UKOS PLC Web Manual

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Welcome to OASIS Welcome to the Office And Stationery Information System or OASIS as we like to call it. OASIS offers you a quick and efficient way to place all your stationery orders via the Internet and provides you with information on tracking, enquiry and reporting. OASIS works with any standard Internet browser software and does not require any installation; all you will need is a Username and Password to get started. OASIS allows you to place orders quickly and accurately by utilising the functionality within the site and always has current and correct product information and pricing therefore reducing lead times and errors allowing you to be in complete control of your stationery spend. Full order life cycle information is readily available to you so you can see from the point of placing your order all associated documents including Delivery Notes, Invoices, Credits and Collections. The OASIS user guide has been designed to help you through the different tasks required on a daily basis to place your orders and review information on your account. Product Range You can use OASIS to place orders for the following range of Products • Standard Catalogue Products • Furniture Products • Core List Products • Customer unique products stocked or managed on behalf of customers including pre printed items. Security OASIS allows you to place orders direct with UKOS Plc and as such no further intervention is required from UKOS when you place an order, therefore ensuring we recommend the following security measure are used • Closing your browser after use. If you leave your browser active after you have logged in to OASIS, then anybody with access to your computer will be able to place orders using your logon. Always exit from your browser once you have finished placing orders, this ensures that the logon routine will have to be negotiated successfully before your account can be used again. • Do not share your password with colleagues. If at any time you suspect that another user knows your password please change it immediately. See page 38 for details of this procedure • Not saving your password. Internet Explorer users have an option to ‘Save this password in your password list’ when logging on. We strongly recommend that you do not check this box


Internet Ordering Customer Guide Contents Logging On



Main Menu



Order Pad Manager.......................... Quick Order Entry............................ Product Searching............................. Product Catalogue............................. Retail Catalogue.................................

9 10 11 15 17

Templates.................................................... Order Pad.................................................... Order Amend.............................................. Order Confirmation................................... Order Authorisations.................................

18 22 23 25 27

Enquiries o Searching............................................ o Outstanding........................................ o Backorders.........................................

32 37 38

Reporting..................................................... Password Maintenance.............................. Preferences..................................................

39 43 44

o o o o o


Account Logon Details

WEB SITE ADDRESS Helpdesk Email Address

Practice Logon Username: _______ Password: _______

Live Logon Username: _________ Password: _________


Logon Page

This is the first page you will see after entering the UKOS web address and clicking on the ‘Internet Ordering’ icon in the top right of the page . From here you can type in your Username and Password that have been allocated to you as an authorised user of the system. If you have not been allocated your Username/Password, then please contact your UKOS Account Manager who will arrange this for you.


Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten or misplaced your current password, then you can click the ‘Forgotten your password’ link and enter your username and the system will automatically send you a reminder of your password details via the email address setup against your username..


Main Menu Page

Order pad summary & Overview Site Navigation Tabs Template Selector

Quick Search – Key in Product code or keyword(s)


Product Promotional Offers

Once your Username and Password have been authenticated successfully, then the Home Page screen will be displayed. From here you can select any of the options that are available to you via the navigation tabs at the top by hovering your mouse cursor over them. The order pad summary is located in the top right of the page, detailing number of items, order value and also displaying any spend limit available. NB: These menu options may vary slightly depending on what level of authorisation has been agreed and set up for you.


Main Menu Tab

From the Main Menu tab you can click on any of the six options that are available to you to add products in to your order pad or manage your on line templates and orders. Order Pad Manager – (See page 9) manages your current order(s) or creates additional order pads as required. Quick Order Entry – (See page 10) quickly key in up to 20 product codes with a quantity and add to order pad Product Search – (See page 11) Allows you to search over 40,000 products by entering keywords, part descriptions, product codes or manufacturers references Catalogue – (See page 15) Search the full product catalogues groups by clicking through the different levels and allowing you to search within certain product groups only. Order Template Manager – (See page 18) Manage and view available order templates and create favourite lists.


