Jewish News Nov. 11 2013

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10 UJFT Women’s luncheon

14 Israel advocacy class at JCC

—page 8 Special



21 Jewish Book Festival through Nov. 17

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2 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

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upfront Hundreds gather at peaceful Women of the Wall service marking 25th anniversary JERUSALEM (JTA)—In a display of the changes the group has experienced this year, Women of the Wall held a peaceful prayer service under police protection at the Western Wall to mark the group’s 25th anniversary. Absent from the Monday, Nov. 7, service which the group said drew at least 800 worshipers, were large crowds of Orthodox girls who at the behest of their rabbis and activists had blocked the wall’s women’s section in previous months. For the first time in recent memory, Women of the Wall occupied the majority of the section, with a crowd of male supporters stretching back into the plaza. The group has met for a women’s prayer service at the wall at the beginning of each Jewish month for the past quarter-century, but has seen rapid change in its status during the past six months. Until April, women in the group who donned prayer shawls or sang too loudly often would be detained by police. But that month, a Jerusalem district court judge ruled that the group’s practices did not violate any of the wall’s regulations, and since then the police are protecting the women rather than arresting them. “We’ve come a long way, baby,” Women of the Wall Chairwoman Anat Hoffman told JTA during the service. “It shouldn’t have taken 25 years. It should have taken two weeks. But we’re now where we should be.” The court ruling sparked a backlash from the haredi Orthodox community. A new group formed to oppose Women of the Wall, called Women for the Wall, persuaded

leading haredi rabbis to send the community’s girls to the wall en masse to pray silently during Women of the Wall’s services. In May, a haredi crowd including thousands of men packed the plaza in a protest that turned violent. Since then, however, the haredi demonstrations have waned. Several dozen haredi men came to protest, some yelling epithets at teenagers who had come to support Women of the Wall. But aside from a few token disturbances—screams and whistles—the service continued uninterrupted. “It’s a big success because the traditional community has an outlet to show its stance and doesn’t have to resort to violence,” Women for the Wall co-founder Leah Aharoni told JTA. “Some months are better, some months are worse. The interest is definitely not dying out.” The past half-year also has seen the Israeli government intensify its focus on

Hungarian demonstrators protest honor for Hitler ally Several hundred demonstrators protested the unveiling of a bust of a Hungarian ally of Hitler outside a Budapest church. On Sunday, Nov. 3, protesters wore yellow Stars of David and chanted “Nazis go home” at supporters of Miklos Horthy, who was regent of Hungary from 1920 to 1944. The unveiling was organized by a pastor with far-right ties, the French news agency AFP reported. Horthy passed anti-Jewish laws and oversaw the first deportations of Hungarian

Jews in 1944, before Germany took over the country. Marton Gyongyosi of the far-right Jobbik party called Horthy a “national savior” during the church service in honor of the dedication, the Hungarian news agency MTI reported, according to AFP. Gyongyosi has made anti-Semitic comments in the past and last year called for a list of Hungarian Jews to be drawn up as they posed “a national risk.” (JTA)


contents Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Israel: Jewish and Democratic. . . . . . . . . . 6 Israeli Youth Ambassadors at JCC. . . . . . . 7 JFS Chanukah Gift Program . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Jewish nonprofits money loss . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 days of giving campaign launched. . . . . 9 UJFT Women’s luncheon inspires. . . . . . 10 Week of Extraordinary Deeds. . . . . . . . . 12 Couples work out at the JCC. . . . . . . . . . 13 Israel Advocacy class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

the conflict at the wall, soliciting a compromise solution from Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky. An outline Sharansky released in April called for a significant expansion of an area to the south of the plaza called Robinson’s Arch that is now used for non-Orthodox prayer. Women of the Wall endorsed the plan last month, agreeing to move to the new section should a list of conditions be fulfilled. Brandishing the Western Wall regulation that forbids the group from bringing a Torah scroll to its services, Hoffman told JTA that Women of the Wall has yet to reach all its goals. She said, though, that given the relative calm at the wall, the group will now be turning its attention to negotiations with the government about the Robinson’s Arch plan. “We’re not scared of jail and arrests —we’re scared of negotiations,” Hoffman joked. “Can we get the maximum? We won’t be suckers.”

Israel Today Forum’s speakers. . . . . . . . . YAD leadership programs . . . . . . . . . . . . Preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. . . . . . . OST Special Needs class and training. . . Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tips on Jewish Trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chanukah Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15 16 17 18 19 19 20 23 24 26 28

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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candle lighting

“Last year, a total of 133 different

Friday, November 15/Kislev 12 Light candles at 4:37 pm

families, consisting of 337 people,

Friday, November 22/Kislev 19 Light candles at 4:33 pm

benefited at Chanukah time

Friday, November 29/Kislev 26 Light candles at 4:30 pm Friday, December 6/Tevet 3 Light candles at 4:30 pm

due to the kindness of

Friday, December 13/Tevet 10 Light candles at 4:31 pm

local community donors.” —page 8

Friday, December 20/Tevet 17 Light candles at 4:33 pm | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Knesset approves marriage registration reform law The Knesset approved the so-called Tzohar Law, which would allow couples to choose the city in which to register their marriage. The law passed its second and third readings, over the objections of the country’s two chief rabbis, by a vote of 57 to 14, with one abstention. All of the no votes were from haredi Orthodox lawmakers. Couples previously had to register their marriage in one of the communities in which they live. The new law allows them to choose a marriage registrar with whom they are more comfortable or who may be more lenient in cases that involve converts or immigrants. There are 60 offices for the registration of marriages and conversions throughout the country. The new law will also create a computerized database for the registrations, making the records accessible to all of the registrars. “The revolution in religious services is underway,” Religious Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett wrote on his Facebook page. The bill is named for the Tzohar organization, a group of rabbis that works to make rabbinic services more user friendly for all Israelis. (JTA) Jewish student house opens in Berlin Berlin’s Chabad center has opened a new student program, which it is billing as the city’s first Jewish student house. The three-story Chabad on Campus house in former East Berlin was officially dedicated in ceremonies on Oct. 27. “As Berlin has become a magnet for Jewish students from throughout the world in recent years, it’s time to have a regular home for Jewish students in the city,” Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, head of the Chabad Lubavitch Educational Center in Berlin, said at the ceremony, which drew Jewish leaders, community members and politicians. Chabad on Campus is a cooperation between Chabad and a local, student-run organization called KSpace, an initiative of young Jewish activists Mike Delberg and Michael Groys. The goal of the student house is to serve as a venue for pro-Israel

programming, as well as for cultural and entertainment activities, which will be organized by KSpace. The Chabad student house is one of several recent initiatives in Germany from different organizations aiming to reach younger Jews. In June 2012, students at the Abraham Geiger College progressive seminary and the University of Potsdam founded Beth Hillel for social, cultural and religious activities. Earlier this year, Western Europe’s first “Hillel-Hub” under the auspices of the international Hillel organization opened at the College for Jewish Studies at Heidelberg. The Lauder Yeshurun Jewish student program has grown into the Jewish Students Berlin program, “focusing on serious Jewish learning plus a social component.” In addition, the multi-denominational Moishe House movement recently announced it is seeking applicants to live in a sponsored house in Berlin, where they would run Jewish community programming for young professionals. (JTA)

Jewish support for U.S. Iran strike drops, AJC survey shows The annual American Jewish Committee poll of American Jews shows a decrease in support for a U.S. strike on Iran should diplomacy not end its suspected nuclear weapons program. According to the 2013 poll released Monday, Oct. 28, 52 percent of American Jews favor such a strike—24 percent strongly and 28 percent somewhat. In last year’s poll, 64.1 percent of respondents said they would support such a strike—36.1 percent somewhat and 28 percent strongly. There was a smaller drop in support for an Israeli strike in such a case: 67 percent this year as opposed to 72.5 percent last year, almost within the poll’s margin of error of 5 percentage points. The poll also showed a drop in support in confidence in how President Obama is handling national security, although he still commanded strong majority support. His score of 67 percent this year fell from 76.8 percent a year ago. Among politicians who might seek the presidency in 2016, Hillary Rodham

4 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

Clinton, the former secretary of state, U.S. senator from New York and first lady, scored highest on a scale of how warmly respondents felt about a likely candidate. Clinton earned an average of 60 on a scale of 0 to 100, followed by 45 for Vice President Joe Biden, 40 for Secretary of State John Kerry and 37 for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie—the highest-scoring Republican on the list. Scoring lowest was Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a leader of the Tea Party movement, at 20. The online poll of 1,034 American Jews was conducted between Sept. 30 and Oct. 15 by KnowledgePanel. (JTA)

Anti-Israel ads placed on Denver buses during JNF conference Advertisements accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing” appeared on Denver-area buses while the Jewish National Fund held its national conference in the city. The ads, which include the slogan “Want peace? Stop ethnic cleansing in Palestine,” are sponsored by the website and the Colorado BDS Campaign, the Intermountain Jewish News reports. The JNF’s national conference draws thousands of participants annually. This year’s four-day conference in Denver kicked off on Oct. 25. The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement calling the advertisements “inaccurate, inflammatory, and divisive,” though it acknowledged that they constituted protected speech under the First Amendment. (JTA) Foxman: U.S. seen as ‘weak and retreating’ on world stage American wariness of foreign military involvement is making the United States seem “weak and retreating,” warned the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman. “Make no mistake about it. If what we are seeing now is the beginning of a deep change in American foreign policy, it will be bad for the Jews,” said Foxman, the ADL’s national director, at a conference last month in New York marking the group’s 100th anniversary. “The combination of America’s unsatisfactory involvement in the wars in

Afghanistan and Iraq, together with the financial crisis at home, have generated a broader opposition to American military involvement overseas,” he said. Citing among other things the recent congressional resistance to authorizing a strike on Syria, Foxman said, “America is being seen as weak and retreating.” “The world looks at our choices, looks at our public opinion polls, looks at congressional reactions, looks at the paralysis in Washington on budgeting matters and wonders,” he said. The perception of weakness could harm U.S. efforts to get Iran to end its nuclear push, Foxman warned. “I hope that we get our act together,” he said. “I hope Congress starts to think of the bigger picture. I hope we are truly able to keep all options on the table, whether vis-a-vis Iran or Syria, without rushing to military action.” (JTA)

Syrian civil war refugee gives birth at Israeli hospital A Syrian woman who lives in the crossfire of the civil war gave birth to a baby boy in an Israeli hospital in Safed. While in labor on Sunday, Nov. 6, the woman made her way to the Israel border from her Quneitra region and asked the Israeli soldiers there for assistance. There are no midwives in her village and no one to help with a delivery, she told Ynet. “Fortunately, the Israeli soldiers in the area saw that I was in a lot of pain, picked me up and took me to a hospital in Israel,” the woman, who is a nurse, told Ynet. “I was afraid to make it to Israel, but I was more afraid for my baby in case the birth didn’t go smoothly at home.” Ynet reported that the woman knew of many Syrian citizens who had been treated in Israeli hospitals. Midwives at the Ziv Medical Center coached her through the birth, according to the Times of Israel. She told the newspaper that she was treated with “sensitivity and respect.” Since February, more than 250 Syrian civilians have been admitted to Israeli hospitals for treatment and dozens more have been treated by Israeli medics at the border. (JTA)

