursday, May 7 at the Short Pump Hilton in Richmond. Now in its seventh year, the program recognizes the outstanding efforts of women throughout the state in all fields, including law, business, health care, education and the arts. The honors are given to individuals who are making notable contributions to their chosen professions, their communities and society at large. Married to Art Sandler, she is the

mother of four children, Leyla, Jessica, Max and Dylan. Past community volunteer services include the Chrysler Museum, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, Jewish Community Center, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Norfolk Chapter Women’s American ORT, Hadassah Brandeis Institute, BBYO, Panim (Panim el Panim, Washington, D.C.), JTA, Brookdale Institute, JDC Children’s Sub-Committee, NYC Ballet Choreography Institute, among many others. Sandler is a Fellow of Brandeis University, chair of the RIG Fellowship Committee for American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, as well as a member of JDC’s executive committee. Among her many awards, she is a recent recipient of the “Whole Village Award” from the Virginia Beach Education Association and a Medal of Honor winner from the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania. Achievement Rabbi Israel Zoberman, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Chaverim, whose poem is included in the forthcoming new Machzor for the High Holy Days of the Reform movement. Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.


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Who Knew? Natalie Portman speaks to Harvard seniors

Award for best actress. She took the gig, despite being warned that it was an “artisctress Natalie Portman told Harvard tic risk,” she told the students. Portman, the Globe reported, told the University seniors to use their inexperience as an asset in their future endeavors. students she was often anxious and overPortman spoke at Harvard Class Day, whelmed while a student at Harvard, and telling the students that the honor was concluded by saying: “I can’t wait to see the beautiful things you do.” intimidating, the Boston Globe reported. Portman’s directorial debut, an adaptaPortman is a 2003 graduate of Harvard, tion of Israeli novelist Amos Oz’s memoir A with a degree in psychology. The actress, who has dual American Tale of Love and Darkness premiered at the and Israeli citizenships, told the students Cannes Film Festival last month. She also that she was “so oblivious to my own recently announced she will play Supreme limitations” when she agreed to star in The Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an Black Swan, for which she won an Academy upcoming film. (JTA)


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Attention: Human Resources 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462 | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 35

obituaries Duane L. Aikman Virginia Beach—Duane Laurence Aikman, 73, passed away on May 21, 2015. He was born April 24, 1942 in Troy, Mich. to Lawrence and Opal Aikman, of blessed memory. Left to cherish his memory is his wife of 49 years, Marlene Aikman; children, Melissa Friedrich and her husband Stephen, of Williamsburg, Va. and David Aikman, of Charlottesville, Va.; grandchildren, Loren and Chanel Friedrich; siblings, Donald Aikman, Glenna Palmateer and Ruth Santoro; numerous nieces, nephews and dear friends. Of blessed memory, brother, Paul Aikman, and sisters, Dorothy Baron and Mabel Baker. Mr. Aikman proudly served in the U.S. Navy. He was a member Ohef Sholom Temple and The Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family Jewish Community Center. A graveside service was held in Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg officiating. Altmeyer Funeral Home. Memorial contributions to Jewish

Family Service, 260 Grayson Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Condolences may be offered to the family at Roslyn Gladstone Brown Norfolk—Roslyn Gladstone Brown, 77, died on May 24, 2015 at the home in Norfolk she shared with her husband, Robert E. Brown. It was their 34th wedding anniversary. He and their sons David and Adam Herman were with her. She had chosen home hospice care as she coped with recently recurrent, but rapidly advancing, metastatic melanoma. Roslyn was born on August 22, 1937 and reared in Portsmouth, Va. as the eldest child of Louis and Josie Gladstone (of blessed memory). Roslyn was a smart and stylish woman who had many successful careers—as a business owner, a teacher, a college instructor, a teacher union executive and a lawyer. And all the while she was an active volunteer participant and leader in an array of community, arts and religious

