UK Biopharma Directory
Directory of UK Biopharma Opportunities
UK Biopharma Directory
UK Biopharma Directory
Biopharma Introduction to this directory The UK is one of the best locations in the world to discover and develop biotechnology and pharmaceutical products. We offer leading-edge research and talent, established platforms for technology development and clinical trials, an unrivalled data capability through the NHS for research and innovation, a culture of collaboration, and a launch pad to global markets with world-renowned regulatory expertise and standards. More than 2,000 companies operate in the UK biopharma sector, either core businesses developing their own products or one of the many value-adding services and supply companies that support the industry. Between 2016 and 2017, the UK’s core biopharma industry turnover increased by 11%. This directory is illustrative rather than complete. It profiles a range of organisations that are active and looking for international partners. Contact for more information.
Segmentation of this directory Antibiotics Discuva Oxford University Innovation MGB Biopharma Motif Bio Summit plc Polypharmakos Therakind Novabiotics Cancer Research Cancer Research UK Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Metabolic Disease Oxford University Innovation Magnus Life Science Life Arc Therakind Vectura Yaqrit
Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Orphan Disease C4X Discovery Capella BIO Science Domainex Mironid Norgine Sentinel Life Arc Summit plc Vernalis Therakind General Oncology Bicycle Therapeutics EstryX Pharma The Institute of Cancer Research Inorgen Oxford University Innovation LifeARc Adaptimune PhoreMost Sareum Opal Oncology
UK Biopharma Directory
Cancer: Immune Oncology Biosceptre Biotecnol F-Star Fusion Antibodies Immunocore Institute of Cancer Research Karus Therapeutics Kymab Nutac Psioxus Redx Pharma Vasge
Multiple Therapeutic Areas Abcodia Biogelx Crystec Pharma SYNthesis med chem DC Bioscience Edinburgh Molecular Imaging HYPHA Discovery Signature Discovery The Institute of Cancer Research ILLINGWORTH Research Group Imanova Quay Pharma
Drug Delivery Bespak Enesi Midatech Pharma Life Arc Nanomerics Therakind Xenetic Warwick Ventures
Infectious Disease and Virology iQur Oxford University Innovation Lifearc Nova-Biotics ReViral Virion Health Warwick Ventures
Genetics, Genomics and Gene Therapy Oxford BioMedica Nanogenics Silence Therapeutics Congenica Genome based medicine Synpromics Touchlight Valirx Central Nervous System Action on Hearing Loss Autifony Therapeutics Cholesteni Chronos Therapeutics Formuli Therakind
Regenerative Medicine, Medical Devices and Software Institute of Cancer Research Locate Therapeutics Progenitor Therapeutics Diagnostics ProAxsis Bio Signatures Warwick Ventures
UK Biopharma Directory
Antibiotics Name
Keywords: Antibiotics, multi-drug resistance, UTI, respiratory infection, prosthetic joint infections, sepsis, STDs
Different novel development stage assets for Neisseria gonorrhea & Gram-positive infections.
Description: Development-stage company focused on producing new, safe antibiotics effective against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Highly innovative discovery platform allowing discovery, refinement and clinical candidate selection of novel antibiotics. Keywords: MRSA, infectious endocarditis, SSSI
Description: Oxford University Innovation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford, managing technology transfer and academic consulting for Oxford, and providing consultancy services to clients around the world. Keywords: Antibiotics, Clostridium difficile, CDAD
Description: A clinical-stage company developing a novel class of compounds that targets Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD), and various preclinical stage compounds targeting multi-drug resistant bacterial and fungal infections.
Discovery pipeline of multiple unnamed Gram-negative and Gram-positive novel compound series, in chemical optimization.
First-in-class antibiotic that provides a clear commercial advantage and is supported by novel chemistry and a data package, based on a two-year SAR program.
MGB-BP-3, oral for C. diff, Phase II, seeking partners MGB-BP-3, IV for MRSA, VRE, and streptococcus, pre-clinical MGB-BP-3, topical, pre-clinical Various discovery - stage compounds for Gram-negative bacteria, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic
UK Biopharma Directory
Iclaprim, novel antibiotic targeting serious and life threatening Gram-positive hospital infections, incl. ABSSSI, HABP/VABP and Staphylococcus aureus lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis. Positive Data from two Description: Phase III trials announced in 2017. Phase 3 clinical-stage company FDA/EMA submissions by end of Q1 focused on the development in 2018. of novel antibiotics to treat QIDP designation granted. hospitalized patients with serious Orphan Drug Designation granted and life-threatening infections in US for S. aureus lung infections caused by multi-drug resistant in patients with cystic fibrosis. bacteria. Keywords: Antibiotics, infectious disease, multi-drug resistant bacteria, MRSA, dihydrofolatereductase inhibitor
Keywords: Anti-infectives, antibacterial and antifungal therapies, MDR infections, Gram-negative bacterial infections cystic fibrosis, onychomycosis, aspergillosis
NovaBiotics has three advanced product candidates in clinical development (Lynovex, Novexatin, Luminaderm) for difficult to treat bacterial and fungal infections, plus;
Description: NovaBiotics is a leading AMR focused, clinical- stage company developing antibacterial and antifungal therapies from its novel AMR focused technology platforms that have been engineered from components of the innate immune response to infection.
Earlier stage compounds for MDR bacterial Gram negative infections, MRSA, aspergillosis, candidemia, cryptococcosis Â
Keywords: Antibiotics, orphan diseases, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Clostridium difficile Infection
Ridinilazole (SMT19969), a first-inclass, oral selective antibiotic for C. difficile infection, demonstrated superiority over vancomycin on sustained clinical response in Phase II CoDiFy POC trial. Progressing into Phase III. Global rights available under Summit IPRs.
Description: Clinical-stage drug discovery and development company focusing on Duchenne muscular dystrophy and C. difficile infection.
Therapeutic candidates have been developed from two novel AMR focused platforms based on innate immune antimicrobial peptides and cysteamine.
UK Biopharma Directory
Antibiotics Name
Keywords: Antibacterials, natural products, plants, fungi, insects, AMR, novel mechanisms of action.
Intelligent screening of natural products from major collections worldwide of natural products with particular emphasis on the identification and rapid characterization of new antibacterial hits specifically operating through novel mechanisms of action.
Description: A new natural product screening and drug development company from the University of Cambridge and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew focused on the discovery of novel mechanism of action antimicrobial agents. Keywords: Paediatric, neonatal, PIP, vancomycin, reformulation, sepsis
Description: Therakind is a private UK based pharmaceutical company with the primary objective of increasing the availability of authorized specialty medicines.
