hello from our student coun cil & head boy & Girl
acher te d a e h e th m o r A note f l school nd successfu
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PERFORMING ARTS In Years 7 and 8 you will have the opportunity to study dance, drama and music. You can then specialise in two of these disciplines in Year 9. You will get to study lots of performance styles and techniques, and have the chance to be involved in the many performances that take place throughout the year. We have performed locally at Lowther Castle and Brougham Hall, and further afield in Paris. The school production of Bugsy Malone was a runaway success! In music lessons you will learn how to play the keyboard, guitar and drum-kit, as well as other instruments such as the trumpet or violin through a project called ‘Play in the Band’. You will have the opportunity to have a free taster lesson on an instrument of your choice; we offer lessons in almost any instrument you can imagine! There are lots of theatre trips to get involved in. The Performing Arts departments run an annual London residential trip, attending performances and professional workshops from leading West End professionals. There are also trips to the Theatre Royal in Newcastle where we see a range of professional works.
SCIENCE In Year 7 your science studies begin with lots of interesting topics like cells and organs, acids and alkalis and electricity. There is a strong emphasis on investigative science where you will be able to plan, carry out, analyse and evaluate investigations of scientific ideas. You will have plenty of opportunity to take part in lots of practical work and they form an important part of your skills development. There are also links into how science affects your everyday life and the role of science and scientists in the world. You will be taught in sets which are reviewed all the time. Your knowledge may be assessed by mini-tests, or more open-ended tasks. Towards the end of each term there are also larger assessment tests as well as an exam in the Summer. We have some brilliant enrichment activities to enhance your science learning, for example, chemistry competitions, a LEGOŠ robotics competition, guest speakers and Medics club. We have recently run residential trips to the museums in London and Edinburgh as well as day trips to places such as Jodrell Bank and universities.
ENGLISH & MATHS In English, you will study three main areas: Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening. You will study poems, novels, plays and a range of non-fiction texts and learn how to explore and analyse them. You will develop your ability to write for different purposes and experiment with using lots of techniques in your writing. You will also have the opportunity to discuss endless topics and build up your confidence in voicing your opinions and presenting to others. Initially you will be taught as part of your tutor group, but once your teachers have had the chance to get to know you and see what you’re capable of, you will be organised into groups. There are writing and poetry competitions, lunchtime clubs such as ‘Books and Biscuits’ and writers’ club, Harry Potter book night and plenty of trips and visits. When you begin maths at UCC, you build upon the work you have already learnt in primary school. Some examples of the topics you will study are: coordinates, revision of number operations, angles, solving equations, symmetry and negative numbers. You will access a variety of teaching and learning aids, such as card sorts, games, investigations and our electronic resources using laptops and pods. Your times tables continue to be very important in secondary school, if you have mastered these you will find learning new topics more straight forward. In September, you will be organised into sets based on your ability. The sets are kept under review and there will be opportunities for you to move groups based on your progress.
MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES You will study French or Italian when you start at UCC. This might be a completely new subject to you, or you might have learnt some languages in primary school. Either way, you’ll make lots of progress in Year 7. By the end of the first term, you’ll know how to greet people, introduce yourself and give lots of information about you and your family. Your languages teacher will only speak to you in French or Italian, and fairly soon you won’t need to use any English in lessons at all! People tend to really enjoy their French or Italian lessons. There is a balance of listening, speaking, reading and writing activities. You also get plenty of chance to practise what you’ve learnt through pair work and team competitions. There are regular trips abroad. We have been to Venice in Italy and Normandy, Paris and Brittany in France. We have even visited the ice cream shop in Keswick to practise Italian! These trips give you a chance to try out for real what you’ve been learning in lessons. Year 7 students also get the chance to become teachers by creating French lessons for primary school pupils.
ART UCC art department provides students with a wealth of opportunities and experiences to develop and nurture passion and interest in the subject. In Year 7 you will look at colour and pattern. You will spend time working on and improving your artistic skills and being inspired by a range of artists and sources. You will be given a sketchbook to work in where you can experiment and develop your work leading to final pieces. We run a range of art clubs at lunchtime and after school where students can further develop skills. As you go through the school you will be able to experience a very wide range of materials and techniques; you will be actively encouraged to be ambitious and creative. If you want to progress in art, we offer GCSEs in Fine Art and Art Textiles; in the Sixth Form we also run A levels in Fine Art and Art Textiles. We have art visits in most years going to galleries in major cities including Manchester and Liverpool, and in the Sixth Form we run residential trips to London and Paris. We are tremendously proud of our excellent facilities and of the quality of the teaching and studio spaces in our department; it is a highly stimulating and exciting environment. In the Sixth Form, students have permanent individual studio spaces and also have the opportunity to do life drawing. If you are keen on art, UCC is a fantastic place to come; our students often go on to the best art colleges in Britain.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION The PE Department has a fine reputation, offering a tremendous variety of sporting opportunities. During your time at UCC, you will have access to these activities whether you wish to participate at a purely recreational level or are ambitious to compete at the highest levels. From Years 7 to 11 you will have two PE lessons each week. You will take part in a variety of activities in these lessons. In Year 7 these will include: • • • • • • • •
Athletics Basketball Badminton Cheerleading Cricket Dance Fitness Football
• • • • • • •
Gymnastics Hockey Netball Orienteering Rounders Rugby Softball
You will have the opportunity to pursue all of these activities outside the lessons at the sports clubs that take place during lunchtimes and after school, including Saturday mornings, throughout the year. You will also have the opportunity to be involved in the sports tours that are organised by the PE staff. Recently, these have included a rugby tour to South Africa, Cheerleading residential in Shropshire, Football and Netball tour to Spain and a Football and Netball tour to Dublin.
