Jewish News | November 11, 2019

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 58 No. 4 | 13 Cheshvan 5780 | November 11, 2019


10 Perfect Day for Strelitz Golf Tournament

SUNDAY 16 Rabbi Yoni Warren

9:30 am – 1:00 PM November 17, 2019

—page 23

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2 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

Jewish news


American rabbi’s quote to be centerpiece of public mural in Buenos Aires

Jewish umbrella group condemns candidates’ calls to put conditions on Israel aid

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (JTA)—A quote from the late Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel will be the centerpiece of a mural painted in a public square in Buenos Aires. The city government and the Latin American Rabbinical Seminary held a contest to design the mural to honor human rights activist Rabbi Marshall Meyer. It will be located in the north of the city, near Meyer’s Bet El synagogue. Meyer, who was mentored by Heschel, explained his commitment to social justice causes and the reason for publicly demonstrating that commitment by saying that “when you march for fair causes, you are praying with your feet.” That vision was taught to Meyer by Heschel, an activist who spoke about that idea after he marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965. Meyer, a New York native who worked in Buenos Aires from 1958 to 1984 to revitalize the Conservative movement, spoke out for liberty while working there during the military dictatorship government in Argentina from 1976 to 1983. A graffiti design of the phrase “Marchar es como rezar con los pies” (“Marching is like praying with your feet”) was proposed by artist Ariel Mintzer, 29. “All I have learned about Marshall Meyer came to me from my dad, who was a student of Marshall,” Mintzer told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “Talking with him I realized that this motto is a good synthesis of his role in Argentina.” The mural, set to be painted at the end of the month, will stand about 56 feet long and 6½ feet high.

(JTA)—An umbrella group of more than 50 Jewish organizations from across the ideological spectrum condemned calls by Democratic presidential candidates to condition military aid to Israel on its approach to making peace with the Palestinians. “We are deeply troubled by recent statements that would place conditions, limitations, or restrictions on the U.S. security assistance provided to Israel, so vital for the defense and security of the country, the protection of essential U.S. interests, and stability in the region,” Arthur Stark, chairman, and Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman/CEO, of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations said in a statement issued Friday, Nov. 1. “This approach would harm American objectives in the Middle East and would undermine the ability of our key ally to defend itself against the threats it faces on all its borders.” Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, along with Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, recently have indicated a willingness to use American aid to force policy changes by Israel, including halting settlement construction. The United States gives Israel $3.8 billion annually in military assistance. “Adoption of this suggested approach would reward those who are the true obstacles to progress towards peace, engage in terrorism, and deprive the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank of the opportunities for a better life,” the Presidents Conference statement also said. “Further, it would harm the prospect of negotiations. Israelis must be assured that they will be able to defend themselves and deter those who would seek to destroy them” in order to negotiate. The umbrella group criticized the candidates for making no mention of Hamas, the terrorist organization that runs Gaza.

OOPS Abbot Granoff’s name was not spelled correctly in the previous issue of Jewish News. We regret the error.

Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Jewish photographer of the Vindmans’. . 6 Mikvah construction underway. . . . . . . . 9 Strelitz International Academy Golf Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Jewish Family Service Chanukah Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Book review: Two perspectives on therapy . . . . . . . 14 Fish and chips’ surprising Jewish history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Rabbi Yoni Warren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finding community: four military spouses. . . . . . . . . . . . . Barneys’ stores close. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activities abound at Beth Sholom Village. . . . . . . . . . . . Super Sunday: 2020 Vision . . . . . . . . . . What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Lisa Richmon, Staff Writer Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Amy Levy, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2019 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


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Candle Lighting



Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Friday, November 15/17 Cheshvan Light candles at 4:38 pm

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“And, with its continued investment,

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at least another 65 years.”

we will serve the community for —page 11

Friday, November 22/24 Cheshvan Light candles at 4:34 pm Friday, November 29/1 Kislev Light candles at 4:31 pm Friday, December 6/8 Kislev Light candles at 4:30 pm Friday, December 13/16 Kislev Light candles at 4:31 pm Friday, December20/22 Kislev Light candles at 4:34 pm | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS Jewish astronaut posts photos of Israel taken from space Jewish astronaut Jessica Meir posted photos of Israel that she took from space. “My father’s globe spanning journey as a surgeon from the Middle East, to Europe, and eventually to the U.S. was an inspiration to many in my immediate and extended family. #TheJourney,” Meir tweeted on Friday, November 1. In late September, Meir joined the crew of the International Space Station. Last month, Meir participated in the first all-female spacewalk. Meir’s late father was born in Iraq but immigrated with his family to pre-state Israel as a young child, later fighting in the country’s War of Independence in 1948. He went on to become a doctor and take a job in Sweden, where he met Meir’s mother. The couple moved to Maine when Meir’s father was offered a job there. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin responded in a tweet. “Dear Jessica, thank you for taking us with you on your space voyage. We are proud of you and send warm regards from Israel,” he tweeted. Meir brought an Israeli flag to the space station as one of her allowed personal items. (JTA) Putin claims he’s helping Jews in Syria Vladimir Putin claims that his country is aiding the Jews of Syria. Except it’s unclear whether any Jews actually remain in Syria after more than eight years of civil war. “We also help representatives of Judaism, we help Jews also in the restoration of their shrines in Syria, and we are in fact cooperating with them on an ongoing basis,” he said at a recent news conference in Budapest, according to a Kremlin news release. Syria was home to some 100,000 Jews at the turn of the 20th century, but tens of thousands fled following the establishment of the State of Israel. A handful were left in the country at the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, but it’s unclear whether any of them are still there, according to the Times of Israel. (JTA)

Men dressed as Jews hand out Holocaust denial fliers in Boulder A group of men who appeared to be posing as Jews handed out fliers promoting Holocaust denial and hung up cards bearing anti-Semitic canards on a pedestrian mall in Boulder, Colorado. The fliers handed out at the Pearl Street Mall claimed the Holocaust was “impossible.” The men, who wore large white kippahs and tallesim, or prayer shawls, also hung notes on index cards that claimed “Academia is dominated by Marxist Jews,” “Jews run the porn industry” and “Jews ran the Atlantic slave trade,” the Daily Camera newspaper reported. The men livestreamed their actions, according to the report. (JTA) Time capsule from 1906 uncovered at former Tree of Life building site in Pittsburgh A time capsule from 1906 was unearthed at the site of the former home of Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life congregation. The time capsule was removed from the cornerstone of the building located in the city’s Oakland neighborhood. The site was most recently the location of the Pittsburgh Playhouse, which was being demolished by a company owned by a member of the Tree of Life congregation. The work was carried out around the cornerstone until it could be opened, WPXI reported. The metal box opened Monday, Nov. 4 was full of historic documents, including old Pittsburgh newspapers, bank deposit books, letters and a membership registry, the local CBS affiliate reported. Some of the documents were slightly water damaged. One of the most surprising discoveries was a Heinz pickle pin believed to be made out of ceramic, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The cornerstone and contents of the copper time capsule box will be put in storage but will be displayed or put to use at some point, according to the report. Tree of Life’s current synagogue building in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood, which has been closed since the shooting attack a year ago killed 11 worshippers, was opened in 1953. (JTA)

4 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

Richard Spencer slurs Jews and blacks in expletive-laden rant leaked online White supremacist Richard Spencer rails against Jews and blacks in an expletive-laden audio that was leaked online. The 2017 recording of Spencer, who is credited with coining the term “alt-right” and has tried to put a more palatable face on white nationalism, was first uploaded on Saturday, Nov. 2 by fellow alt-right leader Milo Yiannopoulos. They are reported to be feuding. Spencer’s rant reportedly was at an emergency meeting on Aug. 13, 2017, the day after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a counterprotester was killed. “We are coming back here like a hundred f**king times. I am so mad. I am so f**king mad at these people,” he is heard saying in the 54-second recording. Later Spencer goes on to say: “Little f**king kikes. They get ruled by people like me. Little f**king octoroons…I f**king…my ancestors f**king enslaved those little pieces of f**king shit. I rule the f**king world. Those pieces of f**king shit get ruled by people like me. They look up and see a face like mine looking down at them. That’s how the f**king world works. We are going to destroy this f**king town.” An octoroon is defined as someone who is one-eighth black. Spencer, 41, is the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute. He remains active on social media. The audio has led to renewed calls for Twitter to remove him from the platform. (JTA) Many applicants for Spain citizenship under its Sephardic law of return not Jewish At least a quarter of those who have applied for Spanish nationality under the country’s law of return for descendants of Sephardic Jews are not Jewish, according to the local media. Of the 153,767 applicants, 52,823 are from four Latin American countries— Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Ecuador—the La Razon newspaper reported. Their combined Jewish population is smaller than 10,000,

according to the World Jewish Congress. That means that nearly 43,000 applicants, or 27 percent of the total who applied before the closing of the deadline for applications in October, are not Jewish based on the relatively liberal definition of who is a Jew applied by the World Jewish Congress. Only 4,313 applicants, or 2.8 percent, are Israelis and more than one-fifth, or 33,653, come from Mexico, which has the highest number of applicants. Colombia was next at 28,314. The United States had 5,461 applicants and Turkey had 1,994. Only 31,222 applications had been approved by Oct. 1 and the rest are still pending. September had the most applicants, no fewer than 71,789, since the opening of the window in January 2018. Spain passed its law of return for descendants of Sephardic Jews in 2015 shortly after Portugal. Thousands of applicants have asked to be naturalized in Portugal, where the law is open ended. In both countries, the government described the law as an act of atonement for the persecution and mass expulsion of Jews during the Inquisition that began in the 15th century. Many Jews were forcibly converted to Christianity. (JTA)

Israeli Air Force One has first test flight Israel’s own Air Force One had its first test flight. The plane, a retrofitted Boeing 767300ER airliner purchased from Qantas Airlines in 2016, took off on Nov. 3 from Ben-Gurion Airport. It will serve Israel’s prime minister. The purchase and renovation of the plane is estimated to have cost about $170 million. It was renovated by Israel Aerospace Industries, which provided “sophisticated technological systems” that enable secure communications and ensure its safety, Times of Israel reported. The plane served as a passenger plane for 20 years before it was purchased by Israel. During a runway test, smoke poured from the plane’s left wheel due to a brake malfunction, which led to an emergency alert. The airplane later was cleared for operation. (JTA)


The last Jews in Afghanistan argued so much the Taliban kicked them out of prison and stole their Torah Laura E. Adkins