Age appropriate parenteral formulation of vancomycin for neonates and infants aged under 3 months with sepsis caused by Staphylococci and nonpyogenic streptococci
Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Orphan Disease
Keywords: Small molecule drug discovery engine, Inflammatory diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Addiction, 3D ligand conformation, novel target identification, Conformetrix, Taxonomy3, Molplex, small molecules, drug discovery. Description: C4X Discovery aims to become the world’s most productive drug discovery and development company by exploiting its cutting-edge technologies Taxonomy3, Molplex and Conformetrix to design.
Orexin-1 Antagonist for addictive disorders, Nrf-2 activator for inflammatory diseases including COPD, Small molecule anti-IL-17 inhibitor, Small molecule GLP-1 agonist for diabetes, GPR142 agonist for diabetes.
UK Biopharma Directory
Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Orphan Disease Name
Keywords: Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies for autoimmune disease and oncology, monoclonal antibodies, inflammation, autoimmune, intestinal bowel disease, scleroderma, fibrosis, oncology, immuno-oncology
CBS001: Clinical candidate antibody in IND-enabling studies targeting a TNFSF protein for treatment of IBD
Description: Capella Bioscience uses novel technologies to identify and develop monoclonal antibodies directed at innovative targets in autoimmune disease and oncology. Keywords: TBK1/IKKe, lysine methyltransferases, Combinatorial Domain Hunting
Description: Domainex is a drug discovery service company based in Cambridge UK providing protein expression, assay development and screening, hit generation (fragment/virtual screening), and integrated medicinal chemistry incorporating in vitro pharmacology, in vivo DMPK, computational design and synthetic/analytical chemistry.
CBS004: Preclinical antibody for treatment of scleroderma CBS007: Tumor specific monoclonal antibody to a checkpoint inhibitor target
Pre-clinical candidate targeting the kinases TBK1/IKKe for Lupus, COPD and RA. Lysine methyltransferase assets against EZH2, G9a, SMYD2 and SMYD3. Unlock challenging targets via Combinatorial Domain Hunting, a patented high throughput gene fragmentation/protein expression platform.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Orphan, Kidney and chronic inflammatory disease. Phosphodiesterase; cAMP; Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease; ADPKD; Kidney disease; Inflammatory disease; Psoriasis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; COPD; Immuno-oncology; Prostate cancer; Orphan diseases; Rare diseases.
First in class PDE4 long form activating compounds for the treatment of multiple rare/ orphan diseases driven by abnormally elevated cAMP levels, including ADPKD.
Description: Harnessing unique insights into phosphodiesterase biology to develop innovative treatments for orphan and inflammatory diseases. Keywords: Inflammation, preclinical, inflammatory bowel disease, chemokine receptor, gastrointestinal
Next generation of PDE4 short isoform selective inhibitors that avoid the GI side effects induced by pan-PDE4 inhibitors, for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.
A number of patent protected CCR9 antagonists at the preclinical stage of development that are available for divestment.
Description: Leading independent European “go to� specialist pharmaceutical company that has been established for over 100 years and has a presence in all major European markets. Keywords: Small molecule orphan drug, rare disease, orphan indication, drug candidate, Fragile X syndrome Description: Drug discovery company dedicated to the development of novel drug candidates in areas of high unmet medical need.
SOL784 a candidate drug in development for the treatment of Fragile X Syndrome a rare disease and the largest single genetic cause of autism.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Methylation, epigenetics, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease epigenetic signature
Epigenetic markers for the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease. An epigenetic test based on a blood sample provides a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease in both pediatric and adult patients.
Keywords: Antibiotics, orphan diseases, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Clostridium difficile
Utrophin Modulator Programme – Disease-modifying therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Lead compound ezutromid (SMT C1100) progressed into the PhaseOutDMD open label POC trial
Description: Clinical-stage drug discovery and development company focusing on Duchenne muscular dystrophy and C. difficile infection. Keywords: Drug discovery, small molecules, fragments, structure-based drug discovery, oncology, immunology, inflammation, antiinfectives Description: Development-stage company focused on products in the therapeutic areas of cough/ cold, CNS, oncology, and inflammation.
Keywords: Paediatric, orphan, geriatric, drug delivery, cytotoxic, oral liquid, oncology, chemotherapy, immunology, reformulation Description: Therakind is a private UK based pharmaceutical company with the primary objective of increasing the availability of authorised specialty medicines.
V158866, for pain, spasticity and other neuro, Phase II Research collaboration opportunities to apply drug discovery platform to targets from partners
Jylamvo - oral liquid formulation of methotrexate for use in in adults and children aged over 3 years as a treatment for adult rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, adult psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, and for the maintenance treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. EU Marketing Authorization granted March 2017. Several territories available for licensing.
UK Biopharma Directory
Cancer Research Name
http://commercial. • Small molecules opportunities • Biological • Therapeutics opportunities • Enabling technology opportunities • Diagnostics opportunities • Other opportunities
Keywords: Enzyme / checkpoint inhibitors, oncology targets, cancer targets, pre-clinical, drug discovery platforms, stem cells antibodies, tumor targeting peptides, trap therapy, angiogenesis, T-cell receptors imaging agents,prostate cancer, glioma, tumor detection, radiolabelling, FRET- FILM, leukaemia cell assay, kinase substrate identification
Chk2 inhibitor program
biological fluid filtration, cancer diagnostics, high intensity focused ultrasound, sonic ablation diagnostics, screening, breast cancer risk, imaging validation, ovarian cancer predictive, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer diagnostics, screening, breast cancer risk, imaging validation, ovarian cancer predictive, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer Description: Cancer Research UK develops and commercializes new discoveries in cancer research as ‘the meeting point between academia and industry’
First in class IKK alpha selective inhibitors CDC7 aPKC CEA antibodies vß6-binding peptides for tumor targeting MUC1 S100A4 neutralizing antibody IGF2-Trap therapy vß6 antagonistic antibodies TACE antibody p53 TCR mimic antibody CLEC14a Jagged1 Monoclonal Antibody LMP2-TCR CCR4 Anti-CD55 Antibodies ADC Portfolio Optimam mammography image database and viewing software Imaging agent for prostate and glioma tumor detection RALA Biological fluid filtration device, for capture of material from biological fluids, such as tumor cells from urine, patent pending. vß6 binding peptides for imaging IBIS Software (Tyrer-Cuzick Model) S100A4 neutralizing antibody for inflammatory diseases
UK Biopharma Directory
Cancer: General Oncology Name
Keywords: Bicyclic peptides, oncology, research collaboration, drug discovery
BT1718 bicyclic oncologic agent (pre-clinical)
Description: R&D stage company backed
Research collaboration opportunities to apply proprietary platform to targets from partners
by Atlas Ventures and Novartis Venture funding, among others, exploring the therapeutic possibilities of bicyclic peptides.
