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High Holidays 5774 Supplement to Jewish News September 2, 2013

Dear Readers,

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.


his issue should reach homes during an unusually busy week. Monday, September 2, the nation celebrates Labor Day with cookouts, closings of pools and preparations for school the next morning. Two days later, on Wednesday, September 4, the Jewish community begins its observation of the New Year, 5774 at sunset.

Who recalls a week like this? In this special section, we have articles that consider ways to pray and we have information on where to pray. Shalom Tidewater has provided a comprehensive list on services taking place in Tidewater, and we offer digital options for those who are unable to leave home or who might be too far away. Near and far, bees have been making headlines lately, and Joel Magalnick, editor of JTNews in Seattle, Washington, shares his thoughts about the bees that create our honey for dipping. He makes some suggestions on how we can all help their population revive.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus

The second installment of Raven Rutherford’s experience of spending the High Holidays in Israel last year is printed Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President

on page 40. And, we have recipes from some locals to share. We hope you find plenty of reasons to celebrate during this extraordinary season, and that you do so in good health, with happiness and peace. L’Shana Tova! The Jewish News staff

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30 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

Upcoming Special Sections Issue Mazel Tov

Date Sept. 30

Deadline Sept. 13


Oct 28

Oct 11


Dec 23

Dec 6

coming soon This special magazine-style

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of Tidewater’s organized Jewish community

Commemorative Issue

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year


even further back to the beginning, and peek into the future.

About the cover: Photograph of Union Prayer Book, printed in 1955, by Steve Budman.

Putting the high back into the High Holidays prayer deals with need, with loneliness and

home of what Martin Buber called our “I-thou”

sorrow, with thankfulness and joy, with fear and

relationship with God. It is in yetsirah that we turn

BOULDER, Colo. (JTA)—For many of us, let’s face

dread. “No God,” the mind insists. But the heart,

to the sacred Other, whatever we understand that

it, the upcoming High Holidays will be anything

in its small, uncertain voice, cries “Oh God!

to mean. But don’t think about it too much. Sing!

but a high. Oh, we’ll pack every pew in the syna-

Omigod!” In that cry, if we can allow ourselves to

Your heart will understand.

gogues, dressed in our holiday best. We’ll be there

hear it, lies the beginnings of prayer.

by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Joel Segel

The Barachu that follows takes us into the

Now take that distinction a step further.

world of beriyah (“creation”), the realm of mind.

The trek through the liturgy is in fact a journey

The language here speaks of the heavenly orbs, of

through four distinct spheres of human experi-

light and darkness, of the miracles of the universe.

tunes they remember from childhood. Some feel

ence. The Jewish prayer book, it turns out, is more

We are rising higher now. We marvel at creation,

genuine awe at the ceremony and out-of-worldly

in sync with modern beliefs than we might think.

meditate upon it and begin to merge with it.

for hours, rising when told to, sinking thankfully back into our seats, reading responsively. Many enjoy the communal aspect of it, the

blast of the ram’s horn.

Developmental psychologists now speak of

Finally, Hear O Israel and the silent Amidah

multiple intelligences, distinguishing kinesthetic

take us into atzilut (“emanation”), the highest and

filled vows and promises teach us anything, it is

intelligence from musical ability, say, or logical

most abstract of the four worlds. Atzilut is the

to mean what we say. Does language like “Our

reasoning from emotional aptitude. Kabbalah pre-

realm of spirit. Its language thrives on mystery,

Father, our King, we have sinned before you; our

fers to think of four parallel landscapes, each with

contradictions and dissolution of boundaries.

Father, our King, we have no King but You” really

its own symbolic language and imagery, and each

speak for us? How do we avoid the High Holidays

finding expression in the prayer service.

But if Kol Nidre’s pleas to wipe out any unful-

trap of spending hour after hour reciting prayers

To kabbalists, the reality we know is rooted

Our prayers don’t always “make sense” because making sense is not what we’re here for. Our journeys through life are more complex than that. And

we don’t understand, in language we don’t sub-

in assiyah (“doing”), the world of the tangible,

so our duty to the Days of Awe, and to ourselves,

scribe to, to a God we may not even believe in?

