Jewish News | March 25, 2019

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 57 No. 13 | 18 Adar II 5779 | March 25, 2019

Tidewater Together with

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

12 Dr. Richard Freund joins Christopher Newport University


March 29–31

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Dr. Jonathan Schanzer on Israel’s Threat Matrix

25 Janice Kaplan Wednesday, April 10

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Supplement to Jewish News March 25, 2019 | March 25, 2019 | Camp | Jewish News | 13

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2 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

Jewish news


Tidewater Together with Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Friday March 29–Sunday, March 31


hen I think about Mickey Kramer, of blessed memory, I think about his love of his family, his synagogue, learning, and our community. In 2004, his passion for education and devotion to the Jewish community led his friends and family to establish the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence at Congregation Beth El to honor and remember him. Our community is so fortunate that the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholarin-Residence Fund now presents the Tidewater Together, Scholar-in-Residence Weekend, in partnership with the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Synagogue Leadership Council, and the Board of Rabbis and Cantors of Hampton Roads. What a wonderful opportunity to bring our entire community together! This year, as part of the Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival and in partnership with the Jewish Book Council, we are thrilled to welcome Rabbi Joseph Telushkin for Tidewater Together. The first time I heard Rabbi Telushkin, in the late 1990s, was at the United Jewish Communities’ National Young Leadership Washington Conference. (UJC is now Jewish Federations of North America, of which UJFT is a member.) I had just begun to be involved in our community as a volunteer on Super Sunday Cabinet. Rabbi Telushkin was one of the first speakers at the conference and definitely one of the most impactful. Shortly thereafter, I read The Book of Jewish Values: A Day


to Day Guide to Ethical Living, which I have now reread in preparation for his visit. Rabbi Telushkin will be in town to speak about his newly revised edition of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal—a guide on how choosing the right words can enrich relationships and offer insight to improve every facet of our lives. Talks featuring the rabbi are free and open to the entire community, inclusive of all ages, genders, religious affiliations, and degrees of observance. Known as “America’s Rabbi” and one of the 50 best speakers in the United States, he is also a New York Times bestselling author. One of Rabbi Telushkin’s many titles, Eight Questions People Ask about Judaism, that he co-authored with childhood friend, Dennis Prager, I have given as a Bar or Bat Mitzvah gift many times! In his newly revised edition of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal, Rabbi Telushkin focuses on the words that are used in public and in private, revealing their tremendous power to shape relationships. With his customary wit and wide-ranging intelligence, he will discuss this book as it relates to present day. When originally written, he notes, social media was not even a concept, the internet was in its infancy, and so the spread of information—accurate or not—was not a particle of what it is today. With all of this in mind, I paused to think seriously about one of the quotes I read about his book by another New York

About the cover: Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue raises money for families of Christchurch mosque attack victims. . 5 Seven Jewish things in the Mueller investigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Seven things about Rep. Jerrold Nadler. . 8 Belgian mayor defends carnival float . . 10 White supremacists target neighborhoods and campuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Dr. Richard Freund to lead new CNU program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Special Section: Summer Camp. . . . . . . 13 Simon Family JCC personal trainers bring expertise and value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Dr. Jonathan Schanzer speaks about threats Israel faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Brith Sholom hosts speakers . . . . . . . . . 23 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Times bestselling author and podcaster, Adam Grant: “In a time when slurs and slights are displacing civility and courtesy (Words That Hurt, Words That Heal), reminds us that the words we choose have an impact on others—and send a message about us,” followed by the suggestion the rabbi makes in the introduction of a Twenty-Four-Hour-Test. “Monitor how often you say needlessly critical, hurtful, and even cynical things about and to the people around you. Even if you are unhappy with the results, don’t be discouraged. The way you speak is something you can change. And if you’re willing to make the effort, you can start changing quickly. Today.” I hope you’ll join me in these days leading up to his visit, in “taking” this 24-hour test, and then come to hear from the rabbi throughout the weekend at four venues. While I’m sure he won’t address this test specifically in every discussion, I believe it will give those who join me great opportunity to learn. Let’s honor Mickey Kramer’s memory, learn together, and continue our work together, of making our local Jewish community and this world a better place.

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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater John Strelitz, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2019 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


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Betty Ann Levin Executive Vice President United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

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Candle Lighting


Friday, March 29/22 Adar II Light candles at 7:07 pm

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—page 25

Friday, April 26/21 Nissan Light candles at 7:31 pm Friday, May 3/28 Nissan Light candles at 7:37 pm | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS Israel designates Hamas television channel as terror organization Israel designated the Hamas television channel Al Aqsa as a terrorist organization. The Israel Security Agency found that the Hamas terrorist organization used the satellite channel to recruit terrorists and pass messages to them in the West Bank. The agency and the Defense Ministry’s national anti-economic terrorism unit recommended the move, which the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced. Al Aqsa reporters praise rocket attacks on Israel and violence against Israelis. The U.S. government designated the station as a terror group in 2010. The Israeli army bombed the channel’s Gaza headquarters in November and demolished the building, but Al Aqsa now broadcasts from another location. (JTA) What was on Einstein’s mind? Manuscripts at Hebrew U offer insights Albert Einstein writes about science and concern over the rise of the Nazis in Germany in 110 new manuscript pages made public, for the first time, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The manuscripts include missing computations from Einstein’s Unified Theory, letters to his son about what is happening in Germany, letters to his friend and fellow scientist Michele Besso, and sheets containing four years of mathematical derivations. The manuscripts were released Tuesday, March 5 to mark the 140th anniversary of Einstein’s birth. Einstein and Besso in their letters discussed science, but also wrote about personal matters such as their families and Jewish identity. “As a goy, you’re not obligated to study the language of our forefathers, while I, as a ‘Jewish saint,’ should be embarrassed at the fact that I know almost nothing. But I prefer to be embarrassed rather than learning it,” Einstein wrote in German in a letter to Besso, who had converted to Christianity, about the Hebrew language. In another letter to Besso, Einstein writes that after 50 years of thinking about it, he still does not understand the

quantum nature of light. In a 1935 letter to his son Hans Albert, who was living in Switzerland, Einstein wrote that “I read with some apprehension that there is quite a movement in Switzerland, instigated by the German bandits. But I believe that even in Germany things are slowly starting to change. Let’s just hope we won’t have a Europe war first. The new manuscripts were purchased from a private collector in Chapel Hill, N. C., for Hebrew University’s Albert Einstein Archives by the CrownGoodman Family Foundation in Chicago. The archives contain more than 80,000 items. (JTA)

U of p to rename design school for Stuart Weitzman The University of Pennsylvania will rename its School of Design for shoe designer Stuart Weitzman. The name change to the Stuart Weitzman School of Design follows the contribution of an undisclosed sum to the school by Weitzman. The funds will go toward financial aid and academic programming, as well as the redesign of the school’s central plaza, which will be named The Stuart Weitzman Plaza. Weitzman graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1963. He founded his eponymous luxury footwear company in 1986. He sold the company to Coach in 2015 and stayed on as creative director for the company through May 2017 and is currently chairman emeritus. The Penn School of Design enrolls more than 700 students and is consistently ranked among the country’s top design schools. Weitzman is supporting the development of a museum in Madrid dedicated to Spanish-Jewish history. He has represented the United States in table tennis at the Maccabiah Games. (JTA) Who owns the country’s oldest synagogue? Not our problem, said the U.S. Supreme Court The high court on Monday, March 18 declined to take up the case that gave control of the Newport, Rhode Island-based Touro Synagogue building and its pricey

4 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

artifacts to a similarly historic congregation in Manhattan. As a result, Shearith Israel, the oldest Jewish congregation in the country, maintains control over Touro and its $7.4 million silver Torah ornaments, called rimonim. Touro was founded in Newport in the 18th century by a Sephardic Jewish community whose numbers declined over the years. Shearith Israel, a Sephardic congregation that was established in 1654 and has worshipped at various sites in Manhattan, has served as trustee of the Touro Synagogue since the early 19th century. A separate congregation, Jeshuat Israel, founded in 1881 as Ashkenazi immigrants began flooding America from Eastern Europe, has worshipped at Touro for more than a century. The current dispute began in 2012 when Jeshuat, which still holds regular services at Touro, attempted to sell one set of the silver ornaments. It hoped to establish an endowment to maintain a rabbi and care for the building, which was designated a national historic site in 1946. Shearith Israel sued to stop the sale. In August 2017, the Boston Court of Appeals ruled in favor of giving Shearith Israel, often called The Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, control of the 250-year-old Touro. That decision also gave the Manhattan synagogue ownership of the historic rimonim. Jeshuat had argued that a lower federal court had contravened Rhode Island law in deciding for Shearith. (JTA)

Facebook rolls out tool in Israel to make political ads transparent Facebook released its political advertisement transparency tool in Israel. The rollout came on Friday, March 15, less than a month before the country’s national elections. Already in use in the United States, Brazil, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, the tool makes it easier for the media and public to identify who is paying for an ad. Political advertisers will have to supply identity verification before publishing any ads relating to political figures, political parties and elections.

Election ads will appear with a ticker on the top left corner that states who paid for the ad. The ads also will be archived for up to seven years and include information on exposure and demographics, according to reports. Israeli election law dealing with advertisements was written before the advent of social media. Late last month, the Central Elections Committee chairman, Supreme Court Justice Hanan Melcer, announced a ban on anonymous election ads on social media and in all other media. It went into effect on March 1. (JTA)

Putin makes joke about Jews and money during Crimea visit Russian President Vladimir Putin made a joke invoking the anti-Semitic trope about Jews and money during a visit to Crimea. During a visit with local residents and religious leaders on Monday, March 18, a local Jewish leader made a comment about financial difficulties. “So the Jews have problems with finances!” Putin replied. “Only such a thing could happen in Crimea.” He also said “todah rabah,” Hebrew for “thank you very much,” to the bearded, black-hatted Jewish man. The exchange was first reported in English in a tweet by Washington Post Moscow correspondent Anie FerrisRotman, who included a video. Also in Crimea, Putin proposed inviting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to the opening of a synagogue in Sevastopol after offering to invite President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey to the opening of a Crimean mosque. Putin also said that the Jewish community in Russia was making a large contribution to his country’s development. “I hope that Jews in Crimea will play the same positive role,” he said. “Judaism is also among our traditional denominations, traditional religions, and I am very pleased that religious life is developing here in Crimea.” Some 10,000 Jews live in Crimea. The community has supported Russian annexation of the peninsula. (JTA)

nation Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue raises more than $40,000 for families of Christchurch mosque attack victims


Marcy Oster


he Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh is paying it forward.

