High Holidays 5774, September 2, 2013

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Bringing Israel Home



13 Women’s Cabinet Kick-off

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UJFT Kick-off Tuesday, Sept. 10

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2 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

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A century later, Leo Frank tragedy still resonates by Abraham H. Foxman

NEW YORK (JTA)—On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the trial of Leo Frank in Atlanta, let’s begin by stating for the record: No, the Leo Frank case was not the impetus for the founding of the AntiDefamation League. It is true that the organization, now celebrating its centennial, was founded the same year as the arrest and trial of Frank for the murder of one of his factory workers, a 13-year-old girl named Mary Phagan. But the idea for ADL, conceived by Sigmund Livingston, a Chicago attorney, preceded the case. Rather than being the catalyst for the organization, the trial served as a confirmation of the wisdom of Livingston that American Jews needed an institution to combat anti-Semitism. America was a much different place in 1913. Compared to Europe, Jews here lived far more secure and stable lives, but stereotypes and name calling were still common. That’s what led Livingston to conceive of an ADL. As a Jewish immigrant from Germany, he assumed that in America the prejudices he experienced in Europe would not exist. That was not the case. Still, the trial—and two years later, Frank’s lynching—were a shock to American Jews. Despite broad divisions between older immigrants from Germany and newer ones from Russia, the community rallied together in support of Frank and in anger at the biased trial. Looking back, we can see this great

tragedy as representing the two sides of America and the Jews that still exist today, but in a very different balance and form. The trial and lynching demonstrated that America carried some of the historic stereotypes and conspiracy theories about Jews that had characterized European life for centuries. The blood libel charge —the idea that Jews murdered Christian children to use their blood for ritual purposes—was rare in America. But a related theme, of a Jewish predator attacking a young Christian female, surfaced in the Frank trial. Also surfacing was the notion that in an extreme case like this, America’s legal and constitutional system might not be able to protect a vulnerable Jew from violence. In the long term, one can argue that the reaction to the Frank affair set the stage for a dramatic improvement in Jewish life in America. Newspaper editorials across the country overwhelmingly supported Frank. Opinion makers commented about the degree of anti-Semitism surrounding the trial. Even early on, Jews understood that an influential public could be called upon for support when anti-Semitism reared its ugly head. The opprobrium did some good, leading Georgia Gov. John Slaton to commute Frank’s sentence. However, the haters won out, as they so often did in those years in the case of African-Americans. For American Jews, the Frank affair was seen as a low point in Jewish life in America. The truth is, however, that the most difficult years came later, particularly

in the 1930s when anti-Semitic hate groups proliferated and when quotas in universities and other institutions abounded. The lessons of the Frank affair played an important role in improving the quality of life for American Jews and in decreasing anti-Semitism. If there were doubts about the need for an ADL, that evaporated among significant parts of the community after the lynching. And it set the stage for the fundamental practice used by ADL and others in combating anti-Semitism: Get the information out and rely on the good will of public figures and institutions to delegitimize hate and prejudice. Clearly, America has come a long way in the last 100 years. A Leo Frank incident is unthinkable today. Attitudes, legal protections, education—all these speak to a qualitatively different America for Jews. Yet the Frank affair still resonates. Anti-Semitism in the extreme, a completely biased trial and the lynching, may largely be things of the past. But the stereotypes that underlay that extremism are still alive. ADL surveys show that 15 percent of Americans—35 million people—still have anti-Semitic attitudes. One hundred years later, we are saddened by the memory that it could have happened here, pleased that America has come so far and recommitted to addressing those still living biases, some of which allowed the travesty that was the Leo Frank affair. —Abraham H. Foxman is national director of the Anti-Defamation League and co-author of Viral Hate: Containing Its Spread on the Internet.


contents Upfront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

New programs & teachers at HAT & Strelitz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

New worship site in Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . 5

It’s a wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2013 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email mcerase@ujft.org. JewishNewsVA

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is a great opportunity for our

Friday, September 13/Tishrei 9 Light candles at 6:56 pm

community to come together to

Friday, September 20/Tishrei 16 Light candles at 6:46 pm Friday, September 27/Tishrei 23 Light candles at 6:35 pm

Israel advocacy seminars begin. . . . . . . . 19

Israeli university president visits. . . . . . . . 8 College students learn advocacy . . . . . . . 10

What’s happening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

celebrate who we are and what

Israel’s efficient health care . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Who knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Women’s Cabinet campaign kickoff . . . . 13

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

we hope to be in the future.”

Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus

“This Kickoff on September 10

Annual Campaign Kickoff Sep.10 . . . . . . 19

Meet JCC President Terri Sarfan. . . . . . . 23

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candle lighting

Op-ed: Raise the minimum wage . . . . . . . 6

JFS thanks donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email news@ujft.org www.jewishVA.org

—page 19

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jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Polio virus spreads to northern Israel A strain of the polio virus was found in wastewater near Hadera, meaning the virus has spread to the north of Israel. The discovery comes two weeks into a national vaccination project to inoculate Israeli children aged nine and under with a weakened form of the live virus. The vaccination project, scheduled to last three months, has been expanded from southern Israel to central and northern Israel. As of Wednesday, Aug. 21, 182,000 children had been vaccinated with the live virus. The children already have been inoculated against polio in their regular childhood vaccinations. The campaign is in response to the discovery in May of the polio virus in wastewater in Israel’s South that reportedly had been there since February. The virus was found about a month ago in wastewater in central Israel. The purpose of the extra vaccine is to pass the weakened virus to adults with whom the children come into contact who may not previously have been vaccinated. It is believed the virus was brought to Israel from Egypt; polio was discovered in sewage in Egypt in December. The same virus also is prevalent in Pakistan. Israel experienced its last case of polio in 1988. (JTA)

Floyd frontman wrote. Waters also accused Israel of practicing apartheid and noted Stevie Wonder’s cancellation of a performance for the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces. Recently he came under fire for using in his concerts a huge inflated balloon in the shape of a wild boar with a prominently visible Star of David, as well as a hammer and sickle, crosses and a dollar sign, among other symbols. (JTA)

Refaeli takes on Waters over boycott letter Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli tweeted in Hebrew that she no longer wants to be associated with British rocker Roger Waters after his open letter calling for a boycott of Israel. “Roger Waters, you better take my picture off of the video art at your shows. If you’re boycotting—go all the way,” Refaeli said on Twitter. Her image is among dozens beamed on the wall during Waters’ concerts. A day before Refaeli expressed her anger on Twitter, reports of the Aug. 18 boycott letter by Waters became public. “I write to you now, my brothers and sisters in the family of Rock and Roll, to ask you to join with me, and thousands of other artists around the world, to declare a cultural boycott on Israel,” the former Pink

New Nixon tapes show more anti-Semitism President Richard Nixon is heard in the last set of his White House tapes making anti-Semitic statements in discussions with visitors to the Oval Office and by telephone. The 340 hours of tapes, which cover from April 9, 1973 to July 12, 1973, were released Wednesday, August 21 by the Nixon Presidential Library. They are the last set of tapes that will be released by the library. In a phone discussion in mid-April with Henry Kissinger, a Jew who at the time was the national security adviser, Nixon expresses concerns that Jews would torpedo an upcoming U.S.-Soviet summit. If that happened, Nixon said, “Let me say, Henry, it’s gonna be the worst thing that happened to Jews in American history.”

New Zealand Jewish students decry sale of Nazi memorabilia Jewish students in the New Zealand coastal city of Dunedin condemned a sale of Nazi memorabilia, calling it a “slap in the face” to the local and national Jewish community. “The decision to run this auction shows a lack of taste and sensitivity to those who lived through these atrocities and their families,” Ben Isaacs, president of the Dunedin branch of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students, told the Otego Daily Times, a Dunedin newspaper. “This is not something that should have a place in New Zealand.” Last month’s sale included pre-1945 German military items and memorabilia such as Nazi flags, helmets, belts and pins. Many of the items were brought back by veterans after World War II. (JTA)

4 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

He added, “If they torpedo this summit —and it might go down for other reasons —I’m gonna put the blame on them, and I’m going to do it publicly at 9 o’clock at night before 80 million people.” He continued: “They put the Jewish interest above America’s interest, and it’s about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he’s an American first and a Jew second.” In a tape from May 1 that is labeled by the library as “Garment’s Jewish background,” referring to Nixon aide and lawyer Leonard Garment, Nixon is heard shouting “Goddamn his Jewish soul” after saying he wants to fire Garment for an inappropriate comment. When asked about appointees, Nixon tells presidential counselor Anne Armstrong there should be “No Jews. We are adamant when I say no Jews.… But Mexicans are important. Italians, Eastern Europeans. That sort of thing.” Nixon accused the Jews of holding American foreign policy “hostage to Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union,” and added that “the American people are not going to let them destroy our foreign policy—never!” Future presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush are heard in conversations recorded on the tapes offering Nixon support during the Watergate affair. Nixon on previous tapes was heard making anti-Semitic remarks about Jewish politicians and others. (JTA)

Death in Dutch royal family nixes plans for party on Yom Kippur A farewell party for former Queen Beatrix scheduled on Yom Kippur was canceled due to the death of her son. The Dutch Royal House postponed the Sept. 14 gala until early next year, according to a report by the NRC Handelsblad daily. Prince Johan Friso, 44, died Aug. 12 as a result of injuries he suffered in a skiing accident in Austria. He had been in a coma for a year and a half. The decision to hold the party in Rotterdam on Yom Kippur had disappointed some Dutch Jews when it was announced in May, as it would have prevented many representatives of Dutch Jewry from attending.

Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs, a chief Dutch rabbi, told JTA he was “not angry but pained” by the agenda conflict. “I can see why the Jewish minority was overlooked in scheduling the event,” Jacobs said. “We are a very small minority. And that is painful.” The Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam held a special prayer ahead of Prince Willem Alexander’s succession as monarch on April 30. (JTA)

Israeli requests for gas mask kits soar over Syria fears Requests by Israeli citizens for gas mask kits have risen fourfold as concern over events in Syria has increased. Citizens have been visiting post offices throughout the country to pick up their Atomic Biological Chemical protective kits, or ABC kits, over fears of the threat of a chemical weapon attack from Syria or Iran, according to reports in the Israeli media. Some 60 percent of Israelis currently possess gas masks. In order to equip the remaining citizens, a budget allocation of $362 million is necessary for 2014, according to reports. Hundreds of Syrians were killed last month in eastern Damascus suburbs by an alleged chemical weapons attack by the government army. The Syrian government denies the claims. (JTA) ABC options Israeli television series The ABC television network purchased the rights to Israel’s top-rated television series, Bilti Hafich, or Irreversible. The pilot episode will be developed by series co-creator Segahl Avin, a co-executive producer of the U.S. series, along with Peter Tolan, according to the Deadline Hollywood website. The cast has yet to be announced. Bilti Hafich, which has been on since January, was renewed for a second season. It is about a young couple and the changes that occur after the birth of their first daughter. The acquisition comes after the success of Showtime’s Homeland and CBS’ Hostages, both based on Israeli dramas. (JTA)

Ahead of High Holidays, Bennett unveils new platform for egalitarian prayer

by Ben Sales

TEL AVIV (JTA)—Israel’s religious services minister, Naftali Bennett, has unveiled a temporary platform for non-Orthodox prayer at Robinson’s Arch, the archaeological site adjacent to the Western Wall plaza used by egalitarian groups. The platform, which will include Torah scrolls, prayer books and prayer shawls and be open at all hours, does not reach the Western Wall itself. A ramp leads from the 4,800-square-foot platform to a smaller area adjacent to the wall. Bennett’s office described the new platform “as an interim but primary place of worship for Jewish egalitarian and pluralistic prayer services.” “The Kotel belongs to all Jews no matter who they are and what stream of Judaism they come from,” Bennett says. “This new platform, built ahead of Rosh Hashanah, will help unify the Jewish people and enable all Jews to pray freely at the Kotel.” The new platform was unveiled as faceoffs continued at Judaism’s holiest site between haredi protesters and the feminist group Women of the Wall, which conducts a monthly service at the women’s section of the Western Wall Plaza. The women’s group has fought for the right to wear prayer shawls and read from the Torah at the wall, which the haredi Orthodox consider a provocation and an infringement on their religious rights. Egalitarian prayer, in which men and women participate equally, is permitted only at Robinson’s Arch. Following several arrests of Women of the Wall members, a compromise solution developed by Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky was promised by the government last December. In the meantime, the fight has been a

distraction for the government, sparking a conflict between Bennett, who favors reserving the main Western Wall Plaza for Orthodox prayer, and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who supports Women of the Wall. Bennett hopes to institute a legal statute restricting the plaza to Orthodox prayer, but such a statute would require Livni’s approval. Under the terms of Sharansky’s plan, first reported in April, the Robinson’s Arch area would be expanded and a unified entrance built offering access to both traditional and egalitarian places for worship. Sharansky welcomed the temporary platform as “a gesture of goodwill.” The months since the plan’s broad outline was revealed have seen increased haredi Orthodox protests at Women of the Wall’s monthly gatherings. In addition, a judge determined in April that the women’s group’s activities did not contravene a law prohibiting deviation from the wall’s “local custom.” Since the ruling, no women have been arrested and the group has prayed with police protection in the Western Wall Plaza. Given its legal victory, Women of the Wall considers the platform a step backward. The group released a statement calling it “the very definition of separate, and not nearly close to equal.” “The plan will effectively exile women and all Jews who pray in a way that is not ultra-Orthodox tradition to Robinson’s Arch and away from the area of the Western Wall where Jews have prayed for generations,” the statement reads. American liberal Jewish groups were more reserved in their judgments. The Union for Reform Judaism calls the platform “at best, a very small step forward in the implementation of the full plan for full Jewish equality at the Kotel.” Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, executive vice president of the Conservative Rabbinical Assembly, says that the plan leaves several key questions unanswered. “A temporary platform does not in any way sway us from our struggle for full religious equality,” Schonfeld says. “If the temporary platform makes prayer easier and better for more worshipers at Robinson’s Arch, that is positive.”