ICT Computing is the study of how computers work and of the best ways to use them for many different purposes. A major part of the computing syllabus at UCC is Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which looks beyond the computer to the many other digital devices used to communicate with people across the world. In Year 7 you will learn about internet safety, pick up some basic programming skills and be able to create simple apps on the BBC Microbit that you can then test with your friends. Finally, you will be able to express your creative side by designing some packaging for a Blu-ray and film a promotional video to show to potential Year 7 students. As you go through the school these projects get more complex but you’ll continue to have a lot of fun as all of our lessons contain a practical element. Computers can be used at lunch times to catch up on any unfinished work if needed, just arrange with your class teacher and they’ll be happy to help.
DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Design and Technology at UCC allows you to be creative and practical in the areas of: Food and nutrition, graphic design, resistant materials, textile technology and catering. All these technologies are taught in mixed–ability groups for two lessons each week to Year 7 and 8 students. As well as the opportunity to design, cook and learn practical skills in the different design areas, you will experience some exciting workshops and visits, including guest speakers who will help you with your creative and practical ideas. All our guest speakers are professionals within industry, and work in every area of design and technology. Graphic design students will be able to work alongside sign makers and product design professionals to gain experience. Each year the Design and Technology Department participates in many events and competitions. Our students recently won awards for the prestigious Chef of the Year award and the Rotary Technology Tournament. The department has some cutting-edge equipment with new workshops, graphic suites, two large specialist kitchens and all the latest industry standard equipment including Boxford laser cutters, computerised embroidery machines, CAD/CAM equipment and forge. The department also runs exciting clubs for you to enjoy, including CAD/CAM, Cultured Cooking and Stitch That.
THE HUMANITIES ART This is aKey good time3 to start atundertake UCC – there During Stage students a are going tothrough be morethe artlast lessons ever before! journey 1000than years of history.
In Year 7 students will start in the Middle Ages, experiencing life look as a conquered peasant in 1066 In Year 7 you will at colour and pattern. You before moving through to Tudor and Stuart will spend time working on and improving your England. As you progress through the course, observational drawing and being inspired by a you’ll essay writing and source rangebuild of artists and artefacts. You willanalysis be given skills. But history at UCC isn’t simply about a sketchbook to work in and where you can reading andand writing. You’llyour get to make models, experiment improve drawing skills. write and perform plays, plan an attack on a castle and many more things! The Art Club meets once a week at lunchtime. You can either work on group projects or your Geography lessons in Year 7 are the start of an own work. exciting journey – exploring the world and the issues that confront us in the 21st century. In We regularly artists in and workone with your first yearhave at UCC, youcome will learn about of students; this year we had an artist work with a the most impressive natural hazards on earth – group of students Yearto7 uncover on large some images volcanoes; you willinstart ofthat the are now displayed around the college.We are problems that humans cause by looking at the tremendously of our facilities issue of global proud warming; youexcellent will consider the and of the quality of the teaching and studio spaces challenges of an unequal world and will explore in our department – it is a highly stimulating how rivers create the landscape we live in and and exciting environment. In the Sixthflooding. Form, cause issues for our local area through students have permanent individual studio spaces and also have the opportunity to do Philosophy and Ethics lessons at UCC are a life drawing. place to explore a personal understanding of our world and its people. We examine this by a philosophical analysing If you are keenenquiry, on art, UCC is the and bestevaluating place to belief, religion and spirituality. Philosophy come; our students often go on to the bestand art ethics is aincreative colleges Britain. subject where we make pieces of spiritual art, 3D and 2D, meditate and debate. We develop skills of empathy by listening to a variety of arguments.
LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE The LRC is the information hub of the school, providing you with the highest quality learning resources including all the latest fiction. There is always a member of staff to help you with your research, your projects and your homework. We have 20 computers connected to a colour copier and with a book stock of 10,000 there is bound to be something to help you complete your work. The LRC is also where award-winning authors and other exciting visitors hold workshops and fun practical sessions. In the last few years we have had the Dreadlock Alien, Levi Tafari and Ash Nugent, who all visited on National Poetry Day and took part in an X factor-style poetry rap competition. ‘Branch Out’, UCC’s own reading competition, is run by the LRC. It’s a chance to read different and fascinating books. We’ve had exciting people to launch Branch Out such as actor John Hurt who starred in Harry Potter and Doctor Who. Pupils who take part in the event are entered for the ‘lucky-dip’ Grand Prize and can compete for the prizes for the best review or illustration. The LRC is also home to the Sounds of the Beacon Media Team. The students, from across the year groups, make weekly programmes with news, film, sports and game reviews that are shown on the website and the school’s big screens. Sounds of the Beacon also regularly interview celebrities like Union J, the Chuckle Brothers, and Joey Essex.
BREAK AND LUNCHTIMES As well as all there is to get up to in lessons, there’s lots going on across the school day. There’s a variety of different meals, snacks and drinks available in the halls at break and lunchtime and you can use cash or your Squid payment card to pay for your food. There are also lots of clubs and activities on at lunch times. You can try out new skills, have fun and make friends. There are often charity events going on as well like the Red Nose Day ‘sponge-a-teacher’ event, fundraising for international trips or cake sales for the MacMillan Coffee Morning.
FOOD MENU A meal deal is served every lunchtime consisting of a choice of main course or a sandwich, roll or sub plus a dessert. All cooked meals are served with a choice of freshly cooked vegetables or a mixed salad. The Catering team work with local suppliers and use top-quality ingredients that are packed with local flavour! The menu includes: • • • • • •
Daily Hot Meals Filled Sandwiches and subs Pasta Pots Jacket Potatoes Noodle Pots Curry Pots
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Dessert of the Day Traybakes Fresh Fruit Fruit Yoghurts Cheese and Biscuits
CLUBS There are a great variety of clubs you can choose from and enjoy including: •
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Sports Clubs (including Netball, Football, Hockey and Rugby) Sounds of the Beacon Media Team Music Clubs (including Guitar Club, Orchestra and UCC Singers) Recording Club Game Design Art Clubs Dance Club Cheerleading
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Duke of Edinburgh Drama Productions Fashion Illustration Technology Clubs Green Car Chess Books and Biscuits Writers Workshop Warhammer
THE SCHOOL DAY Registration/Assembly - 8.55 – 9.15am Period 1 - 9.15am – 10.15am Period 2 - 10.20am – 11.20am BREAK - 11.20am – 11.35am Period 3 - 11.35am – 12.35pm LUNCH - 12.35pm – 1.35pm Period 4 - 1.35pm – 2.35pm Period 5 - 2.40pm – 3.40pm
OUR PRIZE DAY Prize Day is the high point of our school year and the excitement builds steadily over the weeks leading up to each spectacular celebration as information about who has won a prize, what sort of performances will be on the programme and who our celebrity guest will be becomes available. No other school anywhere in the country does Prize Day like UCC and it has become one of the signature events in the area. Through your endeavours and achievements, you have an “evens� chance of winning a prize during your 5 or 7 years at Ullswater Community College, in categories that range from academic through sporting, artistic, vocational and technical to prizes for attitude and service in school and in the wider community. Recent VIP guests have included stars from Hollyoaks, Coronation Street, Emmerdale, Waterloo Road and Strictly Come Dancing. Over 2000 guests attend our Prize Day each year so it really is an exciting and rewarding celebration of life at this school.
“@JoeyEssex _ · Thank you so much for having me today. Everyone today was brilliant, well done to you all! And remember, just be yourself, be the best” Joey Essex, Guest of Honour “@georgiafoote · What a beautiful place @ullswatercc is! Met some inspirational people today! Well done to you all and thanks for having me x” Georgia May Foote, Guest of Honour “I would just like to say a big thank you for being invited to the Prize Day and what an amazing event. I was so proud of being a parent with a child here at UCC but also as a member of staff. Well done to all who were involved and for putting on a spectacular event.“ Parent “@sph _ allinson · Great to attend @ullswatercc #prizeday17 both as an ex pupil and on behalf of @BurnettsCumbria. Brilliant performances and achievements!” Burnetts Cumbria, Sponsor “Prize Day is a wonderful event which exemplifies all that makes us most proud of our students. It celebrates the huge variety of talent, energy and ability they display and is great fun for all involved.” Alan Davis, Chair of Governors “@blondie _ 125 · Had a great day @ullswatercc I enjoyed being part of the band play All That Jazz! @UCC _ Music“ Student
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re there any rew ards for doing well at UCC? Merits are given to students who press their teac hers. There are also pledges & rewards for good attendance . You’ll find out ore about these when you start at UCC!
Ullswater Community College Wetheriggs Lane, Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8NG Telephone: 01768 210206 Website: