2 minute read
Neve Michael Village
your DollarS at work
Village to Neve Michael Village. Your Dollars at Work provide an abundance of love
Lisa Richmon
it takes a Virginia village to sustain Neve Michael, the israeli children’s village located in Pardes Hanna in the northern region of israel.
Neve Michael is a seven-acre campus housing the only multi-disciplinary children’s home in israel to offer a wide range of professional services on one site. in addition to educational resources, Neve Michael is that one chance for normalcy and stability for many children, providing at-risk youth a bundle of psychiatry, psychology, occupational therapy, social work, conventional and para-medical therapies.
Established in 1943, Neve Michael provides immediate refuge for children 5 to 18 years of age who have been removed from their home by israel’s Welfare department due to extreme traumatic domestic circumstances. With an infusion of care and funding from organizations such as United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, tragic lives become inspired stories of transformation.
“Tidewater has had a very special relationship with Neve Michael over the years,” says Jodi Klebanoff, UJFT campaign chair. “The dollars we raise give these kids a second chance in life so they can become loving, productive adults—many of whom give back later in life. We are very proud that our dollars go straight to psychological services, and a support system of ‘parents’ who step in, along with counselors and people who listen to them, care for them and give them an abundance of love.
“The children can lead a normal life, celebrate Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and eat together in the dining hall, in a beautiful campus,” says Klebanoff.
The Tidewater Jewish community has a long history of investing in programs locally and globally that guide fellow Jews from isolation, vulnerability and trauma to connection, stability and productivity. One Neve Michael village at a time.
This is part of a series of articles spotlighting local and overseas partner agencies that are beneficiaries of the United Jewish Federation Tidewater’s annual Community Campaign.
Stephanie Calliott and Amy Levy with kids at Neve Michael in 2010.

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