33 minute read
Stewardship report
STEWARDSHIP REPORT April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019
LATELY I HAVE BEEN thinking about what it must have been like for King’s students, faculty, staff and alumni between the 1920 fire in Windsor and the formal reopening of King’s in Halifax in 1930. This decade had many challenges for daily institutional life, but it was also punctuated by fresh possibility, imagined futures and the eventual decision to become a College defined by its association with Dalhousie. One hundred years on from that new beginning, it is now time to provide for the College’s next hundred years at a time when our missions in the humanities, journalism and the fine art of writing are more salient to the world’s situation than ever before. Then as now, our mission is funding dependent. This Stewardship Report covers philanthropic gifts to King’s during fiscal year 2018-19, the same year the province increased our annual operating grant by $2.2 million. Together with your generous giving, this represents a tremendous vote of confidence in the importance of King’s and its future. During the decade before us, and with your continued assistance, we must build on this confidence by securing the College’s future for the century to come.
To the alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends recognized on the following pages, your giving enhances the exceptional educational journey our students enjoy, and for this we thank you.

William Lahey President and Vice-Chancellor
Bequests $1,057,685 Annual Giving $315,419 Gifts $549,533 In-Kind $4,000
TOTAL $1,926,637
New Pledges (2018-2019) $1,457,500
Unrestricted $123,693 Libraries & Academic Programs $23,815 Athletics $28,811 Chapel $34,892 Chapel Chior $71,032 Student Assistance (Scholarships & Awards) $1,391,514 Student Life $144,502 Campus Renewal $99,543 Other $8,835
CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE ($10,000 and over) anonymous (2) The John and Judy Bragg Family Foundation George & Tia Cooper ∂ The Peter Cundill Foundation Fred & Elizabeth Fountain ∂ Estate of Donald & Shirley Hambrick* Harrison McCain Foundation ∂ Larry Holman ∂ William Lahey & Kathryn Lassaline Estate of F.C. Manning* ∂ Estate of Mary Grace McCaffrey* Estate of Robert Des Brisay Morris* TD Greystone Asset Management UKC Alumni Association ∂ Wesley M Nicol Foundation Wilson Fuel Company Limited ∂ Estate of Judith Kaye Wright*
GOVERNOR’S CIRCLE ($5,000 to $9,999) anonymous (1) Adriane Abbott ∂ Acadia Broadcasting Limited ∂ Owen Averill & Heidi Laing Patricia Chalmers ∂ Compass Group Canada Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Susan Hunter ∂ Mary Janigan & Tom Kierans ∂ Peter Jelley ∂ John MacLeod Anja Pearre Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ Peter & Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂
INGLIS CIRCLE ($2,000 to $4,999) David & Robin Archibald ∂ William Barker & Elizabeth Church ∂ Black Family Foundation Richard Buggeln Gordon Cameron ∂ Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada Richard & Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Thomas Curran ∂ Edmonds Landscape and Construction Services Ltd. Christopher Elson ∂ Neville Elwood Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. Arthur Frank & Catherine Foote ∂ Kevin & Carolyn Gibson ∂
Pamela Blais & Marvin Green William & Anne Hepburn ∂ Kathy (Pratt) LeGrow Laurelle LeVert ∂ Rowland Marshall ∂ Anita McBride Gillian McCain ∂ Kim McCallum ∂ Michael & Kelly Meighen ∂ Neil & Patricia Robertson ∂ Douglas & Valerie (Morine) Ruck Donald Stevenson ∂ Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Stingray Radio ∂ R. Howard Webster Foundation
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($1,000 to $1,999) anonymous (2) Mary Ellen & Lowell Aronoff Roberta Barker ∂ Katrina Beach ∂ Willa Black Peter & Patricia Bryson Colin Burn Paul Charlebois ∂ Sarah Clift Christine Clinton Robert Dawson ∂ Daniel de Munnik & Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ Diocesan Synod of Fredericton ∂ Marion Fry ∂ Bruce Geddes Dale Godsoe ∂ Howard Green & Lynne Heller John & Brenda Hartley ∂ Kara Holm ∂ The Hornbeck Family ∂ Ronald Huebert ∂ Kim Kierans ∂ Stephen Lownie Mark MacKenzie Kenzie MacKinnon ∂ Jaqueline Matheson Ann McCain Evans Elizabeth Miles ∂ Richard Oland Ann Pituley ∂ RBC Foundation Paul Robinson & Ann Surprenant Ronald Stevenson ∂ Llewellyn Turnquist & Jennifer Inglis University of King’s College Day Students’ Society Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂ Isabel Wainwright Fernald Wentzell Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ James Wilson & Lindsay Cameron Wilson Hugh Wright ∂