Keywords: Oncology, women’s health, hormone-dependent cancer, Dual Aromatase-Sulfatase Inhibitor, steroid sulfatase inhibition, multi-targeting therapeutic, orally-available, hormone replacement therapy, contraception Description: A new drug development company focused on the design and development of small molecule therapeutics in oncology and women’s health.
Keywords: Novel small molecule inhibitors, enzyme inhibitors, folate receptor, phase 1, hypoxic tumors, AML, colorectal cancer, metastasis, invasion, lung cancer, hepatoma, head and neck tumors, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer. Description: A University of London and Royal Marsden hospital affiliated research charity which ranks in the Top 4 institutes for cancer research worldwide.
Orally active Dual Aromatase-Sulfatase Inhibitor (DASI) for estrogen- dependent tumors STX140, an orally active, multi-targeting, orally- available therapeutic for multiple oncology indications, acting as an irreversible steroid sulfatase inhibitor (STSi); a carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) inhibitor; a microtubule disruptor; and an angiogenesis inhibitor.
BTG945 (ONX-0801, BGC945): First-in-class α-folate receptor targeted ovarian cancer therapeutic and companion diagnostic; phase I results presented at ASCO 2017 (Abstract #2503). FLT3/AURORA: potent and orally bioavailable clinic-ready dual FLT3/ Aurora kinase inhibitor for AML (clinic-ready). LOX: for the treatment of breast, ovarian and colorectal cancer, inhibitors should prevent tumor progression and metastases (late lead optimization). GDEPT: Gene-directed enzyme prodrug therapy, for treatment of lung, colorectal, head and neck tumors, as well as hepatoma (pre-clinical).
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Oncology, CNS, Rare Diseases, Alzheimer disease, checkpoint inhibitors, immunotherapy, late stage cancer
Immune-oncology platform based on the secretome in selected solid tumors
Description: Drug discovery engine in Europe focused on the development of early stage assets from academic and non-academic assets into therapeutic opportunities with a solid proof of concept ready for industrial partnering Keywords: Biomarker, Ewings, sarcoma, oncology Therapeutic, STSi, CAIX, microtubule, angiogenesis aromatase,17Ă&#x;-estradiol, DASI
Description: Isis Innovation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford, managing technology transfer and academic consulting for Oxford, and providing consultancy services to clients around the world.
Keywords: Immuno-oncology, immunology, oncology, antibodies, neoplasm, signaling molecule modulator, Millipore kinase panel, autophagy cancer, kidney, renal cell carcinoma, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, diagnostic, gene profile, sunitinib, response cancer, therapeutic, pro-drug, therapeutic, palladium activated, endotoxaemia, ang2, angiopoietin, sepsis retinopathy, Src, abl, breast cancer, ovarian cancer
anticancer platform combining biomimetic molecules with innovative cytotoxic payloads in late stage cancers drug repurposing in a panel of pediatric rare diseases
A novel and specific biomarker on the cell surface of Ewing’s Sarcoma tumors that can be used as a diagnostic or therapeutic target. STX140 - an orally active multi-targeting drug for multiple oncology indications, acting as an irreversible steroid sulfatase inhibitor (STSi); a carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) inhibitor; a microtubule disruptor; and an angiogenesis inhibitor. Orally active Dual AromataseSulfatase inhibitors (DASI) for treatment of estrogen-dependent cancers. MNK Inhibitors for out licensing ULK Inhibitors for out licensing PAICS Inhibitors for out licensing Genetic markers for therapy in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) Provides stratification of renal cell carcinoma to improve patient outcome and therapy options. Targeting cancer therapeutics with palladium-activated compounds Ang2 specific biotherapeutic Specific Src inhibitor
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: T-cell therapy, Peptide Engineering, Immune System, TCR Therapies
T-cell therapy targeting NY-ESO peptide across multiple cancer types, Phase 1/2 trials
Description: Pre-clinical company focused on proprietary SPEAR (Specific Peptide Engineered Affinity Receptor) T-cell engineering platform.
Keywords: Oncology, Glioblastoma, research collaboration, drug discovery, small molecule, brain penetrant
MAGE-A10 T-cell therapy AFP TCR therapeutic targeted to a peptide associated with hepatocellular carcinoma MAGE-A4 TCR SPEAR T-cell therapy Proprietary novel approach for the treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme and other cancer indications. Pre-clinical.
Description: Opal Oncology seek out commercially viable anti cancer therapies in high-impact orphan cancer indications which have been failed by existing therapies. Keywords: Phenotypic drug discovery, PROTEIN-interference technology, first-in-class targets, collaborative R&D, outlicensing portfolio Description: PhoreMost is using a proprietary druggable target identification platform called ‘Protein Interference’ (PROTEINi®) to systematically provide first-inclass drug discovery programs for out-licensing to Pharma.
R&D collaborations Pre-clinical stage asset for oncology (AML and mutant KRAS cancers).
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Oncology, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, AML, lymphoma, neuroblastoma, JAK family, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, RA, multiple sclerosis, MS, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, IBD
Aurora+FLT3 kinases inhibitor, targeting AML and ALL (preclinical)
Description: Drug discovery and development company, with a focus on targeted small molecule therapeutics for cancer and autoimmune diseases.
TYK2 kinase inhibitor, targeting T-ALL (lead opt) TYK2 inhibitor program targeting psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, lupus and other autoimmune diseases
Cancer: Immune Oncology
Keywords: Basal cell carcinoma nfP2X7 monoclonal (domain) antibody, peptide vaccine colorectal, breast, prostate, lung, cancer, solid tumor, oncology, cancer, immunooncology
BIL03s is our systemic monoclonal (domain) antibody – for solid tumors
Keywords: Basal cell carcinoma, nfP2X7, monoclonal (domain) antibody, peptide vaccine
Tb535, is an anti-5T4 trispecific antibody. Late stage pre-clinical.
BIL06v is our peptide vaccine for solid tumors entering Phase 1 in Q2 2018
BIL010t is our topical Antibody Description: treatment for locally advanced Biosceptre is a UK based biotech with three products in the clinical Basal Cell Carcinoma pipeline, all targeting a novel (laBCC) - Phase 2 in Q4 2018 oncology target - nfP2X7, a form of P2X7 that is expressed only in the tumor microenvironment, and which occurs in a broad range of cancers
Description: Immuno-oncology company developing multispecific T-cell engagers and immunemodulators which locally counter potential blocking signals on T and NK cells.
Tribody – targeted T-cell Engaging Agonistic Response Modifiers or iChecks. Tb232, novel anti-HER2 T-cell engager for mutated and resistant metastatic breast cancers, pre-clinical programs
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Bispecific antibodies, immunooncology, Modular Antibody Technology™, Fcab™, mAb2™
Bispecific antibody programmes in immuno-oncology
Description: Biopharmaceutical company developing immuno-oncology bispecific antibody therapeutics, selected for their potential to transform the treatment of cancer.