the physical. This is the realm of the morning

doesn’t end with procuring our tickets. We need

blessings that launch our prayers, the ones that

more than just assigned seats and receipts that our

more fully without putting our minds in the pawn

thank God for our creature comforts and physical

synagogue dues are paid up. We want a ticket to

shop and violating our Jewish compulsion for


transformation, a pass to the possibility that some-

Can we find a way to enter into the experience

honesty? One surprisingly simple and freeing solution

Assiyah, too, is the dimension in which our bodies take action, rising when the ark is open,

thing in us feels genuinely moved. As our synagogues open their door to us, so

begins with a distinction. Beliefs are the language

bowing, swaying back and forth in the silent

may we open our own inner doors to multidimen-

of mind. Prayer, on the other hand, begins in

Amidah, even prostrating ourselves in the High

sional experiences. As the ushers show us to our

the heart -- not the muscle but the metaphor,

Holidays Musaf service.

seats, so let us find a seat for prayer in our hearts.

the realm not of cardiologists but of poets. Real

The beating heart of prayer is found in the —Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Joel

prayer—davening, as we Jews used to say back

world of yetsirah (“formation”), a section of psalms

in the old country—is not a rational matter. It’s a

that follows the morning blessings and opens us

Segel are the authors of “Davening: A Guide to


to our emotions. The key word here is Hallelujah!

Meaningful Jewish Prayer,” forthcoming from Jewish

and the key expression is song. Yetsirah is the


Prayer is the language of heart because real | Yom Kippur | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 31

Global High Holiday broadcasts


he sound of the Shofar, the chant of the Kol Nidre, and the Yizkor memorial service are just some of the highlights of the Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which make the Days of Awe so central in the life of the Jewish People. These solemn High Holidays are times when Jews all over the world make a special effort to attend synagogue services to stand with their families and friends in communal togetherness. However, for many Jews, attending a High Holiday service in person is impossible. Some are simply too ill to travel to a synagogue; others may live in remote areas where there is no synagogue within miles; and Jewish men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces often have no opportunity to share in the prayer and spirit of the

Jewish High Holidays. Here are two options for “attending” services via broadcasts: 92Y offers webcast plus live broadcast on JLTV and Armed Forces Network 92Y, the renowned Jewish community and cultural center in New York that has been offering non-denominational High Holiday services since 1900, follows up on the success of last year’s pilot program bringing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services from its storied, wood-paneled concert hall to people around the world. With the same high-definition technology that 92Y uses to livecast events, the organization will offer a live webcast of its Jewish High Holiday services and will also team up with JLTV, the 24/7 Jewish television network to make 92Y’s High

break your fast. not your back. pre-order your favorites ready-made for yom kippur

Holiday services available on TV in 42 million homes nationwide. JLTV reaches places with no existing Jewish communal infrastructure. Through JLTV’s feed to the Armed Forces Network, High Holiday services will also be available to reach American servicemen and women, Department of Defense civilians, and their families stationed in more than 175 countries around the world; a few of those serving the country will be joining as honored guests at 92Y throughout the holidays. 92Y’s High Holiday services are led by Rabbi Jen E. Krause, a nationally renowned writer, author, speaker and educator who has led these services since 2005. She is joined by Cantorial soloist, guitarist and musical director Josh Nelson, a classically trained vocalist and choral instructor with training in a broad range of liturgical styles and a career in modern Jewish music. The services will be webcast via For the JLTV broadcast of 92Y services, visit: Rosh Hashanah Services Sept. 4, Wed., 6:30 pm Sept. 5 and Sept. 6, Thu. and Fri., 10 am Yom Kippur Services Sept. 13, Fri., 6:45 pm—Kol Nidre Sept. 14, Sat., 10 am

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32 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

Shalom TV On Demand and Online For the fourth consecutive year, America’s national Jewish television network, Shalom TV, will televise High Holiday services. Viewers can partake in live services on the Shalom TV Channel as well as online. On the Shalom TV Channel, the holiday services of one of America’s leading Reform synagogues, Central Synagogue in New York City, will be televised live on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. While most of the services will

be conducted in the synagogue’s main sanctuary, Central Synagogue will hold its opening service on Rosh Hashanah Eve at Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall. Rosh Hashanah Services Erev Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 4, Wed., 8 pm Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 5, Thu., 9:30 am Rosh Hashanah Evening Sept. 5, Thu., 6 pm Yom Kippur Services Kol Nidrei, Sept. 13, Fri., 6 and 8:30 pm Yom Kippur, Sept. 14, Sat, 9 and 10:45 am In most areas, The Shalom TV Channel may also be viewed on Roku (Go to Roku Store under “Spiritual”) and on-line on computer, mobile devices and the iPad by visiting (“Watch Live”). For those who watch Shalom TV On Demand, egalitarian High Holiday services conducted by Shalom TV President Rabbi Mark S. Golub will be available any time of day or night throughout the holidays — with on-screen Hebrew, transliteration and translation. Viewers can access the “On Demand” High Holiday services through the Free On Demand portals of their cable system, or by visiting the Shalom TV website ( For a complete listing of times for live services during the holidays on the Shalom TV Channel, check your guide Channel or the Shalom TV website (www.shalomtv. com) and click on “Channel Schedule” at the top of the homepage.