Order Pad Manager

Within the ordering system you have the facility to have multiple orders open at any given time. The way this is achieved is by giving an ‘order pad’ a specific name and then clicking on ‘Create Order Pad’ The default order pad that is always available is called ‘Web Orders’. NB: You do not have to do anything if you just want to use the standard default order pad You only need to create another ‘order pad’ if you intend to use multiple orders at the same time. The box in the top right of the screen ‘Order Pad’ allows you to select which order pad you want to add products in to.


Quick Order Entry

This option allows you to quickly enter just the Product codes and Quantity’s, and then Left-click your mouse button on ‘Add to Order’ icon at the bottom of the page. This has now added your selected product(s) to the ‘Order Pad’ as displayed in the top right hand corner of the screen. If you are not sure of the specific product code you want to enter, you may also use the ‘*’ lookup facility i.e. 123* You may enter multiple products/quantities from this screen up to a maximum of 20 products at any one time. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you want, until you have finished adding your products to your order pad. If you have entered an invalid product code, an error message will be displayed. E.g.:

You can then amend the product code to the correct one and click on the ‘Amend and re-submit’ button to add in to your order.


Product Searches

This screen will allow you to search for Products by entering a full or part description i.e. ‘black pens’ or ‘pens black’ or ‘black bic pen medium’. You can also search by specific Product code if known. i.e UK11000 You can use the ‘*’ character as a ‘Wildcard’ for doing partial searches i.e. 1234* will display all codes that begin with ‘1234…’ If you know the manufacturers code or supplier code you can enter that in to this search box as well i.e. 51645A is a HP toner reference code.


Product Search Results

Add product to current Template

Thumbnail Product Images

Contract Product Indicator

UKOS Preferred Product Highlighted

Green Alternative Products available

Nett Price is the RRP price minus any discounts available

At any point within the Product search options, you may either view the details of that product by clicking on the product image or the product code, or enter the required quantity and click on ‘Add to order’ button on the right hand side, which will add that product into a new or current Order Pad. Nb: Any product that is currently on your agreed core list of items will be highlighted using the purple star.

(Your ‘Order Pad’ in the top right hand corner of the screen will update each time you add a product.) If there is a cheaper UKOS preferred code available, then the red highlighted box below will appear, which you can then click and order the alternative if desired.


Product Details

Alternatives available

The product details screen will show you additional information from the catalogue with a larger image of the product. If there are alternative products available, then the top tabs will display this. You can click on these tabs to review what alternatives are available.


Alternative Product Details

Alternative products are available to the original product selected.


Catalogue All of the products within OASIS are categorised in to product groups. Product groups provide a hierarchical way of organising products. The hierarchy consists of three levels. Group, which is the top level category to which a product is allocated. For example, stationery or Furniture Family, which is the second level sub category to which a product is allocated. For example, envelopes or Desks Type, which is the lowest level category to which a product is allocated. For example, A4 windowed or Single Pedestal Light Oak.

Example Envelopes



Envelopes C4




Retail catalogue option display a graphical view of the product groups available with individual catalogues. The standard catalogues available are: • UKOS Directory • Main Catalogue • Green Book

Beneath each main heading, the next 10 sub groups are displayed and can be clicked on to view the products in that group.



Current selected group

View next set of sub groups

‘Type’ sub groups

Within the sub group Envelopes C4 you can do a filtered search i.e. just search for C4 envelopes that are manila coloured. You can also click on a Type sub group to view actual product details.

Search result for C4 envelopes manila.


Order Template Manage and view available order templates and create favourite lists.

Within the ordering system you have the facility to have multiple templates available. Depending on what has been set up for your account, or what the access level is within the system, there are 4 different types of templates available. 1. Virtual Template – This shows the last 30 days worth of products that you have ordered 2. Contact Templates – These are templates that are specific to your logon only i.e. Your Favourites 3. Cost Centre Templates – These are templates that have been set up for the cost centre (dept) that you work in and are available to all users who are linked to that cost centre. 4. Customer Templates – These are account specific templates and all users within your company will have access to these. 5. Contract Prices – This will always be your current list of Contract Priced items. To create a new template, click on the template group name to open up the contents in the right hand side. Click on ‘New Template’ and enter a template name and description and then click the save icon .

