24 minute read
Stewardship Report 2020/21
April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021
I WRITE THIS as the last few weeks of the fiscal year draw to a close. As always, this report covers the preceding year. And I am, of course, aware that many of you have given again in the year we are in. As a university, there is no greater sign of relevance for our work than each student who chooses King’s. However, the many ways that you, our donors (and especially as many of you are indeed former students) decide to give and direct your gifts is another great signal of both Photo by Adams Photography relevance and confidence—a form of proof that there is still urgency and importance in our mission and in the particular way we pursue it. And this signal of confidence and ability to help arrives with every single gift.
Although it often feels inadequate, the greatest expression of our gratitude still resides in saying—thank you! On behalf of the college, its students, faculty and staff and everyone who cares for and about King’s, we extend gratitude to you for all the things King’s is able to do and provide to students as a result of your abiding generosity.
The university has many aspirations and goals and much we want to accomplish in the coming years. This September we will celebrate 50 years of the Foundation Year Program and in 2023 we will celebrate 100 years of our association with Dalhousie. Our upper-year humanities programs are in multiple collaborations about the future with Dalhousie colleagues. Our School of Journalism is thinking big about its future and our creative writing degrees are at the beginning of showing their full potential. Our enrolment is steadily increasing. I look forward to communicating with you in the near future, as the work to earn your continued support carries on.
We have come through a lot and we will accomplish a lot, together. We always talk about King’s as a community. You are exemplars. Thank you for supporting King’s educational mission and the students who come here to attain an education they can only attain at King’s and Dalhousie. With appreciation, Bill

TOTAL FUNDS RAISED Bequests $22,835 Annual Giving $334,219 Gifts $2,961,866
TOTAL $3,318,920
YOUR GIFTS DIRECTED Unrestricted $120,944
Libraries & Academic Programs Athletics $100,314 $5,973
Chapel Chapel Choir $24,766 $61,810
Student Assistance (Scholarships & Awards) $659,438 Student Experience $118,338 Campus Renewal $2,220,681 Other $6,658
TOTAL $3,318,920
New Pledges (2020-21) $204,971
Please note this report reflects donations made from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. Donations made after this time will appear in next year's Stewardship Report. Every effort has been made to list names accurately. If your name has been omitted, or displayed incorrectly, please accept our apologies and notify King’s Advancement Office, 6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2A1 or call (902) 4221271 ext. 128 or e-mail Paula.Johnson@ukings.ca.
Explaining the “King’s Crowns.” The “blue crown” symbol marks donors who have contributed consecutively for the last five financial years. The“gold crown” symbol marks donors who have contributed consecutively for the last ten financial years. And there is an invisible “heart” symbol that marks all of you as King’s!
CHANCELLOR'S CIRCLE ($10,000 and over)
anonymous (2) The Alpha Aquilae Foundation BMO Financial Group George & Tia Cooper ∂ Elizabeth & Fred Fountain ∂ John & Genesta Hamm Donald Harrison Harrison McCain Foundation ∂ Larry Holman ∂ Susan Hunter ∂ Peter Jelley ∂ Kathy (Pratt) LeGrow Debra Deane Little &
Robert Little Oriel MacLennan Rod & Robin MacLennan Estate of F.C. Manning* ∂ Anja Pearre ∂ Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ UKC Alumni Association ∂ Wesley M Nicol Foundation Wilson Fuel Company Limited ∂