H O L I D A Y R e cip e s Martha Mednick-Glasser

Old World Rye Bread [or Soldier Bread] Martha has made this recipe for her family’s Yom Kippur break fast tradition since 1980. This Old World rye recipe makes a heavy, dense, dark bread that comes out slightly different every year, she says, depending on the ingredients used and additions to the recipe. The base recipe remains the same, though,

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as does her family’s anticipation of breaking the fast with a bite of bread shmeared with softened butter and washed down with a shot of 12-year-old Scotch or sparkling water.

Martha Mednick-Glasser

I n g r e die nts 2 cups rye flour ¼ cup cocoa 1½ cup water (black coffee optional) ½ cup light (or dark) molasses 2 tsp kosher salt 2 tbs caraway seed 2 tbs butter 2½ cups white flour or whole wheat flour D i r e c tions Combine the rye flour and cocoa. Do not sift. Dissolve the yeast in ½ cup warm water. Combine the molasses, the remaining 1 cup warm water, the salt and caraway seed in a large bowl. Add the rye flour and cocoa, the yeast mixture, the butter and 1 cup white or whole wheat flour.

WAKE UP TO A SOUND THAT CAN CHANGE LIVES. This New Year be extraordinary. Bring hope to people in despair. Nurture and sustain our Jewish community. Your gift to Federation makes it possible, all year long.

Beat until dough is smooth, spread the remaining flour on a breadboard and

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knead it into the dough. Add more flour if necessary to make a firm dough that is smooth and elastic. Place in a buttered bowl, cover, and rise. It will double in about 2 hours. Punch dough down, shape into a round loaf, and place on a buttered cookie sheet that has been sprinkled with cornmeal. Let rise about 50 minutes. (If you double the recipe it may take 2 hours). Bake in a 375° oven 35 to 40 minutes. Note: This recipe doubles easily, and if desired, ½ cup brown sugar and 1 cup each of raisins and walnuts may be added. | Yom Kippur | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 33

At Yom Kippur, a heads-up on chest thumping by Edmon J. Rodman LOS ANGELES (JTA)—On Yom Kippur, when we beat our chests during the confession, maybe we should be knocking instead on our heads. After all, isn’t that where all the trouble starts? On this most physically demanding of Jewish days, Jewish tradition has us beat the heart side of our chests, as if to say this is the source of our falling short. During the Viddui—the confessional portion of the service composed of the Ashamnu and Al Chait—some of us tap, some of us rap, some of us pound really hard. Many do nothing, perhaps wondering if this is some kind of Jewish self-flagellation. Those who tap are reminded, without leaving marks, of the connection between

spirituality and physicality. But are we choosing the right body part to make our confession meaningful? In the Bible, it is widely accepted that the heart—in Hebrew, lev—is the seat of emotion. Maimonides even linked the heart with the intellect. So what about lightly tapping the side of our heads instead with a why-did-I-dothat kind of knock? Isn’t the head the place where, working in discord, our mouths and minds create the tsouris we confess? Beginning with Rosh Hashanah—literally head of the year—our heads are in our rituals. We put tefillin on our bicep, next to the heart—unless you’re left-handed, like me—but we also wear tefillin on our head, before our eyes. On Friday nights when parents bless their kids, their hands are placed on the heads of their children.

Confusing head and heart even more, in Psalm 90, an ideal is held up of obtaining a “heart of wisdom.” So which to tap, heart or head? To Rabbi Goldie Milgram—the founder of Reclaiming Judaism, an organization seeking Jewish innovation and “maximal involvement,” and author and publisher of a number of books on creating a meaningful Jewish life—striking one’s chest on Yom Kippur is an acknowledgment that “I am out of alignment.” Tapping on the chest is a way to realign, Milgram says. When I asked Rabbi Milgram about my idea of tapping on one’s head, she wondered why I would want to do that. “In Judaism, the heart is the seat,” she says. “Your awareness of ‘ahavat Hashem’ [love of God] starts in the heart,” the rabbi added, explaining that seeing the head as

the center is a Western tradition. Milgram also interprets tapping on the heart as a kind of drumming. “The body is the instrument,” she says, making a connection between drumbeat and heartbeat, and suggesting that while we are tapping to “listen to both your head and your heart.” “Tapping on your chest, the door of your heart flies open,” she says. “That’s the beginning of teshuvah,” mentioning the Jewish concept of returning, or asking forgiveness, that beats through the Yom Kippur liturgy. The Viddui, she says, is written in the “‘we.’ We take responsibility.” For that I would need both heart and head. —Edmon J. Rodman is a JTA columnist who writes on Jewish life from Los Angeles.

