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A UK Bass Fishery Management Plan
Bass Management Tools - unused options
Optional Bass Management Tools Current
Spatial Closures
Unused Options
Real-time area closures based on landing data via Under 10m app
Protection for pre-spawning aggregations of fish when at their most vulnerable. Avoid localised depletion Enhanced sustainability
Carcass Tagging for Hook and Line
Slot Sizes (combination of MinCRS and MaxCRS )
Use of circle hooks for recreational bait and Hook & Line Fishers
Already in use by some H&L. Temperature tags
Highly selective for RSA and H&L.
Identification of H&L caught fish Sustainable, Traceable, High quality, Adds significant value
Return large fish with highest fecundity potential = enhanced egg production and stock genetics
Avoid deep-hooking of unwanted bass, which can be fatal
In conjunction with slot size limits enable the safe return of unwanted / outside slot size bass
Slot sizes for species of importance to recreational angling from around the World State / Country Species Legal Retention Slot
A slot limit is a selective tool used by fishery managers to regulate the size of fish that can legally be harvested. "Slot size" refers to a fish within the size limits one can keep. For example, a "slot barramundi" caught in Queensland waters, measuring between 58cm - 120cm may be retained, but anything below 58cm (young adult) may not be kept and any fish over 120cm (BOFFFs) must be released unharmed, as quickly and safely as possible