Jewish News September 3rd 2012

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2 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |


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upfront Simon Family JCC and Jewish Family Service Need Your Help!


he United Way of South Hampton Roads begins its 2012–2013

community fundraising campaign this month. Please strongly consider designating all or part of your United Way pledge to the Simon Family JCC and/or Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. Simply write in one or both agency’s names on your pledge card under “Specific Agency Name.” Your designation provides a critical hedge against possible cuts in future funding and an opportunity for additional funds in support of important services to the community. Designating your gift will fund needed scholarships for children attending JCC summer camp and

jewish news

New Reform wedding edition confronts same-sex ceremonies A new edition of a user-friendly guide to making a modern Jewish wedding has changed its approach to same-sex weddings. Rabbi Hara Person, publisher and director of CCAR Press, which publishes books for the Reform movement, said the new edition of Beyond Breaking the Glass: A Spiritual Guide to Your Jewish Wedding, which was published originally in 2001, contains many updates and revisions, but the biggest change is regarding same-sex marriages. “Whereas in the older edition, the term ‘commitment ceremony’ was used throughout the book, and same-sex ceremonies were discussed differently than ‘regular’ weddings, in this edition we do not differentiate for the most part,” Person said. “A wedding is a wedding, whether it is between a man and woman, or two men or two women. “ Person said the book also includes liturgical options for ceremonies between same-sex couples or couples involving transgendered persons. “It is important to note how much things have changed in these respects since the first edition now that some states have

legalized gay marriage and it has become so much accepted overall—after all, even the president has spoken out in support,” Person said. “This change of attitude is reflected in the book.” Person said that while there are still many specific choices that are up to the rabbi based on his or her interpretation of Jewish tradition, the book is meant to be a conversation starter. “It’s meant to be used as a book for rabbis to give to couples so that they can become more knowledgeable about Jewish weddings, the tradition of Jewish weddings,” she said. “It gives them creative options for certain parts of the ceremony.” Person said that other changes include an appendix focusing on how to write a wedding booklet (to hand out at the ceremony), new photographs that show a large range of types of couples, an updated design, a completely revised and more usable checklist, and new references to subjects such as making your wedding reflect your values, for example by serving organic food. (JTA)

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Sharon Freeman, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Alvin Wall, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2012 Jewish News all rights reserved Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

the Strelitz Early Childhood Center. It will support our most vulnerable and impoverished who require subsidized counseling, meals on wheels and guardianship services. Please designate, enrich lives and protect our vital services.


contents Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Jewish War Veterans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Election 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Reflections on a trip to Israel. . . . . . . 10 Rabbi Zoberman in Israel. . . . . . . . . . 11 Hebrew Ladies Charity: 110 years . . . 12 UJFT Annual Campaign. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Conservative congregations unite. . . . 15

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising September 17 Yom Kippur August 31 October 8 Mazel Tov September 21 October 22 October 5 November 12 Home October 26 November 26 Chanukah November 9 December 10 November 23 January 14, 2013 Super Sunday December 28 January 28 Mazel Tov January 4/11

JFS thanks donors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Summer Institute for Jewish educators . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Super Summer Shabbat. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Book Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 What’s Happening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Face to Face: Calvin Belkov. . . . . . . . 30


candle lighting

“I felt that I was going to fly right to heaven!” —page 30

Friday, Sept 7/Elul 20 Light candles at 7:05 pm Friday, Sept 14/Elul 27 Light candles at 6:54 pm Friday, Srpt 21/Tishrei 5 Light candles at 6:44 pm Friday, Sept 28/Tishrei 12 Light candles at 6:33 pm Friday, Oct 5/Tishrei 19 Light candles at 6:23 pm Friday, Oct 12/Tishrei 26 Light candles at 6:13 pm | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Nazi guard may be tried in Germany Prosecutors in the Bavarian city of Weiden think they have a good chance of bringing an 87-year-old former Auschwitz guard to trial. An investigation of the man— whose name has not yet been released by the Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes—shows that he volunteered for the Waffen SS in 1942 and was trained as a guard, according to the German news agency dpa. The guard worked at the arrivals ramp and in a guard tower at AuschwitzBirkenau, where he has been accused of contributing “significantly” to the murder of at least 344,000 people in the gas chambers in 1944. According to the report, most of the victims were Jews from Hungary. The man reportedly has lived for decades abroad, but now is a registered resident of a community in the Neustadt / Waldnaab district, which is why the court of Weiden has been chosen for a trial. Permanent residents of Germany are required to register with local police. Kurt Schrimm, head of the central investigation office, told the online newspaper that the case was a direct result of the verdict against former concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk, who died in March after being convicted as an accessory to murder of nearly 29,000 Jews at the Sobibor death camp in Poland. He was sentenced to five years in prison but the case was on appeal when he died. Schrimm said the Demjanjuk case “triggered a shift in the interpretation of the law,” expressly allowing courts to go after war criminals who enabled others to commit murder. Since then, the investigative body has aggressively pursued similar cases, starting with those that look most promising, he told (JTA) French-Jewish mother in custody battle dies in fall A Jewish mother from France locked in a custody battle with a Saudi prince fell to her death from an apartment window in Paris. Candice Cohen-Ahnine died last week, less than a month before she was to see her 11-year-old daughter for the first time in four years. It is unclear whether Cohen-Ahnine’s death was accidental or the result of foul play, according to the Daily Telegraph, which reported that French media have suggested Cohen-Ahnine had slipped and fallen to her death “as if she was escaping something dangerous.”

A Paris criminal court ruled in January in favor of Cohen-Ahnine’s plea to have her daughter, Haya, returned to her. CohenAhnine claimed that Haya has been held captive by the girl’s father, Prince Sattam al-Saud, a member of the Saudi royal family, since September 2008. The court also ordered Sattam to pay child support. Sattam continued to refuse to turn the girl over after the ruling, but had agreed to next month’s visit. Cohen-Ahnine alleged that when she agreed to visit Sattam with her daughter in 2008 after the couple had separated, she was swiftly locked up in a Riyadh palace and separated from Haya. Accused by authorities of being a Muslim who converted to Judaism—a capital crime in Saudi Arabia—Cohen-Ahnine was able to escape to the French Embassy and return to France. Haya remained behind and the two reportedly spoke occasionally by phone. Cohen-Ahnine, 34, met Sattam in London when she was 18. Despite their differences in religion and nationality, the couple continued their relationship, and Haya was born in 2001. But the couple separated in 2006; the prince allegedly said he would have to marry a cousin and could only keep Cohen-Ahnine as a mistress or second wife. Cohen-Ahnine published a book in French about the ordeal with the literally translated title “Give me back my daughter” (l’Archipel). (JTA)

College of Charleston gets $2 million for scholarships, campus Jewish life The College of Charleston received $2 million to be split between Jewish life on campus and full tuition scholarships for the children of clergy and religious educators. The Samuel R. and Regina K. Shapiro Endowment Scholarship was announced Monday, Aug. 20 with an initial $1 million pledge dedicated to a four-year scholarship program for the children of clergy and religious educators who otherwise would not be able to attend the South Carolina school. The first scholarships, available to in-state and out-of-state students, will be awarded for the Fall 2013 semester. The Shapiros, longtime contributors to the Yaschik/Arnold Jewish Studies Program at the College of Charleston, also pledged $1 million to support student life programming, including weekly dinners, alternative spring break trips and trips to Israel. (JTA)

4 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

Canadian singer Evan Malach wins international Hallelujah song contest Canadian singer and songwriter Evan Malach won an international Jewish singing contest. Malach, 27, sang the Israeli rock classic Canaanite Blues in the finals of the Hallelujah music competition on Aug. 16 before a live audience in Hod Hasharon. The 14 finalists performed personally selected Hebrew songs. Malach won an $8,000 prize and will be invited to record a duet with Israeli singer Dudu Fisher. The song will be distributed to Jewish radio stations throughout the world. He also will go on tour, singing in Jewish venues around the world. The contest’s 30 entrants had spent three weeks in Israel touring and performing. Courtney Simons of New York finished in second place and won $4,000. Polina Zizak of Russia was third and claimed its $2,000 prize. Last year’s winner, Mexican singer Adam Kleinberg, a distant cousin of David BenGurion who made aliyah earlier this year, concluded the evening with Meir Banai’s Geshem. (JTA) Reform, Conservative rabbis: Step up gun control Reform and Conservative rabbinical leaders called for increased gun controls in the wake of a spate of shootings. “Our tradition teaches: ‘Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor’ (Leviticus 19:16),” said a statement Aug. 16 issued by Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, the executive vice president of the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly. “As people of faith, the Rabbinical Assembly unequivocally calls upon lawmakers to take all available measures, to ensure the safety of the public to limit the availability of guns and the permissibility of their concealment.” A statement the same day by Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of Reform’s Religious Action Center, noted the shooting attack Aug. 15 by a man on the Family Research Council in which a guard was injured and alluded to shootings this summer at a movie theater in Colorado and a Sikh temple in Wisconsin that have claimed a total of 18 lives. “Guns are too pervasive in our society and too easily obtained by those with mental illness, nefarious goals—or both,” Saperstein said. “Abiding by the principles of the Constitution need not be incompatible with sensible gun control.”

Saperstein’s statement also noted increasingly vicious political rhetoric as an element; the FRC attacker reportedly opposed the group’s opposition to gay marriage, and the Wisconsin shooter was a white supremacist. “This trend of violence threatens us all and violates the values of respect for others that must be paramount in American civic and political life,” he said. (JTA)

Michigan St. Jewish student, police differ on whether attack was hate crime A Jewish student at Michigan State University said he was attacked at an offcampus party in what he is calling a hate crime. But the East Lansing Police Department said Tuesday, Aug. 28 that a preliminary investigation has determined that the incident two days earlier likely was not a hate crime, The State News reported. The police reportedly spoke with two witnesses and have identified a potential suspect who does not live in the area. Zach Tennen, 19, said that just before the assault on Sunday, Aug. 26, his attackers asked him if he was Jewish and that he answered in the affirmative, according to reports. Tennen, a resident of suburban Detroit and a sophomore at the university, told WDIV-TV in Detroit that his attackers also “were making Nazi and Hitler symbols and they said they were part of the KKK.” Tennen, whose jaw was broken in the attack near MSU’s East Lansing campus, was knocked unconscious. The assailants stapled his mouth shut through his gums. Others at the party watched as Tennen called a taxi to take him to the hospital. His mouth was surgically wired shut. His family has called the AntiDefamation League regarding the assault. Tennen plans to return to classes in a week. The university in an email statement referred all questions about the police investigation to East Lansing Police, as the incident occurred off campus. “Michigan State University’s Student Affairs and Services office has reached out to the family of the student who said he was assaulted in East Lansing to provide the academic and other support the student needs,” the statement also said. (JTA)

torah thought

Kee Tavo enterprise, in which God is a senior partner. It is precisely in the moment of peak rejoicing of the harvest’s fruitful yield that the celebrating Israelites are commanded to recall trying beginnings of their people’s sojourn and subsequent suffering in the crucible of Egyptian tyranny, lest a journey of forgetfulness and neglect ensues with disastrous consequences. It is difficult though to reconcile the lyrically tender words, so very relevant at he Israelites are taught that this trying time, in the Parsha of “hashkifa re-entering the Promised Land mimon kodschecha min-hashamayim uvais more than a physical act. At rech et-amcha et-Yisrael..” (“Behold from the core of their great adven- the heights of your holy abode, from heavture is a spiritual drama calling en and bless Your people, Israel…”), to the extraordinarily harsh and indescribfor giving thanks through a heartfelt able punishments to befall us for thanksgiving, to the God who led straying from God’s Covenant. Israel from diverse confines of Look How moving and beautiEgypt’s House of Bondage to ful is the following, “Look freedom’s open promise and down from down from Your holy the underlying premise of abode, from heaven and Sinai’s responsibility. Your holy abode, bless Your people Israel The expected offerand the soil You have ing to the priest from from heaven and bless given us, a land flowthe bounty of “a land ing with milk and flowing with milk and Your people Israel and honey, as you swore honey” and the conthe soil You have given us, to our fathers…You secrated field’s labor have affirmed this is designed as an a land flowing with milk and day that the Lord is uplifting recognition your God, that you of divine benevohoney, as you swore to our will walk in His lence that ought ways, that you will not go unnoticed, fathers…. You have affirmed observe His laws and but internalized commandments and for generations to this day that the Lord is your rules, and that you come. It becomes will obey Him. And a humbling act of God, that you will walk in the Lord has affirmed acknowledging an this day that you are, individual’s, along His ways, that you will as He Promised you, with a people’s limitaHis treasured people tions, particularly for observe His laws and which shall observe all a nation covenanted to His Commandments.” be “a kingdom of priests commandments and On the threshold of and a holy nation.” rules, and that you a New Year, filled with However, given the mighty challenges and, we human proclivity to take will obey Him. pray, also opportunities, may blessings for granted and put we pledge to pursue in tanaside the true record of one’s dem with the Most High the accomplishments and failings covenant’s loving, yet demanding for short-term self-aggrandizement, agenda for our sake, as well as that of the implicit in the Israelites’ approaching the priest with early goods is a remembrance Keeper of our lives. Shana Tova of shalom’s sweet blessings of these gifts’ divine origin which assumes even fuller significance while reciting the lib- of healing, hope and harmony! —Rabbi Israel Zoberman is the spiritual eration saga of the Exodus. A liberation also from our own petty narrowness and pagan leader of Congregation Beth Chaverim. blindness to the larger scene of the human


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TowneBank is an Equal Opportunity Employer. | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 5

Jewish War Veterans national meeting in Tidewater


by Fay Silverman

t began with a chance phone call to Temple Beth El and the question, “Where can a nice group of Jewish War Veterans have a kosher diner in Norfolk?” Several people put their minds together and suggested a dinner hosted at the Simon Family Jewish Community Center. Mike London, JWV dinner chair, suggested inviting the Tidewater Jewish community to the night honoring Jewish War Veterans of the Vietnam War and all Jewish Veterans. Members from the newly formed Military Appreciation Committee at Temple Beth El and Military Support & Outreach Committee at Ohef Sholom Temple accepted and participated, as well as several local Veterans. Anticipation built in the Cardo waiting for the arrival of the JCC Camp busses, lent for the evening to transport the convention attendees from the Sheraton in Downtown Norfolk to the Campus. Welcomes and greetings and big smiles were everywhere as the visitors enjoyed the local hospitality. Before dinner, Rabbi Jeffery Arnowitz led prayers at the Virginia Jewish War Memorial at the Sandler Family Campus.