Teri and I wish you an easy fast and that you and your family may be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life. May 5774 be one of peace for you, your family, and Israel.

34 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

Congressman& Mrs.

Scott Rigell

L’Shana Tova

H O L I D A Y R e cip e s Executive Chef Daniel E. Hahn, CEC, CCA Beth Sholom Village Daniel E. Hahn, executive chef of Beth Sholom Village, has the distinction of being one of seven experts in Kosher cuisine in the United States. He has been with Beth Sholom Village since January 2006. Dan


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Best wishes for a happy and healthy year with shalom.


a 10-year journey. He received his initial certification and culinary degree, an AAS in culinary arts by accumulating more than 100

Daniel E. Hahn

hours of study and testing in all areas of culinary practice including nutrition, management, and sanitation. Chef Dan and the dietary team serve approximately 345 meals per day in the Berger-Goldrich Home. He receives a least four to five requests each week for his Pareve Challah Bread Pudding!

BRESS PAWN & JEWELRY 721 Granby Street Downtown Norfolk Free Parking 757 625 4228

Mandel Bread (serving size: 12) I n g r e die nts 5 eggs 1¼ cups of sugar 1¼ cups of oil 4¾ cups of flour 1¾ tablespoons of baking powder 1¾ tablespoons of vanilla Pr e par ation • Mix wet ingredients • Mix dry ingredients • Combine all ingredients until dough ball forms • Flatten the dough log out so that it is flat with a thickness of 1½ inches. • Bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown • Turn the oven down to 275 When the Mandel bread has cooled, cut into strips about ½ inch wide and put the strips back into the oven for another 8 to 12 minutes Remove from oven let cool and enjoy. NOTES: You can put almost anything you want into this dough, such as dried cranberries, blueberries, cherries, chocolate chips, etc.

Happy Holidays


Best wishes for a happy, healthy and peaceful year.

Friends School 1537 Laskin Rd. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 428-7534 •

A place where students belong. Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship | Yom Kippur | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 35

High Holidays 5774/2013 in Tidewater Check the Shalom Tidewater “How to Celebrate the High Holidays 5774/2013 in Tidewater” Blog on for more information regarding the following High Holiday services and events Beth Chaverim 757-463-3226 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4, 8 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5, 10:30 am Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13, 8 pm Yom Kippur Day Services Saturday, Sept. 14, 10:30 am Tickets are available to all. Contact the Beth Chaverim office to purchase. B’NAI ISRAEL 757-627-7358 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4 Eiruv Tavshillin Daf Yomi 5:30 am Selichos 6 am Shachris 7 am Chatzos (Mid-day) 1:03 pm Minchah 7 pm Candle Lighting 7:10 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5 Shachris 8 am HaMelech 8:45 am Beginners Service: 10 am Torah Reading 10:25 am Sermon 10:55 am Shofar (not before) 11:15 am Community Tashlich 5:45 pm Minchah 6:55 pm Class between Mincha and Maariv Maariv 8:08 pm Candle Lighting after 8:08 pm Rosh Hashanah Second Day Shachris 8 am HaMelech 8:45 am Torah Reading 10:25 am Sermon 10:55 am Shofar 11:15 am Minchah 6:55 pm Maariv Following Minchah Candle Lighting 7:07 pm Shekia (Sunset) 7:26 pm

Shabbos Shuva Shabbos, Sept. 7 Shachris 9 am Daf Yomi 4:20 pm Shabbos Shuva Sermon: 5:45 pm Minchah 6:50 pm Maariv/Havdala 8:04 pm

Morning Services 10 am Shofar Sounding 11:45 am Mincha 4:45 pm Tashlich Service 5:30 pm Evening Services 8:05 pm Community dinner 8:40 pm Light candles after 8:05 pm

Fast of Gedaliah Sunday, September 8 Fast begins 5:29 am Selichos 7:30 am Minchah 6:50 pm Fast ends 7:52 pm

Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sept. 6 Morning Services 10 am Shofar Sounding 11:45 am Light candles at 7:07 pm Mincha and Evening Services 7:10 pm

Aseres Yemei Teshuva Mon.–Thurs., Sept. 9–12 Daf Yomi 5:30/5:45 am Selichos 6:15/6:45 am Shachris 6:45/7 am Minchah 7 pm

