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Camp JCC is back in-person

Mazel Tov

Hayden Caplan’s mitzvah project: Gaming for Gold for a friend

As Hayden Caplan prepared for his upcoming bar mitzvah in May, there was no question what he wanted to do for his mitzvah project. A friend from his pre-school days at Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, Benjamin Goldberg, an amazing young boy, passed away at just eight years old from a rare childhood cancer. To honor Benjamin’s memory, Hayden wanted to ensure that the Benjamin Goldberg Playroom at The Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters would be a bright place of love, hope, and support for children getting treatment on the Hematology-Oncology floor.

Hayden hosted a 12-hour game-a-thon on February 27, which he named “Gaming for Gold,” for people to join him and raise money while gaming-for-good.

“It was so heartwarming to see Hayden playing games with old and new friends, doing what they love to do, and raising money to remember and honor his friend, Ben,” says Hayden’s mother, Stacie Caplan. “It was an incredible day filled with so much love.”

That love and those young people helped to raise more than $8,000 for the Benjamin Goldberg Playroom and a lesson so much bigger than themselves was realized for all involved.

Hayden Caplan.

To donate to this cause, visit www. Benjamingoldbergfoundation.org.


Spring is near, Passover is coming, Camp JCC is back

Dave Flagler

Simcha raba simcha raba aviv higia pesach ba.

This old Hebrew song translates to “what joy, spring is here and Passover is coming.” Passover is often referred to as the holiday of the spring—when the cold disappears and thoughts of summer plans begin to form. As spring symbolizes hope and optimism for the arriving summer, the Pesach season brings a special excitement for freedom at Camp JCC this summer.

Camp JCC will return to in-person programming this year, complete with all of the necessary safety precautions. At camp, children will be able to socialize and grow into their best selves. Campers will be outdoors as much as possible and learn experientially with each other. They will be able to interact, masked face to masked face, with their peers.

Most importantly, this summer will allow children the freedom of being children again.

Campers will again be able to physically play, physically create, and physically experience new things together, always while maintaining social distance. Campers will continue their psychosocial development with their peer groups and within developmentally suitable settings.

While everyone—including children—have been through a lot and challenges still lie ahead, when it is time to partake in the seder rituals, the retelling of the story of Exodus and passage into freedom, there is much more to be hopeful, optimistic, and excited for this spring and upcoming summer.

For more information about Camp JCC, go to CampJCC.org or contact Dave Flagler, director of camp and teen engagement at the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, at dflagler@ujft.org.

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