UK applications open Aug 1
Early-action applications due Dec 1
Confirm your spot for the fall by May 1
Aug. 1 Dec. 1
Housing applications due Feb. 15 Feb. 15 May 1
With more than a dozen student organizations in our College, as well as award-winning student media outlets, everyone can get involved!
Apply via UK's application or the Common App Did you know...
The College of Communication and Information awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships within the last year. Applications open Jan. 1 and close March 1.
A state-of-the-art broadcast studio, production center and learning/research laboratory at the Central Bank Center near Rupp Arena will allow students to learn alongside professionals in broadcasting and media.
Students explore human interactions and evaluate communication processes. Pathways include: business and organizational digital and mass health sport human (custom)
Students gain knowledge and skills needed to effectively apply, use and manage technology when solving problems related to information and communication Pathways include: commercialization technology management custom option
Students are prepared for careers in the allied areas of promotional communication. Areas of interest include: creative advertising public relations account management
Students research and learn hands-on the creation, production, dissemination and use of digital media content. Areas of interest include: video and audio production
multimedia design and development
media management media studies video gaming
More than 1,000 UK students go abroad each year. With faculty-led programs in places like London, South Africa and Italy, CI provides countless opportunities for students to study abroad
Students develop analytical and critical thinking skills to communicate with audiences across all media platforms. Pathways include: print/multimedia broadcast/multimedia sports journalism
Minors communication information studies
integrated strategic communication journalism
media arts and studies
video game design and development
health communication Innovation Network for Entrepreneurial Thinking sports communication, media and promotion
We prioritize career readiness by offering services such as:
CI Career Week each semester
One-on-one career advising CI career-readiness courses
Internship and portfolio guidance
Consider our CI living learning program, located in Jewell Hall.
Apply to the CI Connect LLP on your housing application!
The University Scholars Program in Communication offers highly motivated students the opportunity to complete their bachelor’s and master’s degree in a 4+1 program, saving both time and money.
We launch critical and innovative thinkers, creators and doers. Come join us.