BENEFACTOR’S CIRCLE ($100 to $999) anonymous (21) George Abbott Janet & Kenneth Adams ∂ Jennifer Adams John Adams Jane Adams Ritcey & Wilfred Moore Joan Aitken ∂ Eric Aldous ∂ Bob Allison ∂ Terri Lynn Almeda ∂ Rachel Ariss & Gary Genosko Marcia & Stephen Aronson Nathalie Atkinson Margot Aucoin David Baker Jane Baldwin Paul Baldwin ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie ∂ Keith Barrett ∂ T. Frederick Baxter Donald Beanlands ∂ Jennifer Bell David Ben-Arie Matthew Bernstein & Risa Prenick Peggy & Peter Bethune ∂ Andrew & Christa Black ∂ Nancy Blake Myra Bloom Victor Bomers David Boston* Elizabeth Boudreau Stephen Bowman Anne & John Brace Daniel Brandes & Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Lauren Brodie ∂ Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Sharon Brown Brian Brownlee ∂ Terra (Duncan) Bruhm Sandra Bryant Mordy Bubis & Nina Stipich ∂ Steven Burns & Janet Ross Melissa & Jeff Burroughs Barbara Butler David Cadogan Sandra (Jones) Caines* & George Caines ∂ Sheila Cameron Nancy Campbell ∂ Judy & Mark Caplan Howard Cappell John Carling ∂ Jackie Carlos & Colin Soule John Carr ∂ David Carter Lincoln Caylor Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ C. LouAnn Chiasson Greg & Karen Chiykowski ∂ Fred Christie ∂ Joan Christie Ian Chunn & Susan Reaney Donald Clancy ∂ Ginny (Lewis) Clark Burdette Coates ∂ Grace Anne & John Cochrane Wayne Cochrane Peter Coffin Mellanie Cohoon Peter Conrod ∂ Thomas Coonan ∂ Gail & Richard Cooper Barbara Corbin John Cordes Armand Couture Mary Craig Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson ∂ Ronald Cutler ∂ Audrey Danaher & Richard Heystee ∂ Sally Danto Ken Dauphinee Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Susan Davies ∂ Wendy Davis ∂ Joan Dawson ∂ Gwen Day Kenneth Dekker ∂ Alison DeLory Kenneth & Marged Dewar Fraser Dewis & Marilyn (Lingley) Dewis J. Mark & Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf ∂ Andrew Dick ∂ Sarah Dingle & Carl Lem Susan Dodd ∂ Jane Dover Alex Doyle Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Stephanie Duchon ∂ Robert Dunsmore ∂ Elizabeth Edwards ∂ C. Russell Elliott ∂ Sean Farmer Monica Farrell ∂ Jim Feir Wilson Fitt & Thelma Costello ∂ Mark Fleming & Rachel Renton David Fletcher Phillip Fleury ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Susan Folkins Brenda & Robert Franklin ∂ J. Roderick Fraser Kyle Fraser Linda & Gregor Fraser Cathy French Nevin French Paul Friedland Jim & Sally Garner ∂ Maxine Genge Emily Gesner & Anna Maria Martin Joan Gilroy Danica Gleave & Walter Riemann Dorota Glowacka ∂ Jan Goddard & Gordon Howe Amy Goldlist Victoria Goldring Nestor Gomez Sandra Goodwin John Gorrill ∂ Graduating Class of 2018 Andrew Graham ∂ Nicholas Graham Harry Grant David Gray Jennifer Gray Roselle Green ∂ Anne Gregory Mary Grise & Christopher Mogan Joanna Grossman ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Brenton Haliburton Catherine & David Hamilton ∂ Geoffrey Hamilton Geraldine Hamm ∂ Andrew Han Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Gaye Harden Andy & Anne (Dorey) Hare Carla & Steve Harle ∂ Kathleen Harper Peter Harris Susan Harris ∂
Sarah & Michael Harrison E.Kitchener Hayman ∂ C. William Hayward ∂ David Hazen Donald Hazen Douglas Hazen ∂ Harold Hazen ∂ Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Alan Hebb ∂ Mureena Hebert James Helmke Paul & Penelope Henry ∂ Wendy Hepburn David Herbert Tammy Hermant Peter Herrndorf & Eva Czigler Angela Hill John Hobday ∂ Nicola Hoffman Neil Hooper ∂ Bruce Howe Jamie Howison Michaela Huard Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard ∂ Ian & Catherine Hugill Dennis Hurlburt Robert Hyslop ∂ Erin Iles ∂ Ranall & Sherry Ingalls Trish Irwin-Kitt & Kevin Kitt David Israelson & Susan Elliott Alan Levine & Iris Jacobson ∂ Rhonda Jansen & Brad Faught David Jerome Ian Johnson ∂ Paula Johnson ∂ Angela Kaiser Hansen Ben Kates Janet Kawchuk Doreen Kays ∂ Mary (Burchill) Kelley* & Danford Kelley ∂ Lynn Kenison-Higgins & Jai Higgins Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ Glen & Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Stephen Kimber ∂ Jennifer Kinsley W. J. Tory & Margaret
(von Maltzahn) Kirby Stephen Knowles ∂ Martina Kolbe & Stefan Pieper-Kolbe Phil Kretzmar & Kaarina Baker ∂ Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Andrew Laing ∂
Kelly Laurence Jennifer Laurette ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Amanda Le Rougetel Dennice & Stephen Leahey Ann Leamon Thomas Ledwell ∂ John & Nancy Leefe ∂ Jeanne & Ian Leslie T.C. Leung ∂ Catherine Lipa Caroline Liptay Ruth Loomer ∂ Anne Loosen Bill & Stella Lord ∂ Susan & Tim Lorimer Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ David MacDonald ∂ Elmer MacDonald Lesa MacDonald Kevin MacDonell ∂ Sara Macfarlane Jose Machado Ken & Mary MacInnis ∂ Wendy MacInnis David Mackay ∂ Estate of Helen (Grant) MacKenzie* John MacKenzie ∂ Norman MacKenzie ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Anne MacLaren Jill MacLean John MacLean ∂ Linda MacLean ∂ Stephen & Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Rory & Genny (Whelan) MacLellan Rod & Robin MacLennan Michael & Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂ Adrienne Malloy ∂ Bob Mann ∂ James Mann ∂ Heather May ∂ Allen McAvoy ∂ Molly McCarron Frances (Smith) McConnell Paul & Lucy McDonald ∂ Astri Prugger & John