3 minute read
Second Sunday community Phone-a-Thon online Sunday, December 13, 10 am–1 pm
Amy Zelenka
The Super Sunday Community Phone-a-Thon is a day that harkens back to Super Sundays held on Newport Avenue, some years on Thompkins Lane, and more recently at the Sandler Family Campus.
Super Sunday brings together dozens of community members with a single focus in mind: make the calls that make a difference in the lives of Jews here in Tidewater and around the world.
Bound by the same desire to build and strengthen the institutions and programs that comprise Tidewater’s Jewish community, the community will come together in purpose, in spirit, and maybe a little bit by Zoom!
On the second Sunday of december (coinciding with daythree of Hanukkah) UJFT will hold a community-wide phonefrom-home-a-thon, and it’s simply called, SECONd SUNdAY.
Volunteers wishing to call fellow community members on Sunday, dec. 12 and 13, can sign-up on Jewishva.org/secondsunday. Volunteers will be assigned a list of donor prospects to call from home, and they’ll report on progress throughout the day.
Volunteer campaign workers with regular assigned cards can also use this day to call their stillopen prospects.
Hanukkah is a holiday of generosity and gift-giving. The Federation hopes that holding SECONd SUNdAY during Hanukkah will tap into this spirit of giving, so that all who are called will respond generously and with a glad heart.
So, make this Hanukkah extra special.
Sign up to make calls…or stay home and answer the phone when the call arrives.
Later that night, when basking in the glow from the Hanukkah candles…Remember that BOTH asking and giving…are acts which serve to strengthen the community and bring light into a sometimes dreary world.
If you have questions about SECOND SUNDAY or would like to make a gift to the 2021 Community Campaign of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, contact Amy Zelenka, campaign director, at 757-965-6139 or give online at jewishva.org (click on United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, then “Give Now” at the top of the screen).
JEwISh NEwS jewishnewsva.org
Published 20 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.
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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email news@ujft.org
Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Lisa Richmon, Staff Writer Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus
United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Amy Levy, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President jewishVA.org
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Upfront ............................. 3 Briefs ............................... 4
Raising Hospice awareness .............. 6 Stein Family College Scholarship ......... 6 Torah Thought ........................ 7 Matthew Weinstein on philanthropy ...... 8 Your dollars at Work: Toras Chaim ...... 10
JCRC’s new director: Rabbi Batya Glazer .. 10 Temple israel’s drive-by drive ........... 12 Brith Sholom breaks record of giving ..... 13 Special Hanukkah Section .............. 15 Havdalah in the Lot lights up fun ........ 31 Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family
Jewish Book Festival ................ 32 What’s Happening ................... 34 Calendar ........................... 35
Obituaries .......................... 36
SiA students learn about elections ....... 38
—page 31
CaNDlE lIghtINg
Friday, December 4/18 Kislev
Light candles at 4:30 pm Friday, December 11/25 Kislev
Light candles at 4:31 pm Friday, December 18/3 Tevet
Light candles at 4:33 pm Friday, December 25/10 Tevet
Light candles at 4:37 pm
Friday, January 1/17 Tevet
Light candles at 4:42 pm Friday, January 8/24 Tevet
Light candles at 4:55 pm