18 minute read
Stewardship Report 2019/20
April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020
FOR SOME TIME, I have been musing aloud about the approaching anniversary in 2029 of the opening of our Halifax campus. I see King’s in a unique parallel with its history (the pandemic has reinforced this reflection) where, for the decade prior to 1929, our predecessors were busy fundraising, relocating to Halifax, designing and building a new campus, creating our association with Dalhousie, and forging relationships with new neighbours. Given the changes unfolding around Photo by Adams Photography us and throughout higher education, I see us on a similar trajectory as we ready King’s to thrive in its ‘Next Century’ in Halifax.
As is always the case, this Stewardship Report covers the previous fiscal year— in this case, April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. It was a milestone financial year for King’s, thanks to the thirty-seven percent permanent increase in government funding secured in 2018 and new levels of support from individuals like you. Support for and interest in the financial well-being and an optimistic future for King’s set a new high.
The fiscal year we are in now, which ends in a few days, has been equally encouraging, albeit in a different way. In a year that posed unique financial challenges for all, the support shown to King’s in a time of great student need was heartening and at times breathtaking. The emergency funding our government distributed among all universities both cushioned the financial impact of the pandemic but also validated the college’s decision to spend what had to be spent to ensure our response to the pandemic was proportionate to the challenges it posed.
And with this momentum, I am sharing the news that the Stewardship Report will be lifted from Tidings in the future. This will allow you more pages for stories about the King’s community and each other, and it will mean a stand-alone publication to celebrate you, our donors, and the difference you make, each fall.
To the alumni, parents, faculty, staff, board members, friends and students whose names appear on the following pages, thank you for recognizing all that is good and worthy of support at King’s. We look forward to your continued support for our educational mission, and to working together to set King’s on course to meet the needs of our current and future students. William Lahey President and Vice-Chancellor

TOTAL FUNDS RAISED Bequests $579,373 Annual Giving $294,724 Gifts $726,651
TOTAL $1,600,748
New Pledges $2,370,000
YOUR GIFTS DIRECTED Unrestricted $129,049
Libraries & Academic Programs Athletics $162,998 $30,371
Chapel Chapel Choir $26,626 $94,928
Student Assistance (Scholarships & Awards) $974,255 Student Experience $42,750 Campus Renewal $136,841 Other $2,930
TOTAL $1,600,748
Endowment $625,521
Every effort has been made to list names accurately. If your name has been omitted, or displayed incorrectly, please accept our apologies, and notify King’s Advancement Office, 6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, N.S. B3H 2A1 or call (902) 422-1271 ext. 128 or email Paula.Johnson@ukings.ca.
The “blue crown” symbol marks all those donors who have contributed consecutively for the last five financial years and the “gold crown” symbol marks all those donors who have contributed consecutively for the last 10 financial years. They are awarded a “King’s Crown.”
CHANCELLOR'S CIRCLE ($10,000 and over)
anonymous (3) The Alpha Aquilae Foundation BMO Financial Group The John and Judy Bragg
Family Foundation ∂ Estate of Dolda Lorraine
Clarke* ∂ Global News Donald Harrison Larry Holman ∂ Isles Foundation Incorporated Peter Jelley ∂ Estate of F.C. Manning* ∂ Wesley M Nicol Foundation Anja Pearre UKC Alumni Association ∂ Wilson Fuel Company Limited ∂ Estate of Judith Kaye Wright* ∂
GOVERNOR'S CIRCLE ($5,000 to $9,999)
anonymous (2) Adriane Abbott ∂ Acadia Broadcasting Limited ∂ Patricia Chalmers ∂ Compass Group Canada George & Tia Cooper ∂ Edmonds Landscape and
Construction Services Ltd. Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Estate of Donald & Shirley
Hambrick* Harrison McCain Foundation ∂ Susan Hunter ∂ Mary Janigan & Tom Kierans ∂ William Lahey & Kathryn
Lassaline Elisa Nuyten & David Dime* Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ Donald Stevenson ∂
INGLIS CIRCLE ($2,000 to $4,999)
anonymous (2) Mary Abbott & Kevin Gormely Judy Abraham David & Robin Archibald ∂ William Barker &
Elizabeth Church ∂ Katrina Beach ∂ Black Family Foundation Peter & Patricia Bryson Richard Buggeln ∂ Gordon Cameron ∂ Hope Clement Coca-Cola Refreshments
Canada ∂ Thomas Curran ∂ Christopher Elson ∂ Elizabeth & Fred Fountain ∂ Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. Kevin & Carolyn Gibson ∂ Dale Godsoe ∂ Laurie Hay William & Anne Hepburn ∂ Keith Johnson Laurelle LeVert ∂ Rowland Marshall ∂ Anita McBride Gillian McCain ∂ Michael & Kelly Meighen ∂ Estate of Robert Des Brisay
Morris* Daniel O’Halloran Penguin Random House Canada Neil & Patricia Robertson ∂ Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ R. Howard Webster Foundation
PRESIDENT'S CIRCLE ($1,000 to $1,999)
anonymous (2) Willa Black Paul Charlebois ∂ Sarah Clift Rosalie Courage Richard & Marilyn (McNutt)
Cregan ∂ Robert Dawson ∂ Daniel de Munnik &
Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂ Arthur Frank &
Catherine Foote ∂ Marion Fry ∂ John & Brenda Hartley ∂ Kara Holm ∂ The Hornbeck Family ∂ Ronald Huebert ∂ Ranall & Sherry Ingalls Kim Kierans ∂ David Lewis Roland & Marian (Huggard)
Lines Stephen Lownie John MacKay Mark MacKenzie Kenzie MacKinnon ∂ Jaqueline Matheson Ann McCain Evans Elizabeth Miles ∂ Peter O’Brien Sandra Oxner Ann Pituley ∂ RBC Foundation David Rose Ronald Stevenson ∂ University of King’s College Day
Students’ Society Benjamin von Bredow Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂ Hugh Wright ∂
BENEFACTOR'S CIRCLE ($100 to $999)
anonymous (25) Janet & Kenneth Adams ∂ Eric Aldous ∂ James Allard Bob Allison ∂ Mark Andrews Rachel Ariss & Gary Genosko Mary Ellen & Lowell Aronoff Marcia & Stephen Aronson ∂ Lorraine Atherton Sarah Atkinson Margot Aucoin ∂ David Baker Jane Baldwin ∂ Paul Baldwin ∂ Jennifer Balfour ∂ Mary Barker & Ron Gilkie ∂ Roberta Barker ∂ Keith Barrett ∂ Jennifer Bell David Ben-Arie Matthew Bernstein &
Risa Prenick Gilbert Berringer ∂ Michael Bird Myra Bloom ∂ Victor Bomers Sjoerd Borst Michelle Boutilier Stephen Bowman & Elizabeth
Koester ∂ Shirley Bradshaw Daniel Brandes &
Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Hanna Brandt Rhea (Skerrett) & Patrick Bright Lauren Brodie ∂ Randall Brooks Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Richard Brown Brian Brownlee ∂ Sandra Bryant Mordy Bubis & Nina Stipich ∂ Colin Burn ∂ Steven Burns & Janet Ross ∂ Melissa & Jeff Burroughs Barbara Butler Nicola Butler Katrina Byrne ∂ David Cadogan George Caines ∂ Sheila Cameron Christine Campbell Nancy Campbell ∂ Judy & Mark Caplan John Carr ∂ Donald & Jean (Kryszek) Chard Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Fred Christie ∂ Joan Christie Ian Chunn & Susan Reaney Ginny (Lewis) Clark Burdette Coates ∂ Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Wayne Cochrane Peter Coffin Borden Conrad Peter Conrod ∂
Thomas Coonan ∂ Gail & Richard Cooper ∂ Armand Couture Susan Coyne Mary Craig Hugh Crosthwait Tim Currie & Christina Harnett Brian & Lindsay Cuthbertson ∂ Ronald Cutler ∂ Audrey Danaher &
Richard Heystee ∂ Ken Dauphinee Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Susan Davies ∂ Wendy Davis ∂ Joan Dawson ∂ Ann (Creighton) Day Paul Cassel &
Diane de Camps Meschino James Deignan Kenneth Dekker ∂ Alison DeLory Michelle Deruchie Kenneth & Marged Dewar Fraser Dewis &
Marilyn (Lingley) Dewis J. Mark & Rachel (Swetnam)
DeWolf ∂ Sarah Dingle & Carl Lem Diocesan Synod of
Fredericton ∂ Susan Dodd ∂ Jane Dover Stephanie Duchon ∂ Lynda Earle James Eaton Elizabeth Edwards ∂ C. Russell Elliott* ∂ Nancy Elliott & Richard Dyke Greg Elmer Howard Epstein Richard Evans Monica Farrell ∂ Jim Feir Wilson Fitt & Thelma Costello ∂ Mark Fleming & Rachel Renton David Fletcher Phillip Fleury ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Susan Folkins Brenda & Robert Franklin ∂ J. Roderick Fraser Linda & Gregor Fraser Andrea Frolic Peter Giddens Dorota Glowacka ∂ Dr. John F. Godfrey Amy Goldlist Victoria Goldring ∂ Nestor Gomez John Gorrill ∂ Graduating Class of 2019 Andrew Graham ∂ Nicholas Graham Nita H. Graham David Gray Howard Green & Lynne Heller Roselle Green ∂ Anne Gregory Mary Grise & Christopher
Mogan Joanna Grossman ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Brenton Haliburton Pamela Halstead Catherine & David Hamilton ∂ Geraldine Hamm ∂ John & Genesta Hamm Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Gaye Harden George Harding Andy & Anne (Dorey) Hare Carla & Steve Harle ∂ Kathleen Harper Peter Harris Susan Harris ∂ Nicholas Hatt Suzanne Hawkes C. William Hayward ∂ David Hazen Douglas Hazen ∂ Mark & Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Pearl Hazen Alan Hebb ∂ David Herbert ∂ Angela Hill John Hobday ∂ Neil Hooper ∂ Dennis & Doris House Bruce Howe James Howison Michaela Huard Ian & Catherine Hugill Dennis Hurlburt Robert Hyslop ∂ Erin Iles ∂ David Israelson & Susan Elliott Simon Jackson Alan Levine & Iris Jacobson ∂ Parisa Jahangiri Ian Johnson ∂ Paula Johnson ∂ David & Ena Gwen Jones Ben Kates Janet Kawchuk ∂ Doreen Kays ∂ Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ Glen & Glenda (Cummings)
Kent ∂ Ross Kerr Stephen Kimber ∂ W. J. Tory & Margaret (von Maltzahn) Kirby Stephen Knowles ∂ Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Andrew & Patricia Laing ∂ Langley LeBlanc Medical
Service Inc. Yannick Larose Kelly Laurence Jennifer Laurette ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Dennice & Stephen Leahey James LeBlanc Thomas & Barbara (Aikman)