McGaughey Graham McGillivray ∂ McInnes Cooper Gordon McOuat Stuart McPhee Toby Mendel David Mercer Kaitlin Merwin Beverley Millar ∂ Beverly Miller Carol Miller Gary Miller ∂ Kathy & Dick Miller ∂ Lois Miller & Iain Macdonald ∂ Catherine (Rhymes) Misener Janet Mitchell Penny Frances Moody-Corbett Stuart Moore David Morris ∂ Kathryn Morris Andrew Morrison & Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ Brendan Morrison ∂ Joan Morrison ∂ Susan & Bruce Moxley Penny Moxon ∂ Elizabeth Murray & Gary Powell ∂ Stephen Murray ∂ Diane Murray Barker ∂ David & Margaret (Harris) Myles Peter Nathanson ∂ Andrea Nemetz Jan Nicholls & Paul Sobanski ∂ Fred Nicholson Rodger & Melissa (Gillespie) Noel Peter O’Brien Valerie O’Brien Anne O’Neil ∂ Andrew O’Neill ∂ Fran Ornstein ∂ Jessica & William Osborne Robyn Osgood & Christopher Ashwood Doug Oxner John Page Owen & Elizabeth (MacDonald) Parkhouse Kevin Pask Kelly Patterson & Peter Buckley Anne & Pays Payson Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Gary Pekeles & Jane McDonald ∂ Sandra Penney Andrew Pepper & Victoria Gall Robert Petite ∂ George Phills Ranjit Pillai Simone Pink & Doug Mitchell ∂
Brian Pitcairn Rob Platts & Rachel Syme Frances A. Plaunt Helen Powell ∂ Peter Power Morton Prager ∂ Margo Pullen Sly ∂ James Purchase Christina Quelch ∂ Irene Randall ∂ Carol Reardon Mary Lu Redden F. Alan Reesor ∂ Peter Rekai Ryan Rempel & Joanne Epp Iris (Martell) Richards ∂ Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Tim Rissesco Patrick Rivest ∂ Colin Robertson Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers ∂ Henry & Phoebe Roper ∂ Stephen Ross & Mary O’Riordan Michael Rudderham ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Helen Anne Ryding ∂ Mary Salenieks Stanley & Anne Salsman Mark Sampson Mike Sampson Bonnie Sands Michael & Julia Sax and Family Barbara Scott Richard Scott Aden Seaton & Howard Krongold Karen Servage & John McGugan ∂ Shelley Shea ∂ David Sheppard Brian Sherwell David Sherwin & Marilou Reeve Bill Sigsworth & Catherine Richard John Simons Patricia Simpson & Kim Read Lynda Singer ∂ Katharine Sircom William Skinner Barbara Smith ∂ Ben Smith ∂ Fiona Smith & Thomas Clute Jane Smith Roslyn Smith Sean Smith Shelley Smith Stephen Snobelen ∂ Andrew Sowerby ∂
Miranda Spence Lori Stahlbrand Detlev Steffen Catherine Stein Gail Stevens Ian Stewart Thomas Stinson ∂ Kevin & Janice Stockall ∂ Carmon & Sharon Stone John Stone John Swain ∂ David Swick ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Frederic Tassinari Elizabeth Taylor R. Brian & Sheila Taylor ∂ Kelley Teahen D. Lionel Teed ∂ Jerome Teitel ∂ Geraldine Thomas Donald & Mary (Archibald) Thompson Chelsea Thorne ∂ Gary Thorne Sarah Thornton ∂ Robyn Tingley Keith Townley ∂ Nicholas Townley John Trainor Fred Vallance-Jones ∂ Emily Varto T. Lorraine Vassalo Saras Vedam & Jeff Miller Pauline Verstraten Thomas Vincent ∂ Jannette Vusich Mordecai Walfish ∂ Richard Walsh ∂ Karolyn Waterson & Carl Boyd Chris & Meredith Watson William Wells ∂ Alvin Westgate & Cathy RameyWestgate ∂ Christopher J. White ∂ Susan Whiting Tara Wigglesworth-Hines Tom Wiley Peter & Irene Wilkinson William Williams ∂ Susu & Craig Wilson Jan Winton The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Wissler ∂ James Wood ∂ Kathryn Wood Stuart Wood Peter & Maida Woodwark ∂ Charles Wurtzburg Li Zhou & Hai Xiao
CUPOLA CLUB (up to $99) anonymous (7) James Allard Carolyn & William Appelbe Gillian Archibald Kenneth Askew ∂ Karla & George Atwood Virginia Barton & Bruce Creba Richard Bartram Leigh Bateman Joshua Bates Gilbert Berringer ∂ Julian Cyril Bloomer Vanessa Bonneau Timothy Borlase Mike Bowman James & Marion (Ware) Boyer Margaret & Maurice Breslow Rae Brown Ronald Buckley ∂ Matt Buckman Katrina Byrne Rachael Cadman Anne Cameron ∂ John Chance Clare Christie ∂ Lyssa Clack Brenda Clark Dolda Lorraine Clarke* ∂ John Cook ∂ Brian Cormier Rosalie Courage Robert Craig ∂ Mary Jane Craik John Creelman ∂ Hugh Crosthwait Rosalind Curran Veronica Curran Tim Currie & Christina Harnett Arthur Cuzner ∂ Michael Daniels Guenevere Danson Douglas Davis ∂ Paul Denison Ingrid D’eon Michelle Deruchie Frances E. Dibblee Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Donna DiCostanzo Heather (Hamilton) Doepner Jennifer Duchesne ∂ Gordon Earle ∂ Williams English
& Jennifer Adams Alyssa & Matthew Feir Ashley Fitzpatrick Alexander & Stacey
(MacDonald) Forbes ∂
