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HEADTEACHER ’ S WELCOME Welcome to the Summer 2015 Edition of our brilliant news magazine sUCCess – produced as usual by our very own LRC staff Michelle Lewin & Rachael de la Mare with the cooperation of all those students & staff who make the task of getting the number of articles into 32 pages so difficult each term. This Summer term has been busier than ever. GCSE & A Level exams are now over as are the school internal subject examinations & you would imagine that folk would be too busy elsewhere to get involved in the planning & organisation of so many extra- curricular events. No such thing, we have had so many new events this term that I have hardly had the time to keep my hand in on the agricultural front because the evenings & weekends have been so full. We’ve seen visitors from The Prince’s Teaching Institute who thought that UCC was an inspiring place to come & see vocational courses being run for the benefit of students & the local economy. Pupils have visited Taiwan, Oxford, Normandy, Manchester, Ypres, The University of Northumbria & Place Fell. We’ve held our first UCC’s Got Talent event, a UCC Sports’ Personality of the Year Awards, our annual Art’s Exhibition & the second of our Design Technology Exhibitions. Year 11 & Year 13 students have celebrated the end of their courses in evenings at Rheged & The George Hotel. ‘Branch Out’ attracted over 300 student entries & celebrated as usual with attractive prizes for the winning book review entries. On the sporting front, our Cheerleaders have impressed once again at the nationals in Manchester & individual students have represented the school, Cumbria & their country in various sports events. It seems to me that the pace of life at this remarkable school continues to get faster & faster with so many exciting opportunities for pupils to get involved in new events & activities. On top of all of this we are, once again, poised to achieve remarkable results when examination outcomes are published in August. From all staff & Governors at UCC I wish you all a very happy and & summer break. Nigel H. Pattinson
in AsN o ols ’s h c s W I t Audents vi ie. This yeasrting T O st ng au IT TCumbrianural exchater an exhipei, we
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ND O IAM BY D ’S D E N T O EN ST ER S M E R A P C C RU D T e UC t ever R d a S ’ E Stewart mrst studenward. To AWA PRINC i eron ng the f ment A le 157 m a i E student C y becom d Achieve n incredibn to his TH b a n k tio than ar 11 iamo lated term dica
D o Ye y this da cumu rk, de like t r histo awarde n has ac ard wo e would sented . h d re e o to b Camer r for his thers. W t who p d Awar n , n s a o date s this ye ort for ce’s Tru Diamo ichardso d in t p R meri s & sup f the Pr deserve Fliss o e i l l s stud ember his we h the m ron wit meron! e Cam done Ca l We l
This year’s is an exciting exhibition, and certainly the first time a student has painted a portrait of the Headteacher – a wonderful rendition very much in the vein of Lucien Freud. The very high standard of work is a credit to the dedication and sheer hard work of the students, who are progressing in a number of directions: from setting up as a working artist, to foundation courses, to studying at Glasgow School of Art. Owen Smith
@sar c Gre amp31 at a _ rt ex sarah tonig hi h #tale t. So pr bition @ ulls o nted u #cre d of our watercc ative stud ents .