The congregation has raised more

than $40,000 to support the victims and their families of the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. “We feel compelled to come to the aid of those communities, just as our Jewish community was so compassionately supported only a few short months ago by people around the world of many faiths,” the synagogue wrote on its GoFundMe page set up on Saturday, March 15. “We recall with love the immediate, overwhelming support Tree of Life received from our Muslim brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh.” The funds will be transferred to an organization authorized to provide support to the Christchurch families and community, according to the synagogue. Until then, the money will be held by the

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Direct Impact Fund. Fifty Muslim worshipers were killed and at least 20 injured following shootings at the Al Noor and Linwood mosques on Friday, March 14. In October, 11 worshippers were killed in the attack on the Tree of Life synagogue building, home to three congregations, by a lone gunman. It was the deadliest attack on Jews in the United States. “To the families going through the

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you in our prayers,” the synagogue wrote. (JTA) | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 5

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Seven Jewish things to look for when Mueller wraps up his investigation Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON ( JTA)—It looks like Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating alleged improprieties associated with Donald Trump’s presidency and election campaign, is wrapping up his report. Or maybe not. Mueller has over his near-two-year run led a leak-free operation, and no one is saying on the record that the report is completed. Last month, according to the multiple media reports citing unnamed Justice Department officials, the word was that it would come soon. And the Trump administration sources who are fueling the reports might have a vested interest in wanting Mueller to cut things short, now. Not only that, but what is seen of the report may be limited: Attorney General William Barr, under current department regulations, is required only to summarize the report for Congress, and he has suggested that he will not include in the report information that could be damaging to unindicted individuals. Topping that list is President Donald Trump, as department guidelines say that a sitting president may not be indicted. Democrats have since Jan. 3 controlled the House of Representatives, and say they are ready to challenge rules that would restrict anything short of the full report being made public. Nonetheless, as tight-lipped as Mueller has been, it’s possible to glean the thrust of his investigation from his multiple court filings, indictments and convictions. The Associated Press pulled together a narrative that suggests the outline of the report, and it isn’t good news for Trump. The AP outline depicts a campaign that was at least receptive to Russian interference in the 2016 campaign, and with some toplevel officials (although as far as we know, not Trump himself), who were prone to lying about Russian interference. There are major players on both sides—those implicated in the Mueller investigation, those who want to bring it all to light, and those who might be

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collaterally damaged—who are Jewish. Here are some Jewish players to watch for and possible outcomes once the report gets released.

The family: First, the good news… Word is, Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime adviser, indicted in January for witness tampering and for lying to officials about his role in soliciting hacked Democratic Party emails, is Mueller’s last get. Members of Trump’s family, including son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, were no doubt relieved. Other good news for Kushner: Mueller’s ambit would have included any alleged crimes related to Russian interference in the election. If he’s not prosecuting Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. for their role in the June 2016 meeting they took with a Russian lawyer with purported ties to the Kremlin who said she had dirt on Trump’s Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, it’s likely no one will. The same goes for the meetings Kushner took during the transition with Russian officials. Ditto for Kushner’s alleged role in getting his father-in-law to fire James Comey, the FBI director, in May of 2017. Mueller was reported to be considering whether that constituted an attempt to obstruct justice, as a means of killing the Russia inquiry. (In fact, it ended up spurring it forward: Comey’s departure led Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, to name Mueller to the special counsel post.) …and then the bad news But Kushner’s relief could be short-lived. There are signs that Mueller may be delegating some prosecutions to other authorities. You’ll recall that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, pleaded guilty to fraud and lying to Congress. Those cases, which got Cohen three years in jail, were prosecuted not by Mueller, but by federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. (In testimony to Congress, Cohen said Trump was a con man and a racist, and once again cited

his father’s survival of the Holocaust to explain why he turned on Trump.) Much else has come up over the last two years that could implicate Kushner and his wife Ivanka in the kinds of allegations that are not directly related to Russian interference in the election. Kushner is Trump’s top point man in cultivating U.S. ties with Sunni Arab nations in the Persian Gulf—his family also owns a fortune-draining property at 666 Fifth Avenue in New York. Kushner has been seeking investors in those countries, as well as in Russia, to bail out the business. As a result, reports of possible conflicts of influence have dogged him. Mueller reportedly looked into Kushner’s alleged overtures to Russian investors. The most recent news is that investors from Qatar, a country despised by much of the U.S. conservative establishment for its ties to Iran and to the Muslim Brotherhood, are helping to bail out the property. Kushner’s closest Middle Eastern ally, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has led a blockade against Qatar. Israeli interests also have invested in Kushner’s company. Reportedly, concerns over these multiple investments kept intelligence agencies from recommending that Kushner get the security clearance that usually comes with his status as a top presidential adviser. Ivanka Trump might also not be spared fallout. One of Cohen’s guilty pleas is for lying to Congress about the extent of Trump’s efforts to build a flagship property in Moscow, well into his presidential campaign. Ivanka Trump reportedly was involved in planning the property.

The family’s friends and projects If it emerges that prosecutors are looking into Kushner’s business associations or anything else unearthed by Mueller, there will be collateral damage. Kushner just lead a six-nation tour of the Gulf to drum up support for his plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace. He won’t publish the deal until after the April 9

nation elections in Israel, in part not to influence their outcome. The plan doesn’t have much of a chance in any case, without buy-in from the Palestinians, who are furious with Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. But what Trump once dubbed the “deal of the century” will be mortally wounded if Kushner gets into legal trouble. The Gulf leaders whose support he is now soliciting would be less likely to endorse a deal that would be unpopular on the Arab street. And Israeli hard-liners who already are wary of the deal, even with its details kept secret, would have a case to make that it is not worth pursuing absent Kushner’s advocacy. Kushner has since his teens been close to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is fighting for his political life and who has banked on reelection in part on his closeness to Trump—a closeness brokered to a large extent by Kushner. If Kushner is out of the picture—especially if there is a development before April 9—Netanyahu could be weakened politically. Kushner more recently has formed a fast friendship with bin Salman, who for a time appeared preeminent in the stakes to succeed his father King Salman. Then, Mohammed bin Salman suffered internal political fallout for the gruesome murder last year of an exiled dissident, Jamal Khashoggi. The departure of his American patron would be another setback.

The Israeli tricksters Much of the attention on foreign interference in the 2016 election has focused on Russia and its intelligence agencies. Psy-Group, an Israeli company made up of former Mossad agents has, reportedly, also taken credit for using psyops to manipulate social media and turn voters away from Clinton in 2016. It may be bluster, and so far, no indictments. The fund-raisers Post-election, three of the top lay officials at the Republican National Committee were Jewish. Like many such honorees, they won the spots for their fund-raising and other work in helping to elect Trump. They were: Michael Cohen, one of its

deputy finance chairmen, who is now going to jail; Eliott Broidy, another deputy finance chairman, reportedly under federal scrutiny for soliciting cash from foreign powers for access to the Trump administration; and Steve Wynn, the former casino magnate and RNC finance chairman. Wynn was forced out of his eponymous business because of sexual assault allegations, and last year was said to be cooperating with the Justice Department in the Broidy investigation. All three are no longer associated with the RNC.

The tabloid tyrant David Pecker, the National Enquirer publisher, got immunity last year for assisting in the prosecution of Cohen: Pecker dished to Feds about the Enquirer’s role in Cohen’s pay-offs to the adult film actresses who are alleged to have had affairs with Trump. Pecker last month again got into trouble for an alleged extortion attempt targeting Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos. Southern District of New York prosecutors are now considering whether Pecker voided his immunity deal. The investigators Democrats won the U.S. House of Representatives in November and have made no bones about using their subpoena power to investigate whatever Mueller chooses not to prosecute. Of the 20 or so House committees, six will be at the forefront of the Trump investigations—Oversight, Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, Financial Services, and Ways and Means. Chairmen of all six committees wrote Barr, the attorney general, last month, demanding the release of the full Mueller report. Three of the chairmen are Jewish: • Adam Schiff of California heads the Intelligence Committee and wants to reopen investigations into the extent of Russian involvement in the Trump campaign; • Eliot Engel of New York heads Foreign Affairs, and wants to probe the degree to which Trump’s current Russia policy is tainted by any past associations; this week, he joined Schiff and Oversight chairman Elijah Cummings in requesting

“documents and interviews with White House and State Department personnel related to communications between Trump and Putin.” • Jerry Nadler heads the Judiciary Committee and is the lawmaker who will decide whether any information gleaned

in hearings rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors that would merit Trump’s impeachment. He has demanded documents from 81 individuals, agencies and businesses as part of a probe of allegations of Trump administration corruption.