The cross icon indicates whether the template can be maintained by you or whether it is a Template that is maintained only by UKOS.


Order Template

Adding products to template

Sort sequence

You can then ‘add’ products in to the new template by clicking on the template name, and use the ‘Add Product’ box to key in a product code and default quantity to add to your template. Product will automatically be grouped under the catalogue main groups with group headings. You can change the sort sequence by using the ‘Sort By’ option.


Order Template

Current template selected

Adding products to template

Sort sequence Add product to template

You can add products in to a template anywhere within the system that you see the ‘Add To Template’ button


Order Template cont ….

Simply by clicking on a template will bring up the contents in the sequence selected and allow you to enter a quantity for each item you want to add to your current order.

The Template called ‘Company Template’ is normally a copy of your current agreed contract items allowing a quick and easy way to submit an order for your most frequently used products. NB: The ‘Template Quantity’ is not used All you need to do when using the template is key a quantity against the product you want to add into your order pad and then either, ‘Add to order’ for individual product or click ‘Add template to order pad’ which will then put any product with a quantity into your current order pad.


Order Pad You can view the details of your ‘Order Pad’ at any time by simply clicking on the Current Order Pad option in the top right of your screen. (Fig 1-5)

This page will show you details of each line, and an overall order total of the products that you currently have in your Order Pad. Note: The price that you see will be the net prices that have been agreed with your Account Manager and therefore the price that will be on your Invoice. You can also ‘click’ on a specific Product code to view a picture and see more details to make sure you are satisfied it is the correct Product you wish to order.


Order amend

Available Spend Limit

You can amend the quantities of any product line by clicking in the’ quantity’ field and re-keying a new figure. Once all amendments have been made, click on the ‘Save Changes button to adjust the order. To remove a product from your order, change the quantity to zero and press ‘save changes’. At this stage you also need to select via a ‘drop down’ box the Cost Centre that you want this order to be coded against. You may have only one cost centre allocated depending on what was has been set-up for you with your Account Manager, in which case no action is required. The same selection is applicable for the Delivery Addresses that you want the order to go to. (You will be set up with a default delivery address.)

When you are ready to submit the order, simply click on the ‘Place Order’ button, which will take you into the last screen of the order. If you want to re-start your order you can click on ‘Delete Order Pad’ button, which will remove all items. NB: If any ‘spend limits’ have been set for your logon, the screen will display a message if you are over the agreed limits.


Order ‘Footer’

Order stage

At this point you will be able to enter your specific order reference, which will allow you to easily ‘track’ the order later, either via the web site or when talking with our Customer Services Staff. A required date can be entered, indicating when you want the delivery by, and also any specific delivery instructions for this order, which will be printed on the Delivery Label and the Despatch Note. NB: The required date will always default to the next day Once you have entered all the relevant information you can ‘click’ on the ‘Place Order’ button, which will then automatically process your order.


Order Confirmation

The order confirmation page provides you with a summary of the order details that you have submitted to UKOS. At this stage it will also allocate you a UKOS order number for you to use in future communication and is an additional way of tracking the order through the system. You will also receive an automatic email confirmation sent to you of your order details.


Order Confirmation Email


Authorisation Notification If you place an order above your current ‘spend limit’, two additional selection boxes will appear when completing the order.

Spend Limit exceeded

The ‘Authoriser’ box allows you to select the required person for the notification to go to, confirming that the order needs their ‘authorisation’ before it can proceed to UKOS for despatching. The ‘Authorisation Text’ allow you to put a note against the order, which the Authoriser will be able to see when viewing the order.