(JTA)—As the old saying goes, two Jews, three opinions. Add one headache for the Taliban. Meet Zabulon Simentov, 66, who is believed to be the last remaining Jew in Afghanistan. Emran Feroz recently profiled Simentov for Foreign Policy and uncovered some incredible stories about the feisty Afghan—including that the Taliban once imprisoned him for arguing with a fellow Jew, then kicked him out because the constant bickering became too annoying. There is a good amount of information available already on Simentov, given his newsworthy title as Afghanistan’s last remaining Jew. He always wears a kippah and observes the Jewish Sabbath, though he will watch television if a non-Jew has turned it on for him. He lives in Afghanistan’s last standing synagogue— which he renovated himself—in the heart of Kabul’s flower district. Every Shabbat, he reads Torah from the bimah of the old sanctuary. He hates the Taliban, and is on a quest to reclaim a Torah stolen by its interior ministry. He allegedly charges a pretty penny (or euro) for interviews. But Feroz’s article, framed around the imminent return of the Taliban to Afghanistan, adds much to the story. “Everyone in these streets knows [him],” one neighbor told Feroz. “He is very salient and, sometimes, he is very choleric. But we have fun with him.” Jews have more than a thousand-year history in Afghanistan, and only slowly began emigrating after World War II. But the rise of communism, the Red

Army’s persecution of religious people across Central Asia and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 led the Jews of Afghanistan to leave for good to Israel, the United States and elsewhere. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan in the late 1990s, Simentov went to Israel with his family, where his wife, daughters and sisters now live, but returned to Kabul after just two months. “I did not want to stay there. Afghanistan is my homeland,” he told Foreign Policy. When he returned, Simentov encountered Yitzhak Levi, nearly two decades his senior, living at the Kabul synagogue. The two did not hit it off: They “fought viciously about which of them was the rightful owner of the land,” according to a 2017 Jewish Telegraphic Agency profile of Simentov. They moved into different wings of the synagogue. In 1998, Levi wrote to the Taliban interior minister to accuse Simentov of theft of Jewish relics. Simentov retorted by telling the Taliban that Levi ran a secret brothel where he sold alcohol, which Levi denies. Simentov also spread rumors that Levi had converted to Islam, which Levi denied as well. “I don’t talk to him, he’s the devil,” Simentov told the New York Times in 2002. “A dog is better than him…I don’t have many complaints about the Taliban, but I have a lot of complaints about him.” Levi replied that Simentov was “a thief and a liar.’” The Taliban was so annoyed by their constant fighting that they threw them in jail. But they eventually kicked them out when they continued to fight inside the prison. Levi died in 2005.


Simentov vows to find the Torah,



and to keep up his


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“[The Taliban] beat me a lot,” Simentov told Foreign Policy. “I was imprisoned several times because of this charlatan Levy [sic]. He wanted to get rid of me to sell the synagogue. But thank God he was not successful.” Unfortunately, their feuding also allowed the Taliban to run away with the synagogue’s Torah. Scribed in the 15th century, the scroll was allegedly taken by Taliban’s interior minister and sold on the black market. Simentov vows to find the Torah, and to keep up his search until his dying

days. He still believes that the Torah will resurface, but “whether the holy scripture re-emerges or not, there will be at least one Jew waiting for it—and he will continue to stay in Kabul.” “I’m a man with no fear. I will never leave Afghanistan because of the Taliban or anyone else,” Simentov told Foreign Policy. When Feroz asked Taliban official Khairullah Khairkhwa about Simentov and Levi, “he could not hide his grin.” “Yes, I remember them, they caused me a lot of problems,” he said. | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 5

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A Jewish photographer has been capturing Alexander Vindman and his twin for nearly four decades Josefin Dolsten

(JTA)—Carol Kitman remembers meeting Alexander and Yevgeny Vindman nearly 40 years ago in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. The brothers were about 4½ years old and dressed in matching blue sailor outfits with navy caps. Kitman was instantly taken with the twins and asked to take their photo. “They were adorable,” she recalls. Those photos became the first of many she would take of the Vindmans. Now her work has unexpectedly come into the spotlight after Alexander Vindman told Congress last month that he believed President Donald Trump attempted to withhold aid to Ukraine to force the country to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden. A decorated Iraq War veteran and

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6 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

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Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, Vindman, 44, was listening in on the phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that launched the impeachment inquiry now underway. His testimony made him a target of attack by the president, who called him a “Never Trumper” and warned that new information about Vindman would be revealed “very soon.” Kitman, now 89, says she is “not a political wonk,” but describes the brothers as “very upstanding people.” “Alex is exactly who he says he is and it’s really unfortunate that people are trying to defend Trump by attacking him,” she says. A photographer who specializes in portraiture and new immigrants, Kitman grew close with the Vindmans after that first meeting on the beach in 1980, and she began regularly shooting the twins and their older brother, Leonid. At one point, she was traveling to their home almost every weekend to take their picture. The Vindmans—the twins, their older brother, their father and grandmother—had left their native Ukraine for the United States just a year before they met Kitman. Their mother had died in Ukraine shortly before. Like many Jews who arrived in New York from the former Soviet Union, they settled in Brighton Beach, nicknamed “Little Odessa.” “We came from Russia. We came from Kyiv. And then our mother died, so we went to Italy. Then we came here,” the twins say in a 1985 Ken Burns documentary about immigrants. The twins were also models in a book Kitman co-authored called One Mezuzah: A Jewish Counting Book, which used Jewish images to help teach counting. As children, the Vindmans looked identical, and Kitman could only tell them apart by a freckle on Alexander’s nose. The twins once came to her town to go trick or treating on Halloween. Another time they came with her to a Passover dinner hosted by her friend. “I was at everybody’s wedding, and

I was always treated very nicely, like an old relative, because I had in some way introduced them to another aspect of American life outside Alexander Vindman, B r i g h t o n May 20, 2019. Beach,” Kitman says. “We lived in the suburbs in a house, and they were in a little tiny apartment in Brighton Beach.” Over time, she saw the Vindmans less frequently, but still photographed them at special occasions, including each of the brothers’ weddings. Both twins married women with Native American ancestry. “When Alex got married, even though his wife is not Jewish, they had a tallis over them, which is often at Jewish weddings,” she says. “And he was able to find an Army rabbi who was willing to marry them.” Last year, Kitman and her husband attended the Pentagon ceremony where Yevgeny, who also goes by Eugene, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Like his brother, Yevgeny also serves on the National Security Council and reportedly accompanied Alexander as he reported concerns about the phone call with Zelensky to a White House lawyer. Kitman had been drawn to the Vindmans because of their immigration story. At the time, she had been considering doing a photography book about immigrant children. “My mother was brought here also at three or four, and her mother had died back in Bialystok, Poland,” Kitman said. “So, their having lost their mother really resonated.” As for their Jewish identity, Kitman says that the twins find their way to connect. “They are certainly not Orthodox,” she says, “but they do stuff in their own way.”

israel Israelis are using photos of Greta Thunberg to shame each other over plastic utensils Ben Sales


sraelis who are concerned about a warming climate have a new tactic: using cut-out photos of the prominent teen climate activist Greta Thunberg to shame their colleagues for using plasticware. In workplaces across Tel Aviv, people are placing pictures of Thunberg, 16, in their kitchen areas next to disposable forks, knives and plates, according to Haaretz reporter Allison Kaplan Sommer. Global recognition of Thunberg grew in September when she addressed the United Nations Climate Action Summit and spoke of the dangers of the climate crisis. She sailed to the U.S. from her native Sweden instead of flying, to limit her carbon emissions. One of the photos, showing a visibly angry Thunberg, reads “HOW DARE

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8 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

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31st Annual Strelitz International Academy Golf Tournament

A picture perfect day

Patti Seeman


n support of Strelitz International Academy’s 31st Annual Golf Tournament, more affectionately known as the Bob Josephberg Classic, 84 golfers played 18 holes at the Bayville Golf Club, one of Virginia’s finest golf courses. The awards reception following the contest included a buffet dinner from the Cardo

Cafe and impressive prizes for the tournament winners and the raffle. Many community members, led by long-standing advocates Bob Josephberg, Angela Jenkins, and Ilana and Nathan Benson, tournament chairs, united to support the day and Strelitz International Academy (SIA). “The annual golf tournament is our school’s biggest fundraiser,” says David

Leon, SIA president. “Thanks to 105 generous sponsors and 65 raffle prize donors, we raised more than $135,000 to help make a Strelitz International Academy education accessible for all students. Our donors have invested in the global leaders of tomorrow.” “We are grateful to all of the volunteers, school trustees, and SIA and Campus staff,” says David Cardon, SIA

Ilana and Nathan Benson, Tournament chairs.

Thank you to all of our generous supporters, golfers, and hard-working volunteers for enabling Strelitz International Academy to surpass its fundraising goal. You make all the difference for our students and families. We could not do it without you. SPONSORS ($5,000) Celia K. Krichman* Charitable Trust Copeland–Klebanoff Family Fairlead Integrated Randi and Steven Gordon Joffe Land Companies Jones Lang LaSalle Multifamily, LLC Jennifer Josephberg The Josephberg Family Will, June, Alex, Austin, Cindy and Ron Kramer L.M. Sandler and Sons, Inc. The Leon Family in honor of The Josephberg Family Deb and Peter Segaloff Southern Bank TowneBank HOSTS ($3,000) S.L. Nusbaum Realty Company John and Renee Strelitz and Family Wall, Einhorn and Chernitzer, P.C. UNDERWRITERS ($2,000) Ilana and Nathan Benson Nathan Drory/Charles Barker Automotive Miles and Sandra Leon Brad Moses/Towne Insurance EAGLE SPONSORS ($1,000) Armond and Rose Caplan* Foundation Bay Disposal Beth Sholom Home Dr. Ronald and Beth Dozoretz Cheryl and John Fingerra Gold Key/PHR Daniel Gordon and Family Harbor Group International Hercules Fence

Brenda and Abbey Horwitz Ivor Kaplan Plastic Surgery Beth and Nathan Jaffe KPMG The Matilsky Family National Disaster Solutions Emily and Joel Nied Ruth’s Chris Steak House Virginia Wealth Management Group, Inc.—Steve and Scott Saal BIRDIE SPONSORS ($500) Rachel and Marc Abrams Avraham Ashkenazi Babbi and Brad Bangel Elyse and David Cardon Equity Title Company LLC Eric Joffe Construction Corp.— Eric Joffe/Mike Simon Faggert and Frieden, P.C. Claire and Marvin Friedberg Frieden Wealth Management Givens Group Jormandy LLC The Klebanoff Family—Jodi, Jay, Arielle, Noah, and Ben Dr. David and Sofia* Konikoff LEDIC Management Group Lisa and David Leon Karen and Rick Lombart MiRoMa Fund Monarch Properties, Inc. The Moore Family in honor of the faculty and staff Carol and Aaron Peck The Seeman Family Randy Shapiro Shelly and Britt Simon Family Stein Investment Group HOLE SPONSORS ($300) Thank you Bob Josephberg! From Farideh and Norman Goldin

