1 minute read
from NMI Directory 20/21
by Grant Rollo
Applus IDIADA is a global partner to the automotive industry with over 30 years’ experience supporting its clients in product development activities by providing design, engineering, testing and homologation services. IDIADA’s success in product development is built on a unique blend of highly experienced engineers, state-of-theart test and development facilities and the constant drive towards innovation.
The company has more than 2.750 professionals and an international network of subsidiaries and branch offices in 24 countries, ensuring its clients receive customized added-value solutions. Mission : We support our clients in their product development activities by providing them with engineering, testing and homologation services that fit their needs. Strategic objective : To be recognised as the most innovative and customer-focused company, among of all those providing design and homologation services for the automotive industry worldwide.
Telephone +44 1223 441434
Email idiada_uk@idiada.com
Website www.applusidiada.com
Professional team: An international team of over 2,450 engineers and technical experts qualified and experienced in the automotive product development. First class state-of-the-art testing facilities: Leading-edge laboratories in various locations and the most comprehensive proving ground in Europe. International presence: We work closely with our clients in 25 countries to perform projects locally and to better understand each market's requirements. Innovation: Continuously developing new services in a strategic, integrated and controlled manner Development Integration: thorough knowledge of all major vehicle functionalities. Design led by functionality: We conduct vehicle development projects from the beginning towards functional excellence. Integration of CAD, CAE and testing.