It was a solemn and proud moment when the shofar was blown, followed by the playing of Taps. To add to the special night, London made sure the dinner tables where evenly mixed with JWV and community members, which left everyone with a greater appreciation and understanding of the diversity and depth of involvement of Jews in the military. This was the first time a local community interacted and participated in such a way with the JWV convention. Many said this was the most memorable night they could remember during a gathering. Glenn A. Saucier, facility director, The Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community, and the Campus staff created a beautiful patriotic setting and

provided wonderful food. The JWV Convention expects to return to Tidewater in several years, and the community looks forward to opening its doors again to welcome and thank these Jewish heroes. If interested in participating in the military appreciation committees, contact Temple Beth El at or Ohef Sholom at

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6 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

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JTA: GOP, Democratic conventions gain Jewish focus for similarities and gaps

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by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—It sounds like a political double feature with much of the same plot, but with different outcomes for the issues that tend to preoccupy Jewish voters. The same key words and themes are bouncing around Jewish events at the Republican convention in Tampa, Fla,. and at the Democratic convention in Charlotte, N.C.: “pro-Israel,” “marriage,” “Jewish vote” and “abortion.” With the exception of “pro-Israel,” however, the content of the sessions are as different as, well, Tampa (famed for its beaches and strip joints) and Charlotte (known for its seminaries and colonial history). There are telling programmatic differences as well. The National Jewish Democratic Council will maintain a recreational vehicle where convention-goers dropping by any time day or night are likely to run into one of the several dozen Jewish Democrats in the Senate and House. Prominent among those featured will be Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who chairs the Democratic National Committee. But Republicans boast only one national Jewish lawmaker, and Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, is a busy guy. The paucity of Jewish lawmakers helps explain why the Republican Jewish Coalition tends to dub its events “proIsrael” receptions and not “Jewish” events. The presence of national and local Jewish organizations can’t be denied at both conventions. The American Jewish Committee hosted Jewish-Latino events in both cities—Florida’s substantial Cuban American community trends Republican, while the

other Latino communities trend Democratic. Notably, however, the AJC’s only JewishAfrican American event—aimed at a community that votes overwhelmingly Democratic—is in Charlotte. This year’s there’s an AJC first for a convention: a Mormon-Jewish get-together cosponsored by the Tampa Jewish Federation, a nod to the interest in the faith of the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney. “This is not something we were doing 20 years ago,” Jason Isaacson, the AJC director of government and international affairs, says. “But obviously, it’s a community America is being introduced to in new ways in the course of this election campaign.” Most of the differences between the conventions have to do with an increasingly polarized polity. RJC and NJDC leaders agree that the overriding issue is one that will play out throughout the convention, not just in the Jewish forums on the sidelines: the economy. “American Jewish voters first and foremost are Americans,” says David Harris, the NJDC president and CEO. “The things that concern American Jews are primarily the things that concern most Americans, the economy, jobs, everyday kitchen table interests.” Jobs were also the core of Romney’s message, says Matt Brooks, the RJC director. “People are going to be looking to hear about his vision going forward,” he says. “Job creation, getting the economy moving.” That said, social issues also feature prominently, particularly among Jews at the conventions. The Democratic convention platform committee, heeding submissions from a slew of groups that included the AntiDefamation League and the NJDC, will endorse marriage equality. The Republican platform frames the


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8 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

candidates are in

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concept as an “assault on the foundations of Committee has co-hosted these events. our society”; language that gay Republicans Both parties and candidates are in sought that would have urged “respect and virtually identical places when it comes dignity” for gays was made vague, recom- to the Middle East peace process and mending instead “respect and dignity” for confronting Iran. all Americans. Romney’s surrogates successfully pushed On abortion, according to the National back attempts to introduce language into Journal, the GOP is adherthe GOP platform that ing to its 2008 plank. It would have undercut declares that the procecommitment to a twodure “is a fundamental state solution, BuzzFeed assault on the sanctity of Politics reported. innocent human life” and Yet, each side attempts Percent of Jews has no explicit exemption to depict the other as hapvoted for Obama for rape or incest. Romney less in defending Israel’s in 2008 has said he favors such interests. Rep. Paul Ryan exemptions. (D-Wis.), Romney’s runThe National Council ning mate, leveled a of Jewish Women, present typical GOP criticism of at both events, has reproObama at a town hall-type ductive rights high on its function on Monday, Aug. agenda and is allying with like-minded 27 in Goffstown, N.H. members of both parties to promote them. “When President Obama made the 1967 NCJW also will promote voter registra- borders the precondition for the beginning tion at both events; it strongly opposes of negotiations, it undercut our ally,’’ The efforts by some Republican legislatures New York Times quoted Ryan as saying. and governors to tighten voter registration, “It made it harder for the peace process to saying that requirements of photo IDs dis- move forward, and as a result we have no criminate against minorities and the elderly. peace process.’’ Likewise, both conventions feature sesObama’s 2011 speech proffering the sions on the perennial question of whether 1967 lines as the basis for negotiations noted this election will be the one that sees a sub- the necessity of land swaps, and included stantive shift in the Jewish vote. specific security guarantees for Israel. Brooks, the RJC director, spoke on the For its part, the NJDC is running an ad topic to reporters. In Charlotte, Rep. Jan noting Obama’s role in putting in place the Schakowsky (D-Ill.) will moderate a panel Iron Dome anti-missile system, and featuron the matter; with her will be speak- ing Israelis expressing their gratitude for ers from J Street, the liberal pro-Israel its efficacy during a recent spate of rocket lobby, NCJW and Bend the Arc: A Jewish attacks launched from the Gaza Strip. Partnership for Justice, the latter of which Jimmy Carter, the former president who seeks to revitalize neighborhoods. has angered Israel and some U.S. Jewish Republicans have been especially groups because of his warnings that Israel’s focused this year on moving Jewish votes, West Bank policies could culminate in an with the RJC running TV ads featuring apartheid state, will have a prime-time three disaffected Jewish 2008 Obama vot- speech at the Democratic convention, to be ers who say they are committed to Romney. delivered by video. Some groups, includEvidence has surfaced that at least two of ing the ADL and the Zionist Organization the three have been active in Republican of America, have criticized the slot, saying politics in the past, regardless of their votes Carter is divisive. four years ago. Differences of foreign policy emphasis Speaking on background, officials in include Romney preserving the two-state both parties have said that a showing of option in the platform and his interest in less than 70 percent for President Obama advancing peace talks should he become at the polls would represent a substantive president. undercutting of his support among Jews. Both candidates say that an Iran with Obama scored 78 percent of the Jewish vote a nuclear weapon is unacceptable, but in 2008 exit polls, although a deeper analy- the Romney campaign has suggested that sis of such polls this year by The Solomon Obama has not been assertive enough in Project, which examines the role of Jews in making clear to Iran the consequences of U.S. politics, sets his result at 74 percent. not making transparent its nuclear program. Not surprisingly, both parties feature Finally, in Charlotte, J Street will join events with “pro-Israel” in the title: The RJC the Arab American Institute as well as Reps. had a “Salute to Pro-Israel Officials,” and Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Steve Cohen NJDC will have a similar event. At past con- (D-Tenn.) in promoting the two-state soluventions, the American Israel Public Affairs tion as a cornerstone of U.S. policy.


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First Person

On my fourth trip to Israel, I found a nation struggling with historic challenges, but still optimistic about its future

Joel Rubin. by Joel Rubin


otti is a 28-year-old Orthodox Jew, trying to find himself in a country where seemingly half the population respects and appreciates his total devotion to his faith and the study of its texts; and the other half despises him for not contributing to the general welfare by paying taxes, working a steady job or serving in the military. Israel has challenges all around it, such as 380-million mostly unfriendly neighbors living in tribal societies in the throes of civil unrest. But the trip that 50 male “community leaders” from Tidewater took to the Jewish State the next to last week in July revealed to me that the gravest concern is one the citizens could solve themselves, if only they could be more tolerant of each other’s significantly different approaches to life and faith. Motti represents a small break in the impasse. He came to a program housed in Tel Aviv called Shachar, run by the JDC (Joint Distribution Committee or “Joint”), seeking guidance in securing a financial future for himself, his wife and four (so far) children. The money that Moti, clad in a black hat and coat and with curled payis hanging below each ear, receives from the government to subsidize his life of Orthodox scholarship was not enough to support his family. He asked the Shachar staff to help him transition into the Army, which was willing to accept him on his terms—no guns, no haircut, no weekend or even weeknight duty. Motti is now in

uniform Monday through Friday, learning skills that he can take into the private sector when his tour of what would be mandatory service for less Orthodox Jews in Israel ends. “The world has opened up to me,” he said through a translator. Another young man who spoke to us wanted to work in the private sector, not be a soldier. Shachar evaluated his limited skills (Haredi male Jews stop their secular studies after the eighth grade, the girls continue through the 12th, making them more employable) and determined that he had the gift of gab. He is now in a sales position with a financial services firm. In both cases, the men had to break the news of their decisions to their Ultra-Orthodox parents and rabbis. “I was the first one in my family to do this,” said Motti. “Fortunately they gave me their blessing.” The staff at Shachar says what they are doing is so sensitive that few people in Israel know the program exists, even though since 2006, JDC has eased the entry of more than 17,000 Haredim into gainful employment, which is important since the poverty rate among that population is 55%. Because the Joint did such an admirable job reinvigorating Judaism in Displaced Persons Camps in Europe after World War II, said Chaviva Eisler of JDC’s Employment Center, the organization continues to enjoy the trust of many religious Jews. But few actually follow Motti’s path, causing great resentment among the less observant and a current heated debate over whether to require Ultra-Orthodox Jews and Palestinian Israelis to perform military or community service. The Supreme Court has ruled that Tal Law, which authorizes the current exemption, is unconstitutional. But it remains on the books, and it will take the Knesset and Prime Minister to force the issue. To date they haven’t. During our four days and three nights in Israel, we heard much hand wringing about the demographic cliff Israel is approaching, as large Haredi families, with one or no working spouses, become an increasing financial burden on secular Israelis who must support them and every other government function, including a sophisticated military, with their taxes. “This is not the Israel your parents thought it would be,” said Alan Pinkas, a former Israeli Consul General to New York City. Jerusalem, both

10 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

the actual and religious capital of Israel, is the poorest city in the country, according to one vice mayor who met with us. One would think it would also be the least safe, given its diverse population, but our day and night there, which included a few glorious minutes at the Kotel, were as memorable as they were uneventful. We might have expected a bit more trouble at the West Bank’s heavily fortified Ramallah Checkpoint. Thanks to Art and Steve Sandler and David Brand, who used their considerable connections to gain us access to people and places typically off limits or unavailable to most visitors, we had the opportunity to watch the processing of Palestinians, some displaying angry scowls while showing their ID’s so they could travel outside their towns. Staring at them as they emerged from the screening process each day is the “Fence,” a large concrete fortress that stretches through much of the disputed territory, keeping out those who would do Israelis harm. Security is a constant topic of discussion. While we were in the country, the issue of Syrian chemical weapons, and whether they would fall into the wrong hands as the Assad regime collapses, was in the headlines. So was, of course, Iran. Aluf Benn, editor of Haaretz, one of Israel’s most prominent dailies, predicted his government will not go to war over Iran’s nuclear plans, at least not this summer in the heat of a U.S. Presidential election. “The problem is the day after an attack,” said Benn, “and uncertainty over what Barack Obama would do. And we are not sure about Mitt Romney either.” Meanwhile Benn believes Israel’s status in Europe and America is stronger than it has been in recent years, because of the uncertainty over who will ultimately rule in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Jordan et al. “The Western governments now understand there are more important things to worry about than West Bank settlements,” he said. And Ambassador Pinkas opined that Iran may actually be more concerned with Pakistan than Israel, in part because the “Persians believe the Arabs have contaminated Islam.” (photo: Brad Bangel) Even with all this,

however, it is hard not to feel optimistic when you are in Israel. Inventors are securing patents, high tech companies line the interstates around Tel Aviv, scientists win Nobel Prizes and entrepreneurs make advances in everything from medicine to agriculture. (Yes, we each planted a tree, adding to the 318-million placed in the ground by pioneers and other visitors over the past 64 years. We also enjoyed perhaps the best domestically grown fruits and vegetables, not to mention amazing meals, on the planet). We met current Israeli Navy seals and former ones who are helping turn around the lives of struggling youngsters so they can gain admission into the IDF. We saw busy streets and restaurants, despite an economy saddled with increased unemployment and costs to support disadvantaged populations, including tens of thousands of Sudanese and other African refugees who have come to the Jewish state, seeking asylum. We heard from the passionate Avraham Infeld about why we Jews have much to learn and share, from one of the owners of a “Better Place,” the startup firm that is developing the infrastructure for what they believe is the coming electric car revolution, and from a female Reform Rabbi who is angry that she must adapt to a religious state where Orthodox soldiers walked out of a performance by a group of women singers and where some weddings she conducts must be done off shore. At the end we accomplished the major goal of the mission by bonding as a group. Our directive was to take the relationships that bloomed in the holy land back to Hampton Roads and build a community that can sustain itself and Israel, too.

First Person

A report from Israel by Rabbi Israel Zoberman


he month of July is my annual pilgrimage to our beloved State of Israel, the world’s one and only sovereign Jewish entity where I was fortunate to grow up. This trip happened to be no less eventful then previous ones. My remarkable mom, Chasia, a Polish Holocaust survivor, celebrated her 90th birthday in the midst of a loving and appreciative family that sang her earned praises. She remains very independent and an immense source of support and inspiration, including sharing with Israel’s youth her Holocaust saga. The Iranian-Hizbollah terrorist bombing at the Bourgas, Bulgaria, airport claiming the lives of five Israelis and one Bulgarian, injuring many, was at the sight where I, too, boarded an Israeli tourist bus in July, 2010 for a first visit to the ex-Communist country with long Jewish roots. We gratefully recall Bulgaria’s king protecting the Jewish community during WWII. Yitzchak Shamir, Israel’s seventh prime minister and the pre- state Lechi commander, died in July. His wife was from Bulgaria. He will be remembered for attending, albeit reluctantly, the 1991 Madrid Peace Conference. Also in July, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, won some of his legal battles. Israel is facing challenges from within and without, while flourishing as never before, testimony to an incomparable reality called Israel defying ordinary definition. Recent unrest over economic, social and political issues has not abated, with demonstrations and the shocking first Israeli, 50-year-old Moshe Silman, performing selfimmolation. There is a stir concerning the urgent needs of the fast diminishing Holocaust survivors with the state pledging greater financial support. A hotly debated theme is the conscription into Tzahal of ultra-Orthodox men who thus far have been exempt. It caused the Kadima party, created by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to quit the government coalition following the rejection of the Plasner Commission report by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has since changed his mind with the “help” of Israel’s Supreme Court. He is known for his zig-zags, where a coalition type government can lead.