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For more information, visit SimonFamilyJCC.org or call 757-321-2342 jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 5



Join campaign to raise federal minimum wage by Stuart Appelbaum

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6 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

NEW YORK (JTA)—It’s not that often that Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah fall so close together on the calendar. This year they are but three days apart, providing an opportunity for some introspection on an issue that should be of concern to the entire American Jewish community: the pitiful state of the federal minimum wage. The federal minimum wage isn’t a living wage. At $7.25 an hour, today’s full-time minimum-wage worker makes just $15,080 a year. Even in a family with two people working minimum-wage jobs, household income hovers at the poverty level. And that’s assuming they are lucky enough to have full-time jobs. Moreover, the makeup of minimum-wage workers has changed. James Surowiecki, writing in The New Yorker, noted a recent study by the economists John Schmitt and Janelle Jones showing that “low-wage workers are older and better educated than ever.” “More important,” Surowiecki wrote, “more of them are relying on their paychecks not to pay for Friday-night dates but, rather, to support families.” Meanwhile, the purchasing power of the minimum wage has plummeted. From January 1981 to April 1990, the federal minimum wage was never raised. In 2007, Congress raised the federal minimum wage by $2.10, to $7.25 per hour, as a first step toward restoring it to its historic value. But for the minimum wage to have the same purchasing power it had back in 1968, it would have to be more than $10 per hour now. American Jews should remember the situation confronting so many of our ancestors, who could earn only poverty wages in the garment trades and other sectors when they first arrived in the United States. The challenges confronting those in minimum-wage jobs today are no less daunting. They are the workers who care for our elderly parents, wash our cars, pick our produce, clean our offices and work at fast-food restaurants. The vast majority work multiple minimum-wage jobs to support their families and they are still

struggling, faced with terrible choices over which bills to pay—rent or heat, groceries or medicine—that none among us should be forced to make. A comprehensive study by the Economic Policy Institute points out the benefits of raising the minimum wage. An increase to $10.10 by July 1, 2015 would raise the wages of about 30 million workers, who would receive more than $51 billion in additional wages over the phase-in period, increase gross domestic product by roughly $32.6 billion and create a net gain of 140,000 new jobs. It would not, as many conservatives claim, kill jobs. And, it would be an important first step in closing the income gap. So we need to raise the federal minimum wage. Yet much of the business sector and its allies continue to stymie even modest attempts to lift minimum-wage workers out of poverty. Why? Essentially because they can. Two years ago, former Smith Barney director Desmond Lachman told The New York Times, “Corporations are taking huge advantage of the slack in the labor market —they are in a very strong position and workers are in a very weak position. They are using that bargaining power to cut benefits and wages, and to shorten hours.” Some states, frustrated by the inability of Congress to raise the federal minimum wage, have raised the minimum wage locally. But this needs to be done nationally—and it needs to be done now. In Parshat Shoftim, the Torah proclaims, “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” If we are to provide a measure of justice where it counts to the least well-paid among us, we have to do our part to support an increase in the federal minimum wage. We must partner with others to ensure it happens. We need to talk about it with our friends, families and neighbors. We in the Jewish Labor Committee are proud to be part of this campaign and encourage the wider community to join. It’s the right and just thing to do. —Stuart Appelbaum is the president of the Jewish Labor Committee and president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, UFCW.

For Israel, U.S. response on Syria may be harbinger on Iran by Ben Sales

TEL AVIV (JTA)—Following reports of what was almost certainly a chemical weapons attack in Syria, the White House has made moves indicating it may be inching closer to military intervention in the 2¹/2-year civil war there. Among the moves: moving warships toward the eastern Mediterranean and updating military options. In Jerusalem, Washington’s resolve in Syria is seen as a crucial litmus test for its readiness to confront another looming Mideast showdown over unconventional weapons. “[Syrian President Bashar] Assad’s regime has become a full Iranian client and Syria has become Iran’s testing ground,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said following a meeting with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. “Now the whole world is watching. Iran is watching and it wants to see what would be the reaction on the use of chemical weapons.” The attack in the suburbs of Damascus reportedly killed hundreds of civilians and, given the number of casualties, witness reports and other available facts, left “very little doubt” that a chemical agent had been used, according to a senior Obama administration official quoted by The New York Times. Although he has called for Assad’s resignation, Obama thus far has resisted direct U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war. Polls have shown that Americans oppose becoming embroiled in another Middle East conflict.

But Obama also has said that if Assad used chemical weapons, it would cross a “red line” that would necessitate a response. “This will make the U.S. do something, but it will be something symbolic,” says Eyal Zisser, a senior research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University. “I don’t see American interest in a complex intervention, war or sending forces. They need to do something, but not something deep.” The Israeli government repeatedly has broadcast concern about the possibility that the Syrian conflict could spill over and destabilize what has long been one of Israel’s quieter borders. As the war has intensified, Israel has taken steps to protect its northern frontier along the Golan Heights, where it recently built a security fence. The prospect of a nuclear Iran is viewed with much greater concern in Israel, though Obama has declined to establish any similar red lines even as he has sought to assure Israel that he is not making empty threats about preventing Iran’s acquisition of a nuclear weapon. American action in Syria might be enough to persuade Netanyahu the Americans are serious about Iran, Zisser says. But Netanyahu’s comments at his weekly Cabinet meeting suggested that Israel is prepared to take action on its own: “The most dangerous regimes in the world must not be allowed to possess the most dangerous weapons in the world. Our finger must always be on the pulse. Ours is a responsible finger and if necessary, it will also be on the trigger.”

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the most dangerous weapons in the world.

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jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 7

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Professor Moshe Kaveh

“The last medical school in Israel was established 40 years ago. We have built a new type of medical school—community oriented, translational medicine that is personalized for each patient’s DNA.” Kaveh says excitement and support for the school, located in Safed, is strong, and fits in well with recent additions of brain research and nanotechnology institutes within the Bar-Ilan University system. The Israeli government has agreed to match dollar-for-dollar funds raised for the new medical school. Among the community leaders attending the Sunday brunch were Eastern Virginia Medical School’s Dr. Richard Homan, president and provost, dean of the School of Medicine, and Dr. Karen Remley, dean of the EVMS Brock Institute. An exchange program links students at the Norfolk school with their Israeli peers. Bar-Ilan University is the fastest growing university in Israel, with 33,000 enrolled students. Interdisciplinary cooperation is encouraged among degree seekers, and 25 percent of students’ coursework focuses on Jewish studies.

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Janel C. Fellner, PA-C

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“Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.” (Please add above in Hebrew)

8 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

uring a brief visit in mid-August to a handful of large cities in North America, the president of Israel’s Bar-Ilan University made a special stop in Virginia Beach. On Sunday, August 11, Professor Moshe Kaveh, BIU president, was introduced to about 40 community members at the home of Annie and Art Sandler. “We’re here to learn about a variety of topics, and to learn where things at BarIlan and Israel are moving now, not in the geopolitical way, but in a very specific way,” Art Sandler told the diverse group after they had enjoyed a healthy brunch. President of the school since 1996, Kaveh shared his background as the Russian-born son of Holocaust survivors who were active Zionists. After emigrating and serving in the Israeli army, Kaveh became a world-renown physicist in his mid-20s. In his 30s, he took on leadership roles at Bar-Ilan and in Israel after being tasked with convincing Russian scientists to move and conduct their research in Israel. “It was then that I suddenly understood that life is about people, and if you look aside and don’t help people when they need something, then you’ve missed your trip in life,” says Kaveh. What the other Moshe— Moses—didn’t bring down with the 10 Commandments was the 11th Commandment, Kaveh told his attentive audience, introducing the main point of his visit. That commandment, he said, is a budget—necessary for carrying out the other commandments. Kaveh explained that Bar-Ilan University is in the final leg of a multi-year fundraising effort to complete the establishment of its Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee.

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40 years ago.

Final airlifts of Ethiopian immigrants arrive in Israel JERUSALEM (JTA)—The final two charter flights of new immigrants from Ethiopia landed in Israel. The two airplanes carrying the 450 new Israeli citizens arrived Wednesday, Aug. 28 at Ben Gurion Airport. A steady trickle of approximately 200 Ethiopian immigrants per month has been coming to Israel since 2010, when Israel launched Operation Wings of a Dove after checking the aliyah eligibility of an additional 8,000 Ethiopians. The new immigrants are known as Falash Mura—Ethiopians who claim links to descendants of Jews who converted to Christianity generations ago but now seek to return to Judaism and immigrate to Israel. They have been accepted to Israel under different rules than those governing other immigrants. In advance of the final airlift, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky turned over the keys to the Jewish school of Gondar to the Ethiopian city’s mayor. The Jewish Agency donated all the school buildings and equipment to the municipality. However, about 12,000 Falash Mura who were not granted permission to make aliyah remain in Gondar. Many have rel-

atives in Israel. In advance of the flights’ landings, hundreds of Ethiopian Israelis demonstrated Wednesday on behalf of the Falash Mura left behind. Yesh Atid lawmaker Dov Lipman, in a message on his Facebook page, offered his support to the Falash Mura left behind in Gondar. “I welcome the new immigrants arriving today. However, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters of Ethiopians who are already in Israel who are being left behind. And, we won’t leave them behind,” he wrote. “I visited Gondar last year and met them. I saw their tears, I heard their cries, and I was inspired by their drive to move to Israel and be reunited with their loved ones. I call on the government and the Jewish Agency to keep all services in Gondar in place until every single relative of Israelis has their appeal heard by the special committee set up by the Interior Committee and commit not to rest until I know that no families remain torn apart.” Ethiopian Jews also were airlifted to Israel during Operation Moses in 1984 and Operation Solomon in 1992.

Ethiopia-born model wins Israel’s ‘Big Brother’ JERUSALEM (JTA)—An Ethiopia-born model won the fifth season of Israel’s “Big Brother” reality show. Tahunia Rubel, 25, won the 1 million shekel prize, worth about $274,000, becoming the second woman to win on the show. Many conflicts surrounded Rubel, including some dealing with race and ethnic identity. Some of the racial conflict reportedly caused two other contestants, a father and son, to be disqualified. Earlier this year, an Ethiopian immigrant to Israel, Yityish Titi Aynam, 21, was

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College students gain insights into outreach at CRC event by Laine Rutherford

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he importance of being an active advocate for Israel was brought home to area college students at the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Bringing Israel Home event on August 11. The annual event, designed by and for college students, featured guests from the national pro-Israel campus organization, The David Project, who promoted advocacy skills and shared research and insights with the 50 young adults in attendance. “The most important thing I can tell you all is to reach out and talk to people about Israel the same way you talk to them about anything else,” Todd Young, director of campus and educational initiatives for the David Project, told the group. “The facts can come later. Our approach is based more on winning friends than winning arguments, especially if you want to keep that long-term support of Israel going that we have in this country.” Bringing Israel Home was a free event held at the Simon Family JCC, with interactive exercises, small group sessions, a dinner break with kosher pizza and salad from Pepe N.Y. Pizzeria in Ghent, and a chance to socialize and share experiences with other students. New this year was a parent component toward the end of the evening. More than 15 parents had an opportunity to hear from the directors of the on-campus

Jewish organization, Hillel, at two Virginia universities. Rabbi Jake Rubin, from the University of Virginia, and Sue Kurtz, from Virginia Tech, spoke on a panel that also included the David Project’s Todd Young, Jacob Levkowicz, senior campus coordinator for the David Project, and Isabel Shocket, coordinator of engagement and initiatives for Virginia Tech’s Hillel. “We’re looking for ways to build relationships, not to be divisive,” says Young. “We’re finding that anti-Israel movements on campus are not gaining much traction and the hostile political debate is not as prevalent as apathy and ignorance. We’re trying to make Israel something that’s interesting and softening negativity.” Rubin says from his perspective at UVa, it’s not so much that the students are apathetic. Rather, they are smart students who might remain silent because they feel as though they don’t have all of the facts. “We want to create a space where students are free to come in and say, ‘I don’t know,’” says Rubin. “And then we can have a personal relationship and conversation, and help them gain understanding—in an informal setting.” Both Rubin and Kurtz say that despite friendly rivalries between the two Virginia schools, they were grateful for the opportunity to speak on the Bringing Israel Home panel together, and hope it is the first of many more joint appearances. The turnout impressed the David

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10 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

Project’s Jacob Levkowicz, who says the students seemed interested, engaged and excited about learning how to advocate for Israel. “A lot of the information that kids and parents get about campuses is unfounded. You hear the term, ‘burning campus,’ that refers to anti-Israeli activity, but research and experience show that it’s not that the campus is burning—it’s not openly anti-Semitic. The bigger risk is of losing future support for Israel,” he says. “The most important thing for these students to know is that they have incredible personal stories and they have the power to connect with other students on campus,” he says. “And that’s proven to make a difference in other people’s perceptions of Israel.” To learn about upcoming CRC programs or resources, visit www.JewishVa.org/CRC or contact CRC Director, Robin Mancoll at RMancoll@ujft.org. Like the JewishNews on facebook to see more photos from this event.

