Good and Evil Fireworks

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by good. (2 marks) Definition & Example Good is what is morally right and acceptable. For example, Christians think that ‘good’ is following the Ten Commandments.

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about suffering. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Some Church of England Christians believe that suffering can be a test. In the Bible, the story of Job teaches that we should trust in God and that suffering is there to be overcome. Therefore, Christians will endure suffering because the “Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away.” Through the test of faith God will restore a person’s contentment and remove all suffering. X4

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A d) style question! “Morality is absolute.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians agree with this statement because God gave Moses ten laws that he expects Christians to follow. For example, the commandment to “not steal” applies absolutely, not just when it suits the person. Therefore, a Christian will not apply situation ethics to his or her circumstances, but they will obey God’s laws unconditionally. This is a good point because God would not have passed down laws that he didn’t expect Christians to follow. God wanted all of his people to follow the laws – he didn’t add on conditions for people to obey him only if it suited them. If he did, he wouldn’t be a constant and consistent God. This sort of God wouldn’t be reliable and Christians believe that above all things, God is constant and reliable.


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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain beliefs about the aims of punishment. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Christians believe that punishment should reform an offender. This is because of the belief that each person deserves dignity and should be allowed a second chance. Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery to, “go and sin no more,� showing that it is important to give others the opportunity to change. Therefore, a Christian might become a prison chaplain and help prisoners to see the error of their ways. X2

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A d) style question! “Punishment has no purpose.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians disagree with this statement because they are literal Christians and they believe that the world was creates exactly as it says in the Bible because it is the perfect word of God. For example, the Bible states that the world was created in six days. Therefore, if science contradicts the Bible then it is science, and not the Bible, that is wrong. This is a bad point because science is how we advance a trial new theories. The Big Bang Theory, for example, has been shown through the ever-expanding nature of the universe. Therefore science cannot be wrong because it is based on evidence and rational thinking, by looking at the world around us and coming to rational conclusions.


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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by evil. (2 marks) Definition & Example Evil is that which is extremely wrong, immoral and wicked. For example, Christians believe that committing sins such as murder are evil.

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about free will. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Some Roman Catholics believe that God gave free will to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Humans were given the choice to obey God – or not. In the Bible, it says that Adam and Eve used their free will to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and therefore brought sin and suffering into the world. Because of this belief, Christians will pray to God and reconcile with him in order to be forgiven for their sins. X4

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by forgiveness. (2 marks) Definition & Example Forgiveness is giving up resentment and the desire to seek revenge for a wrongdoing. Christians believe that we should try to forgive others because we expect to be forgiven by God.

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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain attitudes about morality. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Christians believe that morality exists because God exists, and God is ultimately good. God gave morality to humans through the laws he passed down to Moses on Mount Sinai. For example, “Do not covet”, shows humans how it is wrong to be jealous of another person. Therefore a Christian will try to follow God’s laws in order to build a relationship with him. X2

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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain beliefs about justice. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Christians believe that justice is important because Jesus himself acted with justice in the Bible. For example, when the Jewish leaders brought the woman who was caught in adultery to Jesus, he said, “only you who have not sinned may throw the first stone.” This means that justice is given by God and that it is God alone that may judge a person for their sins. X2

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by free will. (2 marks) Definition & Example Free will is the ability to make voluntary choices in life. For example, Christians believe that God gave Adam and Eve free will in the Garden of Eden.

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about punishment. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Some Church of England Christians believe that punishment should be fair and just. The story of the woman caught in adultery shows that some humansanctioned punishments are not just or fair. For Christians, punishment should be to reform a person. This is because Jesus taught to “love thy neighbour” and it is more loving to allow a person a second chance than to throw away the key. As a result of this belief, Christians might become prison chaplains in order to change a criminal’s way of thinking and help them to stay out of trouble. X4

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by justice. (2 marks) Definition & Example Justice is fairness and where everyone has equal rights and opportunities. For example, Martin Luther King fought for justice for black people in USA.

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by morality. (2 marks) Definition & Example Morality is the principles and standards that make an action right or wrong. For example, Christians believe that morality comes from God and can be understood as the conscience.

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about the treatment Point, Evidence, Explain, x4 of criminals. (8Action marks) Some Church of England Christians believe that criminals should be treated with dignity and human rights. In the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus said to the sheep that they can enter heaven because “when I was in prison, you visited me.” This means that prisoners should be treated fairly. A Christian might become a prison chaplain in order to justly support prisoners and support them whilst incarcerated. X4

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A d) style question! “Justice is the main aim of punishment.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians agree with this statement because the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats tells Christians about God’s judgement and justice for those who sin against him, or for those who follow him. The parable says, “God will be the final judge,” before separating the sheep from the goats. This is a good point because for Christians, this is duplicated in society – we are also separated into civilians and criminals. The criminals are punished for their crimes against society using the most appropriate method. For example, a murderer will be imprisoned to protect society. If a first-time shop lifter received the same sentence, we would consider this unjust. Therefore justice is the main aim of punishment.