Edward Gesner ∂ Holly Gilkie Alfred Spurr Gilman Jennifer & Sean Gorman Barb Granek Gutstein Kathy Grant & John Grant-McLoughlin Jasmine Hare Keith Hatfield ∂ Lillie Haworth Pamela Hazel H. Douglas Hergett ∂ Jessica Herschman Michael Hoare ∂ Barbara Hodkin Robert Howe James Hunter Kieran Innocenzi Sarah Jones Tara Kapeluch Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Simon Kow ∂ Diane Kuipers ∂ Adrian Lee Christina Macdonald ∂ Ronald A. MacDonald M. Garth Maxwell ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Andrea McBride Warren McDougald Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey Molly McKay ∂ Caitlin McKeever ∂ Elizabeth McNeil Mr. & Mrs. Loren Mendelsohn William Mercer Gary & Bethany Miles ∂ Jillian Millar Drysdale Elizabeth Montgomery ∂ E. David Morgan Emma Morris Jane Neish Christine O’Neill-Yates Kathryn & Richard Ortner Deborah Ostrovsky Stewart Payne Arthur & Elizabeth (Baert) Peters ∂ Diane Pickard & Russell Bamford ∂ Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Marcia Porter Mark & Carolyn Power Nancy (White) Power Shelley & Trevor Reid Amy Rizner Eve Roberts Sheila (Fenton) Robinson Matthew & Laura Rogalsky Carol (Fairn) Rogers Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂ Jonathan & Emily (Hunter) Rowe Melvyn Sacks Jody Sadofsky Halina Sandig
& Peter Middleton Mary (Marwood) Sargeant Myra (Crowe) Scott James Shields Carrie & Peter Simon ∂ Paul Simpson Heather (Christian) Stevenson Livingston Sutro Dylan Tate-Howarth Edward Thompson ∂ Shirley Tillotson ∂ Kelly Toughill ∂ Randy & Deborah Townsend Joe Van Ryn & Nora Sheffe Benjamin von Bredow Valerie Vuillemot Angela Walker Terrance Wasson John Weeren ∂ Zachary Wells Heather White Brittain Gavin Will Chris & Sherry Willison Amichai Wise ∂ Ken Woroner & Tamara Deverell Des Writer Peter Young
LEGACY Estate of Donald & Shirley Hambrick Estate of Helen (Grant) MacKenzie Estate of F.C. Manning Estate of Mary Grace McCaffrey Estate of Robert Des Brisay Morris Estate of Judith Kaye Wright
IN MEMORY OF Fred & Kadri Campbell Jamie Cochran Jane Curran Eddie Doane Charlie Doucet George Earles Bob Fowler Bishop Mark Genge Mr. C. Gouldson Donald Hambrick Peggy Heller Angus Johnston Sheila Jones Daina Kulnys Heather Nguyen MacDonald Colin MacLean Burns Martin Deirdre Murphy William Naftel Daniel O’Brien Ruth Smith Prof. CWF Stone Nora (Arnold) Vincent Leslie (Cutler) Walsh Judith Wright Jae Won Yang
IN HONOUR OF Aidan Aronoff Celine Beland Jackson Byrne & Rebecca Best Jackie Cappell Class of 1972 Dorota Glowacka Jennifer Gray Roselle Green Natalie Hunter Stephen Kimber Svea Kolbe Lois E. Miller Brenna Sobanski Michal Stein Lindsay Wilson Hugh Wright
SPONSORSHIPS ACCEL Physiotherapy and
Sport Performance Centre Ambassatours Gray Line Armview Restaurant and Lounge Canmar Services Ltd. CBC Atlantic CFFI Ventures Inc. Chartwells Coca-Cola Canada Duffus Romans Kundzins Rounsefell Architects Ltd. Floors Plus Commercial Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. G&R Chartered Professional Accountants GDI Integrated Facility Services Grant Thornton LLP Greco Pizza Lord Nelson Hotel & Suites McInnes Cooper Murphy Hospitality Group RBC Royal Bank RBC Wealth Management Dominion Securities Dean & Carnegy Group, ScotiaMacLeod SoccerStop Surrette Battery Company Ltd. TD Insurance Tony’s Famous Donairs & Pizza Wickwire Holm Wilson Fuel Company Limited
1937 C. Russell Elliott ∂
1951 anonymous (1) Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂
1952 Donald Clancy ∂ Arthur Cuzner ∂ E.Kitchener Hayman ∂ Elmer MacDonald Frances (Smith) McConnell Anna Ruth (Harris) Rogers ∂ William Skinner
1953 Donald Beanlands ∂ Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Marion Fry ∂ Ruth Loomer ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Joan Morrison ∂ Peter Power
1954 Keith Barrett ∂ John Gorrill ∂ Alan Hebb ∂ David MacDonald ∂ Estate of Robert Des Brisay Morris*
1938 Robert Dunsmore ∂
1941 Estate of Helen (Grant) MacKenzie*
1942 Iris (Martell) Richards ∂
1943 Julian Cyril Bloomer
1944 John Carling ∂
1947 Edward Thompson ∂
1948 Anne Cameron ∂ Danford Kelley ∂ Brian Sherwell
1950 J. Roderick Fraser Mary (Burchill) Kelley* ∂ E. David Morgan
1955 John Cook ∂
1956 Gilbert Berringer ∂ Mary Jane Craik Frances E. Dibblee Harold Hazen ∂ George Phills Ann Pituley ∂
1957 Dolda Lorraine Clarke* ∂ Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard ∂ John MacKenzie ∂ Fred Nicholson Mary (Marwood) Sargeant Ben Smith ∂ Isabel Wainwright
1958 Joan Aitken ∂ George Caines ∂ Fred Christie ∂ Joan Gilroy C. William Hayward ∂ Michael Rudderham ∂
1959 Norman MacKenzie ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Elizabeth (Baert) Peters ∂ Donald Thompson
1960 Sandra (Jones) Caines* ∂ Harry Grant Arthur Peters ∂ Mary (Archibald) Thompson Fernald Wentzell
1961 James Boyer David Myles Richard Walsh ∂
1962 John Cordes Marilyn (Lingley) Dewis Geraldine Hamm ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Donald Stevenson ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂
1963 T. Frederick Baxter Marion (Ware) Boyer Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Fraser Dewis Gordon Earle ∂ Linda Fraser Edward Gesner ∂ Donald Hazen Doreen Kays ∂ Stephen Knowles ∂ David Morris ∂ James Purchase Melvyn Sacks Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂ D. Lionel Teed ∂
1964 anonymous (1) George Abbott Burdette Coates ∂ Lillie Haworth H. Douglas Hergett ∂ T.C. Leung ∂ Anja Pearre Barbara Smith ∂ William Wells ∂ Estate of Judith Kaye Wright*
1965 Roselle Green ∂ Michael Hoare ∂ Nancy Leefe ∂ Lois Miller ∂ Margaret (Harris) Myles Carmon Stone John Stone Thomas Vincent ∂ William Williams ∂
