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Additional Admission Routes
Dual Admission
Dual admission is a specific transfer admission route available for some degree programs open to students enrolled in a dual admission partner institution.
Dual admission applicants must meet all general admission and program-specific admission requirements in effect at the time of application.
Indigenous Student Success Cohort
The Indigenous Student Success Cohort (ISSC) is a firstyear credit program that provides Indigenous students who do not meet the general requirements of the ULethbridge an opportunity to enter into, and succeed at, university. This program provides a solid foundation of core skills in a supportive cohort environment that attends to Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning.
It is also open to Indigenous students returning to university after an absence and, as space allows, to those who qualify for general admission but want the supports provided by the cohort.
Successful completion of the ISSC allows students to enter into most uLethbridge programs. Admission is on a case-by-case basis. For more information, contact our ISSC Office at 403-329-2635.
Home School Applicants
Regardless of their citizenship or residency, home school applicants will be considered according to the curriculum they followed. For example, a home school applicant who studied Alberta curriculum is expected to meet the requirements of an Alberta high school applicant.
The applicant should challenge the departmental examinations in courses where such examinations exist to provide grades in the subjects challenged. The applicant would be considered for admission when they present final grades in five distinct subjects.
An applicant who presents both a high school diploma and appropriate, satisfactory standardized test scores, either ACT or both SAT I and II, will be considered for general admission.
Mature Student Admission
Applicants who are a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, age 21 years or older, and who do not meet current admission requirements of any other admission route may be considered for Mature Student admission.
Applicants who have completed high school requirements with an admission average of at least 60%, or have a minimum grade of 65% in English 30-1 or 30-2 and passing grades in two other 30-level courses will be considered for admission. For applicants who have not completed high school requirements, a combination of academic credentials, standardized test scores, and evidence of life experiences may be considered.
The applicant is assessed for potential post-secondary success, which is the standard of admission for this route. A resume and letter of intent are required for admission purposes. Additional advice is available from Admissions.
Standardized Test Admission
Standardized test admission route applicants who present acceptable ACT (American College Testing) or SAT (Scholastic Academic Test) scores will be considered for general admission. In the case of the SAT written prior to March 2016, the applicant must present complete SAT (Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing) and three additional SAT Subject Test scores. In the case of the SAT written after March 2016, a minimum combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing plus Math (ERW+M) score of 1040 is required. In the case of the ACT, a composite score of 20 is required. Applicants are also required to meet program-specific admission requirements and therefore will be required to submit their high school transcript for review.
Certificate in Arts and Science
The Certificate in Arts and Science is a gateway for students to complete a university credential faster than a standard degree. To apply, students need a passing grade in English Language Arts 30-1 (or an equivalent), or they can access it through the Post-Secondary Admission Route. Students can test the waters of post-secondary education on a part-time or full-time basis, choosing either an arts or science stream. At the completion of this ten-course program, they can apply to ladder their certificate into a degree.
Post-Secondary Admission
Applicants who have completed six or more transferable term courses at one or more post-secondary institutions will be considered as Post-Secondary applicants.
To qualify for general admission, Post-Secondary applicants must have an admission average of at least 2.0 on the uLethbridge 4.0 GPA scale, calculated on all transferable courses.
Satisfactory completion of certain Alberta high school courses or equivalents is required for admission to some majors. See High School Admission Requirements by Program for quota and specialized program admission requirements.
Upon admission, students are assigned transfer credit on a course-by-course basis for eligible post-secondary work. Transfer of credit may serve to reduce the number of courses which must be completed at ULethbridge in order to complete a program of studies.
For detailed information on course-by-course transfer, including course equivalencies, see ulethbridge.ca/ross/transfer-resources.
Refer to Programs Available to Post-Secondary Students online:
Also, see Admission in the current Calendar online:
Number of Transferable Courses High School Transcript Required Min. Average Required Transferable Courses – GPA Required Min. GPA Required*
1-5 Yes 65% Yes 2.0
6+ Yes N/A Yes 2.0
** Your high school marks are not used to determine your admission GPA, but may be necessary for prerequisite purposes. If you are not sure whether six of your courses will transfer, you should also arrange for your high school transcript to be sent to Admissions.
Applied and Technology Degrees
Applicants presenting applied or technology degrees from recognized colleges or technical institutes in Canada with GPAs of 2.0 or higher on the ULethbridge 4.0 GPA scale will be considered for admission to first degree, undergraduate non-quota programs. These applicants will be considered for admission to quota programs according to their qualifications.
Transfer credit will be awarded according to regular ULethbridge procedures and policies, including those pertaining to residency, major and time limits.
Applied and technology degrees are not normally considered to be a basis of admission for second degree or graduate studies programs.
Degree Holders
Applicants who have completed, with satisfactory grades, one or more academic degrees from a recognized university, will be considered for admission to another degree program at ULethbridge. The declared ULethbridge program/major must be dissimilar from any degree already completed. Second degree program requirements are individualized for each student. Courses completed during a student’s first degree, as well as those completed after, may affect the program content and/or reduce the number of courses required to complete subsequent degrees. Please contact an academic advisor in the appropriate Faculty or School for more information.
For advice, contact admissions@uleth.ca.
For a complete list of admission routes and requirements, visit: ulethbridge.ca/ross/ admissions/undergrad/general-reqs