LISSO Newsle er (send in your tle sugges on!)
Want to see your work on the cover or in the newsle er? Send us your artwork, photos, wri ngs, graphic designs, etc. and we’ll put it in here with your name on it! (
Around Town: Downtown Lexington Gallery Hop
What: Stroll through downtown hi ng all the happening 'artsy' spots. Organized by LexArts, Gallery Hop is a coopera ve effort among for‐profit galleries, not‐for‐profit arts groups, and private ar sts' studios. More than 30 sites are free and open to the public with refreshments at select loca ons. When: Friday, February 18th, 2011 @ 5:00—7:00pm Where: Downtown Lexington h p://
Extra Crispy @ Natasha’s Bistro
What: If you're a fan of "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" or "Saturday Night Live", you'll enjoy the hilarious an‐ cs of Extra Crispy. The group features high‐energy, interac ve sketches based on audience sugges ons, complete with music, costumes, and lots of other surprises. When: Thursday, February 24th @ 9:00pm Where: Natasha’s Bistro‐Crispy‐Improv‐Comedy‐Troupe and
Race to Read 5K and Fun Run
What: A 5K Walk/Run to benefit a children’s reading camp When: Saturday, March 19th, 2011 @ 9:00am Where: Coldstream Park h ps://
UK Wildcats Basketball
What: Watch history’s winningest basketball program play at Campus Pub! Great drink specials, no co‐ vers, and lots of fun and students! When: Last games of the season: UK v. South Carolina (Home) ‐ Saturday, February 19th, 2011 @ 4:00pm UK v. Arkansas (Away) ‐ Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011 @ 8:00pm UK v. Florida (Home) ‐ Saturday, February 26th, 2011 @ 4:00pm UK v. Vanderbilt (Home) ‐ Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 @ 9:00pm UK v. Tennessee (Away) ‐ Sunday, March 6th, 2011 @12:00pm Where: Campus Pub or any other bar/restaurant in Lexington! C‐A‐T‐S, Cats, Cats, Cats!! and www.ukathele
Interested in these events? Know any other great happenings? Meet up with other SLIS students and plan to get together via our Facebook page: h p://
Volume 1, Issue 1
LISSO’s Newsle er
February 8, 2011
(Please send any crea ve sugges ons for a be er newsle er tle!)
Welcome New SLIS Students! Welcome to LISSO’s first
"The Librarian" ca.1556 by Giuseppe Arcimboldo newsle er! We hope every‐
one is having a great start to the semester! By now we all know the important infor‐ ma on (class schedules, aca‐ demic deadlines, contact info, etc.) from the SLIS web‐ site, but do you know the best places to grab a bite between classes and work? Best places to park? Hot spots to socialize? Where to meet study groups? Sweet‐ est Happy Hour deals? How to study for comps and pump up your resume? Where to go for weekend trips? Best places to go on a budget? And where to get the best piece of pie in Lex‐ ington? Consider LISSO your source for all the informal, need‐to‐
know info from current and past SLIS students! We also intend for this news‐ le er to serve as an interac‐ ve way for SLIS students (distance learners, Lexingto‐ nians, and alumni) to con‐ tribute their photos, news, plans, and other happenings (scholas c or not!) to help fulfill LISSO’s purpose of fa‐ cilita ng communica ons and ac vi es between stu‐ dents and faculty, both so‐ cially and academically. This newsle er serves in conjunc‐ on with LISSO’s blog and Facebook page.
Inside this issue: What’s LISSO?
Tips for New
Students Insider’s Scoop to
Lexington et cetera
Student News
SO, feel free to flip through these pages for the insider’s scoop on SLIS, LISSO, and all things Lexington.
Lexington Skyline
LISSO is headed by five officers and a faculty advisor:
Page 4
LISSO’s Newsletter What’s LISSO? President: Chelsey Spencer
Vice President: Sara Wood
Secretary: Stephanie Niemeyer
All SLIS students are auto‐ ma cally a member of the Library and Informa on Science Student Organiza‐ on. The organiza on serves as a facilitator of Trivia Nights, Fridays‐at‐Five, dis llery tours, Keeneland visits, Gallery Hops, Pub Crawls, Comps Orienta ons, and any other fun that can be had with students and faculty. Students are asked to contribute $5 once yearly to help fund events.
LISSO maintains monthly mee ngs, a blog, a Face‐
book page, an email ac‐ count, and this newsle er for all students and faculty to use as a means of com‐ munica on to plan events, read up on news, contribute
We recently asked SLIS stu‐ dents to impart some of their infinite knowledge including advice, insider secrets, and confessions:
Communica ons Manager: Cheyenne Hohman
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Carrigan
Stay tuned all semester for mee ng mes, events, etc. so you can enjoy Lexington with fellow SLIS friends and buddies! LISSO Links:
Tips for New Students
Treasurer: Leslie Kuhnen
opinions, etc.