Modular Antibody Technology platform for strategic collaborations on bispecific antibodies in other therapy areas.
Keywords: Immuno-oncology, monoclonal antibodies, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, glioblastoma
Fsn0503h, an anti-Cathepsin S antibody, against colorectal, breast, prostate, glioblastoma and other cancers (pre- clinical as monotherapy and in combination)
Description: Antibody humanization company with a preclinical-stage pipeline of antibodies through its Fusion Therapeutics division.
Fsn1006 dual specific IgG1 monoclonal antibody which binds AREG and HB-EGF, against colon, breast, lung and other cancers (pre-clinical)
Keywords: ImmTAC, T cell receptor, immunology, oncology, infectious diseases, HLA targets, metastatic cutaneous melanoma, uveal melanoma,
IMCgp100, completed Phase II for metastatic cutaneous and uveal melanoma
Description: Clinical-stage company focused on innovative therapies called ImmTACs, based on its proprietary T cell receptor technology.
Additional Assets undisclosed, pre-clinical
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Rat monoclonal antibodies, Her2, Neu, EGFR, Cerb-B2.
A University of London and Royal Marsden hospital affiliated research charity which ranks in the Top 4 institutes for cancer research worldwide.
Description: A University of London and Royal Marsden hospital affiliated research charity which ranks in the Top 4 institutes for cancer research worldwide. Keywords: Cancer, Targeted Therapy, Cancer Immunotherapy, Tumour Microenvironment, TME, Small Molecule, Treg Cell, MDSC, Immunomodulator, Immune Checkpoint, B-cell Lymphoma, PI3K, PI3 Kinase, HDAC6, p110b, p110d, Solid Tumour, Epithelial Tumour, PD-L1 Description: Clinic stage biopharma company developing oral small molecules for the treatment of solid tumours and haematological cancer. These molecules are in clinical trials at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, Texas. Keywords: Monoclonal antibodies, bispecific, immunotoxins.
Description: Clinical-stage company focusing on the discovery and development of antibodybased therapeutics in immuno -oncology, immunology, haematology and infectious diseases.
KA2237 is a first-in-class dualPI3K-p110β/δ inhibitor with broad potential to treat haematological and solid tumours, including aggressive β/δ expressing NonHodgkin Lymphomas such as Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma and Mantle Cell Lymphoma, as well as ibrutinib resistant blood cancers. KA2507 is a highly-selective, oral, small molecule HDAC6 inhibitor that has potential in the treatment of liquid tumours such as multiple myeloma and lymphoma, and PD-L1-expressing tumours such as melanoma by acting as a cancer immunotherapeutic.
KY1005, anti-OX40L for autoimmune diseases (Phase I) KY1044, anti-ICOS for immunooncology KY1043, anti-PD-L1 immunotoxin for immuno-oncology KY1070, anti-BMP6 for anemia of chronic disease Numerous other pre-clinical assets including immuno-oncology bispecific Kymouse and IntelliSelect antibody development candidate discovery platforms
UK Biopharma Directory
Name nutac/
FG129 pre-clinical monoclonal antibody, recognizes a Sialyl-diLewisa FG88 pre-clinical monoclonal antibody, recognizes Lewisa,c,x FG27 pre-clinical monoclonal antibody Description: Platform and additional early stage Nutac develops therapeutic pre-clinical assets available for monoclonal antibodies to tumour licensing associated glycans. Keywords: Immunotherapy, monoclonal antibodies, oncology, solid cancers, pre- clinical, immunogenic cell death, bispecific antibodies, ADC, CAR-T
Keywords: Immuno-oncology, oncology, cancer, checkpoint, antibody, oncolytic, oncolytic virus, T-cell, gene therapy, cytokine, delivery, shRNA, immunology Description: Clinical stage Oxford based company focused on immuno-oncology. Oncolytic viruses and cancer specific immuno-gene-therapy.
Enadenotucirev a systemically available oncolytic virus currently in combination studies with both checkpoint and chemotherapeutic agents NG-347: directs tumor cells to produce membrane bound CD80 and secrete interferon alpha and MIP1 alpha NG-350: directs tumor cells to secrete a full length antibody (mAb identity currently undisclosed) NG-600 series: direct tumor cells to secrete BITes directed against stromal targets such as fibroblasts
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Small molecules, oncology, immune-oncology, tumors, cancer inhibitors, fibrosis, IPF, kidney fibrosis, diabetic nephropathy, antibacterial, multi-drug resistant bacteria, autoimmune
Porcupine antagonists – preclinical development (oncology & fibrosis)
Description: Engaged in the discovery and development of novel small molecule therapeutics targeting high unmet needs in oncology, fibrotic and autoimmune diseases.
Keywords: ADAMs, ADAM15, Metzincin, AMD, cancer, AbIMP, metalloprotease, antiangiogenesis Description: First-in-class monoclonal antibody targeting ADAM15 for anti-angiogenesis/anti-tumor therapy in aggressive prostate cancer & other solid tumors: lead identification.
BTK reversible inhibitors – preclinical development (oncology & autoimmune) Pan-RAF antagonists – lead optimisation (oncology) MDR gram negative infections lead optimization
First-in-class monoclonal antibody therapy for neovascular agerelated macular degeneration: pre-clinical. AbIMP® platform: Target- enabling antibody platform for selective inhibition of intractable metzincin proteases: proof-of- concept
UK Biopharma Directory
Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic disease Name
Keywords: miR-31, atrial fibrillation, nNOS
miR-31 as a specific target for regulating atrial fibrillation.
Description: Isis Innovation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford, managing technology transfer and academic consulting for Oxford, and providing consultancy services to clients around the world. Keywords: Vascular disease, stroke, kidney transplant, heart disease, prenatal diseases, oncology, skin cancer, diabetes, obesity, metabolic disease Description:
Preclinical- stage company with multiple development programs based on five technologies with differing foci, each with a lead scientist from UCL.
Keywords: Heart attack (MI), tuberculosis (TB), diagnostic antibodies, protein, peptide, pulmonary fibrosis, type-2 immune response, humanized antibody, inflammatory response Description: MRC Technology is the tech transfer arm of the Medical Research Council, an independent medical research charity committed to innovation in multiple fields.