GOVERNOR'S CIRCLE ($5,000 to $9,999)
anonymous (2) Acadia Broadcasting Limited ∂ William Barker & Elizabeth
Church ∂ Patricia Chalmers ∂ Compass Group Canada Thomas Curran ∂ Edmonds Landscape and
Construction Services Ltd. Kevin & Carolyn Gibson ∂ Mary Janigan & Tom Kierans ∂ William Lahey & Kathryn
Lassaline ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Kim McCallum ∂ Elisa Nuyten Donald Stevenson ∂
INGLIS CIRCLE ($2,000 to $4,999)
anonymous (1) Adriane Abbott ∂ Judy Abraham CC Alexander David & Robin Archibald ∂ Heather & Philip Barnes Katrina Beach ∂ Black Family Foundation Derek Bond Peter & Patricia Bryson ∂ Gordon Cameron ∂ Sarah Clift The Corpus Christi Foundation Richard & Marilyn (McNutt)
Cregan ∂ Arthur Davis Joan Dawson ∂ Robert Dawson ∂ Christopher Elson ∂ Dale Godsoe ∂ Kevin Gormely & Mary Abbott William & Anne Hepburn ∂ Bernard Hibbitts J & W Murphy Foundation Keith Johnson Laurelle LeVert ∂ Roland & Marian (Huggard)
Lines John MacLeod Rowland Marshall ∂ Michael & Kelly Meighen ∂ Daniel O’Halloran Penguin Random House Canada Dennis Phillips R. Howard Webster Foundation Ronald Stevenson ∂ Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Stingray Radio Estate of Marguerite I. Vernon*
PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE ($1,000 to $1,999)
anonymous (2) Roberta Barker ∂ Shirley Bradshaw Brian Brownlee ∂ Chère Chapman & Gord Cooper Paul Charlebois ∂ Brenda Christen Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson ∂ Glenn & Petra Davidson Daniel de Munnik &
Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ Fred Fletcher Arthur Frank &
Catherine Foote ∂ Marion Fry ∂ Bruce Geddes Maureen Grace & Robin Fyfe Roselle Green ∂ John & Brenda Hartley ∂ Kara Holm ∂ The Hornbeck Family ∂ Ronald Huebert ∂ Jennifer Inglis & Lew Turnquist Kim Kierans ∂ Andrew & Patricia Laing ∂ Amanda Leslie Kenzie MacKinnon ∂ Jaqueline Matheson Ian & Johanne (Zwicker) McKee Elizabeth Miles ∂ Peter O’Brien Peter & Sophie Oliver Sandra Oxner Ann Pituley ∂ Power Family: Steven Power ’88 & Rhonda Power ’92 Douglas & Valerie (Morine)
Ruck Fiona Smith & Thomas Clute Jane Spurr Ian Stewart David Swick ∂ Benjamin von Bredow Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ Hugh Wright ∂ Charles Wurtzburg
BENEFACTOR'S CIRCLE ($100 to $999)
anonymous (32) Jane Adams Ritcey & Wilfred
Moore Janet & Kenneth Adams ∂ Jennifer Adams John Adams Bob Allison ∂ Lorraine Atherton Nathalie Atkinson Sarah Atkinson & Ian Spears Margot Aucoin ∂ Kathleen Bain David Baker Jane Baldwin ∂ Paul Baldwin ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie ∂ Keith Barrett ∂ T. Frederick Baxter Celine Beland David Ben-Arie Matthew Bernstein &
Risa Prenick ∂ Gilbert Berringer ∂ Myra Bloom ∂ Elizabeth Boudreau Stephen Bowman & Elizabeth
Koester ∂ Daniel Brandes & Dawn Tracey
Brandes ∂ Jonna Brewer Rhea (Skerrett) & Patrick Bright Lauren Brodie ∂ Julia Brown Myrna Brown & Nathan Gilbert Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Sharon Brown Sandra Bryant Christophe Brzezinski & Agata
Brzezinski Mordy Bubis & Nina Stipich ∂ Brian Burnell Steven Burns & Janet Ross ∂ David Cadogan George Caines ∂ Nancy Campbell ∂ Howard Cappell Jackie Carlos & Colin Soule John Carr ∂ Donald & Jean (Kryszek) Chard Mira Chatt Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Greg & Karen Chiykowski Fred Christie ∂
Ian Chunn & Susan Reaney Burdette Coates ∂ Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Peter Coffin ∂ Peter Conrod ∂ Anne Coolen Thomas Coonan ∂ Barbara Corbin Rosalie Courage* Mary Craig Robert Craig ∂ Gerry Curnew Tim Currie & Christina Harnett Ronald Cutler ∂ Audrey Danaher &