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Seven things to know about Jerrold Nadler, the House Democrat in charge of probing Donald Trump Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—You’re going to hear a lot in the next year or so about Rep. Jerrold Nadler, a congressman from a New York City district that encompasses Manhattan’s West Side and a chunk of Brooklyn that includes Borough Park. Now that his Democrats again control the U.S. House of Representatives, this lawyer who has long championed civil rights has his dream job, chairing the Judiciary Committee. Except his priority likely won’t be civil rights: Nadler is the House’s top cop at a time when Democrats are itching to investigate whether the president has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. Nadler, 71, is among the Democratic elders advising the caucus’s left (and not coincidentally, its younger members) that talk of impeachment is premature. But he’s not holding back: This month Nadler issued requests to 81 individuals, government agencies, and businesses seeking a broad range of documents about the Trump administration’s dealings. Nadler and other key House chairs have made clear that Trump’s legal troubles will not end even if he gets a pass when special counsel Robert Mueller completes his investigation into allegations of improprieties by the Trump 2016 campaign and the presidency. “Over the last several years, President

Trump has evaded accountability for his near-daily attacks on our basic legal, ethical, and constitutional rules and norms,” Nadler said Monday, March 4 when he sent the letters that he said would turn into subpoenas if his requests did not meet a two-week deadline. “Investigating these threats to the rule of law is an obligation of Congress and a core function of the House Judiciary Committee.” Nadler immediately came under fire in the media and by Trump for overreach. “Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the special counsel and committees in both Chambers of Congress,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said that Monday evening. Trump and several others on Nadler’s mailing list (including the president’s sonin-law and adviser, Jared Kushner) have said they are not going to cooperate. But don’t underestimate Nadler, who’s been a congressman since 1992: He has a reputation for doggedness and getting results, particularly in maintaining voting rights and advancing LGBT rights. Here are seven Jewish things to know about Nadler. He quotes Talmud on the job. Nadler was raised Orthodox and attended yeshiva until high school. In a floor debate on the death penalty when he was a New

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York state assemblyman, he and conservative Democrat Dov Hikind rattled off passages of Talmud from memory. “It was much to the chagrin of the Assembly stenographer,” his old friend Richard Gottfried, a fellow assemblyman, told the New York Times in 1992 when Nadler was elected to Congress. He’s the son of a failed chicken farmer. Nadler was radicalized at seven years old when his father lost his struggle to maintain a New Jersey chicken farm during the Eisenhower administration. “I started becoming politicized when I was growing up because there were two names that were never pronounced except with disdain,” Nadler told the Times in the same article. “One was Dwight D. Eisenhower, and the other was Ezra Taft Benson, his secretary of agriculture. I didn’t know what they did, but whatever they did made it impossible for chicken farmers to produce eggs without losing money.” He was a pivotal Jewish vote on the Iran deal. Nadler’s Jewish cred made him a top target for persuasion by the Obama administration ahead of a key September 2015 vote to affirm the Iran nuclear deal. He was clearly anguished about the decision and sat on it for three weeks until he joined the first members of Congress’ Jewish

caucus to announce their support on Aug. 21—and then only after a personal letter from President Obama answering his questions. Nadler’s hechsher cleared the way for the majority of Jewish lawmakers to back a deal reviled by Republicans and, significantly, Israel’s prime minister. In an op-ed two weeks earlier for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Nadler described the dilemma he faced. “This is a decision that weighs heavily on all members of Congress—particularly on Jewish members,” Nadler said. “To make this decision properly requires consideration of what has led us to this point, a sober understanding of the reality we face and a determination to find the most responsible course of action given the options available.” His civil rights record helped win him the Judiciary Committee chairmanship. The Judiciary Committee is at the forefront of advancing civil rights, especially in a Democratic-held House. According to the scuttlebutt, Nadler was not a shoo-in for the post, even though he was ranking member. The Congressional Black Caucus was angling for one of its members: Retired Rep. John Conyers of Michigan was the last Democrat in the post, from 2007 to 2011, and there was talk of Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., getting the job now. If there was any hesitation about




AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH EMMY® AND TONY® AWARD-WINNER naming Nadler to the job, his record in passing laws protecting voting rights and women’s and LGBT rights put it to rest. And despite the front-page focus on his forthcoming tussles with the Trump administration, he has kept the Judiciary Committee busy looking at civil rights, scheduling recent hearings on the Voting Rights Act and efforts to roll back limitations imposed on it by the Supreme Court in 2013. He has also advocated for the Violence Against Women Act and “Dreamers,” undocumented migrants who arrived in the United States as minors. (The last Jewish chairman of the committee, Democrat Emanuel Cellar of New York, helmed it from 1949 to 1972 and helped usher through the historic Civil Rights Act.)

Nadler is among a cadre of civil rights Democrats who long saw the life sentence for Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard as excessive and retributive.

He’s not easily rattled. Nadler hauled Matthew Whitaker, the then-acting attorney general, before his committee last month to ask him about alleged Trump administration improprieties, particularly allegations that Trump tried to obstruct justice and interfere with Mueller’s investigation of ties between Russia and Trump’s campaign and presidency. Whitaker was a difficult witness, interrupting Democrats, and tried to pull a fast one on Nadler, invoking the five-minute

limit on member questions when Nadler asked him if he was asked to interfere in the Mueller inquiry. “Mr. Chairman, I see that your five minutes is up,” Whitaker said. It is the chairman who enforces the five-minute rule; jaws literally dropped and lawmakers gasped when Whitaker tried it. Not Nadler, who chuckled, reminded Whitaker that he was in charge and asked the question again. (Whitaker denied being asked to interfere.) He advocates for easing restrictions on Jonathan Pollard. Nadler is among a cadre of civil rights Democrats who long saw the life sentence for Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard as excessive and retributive. Since Pollard’s conditional release in 2105, Nadler and Rep. Eliot Engel, a fellow New York Democrat, have advocated for easing the conditions. He lent weight to Chuck Schumer’s 1998 Senate win. Nadler’s then-House colleague, Chuck Schumer, made what at first seemed a quixotic run for the Senate in 1998 against popular incumbent Al D’Amato, a moderate Republican with a solid pro-Israel record and a reputation for working with Democrats. Schumer, hammering D’Amato as a liar, started gaining on him with the help of Nadler as a proxy. A rattled D’Amato told a meeting of Jewish leaders that Schumer was a “putzhead” and mocked Nadler, who at the time was notably overweight, as “Jerry Waddler.” The exchange was leaked. D’Amato at first denied the allegations, then copped to them. He issued a public apology to Nadler (but not Schumer) at a Jewish day school, but the damage was done. Nadler revved up his attacks on D’Amato, the “liar” narrative was reinforced and Schumer is now minority leader in the Senate. Yiddish-inflected insult politics didn’t unseat Nadler in 2016 when his primary opponent got comedian Jackie Mason to record a robocall deriding Nadler’s Iran vote—and his weight. Nadler won in a landslide.


and the Virginia Symphony Orchestra with Conductor Rob Fisher FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 8 PM CHRYSLER HALL, NORFOLK


Part of the






Anti-Semitism Belgian mayor defends carnival float featuring Jews with money and a rat Cnaan Liphshiz

(JTA)—The mayor of the Belgian city whose annual parade featured puppets of Jews and a rat atop money bags defended the display, telling the local media that “In Aalst it should be allowed.” Christoph D’Haese told the Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper that “it’s not up to the mayor to forbid” such displays, and that “the carnival participants had no sinister intentions.” Jewish groups and international organizations including the European Commission condemned the Sunday, March 3 float at the Aalst Carnaval. “It is unthinkable that such imagery is being paraded on European streets 70 years after the Holocaust,” a spokesperson from the European Commission, the

executive branch of the European Union, told reporters, according to Het Laatste Nieuws. Also, B’nai B’rith International issued a statement saying the organization “is disgusted with the anti-Semitic puppets” that were on display. The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s director for international relations, Shimon Samuels, wrote to a Belgian Cabinet minister saying that his group is “sickened” by the display. The float, titled “Shabbat Year,” was prepared by the Vismooil’n carnival group. It featured two giant puppets with sidelocks and streimels, hats favored by some Orthodox Jews, in pink suits. One is grinning while smoking a cigar. That puppet has a white rat on his right shoulder. Both puppets are standing on gold coins and have money bags at their feet.

On a wheeled platform directly behind the float, several dozen people dressed like the puppets danced to a song about full coffers that are “Jewishly beautiful” and about “getting extra fat.” The annual carnival featuring the display was added in 2010 to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO. The organization has not replied to numerous critical questions about the Aalst event on social media. A spokesperson for the carnival group told a blogger last month that the display was meant to address how “everything has become so expensive.” Vismooil’n created the display as its 2019 theme for the Aalst carnival, the

local edition of celebrations that take place throughout parts of Europe and Latin America annually in anticipation of Lent, the 40-day period before Easter. Participants prepare floats and dance routines, parading them through town on Carnaval. In 2013, a different group designed a float resembling a Nazi railway wagon used to transport Jews to death camps. The people who designed the float, known as the FTP Group, marched nearby dressed as Nazi SS officers and haredi Orthodox Jews. A poster on the wagon showed Flemish Belgian politicians dressed as Nazis and holding canisters labeled as containing Zyklon B, the poison used by the Nazis to exterminate Jews in gas chambers in the Holocaust. UNESCO condemned that display.

Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Memory Loss Friday, April 12th, at 1 p.m. Hosted at the John Knox Apartments: 1210 Colonial Ave, Norfolk With the number of Alzheimer’s diagnoses increasing, it is important to understand what is normal as we age. If you are caring for an older loved one, being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of memory loss is a must. Join us for a free presentation to learn the most common signs of memory loss, how to discern between normal aging and Alzheimer’s and how early detection can impact a loved one’s quality of life.

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Independent Living Plus, Assisted Living & Memory Care | 7211 Granby St., Norfolk, VA | 10 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

Anti-Semitism ADL: White supremacists targeting message to neighborhoods and campuses like never before Marcy Oster

(JTA)—White supremacists dramatically stepped up their propaganda efforts targeting neighborhoods and campuses in 2018 to never-before seen levels. Such efforts increased by 182 percent, to 1,187 distributions across the U.S., up from 421 total incidents reported in 2017, the Anti-Defamation League reported Tuesday, March 5. The number of racist rallies and demonstrations also rose last year, with 91 white supremacist rallies or other public events attended by white supremacists held in 2018, up from 76 the previous year. In addition, hate groups increasingly used so-called “flash mob” tactics to avoid advance publicity and scrutiny. In most cases, the identities of individual members were hidden, according to the ADL.

“Posting fliers is a tried-and-true tactic for hate groups, one that enables them to spread hateful ideas and sow fear across an entire community,” says Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s national director. “Hate groups were emboldened in 2018, but their increasing reliance on hate leafleting indicates that most of their members understand this is a fringe activity and are unwilling to risk greater public exposure or arrest.” ADL recorded 319 incidents of white supremacist propaganda appearing on 212 college and university campuses in 37 states and Washington, D.C., up from 292 campus incidents in 2017. The number of non-campus community propaganda efforts soared to 868 from 129 incidents. “Alt-right” groups were responsible for the majority of these efforts.

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Women & Mothers Day April 22 issue To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email

Norfolk Yorktown Richmond Manassas Jessup | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 11


Leading archaeologist and Jewish Studies scholar to lead new CNU program Bertram and Gladys Aaron Endowed Professorship in Jewish Studies


r. Richard Freund, a prominent archaeologist, historian, and explorer, has been appointed to a new position at Christopher Newport University where he will lead Judaic Studies and build strong ties with the Jewish community throughout the nation. Freund is the inaugural holder of the Bertram and Gladys Aaron Endowed Professorship in Jewish Studies. He currently serves as the director of the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies and Greenberg Professor of Jewish History at the University of Hartford. “This is a landmark day in the history of Christopher Newport University,” says President Paul Trible, CNU president. “Dr. Freund personifies what we expect of our students, that they lead, serve, engage, and set the world on fire. He has done all of that with national and international impact. We

are proud that Dr. Freund is joining us and grateful to Bert’ and Gladys Aaron for their generosity in making this appointment possible.” “Richard Freund was precisely the type of teacher and scholar we had in mind when we established the professorship,” says Bert’ Aaron. “He will serve the University superbly and bring energy, insight, and a spirit of engagement to the Jewish and other communities across the Hampton Roads.” Freund is perhaps best known for leading an international group of archaeologists, scientists, and historians as they searched for the lost city of Atlantis, a sophisticated and extensive expedition captured by the National Geographic Channel’s documentary Atlantis Rising. Freund’s team discovered six stone anchors in southern Spain that could date back to

the Bronze Age. Other highlights of Freund’s career include: • Building an extensive Judaic Studies program at the University of Hartford that included lectureships, concerts, study abroad archaeology programs, and a Museum of Jewish Civilization. • Discovering a Holocaust escape tunnel featured on the documentary series Nova, one of his 15 appearances in television documentaries. • Leading multiple archaeological projects in Israel and Europe and a research project at the extermination camp at Sobibor, Poland. • Locating the exact burial site of Matilda Olkin who was executed by Nazi collaborators. Poetry by the young Jewish woman, often called the Anne Frank of Lithuania, described Nazis closing in on

Local and Experienced…a winning combination!

Dr. Richard Freund

her village. “I am honored by this appointment and eager to meet the students and join the faculty at Christopher Newport,” Freund says. “My goal is to expand the reach of Judaic Studies offerings within the University and the community at large. The Bertram and Gladys Aaron professorship is unique in that it calls me to provide outreach to the region’s dynamic Jewish community, while promoting a vibrant and active intellectual and Jewish religious and social life on campus.”

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2o19 Summer


Supplement to Jewish News March 25, 2019 | March 25, 2019 | Camp | Jewish News | 13

Virginia Beach



Sim o





Splash & Dash Sunday, May 12 • 1-3 PM A swim & run event for ages 7-15. All participants receive: • USAT youth membership • Event t-shirt • Finisher’s medal

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Dear Readers,


amp provides a time and space for fun, as well as for development of confidence and new skills—all in a protected and caring environment. In fact, studies con-

sistently demonstrate the long-term benefits of a summer camp experience for both campers and counselors. Perhaps that’s why approximately 11 million kids in the United States attend some form of summer camp each year. With today’s vast options, choosing a camp, whether day or overnight, can be a confusing or exciting challenge…depending on your point of view. Either way, the best way to proceed might be to get out the calendar, gather the brochures, and start filling in the weeks. Within these next pages are suggestions for making those decisions—either through articles or advertisements. We hope they help set whoever is filling in the blanks on those June—August calendars on the road to an exciting and fulfilling summer!

For more information or to register, call 757.321.2308 or visit


Gan Izzy 2019

SMILES! GUARANTEED! JULY 1 - JULY 26 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM AGES 3-11* Sign up for 3 weeks, get 1 FREE! $275 per week (scholarships available)

Visit to reserve your smiles today! #IloveGanIzzy #JewishFun #GanIzzy2019 *Must be toilet trained.

14 | Jewish News | Camp | March 25, 2019 |

Terri Denison Editor


Children’s Museum of Virginia

ffering something for everyone, the Children’s Museum of Virginia’s Camp sessions include visits to the Beazley Planetarium, history sites, and stops around town. Campers will explore the arts, science, history, and literacy. Located in Portsmouth, the museum’s changing exhibits for the summer are also always featured. Ages 3–11.

camp First person

One Happy Camper and Sababa Surf Camp are a big hit for the Lemke family

MJ Lemke.

Shawn (and Ashley) Lemke


can’t say enough positive things about Sababa Surf Camp and the One Happy Camper grants program. As I changed my career, the prospect of paying for a sleep away experience was overwhelming. I learned about One Happy

Camper (supported by the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and Foundation for Jewish Camp) from my Aunt Leslie, and Cousin Megan. It was the perfect opportunity to make this camp experience a reality for my son MJ (age 11). This summer, my daughter, Breckin (age 8), is eligible and has received the grant. Now both children will be receiving this wonderful gift of Jewish camp, thanks to the Tidewater Jewish Foundation! The fact that Sababa Surf Camp is run here in Virginia Beach was especially pleasing that our fundraising efforts benefited a local operation providing a wonderful and unique Jewish experience for our youth here and from around the country. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!

A Summer Of Family Fun Awaits • 523-SHOW

One Happy Camper fund of TJF accepts and appreciates contributions


ccording to the Foundation for Jewish Camp, “The impact of Jewish camp is immediate—campers return home connected to a community and friends that will last them a lifetime. And it doesn’t stop there. Children with pivotal Jewish camp experiences are more likely to become adults who value their Jewish heritage, support Jewish causes, and take on leadership roles in their communities.” To learn more about One Happy Camper, visit to receive up to $1,000 off a first summer of Jewish overnight summer camp for a child. Needs blind grants are available for more than 155 amazing Jewish overnight camps across the country for first-time campers. The Tidewater Jewish Foundation, in partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Camp, has matching funds available to provide Tidewater area families with grants for camp. To contribute toward this fund to allow more kids from Tidewater to attend Jewish overnight camp, contact Scott Kaplan, president and CEO, at 757-965-6109 or email Gifts can be made to the Tidewater Jewish Foundation with “One Happy Camper” in the memo/purpose. | March 25, 2019 | Camp | Jewish News | 15

Fill your calendar with adventures this summer! Register for JCAMP at the Simon Family JCC! Let’s Safari



Welcome to the Jungle

Animal Shenanigans


Lions, Tigers, & Bears




Shabbat Rock

Horseback Riding 5/6

Field Trip | Teens

Cruising into Fun Island Hopping

Israeli Scouts 24 Show and Visit

Late Stay | 1/2





PJ Days!

Field Trip | 1/2 Family Fun Night -

Field Trip | 3/4 Surfing | Teens


Now You’re Cooking

Drive in Movie/Cookout | LC



America the Beautiful!

Everyday Heroes

Field Trip | K Overnight & Movie 3/4

Field Trip | 5/6 & Teens

Time Travel Through the Decades!




Camp Wide Patriotic Carnival & Cookout

Decades Day! 10



W o rld

Shabbat Concert! LC only



Field Trip & Overnight | 5/6 Music Theory DJ Class | Teens

4th of July!


Take me out to 5 the Ballgame Leather crafting

NO CAMP Teens Throwback 11 Retro Games Thursday!


Overnight & Movie 5/6

Kayak Tours | Teens

Out of this World Space Travel!


Blast Off!




Around the World!

Field Trip | 3/4 Field Trip | Teens

Maccabi Color War Games!

Opening Ceremony


Summer Games




Color Run!

Destination Israel!

5/6 & Teens

Out of this world Magic



Space Race

International Chopped Challenge



Passport Palooza



Israel Spirit Day! 7

Camping & Overnight


International Cooking & Overnight

Late Stay | 1/2


Field Trip | Teens

Global Awareness

Family Sing-along


Field Trip & Overnight | 3/4 Field Trip | Teens

Field Trip | 1/2

Field Trip | Teens

Tikkun Olam



Field Trip | K Field Trip | 5/6

Field Trip | Teens


Tie-Dye Activity | LC-4th

Tie-Dye workshop


Winter Games


Go for the Gold 2

Field Trip | 5/6 Field Trip | Teens

Mitzvah Madness


Talent Show Stopper!


End of Camp Celebration Shabbat! *Calendar subject to change

Visit or see our camp insert in the Jewish News!

16 | Jewish News | Camp | March 25, 2019 |

camp California Jewish camp to try out all-gender cabins this summer Alix Wall

SAN FRANCISCO ( J. The Jewish News of Northern California via JTA)—After attending a few LGBTQ family weekends at Camp Tawonga, Jonathan Brunn felt ready to attend sleepaway camp there. But Jonathan’s mom, Nancy, was nervous. Jonathan, 10, has identified as nonbinary—a gender identity that falls somewhere outside the category of male or female—since age three. Because of that, the San Francisco child has been subjected to bullying at school. But it didn’t happen at Camp Tawonga, which has been ahead of the curve in welcoming nonbinary and LGBTQ campers and staff. It turns out that Jonathan isn’t the first nonbinary camper to attend the Jewish camp near Yosemite National Park, and certainly won’t be the last. To

accommodate the increasing number of kids like Jonathan among its campers, for the first time Tawonga will have two all-gender cabins this summer. While the move is pioneering, it isn’t precedent setting: According to the Foundation for Jewish Camp, Habonim Dror’s Camp Moshava in Maryland has offered all-gender cabins since 2017, and the foundation itself offered the option to camp counselors attending its Cornerstone Seminar last year. Jonathan first attended A Taste of Camp, a five-night session for younger campers going to sleepaway camp for the first time, in the summer of 2016. While Jonathan’s mom and camp staff had decided beforehand to place Jonathan in a girls’ bunkhouse, the cabin-mates took it upon themselves to call the bunkhouse “all-gender” to make it more inclusive. The decision to officially create two

such cabins came about organically, according to camp director Becca Meyer. In the previous several years, Tawonga had added all-gender restrooms and started a “beyond the binary” campfire in addition to separate girls’ and boys’ campfires. Meyer estimated that last year, approximately 20 of the 600 campers chose the third option. “Tawonga has a long history of only offering girls’ and boys’ cabins, but it’s become clear in recent years that that doesn’t work for all kids,” Meyer says. “So, we wanted to create another option so that all kids can live in a cabin that reflects their gender identity.” The two cabins—one for children going into fifth and sixth grades and one for those going into seventh and eighth grades—will each accommodate 12 campers and be offered only during the fourth session of camp as a pilot program.