10 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

Alan and Esther Fleder* Foundation Jennifer Rush and Jason Alper Altmeyer Funeral Home Atlantic Union Bank Beach Eye Care, Mark A. Lipton, OD Susan and Jon Becker C & F Mortgage Corporation—Erin Balaban Stephanie Calliott and Don London Colliers International Virginia, LLC CopyFax Rodney Duckworth and Patricia Cook Eastern Virginia Orthodontics— Drs. Shivar and Peluso Frankie Edmondson, Portsmouth Commissioner of the Revenue Glasser & Glasser, PLC Laura and Fred Gross Jeri Jo and Bill Halprin H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts., Inc. The Jason Family Janet Jenkins and Family in honor of PY Teachers Tim Johnson—State Farm (757-499-0550) Jon Decker Real Estate Andy & Esther Kline KMG Prestige, Inc. Larrymore Foundation Mid-Atlantic Dermatology Center, P.C.—Michael L. Gross, MD No Frill Grill Partners in Construction LLC PNC Bank Poole Brooke Plumlee PC Rashkind Family Remedy Intelligent Staffing Terri and Lonny Sarfan

Scott E. Singor, CFA—Barnes, Thompson, and Singor–UBS Siska Aurand Landscape Architects S.L. Nusbaum Insurance Agency, Inc. Dr. Lonnie Slone—Slone Chiropractic Clinic The Spindel Agency Towne Benefits Williams Mullen/Larry Siegel With generous support from Barbara and Allen Gordon GIFTS DONATED BY Aldo’s Ristorante Baker’s Crust Balance Therapeutic Massage Birdland Records Boyer’s Diamonds Cheri’s Skin and Nail Boutique Chez Madeleine Commodore Theatre Decorum Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation Diamonds Direct Nathan Drory/Charles Barker Automotive Duck Donuts Either Ore Jewelers Fink’s Jewelers Flo Pilates Frances Kahn Freemason Abbey Restaurant Garden Gazebo Gary Allen Hair and Skin Care Golf Headquarters Hot House Yoga Il Giardino Inlet Fitness Jacobson Fine Papers Jake’s Place Jason’s Deli

Jungle Golf Kitchen Barn Cindy Kramer Long Jewelers Mary’s Nail-tique Mizuno Mr. Shawarma Nauticus Norfolk Tides NYFO Alicia Pahl-Cornelius Princess Anne Country Club Quality Shop Restore–Hyper Wellness and Cryotherapy A.R.E. Health Center and Spa Ruth’s Chris Steak House S. Ray Barrett Dry Cleaners Saladworks Sandfiddler Café Steinhilber’s Studio Bamboo The Lemon Cabana The Porch on Long Creek The Route 58 Deli The Sandler Center The Skin Ranch and Trade Company The Spa and Laser Center Todd Rosenlieb Dance Total Wine & More Trader Joe’s Tribal Axe Trish Boutique Tupelo Honey Virginia Aquarium Virginia Stage Company Virginia Symphony Orchestra Zelenka Family VOLUNTEERS Rachel Abrams Laura Allegood

Babbi Bangel Ilana Benson Nathan Benson Kerri Bradley David Cardon Leora Drory Wendy Goldberg Randi Gordon Andrew Gottlieb Brigitte Gottlieb Carrie Hamilton Shira Itzhak Angela Jenkins Bob Josephberg Aaron Kass Jodi Klebanoff Cindy Kramer David Leon Rebecca Levitt Laura Miller Meagan Parker Deb Segaloff Burle Stromberg Samantha Stuckey Utomwen Udaughan Jerek Tobos Paul Turok Peter Van Nimwegen SPECIAL THANKS Bob Josephberg & National Housing Corp. Angela Jenkins Deb Segaloff Bayville Golf Club Cars and Hole in One Insurance provided by Nathan Drory/Charles Barker Automotive Hole in One Insurance provided by Brad Moses/ Towne Insurance Cardo Café A&E Reprographics


Jay Rickles, Chuck Brewton, Brian Miller, and Bob Ballard— Winners of First Flight.

Eric Joffe, Nathan Benson, Lonnie Slone, and Matt Dowling— Winners of Second Flight.

Greg Amorosso, Reid Killen, Chance Cooper, and TJ Maroon— Winners of Third Flight.

Bob Zuckerman, Jason Hoffman, Larry Siegel, and Gary Siegel— Winners of Fourth Flight.

president-elect, “who assist with the months of planning, fundraising, and finally, the rigorous execution of the tournament to make it a very successful event, year after year.” The 2019–2020 school year is off to a good start as the school celebrates its 65th anniversary as Tidewater’s premier academic Jewish community day school. Reenergized under the Strelitz name that uniElyssa Brinn, Laura Allegood, Leora Drory, and Deb Segaloff. fies the Early Years and Primary Years divisions, the school has launched its candidacy to become certified as an International Baccalaureate World School. “The school would not be where it is today without the generous support of the community,” says “We have to give back. This community MEET: Heather Moore, has been generous to me and I want to head of school. Bob do all I can to help the community and “And, with its conLehman, MD those who live here. There isn’t a week that tinued investment, goes by that I don’t try to do something for we will serve the someone in the community.” community for at least another 65 years.” Mark calendars now for Strelitz International “The [Payday] staff is dedicated and helpful Academy’s 32nd which I think reflects the attitude from the A nnual Golf top. So many of the employees have been Tournament on there long term which speaks well for a Tuesday, September business. Many of the employees bring their 15, 2020 at Bayville children to me. I feel as if we are family.” Golf Club.


For more information, contact Patti Seeman, SIA director of development, at 757-424-4327, or email Strelitz International Academy is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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12 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

A Jewish Family Service client I was in a domestic abuse situation for a long time. I finally got the courage to leave and move back in with family. I was pregnant at the time. Although my family was able to take me in, they were not prepared for the new costs of caring for a baby. I was able to apply for benefits (Food Stamps and Medicaid), but still needed much more for the new baby. A close friend told me to call Jewish Family Service for help. They met with me right away and never judged me, or my situation. They told me about this program for local Jewish families to get things they need and want for their children during Hanukkah. I told them I needed everything for my toddler and now unborn baby. They told me to give them a wish list of things that my children needed (clothes and diapers), along with things that I would like to have (toys, games, books). JFS staff explained that they had numerous very generous donors and that we could get gifts for both of my children. Their annual Chanukah Gift Project for local children was such a big help. I received a carload filled with infant clothes, supplies, formula, and diapers. My toddler received new clothes, a winter coat, toys, books, and games. When I came for the gifts, JFS also gave me Hanukkah wrapping paper, ribbons, and decorations. I took everything home and my mom and I wrapped all of my toddler’s gifts. This is my message to donors: “I cannot tell you how surprised I was to receive so many gifts for my family. I did not know that strangers could be so generous. My toddler will have new clothes and fun toys for the whole year and my new baby will have what she needs for many months. I am very, very grateful. You have all really helped us!” The 27th Annual Chanukah Gift Program Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s annual Chanukah Gift Program, which provides holiday gifts to local Jewish children and teens in need, begins this month. This year, the first night of Hanukkah is December 22, and JFS expects to serve more than 70 local children and teens. For donors, this is an opportunity to do a mitzvah for children whose families are financially struggling. How to help • P urchase new unwrapped gifts for specific children and teens. Call JFS at 757‑459‑4640 for wish lists. • When shopping with your family, buy some extra items for those in need. Involve your own children in the shopping experience to help them learn about tzedakah. • Send gift cards from local stores or Amazon or Visa so that families can shop themselves.

• Send a tax-deductible donation and JFS will do the shopping. Hanukkah donations must be received by December 2, 2019. Make checks payable to JFS and send to Jewish Family Service, ATTN: Maryann Kettyle, 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 400, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Jewish Family Service assists local Jewish families in need all year and will keep any surplus donations for use throughout 2019-2020. For more information, contact Maryann Kettyle, at JFS at 757-459-4640 or


2020VISION Together we grow and sustain our community.

Together we write our story and achieve our 2020 Vision of living our Jewish values, incorporating inclusiveness into all of our endeavors, deepening identity, and assuring security—in Tidewater and abroad. Join us today for our future.


We ensure a strong and vibrant Jewish communit y for our children and future ge nerations.


We are comm itted to Jewish education and inn ovation, from our day schools to our religious schools to our programming–it is woven into the fabric of our communit y.


We honor our fathers and mothers for building our Jewish communit y and work to pr ovide qualit y golde n ye ars.


We as sist our vulnerable neighbors thr ough acts of loving kindne ss–loc all y and globall y.


We’re creating adv ocates for Israel and the Jewish people to address the challenges of today and those in the future.


We are comm itted to pr oviding resources to enhance securit y thr oughout our Jewish communit y.

To make a gift or to volunteer, contact Patty Malone at 757-965-6115 or | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 13

book review

Two perspectives on therapy Therapy According to G-d Michael Weissmann and Mordechai Wecker Mosaica Press, 2019


arly in my study and practice of psychotherapy, Rabbi Lawrence A. Forman remarked to me that psychotherapy Steven Waranch is a very Jewish activity. He explained joining together for study was an ancient Jewish method to reach understanding. In Therapy According to G-d, Rabbi Mordechai Wecker and Dr. Michael Weissman have artfully illustrated the integration of Jewish wisdom and the contemporary practice of psychological treatment. Personally, and professionally, the authors have committed to developing individuals’ good character (tikkun ha’ middos) and repairing the world (tikkun

olam). Both authors are mature in their practice and devoted in their religious identity. The writers explain the Torah is a “blueprint for the universe.” The volume demonstrates how the blueprint has been applied in ancient times and now. Using biblical vignettes and clinical case material, the two perspectives on human conflict are presented then woven together. Conflicts in marriage, parenting, anger, and depression are covered in practical terms. The issues are presented to the reader without proselytizing. Rather, the cases are set forward cogently to have the reader think. Chapter One, “Our Marriage is Falling Apart,” presents a typical clinical presentation of marital problems. She is hurt he doesn’t care about her feelings and he is angry she complains to him and doesn’t appreciate him. Both feel unloved