Sue Kurtz, executive director of Hillel at Virginia Tech and Isabel Shocket Hillel, Virginia Tech Fellow Arianna Gershon, Raven Rutherford, and Rachel Swartz.

Todd Young and Jacob Levkowicz, The David Project.

Adam Rosen and Rabbi Jake Rubin, executive director of Hillel at UVa.

Mason Smith and Jacob Levy.

jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

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Israel ranks fourth in world in health care efficiency


n article in The Times of Israel recently reported that Israel is fourth in a ranking of countries with the most efficient health care. Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan were in the top three slots. The U.S. ranked even behind Iran, in 46th position. Compiled by Bloomberg, the countries were ranked on three criteria: life expectancy; relative per capita cost of health care (percentage of GDP per capita); and the absolute per capita cost of health care. Israel’s life expectancy is 81.8 years, and health care costs per capita were calculated at $2,426. With the longest life span in the Middle East and Africa, Israelis have the 12th longest retirement in the world (lasting 17.81 years), according to the article. Americans, on the other hand, have a life expectancy of 78.6 years and spend $8,608 in health care costs per capita.

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12 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

8/6/13 2:15 PM

Women’s Cabinet kicks off the 2014 Campaign by Amy Zelenka


n a beautiful night at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront last month, 30 members of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Women’s Cabinet took full advantage of the summer evening. Hosted by Cabinet Chair Jodi Klebanoff at the home of her sister Stacy Brody, the 2014 UJFT Women’s Cabinet kick-off featured dinner and a speaker, as well as the opportunity to officially launch the 2014 women’s campaign. Guest speaker Dr. Shira Kohn, assistant dean of the Graduate School at the Jewish Theological Seminary, addressed the group in a discussion titled: “Beyond Ladies Who Lunch: Jewish Sororities in Postwar America.” The topic was fascinating and especially engaging for the cabinet women who had themselves been members of Jewish sororities in either high school or college. Kohn proved herself a true expert on the subject as she answered many and various questions during the Q&A period following her presentation. Jodi Klebanoff followed Kohn’s remarks with a few announcements about upcoming events and encouraged all to participate. These included: the Sept. 10 General Campaign Kick-off; the Sept. 16 Campaign Solicitor Training Workshop; and the Sept. 24 Opening Women’s Cabinet Meeting. She then closed the meeting by thanking all for coming; spotlighting a number of new campaign initiatives and incentives available for donors this year; and asking each woman in the room to consider her own commitment for the 2014 campaign. The 2014 Women’s Cabinet KickOff was marked by warmth, friendship, shared commitment, and perhaps just a bit of nostalgia. The Cabinet looks forward to another year of creative, energetic, and successful campaigning… and ultimately, for being able to help do EXTRAORDINARY THINGS—here at home, and in Jewish communities around the world.

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JFS Thanks 2012/2013 Donors Ways to give . . . JFS offers many different opportunities for charitable giving. In the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013, the listed individuals and organizations generously provided support of JFS programs and services through donations made in the following categories:

UNITED WAY Each year the United Way of South Hampton Roads and the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula raise funds which are then allocated to support the services of their member agencies. When an individual makes a donation to the United Way, he/she has the opportunity of designating their gift to an agency of their preference. JFS sincerely thanks those who took the time to make this special designation in 2012/2013. Due to changes in the funding process, your designation provides a critical hedge against possible cuts in future funding and an opportunity for additional funds to support our most vulnerable and impoverished community members. Please designate your United Way gift to JFS by entering Jewish Family Service on the pledge form for the United Way of South Hampton Roads and the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula *Note—The United Way may not yet have notified JFS of all donations made this past year. If your name is not on the list and you did make a donation for which we have not yet been notified, we thank you.

NEIGHBORHOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (N.A.P.) The Neighborhood Assistance Program of the Commonwealth of Virginia encourages private sector involvement in the alleviation of poverty in Virginia. The program allows for a tax credit allocation to businesses, individuals and charitable trusts that make contributions to eligible non-profit organizations. Organizations are awarded allocations on a basis of proven operational success and their ability to serve impoverished people.

JFS ANNUAL FUNDRAISER The 9th annual JFS Week of Healthy Living, including the 9th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll races, held May 3–May 10, 2013 was a tremendous success thanks to the generosity of our donors, volunteers and the many health care professionals and community organizations that lent their time and expertise. The Week of Healthy Living continues to be a successful major fundraiser, while at the same time offering the community a wealth of information designed to promote healthy lifestyles and self-advocacy.

CONTRIBUTORS JFS receives many additional contributions throughout the year in support of various Agency programs. These can include donations in recognition of a life-cycle event; donations to a particular program where a need has been identified in the community (ex. Chanukah Gift Program, Helping Hearts Program); donations to the Baskets of Hope program which provides food and financial assistance to local families in need and donations in direct support of a program or service that is dear to someone’s heart. All donations to JFS ensure an enduring gift that contributes greatly to the quality of life in our community.

PROGRAM ENDOWMENTS JFS continues to work closely with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) in terms of Program Endowment opportunities. Endowing a JFS program will ensure the financial stability and continuity of this program for years to come. Contact us to find out about the newest initiative of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, Create a Jewish Legacy. Please visit TJF’s website at www.jewishva.org or call Betty Ann Levin, JFS Executive Director, at 321-2244 for more information. The Board of Directors and the staff of Jewish Family Service thank all of those donors mentioned in these pages, as well as those who have offered their direct support of certain programs or service areas through other venues of giving, such as endowment funds and grants. The agency is extremely fortunate to have behind it the strength of the Hampton Roads Jewish community. *If we have inadvertently left anyone out, we thank you and apologize in advance. Donations noted as of June 30, 2013.

L’Shana Tova 57 74

MITZVAH CORPS Monies donated to the JFS Mitzvah Corps campaigns directly support programs within the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Center for Home Health, Older Adult & Administrative Services; the Dozoretz Center for Family Healing and the Jessica Glasser Children’s Therapeutic Pavilion. Other programs benefiting include Personal Affairs Management, Services for the Developmentally Disabled and Emergency Food, Shelter and Financial Assistance.

TRIBUTE BANKERS JFS Tribute Bankers appreciate the convenience of electronic donations to JFS when they wish to honor an accomplishment or the memory of a loved one. Initial contributions (deposits) of $180 or $360 open an account and allow participation in this program. Withdrawals are made in $18 increments and allow for the easy processing of honorariums or memorials for frequent donors in these two areas. Tribute Bankers can send personalized cards simply by faxing, phoning or sending via e-mail their requests to JFS.

14 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

May you be inscribed for a happy and healthy New Year.

A. Dreyfus Family Charitable Fund Mrs. Joan Aaron Mr. & Mrs. David Abraham Mr. & Mrs. Peter Abraham Mr. Harry B. Abramson Joseph Abrasam & Idabella Regennyette Fleischmann Fund Mr. Jerry Adams Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Adelman Mr. Caleb Adler Mrs. Evelyn Adler Mr. & Mrs. S. Beryl Adler Mr. & Mrs. Davit Adut Mr. Benn Advocat Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Aftel Mr. & Mrs. Duane Aikman Dr. Debra J. Aleck Ms. Janice Aleck Mr. Roman Alekseyev Ms. Barbara Alin Allergy & Asthma Specialists, Ltd. Mrs. Paula Alperin Mr. & Mrs. Scott Alperin Mr. & Mrs. William Alperin Altmeyer Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. Ben Altschul Ms. Meril Amdursky AMERIGROUP Charitable Foundation Ms. Judith Anderson Ms. Devora Ankonina Ms. Janice Anten APM Spine and Sports Physicians Dr. & Mrs. Glen Arluk Rabbi & Mrs. Jeffrey Arnowitz Dr. Allison Ashe Mr. & Mrs. David Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Michel C. Ashe Dr. & Mrs. Barry Atlas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Auerbach Ms. Rosalyn L. August Mrs. Elayne B. Axel B’nai Israel Congregation Ms. Linda Badgley BakeFresh Manufacturing Co. Mr. Brandon Baker Baker’s Crust Inc. Ms. Ruth Bakst Mr. & Mrs. Alan Balaban Mr. & Mrs. David Balaban Ms. Sara Ballenger Linda L. & Leigh Baltuch Philanthropic Fund Ms. Claire Benjack Mr. & Mrs. Brad Bangel Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Bangel Bangel, Bangel & Bangel, L.L.P. Mrs. Clay H. Barr Ms. Susan P. Barr Ms. Suzanne L. Barr The Barr Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Alan G. Bartel Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bartel Bartel Family Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Gary Baum Mr. & Mrs. Jon Becker Becker Financial Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beesmer Dr. & Mrs. Calvin L. Belkov Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Belkov Mr. David Aaron Benjamin Ms. Karen Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Benson Ms. Rona Lee Berk Mr. & Mrs. Danniel J. Berkovich Ms. Jodi Berman Mr. Stuart Berman Mr. & Mrs. William Bernstein

Dr. Robert Bernstein & Ms. Lisa Ehrich Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berz Jr. Beskin and Associates Beth Chaverim Tzedakah Fund Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia Ms. Emily Bettendorf Mr. Gilbert Binder Mrs. Frances Birshtein Bite Restaurant & Catering BJ’s Wholesale Club Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blachman Mr. & Mrs. David Blais Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bookbinder Ms. Hedy Bortnick Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bosher Mr. & Mrs. David Brand Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Breit Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brenner Ramona & Lawrence Brenner Fund Ms. Catherine Briggs Percy* Brill Refugee Assistance Fund Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Brodsky Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Brooke Mr. Richard F. Broudy Ms. Gloria E. Brown Mr. Steven Brown & Dr. Beryl Brown Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Browne Mr. Larry Buckman Mr. Steven Budman & Ms. Terri Denison Hiroko Burch Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Buxbaum California Pizza Kitchen Armond and Rose* Caplan Foundation Stephen R. Caplan Foundation Cardinal Services Mr. & Mrs. David Cardon Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cardon Mr. Patrick Carroll Ms. Deborah Mancoll Casey Ms. Marilyn Cerase CGEL Associates, LLP Mrs. Ellyn S. Chapel Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Chapel Charles Barker Automotive Checkered Flag Motor Car Company Inc. Ms. Marsha Chenman Mrs. Ann Cherneco Mr. Jeffrey Chernitzer Ms. Randi S. Chernitzer Chick-fil-A Ms. Karen Chipock Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Chutkow Mr. Scott M. Cimring City of Virginia Beach— Sports Marketing Mrs. Patricia Clark Mr. Lloyd Clements Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cloth Coastal Food Pantry Ms. Amy Cobb Mr. Evan R. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Harry Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Cohen Mr. Hyman Cohen Ms. Janet Cohen Mr. Leo J. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Norman Cohen Mr. Paul Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Ramon A. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Cohen Ms. Susan Cohen Cohn/Gutterman Family Philanthropic Fund

