1 minute read
2. Labelling obligations for households packaging
Triman logo & Sorting instructions: Regulatory requirements
✓ When Triman logo and sorting instructions packaging be dematerialized ? Small packaging
Cylindrical or spherical packaging
The area of the largest side is less than 10cm²
• Instruction manual : Triman and Info-tri can be affixed
• No instruction manual : Triman and Info-tri can be dematerialized
The area of the largest side is less than 20cm² Triman and Info-tri can be dematerialized
The area of the largest side is between 20 and 40 cm²
The area of the largest side is between 10cm² 20cm²
• Instructions manual : Triman is mandatory on the packaging and Info-tri can be affixed
• No instructions manual: Triman is mandatory on the packaging and Info-tri can be dematerialized
Triman must appear on the packaging and Infotri can be dematerialized