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Drop everything and start Reading!


Currently we are often say that our children do not read books at all. Television, computer, and the Internet are aggressively displacing Books from our lives and this preciously sores us. We can’t force them to love books but we can try to give them a passion to read. So…. Books are intended to give and deliver knowledge, acquired experience, valuable information and vivid ideas of the world. Books are considered to be one of the most important educational and up-bringing tools. With books we are able to project into different ages and epochs or anywhere in the world in order to watch, study, understand and possess new science and understanding. Books are like our friends, they open up for us a number of truths and secrets, support us in difficult situations, cheer us up in sorrow, cure internal wounds, save us from loneliness… Reading - what is it? It is not only decoding of a written text and conceptualization meaning but a form of communication via printed and manuscript text. Implicated information in texts is received through the reading process. It’s not a passive perception and understanding but an active interaction between an author and a reader. Reading is an important part of creativity and art. Why does an author write? In his work, every writer wants to impart his/her life experience, share ideology, thoughts and emotions. Thereby we can say that reading is a form of original, creative thinking and an interpretation of thoughts and feelings of an author. Why do we read? We do not read for an aesthetic joy only. Books give us huge opportunities to participate in human experience in all its various forms. Our small individual experiences help us to review and develop ourselves with the help of those talented authors. This only improves us as individuals. Should we spend our time reading? Certainly! Hours spent upon books are the best hours. They enrich our hearts and minds, and provide moral power. Therefore constant intercourse with books makes us understand the world more deeply, answer important questions for us and come up with right decision. Great people are great readers. It is known that Pushkin was interested in reading and books were his best friends throughout his life. As a child he used to secretly spend nights in his 2

father’s workroom. His favorite compositions were Homer’s “Odysseus” and “Iliad” and later “Plutarch”. Pushkin said “Reading is the best education”. Reading books we are becoming richer for another one life as the second is a life of the writer who created the book. But this enrichment is unthinkable without a conscious approach to reading. Should be the desire, the interest in the book. It is advisable to conduct a preanonymous written survey of students, then you will get a complete picture of the attitude of the pupils to books and reading. Based on the survey results, is planned conversation, and questions are developed for it.


Do you know that… 1. The famous novel “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe appeared after an incredible story. In 1709 there was sensational news about a feral man who was delivered to England. He was Alexander Selkirk, left by the crew of his ship on a desert island where he spent four years of his life. This event was described in the newspapers and was loudly discussed. Later there appeared some stories about a man who was left on a desert island from different authors. But the story so influenced Daniel Depoe that he wrote a work, which is nowadays known as the novel “Robinson Crusoe”. The story of Pushkin’s Herman most of us accept as a artistic fiction. But it turned out to be real seventy year later after the novel “Peek Queen”. 2.

In 1906-1907 V.Semichev was a famous name among the players in St.Petersburg. When this civil servant came to the club in the city he frequented, hundreds of people came to see his wins. He always gave the money he won to his two brothers who were always sitting behind him. For one and a half months he managed to win 240 thousand rubles. But his weird persistency to win exactly 250 thousand rubles brought him to ruin. Ten thousand rubles were helping him to succeed when suddenly terrible thing happened - Semichev lost all his money in a minute. It was a terrible blow for him as he lost everything he had won. Broken, he went to a toilet and shot himself. The story so shocked other visitors that they stopped playing after winning 600-700 rubles. 3. Pushkin wrote "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", Pushkin as a result of a poetic contest with V. Zhukovsky. So this Pushkin: he not only won the match, but also wrote a beautiful story. ! Alexander Pushkin often saw his works not yet started in his sleep, but when he woke, he immediately forgot them. He once confessed to one of his friends: "... I sometimes see in a dream wonderful poems ... they are beautiful in a dream, but how to capture what you write while you sleep? .." ! Alan Alexander Milne (1882-1956), English playwright, novelist and author of many humorous stories, is remembered by his descendants of the fairy tale, composed almost accidentally and casually, for fun of his young son - Christophe. There is no child in our country who would not have been familiar with the little bear named Winnie-the-Poo h and his friends. Thanks to the talented translator and screenwriter Boris Zakhoder (he not only translated the tale, but also wrote the script, which was made into an animated film), Vinny became one of the favorite childhood fairy tale characters.


