Are you displaying the correct safety signs? What do the Regulations require? They require employers to provide specific signs whenever there is a risk that has not been avoided or controlled by other means. For more information visit Health & Safety Law Poster
No Smoking You are required to display the PRS.26W sign on each public entrance, other no smoking signs can be used internally to promote your no smoking policy.
No smoking It is against the law to smoke in these premises
PRS.26W - 148x210
FA 11F-200x300
Legal Requirement
No smoking
It is an of fence to smoke within this building
PRS.02B - 450x600 PRS.02C - 300x400 PRS.02D - 600x200 PRS.02W -150x200
PRS.15W - 150x200
This poster must be displayed by law, it details the basic Health and Safety responsibilities for employees and employers and should be shown in an appropriate position for all employees to see. HSE -425x600
Fire Exit Signs Where ever you stand within the building you should see a fire exit sign pointing to the direction of the exit. It is not recommended to mix British standard and European standards. British Standard Fire Exit Signs
FE 03D - 600x200 FE 03L - 400x150
FE 04D - 600x200 FE 04L - 400x150
FE 01D - 600x200 FE 01L - 400x150
FE 02D - 600x200 FE 02L - 400x150
FE 15L - 400x150
FE 05D - 600x200 FE 05L - 400x150
FE 06D - 600x200 FE 06L - 400x150
FE 07D - 600x200 FE 07L - 400x150
FE 08D - 600x200 FE 08L - 400x150
FE 16L - 400x150
Fire exit signs are to locate and identify means of escape and emergency. What sign to choose! As a rule of thumb, viewing distances can be calculated from the measurements of the graphic symbol element contained within a fire safety sign. Graphic Symbol Height Viewing distances are shown below. 100mm 17.0 metres
110mm 19.0 metres
120mm 20.4 metres
130mm 22.0 metres
This is a guide to your requirements, however we cannot be held responsible in any way for signs not displayed at your company premises. Please refer to our full listing catalogue for specific signs.
Fire Doors All fire doors should have signs explaining how the door opens for speed of exit. This is to help visitors and employees. It is vital that all fire doors are kept clear of clutter inside and outside of the doors. MAD.01G 100x100
MAD.02G 100x100
Assembly Point Signs
FE 09D - 600x200 FE 09E - 300x100
FE 10Z - 600x400
FE 11Z - 600x400 Please state when ordering what number is required.
FE 32F - 200x300
Instruction Signs
FED 03E - 300x100
FED 04E - 300x100
FED 05G 100x100
FED 08E - 300x100
FED 06G 100x100
Push to open FED 01M 100x200
FED 02M 100x200
FED.09E- 300x100
Push bar to open FE 14E - 300x100
FE 12Q - 600x100
FA.20E 300x100
Personal Protection If you have any machines that are hazardous, you must make people aware of the hazard with signs placed close to the machine. Personal protective equipment signs must be placed near the machines or in the area they must be worn.
Protective footwear must be worn
Wear Ear Protection MAP.14W - 150x200
MAP.05B - 450x600 MAP.05C - 300x400
MAP.06B - 450x600 MAP.06W -150x200
MAP.13D - 600x200 MAP.13W -150x200
MAP.22W - 150x200
MAP.28B - 450x600
Warning noise levels of 80 dB(A) or above
Wear hard hats MAP.33W - 150x200
Ear protection must be worn MAP.43C - 300x400
Wear face shield MAP.18W - 150x200
Wear face mask MAP.17W - 150x200 FA 21F-200x300
Control of hazardous substances
You must be aware of any hazardous substances that you may come into contact with.
WAG.14W - 150x200
Electric shock risk
WAE.08W -150x200
Compressed gas
WAG.18W -150x200
WAG.59W - 150x200
Permit to work must be obtained
MUL.19B - 600x450
MUL.01B - 600x450
Vehicle access signs Signs must indicate where pedestrians can and cannot walk, and vehicle routes must be clearly marked.
WAG.02B - 450x600 WAG.02C - 300x400
WAG.08B - 450x600 WAG.08C - 300x400
Warning Beware of moving vehicles WAG.40B - 450x600
Slippery surface
WAG.09W - 150x200
No parking
Trip Hazard
PRA.04B - 450x600 PRA.04D - 600x200
WAG.04B - 450x600 WAG.04W -150x200
Sound horn drive slowly MAG.13B - 450x600
Risk Walk around the premises and identify any risks or potential risks, then highlight them and take steps to reduce the risk.
MAG.04E - 300x100
Wear hairnets MAP.36W - 150x200
LF.05 - 800x650x5
CCTV in operation
WAC.03B - 450x600 WAC.03D - 600x200
WAG.12W - 150x200
WAG.07B - 450x600 WAG.07W -150x200
Fire Signs Are your fire procedures understood? Is all your fire fighting equipment clearly marked?
FEX.18G-100x100 FEX 18H-150x150
FEX.01F-200x300 FEX.01W-150x200 FEX.01E-150x200
FEX 03E-300x100 FEX.03F-200x300
Fire action 1. Operate the nearest fire alarm. 2. Leave building by the nearest available exit. 3. Report to the assembly point.
Your assembly point is:-
1. DO NOT take risks 2. DO NOT stop to collect personal belongings. 3. DO NOT return to building for any reason until authorised to do so. 4. DO NOT use lif ts.
ACT 03F-200x300
ACT 04F- 200x300 ACT 04W-150x200
ACT 05F-200x300
ACT 11W-150x200
ACT 06W-150x200
Fire Extinguisher Identification
Foam spray
Carbon dioxide
ABC Powder
Safe for: Wood, paper and textiles.
Safe for: Flammable liquids.
Safe for: Wood, paper and textiles.
Safe for: Wood, paper and textiles.
Safe for: Flammable liquids.
Safe for: Live electrical equipment.
Not for: Live electrical equipment.
Safe for: Flammable liquids.
Not for: Live electrical equipment.
Not for: Wood, paper and textiles.
Not for: Flammable liquids.
Safe for: Gaseous fires.
Not for: Flammable metal fires.
Not for: Flammable metal fires.
Not for: Flammable metal fires.
Safe for: Live electrical equipment.
Wet Chemical
Safe for: Cooking oils and deep fat fires.
FI 05N 80x200
FI 06N 80x200
FI 08N 80x200
FI 07N 80x200
Fire hose reel Safe for: Wood, paper and textiles.
Not for: Live electrical equipment.
Not for: Flammable liquids.
Not for: Flammable metal fires.
FI 10N 80x200
FI 09N 80x200
FI 18N 80x200
First Aid It is vital that the first aiders can be easily identified from the signs, you must also identify the first aid box, eyewash station, emergency shower and first aid room.
First aiders FA 10E-300x100
FA 03M-200x100 FA 19F-200x300
FA 17B-450x600
FA 06F-200x300 FA 06E-300x100
FA 05F-200x300
FA 13F-200x300
Please Note: If you would like to search our website for safety signs from this leaflet just enter the first 4 digits into the search bar on the e.g. For the no smoking sign shown here just type in PRS02. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on 01902 500200 or email and we will do out utmost to help you.
No smoking PRS.02B - 450x600 PRS.02C - 300x400 PRS.02D - 600x200 PRS.02W -150x200