The international organisation ‘Hope 4 Women’ has inspired UCC’s Year 9 Textiles students. The campaign focuses on supporting women who suffer from poverty, disease and low self-worth. Over 300,000 dresses have been made worldwide, crafted from old pillowcases. UCC students contributed to this, helping to make the lives of women safer and more hopeful for the future. Hayley Forknall
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p climb ging a nt We ek. W erfect v ctivi ing, ties enue arch swin e pa w g e chal ry, bush ing, the hich inc rticipate for part le lu d z hydr nge. W craft, as ip-wire ded can in , hor e als o-po sault oein se o ol an g c d se had tim ourse a riding, , n e nsor y ro to rela d a blin x in om. dfold Hele the n Pic kup
ch Bran s ’ r ea this y ome the chers o t ou kh ons ulati ho to o inema v , it t a r w g c in Con inners, boxes, ce aga ell t w n f i w O Out ury’s g HD. tion with e b r i d F i Ca indle ompet K lving . c and great ents de bo oks a w d was 300 stu into ne the ly to over siastical rateful eir g u h enth re very ra for t ranch b a We h Alham ort of B y p d it Penr ued sup re alrea n a i cont nd we a Out ing new 16! 0 n n pla res for 2 Mare u feat el de la a c Ra h
We were delighted to welcome artist Haq to UCC as part of our annual Isla Razwan taught us how to do calligra Arabic names for Allah & we all had create our own piece of art work. He his religion, the Five Pillars of Islam & Britain. We all had a great day – than & to Razwan for the opportunity to exciting religion. Marty McCanny
Aft and Penr i As p a plan ned With and the S sele ains ction and o t Resid raditio of flo ents we wers than
& author Razwan Ul amic Discovery Day. aphy using the 99 d the opportunity to also taught us about & life as a Muslim in nks to Mrs McCanny o learn about this
Form e doub r UCC stud l e ce e she was lebratio nt Anna “call as a n ed t recent liese Mu barr ly r ister o the . Bar” – on he ray had r2 a and can 4th birt h n Jorie ow pra day ctise Grif fiths
ftern o d da on tea w y a ith, c visitors o s on the o f m art o urtesy o Gre eng enu for fa f th art the d, p eir 10-w Year 9 h care h residen re C o ts e ge pared a e ek cou atering me in r g nero nd h se th roup us el e . sbur y’s w help of d a cate student s Cran ring e pr of sa ep ev st n onal dwiches ared an on’s, Mo ent. ,s d rr sc ere ones w avoury served ison’s also ith tar a nks t treate jam and tlets, cak d o Sa e insbu to a se cream. s ason ry’s. Viv C al bun c uthb ertso h n
Fant a Talle stic new ntire s busin – wh from an costu ess. Deb o runs h old stud e o is no mes for rah rec r own t ent – De heat the L ently w to bora r uring ond m a de t ical cost h the c on hit he ume m ount ry to usical T men’s rave op Ha t, revie ws. which Jorie Grif fiths
YEAR 11 PROM AT RHEGED From stretch limousines with disco balls, a flotilla of Mod scooters through to vintage Massey Ferguson tractors, Rheged was the place to be seen for the Year 11 Prom! The students arrived in style and were greeted by a flurry of camera flashes from press and family alike. Thank you to Mrs Hall, the Year 11 team and all the staff at Rheged for such a wonderful evening! George McWilliams
2015 saw another success in Blackpool and Wigan school it was fantastic to s
sful sportsday. After a superb athletics season which saw teams competing n in the North-West finals and with 5 individual county champions in the see over 400 pupils competing in a fully inclusive event. All forms from year 7 - 10 had an excellent pariticipation rate. Johnny Greenwood
Forty-eight Year 7 artists visited The Whitworth and Manchester Art Galleries, where they enjoyed a wide range of art, including Cornelia Parker’s amazing Exploded Shed. Students enjoyed exploring the galleries and drew their own studies of the interesting art they found. India Campbell
c tage S m fro bl cers eir dou i f f f th ty O for Safe th one o asy it is s & n e lth wi Hea d UCC ut how & demo o s ro visite pointed s the bu ssion p e s s They to acce s. The abilities s rk user mp wo ges and wn. a a to r the l for all Penrith e trav r around u a to
h coac kers. ec le-d lchair ee r wh how ed strat d safe ith te omo nded w p u e and len Pick He