Torah Thought

In what form does your angel appear?


ur generation’s teacher, Abraham Joshua Heschel, was fond of saying that Jews read the Torah the way a suitor reads a love letter from the beloved. We scrutinize it, scan its tiniest details, hoping for an ever-fuller understanding of what our beloved is allowing us to know. So how do the Jewish lovers of God’s messages read the following story? “Jacob lay down in that place to sleep. He dreamed, and there was a ladder set up on the earth, its top reaching heaven, and the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” (Genesis 28:11-2). The Rabbis pointed out the detail of the order of movement by the angels: the first ones are described as ascending, and the second ones, descending. That struck our readers as odd. If angels permanently live in Heaven, then the Bible ought to have used the order “descending and ascending,” not “ascending and descending.” The inference to be drawn is that there were already angels accompanying Jacob on his first journey from home into his unknown future. Those angels were being relieved by other angels, a changing of the guard that was appropriate for the new challenges he was about to face. This past spring, at the Baccalaureate service for the graduating seniors of Norfolk Collegiate School, I wanted them to be appreciative of the lessons that their parents, grandparents, teachers, clergy, and other role models have already given them, and also to be sensitive to the ways in which they can integrate the guidance already theirs with the guidance they would soon encounter. I told them that angels come in all sorts of forms, and that we often fail to recognize their angelic

nature. But, true to the Hebrew word “mal’akh” (angel), meaning “messenger,” if the contact serves to give them a message from our Divine Source, then they should appreciate the message and not get confused by an apparently unorthodox source. Their own personal angel may not have six wings, as did the angels in Isaiah, but the message might be just as spiritual. The example I gave them was from my own undergraduate days, and it sufficed to keep their full attention. In my sophomore year at the University of Pennsylvania, I had a roommate, “Hank,” who was growing cannabis in our dorm room. I was uncomfortable with his action, but I did not then have the strength or experience to confront him. In those days, “pot” was tantamount to opposition to Vietnam, to Watergate, and to all the bogeymen of the Nixon era. I didn’t want the weed in my

space, but I didn’t know how to insist that he desist. An unlikely angel came to my rescue. This angel had grey fur and a flurry tail. One day, I came back from class, to see that my Persian cat, “Vega,” was looking a bit off. She was curled up on my bed, and when I touched her to pet her, she jumped up, nearly to the ceiling, and chased her tail for a full 10 minutes. Her pupils were totally dilated. My suspicions were confirmed when “Hank” showed up later in the evening and told me that I owed him for the value of the plant that my cat had destroyed.

I asked him how he intended to report the incident.... So he simply tried to hide his plant from Vega. But to no avail; a cat on the scent of the cousin of catnip will win that contest. A few days later, “Hank” walked up to my desk, said, “Michael, I’m not going to support your cat’s habit any longer!” and threw the stripped stalk of the plant into my garbage can. Vega sniffed the can avidly for the next few days, but the incident was over. So don’t rush to judgment on who Jacob’s angels were, or who are your own. Be grateful if you have one, or many, in your life!—Rabbi Michael Panitz, Temple Israel


rush to

judgment on who Jacob’s

angels were, or who are your own.

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Israel: Jewish and Democratic by Martin J. Raffel and Gil Troy


ong confined to the extreme margins, but, in recent times, beginning to seep into mainstream discourse, is the odious position that Gil Troy challenges Israel’s legitimacy as both a Jewish and democratic state. In response, the Israel Action Network’s project director (and JCPA senior vice president) Martin J. Raffel, together with author and professor Gil Troy, penned a new IAN publication entitled, “Israel: Jewish and Democratic,” refuting the arguments questioning Israel’s dual identities in an effort to articulate why these two sides of Israel’s identity are not only compatible, but complementary. Included in this discussion are five central themes—that being Jewish is not merely a religious category; that the connection between the Jewish people and

the land of Israel provided a moral underpinning for the establishment of the State of Israel; the right of the Jewish people to national self-determination is recognized internationally; Israel’s Law of Return is consistent with other states’ immigration laws; and finally, the fact that Israel is both the nation state of the Jewish people, and one that treats all its citizens based on the principle of nondiscrimination. This article is the first in a five-part series, intended to inspire, inform and enlighten conversations around these critical issues. It first appeared in The Times of Israel. Gil Troy is part of the Community Relations Council’s Israel Today Forum. (see page 15)

Jewish, Christian, Italian: Which one doesn’t belong? As many young Jews went off to college this fall, they found themselves struggling to answer an age-old question during “who are you” first conversations with non-Jewish friends. They might ask, politely, curiously, “are Jews part of a religion

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6 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

or more of an ethnic group?” The answer to this question—which many Jews also find confusing—is yes. One of the great identity anomalies for North American Jews today is that while so many define Judaism as their religion, most modern Jews do not follow the Jewish religion scrupulously. However, these “non-religious” Jews—in traditional terms—are deeply Jewish, because Jewish identity involves belonging to a people, nationally, ethnically, culturally, historically, and spiritually. The notion of the “Judeo-Christian ethic” treats Judaism as a parallel religion to Christianity. Yet, although Judaism and Christianity share many Biblical values, the Jewish peoplehood dimension has no parallel in Christianity. Wherever you start the story of Judaism, that peoplehood dimension exists. In B’reisheit, Genesis Chapter 12, after God renames Abram “Abraham,” God’s covenant, based on Abraham leaving his “father’s house” and going to the Promised Land where “I will make of you a great nation,” does not just create a religion. The exodus from Egyptian slavery that Jews celebrate on Passover every year constitutes a great moment of both national liberation and spiritual redemption. In fact, the Jews became a people on leaving Egypt and only learned the basic tenets of the Jewish religion, meaning Judaism, weeks later when receiving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. And when Ruth the Moabite bonds with her mother-in-law Naomi, she says in1:16, “your people will be my people,” (amech ami) even before she says, “your God, will be my God.” Similarly, the Western Wall is both a sacred remnant linking us to the Holy Temple, and a national shrine, representing the Jewish people’s devastating defeat after the Temple’s destruction, followed 1,900 years later by Israel’s restoration. For millennia, living in Eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel, or dwelling among other nations as a “people apart” in exile, Jews built their lives around their particular religious beliefs while feeling a part of a particular people. The welcome Jews started enjoying in modern Europe, and especially in America, confused many Jews —and non-Jews—about Jews’ status. To fit into Europe as enlightenment and nationalism grew in the 1800s, some Jews started

calling Judaism a “religion,” a concept their ancestors would have considered too limiting and alien. By contrast, in liberal, democratic America, Jews were not just a community of faith like Christians, united only by a common theology. Jews were, and are, a people bound by a common history, traced back three thousand years with a common culture and sense of destiny, a common land in Israel, and an overall sense of interconnectedness. Even as they were born in other lands, learned other languages, and embraced other cultures outside of Israel, that sense of commonality remained—and continued to define them. Many Jewish thinkers began celebrating Judaism’s unique “combination of religion with nationality.” Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, in his monumental 1934 book Judaism as a Civili­zation, emphasized culture and peoplehood over race or nationhood. This idea took off in the United States, as Americans began to appreciate cultural pluralism, moving beyond the melting pot to multiculturalism. Zionists usually conceived of the Jews as a people or a nation, as did many American Jews. “Peoplehood,” which meant emphasizing a distinct ethno-cultural experience that could still be patriotic, allowed American Jews to find their own place in the American pageant. Especially after the “Black Power” movement of the 1960s, which inspired many other American groups to assert their ethnic pride, Jews felt comfortable asserting themselves collectively as a people, amid the other celebrations of Polish-American Power and Irish-Ameri­ c an Power and Italian-American Power. This sense of peoplehood helps explains much about Jewish identity, including that intense family feeling and broad sense of solidarity connected to Jews, not just Judaism. Jewish history, Jewish culture, Jewish food, Jewish civilization, Jewish politics, all emphasize this sense of belonging to a tribe—while trying to make the tribalism transcendent by tapping into a deep, ongoing spiritual, cultural, national, and ethical tradition. During the college years—as well as before and after—this multidimensional identity, for all its confusion, also provides many ways into a rich, exciting Jewish experience.

Fun afternoon for youth—and Youth Ambassadors—at JCC by Laine Mednick Rutherford


nglish conversations, Hebrew singing and the universal sound of children’s laughter spilled from the Simon Family JCC cafeteria on the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 30. Inside the room, local teens from Tallwood High School’s Global Studies & World Languages Academy in Virginia Beach and their visiting peers from Modiin, Israel were meeting and playing with community members, Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and Strelitz Early Childhood students, and children from Kids Connection, the JCC’s afterschool program, as well as some BBYO members. The hour-long meet and greet ended a weeklong stay in Virginia Beach for 10 Israeli teens who, with 10 Tallwood students, are part of the prestigious Youth Ambassador Student Exchange program sponsored by the America Israel Friendship League. Established in 1971, the AIFL’s mission is to facilitate support for people-to-people exchanges between Americans and Israelis of all ages and faiths, ethnic backgrounds, and political persuasion. The AIFL Youth Ambassador program began in 1977 and remains the only formal bilateral public secondary school exchange between the United States and Israel. The visit to the JCC allowed the Virginia Beach and Israeli Youth Ambassadors to meet area Jews of all ages, and experience the vibrant community center. “This is a very nice JCC, and I am glad we are here,” said Dina Eisenstadt, an Israeli 11th grader. “Soon, Kaitlyn will

come and stay with me to see what our life This is the fifth is like in Israel,” Dina added, as she walked year Tallwood stualongside Kaitlyn Gallagher, a Tallwood dents have traveled to Israel. The trip is 10th grader. The day following their visit to the JCC, partially subsidized the 20 Youth Ambassadors and their chap- by VBPS, Tallwood, erones left for Washington, D.C. and New student fundraisYork. A week later, Tallwood students flew ers and, this year, to Israel for 14 days of travel and the expe- with donations from rience of living with a high school student’s Jewish community members. family in Modiin. “The group of “This afternoon is a wonderful opportunity for our community to extend our 10 students chohospitality and welcome our friends from sen to be Youth go New friends Asher Guthrie, Zohar Gorny, and Simmy Arnowitz work on crafts together. Israel—and to continue to build the positive Ambassadors and strong relationship we have with the great students and teachers from Tallwood,” says Robin Mancoll, director of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Mancoll says the CRC and JCC Children & Family department sponsored-event also helps bring awareness of the AIFL program and Tallwood’s involvement in it to the Tidewater community. Virginia Beach Public Schools is one of only five school systems in the country to be part of the AIFL’s Youth Ambassadors program. Tallwood High Global Studies and World Language Academy students with Israeli exchange students visit the Simon Family JCC.