Richard Heystee ∂ Ken Dauphinee Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Susan Davies ∂ Wendy Davis ∂ Ann (Creighton) Day Gwen Day Ken Dekker ∂ Michelle Deruchie ∂ Mary (Coffill) Deveau J. Mark & Rachel (Swetnam)
DeWolf ∂ Jackie Digout Sarah Dingle & Carl Lem ∂ Blair Dixon Susan Dodd ∂ Michael Drohan Jennifer Duchesne Stephanie Duchon ∂ Mark Dwor Diocesan Synod of
Fredericton ∂ Elizabeth Edwards ∂ Keith Egger &
Tracy Summerville Nancy Elliott & Richard Dyke Catherine (Sutherland)
Emmerson Williams English &
Jennifer Adams Michael Ewald &
Edie Shaw-Ewald Alyssa & Matthew Feir Jim Feir Pam Fisher Wilson Fitt & Thelma Costello ∂ Graham Flack Mark Fleming & Rachel Renton Phillip Fleury ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Susan Folkins ∂ Alexander & Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes ∂ Gisele (LeBlanc) Forsey Luke Franklin J. Roderick Fraser ∂ Nevin French Paul Friedland Jim & Sally Garner Tara Gault Emily Gesner & Anna Maria
Martin Dorota Glowacka ∂ Dr. John F. Godfrey Amy Goldlist Nestor Gomez ∂ Sandra Goodwin John Gorrill ∂ Andrew Graham ∂ Nicholas Graham ∂ William Grant David Gray ∂ Jennifer Gray Howard Green & Lynne Heller Julie Green Bev Greenlaw & Sylvia
Hamilton Anne Gregory Joanna Grossman ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Barbara Habib Catherine & David Hamilton ∂ Geraldine Hamm ∂ Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Gaye Harden Andy & Anne (Dorey) Hare Carla & Steve Harle ∂ Peter Harris ∂ Susan Harris ∂ Reid & Marilyn Harrison Sarah & Michael Harrison Michael & Kathy Hawkins C. William Hayward ∂ David Hazen Douglas Hazen ∂ Harold Hazen Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Alan Hebb ∂ Mureena Hebert Dawn Henwood Wendy Hepburn David Herbert ∂ H. Douglas Hergett ∂ Jessica Herschman ∂ Angela Hill ∂ Kirsten Hill John Hobday ∂ Neil Hooper ∂ Bruce Howe ∂ James Howison Michaela Huard ∂ Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard David Hugill Ian & Catherine Hugill Dennis Hurlburt Robert Hyslop ∂ Erin Iles ∂ Ranall & Sherry Ingalls International Council of Air Shows Simon Jackson Rhonda Jansen & Brad Faught Ian Johnson ∂ Paula Johnson ∂ Donald Johnston Sarah Jones Ben Kates ∂ Janet Kawchuk ∂ Doreen Kays ∂ Brenda Keeping Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ Glen & Glenda (Cummings)
Kent ∂ Ross Kerr Stephen Kimber ∂ W. J. Tory & Margaret (von
Maltzahn) Kirby Stephen Knowles ∂ Simon Kow ∂ Phil Kretzmar & Kaarina Baker Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Jacob Langer &
Ferne Sherkin-Langer Jennifer Laurette &
Allen McAvoy ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Joanne Leatch Thomas & Barbara (Aikman)
LeBrun Thomas Ledwell ∂ John & Nancy Leefe ∂ Beth Legge T.C. Leung ∂ Alan Levine & Iris Jacobson ∂ Thomas Lewis Judith Lockett Ruth Loomer ∂ Bill & Stella Lord ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Andy Lynch Margaret Lynch Christina Macdonald ∂ David MacDonald ∂ Elmer MacDonald Lesa MacDonald Kevin MacDonell ∂ Elaine & Ian MacInnis Ken & Mary MacInnis ∂ Wendy MacInnis David Mackay ∂ Kathleen MacKeigan &
Chris Gibson John MacKenzie ∂ Norman MacKenzie ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Anne MacLaren John MacLean ∂ Stephen & Julianne (Doucet)
MacLean ∂ Russell MacLellan Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod Michael & Cynthia (Edwards)
MacMillan ∂ Chris MacNeil Marli MacNeil ∂ Kim Manchester Bob Mann ∂ James Mann ∂ Mary Martin Brian Matchett Heather May ∂ Molly McCarron Frances (Smith) McConnell ∂ Duncan McCue Warren McDougald Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey Graham McGillivray ∂ McInnes Cooper Lorna (Upham) McSheffrey David Mercer ∂ Berry Meyerowitz &