LeBrun Thomas Ledwell ∂ John & Nancy Leefe ∂ T.C. Leung ∂ Catherine Lipa ∂ Ruth Loomer ∂ Bill & Stella Lord ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Andy Lynch Gregory Lypny David MacDonald ∂ Ronald A. MacDonald Jane MacDonald-Spiteri Kevin MacDonell ∂ Sara Macfarlane Ken & Mary MacInnis ∂ David Mackay ∂ John MacKenzie ∂ Norman MacKenzie ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Anne MacLaren John MacLean ∂ Stephen & Julianne (Doucet)
MacLean ∂ Russell MacLellan Rod & Robin MacLennan Michael & Cynthia (Edwards)
MacMillan ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂ Adrienne Malloy ∂ Bob Mann ∂ James Mann ∂ Heather May ∂ Allen McAvoy ∂ Alexandra McCann Kathryn & Leo McCluskey Frances (Smith) McConnell Eve (Lorway) McDermott Paul & Lucy McDonald ∂ Graham McGillivray ∂ McInnes Cooper Celeste McKay Alan McLeod David Mercer Kaitlin Merwin Beverley Millar ∂ Gary Miller ∂ Kathy & Dick Miller ∂ Joyce (Blandford) Millman Catherine (Rhymes) Misener ∂ Janet Mitchell ∂ Adrian Molder Penny Frances Moody-Corbett Stuart Moore Jane Adams Ritcey &
Wilfred Moore Andrew Morrison &
Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ David Morris ∂ Brendan Morrison ∂ Joan Morrison ∂ Stephen Murray ∂ Diane Murray Barker ∂ David & Margaret (Harris)
Myles Peter Nathanson ∂ Ardis Nelson Jan Nicholls & Paul Sobanski ∂ Kenneth Nickel Kenneth Nickerson Anne O’Neil ∂ Fran Ornstein ∂ Robyn Osgood &
Christopher Ashwood Marco Oved Doug & Marlene Oxner Owen & Elizabeth (MacDonald)
Parkhouse Kevin Pask Kelly Patterson & Peter Buckley Glenn Payette Anne & Pays Payson Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ LeRoy Peach ∂ Gary Pekeles &
Jane McDonald ∂ Sandra Penney Robert Petite ∂ Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Simone Pink & Doug Mitchell ∂ Rob Platts & Rachel Syme ∂ Joseph Poon Elizabeth Murray &
Gary Powell ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Morton Prager ∂ Margo Pullen Sly ∂
James Purchase Christina Quelch ∂ Irene Randall ∂ F. Alan Reesor ∂ Adele Reinhartz & Barry Walfish Peter Rekai Susan (McCulloch) Richardson Michelle Rippon Patrick Rivest ∂ Amy Rizner David Roach & Alex Schofield Henry & Phoebe Roper ∂ Bala Jaison & Marc Rosen Stephen Ross & Mary O’Riordan Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Helen Anne Ryding Barbara Saipe Stanley & Anne Salsman Mike Sampson Bonnie Sands Barbara Scott Aden Seaton &
Howard Krongold Shelley Shea ∂ William Sherren Brian Sherwell Bill Sigsworth &
Catherine Richard Carrie & Peter Simon ∂ Lynda Singer ∂ Katharine Sircom ∂ William Skinner Pierre Alvarez & Jessie Sloan Barbara Smith ∂ Ben Smith ∂ Jane Smith Roslyn Smith Gary & Kadre Sneddon Stephen Snobelen ∂ Peter & Elizabeth (Bayne)
Sodero ∂ Andrew Sowerby ∂ Lori Stahlbrand Detlev Steffen Catherine Stein Thomas Stinson ∂ Kevin & Janice Stockall ∂ Carmon & Sharon Stone John Stone Kate Sutherland &
Evan Renaerts David Swick ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Elaine Taylor R. Brian & Sheila Taylor ∂ Kelley Teahen D. Lionel Teed ∂ Jerome Teitel ∂ Lhadon Tethong Geraldine Thomas ∂ Chelsea Thorne ∂ Robyn Tingley ∂ Keith Townley Nicholas Townley ∂ Fred Vallance-Jones ∂ Pauline Verstraten Elizabeth Vibert Thomas Vincent ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂ Anne von Maltzahn Isabel Wainwright ∂ Mordecai Walfish ∂ Richard Walsh ∂ Karolyn Waterson &
Carl Boyd ∂ William Wells ∂ Zachary Wells Christopher J. White ∂ Jana Wieder* Tara Wigglesworth-Hines ∂ Tom Wiley Peter & Irene Wilkinson Gavin Will William Williams ∂ Hugh Williamson Jan Winton ∂ The Rev. Dr. Kenneth