The status of illegal refugees infiltrating Israel through the now lawless Sinai Peninsula, as well as the proper treatment of foreign workers and their families whose stay has expired, are of concern. The carnage and upheaval in neighboring Syria is profoundly unsettling, morally and politically, with Israel’s leaders calling for President Assad to step down. There is also uncertainty of relations with an Egypt in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Middle East again finds itself in a highly explosive context that can result in regional war. Above all is the growing threat of a nuclear armed Iran. Prime Minister Netanyahu reiterated that such an option is unacceptable and that the imposed sanctions failed for even “one iota” to change Iran’s determined course. I had the opportunity to join Israelis on a week’s trip to Montenegro and southern Croatia. Montenegro, the last country in the former Yugoslavia to become independent, is blessed with enchanting natural scenery. Dubrovnik, Croatia’s undisputed jewel, attracting tourists from all over the globe, lived up to its great reputation. It bears though the preserved scars of the last war when attacked by Serbia and Montenegro, in spite of Dubrovnik’s significance. Deeply moving was the visit to its historic synagogue with reminders of Jewish suffering during the Holocaust. Dubrovnik’s Jewish life dates back to the 15th century. I got to practice my native Hebrew tongue (if you don’t use, it you lose it) and purchased some new books to read and review. The Israeli literature is rich and creative, one of Zionism’s proudest accomplishments. Many English words have entered the still evolving Hebrew language, which is problematic though testimony to Israel’s close bond with the United States. An interesting phenomenon is the ubiquitous presence of the Russian language, reflecting the huge impact of almost a million citizens (not all Jewish) from the former Soviet Union. I also walked and sweated a lot enjoying falafel and shwarma, in addition to my mom’s dishes which, of course, are incomparable. Let us pray and act at this sacred season, with so much at stake, for the sake of Zion and Jerusalem which is our own! —Rabbi Israel Zoberman is the spiritual leader of congregation Beth Chaverim.

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4740 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (At Town Center) (757) 497-4854 • | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 11

Hebrew Ladies Charity: 110 years

Times change…but the vision remains the same for Hebrew Ladies Charity Society her 25 years as president, the Society set the dues at $3 a year to support a Free Loan Fund, scholarships at the Norfolk branch of This is the second in a series of articles about William and Mary and a Baltimore yeshiva, the 110th anniversary of the Hebrew Ladies housing and jobs for immigrants, milk for Charity Society. children, and dowries for brides. Three of Rosa Saks Brener’s heirs, ig things make headlines, but Florence Brener Kroskin, Helen Brener little things can also make a Sherman and Judy Sherman Dobrinsky difference. The nine Orthodox served as president over the years. While Jewish women who started the Rosa was a member, the Society made its Hebrew Ladies Charity Society annual distribution of food and money durin 1902 were limited in the big things they ing Passover and the High Holidays so that could do by tradition and the times, so they families could plan traditional observances. sought to make a difference one small gift at Rachael “Ray” Cohen, originally from a time, one individual at a time. Nashville, raised four children in West They impacted genGhent. In Norfolk, she erations of gift-givers and was involved in her famrecipients and, perhaps, ily-owned pawnshop on made headlines after all. Main St. Cohen personTo honor the nine ally delivered clothing to founders of HLCS and their needy children, climbing Women founded grandchildren and greatthe stairs in apartment Hebrew Ladies grandchildren, a salute to houses without elevaCharity Society them will take place Oct. tors. For 35 years, she 23 at Beth Sholom Village, served as chairman of the with a “tip of our hats” with organization’s Free Loan a luncheon and a fashion show featuring Fund, lending money, without interest, to millinery. This is so appropriate because deserving people. One of her daughters, no “lady” in 1902 would be seen in public Freda Berman Amelson, served as president without an attractive hat, and neither will of HLCS for five years and as chairman of members of HLCS for this occasion. the Free Loan Fund for eight years. Who were these wives and mothers Two of the founders, Rebecca Goodman who gave so much of their time and of and Sara Dean Legum, spent so much time themselves? together doing HLCS business that their Fannie Honig Brenner, 33, the mother children, Jake and Tillie, later married. of eight children, was the organizer. During The women pushed their baby carriages by Rena Dorf Rogoff, Hebrew Ladies Charity Society



Lawrence Brenner, grandson of Fannie Brenner the original founder.

Fannie Brenner, the original founder of the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society.

12 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

Daughter of founder Ray Cohen, Freda Berman Amelson, served as past president of Hebrew Ladies Charity Society and as Free Loan Chairman for eight years.

Original founder Ray Cohen’s granddaughter, Arlene Kesser (middle) with her daughters Sharon Laderberg and Laura Kesser.

Sisters Judy Eichelbaum and Joan Harrison, granddaughters of original founder Frieda Schapiro.

Judy Eichelbaum and Joan Harrison with their grandmother Frieda Schapiro, an original founder.

around Norfolk collecting 25 cents a month toward the $3 per year membership dues and delivering food, money and medicine. They held card parties to raise funds for the

organization. Frieda Crockin Schapiro, mother of six, was very active on a committee to find housing and kosher food for Jewish visitors

The Hebrew Ladies Charity Society donated an ambulance to the Red Cross. Posing here are: Unidentified, Bertha Siegel, Rosa Brener, Red Cross representative (unidentified), Ray Cohen, Augusta Marx, and Florence Kroskin.

Tip Your Hat to the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society The entire community is invited to the 110th Anniversary Celebration of Sylvia Legum, daughter of founder Bertha Siegel, held the position of recording secretary for 20 years.

Founder Rebecca Goodman (middle back) with her family, including Stanley Goodman (front left).

to Norfolk. She loved music and often took her granddaughters, Joan Harrison and Judy Eichelbaum, to shows around the city, and in return, the girls would create a stage in grandma’s home, singing and dancing. Harrison says, ”I remember Grandmother as having gray hair arranged in a bun and wearing dark clothing and laced shoes.” Schapiro’s husband, the town mohel, knew everyone in the area. Having served as treasurer from 1902 until her death 55 years later, Bertha Siegel was also chairman of the Society’s table to roll bandages for the Red Cross during World War I. Her

daughter, Sylvia Legum, held the job of recording secretary for 20 years. The final two founders, Hennye Shaeffer and Annie Spensky, like the others, walked around the community holding large white handkerchiefs into which quarters were dropped for the good works of the Society. They helped plan weddings for those who could not afford the cost of a bridal gown or a reception and gave money for confirmation dresses, utility bills and decent burials. In recent years, through a partnership with Jewish Family Service, the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society has provided funds

Stanley Goodman, grandson of two founders: Rebecca Goodman and Sara Legum.

for home nursing care, medicine, and assistance and acculturation for the new Russian families who arrived in the community. The latest effort, 110 years after the founders began their work, will go toward the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater, for which the group has created “The 110th Anniversary Society.” Those who become members of this society will give a one-time gift of $110, to be placed into a special account to support those who will need the services of the joint venture of JFS and Beth Sholom Village. Photos by Laine Rutherford

The Hebrew Ladies Charity Society Tuesday, Oct. 23 11:30 am Beth Sholom Village 6401 Auburn Drive Virginia Beach $20 per person For information, call Frances Levy Birshtein, 226-0037


LOCAL SYNAGOGUES: B’nai Israel Beth Chaverim Commodore Levy Chapel Chabad Beth El Gomley Chesed Kempsville Conservative Synagogue Ohef Sholom Temple Temple Emanuel Temple Israel Tidewater Chavurah

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2013 Annual Campaign begins with emotional photos and first hand accounts


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14 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

Thursday, Sept. 27, 6–8 pm

he United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2013 Annual Campaign begins on Thursday, September 27 from 6-8 p.m., at the Sandler Family Campus. The Kick Off event features the opening of From Gondar to Jerusalem: The Remarkable Rescue of Ethiopia’s Jews, a compelling, limited-run photo exhibition documenting the process of Ethiopian Jews taking the final steps along their journey to Israel. Sharing their own powerful stories about the rescue of Ethiopia’s Jews will be the firsthand accounts of Micha Feldman, “Abba Micha,” who was involved in the remarkable airlifts of thousands of Ethiopians in Operation Moses and Operation Solomon, and who continues to be an advocate for Ethiopian Israelis (see a review of his book on page 22), and local resident Maly Gaday Jackson. As a young Ethiopian Jew, Jackson and her family escaped the country during Operation Moses and resettled in Israel. She now lives with her husband and children in Tidewater and is an assistant teacher at the Strelitz Early Childhood Center on the Sandler Family Campus. This engaging and fascinating evening marks the start of the fundraising year of the UJFT, which financially supports, among other important causes, the rescue

Photo by Offer Dahan. This and other compelling photos documenting the journey of Ethiopia’s Jews to Israel will be shown in the exhibit featured at the Kick Off.

and renewal of Jews all over the world. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. For more information, or to RSVP, call 757‑965‑6115, or email

ADL urges Jewish institutions to ‘think security’ during upcoming High Holidays and everyday New York, N.Y.—In advance of the Jewish High Holidays, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is reaching out to synagogues and Jewish communal institutions across the country to provide information on security preparedness and to remind them to have procedures in place that make security a priority. “As we do every year, we are urging Jewish institutions to take stock of their security in advance of the holidays to make sure they have the proper procedures in place to help ensure the safety of congregants during the High Holy Days and every day,” says Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. “Simple steps such as developing a relationship with local law enforcement can go a long way toward ensuring that security risks are mitigated. Jewish institutions should always ‘think security’ 365 days a year, and the High

Holidays are a good time to reinforce this and to remind people of how important it is to make security a priority.” Working through its network of 30 regional offices across the country, ADL has shared its security manual, “Protecting Your Jewish Institution: Security Strategies for Today’s Dangerous World,” with hundreds of synagogues and communal institutions nationwide. The manual is regularly updated to provide new information and best practices for ensuring the security of religious and communal institutions. A longtime leader in security awareness, ADL’s full array of online resources is available at The League’s online guides include security tips and strategies for holiday services, including sections devoted to risk assessment, access control, identifying suspicious activity, and much more.

JELF awards $675,000 in interest-free student loans for 2012–2013 academic year Applications now available for 2013 spring semester


he Jewish Educational Loan Fund has maintained its impressive 99 percent awarded more than $675,000 in repayment rate. As students repay their interest-free loans, JELF uses loans to Jewish stuthose payments dents throughout to make new Georgia, Florida, loans, creating a South Carolina, circle of tzedakah. North Carolina JELF loans are loaned to students in Tidewater and Virginia for the need-based and 2012–2013 school can be used for year. A record full-time undernumber of appligraduate and cants came to JELF graduate degrees seeking to fill the gap between the resources as well as vocational programs. they assembled through grants, loans and For additional information, contact Lara scholarships and the real cost of their educa- Dorfman, JELF executive director at 770tion. JELF responded to the rising need by 396-3080 or visit Applications loaning more than ever before in a single year. for a JELF interest-free loan for the spring JELF loaned more than $19,000 to students 2013 semester are available Sept. 2–30. in Tidewater. Applications for the 2013–2014 academic While JELF currently administers more year will be available on JELF’s website at than $3.6 million in outstanding loans, it in March 2013.


A community united in prayer and fellowship


by Eliezer Bar-Adon

he Conservative congregations of Norfolk and Virginia Beach have enjoyed many collaborative programs in the past. Congregation Beth El, Kehillath Beth Ha-Midrash (The Kempsville Conservative Congregation), Temple Emanuel and Temple Israel are again in a season of partnership. This past August 3, the four congregations met at the oceanfront for a seaside service. Seated on the sand at the 25th street causeway facing east, as is the traditional Jewish orientation in worship, congregants were treated to a beautiful sunset at the ocean. The rhythm of the rolling waves and the cadence of the tide became the accompaniment for the Friday evening Sabbath worship. The rabbis and cantors of all the congregations collaborated in service, sermon and song. More than 100 worshipers—about double the number from last year’s pilot project, involving Temple Emanuel and Temple Israel filled the beach and the air with the sound of their worship. Keyboard and guitar accompaniment provided a contemporary touch

to the timeless liturgy. After the service, the group enjoyed a traditional Shabbat dinner catered by Sue Adler, and served in the social hall of Temple Emanuel. The diners lingered until late in the evening, enjoying the unhurried pace of Shabbat and the fellowship of a gathering that went well beyond each synagogue’s normal routine. These four congregations will again gather for Selichot prayers on Saturday, Sept. 8, at 9 pm. These prayers are the time-honored introduction to the High Holiday season. Temple Israel, at 7255 Granby St., Norfolk, will host the services. The evening will begin with socializing and refreshments. At 9:30 pm, the Shir Darom Jewish community choir, conducted by Madeline Rossettini, will present a concert of sacred compositions, featuring the sounds of leading contemporary synagogue composers, among them Michael Isaacson, Ben Steinberg and Debbie Friedman. Norfolk’s own Ezekiel Panitz is represented on the program, with two of his musical settings of the Psalms. After the spiritual concert, the Selichot prayers will be recited. The Selichot gathering is free and open to the public.


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The Crystal Ball For A Cure, Inc. is a non profit 501(c)(3) charity. Tax ID #27-0752220 | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 15

JFS Thanks 2011/2012 Donors Ways to give . . . JFS offers many different opportunities for charitable giving. In the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, the listed individuals and organizations generously provided support of JFS programs and services through donations made in the following categories:

UNITED WAY Each year the United Way of South Hampton Roads and the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula raise funds which are then allocated to support the services of their member agencies. When an individual makes a donation to the United Way, he/she has the opportunity of designating their gift to an agency of their preference. JFS sincerely thanks those who took the time to make this special designation in 2011/2012. Due to changes in the funding process, your designation provides a critical hedge against possible cuts in future funding and an opportunity for additional funds to support our most vulnerable and impoverished community members. Please designate your United Way gift to JFS by entering Jewish Family Service on the pledge form for the United Way of South Hampton Roads and the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula. *Note—The United Way may not yet have notified JFS of all donations made this past year. If your name is not on the list and you did make a donation for which we have not yet been notified, we thank you.

NEIGHBORHOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (N.A.P.) The Neighborhood Assistance Program of the Commonwealth of Virginia encourages private sector involvement in the alleviation of poverty in Virginia. The program allows for a tax credit allocation to businesses, individuals and charitable trusts that make contributions to eligible non-profit organizations. Organizations are awarded allocations on a basis of proven operational success and their ability to serve impoverished people.

JFS ANNUAL FUNDRAISER The 8th Annual JFS Week of Healthy Living, including the 8th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll races, held May 4–May 11, 2012 was a tremendous success thanks to the generosity of our donors, volunteers and the many health care professionals and community organizations that lent their time and expertise. The Week of Healthy Living continues to be a successful major fundraiser, while at the same time offering the community a wealth of information designed to promote healthy lifestyles and self-advocacy.

CONTRIBUTORS JFS receives many additional contributions throughout the year in support of various agency programs. These can include donations in recognition of a life-cycle event; donations to a particular program where a need has been identified in the community (ex. Chanukah Gift Program, Helping Hearts Program); donations to the Baskets of Hope program which provides food and financial assistance to local families in need and donations in direct support of a program or service that is dear to someone’s heart. All donations to JFS ensure an enduring gift that contributes greatly to the quality of life in our community.