It is Interesting In 1960, the French Museum of Modern Art in Paris acquired a unique edition of the "Apocalypse", printed on parchment. For the manufacture of high-quality parchment at the whim of the rich publisher Joseph Foret was slaid 30,000 sheep. On the design of a luxurious book works best 14 French artists. The text of the five hundred gold caps and 93,000 calligraphic letters. The book is considered to be the most expensive in the world, estimated at several million francs. Engineer Nikolai Syadristy with micro technology created the smallest book in the world: it is almost 500 times less than a postage stamp. "Kobzar" T.G. Shevchenko is made by a craftsman, consists of 12 lines of text, each of which fits to 8 lines of poetry. Pages are sewn together with dyed cobweb, and they can be turned with the pointed end of a thin hair. Covers are made of the petals of immortelle and are decorated on both sides with gold stripes. The book can be easily threaded through the eye of a needle, or hidden in the eyelashes. Specialists have calculated that in order to read all published books by reading for 6 hours a day it would take 200,000 years.


Look in a Book by Ivy O. Eastwick Look in a book and you will see words and magic and mystery. Look in a book and you will find sense and nonsense of every kind. Look in a book and you will know all the things that can help you grow. What is a Book? by Lora Duneta A book is pages, pictures and words A book is animals, people and birds A book is stories of queens and kings Poems and songs- so many things! Curled in a corner where I can hide With a book I can journey far and wide Though it's only paper from end to end A book is a very special friend.


Teacher of English Imangaly T.B.

Library exists for people who love reading. It is a place where they can forget about their problems, fuss, sink into the world of books and favorite characters. The role of library - to encourage children from an early age the love of reading, to help them grow up educated, well-versed in the information flow and spiritually well-mannered. Then we can be sure about the younger generation and the future of our country.


Read books: M. Auezov "Korgansyzdyn kunі" D. London "White Fang" W. Collins «The Woman in White» B. Myleene "Shuganyң belgіsі" V. Dragoon "Twenty Years Under the Bed" Helen Naylor «One Day» Wu Min «Wisdom Stories» A. Pushkin "Mistress into Maid" K. Mirza Ali "Iіrіm" K. Zhumadіlov "Kazdar Kaytyp Barad" P. Haggard «King Solomon's Mines» B. Socpacbaev "Menіn Atym Skin" D. Kovalev "Nyurka" M. Auezov "Kokserek"


Read books:

M. Mitchell «Gone with Wind» V. А. Zhukovsky "Beasts" V.Dragunsky "Girl on the Ball" M.Auezov "Kokserek" V. Dragunsky "Main River" G. Leroux «The Phantom of the Opera» Abay "Kara Sozder" A. Pushkin "Mistress into Maid" Sh. Bronte «Jane Eyre» V. Dragunsky "Girl on the Ball" B. Sokpakbaev "Menin atym Kozha" K. Zhumadіlov "Kazdar kaytyp Barad" M. Auezov "Abay Joly" B. Myleene "Shuganyn Belgіsі" Conan Doyle «Three Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes»


Our life is impossible without reading. We read in order to get new information required for life or work. We reading to take a break from everyday worries, distractions or expand our horizons. At this point, the palm is given to recreational reading. People during the day feel a lot of stress and accumulate negative emotions, even mental stress. A little "light reading" helps to relax and relieve the stress, plunge into a different life, country, age... Reading enriches emotionality. True literature helps us to live more fully. Man often searches in books for something lacking in his life. Or in a book finds reflection that happens in his soul or in his life. Reading - is education. When the desired material has been posted on the paper, it can be read several times to remember. The book keeps scientific discoveries, historical facts; all kinds of necessary information. Good literature requires the reader to think, feels, examine his emotions and the working of the mind. Reader educates himself, compares his actions with the actions of the characters, and looks for examples and ideals. Asking the question: "How is the world built? Why do I live? Who am I?", a person is immersed in them and begins to understand himself, trying to sort out his feelings and actions, and understand people. And literature helps him. The topics of some books we remember for a lifetime, and we read favorite works again. Time, which is held in books will never be lost in vain. People stop thinking, when they do not read. Only reading gives us the chance to visit the most exotic countries without leaving our couch, understand the way of thinking of the inhabitants, and most importantly perceive all the information through our soul. From 12 to 16 November 2012 Library held an action "Settle Down and Start Reading" which involved all the students of the school. For the week they were read extracts from more than 25 books. Teachers of the Kazakh, Russian and English departments read books together with children. Were read in the library, halls, and in the assembly hall. This activity is going to be held twice a year. We sincerely hope all the students of the NIS will be glad to be involved in the process and support us! Read- and become more sensitive and responsive. Perhaps, reading makes us a real human?