Congregation Beth Chaverim Congregation Beth El Ms. Amy Converse Mr. & Mrs. Charles N. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson S. Cooper Dr. Paul Cooper Ms. Rita Cooper Cooper, Spong & Davis, PC Copeland Associates Copeland Family Fund Costco Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Crenshaw Mr. Philip Crew Mr. Robert Cross Mr. Alex Daniels David Lawrence Rare Coins Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Behrooz Dayanim Ms. Barbara Deal Ms. Sharon Debb Mr. & Mrs. Phili Deboo Mr. & Mrs. Mark Delevie Delta Dental Mrs. Hilde Gonsenhauser Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Diamonstein Ms. Melissa DiBona Dick’s Sporting Goods Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Diehl Mr. & Mrs. John Dietrick Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dobrinsky Mr. & Mrs. Boris Dobrydnev Mr. & Mrs. Barry M. Dorsk Dozoretz Family Foundation Ms. Meryl Dreano Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Drory Drory Family Trust Drs. Hamlin & Morgan, PLC Mrs. Judi Goodman Duffy ECPI College of Technology Mr. James Eilberg & Dr. Susan Eilberg Dr. & Mrs. Bernard I. Einhorn Lois & Barry Einhorn & Family Fund Ms. Paula Eisen Ms. Eleanor Eisenman Mr. & Mrs. Ed Eisenson Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Emanuel Mr. & Mrs. Brad Embree Mr. & Mrs. David Embree Ms. Dianne Epplein & Mr. John Patton Mr. Derrick Evans Farm Fresh Charitable Foundation Mr. Paul Feeko Mr. & Mrs. David Feigenbaum Mr. & Mrs. John Feigenbaum Dr. & Mrs. William E. Feldman Dr. Anita Clair Fellman Mr. & Mrs. Chris Fenley Ms. Heidi Field Final Kick Sports Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fine Matthew & Karen Fine Fund Ms. Estelle Fineman Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Fineman Mr. & Mrs. Ross Firoved Mr. Joel Flax Ms. Mona Schapiro Flax Mr. & Mrs. Scott Flax Esther & Alan Fleder Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Fleder Mrs. Lorraine Fleder Fleet Feet Sports Mr. & Mrs. Seth Fleishman Barbara Leterman Fletcher Fund Mr. & Mrs. Rick Foleck Food Lion Mrs. Rhea D. Foreman

Mrs. Vivian Fish Forman Fortune Finders of Virginia Ms. Joanne Foster Mr. & Mrs. Irving Frank Mrs. Lucille Frank Mrs. Rita Frank Ms. Robin Frank Mr. & Mrs. Martin Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Harry Fried Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Frieden Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frieden Ms. Jodie Frieden Ms. Abby Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert R. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Friedman Hon. & Mrs. Jerome Friedman Dr. Lora Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Martin I. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Neil Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Friedman Ms. Phyllis Friedman & Mr. Mark Schneider Mr. Barry Friedman & Ms. Linda Peck Mr. Leonard Frierman Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Frumkin Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Furman G & W Gifts & Awards Kalpana Gajjar Dr. David Gallo Dr. & Mrs. Alan Gamsey Dr. & Mrs. Alan Ganderson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ganderson Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ganderson Ms. Mariann Gannon Ms. Caroline Gardner Gastroenterology Ltd. Ms. Sarah Gay Mrs. Alla Gean Mrs. Holly Gebel Dr. Edward George & Ms. Karen Pearson Ms. Karen S. Gershman Mrs. Beth Gerstein Ms. Evelyn Gerstman Mr. & Mrs. Seth Geshen Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gibbs Helen G. Gifford* Foundation Mr. Oscar Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. William Gilbert Ms. Susan Gitlin Ms. Mary Glanzer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Glass Mr. & Mrs. Michael Glasser Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Glassman Ms. Elizabeth Glassman Mrs. Pearl H. Glassman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glickman Mrs. Paula A. Gobar Mrs. Ethel P. Goldman Ms. Jane Goldman Morton & Elaine Goldmeier Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Morton Goldmeier` Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldner Lawrence J. Goldrich Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Keith Goldstein Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Goldstein Mr. Mikhail Gomenyak Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goodove Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goodstein Ms. Barbara Gordon Mrs. Brenda Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Howard Gordon Mr. & Mrs. James Gordon Mr. Michael E. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Michael Goretsky

Dr. & Mrs. Randolph Gould Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gower Mr. & Mrs. Harry Graber Ms. Jennifer Green Ms. Mary Greene Ms. Donna Greenfield Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Greenhouse Mr. & Mrs. Roye Greenzaid Mrs. Beth Gross Mr. Danny Gross Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Gross Dr. & Mrs. Michael Gross Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gruelle Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Guth Mrs. Ruth Gutherz Mr. John O. Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Gutterman Mrs. Shirley Schulwolf Hainer Mr. Henry Hallerman Ms. Maura Hametz Webb Mr. & Mrs. Martin Handelsman Harbor Group International Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Harris Harris Teeter Mrs. Joan Harrison Mr. Steven Harwood & Ms. Susan Alper Mr. & Mrs. William Hearst Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Hebrew Ladies Charity Society Ms. Betty G. Hecht Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hecht Ms. Allison Held Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Held Mr. & Mrs. Philip Helman Dr. Reginald Henry Heritage Bank Mrs. Norma Herzberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heyman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Heyman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hilliar Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hirsch Mr. Lewis D. Hirschler Estate of Barbara O. Hodge Mr. Harvey Hoffman Mrs. Marcia Hofheimer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hofheimer Mrs. Nicole Holmes Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Holroyd Ms. Maria Holtz Mr. & Mrs. Stanley I. Holzsweig Ms. Lenore G. Hooten Dr. & Mrs. Abbey Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Houck Ms. Susan Howell Lt. Col. & Mrs. Ralph Hughes Ms. Ellen Rostov Hundley Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hurwitz Mrs. Myra Iacono IAT International, Inc. Ms. Davida Isaacs Ms. Nancy Jackson Hon. & Mrs. Marc Jacobson Mrs. Nancy Sacks Jacobson Mr. Richard Jacobson Dr. & Mrs. Alan Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Jaffe Ms. Karen Jaffe Lee & Bernard Jaffe* Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Jaffe Carol and Jason Family Fund Mr. & Mrs. Joel Jason JCC Seniors Club JFS Knitting for Others Group Jody’s Popcorn Mr. Barry W. Jones Ms. Dana B. Jones Ms. Susan Jones Jormandy L.L.C. Mr. & Mrs. William Jucksch Jungle Golf

Just Cupcakes Dr. Larry H. Kagan Ms. Anna Lee Kahn-Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Abe Kalfus Mr. David Kamer & Dr. Marcia Samuels Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kanter Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kantor Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kantor Arthur* S. & Phyllis B. Kaplan Family Fund Libbie & Albert* Kaplan Fund of TJF Dr. Susan Kaplan Mrs. Joy Kaps Mimi S. Karesh Trust Dr. & Mrs. Warren Karesh Dr. & Mrs. Edward Karotkin Dr. Fred Karotkin Karotkin Family Philanthropic Fund Ms. Anna Karp Mrs. Florence B. Karp Ms. Galina Kastin Ms. Katherine Katsias Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Katz Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Katz Mrs. Robin Katz Mr. Charles Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. David Kaufman Ms. Deborah Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Kaufman Mrs. Linda Kaufman Mr. Ronald A. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kayer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keech Mr. & Mrs. Don Keeling Kehillat Bet Hamidrash Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Keller Kempsville Conservative Synagogue Ms. Linda Kent Dr. Mark Kerner Dr. Bradley Kesser Dr. & Mrs. Howard L. Kesser Mr. & Mrs. M. Barron Kesser Ms. Janna Kestenbaum Dr. & Mrs. Ronald King Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kirschbaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kirschner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kitchen Mr. & Mrs. William Kittner Klar Voorhees Orthodontic, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. Jay Klebanoff Ms. Tracy Klippel Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kocen Mrs. Annie Koenig Dr. & Mrs. Bryan Konikoff Mrs. Hanna Konikoff Col. & Mrs. Eric Koppelman Mr. Kyle Korte Mr. & Mrs. Joel Kossman Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Kostiner Mr. Alex Koval Mrs. Lillian Kozak Mr. Mark R. Kozak Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kramer Milton* & Ron Kramer Restricted Fund Mr. Paul Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kramer Ms. Bari Kraus Ms. Emilee Kraus Dr. & Mrs. David Kreger Mrs. Clare Krell Dr. Norman Krell Celia K. Krichman Charitable Trust Dr. & Mrs. James Krochmal Kroger Grocery Store Mr. Irwin Kroskin

jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 15

Krug Foundation Trust Mrs. Tamra Kruger Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Kurtz Mr. Alan H. Kurzer Mr. David A. Kushner Mrs. Irina Kvitko Mrs. Shirley Labiak Mr. & Mrs. David Laibstain Mrs. Helen Laibstain Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Laibstain Ms. Katherine Lambert Mr. Edward Landress Dr. & Mrs. David Lannik Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Lask Dr. & Mrs. Leon A. Leach Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon J. Leavitt Dr. & Mrs. Ira Lederman Dr. Darryl Lynn Lefcoe Lefcoe Family Partnership Ms. Mia Lefkowitz Mr. & Mrs. Bertrum N. Legum Mr. & Mrs. Jay W. Legum Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Legum Mr. & Mrs. Steven Legum Mr. & Mrs. Sam Leibovici Mrs. Barbara Leibowitz Mr. Martin S. Leiderman Ms. Ashley Lemke Mr. & Mrs. Miles B. Leon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Leon Mr. David Leon & Dr. Lisa Finkel Leon Leon Family Fund Mr. Bradley Lerner Eugene & Betty Levin Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Scott Levin Mrs. Shirley Levin Dr. Laurence Levin & Dr. Janice Levin Mr. Michael Levinson Dr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Levy Mrs. Linda Levy Mrs. Marilyn Levy Dr. & Mrs. Mayer G. Levy Dr. Phillip M. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Lewis Mr. Zachary Lewis Ms. Shannon Leyton Ms. Heather Lieb Ms. Mari Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. Errol Lifland Ms. Etta Lind Ms. Bonita A. Lindenberg Dr. & Mrs. Donald Lipskis Dr. Mark Lipton Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Liverman Mr. & Mrs. Reece Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Loeb Ms. Nancy Loewenberg Mrs. Bette Lombart Mr. & Mrs. Rick Lombart Ms. Joan London Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Longman Mrs. Linda K. Longman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Looney Lost Tribe Jewish Motorcycle Club Mr. & Mrs. Robert Low Drs. Barry & Louise Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lust M3 INC Ms. Allison Madore Mr. & Mrs. Guy Maiden Dr. & Mrs. David R. Maizel Mr. & Mrs. Mike Malone Ms. Ellen Manassee Mr. & Mrs. Matt Mancoll Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mansbach

Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Mansheim Mr. & Mrs. Julius I. Marcus Mr. Richard Marten & Ms. Nancy Loewenberg Ms. Elsie Martin Mr. & Mrs. Lee Martin Dr. & Mrs. Joel A. Mason Mr. Vincent Mastracco Mr. Shaun Mattern Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Mayer Mrs. Irene Mazel Ms. Ruth McElroy Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGowan Medline Industries, Inc. Ms. June Mellman Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Meltsner Dr. Moussa Y. Menasha Mr. & Mrs. Louis Mendelson Mercedes-Benz of Virginia Beach Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mersel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jay Meyer Ms. Mary Page Michel Mid-Atlantic Dermatology Center & Laser PC Mr. Baron Miller Mr. & Mrs. Claude Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller Dr. & Mrs. Julius Miller Drs. Stephen & Jill Miller Mrs. Tanya Miller Ms. Wendy Miller Ms. Natosha Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Molin Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Moore Ms. Joanne Moore Ms. Kay Moore Ms. Bernice Moses Ms. Nina Moskowitz Mr. & Mrs. Ben Moss Dr. & Mrs. Burton Moss Mr. & Mrs. Marc Moss Ms. Tehilla Mostofsky Mr. Jonathan Motley Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Muhlendorf Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Muhlendorf Cameron* & Evelyn Munden Foundation Mrs. Evelyn Munden Mr. Andrew R. Myers Ms. Anna Myers Mr. Joe Myers Mr. Michael Myers Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Nason Dr. & Mrs. Mark Nataupsky National Mah Jongg League, Inc. Naval Station Norfolk Mrs. Sylvia Neff Ms. Joan Nelson Mrs. Sally Jo Nelson Mr. Jesro Nesbitt Mr. & Mrs. James Newnam Norfolk Collegiate Lower School Harry & Rosalind Norkin Philanthropic Fund The Bertram & Lois* Nusbaum Jr. Fund Mrs. Joan Nusbaum Mr. Robert C. Nusbaum & Ms. Linda Laibstain Ms. Suzanne O’Donnell Ms. Virgina O’Herron Mr. Russ Oasis Mr. & Mrs. Jason Ohana Ohef Sholom Temple Ohef Sholom Temple Men’s Club Ohef Sholom Temple Sisterhood Hon. & Mrs. Norman Olitsky Mr. & Mrs. Ken Olive