‘Oxygen’ for STEMI, stroke and kidney transplant (pre-clinical) ‘Metabolic’ for type II diabetes and obesity (pre-clinical) ‘Life’ for melanoma and solid tumors (pre-clinical) ‘Growth’ for placental insufficiency, pre- eclampsia and pre-term labor (pre-clinical)
Cardiovascular Myocardial Infarction; small molecule for cardioprotection following ischemia-reperfusion injury during heart attack Respiratory IL17BR humanized antibody
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Drug delivery, severe hypoglycemia, diabetes, intranasal device, reformulation
Undisclosed nasal powder for severe hypoglycemia
Description: Therakind is a private UK based pharmaceutical company with the primary objective of increasing the availability of authorized specialty medicines. Keywords: Airways disease, respiratory, formulation, inhalation, asthma, COPD, inflammatory, PAH, cystic fibrosis, RSV Description: Develops inhalation products for respiratory diseases. 7 inhaled, 4 non-inhaled and 10 oral products marketed by partners. Out-license agreements for a portfolio of drugs in clinical development.
· DPI device technologies GyroHaler®, Lever-operated, Open-inhale-close, Unit-dose · pMDI device technologies flutiform® · Smart nebuliser delivery systemsnAKITA® JET, FOX® · Formulation technologies · A range of formulation technologies for inhaled small and large molecules for pMDI and DPI dosage forms.
Keywords: Liver disease, cirrhosis, ACLF, NASH, NAFLD, ALF, alcoholic cirrhosis.
Description: Yaqrit had two programs entering Phase II clinical trials in 2017. Two of them are supported by EU Horizon 2020 grants worth a total of €12.3M.
UK Biopharma Directory
Drug Delivery Name
Keywords: Drug delivery, respiratory, inhalers, injectables, device manufacturing, device licensing
· Syrina, range of injectors from assisted syringes to autoinjectors, VapourSoft technology, for out-licensing · Lapas, market-ready bolus injection device with VapourSoft technology, disposable, for outlicensing ·Lila, pre-filled syringe technology which allows two- drug mixing, for out-licensing
Description: A Consort Medical company and a leading global supplier of drug delivery devices for injectable and inhaled products, with a focus on the respiratory market. Keywords: ImplaVaxTM, vaccines, injectable solid-dose, drug-device combinations, needle-free, enhanced immunogenicity, no cold chain Description: Clinical-stage company developing innovative drug device combination products with potential to transform performance and delivery of vaccines and therapeutics and make a material impact of global healthcare.
Keywords: Nanotech, gold nanoparticles, rare cancers, diabetes, neurology, ophthalmology, glioblastoma, brain cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer Description: Clinical-stage nanomedicine company focused on the development of multiple, highvalue, targeted therapies for diseases with unmet medical need. Keywords: Cell-penetrating, peptide, therapeutic, delivery
ImplaVax™ integrated proprietary solid dose formulation and device technology Enhances immune response and immunogenicity Dose and regimen sparing demonstrated Needle free, syringe free, adjuvant free Eliminates need for point-of care reconstitution with diluent Eliminates needle-stick-injury and sharps disposal challenge Unit dose delivery assured – each time, every time Enhanced stability with reduced/ eliminated cold chain GNP Insulin, Phase II GLP-1 / Q-Exenatide, Phase I GLP-1 / Insulin combination, pre-clinical For glioblastoma, pre-clinical Q-Ocreotide, pre-clinical For ovarian cancer, med chem. For liver cancer, med chem
Cell penetrating peptides with demonstrated efficacy in transporting biological molecules into cells and improving disease outcome in vivo.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Acute/chronic neuropathic pain, ocular therapy, ophthalmology, fungal infections, leishmaniasis
NM-0147: Oral therapy of systemic fungal infections (505(b)2)
Description: Nanomerics’ Molecular Envelope Technology (MET) delivers a step change in target-site availability of drugs and biological APIs across epithelial barriers.
Keywords: Drug delivery, intranasal device, reformulation
Description: Therakind is a private UK based pharmaceutical company with the primary objective of increasing the availability of authorized specialty medicines. Keywords: Biologics, anemia, pre-dialysis, CKD, erythropoietin, EPO, polysialic acid, polysialylation, PSA, PSA-EPO, PolyXen™. Description: Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on discovery, research and development of next-generation biologic drugs and novel oncology therapeutics. services/ventures/
Keywords: Technology transfer, Antiinfectives, Antivirals, Women’s Heath, Oncology, Cancer, Drug Discovery Platforms, Biologics Delivery Platform, Diabetes, Cryopreservation Description: The University of Warwick’s (UK), Technology Development and Commercialization Office
NM-0127: Fast treatment of acute and chronic pain NM133 is a once daily aqueous nonburning treatment for dry eye. (505(b)2). Nanomerics has licensed North American rights, other rights available. Undisclosed, novel, reusable, aerosol-free, low cost intranasal dry powder drug delivery device, pre-clinical and clinical. Patent protected
Polysialylated EPO, in Phase II for anemia in pre-dialysis CKD patients. PolyXen™, a patented platform technology for creating proprietary, next-generation protein and peptide therapeutics.
Protein-based nanoscale injection platform for the cell-specific delivery of biologics Other opportunities can be found here: services/ventures/licensing/ licensing-opportunities/
UK Biopharma Directory
Genetics, Genomics and Gene Therapy Name
Keywords: Gene therapy, cell therapy, lentiviral vectors, ophthalmology, Parkinson’s disease, oncology, cancer vaccines, CAR-T, bioprocessing / manufacturing.
Integrated LentiVector® platform for gene delivery
Description: Clinical-stage company focused on the development of gene and cell therapies for ophthalmic, CNS, and oncologic diseases. World class bioprocessing facilities for GMP production of lentiviral vectors.
Keywords: Gene therapy, siRNA, gene editing, DNA, RNA vaccine, delivery, viral, liptide, liposome, crispr, CAS9, saRNA, mRNA, DNA, plasmid Description: Nanogenics is proud to introduce LipTideTM; an exciting custom-built delivery vehicle for all gene therapy. Every aspect of LipTideTM can be modified to target different cell types and deliver different payloads. Nanogenics are looking to out-licence LipTideTM to help translate your gene therapy into potential clinical programs.
Keywords: Genetic medicine, pancreatic cancer, head and neck cancer, lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, RNA interference, gene silencing, messenger RNA, RNAi, mRNA Description: Clinical-stage company which utilizes RNA interference (RNAi) and mRNA technology to develop therapies which ‘silence’ disease-causing gene expression.
OXB-102 for Parkinson’s disease, Phase I/II ready OXB-202 for corneal graft rejection, Phase I/IIa ready OXB-301 cancer vaccine for solid tumors Phase II OXB-302 (CAR-T 5T4) for cancer, pre-clinical
LipTideTM can be modified to target different cell types and does not accumulate in the liver. LipTideTM has been successfully administered in vivo by nebulization, systemic delivery (i.v.) and by convection-enhanced delivery to the brain. LipTideTM delivers for all nucleic acid payloads including siRNA, saRNA, mRNA, DNA and even artificial chromosomes.