J. Wissler ∂ Margaret Withrow James Wood ∂ Kathryn Wood Anne Woods Peter & Maida Woodwark ∂
CUPOLA CLUB (up to $99)
anonymous (4) Sarah Abman John Adams Carolyn & William Appelbe Kenneth Askew ∂ Kathleen Bain Richard Bartram ∂ Leigh Bateman Joshua Bates ∂ T. Frederick Baxter Nancy Blake Timothy Borlase Rae Brown Lawrence & Jane (Reagh)
Bruce-Robertson Terra (Duncan) Bruhm Ronald Buckley ∂ Rachael Cadman Margaret Campbell John Chance Clare Christie ∂ Lyssa Clack ∂ John Cook ∂ Brian Cormier Robert Craig ∂ Mary Jane Craik John Creelman ∂ Rosalind Curran Veronica Curran Dalhousie-King’s Reading Club Christine Davies Douglas Davis ∂ Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Donna DiCostanzo Jackie Digout Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Michael Dunn Corinne Earle Gordon Earle ∂ Alyssa & Matthew Feir Victoria Foley Alexander & Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes ∂ Isabelle Gallant Edward Gesner ∂ Alfred Spurr Gilman Terrance Graham Barb Granek Gutstein Emanuella Grinberg Bernard Hart Keith Hatfield ∂ Lillie Haworth Pamela Hazel David Henry H. Douglas Hergett ∂ Jessica Herschman Michael Hoare ∂ Barbara Hodkin David Hugill James Hunter ∂ Laura Hussey-Bondt Kieran Innocenzi ∂ Randall & Rachael (Earle)
Jewers Sarah Jones Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂ Mary Beth Knight Simon Kow ∂ Diane Kuipers ∂ Adrian Lee ∂ Anne Loosen Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Christina Macdonald ∂ Alyssa MacKenzie Rory & Genny (Whelan)
MacLellan ∂ Ronald Marks Marjory Helen Masson M. Garth Maxwell ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Duncan McCue Warren McDougald Gillian McGillivray Natalie McLeod &
Nikolas Capobianco Elizabeth McNeil ∂ William Mercer Carol Miller Elizabeth Montgomery ∂ G. Warren Murley Helen Oldershaw Andrew O’Neill ∂ Christine O’Neill-Yates Kathryn & Richard Ortner Stewart Payne Diane Pickard &
Russell Bamford ∂ Brian Pitcairn Ian Porter Mark & Carolyn Power ∂ Nancy (White) Power Jonathan Powers Lars Renborg Nicola Rendell Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Martha Roberts Tudor (Caldwell) Robins Sheila (Fenton) Robinson Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂ Jonathan & Emily (Hunter)
Rowe Myra (Crowe) Scott David Sheppard Paul Simpson Maya Smith Sean Smith Heather (Christian) Stevenson ∂ Liz Tarshish Dylan Tate-Howarth ∂ Edward Thompson ∂ Kelly Toughill ∂ Randy & Deborah Townsend ∂ Valerie Vuillemot Angela Walker ∂ Terrance Wasson John Weeren ∂ Amichai Wise ∂ Peter Young
Estate of Dolda Lorraine Clarke Estate of Donald &
Shirley Hambrick Estate of F.C. Manning
Estate of Robert Des Brisay
Morris Estate of Judith Kaye Wright
Malcolm Bradshaw Carol Campbell Catherine Campbell Ken Chung Jamie Cochran Janet Cochran Jane Curran Rev. J.E. DeWolf Sarah Dube George Earles Prof. John F. Graham Harold Graven Peggy Heller James How Angus Johnston Sheila Jones Janet Kitz Daina Kulnys George D. D. Lewis George Martell Antigone (Tiggy) Nichols Daniel O’Brien Dr. Harry D. Smith &
Joy H. Smith Leslie (Cutler) Walsh
Aidan Aronoff Rachael Bethune Jackson Byrne & Rebecca Best George Cooper Marion Fry Dorota Glowacka Dale Godsoe Jennifer Gray Roselle Green Kim Kierans Bill Lahey Walker Nickel Brenna Sobanski Jordan Spears Colin Starnes Michal Stein Amy Teitel Gary Thorne Hugh Wright
Wilson Fuel Company Limited
