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Section 5: Navigating your Dal Online Account
Dal Online is the essential tool you will use as a student that allows you to access many services from the comfort of your own home. Here is a breakdown of common uses of your Dal Online account (under Web for Students): Admissions Complete If you want to switch to a different faculty, you can apply online application here. Declare your major This will take you to a form on the Dal website where you can select your major(s) and minor from a drop-down menu. Certificates can also be declared here. Registration Registration status Check what day and time you are permitted to register for courses. Add/drop courses Choose courses by recording their CRN numbers (and CRNs for tutorials, if applicable) and putting them into this form. Make sure you have the right term selected and that you have completed the prerequisites for the course. Schedule by day/time View a weekly schedule of your courses.
Student Records
View holds See if you have any holds on your account which could prevent you from registering for courses. Final grades View your final grades by term.
Canada Tax Forms
Academic record View your entire academic record in a pdf that you can print or save. Official transcripts Fill out a quick form with the number of transcripts you’d like and where you want them sent. If you’re a journalism student, contact the King’s Registrar’s Office for transcripts. Account detail Check your account balance and see what your tuition and fees are for the semester.
Confirmation of Enrolment See details on page 25.
Apply to Graduate This quick and efficient form is used to apply to graduate. The deadline to apply for May graduation is December 1. View and print your T2202Atax form
Degree Audit Reporting System
Transfer Credits Academic Timetable
(DARS) See which degree requirements you’ve met and which ones are still outstanding by running an audit on your degree. Stop by the Registrar’s Office if you need help deciphering what your audit says. Check to see if a course you want to take at another institution or a course you’ve already taken has been previously assessed. Browse which courses are being offered in current and future terms.