Shabbat Shuva Saturday, Sept. 7 Morning Services 10 am Mincha & Evening Services 7 pm Shabbat ends at 8:02 pm

Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13 Daf Yomi 5:45 am Selichos 6:30 am Shachris 7 am Minchah 2:45 pm Kol Nidre 6:50 pm Candle Lighting before Kol Nidre

Fast of Gedalya Sunday, Sept. 8 Fast begins 5:07 am Fast ends at 7:53 pm

Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Shachris 8:45 am HaMelech 9:30 am Beginners Service: 10 am Torah reading 11:20 am Sermon 11:50 am Yizkor (approximately) 12:10 pm Minchah 5 pm Neilah 6:15 pm Havdalah 7:53 pm Chabad of Tidewater 757-616-0770 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4 Make Eruv Tavshilin Light candles at 7:10 pm Mincha and Evening Services 7:20 pm Community dinner 8:40 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5

36 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13 Morning Services 7:45 am Afternoon Service 3:30 pm Light candles at 6:56 pm Say Blessings 2 & 4 Fast begins at 7:10 pm Kol Nidrei Services 7:05 pm

morning service will occur with voluntary participation welcome. Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5, 9 am Worship Services, including a Torah Service. Volunteers for readings, procession and recession are needed. Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sep. 6, 8 am The Levy Chapel Congregation will join with Temple Israel of Norfolk for Second Day morning services. Cantor Sachnoff will participate in the service at Temple Israel Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13, 7 pm Worship Services Yom Kippur Day Services Saturday, Sept. 14, 9 am Worship Services, including a Torah Service before the Mid-Day break. All congregants wishing to have the names of their family read during Yizkor should submit the names to Cantor Sachnoff before the end of the morning service.

Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning Services 10 am Yizkor Memorial Service 12:30 pm Mincha & Neilah Service 5 pm Fast ends at 7:51 pm Followed by light refreshments

Yizkor 3:30 pm Havdallah Service sunset Annual Break The Fast Pot Luck will begin after Havdallah. See Mrs. Sachnoff for suggestions on what to bring, if planning to attend the Break-the-Fast. All items should be either dairy or pareve. For information about worship services and access to the Chapel, contact the Chaplains Office at 757-444-7361, Mon.–Fri. 8 am–3:30 pm.

Commodore Levy Chapel on Naval Station Norfolk* 757-444-7361

Congregation Beth El 757-625-7821

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4, 7 pm Worship Services Light refreshments after the service. Congregants wishing to contribute refreshments, please bring either dairy or pareve items. Discussion of

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4 Congregational Service 5:45 pm Family Service 5:45 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5 Shacharit 8:15 am

Babysitting 9:30 am Children’s services (K-7) 10:30 am Tashlikh (at the Hague) with B’nai Israel. A “rain-or-shine” experience.* 5:45 pm Mincha-Maariv (at Beth El) 7:30 pm Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, September 6 Shacharit 8:15 am Babysitting 10:30 am Children’s services (K–7) 10:30 am Mincha-maariv 7:30 pm Annual Cemetery Service at Forest Lawn Cemetery* Sunday, Sept. 8, 12:30 pm It is customary to visit the graves of family members who have passed on during the High Holy Day period. Rabbis Arnowitz and Kras along with Cantor Piltch will lead a special service. Kavanah to Kaparah* Monday, Sept. 9, 7 pm at Temple Emanuel Beth El will join with Temple Emanuel for a spiritually moving preparation for Yom Kippur. “Kavanah to Kaparah” allows the healing of wounds from hurts suffered over the past year. Program at the temple before walking to the Oceanfront. Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13, 7 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Shacharit 9 am Babysitting 10 am Yizkor 12:45pm Study session 4 pm Mincha 5:30pm Neilah 6:15pm Maariv 7:45pm Blowing of Shofar and Havdalah 7:55pm

Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13, 6 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning Services 9 am Yizkor 11:45 am (break at 2 pm) Services resume 6 pm Kempsville Conservative Synagogue—Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) 757-495-8510 Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sep. 5 Morning Services 9:30 am Tashlich 7 pm Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sept. 6 Morning Services 9:30 am Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13 Evening Services 6:50 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning Services 9:30 am Yizkor 12 pm Mincha and Neilah 6 pm High Holiday tickets may be purchased by non-members of KBH by making a donation. The basic charge is $120 for all three days of services, but the congregation accepts any amount offered. For information or to obtain tickets, visit www., e-mail kbhsynagogue@ or call 757-420-5891. Ohef Sholom Temple 757-625-4295 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4 Children’s Services (k-4th grade) 6:15 pm Evening Services 6:15 pm and 8:15 pm