After that, a decision will be made about making the arrangement permanent. Unlike the boys’ and girls’ cabins, the all-gender cabins will have a no-nudity rule. Campers can choose to change in the bathroom, in their sleeping bags, or behind a privacy curtain. As for who will staff the cabins, Meyer says that a lot of counselors have expressed interest. “We haven’t decided yet, but they will be excellent counselors who get additional training in working with diverse campers,” she says. Meyer adds, “As we approach our 100th anniversary [in 2025], we’re doubling down on our commitment to social justice and inclusion, and offering all-gender cabins is one way we’re doing that.” The response in the Tawonga community has been overwhelmingly positive, Meyer says.

There’s a perfect camp for every Jewish camper. Find yours today at

Get up to $1,000 for your child’s first summer at Jewish overnight camp.

this way to BFFs At Jewish overnight camp, kids discover who they are—and who they want to become—while having the time of their lives. They race across ziplines, jump into lakes and learn important life skills. And they create enduring friendships. For more information or to apply, contact Ann Swindell 757-965-6106 or | March 25, 2019 | Camp | Jewish News | 17


Benefits of exploration through Summer Programs Excerpts from a blog by Tyler Faubert


ddly enough, summer programs share similarities to lunch and dinner buffets. However, summer camp’s most important parallels include ample opportunity to explore new activities without a long-term commitment, while providing a twist of fun and excitement to the daily routine.

Understanding summer camps The American Camp Association estimates more than 14,000 summer camps, both overnight and day camps, operate annually across the United States. With more than 11 million students attending camps, families have a wealth of options offering students the opportunity to maintain a daily routine, make new friends with similar passions, and explore

new interests in a fun, no-strings-attached atmosphere. On the other hand, students who do not participate in summer camps may experience the “summer slide,” or summer learning loss. Research shows this phenomenon likely leads to a student losing the equivalent of up to two months of academic instruction. Students attending summer programs are able to not only retain, but also enhance math, reading, and writing skills throughout June, July, and August. As a bonus, attending summer programs allows students to maintain a routine, which brings a slew of benefits. Maintaining a routine helps build confidence and independence, especially with school-aged children, and produces healthy habits, constructive behaviors, and a sense of stability. Also, for many working families, knowing their child

is safe and having fun yields peace of mind.

schedule to the exploration of new ideas and activities or the development of a former interest. Endless Typically, programs opportunity million students offer a broad range of Much like a favorite attend camp selections encompassing lunch or dinner buffet, in the U.S. the arts, athletics, and summer programs come academics. The possibilin all shapes, sizes, and ities are endless to mix offerings. Maybe you and match camp schedwant to try a new dish, ules. The choice may or indulge in a favorite differ from family to meal in copious amounts family, and camps encourage families to for a discounted price. Summer programs test the waters. But most importantly, give families a choice of trying something it gives the camper confidence outside new each week or the option to particof their comfort zone, and, as an added ipate in the same activity for as long as bonus, the nature of many summer proit is available. Some families focus on a grams allows for families to decide, to singular subject, while many others focus an extent, how long to participate in the on wide-ranging selections. Either way, camp. summer camps are unique in creating an environment for families to tailor a camp

Fun Summer CampS


• Ages 3 -11 • Small Camp Sizes • Art • Music• Science • Adventure • Imagination

ONLINE REGISTRATION: Registration deadline is 2 weeks prior to start date. Campers must meet age requirement by start date.



18 | Jewish News | Camp | March 25, 2019 |

camp Decide commitment Summer camps often have opportunities for morning, afternoon, or full-day sessions, as well as extended care options. At a minimum, most day camps offer as little as three hours a day and as many as six hours a day, with discounts for multiple registrations also available. Campers can enrich acting skills in the morning, learn the basics of coding in the afternoon, and attend an academic workshop the very next week. With summer programs, families are not tied down or married to choices and are able to plan the summer one week, two weeks, three weeks, or all at once. Plus, summer programs allow students to explore new ideas on a weekto-week basis while maintaining similar hours and timelines as the school day’s routine. Exhilarating enjoyment A routine can be one of the most critical aspects of daily life, and much like a

buffet that provides a fun twist to eating at the dinner table, summer camps offer a balance of enjoyment and excitement while maintaining a vital part of the daily regimen. Summer programs provide an environment where campers can do something familiar with close friends, try

something new, or celebrate with a favorite theme. Participating in summer camps provides the internal clock a healthy balance after spending the last 180 days in a classroom setting. Camps are a rewarding and exhilarating approach to break from the day-to-day routine and keep the internal clock in check.

Tyler Faubert is director of auxiliary programs at Cape Henry Collegiate. For information on Cape Henry Collegiate’s Summer at the Cape for campers ages three-17, which begins in June and runs through August, go to or email summeratthecape@


Summer camps offer a balance of enjoyment


e Ag

+ s 5

and excitement while maintaining a vital part of the daily regimen.

No experience needed!



TAP ACTING and much more!

Weekdays 9am - 3:30pm

Spring Break Camp: April 15-19 Summer Camps: choose a session

Session 1: July 8-19 Session 2: July 22 - August 2 Session 3: August 5 - 16

WHAT WILL YOUR CHILD GET INTO THIS SUMMER? Campers in Grades Pre-K4 to 12 will create masterpieces, hone volleyball skills and save the world! Full and half-day artistic, athletic and academic camps will make your child’s summer one to remember. Learn more and register at | March 25, 2019 | Camp | Jewish News | 19

cape henry.qxp_Layout 1 3/20/19 2:35 PM Page 1

Cape Henry Collegiate’s Summer at the Cape Cape Henry Collegiate’s Summer at the Cape rests on a 30-acre campus just minutes from the Oceanfront. Campers ages 3-17 enjoy every aspect of Cape Henry’s beautiful facilities, including a passionate teaching staff, high-tech classrooms, a full-service cafeteria, a state of the art outdoor playground, and other fantastic facilities that will make your summer one to remember! Summer Programs span a wide variety of opportunities to accommodate a broad range of student interest. Whether you are looking for artistic enrichment, athletic instruction, or academic enhancement, our programs allow campers the opportunity to develop talents, explore new interests, and, most importantly, have fun during summer vacation! e fun begins in June and runs through August. Reserve a spot today. Space is limited. Summer at the Cape at a Glance Ages: 3 – 17 Camper Staff Ratio: 10:1 Session Availability: June 3 – August 9 Day Camp Cost: $195 - $295 per week. Half-Day, Full-Day, and Extended Care offered

Call 757.963.8241 or email Visit to register today! 1320 Mill Dam Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454

Simon Family JCC Day Camp Employment Looking for an amazingly fun summer job that makes a difference? Do you remember how great it was to be at Summer Camp? At Simon Family JCC J Camp, energetic and passionate staff provide a safe and positive learning environment for campers. Previous summer day camp work experience and/or experience working with children helpful. Staff members are hired for their ability to facilitate memorable experiences for our campers. Complete background check is required and Counselors must participate in an orientation program.

Now Hiring… for the following positions:

Upper Camp Unit Director* Teen Program Lead Counselor** Counselors (High School Graduates; minimum requirement) Junior Counselors (HS rising Junior; minimum requirement) Specialist (Activities: Sports, Music, Arts, etc.) Lead Counselor- Special Needs Shadow Program Special Needs Shadow Counselors Camp Nurse (RN certification required) *Requires proven camp leadership/management experience & must be 21+ years old ** Must be 21+ years old

Applications available at the Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 or Camp Sessions: June 17 -August 9; Post Camp: August 12 -23

20 | Jewish News | Camp | March 25, 2019 |


Camp Gan Israel


July 1–July 26

amp Gan Israel—or “Gan Izzy” as the campers call it, is the camp for Jewish fun in Hampton Roads. Gan Izzy days are filled with crafts, games, sports, and fitness activities, field trips, swimming, and more. Campers also get a fun dose of Jewish learning and spirit throughout their day from drop off to pickup. #JewishFUN. Buy three weeks and get one free.


Simon Family JCC Personal Trainers bring expertise, value to members Thomas Mills


personal trainer for 16 years, Simon Family JCC trainer Susan VannSpruill says it is important for gym members to approach fitness with a plan. Without one, she says, the results are often minimal or worse. “Many people come to the gym regularly without a real plan and as a result, see no progress or even risk injuring themselves,” says Vann-Spruill. Fortunately, the Simon Family JCC’s certified personal trainers have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to design safe and effective fitness programs for members.

“When members get a personal trainer, they should expect to have a routine they can be comfortable utilizing, learn proper technique so they don’t get injured, and learn to make the most of their gym experience,” says Debbie Addison, a JCC personal trainer. Tom Purcell, JCC membership and wellness director, understands that getting a personal trainer can be both intimidating and costly. That’s why, he says, the JCC offers easy ways to get started with a trainer—such as an introductory special on personal training and small group training—where members receive the personal attention of a trainer, but split the cost with other participants.



“If cost is an issue, then scheduling a personal training session can be spread out over time,” says Purcell. “Get with a trainer once a week or once per month to be sure you’re on track with your goals and exercising correctly. You will stay consistent and see the results happen.” For Addison, getting a personal trainer isn’t just about getting in shape or learning proper technique. It’s about investing in the most important thing in the world: yourself. “It’s worth the money to invest in yourself to achieve your goals,” says Addison. “Your health is just as important to invest in as anything else.”