8”A” grade student Shamyralieva Aina shared her opinion: Action “Drop Everything and Start Reading”- What do I think about it? Books - are our knowledge, our perception; the wealth of speech. It is already clear that the action is devoted to books and reading. Teachers and students all participated. It was interesting not only to read in the library, but in the hall, information center and the lobby. The time was matched with specific school activities, timetables and a lunch break. The main objective of this action is, of course, is the desire to get students to read, make them read: not physically, but mentally, awaken an interest in books. Books that were involved in the action were very different, their subject matter and language was different, but common to them all, was that they were comprehensible to everybody, light, small and very interesting. There is great merit in the library and teachers who know how to interest us … This action shows that it is much more interesting to read a book than to sit up on the internet for hours on end, talking to someone on social networks. Books develop our spoken language and expand our vocabulary. So drop everything and read on, my friends, because it will not hurt anyone ... We look forward to continuing to share! Shymyrgalieva Aina, 8A


Reading – is a useful exercise for the mind and a medicine for the soul. Benefits of reading books are obvious. Useful Reading (reading good books) broadens the mind of man, enriches his inner world, makes us smarter and has a positive effect on memory. It is also important to read the book because: 12

Book reading increases our vocabulary and helps to produce more accurate and clear thinking, which allows us to formulate and express our ideas clearly. One need is to read any classic work and you can feel how it influences you. People who find it difficult to express their ideas will notice it become easier to talk and select the right words and the words-parasites disappear from the lexicon. Reading of serious works makes us constantly think about what kind of thoughts made the author express themselves, and this makes our “Smart” move faster. Another important thing is that reading develops our logical thinking. Have you read anything from the classic detective stories, such as "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - the famous work of Arthur Conan Doyle. I assure you, after reading, you will think quickly in any situation, your mind will become sharper, and you will understand that reading is useful and beneficial. Analyzing what we read we wonder about why a character acted in that way, think about what would we do and feel in the situation. We try to find some equality from our life and compare the characters with our acquaintances or friends. This helps us learn psychology. Can it be useful for people in low spirits? If you have gloomy thoughts or something disturbs you, books will help lift your spirits and overcome sadness. Works by authors who have wit and subtle humor can help you, at least for a time to forget about all you are concerns. Take for example some of the stories of O. Henry, which are renowned for their humor and unexpected endings. It’s useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral values and our spiritual development. After reading a classic work sometimes people start to change for the better. For the benefit of reading is also possible to give arguments of the scientists who found that reading helps the human body to stay young longer. Ursula Lenz of the Federal Association of organizations working with older people (BAGSO) says - "For older people reading books is useful for several reasons. First, the ability to translate words into mental images and forms is a "Peoplebooks stop thinking, positive effect on cognitive function. Second, reading helps to concentrate. So reading can when they no longer read. be considered a universal way to keep the mind alive, even in old age. " One who thinks about I hope these arguments presented in favor of the reading and books will become your best nothing never read a friends. book” D. Didro

Library - a special place, like a "pharmacy for the soul", even time can stop here. A good book is spring sunlight, causing the awakening of dormant forces of the soul. And we really want these rays to be as many as possible in our lives! 13

"People stop thinking, when they no longer read. One who thinks about nothing never read a book� D. Didro


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