PROGRAM ENDOWMENTS JFS continues to work closely with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) in terms of Program Endowment opportunities. Endowing a JFS program will ensure the financial stability and continuity of this program for years to come. Contact us to find out about the newest initiative of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, Create a Jewish Legacy. Please visit TJF’s website at or call Betty Ann Levin, JFS Executive Director, at 321‑2244 for more information. The Board of Directors and the staff of Jewish Family Service thank all of those donors mentioned in these pages, as well as those who have offered their direct support of certain programs or service areas through other venues of giving, such as endowment funds and grants. The agency is extremely fortunate to have behind it the strength of the Hampton Roads Jewish community. *If we have inadvertently left anyone out, we thank you and apologize in advance. Donations noted as of June 30, 2012.


L’Shana Tova 577

MITZVAH CORPS Monies donated to the JFS Mitzvah Corps campaign directly support programs within the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Center for Home Health, Older Adult & Administrative Services; the Dozoretz Center for Family Healing and the Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion. Other programs benefiting include Personal Affairs Management, Services for the Developmentally Disabled and Emergency Food, Shelter and Financial Assistance.

TRIBUTE BANKERS JFS Tribute Bankers are those who appreciate the convenience of electronic donations to JFS when they wish to honor an accomplishment or the memory of a loved one. Initial contributions (deposits) of $180.00 or $360.00 open an account and allow participation in this program. Withdrawals are made in $18.00 increments and allow for the easy processing of honorariums or memorials for frequent donors in these two areas. Tribute Bankers can send personalized cards simply by faxing, phoning or sending via e-mail their requests to JFS.

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ice of Tidewater Jewish Family Serv ! d Healthy New Year an t ee Sw a u Yo s Wishe

The A. F. Adler Family, L.P. Ms. Regina Abel Dr. & Mrs. Marc Abrams Mr. Harry B. Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Adelman Mr. Caleb Adler Mrs. Evelyn Adler Mr. Larry Adler Mr. & Mrs. S. Beryl Adler Mr. & Mrs. Davit Adut Advanced Technology Institute Mr. David Aikman Mr. & Mrs. Duane Aikman Ms. Melodi Albert The Alcaraz Mercadante West Investment Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Mr. Roman Alekseyev Mrs. Paula Alperin Mr. Scott N. Alperin P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Altschul Ms. Meril Amdursky Amity Club Ms. Judith Anderson Mr. Pierre Anderson Angelo Mesisco Salon Ms. Janice Anten APM Spine and Sports Physicians Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Arluk Rabbi & Mrs. Jeffrey Arnowitz Mr. Douglas Aronson Dr. Alison Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Michel C. Ashe Dr. & Mrs. Barry Atlas Atma Bohda Yoga Mr. & Mrs. Frank Auerbach Ms. Rebecca Auerbach Ms. Rosalyn L. August Mrs. Elayne B. Axel Mr. Stephen Baer & Ms. Joan London BakeFresh Manufacturing Co. Baker’s Crust Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Balaban Mr. & Mrs. David Balaban Ms. Lisa Balabat Ms. Sara Ballenger Linda L. & Leigh Baltuch Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bangel Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bangel Bangel, Bangel & Bangel, L.L.P. Ms. Bessie C. Banks Ms. Michelle Bargteil Mr. & Mrs. James E. Barnett Mrs. Clay H. Barr Ms. Susan P. Barr Ms. Suzanne L. Barr The Barr Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bartel Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bartel Mr. & Mrs. Gary Baum Mr. & Mrs. Jon Becker Ms. Sherri Becker Ms. Darby Beckman Mr. David Aaron Benjamin Mr. Reuben Benkovitz Mr. & Mrs. Jerimiah Bennett Ms. Cynthia Benson Mr. Vincent Bergan Ms. Rona Lee Berk Mr. & Mrs. Alex Berkowitz Ms. Beth Hirsch Berman Mr. & Mrs. Barry Bernstein Mr. Robert Berz Beskin and Associates Beth Chaverim Religious School Beth Chaverim Tzedakah Fund Beth El Temple Sisterhood

Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia Ms. Emily Bettendorf Better Care Family Homes Ms. Rebecca Bickford Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Bigger Bite Restaurant & Catering Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blachman Dr. David Block Mr. Robert D. Blondin Blue Ridge Mountain Sports Ms. Mary Bonzek Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bookbinder Ms. Rachel Booth Mr. & Mrs. Donald Borwick Mr. & Mrs. James Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Edward Breeden Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Breit Ms. Annette Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Morton Bresenoff Percy* Brill Refugee Assistance Fund Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brodsky Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Brodsky Stacy & H.J. Brody Foundation Mr. Hyman Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brooke Mr. & Mrs. David Brotman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brotman Mr. Richard F. Broudy Mr. Steven Brown & Dr. Beryl Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Browne Ms. Tanya Brubeck Mrs. Norma Butler Mr. Gregory Butts Mr. Frederick Buxbaum Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Buxbaum Ms. Sharon Byrd Ms. Stephanie Adler Calliott Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Caplan Caplan Family Fund Cardinal Services Dr. & Mrs. Neal Carl Carmines, Robbins & Company, Inc. Ms. Deborah Mancoll Casey Chabad Lubavitch of Tidewater Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Chapel Ms. Marsha Chenman Mr. Jeffrey Chernitzer Ms. Randi S. Chernitzer Chick-fil-A Mr. & Mrs. Eli Chovitz Mrs. Martha Chukinas Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Chutkow Mr. Scott M. Cimring Mr. & Mrs. Chris Clausen Mrs. Nancy A. Clements Coastal Gynecology Mr. & Mrs. Melton Cobb Ms. Lisa Coco Mr. Adam Cohen Mrs. Arleen Cohen Mr. & Mrs. David N. Cohen Mr. Evan R. Cohen Harold Cohen*, Jeanne*S. Cohen, Hilda & Harry Oser Fund Mr. Harris Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Cohen Mr. Hyman Cohen Mr. Leo J. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Cohen Mr. Paul Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ramon A. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Cohn Cohn/Gutterman Family Philanthropic Fund

Congregation Beth Chaverim Congregation Beth El Cookit, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson S. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Leon Cooper Mr. Paul Cooper Ms. Rita Cooper Ms. Samira Cooper Ms. Teri Lynn Cooper Cooper, Spong & Davis, PC Mr. & Mrs. Todd Copeland Copeland Associates Copeland Family Fund Mrs. Judy Corrado Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Correll Mr. Andrew Corwin Mr. Timothy Costen Ms. Carolyn Cricenti Mrs. Terri Cruz Mr. Ryan Curran Mr. & Mrs. Ed David Mr. & Mrs. Will David David Lawrence Rare Coins Mr. Marc A. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Behrooz Dayanim Ms. Barbara Deal Mrs. Dawn Decker Delta Dental Des Roches & Company, CPA’s Mrs. Hilde Gonsenhauser Deutsch Diamond Healthcare of James City County Mr. & Mrs. Alan Diamonstein Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Diamonstein Dick’s Sporting Goods Ms. Allison E. Dickens Mr. Rodney Diehl Dilarome Associates Limited LP Ms. Alice DiMarco Mr. Sid Dingman Mr. & Mrs. Andy Dobrinsky Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dobrinsky Ms. Phyllis Dobrinsky Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Donn Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Dorsk Dr. & Mrs. Ronald I. Dozoretz Dozoretz Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Dreyfus Ms. Emily Dreyfus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Drory Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Drory Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Duhl Earl Industries LLC Eco Maniac LLC Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Ehrlich Mr. Craig Einhorn Mr. & Mrs. Martin Einhorn Ms. Paula Eisen Mr. & Mrs. Allen Eisenpress Mr. Daniel Elmakis Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Engel Mr. & Mrs. Andre Evans Mrs. E. Werth Evans Farm Fresh Charitable Foundation Mr. James Farrell Mr. Paul Feeko Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Fekete Ms. Becky Lebowitz Feld Dr. & Mrs. William E. Feldman Dr. Anita Clair Fellman Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fenley Ms. Heidi Field Final Kick Sports Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Fineman Mr. Abe Firestone Dr. & Mrs. Adam Fischler Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Flax Mr. Joel Flax

Esther & Alan Fleder Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fleder Mrs. Lorraine Fleder Mr. & Mrs. Seth Fleishman Barbara Leterman Fletcher Fund Mr. Randall G. Flowers Ms. Barbara Flyr Mrs. Rhea D. Foreman Mrs. Vivian Fish Forman Fortune Finders of Virginia Mrs. Lucille Frank Mrs. Rita Frank Mr. & Mrs. William Frank Mrs. Esther Fratkin Mr. & Mrs. Martin Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frieden Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Frieden Mrs. Doris J. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Harold Friedman Mr. Jay M. Friedman Mr. Leslie H. Friedman Dr. Lora Friedman Ms. Marion Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Martin I. Friedman Friedman Agency, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Frierman Mr. Allan Frost Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Furman G & W Gifts & Awards Dr. & Mrs. Alan Gamsey Dr. & Mrs. Alan Ganderson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ganderson Ms. Gale Garner Ms. Deborah Garrison Ms. Holly Gebel Mrs. Leslie Genna Dr. Edward George & Ms. Karen Pearson Ms. Yolanda Gerard Ms. Karen S. Gershman Mrs. Beth Gerstein Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Gibbs Helen G. Gifford Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Gilbert Mr. Oscar Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Seth Gilbert Ms. Susan Gitlin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gitlitz Dr. & Mrs. M. David Gladstone Ms. Mary Glanzer Mr. & Mrs. Stan Glasofer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Glass Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glasser Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glasser Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Glassman Mrs. Pearl H. Glassman Mr. Mike Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Glickman Ms. Wendy Goldberg Mrs. Ethel P. Goldman Ms. Jane Klein Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Morton Goldmeier Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldner Dr. & Mrs. Keith Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Bennette W. Golub Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Ben Gordon Mr. Daniel Gordon Mr. & Mrs. James Gordon Gordon Paper Company, Inc. Dr. Michael Goretsky Ms. Donna Goudy Dr. & Mrs. Randolph Gould Gourmet Gang Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gower Mr. & Mrs. Harry Graber Dr. Michael Graff Grand Furniture

Mrs. Rebecca A. Green Ms. Robin Greene Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Greenhouse Ms. Sharon Greenspan Mr. & Mrs. Roye Greenzaid Ms. Nancy Gregoire Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Grell Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Gross Mr. & Mrs. Loren Groves Ms. Robin Gustin Mrs. Ruth Gutherz Mr. John Guthrie Ms. Diane L. Guyer Mrs. Sherri Breslow Hacke Mrs. Shirley Schulwolf Hainer Mr. Henry Hallerman Harbor Group International Ms. Mary Lou Harlow Mr. Jeffrey R. Harris Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Harris Mr. Harvey Harrison Mr. Steven Harwood & Ms. Susan Alper Ms. Jacquelyn Haywood Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Hebrew Ladies Charity Society Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Held Helga Macko Flowers Ms. Deborah Heller Mr. Richard Herzberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heyman Mrs. Deborah Hibberd Mr. & Mrs. Steven Hinshaw Mr. Lewis D. Hirschler HMG Family Limited Partnership LLP Dr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Hoffman Mr. Martin Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hoffman Ms. Marcia Hofheimer Mr. Robert Hofheimer Mr. Herbert Hoggard Mr. Sean Holihan Mr. W. Bogart Holland Ms. Maria Holtz Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S. Holzsweig Ms. Lenore G. Hooten The Steven and Michelle Horowitz Charitable Fund Ms. Susan Howell Ms. Ellen Rostov Hundley Mr. Carroll Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hurwitz Ms. Martha Katz Hyman Mrs. Sally Hyman Mrs. Myra Iacono IAT International, Inc. Ms. Davida Isaacs Mr. Jeffrey Jacobs Hon. & Mrs. Marc Jacobson Mr. Mark Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jacobson Mrs. Nancy S. Jacobson Mr. Richard Jacobson Dr. & Mrs. Alan Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Burton Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Jaffe Ms. Karen Jaffe Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Jaffe Dr. Danny Jason Mr. & Mrs. Joel Jason JCC Seniors Club Ms. Sheena Jeffers JFS Knitting for Others Group Jody’s Popcorn Johns Brothers Security Mr. Paul Johnson Mr. Joseph Johnston Ms. Susan Jones Jormandy L.L.C.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Josephberg Jungle Golf Mr. Bernard Kahn Ms. Sylvia R. Kahn Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Jack Kalfus Mr. David Kamer & Dr. Marcia Samuels Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kantor Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kantor Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kaplan Dr. Ivor Kaplan & Dr. Susan Kaplan Dr. & Mrs. Warren Karesh Mr. Jesse Karotkin Karotkin Family Philanthropic Fund Ms. Hallie Karotkin-Segerman Ms. Anna Karp Mrs. Florence B. Karp Mr. Roy & Dr. Glenda Karp Mr. David Kashy Ms. Katherine Katsias Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Katz Mrs. Mary Anne Katz Mr. Stuart E. Katz Ms. Susan Katz Mr. & Mrs. Norman Katzenberg Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman Ms. Deborah Kaufman Mr. Edward G. Kaufman Mrs. Linda Kaufman Mr. Ronald A. Kaufman Dr. Gary Kavit Mrs. Debra Mervis Keeling Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Keller Kempsville Conservative Synagogue Ms. Karen Kendall Ms. Linda Kent Mr. & Mrs. M. Barron Kesser Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Kestenbaum Mr. David Kilby Dr. & Mrs. Ronald King Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirschner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. William Kittner Klar Voorhees Orthodontic, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Klebanoff Mrs. Hanna Konikoff Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Konikoff Mr. Kyle Korte Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kossman Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Kostiner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kramer Milton* & Ron Kramer Restricted Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kramer Kramer Management Enterprises Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kreger Mrs. Clare Krell Dr. Norman Krell Celia K. Krichman Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Martin Krinick Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Dr. & Mrs. James Krochmal Mrs. Harriet Kronick Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Kroskin Krug Foundation Trust Dr. & Mrs. Scott Kruger Mrs. Tamra Kruger Mr. & Mrs. Christian Kuhn Mr. Alan H. Kurzer Mrs. Shirley Labiak Ms. Cathi M. Laderberg Dr. & Mrs. Steven Laderberg Mr. & Mrs. David Laibstain | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 17

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Laibstain Mr. & Mrs. Barry Lance Mr. Gary Landau Mr. Edward Landress Dr. & Mrs. David Lannik Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Lans Captain Norman Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Lask Ms. Shawna Lawhorn Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Laws Ms. Natosha Lawson Dr. Darryl Lynn Lefcoe Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lefcoe Vann* Lefcoe Memorial Fund Mr. & Mrs. Bertrum N. Legum Mrs. Rachel Anne Legum Mr. Ross E. Legum Mrs. Shirley S. Legum Mr. & Mrs. Steven Legum Ms. Danielle Leibovici Mr. Martin S. Leiderman Mr. Seymour Lenox Mr. & Mrs. Miles B. Leon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leon Mr. David Leon & Dr. Lisa Finkel Leon Mr. Bradley Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Scott Levin Mrs. Shirley Levin Mrs. Stephanie Levin Mr. Stanley Levinson Mr. David Levy Dr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Levy Mrs. Ina D. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Levy Mrs. Linda Levy Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levy Dr. Phillip M. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Levy Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Lewis Mr. Zachary Lewis Ms. Heather Lieb Ms. Etta Lind Mrs. Sylvia Linden Ms. Bonita A. Lindenberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Littman Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Liverman Mr. & Mrs. Reece Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Loeb Ms. Nancy Loewenberg Mr. & Mrs. Rick Lombart Mrs. Linda K. Longman Mr. Jason Lovitz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Low Drs. Barry & Louise Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Luckman Mr. & Mrs. Adam Lutkin Ms. Una MacGillivray Dr. & Mrs. David R. Maizel Mr. & Mrs. Mike Makela Dr. Herman Mallick* Mr. & Mrs. Matt Mancoll Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Mand Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Mr. Kevin Maner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mansbach Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marcus Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Margolius, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Burke W. Margulies Market at Ghent Ms. Elsie Martin Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Martin Mr. Justin Masterson Matthew & Karen Fine Fund Mr. Christopher May Mr. & Mrs. Robert May Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mayer Mrs. Irene Mazel Mr. Brian McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Larry McFarland Mr. Lee S. Mednikow