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Mr. Richard Olson Ms. Harriet Orleans Mrs. Cookie Orlins Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Ornoff Mrs. Arlene Owens Mr. & Mrs. Louis Padersky Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Panitz Dr. Barbara Parks Mr. Ordes Parnham Mr. Eric Patashnik Mrs. Pamela J. Patrick Ms. Rhonda Patterson Payday Payroll Services Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Peck Carol & Aaron Peck Philanthropic Fund Ms. Gail Peck Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peck Ms. Rhona E. Peck Pediatric Affliates of Hampton Roads Penn Quad Foundation, Inc. Mr. Patrick Pentecost Dr. & Mrs. Jerome D. Perlman Dr. & Mrs. Dan Permutter Mrs. Judy Petock Ms. Marilynn Philippi Ms. Rosalind Pincus Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Pitler Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pitts Ms. Susan Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pomeranz Ms. Virginia Porfano Mrs. Elinore Porter Ms. Iris Porush Mr. Irvin Posner Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Posner Ms. Thadine Powell Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pributsky Ms. Shannon Pride Ms. Helen Prince Mr. Norman Prince Property Management Group Drs. Puritz & Wohlgemuth Dr. & Mrs. Walter Rabhan Mr. Ralph Rabinowitz Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Radin Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rafal Mr. & Mrs. Shahab Rahimzadeh Mrs. Audrey Rapaport Aaron Rashti Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rashti Ms. Georgie Reed Mr. & Mrs. Alan Resh Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reshefsky Mrs. Adele R. Rhodes Mr. Labe M. Richman Mr. & Mrs. Allen Richter Mrs. Zelma Rivin Mrs. Leona Roberts Rodef Sholom Temple Dr. & Mrs. Howard Roesen Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Roesen Dr. & Mrs. Reuben Rohn Ms. Allison H. Rohrer Mr. & Mrs. Burton Rosan Dr. Joan Helena Rose Dr. Meredith Rose Mr. Neil Rose Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Rosenbach Mr. & Mrs. Murray Rosenbach Mr. & Mrs. Neal Rosenbaum Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Rosenbaum Dr. & Mrs. David Rosenberg Mr. Martin Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Monte Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rosenberg Ms. Judith Rosenblatt Dr. & Mrs. Fred Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Rosenblum

Dr. & Mrs. Scott Rosenblum Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rosenfeld Mr. Edward Rosenfeld Dr. & Mrs. John B. Rosenman Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rossen Mrs. Ruth Rothman Mr. Philip S. Rovner & Ms. Joanne Batson Mr. & Mrs. George Rowland Mr. Adam Rubenstein Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Ruchelman Mrs. Iris Ruden Running Etc. Ms. Wanda Russo Hon. & Mrs. Leonard Sachs Annabel & Harold Sacks Family Fund Cdr. & Mrs. Harold Sacks Dr. & Mrs. Irwin S. Sacks Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sacks Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salasky Mrs. Nikcole Sales Mr. Peter Sallmaier Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Salomonsky Mrs. Joyce Salzberg Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Samuels Mrs. Florence Samuels Ms. Karen Samuels Mr. & Mrs. Marc Samuels Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Samuels Ms. Suzanne Samuels Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sandler Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sandler Steve & Toni Sandler Foundation Lonny & Terri Sarfan Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Larry Saunders Ms. Barbara Schacter Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Schatz Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Schechner Dr. Paul F. Schellhammer Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Schiff Mr. Leonard G. Schifrin Mr. Bernard Schloss Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert Schmidt Jr. Ms. Bernice Schoenbaum Ms. Lynn Schoenbaum Mrs. Ruth Ann Schoenbaum Drs. Roger Schultz & Beth Scharlop Dr. Alfred Schulwolf Captain Martin S. Schuman Ms. Jennifer Schwartz Mr. Stuart Schwartz Ms. Stacey Schwartzberg Dr. & Mrs. Eric Schwartzman Mr. Albert Schy Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sedel Dr. & Mrs. Robert Seeherman Mr. & Mrs. Burt Segal Mr. Nathan Segal & Ms. Susan Tapper Mr. & Mrs. Peter Segaloff Segaloff Family Philanthropic Fund Ms. Hallie Segerman Mr. Steven L. Seligman Ms. Shea A. Shackley Capt. & Mrs. Alan Shapiro Mrs. Lauren Shaps Ms. Euretha Shaw Capt. & Mrs. Herman Shelanski Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sher Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sherman Ms. Mary Elizabeth Sherwin Ms. Elise T. Shuman Ms. Heliene Siegel Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Siegel

Leslie & Larry Siegel Philanthropic Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Siff Mr. & Mrs. Louis Silverman Mr. Bart Simon Mr. & Mrs. Britt Simon Ms. Rhiannon Sims Mr. & Mrs. Chris Sisler Ms. Beth E. Skvarka Ms. Jennifer Slatkin Mr. & Mrs. Harris Sloane Mrs. Dorothy Slone Mrs. Carol M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mannie Smith Ms. Sarah Smythe Dr. & Mrs. Martin Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Michael Snyder Mr. Steven Snyder Ms. Susan Snyder Mr. Mark L. Solberg Mr. Edward James Soltz Mr. David Sparks The Spindel Agency Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Spitalney Ms. Elizabeth R. Sprague Mr. & Mrs. Gary St. John Stanley L. Samuels, PLC Starbucks Ms. Linda Stark Mr. & Mrs. James Steiger Mr. & Mrs. John Stein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Steiner Mr. Joseph R. Steingold Mr. Lawrence L. Steingold Dr. & Mrs. Ludwig Sternlicht StitchWorks, Inc. Mrs. Kimberly Stites Ms. Catherine Stockwell Mr. Millard K. Stone Mr. Carl Strass Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Stredler Mr. & Mrs. John Strelitz Mrs. Joyce Strelitz Strelitz Early Childhood Center Mr. & Mrs. Burle Stromberg Summit Group of Virginia, LLP Sunsations, Inc. Mr. Michael Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tabakin Mrs. Mika Tanaka Ms. Maxine Tate & Mr. Albert Rosenfeld Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Taubman Mrs. Sandra Tavss Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Teach Temple Beth-El Williamsburg Temple Emanuel Temple Israel The Route 58 Deli The Supply Room Ms. Marian B. Ticatch Tidewater Council of Jewish Women Fund Tidewater Women Tikvat Israel of Virginia Beach TowneBank Mr. & Mrs. John Trinder Tropical Smoothie Cafe Ms. Linda Troy Mrs. Rachael Trussell Ms. Shelby Tudor Tycon Medical, Inc. UJC Early Childhood Center Ms. Irene Ullman Mr. Joseph Umidi United Hebrew School United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula United Property Associates Mr. Justin Velasco Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Vinik

Virginia Beach Christian Church Food Bank Dr. & Mrs. Alan Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Brian Wainger Dr. & Mrs. Jules Wainger Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Waitzer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waitzer Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walker Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. Ms. Michelle J. Walter Ms. Nancy C. Walter Mr. & Mrs. Philip Walzer Ms. Ellen Waranch Mr. & Mrs. Martin Waranch Mr. & Mrs. Jay Warren Ms. Deborah Wass Ms. Michelle Waterman Ms. Benita Watts Mr. Carl Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Scott Weiner Mrs. Carole Kraditor Weinstein Ms. Iris Weinstein Dr. Josh A. Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weinstein Mr. Ross S. Weinstein Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weintrob Dr. & Mrs. Edward Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Howard Weisberg Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Harv Weisblat Ms. Rita Weiss Ms. Janette Wells Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Werbel Ms. Monique Werby Drs. Eric & Alice Werner Ms. Ellen Wertheimer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Whaley Mr. & Mrs. Matthew White Mr. Tim A. White Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth Whitehurst Whole Foods Market Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management, LLC Wilks, Alper & Harwood, P.C. Mr. Luther W. Willey Ms. Aisha M. Williams Mr. & Mrs. BC Wilson Ms. Diane Wilson Mr. Patrick Hamilton Wilson Ms. Susan Wilson Mr. Harold J. Winer Mr. & Mrs. Marc Wingett Mrs. Ireene Winn Mr. & Mrs. Colin Winston Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Winter Estate of Leah S. Wohl Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wolf Mr. Norman Wolfe Mrs. Gail F. Wolpin Ms. Deborah Wood Ms. Dorothy Wood Woodway Management, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Wyron Sylvia* & Solomon* Yavner Memorial Fund #2 Ms. Claire Yogman Ms. Debra Young Mr. & Mrs. Jack Young Ms. Meredith Zannino Mrs. Dorothy Zimmerman Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman Dr. & Mrs. Sol Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zittrain Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zuckerman Dr. Richard Zweifler Mr. & Mrs. Avram Zysman *of blessed memory

HAT and Strelitz kick-start the year with important new programs and faculty by Dee Dee Becker


t has been an exciting and active summer for the administration and faculty at the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and Strelitz Early Childhood Center. While many spent the last few months packed with family fun and sensational travel experiences, everyone ultimately circled back together in August, bonding over several extraordinary faculty development workshops. There is much that is new to share about the year ahead. New programming at HAT this year includes the Awaken Your Brain! Morning Enrichment program. This program provides students with additional enrichment through reading, research, and technology; review time for class and test preparation; and development of organizational and study skills. “Also available to HAT students,” adds Janet Jenkins, director of general studies, “is Homework Center-Enhanced, offering assistance with strategies and basic homework help; time to complete activities and assignments; allotted time for required and personal enjoyment reading and supervised extended study and practice through technology.” The Strelitz preschool has seasoned its curriculum with the renowned Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing program, which helps children develop the sensory-cognitive function of phonemic awareness. Unlike most reading, spelling, and phonics programs, LiPS® instruction directly applies phonemic awareness to the identification and sequencing of sounds in words. Students move through a series of steps to learn how their mouths produce the sounds of language. This kinesthetic feedback enables them to verify the identity and sequence of sounds within words, and to become self-correcting in reading, spelling, and speech. “Developing phonemic awareness,” says Alene Kaufman, preschool director, “is necessary to becoming an independent reader and, ultimately, to becoming a proficient learner in any subject. Our goal is to give our preschool students all the tools, advantages and readiness for success in kindergarten and beyond.”

Hebrew Academy teachers at annual professional development training: Sheila Panitz, fifth grade Judaic studies teacher; Dorothy Hughes, fourth grade general studies teacher; Leon Covitz, fourth grade Judaic studies teacher/ coordinator of Jewish life and learning.

HAT and Strelitz also welcome these new faculty and staff members: Janet Jenkins, who has been with HAT for 13 years in various teaching positions, as director of general studies. Leon Covitz, fourth grade Judaic studies teacher. Susan Klein Schwartzman, past HAT parent, as school nurse. Katie Horvath as the new kindergarten general studies teacher. Carlyn Goldstein, HAT alumna, as third grade general studies teacher. The 2013-2014 academic year at HAT and Strelitz aims to be a pleasurable, fun, and academically superb experience, raising the bar on what it means to have a Jewish Community Day School education. “Students have the opportunity to grow and learn, surrounded by a widely diverse group of friends from varied national, ethnic and economic backgrounds,” says Rabbi Mordechai Wecker, head of school. “Our highly involved family community, dedicated faculty and outstanding dual curriculum create an environment of profound meaning and success which remains true for HAT graduates their entire lives.” For more information, contact Carin Simon, admissions director, at csimon@ hebrewacademy.net or 424-4327. The Hebrew Academy of Tidewater/ Konikoff Center of Learning is a constituent agency of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Strelitz Early Childhood Center is an educational partnership of the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and the Simon Family Jewish Community Center.

jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 17

It’s a Wrap


Hoops for YAD

he Simon Family JCC gym was brimming with activity on the evening of Tuesday, August 27 as the Young Adult Division (YAD) of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater hosted its first-ever pick-up basketball night. Twelve people inaugurated the event with 90 minutes of full-court action. Organizer Danny Rubin, 29, created the pick-up basketball night to encourage young Jewish men ages 22-45 to come together to play sports, socialize and network. “Everyone loves to play basketball, and it’s important for the young guys in town to get to know each other in a Jewish setting,” says Rubin, who recently moved back to

Beth El’s Hazak attends Glass Studio event by Dorothy Zimmerman


Adam Tabakin, Fred Rose, Eric Miller, Chad Dorsk, David Calliott, Adam Lefkowitz, Ryan Lazernick, Danny Rubin, Bobby Richman, Jacob Walzer, Josh Bennett (not pictured: Igor Babichenko).

Hampton Roads from Washington, DC. “I’m excited for the basketball nights and hopeful it can lead to other programs for our age group.”

Families find fun at Super Summer Shabbat


lthough the weather forecast predicted showers, the rain stayed away and families and friends shared a fun-filled evening at the Super Summer Shabbat at the Simon Family JCC on August 16. Presented by the Young Adult Division of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC’s Children and Family Department, the celebration took advantage of the JCC’s family-friendly water park. Approximately 75 people of all ages attended, and enjoyed a bbq-style kosher dinner supplied by the Cardo Café, rousing games of corn-hole, a crafting area, and fun in both the outdoor and indoor pools.

18 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

orty members of Congregation Beth El’s HAZAK group, including Rabbi Jeffrey and Tami Arnowitz, attended a demonstration at the Chrysler Museum’s Glass Studio by artist Gianni Toso on Sunday, Aug. 18. Maestro Toso, a native of Venice, Italy, is acclaimed for his glass-working skill and his talent as one of the world’s foremost flame-throwers. Toso now lives in Baltimore, Md. with his family and is affiliated with the Orthodox community. Among his prized creations are chess sets of various representations. Two of his sets are displayed publicly in this area; one at the Chrysler Museum donated by Annie and Art Sandler and their children and Robbie and Albert Selkin; and another at the Sandler Family Campus donated in memory of Sylvia Jason. Both sets depict Orthodox Jews and Catholic clergy.

