The vast majority of young people in the area select Ullswater Community College as their secondary school of choice. We start from the principle that great schools look after the needs and interests of all who choose to come there. At UCC we cash this out in every aspect of our work – in lessons, in the range of opportunities to study relevant subjects, in the extra-curricular opportunities available to our students and in the personal support and guidance provided by staff. Every decision we make as a school is driven by a small number of key principles and values: high standards in all we do, value for the culture and history of our community and a personalised provision that meets the needs of our inclusive intake. These principles define every aspect of our year, which culminates in the main event – our Prize Day. This is a celebration of all we value, the achievement and the uniqueness of this great school and the quality of its people. Mr Pattinson, Headteacher
Learning is the focus of all we do at Ullswater Community College – this is our central purpose and all aspects of learning are equally important to us. Whether it occurs in a classroom, on a sports field or in activities outside the curriculum, our aim is to add value to the lives of our students. Learning is an intensely personal process that is best promoted by good relationships between teachers and their students. Our teachers have been actively recruited for their abilities to inspire and engage with students and to deliver the best outcomes. Our students take their own progress seriously and the school, in its turn, values, acknowledges and celebrates all their efforts and achievements.
At Ullswater Community College we value the achievements of all of our students, whatever their level of ability. Whilst diversity and inclusion are fundamental to the character of the school, we are uncompromising about every child’s entitlement to a first-class education. Students expect to have choices that are tailored to their aspirations and which allow them to see the relevance of their experiences and to achieve the highest outcomes in examinations. We remain committed to the provision of a broad range of choices, which include academic, vocational and applied courses. In return, we have become accustomed to year-on-year increases in our students’ achievements.
From the beginning of their time at Ullswater Community College to the moment they leave at the end of their secondary school career, close attention and individual guidance ensures that all our students make informed decisions in order to achieve their hopes and ambitions. At the heart of our guidance procedures are the one-to-one discussions that characterise life at UCC at all stages. These discussions ensure that personal agendas are translated into appropriate courses of study. We are very proud of the authentic partnership that exists between our students and teachers, which guarantees the best possible examination outcomes for all.
Ullswater Community College is a happy, friendly, vibrant place where our young people’s future aspirations are taken seriously. Academic standards are our priority and we believe that exceptional results are a product not only of good teaching but also of the honest and supportive relationships provided by our pastoral staff. All UCC students are in the care of their form tutors, who have a crucial role to play in the provision of pastoral guidance. Our form tutors provide students with a point of daily contact, monitor their work and welfare, and act as a channel through which information passes to and from students, parents and teachers.
Ullswater Community College has an enviable reputation for high standards in the creative arts. We understand the importance of teaching these subjects in the school; we value the intellectual challenge they present, the opportunities they provide for self-expression and creativity and the supporting role they play in our students’ broader academic and personal development. Throughout the year the school stages sell-out productions in the creative arts. Students of all abilities take up the opportunity to perform or provide technical support, developing confidence and learning new skills as they do so. Recent productions have included “The 39 Steps” and “Animal Farm”, an orchestral concert tour to London, “One Night Only” dance shows and a time-lapse outdoor dance performance in the grounds of Lowther Castle.
Almost all students at Ullswater Community College enjoy sporting activities in one form or another. Our inclusive approach to participation and the vast number of sports on offer ensure that there is something of interest available to everyone. From our formidable Rugby team to our national-award-winning cheerleaders, our students compete at the highest levels. As well as supporting and nurturing champions we encourage and celebrate participation throughout the school, all of which is recognised in our annual UCC Sports Personality of the Year awards ceremony and various whole-school sporting fixtures.
One of the defining characteristics of life at Ullswater Community College is the extensive range of extra-curricular activities available to our students. We expect everyone to be involved in some aspect of this provision. Our students thoroughly enjoy the many different clubs and activities on offer and regularly showcase their commitment at the many performances, exhibitions and sporting events that take place throughout the year, culminating in our annual Prize Day, which is a celebration of all that we value in our young people.
At Ullswater Community College the fostering of a positive partnership between home and school is crucial in the delivery of the best possible outcomes for students. Young people perform best when all parties – parents, school and student – are fully involved in this relationship. The school tracks the progress of its students carefully and parents are informed regularly about academic and personal development through our reporting system and the schedule of parents’ evenings. Our website, Twitter account and regular blogs present an ongoing narrative to school life and regular, termly newsletters and our sUCCess magazine provide information about past and future events. Exceptional success is marked by letters home, our merits and rewards system and prizes at our annual Prize Day.
All of those responsible for life at Ullswater Community College are very clear that what our students require most from us are the very best examination outcomes possible. Each year our students set themselves higher and higher expectations for the results of their external examinations. Each year, with the help and support of our staff, they seem to be able to exceed these expectations. We are hugely proud of the standards achieved and delighted that our students are able to pursue their ambitions in our Sixth Form, in further education or in training. These opportunities are made possible by their examination success.
Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Telephone: 01768 210206 Website: www.ullswatercc.co.uk