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14 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

and misunderstood. Weissman focusses on the fact that many couples are angry and want their needs met. They may not realize loving another person is an active process of giving and caring, not simply idealizing. The authors explain the Hebrew word for love, ahavah, means to give. Wecker explains, “Created in the image of G-d we are obligated to manifest self-respect and respect of others.” Wecker writes, “Torah teaches each person is endowed with a ‘good inclination.’ We have an inner voice that directs us toward good choices.” Informed by biblical teaching, Weissman moves the couple toward giving rather than getting. Chapter Four, “They Tell Me I have an Anger Problem,” addresses one of the most common clinical complaints, anger management. Wecker uses Torah passages and interpretation to explain how the Torah outlines our obligation to judge another person favorably. “Since human relationships are based on trust, the opportunity to fulfill this mitzvah occurs often, especially at home…we must treat everyone favorably and generously.” Weissman outlines one counseling technique where couples write a letter from the other partner’s point of view. The exercise is used to develop empathy and fairness while decreasing selfishness. Wecker teaches Torah is the presentation of G-d’s blueprint for relationship and family. Both rabbi and therapist are on the front line with suffering people who want to become more adjusted and satisfied in their lives. Human failings like greed, arrogance, and mistrust are all covered in ancient biblical text. The problems, true then as now, are illustrated through reference to ancient text and

Michael Weissman will present at Tidewater Reads, Local Authors Present Sunday, November 17, 1 pm Sandler Family Campus

present day human suffering. The solutions are covered in Torah as they are in clinical practice. Rabbi Wecker is clear “there is a divine imperative.” In the clinical encounter, Dr. Weissman is not pressing to turn to G-d as many pastoral counselors do. Instead he “has always worked with people to embrace the reality of personal responsibility.” We can learn from our study of (ancient) history­ — do not repeat our mistakes. The book is sprinkled with Hebrew terms and filled with wisdom. Rabbi Wecker offers a chance to learn a little bit of Torah in depth from a true scholar. From the perspective of a skilled therapist, Dr. Weissman demonstrates how to recast and resolve serious everyday problems. Both use a very Jewish method, working together, to relieve suffering. About the authors Rabbi Mordechai Wecker is an orthodox rabbi and teacher. Dr. Michael Weissman is a clinical psychologist in private practice. Both have distinguished careers devoted to helping others. Dr. Steven Waranch is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Virginia Beach.


Fish and chips’ surprising Jewish history Ronnie Fein

Family owned and operated... Serving the best aged steaks, prime rib, and the freshest seafood in Hampton Roads since 1966.


ou may be surprised to learn that fish and chips, though wildly popular in England for what seems like an eternity, actually was a specialty of the Portuguese Sephardic Jews who fled the Inquisition in the 16th century and found refuge in the British Isles. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver referred to this recently in an article in the New York Times, adding that “Dishes evolve, impacted by trade, war, famine and a hundred other forces.” Among those “other forces” are dishes born of religious ritual. For observant Jews, fish is pareve, a neutral food in kosher terms, thus an easy way to avoid treif (non-kosher food) and possibly include dairy in the same meal. It was especially important for Marranos, the so-called crypto-Jews, who pretended to be Christian during the Inquisition. They ate fish on Fridays, when meat was forbidden by the Church, and also saved some to eat cold the next day at lunch to avoid cooking on Shabbat. Frying was natural for Jewish home cooks—think of latkes and sufganyiot— and as the Jewish community began to flourish in England, it spurred a taste for its beloved fried, battered fish throughout the country. According to Claudia Roden’s The Book of Jewish Food, Thomas Jefferson tried some on a trip to London and said he ate “fish in the Jewish fashion” during his visit. Alexis Soyer, a French cook who became a celebrated chef in Victorian England, included a recipe for “Fried Fish, Jewish Fashion” in the first edition of his 1845 cookbook A Shilling Cookery for the People. Soyer’s recipe notes that the “Jewish manner” includes using oil rather than meat fat (presumably lard), which made the dish taste better, though also made it more expensive. There’s some dispute about the where and when of “chips” (what we Americans call French fries and the French call pommes frites). Many historians say that deep-fried, cut-up potatoes were invented in Belgium and, in fact, substituted for the fish during hard times. The first time

the word “chips” was used was in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities in 1859: “husky chips of potato, fried with some reluctant drops of oil.” The official pairing of fish and chips didn’t happen until a few years later, though. Although there are some who dispute it, most authorities say that it is thanks to a Jewish cook, this time a young Ashkenazi immigrant named Joseph Malin, who opened the first British chippy, aka fish and chip shop, in London in 1863. The shop was so successful it remained in business until the 1970s. Who could foresee that fearful Jewish immigrants hiding their true religion and practicing in secret would be responsible for creating one of the most iconic dishes in the U.K.? The down-home dish that Winston Churchill claimed help the British defeat the Nazis, the comfort food that George Orwell said helped keep the masses happy and “averted revolution.” The dish, by the way, that was among the only foods never rationed during wartime because the British government believed that preserving access to it was a way of keeping up morale. A dish that continues to be a mainstay of the British diet. Think about that the next time you find yourself feasting on this centuries-old— Jewish? British?—recipe. These days, some restaurants are putting a new spin on fish and chips. Almond crusted. Baked instead of fried. Quinoa coated. Sweet potato fries instead of regular. And those are all fine; as Oliver says, “Dishes evolve.” But plain old fish and chips endures and probably always will. Good recipes usually do. This story originally appeared on The Nosher.



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Armed Forces

Rabbi Yoni Warren

Navy chaplain back on home base Lisa Richmon


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irginia native Yonatan “Yoni” Warren hopes to be stationed in Norfolk, Virginia long enough to check one specific box. “I expect to be stationed here between four to six years,” says Warren. “That should be long enough to rebuild a vibrant Jewish community on base that will meet diverse spiritual, religious, and cultural needs. To make this happen, I’ll need to get all parties on board including the local religious community that has provided strength and support to the transient military community for so long.” Ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary in 2011, Warren was born in Hampton, Virginia and attended Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, the same school where his father taught science until the Middle School closed. He remembers waiting for his father to pick him up from the JCC on Newport Avenue and using that time to memorize the list of area synagogues posted outside the Center. Before being assigned to Norfolk in 2018, Warren was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and then at the prestigious U.N. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland where he served as Navy Chaplain. That is where he met Herm and Patty Shelanski.

“Chaplains are wonderful,” says Patty Shelanski. “They mentor and counsel everyone regardless of status or affiliation. Yoni is amazing.” Warren is currently the Jewish naval chaplain at the Portsmouth Naval Hospital. Navy chaplains have four core capabilities: 1. Provide for our own. 2. Facilitate for others. 3. Care for all. 4. Advise the command. “Especially since I’m working at the hospital, the majority of my time is in the ‘care for all’ category. I’m trying to spend a little more time on the first, ‘provide for our own,’” says Warren. When he’s not deployed, Warren picks up his children at Strelitz International Academy and works with Rabbi Gershon Litt connecting Jews that serve in the military with outlets in the religious community, such as Ohef Sholom, Congregation Beth El, Temple Israel, B’nai Israel and Chabad for the High Holidays. Conversely, Warren’s vision is to build a vibrant Jewish military community on base at the Commodore Levy Chapel. “It’s not just prayer, but there is prayer,” | (757) 251-6800 Having been used to treat cancer since 1990, proton therapy is part of the standard of care for many cancer types, is FDA-approved and covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most insurance providers. No case is typical and results may vary.

Dakotah A Hendricks, USN, Photographer

Rabbi Yoni Warren blows the Shofar.

16 | Jewish News | Armed Forces | November 11, 2019 |

Armed Forces

Rabbi Yonatan “Yoni” Warren.

says Warren. “It’s not just food, but there is food. It’s not just Torah, but there is Torah. It’s not going to take the place of synagogues that meet specific religious and community needs, which is why we are actively outsourcing and sending people to them. I’m hopeful that the chaplains and staff who serve the Jewish military, and our local Jewish institutions will reciprocate and send people to our community on base. It’s been challenging. Sometimes, I find out there are other Jewish military just by picking my kid up from Strelitz and seeing someone in uniform.” Torah on Tap was a Beth El outreach that Warren adopted to provide a Jewish learning opportunity for military personnel, most of whom do not live on base, or wish to go back to the base after they leave work. This ‘crafty’ approach to Torah learning is advertised through Beth El, and always takes place at venues that serve beer. Rabbi Warren is married to Leora Skolnik with whom he has two children. She is the daughter of a rabbi. Warren

gets high marks from Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik, the spiritual leader of the Forest Hills Jewish Center in New York. Skolnik blogs often about his son-in-law’s ability to face unique challenges specific to the military. “When people think of rabbis, they instinctively associate them with synagogues. That’s where most people encounter rabbis—when they come to services. In reality, today’s rabbis play many different roles outside of synagogues, from the halls of academia to hospital and military chaplaincies. All are important. But of these, none is more important than the chaplaincy and I say that as a pulpit rabbi.” “I love teaching Torah,” says Warren. “But for me, the transcendent moments of chaplaincy happen in quiet conversations on the bridge wings of a ship while crossing the Atlantic. These moments lead to the safe space to cry when a ‘Dear John’ letter arrives. Or, sitting in a Sukkot at Camp Leatherneck in Lashkar Gah having dinner and letting a nice Jewish sailor feel Jewish.

Jewish Military events •S habbat service and dinner. Third Friday of the month. Commodore Levy Chapel •T orah Tuesdays. Portsmouth Naval Medical Center. Torah meet-ups •S habbat learning forum with Rabbi Litt. 11:45 am Commodore Levy Chapel

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Armed Forces Finding community: A note of gratitude from four military spouses Lisa Richmon