Gomley Chesed 757-484-1019 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4, 6 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5 Morning Service 10 am (lunch by reservation) Evening Service 6 pm (dinner by reservation) Lunch and dinner are $15 each per person. Contact the synagogue for reservations. Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sept. 6 Morning Service 10 am

Evening Service 6 pm

Rosh Hashanah Thursday, Sept. 5 Children’s Services (k-4th grade) 9 am Morning Services 9 am and 11:30 am Tashlich 4:30 pm Kol Nidre Friday, Sept.13 Children’s Services (k-4th grade) 6:15 pm Evening Services

Newish and Jewish? Rebecca Bickford, Community Concierge for the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, maintains the Shalom Tidewater program, which provides outreach to Tidewater Jewish community members who are new or interested in becoming more involved. Contact: Rebecca Bickford, Community Concierge (757) 452-3180; Facebook: Twitter:

6:15pm and 8:15pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Children’s Services (k-4th grade) 9 am Morning Services 9 am and 11:30 am Afternoon study session with Rabbi Steinberg* 1:30 pm Afternoon Services* 2:45 pm Interlude featuring Barbara Chapman, harpist* 4 pm Memorial and Concluding Service* 4:15 pm Break-the-fast immediately following concluding service (Reservations required. Prices until August 31 are $18 per adult and $10 per child 13 and under. After Aug. 31 prices are $25 per adult and $15 per child) Tickets for non-affiliated guests are available at $100 for adults and $36 for 9–16 per ticket, paid in advance. Contact Sara at 625‑4295 or for more tickets or information. Temple Emanuel 757-428-2591 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4, 6 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5 Shacharit 9 am Babysitting drop-off begins** 9:30am Junior Congregation** (approx.) 11 am Tashlich 5 pm Mincha 6 pm Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sept. 6

Shacharit 9 am Babysitting drop-off begins** 9:30 am Junior Congregation** (approx.) 11 am Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 6 pm Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13 Babysitting drop-off begins** 6:15pm Services begin promptly 6:30 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning Service 9 am Babysitting drop-off begins** 10 am Junior Congregation* (approx.) 11 am Yizkor Service following Torah Services (approx.) 11:30 am Mincha and Neilah 5:15 pm Shofar Blowing Community Break the Fast 7:45 pm **Junior Congregation for ages 9 and up is scheduled during Torah Service in the sanctuary. Babysitting is available for younger children. RSVP to Beth Gross at the Temple office 428-2591. Tickets for High Holiday services may be purchased for out of town guests and/ or out of town family members for $100 per ticket by contacting the Temple office 757-428-2591. Temple Israel 757-489-4550 Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4 Minchah-Maariv 6:30pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5 Morning Service 8 am continued on page 38

*Tickets are not required for these services. For all others, contact the synagogues for membership information and ticket policies and costs. | Yom Kippur | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 37

High Holidays 5774/2013 in Tidewater continued from page 37

Torah Study with Kathryn Morton 9:30–10:30 am Children’s Arts and Crafts 9:30 am–10:30 am Children’s Services 10:30 am Tashlikh Outing 6 pm, home of Nancy Tucker, 255 N. Blake Road Minchah-Maariv 7 pm

Rosh Hashanah Second Day Friday, Sept. 6 Morning Service 8 am Children’s Arts and Crafts 9:30 am–10:30 am Children’s Services 10:30 am Minchah-Maariv 7 pm Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13

open 7 days a week

May you and your family have a Healthy and Happy Rosh HaShanah!

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38 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

Minchah and Kol Nidre 6:45 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning Services 8 am (YIZKOR) Torah Study with Kathryn Morton 9:30–10:30 am Children’s Arts and Crafts 9:30 am–10:30 am Children’s Services 10:30 am Minchah 5:15 pm Ne’ilah 6:30pm Sounding of the Shofar 7:45 pm Break the Fast to Follow Tidewater Chavurah* 757-497-8980 or 757-468-2675 Annually celebrates the Jewish High Holy Days with Services at The Simon Family Jewish Community Center in Virginia Beach.

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept. 4, 7 pm Rosh Hashanah First Day Thursday, Sept. 5, 10 am Tashlich Service, 4:30 pm, Potluck, Location TBD Kol Nidre Friday, Sept. 13 Evening services, 7 pm Yom Kippur Saturday, Sept. 14 Morning and Yizkor Services, 10 am Afternoon and Concluding Services 4:30 pm. location TBD

*Tickets are not required for these services. For all others, contact the synagogues for membership information and ticket policies and costs.