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Megroz Ms. June Mellman Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Meltsner Mrs. Cilda Meltzer Mr. Robert Melucci Dr. Moussa Y. Menasha Mr. David Mendelson Mr. & Mrs. Judd Mendelson Mr. Neal Menkes Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mersel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jay Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Meyers Mid-Atlantic Dermatology Center & Laser PC Mr. Richard Miles Mr. Baron Miller Mr. & Mrs. Claude Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold Miller Dr. & Mrs. Julius Miller Dr. & Mrs. Norman Miller Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Miller Mrs. Tanya Miller Ms. Rachel Millison Mr. Stephen B. Milner Ms. Dawn Misner Ms. Rebekah Monteith Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moore Ms. Betty L. Moritz Sidney & Sharon Morris Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Kathyrn Morton Dr. & Mrs. Scott Moscovitz Ms. Bernice Moses Mr. & Mrs. Doug Moses Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Moskowitz Dr. & Mrs. Gary Moss Mr. & Mrs. Marc Moss Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Muhlendorf Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Muhlendorf Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Munden Mr. & Mrs. Edward Murray Mr. Andrew R. Myers Ms. Anna Myers Mr. Joe Myers Ms. Margaret Nark Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nason Dr. & Mrs. Mark Nataupsky National Mah Jongg League, Inc Naval Station Norfolk Mr. & Mrs. Randy Needham Mrs. Sylvia Neff Mrs. Sally Jo Nelson Ms. Ellen H. Nesbit Mrs. Cindy Neville Ms. Karen Levy Newman Mrs. Mimi Nicholson Dr. & Mrs. Geofrey Nochimson Dr. Robert Nochimson Mr. & Mrs. John Norfleet Norfolk Admirals Norfolk Collegiate Lower School Harry & Rosalind Norkin Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Alan Nusbaum Dr. Robert Bernstein & Ms. Lisa Ehrich The Bertram & Lois* Nusbaum Jr. Fund Mrs. Joan Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nusbaum Mr. & Mrs. William L. Nusbaum Mr. Robert O’Meara Ohef Sholom Temple Hon. & Mrs. Norman Olitsky Mr. Edward Olshansky Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Ornoff Mrs. Arlene Owens Mr. & Mrs. Louis Padersky Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Panitz

18 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

Mr. George Parker Mr. & Mrs. John Parker Mr. Ordes Parnham Mr. Joseph Pavey Payday Payroll Services Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peck Ms. Rhona E. Peck Penn Quad Foundation Pier Pointe at Freemason Harbour Mrs. Bernice C. Pilzer Pincus Paul Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pomeranz Ms. Mary Poole Mrs. Elinore Porter Ms. Iris Porush Dr. Irvin Posner Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Posner Ms. Sara Powell Ms. Thadine Powell Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pributsky Ms. Helen Prince Professional Investigations– Tidewater Providence Dane, LLC Ms. Monica Puksta Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rafal Mr. & Mrs. David Rafal Mrs. Audrey Rapaport Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rashkind Mr. David Ratte Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rebby Mr. Robert Rebold Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reboli Mr. Edward Reed Mr. & Mrs. Mark Reel Renaissance Room Rent-to-Own Republican Professionals Network Mrs. Adele R. Rhodes Mr. Labe M. Richman Rita’s–Shore Drive Ms. Tina Ritz Mrs. Leona Roberts Mrs. Mildred Roberts Ms. Sarah Rock Rodef Sholom Temple Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Roesen Dr. & Mrs. Reuben Rohn Mr. Luis A. Roman Dr. Meredith Rose Mr. Neil Rose Ms. Dana Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Rosenbach Mr. & Mrs. Murray Rosenbach Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rosenbaum Ms. Sharon Rosenbaum Dr. & Mrs. David Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Monte Rosenberg Mrs. Carol B. Rosenblatt Ms. Judith Rosenblatt Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. Scott Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rosenfeld Dr. and Mrs. John B. Rosenman Mr. Kenneth H. Rossen Ms. Ellen S. Rostov Mrs. Ruth Rothman Rubin Communications Group Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubinstein Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Ruchelman Mrs. Iris Ruden S. L. Nusbaum Realty Co. Hon. & Mrs. Leonard Sachs Annabel & Harold Sacks Family Fund CDR. & Mrs. Harold Sacks Dr. & Mrs. Irwin S. Sacks Mr. Ross Levi Sadoff & Rabbi Susan Tendler

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Saks Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saks Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salasky Mrs. Nikcole Sales Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Salomonsky Mrs. Ada S. Salsbury Mrs. Joyce Salzberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Samuels Sandler Center of the Performing Arts Steve & Toni Sandler Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sarfan Mr. & Mrs. Mayer A. Sarfan Mr. Charles Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Steven Saunders Mr. Eric Schanzer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Schatz Ms. Deborah Schechner Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Schechner Mr. Leonard G. Schifrin Mr. Bernard Schloss Ms. Joyce Schmidt Ms. Bernice Schoenbaum Ms. Lynn Schoenbaum Mrs. Ruth Ann Schoenbaum Dr. Philip Schub Ms. Vera Schuler Dr. Alfred Schulwolf Captain Martin S. Schuman Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schwan Ms. Jennifer Schwartz Mr. Stuart Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Burt Segal Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Segal Mr. & Mrs. Peter Segaloff Mr. William Seith Dr. & Mrs. Steven Seltzer Sentara Clinical Nutrition Department Mr. Kenneth Shandelson Capt. & Mrs. Alan Shapiro Mr. Frank E. Sheffer Mr. Aubrey Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sher Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Lev Shikhman Ms. Leah Shirley Ms. Ruthie Shor Mr. & Mrs. Wade Shuler Ms. Elise T. Shuman Ms. Heliene Siegel Mr. Jonathan Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Siegel Leslie & Larry Siegel Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Siegel Ms. Mildred Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Mel Sifen Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Siff Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silverman Mr. & Mrs. Mike Simon Ms. Rhiannon Sims Ms. Summer Sims Mr. Gorgon Sinkez Mr. Marc Skarshinsk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Skolnick Ms. Beth E. Skvarka Mr. Arnold Slone Mrs. Dorothy Slone Slone Family Philanthropic Fund Mrs. Carol M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Chris Smith Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Smith Ms. Deborah Smith Mr. Neal Smith Ms. Jenefer Snyder Mr. Louis D. Snyder Mr. Steven Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Sodano

Mr. Mark L. Solberg Mr. Edward James Soltz Mr. Randall Spangler Dr. & Mrs. Adam Specht Dr. & Mrs. Michael Sperling Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Spieker The Spindel Agency Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Spitalney Spotswood Foods Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sprinkle Mr. Louis Stadlin Starbucks Dr. & Mrs. James Stark Mr. & Mrs. James Steiger Ms. Reva Stein Mr. Joseph R. Steingold Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Steingold Mr. Lawrence L. Steingold Mrs. Thelma Steingold Mr. Jules Stern Mr. Steven Stern Mr. & Mrs. Allan Stiner StitchWorks, Inc. Mr. Andrew Stites Mrs. Kimberly Stites Mr. Carl Strass Ms. Joan Strauss Mr. & Mrs. John Strelitz Ms. Mindy Strelitz Strelitz Early Childhood Center Mr. & Mrs. Burle Stromberg Summit Group of Virginia, LLP Sunsations, Inc. SunTrust Ms. Sharon Swirsky The 24K Limited Partnership Goldner Real Estate T and F Associates Ms. Sandra Tabachnick Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tabakin Ms. Kathryn Tafoya Mr. & Mrs. Norman Tavss Mrs. Sandra Tavss Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Teach Temple Emanuel Temple Israel Temple Sinai Temple Sinai Religious School Mr. & Mrs. Paul Terkeltaub The Foleck Center The Supply Room Mr. Jason Thorn Ms. Marian B. Ticatch Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Tickton Tidewater Women Tikvat Israel of Virginia Beach Mrs. Francine Todras Ms. Susan Todres Mr. Richard Tompkins Dr. & Mrs. Louis Tonelson Mrs. Sandra Towers TowneBank Trader Joe’s Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Troy Mrs. Rachael Trussell Mr. Tom Tye Mr. Philip Tyson Ms. Irene Ullman United Hebrew School United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula United Jewish Federation of Tidewater United Property Associates VA-BEL Mr. John A. Vaughn Mrs. Dena Vernik Ms. Linda Vick Virginia Aquarium Virginia Beach Premier Medical, PC Ms. Patricia Wager

Dr. & Mrs. Alan Wagner Dr. & Mrs. Jules Wainger Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Waitzer Ms. Terri Waitzer Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. Ms. Michelle J. Walter Ms. Nancy C. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Philip Walzer Ms. Ellen Waranch Wards Corner Chiropractic Mr. & Mrs. Jay Warren Ms. Michelle Waterman Ms. Pennie Watson Ms. Benita Watts Ms. Stephanie Weil Mr. & Mrs. David Weimar Mr. Scott Weiner Mrs. Carole Kraditor Weinstein Ms. Iris Weinstein Dr. Josh Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weintrob Dr. & Mrs. Edward Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Weisberg Ms. Edith Weiss Ms. Rita Weiss Mr. Jeffrey Werby Mr. Roye Werner Westminster Canterbury Foundation Mrs. Ethel Whiman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew White Mr. Tim A. White Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management, LLC Wild Success Mr. & Mrs. Jay F. Wilks Ms. Aisha M. Williams Richard & Hylda Wilson Family Philanthropic Fund Dr. & Mrs. Steven Wilson Ms. Susan Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Winer Mr. Joshua Withers Mr. Carl Witten Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wolf Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wolf Mr. & Mrs. David Wolfe Ms. Deborah Wood Ms. Dorothy Wood Ms. Valerie S. Yanku Sylvia* & Solomon* Yavner Memorial Fund Yorgo’s Bageldashery Yotini’s Young Adult Division of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zelenka Mrs. Dorothy Zimmerman Dr. & Mrs. Sol Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. William Zoby Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zuckerman Dr. Richard M. Zweifler & Dr. Kim Zweifler

*of blessed memory

New national blog: “Southern & Jewish” Jackson, Miss.—The Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL) recently launched a new national blog, “Southern & Jewish.” Created in partnership with My Jewish Learning, the blog is hosted on the website. is a trans-denominational website of Jewish information and education. Offering articles and resources on all aspects of Judaism and Jewish life, the site is geared toward adults of all ages and backgrounds, from the casual reader looking for interesting insights, to non-Jews searching for a better understanding of Jewish culture, to experienced learners wishing to delve deeper into specific topic areas. The “Southern & Jewish” blog, which

is updated multiple times each week, celebrates and shares the Southern Jewish experience. Authored by a team of ISJL staff, topics include everything from roadtrip anecdotes, to personal reflections, to questions and explorations around all things Southern and Jewish. The direct link to the new blog is: southern-and-jewish/. Established in 2000, the ISJL provides educational and rabbinic services to Southern Jewish communities, preserves the rich history of the Southern Jewish Experience, and offers community engagement opportunities and inclusive cultural programming throughout the organization’s 13-state region.

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Call Dave 757-454-6597 or 888-615-9960 | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 19

Annual Summer Institute for Jewish educators August 15 and 16

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We invite you to experience true relaxation in our natural and stress-free environment. We are your spa getaway close to home. 20 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |


by Leslie Shroyer

rea Jewish educators met for two consecutive nights at the Simon Family JCC last month to share teaching techniques, methods, and ideas with colleagues under the direction of guest presenters. The Summer Institute, which began more than 20 years ago, is sponsored by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and presented by the Simon Family JCC. On August 15 and 16, two speakers presented workshops on different aspects of how the Torah can teach meaningful lessons. “This year the presenters were ‘local talent,’” says Miriam Brunn Ruberg, director of Jewish Life and Learning at the JCC. “I look forward to coming to this conference each year and seeing Jewish educators in the community—sharing any of their insights and resources that they might use in the classroom,” says Marnie Waldman, a fourth grade Religious School teacher and third grade Hebrew School teacher at Ohef Sholom Temple. “I haven’t missed a single conference in five years.” Alex Pomerantz, interim director of the Simon Family JCC, introduced the first evening, thanking educators for coming and wished them much success in their upcoming school year. Annabel Sacks, chairperson for the Jewish Education Council for the UJFT, welcomed the group, who represent a multitude of educators from various Religious Schools, day schools, and Hebrew Schools. She then introduced the speaker, Rabbi Mordechai Wecker, the new head of school of Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and Strelitz Early Childhood Center. Rabbi Wecker’s topic was Moses Our Teacher: Master Teacher, The Critical Role of Affective Education. He divided the session into two parts: the contextual study of the Torah, discussing a particular Torah portion about Moses as a leader; and the Affective (not effective) teaching—that having to do with values, motivation and attitudes that educators impart to their students. On the second night of the Institute, Brunn Ruberg introduced Rabbi Gilah Dror of Rodef Sholom Temple in Hampton. Rabbi Dror’s topic was Why Can’t We All Just Agree? How not to stifle creativity in a world of diverse perspectives. Rabbi Dror’s message was that the world is full of varied and complex issues, and that teachers don’t have all the answers. Noting that there

Rabbi Gilah Dror, Rodef Sholom Temple.

Rabbi Mordechai Wecker, Head of School, HAT and Strelitz Early Childhood Center.

Brenda Kozak and Robin Sharon Wasserberg, director of Congregational Learning, Temple Beth El.

Teachers ponder text material

are often many different interpretations of the same issues and many challenges for educators, she had groups work on several commentaries on a particular Torah text. Sheila Panitz, a veteran teacher at the Hebrew Academy says, “I feel so fortunate to teach in a community which offers high quality workshops such as those I attended this summer. Learning Torah texts with two rabbis in our community, in the company of colleagues from our many synagogues and schools, is intellectually and spiritually invigorating.” The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Super Summer Shabbat is a success


he Young Adult Division of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Children and Family department of the Simon Family JCC teamed up for an end-of-summer Shabbat celebration. On Friday, Aug. 17, more than 120 people gathered around the JCC Water Park for a splashin’ good time at an after-hours pool party just for Shabbat dinner guests. A classic summer barbeque dinner followed the Shabbat blessings led by several children. Check out the JCC’s Fall Program Guide and for upcoming opportunities for young Jewish families. Mark calendars for: Sept. 16 for YAD’s Healing the World Event, co-sponsored with Ohef Sholom’s YAC group, and Oct. 12 for the Fall Harvest Adventure at Hunt Club Farms, presented by the Simon Family JCC. Splashing around before dinner.