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18 | Jewish News | Armed Forces | November 11, 2019 |

his Veteran’s Day four United Jewish Federation of Tidewater employees have a message for their bosses. “Thank you.” Military spouses Leigh Casson, Wynston Hammack, Patty Shelanski, and Kaitlyn Oelsner have full-time employment demonstrating their exceptional skills in donor relations, marketing, programs, and Foundation work. Their careers are on the rise, unlike the majority of military spouses they know who often don’t make it to the interview stage. If they do score an interview, they experience ‘interview bias’ where the hiring manager focuses more on when they’ll leave than what they bring. Casson, Hammack, Shelanski and Oelsner are the exception, because in the military spouse employment arena, UJFT is exceptional. Many of the issues raised in the Forbes article titled “The Military Spouse Employment Plight,” such as interview bias and resume gaps, are familiar to (and addressed by) Casson, Hammack, Shelanski, and Oelsner. Leigh Casson, UJFT programs associate, has been a full-time employee for a year and is due to have her first child in December. Her work experience defies the odds for a military spouse. “When Robin Mancoll interviewed me, she didn’t bombard me with the typical 21 questions regarding my ‘limitations’ as a military spouse,” says Casson. “Typically, one of the first questions I’m faced with is ‘how long will you be here?’ followed by more concerned questions, as I dance around the truth which is that I’m not sure or, it will be a relatively short time. “I have always felt pressure to ‘fudge’ the truth which is that the military dictates my life and that my time at a job is limited. That wasn’t my experience when I applied at the Federation. It was clear during the hiring process that Robin was 100% focused on finding the right person for the job, even if that means they won’t

be here for a long period of time.” “As a military spouse, it can be tough to build a career,” says Kaitlyn Oelsner. She currently serves as the director of Philanthropy at the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. She has a background in government relations and healthcare philanthropy. “I feel so fortunate to be building my career instead of sacrificing it.” “We are constantly moving and often coping with long deployments. I was grateful to find employment at TJF. It’s a great fit for me. I’m lucky to have the level of support that leadership here provides.“ Wynston Hammack is executive assistant to UJFT CEO Betty Ann Levin. Tammy Mujica, Levin’s previous executive assistant left after three years due to her husband’s reassignment. Levin hired Hammack to take Mujica’s place. “Betty Ann hired me to replace a military spouse she just lost. Do you know how rare that is? She went from one military spouse assistant to another and never made it a thing,” says Hammack. “I could not believe my good fortune working with Tammy during my first year at the UJFT,” says Levin. “I wasn’t sure how we would ever find someone to assume her position, and then I met Wynston! She is a gem and has been such a wonderful addition to the community and the UJFT. Leigh, Wynston, Patty (who I had the pleasure of working with at JFS), and Kaitlyn are incredible additions to our team.” “The level of talent some employers are missing out on (because they are not hiring military spouses) astounds me. Many military spouses I’ve encountered have multiple college degrees, come from diverse backgrounds, and are adaptable to any type of environment they are faced with,” says Hammack. “I am grateful to Betty Ann and to the Federation for taking a chance in hiring me, knowing that our lifestyle is largely transient.” “Working for the Federation helped me to find community in a largely unfamiliar town,” says Hammack. “Seeing familiar faces in the Cardo, taking classes

Armed Forces at JFit, and interacting with the amazing Tidewater community daily, makes the transition to a new duty station feel more like home.” You’re hired. Now what? “I would say the Federation has been exceptionally understanding of the challenges, which is so incredibly appreciated,” says Casson, “The community I have gained Kaitlyn Oelsner, Wynston Hammack, and Patty Shelanski. working here made my time as to find a job that a military spouse exponentially matched my skill easier knowing that I have friends and set. We moved coworkers that I can truly rely on. There frequently, and are so many Jewish values that guide this my husband was organization. These values are alive in the deployed almost United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, in con st a nt ly. my boss, and in the community. It is no Fifteen years surprise that the UJFT is such a supporter lapsed before I Leigh Casson. of military spouses and families.” actively sought “My journey of employment evolved employment again,” says Shelanski. greatly over the 33 years I was an active “When Betty Ann, then-CEO of Jewish duty spouse. I married my husband right Family Service, reached out to me to disout of college and we moved to Monterey, cuss a part-time position at JFS, I told her California. He was attending the Naval I couldn’t promise how long I would be in Post Graduate School, but there was also the area. I knew that my husband would a huge Army base nearby at the time, Fort be up for new orders, and at his position, Ord,” says Patty Shelanski, UJFT Arts + would get very little lead time before Ideas manager. having to move,” Shelanski recalls. “If you were under 40, it was assumed “Betty Ann didn’t hesitate, and said you were somehow tied to the Military, she would be thrilled to have me as long and in those days an employer could ask as I was able. That experience was the if you were a military spouse. Needless to first time ANY potential employer had say, I struggled finding a job.” ever been so welcoming to me as an active “I had a position with with a defense duty military spouse. Not only was she contractor in San Diego. I explained that willing to hire a military spouse and offer my husband was in the Navy, but that we the flexibility that I needed at the time, anticipated being in the area for at least she took the time to find out about this five years. I was hired, and had a great strange lifestyle we live, and showed genfew years with the company, BUT around uine interest in knowing more. My two the three-year mark I found myself not years at JFS were wonderful.” progressing in the direction I had hoped. And then, Shelanski’s husband got My boss finally admitted that he was orders and they were off. concerned that if I was the principal “Six years later, I’m back!” says point-person on the project, I wouldn’t Shelanski. “Again, Betty Ann reached out be able to follow through to completion about an employment opportunity, and because he believed my husband would welcomed me with open arms. I’m not get new orders at any time. As it turned an active duty military spouse anymore, out, we were able to stay in San Diego for but when I arrived for my first day I was almost 6 years,” she says. thrilled to see that Betty Ann had quite a “Once we left San Diego, and started few military spouses employed.” our family, it was virtually impossible











FIDF.ORG/VAGALA19 For more information please contact Alex Pomerantz, Director of VA, Midatlantic Region at or 757-472-9054. | November 11, 2019 | Armed Forces | Jewish News | 19

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277 Bendix Road, Suite 500 • Virginia Beach LIFE INSURANCE • LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE • GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE • MEDICARE 20 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |


Barneys was a fashion tastemaker—but its success came with a dark cost Michelle Honig

NEW YORK (JTA) —The reign of Barneys as a legendary retail destination has officially come to an end. After Barneys New York filed for bankruptcy in August, Authentic Brands, which also owns the Jewish-founded brand Juicy Couture, bought the historic retailer for $271 million. After a liquidation sale, Barneys’ stores will close, but the Madison Avenue flagship will remain open as an “experiential” space. Barneys apparently won’t disappear completely, but what’s left will be minimal. Aside from the flagship rebranding as a pop-up destination with nary a mention of Barneys, the former retail giant will exist within the walls of Saks Fifth Avenue, living on the fifth floor of its former competitor, vestigial flickers of what once was the cutting edge of highend retail. It’s a devastating end, even humiliating, to what is an iconically New York institution, and not just because New York is in its name. Barneys was a retail destination that was born of the American dream: Barney Pressman was raised on the Lower East Side as one of seven children, pawning off his wife’s wedding ring to finance the purchase of a small shop on Seventh Avenue and 17th Street. Unlike what Barneys became known for today, his shop sold menswear, specifically brand-name suits at deep discounts. He was as ingenious as he was shrewd, earning the title “cut-rate clothing king.” His small shop was covered in an oversized sign that matched his brashness: “No bunk! No junk! No imitations!” Pressman embodied the Jewish trait of chutzpah. Nothing was sacred in the name of garnering business: Pressman would scour the newspapers for death notices of rich and stylish men. The wives of these men would be rewarded with a visit from Mr. Pressman, who would “helpfully”

Barneys New York flagship

relieve the aggrieved widow of her dead husband’s designer suits, subsequently selling these carcasses for a profit. He even sponsored radio broadcasts of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial—using the nation’s obsession with the sordid details of that infamous crime to promote himself and his business. Pressman’s strategy was at best tasteless, at worst offensive. But it worked—he severely undercut his competitors and made a name for himself, becoming wildly successful. When Barney’s son Fred took over, the shop transformed into the luxury retail giant we know today. Barneys New York courted elite European designers and became known for finding and cultivating the next big thing in fashion, from Armani to Comme des Garcons. Once the brand incorporated womenswear into its offerings in the 1970s, it really solidified its status as a repository of the aspirational and the cutting edge, of progressive and unique fashion that didn’t exist in other department stores. It was cool and hip, with a downtown sensibility that functioned as a foil to the rarefied luxury of Bergdorf’s. But even as both Barney and Fred were

nation visionaries, the department store brand was plagued by mismanagement and wasteful spending throughout the years. The beloved Madison Avenue flagship store was the physical embodiment of this ethos. In The Rise and Fall of the House of Barneys: A Family Tale of Chutzpah, Glory and Greed, Joshua Levine writes: ‘The Pressmans kept saying they wanted this to be the most beautiful store in the world,’ says one of the top architects on the project…‘We did a whole boutique [lined] with goatskin…I was arguing that you could do this in a faux finish, and you might spend an eighth of the price. The response was, like, why use faux goatskin when you could use real goatskin? And so, it was no surprise when the company fell into bankruptcy in 1996. Despite the setback, it pulled through. But Barneys’ singular focus on luxury for the sake of luxury created a company culture that often was at odds with its clientele. As Vanessa Friedman wrote in the New York Times in August, Barneys was “unabashedly elitist, proudly exclusionary—you got it or you didn’t, and if you didn’t, that was your problem, not theirs—and imbued with an arrogance that, at a certain point, began to chafe.” Unsurprisingly, this elitist attitude was often insidiously imbued with the rank sheen of racism. Throughout the last decade, Barneys has been accused of racial profiling, paying in excess of $500,000 just to settle cases. Barneys hired an anti-profiling consultant, but it was too little, too late: Barneys no longer represented aspirational downtown cool, especially as internet-first retailers and influencer culture began to take the lead in delineating what people wanted to wear. In a way, the lesson of Barneys New York’s rise and fall is a biblical one. As it is written in the book of Proverbs, “pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PRE-R ENOVATION R ATES! 6311 Granby Street • Norfolk, VA 23505


We will be starting a large renovation of The Talbot in the new year. Now is the time to make the move to senior living before our rates change. If you move in before the end of the year, you will receive a $500 moving expense credit* on your first month of rent!


*Valid with a move by 12/31/2019. Some restrictions may apply. See Sales Director for details. I N D E P E N D E N T L I V I N G ©2019 Five Star Senior Living | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 21

On Veteran’s Day, the Tidewater Jewish Community honors all who have served In remembrance of local veterans who have passed in the last year: Noel F. Dudley, U.S. Navy Eugene Lazernick, U.S. Air Force Burton H. Jaffe, U.S. Navy Stanley Glaser, U.S. Army

it’s a Wrap Activities abound at Beth Sholom Village


range of activities are always on the calendar at Beth Sholom Village—some for health, and some for fun. Residents at BSV, for example, work with restorative nursing staff six days a week to stay active and prevent falling. Led by CNAs, participants exercise to music and videos and staff toss balloons for fun and creative exercise. Last month, staff, residents, and students at Beth Sholom Village came in costume for the Fall Festival. Even Yanni, the service dog, was dressed up for the occasion as salt and pepper with Josh Bennett director of recreational therapy.

Director of Recreational Therapy Josh Bennett, service dog Yanni, and Pat Jankosky.

David William Yacavone, U.S. Navy Franklin Eugene Green, U.S. Army Milton Rubin, U.S. Army Leonard Visotski, U.S. Navy Myron Joseph “Mike” Cohen, U.S. Air Forces Reserve & Air National Guard Alan Arnold Diamonstein, U.S. Air Force Beth Sholom Village residents participate in exercise class.

Support the Jewish War Veterans Monument at the Sandler Family Campus and honor a veteran by purchasing a monument paver in their name.