1966 Margaret (Burstall) Brown Ronald Buckley ∂ Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Glen Kent ∂ John Leefe ∂ James Mann ∂ M. Garth Maxwell ∂
1967 Mary Barker ∂ David Boston* Clare Christie ∂ John Creelman ∂ Hugh Crosthwait Douglas Hazen ∂ Bruce Howe Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Carol Miller Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ Sheila (Fenton) Robinson Frederic Tassinari
1968 anonymous (2) Brenda Clark Ginny (Lewis) Clark Peter Coffin Armand Couture J. Mark DeWolf ∂ Brenton Haliburton Peter Harris Keith Hatfield ∂ Ronald A. MacDonald Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂
1969 Wayne Cochrane Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Richard Cregan ∂ Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Larry Holman ∂ Robert Hyslop ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Stuart McPhee David Mercer Janet Mitchell John Page Robert Petite ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Lynda Singer ∂
1970 anonymous (2) Andy Hare Anne (Dorey) Hare Kathy (Pratt) LeGrow David Mackay ∂ Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Heather (Christian) Stevenson
1971 Sara Macfarlane Ken MacInnis ∂ Penny Frances Moody-Corbett Rodger Noel Irene Randall ∂ Sheila Taylor ∂ Susan Whiting The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Wissler ∂
1972 John Carr ∂ Joan Christie Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf ∂ Mureena Hebert Robert Howe Ian Johnson ∂ Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Linda MacLean ∂ Estate of Mary Grace McCaffrey* Carol (Fairn) Rogers Douglas Ruck Valerie (Morine) Ruck
1973 Timothy Borlase Phillip Fleury ∂ Brian Pitcairn Cathy Ramey-Westgate ∂ Alvin Westgate ∂ R. Brian Taylor ∂
1974 Wilson Fitt ∂ Susan Harris ∂ Kim McCallum ∂ Melissa (Gillespie) Noel John Swain ∂
1975 Peter Young
1976 Peter Bryson Rosalie Courage Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ W. J. Tory Kirby Adrienne Malloy ∂ Myra (Crowe) Scott
1977 Wendy Davis ∂ Michaela Huard Margaret (von Maltzahn) Kirby Gail Stevens
1978 Robert Craig ∂ John MacLeod Patrick Rivest ∂
1979 anonymous (1) Andrew Graham ∂
1980 anonymous (1) Patricia Chalmers ∂ David Hazen Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Stephen Lownie Barbara Scott Shelley Shea ∂ T. Lorraine Vassalo
1981 anonymous (1) Thomas Curran ∂ Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Catherine (Rhymes) Misener
1982 Robert Dawson ∂ Susan Folkins Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes ∂ Kim Kierans ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂
1983 Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Alexander Forbes ∂ Ann Leamon Carol Reardon
1984 David Baker Leigh Bateman Anne Gregory Kelly Laurence Kevin Stockall ∂
1985 Mark Hazen ∂ Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Mark MacKenzie Stephen Murray ∂ Marcia Porter Neil Robertson ∂ Kelley Teahen John Weeren ∂
1986 anonymous (1) Sheila Cameron Brian Cormier Christopher Elson ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Andrew Laing ∂ Peter Nathanson ∂ Angela Walker
1987 anonymous (2) C. LouAnn Chiasson Susan Dodd ∂ Victoria Goldring Gregory Guy ∂ Jennifer Inglis Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Stephen MacLean ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Stuart Moore Katharine Sircom James Wood ∂
1988 Terri Lynn Almeda ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Amanda Le Rougetel Andrea Nemetz Terrance Wasson Charles Wurtzburg
1989 David Carter Christopher Mogan Laurelle LeVert ∂ Owen Parkhouse Gavin Will
1990 Daniel Brandes ∂ Lincoln Caylor Sandra Goodwin Nicholas Graham Jennifer Gray Beverly Miller Peter O’Brien Elizabeth (MacDonald) Parkhouse Sean Smith Llewellyn Turnquist
1995 Jennifer Adams Lindsay Cameron Wilson Carolyn Gibson ∂ Andrew Morrison ∂ Christina Quelch ∂
1996 Eric Aldous ∂ Nathalie Atkinson Roberta Barker ∂ Christina Harnett
1991 Jennifer Bell Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Paul Charlebois ∂ Lyssa Clack Kevin MacDonell ∂ Colin Robertson Kathryn Wood
1992 Tim Currie Kenneth Dekker ∂ Bruce Geddes Kevin Gibson ∂ Mary Grise Andrew Han Tara Kapeluch Sandra Penney
1993 anonymous (2) Andrew Dick ∂ Kyle Fraser Paul Friedland Lesa MacDonald Molly McCarron Kathryn Morris Christine O’Neill-Yates Tim Rissesco Amy Rizner Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ Stuart Wood
1994 Mark Fleming Peter Jelley ∂ Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan ∂ Michael MacMillan ∂ Jillian Millar Drysdale Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ Rachel Renton Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Christopher J. White ∂
1997 Heather (Hamilton) Doepner Emily Gesner Angela Hill Deborah Ostrovsky Mark Sampson Robyn Tingley
1998 anonymous (1) David Ben-Arie Geoffrey Hamilton Andrew O’Neill ∂ Ranjit Pillai Emily (Hunter) Rowe Aden Seaton
1999 Rae Brown Gordon Cameron ∂ Jonathan Rowe Zachary Wells
2000 Sarah Dingle Nevin French Carl Lem Amichai Wise ∂