Blessings over the wine led by Evan and Simone Nied.

Flora Cardon.

The motzi led by Sammy Levin and Nate Simon.

Julia Wainger, Ellie Debb and Isabella Leon. | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 21

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book reviews Nothing hidden On Wings of Eagles The Secret Operation of the Ethiopian Exodus Micha Feldman Gefen, 2012 303 pages, $24.95(paper) ISBN 978-9652295699


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ver since the founding of the State of Israel the status and fate of the Beta Israel, the Ethiopian Jews, had been debated by the Israeli rabbinate. In their Hal Sacks own country, Ethiopian Jews were called falasha—in Amharic, a derogatory appellation meaning “outsiders,” “strangers without rights.” Since the very beginning of the 20th century there were those who realized that education was the only route to counteract the work of Christian missionaries and save the Beta Israel from total obliteration. As early as 1920, mainstream halakhic study was brought to Ethiopia and a very small number of young people were brought to Palestine for schooling. In 1948, Ethiopian Jewry was thrilled by the creation of the State of Israel. However, it wasn’t until 1975 that the Law of Return was applied to the Beta Israel and the path opened for aliyah to Israel. It was the Sephardi Chief Rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, who stated that “…the Falashas are the descendants of the tribes of Israel that went south to Cush…and I have decided that…the Falashas are Jews and they must be rescued from assimilation and intermarriage and their aliyah to Israel should be speedily carried out…” “By secret ways,” in small groups, about 7,000 Ethiopian olim (immigrants) were brought to Israel. It is understandable that Israeli leaders attending the 1984 General Assembly were flummoxed by the meeting-stopping demonstration by college students and young adults insisting on the immediate rescue of Ethiopian Jewry. They could not be told of the already secretly

successful aliyah nor could the imminent commencement of Operation Moses be discussed. Operation Moses was a semi-covert operation between November 1984 and January 1985 that rescued an additional 7,000 Ethiopian Jews, bringing the number in Israel to about 14,000. Those of us who traveled to Israel, met the planes and visited the absorption centers, have indelible memories of emaciated elders kissing the ground of eretz yisroel; memories of young Israeli social workers teaching grown men how to use a toilet and women how to use a bathtub at the absorption centers in Atlit and Safed. I asked a young Israeli at Kfar Saba how she managed such difficult tasks. “Somebody has to do it,” she replied. The author, Micha Feldman, speaks Amharic fluently and has worked for the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and other organizations, principally on immigration and absorption for more than 40 years. He is known in the Ethiopian community as Abba Micha, “Grandfather Micha,” and is one of the great heroes of the historic Ethiopian aliyah. On Wings of Eagles is Feldman’s detailed accounting of the unbelievably complicated task undertaken by Israel during the 15 or so years since the Falasha were embraced by the Law of Return. (Aside from the pure humanitarian relief of the suffering, starvation, and death of thousands of human beings, a comparison of immigration numbers to population would be the United States undertaking the immigration and integration of one million largely illiterate black Africans. Imagine the social chaos! It boggles the mind!) Feldman hides nothing, from the corruption of some of the Jewish Ethiopian “committee men” to the greed of Ethiopian officials, to the occasional internecine quarreling among relief organizations. Starving, preyed upon, and facing unbelievable family separations the new olim faced harsh cultural adjustments in Israel. Sometimes the Israelis could not get it right no matter how they tried. If they placed the Ethiopians together in housing, there were


preyed upon, and facing

unbelievable family

separations the new olim faced harsh

cultural adjustments in Israel. Sometimes the Israelis could

not get it right no

Charlie Church Jill Grossman Church Owners 1261 West 42nd Street, Norfolk, VA 23508 757.489.8610 •

22 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

matter how they tried.

book reviews cries of ghettoization; if they integrated them among other working class Israelis, they yearned to be with their own people. Israeli family life culture was so different from that in Ethiopia that, while many adjusted quickly, a like number did poorly and suicides exceeded normal expectations. One of the great strengths of On Wings of Eagles is the author’s use of his diary entries, enriched by dozens of heartbreaking stories, testimony of aspiring olim. As the number of rescued Ethiopian Jews increased, those left behind faced unbearable discrimination, persecution and hardship. The revolution against the Communist dictator, President Mengistu Haile Mariam, and his cronies threatened the collapse of Israeli and American efforts, making the final extraction of Jews a matter of great urgency. A “hostage” deal was struck: $35 million in ransom was raised in America and deposited in New York accounts of the Ethiopian government. The revolutionaries, surrounding Addis Ababa, agreed to delay a takeover for 24 hours. Just in time, Operation Solomon, a flotilla of Israeli military, commercial and chartered aircraft carried 14,310 Ethiopian Jews to

Israel on May 25, 1991. Babies were born and people died en route. Jews the world over celebrated. But, as always, after a celebratory tickertape parade comes the cleanup. Israel is still coping with the resettlement of the Ethiopians. Even the successful olim, faced with the unending stress of life in present day Israel, can’t be blamed for wondering if they might not be better off in their little huts in Ethiopia, tending their bees, or plying their crafts. The author suitably credits people involved with the Ethiopian exodus. The JAFI staff, American officials, Israeli officials in Addis Ababa, Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) staff, the North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry—and even venal Ethiopian officials without whose cooperation we would have failed—duly noted. Feldman’s loving benediction to this chapter of Jewish history is capped by a poem written by Galit Halili, a 12-yearold girl born in Israel of Iraqi parents who arrived in an earlier wave of migration: Behold, look, I am coming to you, my land,

Sing as I laugh and let us rejoice. Embrace me with others who once were alone, Embrace me, kiss me, feed me fine fruits of choice. Stretch out your hands to shelter those ground in the dust, Stretch out your arms, ignoring distance and bounds. Micha Feldman will speak at United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Campaign Kick-off on Thursday, Sept. 27. Call 757‑965-6115 for information

Briefly Noted Giving is Not Just for the Very Rich A How-To Guide for Giving and Philanthropy Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson CreateSpace, North Charleston, SC, 2012 162 pages ISBN 10: 1468111043 I looked forward to reading a new work geared to philanthropic opportunities for the average donor. Instead Dr. Gitelson has given us a hodgepodge of information

cobbled together to create a “book.” Her brief opening chapter, using the editorial “we,” promises to help us better understand how to give to others effectively by citing many examples of how others give and by showing how those other than the billionaire funders are able to “make a difference.” Of course the “others” are not the very rich—merely the rich. The meat of Gitelson’s book is given over to a catalog of Major Areas for Giving followed by a cursory glance at the types of giving and broad brush listing of potential recipient areas. At one point she uses the term “tzedakah,” but fails to underline the obligatory underpinning of the term. Yes, giving is not just for the very rich. Nor is it just for the merely rich; nor even for the merely comfortable. The poorest family has both the right and the obligation to give. Unfortunately this book falls short in making that case. I’m still looking forward to reading a new work geared to philanthropic opportunities for the average donor. —Hal Sacks is a retired Jewish communal worker who has reviewed books for Jewish News for more than 27 years.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Congratulates its Class of 2007 THEY ARE OFF TO COLLEGE! Wishing them continued success as they pursue their education at the following universities: College of William and Mary Old Dominion University Sarah Lawrence College The University of Arizona University of Colorado at Boulder

Joshua Clary

Ross Glasser

Allison Gordon

Avi Malkin

Eli Oser

Ronnie Plauga

June Kramer

University of Virginia West Virginia University

Hebrew Academy Of Tidewater Konikoff Center of Learning

Mark Schwartzman

5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 180 ٠ Virginia Beach, VA 23462 ٠ 757-424-4327 ٠ Offering a challenging, integrated dual curriculum. We are accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, a member of RAVSAK, and are a constituent agency of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 23

what’s happening Sundays at the J for BBYO and BBYO Connect

The impact of Olim in Israel

Nefesh B’Nefesh representative to speak at Beth Chaverim

Begin: Sunday, Sept. 9


ack to school means back to BBYO. Children entering ninth through 12th grades are eligible to join. BBYO is the happening place to be on Sunday afternoons at the J. Teens participate in social action, Israel advocacy, community service, enjoy athletics, recreation and Judaic events. They meet other teens and make friendships that last a lifetime. BBYO Connect is the BBYO experience for sixth through eighth graders, offering

social and meaningful experiences that will serve as a gateway to continued involvement in Jewish life. BBYO Connect offers monthly events at the JCC and around the area. The first BBYO Connect event, “You’ve Been Tagged” at Laser Tag in Virginia Beach takes place on Sunday, Sept. 9. Contact or 321-2324 for more information about either of these two programs.

Dr. Doolittle Shabbat at Temple Emanuel Friday, Sept. 14, 5 pm Temple Emanuel Religious School is having a Dr. Doolittle Shabbat with services and dinner to kick off the new school year. It begins with pony rides and a petting zoo for all the children, then onto services, a childfriendly Shabbat dinner, and even a prayer over the animals.

The cost is $7.50. Call 757-428-2591 to make reservations by Sept. 11. No late reservations will be accepted after that date. This evening is open to anyone in the community. Contact Beth Weiner Gross at the temple for more information.

HOME OR OFFICE “ Security In Every Job.”

Sunday, Sept. 9, 11 am


aking the transition Tidewater could be included from living in the in the tour, only to learn United States to settling in that the tour had happened Israel can seem daunting. the previous year. She spoke Help is available, however, with Josh Sussman, Nefesh for those thinking about or B’Nefesh’s project manager planning to make Aliyah of Overseas Programming in (immigrating to Israel). Israel, who put her in contact Ari Schuchman, direcwith Schuchman. They then tor of Overseas Programs for began a year of conversations Nefesh B’Nefesh will address about sharing the impact of the community on the the Olim in Israel with the Schuchman, impact of Olim (immigrants Ari Tidewater community. director of Overseas Programs to Israel) at a program at Beth for Nefesh B’Nefesh. Nefesh B’Nefesh, in Chaverim. cooperation with the Jewish Late last summer, Robin Mancoll, Agency for Israel and the Israeli government, Community Relations Council director, provides Olim with resources and support to was searching for interesting and compel- find jobs and housing and to become inteling programs for the CRC’s Israel Today grated into Israeli society. Schuchman will Forum. She stumbled across a program discuss the successful absorption of Olim in titled “Innovation Israel: Shaping Israel’s Israel and their subsequent positive effect on Future. Today.” It was a partnership the country. program between Nefesh B’Nefesh and Presented by the Community Relations PresenTense offering a panel discussion Council of the United Jewish Federation of with three of Israel’s leading social entre- Tidewater in partnership with Congregation preneurs at locations in New York City, Beth Chaverim, the program is free and Philadelphia, Boston, Toronto, and L.A. open to the community. RSVP to jjohnson@ Mancoll contacted Nefesh B’Nefesh to see if by Wednesday, Sept. 5. Community Relations Council

Meet Virginia’s next U.S. Senator George Allen: Wednesday, Oct. 3, 12 pm Tim Kaine: Friday, Oct. 12, 12 pm


he Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater will offer two opportunities to meet the next U.S. Senator from Virginia, taking over Senator Jim Webb’s seat. Former Governor George Allen and Former Governor Tim Kaine will each speak at the Sandler Family Campus. With only three debates scheduled to date (Sept. 20 in McLean; Oct. 8 in Richmond; and Oct. 18 in Blacksburg), both sides of the aisle will appear for the Tidewater Jewish community prior to the Nov. 6 election.

George Allen

Tim Kaine

For information, contact Robin Mancoll at or 7575-965-6120.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Golf Tournament Tuesday, Sept. 11

757 321-6700 Norfolk




College Park

24 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |


The 24th annual event will take place at the prestigious Bayville Golf Club. The tournament is the school’s largest fundraising event. To play, volunteer or contribute as a sponsor or with a raffle prize, contact Rachel Abrams at or Leslie Auerbach at

what’s happening New Year’s lunch for seniors Thursday, Sept. 13, 11:30 am


Rosh Hashanah luncheon for seniors and guests at the Simon Family JCC will help usher in the Jewish New Year, 5773. Sing holiday songs, see friends, enjoy great food...and even play Jewish Jeopardy! Miriam Brunn Ruberg, director of Jewish Life and Learning at the JCC, will host High Holiday trivia games. RSVP to 321-2338 by Sept. 10. Call Sherry Lieberman with questions or for more information at 321-2309.

YAD and YAC start the New Year with a Mitzvah Sunday, Sept. 16, 9 am-1 pm United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Young Adult Division and Ohef Sholom Temple’s Young Adult Community are joining as one Jewish community on the eve of Rosh Hashanah to celebrate the birthday of the world. The groups will work side by side to clean up a portion of a Virginia Beach waterfront park near Sandbridge, make a donation to a local environmental organization, and enjoy lunch afterwards. This is a family event, children are welcome and lunch with be provided. The cost to participate is $18 per adult (children are free). To register for this event, Ohef Sholom Temple members should visit, and YAD participants should contact Amy Weinstein, YAD director, at 965-6127 or More details will follow after registration. This event has limited space.

Senior Book Club at the JCC welcomes Beth Sholom Village, celebrates four years Monday, Sept. 24


by Leslie Shroyer

hen some Beth Sholom Terrace residents inquired about a book club this spring, Allison Whiteman, Beth Sholom Village activities director, reached out to the Simon Family JCC’s Senior Book Club and brought members to its June meeting. The monthly meetings now include both Beth Sholom Terrace and JCC members. In July, about 20 JCC seniors traveled to the Terrace for a meeting with eight Terrace residents. The JCC book club provides the same sort of food eaten by the characters in the novels the club reads. At this meeting, the members were treated to noodle kugel prepared by the chefs at Beth Sholom. “We are still talking about how wonderful the kugel was,” says Sherry Lieberman, senior adult program coordinator. Last month, the group discussed their recent selection, The Good American, by Alex George. The JCC Senior Book Club has met to discuss 55 books since its inception. This group of avid readers will celebrate its fourth anniversary Monday, Sept. 24, as members gather to discuss Falling Leaves: The Memoir of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter, complete with a Chinese luncheon catered by the Cardo Café. The book club meets the third Monday of each month. Members encourage new readers of all ages to attend. For a complete list of upcoming books and for more information, call Sherry Lieberman at 321-2309 or email

Community Relations Council presents R. James Woolsey, former director of the CIA Monday, Sept. 10, 7 pm by Laine M. Rutherford


. James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1993-95) and current chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, will speak at the Sandler Family Campus at a program presented by the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Woolsey will discuss his conviction that America’s dependence on oil as a fuel source is problematic on many levels, including issues concerning the environment, national security and human rights. He says every time people put gas into a vehicle, terrorists are funded through contributions to OPEC. Combining his expertise in the areas of foreign policy, defense, intelligence and energy, Woolsey’s topic for the evening is Energy in the 21st Century: Could Muir, Patton, and Gandhi Agree on a Program? Using the legacies of environmentalist John Muir, outspoken WWII General George Patton and human rights icon Mahatma Gandhi, Woolsey will express his belief that oil dependency funds terrorism, contributes to climate change and supports oppressive regimes. He will also share his ideas about what can be done to make changes in consumption and behavior. “Jim Woolsey is an intelligent and charismatic speaker who really makes you stop and think,” says Robin Mancoll, CRC director. “We’re looking forward to having him share information and insights about our dependency on oil, its effect on the U.S. and Israel, and what we can do to change the situation.”