Jeremy McCarter, Michal Tsirulnik, Raleigh Blair, Evan Lanz, Daniel Barrabi and Raigen Sisley show off their artwork and names written in Hebrew.

through an intensive application and interview process—and their work begins the spring before they leave for Israel,” says Tallwood teacher Kelly Walker. “They spend months learning about history, culture, and politics and have many other requirements. They are all highly motivated and interested—they have to be because they miss about a month of school—and when they get back, they continue to be Ambassadors. It’s an ongoing process.” For more information contact Robin Mancoll at

Israeli exchange student Dina Eisenstadt and Tallwood High student Kaitlyn Gallagher. | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 7

Making Chanukah wishes come true

Madoff, fire and theft: How Jewish nonprofits lost money by Ron Kampeas


ardship has no season; struggling local Jewish families need assistance throughout the year. Through donations of toys and money, Jewish Family Service serves many local Jewish children and teens by providing new gift items for Chanukah and for use throughout the year. Now in its 21st year, the JFS Chanukah Gift Program is an opportunity for donors to do a mitzvah for children who have no choice in their family’s financial situation. For young donors, this is a personal way to learn and practice tzedakah, giving to others, as they shop with parents for gifts for other children, knowing that the gifts will make a significant impact. “We have been contributing to this program for about five years,” says Joan Kitchen and her husband Michael. “We help because we want to give back to the community whenever possible. We always like to buy brand new bicycles for pre-teen boys because they often fall through the cracks. Everyone else likes to buy for toddlers and girls, so we picked pre-teen boys.” Kitchen continues, “We’ve been married for 25 years and don’t exchange gifts

ourselves, so this is our choice for gift-giving. We also love the fact that we’re able to go out and personally pick out a new bicycle that we think a young boy would like. We plan to participate in the program again this year and hope others will join us in helping local Jewish families in need.” Last year, a total of 133 different families, consisting of 337 people, benefited at Chanukah time due to the kindness of local community donors. Specific gifts and gift cards were provided to 53 local Jewish families with children/teens, consisting of 102 children and teens. Throughout 2013, these same families continued to benefit from the donations given at Chanukah time as JFS provides gift cards towards medication, food, gas, clothing, and school supplies. Jewish Family Service is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

How to give to the JFS Chanukah Gift Program •C ontact JFS to request a Family Wish List. •C reate a Mitzvah Day tradition with family and friends and go shopping together for gifts such as toys, games and clothes. •C onsider a tax-deductible monetary donation to JFS, and JFS will do the shopping for the items most needed/requested. •P urchase gift cards from department stores, grocery stores, etc., and families can shop for themselves. All donations should be made to JFS by Wednesday, Nov. 13. For more information, contact Maryann Kettyle at 757-459-4640 or mkettyle@

8 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

WASHINGTON (JTA)—Bernard Madoff. An unscrupulous contractor. Art that disappeared or was destroyed by fire—it’s not clear which. Bad, bad bookkeepers. And did we mention Bernard Madoff? These were among the causes of “material diversion” of assets—tax-speak for lost funds or property totaling $250,000 or 5 percent—reported by Jewish organizations on their tax returns. Since 2008, the IRS has asked nonprofit organizations to indicate on their tax returns whether they have become aware of such losses in the past year. According to an investigation of 1,000 nonprofits published last month in the Washington Post, 21 Jewish organizations answered yes. The year 2008 happened to be when Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme came to light. In the two years that followed, at least 13 Jewish organizations that were victims of Madoff answered yes to the question on their tax returns. Several of the organizations provided explanations of the losses. Yeshiva University’s 2008 return noted that Madoff was a former university trustee and described how multiple investments wended their way into Madoff’s portfolio, eventually adding up to a $95 million loss. The return also described the steps taken by Y.U. in response. The America Israel Cultural Foundation’s explanation of how it lost $14 million to Madoff amounted to this: “The custodian of the investment pool did not invest the funds and stole the remaining moneys under his custody.” Some were hit indirectly by Madoff. The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and at least three California family foundations reported millions of dollars in losses through investments made through the Jewish Community Foundation, which reported in its 2008 return an overall loss of more than $23 million to the Ponzi scheme. One of the filers, the American Jewish Congress, reported $18.2 million in losses to Madoff in its 2008 return. Missing is the poignant follow-up: The American Jewish

Congress has largely ceased operations, but it has continued to operate in a mostly nominal fashion under the leadership of philanthropist Jack Rosen. Madoff does not account for all of the 21 Jewish organizations reporting losses. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany in 2009 reported $42.5 million in losses from fraudulent claims orchestrated by former staffers. “Because the nature of irregularities is outside the scope of the Claims Conference, it is limited in its ability to investigate such matters,” the return says, concluding: “In the opinion of legal counsel, the Claims Conference has acted with appropriate business diligence in the disbursements of these funds.” Touro College, a Jewish-affiliated school based in New York, disclosed in 2009 that a “former construction manager” had used a “sophisticated kickback scheme to defraud” the school. The Jewish Community Center of Dutchess County, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., reported in 2009 that its bookkeeper was “involved in an embezzlement scheme and has stolen company assets.” Other reports are harder to comprehend. American Friends of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art reported in 2009 that “certain works of art were stolen and destroyed by fire in the current year.” Colorado-based Chessed Rifka, which raises money for yeshivas in Israel, answered yes to the diversion question, but did not provide any explanation of what monies were lost. One Jewish group reported a happy ending—kind of. Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community recovered $62,000 and legal fees from an independent contractor in 2011 after having reported its loss in 2010. Shifra Bronznick, the group’s president, said the settlement with the contractor, who was terminated, kept her from adding information, but she said she was satisfied with the outcome. “It’s not something you would want to happen,” Bronznick said, “but the restitution is the best possible scenario.”

Make this Chanukah one that every Jewish child in Hungary will remember forever


How to help make Chanukah 5774 extraordinary for the Jewish children of Budapest: Go to and make a donation to buy a special gift basket for Jewish children in Hungary. Every $20 donation buys one basket that will be given out this Chanukah to each of hundreds of Hungarian Jewish kids in need. Visit until Dec 5 to make donations and learn more about the children that will be helped by donating.

he struggling, but brave Jewish families of Budapest, Hungary want to celebrate Chanukah as a community; and like all Jewish parents, they want Chanukah to be a special time for their children. That is why the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is launching a new 8 Days of Giving online campaign to buy Chanukah gift baskets for hundreds of Jewish children in need. Every donation of $20 buys a special, but simple gift basket of mittens, scarves, sweets and toys. “They and their children were killed by the Nazis for being Jewish. They and their children were terrorized and arrested by the Communists for more than 50 years for being Jewish. They and their children are currently facing a rising wave of popular and political anti-Semitism for being Jewish. Many families and their children are caught in a terrible nationwide recession facing crippling poverty and despite all of that, they still want to be Jewish and celebrate Chanukah,” says Miles Leon, UJFT president, “and that is why we are conducting the 8 Days of Giving online campaign.” “We, in the Tidewater Jewish community want to make sure that Chanukah in Budapest is a time that Jewish children will celebrate, enjoy and not easily forget. We do that locally for our children in need through our Jewish Family Service and we want to do the same through the Jaffe Jewish Family Service in Budapest,” says Amy Levy, UJFT Campaign chair and former JFS president. “Throughout the year, our dollars raised through the annual campaign provide a host of services such as employment, job training, crisis intervention, well baby groups, counseling and emergency food, clothing and shelter to these families through the Jaffe JFS. They even have some funds to have a simple, intimate, but dignified Chanukah and other holiday celebrations. However, they do not have enough to provide gift baskets for all the families and children in need. That is why we are launching the 8 Days of Giving online campaign,” says Linda Spindel, Israel and Overseas chairperson. “The families were ecstatic and in tears when we told them that the Tidewater Jewish community was buying Chanukah gift baskets for their kids,” says Zoya Shvartzman, director of Strategic Partnerships for the Joint Distribution Committee—Europe which supports the Jaffe JFS.

“Last year was the coldest winter in 100 years for Central Europe,” says H ar r y Graber, executive vice-president of the United Jewish Fe der at ion of Tidewater. “Therefore, the scarves and mittens these children receive are critical and the sweets and toys they receive may be gifts that will light up their holiday and their lives. Chanukah is a fun and joyous holiday for us. That’s the Chanukah we want these children to remember and love.” “The basket will not contain a new iPhone or a new pair of $200 basketball shoes, but it will contain Jewish love, Jewish warmth and greetings from the worldwide Jewish community,” Graber says.

Jewish Children in Hungary. | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 9

Women’s Luncheon features national Jewish leader by Amy Zelenka, UJFT Women’s Campaign director


n Thursday, Oct. 24, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Women’s Cabinet welcomed Alison Goldstein Lebovitz to its annual Lion-Tikva-Chai Luncheon at the Sandler Family Campus. Lebovitz is one of this year’s JFNA National Young Leadership Cabinet co-chairs, and her message to the women in the room was a powerful one: Each and every person has within him- or herself the power and potential to change the world. Lebovitz shared her personal Jewish journey with nearly 90 luncheon attendees. Having grown up in Birmingham, Ala. and now living in Chattanooga, Tenn., Lebovitz has a true understanding of what it means to grow up in the “Jewish South.” Heavily influenced by her parents’ hopes and dreams for her and her siblings, Lebovitz recalled her father placing particular emphasis on the need for his children to marry Jewish spouses and raise Jewish children. Jewish continuity, vitality, and longevity were high priorities in her family. As a teenager Lebovitz often challenged her father with “what if” scenarios about the sort of man she might someday meet and

fall in love with. “You can’t help who you fall in love with,” she would tell him. His response never changed, never wavered. And when years later, as an adult – married with children—Lebovitz questioned him more seriously about why he was so steadfast in his vision for her, her father replied that he “never wanted to look back with regret.” He never wanted to feel that he’d done any less than his very best to make certain his children understood clearly what was expected from them. He didn’t want to leave it up to chance or assume that they would just know how to act. He wanted to be very clear to his children that commitment to Jewish life, Jewish family, and Jewish community should be of utmost importance to them as individuals and as members of the Jewish community. Lebovitz’s stories were laced with humor and poignancy. Emotions in the room swung from laughter to tears as many recalled their own childhoods and relationships with parents and children. It should come as no surprise that Lebovitz can spin a beautiful story. As a writer, local TV talk show host in Chattanooga, and committed Jewish lay leader and philanthropist, Lebovitz brings the perfect combination of charm and inspiration to groups she addresses on behalf of Jewish Federations

Charlene Cohen, Hilde Deutsch, Joan Joffe and Joan London.