C. Russell Elliott* ∂
anonymous (1)
Edward Thompson ∂
William Sherren Brian Sherwell
J. Roderick Fraser
anonymous (1) Hope Clement Kenneth Nickerson Gillian (Bidwell) Rose ∂
Frances (Smith) McConnell William Skinner
Carol (Coles) Dicks ∂ Corinne Earle Marion Fry ∂ Ruth Loomer ∂ Barbara (Neish) McArthur ∂ Joan Morrison ∂
Keith Barrett ∂ John Gorrill ∂ Pearl Hazen Alan Hebb ∂ David MacDonald ∂ Estate of Robert Des Brisay
John Cook ∂
anonymous (1) Gilbert Berringer ∂ Mary Jane Craik Ann (Creighton) Day Ann Pituley ∂
Estate of Dolda Lorraine
Clarke* ∂ John MacKenzie ∂ Ben Smith ∂ Isabel Wainwright ∂
George Caines ∂ Fred Christie ∂ John Hamm Bernard Hart C. William Hayward ∂
Norman MacKenzie ∂ G. Warren Murley LeRoy Peach ∂
Roland Lines David Myles Sandra Oxner Richard Walsh ∂
Marilyn (Lingley) Dewis Geraldine Hamm ∂ Caleb Lawrence ∂ Thomas LeBrun Russell MacLellan Donald Stevenson ∂ Nancy (Clark) Violi ∂
T. Frederick Baxter Charlotte (Graven) Cochran Gwendolyn Davies ∂ Fraser Dewis Gordon Earle ∂ Linda Fraser Edward Gesner ∂ Doreen Kays ∂ Stephen Knowles ∂ Barbara (Aikman) LeBrun Marian (Huggard) Lines David Morris ∂ James Purchase Elizabeth (Bayne) Sodero ∂ D. Lionel Teed ∂
anonymous (1) Nicola Butler Donald Chard Burdette Coates ∂ Lillie Haworth H. Douglas Hergett ∂ T.C. Leung ∂ David Lewis Helen Oldershaw Anja Pearre Barbara Smith ∂ William Wells ∂ Estate of Judith Kaye Wright* ∂
Roselle Green ∂ Michael Hoare ∂ Nancy Leefe ∂ Margaret (Harris) Myles Michelle Rippon Carmon Stone John Stone Thomas Vincent ∂ William Williams ∂
Margaret (Burstall) Brown ∂ Ronald Buckley ∂ Carolyn (Tanner) Chenhall ∂ Glen Kent ∂ John Leefe ∂ James Mann ∂ M. Garth Maxwell ∂
Mary Barker ∂ Clare Christie ∂ John Creelman ∂ Hugh Crosthwait Douglas Hazen ∂ Bruce Howe Glenda (Cummings) Kent ∂ Carol Miller Charlotte (MacLean) Peach ∂ Sheila (Fenton) Robinson
anonymous (1) Jean (Kryszek) Chard Ginny (Lewis) Clark Peter Coffin Armand Couture J. Mark DeWolf ∂ Ena Gwen Jones Brenton Haliburton Peter Harris Keith Hatfield ∂ David Jones Ronald A. MacDonald Cynthia (Smith) Pilichos ∂ Beverly (Zannotti) Postl ∂ Susan (McCulloch) Richardson
Wayne Cochrane Borden Conrad Marilyn (McNutt) Cregan ∂ Richard Cregan ∂ Sally (Bergasse) Driscoll Larry Holman ∂ Robert Hyslop ∂ Lina (McLean) MacKinnon Ronald Marks Eve (Lorway) McDermott David Mercer Janet Mitchell ∂ Robert Petite ∂ Helen Powell ∂ Elizabeth Ryan ∂ Lynda Singer ∂
anonymous (2) Andy Hare Anne (Dorey) Hare David Mackay ∂ Nancy (Brimicombe) Ring Heather (Christian) Stevenson ∂ Hugh Williamson
Sara Macfarlane Ken MacInnis ∂ John MacKay Penny Frances Moody-Corbett Irene Randall ∂ Sheila Taylor ∂ The Rev. Dr. Kenneth J. Wissler
John Carr ∂ Joan Christie Rachel (Swetnam) DeWolf ∂ George Harding Ian Johnson ∂ Gladys (Nickerson) Keddy ∂
Timothy Borlase Phillip Fleury ∂ Brian Pitcairn R. Brian Taylor ∂
Wilson Fitt ∂ Susan Harris ∂
Peter Young
Peter Bryson Rosalie Courage Mary (Lewis) Kennedy ∂ W. J. Tory Kirby Adrienne Malloy ∂ Myra (Crowe) Scott
Patrick Bright Wendy Davis ∂ Michaela Huard Margaret (von Maltzahn) Kirby
Robert Craig ∂ Patrick Rivest ∂
Andrew Graham ∂
anonymous (1) Michael Bird Rhea (Skerrett) Bright Patricia Chalmers ∂ David Hazen Richard Sean Lorway ∂ Stephen Lownie Marjory Helen Masson Barbara Scott Shelley Shea ∂
anonymous (2) Thomas Curran ∂ Elizabeth Hanton ∂ Catherine (Rhymes) Misener ∂