In addition to the 40 “Hazakniks” at the event, many other members of the Jewish community attended to watch the intricate maneuvers performed by the artist to create his delicate chess pieces and larger objects. A running narrative accompanied Toso’s performance followed by the artist’s commentary about his large body of work presented in a series of slides. Many of his pieces depict Jewish holidays, Judaic symbols and the like. HAZAK is an acronym…Hokhmah (Wisdom), Ziknah (Maturity), Kadima (Looking Ahead). An organization under the umbrella of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Beth El’s HAZAK is a recently formed group for mature congregants devoted to spiritual, educational and social activities. Hazak affirms the view that mature adults should have the opportunity to continue learning and being active in their congregation and the community.

Jewish War Veterans chapter has full schedule by Adam Goldberg, Post Commander, JWV Post 158

At a recent meeting of Jewish War Veterans Post 158 held at the Simon Family JCC, Lt. Cdr. Oliver Herion gave a lecture on being an Explosive Ordnance Demolition Technician in the navy. One might say the discussion was dynamite! Commander Herion also made an incredible contribution to the Post in the form of a national flag. The flag he presented flew above the headquarters of U.S. Forces Iraq at Al Faw Palace, the former palace of Saddam Hussein, on Jan. 1, 2010. Now, it will fly with honor at the meetings of JWV Post 158. Also at the meeting, the newest Post Chaplain, Rabbi Sender Haber, was awarded the honor of Patron Member to the Post and also the Order of the Green Piping. The Post’s next meeting will take place on Sept. 11 at 7 pm. The guest lecturer will be a member of the community, Melissa

Adam Goldberg with Lt. Cdr. Oliver Herion.

Schoenfeld, who was in the World Trade Center on that fateful day 12 years ago. All are encouraged to attend! Spouses and family are more than welcome.

What’s happening What do you say when someone says Israel is a “racist state”? Mondays, Sept. 16 and 30 and Oct. 14 and 28, 7–8:30 pm by Mark Solberg


ou know it isn’t true. You want to stand up for Israel. You’ve got 30 seconds before you lose them. What do you say? Actually, it takes about three minutes to make a clear case that Israel isn’t a racist state, but if the first 30 seconds are right, you might get the three minutes. Maybe they’ll even listen for a little longer. Maybe they can be convinced. But after convincing someone that Israel isn’t a racist state, what next? What does it take to advocate for Israel? Facts and focus. Advocating for Israel requires knowledge of lots of facts. To advocate for Israel, knowledge of the facts means knowledge of ancient and modern Jewish history. That still may sound like a lot…and it is. But it’s not a disconnected mass of information and data. It’s a dramatic and inspiring (and well-documented) historical saga. And you have a head-start. If you’ve read this far, if you have any interest in advocating for Israel, you already know at least some, and perhaps a substantial amount, of Jewish history. For instance, under the heading of modern Jewish history, here’s the first 30 seconds of the refutation of the “Israel is a racist state” lie: All citizens of Israel, regardless of race or religion, have full civil and political rights, and are equal before the law in Israeli courts. Arabs in particular have more civil and political rights in Israel than in any country in the Arab world. Arabs vote in Israeli elections and are elected to and serve in the Knesset, Israel’s legislature. Arabs serve as cabinet ministers, government officials, diplomats and judges. An Arab sits on the Supreme Court of Israel. Non-Jewish immigrants can become naturalized citizens of Israel “regardless of race, religion, creed, sex or political belief.” I bet a lot of that sounded familiar. Isn’t this easy? No, it’s not. “Israel is a racist state” is one of the easier lies to refute because it’s so blatantly false. Unfortunately, there are many other anti-Israel slanders and lies

that are nuanced and harder to expose. Distortions and half-truths are harder still, because they use part of the truth to create a lie. It takes facts, facts, facts to advocate for Israel. However, in addition to facts, it takes focus. Focus is knowing where you want the facts to take the discussion, and how to keep the discussion moving in that direction. Knowing both where and how to steer the discussion is critical because, make no mistake, if you don’t make the next point, the anti-Zionist will. If you don’t control the direction of the discussion, the anti-Zionist will. While you’re drawing a breath, he or she will throw out another ugly and/or crazy lie, like “the Jews have no historical connection to Jerusalem” or “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews.” Even potential supporters of Israel may innocently repeat falsehoods because of widespread ignorance and misinformation. In either event, you’ll then have to waste time refuting another lie instead of focusing on the truth about the cause and the nature of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Simon Family JCC Jewish Life and Learning department will offer a seminar to provide the facts and the focus needed to be an effective advocate for Israel. The four seminar sessions will be held at the Simon Family JCC. Issues to be discussed include: Israel’s historical, legal and moral right to exist as a Jewish state; Israel’s efforts to resolve the conflict; the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries; the portrayal of Jews in Arab media; and Israel as a democratic state. Dr. Sandra Haas-Radin and Mark Solberg will facilitate the seminar. The cost for reference materials is $18 for JCC members and $25 for non-JCC members. Register by calling the JCC at 321-2338; in person at the JCC front desk; or online at www.simonfamilyj.org. For more information, contact Miriam Brunn Ruberg, JCC director of Jewish Life and Learning at mbrunnruberg@simonfamilyj.org or at 321-2328. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Annual Campaign Kickoff invites community Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6:30 pm


ach year, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater initiates a new fundraising drive, known as the Annual Campaign. To inform, inspire and motivate the community about the campaign, the UJFT presents a campaign kickoff—a pep rally of sorts. The 2014 Annual Campaign Kickoff will be held on the Sandler Family Campus in Virginia Beach. The com- Sidney Friedman munity is invited to attend this free event. Amy Levy, chair of the 2014 Annual Campaign, says that the kickoff comes at an ideal time, as Jews celebrate Rosh Hashanah and start a new year. “Our Jewish values of charity, compassion, responsibility and social activism are the driving force behind the Campaign, and by supporting it each year, every donor is making a real difference in our community and around the world.” says Levy. “The Campaign is the primary mechanism by which we raise funds for our community, and so this Kickoff on September 10 is a great opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate who we are and what we hope to be in the future.” Following cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and some brief comments from community leaders, featured guest Sidney Friedman will perform for the audience.

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Known as the Mentalist to the Stars and Master of All Things Psychic, Friedman combines his entertaining and interactive psychic feats with positive messages to communicate the importance of the Federation’s work, which would not be possible without the community’s involvement. Levy says she is looking forward to the evening, and a successful campaign year “The Annual Campaign enables members of our Jewish community to invest in the growth and vitality of our Jewish community,” she says.” There are so many needs across our community from education, to senior services, to health care needs, to children’s programming and social programming. By making a gift to the Campaign, donors are able to use our community’s collective efforts to maximize each gift’s impact. Every dollar truly counts. It is undeniable that together we can, and we will, do extraordinary things.” The Campaign Kickoff is the result of diligent efforts by UJFT staff, volunteers and lay leaders to ensure that community members, dedicated donors and those new to the idea of Federation, and its giving model, understand the importance of their gifts. For more information, visit www.JewishVa. org. To RSVP, contact pmalone@ujft.org, or call 757-965-6115.



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what’s happening J e w i s h V e t er a n s Mem o ri a l pav er s ava il a bl e

Amos Guiora back by popular demand

Veterans Day event — Monday, Nov. 11, 11 am by James Eilberg


hen the nation celebrates Veterans Day, a solemn ceremony will also take place at the Jewish Veterans Memorial on the Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish community. Now three years old, the memorial was created through significant donations, as well as by the purchase of pavers inscribed with the names of Jewish veterans who served in the past as well as those currently serving in the Armed Forces. Veterans from Russia, Canada and Israel are also honored.

The Memorial site has spaces for more pavers. A $100 paver is a marvelous way to remember a loved one in perpetuity. Such a remembrance, whether the honoree served in a time of conflict or in a time of peace, is a dignified tribute. It acknowledges that the individual gave a significant amount of time entirely to the defense of their country. Such commitments merit lasting recognition. Applications for pavers are available in the JCC lobby or from Shelby Tudor with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, 757‑965-6105 or studor@ujft.org.


Free 10-day trip to Israel through Birthright


trip for eligible young adults who have not gone on their free 10-day trip to Israel with Taglit-Birthright Israel, is being offered by Network JCFR. The organization is sending a group of 22–27-year-olds to Israel this winter. Registration opens Sept. 9, so register as soon as possible. The perks of early registration: • Get on VIP list for priority registration processing • Greater chance of being accepted • Enjoy exclusive pre-trip events • Have direct access to the Richmondbased Birthright Israel staff • Expand your local network

• Receive a personalized follow-up upon your return Everyone is welcome This trip caters to individual needs, regardless of religious, cultural, or political affiliations. These trips convey an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone shares a sense of Jewish pride and a love for Israel. To register, go to www.toisraelnow.org and choose: Virginia Community Trip. To learn more about a free 10-day trip to Israel as a first-time visitor through TaglitBirthright Israel, contact Melanie Phillips, JCFR Young Leadership director 804‑545‑8623

Birthright group spring 2013 trip.

or mphillips@jewishrichmond.org or Amy Weinstein, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Young Adult director at 757‑965‑6127 or aweinsten@ujft.org.

Sunday, Sept. 22, 11 am

emple Israel and the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater invite the community to join them for a free community briefing at Amos Guiora the temple. Professor Amos Guiora will share insight on the renewed Israeli—Palestinian peace talks and will answer the question everyone is asking: Are we still talking about talking or will talks move forward this time? Amos Guiora is a renowned security expert, media commentator, and resource for U.S. and international governments. A professor of law and director at S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah, Guiora is a 19-year veteran of the Israel Defense Forces JAG Corps. He previously spoke at the CRC Israel Today Forum. The community is invited to stay for lunch in the sukkah being prepared by the Temple Israel Sisterhood. RSVP required to Liz Henderson at LHenderson@ujft.org or 965-6107. For more information about this and other CRC initiatives, visit www. jewishva.org/crc. Temple Israel is located at 7255 Granby St. in Norfolk.


Sept. 19 eve. – Sept. 20, 21 full day Westin Town Center, Virginia Beach

Best-selling authors Kevin Maurer and Lisa McMann & others 28 breakout sessions, free agent pitches, first 10 lines critiques, lunches included, optional social

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what’s happening F ir s t P er s o n

Tallwood High School to hold golf tournament for Israel exchange program Thursday, Oct. 3, 11 am by Bri Kordis


hen we are consumed with our own culture and way of life, it is sometimes hard to imagine anyone else being intrigued in what is to us, a standard interest. At Tallwood High Bri Kordis School’s Global Studies and World Languages Academy in Virginia Beach, the concept of curiosity for the sake of knowledge is the norm. Students at this Academy strive to expand their understanding of cultures both near and far. In my freshman year I first heard about Tallwood’s exchange program with Israeli students. I was surprised by this program as I wondered who would possibly be interested in going to Israel or learning Hebrew since there were only two Jewish students in my Academy class, of which I was one. Yet when the exchange took place, the majority of the Academy population seemed fascinated with the guests from half a world away. Although I did not participate in the traveling portion of the exchange, I hosted Israeli students for the remaining three years. While my involvement with the program brought me closer to a culture I had always known about, that wasn’t the most

rewarding part. Seeing other teens drawn to that same culture that for them had once been alien was a much better feeling. Tallwood’s Israeli exchange program is more than just a chance for students to get out of the classroom, it is an opportunity to open minds and hearts to the people of Israel, their struggles, and their strengths. The program encourages dialogue among the hosts and travelers, and at events where the Israeli students share their experiences with eager audiences. These events have included class presentations, after school receptions, and even a panel discussion with Israeli, Indonesian, and American students on diplomacy and global issues. Tallwood is offering this opportunity again this year for its students with the hopes to reach even more in the student body and community. To sustain this program, Tallwood is hosting its fifth annual golf tournament to raise funds to assist those students who will travel to Israel. The tournament is a fun afternoon and it supports a cause that encourages a program where bonds are formed and bridges are created to a more interconnected, educated, and accepting world. This year’s tournament will be held at Honey Bee Golf Club in Virginia Beach. Sign-in is at 11 am with a shotgun start at 12 pm. For more information on the tournament, the Tallwood program, or for a team registration form, contact Greg Falls at 424‑0801 or gregory.falls@vbschools.com.

YAD Sukkah Hop Saturday, Sept. 21, 7 pm


he UJFT’s Young Adult Division is hosting a progressive dinner like you’ve never seen before! Join this Sukkah Hop, at the homes of several YADian’s living in Middle Plantation in Virginia Beach. For $10, the evening will include appetizers, entrée and dessert, as well as a group havdalah service, all under the stars in a sukkah. Make reservations at www.jewishva.org/YAD and receive event location with reservation. UJFT YAD events are for young Jewish professionals (ages 22-45) living in Tidewater.