R. James Woolsey

Woolsey served in the Carter, Reagan, Bush, Sr. and Clinton administrations. He was a Rhodes Scholar and among many government appointments, he served as the General Counsel to the U.S. Senate committee on Armed Services (1970-73) and as the Under Secretary of the Navy (1977-79). Woolsey sits on, or chairs, a range of government, corporate and non-profit advisory boards, including the National Commission on Energy Policy. For more information or to RSVP for this free and open to the community event, contact or call 321‑2323.

Many journeys, many destinations: Active Aging Week at the Simon Family JCC Sept. 23–Sept. 29


he Simon Family JCC will recognize senior adult members during the week of Active Aging with the theme: Many journeys, many destinations, by hosting a drop in event on Thursday, Sept. 27, when any senior over the age of 60 entering the JCC from 9 am to 2 pm, will receive a special gift of recognition. The eyes of the younger generations are watching as older adults transform outdated concepts about “seniors” into the new realities of active aging, embracing

the philosophy that people can optimize their physical, social and mental well-being throughout their lives. As older adults progress on their journey through life, they can maintain optimal health by keeping themselves physically and mentally active. Active Aging Week promotes the benefits of a healthy lifestyle on a national scale by giving adults the opportunity to experience activities and exercise in a safe friendly and fun atmosphere. Active Aging Week is organized by the

International Council on Active Aging, the association that supports professionals who develop wellness and fitness facilities and services for older adults. “We welcome all seniors to the JCC to show them what the JCC has to offer,” says Sherry Lieberman, senior adult program coordinator. “If you are a senior who comes to the JCC but does not participate in the many programs the senior department has to offer, this is the time to find out. From general meetings and lunches, to fun holi-

day events, to Yiddish and book clubs, to senior movie days and senior socials, we are providing our senior adults with spiritual, social cognitive and emotional aspects of wellness. Coupled with our wonderful fitness facilities, the JCC has everything an older adult needs to stay healthy.” Call 757-321-2338 for more information. The Simon Family Jewish Community Center is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 25

calendar Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline Vice President

Andy Kline President

S e p t emb er 9, S und ay Open House for area synagogues and Simon Family JCC. 1–4 pm. “The Impact of North American Immigrants in Israel” w i t h A r i S c h u c h m a n o f N e f e s h B ’ N e f e s h a t C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h C h a v e r i m. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o r t o R S V P t o t h is f r e e c o m m u n i t y e v e n t , c o n t a c t J a n J o h n s o n a t J J o h n s o n @ u j f t .o r g b y S e p t . 5. S e e p a g e 2 5.

S e p t emb er 10, M o nd ay R. James Woolsey, f o r m e r d i r e c t o r o f C e n t r a l I n t e llig e n c e A g e n c y dis c u s s e s “ E n e r g y i n t h e 21s t C e n t u r y : C o u l d M u i r, P a t t o n, a n d G h a n d i A g r e e o n a P r o g r a m ? ” P r e s e n t e d b y t h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il o f t h e U n i t e d J e w is h F e d e r a t i o n o f T i d e w a t e r. 7 p m o n t h e S a n d l e r F a m il y C a m p u s. F r e e a n d o p e n t o t h e C o m m u n i t y. R S V P s t r o n g l y e n c o u r a g e d, t o J J o h n s o n @ u j f t.o r g b y S e p t . 5. S e e p a g e 2 5.

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S e p t emb er 11, T ue s d ay Hebrew Academy Golf Tournament . B a y v ill e G o l f C o u r s e. S e e p a g e 24. C a ll 2 8 5 - 9 0 0 9. S e p t emb er 12, W ed ne s d ay Adult indoor coed volleyball b e g i n s f o r t h e f a ll a t t h e J C C. O p e n h o u s e. G a m e s b e g i n s S e p t . 19. 6 – 9 : 3 0 p m. C a ll To m E d w a r d s a t 3 21- 2 3 0 8 o r t e d w a r d s @ si m o n f a m il y j.o r g f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n. S e p t emb er 13, T hur s d ay Pee Wee Soccer b e g i n s a t t h e J C C. 3 – 6 p m T h u r s d a y s t h r o u g h t h e f a ll. C a ll To m E d w a r d s a t 3 21- 2 3 0 8 o r t e d w a r d s @ si m o n f a m il y j.o r g.

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S e p t emb er 19, W ed ne s d ay The JCC Seniors Club will meet at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting 10:30 am. Catered lunch at 12 pm. General meeting at 12:30 pm with guest speaker Jason Capossere. He will show a short film and then speak on Campus Security procedures in the event of a life threatening situation. 321-2338. S e p t emb er 23, S und ay Field Hockey b e g i n s a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C f o r a g e s 7–11. B o y s a n d g i r ls l e a r n t h e f u n d a m e n t a ls o f t h e s p o r t , s p o n s o r e d b y t h e U S A F i e l d H o c k e y A s s o c ia t i o n. S i x- w e e k c la s s, 11 a m –12 : 3 0 p m. 3 21- 2 3 0 8. Sam Glaser a t C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h E l. 2 : 3 0 p m. 4 2 8 - 2 5 91.

Oc t o b er 3, W ed ne s d ay Senatorial Candidate, Governor George Allen addr esses issues a n d c o n c e r n s i m p o r t a n t t o t h e J e w is h c o m m u n i t y. 12 p m. S a n d l e r F a m il y C a m p u s. S p o n s o r e d b y t h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il o f t h e U n i t e d J e w is h F e d e r a t i o n o f T i d e w a t e r. R S V P s t r o n g l y e n c o u r a g e d t o J J o h n s o n @ u j f t.o r g b y F r i d a y, S e p t . 2 8. S e e p a g e 24. Oc t o b er 12, F rid ay Senatorial Candidate, Governor Tim Kaine a d d r e s s e s is s u e s a n d c o n c e r n s i m p o r t a n t t o t h e J e w is h c o m m u n i t y. 12 p m. S a n d l e r F a m il y C a m p u s. S p o n s o r e d b y t h e C o m m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s C o u n c i l o f t h e U n i t e d J e w is h F e d e r a t i o n o f T i d e w a t e r R S V P s t r o n g l y e n c o u r a g e d t o J J o h n s o n @ u j f t.o r g. S e e p a g e 24.

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Oc t o b er 20, S at urd ay Performing Arts at the J k icks of f t he season wit h comedian Dan A hdoot at t he Simon Family JCC at 8 pm. A f r equent guest on T he Tonight Show wit h Jay Leno, A hdoot has per f or med all over t he count r y. For ticket s and inf or mation cont ac t t he JCC at 321-2338 or simonf amilyj.or g. Send submissions for calendar to news @ ujf Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Jewish celebrity roundup Mayim Bialik’s pain-coping techniques Mayim Bialik, who nearly lost her right hand thumb in a car accident last month, told Access Hollywood in an interview that immediately following the accident, her first instinct was to get out of the car, fearing it would explode. “Many Denzel Washington films” ran through her head, she said. Bialik also thought about her family, saying to herself, “I’m a mom, this is not happening. I have kids waiting for me. It’s my son’s birthday—and it was. That was my first thought.” The Emmy-nominated Big Bang Theorystar declined to use pain killers, instead opting for methods she used while giving birth that ”really reaffirmed my faith in pain with a purpose and the meditative properties, the ability to lower your blood

pressure, which women do in labor. It absolutely is what I used to get me through all stages of this.” The accident did not affect the filming of the sixth season of Big Bang Theory, as Bialik’s hand is being hidden from the camera during the shooting. (JTA) ‘The Boss’ meets Morty James Oppenheim and his family moved from the United States to Israel, but on a recent trip to New York he and the family who came for the U.S. visit—four of his eight kids—drove to Boston to see a Bruce Springsteen concert. Oppenheim and his 11-year-old son, Morty, had an experience they will never forget. The family had won a lottery giving them seats in the front rows. Springsteen, who is known for a concert

tradition of bringing kids on stage to sing with him, chose young Morty for the honor. He even gave the boy and his older brother, Mandel, guitar picks. “Boss” indeed. (JTA) Becoming a celebrity in five simple steps Brett Cohen decided to conduct an interesting social experiment: The New Yorker pretended to be a celebrity with a fake entourage, paparazzi, bodyguards and fans just to see how people would react. Thousands of tourists searching for celebrity photo ops fell for the ruse. Asked about how familiar they were with Cohen, some cited his work on the recent SpiderMan movie; others said they loved his first single. With an army of 14 assisting in the stunt, Cohen was photographed with more than 300 people. (JTA)

Portman goes nude for Dior Newlywed Natalie Portman returned to the open arms of the Christian Dior design firm with a photo shoot that promoted the Rouge Dior Nude Lipcolor. As with previous campaigns, Portman promoted the Nude Lipcolor by going nude herself, though not frontal but showing her back. The new lip color collection will feature eight shades, including Portman’s Grege No. 169, with the proceeds benefiting her charity of choice, the Free the Children Association. It’s the first time Portman is campaigning for Dior since its former designer John Galliano was forced out in 2011 following an anti-Semitic rant. Earlier this week it was announced that Galliano was stripped of the French Legion of Honor award because of the incident. (JTA)

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(757) 410-8355 • | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 27

in memoriam


Dr. Eugene L. Kanter


local community leader, Dr. Eugene L. Kanter, died July 26, 2012. Gene was active with his volunteerism in the Jewish community, as well as the general community. Gene was a past president of Congregation Beth El. Serving a double term of four years, he guided Beth El, under the catalyst of Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, into joining NEST (Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team) and sheltering the homeless for a week during the winter, the first synagogue in Southside Hampton Roads to do so…a program that provided the impetus for other Jewish groups to join NEST. He initiated the idea and developed the complete planning necessary to bring to fruition the appearance of Elie Wiesel as the major event of the celebration of Congregation Beth El’s 150 Anniversary. The 1,400 seat synagogue was overflowing and a significant amount of money was raised for the Beth El Foundation. He created “The Wall of Presidents” for Beth El by collecting portraits of every president of the Congregation going back almost 100 years. With his wife, Nancy, he volunteered in the Beth El kitchen and earned the title of Honorary Sisterhood Member. Dr. Kanter provided dental care as a volunteer to disadvantaged patients at dental clinics in Israel for one month each year from 1992 to 1998. He was recognized by the American Dental Association with a Certificate of Appreciation for his humanitarian dental service to the people of Israel. As a member of the board of directors of Jewish Family Service in the 70’s and 90’s for a total of 12 years, he served as Beth El’s representative on Jewish Family Service’s Russian Resettlement Committee and, along with his wife, helped resettle more that 20 Russian families in Tidewater. He was a member of the organizing committee and served for 20 years on the film selection committee of the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film. Every year, Gene looked forward to previewing the films with the other members of the team to offer the community the best selection of films. Gene participated in Project AHAVA—a project of the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater to provide Jewish assistance in feeding the homeless during the Christmas holiday. He was present for two years at the Queen Street Baptist Church, and since

1996 he coordinated Jewish participation at Central Baptist Church on Colley Ave. He was a member of the Community Relations Council since 1995. As an original team member of the Cleft Palate Clinic of Norfolk, he served as a past president of the Clinic. In 1960, Gene was cited by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, as well as The Traffic Safety Committee of the city of Norfolk for his initiative in having a street-light “torch” erected on city property that burned red whenever there was a traffic fatality. He was past president of the Fairfield Elementary School PTA, past president of the Order of Police Associates, Lodge No. 3, as well as past president and the one who guided the reactivation of the Fairfield Civic League. Gene served as a temporary docent for the Chrysler Museum for two special exhibitions presented in 1998: “Commonwealth and Community, The Jewish Experience in Virginia,” and “Written in Memory: Portraits of the Holocaust.” He was a docent with the Hampton Roads Naval Museum and Nauticus, volunteering more that 3,000 hours of information and tours to visitors to the USS Wisconsin, and earned him the President’s Volunteer Service Award for 2009 and 2010. One of Gene’s great loves was show business. He was in his first play at the age of six as the ring bearer in a mock wedding. He was a vice-president of the Little Theater of Norfolk, and appeared in more than two dozen area amateur and professional theater productions at the Norfolk and Virginia Beach Little Theaters, the Stage Door Dinner Playhouse, the Cavalier Dinner Playhouse and in a non-singing role in the Virginia Opera’s production of Die Fledermaus. He appeared for two seasons in the Williamsburg production of Paul Green’s outdoor symphonic drama, “The Common Glory.” In the 1951 show, he portrayed Samuel Adams. He and Nancy worked as a team volunteering as ushers for productions of the Virginia Arts Festival as well as ushering in many area theaters. Gene had a terrific sense of humor. He loved to laugh and to make others laugh and had a great knack for telling a joke. He derived a great joy in performing stand-up comedy over the years and was always willing to do a comedy routine when asked.

