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Congratulations and welcome to the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association!
The work that you have put towards obtaining your education and accomplishing your goals is worth celebrating. I hope that you will take a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought you to this milestone, and know that I am so proud to welcome you to the uLethbridge alumni family.
Our alumni are part of a community of leaders, do-ers and difference-makers, all around the world. They see the bar and challenge themselves to raise it even higher. It is my absolute honour to welcome you, the Class of 2021, as you join this community.
Congratulations on your graduation.
Jason Elliott (BMgt ’95)
President, uLethbridge Alumni Association
Let us begin this celebration of our academic achievements, The culmination of years of hard work, By considering how we have achieved success, And how we shall build on it in the future.
Let us acknowledge those who built This community of scholarship, Which has broadened our understanding and our horizons.
Let us thank our faculty, staff, families, friends, fellow students, And all who made this community of learning possible –They have taught us so much.
Let us remember that our educational journeys Which led to our degrees, diplomas and certificates, Are valuable in themselves, not just means to other ends.
Let us use all we have learned
To challenge the world through the eyes of educated citizens, And make it a better place for others who follow.
Let our motto, Fiat Lux, let there be light, Remind us of the responsibility we accept to ensure that we will Make a difference and build a better society.
University of Lethbridge 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4 ulethbridge.ca