Atu027, against pancreatic cancer, Phase II Atu027, against head and neck cancer, Phase I Atu111, against lung indications, pre-clinical Unnamed, against pulmonary hypertension, discovery-stage Pre-clinical micro RNA and messenger RNA programs
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Clinical Genomics, Rare Disease Diagnosis, Genome Interpretation, Next Generation Sequencing, NGS, WES, WGS, Genomic Software, Genome Analysis, Exome Analysis, Genetic Variant Interpretation Software.
Congenica has developed Sapientia, a platform that integrates a suite of analytical tools enabling rapid and accurate interpretation of a patient’s genotype and phenotype data to facilitate a faster and more accurate diagnosis.
Description: Congenica is a global company founded on pioneering research from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. We’ve translated this research into the gold standard clinical genomic analytics platform, Sapientia.
Keywords: Gene therapy, cell therapy, gene editing, oncolytic viruses, biopharmaceutical production, synthetic promoters. Description: Synpromics is a synthetic biology company with IP and know-how in the design of synthetic promoters. Our synthetic promoters enable the controlled expression of genes at a specific place, in a specific environment, at a specific time, or in response to a specific biological condition.
Keywords: DNA, gene therapy, cell therapy, mRNA, monoclonal antibodies, cancer vaccine, prophylactic vaccine, DNA vaccine; AAV, lentivirus, CRISPR
So far synthetic promoters targeting liver, lung, keratinocytes, dendritic cells, muscle and the eye have been created Synpromics have a panel of CHO and yeast specific promoters for enhanced biopharmaceutical production They create novel synthetic promoters according to custom requirements
Cell and gene therapy: Touchlight is developing AAV and lentiviral gene therapy candidates in-house and is licensing its technology to leaders developing products in the field.
Touchlight has also evidenced Description: its technology in DNA vaccines, Touchlight has developed mRNA, mAb and gene-editing the enzymatic means of DNA applications. amplification that can truly enable the commercialization of DNAbased therapeutics.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Genetic medicine, oncology, GeneICE, Bcl-2 inhibition, prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, cancer screening, lung cancer
VAL 101 GeneICE Bcl-2 inhibitor, against prostate, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers
Description: Clinical-stage company developing cancer therapies and associated biomarkers, with sub-focuses in neurology and inflammatory disease.
VAL 201, against prostate cancer (with potential in breast and ovarian cancers, endometriosis), Phase I VAL 401, against lung cancer, preclinical
Infectious Disease and Virology
Keywords: Vaccines, virology, infectious disease, virus-like particles, influenza, malaria, hepatitis, burkholderia, FMDV, CMV, cancer, Tandem Core™, Diagnostics, Liver Fibrosis Test, Clinical Stage Description: Preclinical- stage company focused on the development of a broad spectrum of vaccines delivered as proprietary viruslike particles (VLPs). Keywords: DENV proteins, dengue fever, vaccine
Description: Isis Innovation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the University of Oxford, managing technology transfer and academic consulting for Oxford, and providing consultancy services to clients around
Vaccines for... Influenza, pre-clinical Malaria, pre-clinical Hepatitis, pre-clinical FMDV, pre-clinical CMV, pre-clinical Cancers, discovery and development stage Influenza virus A point of care rapid diagnostic, pre-clinical
Dengue fever vaccine designed to generate full protection against all DENV serotypes.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Vaccines, diagnostics, mouse models, new class of antivirals, HIV-1, asthma, ulcerative colitis (UC), tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis; rapid ex vivo diagnostic HIV-1; a universal HIV-1 vaccine called HIVcon Asthma and Ulcerative Colitis; antibody against IL-25 and type 2 immune responses, humanized Junbo, a mouse model with OM for antibiotic research
Keywords: Antiviral, RSV, respiratory syncytial virus
An RSV fusion inhibitor RV521 recently completed a successful Phase 1 clinical trial
Description: ReViral is a leading antiviral company progressing a best-in-class inhibitor of RSV. The Company has recently completed a Phase 1 clinical trial with excellent exposure and no significant adverse events
RSVrep, for RSV, in pre-clinical development
Keywords: Biological Antiviral, Broad Spectrum, Respiratory, Infectious Disease, Intranasal, Respiratory Viral Infections, Influenza, RSV.
Lead product is a non-infectious derivative of influenza A virus that has two novel antiviral modes of action.
Description: Preclinical stage company focused on the development of disruptive therapies for respiratory viruses. Developing first-in-class biological antiviral.
Inhibits replication for all infectious influenza A viruses Stimulates local (innate) Interferon (type I) induction and is therefore active against interferon-sensitive viruses (e.g. RSV, Flu B)
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Technology transfer, Antiinfectives, Antivirals, Women’s Heath, Oncology, Cancer, Drug Discovery Platforms, Biologics Delivery Platform, Diabetes, Cryopreservation
1. Anti-RSV DDX3 Inhibitor 2. Natural Product Discovery Platform producing compounds active against a range of bacterial pathogens. Including those that have shown promising and specific activity against the Gram-negative, multidrug-resistant bacterium Acinetobacter baumannii, 3. GLO-1 Inducer for Diabetic Kidney Disease 4. Anti-infective (gram +ve and gram –ve) Metallohelices 5. Anti-cancer Metallohelices 6. Cyro-preservation compounds and methodologies for cells, blood and proteins
Description: The University of Warwick’s (UK), Technology Development and Commercialization Office
Other opportunities can be found here: services/ventures/licensing/ licensing-opportunities/
Central Nervous System
Keywords: Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis), noise-induced hearing loss, ototoxicity, hearing disorders, deafness, tinnitus
Translational hearing research funding
Description: As the largest not-for-profit organization representing people with hearing loss and tinnitus in the UK, we work globally with companies, academics, and investors to accelerate the development of therapeutics to treat hearing loss and tinnitus.
Market intelligence
Hearing disorders therapy area expertise
Connections to key opinion leaders Access to people with hearing loss and tinnitus to aid recruitment into clinical trials
UK Biopharma Directory
Regenerative Medicine, Devices, and Software Name
Keywords: Hearing loss, schizophrenia, Fragile X, dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease
1. AUT00206, for schizophrenia, Phase Ib studies ongoing
Description: Clinical stage company focused on therapeutics for CNS disorders, including schizophrenia, Fragile X and hearing disorders, and with an earlier stage dementia programme
www.swanseainnovations. com/companies/ cholestenix.html
Keywords: Neurodegenerative disease, cholesterol metabolites, oxysterols, cholestenoic acids, motor neuron disease, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, therapeutics, LC-MS/MS diagnostics and biomarkers, Description: A new drug and diagnostic development company focused on the roles of cholesterol metabolites, oxysterols and bile acids in the brain in neurodegenerative diseases.