For more information, contact Ann Swindell or 757.965.6106

Resident Sonia Land gets into the spirit of the Fall Festival.

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22 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

super sunday

Super Sunday: 2020 Vision

The ways to give just got super easy Sunday, November 17, 9:30 am–1 pm, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus


uper Sunday, as always, is being planned by a group of emerging, visionary leaders. In addition to the Rishon committee, more than 100 volunteers have signed up to make calls for the annual community phone-a-thon event that debuted in 1980.

To make it easier to make a gift, this year, Super Sunday 2020 is implementing an online giving platform, so that people who want to

Rishon Committee Amie Harrell, Committee Chair Robyn Weiner, Committee Vice-Chair Igor Vaserfirer Dara Pomerantz Hillary Gordon Demian Gordon Tal Feldman-Sifen Ro’ee Mor Eitan Altshuler

support the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s mission can bypass the call and make a gift online or text at their convenience. Those who prefer the personal experience and answer the phone call, might be delighted by the voice of a seventh grade Sunday School volunteer. Engaging Religious School students at Super Sunday gives the children an experience of interacting with the community for the benefit of agencies such as Jewish Family Service and Strelitz International Academy,

Where the dollars are distributed

among many others. The purpose behind ‘Super Sunday School’ is to foster hands-on philanthropy in students while providing an opportunity for their teachers to volunteer without missing class. Be part of Jewish Tidewater’s 2020 Vision and volunteer, take the call, go online and make a gift,

Super Sunday, Nov. 17

9:30 am— Training 10 am–1 pm— Phone-a-thon 10–11:30 am— Shift 1 11:30 am–1 pm— Shift 2 or stop by the Sandler Family Campus to “help see it all through.”


Tidewater Reads! Celebrate the writers in our midst as local authors take the stage Sunday, November 17 • 1 pm Sandler Family Campus, 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Va. Beach


Money raised on Super Sunday goes to the 2020 Community Campaign. Organizations and programs supported include: • Berger Goldrich Home at Beth Sholom Village

• Grants to local synagogues

• Bina High School

• Talmudical Academy

• Birthright Israel

• Toras Chaim

• JAFI Israel Fellows at Virginia universities

• VAAD HaKashkarus

• Jewish Family Service of Tidewater • Local Religious Schools • Minds in Motion (Richmond Ballet)

• Synagogue Youth Groups

• Virginia Hillels • Programs through Overseas Partners:

• Neve Michael

• American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

• Norfolk Kollel

• Jewish Agency for Israel

• Pardes Katz

• World Organization for Rehabilitation and Training (ORT)

• Strelitz International Academy

Lisa Barr Outsmart Your Pain

Alan Bartel

Family, Faith and Love: Beyond Immigration

Abbot Granoff Crowns of Gold

Michael Weissmann Therapy According to God


what’s happening The Annual Great Big Challah Bake Wednesday, November 13, 7 pm B’nai Israel Congregation


omen of all ages are invited to Tidewater’s fifth annual Great Big Challah Bake, a partnership between B’nai Israel Congregation and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. The event will be just one of thousands of similar events taking place around the globe—part of The Shabbos Project.

All ingredients and recipes will be provided. Each participant will leave with two challahs ready to bake and enjoy for Shabbat. Suggested donation $5.

Strelitz International Academy Open House Friday, November 15, 8:30–9:30 am Strelitz International Academy Kindergarten–5th Grade


ear about the school’s new International Baccalaureate® candidacy program, meet middle school alumni, learn about its K-5 affordability program, and explore the primary years (K-5) program. To pre-register, contact Carin Simon, admissions director, at 757-424-4327 or

Shabbat Project 2019 Friday, November 15, 6–9 pm B’nai Israel Congregation


or the past five years, the Tidewater community has joined this global Shabbat Project movement. Last year, 200 people came together for a beautiful and inspiring Friday night dinner in Ghent. The Tidewater Shabbat Project hopes to expand and bring together the entire community. To attend this year’s Friday night Shabbat meal, visit and make a reservation.

24 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

LATKEPALOOZA Latkes, books, music, crafts and camps Sunday, December 15 11:30 am–2:30 pm Sandler Family Campus


hree children’s authors, a light lunch and latkes, crafts, visiting overnight camp representatives, and tons of activities combine to create a celebration of Hanukkah for the community. The event is part of the Lee & Bernard Jaffe Jewish Book Festival, and One Happy Camper’s Camp Extravaganza, with PJ Library. It is possible because of support from United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, and the Jewish Book Council. For more information or to RSVP, contact Sierra Lautman at 757-965-6107 or slautman@

Tony Award® -nominated Broadway revival of

Fiddler on the Roof Tuesday, November 19–Sunday, November 24 Chrysler Hall


beloved theatrical classic from Tony Award-winner Joseph Stein, and Pulitzer Prize-winners Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick, Fiddler on the Roof is the heartwarming story of fathers and daughters, husbands and wives, and life, love, and laughter. Following a critically-acclaimed first year on tour, Israeli theatre, film and TV star, Yehezkel Lazarov, will continue his celebrated performance as Tevye in the second year of the Fiddler on the Roof North American Tour. The revival is directed by Tony Awardwinner Bartlett Sher (South Pacific, The King and I); choreographed by the acclaimed Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter; inspired by the original choreography of Jerome Robbins; and has musical direction by Ted Sperling. This classic musical is rich with Broadway hits, including To Life (L’Chaim!), If I Were A Rich Man, Sunrise Sunset, Matchmaker, Matchmaker, and Tradition. The original Broadway production of Fiddler on the Roof, which opened in 1964, was the first musical in history to surpass

Photo by Joan Marcus.

The cast of Fiddler on the Roof.

3,000 performances. The show won the 1965 Tony Award for Best Musical in addition to eight other Tony Awards that year. This acclaimed revival introduces a new generation to the iconic musical adored across the globe. Tickets are on sale and available at the Scope Arena Box Office (201 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510) and online at Orders for groups of 10 or more, may be placed by calling 757-823-4299.

what’s happening LEE & BERNARD JAFFE FAMILY

of admission and signed book closes November 27. Limited seating. Advance tickets strongly suggested. bookfest.

Tidewater Reads! Local Authors Present

ourselves in The Cast. Blumenfeld is an award-winning writer and national reporter whose work is published in the New York Times, O, the Oprah Magazine, Hadassah and People, among others. She is also a recipient of the James A. Wechsler Award for National Reporting. Book Clubs that register in advance will have a special meet and greet Blumenfeld, reserved seats, and more.

Sunday, November 17, 1 pm Sandler Family Campus

A Field Guide to the Jewish People

Sarah Hurwitz Sunday, December 8, 10 am Temple Emanuel with Congregation Beth Chaverim


The Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival is underway with authors and events to appeal to all ages and interest.

Dave Barry, Adam Mansbach, Alan Zweibel Wednesday, December 4, 7:30 pm Susan S. Goode Fine and Performing Arts Center Virginia Wesleyan University 5817 Wesleyan Drive, Virginia Beach

Local authors will share their stories and expertise: • Lisa Barr, Outsmart your Pain • Alan Bartel, Family, Faith and Love: Beyond Immigration • Abbot Granoff, Crowns of Gold • Michael Weissman, Therapy According to God

The Cast: A Novel Amy Blumenfeld Monday, November 18, 7:30 pm Sandler Family Campus Amy Blumenfeld brings to life the role that the passing of time plays in shaping our friendships and

Almost nothing is off limits when an original Saturday Night Live writer, author of New York Times bestseller, Go the F**K to Sleep, and the inspiration for Dave’s World, take one stage. Sarcasm, self-deprecation, paranoia, wisdom, and culture have never clashed so delectably. Alan Zweibel, Adam Mansbach, and Dave Barry will rekindle your love of Jewish culture and fill your cup with new things to worry about. Presented by the Milton “Mickey” Kramer Scholar-inResidence Fund’s Tidewater Together series. $18 admission; $40 admission and book. Special bundle

Here All Along

Finding Meaning, Spirituality, and a Deeper Connection to Life—In Judaism (After Finally Choosing to Look There)

Michelle Obama’s former speechwriter, Sarah Hurwitz, was born Jewish, but wasn’t sold on Judaism’s place in her life until recently. It took a bad break up to create the opening for exploration that lead to a profound spiritual journey. Stepping outside the synagogue, Hurwitz rediscovers her long-lost connection to Judaism in the place where Jewish law co-exists with everyday questions like how to feed your animals or start a business. Hurwitz encourages readers to experience their own rediscovery as she helps answer the essential question: Why Does Judaism Matter?

For information or to RSVP, contact Patty Shelanski at

Simon Fink’s Where We Disappear: Virginia Premier Sunday, November 24, 8:15 pm, NARO Cinema, Norfolk


orfolk native Simon Fink’s Where We Disappear first premiered earlier this year in Los Angeles, more recently in Indianapolis, and now, at the NARO Cinema in his hometown. The film is a provocative survival story with a psychological twist that takes place in Russia (Siberia to be exact), and begins with a “Me Too” thrust. The female protagonists in the film fight their battles on two fronts: socio-political and the most deeply personal. A filmmaker living in LA, Fink was raised among a family of writers and artists and graduated USC’s School of Cinematic Arts with a BA in Film and Television. Since then, Fink’s work has been featured on National Geographic, TEDx, A&E, and at several festivals. Transitioning from docu-series to scripted, this year saw his feature directorial debut secure distribution, as well as his feature script land him representation with Schemers Entertainment. Tickets are $10. Simon Fink | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 25


Position Available Sales experience a must • Media sales, a plus • Flexible hours • Great earning potential

Calendar November 12, Tuesday Jamie Metzl, author of Hacking Darwin. 7:30 pm. Sandler Family Campus. For information, NOVEMBER 13, WEDNESDAY November 13, wednesday Annual Great Big Challah Bake, B’nai Israel Congregation. 7 pm. Suggested donation $5. November 15, Friday Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (KBH) and Temple Israel will conduct Shabbat Services in Beth Sholom Village’s chapel at 7 pm. BSV is located at 6401 Auburn Dr. in Virginia Beach. Shabbat Project 2019, 6–9 pm, B’nai Israel Congregation. To attend the Friday night Shabbat meal, visit See page 24. November 16, Saturday Ohef Sholom Temple’s 175th Anniversary Gala at Ohef Sholom. Dinner, dancing, and more. 6:30 pm. $75 per person. For reservations or more information, 757-625-4295.

If you are an ambitious, high-energy, self-starter with good people skills, this might be the job for you!

November 17, Sunday Super Sunday. UJFT’s Young Adult Division’s annual phone-a-thon. Sandler Family Campus. 10 am–1 pm. For information or to volunteer, contact Jasmine Amitay at 757-965-6138 or See page 23.