10 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

throughout the country. The UJFT women’s division looks forward to inviting her back for future women’s events, so that her message can reach an even wider audience. This year’s Lion Tikva Chai Luncheon was co-chaired by Randi Gordon and Cindy Kramer. The co-chairs were pleased to announce and honor the community’s newest leadership women donors—those who have reached milestone levels of giving since last year’s Lion Tikva Chai luncheon—including: NEW ZAHAV LION OF JUDAH Women giving $50,000+ to the 2014 UJFT Annual Campaign Karen Jaffe NEW LIONS OF JUDAH Women giving $5,000+ to the 2014 UJFT Annual Campaign Susan Alper Lisa Barr Mona Flax Shari Friedman Jeri Jo Halprin Betty Ann Levin Janet Mercadante Amy Zelenka

Amy Levy, General Campaign chair, Marcia Moss and Stacie Moss.

NEW TIKVA SOCIETY DONORS Women giving $3,600+ to the 2014 UJFT Annual Campaign Amy Lefcoe Emily Nied NEW CHAI SOCIETY DONORS Women giving $1,800+ to the 2014 UJFT Annual Campaign Shaye Arluk Cheryl Dronzek Barbara Dudley Karen Fine Joan Harrison Faith Jacobson Linda Kaufman Reva Kelberg Lisa Finkel Leon Robin Mancoll Judith Rosenblatt Megan Zuckerman The 2014 UJFT Women’s Campaign is off to a great start. Jodi Klebanoff, Women’s chair, shared a brief update with the crowd, giving campaign totals and percentage increases. Perhaps most exciting of all was the increased number of FACE-TO-FACE solicitations that have been completed so far in the campaign. This year’s campaign is placing a heavy emphasis on FACETO-FACE meetings, and in her opening remarks at the Luncheon, Klebanoff stressed, “We will not be asking you to make your gift at today’s luncheon…but we will ask this: when you receive a phone call from your volunteer campaign worker asking you to meet FACE-TO-FACE, please say ‘yes.’ You will be glad you did.” Are you interested in making a leadership gift in the UJFT Women’s Division? If so, this is a great year to make the leap from your current level of giving. The UJFT is offering a number of terrific incentives to help bring your gift to the “next level.” Contact Amy Zelenka, UJFT Women’s Campaign director, at 965-6139 or email

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6/24/13 1:50 PM | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

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2 LOCATIONS • FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 689 Phoenix Drive 3600 Bonney Road Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 431-0333 463-3819 12 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

Lunch Specials from $4.50 Dinner Specials from $5.75

by Laine M. Rutherford


nspired and energized Jewish volunteers embarked on a unified effort last month to reach out to others in the community and speak with them personally about the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater—what it is, what it does, and why continued support is vital to maintaining a vibrant Avraham Infield at the Sandler Family Campus. Jewish community. The five-day period On Tuesday, volunteers and UJFT from Oct. 13 through Oct. 17 was dubbed “the Week of Extraordinary Deeds,” for the leaders took prospective donors to lunch time given by the UJFT representatives, at area restaurants; on Wednesday and the gifts made by generous community Thursday they spoke one-on-one in other members, and to embrace the Federation’s locations, including the Reba and Sam theme for this year’s Annual Campaign— Sandler Family Campus of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Together We Do Extraordinary Things. “Between all of these events, we The week began with a visit from Avraham Infeld, president emeritus of engaged more than 150 people in meanHillel International—the Foundation for ingful face to face conversations about the Jewish Campus Life, who motivated audi- needs, desires and concerns of our Jewish ences with his discussion of how the community,” Pomerantz says. “We wanted people to ask tough Federation’s vital work unifies, helps and questions and we wanted to reaffirm the sustains Jewish values and lives. “The Jewish Federation is deeply Federation’s mission. With the help of all committed to ensuring the continued sig- involved, we did just that.” More than $200,000 was raised during nificance of the Jewish people as a family,” says Infeld. “Thank you all so much for the five-day period, an amount that exceeded the Federation’s goals and helps what you’re doing for our family.” Infeld spoke to large groups on Sunday the community move closer to reaching the and Monday evenings, and met individu- $4.7 million goal set for the 2014 Annual ally with community members to further Campaign, which ends in March. “We deeply appreciate the community’s share the ways that gifts made to the UJFT help make the world a better place for Jews, time and generosity,” says Pomerantz. “It shows how truly extraordinary Tidewater in ways they might not know. “Avraham reminded us that we’re all part is, and that together, we absolutely do of our local Jewish family, and also part of extraordinary things.” To arrange a personal discussion with a a much larger, worldwide Jewish community,” says Alex Pomerantz, UJFT community community volunteer or UJFT leader about the development specialist. “He says that it’s Federation’s mission, contact Alex Pomerantz our obligation, as family members, to be at 757-965-6136, or email apomerantz@ujft. committed to one another and to take care org. Visit to hear Avraham of each other, and those who heard him Infeld’s motivational words and to learn more about the UJFT. definitely took his message to heart.”

Couples have ‘together time’ working out at the Simon Family JCC by Leslie Shroyer


or Amy and Kirk Levy, three weekly classes are the draw for working out together at the Simon Family JCC. Kirk, who works nearby, meets Amy as often as he can on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for noon Tabata with Starr Kimmer Gargiullo or Tony Pearsall at the fitness center. “I love Tabata class,” says Amy. “We’ve tried other classes, but this one clicked for both of us, so it’s something we now do together. It’s intense and personalized to fit our individual physical abilities.” In this non-competitive environment, the class has developed camaraderie, and if someone misses a class or two, others ask about them and worry about their absence. Parents of four, the Levys say they like that their gym visits are something they do together and alone, without any kids. “We get to see each other mid-day and know

we’ve worked out hard. If we don’t make a class, we are disappointed,” says Amy. As the sun is setting, Beverly and Alan Frieden are most likely to be on one of the many pieces of cardio equipment at the fitness center. “We like coming here to work out, and we come here to support a great place in the community,” says Alan. “As we age, we realize how important weight training and staying in shape are.” With six grandchildren six and under, they want to stay as fit as they can. Each night, Alan gets home from work, changes, and heads right to the JCC. “We do everything together,” says Beverly, “travel, errands and the like. This is one more thing we do as a team.” Their friends, Nancy and Alvin Wall, train with Ray Beard twice a week at 7:30 pm. “We both have sedentary jobs, so we walk a lot outside and come here for our weight training, which we know is so good for us,” says Nancy. “We are constant-

ly challenged by Ray and his innovative techniques.” Living in Larkspur, the JCC is close and convenient, and they like the family friendly environment. “It’s great to see people we know like the Friedens,” says Alvin. “We’re all here to stay healthy for as long as we can.” The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Amy and Kirk Levy.

Beverly and Alan Friedman and Nancy and Alvin Wall. | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 13

Israel Advocacy class discusses facts and issues by Leslie Shroyer


hat should an advocate of Israel say when someone who knows very little about the country asks about its legitimacy? The answer to this basic question, according to Mark Solberg and Sandra Haas-Radin, Ph. D., is intricately tied to Israel’s history and political climate, which is why they devoted four two-hour sessions on “the ABCs” of being an advocate for Israel at the Simon Family JCC over the last two months. Designed to give each participant the information needed to be a knowledgeable defender of the State of Israel, these classes were presented by the JCC’s Jewish Life and Learning department. Some of the most important messages of the class were: • Israel has a historical, legal and moral right to exist as a Jewish State. • Israel does not deny the “national rights” of the Palestinian people, and has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to share the land. Mainstream Zionism has accepted in good faith (or initiated) every proposal for a “two-state solution” that has ever been put forward. • The Palestinian nationalist movement has never accepted Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, and has responded to every settlement proposal with categorical rejection and extreme violence. • The Palestinian nationalist movement views the intentional targeting and murder of Israeli civilians as a legitimate and heroic tactic to advance their political agenda. • Israel has less than one half of one percent of the land in the Arabian Peninsula. • Muslims outnumber Jews 100:1 worldwide, which is a large factor in the frequent United Nations Sanction votes against Israel. “Israel is always painted as the aggressor, when their human rights record is actually one of the best in the world,” says Haas-Radin. “We designed our class so that students

14 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

Mark Solberg and Sandra Haas-Radin.

can respond not only to lies about Israel, but also to steer the conversation towards understanding the justice of Israel’s position,” says Solberg, who believes that until the Palestinian Nationalist movement renounces terrorism and accepts Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, there will be no progress towards peace. Solberg says that “students need to know not just the facts, but also where to go with these facts.” And that’s what the class syllabus set out to accomplish. The first three classes, in lecture format with question and answer periods at the end, changed on the final night, when students discussed with their “classmates” in small groups, acting as actual advocates for Israel armed with facts and knowledge. “We have to worry about getting the facts out in such a way that people know that Israel is not the aggressor,” says Haas-Radin. “I found this class beyond invaluable,” says student Janet Kass. “There is so much information that is not shared and there is so much misinformation out there. I was also delighted to see the non-Jewish presence in this class. They are among our best advocates.” “We hope that these classes are of interest to the community and that we therefore can continue to run classes such as these in the years to come,” says Miriam Brunn Ruberg, director of Jewish Life and Learning at the Simon Family JCC. For more information about these and other Jewish education classes for adults, contact her at mbrunnruberg@ or 321-2328. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Annual Israel Today Forum brings innovative topics and expert speakers to Tidewater by Laine Mednick Rutherford


ompelling speakers, interesting topics and timely discussions have characterized the past two seasons of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Israel Today Forum. With the announcement of its third season, which begins next month, the CRC is staying true to the formula it has used to introduce contemporary Israeli (and by extension, American, Jewish, and world) issues to thousands of people throughout Ishmael Khaldi Tidewater: Three topics. Three speakers. The 3rd annual Israel Today Forum will focus on diversity, Zionism and geopolitics. Featured experts on the subjects, respectively, are Ishmael Khaldi, who was Israel’s first Bedouin diplomat, Gil Troy, an activist Rob Satloff at the forefront of the fight against the delegitimization of Israel, and Robert Satloff, a renowned expert on Arab and Islamic politics and United States Middle East policy. Khaldi’s appearance kicks off the series; he will speak about diversity on Thursday, Dec. 12 (see Gil Troy What’s Happening on p. 22) The next two events are scheduled for 2014: Troy’s discussion about Zionism will take place on Wed., Jan. 29, and Satloff will explain geopoltics, as they pertain to Israel, the Middle East, and the rest of the world, on May 1. Nataly Fleishman chairs the CRC’s Israel Committee. She has listened closely to feedback from audience members who have heard past speakers, and has garnered input from the many community partners who

sponsor the event, along with the CRC. Fleishman and her committee are committed to maintaining the popularity and growth of the Israel Today Forum as a relevant, and important, ongoing speaker series. “The turnout for these CRC events is consistently high, and the enthusiasm after they are over is contagious. The Israel Today series has done an excellent job of educating the community about Israel in a variety of venues and in front of a great many people, some well-versed on Israel and others just learning,” says Fleishman. “Now that we are in the third year of the series, we have gotten a taste for what best suits the interests and needs of this community. With this experience, the CRC is excited for everyone to experience this season’s stellar line-up of speakers and topics,” she says. Robin Mancoll, CRC director, says that the 2012– 2013 2nd Annual Israel Today Forum, which focused on the topics of morality, diplomacy and leadership, engaged more than 1,500 people locally, Jewish and non-Jewish. With increased awareness in the community, and a growing media buzz surrounding the series, Mancoll expects the 2013–2014 series to have an even greater audience and a broader impact. The Israel Today Forum is free and open to the community; events are held at the Simon Family JCC on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community. RSVP is requested. Call 757-965-6107, or email For more information on this and other CRC programs, visit




