Health and Social Care 2017

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Student Showcase Health & Social Care


SHOW CASE SHOW Megan - AO3 Extracts Introduction For this health campaign I am looking at the issue of anxiety in young people, I am looking at this topic as I feel that it is an important issue for young people and that not many people really think of anxiety in young people. In order to make sure that the information I give out to students is reliable and valid I will use a wide range of sources for my research, which will include the NHS website. Research For this health campaign I am looking at the issue of anxiety in young people, I am looking at this topic as I feel that it is an important issue for young people and that not many people really think of anxiety in young people. In order to make sure that the information I give out to students is reliable and valid I will use a wide range of sources for my research, which will include the NHS website. The first source of information which I am going to look at is from the NHS website and is titled ‘Anxiety disorders in children’. This source has lots of information surrounding anxiety disorders in children, one key factor is that it looks into the warning signs of anxiety in children and gives examples, this means that if parents are concerned their child may be suffering they can pay closer attention to the signs. The signs include the idea of the child not being able to concentrate very well, this could be very noticeable in a schooling environment. Another sign of anxiety is when a child complains that they do not feel very well, this again can be noticed easily in a school as the school will be able to notice patterns of attendance of the child. This source also covers the different types of anxiety in teenagers and children and talks about the main ones which are commonly experienced by this group, it says that it can be shown by a specific fear or phobia of something or feeling constantly anxious about anything without a specific reason for worrying. Different types of anxiety are explained, such as separation anxiety in young children, social anxiety and school-based anxiety. School-based anxiety jumped out as my campaign is in a school, thus meaning that this piece of research is very relevant to the environment the campaign is taking part in and this also means that if the students do suffer from anxiety is could be likely that this is the one. The website mentions other common anxiety disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-traumatic Stress disorder, however these type are much more common in adults. This source later covers how seriously it can affect a child if the anxiety gets to a particular point where it is officially classed as a disorder. It can affect children’s personal development, their education and their life at home with their family. If a child develops an anxiety disorder in their childhood year it is very likely that it will continue into their teenage years and sometimes early adulthood. This source also gives an opinion on ways in which anxiety can be dealt with which can sometimes include, counselling sessions, cognitive behavioural therapy and in some other cases medication. ( anxiety-children/Pages/Introduction.aspx 2017).

W CASE SHOW CASE Aims and Objectives My overall aim for this health campaign is: My overall aim for this health promotion campaign is: to raise awareness in key stage four and five students (aged 14-19) with a range of different learning difficulties about anxiety in young people and methods that can be used to help cope with it. In order to achieve this aim I have come up with a set of objectives. These are smaller steps in which will help us to meet our aim in a step by step way ensuring that the aim is met as well as it can be. 1. To research what anxiety is in young people and what issues surround it. I will research anxiety in young people using a wide variety of sources, this means that I can find out lots of information which will enable me to have a decision on which information would be best suited for the students I am giving the presentation to. I will find a range of sources which I would like to use and reference them in my work so that I avoid any chance of plagiarism. I will research into the topic as a whole as well as focussing on issues that can be caused by anxiety and ways in which people can help themselves to deal with anxiety. I will research anxiety to find information which is suitable for the group of students from the Strategic Provision Facility as they have a mixed range of abilities. To ensure that the information I am going to deliver is suitable for all of the student’s needs I will speak to *** who is the head of the department as she knows their abilities better than I do. 2. To give a ten minute presentation on my research into anxiety to raise awareness of the subject. My presentation will be delivered with the help of a display board which will have a range of different pictures and text which will give an overall explanation of anxiety, the causes, health issues associated with and ways in which a person can deal with it. I will give information on what types of anxiety there are and ways in which people can try and stop the effects of it, there are techniques that can be used by an individual to help calm themselves down, one of these is breathing, which I will look at in further depth in another objective. When delivering this presentation I will make sure that it is interesting as the students will need to be entertained otherwise the likelihood of them engaging is very slim. This is partly the reason in which I have included a practical activity as this is a way of keeping them interested. Also I will ensure that the information on the display board uses fairly simple language and uses a large font to ensure that it is easier for them to understand.


Pre-set criteria Pre-set criteria are a set of questions which can be used to assess the effectiveness of something by giving out the questions before and after the activity. I used pre-set criteria because it would allow me to assess how effective and successful my health promotion campaign, this is important because I want to know whether my methods were effective for the group of students I was working with and if they were able to understand the information I was giving them. Overall it allows me to analyse whether the campaign was successful. 1.

Do you know what anxiety is?


Do you ever feel anxious?


What do you do if you feel anxious?


Who would you talk to if you felt anxious?




SHOW CASE SHOW Megan - AO4 Extracts Task 10 Task: Produce a detailed, reflective evaluation of the impact of your campaign For my health promotion campaign I did a presentation to a group of 7 students from Ullswater Community College’s Strategic Provisions Facility. These students were aged from 14-19 years old and had a wide range of developmental stages and ability. For my campaign, I did a 10-minute presentation on anxiety in young people, I decided on this topic because I thought that it could be very relevant to this group of young people. This thought was later found to be true when I interviewed *** (Head of Strategic Provision), my primary source of research. As she explained that two of the students; who I will not use the names of and just use their initials so that I am maintaining confidentiality, WH and DB suffer from anxiety. For this campaign, I gave out a questionnaire at the beginning and end of the presentation allowing me to analyse how well it went, I also did a PowerPoint giving some facts about anxiety and then did a breathing/relaxation activity as an example of how to relieve the symptoms of anxiousness. I delivered this campaign in the student’s normal classroom, this made it much easier for the students as it did not disrupt their timetable and routine. The campaign was delivered with the student’s teacher and Learning Support Assistant (LSA) in the room. My campaign presentation was given on Wednesday 5th April, during 5th period at school, which was between 2:35 pm and 3:40 pm. I was the first out of three groups to deliver a health promotion presentation, so I started by giving out a questionnaire, which would allow me to see how much the students knew about anxiety before the information was given to them. After handing them out, the teacher, LSA, other members of my group and I helped and supported the students in answering the questionnaire. After this I collected them in and started the PowerPoint, for this I used very short and simple facts about anxiety alongside images to explain the types, symptoms and methods of reducing anxiety. I used mainly pictures as it suited the needs of the group. After the PowerPoint, I had planned to show a video which would take the students through a breathing/relaxation activity, I thought I would use this as it would be more engaging and interesting than me just talking at them, however, this did not go to plan, as the sound facilities in the room weren’t working meaning I couldn’t show the video as the students wouldn’t know what was being said. Due to this my subject teacher, helped me to deliver a mindfulness session to the students. I then gave out the same questionnaire out to the students that I gave out at the beginning, I did this so that I would be able to compare the answers the students gave, allowing me to evaluate how well the presentation went.

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