Robyn Goren Beverley Millar ∂ Carol Miller Kathy & Dick Miller ∂ Lois Miller & Iain Macdonald Joyce (Blandford) Millman Catherine (Rhymes) Misener ∂ Janet Mitchell ∂ Penny Moody-Corbett Dr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Karen Morash David Morris* ∂ Kathryn Morris Brendan Morrison ∂ Joan Morrison ∂ Sarah Moses Paula Mowat Elizabeth Murray &
Gary Powell ∂ Stephen Murray ∂ David Myles & Margaret (Harris) Myles* ∂ Peter Nathanson ∂ Ardis Nelson Andrea Nemetz Jan Nicholls & Paul Sobanski ∂ Sabine Nölke Dan O’Connor Peter O’Hearn Richard Oland
Anne O’Neil ∂ Charles O’Neil Fran Ornstein ∂ Jessica & William Osborne Jennifer Otto Marco Oved Doug & Marlene Oxner John Page Kevin Pask ∂ Kelly Patterson &
Peter Buckley ∂ Anne & Pays Payson Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Gary Pekeles &
Jane McDonald ∂ Sandra Penney ∂ Arthur & Elizabeth (Baert)
Peters Ric Peterson Robert Petite ∂ Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Simone Pink & Doug Mitchell ∂ Rob Platts & Rachel Syme ∂ David Pond Helen Powell ∂ Morton Prager ∂ Kathleen Pritchard Margo Pullen Sly ∂ James Purchase Christina Quelch ∂ Noel & Susan (Pullen) Quinn Jennifer Rae-Brown Irene Randall ∂ Mary Lu Redden F. Alan Reesor ∂ Ryan Rempel & Joanne Epp Blair Riddle Tim Rissesco Patrick Rivest ∂ Edward Rix David Roach & Alex Schofield Eve Roberts Maria Roberts Paul Robinson & Ann
Surprenant Leona Rodall Maurice Rodgerson Henry Roper &
Phoebe Roper* ∂ Stephen Ross &
Mary O’Riordan ∂ Michael Rudderham Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Helen Anne Ryding Mike Sampson Bonnie Sands ∂ Stuart Schwartz Aden Seaton & Howard
Krongold ∂ Shelley Shea ∂ John Sherren William Sherren Brian Sherwell Catherine Shiner Carrie & Peter Simon ∂ Patricia Simpson & Kim Read Lynda Singer ∂ Katharine Sircom ∂ M. Elliott Siteman William Skinner Barbara Smith ∂ Ben Smith ∂ Jane Smith Roslyn Smith Sean Smith Gary & Kadre Sneddon Stephen Snobelen ∂ Peter & Elizabeth (Bayne)
Sodero ∂ Reiaz Somji Andrew Sowerby ∂ Miranda Spence Lori Stahlbrand Thorfinn Stainforth Detlev Steffen Alison Stewart Thomas Stinson ∂ Kevin & Janice Stockall ∂ Carmon & Sharon Stone ∂ Theresa (Nowlan) Suart John Swain Lisa Taggart ∂ Elaine Taylor R. Brian & Sheila Taylor ∂ Kelley Teahen D. Lionel Teed ∂ Jerome Teitel ∂ Rose Tekel Geraldine Thomas ∂ Paul Thomson Chelsea Thorne ∂ Gary Thorne Kelly Toughill ∂ Keith Townley ∂ Nicholas Townley Juliette Valcke & Jérôme Blais Fred Vallance-Jones ∂ Anna van Blankenstein Saras Vedam & Jeff Miller Thomas Vincent ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂ Anne von Maltzahn Ian Wagschal Isabel Wainwright ∂ Mordecai Walfish ∂ Richard Walsh ∂ Karolyn Waterson ∂ Katy Weatherly William Wells ∂ Alvin Westgate &
Cathy Ramey-Westgate Yael Wexler Christopher J. White ∂ Tara Wigglesworth-Hines ∂ Tom Wiley William Williams ∂ Directors of Williams Lake
Conservation Company James Wilson & Lindsay
Cameron Wilson Jan Winton ∂ Michael Wolfe James Wood ∂ Kathryn Wood ∂ Stuart Wood Faye Woodman Anne Woods Peter & Maida Woodwark ∂ Des Writer Drew Yamada &
Jennifer Adcock Joanna (Shepherd) Zuk
CUPOLA CLUB (up to $99)
anonymous (11) Marcia & Stephen Aronson ∂ Kenneth Askew ∂ Jane Barter Virginia Barton & Bruce Creba Joshua Bates ∂ Victor Bomers Vanessa Bonneau Timothy Borlase Ronald Buckley ∂ Katrina Byrne ∂ Clare Christie ∂ Lyssa Clack ∂ John Cook ∂ Mary Jane Craik John Creelman ∂ Hugh Crosthwait Veronica Curran Michael Da Silva Pauline Dakin Lynn Davies Douglas Davis ∂ Ingrid D'eon Donna DiCostanzo Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Terra-Lee Duncan Michael Dunn Gordon Earle ∂ Edward & Karen English Kirk Feindel Sara Forsyth Rosalie Fox Edward Gesner ∂ Lori & Bob Gillies Elizabeth Grant Jasmine Hare Natalie Harvey Keith Hatfield ∂ Lillie Haworth ∂ Pearl Hazen Rachel Lea Heide David Henry Michael Hoare ∂ James Hunter ∂ Kieran Innocenzi ∂ Melinda Jacobs Michael Kaczorowski Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Mary Beth Knight Diane Kuipers ∂ Juliette Lawand-Denesyk Adrian Lee ∂ Anne Loosen Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Casey Lynch Ronald A. MacDonald ∂ Rory & Genny (Whelan)