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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain beliefs about the death penalty. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Some Church of England Christians believe that the death penalty is inhumane. This is because all life is sacred and belongs to God. Christians believe that “before God made you in the womb, he knew you,” which highlights that God has a plan for each and every life. If humans intervene by taking life away, then God’s plan becomes unfulfilled. As a result, Christians may campaign and protest against capital punishment because it abuses the sanctity of life. X2

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about sin. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Some Roman Catholics believe that sin has entered the world as a result of the original sin – where Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The consequence for sin is punishment. For example, God punished Adam to work the cursed ground for food and God cursed Eve to have pain in childbirth. Because of this belief, Catholics will repent and ask for forgiveness from God through the rite of Confession. X4

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about morality. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Church of England Christians believe that morality comes from God because God is ultimately good. By knowing God, we know what good is and therefore Christians might say that we know evil by straying away from God. Christians can build this relationship with God by obeying his moral commands, such as “love thy neighbour” and “pray for those who persecute you”. X4

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A d) style question! “It is impossible to forgive.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians agree with this statement because Rev. Julie Nicholson was a minister who was unable to forgive after her daughter was killed in the 7/7 bombings in London. Rev. Nicholson couldn’t “forgive as she expects to be forgiven” and therefore felt that she had to leave the ministry for not being able to do what she preached about. This is a good point because there are some crimes that people consider so heinous and morally unacceptable that forgiveness is not possible. Real, genuine forgiveness is hard to achieve because a person still has to live with loss and the knowledge than a great injustice was done.


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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by punishment. (2 marks) Definition & Example Punishment is making someone suffer or pay a penalty for the crime they have done. For example, Christians believe that punishment should be to reform a criminal so that they are able to get a second chance.

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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about punishment. Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 (8 marks) Some Roman Catholics believe that punishment should be to get revenge on a criminal. The Old Testament says, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.” This means that if someone has committed a crime or wronged another person, the same should be done to them. Because of this belief, a Catholic might ensure that reparation is made between the criminal(s) and victim(s). X2

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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain the work of prison reformers. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Christians believe that prison reformers have played an essential role in shaping modern prisons. For example, Elizabeth Fry campaigned to give prisoners rights, worked to educate women to read and write, showing the Christian belief in agape – sacrificial love – towards others. Jesus said to “love thy neighbour” and Fry showed this by giving her love to women who needed her support the most. X2

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An a) style question! Explain what religious believers mean by sin. (2 marks) Definition & Example Sin is going against a religious law. For example, killing a person goes against the law to “not murder”.

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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain the work of prison chaplains. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Christians believe that the work of prison reformers is essential in ensuring that the aim of punishment of reformation is achieved. Christians believe that everyone should deserve a second chance. They follow the example of Jesus who forgave and changed the view of Zacchaeus, a tax collector who had stolen from the people he was collecting taxes from. Because of this, Christians will work in prisons as chaplains in order to help reform and change a prisoner to be more suitable to living in society. X2

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A d) style question! “The death penalty is inhumane.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians agree with this because the death penalty is irreversible. Humans are flawed and can make mistakes, therefore sometimes the wrong person is convicted for a crime. In addition, it is hypocritical to punish murder with murder – for Christians, it is all wrong because it goes against the commandment to, “not murder”. This is a good point because if a person’s life was taken as a punishment for a crime they did not commit, then that is the ultimate injustice. In addition, Christians believe that it is only God who can give and take a life, therefore it is wrong to punish people through the death penalty because life is sacred.


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A c) style question! From two different religions or religious traditions, explain beliefs about how we learn to forgive. (8 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x4 Some Church of England Christians believe that we learn to forgive through following the examples that Jesus set in the Bible. For example, Jesus told the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, which teaches Christians to “forgive as you expect to be forgiven.” As a result, Christians will practice forgiveness and learn the skill of giving up resentment towards others in order to be forgiven themselves. X4

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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain beliefs about forgiveness. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Some Christians might follow the example of Gee Walker, who was able to forgive the killers of her son. She did this because of her Christian belief in forgiveness and that we should “forgive those who trespass against us.” Gee believes that God will forgive her for her sins, therefore she should try to forgive others for theirs. X2

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A d) style question! “The existence of suffering means that there is no God.” Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer). (15 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Analysis x 4 Some Christians disagree with this statement because suffering can exist for many reasons. For example, John Hick argued that suffering exists so that we can develop our souls and be worthy of entering heaven. This is his soulmaking theory and it suggests that suffering enables humans to reach their potential for spiritual growth. This is a bad point because some would argue that if God is omnipotent, then he would have been able to create a way for humans to grow spiritually whilst not causing them pain and suffering. Therefore, for some people, the existence of suffering is evidence towards there being no God.


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A b) style question! From one religion you have studied, explain beliefs about the purpose of suffering. (5 marks) Point, Evidence, Explain, Action x2 Some Christians believe that suffering enables humans to take part in the suffering of Jesus, who suffered and died on the cross for the sins of humanity. The Bible says that, “we share in the suffering of Christ,” suggesting that suffering allows us to grow closer to Jesus. Therefore a Christian will endure suffering and pray to Jesus to build a relationship with him. X2

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