The Days of Awe: Music of Memory and Celebration Wednesday, Sept. 11, 4:30 -6:30 pm


he Afro-Semitic Experience, a band beyond categorization, will perform their special, “soul-driven” music in a concert presented by Old Dominion University’s Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding. The bad is a celebration of everything musical from funk to spiritual to jazz. The concert, which is fee and open to the community, will take place on the Village Green (at the corner The Afro-Semitic Experience of Monarch Way and West 43rd Street) at ODU. The concert is made possible by support of The Helen G. Gifford Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation.

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jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

Who Knew? Obama golfs with Larry David President Obama closed out his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard with what was likely a very funny round of golf. According to CNN, the president teed off at Farm Neck Golf Club with Larry David, co-creator of “Seinfeld” and creator of Curb Your Enthusiasm. David’s latest project, the HBO movie Clear History, is set in Martha’s Vineyard. The foursome also included private equity investor Glenn Hutchins and former U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. (JTA)

Kathie Lee wants to be a rabbi Hosting the Today Show is a pretty good gig, but it seems Kathie Lee Gifford has loftier plans for the future. While celebrating her 60th birthday on the air last month, Gifford revealed her dream of becoming a…rabbi. Really. She said it herself. Here’s how it went down: A 60-year-old viewer posted on Facebook about going back to college later in life, prompting a conversation between Gifford and co-host Hoda Kotb about whether or not they would ever do the same. While Kotb said she was uninterested in going back to school, Gifford would love a return. And she has a very specific institution in mind. “I want to go to Yeshiva University and become a rabbi,” Gifford, a born-again Christian with Jewish roots, said without missing a beat. “I want to get my Orthodox rabbinical degree.” She added, I want to understand what words mean, what all the context is. I’m so fascinated by that stuff.” Gifford probably won’t have much luck getting into Y.U., but she should definitely try Yeshivat Maharat. (JTA)

calendar SEPTEMBER 8, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will hold its first meeting after summer break at the Beth Sholom Home. Board meeting, 10 am; General Meeting, 11 am; brunch, 12 pm.

September 10, Tuesday UJFT Campaign Kick-off with Sidney Friedman 6:30 pm. See page 19.

SEPTEMBER 15, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will have a dinner at Beth Sholom Home at 5:30 pm followed by Jazz & Oldies. $10 for members, $20 for guests. Payment must be received by Sept. 9. RSVP to Dale, 461‑1150.

SEPTEMBER 18, SUNDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting, 10 am; Lunch, 12 pm. General meeting follows with guest speaker Howard Schwartz, membership director of the Simon Family JCC. He will speak on “Eating for Energy.” September 22, Sunday The community is invited to a free briefing followed by lunch in the sukkah. Join Professor Amos Guiora as he shares insight on the renewed Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks and wheth‑ er progress will be made. At Temple Israel. 11 am. For more information or to RSVP, contact Liz Henderson at lhenderson@ujft.org or 757-965-6107. See page 20 for more details. October 23, Wednesday Nosh and Knowledge at Ohef Sholom. Learn about breast cancer. 12–1:30 pm. Call 625-4295 for details

Rivers going to ‘man candy’ store Wouldn’t The Bachelorette be hilarious if it starred Joan Rivers? If you answered in the affirmative, here’s some good news: After 15 lonely years being single, the perennially busy comedian will be hunting for love on a web series for She Knows TV called Romancing the Joan. Or, as we like to call it, the best title of any reality show ever. According to the promo, Rivers will be selecting from a “man candy” pool of “eight eligible (and yummy) bachelors” who will be “parading around in front of Rivers in an effort to win her heart.” If that already sounds vaguely icky, just wait: Joan’s daughter, Melissa, is hosting the steamy production. “Some of them were so young! It was gross,” Melissa said. “I mean, do they even know how old my mother is?” (FYI to any interested young men out there, she’s 80.) Romancing the Joan premieres this month.

Spielberg’s comings and goings For the second time this year, Steven Spielberg has dropped a big film project. Deadline.com reports that Spielberg said he will no longer direct American Sniper, the film adaptation of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle’s autobiography starring Bradley Cooper. In January, he indefinitely halted progress on the sci-fi movie Robopocalypse. Spielberg’s tentativeness is nothing new. The legendary director spent 11 years getting Lincoln into shape before committing to it. But fear not, Spielberg fans. Following the success of Under the Dome, his collaboration with Stephen King, CBS is adding a Spielberg production to its lineup that is set to air next summer. According to The Wrap, Extant will tell the story of a female astronaut “struggling to adapt to life on earth after a year in space.” Making it more difficult: Our heroine is pregnant with a human-alien hybrid and already has a robot son. (JTA)

Send submissions for calendar to news@ujft.org. Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Cultural Arts Programming Specialist Part-time (approx 20 hours per week) The Simon Family JCC Cultural Arts Program seeks a self- directed, cultural arts enthusiast to assist the Cultural Arts Director with various aspects of planning, coordination, implementation and administrative support of JCC Cultural Art’s programs. Duties include, but not limited to; marketing, catering planning, managing volunteers, event/exhibition set-ups and other duties as assigned to support the successful execution of programs. Successful candidate has the ability to multi-task under tight deadlines, knowledge of cultural arts programming, superior planning/organizing skills with a strong attention to detail and the ability to work well in a team environment. Willingness to work evenings, weekends and holidays as required. Knowledge of Jewish heritage, values, traditions and culture preferred. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Social Media/Internet. Qualifications/Experience Associates degree from an accredited college or university. Proven experience in event planning and coordination, non-profit setting preferred We offer an exciting and rewarding work environment. Submit resume with salary requirements to resumes@ujft.org or fax to 757-965-6102. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is firmly committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, genetic information, non-disqualifying disability or military status.

22 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

Serving as president of any board requires a commitment of time, mediation skills, funds and an abundance of patience. Meet the Presidents is a new Jewish News column that introduces these remarkable people who have accepted the challenge of heading local Jewish organizations and synagogues.

Meet the Presidents

100th birthday

block party bash!

Terri Tavss Sarfan, president, Simon Family Jewish Community Center Profession Jack-of -all-trades/ Master of none Education Bachelor of Science in Marketing,   Virginia Commonwealth University Family Married to Lonny Sarfan Two daughters: Alex and Stephanie Four-legged son: Ollie. Jewish organizations United Jewish Federation of Tidewater:   past board member, Women’s Cabinet Hebrew Academy of Tidewater:   past president Beth Sholom Village: past board member Jewish Family Service: past board member

friday, september 6 • 5:30-8:30pm tazewell street between granby & monticello event is free, family-friendly and open to the public period music by hotel paradise orchestra • dancing • smartmouth beer Panavoir food truck • twisted sisters cupcakes • FREE ice cream provided by Doumar’s, one of the wells’ original tenants • free theater tours •

Terri Tavss Sarfan


Favorite Jewish holiday Chanukah Most memorable personal Jewish milestone As wonderful and meaningful as my daughters’ namings and Bat-Mitzvahs were, I think I need to say that my most Jewishly meaningful events were the funeral and Shiva periods for my parents. Ties to the Tidewater Jewish community Being born and raised here in Tidewater, I have had the opportunity to have lifelong connections to friends and institutions.

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Most admired Jewish leader Lonny, because he encouraged me to get involved. What other positions have you held with the JCC? I have served the JCC on many committees over many years, including serving as vice president of programming and as treasurer. Why have you chosen to devote so much time to the JCC? I believe that the JCC is the entry point for many in our community; especially young families. From my youth at JCC camp, to my daughters’ preschool days, to my present day board work, I have established many new friendships through the JCC. What would you like people to know about the JCC? I want people to visit www.simonfamilyj.org and learn that we offer everything from infant care, childcare, Jewish learning, BBYO, teen leadership, an amazing Film Festival, world class authors at our book fair, community celebrations such as Israel Festival, Camp JCC, Kids Connection…and AN AMAZING fitness facility. What are your goals as president? My main goal as president is to increase our membership. I want the Jewish community to step up and help us reach that goal! —TICKETS— 627-1234 vastage.com

jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

obituaries Irvin Belkov Virginia Beach—Irvin Belkov, 98, Norfolk native and son of Alex and Fannie Belkov, died peacefully on Tuesday, August 19, 2013 at home. Mr. Belkov is survived by his wife of 73 years, Mona Halprin Belkov, three sons, Arnold, William (Sara) and Charles (Paula Giroux) and four grandchildren, Jennifer, Shira, Rachel, and Daniel. He was a three sport athlete and graduate of Maury High School and William & Mary College-Norfolk Division. He was a World War II Navy veteran. Mr. Belkov was a successful businessman, best known as the owner of the iconic Crossroads Restaurant at Wards Corner, a Shriner, Mason, and charter member of Temple Israel and long-time member of Brith Sholom. A service was conducted at H. D. Oliver. Memorial donations to Temple Israel or the Alzheimer’s Foundation. Online condolences may be made to the family at hdoliver.com. Dorothy Jean G. Cash Virginia Beach—Dorothy Jean (“Dottie-Jean”) Chenman Goodman Cash died on Saturday, August 24, 2013. Born in Norfolk in July of 1930, DottieJean was the daughter of the late Leon and Sonia Steiman Chenman, who came to the United States from their native Lithuania to make their lives and raise their family. Dottie-Jean attended Norfolk Public Schools, graduating with Maury High School’s Class of 1948, before attending the University of Miami in Florida. Dottie-Jean enjoyed many interests throughout her full and happy life. Her enthusiasm for life’s fun times and her inexhaustible energy and vibrancy inspired and were infectious to all who knew and spent time around her. Having studied piano for many years from an early age, music and musical performances, especially Broadway musicals, were a lifelong source of pleasure for her. Art also was one of Dottie-Jean’s interests and passions, and she especially thrived when serving as a docent at Norfolk’s Chrysler Museum of Art. As a young mother, Dottie-Jean applied her passion for education by teaching Spanish to Norfolk’s public elementary

school children on WHRO, public television. Her lessons, beamed into classrooms all over Tidewater, were among the first in the nation to use the relatively new medium of television for education. The most fulfilling role for Dottie-Jean and the one that she treasured until the end, was that of a mother. Her resolute love for and dedication to her sons knew no bounds. Her sons, in turn, returned to her tremendous love, affection and gratitude. Dottie-Jean was unrelenting in her support and encouragement of her sons during both their young and adult lives. Coupled with that support, Dottie-Jean also instilled in all of them and continually reinforced a strong work ethic and a sense of independence and confidence. Among Dottie-Jean’s happiest years were her later ones, which she spent married to Dr. Lawrence Cash, who preceded her in death only earlier this year. DottieJean and Larry had a lot of fun together, traveling and spending winters in Florida, watching and talking about the news in their Virginia Beach condominium and enjoying frequent celebrations with their children, grandchildren and many friends. Surviving Dottie-Jean are her sons Scott Goodman and his wife, Debbi, of Charlottesville, Wayne Goodman of Norfolk and Lance Goodman and his partner, Richard Stern, of Boston, her adoring grandchildren—‚Justin, Drew, Alex, Daniel, Jean and Rose—to whom she was always their very special and greatly loved “Mom-Mom”—and her doting nephew and nieces, Bobby Chenman, Marsha Chenman, Estie Cohen and JoAnn CardonGlass, her sister-in-law Bert Chenman and many cousins in this country, Israel and South Africa. She also is survived by her devoted step-daughter and her husband, Janis and Ed Weisberg, of Norfolk and their daughters Lisa (Joel) and Amie (Barrett) and their children Ayden, Brian and Madison Jane. Besides her parents and Larry, DottieJean was predeceased by her brother, Sol Chenman, her sisters, Rose Chenman and Mary Hirschfeld and by Larry’s son, Rick. A funeral service was held at H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments, followed by internment in the Chenman family plot at Norfolk’s Hebrew Cemetery. Donations in

24 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

memory of Dottie-Jean to Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad (740 Virginia Beach Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23451), Jewish Family Service of Tidewater (260 Grayson Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462), The Chrysler Museum of Art (245 West Olney Road, Norfolk, VA 23510), a Hillel House of a donor’s choosing or another charity of the donor’s choice. Albert Kaplan Norfolk—Albert Kaplan was born January 13, 1924, at St. Vincent DePaul Hospital on Church Street in Norfolk,Va. His parents were Ida Goldman Kaplan and Sol Kaplan. The family lived in Park Place on 27th Street before moving to the duplex home they built at Gates and Harrington Avenue. Albert was the third child in the family and is predeceased by sister Hanna Shapiro Eisenstein and brother Milton Kaplan. He is survived by his younger sister Tamra Kaplan Kruger, his loving wife of 67 years, Libbie, and his much loved son Jay Allan Kaplan of Jerusalem, Israel. He had three grandchildren: his loved and loving granddaughter, Shayna Rachel Kaplan of Richmond, Va., and his loved grandsons Benjamin Kaplan and Solomon Kaplan. He was predeceased by his adored daughter Janis Lynn Kaplan, the love of his life, who died in 1990. The Kaplan children grew up in West Ghent where they attended Taylor Elementary School, Blair Junior High School, and Maury High School. When Albert graduated from Maury he attended Virginia Tech for a short time before going into the Army Air Force. He spent several years training Air Force crews before their overseas duty. He chose to go overseas with the 388th Air Force Group to the South Pacific where he landed in Layte in the Philippines. He moved with the Air Force throughout the Pacific and was scheduled, with his unit, to move to Japan. Truce in the Pacific was declared and after several months of duty in Japan he was fortunate to return to his family and friends in Norfolk. He chose to return to the family business, J. Goldman and Company, while attending Old Dominion College. Albert met his fondest love, Libbie, and they were married on Dec. 8, 1946.