MacLellan ∂ M. Garth Maxwell ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Stephanie McGrath Elizabeth McNeil ∂ Gordon McNulty Mr. & Mrs. Loren Mendelsohn Charles Miner Adrian Molder Elizabeth Montgomery ∂ Andrew Morrison & Jennifer
Morawiecki ∂ Susan & Bruce Moxley Carolyn Naftel Donald Neish John Nicolson Andrew O’Neill ∂ Richard Ortner Diane Pickard & Russell
Bamford ∂ Andréa Pilichos Mark & Carolyn Power ∂ Jonathan Powers Gabrielle Rekai Iris (Martell) Richards Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Sheila (Fenton) Robinson ∂ Carol (Fairn) Rogers Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂ Celia Russell
Mary Salenieks Stanley & Anne Salsman Myra (Crowe) Scott ∂ Renee & Victor Serio Taylor Simon James & Pauline Siteman Antonia Sly Nichols & Cluny
Nichols Glenn Smellie Edith (Rushton) Steffens Heather (Christian) Stevenson ∂ Reginald Stockall Liz Tarshish Dylan Tate-Howarth ∂ Edward Thompson ∂ Randy & Deborah Townsend ∂ Eric Turner Valerie Vuillemot Yolana Wassersug Terrance Wasson John Weeren ∂ Audrey (Powell) Weir Martin Wessman Sabina Wex Margaret Whitley Bernard & Jean (Haliburton)
Wills Sam Zucchi
Estate of F.C. Manning Estate of Marguerite I. Vernon
Marion (Ware) Boyer Malcolm Bradshaw Captain Jenn Casey Bernice Jacobson Chatt Jamie Cochran Janet Cochran Rosalie Courage Jane Curran Rev. J.E. (Ted) DeWolf George Earles Canon C. Russell Elliott Michael Elliott Rev. Canon Jim Golding Thomas Chandler Haliburton Ruth Hazen Peggy Heller Rev. Dr. John Hibbitts Jeffrey Robert Hooper James & Audrey Ingalls Angus Johnston Nancy King Daina Kulnys Colin MacLean Dr. Hubert Eric Morgan Douglas Myers Gerald Nelson Daniel & Valerie O’Brien John Ogilvie Regis Paquet Drake Petersen Wayne Roberts Lynne Ann Sherren Joy H. & Harry D. Smith Rev. Rodney Stokoe Rev. Beverley Strople Tata Professor Kraft von Maltzahn Leslie (Cutler) Walsh Budge Wilson Cherie (Tolson) Winters
Jackson Byrne & Rebecca Best Dr. Jackie Cappell Julia Duchesne Marion Fry Dorota Glowacka Stuart Harden Allison Hill Father Ingalls and his students President Bill Lahey Gordon McOuat Power Family: Steven Power ’88 & Rhonda Power ’92 Eilidh Ram The Registrar’s Office Staff Donald McPhee Roberts Corrine Sparks Jordan Spears Colin Starnes Amy Teitel Anne Von Maltzahn for her contribution to the Williams
Lake Conservation Company Angels’ Roost & Radical Bay Class of 2020 and their quest for diversity Inspired by Bill Lahey’s excellent public service The tenacity of King’s students and the incredible contribution King's makes to Canada
Wilson Fuel Company Limited
Iris (Martell) Richards
anonymous (1)
Edward Thompson ∂
William Sherren Brian Sherwell
J. Roderick Fraser ∂ Johanne (Zwicker) McKee
anonymous (1) Donald Neish Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂
Elmer MacDonald Frances (Smith) McConnell ∂ William Skinner Audrey (Powell) Weir
Marion Fry ∂ Ruth Loomer ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Joan Morrison ∂
Keith Barrett ∂ John Gorrill ∂ Pearl Hazen Alan Hebb ∂ David MacDonald ∂
John Cook ∂
anonymous (1) Gilbert Berringer ∂ Mary Jane Craik Ann (Creighton) Day Harold Hazen Ann Pituley ∂
Caroline (Bennet) Hubbard John MacKenzie ∂ Carolyn Naftel Ben Smith ∂ Isabel Wainwright ∂
anonymous (1) George Caines ∂ Fred Christie ∂ Gerry Curnew John Hamm C. William Hayward ∂ Michael Rudderham