28 | Jewish News | September 3, 2012 |

Frank Allen Jacobs Virginia Beach—On August 12, 2012, Frank Allen Jacobs died peacefully at his home surrounded by his family and pets. He is survived by the love of his life for over 51 years, his wife, Joanne L. Jacobs. He is further survived by his children, Lynn J. Daniel (husband Phil), Frank A. Jacobs, Jr., and Christopher I. Jacobs (wife Kari); three wonderful grandchildren, Victoria D. Ballinger (husband Trevor), Leo Daniel, and Kiersten Jacobs; and his loving pets, Rosie and Louie. He was predeceased by his parents, Isaac W. Jacobs and Marion Jacobs, and sister, Edna J. Wolfe. Frank was born in Norfolk and was a multi-generational resident of the area. After attending Norfolk Academy, he went on to graduate from Randolph Macon College and studied law at Washington and Lee. He proudly served in the Marine Corps after completing Officer Candidate School. He went on to become an innovator in the concert sound and production business for over two decades. He provided sound and other production needs for such notable acts ranging from the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, and Fifth Dimension to Frank Sinatra. During this time, he created several businesses such as F. Jacobs Bros., Jacobs Music, Music & Sound, Electro Sound Inc., and Sound Exchange. In his later years, he was involved in auto financing prior to his retirement. Some of Frank’s fondest memories were of raising racehorses with his father and being an avid outdoorsman. He was a great historian of the area and enjoyed telling stories of duck and goose hunting throughout Princess Anne County and fishing offshore. However, he would say his greatest achievement was his family. He was proud of his marriage of over 51 years and the success of his children and grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Ohef Sholom Temple. A graveside service followed at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Donations to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation or Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. Online condolences at H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Doris Churchill Kolinsky NEWPORT NEWS—Doris Churchill Kolinsky, 73, passed away Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012, at Riverside Regional Medical Center. Born in St. John’s, Newfoundland, she had been a Peninsula resident since 1960, where she worked as a bookkeeper for many years. She was a longtime volunteer at Riverside Elementary School in Newport

News and Francis Mallory Elementary School in Hampton. She was also a former member of the NCJW, NOW, and ORT. She was especially proud of her U.S. citizenship. Doris is survived by her loving husband of 50 years, I. J. Sonny Kolinsky of Newport News; her two daughters, Sherri Palopoli and husband, Steve of Allentown, Pa., and Robin Ingels and husband, Larry of Chesapeake. She is also survived by five grandchildren, Stephen, Nick, Brittany, Jessica, and Tara; and several nieces, nephews and other extended family. A memorial service was held at the Weymouth Funeral Home Chapel. Donations to Food Bank of the Virginia Peninsula, 2401 Aluminum Ave., Hampton, VA 23661. Weymouth Funeral Home. Joan Barbara Miller Norfolk—Joan Barbara Miller, 80, of Norfolk died peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, at home, surrounded by her family. Joan was the daughter of the late Henry and “Peggy” Schlesinger of Scarsdale, N. Y., where she was raised. She attended Mary Washington College in Fredericksburg, Va. Following her college studies, Joan held multiple positions in the fashion industry including serving as a buyer for I Magnin in New York City. Joan’s love for fashion eventually migrated to her growing appreciation for the arts. Joan worked with, and volunteered for, many organizations. Eventually settling in Norfolk in 1987, Joan was affiliated with a number of cultural and civic organizations including serving as a member of the Chrysler Museum Masterpiece Society, Chrysler Museum Glass Guild, Hermitage Society, Norfolk Society of the Arts, and the Cultural Alliance of Norfolk. In addition, Joan served on the boards of the Virginia Symphony League and the Todi Music Fest. Joan also served as president for two-terms of the auxiliaries of Sentara Norfolk General and Leigh Hospitals where she spearheaded the drive to purchase a mobile mammography unit. She continued to serve on the hospital’s patient and family and advisory committee. Joan and her beloved husband, Richard, were regular Virginia Opera attendees. Joan was asked to join the Virginia Opera statewide board of directors. For over 15 years, Joan served this board with passion and dedication. In 2009, she was elected as the president of the Virginia Opera for a twoyear term. Joan is survived by her loving husband, Richard I. Miller of Norfolk, and her son,

obituaries Stephen J. Schneider and his wife, Dr. Anna Sommer Schneider of Washington, D.C. Joan also leaves behind Stephen’s father, Stanley J. Schneider of Albuquerque, N. M. Joan is also survived by her stepchildren, Dorianne Villani and her husband, Dan, and Sandra Louise Levi and her husband, Jack, all of Virginia Beach, Henry Cecil Miller and his wife, Robin of Chesapeake. Joan is survived as well by her seven loving grandchildren: Matthew and Katelyn Villani, Benjamin and Kari Anne Levi, and Samantha, Cady, and Nathan Miller. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple. Contributions to the Joan B. Miller Fund at the Virginia Opera, P.O. Box 2580, Norfolk, VA 23501-2580 or at H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences through www. Philip Jordan Silverstein Charleston—Philip Jordan Silverstein, 88, of Charleston, passed away on August 12, 2012. He was born August 26, 1923, to Florence Jordan and Harry I. Silverstein, and was the youngest of three. Phil attended Charleston High School but graduated from Culver Military Academy with the class of 1942, where he served with the Black Horse Troop. He entered college at Washington & Lee University, but a call to serve his country in World War II interrupted school. He followed in his father’s footsteps to serve nobly with the 3rd Army-5th Infantry Division 1st Company in Europe from 1942 to 1946, including combat at the Battle of the Bulge, for which he was awarded a Purple Heart and one Oak Leaf Cluster in 1945. After the war, Phil resumed college at W&L and graduated in 1949 with a bachelor of arts, during which he founded the school’s first Rowing Club and was a member of its swimming team. After graduation, he became employed by Midwest Steel, a family business, for some three years. He started Home Finders Inc. on Jan. 1, 1964, which became one of Charleston’s outstanding residential brokerage firms. He was its president and a partner until his retirement many years later. During his professional career, Phil was a member of the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers, president of the Multiple Listing Service and was the first West Virginia realtor to earn a C.R.B. He was honored by both Kanawha County and the state of West Virginia as Realtor of the Year. His leadership qualities were showcased in his extensive community involvement and

selfless commitment of time. Phil served as president of the board of directors at Faith Workshop and Goodwill Industries, where, while serving, he was chosen as the organization’s Outstanding Member of the year in 1966 and 1976. Other boards he faithfully committed time and talents to included Community Music, Salvation Army, American Heart Association and Temple Israel. Married in 1949, Phil is survived by his loving wife and best friend of 63 years, Jane Pincus Silverstein of Norfolk, Va. He leaves behind other immediate family members, including daughters, Peggy Silverstein O’Connell of Sparta, N.J., and Elizabeth Leigh Sult and her husband, Rob, of San Antonio, Texas; sisters, Mrs. Marion Lehman and Mrs. Lois Kaufman, both still residing in Charleston; brother-in-law, Harry Pincus and wife, Iris, of Norfolk; and numerous nieces, nephews, extended family members and longtime friends. A funeral service was held at Temple Israel, Charleston, with Rabbi James Cohn officiating. Burial followed at B’Nai Israel Cemetery, Charleston. Donations may be made to Temple Israel, Hubbard Hospice House or the Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation. Condolences may be sent to the family at Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home, Charleston. Evelyn Snyder Atlanta, Ga.—Evelyn Snyder, 85, beloved mother, grandmother and aunt passed away peacefully, Sunday, August 19, 2012 surrounded by her loving family. Born in Brooklyn, NY she dedicated her life to her family while enjoying a successful career as a bookkeeper in the garment center. Evelyn was known for her beautiful singing voice and participated in many theatrical productions and choirs. Her constant and loyal companion was her dog, Brandy, whom she adored. She is survived by her son, Dr. Martin Snyder and his wife, Judi, Chesapeake, Va,; son, Steven Snyder and his wife, Cindy, West Palm Beach, Fla.; son, Joseph Snyder, New York, N.Y.; son, Stuart Snyder and his wife, Susan, Atlanta, Ga.; sister, Miriam Rubenstein, Forest Hills, N.Y.; and grandchildren: Justin, Heather, Brittany, Carly, Sara and Madison; stepgrandchildren: Scott and Andrew Bayus. Evelyn was preceded in death by her sister, Stella Levy. Sign online guestbook at Donations may be made to The William Breman Jewish Home, 3150 Howell Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30327. A graveside service was held at Beth

David Cemetery, Elmont, N.Y. Arrangements by Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care, Atlanta. Calvin Zedd Norfolk—Calvin “Colonel” Zedd, 80, passed away on August 26, 2012. He was born in 1931 to the late Joseph and Mollie Zedd in Virginia. He was a member of Temple Israel and active with Chabad House; He also was the founder and owner of Zedd Auctioneers Ltd., and was an auctioneer for 50 years. Left to cherish his memory are his loving wife; Peggy Zedd, children; Loree Graley (Stephen) of Virginia Beach, Michael Glisson (Tina) of League County, Texas, and Stephen Zedd (Teri) of Norfolk; siblings, Bennie Zedd (Gertrude), Beatrice (Sidney) Wolff, Bessie Rita Zedd; grandchildren; Alexandra, Maxwell, Allen, Crawford, Gabriel, Ava Malkah. A funeral service was held at Altmeyer Funeral Home with Rabbi Michael Panitz officiating. Visit to express condolences to the family.

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | September 3, 2012 | Jewish News | 29

face to face

Calvin Belkov: Creating bright smiles by Karen Lombart


alvin Belkov went to Israel for the first time when he was 60 years old. During his childhood, he realized the historical significance of the Jewish homeland because so many of his parents’ generation had perished during the Holocaust. From reading magazines and newspaper articles, he gained an academic understanding of the country. In 1992, Belkov traveled abroad to celebrate his nephew Scott Konikoff’s Bar Mitzvah. Steve and Ronnie Jane Konikoff, Scott’s parents, made arrangements for the entire family to stay in a quaint neighborhood in Jerusalem and tour the country. Belkov recalls, “When it came time for the ceremony, we gathered at the top of a hill overlooking the ancient city.” After Scott finished chanting the Haftorah, Belkov, given the Hagba honor, raised the Torah scrolls over his head. As he did, he looked out over the landscaped valley and was awestruck by the beauty and spirituality of the moment. “I was inspired by a feeling like no other,” Belkov says. “I felt that I was going to fly right to heaven!” Belkov grew up in an Orthodox home, and kept kosher all his life. As a young boy, he, Gene Kantor, and Shulamit Reich walked to Congregation Beth El for Shabbat. He conducted Mincha and Maariv services by the time he was 17 years old. When his mother passed away at age 40, Belkov became a reliable minyan participant for decades, ensuring that Kaddish could be said by mourners. The year following his nephew’s Bar Mitzvah, Belkov participated in a volunteer program he had read about in Hadassah magazine. A group of dentists from Orange County, N. J. had established a clinic in Ashdod, a seaport town near Tel Aviv, known for its oil wells. For one month, Belkov lived on the coast, practicing dentistry by taking care of new immigrants and needy locals. Pleased with the experience, Belkov asked his wife, Linda, to join him the following year. Having weekends free, they hoped to find relatives from his mother’s side of the family who had fled to Israel instead of immigrating to the United States, Canada, or Cuba as the others had done. Belkov still possesses an unopened letter written by his mother to her relatives stamped with the Nazi insignia, indicating that it was never delivered.

Hearing many wonderful stories about Pardes Katz from their friend, Marcia Hofheimer, they decided to include it on their list of weekend possibilities. As far back as the early 1980’s, Tidewater and its Israeli sister city were linked through a national Federation program called Project Renewal. Pairing communities allow Americans to create an intimate relationship with one abroad. Pardes Katz is a frequent destination on UJFT trips to Israel. Through financial assistance, Tidewater helped the “Matenas” (community center) develop early childhood and teen programming, a computer lab and meals for the elderly. Its centrality provides joy and hope for many of the residents who were affected by the proximity of the surrounding poverty stricken ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of B’nai Brak. With an impromptu visit, the gracious community immediately welcomed the Belkovs into their Yom Ha’ Atzmaut festivities. “The residents treated us like royalty!” remembers Belkov. In response to their persistence, Linda spoke extemporaneously to an eager audience, offering greetings from Tidewater. After a tour of the facility, the Belkovs felt an inexplicable bond with the proud residents. Returning to volunteer one more year in Ashdod, Belkov dreamed of the possibility of starting a dental clinic in Pardes Katz. Reaching out to UJFT in Norfolk, he was encouraged to create a private fundraising campaign. Belkov’s donation was the first of many to come from family and friends. Inspired by his vision, Rabbi Arthur Ruberg of Beth El asked Belkov to speak during a break in holiday services. At the Kiddush luncheon that followed, a congregant stopped Belkov and proposed, “When you are ready to start the project, come back to me.” That donor pledged $5,000 a year for five years from the Pincus Paul Foundation. As the executor of a local woman’s estate, Peter Decker, a Tidewater lawyer, also supported the project with some of his deceased client’s undesignated funds. Having accumulated enough money to start the project, the Belkovs met with the Israeli Minister of Health in Jerusalem to obtain his approval. He was an English physician who had immigrated to Israel. They were shocked to learn that he did not want to see another American dental clinic manned by volunteers, taking employment opportunities away from

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Israeli citizens. He mentioned an ORT dental hygiene school that had been established for young Arab women, noting that those women needed jobs. When Belkov returned home, he shared his experience with Sonny Lefcoe, a local dentist and member of the board of trustees for Tel Aviv University’s Dental School. Lefcoe really liked the concept of providing Pardes Katz with a dental clinic and went to the school to ask for help. Tel Aviv University licensed Belkov and all the other volunteers with visiting professor status, and the dream became a reality. From articles placed in the UJFT News, Tavia and Daniel Gordon, who had an office in Israel, volunteered to help ship the clinic’s equipment. Lefcoe assembled the machinery and adapted it to the Israeli electrical current. The Gordon brothers shipped 10 huge, 75-pound boxes filled with equipment for two operatories and dental supplies donated by local doctors. Leonard Strelitz made the necessary arrangements for the boxes to be picked up duty free at the airport. Today, the dental office still sees patients. When he originally stayed in Ashdod, Belkov attended services at an Orthodox schul. Paired with an elderly English speaking immigrant from Germany, the two became friends. Years later, the man’s daughter married a rabbi stationed at Langley Field. During the start-up years of the clinic, Belkov travelled to Israel sometimes twice a year. Since his first visit, he has been there 14 times. Through the years, he and Linda maintained their friendships with visits, letters and telephone calls. After practicing dentistry for 42 years, Belkov sold his practice in 1996 when he was 64 years old. Pardes Katz had his undivided attention until his older brother passed away in 2000. Philip Belkov had been running his parent’s grocery and tobacco wholesale business. Started in 1923 as a small store, a block off of Church Street, the business settled on East Princess Anne Rd., where Philip ran a ship chandler, selling duty free cigarettes, whisky and supplies. Not wanting to close the business, Belkov took a risk and added wholesale kosher products, starting small. In Tidewater, there was only one kosher market on 21st St. He remembered when there were five local kosher butchers. There were no kosher wholesalers in the area. In fact, there was only one in Baltimore, and

Calvin Belkov

another between Tidewater and Georgia. He believed this new business endeavor would help the Jewish community. Within a few years, VA-Bel handled the wholesale of Empire poultry, and many other kosher products. Belkov also became the exclusive dealer of kosher wines for the region. He and his siblings acquired their sense of generosity from their immigrant parents. His sister, Beverly Handel took care of Beth El’s gift shop for many years, followed by her daughter, Regina Rose. The standing candelabrum next to the bima was donated in memory of his mother, Sylvia, and the Belkovs named a room in Beth El’s Sunday school wing. Taking on many responsibilities and roles during the years, Linda was a dedicated volunteer and served as Beth El’s president. At B’nai Israel, Philip named the chapel to honor his family. Believing in the welfare of the community, the couple has retained a membership to the Simon Family JCC. This past November, Belkov returned to Israel five years after his last visit. He travelled with his nephew, Maury Handel, 60, who was coincidently going for his first time. They stayed at a magnificent new hotel in Jerusalem called the Mamillia, built over a shopping center, housing 100 stores, standing today as a symbol of Israel’s ever changing landscape. Together, he and his nephew shared many wonderful experiences. However, for Calvin Belkov, the most poignant memory will remain standing atop the hillside, overlooking Jerusalem, reflecting back to the moment his life changed and took on new meaning.

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