Authorisation Notification

Order confirmation page now shows that the order has been sent to the required Authoriser


Authorisation Notification The ‘Authoriser’ will then be notified via an automatic email of the new order that needs to be actioned.


Authorising Orders Rejected Orders

Example of automatic email that is sent to you if your order has been declined authorisation with the reason why.


Authorising Orders Rejecting Order

When you log back into the UKOS web site and click on ‘Order Pad Manager’ you see a list of all orders still awaiting authorisation and also any orders that have been rejected. If you move your mouse over the notes icon you will see any rejection text that was entered at the time of rejection. You can now decide whether to amend quantities to reduce the overall value of the order below your spend limit by clicking on ‘Re-Open’, or simply delete the whole order and start again.


Enquiry There are a number of different ways you can enquire on orders that you have placed. Click on the Order Enquiry tab page to display the options. (Fig 1-16)


Search Orders

These options will allow you to search for any order using the following search criteria -:


Search Orders

There is a rich combination of search criteria that can be entered, allowing easy ‘tracking’ and enquiry of orders that have been placed on your account. The ‘Document Ref’ option allows you to enter a UKOS order number to search on, but also any of the following documents are searchable: • • • •

Invoice number Credit Number Consolidated Invoice Consolidated Credit


Outstanding Orders

Click on Order number to see line item details

This option will show outstanding orders only for your account in reverse date order giving you an overview of the order details. NB: Outstanding Orders are defined as all lines have not yet been invoiced yet, and therefore not fully despatched Orders displayed here will show all orders received by UKOS. Regardless of whether they were entered via the web or not. This gives you visibility of every single order placed against your account. Web Orders / Telesales Orders / Fax Orders You can then ‘drill’ down to see the order details by clicking on the specific order number in the far left hand column.


Order Enquiry

On the far right of the enquiry screen are 5 icons which if you click on these will allow you to view any associated documentation for that order. The available documents to view are:

= Delivery Note

= Invoice

= Credit = Collection

= Return


Outstanding Orders

This screen can be used in a number of ways – 1) Clicking on ‘Add 1 to Basket’ will add that product into a new or current Order Pad with a quantity of one. You can click on this button as many times as you want, increasing the quantity by one each time. (Your ‘Order Pad’ in the left hand corner of the screen will update each time you add one.) 2) If you want to re-order all the lines again, you can simply press the ‘Add To Order’ button This will create a new Order Pad or add to your current, with the original Products and Quantities, which you can then amend and send to UKOS in the normal way This is effectively a method of re-using any of your previous orders placed with UKOS as a type of ‘Template’ meaning you do not have to re-key them again. This screen also allows you to progress your own order by finding out if any items are on ‘backorder’ and what the expected delivery dates are for these items.


Backorder Enquiry Backorder enquiry will show all products that you currently have outstanding with UKOS that are still due to be despatched. You can apply a filter on this screen and only select backorders for a specific delivery address, depending on what is set up on your login details

Delivery address filter

This screen shows you the current status of the backordered product.



The Reports page will display all reports that have been set up for you.

NB: The availability of reports may be restricted depending on your authorisation levels as agreed.

Click on the report that you wish to view



Certain reports will allow you to enter date criteria range. Clicking on the calendar will allow you to choose your required date range. (Fig 1.26) Once selected just click on ‘Run Report’ button. The system will then ‘collect’ all relevant data and display the report back to your screen



The report is then displayed on the screen, where you can scroll up or down to view the information. You can also print the report of to any printer that is attached to your local PC by clicking on The report can also be downloaded onto your PC or Network as an MS Excel format or as an Ms Word document by clicking on



This is an example of a Cost Centre usage report downloaded from the UKOS web site, into MS Excel on your own PC.


Changing Passwords

You can change your password at any time by selecting the ‘Change Password’ option from the main menu Simply key in your old password and re-enter your new password twice for Verification.



The preferences tab allows you to add or remove thumbnail images from various screens within the site. You can also update your email address from this page.


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