Norman MacKenzie ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Elizabeth (Baert) Peters Reginald Stockall
Arthur Peters
Roland Lines David Myles ∂ Sandra Oxner Richard Walsh ∂
Geraldine Hamm ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Thomas LeBrun Russell MacLellan Susan (Pullen) Quinn Donald Stevenson ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂
T. Frederick Baxter Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Gordon Earle ∂ Edward Gesner ∂ Doreen Kays ∂ Stephen Knowles ∂ Barbara (Aikman) LeBrun Marian (Huggard) Lines David Morris* ∂ James Purchase John Sherren Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂ D. Lionel Teed ∂
anonymous (1) Donald Chard Burdette Coates ∂ Blair Dixon
Lillie Haworth ∂ H. Douglas Hergett ∂ T.C. Leung ∂ Anja Pearre ∂ Noel Quinn Barbara Smith ∂ William Wells ∂
Roselle Green ∂ Michael Hoare ∂ Nancy Leefe ∂ Lois Miller Margaret (Harris) Myles* ∂ Carmon Stone ∂ Thomas Vincent ∂ William Williams ∂
Margaret (Burstall) Brown ∂ Ronald Buckley ∂ Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Glen Kent ∂ John Leefe ∂ Judith Lockett James Mann ∂ M. Garth Maxwell ∂
Mary Barker ∂ Clare Christie ∂ John Creelman ∂ Hugh Crosthwait Douglas Hazen ∂ Bruce Howe ∂ Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Carol Miller Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ Sheila (Fenton) Robinson ∂
anonymous (1) Jean (Kryszek) Chard Peter Coffin ∂ J. Mark DeWolf ∂ Peter Harris ∂ Keith Hatfield ∂ Ronald A. MacDonald ∂ Anne (Wainwright) McGaughey Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂
anonymous (1) Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Richard Cregan ∂ Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Larry Holman ∂ Robert Hyslop ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon David Mercer ∂ Janet Mitchell ∂ John Page Robert Petite ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Lynda Singer ∂ Faye Woodman
anonymous (2) Andy Hare Anne (Dorey) Hare Kathy (Pratt) LeGrow David Mackay ∂ Brian Matchett Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Heather (Christian) Stevenson ∂
Ken MacInnis ∂ Penny Moody-Corbett Irene Randall ∂ Sheila Taylor ∂
John Carr ∂ Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf ∂ Mureena Hebert Ian Johnson ∂ Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Thomas Lewis Charles O’Neil Carol (Fairn) Rogers Douglas Ruck Valerie (Morine) Ruck
Timothy Borlase Glenn Davidson Phillip Fleury ∂ Cathy Ramey-Westgate R. Brian Taylor ∂ Alvin Westgate
Wilson Fitt ∂ Susan Harris ∂ Kim McCallum John Swain
Peter Bryson ∂ Rosalie Courage* Catherine (Sutherland)
Emmerson Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ W. J. Tory Kirby Myra (Crowe) Scott ∂ Jane Spurr
Patrick Bright Wendy Davis ∂ Michaela Huard ∂ Margaret (von Maltzahn) Kirby
Robert Craig ∂ Gisele (LeBlanc) Forsey Jennifer (Bassett) MacLeod John MacLeod Patrick Rivest ∂
Andrew Graham ∂ Natalie Harvey
anonymous (1) Rhea (Skerrett) Bright Patricia Chalmers ∂ David Hazen Bernard Hibbitts Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Shelley Shea ∂
anonymous (1) Thomas Curran ∂ Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Catherine (Rhymes) Misener ∂
Robert Dawson ∂ Susan Folkins ∂ Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes ∂ Kim Kierans ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂ Celia Russell
Kathleen Bain Lynn Davies Alexander Forbes ∂
David Baker Richard Dyke Anne Gregory Michael Hawkins Kevin Stockall ∂
anonymous (1) Mark Hazen ∂ Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Elaine MacInnis Stephen Murray ∂ Peter O’Hearn Kelley Teahen John Weeren ∂
anonymous (1) Mary (Coffill) Deveau Nancy Elliott Christopher Elson ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Simon Jackson Andrew Laing ∂ Ian MacInnis Joyce (Blandford) Millman Peter Nathanson ∂ Blair Riddle