Reserve Now! Women & Mothers Day April 22 issue To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email

Focusing on Rabbi Joseph Telushkin’s newly revised edition of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal—the Tidewater Together weekend is open to the entire community, inclusive of all ages, genders, religious affiliations, and degrees of observance. WORDS THAT HURT, WORDS THAT HEAL FRIDAY, MARCH 29 6:30PM · DINNER | 7:30PM · SERVICE & ONEG SHABBAT

Ohef Sholom Temple | 530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk Adults - $10 | Children 12 and under FREE | Kosher meals available - $14 RSVP Required By 3/22 to Dinner is NOT mandatory for attendance at 7:30pm community service and Oneg





Temple Israel with Kehillat Bet Hamidrash along with HUBB (Hands United Building Bridges) and VCIC (Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities) | 7255 Granby Street, Norfolk

THE 50 BEST JEWISH JOKES AND WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE HUMAN CONDITION SUNDAY, MARCH 31 10:00AM · BRUNCH | 10:30AM DISCUSSION Temple Emanuel with Congregation Beth Chaverim | 427 25th Street, Virginia Beach


F o r mo r e i n f o r mat i o n , o r t o RSVP ( r e qu i r e d f o r e ac h e ve n t ) , pl e ase cal l 7 57 - 321- 2304, or vi si t www. J ewi s hVA. or g/Ti dewat er Together | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 21

it’s a Wrap Israel Today

Israel’s Threat Matrix: A survey of the challenges on Israel’s borders and beyond Melissa Eichelbaum


r. Jonathan Schanzer, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and community partners’ latest Israel Today expert, visited Tidewater February 19–21, where he spoke to more than 1,100 people. The senior vice president for research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Schanzer offered insight into threats that Israel faces on her borders—including with Iran and its proxy groups Hezbollah and Hamas—as well as the changing alliances between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf nations. He was informative, engaging, and educational. Over the course of three days, Schanzer spoke to students at Tallwood High School’s Global Studies and World Languages Academy, First Colonial High School’s Legal Studies Academy, upper school students at Cape Henry Collegiate, and college students at Norfolk State and Virginia Wesleyan Universities, where he provided a detailed look into the Middle East, as well as an explanation of intricate and biased headlines often seen in the

mainstream media. He also spoke about the work and research being conducted at Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the think tank where he is employed, in an effort to expand their minds about potential careers. At an event open to the entire community, with visiting guests from Israel Today partner, AIPAC, Schanzer was joined by Representative Elaine Luria, of Virginia’s 2nd District, in a discussion that was moderated by Art Sandler, UJFT past president and an AIPAC National Board member. Schanzer informed the room of some 200 people of actions being taken by Middle Eastern nations, China, and Russia, that are affecting Israel and the United States. Everyone should be watching and engaging with elected officials in discussion to support the United States and its ally, Israel, he said. Representative Luria, who recently traveled to Israel for her first time with the American Israel Education Foundation, spoke about her experience visiting holy sites, meeting with leaders in both Jerusalem and Ramallah, and meeting with military and intelligence agencies. The trip was comprised of a

bipartisan delegation of freshmen U.S. Congressmen and Congresswomen. Rep. Luria also shared her recent experience of joining with Rep. Gottheimer (NJ05) to lead members of the Democratic party in sending a letter to Democratic House Leadership, urging them to condemn anti-Semitic rhetoric coming from Capitol Hill. For more information on the Israel Today series, including upcoming events, contact Melissa Eichelbaum at

Dr. Jonathan Schanzer with CHC Global Scholars.

Join the CRC, Simon Family JCC and community partners for the next event in the Israel Today series, From Remembrance to Independence: Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’Atzmaut with Ambassador Ido Aharoni, branding expert, career public servant in Israel’s Foreign Ministry, and Global Distinguished Professor, on Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 pm at Ohef Sholom Temple. Free and open to the community, with RSVP (required), to or 321-2304. Representative Elaine Luria with Andy Fox and Joel Nied before the community event.

Dr. Jonathan Schanzer with students at Virginia Wesleyan University’s Center for the Study of Religious Freedom.

22 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

Dr. Jonathan Schanzer speaks to a group before the community event.

A thank you note sent to Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, from a student at Tallwood High School.

it’s a Wrap Brith Sholom hosts myriad speakers


DR. RICHARD FREUND A prominent archaeologist, historian and explorer, Dr. Freund will be the Bertram and Gladys Aaron Endowed Professor in Jewish Studies at Christopher Newport University.

Joe Goldberg, Brith Sholom president, Jerry Sandler, program chair, Joe Weintrob, incoming president, and Pam Northam, First Lady of Virginia, who spoke to Brith Sholom about children’s literacy and volunteerism.


mong Brith Sholom’s many activities, the club often features informative and engaging speakers at its meetings. Jerry Sandler, program chairman, has arranged speakers from such places as the F.B.I, the Virginian-Pilot, and the Red Cross. And, Congresswoman Elaine Luria addressed the group before running for elected office. At a recent meeting, attended by approximately 150 members, Virginia’s First Lady, Pamela Northam, spoke about being First Lady and a teacher. Brith Sholom has been meeting at the

Simon Family JCC for the past two months while its meeting room at Beth Sholom Village is being renovated. Joe Goldberg is president of Brith Sholom and Joe Weintrob is vice president. More than 100 years old, Brith Sholom currently has 250 members. The group meets the first Sunday each month except July and August.

A special thank you Bert’ and Gladys Aaron for making possible a new position that will serve CNU students and the Jewish community.

For more information, contact Lee Ann Mallory, executive secretary, at 757-461-1150 or

Resreve now!

Reserve Now! Women & Mothers Day April 22 issue To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email


r e u mm

Coming May 6 To advertise call 757.965.6100 or email Ad deadline April 5 | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 23

What’s happening Simon Family JCC’s Annual Senior Seder Thursday, April 18, 11:30 am, Simon Family JCC

Calling all Jewish High School students to Cause An Effect First program: Thursday, May 9, 6–9 pm


he Simon Family JCC will host a seder open to all seniors. Rabbi Israel Zoberman will lead participants in a service followed by a traditional Passover meal. Tickets are $10. The registration deadline is Thursday, April 11. To register, visit the JCC front desk, call 321-2338 or go online to

Melissa Eichelbaum


constructive responses to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias on campus. Then, visiting Israel Today expert Ambassador Ido Aharoni will share details of the threats and opportunities regarding the anti-Israel movement on campuses across the country, offering solutions to the problem. This program is open to all Jewish students grades 9-12, and their parents. The series concludes with a pre-Shabbat gathering for teens on Friday, May 17, where the last of the visiting Israel Today experts of the 8th annual series, Artists 4 Israel, will lead a project involving graffiti in the name of advocacy.

ine, shop, and celebrate Park Place School community partners who are changing children’s lives. Auction and art items for sale starting at 10:45 am. Lunch begins promptly at 11:30 am and will conclude promptly at 12:30 pm. Time available after the luncheon to finalize purchases and take a tour of the school.

series for Jewish high school students, Cause An Effect offers students and their parents resources and tools to strategically respond to acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric currently seen on campuses. The program is presented in partnership with BBYO, OSTY and the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in 2017, the number of anti-Semitic incidents surged 94% in K–12 schools and 89% on college campuses, which doubled for the second consecutive year. Cause An Effect is a two-part series which begins on Thursday, May 9 with a two-part program. First, is Words to Action, an interactive program facilitated by the Anti-Defamation League designed to empower and equip attendees with


KBH to celebrate 40 years

For further information on this event or other senior activities, contact Sheryl Luebke at or 321-2334.

Park Place School Spring Luncheon IT TAKES A VILLAGE! Tuesday, April 2, 10:45 am–1:15 pm Congregation Beth El


For more information on Cause An Effect, or ways to get involved, contact Melissa Eichelbaum, assistant CRC director, at or 757-965-6107. Funding in part, provided by the Tidewater Jewish Foundation.

Sunday, June 2, 2 pm, KBH

OD AZA multi-year reunion Saturday, October 19 Hilton Hotel Oceanfront, Virginia Beach Mark Robbins


oes “We’re the boys of chapter 370, we’ve got plenty of…” sound familiar? If it does, you’re in for a fabulous treat! For many Jewish males who grew up in Tidewater during the early 1960’s through the early 1970’s, membership in Old Dominion AZA played a pivotal role in developing relationships and values that helped them grow and mature through their high school years. A group of former members are organizing and sponsoring an Old Dominion AZA reunion. Former members, spouses, and sweethearts are enthusiastically encouraged to attend. A block of rooms at a discounted rate has been set aside at the Hilton. Many former members have offered to help sponsor the event that promises to

be a first class gathering in every respect, including dinner, open bar, live music, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend an evening with friends who helped shape their lives. Current sponsors include Mark Robbins, Steve Konikoff, Stuart Held, Rick Lombart, Larry Rossen, Jack and Bruce Frieden, Ira and Lawrence Steingold, Robert Fink, Sandy Goodman, Mark Barr, Mark and Wayne Jacobson, Alan Lubel, and Michael Goldman. Additional member and business sponsorship opportunities are still available. The sponsors have attempted to include all alumni in the preliminary invitations/save the date email. The challenge is compiling an accurate roster. Any alumnus who did not receive an email or would like to become a sponsor, should contact odazareunion@ to provide contact information.

24 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |


empsville Conservative Synagogue, Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) just turned 40. The small, but mighty congregation has so much to celebrate. The congregation will officially acknowledge this milestone with an event to be held at the synagogue. Walking through the journey of the last 40 years, highlighting memorable moments and celebrating the congregation’s leaders who were there along the way, the celebration will include tributes to Amos Berkovich, Nathan Segal, Alan Shapiro, and the Pincus Paul Foundation for their generous

support of the synagogue. Their kindness has helped in the past, keeps KBH going in the present, and points the congregation towards a successful future. The community is invited to the celebration. A $36 ticket includes an Israeli-themed kosher meal in honor of Yom Yerushalayim (28 Iyar = June 2, 2019.). For information about tickets or to place a tribute in the anniversary journal, e-mail the synagogue at or visit www.

Annual Toras Chaim Shabbos Lunch Saturday, April 6, Bnai Israel


oras Chaim’s Shabbos lunch features an opportunity to see projects and artwork made by students, hear divrei Torah given by students, and view pictures of what is taking place in the local Torah day school. Shabbos Parshas Tazria and Parshas Hachodesh.