Contact Taffy Hunter, Human Resources director, at 757-965-6117, or submit resume to

Brith Sholom will hold its Annual Thanksgiving Dinner at Beth Sholom Village at 5:30 pm. The menu will include salad, yeast rolls, roast turkey with gravy, dressing, mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows, green bean almandine, cranberry sauce and apple slab pie with whipped topping for dessert. Entertainment: Eddie Sal. Attire: Dressy. RSVP Nov. 13 by noon. Contact LeeAnne Mallory at 757-461-1150 or

Attention: Human Resources 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

Tidewater Reads! Celebrate local authors: Lisa Barr, Alan Bartel, Abbot Granoff, and Michael Weissman. Sandler Family Campus, 1pm. Contact or 757-452-3184. See page 25.


Jewish News

NOVEMBER 18, MONDAY Amy Blumenfeld, author of The Cast. Free, 7:30 pm, Simon Family JCC. For more information, or 757-452-3184. See page 26.


Girls Night Out? Gather your girlfriends and come hear Amy Blumenfeld as she brings to life alternating perspectives of 5 characters, with an eye on authenticity and the role that the passing of time plays in shaping our friendships and ourselves in The Cast.

Amy Blumenfeld The Cast

Monday, Nov. 18 • 7:30 pm Sandler Family Campus 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Va. Beach

FREE with RSVP Register your Book Club for a special meet & greet with author, reserved seats, and more. SEE COMPLETE EVENT LIST & RSVP AT

NOVEMBER 24, SUNDAY Hebrew University and Israel Defense Forces: Israeli Elite Military Medical Program Tzarmeret. 11am, Ohef Sholom Temple. For information, call 757-625-4295. Virginia premiere of Where We Disappear, directed by Norfolk native, Simon Fink. $10, 8:15 pm, followed by Q&A. Naro Cinema. December 1, Sunday Brith Sholom will hold its board meeting at 10 am followed by the general membership meeting at 11 am at Beth Sholom Village. Deluxe brunch follows. $3 per member in advance; $5 at the door; and $10 per guest. Contact LeeAnne Mallory at 757-461-1150 or Brith. to RSVP or for more information by November 27. DECEMBER 8, SUNDAY Sarah Hurwitz, author of Here All Along, Finding Meaning, Spirituality, and a Deeper Connection to Life-in Judaism (After Finally Choosing to Look There). Free, 10 am, Temple Emanuel with Congregation Beth Chaverim. For information, or 757-452-3184. See page 25. DECEMBER 9, MONDAY Yaakov Katz, author of Inside Israel’s Secret Mission to Eliminate Syrian Nuclear Power. Free, 7:30 pm, Sandler Family Campus. For information, or 757-452-3184. DECEMBER 15, SUNDAY Latkepalooza, Camp Extravaganza, light latke lunch, music, crafts, visiting overnight camp activities, and more! All events are free and fun for all ages! 11:30 am, Sandler Family Campus. For more information, or 757-452-3184. See page 24. DECEMBER 16, MONDAY Jane Bernstein, author of The Face Tells the Secret. For more information or to RSVP, or 757-452-3184. Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

26 | Jewish News | November 11, 2019 |

who knew?


Fashion designer Zac Posen is shutting down his label

ouse of Z and Z Spoke, which own Fashion designer Zac Posen’s company, announced that the company is halting all business operations. “The board made a difficult decision,” Posen told WWD. “We were in a sale process and we ran out of time.” Posen called the move “surprising and immediate.” “My partners and I tried everything possible within our means to find solutions to keep it going. I have been trying to find the right strategic partners at this tough time in retail and in the industry. The clock ran out,” he also said. Posen founded the company in 2001 at the age of 20. The spring collection Posen showed in September will not be shipped, WWD reported. Posen is most known for event dressing, especially stars on the red carpet. “We have dressed everybody, from the biggest stars to emerging talents to royalty. I feel really fortunate to have made clothes they responded to,” he said. Among those who have worn his event designs are: Oprah, Michelle Obama, Rihanna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Naomi Watts, Uma Thurman, Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, and Claire Danes.

“I want to express my appreciation to our extraordinary team and for all those who have stood by me and the brand. I owe a great deal of gratitude for their unwavering support for and dedication to the Company. I am grateful to the team who lent their incomparable talent and commitment along the way. I remain incredibly proud of what we created and hopeful for the future. Love ZP,” Posen said in an Instagram post. (JTA)

Netflix comedy is about a young Orthodox man who falls for a non-Jewish woman


new Netflix rom-com may be its most Jewish offering yet. The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch takes place in the Orthodox community in Zurich, Switzerland. The titular character is a young man whose mother desperately wants him to marry a nice Jewish woman. But Motti, who is played by the Swiss-Israeli actor Joel Basman, ends up falling for a non-Jewish student named Laura, whom he meets at university. The film came out in Switzerland in 2018 but joined the Netflix lineup last month. It is based on a novel Wolkenbruch’s Wondrous Journey Into the Arms of a Shiksa

by the Swiss-Jewish author Thomas Meyer, and features dialogue in Yiddish and German. (JTA)

Noah Baumbach’s latest film, Marriage Story, draws on his own divorce


cclaimed Jewish director Noah Baumbach’s new film, Marriage Story, is now in theaters before heading to Netflix on Dec. 6. Baumbach called the movie his “love story about divorce” to the Hollywood Reporter, which described the plot as about two parents “who are un-amicably decoupling amid explosive fights, bloodthirsty lawyers and a bitter transcontinental custody battle.” The film, which stars Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, draws on Baumbach’s own experience as he went through a divorce with Jewish actress Jennifer Jason Leigh in 2013. Baumbach’s parents were divorced as well. Baumbach has collaborated multiple times with Driver and Jewish actor Ben Stiller. His previous film, The Meyerowitz Stories, starred Stiller, Adam Sandler and Dustin Hoffman. (JTA) | November 11, 2019 | Jewish News | 27

Obituaries Alan Arnold Diamonstein Newport News—Alan Arnold Diamonstein, devoted public servant and beloved community leader, died at his home in Newport News, Virginia on Thursday, October 17, 2019, surrounded by his family. He was 88 years old. It was once written that “Alan Diamonstein could give politicians a good name. He is a mover and shaker, for sure. A power broker par excellence. But the beneficiaries of his political savvy are ordinary people, children in public schools, moderate-income families who dream of owning a home, students at Virginia colleges, and parents caring for retarded children.” When a reporter asked what he was most proud of in his career in public service, he answered simply “I was able to make a difference.” Alan was the son of the late William and Lillian Becker Diamonstein. Born in 1931 in Hampton, Virginia. Alan grew up on Cherry Avenue in Hampton and attended Newport News High School and Augusta Military Academy. As a child, he often helped at both his grandparents’ grocery store and his father’s furniture store in Newport News. Alan’s mother, Lillian, instilled in him the lessons her own mother taught her—“One pays rent for one’s time on earth.” It was from Lillian that Alan inherited his energy, determination, and commitment to public service. As a member of a thriving Jewish community, he experienced religious bigotry and cultural isolation that laid the groundwork for an unwavering commitment to civil rights and social justice. Alan attended the University of

Virginia, and, after completing a tour with the U.S. Air Force, received his bachelor’s degree in Commerce. In 1958 he earned a law degree from the University. Upon graduation, he returned home to open a law office with his friend Stanley Drucker. He later became a partner in the nationally-known law firm Patten, Wornom, Hatten, and Diamonstein (PWHD) in Newport News, where he practiced business and real estate law. Alan was appointed in 2005 to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors by Governor Mark Warner and reappointed to a second term by Governor Tim Kaine. He also received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the College of William and Mary and Christopher Newport University. First elected to the Virginia House of Delegates from Newport News in 1967, Alan was re-elected every two years, for 34 years until he retired in 2001, to run an unsuccessful campaign for the office of Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor. He practiced law until earlier this year. Alan’s legislative accomplishments include the creation of one of the first housing development authorities in the nation to finance workforce and low-income housing. He also sponsored legislation creating the Virginia Housing Study Commission, which he chaired for more than 20 years. The Housing Commission led to anti-discrimination laws, the Virginia Landlord-Tenant Act and regulations for condominium development, to name a few legislative landmarks. He also introduced successful legislation requiring the University of Virginia

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to admit women on the same basis as men in the 1970s. As chairman of the House Appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee, Alan had a transformative impact on higher education in the Commonwealth, securing funding to meet the record growth in students attending Virginia’s colleges, universities and community colleges, as well as financing for capital projects and student aid. Arts and cultural organizations across the Commonwealth were also the beneficiaries of Alan’s legislative leadership. The Peninsula Fine Arts Center, the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, and the Virginia Living Museum all expanded their public services and exhibits with his help. He was especially proud to be able to help Christopher Newport University become a leader in higher education in Virginia with the investment of significant state funding over several decades. Alan was a trusted advisor and confidant to several Virginia Governors beginning with Governor Charles Robb. Alan served as a key political advisor to Robb and was also tasked with modernizing the Virginia Democratic Party. Alan’s work led to continued Democratic Party victories, including the election of the most diversified ticket in Virginia’s history, with Governor Jerry Baliles, L. Douglas Wilder, the first African American Lt. Governor in the country, and Virginia’s first woman Attorney General, Mary Sue Terry. He championed appointments of women and minorities to state Boards and Commissions in unprecedented numbers. Governors Baliles, Wilder, Warner, Kaine, McAuliffe and Northam also sought out Alan’s advice and counsel. Nationally, he was a major player in the Democratic Party (DNC), first representing Virginia on the Democratic National Committee and later serving as the State Democratic Party chair, chair of the DNC’s Southern Democratic Chair’s Association and as a member of the DNC Executive Committee. Alan was a close ally of President Jimmy Carter and many members of his Administration. President Bill Clinton appointed Alan to the board of the National Housing Partnership. Alan’s national political work allowed him to work closely with the Virginia Congressional Delegation and

other members of Congress on numerous state-federal issues, particularly the funding for the building and maintenance of our nation’s nuclear submarine fleet and the aircraft carriers built at the Newport News shipyard. Throughout his entire career in politics, Alan worked ‘across the aisle’ to build a vibrant future for Virginia, and particularly for the Peninsula. An avid golfer, he brought opposing sides together through participation in golf tournaments. Republican Congressmen Tommy Downing and Herb Bateman considered Alan a friend and loyal partner. Former U.S. Senator John Warner worked with him for decades on many issues related to the Newport News Shipyard, NASA Langley and the Jefferson Lab. The Mariner’s Museum was the beneficiary of Alan’s leadership on their board for years. Additionally, he served on the Board of Trustees of the Sarah Bonwell Hudgins Foundation, as a member of the Washington Airports Task Force, the Pamela Harriman Foreign Service Fellowship Board, a Life Member of the Virginia Jaycees. The Daily Press named him “Citizen of the Year” in 2001 and he received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Hemophilia Foundation. Alan is survived by his wife of 47 years, Beverly Hicks Diamonstein, his sister, Elaine “Sis” Litvin (Joe); his children: Candis Trusty (Guy), Karen Allen (Michael), Trey Diamonstein, and Kevin Diamonstein; his grandchildren: Alexander Allen, Benjamin Allen, Joshua Diamonstein, Katie Diamonstein, and Karl Diamonstein; his nieces: Sharon Schramm (Mark), and Ruthie Goodboe (Mike); and his first cousins: Arthur Diamonstein, Marilyn Lacey, Diane Kaye, Fred Swersky, Dorothy Ann Spivick, Sidney Becker (Cynthia), Jon Becker (Susan), Tommy Becker (Allene), and Andy Becker (DeeDee). A memorial service took place at the Alan and Beverly Diamonstein Concert Hall at the Ferguson Center for the Arts at Christopher Newport University. Donations to, AchievableDream. org, or The Alan & Beverly Diamonstein Endowed Scholarship Fund at CNU, or other charity.