2001 anonymous (2) Lauren Brodie ∂ Howard Krongold Jennifer Laurette ∂ Thomas Ledwell ∂ Catherine Lipa Bob Mann ∂ Jane Neish Mike Sampson Paul Simpson Sarah Thornton ∂ Valerie Vuillemot
2002 Gillian Archibald Joshua Bates Daniel de Munnik ∂ Holly Gilkie Allen McAvoy ∂ Des Writer
2003 Amy Goldlist John MacLean ∂ Nancy (White) Power Andrew Sowerby ∂
2004 Owen Averill Ingrid D’eon David Herbert Jessica Herschman Ben Kates Heidi Laing Caitlin McKeever ∂
2005 Colin Burn Joanna Grossman ∂ Wendy Hepburn Nicola Hoffman Chelsea Thorne ∂ Nicholas Townley Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂
2006 Jane Baldwin Terra (Duncan) Bruhm Brendan Morrison ∂
2007 Myra Bloom Williams English Sean Farmer Anne Loosen Graham McGillivray ∂ Miranda Spence Mordecai Walfish ∂
2008 Jennifer Adams Vanessa Bonneau Guenevere Danson Michelle Deruchie Ashley Fitzpatrick
2009 Victor Bomers Alyssa Feir David Jerome Sarah Jones Christina Macdonald ∂ David Sheppard
2010 John Adams Genny (Whelan) MacLellan Rory MacLellan
2011 Matthew (Baker) Feir Adrian Lee Kaitlin Merwin
2012 Richard Bartram Mike Bowman Veronica Curran Elizabeth Montgomery ∂
2013 anonymous (1) Rachael Cadman Stephanie Duchon ∂ Jasmine Hare Kieran Innocenzi Warren McDougald Elizabeth McNeil
2014 Matt Buckman James Shields Dylan Tate-Howarth
2015 anonymous (1) James Hunter Molly McKay ∂
2016 Rosalind Curran Emma Morris
2017 Kathleen Harper Benjamin von Bredow
∂ represents 5 + years of consecutive giving
∂ represents 10 + years of consecutive giving. They are awarded a “King’s Crown”

On Thursday, May 23, 2019, King’s held its 230th Encaenia at Dalhousie’s Rebecca Cohn Auditorium and proudly welcomed almost 200 new members as King’s alumni. In his remarks, King’s President William Lahey told graduates: “You will always be welcomed back with open arms and true gladness for your return...King’s will always belong to you, in common with all the others who have signed their names in the matricula.”
HONORARY DOCTORATES AWARDED TO THREE OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY MEMBERS Author and teacher Lawrence Hill received a Doctor of Civil Law (honoris causa), educator and community leader Dale Godsoe received a Doctor of Civil Law (honoris causa), and religious scholar and Yale professor Bruce Gordon received a Doctor of Canon Law (honoris causa).
MEAGAN CAMPBELL’S VALEDICTORY SPEECH: PURE POETRY Meagan Campbell, BJ(Hons)’19, was chosen by her peers as their valedictorian. She delivered her valedictory speech in rhyming couplets. For space, we’ve excerpted portions. The full transcript is found at www.ukings/valedictory-2019
“What are you going to do when you graduate?” Families, guests, faculty If I can offer you a task, There’s one simple question You should try not to ask. You know that the future Gives us trepidation, But it seems the go-to question In every conversation. Ask anything profound, Our answers won’t be frugal, Universities exist For questions we can’t Google But approaching graduation, All good questions fade, Goodbye, epistemology Just one question remains. It’s nine little words That punch above their weight, It’s, “What are you going to do when you graduate?” I think what you’re asking, Is what we’ll do for work, If we’re no longer in school, It’s, “get to work. Get to work.”

Well, “get to work” starts to sound Like “go party” to me, “Get to work, to work, t’work, T’werk, twerk.” See? We’re in a gig economy That’s out of our control, And changes in technology Could compromise our goals. “What are you going to do when you graduate?” When an older person asks, They should think about their own fate. I’ll say, “I’m not sure, It’s not fully in my hands.” “What are you going to do when you die? Any plans?” Your question, it implies, That a normal path should be: High school, university, Career. One, two, three. In 2019, We must change this expectation, Almost nobody will go Right into a vocation. [. . . ] You have a right to ask the question Even if we hate it, You want to know our plans But perhaps you could reframe it. Maybe you could ask, “Can we help you navigate?” Or, “What are you exploring When you don’t know what awaits?” If you start to ask the question, It might not be too late, “What are you going to do When you gradua — I mean, grad … ually get some work experience in a field that might not relate?” Ask us any questions On ethics, art or liberty, That’s why we went to King’s But used all of Dal’s facilities. [. . . ] We’re updating our standards On language, love and race, We’re questioning what beauty means, We’re all about that bass. Yet somehow on careers, An old idea pervades, We expect a simple path, And some interns still aren’t paid! I think we’ll change our standards But I hope, in the meantime, We won’t panic; this is normal, And let’s think hard about our screen time. Social media gets loud The buzz can seem unstoppable, Somewhere along the way We forgot that it was optional. Professors, thanks for putting us On a learning spree, We framed a hundred arguments To frame this one degree.