IS office “Make face with the SL e fine arts on the third floor of th at way library’s a gre ff.” to meet faculty and sta - A Smart SLISer
“Get to know as many peo ple, classmates, te achers, and librarians as you can a nd keep in to uch. Join professional organization s. Network!” - SLIS Gradu ate
Go to CommInfoStudies/SLIS/ students/lisso.htm for links to the blog, Facebook page, email, bylaws and cons tu‐ on.
“Take a cogna te cour all of U se in an K’s oth other a e r resou confere rea and rces to nces, clu use f ind pos bs, volu UK is a ter sess nteer e great s io ns, fforts, e chool, u offer!” vents, e se ever tc. ything it has to - A Wil
dcat SL IS
“A bike is very handy for the commute if you live nearby. Parking can be strict and expensive. If you drive, be sure it’s free street-parking, no permit required, and not streetcleaning day!” - Anonymous Parking Violator
e library. o much time in th “DON’T spend to own’s on time at Charlie Br DO spend some ls.” appy Hour specia Euclid for their H - A Happy SLISer
Page 5
Volume 1, Issue 1 Insider’s Scoop to Lexington What’s the best Lexington has to offer? One of the best ways to find out is by coming to LISSO events and mee ng up with others! Also, check out the list and links below for some SLIS Student favorites: 1. The Farmer’s Market is the place to go for going green, locavores, or those just wan ng great produce, coffee, chees‐ es, meats, flowers, baked goods, and more (www.lexingtonfarmers 2. Charlie Brown’s is the librarian’s bar and grill with a great deck in the summer and cozy fire‐ places in the winter (h p:// 3. Love the outdoors? A short drive to Red River Gorge and the sur‐ rounding area offers camping, canoeing, fish‐ ing, and more ( m) 4. Want some live music? Check out Thursday Night Live during the
summer or Cosmic Charlie’s live shows ( m/thursday‐night‐live‐ concerts and h p:// cosmic‐ 5. Only Lexington can offer the Bourbon Trail Dis ll‐ ery Tours — a must see! (www.kybourbontrail.c om) 6. Thirsty? Try Pazzo’s Pint Nights on Wednesdays (www.pazzospizzapub.c om) 7. If you miss Mom, visit Ramsey’s for home cooking and the best pie! ( m) 8. Want some sports? The minor league baseball team, the Lexington Legends, offers cheap, fun games at Apple‐ bee’s Park (and of course check out the UK Wildcats play!) (h p:// web.minorleaguebaseb then search for the Legends)
Race Track, the KY Horse Park, or just drive the back country roads to see the beau ful horse farms ( and h p://
Woodford Reserve Dis llery
10. Low on funds? Take a picnic or walk in UK’s Arboretum. Over 100 acres of local plants and trees, a rose garden, and fun events like to‐ mato tas ngs! (h p:// arboretum)
Races Keeneland
With each newsle er, we will highlight some more of Lexington’s best or feel free to con‐ tribute your favorites to LISSO at Lexington Links: h p://
’s Mark et at Ch eapside Park
h p://
9. Want to see the famed horses of Lexington? Check out Keeneland um rboret UK’s A
et cetera
Downtown Lexington
s i h t n i l l r fi u o u Yo e for ! c e a u p s s s i t x e n
For our next issue, we’d like you to send in something you want to see here. An opinion piece, adver se‐ ment, photos, artwork, pro‐ fessional news, birthday announcement, whatever! (
Red River Gorge
Pictured to the le is Lexington’s Interna onal Book Project, Inc., a nonprofit organiza on founded in 1966 by Harriet Van Meter. In Fall 2010, LISSO held a student picnic/book drive to donate to IBP. A great place to volunteer or checkout for book sales here in Lexington! (h p://
Student News and Events Please send in your news to share with other SLIS students, library related or not, we want to hear it! We’d like to congratulate those students chosen to par‐ cipate in the Library of Con‐ gress Alterna ve Spring Break Program: Theater in c Kentucky ri to is ‐ e h r e h w T Ne Lexington. downtown t show‐ h ig n id cial m leases, spe The Big greats like ings of past Rocky nd monthly Lebowski, a ss‐up re Show dre tu ic P r o rr o H showing! fest/movie
Emily Pike Emily Rae Aldridge Cheyenne Hohman Meredith Nelson Sara Wood
Upcoming Events: LISSO’s Mee ngs will be on the following dates (5:00pm in the SLIS conference room on the third floor unless otherwise stated). Please come out and help plan the semester’s events! Tuesday, Mar. 8th Tuesday, Apr. 12th Possible events up for discus‐ sion and planning include trivia nights, Comps lunch or break‐ fast, Spring Picnic, Dis llery Tours, resume workshop, and more!
Next Event: Join us this Friday, February 18th, at Ramsey’s on High Street any me between 4 ‐7 for Hap”pie” Hour— Ramsey’s has the best pie in town and great drink specials, too! Other Happenings: UK’s Stuck‐ ert Career Center will be hos ng a career fair with over 120 employers invited on Feb‐ ruary 22—23 @ 12:00—4:00 in the Student Center Ballrooms. See the website for employer list: h p:// students/career‐fairs