anonymous (2) Jonna Brewer Susan Dodd ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Jennifer Inglis Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Stephen MacLean ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Katharine Sircom ∂ Elaine Taylor James Wood ∂
Jennifer Balfour ∂ Michael Dunn Andrea Nemetz Steven Power Terrance Wasson Charles Wurtzburg
Jennifer Adcock Laurelle LeVert ∂
Daniel Brandes ∂ Sandra Goodwin Nicholas Graham ∂ Jennifer Gray Lorna (Upham) McSheffrey Peter O’Brien Sean Smith Theresa (Nowlan) Suart Paul Thomson Lew Turnquist
Bernard Wills Jean (Haliburton) Wills
Jane Barter Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Paul Charlebois ∂ Lyssa Clack ∂ Dawn Henwood Keith Johnson Kevin MacDonell ∂ Edward Rix Kathryn Wood ∂
Mary Abbott Tim Currie Ken Dekker ∂ Bruce Geddes Kevin Gibson ∂ Kevin Gormely Duncan McCue Cluny Nichols Sandra Penney ∂ Rhonda Power Drew Yamada
anonymous (2) Paul Friedland Lesa MacDonald Molly McCarron Kathryn Morris Andréa Pilichos Tim Rissesco Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ Stuart Wood
anonymous (1) Chère Chapman Gord Cooper Arthur Davis Mark Fleming Peter Jelley ∂ Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan ∂ Michael MacMillan ∂ Chris MacNeil Kim Manchester Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ Rachel Renton Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Christopher J. White ∂
Jennifer Adams Carolyn Gibson ∂ Donald Harrison Ross Kerr Andrew Morrison ∂ Christina Quelch ∂ Joanna (Shepherd) Zuk
Nathalie Atkinson Roberta Barker ∂ Christina Harnett Karen Morash
anonymous (1) Emily Gesner Angela Hill ∂ Mary Beth Knight
anonymous (2) David Ben-Arie Mira Chatt Andrew O’Neill ∂ Aden Seaton ∂
Gordon Cameron ∂ Lindsay Cameron Wilson Stephanie McGrath Antonia Sly Nichols
Sarah Dingle ∂ Nevin French Carl Lem ∂ Sarah Moses
anonymous (1) Lauren Brodie ∂ Kirk Feindel Howard Krongold ∂ Jennifer Laurette ∂ Thomas Ledwell ∂ Bob Mann ∂ Mike Sampson Valerie Vuillemot
Joshua Bates ∂ Daniel de Munnik ∂ Allen McAvoy ∂ M. Elliott Siteman Des Writer
Luke Franklin Amy Goldlist John MacLean ∂ Andrew Sowerby ∂
anonymous (1) Ingrid D’eon David Herbert ∂ Jessica Herschman ∂ David Hugill Ben Kates ∂ Thorfinn Stainforth
Joanna Grossman ∂ David Henry Wendy Hepburn Marco Oved Chelsea Thorne ∂ Nicholas Townley Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ Yael Wexler
anonymous (1) Jane Baldwin ∂ Terra-Lee Duncan Brendan Morrison ∂ Jennifer Otto
Myra Bloom ∂ Williams English Sara Forsyth Anne Loosen Graham McGillivray ∂ Miranda Spence Mordecai Walfish ∂
Jennifer Adams Vanessa Bonneau Michelle Deruchie ∂ Adrian Molder Yolana Wassersug Martin Wessman
Victor Bomers Julia Brown Michael Da Silva Alyssa Feir Chris Gibson Sarah Jones Christina Macdonald ∂ Kathleen MacKeigan Paula Mowat
anonymous (2) John Adams Genny (Whelan) MacLellan ∂ Rory MacLellan ∂
anonymous (1) Matthew (Baker) Feir Adrian Lee ∂ Sam Zucchi
Veronica Curran Casey Lynch Elizabeth Montgomery ∂
anonymous (1) Stephanie Duchon ∂ Jasmine Hare Kieran Innocenzi ∂ Amanda Leslie Warren McDougald Elizabeth McNeil ∂ Gabrielle Rekai
Dylan Tate-Howarth ∂
anonymous (2) Pauline Dakin James Hunter ∂
Benjamin von Bredow Sabina Wex
anonymous (1) Taylor Simon Rose Tekel Margaret Whitley
Melinda Jacobs Margaret Lynch
anonymous (1) Katy Weatherly
TUCKED UNDER THE HEADING ‘General operating’ on the University Policies page of King’s website, the three-page PDF entitled Responsible Investing Policy looks unassuming enough. Its succinct elegance belies the multi-year effort of the Investment Committee’s membership, two of its successive chairs and a diligent working group.