Robert Dawson ∂ Susan Folkins Stacey (MacDonald) Forbes ∂ Rachael (Earle) Jewers Kim Kierans ∂ Marli MacNeil ∂
anonymous (1) Kathleen Bain Jane (Reagh) Bruce-Robertson Christine Davies Tom Eisenhauer ∂ Alexander Forbes ∂ Terrance Graham Glenn Payette
David Baker Leigh Bateman Richard Dyke Anne Gregory Randall Jewers Kelly Laurence Kevin Stockall ∂
Lawrence Bruce-Robertson James Eaton Mark Hazen ∂ Shirley (Wall) Hazen ∂ Iain R.M. Luke ∂ Mark MacKenzie Alan McLeod Stephen Murray ∂ Neil Robertson ∂ Kelley Teahen John Weeren ∂
anonymous (1) Sheila Cameron Brian Cormier Nancy Elliott Christopher Elson ∂ Ian Folkins ∂ Simon Jackson Andrew Laing ∂ James LeBlanc Jane MacDonald-Spiteri Joyce (Blandford) Millman Peter Nathanson ∂ Angela Walker ∂
anonymous (3) Mark Andrews Christine Campbell Susan Dodd ∂ Victoria Goldring ∂ Gregory Guy ∂ Julianne (Doucet) MacLean ∂ Stephen MacLean ∂ Gillian McCain ∂ Stuart Moore Katharine Sircom ∂ Elaine Taylor James Wood ∂
Jennifer Balfour ∂ Michael Dunn Pamela Halstead Terrance Wasson
Laurelle LeVert ∂ Christopher Mogan Owen Parkhouse Gavin Will
Daniel Brandes ∂ Nicholas Graham Suzanne Hawkes Peter O’Brien Elizabeth (MacDonald)
Parkhouse Sean Smith
Jennifer Bell Rebecca (Moore) Brown ∂ Paul Charlebois ∂ Lyssa Clack ∂ Keith Johnson Kevin MacDonell ∂ Kathryn Wood
Mary Abbott Tim Currie Kenneth Dekker ∂ Kevin Gibson ∂ Kevin Gormely Mary Grise Duncan McCue Sandra Penney
anonymous (2) Christine O’Neill-Yates Amy Rizner Suzanne Wheeler Romeo ∂
Mark Fleming Peter Giddens Peter Jelley ∂ Frances (Kuret) Krusekopf Cynthia (Edwards) MacMillan ∂ Michael MacMillan ∂ Gillian McGillivray Jennifer Morawiecki ∂ Rachel Renton Sarah E. Stevenson ∂ Lisa Taggart ∂ Christopher J. White ∂
Carolyn Gibson ∂ Donald Harrison Ross Kerr
Andrew Morrison ∂ Christina Quelch ∂
Eric Aldous ∂ Roberta Barker ∂ Christina Harnett Tudor (Caldwell) Robins
Lynda Earle Angela Hill Mary Beth Knight Robyn Tingley ∂
anonymous (1) David Ben-Arie Sjoerd Borst Andrew O’Neill ∂ Emily (Hunter) Rowe Aden Seaton Lhadon Tethong
Rae Brown Gordon Cameron ∂ Jonathan Rowe Zachary Wells
Sarah Dingle Carl Lem Amichai Wise ∂
anonymous (1) Lauren Brodie ∂ Howard Krongold Jennifer Laurette ∂ Thomas Ledwell ∂ Catherine Lipa ∂ Bob Mann ∂ Mike Sampson Paul Simpson Valerie Vuillemot
Joshua Bates ∂ Daniel de Munnik ∂ Allen McAvoy ∂
anonymous (1) Amy Goldlist Nicholas Hatt Laura Hussey-Bondt John MacLean ∂ Nancy (White) Power Andrew Sowerby ∂
Emanuella Grinberg David Herbert ∂ Jessica Herschman David Hugill Ben Kates
Dawn Tracey Brandes ∂ Colin Burn ∂ Victoria Foley Joanna Grossman ∂ David Henry Marco Oved Chelsea Thorne ∂ Nicholas Townley ∂ Tasya Tymczyszyn ∂
Sarah Abman Jane Baldwin ∂ Terra (Duncan) Bruhm Brendan Morrison ∂
Myra Bloom ∂ Yannick Larose Anne Loosen Graham McGillivray ∂ Maya Smith Mordecai Walfish ∂
Michelle Deruchie Isabelle Gallant Adrian Molder
Victor Bomers Alyssa Feir Sarah Jones Christina Macdonald ∂ Alyssa MacKenzie David Sheppard
John Adams Genny (Whelan) MacLellan ∂ Rory MacLellan ∂
Matthew (Baker) Feir Adrian Lee ∂ Kaitlin Merwin Lars Renborg
Richard Bartram ∂ Veronica Curran Elizabeth Montgomery ∂
anonymous (1) Rachael Cadman Stephanie Duchon ∂ Kieran Innocenzi ∂ Warren McDougald Elizabeth McNeil ∂
anonymous (1) Dylan Tate-Howarth ∂
anonymous (1) James Hunter ∂

Rosalind Curran
Kathleen Harper Benjamin von Bredow
Martha Roberts
anonymous (1)