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Young Adult Division leadership programs are taking off in 5774


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he Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater has been very busy in 5774. Between maintaining current outreach and engagement programs, adding new unique outreach initiatives, and rolling out signature leadership programs, it seems that not a week passes without a YAD program on the calendar. Under the leadership of Rachel Shames, YAD Cabinet chair, YAD is enjoying an exciting growth period, within its participant base, its Young Leadership Campaign, and leadership programs. Two primary level leadership courses, which have been the mantle of the Division’s success in years past, are now being launched. The Tidewater Couples Project, started again last month, is now in its fifth evolution of the program. A first level leadership program within YAD, Tidewater Couples Project creates a strong social network among couples who are loosely connected to one another (friends, colleagues, acquaintances) through a program designed to teach them about the mission of UJFT and its affiliated agencies, nurture their leadership skills and encourage their participation in the Jewish community. Held biannually, the TCP brings participants together monthly for 10 months to participate in various evening programs over dinner. The 2013–2014 TCP is the largest group since the inaugural group, with nine vibrant young couples committed to participating.

The Young Adult Division is also spearheading the Super Sunday Steering Committee, with Jennifer Groves, YAD Cabinet member, serving as Super Sunday Chair. The Super Sunday Steering Committee has been populated with 10 young leaders who were nominated to serve in a leadership capacity because of their expressed interest in deepening their involvement in the Jewish community, and their previous participation in YAD and other Jewish agencies. The Super Sunday Steering Committee will meet for leadership development sessions six times between the first week of November and Jan. 26. The Super Sunday leadership program will culminate with participants overseeing Super Sunday, Tidewater’s largest community fundraising day benefitting the UJFT’s Annual Campaign. For those young Jewish professionals living in Tidewater who are not engaged in a specialty leadership program, opportunities for involvement still abound. YAD continues to host HeBrew Happy Hours (upcoming on Nov. 25), cultural programs including Family Shabbat and Havdallah events, major holiday celebrations (Light It Up on Dec. 7), volunteer events with Hands on Tidewater, and casual Girls/Guys Night Out events. YAD recently launched an informal bi-monthly Men’s Basketball night that quickly garnered huge popularity. Visit or www. for more information on how to get involved in the Young Adult Division.




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Preventing a nuclear-armed Iran Iraq and Afghanistan including at least 54 soldiers from Virginia. UNAI’s fear is that ast month I attended a powerful if Iran is already responsible for so much and very well attended presentation terror activity, imagine how much worse at B’nai Israel Congregation spon- their actions will become if they feel they sored by United Jewish Federation of are untouchable after developing the proTidewater’s Community Relations Council. tection from attack that having a nuclear Bob Feferman, outreach coordinator for the bomb can provide. Iran is clear about it’s genocidal intennot-for-profit and non-partisan advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), tions toward Israel. In 2012, Supreme spoke on Preventing a Nuclear-Armed Iran. Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The I admit that I never heard of this group, Zionist regime is a real cancerous tumor that but was impressed to learn that it was should be cut, and will be cut, God willing.” founded in 2008 by heavyweights such We ignored similar ranting from Hitler who didn’t have nuclear power to back as Ambassador Richard Holbrook, up his threat, so how much more Dennis Ross, and former CIA UNAI’s frightening is this threat from chief Jim Woolsey, and that multiIran. If sanctions don’t work, it’s current board of directors pronged plan military action against Iran includes a former direcis our last resort, and our tor of Israel’s Mossad and to increase the recent military response England’s MI6. With those pressure on Iran to terrorism has not been sponsors, I was ready to to give up their without difficulties, to say believe that this group the least. Therefore, we all knows what it was talking nuclear weapon have to work VERY hard to about, both as to the extent goal is simple, help make these sanctions of the problem and the logical, and work. Fortunately, UANI details of their proposed offers us a way to do this. solution. effective. UANI bases its sanction plan Feferman made a strong case on their opinion that the leadership that it is critical to both Israel and of Iran, no matter how much they hate America that individuals help them grow their grass-roots lobbying effort to not the West and favor Jihad, has a higher goal only keep existing sanctions against Iran of remaining in power. One major key to in place, but to also tighten them. I was Iran’s support is based on their oil revenue, impressed to learn that their program has but a second is that they control much made significant progress in getting indi- of Iran’s economy through the Iranian vidual states and companies to pressure Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Iran to choose between having a function- siphon off a large amount of funds from ing economy or a nuclear bomb, and that all of Iran’s economy to use to sponsor tereach of us could make a real difference in rorism. Crippling this economy is the goal of sanctions, and UNAI feels that sancthis effort. The need for the success of UANI’s pro- tions have the possibility of stopping Iran’s gram is clear, as Iran is the world’s leading nuclear development without the need of state sponsor of terrorism via Hezbollah, military action. UNAI’s multi-pronged plan to increase Hamas, and al-Qaeda. In addition to helping implement many rocket attacks against the pressure on Iran to give up their Israel, Iran is already responsible for terror nuclear weapon goal is simple, logical, attacks on Americans in Beirut (1983), the and effective. They have developed model Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires legislation for adoption by U.S. federal (1996), Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia and state governments to sever the regime (1996), and two al-Quaeda attacks on from international trade and financial marAmerican embassies in Africa (1998), not kets and prohibit investment in Iran. This to mention the deaths of U.S. soldiers in covers banking, insurance, shipping, auto-

Season of Faves • 2013–14

by Arthur Rosenfeld


Bob Feferman of UANI and Rabbi Sender Haber of B’nai Israel.

motive manufacturing, and other sectors. Their legislative initiatives have already resulted in passing the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, the Iran Threat Reduction Act, and in state legislative and regulatory initiatives across the U.S. These actions have hurt Iran. Now, UANI is working to impose a full economic blockade by forcing companies trading with Iran to revise their cost/benefit analysis by realizing that their customer base will put their reputation, sales, and profits on the line unless they stop doing business with the country. Well known companies such as GE, Maersk, Volvo, Volkswagen, BMW, Lufthansa, and others have already succumbed to letter writing campaigns to their CEO’s. This is where individual citizens can add weight to this campaign. UANI’s web site, has fast and easy ways for people to sign petitions to be sent to the U.S. government, individual states, and companies. Once involved, people can use social media and mailing lists to get friends and neighbors involved. To add force to my belief that UANI is on the right track, I was interested to read a large headline in a recent issue of The Virginian-Pilot proclaiming “Nuclear sanctions put the brakes on Iran’s auto industry” which has already dropped 40% in the last two years. I’m happy to report that I’ve signed up on the UANI website, and hope that all readers of this article will also do so. As Hillel said, “If not now, when?” For more information check CRC’s Iran resource page at

Wed. November 20, 7:30pm

Ani & Ida Kavafian with Jonathan Feldman, pianist

Wed. December 4, 2:30pm & 7:30pm

Cantus: All Is Calm (757) 722-2787 | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 17

Special Needs class and training program at Ohef Sholom available for all Jewish religious schools in Tidewater at Ohef Sholom


ne of the most significant issues facing religious school educators is accommodating students with special needs in the supplementary school setting. With numerous obstacles to overcome, both practical and attitudinal, it is challenging to adapt curriculum, implement proactive classroom management strategies and differentiate instruction in the limited time frame of the religious school. This is particularly true for most religious schoolteachers who do not have formal training in special education. Ohef Sholom Temple’s Religious School has been awarded a grant from the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater to provide educational services to these special needs students. “Ohef Sholom intends to reach out to

the Jewish community, especially other religious schools in two ways,” says Kitty Wolf, temple educator at Ohef Sholom Temple. First, Teacher and staff training and/or consultation will be available to any school or facility that serves Jewish children in Tidewater. Ohef Sholom is using a comprehensive special needs training program developed by the regional educators at Union for Reform Judaism in conjunction with qualified Special Education consultants. Each training session will be tailored to meet the specific needs of each school or program. Much of the training will concentrate on learning disabilities and behavioral issues. A Virginia-certified Special Education teacher, Ohef Sholom’s presenter has the knowledge, training and

18 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

ability to address a wide variety of special needs, both physical and mental. Second, Ohef Sholom’s Sunday morning classes will be open to special needs students from other Jewish supplementary schools who cannot be accommodated in their home school. Ohef Sholom will work with teachers from the student’s synagogue to develop an appropriate JIEP (Jewish Individual Education Program) so that they can learn what others are learning in their home school while benefiting from Ohef Sholom’s structured special education program. If a school or program is interested in either of these opportunities, contact Kitty Wolf, temple educator at Ohef Sholom Temple at kitty@ or 757-625-4295.

Beth El starts new program for adults


new study group for adults, Beth El @ Homes brought together about a dozen people for chili and conversation at the home of Sharon Wasserberg, Congregation Beth El’s director of Congregational Learning. Bob Feferman of United Against Nuclear Iran spoke to the group and a vibrant conversation ensued. He urged the attendees to contact companies doing business in Iran to attempt to stop them so the economic sanctions imposed by a number of countries including the U.S. might have a greater effect. The group stayed and talked for over an hour after Feferman concluded his presentation.