Cost of lunch: $18 for adults; $12 for kids; $65 for a family. There will be reserved seating at the lunch, so RSVP by Friday, March 29 at There will be no solicitations at this event

Don’t miss these masterful performances!

what’s happening

Bestselling Author Janice Kaplan and Dr. Barnaby Marsh reveal how to create luck Wednesday, April 10, 7:30 pm, Sandler Family Campus Callah Terkeltaub


n happy occasions we wish each other “Mazel tov!” and when we want something good to happen we hope that we have a little “mazel,” or luck. But good luck doesn’t just drop from the sky. People have more control over their futures than they sometimes realize. It turns out that luck occurs at the intersection of chance, talent, and hard work. In her latest book, How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life, former editor-in-chief of Parade Magazine and author of New York Times bestseller The Gratitude Diaries, Janice Kaplan explores how a person can create their very own luck in love and marriage, career, health, and family relationships. Read on for a preview of how co-author, Dr. Barnaby Marsh taught Kaplan how to create luck. Excerpt: Chapter One Prepare to Be Lucky Be open to opportunity…get the information you need…see what you’re not to the intersection of chance, talent, and hard work Barnaby’s Luck Lab at the Institute for Advanced Study was tucked away amidst the beautiful wooded fields of Princeton, New Jersey—a perfect place for thinking big thoughts about the science of making luck. As we took a walk through the peaceful grounds together one morning, Barnaby told me that Albert Einstein wandered these same tree-lined paths while coming up with his famous theories. Our

new ideas might not disrupt relativity, but we hoped they would change the way people thought about luck—and the possibilities for their own futures. It had rained hard the previous night, and the sun hadn’t yet dried out the wet ground. Scooting around a puddle, I told Barnaby that writing my previous book, The Gratitude Diaries, had taught me that we have more control over our own happiness than we sometimes realize. I was delighted that the book had inspired so many people to lead happier lives, and I had a feeling that understanding how to make yourself lucky—in any circ u m s t a nc e — cou ld have a similar effect. Barnaby nodded. “If you’re driven to make your life a little better and wonder why things don’t always go your way, our new approach will let you claim the luck that should be yours.” We both agreed that luck isn’t the same as random chance. If you flip a coin ten times to determine your future, you are relying on chance—and most people would agree that’s pretty silly. If you talk to people, prepare yourself, look for opportunity, and then jump on the unexpected events that might (randomly) appear, you are making luck. And that’s what we all need to do. “Luck isn’t a zero sum game. There’s plenty of luck for everyone if you know where and how to look for it,” Barnaby said. Barnaby thought the evidence was pretty clear that luck is not passive—it requires action, and many of the events


Fri., Apr. 5, 2019 | Ferguson Center for the Arts, Newport News | 8PM Sat., Apr. 6, 2019 | Chrysler Hall, Norfolk | 8PM Sun., Apr. 7, 2019 | Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, VA Beach | 2:30PM Sarah Hicks, conductor Wu Man, pipa

Janice Kaplan

that may seem like random chance are not so random after all. He was convinced that by understanding the underlying dynamics of luck, you can gain control over aspects of your life that once seemed to depend on chance, fate, or the phases of the moon. We would work together using insights and recent discoveries in psychology, behavioral economics, mathematics and neuroscience to develop a new way of understanding luck. “We’re at the starting point of a brand new field and instead of finding the research we’re going to have to create it,” he said. Kaplan will visit Tidewater as a part of her Jewish Book Council Tour and the Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival, in partnership with Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. This event is free and open to the community with RSVP required. For more information or to RSVP, visit or contact Callah Terkeltaub at CTerkeltaub@


Thurs., Apr. 18, 2019 | Chrysler Hall, Norfolk | 8PM Fri., Apr. 19, 2019 | Ferguson Center for the Arts, Newport News | 8PM JoAnn Falletta, conductor Virginia Symphony Orchestra Chorus Robert Shoup, chorusmaster F. Ludwig Diehn Chorale and ODU Concert Choir Dr. Nancy K. Klein, ODU Director of Choral Activities Mary Wilson, soprano Susan Platts, mezzo soprano

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Norfolk Classics Series Sponsor | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 25




March 29, Friday-March 31, Sunday Tidewater Together’s Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-in-Residence Weekend featuring bestselling author Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. Telushkin will lead a weekend of Jewish learning and discussion focusing on his newly revised edition of Words that Hurt, Words that Heal –a guide on how choosing the right words can enrich relationships and offer insight to improve every facet of our lives. Events take place at a variety of synagogues throughout Tidewater and are open to the entire community, inclusive of all ages, genders, religious affiliations, and degrees of observance. For more information and to RSVP, visit TidewaterTogether or call 757-321-2304.

For Jewish teens ages 12-16 years

APRIL 10, WEDNESDAY In partnership with Jewish Family Service, Janice Kaplan will discuss her book How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love and Life on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. 7:30 pm. Free and open to the community. For more information and to RSVP, visit, or contact Callah Terkeltaub at CTerkeltaub@ See page 25. April 18, Thursday Simon Family JCC’s Senior Seder led by Rabbi Zoberman with traditional Passover foods. 11:30 am. $10. Advanced ticket purchase required by April 11. All welcome. Visit or contact Sheryl Luebke for more information at or 757-321-2334. Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Join #TeamVB

for the best week of your life!

Leon Family Gallery Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

April 2019

HOME: Lens on Israel, a JDC Exhibit

Registration DEADLINE T Wednesday, May 1 Visit for list of sports and arts specialties. For more information, contact Tom Edwards at or 757-321-2338. Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus 5000 Corporate Woods Road | Virginia Beach

26 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

Callah Terkeltaub

his exhibit showcases the work of photographers who have documented the diverse communities that live side-by-side in Israel, as well as the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a non-political organization that creates pragmatic, sustainable soluPhoto by Annie Sandler tions to help vulnerable Arab Israeli youth play at sunset in a Bedouin village. communities in Israel and around the world. Jewish community at home and around the Following the journey of 12 photograworld, through a network of local Jewish phers to seven stops where they explore agencies and overseas service partners, different cultures and individuals who call including the JDC. Israel home, their photos, alongside material from the JDC Archives, document JDC’s For more information on this exhibit and work and its deep reach into and across the the Leon Family Gallery, visit mosaic of the county. leon-family-gallery or contact Arts + Ideas United Jewish Federation of Tidewater manager Callah Terkeltaub at CTerkeltaub@ works to meet the challenges facing today’s ujft.og.


o Pr


on your bar/bat mitzvah

Seeking a compassionate, creative, child friendly, hardworking, and highly-experienced leader with a CAN-DO attitude, who desires a meaningful chance to impact the lives of campers and staff . . . while having lots of fun in the process. Ideal candidate has independent judgement, initiative, camp operations experience, and creative program planning skills. Dedication to promoting appreciation for Jewish culture and values, experience in budgetary/fiscal responsibility, and administrative management, preferred.



! ov T l Maze

e Te

Seasonal employment opportunity to join Simon Family JCC’s Summer Day Camp’s passionate Leadership Team.



Simon Family JCC seeks Dynamic Seasonal Day Camp Director

h il a

n t h ro p y

Show the world what you care about!

Create your own fund, grow as a Jewish philanthropist, and make a difference!

Open a B’nai Tzedek Fund!


Member since 2017

“I am using my fund to help the homeless through the NEST program”

Donate at least $250 and TJF will match your gift, up to $250.

Complete job description at

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles can start a fund in honor of your Simcha!

Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Submit by mail to: United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Attention: Taftaleen T. Hunter, Director of Human Resources – Confidential 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

Camp Planning Period: March 1 – June 14 (Varied hours, TBD) Camp Sessions: June 17 -August 9; Post Camp: August 12 -23

EOE For questions about the B’nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program, contact Scott Kaplan at 757.965.6109 or .

Stein Family College Scholarship The Stein Family College Scholarship is an annual grant for Jewish students in the Hampton Roads area that provides a scholarship of up to $10,000 a year for college tuition.

Eligibile Applicants Must: • Be Jewish students graduating high school this Spring, entering a degree-granting institution for the first time as a full-time, degree-seeking student • Be current residents of Hampton Roads • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 • Demonstrate academic ability, concern for school, Jewish & general communities • Show substantiated financial need (as determined by FAFSA) The Stein Family College Scholarship is dedicated in loving memory of Arlene Shea Stein.

Application Deadline: March 29, 2019 For more information, guidelines and application, visit | March 25, 2019 | Jewish News | 27

Obituaries Howard Michael Adelman Newport News—Howard Michael Adelman, 76, passed away Sunday, March 10, 2019, at his home in Newport News, Va. Dr. Adelman retired from NASA as a manager after 40 years of service. He was a member and board member of Adath Jeshuran Synagogue. Survivors include his wife of 52 years, Ernestine; daughters, Marla A. Puckett, Valarie (Matthew) Blaes, Pamela (Kumar) Adelman; brother, Barry R. Adelman, Groton, Conn; and granddaughter, Abigail Madison Puckett. Graveside services were held in Woodlawn Memorial Gardens, King David Section. Peninsula Funeral Home. Sheldon Earl Blum Boca Raton, Fla.—Sheldon Earl Blum, of Boca Raton, Fla., formerly of Norfolk, Virginia, passed away on March 3, 2019. He was born on January 14, 1933 in Norfolk to Samuel and Blanche Blum. Sheldon was the owner of Suburban Bingo and Pembroke Hall Bingo. In 1976, Sheldon and his brother Cecil opened Town Hall Bingo, the first charitable commercial bingo hall in Hampton Roads. He was a lover of good food, travel, life, and his family and friends. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Gloria Blum; daughter Susan Blum Geers of Boca Raton; son Barry Blum of Virginia Beach; daughter Marcie Blum Doolin (Wayne) of Virginia Beach; grandchildren Megan and Ian Geers, Samantha Doolin; and great grandchild Xavier; as well as many other family members. Sheldon

was preceded in death by his parents and brother Cecil Blum and sister Irene Silverman. A funeral service for Sheldon was held at Altmeyer Funeral Home–Southside Chapel, followed by a procession to Forest Lawn Cemetery. Online condolences may be expressed by visiting The family requests memorial contributions to be made to the National Kidney Foundation or charity of the donor’s choice. Paula Jason Flax Carl Richmond, Va.—Paula Jason Flax Carl, 58, of Richmond, Virginia, passed away Saturday, March 2, 2019. She is survived by her husband of 16 years, Randolph Lawrence Carl; her five children, Scott Aaron Flax, his wife Erika and their daughter Sydney; Lauren Rachael Flax; Katherine Nicole Flax; Hannah Meredith Carl; and David Louis Carl; her father, Dr. Bernard Daniel Jason; her brother, Joel Jason and his wife Carol; her sister, Marcy Mostofsky, and her husband Michael. Born in Danville, Virginia on December 20, 1960, Paula attended the University of Alabama and received her degree from the University of Maryland. Paula returned to Danville where she married Eric Flax. They returned to Eric’s hometown of Richmond, where they raised their three children. Paula began working for Chabad of Virginia in 1996 where she was a bookkeeper and administrator for 23 years. In 2003, Paula married Randy Carl where they raised their blended family in the West End of Richmond. Paula and