Keywords: ALS, MS, eating disorders, addictive behaviors, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease, FTD and Alzheimer’s disease, age-related diseases, cellular chronological lifespan regulation, anti-aging Description: Clinical-stage company focused on the development of NCEs and repositioned FDA/EMA approved drugs in degenerative and behavioral diseases of the CNS.
2. AUT00206 has Orphan Drug Designation for Fragile X from FDA 3. Preclinical stage hearing programme 4. Lead Optimisation stage dementia programme
CHX100-xD, a site-specific deuterated cholestenoic acid for treatment of motor neuron disease/ ALS Discovery therapeutic projects on the role of other cholesterol metabolites in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and breast cancer. Quantitative LC-MS/MS diagnostics/ biomarkers for ALS and several orphan diseases
RDC5, for ALS approaching Phase II ready DAT Inhibitor in MS fatigue orexin-1 antagonist in addictive behaviors TrkB activator in PTSD ChronoscreenTM, a proprietary disease model and lifespan screening platform
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Addiction, aggression, anxiety, bipolar disease, CNS, depression, epilepsy, insomnia, pain, Parkinson’s disease, psychosis, sexual dysfunction, Tourette’s
Potent Anti-depressant with libido enhancement for Ex US territories. Clinicals complete, dossier to be prepared and submitted for Europe.
Description: Formuli is a licensing agency that also develops its own products, mainly 505b2 and hybrid approval products.
Long Acting Tablet Aripiprazole for Once Weekly Oral dosing – sold for China, in late stage negotiations for South America and Europe. Available for US with strong Patent protection. Potent anti-inflammatory for IBD, Asthma & Uveitis. Excellent preclinical data, clinic-ready. New CNS Pharma raising funds for New Therapeutic Entity products to be launched during 2018/2019. Treatments in Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Epilepsy, Anxiety, Schizophrenia and Migraine. Looking for funding from USD200K to USD5M. Transdermal anti-depressant avoids all gastric-associated side effects with the active. Effective for second line/refractory treatment following SSRI issues without resorting to antipsychotics.
Keywords: Paediatric, PIP, clonidine, reformulation, PICU
Description: Therakind is a private UK based pharmaceutical company with the primary objective of increasing the availability of authorized specialty medicines.
Age appropriate parenteral formulation of clonidine for use in sedation of children (birth to 18 years) in the pediatric intensive care unit.
UK Biopharma Directory
Regenerative Medicine, Devices, and Software Name
Keywords: Rapid and accurate slicing of tissue samples, co- alignment, tissue imaging, tissue arrays, high sample density, cervix imaging, microscopic imaging, digital imaging, photoacoustic imaging, ultrasound imaging.
Device for tissue processing: prototypes sold to academic researchers.
MRI, distortion, correction, display, software.
Polyscope: solution for visualization of digital microscopic samples (pre- production prototype in development).
Description: A University of London and Royal Marsden hospital affiliated research charity which ranks in the Top 4 institutes for cancer research worldwide.
Endocovitary coil for improved 3T-MR diagnostic imaging of the cervix (proof of concept, clinical ongoing).
ARF-LOVIT system: for reducing clutter in medical photoacoustic, ultrasound and other imaging using acoustic radiation forcebased localised vibration tagging. 3D Kinetic Volume Rendering Tool for MRI: software to enable separate display of MIPs derived from different phases of MR contrast capable kinetics. MRI Distortion Correction: Algorithms for evaluation and correction of geometric distortion in MR images, for applications including radiotherapy treatment planning.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Tissue regeneration, orthopedic matrices, cell therapy, drug delivery, injectables, tissue scaffolds
TAOS osteoinductive therapeutic for orthopedic bone and joint fusion indications, pre-clinical Description:
TAOS osteoconductive void filler for grafting procedures, pre-clinical
Preclinical-stage company focused on the development of their proprietary TAOS injectable matrix technology, and several potential applications thereof.
RPMax – thermoreversible 3D scaffold for trypsin-free cell expansion
Keywords: Regenerative drug, osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Small molecule drug assets for regeneration of articular cartilage to treat osteoarthritis
Description: Progenitor therapeutics discovers drugs that regenerate specific tissues of the human body in response to disease or ageing.
IntraStem – high-performance intracellular update agent
Program in regeneration of myelin to treat multiple sclerosis Program in regeneration of muscle to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy Platform technology to discover regenerative drug targets
UK Biopharma Directory
Regenerative Medicine, Devices, and Software Name
Keywords: Biomarkers, validation, human serum, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, population studies
Serum bio bank derived from 202,000 initially free from cancer postmenopausal women, 50,000 of whom donated annually for 10 years.
Description: Abcodia licenses access to a unique longitudinal serum bio bank that allows biomarkers to be studied within individuals and across a population over time, from healthy to diagnosis and therapy.
The bank is available for biomarker discovery and validation work and covers every disease such a large population would develop in 15 years.
Keywords: 3D cell culture, peptide hydrogels, organoids, tissue culture, cancer research, toxicology assays, 3D bioprinting, regenerative medicine, drug delivery
Biogelx technology is revolutionizing the way cell biologists control cell behavior in the laboratory. The gels can be tuned to mimic specifically the environment in which the cells grow in vivo, allowing them to thrive.
Description: Hydrogels for culturing cells on a realistic environment that mimics the human body. Research product for cell biology applications and 3D bioprinting.
Biogelx materials are a family of hydrogel products with tunable mechanical properties, optimized for 3D cell culture, bioprinting and drug delivery. Biogelx functionalized gel powders offer additional chemical tunability, integrating biomimetic peptide sequences for additional functionality.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Urology, genitourinary, women’s health, urge incontinence, anticholinergic, inhaled, particle engineering
CR002 - a fast acting, inhaled therapy for the treatment of urge incontinence.
Description: Crystec applies the latest supercritical fluid (SCF) crystal and particle technology to enable the development of innovative medicines in a range of therapeutic areas including urology, respiratory, women’s health and malaria.
Keywords: Heterocyclic chemistry, peptide/cyclic-peptide and peptidomimetic chemistry (solution phase), nucleotide synthesis, natural products chemistry, SP3 carbon chemistry, asymmetric synthetic chemistry, metathesis
The concept has strong support from clinicians and patients, as well as encouraging pre-clinical data. Currently seeking a partner to progress the product through clinical trials.
For details of SYNthesis Med Chem’s product development programs, please contact Simon Bury.
Description: A discovery-stage chemistry CRO with high-quality, cost effective custom synthesis and medicinal chemistry and project management. Keywords: Proteomics, mass spectrometry, drug discovery
Description: DC Biosciences Ltd aims to provide pharmaceutical and biotech companies with proteomics services to support the development of safer drugs faster.
For more information on DC Biosciences’ proteomic platforms, contact Dr. Francesco Rao (Scientific Director).