Our other type of teacher Holds just as many merits, But your tenure never ends That’s why we call you parents. Sorry if we criticize you On a daily basis We take issue with most things you do, And say so, to your faces. Thanks for teaching us to get along With friends, sisters, brothers, Without you, we would not be here, Or we’d be here, hitting each other. Apologies again For giving you such flak You often hug your children, And we should always hug you back. We thank the staff on campus, And the librarian, within it, She’d come around each night to say, “We close in 15 minutes.” We’re closing now, I hoped somehow I’d get a chance to say, Our careers might not be linear, And that’s okay. To all of the grads Who have no idea what’s next, Know that this is normal In an era so complex. And to our families and the faculty, When we return these gowns, Just give us time to find our way, We will not let you down.
by Dr. Thomas Curran
ONE WORK THAT MAY NEVER appear in the Foundation Year Program reading list is an infamous French novel by Georges Perec (1969) which shuns the use of the vowel “e” as the condition of its completion and publication. Nor are we likely to embrace its even more miraculous translation in 1995 by Gilbert Adair* (290 pages in the English version, without a single appearance of the letter “e”). Please note that neither the author nor the translator could have been identified correctly on the covers of these books without the employment of the forbidden “e”; up to this semi-colon the vowel in question has already appeared 65 times— and this sentence cannot be concluded without a further 16 repetitions.
This “novel” adventure belongs to a remarkable (bizarre) self-imposition upon authors of something called “constrained writing.” A Parisian avant-garde circle, founded in 1960 and of which Perec was a member, dedicated themselves to exploring these unprecedented constraints in their writing. Perec’s novel has survived as the singular most ambitious and—to employ a second adjective which absolutely requires an “e”—“unconventional” example!
On many occasions I have had opportunity to wonder whether FYP students do not think of themselves as having landed in some eccentric “laboratory” for exercises in “constrained writing.” The seemingly endless rules concerning formatting, titles, spacing, citation, block quotation and electronic submission under which they operate must give students the impression that they seem to have enrolled in a course run by H&R Block—solely for the purpose of the correct, accurate and invariable data entry required by Revenue Canada!
But help is on the way, and specially on the way in FYP, by one of the authors whom we do read more or less annually: Goethe (the German-language equivalent to Shakespeare). For many years, we used to read Goethe’s shorter Novelle, but now we try to liberate students from the cobwebs of stuffy scholarship and incessant philosophical argumentation by reading the infamous epistolary novel of Goethe’s youth, The Sorrows of Young Werther (first published in 1774 and later revised). Werther, the protagonist, chafes under the restrictions of the petty bourgeoisie. Sample: “A man shaped by the rules will never produce anything tasteless or bad … [but] the rules will destroy the true feeling of Nature and its true expression.” How many students have been released from the interminable shackles imposed by FYP, in the reading of Werther’s sustained howls of protest for authenticity? And how many students have been emancipated from the blinkered response of this tutor to their
“Quoth that Black Bird, ‘Not again.’ ”
creative ideas and startling insights? After reviewing their deep engagement with the greatest thinkers of the millennium, all they learn from me is that they have repeatedly “split the infinitive”!
Nearly 30 years after the publication of this roar of protest against cringing convention, Goethe provided his own answer to Werther in a sonnet (1802) entitled Natur und Kunst (“Nature and Art”). The sonnet (14 lines of verse) has a strict established structure and, in its Continental version, is mostly recognized by its division into two sections, first of eight, and then of six lines, further supported by a prescribed rhyme scheme. How can anyone possibly produce something of “true feeling” under these totally arbitrary and foreign conditions?
Goethe provides us with his answer, presumably himself still squirming under the strait-jacket restriction of 14 lines of verse. Goethe explains that, as with mountaineering, the summit will never be attained without sustained discipline, and true mastery will only ever be available to those who are able “to pull themselves together” and can learn both to operate and to create within the limits that time, reversal of fortune and limited opportunity impose on them.
Maybe this year, I shall militate that we allow FYP students to read a novel (in FrEnch or English) which is offered to them without a single employment of the all too conventional letter “e”…That is so last century!
* Adair’s translation of Perec’s La Disparition is entitled A Void. The word play begins with the very title, i.e. A-Void!

King’s is pleased to share announcements of books alumni have published that we learned about this year. You will also find announcements of previously published books that have been nominated for awards in ALUMNOTES
Brenda Clark, BA(Hons)’68, the first woman to be ordained a priest in the Diocese of Nova Scotia, June 29, 1979, has written Call the Priest. Clark attended the Atlantic School of Theology and did a ministry in Nova Scotia before moving to the Diocese of Huron (Ontario) in 1987.
David Jones, BA’68, HF’98, received honourable mention in the Legacy Nonfiction category of the 2019 Hoffer Awards for his book The School of Sun Tzu. In it, Jones examines how the empire of China came into being, the leadership of its first emperor, and the role played by his learned academies.
Sue Farrell Holler, BJ(Hons)’84, an Alberta-based journalist, literacy advocate and an author of picture books and middle-grade fiction, was a finalist for a 2019 Governor General’s Literary Award for young people’s literature for her latest book Cold White Sun (Groundwood Books). Based on a true story, it tells the story of a young Ethiopian refugee who shows up at the Calgary Greyhound station.