Spanish towns plan mock wedding at Sukkot Judaica festival


wo Spanish towns are preparing a two-day Judaica festival featuring a mock wedding to celebrate their lost Jewish heritage. The Sept. 28-29 event, during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, is being co-organized by non-Jews from San Juan and Rio Jerte in the province Extremadura in northwestern Spain. It also will include a Judaica market and songs, according to festival coordinator Antonio Gil. “This is a local event for the local population so that people who live here know that part of our history,” Gil says. Gil adds that the idea for the festival came last year from Maria Dolores Marin of San Juan and is not geared toward attracting tourists. In planning the event, Gil and Marin consulted Avigail Cohen Komer, an Israeli Jew who owns a shop in the nearby village of Hervas, where a Jewish festival is held every year. Northern Spain had a Jewish population of hundreds of thousands before

the Spanish Inquisition, which began in the late 15th century and drove countless Jews into exile. Others were forcefully converted to Christianity, though for decades many of the converted secretly practiced Judaism. In recent years, municipalities across Portugal and Spain have been spending millions of dollars renovating Jewish heritage sites. Gil says the festival’s organizers will decorate some homes that used to belong to Jews. The municipality of Zamora, some 130 miles north of the two towns, also announced its own Jewish project last month in which it will post plaques near its places of Jewish historical interest, according to the daily La Opinion-El Correo de Zamora. Zamora’s head of economic development, trade and tourism, Francisco Javier Gonzalez, says that the city has “a historic debt” to its Sephardic ancestors, who were forced to leave the Zamora and Castile and Leon. (JTA)

While you celebrate the New Year, think as you dip by Joel Magalnick

(JTNews)—I have a bush outside of my house that blooms brilliant flowers each spring. With those flowers come honeybees. Lots and lots of bees. When the bush starts growing out of control and I have this urge to break out my clippers and start trimming, something stops me: The knowledge that these bees, whether they know it or not, have to work extra hard since they need to pick up the slack from the billions of others that have been dying prematurely over the past decade. Known as colony collapse disorder, a perfect storm of factors has come together to decimate our bee populations, and the answers to why it’s happening have only begun to become clear. Here’s what’s happening, in no particular order: The one-two punch of a virus and a fungus known as nosema ceranae, which alone aren’t enough to kill off the hives, but knock them out when brought together; a number of pesticides which in the lab were thought to be harmless to bees are actually showing up in nearly all bee carcass samples collected by government agencies; many of these pesticides sprayed on crops are drifting to wildflowers where bees collect pollen, increasing the chemicals in their fragile systems; dust that drifts from industrial harvests coats bees’ bodies and kills them—and there may be more factors. And these findings are still relatively new. “Nosema ceranae was only recently described in the U.S., the first time in 2007,” Walter (Steve) Sheppard, a professor of entomology at Washington State University, says. “But while no one really noticed, it has spread throughout the country.” Researchers in Sheppard’s department also discovered that nearly all of the dead bees sent to the WSU lab found “fairly high levels of multiple pesticide residues,” according to Sheppard. While the pesticides didn’t kill the bees outright, they did affect the bees’ immune systems and significantly reduced

their life expectancies. The magnitude of this problem can be viewed in thirds: Every year since 2006, beekeepers have seen a loss of a third of their colonies. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that one of every three bites of food we eat is dependent upon bee pollination. And as much as one third of our crops could be wiped out completely if we don’t have the bees to pollinate them. So why am I thinking about the bees right now? As Rosh Hashanah approaches, many of us begin thinking about the direct result of the bees’ pollination efforts: honey. It’s wonderfully sweet, it’s about as close as we can get to directly commune with nature, and it’s endangered. Thinking about just the honey doesn’t take into account the apples, which we of course use for dipping. What would it mean if the apple harvest imploded? Or the disappearance of cherries, peaches, blueberries, squash, grapes? What would you hang in your sukkah? While I don’t want to run around screaming as if the sky is falling, this is a most serious issue. Many of farming’s greatest minds have begun to devote all of their energies to mitigate the problem, as it appears we may be too late for a real solution. In the spirit of renewal, here are some suggestions to do your part to keep the honey on our Rosh Hashanah tables: • Contact your legislators, both state and federal, and let them know you support any efforts to help save our remaining bee populations, including tighter regulation of pesticide use. • When you can, buy organic produce and products. Yes, it’s more expensive, but the more we buy, the more it shows support for pesticide alternatives and our bees. • Write to pesticide companies and let them know your concerns. Yes, most of these companies are major conglomerates and tend to ignore comments from a handful of activists, but if they hear from many people who just want to be sure

they can have their honeycake, it could make a difference. • So many of us try to live the good food life—and it all starts with bees. When you wish your family and friends a sweet New Year, remember where the honey you’re dipping into comes from and

the effort the bees make to bring it to you. In the meanwhile, I’m going to grab my tree clippers. Their work is done; now mine can begin. —‚Joel Magalnick is the editor of JTNews based in Seattle, Wash.