Tips on Jewish Trips

Spiritual food Recipes For A Sacred Life (True Stories and a Few Miracles) by Rivvy Neshama Divine Arts. 2013 239 pages, $16.95 Author and social activist Rivvy Neshama delights us in an inviting conversational style with a feast of spiritual food, nourishRabbi Zoberman ing the soul—just as her chosen Hebrew last name reflects. Blessed and burdened by a universal soul and very essence wide enough to encompass the rich and diverse range of religious traditions, this enchanting spiritual seeker and healer is ever eager to find for herself and for us, renewed meaning and uplifting purpose in our uneven human journey. Neshama’s riveting collection of spiritual recipes in the form of short stories is gently carved out of the joys and struggles of life’s experiences, connecting the varied threads of the human experience into a tapestry that is whole, while harmonizing the many expressions of spiritual yearnings. She chooses to highlight binding commanalities rather than focusing on separating differences. There is satisfying food for every reader’s pallet and no one will walk away hungry from this unique book, rather with worthwhile hunger for more soul food… We are guaranteed to laugh with Neshama’s larger-than-life father, Bernard Feldman, even as he was dying quite young of emphysema, and we’ll be enlightened by inspiring Native and Sufi traditions that teach us to revere the sacred dimensions of

earth and life. Though Neshama is too large for just one particular heritage to dwell in, she is demonstrably anchored in her own Jewish upbringing with shared deep appreciation for Judaism’s celebrations of life, turning the secular into the sacred and finding the miraculous in the mundane. I beg to differ, though, with a portion of the book’s sub-title which humbly refers to a “Few Miracles.” More than a few miracles are presented and as the Jewish prayer book (Siddur) wisely attests to, we are daily blessed with multiple miracles, which we often take for granted. The stories are accompanied by illuminating quotes from such luminaries as Albert Einstein and Woody Allen. The incessant Jewish drive for Tikkun Olam’s restoration of life’s broken fragments is courageously manifested in Neshama’s own life’s commitments and choices, including teaching in Harlem along with co-founding and directing tra n spor t at ion alternatives in the challenging urban environment of New York City. A graduate of Bryn Mawr College with a major in philosophy, Neshama is the author of Nat Turner and the Virginia Slave Revolt, a children’s book. Married to John Wilcockson, a British writer, they live in Boulder and Sag Harbor. This highly recommended new book that is bound to make a difference in one’s life is also available through Amazon and wherever books are sold. —Rabbi Israel Zoberman is the spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Chaverim.


incessant Jewish

drive for Tikkun

Olam’s restoration of

life’s broken fragments

Lower East Side Walking tour of Jewish community of Colonial New Amsterdam


Sunday, Nov. 24, 10:45 am

he Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy’s Jewish Community of Colonial New Amsterdam Walking Tour will trace the origins of Jewish settlement in what was once called New Amsterdam, visiting former locations of Jewish sites in Lower Manhattan. The tour stops at places such as early Spanish and Portuguese synagogues, the Mill Street Synagogue (the first synagogue built in North America) and Congregation Shearith Israel’s cemetery at Chatham Square (the oldest known Jewish cemetery in New York City, dating back to 1683). The tour meets at Pearl Street and

Broad Streets across from Fraunces Tavern. Admission is $18 for adults and $16 for seniors and students. Tickets purchased on the day of the tour are an additional $2. Pre-registration is recommended at http:// or by calling 212-374 4100. The Lower East Side Jewish Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to preserving, sharing and celebrating the Jewish Heritage of the Lower East Side. Private, customized tours are also available by appointment. For more information about the LESJC, call 212-374-4100 or visit or http://

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is courageously manifested in

Neshama’s own life’s commitments and

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 | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 19

what’s happening Light It Up— YAD Chanukah Party


Saturday, Dec. 7, 8 pm

oin YAD at Light It Up, the biggest cultural event of the year. Celebrate Chanukah in style at this special evening featuring Vinyl Headlights. Ticket includes latke bar, doughnut bar, and open bar. Open to people ages 22+. Purchase tickets and get on the list for Light It Up at www. At the Sandler Family Campus. $15 in advance, $20 at the door.

Latka Palooza Monday, Dec. 2, 5:30–7:30 pm


irst annual Latke Fest comes to the Simon Family JCC. Celebrate Chanukah with games, a special Chanukah craft, and dinner featuring a world class Latke bar. Games include Driedel spinning, Flip the latke in the frying pan, and Pin the candle on the Menorah. $7 per child, $10 per adult, $34 per family; 5 per child, $8 per adult, $26 per family JCC members. 321-2338 or register at the JCC front desk.

Notes from film festival’s screening committee by Mark Robbins, William Laderberg and Leslie Shroyer


embers of Tidewater’s Jewish film festival’s screening committee have been diligently watching screeners to find just the right blend of movies for the 21st Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg. Mark Robbins and William Laderberg, screening committee co-chairs, are thrilled about the committee’s success in reaching its annual goal of having an even better lineup than the previous year. “This is indeed the best lineup of movies,” they agree. The Zigzag Kid, a witty, spirited and totally entertaining Dutch coming-of-age story that should appeal to everyone, has been chosen for opening night. In fact, The Zigzag Kid is slated to be the opening night movie at dozens of Jewish film festivals, though Tidewater was one of the first Jewish film festivals to select this film. Opening night will be held at the Sandler Center on Saturday, Jan. 18 with a festive post-film party catered by the Beth Sholom Village Caterers. An unusually diverse group of exciting,

Sunday, Nov. 17, 2pm


he second lecture in the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center series features Dr. Gary Zola, executive director of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Dr. Gary P. Zola Jewish Archives and professor of the American Jewish Experience at Hebrew Union College. He will discuss the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and American Jewry. Zola’s talk, “He Was Like One of Us” is based on his upcoming book We Called Him Rabbi Abraham: Lincoln and American Jewry. For information, call 757-391-9266 or visit The museum is located at 607 Effingham St. in Portsmouth.

commentary. A pre-film party in honor of Vincent, is also planned. Drum roll please…. The most exciting announcement is that the director of one of the films will attend to introduce the movie and lead a post-film Q&A and discussion. Details about this event will follow in an upcoming article. For more information about the films and this year’s lineup, visit the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg’s Facebook page. Also look for upcoming articles and a mailer in the next two months.

Tidewater Jewish Community Genetic Screening

The Jewish Museum and Cultural Center

American Jewry and the presidency

entertaining and even thought provoking and emotional films is planned for this year’s festival. Comedies, dramas and documentaries, including some films that have won awards at various international film festivals are on the schedule. Films come from Israel, Holland, America, Argentina, and the Czech Republic. Mal Vincent, the movie critic for The Virginian-Pilot and loyal supporter of the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film for 21 years, will present his “pick” on Thursday, Jan. 24 when he introduces the film, as well as entertains with insider information and

Sunday, Dec. 15, 10 am–3 pm


ow well do you know your family tree? Did you know that one in four Jews is a carrier for at least one of 19 preventable Jewish genetic diseases? If both members of a couple are carriers for the same genetic disease, there is a 25% chance with each pregnancy of having an affected child. Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, in partnership with Eastern Virginia Medical

School and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Maimonedes Society and Young Adult Division, is coordinating a free screening at the Simon Family JCC. The screening is being held in coordination with the annual American Red Cross Blood Drive in memory of Sharon Elstein. The screening, a simple blood test, is free of charge thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. However, for those

with health insurance, the insurance will be billed (no co-payments or deductible). Look for more information in upcoming issues of the Jewish News. To register, visit geneticscreening. For more information on the screening, call JFS at 321-2222. For more information on these conditions and screenings, visit

Ohef Sholom Temple and Freemason Street Baptist Church join on Thanksgiving

“Evening of Royalty” at BINA High School

Thursday, Nov. 28, 10 am reception, 11 am service

Sunday, Nov. 17, 5:30 pm


or 86 years, Ohef Sholom Temple has ushered in Thanksgiving with a joint interfaith service with Freemason Street Baptist Church. The temple and the church alternate each year hosting the service. The clergy from the visiting congregation delivers the sermon at the host congregation.

20 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

This year’s service is at Ohef Sholom Temple and Dr. Stephen Jolly will deliver the sermon. Prior to the service at 10 am, a reception catered by the Ohef Sholom Sisterhood will take place. The reception and service are open to the community, and all are welcome.


ll women in the community are invited. Featuring a lavish dairy buffet, artwork exhibition and dramatic presentations. B’nai Israel social hall. Cost is $18 ($12 for students). 757-627-2462.

what’s happening Jewish Book Festival events are thought-provoking and informative through November 17 by Leslie Shroyer


he final lineup of The Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Jewish Book Festival offers events to inform, educate and enlighten audiences, in addition to hundreds of books for sale at the Simon Family JCC. Marion Grodin Tuesday, Nov. 12, 12:30 pm A screenwriter and standup comedian, at the start of Marion Grodin’s career, she became a staff writer on It’s a Living, and Princesses, two network sitcoms. While under contract with Twentieth Century Fox, she sold six screenplays. When writing her seventh script, she realized she wanted to deliver her own funny lines, so she turned to stand-up comedy. Now, Grodin is one of the nation’s biggest comedy acts, appearing at top New York clubs, including Stand Up NY and the Gotham Comedy Club. She has appeared on NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’Brien, ABC’s The View, and makes regular guest appearances on some MSNBC programs. Grodin also worked as the comedy producer for The Charles Grodin Show. She recently produced a series of fundraising events featuring Lewis Black, Martin Short, Regis Philbin, and Paul Shaffer. A breast cancer survivor, divorcee, and former drug and Häagen-Dazs addict, Grodin can turn even the darkest subjects into comedy. And, that’s exactly what she does in her memoir Standing Up. Presented in partnership with Beth Sholom Village and Jewish Family Service. Dara Horn Thursday, Nov. 14, 7 pm This year’s Community Read, Dara Horn’s A Guide for the Perplexed, is

an engrossing adventure that imaginatively weaves stories from Genesis, medieval philosophy, and the digital frontier. In 2007, Dara was named by Granta magazine as one of America’s “Best Young American Novelists.” Her first novel, In the Image, published when she was 25, received a 2003 National Jewish Book Award, the 2002 Edward Lewis Wallant Award, and the 2003 Reform Judaism Fiction Prize. Horn has taught courses in Jewish literature and Israeli history at Harvard, Sarah Lawrence College, and City University of New York, and has lectured at more than 200 universities and cultural institutions throughout North America and Israel. Meg Akabas Friday, Nov. 15, 9:30 am Parents of young children are invited to hear Meg Akabas provide easy-to-implement strategies for parents of children 10 years old and under. She regularly provides one-onone consultations and leads workshops for parents and teachers on infancy through pre-adolescence, is the founder of New York Citybased Parenting Solutions, a consultancy designed to help parents discover the joy in parenting, and the author of 52 Weeks of Parenting Wisdom: Effective Strategies for Raising Happy, Responsible Kids. Intended for busy parents, the book is meant to be read one chapter per week for just a few minutes at a time, with each chapter providing a piece of advice on one

specific topic of concern, such as respect, self-control, cooperation, sibling relations, and sleep habits. Presented in partnership with the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater. Global Day of Jewish Learning Sunday, Nov. 17, 1–3 pm There’s a final day of the Book Festival that should enlighten everyone from the youngest to the seniors in the community, during the JCC’s Global Day of Jewish Learning. While adults attend an event presented in partnership with the Board of Rabbis & Cantors of Hampton Roads, children ages three years old through 5th grade can enjoy a children’s creation station with stories, snacks, crafts singing and more. For grades six and up, book author Alan Gratz will present Prisoner B-3087, (presented in partnership with BBYO) based on the astonishing true story of a boy in Poland who endures 10 concentration camps. Booklist calls Prisoner B-3087 “A good starting point for students unfamiliar with the Holocaust. Pair it with Doreen Rappaport’s Beyond Courage (2012) and Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl.” Gratz, the author of six other novels for young adults, will interact with students and expects a lively conversation to take place.

