There has been some confusion recently about the interpretation of the rules regarding the ability of foreign nationals to opt out of the SGK healthcare system.
Some branches of SGK directorate appear to have misinterpreted the ruling. We have contacted the SGK Head Office for clarification. The ruling was published in the Turkish Government Official Gazette on the 29th of May 2013 and reported soon after by us on this facebook page and in our quarterly newsletter. It remains as follows:
It is no longer compulsory for foreign nationals to join SGK health scheme. After one year of residency in the country with a residence permit, all foreign nationals will have the right to apply to become members to the SGK scheme. All foreign nationals who have been residing longer than a year will also be eligible to apply and their payments will start from the date they applied. Payments will not be back dated and no penalty will be applied. The only circumstances in which a foreign national will be able to cease or withdraw their application from SGK is when they leave Turkey; join an official health scheme (like NHS); gain employment with a Turkish company that deducts SGK from their salary; or on death.