Congregation Beth Chaverim 3820 Stoneshore Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-463-3226

High Holy Days Schedule September 4th – 8:00pm Eve of Rosh Hashana September 5th – 10:30am Rosh Hashana September 13th – 8:00pm Kol Nidre September 14th – 10:30am Yom Kippur | Yom Kippur | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 39

High Holidays in the Holy Land: Part II by Raven P. Rutherford

Less than two weeks after moving to Israel from Virginia Beach in September 2012, the big question I found myself faced with was: “What do I do for the high holidays?”


decided to go to Kol Nidre services for Erev Yom Kippur with four people from my program, as well as some new Israeli friends. We wanted to get the full experience of the “Holy Land High Holidays,” so we chose to go to the Great Synagogue—a temple on Allenby Street. Not only was this my first time in an Israeli temple; it was also the first time I’d ever been in an Orthodox synagogue. Not knowing what to expect, I was a little hesitant, to say the least. Would they let us in? Would we have to wear head coverings (our Israeli friends said we might)? Would anything be familiar? Yes. No, and no. We walked right into the temple, were greeted with a basket of scarves for our heads or shoulders (which we didn’t need), and immediately were separated from the men in our group by a stairwell; we went upstairs, they stayed downstairs. I was definitely overdressed in my long skirt and conservative sweater. I saw women in yoga pants and jeans—men, too. Of the men I could see, that is. In our balcony seats, the railings were so high up that I was unable to see anything going on below unless I stood up to watch, and even then it was a stretch. The mood among the women was strange to me, some of them were sitting in groups just talking, while others glared and attempted to pray, and there was a constant flow of people coming and going. The setting, the people and the prayers were all unfamiliar to me—memorable, but not one I’d choose to repeat. After about an hour, we all decided we

experience, the drums, piano, and guitar have NOTHING to do, as the entire that came out a bit later sealed the deal. country shut down for a solid 24 hours; We were made to feel welcome: the the feeling was both disconcerting and booklets that were used for the service were comforting. all in Hebrew, but when the rabbi realized In some ways, simply being in Israel a few of us were English-speakers, made me feel more connected to There he did his best to translate when Judaism than going to any relihe could. The woman leading gious service ever could. But was not the singing portions of the the 2012 High Holiday serservice had the most incredvices I did attend there gave a single car ible voice I’d ever heard in a me a perspective I wouldn’t in sight, not a temple—or anywhere—and have gotten anywhere else. compelled us all to sing. My celebration and obsersingle store or It was easier to participate vance of Rosh Hashanah and restaurant and follow along, because Yom Kippur went from one a lot more syllables were extreme to another, however, light on. used, especially “lailailai” and the question of what I would do “yaidaidai.” The handclapping and for the High Holidays in Israel was dancing helped, too. This was yet another answered more fully than I ever could have memorable experience to add to my threeimagined. week-young adventure in the holy land. —Raven Rutherford is a Virginia Beach The rest of Yom Kippur consisted of native. To read her article on Rosh Hashanah several leisurely walks around the city, and in Israel that was published in the Aug. 19, spending time with my international and 2013 issue of Jewish News, go to www.jewIsraeli friends. It was strange to actually and click on ‘Special Sections.’

had had enough for the night, but little did we know what was happening outside—or not happening, as we discovered. It was as though someone had taken this major world city, usually teeming with taxis and buses and hundreds of people, dimmed the lights and turned the volume down. There was not a single car in sight, not a single store or restaurant light on. There were just people, meandering about in the middle of the street. There were the religious, going to or from temple, and the more secular—Israelis, non-Jews or tourists—getting some fresh air, and me and my friends, too. Yom Kippur in Israel is like nothing I have ever, or probably will ever, experience. The next morning, I chose to attend services with a nondenominational Jewish group that was the polar opposite of what I had encountered the night before, and still, like nothing I had ever taken part in before. We began, men, women and children sitting together, with a guided meditation. If that wasn’t enough to let me know that this was The entire country shut down for a solid 24 hours. going to be a unique

40 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | Yom Kippur |

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