RELATIONSHIP ADVICE EVERYONE MUST HEED Being in a relationship gives you a happy feeling. It gives you this tingling sensation that you can hardly ever explain. It makes you see the world in a whole new perspective, and in a different light. However, it is not always rainbows and butterflies when you are in a relationship because as much as it can bring you bliss and happiness, it can also make a person miserable, although it depends on the type of relationship you have. What you need to know is that to be in a relationship, you must understand the concept of commitment because when you are in this situation, there is already going to be another person you must think about. It isn’t just about you anymore. You are going to be sharing your life with someone. There are just a lot of things you need to learn when it comes to being and handling a relationship. And here are a few pieces of advice you may want to heed.
1. BE TOGETHER FOR THE RIGHT REASONS It is not right that you begin a relationship with someone because it is convenient for you, or because someone told you so, otherwise, you are only putting yourself in a situation where you might be miserable. If you enter a relationship, make sure that you do because you love this person, and there should be no other reason. It does not have to be complicated. It can be that simple.
2. ACKNOWLEDGE THAT FALLING AND BEING IN LOVE IS MORE THAN JUST A FEELING It is natural to feel overwhelmed and high during the start of the relationship but as time goes by, both of you will begin to see each other beyond your feelings. Both of your imperfections will begin to be more apparent, and this is where issues will arise. This is the part where you will have to choose to see beyond imperfections and you will have to always go back to your commitment. Remember that love is a choice, and it’s more than just a feeling.
3. UNDERSTAND THAT YOU AND YOUR PARTNER MAY HAVE DIFFERENT PERCEPTIONS ABOUT LOVE Each person has a different language of love. How you understand and express love for your partner may not be the same exact way they understand and express love back. The key is that you both have to be open and let each other know how you expect affection to be expressed. There are some people who appreciate it when they feel loved through gifts, others through physical touch, and others through time.
4. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO LISTEN THAN TO DO ALL THE TALKING It is true that communication is one of the most important aspects of a relationship, and the right communication is exchanging ideas, listening to more of what each other has to say and expressing your thoughts in a way that minds are both open and willing to understand. It’s even better if you allow time in a week where you sit down and do talking and listening.
5. KNOW THAT THERE IS A GOOD TIME AND WAYS TO ARGUE Arguments are very natural and also necessary in every relationship. The thing is there is a right way for a couple to argue. Avoid starting out in negative statements especially if you cannot include positive statements.
6. RESPECT IS IMPORTANT IN EVERY RELATIONSHIP No matter how much you love each other and you don’t have respect, your relationship is most likely to fail. In fact, one of the most important things above everything else is
respect. When there are times when you don’t feel that you love your partner, it is the respect that you have for each other.
7. BE HONEST Aside from respect, trust is another important thing that couples must be able to keep in a relationship if they want to stay together. And trust is something that you can build and strengthen if you are honest with each other. It does not matter whether the issue will result in an argument, what’s important is that you are honest about everything. As soon as one of you begins to keep secrets, doubts will start and you will begin to be suspicious of your partner.