Adults will explore their ‘ispirituality’ when Jay Michaelson weaves his books together (God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality; Everything is God: The Radical Path of Nondual Judaism, and his latest, Evolving Dharma: Meditation, Buddhism, and the Next Generation of Enlightenment.) M ich ael son’s presentation will start with an introduction by his friend Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and then lead into a talk about his own ispirituality. “The last few decades have witnessed a revolution in Judaism’s embrace of forms and practices that originated outside Judaism, from pop music to meditation, the burka (now being worn in some Hasidic communities) to ecologically minded rewrites of Kashrut. Are there boundaries around what can be incorporated into Judaism and what can’t?” he asks. All events take place at the Simon Family JCC. For more information, call 321-2338 or visit Visit to see the hundreds of books for sale or buy books for kindles by going to the Book Festival page on the website and click on the Amazon link. All proceeds benefit the Simon Family JCC. *of blessed memory Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

what’s happening Israel Today Forum presents Ishmael Khaldi

The threat of the Muslim Brotherhood— a community learning event

Thursday, Dec. 12, 7 pm


he Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, in partnership with area synagogues, agencies, organizations, businesses and community members, presents Ishmael Khaldi as the first speaker in its 2013-2014 three-part Israel Today Forum. Khaldi will discuss diversity in Israel, with a unique, personal viewpoint. Born into a traditional Bedouin family in a poor village in northern Israel, Khaldi made the choice as a young adult to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces, the Defense Ministry, and the Israeli Police. In 2004, Khaldi earned the distinction of becoming the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s first Bedouin diplomat. His diplomatic career has continued since then; currently, Khaldi is Counsellor for Civil Society Affairs at the Embassy of Israel in London. A Bedouin, Arab, Muslim Israeli, Khaldi is a vocal patriot and advocate for Israel.

He has garnered a reputation for the willingness and risks he takes to speak up in support for his homeland, as well as for his storytelling prowess. The Israel Today Ishmael Khaldi Forum is free and open to the community, as are the other speakers in the three part series. The Forum takes place at the Simon Family JCC on the Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community. RSVP to lhenderson@, or call 757-965-6107. For more information, visit Ismael Khaldi’s memoir, A Shepherd’s Journey, will be available for purchase through Nov. 17 at the Lee & Bernard Jaffe* Family Jewish Book Festival at the JCC and again on Dec 12.


Monday, Dec. 9, 7 pm

he Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Congregation Beth Chaverim present Kyle Shideler of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, speaking about “The Threat of the World-Wide Muslim Brotherhood Movement.” Shideler is director of research and communications at EMET. He is a contributing author of Saudi Arabia and the Global Islamic Terrorist Network: America and the West’s Fatal Embrace and has written articles for InFocus, National Security Proceedings, The American Thinker, Breitbart News and other publications. He has appeared as a commentator on talk radio discussing national security and terrorism issues, and has briefed congressional staffers, law enforce-

*of blessed memory

ment officers and intelligence officials on matters ranging from the Iranian nuclear program to Saudi influence operations. Prior to his work with EMET, Kyle worked as the senior researcher for StandWithUS, a pro-Israel campus education organization, and as public information officer for the Center for Vigilant Freedom, an international non-profit focused on educating the public about the threat of Islamic extremism. Congregation Beth Chaverim is located at 3820 Stoneshore Road in Virginia Beach. The event is free and open to the community. RSVP by Wednesday, Dec. 4, to or call 757-965-6107. Visit for more information.

Rabbi Michael Panitz honored at Rumi Forum Thursday, Nov. 12, 6 pm

Jewish Museum and Cultural Center’s Winter Film Series

The Last Angry Man Sunday, Nov. 24, 2 pm


he second film of the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center’s Winter Film Series, “The Last Angry Man,” is a 1959 drama which tells the story of a television producer who profiles the life of a physician in a changing neighborhood. Paul Muni, David Wayne, Betsy Palmer, Billy Dee Williams and Godfrey Cambridge star in this compelling drama. Rabbi Arthur

Steinberg, Sinai rabbi emeritus of Ohef Sholom Temple and Professor Andrew Quicke of Regent University will present the film and lead the discussion. $5 donation at the door. JMCC is located at 607 Effingham St. Portsmouth. For information, call 757-391-9266 or visit the website www.


he Rumi Forum, a Washington, DC-based organization that fosters interfaith and intercultural dialogue is honoring Rabbi Michael Panitz at its 9th annual Friendship and Solidarity Dinner in Hampton Roads. The Rumi Forum is non-political and its goal is to “contribute to peaceful coexistence of the adherents of different faiths, cultures, ethnicities and races.” The dinner’s keynote speaker, Bishop B. Courtney McBath, is a longtime friend of Rabbi Panitz, and the two clergymen have shared the same stage on several occasions. Rabbi Panitz has spent the better part of two decades fostering interfaith dialogue and relationships in Hampton

Roads. In 1999, he co-founded the NEXUS Interfaith Dialogue Series at Virginia Wesleyan. He also takes part in a monthly radio Rabbi Michael Panitz broadcast at Virginia Wesleyan called “Voices of Faith.” Rabbi Panitz has received community awards for interfaith efforts from the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities and the Masonic Lodge in Virginia Beach. He’s also the recipient of the community service award from the L.D. Britt, MD Scholarship Fund.

Simon Family JCC Adults travel to Richmond to the Bizarre Bazaar Thursday, Dec. 5, 8 am to 6 pm


oin the JCC Adults on the road as they travel to Richmond to the Bizarre Bazaar, which features more than 500 exhibitors, boutiques and designer accessories, gifts, gourmet foods, nationally known crafters,

22 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

artists and more. $45 includes bus fare, baked goods and water for the ride up, and entry into the bazaar. Bus leaves the JCC at 8 am and returns by 6 pm. Call 321-2338 or 321-2309 to reserve a spot by Dec. 1.


Bernard is doing good works forever.

November 15, Friday–November 17, Sunday Dr. Gary Zola is Scholar in Residence at Ohef Sholom Temple. His topics include: “Profiles in American Jewish Courage,” “What This Week’s Torah Portion, Vayishlach,Can Teach Us About American Jewish History,” “He Was One Of Us! American Jewry’s Relationship With Abraham Lincoln,” and “Great Voices, Civil Rights, and American Reform Judaism.” For more information call 625 4295 or email November 16, Saturday Temple Israel Derby. 7:30 – 10 pm. Races, wine and beer, snacks and dessert. $25 in advance, $30 at door Call 489-4550 or contact Wendy Brodsky at November 17, Sunday Global Day of Jewish Learning at the Simon Family JCC as part of the Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Jewish Book Festival. 1–3 pm. See page 21. NOVEMBER 20, WEDNESDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting 10:30 am; Lunch 12 pm; General meeting follows with guest speaker Kerry Dougherty, columnist with The Virginian-Pilot.

How will you help shape the future? Norfolk architect Bernard Spigel died in 1968 leaving an enduring legacy of homes, schools, theaters and commercial buildings he designed.

In 1983 Lucy Spigel Herman honored her dad by creating at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation a scholarship fund to help future architects. Today Spigel’s Scholarships are helping three Virginia architecture students learn the profession he loved. Dozens of past Spigel Scholars are busy designing buildings for us to enjoy. Spigel Scholarships will forever help architecture students pay for their educations. Design your own view of the future by ordering the free Leave Your Mark guide. Learn how easy it is to honor a family member or create your own permanent legacy. Call 757-622-7951 or visit

November 22, Friday Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Open House. 8:30 am. For information, contact Carin Simon, admissions director, 424-4327 or (757) 622-7951 NOVEMBER 24, SUNDAY Brith Sholom pre-Chanukah lunch at Beth Sholom Home at 12 noon. Menu includes brisket, latkes, apple sauce, fish, vegetables, salad, jelly donuts and pineapple upside down cake. $10 for members; $20 for guests. Entertainment for listening, singing and dancing provided by The Lyrics. Mail payment no later than Nov. 18. Call 461-1150.

Spigel Ad – Jewish News: 4.875” x 5.375”

November 28–December 1 Free guest days at the Simon Family JCC. JCC members: Bring up to three friends and enjoy all that the Center has to offer, from pools to fitness center to group exercise classes. For more information, call 321-2338. December 23–December 31 (no Camp 12/25) Chill out during Winter Break at the Simon Family JCC. JCC Winter Camp is filled with adventure and fun in a supportive and enriching environment. Camp includes a variety of recreational activities: arts and crafts, specialty projects, active and quiet games, sports and swimming. $360/$280 JCC members, call 321-2342 to register.

Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline Vice President

Andy Kline President

Monday through Thursday, 3:45-4:45 pm Homework helpers are needed to work with 1st-6th graders at the Simon Family JCC’s Kids Connection Program. It doesn’t take much time and makes a world of difference. High school students to seniors are welcome. Call 321-2342.

Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

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7/6/11 11:54 AM | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

Community members hear influential Israeli Diplomat speak at Regent University

Ido Aharoni


he influential and highly regarded Consul General of Israel in New York, Ido Aharoni, came to the area briefly on Monday, Nov. 4 as a guest of the Christian Broadcasting Network. While here, CBN arranged for Aharoni to speak at Regent University in Virginia Beach, and invited members of the Tidewater Jewish community to attend this special discussion. More than 100 interested Jewish members of the community arrived to welcome Aharoni, listen to his messages and ask him questions. Consul General Aharoni spoke about issues in the Middle East that he feels are not only troublesome to Israel, but to the entire region and to the western hemisphere, as well. He highlighted the 30 percent illiteracy rate in Egypt’s population (median age 21) as a concern for the adoption of democratic values in that country of 88 million. Nuclear Iran, too, he said is very problematic. “Nothing good will come out of it,” Aharoni says of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. “If Iran becomes nuclear, the world as we know it will be different. It will change the way we travel. It will

