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Passover and Israel

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Dear Readers,

When it comes to Passover, it appears I’m like most Jews world-wide because it’s my favorite Jewish holiday. As a child, I looked forward to my grandparents traveling from Philadelphia to be at our seder lead by my local grandfather. Now, I look forward to setting an expanded table for family and friends, making certain there is enough of every food and symbol strategically placed, reading the Haggadah, talking about current events and their relevancy with Passover, and singing a song or two.

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At Passover we celebrate freedom, renewal, reflection, and, in some ways, reconnection. And we think about Israel. After all, the story happens in Israel’s neighborhood, and we conclude the seder with “next year in Jerusalem.”

Borrowing from that well-known Haggadah line, the “next issue in Jewish News” will focus on Israel in recognition of its 75th anniversary. As part of the celebratory issue, we want to hear from you.

How do you feel about Israel? Did you have a special experience on a trip there? Are you an Israeli living in Tidewater? What has the existence of a Jewish state meant to you? Do you recall pre-state Israel?

Please, take a quick moment and email us your thoughts or story. It won’t take long because 200 words is the absolute maximum, closer to 100 is best, and the deadline is Thursday, March 23 so you don’t have much time to worry about it. Include a photo if possible. Email news@ujft.org and make the subject line: Jewish News Israel. We’ll reply to let you know we’ve received your piece. If you don’t get a return email, call me at 757-965-6132.

All of us at Jewish News hope you have a joyful and peaceful Passover and that you are able to reconnect with family, friends, and the incredible story of freedom.

Chag Pesach Sameach, Terri Denison Editor

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