My English class – 7B2 – has won a national competition to record a radio advert highlighting the issues connected with fuel poverty. The class settled on a hard-hitting message that acknowledged single-parent families and voiced a script, with sound effects, that won them £250. How are you fuelling at home? Marc Shearer
T Nor he troisi man ème d Fifty a stud y was th nnual t rip e e nt the l b uxur s & staf iggest to fp ye y du T ertre coach fo iled on t. le m . Highlig r Châte to grou arché, hts incl au ud p ba w rtere here Ka ed d ing tie’s fo sand r the big redient s g whe wich; th est eve e tra re Le r pe ig inven ted hton’s g ze, r a ne w da oup n inter move; & ce view les Step s, where inter h’s gro publ rogated up ic ab the favo out thei r Chri urite fru i s Pat t tinso . n
UCC’s first ever ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ took place on 1st July 2015. The winner of the big award – ‘Sports Personality of the Year’ – was Tara Simpson-Sullivan for her exceptional commitment to the PE department and school sport, as well as all her success in athletics. Well done to all those nominated and to the winners. We’re already looking forward to next year’s event. Greg Key
C me e ’s team, t In busin ing to re digo, m v e Thor ess advi iew the t for the sors nley year i Indig Elspe for t ’s tra r final bo h o Profe ’s spon eir supp th Sned ding & t ard don sors: o tha ort. T ssion & high light als & th Penrith B hanks a David nk lso e the N of ye u ar fo Rotary C ilding So went t orth o ci rt Cum lu bria he team b of Pen ety, Penr ith Area rit w Chri as comi h. The n stma s Tra g 2nd in d Rob e Fair. Jack son
Recently, Year 12 students attended the Oxbridge Conference at Newcastle’s St James’ Park. Hundreds of students from high-achieving sixth forms across the North attended the one-day event, which was designed to give students an insight into what it would be like to study at the UK’s most historic institutions. The event was a fantastic way for students to engage with and become more aware of the demands of top universities in the UK, and to gain an understanding of what it takes to be accepted as an undergraduate student at these institutions. Rob Jackson
Forty annu Year 7 a a nam l Junior nd 8 stu e d – req sugges Maths C ents to o t u s h de e iring ca , the qu allenge k part in p ma reful estio in A the mar ks fo themati thought, ns were pril. As c t r inc who orre al unde logical t challeng he t o o rstan ct an hinki k pa in th ng ing d r e s or b photog t and pa wers. Co ing – stu and d ro r r Mes nze ce aph, wh ticularly ngratula ents los r e t o s t his a er in Ye ificate. O all ach to those ions to a a ie ge g ll s roup r 7, who f particu ved a g tudents o l and a d achi id excep r note, ld, silver eved tiona is Liam a go ll ld ce y well fo rt r Nad ificate. ine F ord
& Y N G IG S O 5 E L 1 D O 0 HN ASE 2 C E T C W SHO
5 We are so proud of the many projects from Year 11 2015 Design & Technology students. These ranged from designing for children and pets, to multifunctional furniture, upcycled projects and multicultural foods in catering. It’s great to see the diversity in skills presented for this year’s exhibition. The photo shoot was entertaining – they say never work with children or animals, and Year 11 did just that! Rhonda Dockray
Me e getti ting in A n s rese g to kno hford, K e arch w ing a peop nt, we s Ypre l e s p cem , where local so from o ent the t eter l d w h even er s ier. ev ie Thro ugho s, locati isited m We then cho ols & ing ng t a so ut th trav he emori ld e allow ier from trip we grave als, mus elled to e o that ed stude the mod were a f our lo ums & c c of th a e Fir nts to co ern Briti compan l soldie ied b st W sh A r. mpa orld r r y War e mode my, whic . rn w arfa h re Laur with a Al len
On T trav uesday e 21 thre lled to K st April e ot ,a e n gam her sc dal to p squad ho of es la leag and wo ols. Team y in a R 15 girls ug ue n an a game the fest 1 won a by festiv iva an m a ll impr azing d d came l; Team 3 of the l with a ov ir 2 jo y will h ing their , impress int 3rd. won on T e in ave g h a few ame. H g obser e girls h o v a p ers d more ef fixtur ully next and es to year Crai compet we e g Ty son in!