change the way we do business. It does since the summer of 1991. During his tennot just affect Israel—it affects the world.” ure in Israel’s diplomatic corps Aharoni While threats to Israelis exist, there held two overseas positions, in Los are also many reasons to be optimistic, Angeles and New York. In September 2007, Aharoni was Aharoni said. He emphasized the beginning of new appointed to serve as the head of Israel’s peace talks, explaining, that in his opin- Brand Management Team in Jerusalem. ion, for the first time in many years Israel In the spring of 2006, he was appointed can negotiate with the Palestinians: freely, to serve as a senior advisor to Israel’s Foreign Minister and Vice Prime Minister, professionally and directly. He pointed to two major historic mile- in charge of media and public affairs. Between 2001-2005, Ido Aharoni stones in Israel that took place in Israel in 2013. The first was attainment of a served as Consul for Media and Public level of water self-sufficiency, with 60 Affairs at the Consulate General of Israel percent of Israel’s water now coming in New York. He assumed this position from state-of-the-art desalination plants. several weeks prior to the terror attacks The second was the Jewish population in of 9/11. As the head of the department, Israel exceeding the symbolic six million Aharoni oversaw the operation of Israel’s mark—the number of Jews murdered in largest public affairs and media relations apparatus worldwide. He handled media the Holocaust. The oft-quoted line about Israel being relations, community outreach, as well as “the land of milk and honey, but not the a variety of informational services. While in New York, Aharoni became land of oil and money” may no longer apply, Aharoni said. With the recent dis- familiar with nation-branding methods, covery of huge deposits of oil and natural which he later introduced to his superigas in the Mediterranean, Israel may find ors in Jerusalem. This effort resulted in itself in the unfamiliar role of exporter, bringing about a paradigm shift in the and no longer have to rely on others for perception of Israel’s public image by Israeli officials, in Israel and in the USA. its energy. Prior to his arrival in New York, Aharoni expressed his gratitude for the warm and welcome reception he received Aharoni served as a Policy Advisor to while in Virginia Beach as a guest of the the Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. Over the Christian Broadcasting Network. “The ultimate form of caring and love years, Aharoni has served five direcis unconditional love. It’s something we tors-general. receive in abundance from our friends in the Jewish world, and in the Christian world, and that is what I’m getting here. Thank you for your friendship and support.” The blogsite Israel Politik (w w w.i s r a e lp ol provides background about Aharoni: He has been a member of Israel’s Consul General Ido Aharoni at Regent University. Foreign Service

24 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

obituaries Patricia Alwood Danville, Va—Patricia Patterson Alwood Patricia “Pat” Alwood died peacefully with her husband at her side on Oct. 27, 2013, at Roman Eagle Rehab and Health Care Center. Pat was born in Harrisburg, Pa. on Jan. 10, 1930, the only child of Karl and Constance Gillett Patterson. She was raised in Baltimore and graduated from Eastern High School. She attended Union Memorial Nursing School in hopes of fulfilling a lifelong ambition to become a nurse. This dream was cut short by a severe spinal injury that would impair her ability to walk for the rest of her life. She married the love of her life, Richard Alwood, in 1950 and moved to Graham, N.C. with their two small children in 1960. In Graham, Pat was active in her children’s PTA, and the Church of the Holy Comforter and was a founding member of the Gallery Players - a local arts group. She worked as director of Volunteer Services at Memorial Hospital of Alamance County until health issues prompted her early retirement. In Danville, Pat was still an active volunteer at Epiphany Episcopal Church and was a founding member of Hospice Support Services, serving as president for several years. She also volunteered at the Danville Science Center and was selected Volunteer of the Year in 2006. Pat is survived by her beloved husband, Dick, and their two children, Karla Smith (Steve) of Baltimore and Sharon Ross (Gene) of Virginia Beach. Her four grandchildren are Maggie and Stephen Smith Jr. and Kathleen and Matthew Ross. Donations to Church of the Epiphany, 781 Main Street Danville, VA 24541 or The Danville Area Humane Society, 996 South Boston Road Danville, VA 24540. A memorial service was held at the Church of the Epiphany. The Rev James W. Mathieson officiated. Townes Funeral Home and Crematory. Online condolences may be made at Sign the guest book at Mervin M. Hoffman Norfolk – Mervin M. “Buddy” Hoffman, age 90, of Norfolk, Va.; beloved husband of Alene, nee Kaplan; loving father of Michael and David (Sheree); adored grandpa of

obituaries Darryl (Abigail) and Jonathan; cherished brother of Arnold (Miriam) and the late Bertha (late Saul) Glaberman; dear brother-in-law of the late Martin (late Annette) Kaplan and the late Robert (Joan) Kaplan. Graveside services were held at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk. Contributions to Congregation Beth El, 422 Shirley Ave, Norfolk, VA 23517. The Goldman Funeral Group, Daphne Michelle Weiss-Ling Boca Raton, Flla.—Daphne Michelle Weiss-Ling, age 61, of Boca Raton, Fla. passed away on Oct. 20, 2013 from pancreatic cancer. Daphne is survived by two loving daughters, Alexandra (Benjamin) and Nicole, her grandson Dean, and her former husband and best friend, Peter Ling. A professionally licensed and highly accomplished Interior Designer, Daphne designed homes throughout South Florida and various states in the U.S. for more than 30 years. She appeared in numerous publications, such as Architectural Digest and Florida Design. Daphne was a trend setter, always voted “best dressed” among her friends and those who knew her. She loved the arts and passed on her passion for theatre, design and fashion to both of her daughters. Daphne lived life to the fullest and loved spending quality time with her family and friends, whom she considered her extended family. For more information, visit a memorial website created by her family

Ernest Prupis Norfolk—Ernest Prupis, age 82, born in Newark, N. J. on March 29, 1931, died on Oct. 22. Ernest is survived by his wife of 62 years, Sheila; his daughters Allyne Zorn and her husband Robert, Karen Irwin and her husband Wade. Grandchildren Justin (Katy) Irwin, David (Briana) Zorn, Jenna Zorn and Jessica (Josh) Grippo, great granddaughter Kyleigh Irwin and a brother, Bob Prupis. He was predeceased by his parents, Jack and Adele Prupis, his brother, Julius Prupis and sister Selma Futterman. Ernest graduated from Hillside High School, Brown University and Yale Law School. He was a partner in the law firm Weltchek, Prupis & Ritz in Elizabeth, N. J. for his entire career. He resided in Berkeley Heights, N. J. for more than 20 years, where he was the first president of the Berkeley Heights Community Pool, a member of the town’s planning board, a municipal judge and a candidate for Town Council. After retirement, Ernest lived in Seabrook Island, S. C. for 20 years, where he was a member of the Property Owner’s Association and Planning Board. He enjoyed playing tennis, attending the ballet, opera, and symphony and collecting fine arts. The funeral took place at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk with Rabbi Israel Zoberman officiating. Donations in his memory to the National Kidney Foundation, 30 E. 33rd Street #3, New York, N.Y. 10016; Beth Sholom Village, 6401 Auburn Dr, Va. Beach, Va., or the charity of choice. H.D. Oliverw.

Bete Turok South Africa—Bete Turok, 87, passed away on Oct. 17. Born in the Eastern Province of South Africa, Bete was predeceased by her husband of 53 years, Hillel Turok. Bete was an elegant lady who worked as a legal secretary, loved to travel and loved to dance. She lived in a beautiful place, Camps Bay, in Cape Town, South Africa. She is survived and mourned by her three children and five grandchildren: Mark and his wife, Arona and son, Natan; Karina and her husband, Jonathan and their son, Tevia and daughter, Nina; and Paul and his wife, Vivian and son, David and daughter, Lindi. Full shiva took place in South Africa and memorial services and visits of comfort took place at the home of Paul and Vivian Turok in Virginia Beach, Va.

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 25

who knew Austin Mahone plays bar mitzvah

YouTube-incubated teen pop sensation Austin Mahone (aka Justin Bieber the second) performed at a Manhattan bar mitzvah. The over-the-top bash at a downtown nightclub was thrown by Republic Records’ EVP Charlie Walk and his wife, Lauren, for their sons Jesse and Jagger, the New York Post’s Page Six reports. Mahone was introduced via video by Ryan Seacrest, who apparently has a thriving second career in the bar mitzvah industry. He was followed by “up-and-coming 16-year-old DJ/producer” Ares Carter. Mazel tov boys. If you weren’t massively popular already, that has certainly changed. (JTA) ABC wants more Goldbergs

Fans of The Goldbergs, kvell away. ABC has announced it is picking up the fledgling comedy for a full season. While the series received lukewarm reviews from critics, it is averaging 7.5 million total viewers. Apparently folks like

being inundated with 1980s memorabilia (think Rubik’s Cube and Ghostbusters Halloween costumes) and hearing Jeff Garlin lovingly refer to his TV brood as idiots ad nauseam. Yes, we think it’s cool that a Jewish family is standing in for the average American family. That said, is it so wrong to hope for a little more overt Jewiness now that the season has been extended? We’re envisioning a Chanukah episode, a seder or, even better, some blue eye-shadowed, shoulder-padded bar mitzvah action. (JTA) Drew Barrymore pregnant again

A hearty b’sha’ah tovah to Drew Barrymore and Will Kopelman. The couple is expecting their second child, according to a report from Us Weekly that includes what is possibly the cutest, check-out-my-babybump photo of all time. While Barrymore is a self-described “shiksa,” she has spoken about her appreciation for her husband’s faith and their plans to raise their 13-month-old daughter,

Olive, in the Jewish tradition. During an appearance on The View in January, the actress called Judaism “a beautiful faith” that she is “so honored” to be around. “It’s so family oriented,” she said. “The stories are so beautiful and it’s incredibly enlightening. I’m really happy.” (JTA) Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest role

Comic actor Sacha Baron Cohen is set to play a British soccer thug in a new film, The Daily Mirror reports. The movie will follow the duping-real-people format utilized in “Borat,” “Bruno” and “Da Ali G Show.” While this new role might not sound all that scandalous to us Americans, the English paper calls it “his most vile and controversial character yet.” Baron Cohen has spent the past few weeks in the northern section of the country researching the part, which apparently will involve throwing stuff at players and referees and acting like a narrow-minded cretin. (JTA)

The Tidewater Jewish Foundation— President and CEO The Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) is a 30-year-old, $100 million regional foundation which supports the Jewish communities of the Southeastern Virginia cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Newport News, and Williamsburg. TJF supports two Federations, six Synagogues, three Hebrew Day Schools and several major Jewish Communal Agencies. TJF seeks applications and recommendations for the position of President and Chief Executive Officer. The President and CEO provide strategic focus and direction to the Foundation, executive leadership to the well-established Foundation staff, grows the Foundation’s assets, and helps recruit and support the Foundation Board. This position will require an ambitious leader willing to work with families and individuals to establish permanent endowments, lifetime gifts and deferred gifts which support the missions and goals of the TJF and its affiliate organizations. Applicants should have three to five years experience in foundation work, technical knowledge and credentials appropriate to the planned giving process, excellent management skills, and familiarity with current leading foundation data-base systems. A solid background in Jewish communal organizations and an emotional commitment to and conviction about Israel, Jewish life and the role of Jewish fundraising is required. Salary and benefits are flexible and appropriate to level of experience. Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Or mail to: Taftaleen T. Hunter, Human Resource Director United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC/TJF/SFC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4429

26 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

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You never know when you’ll need help, but you’ll always know where to find it. | November 11, 2013 | Jewish News | 27

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Open to New Patients & Medicare Insurance. Call 757-395-1850 to Schedule An Appointment 28 | Jewish News | November 11, 2013 |

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