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28 | Jewish News | March 25, 2019 |

Randy enjoyed traveling, working out, and spending time with their family. Paula was very active in the Jewish community. She was a past president of Jewish Women International, a member of the Jewish Women’s Club and was currently serving as treasurer of the Richmond Chapter of Hadassah. She had a love for the Jewish community and a large circle of friends and family. A funeral service was held at Bliley’sCentral in Richmond. A graveside service followed at Greenwood Memorial Gardens. Donations in her honor to Chabad of Virginia. Bronia Zahler Drucker Norfolk—Bronia Zahler Drucker, at the age of 98, died peacefully in her beloved home on March 7, 2019. Her family and community mourn her passing. She is survived by her son, Dr. Jacob Drucker, his wife, Linda (who was like her second daughter; her daughter, Sheila Drucker and partner David Sonkin; her grandchildren, Kevin Drucker, Sophie and Clara Zimm; and her great grandson, Jordan Drucker. She was predeceased by her husband and the singular love of her life, Morris Drucker; her mother who died when Bronia was five years old; her sister, Dora, who left Poland before World War II; her beloved father and three siblings who perished in the Holocaust; and her son-in-law, Melvin Zimm. Bronia was born in the town of Podjace Poland, but spent the majority of her life in Norfolk, Virginia. She was a proud American and never took for granted the liberties and opportunities afforded by this country. She was a nurse whose expert skills and tenacity helped her survive the atrocities of WWII. She possessed a multitude of other skills, all performed to perfection, among which were: A talented seamstress and embroiderer; an amazing and generous Eastern European cook who never followed a recipe; and, an artist who could draw and paint almost anything. She was fluent in six languages: English, Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew, Polish, and German. She loved helping immigrants acclimate to Tidewater and volunteered as an official interpreter for many years. She was a beautiful, classy, highly intelligent, optimistic, funny, empathetic, and

charitable woman and remained so up until the last days of her life. Her faith in God was unwavering. Most of all she was a devoted, self-sacrificing and proud wife, mother, and grandmother who defined herself by the accomplishments of her family. Bronia was a memorable woman whose positive spirit, talents, and basic warmth will be missed by the hundreds of people whose lives she touched. Her family was blessed to have her with them for so long. A funeral was held at Congregation Beth El. Burial followed in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Tree of Life Section. Donations may be made to her second home: Congregation Beth El, c/o The Morris and Bronia Drucker Memorial Fund, 422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may also be sent to the family through Evelyn Brooks Emanuel Decatur, Ga.—Evelyn Brooks Emanuel (Nanny) passed away in her home in Decatur, Georgia on March 4, 2019 at the age of 103. Evelyn was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Her family moved to Norfolk the following year. She was a 1933 honor graduate of Maury High School. Evelyn was preceded in death by her husband, Philip Emanuel, who died in 1987 after 52 years of marriage, and by her sisters, Irene Schweitzer and Mildred Faverman. She is survived by her three children, Anne Emanuel Klein of Portsmouth, Virginia; Martin Emanuel and his wife Anne of Decatur; and Mark Emanuel of Atlanta; by her four grandchildren, Jill Klein of Atlanta, Doug Klein and his wife Deborah of Evanston, Illinois; Brooks Emanuel of Decatur; and Ben Emanuel and his wife Jessica Sterling of Atlanta; and by eight great grandchildren, Madeleine, Tovah, Ari, Gabriel, and Ella Klein of Evanston; and Theo, Cary, and Evan Emanuel of Atlanta. After her children were grown, she took pride in working for Champion Maps where she was the top salesperson year after year. She also volunteered with the American Red Cross. She was a member of Congregation Beth El in Norfolk. Evelyn

Obituaries moved to Virginia Beach in 1989. She attributed her good health to a lifelong habit of daily walking especially walking on the shoreline and in the surf as the waves broke which she did virtually every day until moving to Decatur in 2011. With her outgoing personality, she was a friend to all. She had a lively sense of humor and was easily moved to laughter, and she enjoyed the companionship of her family, friends, and care givers until the end of her life. A graveside funeral service was held at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Contributions in her memory may be made to Congregation Beth El or charity of the donor’s choice. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be sent to the family through Richard S. Glasser Virginia Beach—Richard Steven Glasser, 77, died March 14, 2019. Universally described as a kind and generous gentleman, he was that and much more to many. Richard excelled as a student, graduating from Norfolk Academy (1959); University of Virginia (1962), where he was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa key and membership in the Raven Society, graduating in three years; and the University of Virginia School of Law (1965). He played key leadership roles at each of these institutions later in his life. Richard entered the practice of law with Glasser and Glasser in Norfolk along with his father, Bernard, and his older brother, Stuart. Together, they built a successful law practice. In the mid-1970’s, when the scourge of asbestos related illnesses and deaths took a heavy toll on the citizens of Hampton Roads, Richard’s practice turned to advocating for those with asbestos related illnesses and he became a pioneer in this field. He filed the very first asbestos product liability lawsuit in July 1976, and for the next 40 years he was a pioneer and leader of this litigation. Richard represented thousands of victims of asbestos induced diseases with kindness, faithfulness and success, and was uniformly admired by the bench and bar. In recognition of his work on behalf of victims, the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association awarded Richard its Courageous Advocacy Award. He remained actively involved with

his practice until his death, practicing law for nearly 54 years. Richard mentored the attorneys and staff at Glasser and Glasser and was a role model to countless other lawyers. His mantra was always: “Do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason.” Family was of paramount importance to Richard and he will be forever missed by his beloved wife, Martha; his daughter, Hara Brooke Glasser-Frei and her husband, Stephen Frei; his grandchildren, Gabrielle, Andrea Rose, Asher, and Elan; his brother, Stuart D. Glasser (Sarah); his sister, Jane Susan Glasser Frank (Joe); his brother, Michael A. Glasser (Lori); and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins in the large Glasser and Levinson families. Richard was predeceased by his parents, Bernard and Rose Frances Glasser, as well as his beloved daughter Jessica, who was tragically killed in an automobile accident at age 22. Richard touched many lives with his kindness, love, tenacity, and generosity.

He was passionately involved with myriad organizations supporting education, medical care, the arts, Jewish philanthropies, and the legal profession in our community and beyond. Among his many contributions was serving as president of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Foundation. He left his family with the greatest gift of all, a sterling good name. A burial service was held at Forest

Lawn Cemetery. The funeral service followed at Ohef Sholom Temple. Memorial contributions in Richard’s memory may be made to Breakthrough at Norfolk Academy, 1585 Wesleyan Dr., Norfolk, VA 23502; EVMS, P.O. Box 1980, Norfolk, VA 23501; United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, 5000 Corporate Woods Dr., Suite 200, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, or a charity of continued on page 30

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Obituaries continued from page 29

the donor’s choice. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made to the family through Norman Krell Bethesda, Md.—Norman Krell, optometrist, 92, passed away peacefully on Monday, March 18, 2019 at his daughter’s home in Bethesda, Md. He was the beloved husband of the late Joyce Brady Krell; loving father to Janet (Gregg Ivers) and Michael Krell; devoted “Papa” to Max and Claire Ivers. Graveside services were held at Gomley Chesed Cemetery. Memorial contributions to the Norfolk Little Creek Lions Club or Temple Israel. Aaron A. Legum Virginia Beach—Surrounded by his loved ones, Aaron Archer Legum, 47, died March 3, 2019. Aaron was born in Charlottesville, Va. to Linda and Larry L. Legum, MD.

He enjoyed playing golf and was a member of Princess Anne Country Club. Aaron was the executive vice president, managing partner, and senior mortgage loan originator for OVM Financial, Inc. He was a Great Bridge High School and Hampden-Sydney alumni and a member of Tidewater Mortgage Bankers Association. Aaron lived life to its fullest, as he was never one to sit still…every day was a new adventure. He enjoyed coaching his kids in baseball and basketball, loved (and hated) his Wahoos, and most of all spending time with his family and the cast of characters he called his friends. Left to cherish his memory are his loving wife of 20 years, Nicole Legum; children Aaron Ashton Legum and Andersen Legum, both of Virginia Beach; parents, Linda and Larry Legum, MD of Chesapeake; siblings, Brandi Bartok of Chesapeake, and Adam Legum (Stacey) of Isle of Wright; in-laws, Patti and Francis Federinko, Sr. of Woodbridge; brother-inlaw Francis Federinko, Jr; grandmother,

Frances Malin; nieces, Payton, Atley, Avery, and Porter Bartok and Lauren and Laney Legum; and a host of other family and friends. Altmeyer Funeral Home. A funeral service was held at Eastern Shore Chapel; the burial feollowed at Eastern Shore Chapel Cemetery. Memorial donations to the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters, Toby’s Dream Foundation, or The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society c/o www.TMCFunding. com. Express condolences to the family at Natalie Saunders Norfolk—Natalie Saunders, a longtime resident of the Norfolk and Virginia Beach area, passed away at the age of 80 on Thursday morning, March 7, 2019 at Harbor’s Edge. Born in 1939 in Brooklyn, New York, she was the daughter of Rose and Joe Schneider of blessed memory, and a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School. Natalie loved music, dancing, and

volunteering her time to charities close to her heart, but nothing made her happier than being with her family, especially her grandchildren. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Larry Saunders, her daughter Debbi and her husband Barry, her son Jeff and his wife Stephanie, and four grandchildren: Jamie, Nicole, Carleigh, and Benjamin. A graveside service was conducted at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations to the EVMS Diabetes Institute, The American Diabetes Association, or The Susan B. Komen Foundation. Online condolences may be shared with the family at


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