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Molecular diagnostics, SMART agents, pharmacokinetic modulator, peptides, small molecules
EMI-137 - A phase IIb colorectal cancer (CRC) agent - to detect early cancerous lesions in the colon
Description: Developing a unique range of Fluorescent imaging agents that enable real-time molecular imaging of lung disease and cancer during medical interventions. Keywords: Natural products, screening library Metabolite production, glucuronide synthesis, lead diversification, CH-activation, late-stage functionalization Description: Hypha Discovery is a microbial technology company helping partners in pharmaceutical and agrochemical R&D succeed through the discovery and production of microbial and mammalian metabolites.
Keywords: Hit identification, hit-tolead, lead optimization, drug candidate, library design and synthesis, fragment-based drug discovery, computational chemistry, medicinal chemistry, in-vitro biology, DMPK and protein crystallography. Description: Integrated drug discovery company operating a fullyenabled research facility and scientific staff (80% with PhDs) with all the professional skills to accelerate drug discovery programs into development.
EMI-200 - A phase II ready inflammation agent - with the ability to image activated neutrophils.
Entomopathogenic fungi derived fraction library available for screening An efficient platform to produce up to gram amounts of hard to synthesise metabolites and late stage functionalized derivatives of lead compounds for SAR studies and identification of active metabolites. The platform also allows collaborative diversification of failed clinical assets.
Since 2011, have delivered 10 drug candidates (Phases I and II). Integrated drug discovery capability all under one roof (Nottingham, UK). New $40M HQ and research facility, the Discovery Building, in BioCity Nottingham In September 2017, significant private equity investment in Sygnature by Phoenix Equity Partners
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: MPS1, ATR, biomarker, stratification, diagnostic, SMARCB1-deficient, Sarcoma, PDGFRÎą, FGFR1, resistance.
MPS1 inhibitor Resistance Diagnostic: based on point mutations that confer resistance against multiple inhibitors.
Description: A University of London and Royal Marsden hospital affiliated research charity which ranks in the Top 4 institutes for cancer research worldwide.
Keywords: Full service CRO, mobile and on-site research nursing, patient centricity, medical photography, respiratory, medical devices, oncology, orphan diseases, dermatology. Description: Multinational clinical CRO offering niche services in research nursing and medical photography. Experience in all trial phases across various therapeutic areas.
ATR Inhibitor Sensitivity Diagnostic; method of identifying cancer patients likely to be responsive to treatment with an ATR inhibitor. Treatment of SMARCB1-deficient Sarcomas: basis for dual targeting with inhibitors towards PDGFRÎą and FGFR1. A wealth of clinical experience within respiratory, oncology, dermatology and orphan diseases. A patient centric approach to clinical trials with specialist mobile research nurses taking the trial to the patient in addition to on-site research nursing support. Medical photography experience providing equipment provision, image analysis and clinical assessments and advice. A specialist within the Health Science Business Gateway (HSBG), catering specifically for biotech and other health science companies looking to set up clinical operations in the UK and Europe.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: PET, MRI, pre-clinical imaging, clinical imaging, stratification, analysis, MIAKATÂŽ, CNS, dementia, neurodegeneration, psychiatric, oncology, respiratory, inflammation, biomarkers, radio- chemistry
Existing imaging biomarkers for a wide range of disease targets including: beta-amyloid, tau, neurodegeneration, psychiatric disorders, oncology
Description: Imanova develops novel imaging biomarkers for drug development by providing information on drug/target interactions, dose range for SAD, MAD and PoC studies, and PD response.
Novel biomarkers for fibrosis, inflammation, PDE10, mitochondria and astrocytes MIAKAT™ - comprehensive and easy-to-use molecular imaging analysis software
Keywords: Medical devices, advanced wound healing, regenerative medicine, product packaging, imaging, TEM, OPT, HTS, graphene delivery
Optical projection tomography (OPT) 3D microscopy. Novel graphene support films for biological molecules. Flywheel, a platform for live HTS imaging. GMCSH-PGE, for wound healing, topical or in dressings. Oxygen sensors for packaging (shelf-life monitor).
Quay Pharma is one of few companies licensed and experienced in the formulation development and the clinical manufacture of Live Bio Therapeutics from our GMP, MHRA and FDA inspected facilities. We are currently working with Live Bio Therapeutic clients in Europe and US. These companies are working with consortia and also single strains for drug delivery.
The microbes we are working with consist of both BSL class 1 and 2. Most are moisture sensitive, anaerobes so require careful handling and processing. The majority of the projects that we are currently progressing in to clinic are for oral delivery but consist of varying types of dosage forms.
UK Biopharma Directory
Keywords: Diagnostics, neutrophil elastase, cystic fibrosis, COPD, bronchiectasis, plasmin, other protease targets
ProteaseTag® Active Neutrophil Elastase Immunoassay – registered with European CE mark for use in COPD, bronchiectasis and CF.
Description: ProAxsis is developing a range of products using patented ProteaseTags® for the capture, detection and measurement of active protease biomarkers for diseases including cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and COPD.
Neutrophil Elastase point-of-care test – registered with European CE Mark for use in COPD, bronchiectasis and CF; commercial partner(s) sought ProteaseTag® Active Plasmin Immunoassay – in late-stage development for use in IPF and preeclampsia
Keywords: Diagnostics, prognostics, prostate, bladder, renal, cancer, discover platform, analytics software, machine learning, proteomics.
BiopSave – a clinically validated prostate cancer diagnostic marker.
Description: Diagnostic discovery platform. The first output of this system is a prostate cancer diagnostic marker - a single analyte that in an independently blinded validation trial outperformed competitive offerings.
A proteomics software and clinical research platform that enables the reliable discovery of new protein based diagnostics.
Keywords: Technology transfer, Antiinfectives, Antivirals, Women’s Heath, Oncology, Cancer, Drug Discovery Platforms, Biologics Delivery Platform, Diabetes, Cryopreservation
New Test to Accurately Determine the Onset of Labour
Description: Clinical-stage nanomedicine The University of Warwick’s (UK), Technology Development and Commercialization Office
Bladder and renal diagnostic and prostate prognostic markers in clinical development.
IVF pre-implantation screening method Other opportunities can be found here: services/ventures/licensing/ licensing-opportunities/
UK Biopharma Directory
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UK Biopharma Directory The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to our economy. We are a specialised government body with responsibility for negotiating international trade policy, supporting business, as well as delivering an outward-looking trade diplomacy strategy. Disclaimer Whereas every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate the Department for International Trade does not accept liability for any errors, omissions or misleading statements, and no warranty is given or responsibility accepted as to the standing of any individual, firm, company or other organisation mentioned. Š Crown Copyright 2018 You may re-use this publication (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence visit: or email: Where we have identified any third party copyright information in the material that you wish to use, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) concerned. This document is also available on our website at Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at Published May 2018 by Department for International Trade