45 Year 10s worked hard this year to pass their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, taking part in two expeditions. The second of these was around Patterdale in April, with some groups encountering a fierce snow storm on the top of Place Fell!!! Several of the students spent 3 months completing a ‘young fire-fighters’ course at Penrith Fire Station as part of the ‘Skill’ section. Well done to all involved! Jenny Evans
r L L tel fo o A H B George end of M R e e e O at th rate th ampagn F d e r b h Htaff gathe all to celended a c ng in the as T X I Students & lsSummer gBuests attemer’s eveniard. This wre
y S nnua er 100 ious sum Church tel befo a e o th . Ov n a glor ndrew’s orge H oy Hal s m ny exa tion o n, St A e Ge ead B e ma g p H th e h e t t d c & r a n e a r r aisy ting o durin inne ry G Rota ed by d d Girl M ommen shared rds c a on d w follo ches. He guests, they ha Afterwa b Jacks . o e s spe e ssed th erience college ncing. R a e e p r add erful ex ars at th o and d c d n wo seven ye ed a dis y their nts enjo e stud
In just one week, around 300 primary school pupils visited UCC to take part in science sessions designed to solve a ‘real-life’ scenario – an expedition to an alien planet! Displaying impressive team-work skills, and using equipment not usually available in primary schools, the students had great fun designing parachutes to land their astronauts (eggs) and extracting DNA from an alien fruit (strawberries). Thanks to Booths for supporting the Primary Science days. A thoroughly enjoyable day for all involved! Alex Ford
Last term, Maeve Austin, Megan Kendal, Kitty Lund and Helen Southernwood took part in the Annual Maths Feast Competition for Year 10 students at Cardinal Newman College, Preston. The competition tested their analytical and numerical skills along with their spacial awareness; one round included making 3D shapes with origami paper. Around 20 teams took part but despite the strong competition the girls managed to win two out of the five rounds. They demonstrated great team work and strong maths skills throughout. Nadine Ford
a fac spo rang cam e their fu
Year gain 9 studen know an insigh ts visited t cam each o into life Northum pus, ther a had a so sess t univer bria Uni io c v lu s Org grou iety and nch an n’ the s ity. Afte ersity to an d t p. Th u r p d w a S r e e e outh ised as ‘get nts t sent crea e Ye re th o to t a t dem Africa a fundr a te ivity, ma r 9s de heir ide en aske ured the a R o d to as am mo tur UCC nstrated ugby To iser for cilitie . Highlig ity and nstrated to the w create t u the a hole – ch have to the ma r, this fa he UCC s the hts o c o n o n fi orts n b f varie sen from offer. Th y talents tastic e hall, universi the da ility to w dence, v y t e a y o d t ge o w n to sin from s 30 that 12 acts hat stud ening f cou d me et had to o ere se e rk as t awa rses. Ev ing univ ffer, es ing the acts gers, mu and-up audition that per ents at y en c p e e e s f w e r r sity yon cia uture th ‘No ere Sa icians a omedian d to tak ormed n . H used w e enjoy student lly the B m e s ayle e Emily oundar antha H d che er and da part – y Fo ith new d the d s from a ie l poss rkna a drum Richard s’, a bo arrison eaders. nce grou ibiliti y and ll T s ( y 3 o s es fo to a soloist, n (2nd ’ stre et rd prize he top 3 ps r ll the who prize dan ) sing stag c e an acts for won the ) and D e group ing a th d pe s rform e brave how. Co nny Abb with ng o ry ! We ll do and ta ratulati t, a ne! o lent to g ns o on Gre g Ke y
of her c a e T f as a Head o 8 0 e in 20 oted to ted to th s C m ve UC ro l ibu ined e was p o contr ulty lea Scho o o j y rN als ult 2h ldew Jim N h. In 201 s, having t UCC. M h at Ca is s Engl ia Studie rama a of Engli . D 1982 n Med rship of e Head i C re e m t UC ears he a lead to beco f f y ta . the s n her 32 f English UCC d luck! d e i d n o o i st jo nt roles rst love llent an – go r i f t he xce r fi ere r Hig eral diff from he e was e ibly high e e h t Hea eld sev yed far owledg incred ell in th g h n She ever stra ubject k er, settin ish her w s h n w e et’s eac but High opular t lasses. W s r c M p was for her e h s s dard stan . e futur
Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Tel: 01768 210206 www.ullswatercc.co.uk @ullswatercc