Albert was a founding principal in the catalogue business known as Brand Distributors, Inc., headquartered in Norfolk. Albert proudly served with other community members on the board of the Tidewater Credit Association for 10 years or more. He enjoyed being involved in many social organizations as a youngster. He was president of Beth El’s chapter of A.Z.A., sponsored by B’nai Brith. He was a Boy Scout member of Troop #11 from Ohef Sholom Temple where he formed lifelong friendships with members. He was president of the Gold Band Club, which gave him great pleasure. His life-long love for Judaism brought him to continually working for Congregation Beth El in Norfolk. He was interested in the Hebrew education of Jewish children and helped to establish an afternoon Jewish Hebrew School which was open to the children of all congregations. He was vice president of the Southern Region of United Synagogue of America and was awarded Man of the Year Award of Congregation Beth El in the 1970s, having served in almost every office. Albert served as president of Beth El, 1974–1976. He has remained on the board of directors and continued to be part of the congregation. Albert connected his religious life to all aspects of Congregation Beth El. When moving to Sarasota, Fla., he became a member of Beth Sholom Temple. He continued his religious life at both Beth El and Beth Sholom. He has been a supporter of the United Jewish Federation, the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater and of Beth Sholom Village in Virginia Beach. Albert had always been a strong supporter of family relations. He took great pleasure in his family. His nieces and nephews were of the utmost importance to him. Graveside services took place in Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Cantor Gordon Piltch officiating. Donations to The Janis Lynn Kaplan Fund for the Developmentally Delayed, Tidewater Jewish Foundation, 260 Grayson Road, Virginia Beach, 23462, c/o Ms. Sue Graves or to Congregation Beth El, 422 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk, VA, 23517, or to Beth Sholom Village, 6401 Auburn Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Norfolk Chapel.

obituaries David R. Koltun Norfolk—David Raymond Koltun, age 99, born in New York, N.Y, on Oct. 5, 1913, passed away Friday, August 16, 2013, just six weeks shy of his much look forward to 100th birthday. Dave is survived by his wife of 30 years, Helen; her children and grandchildren, Terri and Steve Budman, and their children Madeline, and Deni Budman; and Lisa and Karl Denison, and their children Jacob, Sam, and Zara Denison; and his son Scott, his wife Audrey, and their children Erik and Rebecca Koltun. Dave was a voracious reader, loved to travel with his wife and friends, completed the puzzles every morning in the newspaper, golfed and told great stories. His positive attitude, marked by his words “You gotta take the bitter with the better,” made him great company. He had a wonderful, fulfilling, and long life and will be missed. Services were held at the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver, and were conducted by Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg and Rabbi Lawrence Forman. Burial took place immediately following in Forest Lawn. Alan Kootner Norfolk—Alan Kootner, husband of Donna Kootner passed away. Graveside services were held at Mikro Kodesh Cemetery in Chesapeake. Samuel J. Kramer Norfolk—Samuel J. Kramer passed away on August 14, 2013 at the age of 96. He is the last of his generation of Kramers, his parents, Nathan and Mary Kramer having fled the pogroms of Russia to settle in Ithaca. He is predeceased by his wife, Anne G. Kramer, who passed away on August 11, 2006, and his five sisters, and by his son-in-law Jerry Lasker. He is survived by his daughter, Michele Lasker of Tulsa, Okl., Jeffrey Kramer and wife Michele of Westmont, Ill., Kevin Kramer of Wilmington, Del., grandchildren, Joshua, Hannah, Stephen, Jason, Sarah, Jonathan and wife Carrie, Michael, and great grand-children, Maddie and Finn. A native Ithacan, Sam graduated from Ithaca High School in 1934. He was captain of the Ithaca Cubs, an outstanding

local team, with a batting average of .389. He attended the University of Alabama 1938–1940. Sam had the first Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth El in 1929. He also is reputed to have eaten the first pizza served at Joe’s Restaurant. In the 1960s, he went into business as owner of Sam Kramer’s Auto Finishes. In 1980, he sold his store and retired to Virginia Beach. Sam was a staff sergeant in World War II serving in Patton’s 3rd Army, seeing combat in France, Belgium, Germany, and Central Europe. He was awarded several medals including the Bronze Star, German Occupation Medal, French Normandy Certificate, and the Conspicuous Service medal. In 2009, his military service was honored by the French government at a ceremony at the French Embassy, where he was awarded the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, one of France’s highest decorations. Sam was a VFW member since 1960 and past commander of Jewish War Veterans Post 158, Norfolk, Va. He was active in synagogue activities in Ithaca and Virginia Beach, an active member of B’nai Brith, charter member of Daniel Rothschild Lodge in Ithaca, and long time-editor for Brith Sholom’s newsletter in Virginia Beach. He was advisor to Alpha Epsilon Phi fraternity at Cornell University and a life-time member. Donations to either the Jewish War Veterans Post #158, 420 Spotswoods Ave., Norfolk, VA 23517 or Shipley Manor Heath Center, 2723 Shipley Rd, Wilmington, Del. 19810. A graveside service was held at Lakeview Cemetery. Bangs Funeral Home. Rosalind Norkin Norfolk—Rosalind Norkin, 91, of Norfolk, Va. and Boynton Beach, Fla. passed away Thursday, August 15, 2013. A native of Philadelphia, she was the daughter of Isadore and Etta Green. She was a charter member of Temple Israel and its Sisterhood, a life member of Hadassah, B’nai Brith and a member of ORT. Mrs. Norkin is survived by her husband of 71 years, Harry Norkin; son Bevan Alan Norkin of Norfolk; daughter Janet Lynn Schiff of Norfolk; three grandchildren Brian and Leslie Schiff of Norfolk, and Lauren Weber, D.D.S. and her husband Dr. William F. Weber, of Lexington, Kentucky and her

brother Allan Green of Boynton Beach, Fla., as well as several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held in Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Michael Panitz officiating. Memorial donations may be made to Temple Israel. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be offered at hdoliver.com. Walter Segaloff Newport News—Walter S. Segaloff died Sunday morning, August 18 leaving a gigantic hole in the fabric of the Virginia Peninsula, the Commonwealth and arguably the nation. While we may never fill that void, Walter’s lifetime of rich and meaningful accomplishments has created a roadmap to guide us to make our lives richer and our community stronger and more caring. Walter would tell you he was guided by a few simple principals— continued on page 26

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha jewishnewsva.org | September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 25

continued from page 25

• Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God. • It is not incumbent upon you to complete the work, but neither are you at liberty not to begin. • Doing the right thing for the right reason will invariably produce good things. • Right makes might - truth to power. • “Never, never, never give up.” • Make your life count. • One person can make a difference. • Never again. Walter counts as his most significant

contributions the following: • His early involvement in the state of Israel. This began in 1949 when he worked his way to Israel on a boat carrying 2,000 cows, landing in Haifa with the city ablaze from Syrian bombings the night before. For the next 30 years, he was intensely involved with life-long friends in supporting the birth and growth of Israel through active fundraising and in a variety of other ways—a commitment that continued until the day he died. • His co-chair of the “Coming Home Proud” event. For this event, the airport

The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Invites You to the



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FREE & OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY OUR PREDICTION—YOU’LL BE HERE! RSVP to pmalone@ujft.org or call 757-965-6115 by September 4th Visit JewishVA.org or our Facebook page for more updates about the Annual Campaign Kickoff.

–TimeOut Magazine

A Few People are better at seeing the future than others, like Sidney Friedman.

26 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

–Hoda Kotb, Today Show

was closed for a day so that a venue would be available to allow 80,000 citizens to honor the Gulf Soldiers—and most importantly to Walter, to properly honor our Vietnam Veterans who had received no welcome home 20 years before. Walter was an unabashed patriot, who dearly loved his country and deeply respected those who had sacrificed to serve it. • His establishing and guiding An Achievable Dream. This private-public partnership pioneered a model program that wrapped a social and moral focus around the educational curriculum, proving that all children could learn and succeed. An Achievable Dream was born from Walter’s core principals and nurtured by the deep involvement of the military, the business community and his fellow citizens—a perfect marriage of all that Walter believed makes this country great. One would think a list that describes these significant achievements would tell the story. It doesn’t begin to chronicle all Walter has meant to our community, state and country and to so many of us individually. Walter’s influence will long be felt in so many areas where he made a difference. These include his efforts to end segregation, to his life-long commitment to fight against religious and racial discrimination, his vision for CNU’s Real Estate Foundation, and the wise counsel he gave almost every project of substance and scope on the Peninsula. Equally important are the hundreds of acts of kindness Walter performed or caused to happen. Listing the awards and recognition Walter received during this lifetime is the subject of a six-page typed resume. Suffice it to say, Walter was the recipient of every significant and major award our community and beyond has to offer. At every turn Walter was embarrassed by awards because he felt keenly that it was his obligation to “do the right things for the right reasons,” and what he accomplished could not have been accomplished except with the help and support of others. Walter is survived by his wife, Ann, his two sons and their wives, David and Judy, and Peter and Deborah, his sister, Blanche Rabinowitz, his three stepchildren, Rick, Megan and Chris Robinson, and his seven grandchildren, Avi, Hannah, Ben, Sholom, Eli, Sabine and Emma, for all of whom he cared deeply. Funeral services were held at Rodef Sholom Temple, Hampton with Rabbi Gilah Dror and Rabbi Steven Lindemann

officiating. Burial followed at the Jewish Cemetery of the Virginia Peninsula. Walter’s wish was that each of us contribute to support the annual fund of An Achievable Dream or otherwise make a difference in a charitable cause of your own choosing. Daniel Anton Strasser Suffolk—Daniel A. Strasser, 67, died Thursday, August 15, 2013 in his residence. He was a native of the Bronx, N. Y. and a resident of Suffolk for 10 years. He is the son of Irene Groveman Bockoff and the late Joseph Strasser. Mr. Strasser was a graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, Class of 1967 with a B.A. in International Relations. He attended Columbia University and received his M.A. in Latin American Studies from Stanford University, Class of 1985. He retired after 27 years employment as a Foreign Service Officer for the United States of America. During his employment he held numerous posts including U.S. Consulate General for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and assigned to the consulate in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, the Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and was the chief of Andean/South American Division, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters and Law Enforcement. Following his retirement, he was senior program officer for Latin America and Caribbean, assigned to the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the executive director of the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill, Hyde Park, N. Y., a New York City teaching fellow in Bilingual Spanish/English and most recently a political analyst/trainer with the U.S. Joint Forces Command in Norfolk. He was a member of Congregation Beth El in Norfolk, Va. Survivors include his loving wife of 39 years, Yeda Waichman Strasser of Suffolk, his daughter, Dana Lynn Boylan and her husband Benjamin of Brooklyn and his son, Andrew Joseph Strasser all of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is also survived by his mother of Virginia Beach and his brother Averill Strasser of Crestline, Calif. Funeral Services were held at H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. with interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Cantor Gordon Piltch officiated. Memorial donations to the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill, Hyde Park, N.Y. Online condolences at hdoliver.com.

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| September 2, 2013 | Jewish News | 27

CHARLES BARKER AUTOMOTIVE IS YOUR SOURCE FOR NEW TOYOTA, SCION, NISSAN, LEXUS, INFINITI AND MERCEDES-BENZ VEHICLES. We encourage you to shop online where you can browse our excellent selection of new and pre-owned inventory, schedule a test drive and explore financing options. You’ll find we are committed to delivering great car buying and service experiences everyday!

“At Charles Barker Automotive, we are honored to have safe, quality products to offer our customers. We appreciate our customer’s trust in us, and it’s our goal to not only meet, but to exceed their expectations. “Delivering Great Car Buying Experiences Every Day” is not just a slogan to us; it’s our mission. I thank you for coming into our dealerships, and I hope that the level of service and professionalism you received has exceeded your expectations.” -Charles Barker

Charles Barker Automotive Delivering Great Car Buying And Service Experiences Everyday!

28 | Jewish News | September 2, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org


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