Obituaries Marilyn J. Nataupsky Newport News—On October 16, 2019, after a joyful life full of love, laughter, and family, our beloved, Marilyn J. Nataupsky, wife, mom of two and grandma of five, passed away at the age of 74. Marilyn was born in Brookline, Mass. on May 18, 1945 to Gladys and David Greene. They, along with her older sister Linda, moved to Anaheim, Calif. when Marilyn was six years old. Marilyn graduated from UCLA and met her husband, Dr. Mark Nataupsky in California. The two married on March 8, 1969—meaning they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last March. Marilyn and Mark raised two daughters, Debbie (Nataupsky) Cohen and Glenda (Nataupsky) Rozman. Marilyn loved family and friends. She was an avid cook and baker. She loved to burst into song—especially from old school Broadway shows—and tell jokes with or without a punchline. She was a member of Rodef Sholom Temple since 1982, having served as the Sisterhood president for many years. Marilyn went back to school to get her MSW in 1992 and worked for over 20 years as a social worker in dialysis units. Her service as a social worker was especially significant because her own mother was on dialysis. Marilyn was well-known in the social worker community as a role model and leader, and she enjoyed helping people immensely. Marilyn was preceded in death by her parents, Gladys and David, and her sister, Linda, who passed away a week before her. She is survived by her husband Mark; daughter, Debbie and son-in-law, Adam Cohen; grandkids, Abby and Nathan; daughter, Glenda and son-in-law, Eddie Rozman and grandkids Gilad, Kessem and Erez. Funeral Services were conducted at Rodef Sholom Temple by Rabbi Dror. Interment followed in the Hebrew Cemetery. Donations may be made in Marilyn’s name to the Marilyn and Dr. Mark Nataupsky Holocaust Education Fund of the UJCVP, 401 City Center Blvd., Newport News, VA 23606 or the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, 4950 York Rd., #631, Holicong, Penn. 18928. Weymouth Funeral Home.

Robert S. Seeherman M.D. Virginia Beach—Dr. Robert S. Seeherman, 94, died on Friday, October 25, 2019. Bob, “Dr. Bob,” was born on November 26, 1924 in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., to Nate and Esther Seeherman. He graduated from Meyers High School, the College of William & Mary, and the Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital of Philadelphia. For 40 years, Bob was a family doctor, treating, curing, and advising thousands of patients, first in Wilmington, Del., and then in Virginia Beach. Bob was known as an excellent diagnostician, and was well-respected for his compassion and knowledge, even after he retired at age 60. Bob was an avid golfer, who loved to play and encouraged anyone who was interested to take up the sport and hit the links right away. If they needed clubs, he had some to give. He practiced his Spanish daily, and relished the opportunity to learn new words and test them out

on willing listeners. Bob was also a fantastic singer; his booming baritone wowed people who listened to his versions of pop standards. Predeceased by his parents, Bob is survived by his loving wife of 47 years, Miriam. Cherishing his memory are children Michael, Marc and Judith, stepchildren Saul, Felicia, Lainie and Palmer, Joel; grandchildren Kimberly and Ethan,

Chelsea and Dan, Raven, Shira, Maurice, Elka, Avi, Seth. His treasured nieces, nephews, cousins, and special cousin, Barrie, will miss him greatly. The family thanks the many doctors, specialists, nurses and aides for their decades of expertise and devoted care, giving Bob a long and fulfilling life. For making his last years so continued on page 30

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Obituaries continued from page 29

comfortable, thanks to Pam Knox, all those at Generations Home Health, the Rehab at Beth Sholom Village, and the Terrace at Beth Sholom Village. A burial service was held at Forest Lawn Cemetery; a memorial service followed at Beth Sholom Village. Memorial contributions in Bob’s memory may be made to Beth Sholom Village, Ohef Sholom Temple, or the charity of one’s choice. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts.

Yvette Lundy: Resistance member who helped Jewish families Yvette Lundy, a member of the French Resistance who provided false identification papers to Jewish families, has died. She was 103. Lundy, who also survived two Nazi concentration camps, died in the northern French town of Epernay earlier this month. She would go on to become a schoolteacher and also worked at the town hall.

Lundy joined the Resistance at the beginning of the Nazi occupation of France, the French news agency AFP reported. She provided fake papers to Jewish families and escaped prisoners of war. She was arrested, interrogated, and imprisoned by the Gestapo in 1944, when she was 28. Lundy was imprisoned at the Ravensbrück concentration camp and later at Buchenwald. Later she was assigned to a Kommando slave labor unit near Weimar and was liberated by the Russian army in April 1945. Lundy returned to France but did not begin speaking about her experiences until 1959. “The words of Yvette Lundy were a powerful call for citizen vigilance, so that the darkest hours of the 20th century would never be repeated,” a statement issued by the office of President Emmanuel Macron said. Her memoir Le Fil de l’araignée (The Spider’s Web) was published in 2012. In 2017, she received one of France’s highest

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honors, becoming a Grand Officer of the Legion of Honour. (JTA)

Robert Evans, producer of Godfather and Chinatown Robert Evans, the Hollywood producer behind a string of classic films who fell prey to—and then recovered from—a cocaine addiction, has died at 89. Evans, born Robert Shapera in Manhattan in 1930, was a women’s pants salesman when he was discovered at the Beverly Hills Hotel pool by actress Norma Shearer, who hired him to play her late husband in the 1957 movie Man of a Thousand Faces, the New York Times reported. The phrase “The kid stays in the picture” was originally said about him, after Ernest Hemingway objected to Evans’ being cast as a bullfighter in the film adaptation of The Sun Also Rises. Evans later used the line as the title for his memoir. In 1966, he was hired to run production

at Paramount, where he produced a series of iconic films, including Rosemary’s Baby (1968), Love Story (1970), The Godfather (1972), and Chinatown (1974). He also used to hang out with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In 1983, his star fell after he pleaded guilty to cocaine possession in 1980 and was embroiled in a trial over the 1983 murder of Roy Radin, a film investor. One of his girlfriends was eventually among the people convicted for the crime. Evans eventually returned to producing films. His last movie as a full producer was the 2003 successful romantic comedy How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. (JTA)

who knew? Diego Schwartzman finishes 2nd at Vienna Open


rgentine-Jewish tennis player Diego Schwartzman finished second in the Vienna Open. Top-seeded Dominic Thiem of Austria defeated Schwartzman, the No. 5 seed, in the finals, 3-6, 6-4, 6-3. The hometown favorite became the first Austrian to win the Vienna title since 2010. Schwartzman, the highest-ranked Jewish tennis player, is now ranked 14th in the world. After the final, Schwartzman said, “I am very happy because I have got the confidence again. I felt very good on court. The support of the people was crazy.” He added, “After the first set he played so aggressive. He was better than me and that is why he won the title.” It was Schwartzman’s third ATP tour finals this year; he placed second in Buenos Aires in February and won in Los

Cabos in August. After the tournament, he tweeted, “Thank you Vienna!!! Beautiful week.” Up next for Schwartzman is the Paris Masters, an ATP Tour tournament that helps determine who will end the year as the world’s No. 1 and which eight players will play in the ATP Finals in London. (JTA)

Rachel Weisz will portray Elizabeth Taylor in new film


ewish actress Rachel Weisz has been tapped to play Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor in a new film. A Special Relationship chronicles Taylor’s personal journey from Hollywood actress to activist through the lens of her friendship with her Roger Wall, a gay man who grew up in poverty in the Deep South, Deadline Hollywood reported. Taylor, who was married eight times to seven men, had two Jewish husbands

and converted to Judaism in 1959. She became an active supporter of Israel and Jewish causes. A social activist, Taylor became one of the first major celebrities to publicly join the fight against HIV/AIDS in the 1980s. Weisz, like Taylor, is British American. (JTA)

Belgium’s first female prime minister is Jewish


ophie Wilmes is the first woman and the first Jewish person to become the prime minister of Belgium. Wilmes, a mother of four from the Brussels region, replaced Charles Michel in the top post. The centrist politician will head a caretaker government during negotiations on the formation of a coalition, which in Belgium has been known to take months. Michel’s Cabinet collapsed last year, and Wilmes replaced him when he left for a European Union position. Both are

members of the center-left MR party. Wilmes’ mother is Ashkenazi Jewish and lost several relatives in the Holocaust, Philippe Markiewicz, the president of the Consistoire organization of Belgian Jewry, confirmed. “She hid her Jewish identity, though it seems to be a private detail from her biography and not something connected to any policy-making aspect,” he said. Wilmes’ father, Philippe, was a lecturer at the Catholic University of Louvain and is not Jewish. Markiewicz described Wilmes, who has attended Holocaust commemoration events and highlighted them on her personal website, as “an industrious and committed politician.” One source from the Jewish community, a member of Wilmes’ party who spoke to JTA on condition of anonymity, said that Judaism became only recently “a more important factor than before” in Wilmes’ life. (JTA)

JFS salutes our Home Health staff during National Home Care Month. JFS is your Jewish communal agency for skilled home health care and private duty care. Let our professional, compassionate staff help you recover where you want to be — in the comfort of your home. You’ll always feel right at home because our nurses, therapists, and aides will treat you with loving kindness and with the upmost respect. JFS Home Health Care can provide you with: Skilled nursing care • Home Health aides Care management • Specialized wound care Medical social work • Physical, speech and occupational therapies




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