Janice Landry, BJ(Hons)’87, has released Silver Linings: stories of gratitude, resiliency and growth through adversity (www. janicelandry.ca). The journalist set out to ask a group of remarkable people one question: “What are you most grateful for?” She dedicates her interview with Dr. Robert Emmons, the world’s leading researcher in the study of gratitude, to her late King’s professor, Ian Wiseman.
Marnie Hay, BJ’91, a lecturer in history at Dublin City University in Ireland, published her latest book, Na Fianna Éireann and the Irish Revolution, 1909-23: Scouting for Rebels (Manchester University Press, 2019). It provides an account of the Irish nationalist youth organization Na Fianna Éireann and its contribution to the Irish Revolution between 1909 and 1923.
KC Trommer, 1993, has released her debut book of poetry We Call Them Beautiful (Diode Editions, 2019). It explores the making and remaking of the self through art and stories, while looking unflinchingly at the ways that time works on us all. Trommer is founder of the audio project QUEENSBOUND and Assistant Director of Communications at NYU Gallatin. She lives in Jackson Heights, Queens, with her son.

Steven Spears, BSc’94, recently published his second book Under the Red Sheet, a collection of poems and short stories that explore dating, flirting, sex, relationships, love, lust and loss. Spears writes that in addition to writing poetry and short stories, he has also branched out into telling his own brand of fairy tales.
Wilson Bell, BA(Hons)’00, published Stalin’s Gulag at War: Forced Labour, Mass Death, and Soviet Victory during the Second World War with the University of Toronto Press. It places the Gulag within the story of the regional wartime mobilization of Western Siberia during the Second World War.
Andrea Miller, BJ’02, wrote Awakening My Heart: Essays, Articles, and Interviews on the Buddhist Life (Pottersfield Press), a diverse collection of work that she’s done over the past 13 years for Lion’s Roar (formerly called the Shambhala Sun).
Jenn Thornhill Verma, BJ(Hons)’02, MFA’19, wrote Cod Collapse, The Rise and Fall of Newfoundland’s Saltwater Cowboys (Nimbus Publishing, 2019). It tells the story of the cod moratorium that put some 30,000 fishers across Newfoundland and Labrador out of work in 1992. Her editor was Simon Thibault, BJ’10.

Lindsay Ann Reid, BA(Hons)’03, a lecturer in English at the National University of Ireland, Galway, has written Shakespeare’s Ovid and the Spectre of the Medieval, a study of how the use of Ovid in Middle English texts affected Shakespeare’s treatment of the poet.
Ron Haflidson’s, BA(Hons)’04, book On Solitude, Conscience, Love and Our Inner and Outer Lives, places Augustine in conversation with contemporary authors who warn of the dangers of abandoning solitude for constant (often technological) connection. Haflidson says he first encountered Augustine in FYP during Colin Starnes’s searching and witty lectures on Confessions, and regards it as an honour to have lectured on Confessions as a senior fellow.
Sarah Stewart-Kroeker, 2004, Assistant Professor of Theological Ethics in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Geneva, has published Pilgrimage as Moral and Aesthetic Formation in Augustine’s Thought. In it, she responds to Augustine’s critics by elaborating the Christological continuity between the earthly journey and the eschatological home.

Jennifer Otto, BA(Hons)’06, became Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lethbridge in July 2018. Her first book, Philo of Alexandria and the Construction of Jewishness in Early Christian Literature, was published in 2018 by Oxford University Press.
Jessica McDiarmid’s, BJ(Hons)’08, MFA’16, book Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was published in September by Penguin Random House (Canada) and Simon and Schuster (United States). It’s been short-listed for the prestigious $30,000 RBC Taylor Prize in Literary Nonfiction (2020).
Afton (Aikens) Brazzoni, BJ(Hons)’10, has self-published a book called Shop Dogs of Canmore. In it, Brazzoni tells the story of 20 Alberta dogs and the shops in which they work.
Stephanie Griffiths, MFA’16, was a successful money manager and self-described workaholic when she learned to meditate. By cultivating what Buddhists call “beginner’s mind,” Griffiths changed her perspective. She wrote Sit Still and Prosper to cut through the complexity and confusion of personal finance.

Sue Harper’s, MFA’16, new self-published book Winter in the City of Light: A Search for Self in Retirement chronicles her journey as she adapts to life after retirement and finds herself after moving to “the most exciting city in the world,” Paris.
Sean Mott, BJ(Hons)’16, has written his debut novel Fill the Chalice, a “darkly comedic thriller.” Mott currently works as a reporter in Kelowna, B.C. for the online news site infonews.ca. “I think [King’s] journalism program helped clarify my writing by teaching me how to communicate the crux and heart of a story with clean, precise language.”

In Adventures in Bubbles and Brine, published by Formac, fermentation enthusiast Philip Moscovitch, MFA’19, takes us on a tour of Nova Scotian ferments, and introduces us to the people who have taken this food trend to heart. You may even find a recipe or two in his book to try yourself!
Please let us know if you’ve published a book by emailing kathy.miller@ukings.ca so we may celebrate your achievement.
Nellwyn Lampert, MFA’17, describes her book, Every Boy I Ever Kissed, which was published by Dundurn in July 2019, as “a millennial coming-of-age memoir about gender and sexual liberation.”
Andrew Reeves’s, MFA’16, book Overrun: Dispatches from the Asian Carp Crisis (ECW Press) was long-listed for the prestigious $30,000 RBC Taylor Prize in Literary Nonfiction. Both his and Jessica McDiarmid’s short-listed book began as King’s MFA book projects and are pictured with other books published by King’s MFA in Creative Nonfiction alumni on p. 49.