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36 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

organizations. She graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School and then attended the University of North Carolina in Greensboro (1955–1957) and Columbia University in New York (1957–1959). After moving to Charlotte, N. C. in 1960 with her first husband and infant sons she completed her undergraduate work at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte, which awarded her the degree of Bachelor of Arts with High Honors in 1964 with a major in French and a minor in education, after also attending the Sorbonne University in Paris for a semester. While in Charlotte she was also co-owner and manager of Smart Shops, Inc. (which operated three women’s clothing stores), an officer of her temple and supported the NAACP chapter and other civil rights causes. Upon moving to Albany, N.Y. in 1968, Roslyn taught French at nearby Voorheesville High School through 1976. There she was the Foreign Language Department chair and led numerous student trips to Montreal and France to the delight and enlightenment of her adoring students. From 1972-1974 she also attended the N.Y. State University at Albany (SUNY Albany) and earned a Masters Degree in Education. In 1976-1977 she worked as the executive director of the N.Y. Teacher Education Conference Board and from 1976-1978 was also an instructor in the Education School of SUNY Albany. In 1976 she was awarded a full doctoral fellowship at SUNY Albany and in 1978 completed the examination and all requirements (except dissertation) for a Doctor of Education Degree. In 1977, Roslyn began work as assistant director of Educational Services for New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), the state-wide affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). She continued at NYSUT until 1981. During this period she served on the Governor’s Commission on Women (1977–79, a gubernatorial appointment); on the Regents Advisory Board on Bilingual Education (1978–81, appointment by Commissioner of Education); on the Teacher Education, Certification and Practices Board (1978–80, appointment by the Commissioner of Education; and on the National Advisory Board for Teacher Corps (1979–81, appointment by the U.S. Office of Education). Further, she was one of 100

selected nationally by the U.S. Government as a Washington Fellow in 1979 and was selected as one of 100 women to participate in a week-long White House Conference for Women in Leadership (appointed by the Carter Administration). At NYSUT Roslyn was particularly proud of having launched its Effective Teaching Program which engaged master teachers and other educational training specialists to conduct intensive weekend courses to train teachers throughout New York and award graduate credits from affiliated colleges and universities. She was a consultant to the U.S. Department of Education (1976–1981) and a member of Phi Delta Kappa, the national honorary educational fraternity, and published articles in the Kappan and the Journal of Educational Research. Upon re-marrying and moving to Norfolk in 1981 Roslyn spent her first year helping to organize Norfolk’s first chapter of the American Federation of Teachers. And then in 1983 she enrolled as a full-time student at T.C. Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond, earning her Juris Doctor degree in 1986. At law school she was a winner of moot court and counseling negotiations competitions and served on the boards of those competitions. She also served as a part-time law clerk for a Virginia Supreme Court Justice and was a member of Phi Alpha Delta national legal fraternity. Roslyn practiced law with the firm of Howell, Daugherty, Brown & Lawrence (1986-1991) with emphasis on matrimonial and family law. She was a member of the Norfolk-Portsmouth Bar Association; the Virginia and American Bar Associations; the Virginia and American Trial Lawyers Associations; and the Virginia Women Attorneys Association (state board member). She participated in the Pro Bono program for juvenile and domestic relations courts, which led to her receiving an Outstanding Woman Award from the YWCA of Hampton Roads in 1990. Additionally, she was a founding board member and officer of the Second District Chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus, a member of the League of Women Voters and a life-long Democrat. In 1991 Roslyn was asked to return to NYSUT in Albany for two years to form the NYSUT Education and Learning Trust and

obituaries revitalize the Effective Teaching Program under its auspices. That commitment grew and she continued as its manager (and as a commuter between New York and Norfolk) until 2003 when she retired. Under her leadership the ETP course enrollments grew from 4,500 to over 12,000 plus workshop enrollments to over 36,000; the number of affiliated colleges giving graduate credit increased from two to five; and the program’s revenue grew from $1.6 million to almost $5 million. In Hampton Roads, Roslyn volunteered her time in service to many organizations. She served on the boards of Beth Sholom Home and The Dwelling Place, a shelter for homeless families. Always a lover of music, she sang in the Ohef Sholom Temple Choir and the JCC-sponsored choir. Also she served on the boards of Virginia Opera Association and was president the its Hampton Roads Board of Governors; she was a founding board member of Lyric Opera Virginia; and she was a founding board member and twice president of the

Tidewater Performing Arts Society. In 2004 Roslyn was appointed by the City Council to the Board of Trustees of the Norfolk Public Library and served as its president from then until February 2013. She was an early and effective advocate for increased library funding and for replacement of the outdated Kirn Memorial central library. She was particularly gratified to participate in the planning for the new Slover Memorial Library, which opened this year. In addition to her husband Bob, Roslyn is survived by her son Dr. David L. Herman of Albany, N.Y. and his wife Jennifer Rosenbaum; her son Adam Herman of Nag’s Head, N.C. and his wife Jodie; her daughter Emily Brown Phillips of Brooklyn, N.Y. and her husband Seth; her five grandchildren (Zachary Herman, Eric Herman, Claire Phillips, Jackson Phillips and Owen Phillips); her sister Diane Gladstone Haskell and her husband Gary of Sunny Isles, Fla.; her brother Irvin Gladstone of Mary Esther, Fla.; and

numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. A memorial service took place at Ohef Sholom Temple. Memorial donations to the Slover Library Foundation (235 E. Plume Street, Norfolk, VA 23510) or to Ohef Sholom Temple-Woodward Music Fund (530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk, VA 23507). Online condolences at Irene S. Topolcic Virginia Beach—Irene Silver Topolcic, a librarian in Hampton Roads for more than 30 years, died on May 17 at Beth Sholom Village. She was 92. Mrs. Topolcic worked at the Kirn Memorial Library in Norfolk for more than 15 years after moving to Virginia from New City, N.Y. She then worked as an information specialist at the Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach until her retirement in 2007. A graduate of Hunter College High School, she also attended Hunter College in New York City, graduating in 1945. continued on page 38

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• Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevra Kadisha | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 37

obituaries continued from page 37

She was a member of Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach. Her husband of 45 years, George, passed away in 2012. Surviving Mrs. Topolcic are her nieces, Robin L. Reisman of Westport, Conn. and Jodie S. Naber of Sanibel, Fla., and a nephew, Michael J. Reisman of Easton, Conn. She also is survived by a grandniece, Samantha Reisman and a grandnephew, Charles Reisman, both of Easton. Marlene Wilks Virginia Beach—Marlene Beverley Braver Wilks passed away on May 12, 2015. She was born in Richmond, Va. on August 2, 1937 to the late Charles and

Blanche Barney Braver. Marlene grew up in Petersburg, Va, graduating from Petersburg High School in 1954. She attended UNC Greensboro, and graduated with an English degree in 1958. After college, Marlene taught high school briefly in Norfolk until she married and devoted the next 20 years to raising her family and becoming part of several civic organizations in Norfolk, including the Women’s American ORT, a charter member of the Virginia Opera Association, and a past president of the Ohef Sholom Temple Sisterhood. Marlene was an avid reader and proficient in the art of letter writing, never allowing an opportunity to pass by without either a quick note or several handwritten

pages to the recipient. Marlene was outgoing and never failed at making herself comfortable in a crowd. Her inspiration, love of history, music, literature and politics has been passed down to her children to instill these values to their children and the next generations to come. Marlene is survived her sons, David B. Wilks (Alison) of Fairfax, Va. and Reiss F. Wilks (Carey) of Richmond, Va., her daughter, Jennifer Wilks Boyce (Robert)

of Virginia Beach, and her uncle, Daniel Barney of New York, N.Y. She is also survived by her grandchildren, Alex, Aaron, Tyler, Sidney and Ben. A graveside service was held in Brith Achim Cemetery in Petersburg. A memorial celebration was held at Beth Sholom. Donations in Marlene’s memory to Beth Sholom Home, 6401 Auburn Dr., Virginia Beach, VA 23464. Condolences at www.

Rochelle Shoretz, whose cancer battle inspired her activism, dies at 42 by Gabrielle Birkner

NEW YORK (JTA)—Rochelle Shoretz was fond of saying, “There are no problems, only solutions.” Her approach to life was not to dwell on bad news, but to channel the energy that friends described as boundless into somehow making things better. It’s what drove her to establish the national cancer organization Sharsheret after she was first diagnosed with breast cancer at age 28. On Sunday, May 31, Shoretz died of complications from the disease at her home in Teaneck, New Jersey. She was 42. At the time of her initial diagnosis, she was an attorney and the mother of two young boys. While others might have been compelled to save their strength, Rochie, as friends and family called her, shared hers. She launched Sharsheret in 2001 while she was still undergoing chemotherapy. “When I was diagnosed, there were a lot of offers to help with meals and transport my kids, but I really wanted to speak to another young mom who was going to have to explain to her kids that she was going to lose her hair to chemo,” Shoretz told JTA in 2003, describing Sharsheret’s origins. In 2005, Shoretz was a keynote speaker

at Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s first Sharsheret is important, is a link in the chain,” said Elana Silber, Sharsheret’s direcWeek of Healthy Living. The Teaneck-based nonprofit provides tor of operations, eulogizing Shoretz at her educational and support services to young funeral. Sharsheret means “chain” in Hebrew. Jewish women living with breast cancer and ovarian cancer—or are at heightened Shoretz was an Orthodox Jew. Today, the organization Shoretz founded risks for those diseases, as many Jews of Ashkenazi descent are. One in 40 Ashkenazi runs programs nationwide and has an Jews, both men and women, carry genetic annual budget of about $2.25 million, 16 mutations that increase the risk of breast staff members, and offices in Teaneck and Hollywood, Fla. Sharsheret receives support and ovarian cancer. Shoretz beat cancer the first time around, from individual donors, family foundations but by 2009 the disease had returned and and the pharmaceutical industry, and was spread. Still, she pressed forward in her recently awarded a $1.8 million grant from work and in her personal endeavors, par- the Centers for Disease Control to increase ticipating in triathlons and half-marathons, access to its programming. Sharsheret maintains a peer network of even climbing Machu Picchu in Peru. “They often say when you lose one of five 4,200 Jewish women across the denomisenses, your others are enhanced,” Shoretz national spectrum; runs a genetics hotline told The New York Jewish Week in 2010. “I for individuals and families to discuss wonder if life feels so much more power- their cancer risk; hosts webinars on topics ful and vibrant because I lost some of my ranging from clinical trials to managing relationships as a cancer survivor; and has health.” She was a doer, her colleagues said, programs for different cohorts, including realizing—especially after her cancer came parents of young children and women living with advanced metastatic breast cancer or back—that she had no time to waste. “But at the same time, she would empha- recurrent ovarian cancer. Silber says Sharsheret will continue the size the need to literally block out time to think, to make sure what we are doing work that was so important to its founder. “Rochelle was superhuman in so many is right and everyone who connected to

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ways—brilliant, visionary, motivating, passionate and compassionate,” Silber says. “She was a hero for women and families, and everyone who came in touch with Rochie came in touch with the human side of her as well.” Shoretz always had just the right words to express her gratitude, those who knew her said, and was able to find humor in even the darkest places. As a close friend, Deborah Leipzig said, “We talked a lot about cancer, a lot about loss, and we laughed the entire time we were together.” Born on July 27, 1972, Shoretz grew up in Brooklyn. She graduated from Barnard College and Columbia Law School, and in 1999 served as a clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She received a Joshua Venture Group fellowship for Jewish social entrepreneurs and served on the organization’s board. She also held a seat on the Federal Advisory Committee on Breast Cancer in Young Women. Shoretz, who was divorced, is survived by teenage sons Shlomo and Dovid Mirsky; her mother, Sherry Tenenbaum; her father, Morris Shoretz; five sisters and two brothers. She was a stepdaughter of Jeffrey Tenenbaum and Carol Ann Finkelstein.



WWW. AIRYLOUISE.ORG | June 8, 2015 | Jewish News | 39

k l a w d r a o B rt Show A

60th anniversary June 18-21st

J U N E 1 8 -2 1 | 300 ART I STS | E NT E RTAI N M E NT | LO CAL C U I S I N E | B E E R GAR D E N | B EAC H C LU B

Boardwalk Art Show



J U N E 18-21, 2015 P R E S E N T E D


Join us as we celebrate Virginia Beach’s longest running summer tradition, the Boardwalk Art Show. One of the best fine art shows in the country!

SUMMER EXHIBITIONS EXHIBITIONS NOW ON VIEW THRU AUG 16 ROB AND NICK CARTER: TRANSFORMING UK artists Rob and Nick Carter present an irresistible invitation to look, and look again, as they transform art historical master works via 21st century technology.

MICHELLE ERICKSON: CONVERSATIONS IN CLAY Internationally acclaimed artist, Michelle Erickson creates thought-provoking sculptural works that comment on life in the 21st century using lost ceramics arts from the 17th and 18th centuries. ERIC STANDLEY: IN DEPTH Eric Standley creates paper sculptures that live where technology, art history, and mathematics meet.

MEET THE ARTISTS Listen and learn from current exhibiting artists. Discover lost ceramic art techniques and delve into laser-cut paper sculptures.

Michelle Erickson

Artist Talk Jun 23 | Master Class Jul 18

Eric Standley

Artist Talk Jul 30 | Master Class Aug 1 40 | Jewish News | June 8, 2015 |

CREDITS L to R: Rob and Nick Carter, Sunflowers, 2012-2013. Eric Standley, 2011, Either/Or Arch. Cut paper. Michelle Erickson, Rake’s Progress: The Orgy Scene, 2014. Porcelain, slip cast and hand built, life cast shells. Courtesy of the Artist. Photograph by Robert Hunter.

THE ART OF NOW | 757-425-0000 | Virginia Beach

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