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Interspill 2022: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Lunch – 22 June 2022

On 18th May 2022 we will celebrate for the first time an International Day for Women in Maritime. This event, organised by the IMO, is closely aligned with the 2030 UN Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goal 5, and it will be an opportunity to highlight the presence of women in the industry and how to promote diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace, which is seen as one of the major factors that will improve the economy globally.

At Interspill 2022, we will have a chance to continue the conversation during a Diversity, Equality & Inclusion session, in the form of an interactive lunch discussion open to all participants of the conference. The event, which will follow on from the work started online during IOSC 2021, will focus on getting together and discussing the main themes around gender equality and female empowerment in the workplace and specifically in the maritime industry. A questionnaire on the main topics under discussion will be distributed to all Interspill participants in advance and will inform the themes of the session.

Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton will open the session with a short presentation on her experience establishing a career in the

fire fighting and emergency management industry. She will also share insights into how she has become an instrument for changing policy at the global level through her research into incident command and decision making under pressure.

Following Dr Sabrina Cohen- Hatton’s speech, the participants will have a chance to discuss in smaller groups specific issues related to gender equality. They will then be encouraged to share their opinions and findings in an open forum. We hope that a Diversity, Equality & Inclusion lunch session will enable the delegates to voice their opinions, concerns and challenges and share ideas for ways to sustainably overcome barriers to equality.

To inform the workshop content, we would ask anyone who works in our industry or in a related industry to complete a short survey that will take no more than 5 minutes! It is anonymous and the organisers see only the survey statistics that are gathered.

Please complete the form by following this link:

https://survey.communigator.co.uk/3f758019-2100-4a30-b919- 395c374c42bb

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