In October 2018, President William Lahey and Board of Governors Chair Doug Ruck, BA’72 asked the Investment Committee to take up the question of responsible investing and how it could be integrated into the way the university’s investments are managed. The committee established an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) working group to review the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) and to recommend what action King’s should take. Peter Conrod, who at the time was global head of procurement for RBC and chair of King’s Investment Committee, led the way in initiating the work.
The policy best explains its backstory:
The University of King’s College has been the beneficiary of multiple bequests since its inception and has managed the resulting endowment funds through the Investment Committee who engages independent, professional investment managers.
The investment activities are governed by a Statement of Investment Policy and
Goals (“SIPG”) which is reviewed annually, with any changes requiring approval by the Board of Governors. It is recognized that maximizing the return on the University’s endowment funds, within documented risk parameters, should no longer be the sole purpose of the investment policy. Given today’s climate crisis and other societal challenges, it is appropriate the University embrace responsible investing policies and practices in the management of the endowment funds and align our investment practices with the imperative fight against climate change.
Since its inception in 2018, the Board’s ESG working group comprised college-wide representation including faculty, staff and King’s Students’ Union representatives.
In 2020, Conrod retired and Tom Eisenhauer BA(Hons)’83, co-founder, president and CEO, Bonnefield Financial Inc., became chair of the board’s Investment Committee and also one of the members of the ESG working group.
The group spent considerable time researching contemporary thinking around responsible investing. It reviewed the UNPRI, assessed the policies and practices of peer Canadian universities, both large and small and sought counsel from Morneau Shepell, a leading advisory firm in the area of institutional investing. They also reached out to the Canadian Federation of Students for its position on responsible investing.
The group’s collective work, a Responsible Investment Policy for the university, was adopted by the board in April 2021. It’s another step in King’s efforts to be part of the solution when it comes to climate change, building on the energy efficiency work that was carried out across the campus in 2017.
TOM EISENHAUER IS UNIQUELY positioned to bring value to the ESG working group. He spent a good part of his career as a Bay Street investment banker. And in 2008, he co-founded Bonnefield Financial, a firm that invests in farmland, preserving it for farming. “I really wanted to use my finance and investment management skills in a way that was socially and environmentally responsible. This whole topic of sustainable investing has been near and dear to my heart for a long time—and something I obviously fully endorse, because I voted with my career,” he said.
And it’s a vote that has been counted. In 2020, Bonnefield published an influential research paper entitled “The Role of Farmland in Mitigating Climate Change” that is testament to Eisenhauer’s corporate and personal commitment to environmental sustainability in investment.
When it comes to responsible investing, Eisenhauer says, some decisions are pretty straightforward: “Arms manufacturers, tobacco manufacturers. That’s dead simple. That’s easy.” But beyond that, things start to get more complex.
“Responsible investing, also called environmental, social and governance investing (ESG), was considered a fringe movement in finance for years. But in January 2020 Larry Fink, the CEO of the world’s largest money management firm, wrote in his annual letter that “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects.”
In other words, the world’s most powerful money manager was going to take policies on climate change into account when investing. Eisenhauer says that had a powerful effect: “It was an announcement that said ESG is really taking centre stage.”
While King’s policy does not direct the university’s investment management firm to put money into specific companies, it does lay guidelines for investing ethically.
When it came time to draft a policy for King’s, the working group members were firm in wanting to develop guidelines that will change with circumstances. They wrote:
“It is recognized that responsible investing is a relatively new area of research and is rapidly evolving. We know best practices in this area will change and mature. As such, we are committed to an annual review of our Responsible Investing Policy and Practices and, when appropriate, to make changes to the policy as well as to the SIPG, to ensure they align with both contemporary thinking and the desires and needs of the university’s stakeholders.
These changes may well entail decisions to divest of our positions in certain industries or organizations.”
Eisenhauer adds, “Being a King’s alumnus, I really do think King’s represents certain values, and we should uphold those values in everything we do—including how we invest our endowment fund.”
These days, it’s Eisenhauer’s values that are gaining attention. His work at Bonnefield led the International Section of the August 28, 2021, edition of The Economist, in an article entitled “New frontiers: Climate change will alter where many crops are grown.”
University policies can be accessed through a link in the footer of every ukings.ca page. With acknowledgement to Philip Moscovitch, MFA’19, for his interview notes.