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Life/Physical Sciences Requirement
The courses listed below are a sampling of ones that satisfy the Life and Physical Science requirement, however, any combination of courses in a Life/Physical subject may count.
Courses marked with a * are science courses developed specifically for arts students and normally do not require extensive math or lab experience.
Another popular option that meets the science requirement is HSTC 1201.03 + HSTC 1202.03, the introductory courses in History of Science and Technology at King's. These courses follow a timeline similar to the Foundation Year Program. Students will have the opportunity to delve deeper into scientific texts that are explored in FYP and will develop a better knowledge of the ever-changing world of science and technology With lectures offered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:35 – 3:25p.m., HSTC 1201.03 + HSTC 1202.03 fit perfectly into your firstyear course schedule. For more information on HSTC 1201.03 + HSTC 1202.03, click here